



运达1.5MW风力发电机组技术手册运达1.5MW风力发电机组技术手册1、技术手册说明 (3)2、万用表使用方法 (3)3、绝缘表的使用方法 (3)4、直流电阻测试的使用方法 (3)5、偏航电机的更换方法 (4)6、SSB直流变桨系统L+B的更换方法 (4)7、SSB直流变桨系统Converter说明书 (4)8、SSB直流变桨系统Converter更换说明书 (4)9、SSB交流变桨系统MPC说明书 (4)10、SSB变桨系统MPC 地址更改说明书 (4)11、交流变桨MPC参数导入操作说明 (5)12、Gateway使用说明 (5)1、技术手册说明本手册为售后服务部内部技术文件,此文件结合现场各反应回来问题汇总,特此编写此文件。


2、万用表的使用方法产品名称:钳形万用表产品型号: VC3266A※相序指示正相、负相、缺相及相电压。






※ 20A/200A/600A交流电流量程选择,分辨力0.01A。





UHFReader18CSharp.DLL动态连接库使用手册V2.51.操作系统: (1)2.函数详单: (1)2.1)通用函数: (1)2.2)EPCC1-G2协议函数: (2)2.3)18000-6B协议函数: (4)3.函数的描述: (5)3.1)通用函数: (5)3.1.1) AutoOpenComPort():自动连接串口 (5)3.1.2) OpenComPort():连接到指定串口 (6)3.1.3) CloseComPort():关闭串口连接 (7)3.1.4) CloseSpecComPort():关闭指定串口 (7)3.1.5)GetReaderInformation():获得读写器的信息 (7)3.1.6) WriteComAdr():写入读写器地址 (8)3.1.7) WriteScanTime():设置询查命令最大响应时间 (9)3.1.8) SetPowerDbm():设置读写器功率 (9)3.1.9) Writedfre():设置读写器工作频率 (9)3.1.10) Writebaud():设置串口波特率 (10)3.1.11) SetWGParameter():设置韦根参数 (11)3.1.12) SetWorkMode():设置工作模式 (11)3.1.13) GetWorkModeParameter ():读取工作模式参数 (12)3.1.14) ReadActiveModeData ():读取主动模式数据- (13)3.1.15) SetAccuracy():EAS检测精度测试- (13)3.1.16) SetOffsetTime ():设置Syris命令响应偏置时间- (13)3.1.17) SetFhssMode ():设置读写器跳频模式 (14)3.1.18) GetFhssMode ():获取读写器跳频模式- (14)3.1.19) SetTriggerTime ():获取读写器跳频模式- (15)3.1.20) BuzzerAndLEDControl ():声光控制命令- (15)3.1.21) SetRelay ():设置继电器动作- (16)3.1.22) OpenNetPort():连接网口 (16)3.1.23) CloseNetPort():关闭网口 (17)3.2)EPCC1-G2协议函数: (17)3.2.1) Inventory_G2 ():G2询查命令 (17)3.2.2) ReadCard_G2 ():G2读取数据命令 (18)3.2.3) WriteCard_G2 ():G2写命令 (19)3.2.4) EraseCard_G2 ():G2块擦除命令 (20)3.2.5) SetCardProtect_G2 ():G2设定存储区读写保护状态命令 (21)3.2.6) DestroyCard_G2 ():G2销毁卡片命令 (22)3.2.7) WriteEPC_G2 ():G2写EPC号命令 (23)3.2.8) SetReadProtect_G2 ():G2单张读保护设置命令 (23)3.2.9) SetMultiReadProtect_G2 ():G2单张读保护设置命令(不需卡号) (24)3.2.10) RemoveReadProtect_G2 ():G2解锁读保护命令 (25)3.2.11) CheckReadProtected_G2 ():G2测试卡片是否被读保护命令 (25)3.2.12) SetEASAlarm_G2 ():G2EAS报警设置命令 (26)3.2.13) CheckEASAlarm_G2 ():G2EAS报警探测命令 (27)3.2.14) LockUserBlock_G2 ():G2user区块锁命令(永久锁定) (27)3.2.15) WriteBlock_G2 ():G2块写命令 (28)3.3)18000-6B协议函数: (29)3.3.1) Inventory_6B ():6B寻查命令(单张) (29)3.3.2) Inventory2_6B ():6B按条件寻查电子标签命令 (30)3.3.3) ReadCard_6B ():6B读数据命令 (30)3.3.4) WriteCard_6B ():6B写数据命令 (31)3.3.5) CheckLock_6B ():6B锁定检测命令 (32)3.3.6) LockByte_6B ():6B锁定命令 (32)4.其他返回值定义 (33)5.错误代码定义 (34)上位机应用程序通过UHFReader18CSharp.DLL操作EPCC1-G2、18000-6B格式电子标签读写器。






二、错误说明1.常规错误码2.设备相关错误3.数据解析相关错误三、特殊获取说明1. hotelInfo获取通过固定Cloud API服务器接口获取,若未在本地配置特殊的Cloud API服务器,请固定使用接口:***.com/v3/hotel/getInfo接口:/v3/hotel/getInfo, GET说明:获取hotelInfo串返回值:四、函数说明1.配置服务器接口地址原型:bool CE_ConfigServer (const char *url)说明:本函数用于配置请求的服务器域名地址。

未配置本地服务器时,默认不再调用该接口,使用公网地址进行访问,url配置为具体的目标接口参数:返回值:2.连接设备原型:int CE_ConnectComm (const char *portName)说明:本函数用于PC与酒店发卡器设备的连接与初始化。

参数:portName:连接串口(COM1~COM256)返回值:3.关闭连接原型:int CE_DisconnectComm(void)说明:本函数用于关闭PC到酒店发卡器的连接。

