
介绍淘宝公司英文作文英文:Taobao is a Chinese e-commerce company founded in 2003 by Alibaba Group. It is one of the largest online shopping platforms in the world, with over 800 million monthly active users and more than 10 million sellers. Taobao offers a wide range of products, including clothing, electronics, home appliances, and more.I personally love using Taobao for its convenience and affordability. As a college student, I often need to buy textbooks or other school supplies, and Taobao always has great deals. I also enjoy browsing through the fashion section to find trendy and unique clothing items.One of the things that sets Taobao apart from other e-commerce platforms is its user-generated content. Buyers can leave reviews and photos of their purchases, which helps other shoppers make informed decisions. This alsocreates a sense of community among Taobao users.Overall, I think Taobao is a great platform for both buyers and sellers. It offers a wide variety of products, competitive prices, and a user-friendly interface. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an onlineshopping experience.中文:淘宝是由阿里巴巴集团于2003年创立的中国电子商务公司。

Universal Standard
Modules for searching, scanning and purchasing the goods is the same for all shops opened in Taobao
Easier to find desired goods and more convenient to buy things
More Internet Users will use Taobao to purchase things online
Universal Standard
Innovate its products with core business unchanged
Promotion :
Micro blog Renren station Web portals EDM (Email Direct Marketing)
A large number of advertisement outside : Underground Video Bus shelter
The problems Taobao faces
1. logistic issue (common for B2C & C2C) Logistics is the fundamental guarantee
to realize e-commerce. Although e-commerce rises up in China,
Source: /internet/inland/2012/0315/399872.html

阿里巴巴电子商务案例分析B to B:环球资源网,万国商业网,慧聪网,太平洋门户网,中国制造网B to C:京东商城,当当网,亚马逊,VANCL(凡客诚品)C to C:淘宝网,易趣,腾讯拍拍C to B:豆瓣网,摇篮网,宝宝树问:阿里巴巴属于哪一类型?一、阿里巴巴集团简介及企业文化(一)阿里巴巴简介企业全称:阿里巴巴集团企业简称:阿里巴巴英文名称:Alibaba Group阿里巴巴集团成立于1999年,英语教师马云与另外17人在中国杭州市创办了阿里巴巴网站,为中小型制造商提供了一个销售产品的贸易平台。
成立时间: 1999年3月10日由中国互联网商业先驱成立,以杭州为研究发展基地,9月10日在香港设立国际总部。
●针对日本市场的日文站点●针对消费者对消费者(Consumer to Consumer,C2C)的淘宝网阿里巴巴的扩展失败:2001年,马云计划把阿里巴巴推向韩国市场,从而把世界的另一个巨头海外贸易平台EC21的总部市场中拉下马。

5GB free, then $1 per GB per year
• Innovation of Business strategy and profit model
2 3
• partnership strategy • Pricing strategy • Flexible marketing tool
• A powerful background
“Customer is god”
•1995:Customer reviews •1997:Recommendations & bundles •2001:Look inside the book •2003:Search inside the book • 1997: 1-Click Ordering
Any Weakness?
Brand image confusion
? ?
Profit fluctuations
Profit fluctuations
2003~2010 Amazon’s sales and profit trends
• Customer-centric innovation
•2001:Where’s my stuff •2002:Free Super Saver Shipping
“Customer is god”
• Data &human driven customer service

