一些统计数据的网址1.美国经济分析局Bearfacts (Bureau of Economic Analysis)/remd/index.htm该站点由美国商业部下属的经济分析局(BEA)建立。
2.商业统计(美国人口普查局)Business Statistics (US Census Bureau)/epcd/www/sb001.htm该站点上有便于使用的关于公司、就业、薪水和收据的信息。
3.人口普查局经济信息Census Bureau Economic Information/ftp/pub/econ/www/是美国人口统计局的官方站点。
4.当前工业报告(美国人口普查局)Current Industrial Reports (US Census Bureau)/pub/cir/www/index.html这里可以看到系列工业报告。
5.网上数据(加州大学圣迭戈分校)Data on the Net (UC San Diego )/idata/收集了关于美国经济和其它数据的站点,有注释,可检索。
6.经济数据和链接(美国加州大学Fresno分校)Econ Data & Links (CAL State Fresno)/Economics/econ_EDL.htm由美国加州大学Fresno分校建立。
7.经济数据(国际)EconData (International)/EdRes/Top.../International/马里兰大学提供的国际性EconData时间序列数据库。
统计学网址大全一、统计相关网址1.国外统计学网址/ 美国金融情报/ 美国金融briglehttp://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/StatResource.html 统计学与统计绘图资源/index.htm Lex Jansen个人主页(SAS SUGI pdf论文)/WoPEc.html 经济论文集/homepages.nsf/toc/...rialsstatistics 统计学指南/garson/pa765/statnote.htm G. David Garson的在线教材/statcodes/sc_multvar.html 多变量分析与分类/~sns99kla/links.html 统计遗传学网址/fin/journal/jofsites.htm Finance Site List/~harsham/stat-data/opre330.htm 统计学数据分析问题/? Finance USA/? 外汇基础知识/newrich/explain...ID=E_01&sTYPE=G 理财精算网http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/StatResource.html York大学讲义/publications/jse/ 统计学教育论文集/publications/jse/ 统计学论文集/garson/pa765/dicts.htm 统计学词典/textbook/glosfra.html SATA/artsci/botany/ordin...te/glossary.htm Michael Palmer 対応分析系/~lane/hyperstat/glossary.html Glossary/statglos/statglos.htm 统计基本用语/steps/glossary/index.html Statistics Glosaryhttp://cortex.med.nihon-u.ac.jp/department.../ebm/gloss.html Evidence Based Medicine /lists/exact-sta...es/glossary.txt stat/~nhodgins/desig...d_analysis.html 実験計画法/espse/hale/507Mat/...al/glossary.htm Glossary of Terms/hp/staff/dmb/matrix/intro.html Matrix Reference Manual/cases/ UCLA Statistics Case Studies/diagnoser.../diagnoser.html DIANA/%7Echance/chance_..._news/news.html Chance Case /steps/home.html STatistical Education.au/Database/index.html SMARD Database/hyperstat/index.html HyperStat Online Textbook.au/nceph/surfstat/surfs...e/surfstat.html Surfstat/~lowry/webtext.html 手計算の分散分析説明/~wallacd1/ Order of Operations/Solving Equations/modules/dau/stat/ STAT/stat/ 確率/stats/ Gene Glass :Arizona State University)/espse/hale/507Mat/default.html Bob Hale's Home Page/~dhowell/StatPages/Stat...atHomePage.html Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences,/vlib/jobs.html 美国统计找工作(job chance)/ UCLA Stathttp://www.psych.yorku.ca/lab/ 重回帰と実験計画法。
国外部分提供免费下载的经济学、管理学期刊、论文网址一、经济学1.http://econpapers.hhs.se/article/专业的经济学论文网站,有多种Journal或working paper的链接,部分可免费下载。
二、管理学(均为优秀期刊)1./《管理科学》(Management Science)网站,论文可免费下载。
2. /《决策分析》(Decision Analysis)网站,论文可免费下载。
3./《信息系统研究》(Information Systems Research)网站,论文可免费下载。
5. /《制造与服务运作管理》(Manufacturing & Service Operations Management)网站,论文可免费下载。
6./《营销科学》(Marketing Science)网站,论文可免费下载。
7./《运筹学数学》(Mathematics of Operations Research)网站,论文可免费下载。
7./《运筹学》(Operations Research)网站,论文可免费下载。
各国统计数据网站大全中国国家统计局:中国国民经济核算体系(2002)/tjdt/gmjjhs/中国国家统计局(统计标准)/tjbz/中国国家统计局(统计制度)/tjzd/中国国家统计局(统计数据)/tjsj/中国国家统计局(统计公报)/tjgb/中国国家外汇管理局(国际收支平衡表,国际投资头寸表、外汇储备、汇率等)/model_safe/tjsj/tjsj_list.jsp联合国统计处/unsd/default.htm国民经济核算体系(SNA-1993)/unsd/sna1993/toctop.asp综合环境经济核算(SEEA-2003)/unsd/envaccounting/seea.htm投入产出表的编制和分析手册(Series F,No.74,1999)/unsd/methods.htm国际货币基金组织/国际收支手册(BOP-1993)/external/pubs/cat/longres.cfm?sk=157.0国际收支手册第五版补编:衍生金融工具(2000)/external/pubs/cat/longres.cfm?sk=3554.0货币与金融统计手册(MFS-2000)/external/pubs/ft/mfs/manual/chi/index.htm政府财政统计手册(GFS-2001)/external/pubs/ft/gfs/manual/chi/index.htm国际清算银行(统计数据)/statistics/index.htmOECD国民核算资料/topicstatsportal/0,2647,en_2825_495684_1_1_1_1_1,00.html欧盟统计局http://epp.eurostat.cec.eu.int/portal/page?_pageid=1090,30070682,1090_30300608&_dad=portal &_schema=PORTAL各国统计机构:美国商务部经济分析局(BEA,国民核算)/bea/dn1.htm美国劳工统计局加拿大统计局http://www40.statcan.ca/l01/cst01/英国统计局(国民核算指南)/CCI/nugget.asp?ID=55英国银行(核算相关电子出版物)/publications/quarterlybulletin/national.htm法国国家统计经济研究所(核算数据更新)http://www.insee.fr/en/indicateur/cnat_trim/cnat_trim.htm德国联邦统计局(国民核算资料)http://www.destatis.de/themen/e/thm_volksw.htm爱尔兰中央统计办公室(核算数据)http://www.cso.ie/statistics/nationalacc.htm瑞典统计局(核算数据)http://www.scb.se/templates/Amnesomrade____10979.asp澳大利亚统计局(统计方法与标准).au/websitedbs/d3310114.nsf/Home/Methods,%20Classifications,%20Concept s%20&%20Standards新西兰统计局(统计方法与标准)/statistical-methods/default.htm日本社会经济研究所(国民核算数据)http://www.esri.cao.go.jp/index-e.html#index03。
/databases/macrohistory/contents/index.html NBER(美国国家经济研究署)
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9、新华社多媒体数据库http:// 用户名:xs,口令:xs(高等教育热点,大学生就业等)
14、WTO官方网站(international trade statistics)。