返回值:4.配置发卡器原型:int CE_InitCardEncoder(const char *hotelInfo) 说明:将发卡器配置给指定的酒店。

参数:返回值:5.将空白卡写成酒店专用卡原型:CE_InitCard(const char *hotelInfo)说明:将空白卡初始化成指定酒店的卡,操作前请终止其它操作参数:返回值:6.停止发送空白卡操作原型:int CE_StopInitCard(void)说明:本函数用于打断酒店发卡操作,请另启线程执行,执行完成后再执行其它操作!否则可能出现未知错误!!返回值:7.新增单条IC卡数据原型:int CE_WriteCard(const char *hotelInfo, int buildNo, int floorNo, const char *mac,unsigned long timestamp, bool allowLockOut)说明:向IC卡中写入一条开锁数据参数:返回值:新增卡数据部分参数说明:8.清空IC卡数据原型:int CE_ClearCard(const char *hotelInfo) 说明:清空IC卡中写入的开锁数据参数:返回值:9.读取IC卡中的所有数据原型:int CE_ReadCard(const char *hotelInfo, char **hotelArray) 说明:从IC卡中读取所有写入的数据参数:返回值:hotelArray参数:hotelArray.hotelArray参数说明:10.获取IC卡卡号原型:int CE_GetCardNo(char **cardNumber)说明:本函数用于获取IC卡卡号参数:返回值:11.蜂鸣器发声原型:int CE_Beep(int voiceLen, int interval, int voiceCount)说明:本函数用于使得蜂鸣器发声,在连续操作接口时,请完成其他操作后调用参数:返回值:12.获取设备的版本信息原型:int CE_GetVersion(char **versions)说明:获取发卡器的版本信息参数:返回值:versions返回值:13.发工程卡原型:int CE_InitConstructionCard()说明:将空白卡初始化成工程卡,工程卡可用来打开所有未初始化的酒店锁返回值:14.恢复空白卡原型:int CE_DeInitCard(const char *hotelInfo)说明:将酒店卡反初始化为空白卡参数:返回值:15.写入挂失卡信息原型:int CE_CancelCard(const char *hotelInfo, const char *cardNo, unsigned long timestamp)说明:向A卡内写入一条需要挂失的卡B的信息参数:返回值:16.读取IC卡中的挂失相关数据原型:int CE_ReadCancellationInfo(const char *hotelInfo, char **infoArray) 说明:从IC卡中读取所有挂失相关的数据参数:返回值:infoArray参数:Array参数说明:17.设置扇区可用性原型:int CE_SetSectors(const char *sectors) 说明:设置各个扇区的可用性参数:返回值:18.读取扇区可用性原型:int CE_GetSectors(char **sectorStr); 说明:读取各个扇区可用性参数:返回值:19.解析单个扇区的数据(1.2.0)原型:int CE_ParseResData(const char *hotelInfo, unsigned char *sectorData, bool isLowestSector, char **hotelArray);说明:解析单个扇区的数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用参数:返回值:hotelArray参数:hotelArray.hotelArray参数说明:20.创建单个扇区数据(1.2.0)原型:int CE_GenerateSectorData(const char *hotelInfo, unsigned char *sectorData, bool isLowestSector, int buildNo, int floorNo, const char *mac, unsigned long timestamp, bool allowLockOut);说明:获取向单个扇区内写入一条数据的扇区数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用,该接口必须配置远程服务器地址参数:返回值:新增卡数据部分参数说明:21.创建用于删除扇区数据的数据(1.2.0)原型:int CE_GenerateClearData(unsigned char *srcBytes);说明:创建用于删除扇区数据的数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用参数:返回值:22.获取新增挂失信息的单个扇区数据(1.2.1)原型:int CE_Ge nerate CancelCardData(const char *hotelInfo, unsigned char *sectorData, bool isLowestSector, const char *cardNo, unsigned long timestamp);说明:获取向单个扇区内写入一条挂失信息的扇区数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用,必须配置远程服务器地址参数:返回值:23.解析单个扇区内挂失相关数据(1.2.1)原型:int CE_ParseLossData(const char *hotelInfo, unsigned char *sectorData, bool isLowestSector, char **infoArray);说明:解析挂失卡单个扇区内写入的挂失数据信息,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用,该接口必须配置远程服务器地址参数:返回值:24.创建工程卡块区数据(1.2.1)原型:int CE_GenerateConstructionCardData(unsigned char *blockData, const char *cardNo);说明:获取创建工程卡的块区数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用,必须配置远程服务器地址,工程卡数据必须写入第0个扇区的第2块区(以0,1,2块区标准)参数:返回值:五、常见问题说明1.操作卡片返回错误106(1)卡片为空白卡,无法进行读卡、写卡、清卡、挂失等相关卡数据操作。