1999年,马云带领下的18位创始人成立了阿里巴巴集团; 2003 年 7 月 投资 1 亿元 建设淘宝网; 2004年12月创立支付宝; 2008年10月建立淘宝商城; 2009年底,淘宝拥有注册会员1.7亿,交易额为2083亿人民币; 2010年1月电器城上线; 2010年12月31日,淘宝网注册会员超3.7亿人,覆盖了中国绝大部分
网购人群; 2010年9月启用聚划算; 2011年交易额为6100.8亿元,占中国网购市场80%的份额; 2012年5月一淘网上线; 2012年11月11日,淘宝单日交易额191亿元。 2012年11月30日,淘宝、天猫年成交额突破10000亿!
Why? 阿里巴巴如何让淘宝
成为亚洲最大的网络 零售商圈
由于人们对淘宝网的看法已经发生了很大的转变,因此,淘宝网抓住机会,开始组建战略联盟。(2) 淘宝网 淘宝网相继跟21 CN、搜狐和MSN 建立了合作联盟伙伴关系,从而打破了一度被垄断的排他性与MSN 等
惯例。特别是淘宝网一举击败eBay 与MSN 中国网站的合作备受关注,因为在MSN 全球其他 门户网站
淘宝网是亚太最大的网络零售商圈, 致力打造全球领先网络零售商圈,由阿里 巴巴集团在2003年5月10日投资创立。淘 宝网现在业务跨越C2C(个人对个人)、 B2C(商家对个人)两大部分。截止2010 年12月31日,淘宝网注册会员超3.7亿人, 覆盖了中国绝大部分网购人群;。
一淘商品搜索是淘宝网推出的一个全 新的服务体验。一淘网立足淘宝网丰富 的商品基础,放眼全网的导购资讯。网 站主旨是解决用户购前和购后遇到的种 种问题,能够为用户提供购买决策、更 快找到物美价廉的商品。

【关键词】阿里巴巴;速卖通(smt);电子商务;商务英语;写作技巧abstract:it is vital important for the sellers onaliexpress to master the e-commerce business english writing skills. this article analyzed and listed some s ample letters and messages based on the different business situations on aliexpress platform for sellers’ and learners’ reference.keywords:alibaba;aliexpress;e-commerce;business english;writing skill一、速卖通平台简介及掌握电子商务英语写作技巧的重要性速卖通(aliexpress)是阿里巴巴旗下的跨境小额外贸在线交易平台,旨在帮助中小企业接触终端批发零售商,小批量多批次快速销售、拓展利润空间。
在速卖通平台上,除了通过电话直接沟通以外,卖家还可以通过trade manager(商务经理)即时聊天工具、message center(站内信或留言)、email(电子邮件)等交流工具与买家保持即时、及时的沟通。

2. 淘宝国际版的拓展2017年,该企业开始接触淘宝国际版平台,并逐渐了解和熟悉了跨境电商平台的销售方式和各项规则。
3. 成功的原因①产品质量可靠。
淘宝案例分析 电子商务

2009年成立 将打造中国最先 进的以数据为中 心的云计算服务 平台
超越沃尔 玛,获当 超越日本雅 年中国零 虎成为亚洲 售业最高 超越eBay成 最大的购物 奖 为中国网络 平台 购物市场的 淘宝网 领导者 诞生
仅次于百联 集团,成为 中国第二大 综合卖场
以淘宝活跃用 户群为中心的 “淘一代”正 在崛起
班级:2010级市场营销 完成人:第二组(张超 冉梦娇 尚娟 王芬 涂海燕) 完成时间:5月12日
1999年成立 全球领先的网 上贸易市场和 商人社区.
2003年成立 中国领先的个人 交易网上平台. 淘宝网同时经营 口碑网.
2004年成立 中国领先的独 立第三方支付 平台
全面实施 “大淘宝战略 ”
2003 2004
嗨淘网 集市店 淘花网
客户中心中人力资源是非常重要的一个 环节,客户中心的整体运作离不开客户服务 代表的潜能发挥,所以淘宝网客户中心在招 聘人员的时候,非常重视客服代表良好的学 习能力、积极热情的服务意识,以及情绪调 节能力和抗压性。每一位客户服务代表入职 后,都会接受公司独有的业务和专业培训, 帮助他们快速成长。