ISTP(Index to Scientific Technical Proceedings)---科技会议录索引网络版Inspec 物理、工程和信息领域文摘数据库Elsevier ScienceJohn Wiley出版社电子期刊Springer LINK---德国施普林格(Springer-Verlag)电子期刊Kluwer Online---800种电子期刊镜象服务网站Academic Press电子期刊WorldSciNet世界科学出版社电子期刊Maney ----英国Maney出版社电子期刊EBSCO科学技术/商业信息数据库ASME 美国机械工程师协会全文期刊netLibrary电子图书ProQuest博硕士论文全文数据库中国期刊网《中文期刊数据库》(文摘——结合馆藏目录使用)《中国专利数据库》万方数据库(学位论文)☆一次文献:收入近5000种期刊全文,50万余篇(1998-2006年4月)在国内召开的一级学术会议论文全文;600多家高校的42万余篇学位论文全文(1977-2006 )☆二次文献:文摘型数据库——收入中国科技成果库,中外标准数据库,中国专利技术类数据库,台湾系列库,按学科分类的科技文献库(见第八章)☆事实型数据库——科技名人库,政策法规库,科教机构库,企业公司与产品数据库,论文引文类数据库CNKI《中国期刊全文数据库》《中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库》《中国重要会议论文全文数据库》《中国重要报纸全文数据库》《中国基础教育知识仓库》《中国医院知识仓库》《中国企业知识仓库》《中国城市规划知识仓库》《中国科学文献计量评价数据库》EIEI—工程技术领域文摘及相关信息SCISCI(Science Citation Index 1995-)---科学引文索引网络版/ISI/UA_GeneralSearch_input.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralS earch&SID=3DPf146BklHfPL421I7&preferencesSaved=EBSCO/(学术期刊全文数据库:1975-的4700多种期刊;\商业资源全文数据库:2300多种全文电子期刊)图像检索EBSCO Animals:自然与动物方面的文献ERIC:教育资源文摘数据库MEDLINE:医学资源文摘数据库Newspaper Source:报纸资源全文数据库,每日更新Professional Development Collection:教育核心期刊全文数据库Regional Business News:美国区域商业文献全文数据库World Magazine Bank:主要英语国家的出版物全文汇总Communication & Mass Media Complete:通讯和大众传媒全文库American Humanities Index :1000多种美国人文学科文献索引and or not ? * N WScience direct/Elsevier(收录了1995年以来的1800种全文电子期刊)Wiley InterScience化学、生命科学和医学以及工程技术Springer LinkKluwer Online/(1997-的800种学术期刊全文)生物(73)、医学(71)、法律(59)、心理学(57)PQDD博士论文全文数据库http://电子图书( 3530种电子图书外,还可以免费访问3407种无版权图书)面向大学的读者Web of ScienceISI proceedingsISTP(科学技术会议录索引)ISSHP(社会科学及人文科学会议录索引)Engineering Index工程技术领域文献最权威,Ca化学类Inspec物理和工程领域7. 专业性全文数据库8. 本馆外文期刊馆藏查询电子书以网上书店的形式出现。
Algebra and Logic/title.cgi?2110《代数与逻辑》,《西伯利亚代数与逻辑期刊》的翻译版,荷兰的Kluwer学术出版社提供其在线服务。
alt.math.undergrad-Math Forum/epigone/alt.math.undergradMsth Forum上的大学生和研究生数学论坛,提供档案文件、论题等信息。
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic/~dmjones/hbp/apal/《纯逻辑与应用逻辑学年鉴》,麻省理工大学计算理论小组主页提供其过刊的浏览,荷兰的Elservier出版社提供其电子刊的在线服务。
Archive for Mathematical Logichttp://link.springer.de/link/service/journ...00153/index.htm《数学逻辑档案》,属于德国Springer出版公司在线电子期刊的一种。
Aristotle and the Paradoxes of Logic-Gilbert Voeten/nilog/files/arist...adoxes_of_l.htm亚里士多德及其逻辑理论研究。
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Key starting pointsOfficial Statistics on the Web One of the best starting point for statistical sources by country, topic or subject. This service includes sources offering free and easily accessible social, economic and general data from official or similar "quotable" sources, especially those that provide both current data and time series. In the country lists, these are mainly Web pages provided by statistical offices, central banks and government departments and agencies, whereas the topics list is comprised of links to the statistics pages of international organizations and associations and a few commercial sites.NationMaster This site is produced by Rapid Intelligence Pty Ltd, an online publishing company based in Sydney, Australia. It repackages information from many different sources including the CIA World Factbook, World Bank, WHO, FAO (there is a very long list of sources on the web site). You can compare data in a variety of ways. For example you can select your own specific countries, a region, or an economic group such as OPEC and then a category and statistic for that category. The sources used for each comparison are listed and you can quickly change from totals to per capita figures, which are often more meaningful.Alacrawiki A guide to business information companies, publishers and databases. The Alacra Industry Spotlights in particular are extremely useful in providing reviews and commentary on industry specific web sites that have statistics, market research and news.Statistical Resources on the Web /govdocs/stats.htmlProduced by the University of Michigan Documents Center, this site has organised a range of statistical sources into categories (e.g. Agriculture, Business and Industry, economy, Health, Transportation). US biased.Sources of Non-Official UK Statistics Compiled by David Mort. Gower Publishing, 6th Edition, 2006 ISBN: 978-0566087158Provides details of nearly 1,000 publications and services (including electronic publications) produced by trade associations, professional bodies, banks, consultancies, employers' federations, forecasting organizations and others, together with statistics appearing in trade journals and periodicals. Titles and services are listed alphabetically by publisher and each entry contains information, where available, on subject, content and source of statistics, together with frequency, availability and cost, and address, telephone, email and website details for further information. The sixth edition, which has been completely updated, includes 180 new entries covering sources of information that are exclusively available on the internet.Business Statistics on the Web P. Berinstein. Paperback 240 pages. Publisher: CyberAge Books, June 2003. ISBN: 091096565XOrganized by topic and region, explains how to find statistical information about companies,markets, and industries on the Internet; how to organize and present statistics; and how to determine their authenticity.Trade associationsMarketing Source Directory of Trade Associations /associations/ Mainly US trade associations (90%). Priced Service.The Scholarly Societies Project International in coverage and includes trade and research associations, royal societies, international unions and federations.Trade Association Forum (TAF)The section on UK trade associations can be searched by name or description. Information on each association includes address, telephone and fax numbers, main contact and a link to the association's Web site.Chambers of CommerceWorld Chambers Eurochambres www.eurochambres.beBritish Chambers of Commerce Central BanksBIS: Central Banks on the Web ./cbanks1.htmInternationalFood and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations