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Part One Fiction:

1. New Writings of the Traditional writers

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)

Ape and Essence (1948) 《猿与本质》

The Genius and the Goddess (1955)

Island (1962)

Joyce Cary (1888-1957)

The Horse’s Mouth 《马嘴》1944

Second trilogy:

A Prisoner of Grace (1952) 《荣幸的囚徒》

Except the Lord (1953)

Not Honour More (1955).

George Orwell (1903-1950)

Animal Farm 《动物农场》1945

Nineteen Eighty-four 《1984》1949

Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966)

The Sword of Honour (war trilogy): 《荣誉之剑》

Men at Arms 1952

Officers and Gentlemen 1955

Unconditional Surrender 1961

Graham Greene (1904-1991)

The Heart of the Matter (1948)《问题的核心》

The Third Man (1949)《第三者》

The End of the Affair (1951) 《恋情的终结》

The Quiet American (1955)《沉静的美国人》

Our Man in Havana (1958)《我们在哈瓦那的人》

A Burnt-Out Case (1961) 《一例治愈的麻风病》

The Comedians (1966) 《喜剧演员》

Travels with My Aunt (1969) 《与姨妈旅行》

The Honorary Consul (1973) 《荣誉领事》

The Human Factor (1978)《人性因子》

Anthony Powell

The Dance to the Music of Time (1951-1975)《与时代合拍的舞蹈》Charles Percy Snow (1905-1980)

Strangers and Brothers series 《陌生人和兄弟们系列》

George Passant, 1940 《乔治·巴桑特》

The Light and the Dark, 1947 《光明与黑暗》

Time of Hope, 1949 《希望的年代》

The Masters, 1951 《院长们》

The New Men, 1954 《新人》

Homecomings, 1956 《回家》

The Conscience of the Rich, 1958 《富人的良心》

The Affair, 1959 《事件》

Corridors of Power, 1963 《权力的走廊》

The Sleep of Reason, 1968 《理性的沉睡》

Last Things, 1970 《终曲》

L. P. Hartley (1895-1972)

Eustace and Hilda Trilogy《尤斯塔斯和希尔达》三部曲

The Shrimp and the Anemone (1944) 《虾与海葵》

The West Window (1945)

The Sixth Heaven (1946)

Eustace and Hilda (1947)

The Boat (1949)

My Fellow Devils (1951)

The Go-Between (1953) 《中间人》

A Perfect Woman (1955)

The Hireling (1957) 《佣工》

Facial Justice (1960) 《表面的正义》

William Cooper (1910-2002)

Scenes from Provincial Life 1950 《外省生活花絮》

Scenes from Married Life1961 《婚姻生活花絮》

Scenes from Metropolitan Life 1982 《都市生活花絮》

Scenes from Later Life 1983 《后期生活花絮》

2. The Angry Young Men

John Wain (1925-1994)

Hurry on Down (1953) 《每况愈下》

Living in Present (1955) 《今生今世》

The Contender (1958) 《竞争者》

A Travelling Woman (1959) 《浪迹妇人》

Strike The Father Dead (1962) 《打死父亲》

Kingsley Amis (1922-1995)

Lucky Jim (1954)《幸运的吉姆》

The Anti-Death League (1966) 《反死同盟》

The Green Man (1969)《绿人》

The Alteration (1976) 《变化》

John Braine (1922-1986)

Room at the Top (1957) 《跻身上层》

Life at the Top (1962) 《上层生活》

Alan Sillitoe (1928-2010)

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1958)《星期六晚上和星期天早上》The Loneness of Long Distance Runner (1959) 《长跑者的孤独》

Key to the Door (1961) 《开门的钥匙》

The Death of William Poster (1965) 《威廉波斯特之死》

A Start in Life (1970) 《生活的开端》

Raw Material (1972) 《原始材料》

Some writers focusing on working class