正在上班途中的张强,为了打发路途的无聊, 便登陆,这样能省去用手机输入网址速度 慢的麻烦。
Company Logo
首先是新浪,因为浏览新闻是他要做的 第一件事;然后登陆邮箱查收邮件,这 是他要做的第二件事。 再后来,他意外地发现,淘宝的名字也 出现在网址之家的首页上,于是,就连 上网购物这样的需要,也可以在上班途 中的时间来解决。
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移动商街是基于移动互联网,聚集消费者与 商家的虚拟商业中心,是手机注册会员和提 供服务的商家的汇聚之地。
-会员消费者可通过手机获得及时有用的消 费和生活服务信息,比较、选择和消费,了 解商家并参与互动,享受折扣、奖品和积分 回报等实惠。
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-入驻的商家可通过移动商街进行市场营 销、产品推广和形象展示,为会员提供商业 服务,促进销售,并可实现移动交易和支付, 节省成本。
用友移动是用友软件集团旗下的一个核心企业, 也是用友挺进3G产业的重要战略部署。用友移动 商务公司整合国内外优势资源,基于3G移动网络 建立强大的移动电子商务平台,开创移动商街新 模式,打造中国移动电子商务第一门户。
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2008年4月23日,用友移动总经理表示:”移动互 联网是一座正在酝酿井喷的金矿,曾经在基于固 网实现的应用,在移动互联网中,同样会有应用 的空间,甚至由于其自身特点可能开发出意想不 到的机会”。 2008年5月15日,用友软件集团董事长兼总裁王文 京开启了“移动商街”的大门。“移动商街”是中 国第一个大型全功能移动电子商务平台。
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1.2定义:电子商务(Electronic Commerce)的定义:以电子及电子技术为手段,以商务为核心,把原来传统的销售、购物渠道移到互联网上来,打破国家与地区有形无形的壁垒,使生产企业达到全球化,网络化,无形化,个性化、一体化。
1.3流程:1.3.1商品上架销售流程:1.3.2商品发货流程:1.3.3商品退货流程:买家付款买家 备注物流方式 及客户要求 每天14点制作日报表,统一打印单据并盖章 开单员 将日报表、物流单、出库单、发票交给仓管 开单员仓管检查商品附件,凭出库单发货并盖章,填写日报表 将日报表交至部门经理处仓管 商品挑选、定位 产品卖点渗 实物拍摄 经理、摄图片美化 图片审核 部门经理 宝贝详情编辑 页面优化 商品销售 开单发货 开单员、物流跟踪及售后 13-11.4电子商务的主要模式:1.4.1企业对企业的电子商务(B2B ):提供商务信息平台,供买卖双方的企业在平台上发布供求信息、寻找合作伙伴、在线交易、跟踪服务等。

1. 案例一:亚马逊(Amazon)亚马逊是全球最大的电子商务公司之一,也是电商平台的典范。
2. 案例二:淘宝(Taobao)淘宝是中国最大的电商平台之一,以其独特的C2C(消费者对消费者)模式而闻名。

Just like my partner said,there are many famous e-commerce websites in China nowadays, such as taobao , Jingdong, Amazon and so on. And today, what I will talk with you in detail is taobao. Well, I believe that everyone here is familiar to it.My part contains 4 sections1.Taobao’s developmentEveryone knows him.The e-commerce in China is clearly dominated by the Alibaba group. It was founded in 1999 by Jack Ma, The group therefore created Taobao, a C2C website in 2003 which benefited from an enormous success among the online Chinese shoppers. At that time online shopping is a new thing in China . But one of the largest American E-commerce company eBay have already came into this big market , at that time eBay had more than 90% of the e-commerce Market share in China .So when alibaba declared to establish taobao , no one think it would last for a long time . Buttaobaoput its eye on the grow marketing. It adopted a ‘free of charge’strategy to compete with Eachnet’s listing fee model. And in 2005 taobao firstly beyond eBay ,became the largest e-commerce company in China and the largest shopping website in Asian . As time goes on , taobao has make it possible that Internet is not only a tool , but also a way of live .Taobao also do a great contribution in public welfare . If you think the people who do business in taobao just know how to make money , I may say you are wrong . For example , after the wenchuan earthquake happened , those people in taobao raise fund withintwelve hours . More than 20 million yuan are donated in ten days .2.Singles dayAs we all know,singles day is coming!Have you added items to the shopping cart?On this day,many e-commerce sites will hold this activity of promotion.Singles day, refers to the singles day on November 11,is also known as a "double 11". It is not in the traditional sense of the holiday, but in China,in recent years, young people start to celebrate the entertaining festivals.Since 2009,Alibaba group has held consumer feedback activity on a large scale on 11.11 each year.So far,7 year passed,the day has partly become a shopping carnival of all people,and reached the peak of e-commerce transactions each year.Taobao and T-mall just seems to bring passion to people to create a retail miracle, this day seems crazy for shopping.From this picture,we can see that people prefer to choose t-mall and taobao on 11.11.Last year,Ali Baba's T-mall obtains 57.1 billion Yuan of transactions within 24 hours, and this event has caused the Chinese people's great concern for e-commerce. Logistic order:2.78亿Mobile transactions:24.3 billionPicture,so far, 6 consecutive years of rising daily sales.Somepeople predict,this year's sales will increase to 86 billion!So amazing,right?Now November 11 is not just the shopping festival of Alibaba , it is becoming our online shopping section of the Chinese people.I think this pattern is very conducive to the development of China's e-commerce platform.And finally I just want to say,on the coming double 11,we should be more rational.3.The Successful Strategies of Taobao’s E-CommerceBehind this powerful digital above, taobao and T-mall how to caused the amazing record. Its success is never means for accidental.Next,we’ll talk about The Successful Strategies of Taobao’s E-Commerce.1. Capturing the market by No FeesIn order to create brand, Taobao made a plan that it wouldn’t receive any charging transaction fees and listing fees in the first three years. With this belief, Taobao captured the market rapidly and took more than 60% market share in two years.2.Service strategiesTaobao Wangwang, as a communicate tool, provides a convenient platform for buyers and sellers,and makes a discussion on the quality and price.Alipay is the domestic advanced online payment platform, which isfounded by alibaba , it offers high-quality security payment services for network business .This is a flowchart.In my mind Alipay is just like a bank , sometimes it is more than a bank .4.The problemsOf course,taobao still faces some problems.First,the huge sales will bring enormous pressure for the logistics company, which caused the backlog.Some people don’t receive his goods until more than half a month after buying.Second,the uncertainty customers faces,people can only see the item through a picture,they may buy the thing they dislike.Third,customers are at higher risk of fraud than in a physical store.And the solutions of these problems will be mentioned by my next partner.。