TMVersion1.0 Serial number:CONTENTS1. Getting started12. Safety instruction3. Installation siting124. Specifications45. Part name556. Assembling module6-1 Verify the following upon purchase56-2 Assembly procedure66-3 Attaching to pole787.Connecting the system87-2 Connecting wind turbine, smart box and inverter8998. Considerations when choosing peripheral materials/Device 998-2 Mounting tower98-3 Cable Diameter size108-4 Grounding101110. Site Elevation1211. Maintaining the generator system121312. Warranty information 7-1 Connecting wind turbine and whole system’s all of cables7-3 Install the wind turbine on the top of the pole8-1 Inverter9. Explanation Operations7-4 Connecting the wind generator output cable extension1.Getting StartedCongratulations on the purchase of your new Nemo4000 grid tie Shoot Power Wind Turbine. This manual will provide you with a good basic understanding of the operation and maintenance of this unit. If you have any questions regarding the operation and/or maintenance of the unit, please consult your point of purchase or contact us at:Email:*******************In the unlikely event that this product does not function properly, prohibit all persons except for trained technicians from handling its internal systems and contact either the dealer from whom you purchased it or Shoot Power customerservicedepartment:*******************The specifications of this product may change due to improvements without prior notice.For explanation purposes, the illustrations and images throughout this manual may differ from the actual product.Certain installation procedures are dangerous. Always ask a trained professional to perform the installation work.Be aware that manufacturer assumes no responsibility for accidents or damage caused by improper installation, use, or attempts to modify this product.Be aware that the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for accidents or damage sustained as a result of not following the procedures and warnings specified in this manual.Failure to operate this product in accordance with the content of sections labeled “Danger”, “Warning”, and “Caution” may result in accidental death, injury, fire and/or damage to the product itself.☼2.Safety instructionParticularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations.This symbol indicates information that could result in death or severe injury if ignored. It is used to indicate information of a particularlyThis symbol indicates information that could result in death or severe injury if ignored.SHOOTPOWERBe aware that failure to use the product in the manner indicated bymay, depending on circumstances, also have severe consequences. All of the symbols described above indicate important safety information. Obey all safetyinformation when using this product.Safety information is indicated as shown below.This symbol is intended to draw reader’s attention to Danger/Warning/Cautioninformation. Specific details on the nature of the thread to safety are indicated insideor beside the symbol.This symbol indicates prohibited actions. Specific details on the prohibited action areindicated inside or beside the symbol.This symbol indicates instruction that must be followed. Specific details on themandatory instructions are indicated inside or beside the symbol.Install this product so that the tips of the rotor blades have at least 3.5m (11.5 ft)clearance from any surrounding objects. After installation is complete, clear awayall scaffoldings, making sure that the rotor blades are far out of reach of people, petsand/or livestock.Never touch a moving rotor blade by your hand or any other part of the body. The rotorblades are sharp and accidental contact can result in death or severe injury.The body of wind generator will also move in accordance with wind direction once itbegins to make contact with the wind. Exercise caution if it is necessary to approachthe wind generator to perform installation or maintenance work.For safety reasons, do not install the wind generator before inspecting the durability/quality of the pole and the area in which it will be installed. If the pole and the locationare not suitable, injury or death may result.Do not install the wind generator in close proximity to structures such as smokestacksthat attain extremely high temperatures. The heat could melt the insulation on electrical cables, resulting in electrocution, fire or other damage.Do not install the wind generator if the pole to which it will be attached is not standingstraight up. The wind generator could fall, causing an accident or mechanicaldamage/malfunction.Do not use the wind generator for any purpose other than generating electricity fromnatural wind. Do not attempt to generate electricity by mounting the wind generatoron a moving vehicle. Do not use the wind generator in close proximity to an exhaustduct or in any other extremely high-temperature environment. Doing so could resultin fire, injury, or damage to the wind generator.Discontinue use if the lines or cables are damaged (i.e. exposed wires, cut cables,plug damage). Continued use could result in electrocution, fire, or short circuits.This symbol indicates information that could result in death, severe injury, or damage to limited property if ignored.Do not install the wind generator in close proximity to electric or telephone lines. Afallen pole or contact between the rotor and electric/telephone lines could result inelectrocution, disconnection, damage or malfunction of the turbine.Do not pull on, excessively bend, or attempt to modify the wires/cables of the windgenerator. Doing so could result in cord damage, electrocution, or fire.Never attempt to disassemble or modify the wind generator. Doing so could resultin electrocution, fire, or wind generator malfunction.Due to conditions of use, this system may not continuously supply stable electricalpower. Do not attempt to use the electricity generated by the wind generator topower medical devices or other equipment related to human life systems support.Do not attempt to use the electricity generated by the wind generator to powerObserve all safety precautions when working on the wind generator in highlocations. Take care to ensure that hardware and other parts do not fall from thewind generator. Falling parts can cause injuries or other accidents.Before assembling the wind generator, secure adequate space to ensure thatwork can be completed safely. Inadequate space can result in injuries or otheraccidents.3.Installation sitingSmall changes in wind speed can have a dramatic effect on powerproduction. The location of your wind turbine should be carefullyconsidered.In general the higher the tower the greater the wind speed and ultimately the power production. However, towers are expensive and can easily exceed the cost of the turbine.The minimum recommended tower height is 25 ft (7.6 m) on open ground or 20 ft (6m) above nearby obstructions. Try to locate the wind turbine in the “cleanest” turbulent free air as possible. Turbulence will reduce the efficiency of the wind turbine and may accelerate wear on rotatingcomponents.Safety must be the primary concerned when selecting the mountinglocation. Install wind turbine so there is no possibility of accidental contact with rotating blades even if it requires installing the wind turbine in a less than ideal location. Safety has precedence over efficiency.Optimal wind turbine locationEach installation is different and is often a compromise between tower height, distance from the battery bank, local zoning requirements and obstacles such as buildings and trees.4.Specification s 3m /s(11KPH, 6.7MPH)-4K W (20m /s, 72KPH, 45MPH )1200rpm(20m/s, 72KPH, 45MPH)839290007076UPC codeRotor Diameter1776mm(69.9'')Weight18kg(38lbs)Mount Diameter48.6mm(1-15/16'')Number Blades3Horizontal axis, up-wind Wind Turbine TypeBlade MaterialCarbon-fiber Body MaterialAluminum diecast Product FinishTelfon-based paint GeneratorSynchronous-type, three phase power generator with neodymium iron boron magnets ControllerBuilt-in Yaw controlFree yaw (360 degrees)Direction ControlSwing-tail Over Wind ControlStall control(600rpm mode)Start-up wind speed49.2m/s(177KPH, 110MPH)Cut-out wind speedSurvival wind speedRated Power1KW (12.5m/s, 45KPH, 28MPH)Rated Rotor Speed1200rpm Peak PowerMaximum Rotor SpeedOutput VoltageDC250V Braking SystemRegenerative electromagnetic braking system Recommended System PV inverter(constant voltage type)*Cut-in: wind speed at which the turbine begins to produce power.**Cut-out: wind speed at which the turbine stops to produce power.Output power characteristicsPower output(W)5000Wind speed(m/s)5101520**2530354045503*040003000200010006. Assembling module6-1 Verify the following upon purchase Blades, Hub, and Nose ConeFor tightening the main-shaft. Should be able to tighten up to 29.5±1.5ft.lb (40±2N.m) NOTE: Do not press the rotor shaft into the body.Failure to observe these safety instructions may result in a severe accident or damage to the wind generator or other parts of the system.Do not place the wind generator body upside down or inclined during installation ormaintenance. Water (rain, snow) can leak inside the body joint gap and cause damage to the turbine. During installation when the body is upside down or inclined and has the possibility of getting wet, put a cover over the body.On the tower top use a mast with an outer diameter of 1.91 inch(48.6mm), 3/16 inch(5mm) of thickness and at least 3 ft (1m) in length. A 1-1/2 inches schedule 80 steelpipe meets this requirement. Do not use plastic pipes.Do not install the wind generator if the pole is not standing straight.If the wind generator is not mounted in an upright position, it could topple or fall, causing injury or damage to the system.as death or injury. After attaching the rotor to the body, fix the rotor in place to prevent it from rotating until the wind turbine has been completely installed.If the wind turbine has not been completely assembled, a strong gust of wind or similar phenomenon may cause it to fall, causing an injury or other mishaps.When wind turbine has been completely assembled, in order to prevent corrosion, apply silicone sealant to the screw hole till the screw hole is completely covered.6-3 Attaching to poleWhile attaching the wind turbine to the tower, be careful not to pinch the AWG#10 (5.5mm²) yaw wires. Slide the yaw all the way down over the end of pole. After the yaw is seated on the pole, move it back up a 1/8th inch (2mm) to prevent the bottom of the yaw from contacting the top of the pole. This way the only contract between the tower and yaw isthrough the rubber pad, which will reduce noise transmission. Using a torque wrench, tight all mounting fasteners to 16±0.74ft.lb (22 ±1N.m). Make sure that your tower allows for proper clearance of the blades. Aminimum of 2inches (50mm) clearance must be given between the blades tips and any obstructions.7.Connecting the system7-1 Connecting wind turbine and whole system’s all of cables*Pay attention to the + and – terminals when connecting the power cableto the Smart box and inverter. Reverse connection will cause serious damage.(Be aware that any damage to this product caused by improper connectionis NOT covered by the warranty. Connect the cables to the correct terminals). 7-2 Connecting wind turbine, smart box and inverterThe wind generator is designed to use wires with a length of 15m(49ft) and a gauge of AWG #10 (5.5mm²) between the wind generator and the Smart box. However you can select the appropriate wire gauge according to the distance. Please check section 8 (“Considerations when choosing Peripheral Materials/Devices”). Make sure to include the height of the tower.turbine to the inverter input terminals is the same as above.Pay attention to the +and -terminals when connecting the power cable to the Smart box and inverter.A reverse connection will cause serious damage to the unit.Please turn on the switch after all of the cables connections are finished.This manual is intended for individuals who have the knowledge andtechnical skills needed to work with electrical wiring. If the wind generator is used in an inappropriate configuration or wired incorrectly, its use could cause a severe accident and damage the system, including this product.If you have any questions regarding the wind generator systemconfiguration, contact either the dealer where you purchased this product or Shoot Power Customer Service for more information.7-3 Install the wind turbine on the top of the pole7-4 Connecting the wind generator output cable extensionConnecting wind turbine to the Smart boxConnecting Smart box to the inverterConnecting the inverter and circuit breaker123Turn on the circuit breaker48. Considerations when choosing Peripheral Materials/Devices •Type: We recommend the use of PV solar inverter.1).The Max input voltage: 400VDC or more.2).The minimum input voltage:200VDC or less.8-1 Inverter •W e Recommend use SMA company Sunny boy PV inverter or other reliable brands.8-2 Mounting Tower:The mounting tower that supports the wind generator is an extremely important part with respect to safety. The mast used to attach the turbine and its foundation, must be strong enough to provide adequate safety.•Location and height of the mounting tower: select a free and safelocation where the ample amount of wind flow is obtained. The height of the pole must be 11.5ft (3.5m) or more to ensure safety from hazard to people.•The tower must have an upper portion of at least 3ft(1m) in length and an outer diameter of 1.9inches(48.6mm)(the1½inch schedule 80 steel pipePlease see the section 6-2 Assembly procedure•The tower must withstand horizontal wind pressure of 231lbf(105kgf) (at a wind speed of 49.2m/s, 110mph,177KPH).•If unsure please consult with your local tower contractor for details. 8-3 Cable Diameter Sizes:To select the appropriate cables gauge, measure the distance between the turbine and the smart box. Make sure to include the height of the tower. Please refer to the following wire gauge chart.meets it). The total tower height must be sufficient to prevent accidents with body or structures.Distance between the turbine and smart box Wire Gauge(1 cables per polarity)Cross Sectional Area Diameter of the cooper core AWG #Maximum Total resistance (round & trip)Up to 20m(49ft)Up to 30.5m(100ft)5.5mm²8.0mm² 2.64mm 3.19mm 1080.022Ω0.03ΩNOTES:•For the connection between the Smart box and the inverter, youcan use the same wiring per polarity as in the table. Alternativelyyou can use a single cable AWG #10. In all the cases the cable between the Smart box and the inverter has to be no more than 3ft long.We recommended installing a 1 or 2 ft (30 or 60cm)long grounding jumper between the wind turbine bracket hex bolts and the mast. Use AWG # 6 wires with ring crimp terminals (lugs) .The terminal ring inside diameter should be 3/8 inch or 10 mm. It has to be mounted in between the 2half-moon brackets and inside one of its 4 hex bolts. Remove the coat of paint on the contact area and use electrical joint compound. The brackets have to be tighten fully, otherwise use stainless steel flat washers to fill the gap. To connect the jumper to the mast pipe, you can use grounding clamps of the same metal as the pipe itself to avoid galvanic corrosion.8-4 Grounding: Connect the base of the tower/mast to earth ground, using enough ground rods, according to the soil conductivity.Since the turbine typically has to be mounted on a structure (tower, pipe, etc.) you should take into account the possibility of a lightning strike in your area that could hit the top of the structure.Most of the time a lightning ground system super-exceeds therequirements for a safety ground. However be sure always to meet the requirements as per the local electric code in both cases. Consult acertified electrician or technician specialized in both types of grounding systems.The customer itself or through a professional contractor, has the responsibility to meet the local electric code.Please check periodically the Shoot Power website for more information about grounding.LED Indicator 9. Explanation OperationsDuring operation, the LED indicator onthe body of the wind generator canbe used to check the operating statusof the system.The indicator LED can light in solid orflashing red and green.Operating StatusTable10. Site Elevation:An important fact to keep in mind is elevation. The higher the windgenerator is from sea level, the lower the air density. Air density is directly proportional to the output of your wind generator. Here are some general numbers to keep in mind when determine the maximum output that can be expected.FEET1-500ftMETER 0-150m OUTPUT POWER 100%500-1,000ft1,000-2,000ft2,000-3,000ft3,000-4,000ft4,000-5,000ft5,000-6,000ft6,000-7,000ft7,000-8,000ft8,000-9,000ft9,000-10,000ft 150-300m 300-600m 600-900m 900-1,200m 1,200-1,500m 1,500-1,800m 1,800-2,100m 2,100-2,400m 2,400-2,700m 2,700-3,000m 97%94%91%88%85%82%79%76%73%70%11.Maintaining the generator systemMonthly/ Yearly Inspection:Although the wind generator is basically a maintenance-free system, we recommend visual inspections (see details on the operating status table).a)Is the system exhibiting operations listed on the “Operating Status Table For example: the indicator lamp is green when the rotor is rotating at a high speed(250-1200rpm), etc.b)Are the blades free from damage?c)Is there an approximate 3mm gap between the aluminum hub and the front unit face?d)Is any debris such as ice, snow, or tree branches jamming the turbines?e)Is the joint on the tail moving smoothly?f)Is the tail free from any minor damage?In working time, can not connect + and - cables together to make the wind turbine in short circuit, also must keep the connection between the smart box with wind turbine, otherwise, it will damage the wind turbine MPPT controller.If you want to stop the wind turbine, just need to shut down circuit breaker, the wind turbine will get into 300rpm mode, when the power of the Capacitor is used up completely, the wind turbine will stop automatically. 12.Warranty InformationShoot Power Wind Turbines are warranted for a 3 year period. Against defective parts or manufacturers workmanship.What is NOT Covered•Damage from lightening•Damage due to extreme winds•Damage from improper installation (Including poor tower design andinverted hanging)•Damage from improper wiring•Damage to blades from debris and wind blown debrisAny and All modifications to the unit, not stated in this manualNo one has the authority to add to or vary this limited warranty, or to create any other obligations in connection to Shoot Power and its products. Any implied warranty is limited to the duration that is stated on this manual. Shoot Power will not be liable for damages that any person or property might suffer as a result to the breach and or implied warranty. This warranty applies to the original purchaser.。



