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2014年6月29日的托福独立写作题目是“To remain happy and optimistic whe

n you fail is more important than achieving success.失败后保持乐观比成功更重要”,来看看上海新东方为大家提供的托福独立写作模板吧!


To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achievi ng success.


Modern society places a lot of emphasis on success. Though success is clearly desirable, I think our intense focus on success is unhealthy and counterproductive. People would be better served by learning how to adopt a positive attitude towar ds failure.

First of all, this would allow them to live more fulfilling lives. Studies have sho wn that the fulfillment brought by success is very fleeting. While you may feel gre

at for a little while after, your mood will quickly drop back to normal levels. The ro ad to success is paved with setbacks; even if you do eventually achieve your goals, if you are unable to experience the failures positively, you will have actually experi enced a net decrease in happiness. It is thus important to remain happy and optim istic through failure, because while failure comes inevitably and often, success doe s not.

Second of all, focusing too much on success will hurt your relationships with others, whereas learning to enjoy failure will actually improve your relationships wi th others. This is particularly true of working in a team. For one class project, I had to work in a team led by someone who only cared about success. We didn’t purs ue any unusual ideas, and mistakes were criticized harshly. The team did fairly well, but by the end everybody hated working on the assignment. The leader’s attitu de rubbed off on all of us: nobody wanted to take risks, and setbacks weighed hea vy on all of us. This was in contrast to my friend’s group, which had a much more open-minded leader. She encouraged the team to test unconventional ideas, and any time they hit a roadblock, they took it as an opportunity to rethink their appro

ach. After the project was over they all remained friends, and they even received a better grade than us.

This leads me to my final point: enjoying failure and de-emphasizing success will paradoxically make you more apt to succeed. This is because success hinges o n consistent progress, and consistent progress can only come from continuously c hallenging your abilities and risking failure. Michael Jordan once said that his succ ess came from failing over and over—that he had missed thousands of shots on hi s path to greatness. He was able to get better because he was eager to see where his deficiencies lay and figure out how to address them. This is the common threa d we see in all successful people: they are all happy to fail, because failures open u p opportunities for improvement.

Most people fail more often than they succeed. Thus, in order to live a fulfillin g life, we should learn to approach failure positively. This will not only improve our relationships, but also make success more likely.