An incredible amount of information is available free of charge from the Statistical Databases. For example, you can find the total annual import and export figures of olive oil in value and quantity for one or more countries from 1961. No product names are mentioned, though, and you cannot track the movement of goods between two countries.Google Public Data Explorer /publicdata/homeCurrently a Google Labs project, the Public Da ta explorer “makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand.” The example given on the home page is a chart showing data from the World Bank on fertility rates per woman by country and life expectancy at birth. At first glance you may be deterred by what appears to be limited datasets but there are options to explore by selecting countries, different data series and time options. Other data sets include the OECD Factbook, some Eurostat collections, and several US datasets. Details can be found at /publicdata/directory.Market Access Database mkaccdb.eu.intProduced by DG Trade, European Commission this site has a very useful collection of information on trade between the EU and non-EU countries. The Statistical Database gives an overview of trade flows between the EU and non-EU countries. You first select a country and then an HS (Harmonized Commodity Description) section from a list, or an HS chapter, or type in an HS code. Information goes back to 1996 and shows the value of imports and exports of the commodity to and from the EU in Euros.International Labour Organization International Monetary Fund Information on the IMF and its publications. Some such as The World Economic Outlook, Working Papers (starting with WP/97/01), IMF Staff Country Reports and International Capital Markets are available in full and free of charge. The tables of of contents and summaries are in HTML but most of the documents are in PDF. The larger reports are broken down into chapters or sections which makes them more manageable.International Trade Centre The International Trade Centre (ITC) is the technical cooperation agency of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) for operational, enterprise-oriented aspects of trade development. Trade statistics aggregates can be found at /tradstat/ The data on this site is based on the COMTRADE database of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and provides International trade statistics from 1998 to 2002. You can view export and import statistics by product group and country or by country and product group. Product groups use the 3 digits group of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC, Rev.3). The data is presented in US dollars and you have to view import and export figures separately. You can also view trade performances of individual countries including national export performances and import profiles.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development United Nations Statistics Division - Commodity Trade Statistics Database (COMTRADE) /unsd/comtrade/The COMTRADE database of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) covers over 110 reporting countries with time series starting from 1962 (SITC1), 1977 (SITC2) or 1988 (SITC3 correlated to HS codes). You can search for imports or exports of a commodity (keyword, HS or SITC code) between individual countries or a country and the rest of the world. Figures are given as the trade value in US dollars and net weight (kg) and can be viewed as tables and graphs.The free service allows you to browse 1000 records but you do not have access to the download options. Full access to the database and download facilities is by annual subscription starting at US $100 and varies depending on the number of users and records accessed.United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees www.unhcr.chInformation about UNHCR activities and refugees. Extensive collection of statistics including "at-a-glance", numbers and graphics detailing the refugee situation world-wide and by country. Also asylum applications in Europe.World Bank Population statisticsPenn State Population Research Institute/allen/LinksByCat.cfm?SubjectID=6List of Internet sites covering demographic information.UNICEF Statistics /statis/Statistics organised by country and giving population, GNP, fertility rate, immunisation levels, infant mortality, literacy rate.United Nations Population Information Network /popin/Made available by the Population Information Network (POPIN) of the United Nations Population Division, Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis. Provides access to reports, newsletters and the POPIN Electronic Library, which in turn has links to relevant bibliographic databases e.g. Population Index Online, PoplineThe World Gazetteer Current population figures for cities, towns and places of all countries. Browse by continent or the alphabetical list of countries, or view a list of the largest cities. For each country, there is list of the cities and major towns and their populations. Further information on how the figures have been calculated can be found in the Information section and there are links to related sources on the Web.Newspaper and magazine circulationsAudit Bureau of Circulations (ABC)ABC audits the