JB-QB-LD128EN(M)火灾报警控制器(联动型)安装使用说明书目录第一章概述 (2)第二章技术特性 (2)第三章结构特性 (4)第四章安装与调试 (7)第五章系统设置 (8)第六章使用与操作 (20)第七章联动控制盘 (28)第八章故障分析与排除 (29)第九章注意事项 (29)第十章售后服务 (29)◇火警指示(红):首次火警发生时灯亮,并保持到系统复位。
























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[MT_STAND_FIRE,PLU,WRITE,0,0,0,0,C: \aaa.txt]-----〉段标识
通用 DLL 说明手册 V1.0
MT DLL 对 外 提 供 两 个 入 口 函 数 Transfer_Ethernet_Ex 和
l Transfer_Ethernet,它们提供同样的上、下载功能,这两个函数保持和
以前的 DLL 相同的接口。MT DLL 主要支持 MT 的新文本格式,同时
[MT_STAND_FIRE,PLU,WRITE,0,0,0,0,C: \aaa.txt] 0003,0013,1,2.5,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,aaa, 1651,1651,1,35.6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,bbb, [MT_STAND_FIRE,PLU,Read GE,1,100,0,0,C:\Application\test\bin\RL00\Adver.bin] [MT_STAND_FIRE,Preset key,WRITE,0,0,0,0,C:\Application\test\bin\RL00\PresetKey.bin] 1,1 2,2 3,3

Yilida SYP系列风机样本

Yilida SYP系列风机样本
1) Certified Ratings Program 2) Unique state-of-the art testing laboratory 3) Participation in the development of standards 4) Independent AMCA accredited laboratories in
Version Number: A201201 该手册最终解释权归亿利达公司所有
系列离心式空调风机 The Smart Air
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The Smart Air
Fan Applications
AMCA Introduction
Quantities, Symbols and Units
4) AMCA 的认证额定值程序向采购员和专业人士保证,各 竞争者的额定值都是基于标准的测试方法和程序得出,并由 AMCA 国际作为一个公平的权威机构来进行审核。
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4) The AMCA certified ratings program assures buyers and specifiers that competitors’ ratings are based on standard test methods and procedures, and are subject to review by AMCA International as an impartial authority.
AMCA 的使命是促进空气运动及控制行业与公众利益一致 并健康发展。AMCA 国际是一种非常有价值的资源,同时也 是行业自律的强有力组织。人们不论是购买还是指定风机、 风阀和百叶窗,都一定要充分了解 AMCA 国际认证额定值 印章的价值。



利达L D E I I主机调试说明集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]JB-QG-LD128E Ⅱ火灾报警控制器(联动型)调试手册(VER 版本)版本说明:本版是配合LD128EⅡ火灾报警控制器(联动型)的调试而使用,控制器软硬件都根据调试和使用的实际情况作了相应的升级。




注意:请不要对控制器进行查毒操作!第一节系统简介JB-QG-LD128E Ⅱ火灾报警控制器(联动型)(以下简称LD128EⅡ)依据国标《GB4717-93》以及《GB16806-1997》设计,并通过了上述两个标准的检测。

LD128EⅡ采用对等网络架构设计,所有内部部件和外部扩展均通过CAN (Control Area Network)Bus网络完成,均是网络上的一个节点,通讯可靠,扩展方便。




在一台机器内部最多可接16块驱动板(编号:LD128E-E-D00- XXX),总线设备表示为:X X — XXX地址号(000-255)回路号(00-31)总线设备可以为以下几种方式:1、报警类:包括感烟、感温探测器、手报按钮、输入模块等。



三菱FX-PLC通讯动态链接库(DLL)使用说明书目录三菱FX系列PLC通讯组件介绍 (2)组件安装 (2)加载组件 (2)函数原型及使用说明 (4)常数对照表 (8)错误码对照表 (9)简单应用示例代码 (9)三菱FX系列PLC通讯组件该组件为用户编写Widows下PC机与FX-PLC通讯的程序提供了接口,支持VB、VC开发环境。