电子商务淘宝英文分析TaobaoAfter learning the International Business Practice . I had search for some famous e-commerce websites in China , such as taobao , 360buy , joyo Amazon and so on . And what I want to talk about a commercial , e-commerce website is taobao , the most largest shopping website which is called the Chinese electronic harbor in Asian .Taobao’s development:Taobao now is the largest retail network business circle in the asia-pacific region . It was established by alibaba in May 10 , 2003 . At that time online shopping is a new thing in China . But one of the largest American E-commerce company eBay have already came into this big market , at that time eBay had more than 90% of the e-commerce Market share in China . So when alibaba declared to establish taobao , no one think it would last for a long time . But what taobao did was not to battle for the market share eBay already had . On the contrary , it put its eye on the grow marketing . Actually in the first two years , the volumn in taobao is very little compare wi th todays’ . According to the survey , taobao was not on the Internet laboratory e-commerce sites CISI popularity list before 2004 . But with the development of technology and the living standard of people is higher , taobao’s business was at the rate of 768% growth in the coming 3 years . So taobao used just one year to become the largest Chinese e-commerce company from 2004 .In 2005 taobao firstly beyond eBay and became the largest e-commerce company in China . T aobao became the largest shopping website in Asian . At the same time the number ofChinese Internet users grew to 100 million . More and more people have their own computer and most of them are those who are working in big city and didn’t have too much time go shopping . Taobao gave them a good place to buy what they want to buy and whenever and wherever they want to buy somthing. They are the most important reason for the increase of Taobao’s business. As time goes on , taobao has make it possible that Internet is not only a tool , but also a way of live . According to the survey , everyday there are more than 9 million people go to taobao . By the year of 2007 , taobao is no longer a auction website , but the largest network retail business circle . In this year the total volume of taobao is 40 billion . Some people think taobao’s success thanks to the time it established and the way it used to attract consumer. Taobao allow people to open a shop on it without any charge. And this is taobao’s first kind of business, the C2C business , it me ans people can not only buying things on taobao , they can also open a shop and sell things on it . Taobao had made many people’s dreams come true so far . Nowadays maybe many people have a dream to open his/her own shop and sell those he/she like . But th e real condiction didn’t allow them to have a real shop , some people maybe don’t have enough money or enough time to take care of the real shop , because they have to work . But now they can open their shop in taobao , they can take care their shop in anytime they like , such as when they are taking a bus or waiting for the bus . What ‘s more , they don’t need to pay for their virtual shop . There are more than 300 thousand people open their shop on taobao in 2007 . It seems that taobao didn’t feel enough to just have the C2C business . So in 2008 taobao launched its B2C business . B2C business make taobao more popular than before .Because in C2C period , what people can buy is from another person . The products people sell on taobao just had a few style . But when the B2C business started , this had change a lot . A lot of factory and company had open their own shop on taobao , because taobao said it is free for them to have a shop for 3 years . So people can not only buy some products in lower price but also can choose what kind of types they like .Taobao also do a great contribution in public welfare . If you think the people who do business in taobao just know how to make money , I may say you are wrong . For example , after the wenchuan earthquake happened , those people in taobao raise fund within twelve hours . More than 20 million yuan are donated in ten days . According to the record , in the highest time more than 100 thousand are donated in one minute .There are more than 370 million registered users and over 800million items in selection in taobao by the end of 2010 . More than 60 million people visit taobao a day and every 4.8 minute there are 48 thansand produce sold .I