circulation of over 3400 magazines and newspapers. The information is freely available on the Web site and is of particular interest to advertising agencies and advertisers.JICREG - British Newspaper Readership Data Joint Industry Committee for Regional Press Research. Offers data at the location level free of charge (log in as guest). Search by location, single newspaper, county, Independent Local Radio (ILR) area, ITV region, Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA) area, Registrar-General area, Local Government area. Information includes demographic profilesand detailed breakdown of readership. Data can be exported to Excel. Covers local and regional press only.Newspaper Society The Newspaper Society represents and promotes the interests of over 1300 UK regional and local free and paid for titles. As well as general information on the industry, there are Facts & Figures on the industry for example advertising expenditure, circulation and distribution, ownership, regional mergers and acquisitions and top publishers.Periodical Publishers Association Readership and advertising data and trends covering 400 UK companies and 2,260 consumer, business and professional magazines. Some free data and rankingsBy countryEuropeCISSTAT Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995. Countries covered are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Available in Russian and English.European Central Bank www.ecb.intThe statistics section includes statistics on the Euro zone from the Monthly Bulletin. Data is available in CSV and PDF format and includes market interest rates, stock market indices and retail bank interest rates.Eurostat Key Indicators epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/homeKey indicators covering a range of topics such as transport, external trade, environment and energy.UK Trade Information On-line This is part of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), which was formed by the merger of the UK Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise. The information on the site is now free of charge although you do have to register to access some areas.There is free trade data down to the eight digit commodity code level. You can use the Interactive Data Tables and build up your own report or view the static tables, for example: Top 20 Products Monthly by SIC - Imports and Exports, Top 25 Trading Partners - Monthly - Imports and Exports, Top 30 Products Quarterly - Imports and Exports - Value and Net Mass. If you choose to use the interactive data tables, I strongly recommend that you download and view the Powerpoint demonstration first.The Importers' Details section is a database giving details of UK based importers of products from outside of the EU. You can search on company name, product (text or commodity code numeric), county, postcode and year of transaction. There are also EU country profiles and historical exchange rate data for the UK by month going back to September 1999.UKThe British Population Survey /The British Population Survey interviews between 6,000 and 8,000 individuals every month (80,000 to 85,000 a year). The interviews are face-to-face in people's own homes and each wave is fully representative of the adult population. It provides answers to questions about how many people fit a specific profile, how they compare with another profile, how it has changed over time, the effect of gender, education, race, single parenthood or other criteria on education, income or employment etc. The British Marketing Survey uses monthly 1000sub-sample of the core survey looks at how how people react to, and view, marketing communications by media channel and by industry sector. Reports generated from the data are priced but you can download the data for 2008 for both the British Population Survey and the British Marketing Survey free of charge. Updates are priced.Directgov The official gateway to UK government departments and sources of information on the Web. The Search facility searches across all the central government Web sites.National Statistics - the official UK statistics site Social Trends /socialtrends/Published by the UK National Statistics Office, Social Trends "draws together social and economic data from a wide range of government departments and other organisations to paint a broad picture of British society today, and how it has been changing. 13 chapters each focusing on a different social policy area, described in tables, charts and text. Population, Households and Families, Education, Labour Market, Income and Wealth, Expenditure, Health, Social Protection, Crime and Justice, Housing, Environment, Transport, Lifestyles and Social Participation". Available in hardcopy or you can download it together with the related StatBase datasets free of charge.StatsWales A free-to-use service from the Welsh Assembly that allows you to “view, manipulate, create and download tables from the most detail ed official data on Wales”. You can run a keyword search on the data or simply browse the Reports folders. The built in search option may be your best bet (Note: Google …site:' search does not work on this data collection). You can also select subsets of the data and produce your own tables and charts. If you register you can