该组件包括了对PLC操作的所有指令,响应速度特别快,而且完全支持Win9x/2000/XP 操作系统。


3.在引用窗口里的FXPLC Component前面打钩,按“确定”按钮4.添加一个模块文件,在该模块内加入如下代码(斜体部分为用户自定义):Public fxObject As New FX_PLCPublic fxData As PLCdata完成上面的工作就完成了整个加载过程了。

函数原型及使用说明该组件包括4个可使用的函数及1个类型在函数调用中访问I/O使用标识符,它与FX元件名的对照见表1:表1元件名与标识符名对照表注:X, Y的元件号为八进制数, 其它均为十进制数.1.初始化串行口ComOpen(Com_Number As Integer) As BooleanCom_Number为要使用的端口号。



如下等同:Back=Open(1)2.关闭串行口ComClose() As Boolean例:Back=Close()返回值Back=True表示调用成功,Back=False表示调用不成功。

3.群读写设备D ,Y ,M ,S ,X ,T ,C ,PY ,PM ,OT ,RT ,OC ,RC ,TV ,CVGroup_Access(RW_Status As ReadWriteFlags , wParam_Device_Name As DeviceName_A , wParam_Start_Number As Integer , lParam_Amount As Integer , fxdata As FX_DA TA) As Boolean RW_Status 为读写状态,wParam_Device_Name 为D ,Y 等元件名称。



风机使用说明书1 特别注意事项1.1风机外壳或电机外壳必须可靠接地;1.2禁止反方向旋转,禁止超额定电流运行,禁止缺相运行;1.3风机轴承加油次数不少于1000小时/次;1.4禁止在运转中维护风机。

2 收货检验及风机安装前准备2.1收货后应检查风机包装是否完整无损,风机的铭牌参数是否符合要求,各随机附件是否齐全。














北京利达LD128EII主机使用说明书JB-QG-LD128E II火灾报警控制器(联动型)安装使用说明书目录第一章概述................................................................................................................................................. 0第二章技术特性...................................................................................................................................................... 0-3第三章结构特性....................................................................................................................................................... 4-6第四章安装与调试.................................................................................................................................................6-7第五章使用与操作................................................................................................................................................... 7-43第八章故障分析与排除...........................................................................................................................................44第九章注意事项................................................................................................................................................. (45)第一章概述JB-QG-LD128EⅡ火灾报警控制器(联动型)(以下简称LD128EⅡ)是我公司最新研制成功的二总线智能化控制器。



短信猫dll动态链接库二次开发接口手册短信猫dll适用范围: 本短信二次开发接口适用于WAVECOM GSM短信猫设备类型短信猫dll使用方式:将sms.dll文件拷贝到系统安装目录屮的system32文件夹屮,然后再根据以下接口函数说明和提供的例程源码开发(可登录sms-hb. com免费获取)短信猫dll接口函数:1Sms Connection(Com Port As Integer, Com BaudRate As Integer, Mobile Type As String) As IntegerSms Connection函数说明如下:功能描述:用于初始化终端与串口的连接Com.Port:串口号(0 为红外接口,1,2,3,...为串口)Com BaudRate:波特率Mob i 1 e_Type:返冋终端型号Sms_Connection:返回值(0:连接终端失败;1:连接终端成功)2、Sms Send(Sms TelNum As String, Sms Text As Strin£) As IntegerSms Send函数说明如下:功能描述:发送短信Sms_T el Num:发送给的终端号码Sms_Tcxt:发送的短信内容Sms.Send:返回值(0:发送短信失败;1:发送短信成功)3> Sms_Receive(Sms_Type As String, Sms_Text As String) As IntegerSms_Receive函数说明如下:功能描述:接收指定类型的短信Sms.Type:短信类型(0:未读短信;1:已读短信;2:待发短信;3:已发短信;4:全部短信) Sms_Text:返回指定类型的短信内容字符串(短信内容字符串说明:短信与短信之前用〃I 〃符号作为分隔符,每条短信中间的各字段用勒〃符号作为分隔符)4、S ms_Delete(ByVal Sms Index As String) As IntegerSms Delete函数说明如下:功能描述:删除指定的短信Sms」ndex:短信的索引号5、S ms_AutoFlag() As IntegerSms_AutoFlag函数说明如下:功能描述:检测连接的终端是否支持自动收发短信功能Sms_AutoFlag:返冋值(0:不支持;1:支持)6> Sms_NewFlag() As IntegerSms NewFlag函数说明如下:功能描述:查询是否收到新的短信息Sms AutoFlag:返冋值(0:未收到;1:收到)7> Sms_Disconncction() As IntegerSms Disconnection函数说明如下:功能描述:断开终端与串口的连接。



哈尔滨万达索菲特大酒店楼宇自控系统操作手册二○○七年十一月第一章EBI及工作站EBI(Enterise Buildings Integrator)是一个内含丰富管理和控制经验的应用软件。















如果尝试执行一个更高安全级别的任务,消息栏中将显示以下信息:Higher Security Level Required (需要更高一层的级别)提示:安全级别出现在状态行的右侧,自下向上的级别是:LVL1,LVL2,OPER,SUPV,ENGR,MNGR。

●点击【开始】菜单选择:【程序】选择文件夹【Enterise Buildings Integrator】选择图标【Station】,输入操作员名称及密码,进入操作图形界面。