think with the rapid development of e-commerce market and the number of Chinese Internet users is expanding . Goods on the Internet for present mass , good and inexpensive and other characteristics , shopping on the Internet gradually become the habits of mainstream consumer .Taobao’s revenue stream:When it comes to taobao’s revenu e stream , advertising revenue may be one of the most important part of it’s income . Actually we know that at the first few years , taobao could not earn enough money , because it is free for many things . So Alibaba had to put much money in it until taobao declared that it would start it’s network advertising business . Now taobaohad already launched many kinds of advertising , such as banner ads and those hit ads . This is the first profit model that taobao official declared . It is the d evelopment of it’s volumn a day and large number of users that lead to this . Taobao’s official said in this way they can focus on using their own distinct advantage to give their guests accurate and efficient services , such as help their guests to impove their brand and help them to promote their sales . At the same time , taobao also launched some value-added service plan to its advertisers . It contains brand promotion , market research , consumer research and community activities . The way it help its consumers to promote their sales it to develop the network marketing channel .Taobao also have some other revenue streams . Competitive ranking is one of them .Competitive ranking means that if the shop owner pays for taobao , the shop’s products will be put in front when the consumer search for this kind of product otherwise their products will be put in bottom . Many people objected to this idea . They said taobao had break its own word that it would not launched this kind of service and this is another kind to get money from those shop owner . Some of them also said this service may them hard to keep their shop and if taobao continued to do that , they would rather open a shop in other website instead of taobao . And in my opinion , I don’t think this is a good way for taobao to offer this kind of service .Somethind about Alipay:Maybe in most people’s eyes , taobao doesn’t have a lot of ways to increase its income . And actually it is . But we have to know that the most important way taobao get its income is not on taobao website itself . It is the Alipay . We all know bothtaobao and Alipay belong to Alibaba . So though what I talk about is taobao , I have to talk something about Alipay . Alipay is the domestic advanced online payment platform, which is founded by the global best B2B company alibaba , it offers high-quality security payment services for network business . Alipay first launched on October 18, 2003 , and it became an indispensable online trading payment in one year , it is fond by most members of taobao . Alipay is a pioneering work of Internet enterprise service , it is a milestone of electronic commerce .Alipay is the third party pay in China . Alipay account system was established at December 10 , 2004 . In my mind Alipay is just like a bank , sometimes it is more than a bank . According to survey , the total volumn of taobao in one year have already beyond that of Chinese wal-mart , what’s more , almost 98% trading in taobao use Alipay . Both of buyers and sellers need to storage their money in the Aliplay if they want to trade in taobao . When people buy something in taobao , the money they pay will be put on Alipay until the product is received by the buyers . During this time the company can use this money to invest whatever they want . The volumn in taobao a day is more than 800 million . This means that everyday 800 million will be storaged in Alipay for at least 3 days . So actually the money taobao make is more than we can think .There are also some other ways taobao get it income , such as trading income , technical service income and so on .A s far as I’m concerned, there are four reasons lead to taobao’s success . First , taobao pay much attention to the customers’ requirements and the real demand of the market . Second , taobao is free for its customer in the first three years . this is one of the most important reason for taobao to becomethe first shopping website in China I think . Third , another reason is that taobao also pays much attention to its user community experience . Last but n o least ,taobao’s friendly interface and Alipay service and its high satisfaction are also the reasons for its success .。