create your own profile, design and save your reports. There are many options for viewing and manipulating the data on the web site itself and it can seem overwhelming at times. You may prefer to just download the data sets and work on them offline, but if you think you might be a regular user of the this site it is worth working through the tutorials and getting to grips with theStatsWales tools. You can register for e-mail notifications of changes to specific datasets and RSS feeds are also available to alert you to new sets that have been added to the site.Bank of England The Statistics section includes current and historical base rates (interest rates), exchange rates, domestic and international banking statistics, monetary statistics (includes MO and M4), balance of payments and a database of successive sets of data for series that make up the GDP (total imports, total exports, investment, private consumption, government consumption).HM Treasury Details of the latest economic indicators, forecasts for the UK economy, GDP deflators and government economic strategy.Jobstats - IT Jobs Salary Rates and Market InformationProvides a detailed picture of the computing job market in the UK. Graphs and figures show trends in hourly rates and annual salaries. There are also links to job listings pages and a monthly newsletter.Nomis Nomis is the Web site for the official UK labour market statistics. It gives access to the most up-to-date and detailed labour market data produced from official sources. Nomis is a free service provided by National Statistics but you have to register for an ID and password in order to access it.Back to List of CountriesAustriaSTATISTICS AUSTRIA www.statistik.atAustrian Federal Financing Agency www.oebfa.co.atProvides information on the economy, federal budget (going back to 1998) and debt statistics. Available in German, French and English.Austrian Institute of Economic Research www.wifo.ac.atWIFO analyzes national and international economic trends and supplies short- tomedium-term economic forecasts. Some of the data sets are compiled by WIFO, but most of the data are obtained from domestic data producers (such as the Austrian National Bank, the Austrian Central Statistical Office, the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions). The Economic Data Bases contain comprehensive statistical data on the Austrian economy, for example national income, production, foreign trade, the labour market and the financial sector. A selection of tables containing current national and international statistics are freely available. Available in German and English.Institute of Advanced Studies www.ihs.ac.atIHS is a private non-profit organization. The IHS Economic Forecasts are freely available (in German only) as are their various report series and newsletters, many of which are in English.Oesterreichische Nationalbank www.oenb.atData on the Austrian economy including interest rates, capital market, public finances and economic indicators. Some information is available in English but some of the more detailed data is in German only.Back to List of CountriesBelarusCISSTAT: Belarus /eng/bel.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Givesmacro-economic data on an annual basis back to 1995.BelgiumStatistics Belgium www.statbel.fgov.beA division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Statistics inlcude short term inidicators, demographics, industrial production figures, energy, construction and agriculture. A limited amount of information is available in German and English. More detailed information and the publications are available only in Dutch and French.Federal Planning Bureau www.plan.fgov.beEconomic analyses and forecasts. The FPB. is responsible for carrying out macro-economic forecasting, for evaluating the consequences of economic and social policy decisions and for performing structural analyses mainly on economic, social and environmental issues. Available in Dutch, French and English but some of the data is only available in Dutch and French.Ministère fédéral de l'Emploi et du Travail(Federal Ministry of Employment and Labour) meta.fgov.beThe Statistics section is available in French and Dutch. Other areas are also available in English and German.National Bank of Belgium www.bnb.beData available includes economic indicators, business survey barometer, consumer survey, foreign trade, National Accounts (Dutch and French only) and a monthly Statistical Bulletin. In French, Dutch, German and English.EstoniaBank of Estonia An abundance of useful economic and financial data, and news on the economy.FinlandStatistics Finland www.stat.fi/In English, Finnish and Swedish.GeorgiaCISSTAT: Georgia /eng/georg.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.GermanyFederal Statistical Office www.destatis.de/e_home.htmIn German and English.HungaryHungarian Statistical Office www.ksh.hu/Selected statistics on Hungary - "Hungary in Figures" - e.g. population, earnings, GDP, Prices, External Trade Turnover covering a range of years.IrelandCentral Statistics Office www.cso.ieItalyStatistics Italy /Statistics.htmMain Economic Indicators produced by the Bank of Italy plus excerpts from Italian National Institute of Statistics.MoldovaCISSTAT: Moldova /eng/mol.