MXL UR-1 USB丝纱微风机用户手册说明书

MXL UR-1 USB丝纱微风机用户手册说明书

User ManualUser ManualCongratulations on your purchase of the MXL UR-1. The MXL UR-1 USB Ribbon microphone combines the classic tonality of a vintage ribbon microphone with all the convenience and simplic-ity of USB technology. It features a high quality ribbon motor and an ultra low noise preampli-fier with Delta Sigma analog to digital converters to deliver remarkable sound quality. Ribbon microphones are renowned for their natural unhyped sound. Our world class engineers in California have successfully created a perfect blend of these two very different technologies to deliver a truly unique microphone. With a zero latency headphone socket for realtime monitoring, integrated isolation mount, and stunning good looks, the MXL UR-1 is perfect for recording instruments and vocals, for podcasting, and for many other applications too. Fully Mac and PC compatible, with nospecial drivers required.While we encourage you to review this entire manual, there are a few key points about handling your MXL UR-1 that we want you to familiarize yourself with right from the start.The MXL UR-1 is a professional quality, USB ribbon microphone designed specifically for record-ing. It has a “figure-eight” pick up pattern, meaning that the microphone picks up from both the front and the rear of the microphone with the sides offering excellent rejection. Unlike live microphones or dynamic microphones, this microphone requires careful handling. By following a few basic handling procedures, you can expect a long and happy relationship with your new MXLmicrophone.User ManualALWAYS: Handle the microphone carefully, avoiding sudden shocks such as dropping or bumping the microphone into other objects.ALWAYS: Maintain a distance of approximately 4 – 6 inches when speaking or singing into the microphone. You are encouraged to use a pop filter for added protection of the sensitiveribbon and to shield the instrument from saliva and sudden bursts of air.NEVER: Tap the microphone to check if it is working. The red LED behind the microphone’s pro-tective grill will tell you it’s functioning.NEVER: Blow into the microphone to check it’s working. The red LED behind themicrophones protective grill will tell you it’s functioning.A little background information:MXL Ribbon microphones use an ultra thin corrugated aluminum ribbon suspended between two powerful magnets. The output of ribbon microphones is very small and needs substantial amplifi-cation to produce usable results. Your MXL UR-1 has all of the amplification and analog to digital converters required to give you outstanding recording quality built-in, making the UR-1 a plug-and-play USB (Universal Serial Bus) microphone that interfaces with Windows and Macintosh comput-ers without the need for any special drivers. As a USB device, it carries the additional benefit of not requiring an external microphone preamp, as is the case with all other ribbon microphones.SetupUnpack Your MicrophoneBegin by examining the contents of your UR-1. You should have the following components:• Carrying case• UR-1 microphone• Desktop microphone stand• USB cable• Cleaning clothCorrect Positioning and Back ControlsThe red LED should be facing you when you speak or sing into the microphone. If recording instruments, the red LED should be facing the instrument. Maintain a distance of approximately4 – 6 inches when speaking or singing into the microphone. For instruments, experiment with the distance to find the best results.Red LEDWhen the red LED is illuminated, this indicates that the microphone is connected to USB power and functioning correctly.USB ConnectionThe small end of the USB cable plugs in here. The microphone is backwards compatible with USB 1.1 and 2.0. We do not recommend that you plug the microphone into a hub, as this could poten-tially limit the power and audio bandwidth the microphone needs to operate.Analog Gain ControlUse this dial to control the record level of the microphone into the computer. This control changes the analog signal before A/D converter.SetupStereo Headphone JackThe 1/8-inch stereo headphone input acceptsmost headphones. Maximum headphone volumewill vary by manufacturer and model, so careshould always be exercised when plugging in.The headphone volume can be changed usingcontrols in the computer.Connecting the UR-1 to Your Computer The UR-1 will operate with both USB 2.0 (high speed USB) and USB 1.1 data buses. We recom-mend you connect your microphone directly to the computer’s USB port as opposed to using a USB hub. USB hubs have been known to interfere with the performance of various USB devices. Note: Audio and video recording can be very taxing to a computer’s resources. For this reason, you should close any and all running applications that are non-essential.Please take the following steps to get connected:1. If open, close your audio recording application. You will open it after the UR-1 is connected and operational.2. Connect the corresponding ends of the supplied USB cable to the UR-1 and the computer’s USB port.3. The red LED on the UR-1 will illuminate indicating it is receiving power fromthe computer.Initial Setup with Windows XP®:1. To select the UR-1 microphone as the default audio device, go to the Start Menu andSetupselect Control Panel.2. Select Sounds and Audio Devices.3. Click on the Audio tab and select USB Audio Codec as the default device for Sound playback and Sound Recording.4. To adjust the output volume from the computer, click on the Volume button underSound playback.5. The master volume output can be changed by moving the Speaker fader up or down.Your Windows XP computer is now set up to use the UR-1. Some recording applications will re-quire additional settings to be changed within the program. Please see your recording software manual for proper setup.Initial Setup with Windows Vista® and Windows 7®:1. To select the UR-1 as the default audio device, go to the Start Menu and selectControl Panel.2. Double click the Sound icon.3. Select the Playback tab. Highlight the speaker icon labeled as USB Audio Device andclick the Set Default button. To make further adjustments to the playback volume and settings, double-click on the speaker icon labeled USB Audio Device.4. To adjust the volume from the computer, click on the tab labeled Levels. The mastervolume output can be changed by moving the Speaker fader left or right.Setup 5. To change the sample rate and bit depth, click on the tab labeled Advanced. From thedrop-down menu, you can change the sample rate and bit-depth for audio playback.When you are finished making changes, click the OK button. Please note that you should verify that these settings match the settings in your recording application.6. To set the UR-1 as the default audio input, select the Recording tab back in theSound window. Highlight the microphone icon labeled USB Audio Device and clickSet Default. To make further adjustments to the recording settings, double-click on the microphone icon labeled USB Audio Device.7. Click on the tab labeled Advanced. From the drop-down menu you can change thesample rate and bit-depth for audio recording. Please note that you should verify that these settings match the settings in your recording application.Additional information for Windows 7® users:In the Advanced > Recording settings, the Mic Gain fader (Image 2) adjusts the microphoneImage 2Setuprecording level. Set this to between 4 and 7 out of 100 as a staring point. Fine tuning can be done later if required.Your computer is now set up to use the UR-1 USB with most recording programs. Some record-ing applications will require additional settings to be changed within the program. Please see your recording software manual for proper setup.Initial setup with Macintosh OS X®:1. To select the UR-1 as the default audio device, click on the Apple icon at the topof the screen then select the System Preferences.2. Click on the speaker icon labeled Sound.3. Click on the Input tab then select the device named USB Audio Codec. You will notice there are no input level controls for this device. This is because the analog gain control is found on the back of the UR-1.4. Next, click on the Output tab and select the device named USB Audio Codec. The master volume output can be changed by adjusting the “output volume fader” leftor right.5. Further adjustments to the sample rate and bit-depths can be found in the Audio Midi Setup (Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > Audio Midi Setup). You should, however, check the settings in the recording program you are using as they may override or conflict with these settings.A. By selecting the USB Audio Codec as the “Default Input,” the UR-1 will automatically beSetup selected as the audio inputdevice the next time it isplugged in.B. By selecting the USB Au-dio Codec as the “DefaultOutput,” the UR-1 will au-tomatically be selected asthe audio output device thenext time it is plugged in.By selecting the USB Au-dio Codec as the “SystemOutput,” the microphonewill be used as the outputdevice for any system sounds.C. Select the USB Audio Codec to make adjustments to the sample rate and bit-depth. You will see sections D and E appear in the lower portion of the window.D. Here you can make adjustments to the sample rate and bit-depth for the input (the microphone signal).E. Here you can make adjustments to the sample rate and bit-depth for the output (the signal to the headphones).Your computer is now set up to use the UR-1. However, after changing these settings you should still check the settings in your recording software. If the sample rate and/or bit-depth in the record-ing software do not match your hardware, you will most likely hear clicks and pops or the audio will be the wrong pitch.User ManualMulti-tracking (Windows®):To get started with multi-tracking and overdubbing, we recommend the free 30 day trial shareware version of Reaper. Go here to download Reaper: http://www.reaper.fm.Multi-tracking (Macintosh®):Garage Band is the easiest way to get started if you are using a Macintosh computer. Since it’s included on most Macintosh computers, you probably have it installed and ready to go!Testing Your UR-1:After you have connected your microphone and set up your computer, plug a set of headphones into the 1/8-inch stereo jack located on the back of the UR-1.Important Note:The headphone amplifier can produce very loud sound levels that, when exposed to over a period of time, can cause irreparable hearing damage. Please adjust the headphone level carefully! You should now be able to hear your computer audio playback as well as the live microphone. When you’re ready to begin tracking, open your favorite recording software and make sure it’s set up for use with the UR-1 according to the software manufacturer recommendations.With everything set up and your software application running, snap your fingers in front of the grill and look for a signal on your software’s input meters. Never “tap” on the grill to test if a signal is present as this could cause peaking if the microphone gain is set too high. With the signal pres-ent, simply position the microphone to best capture the performance. Begin testing the sound source with the microphone and watch the software input meters for clipping. Clipping is a form of distortion that occurs when an amplifier is overdriven and is usually represented by a red bar in your software. Clipping should be avoided at all times for a recording free of poor sounding digitalWarranty distortion. Use the analog gain control knob on the mic to set the input level to best capture the sound source without clipping.Recording Tips:While it is important to record at a loud enough volume to hear the performance over any back-ground noise, keep in mind that with multi-track recording, each track will eventually be added together (summed) into a final Left and Right stereo mix. Since this summing increases the level of the final signal, tracks should be recorded with a fair amount of space between your maximum signal level and the 0 dB clipping level (this is called headroom). In addition, this will greatly benefit the use of any effects or other signal processing you wish to add later.If you would like to listen to computer playback while recording or practicing, use the volume control in the computer in combination with the microphone volume dial on the mic to create a balance between computer playback and the live microphone input. The live microphone is mixed to the headphones before any digital conversion to provide the highest audio quality without sound delay (latency) often associated with computer recording. While there is no right or wrong way to record a performance, you can find our Recording Basics guide at www.mxlmics. com to help you with the basic techniques. Remember, recording is a creative process, so experimentation is the key for the best results. Enjoy!MXL is a registered trademark of Marshall Electronics Inc. Mac® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered inthe U.S. and other countries. Windows®, Windows Vista®, Windows XP® and Windows 7® are registeredUser ManualA division of Marshall ElectronicsMXL is a registered trademark of Marshall Electronics Inc. ©2011 Marshall Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.Designed and engineered in the USA. Assembled in China. Warranty:Marshall Microphones are guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship for three years from date of purchase. Should you encounter any problem with this unit, promptly contact the company you purchased it from for assistance. The original dated sales receipt will be necessary for any warranty claim. Do not send any unit directly to us without prior authorization from our service department! Warranty coverage is limited to repair or replacement (at our option) of the microphone, and does not cover incidental damages due to use of this unit, nor damage caused by accidental misuse of this product.。

