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Book 4 Unit 4 重点短语


1. reach out one’s hand for

beyond (above, out of) one's /the reach 达不到的, 力所不及的; 不能理解within easy reach (of) 在容易达到...的地方;

reach for伸出手去抓

within one’s reach在某人力所能及的范围内, 在某人能到达的范围内

2. shake hand with sb shake one’s hand

3. look around/about 环顾四周

4. nod one’s head up and down

up and down 上上下下;前前后后

back and forth 来回,往返; 前前后后 general 大体上,一般来说

6. depend on rely on/count on

7. be similar to

8. be curious about sth.对(某事物)感到好奇

be curious + to do 很想(做); 渴望(做)

It is curious + that… ease 舒适,自在

Set your mind at ease. 请你放心。 ease 使某人放心、安心、宽心

10.introduce sb. to sb.

11.represent the Chinese government 区别:stand for

Dragon represents China.

12. set /give a good example to sb. 为别人树立榜样

Let his bankruptcy be an example to you.你要以他的破产为借鉴。


follow a person’s example

[思维拓展]for example 例如, 举例来说

be an example to 是对……的警告

beyond example/without example 无先例的, 空前的

make an example of sb. 惩一儆百

13. look sb. up and down 上下打量某人

look sb. in the eyes

look down on/upon sb 看不起某人

look up to sb. 尊重〔敬仰〕(某人)


look on 在一旁观看, 袖手旁观

John took part in the game, but the rest of us just looked on.

look sth. up 查阅


14. It is likely that… 

Sb. is likely to do…

It is possible/probable that…

15. watch out for 当心; 注意Watch out for pickpocket

watch out 当心区别:take care, be careful

Watch out! There is a dog coming.

Watch out that you don't get them into trouble.

16. lose face丢脸,受侮辱

17. approach v./n

Don’t approach me, or I will jump off.

The final exam is approaching.

The approach to the garden is too narrow.

He came up with a new approach to solving the problem.

18. 部分否定:当not与表示“全体、所有”的词连用时,表部分否定。这样的

词有:all,everyone, everybody, everywhere, everything, both, always等。

Not all student like computer games.=All students like computer games. 19. turn one’s back to 背对;背弃

turn one’s head away 把头转过去

20. defend vt.&vi. 保卫,防御;保护; 辩护; 辩解

They defended very well in the game. 在那场比赛中他们防守得很好。

She defended herself successfully in court.


defend against/from 保护……免受

The fort cannot be defended against an air attack.


We must defend our motherland from the enemy.