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.NetherlandsStatistics Netherlands www.cbs.nlNorwayStatistics Norway www.ssb.noPolandCentral Statistical Office of Poland .pl/gus/index_ENG_HTML.htmThe official statistical office of Poland available in Polish and English. A range of statistical yearbooks are also available in Polish and English.Polish Market Review News and newsletters aimed at anyone interested in investing, managing an investment, or marketing a product on the Polish market. Regular columns include demographics of Polish society, information about Polish households, data on the volume of different markets and the amount of foreign investment, analysis of trends and issues that affect the market.RussiaState Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics www.gks.ruAvailable in Russian and English.CISSTAT: Russia /eng/rus.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.Bank of Russia www.cbr.ruSloveniaStatistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia www.sigov.si/zrs/Details of their Statistical Yearbook and other publications. Also tables of short term economic indicators giving 4- 5 years broken down monthly and quarterly. There are figures for retail sales, earnings, energy, consumer prices, industrial production, producer and retail price indices, employment , foreign trade and finance.SKB Banka DD www.skb.siA financial services group which, in addition to information about the group itself, has put up several pages of summary statistics and economic indicators under the section "About Slovenia".SwedenStatistics Sweden www.scb.seSwitzerlandUBS - Switzerland in Figures/1/e/wealthmanagement/wealth_management_research/switzerland_in_figures.htmlA useful three page PDF summary of Swiss statistics from UBS. It contains more than 1,600 facts and figures on the Swiss economy and each of the cantons, and an international overview of key data. Data includes population, employment, the financial situation, indebtedness, tax levels, and figures on the economy and living standards.UkraineCISSTAT: Ukraine /eng/ukr.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.Back to List of CountriesAsiaAsia and the Pacific in Figures /stat/statdata/apinfig.htmMaintained by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, this site has data for 57 countries in HTML and Excel format. Data includes summary statistics on topics such as population, land use, price indices and transport. The data is gleaned from a number of sources; details are available on the Web site.CISSTAT Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995. Countries covered are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Available in Russian and English.ArmeniaCentral Bank of Armenia www.cba.amEconomic indicators can be found under Publications & Statistics.Ministry of Statistics www.armstat.amStatistical overviews can be found under publications. The information is available in a variety of formats depending on the year in which you are interested.CISSTAT: Armenia /eng/arm.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.AzerbaijanCISSTAT: Azerbaijan /eng/azer.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.BangladeshBangladesh Bureau of Statistics CambodiaNational Institute of Statistics .khChinaNational Bureau of Statistics The official government statistical office. In Chinese and English.China Data Center Based at the University of Michigan, the China Data Center "is an international Center designed to advance the study and understanding of China. A primary goal of the Center is the integration of historical, social and natural science data in a geographic information system... Its missions include: to support research in the human and natural components of local, regional and global change; to promote quantitative research on China studies; to promote collaborative research in spatial studies; and to promote the use and sharing of China data in teaching and research."Some data and information is free but access to the full collection is available only on subscription. Coverage and subscription rates can be found on/newcdc/onlinedata.htmChina Statistical Data /e-company/This service repackages some of the data from the National Bureau of Statistics. Available in Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese and Esperanto.Hong KongHong Kong Census & Statistics Department .hk/censtatd/Click on the Site Map link to get to the English version. In Chinese and English.IndiaMinistry of Statistics mospi.nic.inJapanBank of Japan www.boj.or.jpInformation on the Bank of Japan and its publications. Various reports on the economy are available here and can be downloaded free of charge but do check the format first: several are available in PDF, MS Word, MS Excel or text files.Japan Information Network Events, regional information, statistics from the Census, economics and labour, education and culture, social security, medical care, crime, prices and household expenses, lifestyle, leisure activities.Statistics Bureau and Statistics Centre www.stat.go.jpJapan in Figures and Economic and Financial Data from the Japan Management andCo-ordination Agency.KazakhstanCISSTAT: Kazakhstan /eng/kaz.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.KyrgyzstanCISSTAT: Kyrgyzstan /eng/kir.