淘宝打造单品计划书怎么写的啊英文版Creating a Single Plan Proposal for TaobaoTaobao is a popular e-commerce platform in China, and it offers vast opportunities to both small and large businesses to sell their products. However, with the increasing competition on the platform, it's important to stand out from the crowd by creating a single plan proposal. A single plan proposal is a comprehensive document that outlines your product's features, its benefits, target market, promotional strategies, and pricing. In this article, we will discuss how to write a single plan proposal for Taobao.Step 1: Research and AnalysisBefore developing a single plan, you must carry out market research to determine the existing competition, target customers, consumer behavior patterns, and buying trends. Furthermore, you need to analyze your product and its unique selling points (USPs). Additionally, analyze your competitors and their products to determine their strengths and weaknesses. This step is essential because it lays the foundation for the entire proposal.Step 2: Describe the ProductIn this section, describe your product in detail, including its features, functions, and benefits. Give a brief historyof the product's development and describe how it solves a customer's problem. Additionally, include high-quality images and videos of the product to give potential customers abetter understanding of the product.Step 3: Define the Target MarketDescribe your target audience by considering their demographics, psychographics, geography, and behavior patterns. It's important to be specific because it helps you to design a marketing campaign that resonates with yourtarget audience effectively.Step 4: Promotional StrategiesUse this section to outline your promotional strategies. Describe how you intend to promote your product on Taobao, which social media platforms you plan to use, and how you plan to engage your target customers. Furthermore, you need to specify the KPIs (key performance indicators) that youwill use to measure the success of your promotional strategies.Step 5: Pricing StrategyYour pricing strategy plays an essential role in determining the success of your product. Your single plan proposal should outline your pricing strategy and explain the rationale behind the pricing. Furthermore, you need to compare your product's price to competitors' products to justify the pricing.Step 6: Sales Projections and BudgetIn this section, you need to estimate the sales projections for your product concerning the first few weeks, months, and years. Use data from your market research to support your projections. Additionally, outline the fixed and variable costs associated with your product to determine your budget. This step is crucial because it helps you to allocate resources effectively.ConclusionWriting a single plan proposal for Taobao requires a lot of research and analysis, but it's worth it because it helps youto create a solid foundation for your product's success. A well-designed single plan proposal will help you to stand out from competitors and capture the attention of your target audience.。