Sullair 压风机操作手册

Sullair 压风机操作手册

SULLAIR工业空气压缩机LS-12 & LS-16空冷及水冷式50,60,& 75HP35, 45 & 55 KW标准&24KT操作手册及配件清单(妥善保存以供日后参考)配件号:02250109-703© Sullair Corporation目录第一章、安全1.1 综述1.2 个人保护设施1.3 泄压1.4 防火及防爆1.5 动元件1.6 高温面、尖锐边缘及尖角1.7 有毒及刺激性物质1.8 触电1.9 提升1.10 圈闭第二章、说明2.1 介绍2.2 部件说明2.3 Sullair 压缩机组,性能说明2.4 压缩机冷却及润滑系统,性能说明2.5 压缩机排放系统,性能说明2.6 控制系统,性能说明-标准电气/机械部分2.7 控制系统,性能说明-控制器II2.8 空气进入系统,功能说明2.9 仪表盘组,功能说明第三章、规格3.1 功能表3.2 润滑油说明3.3 使用说明3.4 滑油更换建议及维护第四章、安装4.1 压缩机安装4.2 通风及冷却4.3 伺服空气管线4.4 联轴节对中检测4.5 液面检测4.6 电气准备-标准电气/机械部分4.7 电气准备-控制器II4.8 电机转向检查-标准电气/机械部分4.9 电机转向检查-控制器II第五章、操作5.1 综述5.2 控制目的-标准电气/机械部分5.3 首次开机-UP步骤5.4 非首次开机-UP步骤5.5 停机步骤5.6 控制器II综述5.7 控制器II参数设定5.8 压缩机操作5.9 控制目的-控制器II5.10 控制器II输出继电器5.11 首次开机-UP步骤5.12 非首次开机-UP步骤5.13 关机步骤第六章、控制器II6.1 控制器II说明6.2 键盘6.3 状态显示6.4 指示灯第七章、维护7.1 综述7.2 日常操作7.3 首次开机50小时后维护7.4 每1000小时的维护7.5 流体维护7.6 过滤器维护7.7 分离器维护7.8 部件更换及调整步骤7.9 故障排除-标准电气/机械部分7.10 故障排除-控制器II7.11 标定第八章、说明及配件清单8.1 配件订购步骤8.2 参考备件清单8.3 电机、底座、压缩机及配件LS-12(50-60HP/37-45KW)8.4 电机、底座、压缩机及配件LS-16 (60-75HP/45-55KW)8.5 空气导入系统LS-128.6 空气导入系统LS-16 (空冷式)8.7 空气导入系统LS-16 (水冷式)8.8 冷却及润滑油系统(空冷式)8.9 冷却及润滑油系统(水冷式)8.10 冷却器安装(空冷式)8.11 压缩机排放系统(空冷式)8.12 压缩机排放系统(水冷式)8.13 控制系统LS-12控制器II8.14 控制系统LS-12 电气/机械部分8.15 控制系统LS-16控制器II8.16 控制系统LS-16电气/机械部分8.17 仪表盘-电气/机械部分8.18 仪表盘-电气/机械部分8.19 电气柜-电气/机械部分8.20 电气柜-控制器II8.21 机壳及配件8.22 倾角部分8.23 接线图-电气/机械部分8.24 接线图-电气/机械Y/Δ8.25 接线图-控制器II高级8.26 接线图-控制器II高级Y/Δ8.27 接线图-电气/机械Y/Δ(欧洲)8.28接线图-控制器II高级Y/Δ(欧洲)第一章、安全1.1 综述Sullair及其子公司所有产品,其设计及生产均以运行安全为前提,但,设备操作安全取决于使用及维护者。



二代证系统终端API 使用说明最新11/6/28上海普天邮通商用机器有限公司2011年6月二代证系统终端API使用说明版本2.1出版日期2011年6月著作权注意事项本书版权为上海普天邮通商用机器有限公司所有。




二、系统要求使用本API的PC机,必须满足下列条件:●Windows 2000, Windows XP或更高●至少64兆内存(64M RAM or Larger)●至少10兆空闲硬盘空间(10M Free Hard Disk Space or Larger)●至少一个空闲普通串口或USB口(视用户需求而定)。


四、API详细说明2.证件信息结构typedef struct _personinfow{wchar_t name[16];wchar_t sex[2];wchar_t nation[10];wchar_t birthday[10];wchar_t address[36];wchar_t cardId[20];wchar_t police[16];wchar_t validStart[10];wchar_t validEnd[10];wchar_t sexCode[2];wchar_t nationCode[4];wchar_t appendMsg[36];}PERSONINFOW,*PPERSONINFOW;typedef struct _personinfoa{char name[32];char sex[4];char nation[20];char birthday[12];char address[72];char cardId[20];char police[32];char validStart[12];char validEnd[12];char sexCode[4];char nationCode[4];char appendMsg[72];}PERSONINFOA,*PPERSONINFOA;PERSONINFOW中的字符串使用UTF-16编码,PERSONINFOA中的字符串使用GBK编码。





2.函数说明为了贵公司业务开展的需要,各种类型表.dll的封装如下:注:一、接口当中的各个参数全部以文本方式转递,但其基本格式必须符合上表中定义的参数类型;二、卡类型约定:0——用户卡(老表用户日常购气用卡)1——开户卡(新表可以读取的用户购气卡,查卡后表将会写成用户卡)2——检查卡(查卡后先是该表的各种参数状态)3——转生产状态卡4——转出厂状态卡5——永久1方卡(置换卡)6——清零卡三、错误信息定义:0——成功1——卡被更换(卡片核对不符)2——没有卡3——读写卡器配置不对4——读写卡器不工作5——dll内部故障6——卡类型错误(新卡为卡型号错误,老卡为卡型号错误及内容算法错误、密码错误等)9—卡于报废10――新卡11-- 超购气上限 429496729512-- 卡号不对13-- 购气次数不对14-- 写卡失败15-- 退气购气次数不对16-- 退气气量大于卡内气量17-- 读卡失败18—报警气量超范围(1-255)19—补卡次数不对98——串口初始化失败99——其他四、操作类型约定:1:写卡号;2:写气量;——气量计算由DLL内部完成,购气量+卡内原有余量=卡内实际存气量4:发卡次数;8:报警气量;16:注册信息;32:卡类型;64:表规格128:表内计数小数位256:购气次数操作类型以2进制衡与计算为准:代码举例:设定操作类型整数型参数:OPTYPEIf (optype and 1)=1 then 写卡号If (optype and 2)=2 then 写气量If (optype and 4)=4 then 写发卡次数····If (optype and 256)=256 then 写购气次数五、开户1、开户之前必须将新卡制作成用户卡(用简易发卡工具)。