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.MalaysiaDepartment of Statistics Malaysia .myMongoliaNational Statistics Office www.nso.mnPhilippinesPhilippines National Statistical Co-ordination Board .phNational Statistics Office .phRepublic of KoreaNational Statistical Office, Republic of Korea www.nso.go.krSingaporeStatistics Singapore .sgSri LankaDepartment of Census and Statistics .lkTajikistanCISSTAT: Tajikistan /eng/tad.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.ThailandNational Statistical Office Thailand www.nso.go.thTurkeyState Institute of Statistics .trTurkmenistanCISSTAT: Turkmenistan /eng/tur.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.UzbekistanCISSTAT: Uzbekistan /eng/uzb.htmInterstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gives macroeconomic data on an annual basis back to 1995.OceaniaAsia and the Pacific in Figures /stat/statdata/apinfig.htmMaintained by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, this site has data for 57 countries in HTML and Excel format. Data includes summary statistics on topics such as population, land use, price indices and transport. The data is gleaned from a number of sources; details are available on the Web site.AustraliaAustralian Bureau Of Statistics .auKey national indicators, Statistics by state and searchable by keyword.。
1./美国统计局(统计调查局或普查局)官方网站The Census Bureau Web Site provides on-line access to our data, publications, and products.2、/美国劳工部Official website of Bureau, with news, current data, articles, links and other information about employment, wages, working and the economy.3、/美国商务部的官方网站Service of the US Department of Commerce provides market research and business data.4、/vl=11336507/cl=72/nw=1/rpsv/factbook/OECD的官方网站5、/美国国际贸易委员会6/7/257/2422/17feb20051700//eop/download.html美国总统经济报告历年的的PDF文本下载,以及历年的有关数据下载,绝对权威,非常有用。
7/Document_Library/Reports_Publications/2005/2005_NTE_Report/Section_In dex.html美国贸易谈判代表办公室官方网站,每年都有关于贸易壁垒的评估报告,可以下载。
关于统计学的网站◎中国人民大学应用统计科学研究中心/ascenter/cindex.htm◎中国人民大学统计学系/yxxk/tongji/_private/index.htm◎北京大学数学科学学院/◎厦门大学社会经济统计研究中心/◎厦门大学计统系/jt◎上海财经大学统计系/tjx/index.html◎东北财经大学统计系/aboutdufe/stat/2/index.htm◎西南财经大学统计系/department/swufe_tj/index.htm◎陕西财经学院统计系/jiaoxxb/tongji.htm◎江西财经大学统计系/nr/xxgk1/newpage14.htm◎天津财经学院统计学系/xibujieshao/tongji/tongjixi.htm◎华东师范大学统计系/XI9.htm◎中国经济监测 /jc/sic0.htm◎中国统计 /◎交通部抽样调查统计项目工作组/cydcgrp◎芝加哥大学统计系 /◎斯坦福大学统计系 /◎美国哥伦比亚大学统计系 /◎ Berkeley大学统计系 /◎ Boston大学数学及统计学系 /◎ Mcgill大学数学及统计学系 http://www.math.mcgill.ca/◎ Oxford大学统计系 /◎ Sydney大学数学及统计学院 .au=8000/ ◎墨尔本大学统计系 .au/◎ Cornell大学经济统计系 / ◎ Minnesoda大学统计学院◎应用计量经济学期刊 http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/jae/◎加拿大统计学期刊(CJS/RCS) http://www.mat.ulaval.ca/cjs◎美国统计教育中心 /◎计量经济学助学站 /econometrics/◎互联网上统计图书馆 /◎统计与统计图形资源 http://www.math.yorku.ca/scs/statresource.html◎世界农业统计数据库 /default-c.htm◎ Natinal Center ... /◎美国统计局 /◎加拿大统计局 http://www.statcan.ca/◎日本统计表 /stat◎新加坡统计部 .sg/stats/◎香港政府统计处 .hk/censtatd/chome/cindex.htm◎北京统计信息网 /◎上海统计信息网-上海市情网 /◎香港统计信息 .hk/censtatd/eindex.htm◎山东统计信息网 /◎辽宁科技统计信息网 /◎安徽统计信息网(安徽省统计局) /◎云南统计信息网 /◎九色鹿-甘肃经济统计信息网 /◎新疆统计信息网◎西藏统计信息网 /◎计量经济学园地 /◎经济统计学习 /◎互联网上统计资源 /libhome/Do...nter/stats.html※※※国内统计相关网址1.医学统计学/ 或 医学统计之星(统计学及软件应用的普及)/statdtedm/ 或 诊断试验评价与数据挖掘(本站主页)/ NOSA统计分析软件/ 医学统计软件PemsWin 3.0 (含循证医学)/ 生物医学统计咨询 统计新视野(包括数据挖掘、预测决策等)/zhangyanbo/index.htm 医学统计在线(多水平模型) CaseMix研究组/zykj/~statisitics/index/index.htm 第二军医大学卫生统计教研室 上海第二医科大学生物统计教研室教学网站http:// 中山大学卫生统计与流行病学系/ 四川大学公卫学院卫生统计教研室/xyyxsz/pub/department/tongji.htm 中南大学公卫学院卫生统计教研室/jigou/liuxingbing.htm 山东大学流行病与卫生统计学研究所/gxmuks/gongweixy/sta/index.htm 广西医科大学流行病学与卫生统计学教研室2. 其他统计学网址/ 联数工作室(统计软件)/ SAS爱好者/ 数理统计论坛/g894730/ 统计生活馆(台湾,论坛、统计教学等丰富内容).tw/ 统计在线学习馆(台湾,论坛、统计教学等丰富内容).tw/ 概率统计在线学习馆(台湾, 教学).tw/NSC_prob/ 概率学习馆(台湾, 教学).tw/StatDemo/ 互动式统计教学(台湾, 教学) 多媒体互动式在线统计教学(台湾, 教学)/ 中国科学技术大学统计与金融系(数理统计、软件下载) 中国应用统计网(人大应用统计科研所)/info/default.asp 中国经济统计(统计资源)/default.asp 中国精算网/index.asp 统计精英网 (杭州商学院,经济统计 )/index.asp 研究人员之家——实验设计&数据分析/spq6 数据处理&实验设计(包括ppt教案、软件等)new! 风险时代/ 复旦计量经济小站 数据挖掘讨论组 心理学进取之路 或/bahoo BAHOO制作/zhaofulin/ 或 预防医学工作者之家/statistics.htm 生物统计与统计遗传学(哈医大医用数学与生物信息研究室)/ Excel之家(含论坛、教程、趣味题等)3. 统计相关杂志/default.html 中华流行病学杂志/default.html 中华预防医学杂志/default.html 中华医学杂志/default.html 中国卫生统计/default.html 中国医院统计/default.html 数理医药学杂志/default.html 现代预防医学/default.html 数理统计与管理/default.html 数理统计与应用概率/qikan.asp?codeID=R 各种国内医药卫生期刊(按英文字母顺序排列)4. 统计相关论坛/ 生物统计学论坛(本站姊妹网)/ 一统天下论坛(医学统计之星姊妹网)/cgi-bin/bbs3000/list.cgi 技术论坛(联数工作室姊妹网)/stat/cgi-bin/forum_show.cgi 百岛潮论坛/cgi-bin/forums.cgi?forum=19 医学信息学统计学讨论/cgi-bin/board.exe/viewboard?acc=2013 统计生活馆统计论坛/list.asp?boardid=25 生物医学软件与统计学(中国生命科学论坛)/bbs/post/page?bid=71&;sty=1&age=0 数理统计与图表制作(丁香园) SPSS俱乐部/ 中文Excel应用论坛台湾重要统计数据一览表(新闻局).tw/info/98html/stat-c.htm | 中 |新闻局所提供之台湾综合统计数据数据,包括经济、文化教育、政治外交各项指标,也可以连结到主计处与内政部。
5.Google scholar:强大的学术搜索工具,不过经常不稳定。
3 - 常用美国统计网站