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BUSINESS IN SECOND LIFEIn 2003,a 3-D vitual world called Second Life(SL)was opened to the public.The world is entirely built and owned by its resident. In 2003,the virtual world consisted of 64 acres. By 2010it had grown to over 100000 acresand was inhabited by millions of residents from around the planet(see ).The virtual world consists of ahuge digital contient,island,people,enterainment,experiences,and opportunities. Thousands of new residents join each day and creat their own avatats through which they travel around the SL world meeting people,communicating,having fun,and buying virtual land and other virtual properties where they can open a business or build a personal space, limited only by their imaginations and their ability To use the virtual 3-D applications.Avatars have unique names and move around in imaginative vehicles including helicopers, submarines, and hot-air balloons. Rsaidents get some free virtual land (and they can buy more)where they build a house, a city, or a business.They can then sell the virtrual properties or the virtual products or servives they create.Residents can also sell real-world products or services.For example,Copeland and Kelleher(2007)report that more than 25000 aspiring entrepreneurs trade virtual products or services at SL. Virtual goods entrepreneurs,landowners,in-world builders, and service providers generated user-to-user transactions totaling US$350 million in 2008(Linder 2009).Stevan Lieberman, an attorney, is one of these people .He uses his expertise in intellectual property and the site to solcit work-mainly from programmers who are looking to patient their code. SL is manage by Linden Labs, which provides Linden dollars that can be converted to U.S dollars.SL uses several Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis,RSS,and tags (from ).Virtual businesses succeed due to the onwers’ingenuity,artistic ability, entrepreneurial expertise, and reputation.Many organizations use SL from 3-D persentations of their products. Even goverment s open viatual embassies on “Diplomacy Island,” localed on the site. Many univer-sities offer educational courses and seminars in virtual classrooms(see “EduIslands” on the SL site and Appendix A in Rymaszewski,et al.[2008]).Roush (2007) describes how to combine SL with Google Earth.Such combinations enable investigation of phenomena that would otherwise be difficult to visualize or understand . Shopping for virtual goods is popular in SL. You can start at the GNUBIE Store(bargin prcies),New Citizens Incorporates(NCI),and free Dove.SL frends will help you choose!You can shop outside SL(for real goods)yet pay Linden dollars, the currency of SL(see ).For SL fashion selection, try .Also /php/shop lets you quickly and easily search and shop for many items.You can even use a shopping cart on this site. Note:We suggest you build your own virtual business in SL in order to experience real-life thrills.For suggestions on how to profit in SL see Chapter 1 in Rymaszewski,et al.(2008).You can work as a musician, hunter, financial,speculator,or a writer. You can also work in many other virtual jobs –you are only limited by your imagination. Example. For some time, real world organizations have been taking a growing interest in cational institutions were the first to recognize the potential of thevirtual world to act as a new communications, adver-tising,and learning platform, and they were quickly followed by corporations doing what most corporations do: Look for profit. Appendix C of Rymaszewki,et a.(2008)provides information about real-life brand presence and retail outlets in SL.At the time of this writing, corporate activity in SL is still in its infancy.Although an impressive number of companies have made or are in the process of making a foray into the virtual world, many treat it as an experiment ehose only sure payoff is the madia publicity it generates in the real world. However,to other-perhaps more visionary-SL offers very tangible adventages:A visit to will educate you in depth on how organizations utilize SL’s virtual environment.For readers interested in the corporate take on virtual world, Rymaszweski et al.(2008)present three voices from three countries, representing companies in difficult fields of business.The most common commercial activities in SL are:AdvertisingJoint designing and prototypingMarket researchMarketing and salesCorporate communicationBroadcasting and entertainmentTravel and tourismTraining and e-learningFor details ,see Chapter 7 and Bell(2008).An increasing number of businesses are using the virtual world.For example,IBM uses it as a location for meetings, training,and recruitment. Amercian Apparel was the first major retailer to set up shop in SL.The Mexican Tourism Board and Morocco Tourism are examples of 3-D presentations of major tourise attractions. Many companies use SL as a hot place to go to try new business ideas(see Rosedale 2007).For example,you can test drive a Toyota Scion,toymakers prototype toys,and anyone can become a virtual architect.For a comprehensive video see /file/242816.Sources: Compiled from Copeland and Kelleher(2007),linden(2009),Robbins and Bell(2008),Rosedale(2007),and Rymaszewski,et al.(2008),Roush(2007),and (accessed April 2011).BUSINESS IN SECOND LIFE第二生命In 2003,a 3-D vitual world called Second Life(SL)was opened to the public.The world is entirely built and owned by its resident. In 2003,the virtual world consisted of 64 acres. By 2010it had grown to over 100000 acresand was inhabited by millions of residents from around the planet(see ).The virtual world consists of ahuge digital contient,island,people,enterainment,experiences,and opportunities. 2003、三维虚拟世界“第二人生(SL)向公众开放,世界完全是建立在居民拥有的。

电子商务案例英语文章Amazon has joined forces with Twitter to let consumers tweet products they like into theirshopping baskets, as technology companies search for ways to fuse social media andecommerce.亚马逊(Amazon)与Twitter开展了合作,允许用户以Twitter消息的形式将喜欢的商品发送到购物篮中。
The feature is aimed at turning Twitter into a new shopping window for Amazon, which has onlydabbled with social media, partly because Jeff Bezos, its chief executive, does not want toshare its customers with other companies, according to former employees.这一功能旨在将Twitter转变成亚马逊新的购物窗口。
目前,对于社交媒体亚马逊还只是略有涉及,按照亚马逊前雇员的说法,这部分是因为亚马逊首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)不愿意与其他公司分享其客户资料。
Through the tie-up, consumers on Twitter who see a tweet with an Amazon product link will beable to drop it into their basket by replying with the hashtag #amazoncart in theUS and #amazonbasket in the UK.通过这一合作关系,Twitter用户在看到一条带有亚马逊商品链接的Twitter消息后,将可以把该商品直接加入他们在亚马逊网站()上的购物车中,为此他们如果是在美国,只需要在回复时带上#amazoncart这个标签,如果是在英国这个标签则是#amazonbasket。