LBI-38937Aericssonz Maintenance Manual MDX RDI Data Interface Option PMCE7GINTRODUCTIONThe Radio Data Interface (RDI) option PMCE7G consists of RDI Cable 19A705884P4. This option connects the RDI option DE1A to the EDACS® MDX mobile radio for use with RS-232C devices such as a mobile data terminal. A Data Interface Cable PMCD7Z (19C851585P18) is also required to be installed before the RDI option can be used. The Data Interface Cable attaches to the MDX mobile radio and the RDI Cable interconnects the RDI unit to the Data Interface Cable.The RDI interfaces an RS-232C device to the EDACS MDX mobile radio by providing serial (TTL-to-RS-232C levels) and protocol translation between the radio and the RS-232C device. Refer to LBI-38335 for a complete description of the RDI unit.In addition to providing the serial data signals used with the RDI, the Data Interface Cable also brings all option connections from the System Board (connector J905) through the back of the MDX mobile radio. An empty 16-pin dual-row connector housing which plugs into P2 of the Data Interface Cable is supplied with the Data Interface Cable.INSTALLATIONDATA INTERFACE CABLE INSTALLATION1. Remove the four (4) screws on the bottom cover ofthe radio. Do not misplace the washers used withthe screws; they seal the screw holes so the radiowill meet the weatherproof specifications.2. Lift and remove the bottom cover3. Remove the rubber plug in the slotted optionaccess opening at the rear of radio. This opening isadjacent to the power cable "pigtail". See Figures 1and 2.4. Connect the Data Interface Cable to the SystemBoard by plugging 16-pin single-in-line connectorP1 to J905 on the System Board. See Figure 1.Connector J905 is a 16-pin connector and pin 14 isthe keying pin. Verify P1 pin 1 connects to J905pin 1.5. Push the Data Interface Cable strain relief into theslotted option access opening at the back of radio.6. Replace the radiobottom cover and then re-installed and tighten the four screws (withwashers).Copyright © April 1993, Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc.2Table 1 - 16-Pin Dual-Row Connector Lead InstallationRDI INTERFACE CABLE INSTALLATION1. Insert the RDI Cable's five (5) loose leads(terminated with Molex 39-00-0038 femalecontacts) into the appropriate holes in the empty16-pin dual-row connector housing. Thisconnector housing is supplied with the DataInterface Cable. Insert the leads in accordancewith Table 1.2. Any existing options that were wired to thestandard Option Cable must now be transferred(rewired) to connect to the Data Interface Cable.Note the wire-to-pin numbers (mark wires ifnecessary) and then c arefully remove each wirefrom the 14-pin dual-row connector whichplugged to P2 on the standard Option Cable. Useextractor tool option ST3712. Alternately, thewires can be cut at the 14-pin dual-row connectorand new contacts supplied with the Data InterfaceCable can be installed.3. Install the wires from/to the external options in thesame pin-numbered locations on the 16-pin dual-row connector which plugs into P2 of the DataInterface Cable. See Table 2 for details.4. The MDX mobile radio may need to be PCprogrammed to handle data calls using the RDIoption. If necessary, reprogram the radio. See theMDX maintenance manual and the PCProgramming manual and software for details.5. Plug the 16-pin dual-row connector to P2 of theData Interface Cable.6. Attach the RDI Cable DB-9 connector to the RDIradio port connector P3. See the RDI maintenancemanual LBI-38335 for specific details. The MDXmobile radio is now ready to communicate withthe RDI.7. Connect the RS-232C device to the RDI serialconnector P2. Complete the RS-232C devices installation in accordance with the manufactures instructions. Also see LBI-38335.Table 2 - Data Interface Cable Connector P2 Pin-Out3Figure 1 - Bottom View Of MDX With Cover RemovedFigure 2 - Back View Of MDXFigure 3 - Data Interface Cable 19C851585P184(19A705884, Sh. 9, Rev. 7)(19A705884, Sh. 10, Rev. 7)Figure 4 - RDI Cable 19A705884P45Ericsson Inc.Private Radio SystemsMountain View RoadLynchburg, Virginia 245021-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-528-7711)Printed in U.S.A.。










命令: sbzsb





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一、概要 (3)
二、接口清单 (3)
三、接口详细说明 (3)
1,FanSelection (3)
2,GetResultData (3)
3,ExportPicture (4)
4,BeltSelection (4)
四、相关文件 (5)
五、风机选型结果 (5)
1,返回字符串下标说明 (5)
2,返回数值下标说明 (5)
六、配件选型结果 (6)
1,返回字符串下标说明 (6)
2,返回数值下标说明 (6)
七、代码示例 (8)
1、接口声明 (8)
2、风机选型 (9)
3、皮带选型 (10)
八、开发支持 (11)
1,WIN32 动态链接库
2,开发环境: C++ Builder 6
4,示例代码均以C++ 语法格式声明,使用时请转成相应的语法
int FanSelection(double pFlow,double pPres,int pPresType)
参数1:pFlow 风量(m^3/h)
参数2:pPres 风压(Pa)
参数3:pPresType 风压类型 0-全压 1-静压
Void GetResultData(int pIndex,char pStrData[100][255], double
参数1:pIndex 记录索引(以0为起始)
参数2:pStrData 用于返回字符串的字符串数组(具体下标参见附件1)
参数3:pDoubleData 用于返回数值型的数组(具体下标参见附件2)
void ExportPicture(double pFlow,double pPres,char pStrData[100][255],double pDoubleData[100],int pWidth,int pHeight,const char * pFileName)
参数1:pFlow 风量(m^3/h)
参数2:pPres 风压(Pa)
参数3:pStrData 返回字符串的字符串数组(具体下标参见附件1)
参数4:pDoubleData 返回数值型的数组(具体下标参见附件2)
参数5:pWidth 图形宽度
参数6:pHeight 图形高度
参数7:pFileName 保存的图形文件名称
int BeltSelection( char ReDataStr[100][255],
double ReDataDouble[100],
int pHz_DataType,
int pRotation,
bool pPole[4],
bool pBeltType[4],
bool pBeSetFanSped,
double pFanSpedRt_User,
bool pBeSetBeltMoveSped,
double pBeltMoveSped_User,
double pCenterDistance )
参数1: ReDataStr 风机选型的字符串型结果
参数2: ReDataDouble 风机选型的数值型结果
参数3: pHz_DataType 频率选择 0-50HZ 1-60HZ(界面选择)
参数4: pRotation 出风旋转角度 0-R0,1-R90,2-R180,3-R270 参数5: pPole 用户选择的极数 2,4,6,8
参数6: pBeltType 皮带类型 SPZ SPA SPB SPC
参数6: pBeSetFanSped 用户设定了风机转速
参数6: pFanSpedRt_User 用户设定的风机转速差
参数6: pBeSetBeltMoveSped 用户设定最大皮带运动速度
参数6: pBeltMoveSped_User 用户设定的最大皮带运动速度
参数6: pCenterDistance 中心距 (mm)
注:__declspec(dllimport) 为C++Builder 特有语法(静态加载方式),其他语言下,在使用时可以使用动态加载方式