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统计学网址大全一、统计相关网址1.国外统计学网址/ 美国金融情报/ 美国金融briglehttp://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/StatResource.html 统计学与统计绘图资源/index.htm Lex Jansen个人主页(SAS SUGI pdf论文)/WoPEc.html 经济论文集/homepages.nsf/toc/...rialsstatistics 统计学指南/garson/pa765/statnote.htm G. David Garson的在线教材/statcodes/sc_multvar.html 多变量分析与分类/~sns99kla/links.html 统计遗传学网址/fin/journal/jofsites.htm Finance Site List/~harsham/stat-data/opre330.htm 统计学数据分析问题/? Finance USA/? 外汇基础知识/newrich/explain...ID=E_01&sTYPE=G 理财精算网http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/StatResource.html York大学讲义/publications/jse/ 统计学教育论文集/publications/jse/ 统计学论文集/garson/pa765/dicts.htm 统计学词典/textbook/glosfra.html SATA/artsci/botany/ordin...te/glossary.htm Michael Palmer 対応分析系/~lane/hyperstat/glossary.html Glossary/statglos/statglos.htm 统计基本用语/steps/glossary/index.html Statistics Glosaryhttp://cortex.med.nihon-u.ac.jp/department.../ebm/gloss.html Evidence Based Medicine /lists/exact-sta...es/glossary.txt stat/~nhodgins/desig...d_analysis.html 実験計画法/espse/hale/507Mat/...al/glossary.htm Glossary of Terms/hp/staff/dmb/matrix/intro.html Matrix Reference Manual/cases/ UCLA Statistics Case Studies/diagnoser.../diagnoser.html DIANA/%7Echance/chance_..._news/news.html Chance Case /steps/home.html STatistical Education.au/Database/index.html SMARD Database/hyperstat/index.html HyperStat Online Textbook.au/nceph/surfstat/surfs...e/surfstat.html Surfstat/~lowry/webtext.html 手計算の分散分析説明/~wallacd1/ Order of Operations/Solving Equations/modules/dau/stat/ STAT/stat/ 確率/stats/ Gene Glass :Arizona State University)/espse/hale/507Mat/default.html Bob Hale's Home Page/~dhowell/StatPages/Stat...atHomePage.html Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences,/vlib/jobs.html 美国统计找工作(job chance)/ UCLA Stathttp://www.psych.yorku.ca/lab/ 重回帰と実験計画法。
/~mcclella/statistics.html Data Analysis: A Model Comparison Approach/journals/amp/amp548594.html Leland Wilkinson and Task Forcehttp://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Rozeboom/ THE NULL-HYPOTHESIS SIGNIFICANCE TEST /science/tfsi.html APA 研究法/kb/contents.htm Research/sdesign.htm suaveryhttp://www.spc.univ-lyon1.fr/~mcu/ma/index.html 文献list/~wpilib/statfaq/bootfaq.htmlhttp://qed.econ.queensu.ca/pub/faculty/mackinnon/ bootstrap 関係論文/courses/Spring02/bs/SPlus.html S-PLUS使用。
http://www.psychologie.uni-freiburg.de/hyp.../hyperstat.html 、分散分析http://www.bioinf.uni-hannover.de/mcp_home/meetings/ MCP/support/faqs/stat/stepwise.html Stata faq 重回帰分析stepwise の問題点/~SEGLea/multvar2/ . Multiple regressionhttp://www.ec.kagawa-u.ac.jp/~hori/spss/fa...factorlink.html Factor Analysishttp://www.uni-muenster.de/SoWi/struktur/ Working Group Structural Equation Modeling /jack_mcardle/ Chin文献/~mkteer/bookfaq.html Books on Equation Modeling/~joelwest/SEM/index.html SEM講習会http://teaching.sociology.ul.ie/SSS/lugano/lugano.html 多次元尺度解析/artsci/botany/ordin...otherlinks.html Ordination-related links/homepages/j...ersax/tetra.htm 計算法/homepages/j...ersax/index.htm latent class analysis/homepages/j...ebersax/faq.htmhttp://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/Courses/eda/index.html 图形化分析http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/biblio.html 统计文献http://www.leidenuniv.nl/fsw/three-mode/bi...ogr/reflist.htm/csl_papers.html 因果関係/stat/sas/ Resources to help you learn and use SAS/raftery/Cou...ipt/script.html S-PLUS Analysis2.国内统计学网址/tongjixue/ 人大经济论坛/forums 博士家园(数学专业网站含概率统计版)/ 联数工作室(统计软件)/ SAS爱好者/ 数理统计论坛/g894730/ 统计生活馆(台湾,论坛、统计教学等丰富内容).tw/ 统计在线学习馆(台湾,论坛、统计教学等丰富内容).tw/ 概率统计在线学习馆(台湾, 教学).tw/NSC_prob/ 概率学习馆(台湾, 教学).tw/StatDemo/ 互动式统计教学(台湾, 教学) 多媒体互动式在线统计教学(台湾)/ 中国科学技术大学统计与金融系(数理统计、软件下载)/ 中国应用统计网(人大应用统计科研所)/info/default.asp 中国经济统计(统计资源)/default.asp 中国精算网/index.asp 统计精英网(杭州商学院,经济统计)/index.asp 研究人员之家——实验设计&数据分析/spq6 数据处理&实验设计(包括ppt教案、软件等) 风险时代/ 复旦计量经济小站/ 数据挖掘讨论组/ 心理学进取之路/ 或 /bahoo BAHOO制作/zhaofulin/ 或 / 预防医学工作者之家/statistics.htm 生物统计与统计遗传学(哈医大医用数学与生物信息研究室)/ Excel之家(含论坛、教程、趣味题等)3. 统计相关杂志/default.html 中华流行病学杂志/default.html 中华预防医学杂志/default.html 中华医学杂志/default.html 中国卫生统计/default.html 中国医院统计/default.html 数理医药学杂志/default.html 现代预防医学/default.html 数理统计与管理/default.html 数理统计与应用概率/qikan.asp?codeID=R 各种国内医药卫生期刊(按英文字母顺序排列)二、国外统计杂志、软件及相关网址1. 杂志/links/journals1.html 统计杂志1/dept/stats/journals/ 统计杂志2/links/journals2.html 生物科学中的统计杂志 Statistics in Medicine Biometricshttp://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/s...re/5/0/5/9/6/0/ Computer methods and programs in Biomedicine/publications/jcgs/index.html 美国计算与绘图杂志(Journal of Computational and ... 网上杂志/ 自然/ 科学/library/online_...als/ajrnls.html 在线杂志大全2. 软件/links/stat_software.html 统计软件 软件下载/~economic/econsoftware.htm 计量经济学软件/ SAS JMP(SAS公司推出的极富有市场潜力的点菜单交互式软件)/forum-65-1.html SPSS/splus S-Plus/forum-68-1.html Stata Statistica/ SYSTAT/index.html Mul(多水平模型)/bugs WinBUGS1.4(免费软件,贝叶斯方法)/epiinfo Epi Info 2002(免费软件,流行病学软件)/ R语言(免费软件,类似S语言、Splus)http://www.epidata.dk/download.php EpiData3.0 StatMost/ SimStathttp://shazam.econ.ubc.ca/ SHAZAM/datadesk DataDesk/ 生物软件网/bbs/Boards.asp 中国经典论坛/cdbox/index.htm 中华软件网/test/ 石狮软件园/ 华军软件园/down/index.html 华游软件网/ 天天精品软件乐园/diytop/pc.htm 热门硬件报价/ 太平洋电脑网3.卫生统计学/ 或 / 医学统计之星(统计学及软件应用的普及)/statdtedm/ 或 诊断试验评价与数据挖掘/ NOSA统计分析软件/ 医学统计软件PemsWin 3.0 (含循证医学)/ 生物医学统计咨询/ 统计新视野(包括数据挖掘、预测决策等)/zhangyanbo/index.htm 医学统计在线(多水平模型)/ CaseMix研究组/zykj/~statisitics/i...index/index.htm 第二军医大学卫生统计教研室/ 上海第二医科大学生物统计教研室教学网站http:// 中山大学卫生统计与流行病学系/ 四川大学公卫学院卫生统计教研室/xyyxsz/pub/department/tongji.htm 中南大学公卫学院卫生统计教研室/jigou/liuxingbing.htm 山东大学流行病与卫生统计学研究所/gxmuks/gongweixy/sta/index.htm 广西医科大学流行病学与卫生统计学教研室http://www3.who.int/whosis/menu.cfm WHO卫生统计信息系统/medlineplus/healths...statistics.html 卫生统计部分的Medline /hw/public.health/....stats.html#IHS 国际卫生统计/bls/other.htm 其他卫生统计网址。