

毕业论文 中外(英)文摘要及关键词

毕业论文 中外(英)文摘要及关键词























英文用“Key words”,小三号字体,加粗,左顶格对齐,后接英文状态下的冒号“:”,各个关键词用小四号字体,其间用英文状态下的分号“;”分隔。

























3.英文摘要、关键词题头用小四号Times New Roman加粗, 居左空两格排写;内容部分用五号Times New Roman,常规,单倍行距。



(英文题目)(居中)Abstract:Lao She's attitude towards this typical image of Xiangzi is very complicated: On one hand he has offered the abundant affirmation to Xiangzi's innate bright quality , on one hand individual struggled the blindness of the road was denied to Xiangzi; He offer deep sympathy by unfortunate life to Xiangzi on one hand, awakening go on the deep criticism to Xiangzi on the other hand. Meanwhile, between author and that piece bad person become dark society of spirit go on the merciless revealing and accusation too itself. Affirm and deny , sympathize with and criticize coexisting , make the works already have abundant realistic intension, different from the general realistic works again.Key words:Xiangzi;affirm;deny;sympathize;criticize coexisting。





各关键词之间用;)注意:摘要和关键词只能单独一页.Abstract(“Abstract”一词用Times New Roman字体三号,加黑,居中。

)Thought of people as the center is the marrow of our traditional culture and the core of the theory of managing state affairs. It germinates in the early state of antiquity society and is based on patriarchal clan system. It is also a kind of value seeking for the realization of the ethic reason and moral justice. Its basic thinking is that the monarch is defined by people and conversely people are defined by the monarch. At first appearance, its purpose is to value people’s suffering,fate and interest on the ruler’s position. However, its real intention is to fool the people so as to strengthen and consolidate the ruler’s rule. The theory of “people-oriented concept” includes nine topics such as “the theory of people is being the root of the monarch’s rule”, “the theory of people is being more valuable than the monarch”, “the theory of the monarch is being people’s servant”and so on. People –oriented means “value the people ”in essence, which sees “people”as its foundation of politics rule, ranking official, and administration.(正文字体为:Times New Roman字体,小四号,且行距为单倍或倍。





各关键词之间用;)注意:摘要和关键词只能单独一页.Abstract(“Abstract”一词用Times New Roman字体三号,加黑,居中。

)Thought of people as the center is the marrow of our traditional culture and the core of the theory of managing state affairs. It germinates in the early state of antiquity society and is based on patriarchal clan system. It is also a kind of value seeking for the realization of the ethic reason and moral justice. Its basic thinking is that the monarch is defined by people and conversely people are defined by the monarch. At first appearance, its purpose is to value people’s suffering,fate and interest on the ruler’s position. However, its real intention is to fool the people so as to strengthen and consolidate the ruler’s rule. The theory of “people-oriented concept” includes nine topics such as “the theory of people is being the root of the monarch’s rule”, “the theory of people is being more valuable than the monarch”, “the theory of the monarch is being people’s servant”and so on. People –oriented means “value the people ”in essence, which sees “people”as its foundation of politics rule, ranking official, and administration.(正文字体为:Times New Roman字体,小四号,且行距为单倍或倍。



毕业设计/论文开题课题名称院系 ___________________________ 专业班姓名评分指导教师__________________________________华中科技大学武昌分校毕业设计开题报告撰写要求(此页打印在封面反面)1.开题报告主要内容1)课题设计的目的和意义;2)课题设计的主要内容;3)设计方案;4)实施计划。








2.外文文献翻译的字数:非英语专业学生应完成与毕业设计/ 论文课题内容相关的不少于2000汉字的外文文献翻译任务(其中,汉语言文学专业、艺术类专业不作要求),英语专业学生应完成不少于2000汉字的二外文献翻译任务。





精品文档附件3中文题目(居中)摘要:xxxxx(摘要内容用小四号宋体字书写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22 磅)xxxxx关键词:xxxxx(关键词内容用小四号宋体字书写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22 磅;关键词之间用分号相隔。



其中,中文大标题(课题题目)用二号黑体字居中书写,上空 1.5 行,下空 1 行;摘要两字用四号黑体字顶格书写,摘要内容用小四号宋体字书写,每行与冒号对齐,行距为固定值22 磅;关键词三字用四号黑体字顶格书写,关键词内容用小四号宋体字书写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22磅。

英文题目(Times New Roman 字体)Abstract : abcdefghijk (英文摘要内容用小四号Times New Roman字书写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22磅)xxxxxKeywords:abcdefghijk (英文关键词内容用小四号Times New Roman字书写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22磅;关键词之间用分号相隔)xxxxx注:①格式模板中的说明(红色或蓝色字体表示),在参阅后请删除。


其中,英文大标题(课题题目)用二号Times New Roman字居中书写,上空1.5行,下空1行;Abstract 用四号Times New Roman字顶格书写,摘要内容用小四号Times New Roman 字书写,每行与冒号对齐,行距为固定值22磅;Keywords用四号Times New Roman字顶格书写,关键词内容用小四号Times New Roman i写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22 磅。




开题报告英文模板篇一:开题报告英文版模板Proposed Title for Dissertation:(Times New Roman 四号加粗)On Domestication and Foreignizationfrom the Perspective of Intercultural Communication(Times New Roman加粗小三号, 居中)I. Background(Times New Roman加粗四号)文本部分全部使用Times New Roman 小四号字体;1.5倍行距;缩进使用tab键本部分些个人选择所领域的原因和背景。


Over the last ten years, the implications of research into language acquisition (Crook & Gass, 1993) and the results of Prabhu?s task-based teaching experiment in India (Willis, 1990) have led to an increasing interest in the potential of task-based teaching of languages. However, this approach seems not easy to apply in Mainland China and Hong Kong due to the large class EFL teaching in those areas and a general lack of the environment in practicing thetarget language (Tsang, XX).Recent years have shown an explosion of interest in using computers for language teaching and learning. With the advent of multimedia computing and the Internet, ?the role of computers in language instruction has now become an important issue confronting large numbers of language teachers throughout the world? (Warschauer & Healey,1998). In the growing field of foreign language teaching to university students in large EFL class, then, the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) approach may appear to be an almost obvious choice. Nevertheless, the research into an integrative use of the task-based language (TBL) approach and CALL has be(本文来自: 小草范文网:开题报告英文模板)en rather sparse in China.II. Research Questions and Its SignificanceThis dissertation aims at finding an answer to the question of what is the most appropriate way of teaching Chinese university students in large EFL class. The research begins with the hypothetical premise that CALL may solve some problems in large EFL class teaching,and it highlights aspects around using tasks in CALL approach. In doing so, the researcher hopes to gain some insights into the CALL approach and to contribute in some way to the improvement of English language teaching (ELT) in China.研究意义可参照中文版本Ⅲ. Literature Review本选题在国内外研究的现状,内容参照中文版本IV. Difficulties and Initiatives of the Research 内容参照中文版本V. Outline of the Proposed Structure of the Dissertation1. Introduction论述当今…的现状,从而引出本课题的研究重点,选题意义,简要说明本文的文章结构和布局。










英文摘要应与中文摘要相对应,字体为小四号times new roman。




8、参考文献参考文献要另起一页,一律放在正文后,在文中要有引用标注,如××× [1],具体格式要求详见模板9、外文资料及译文外文资料可用a4纸复印,如果打印,采用小四号times new roman字体,译文采用小四号宋体打印,格式参照毕业论文文本格式要求。

10、图、表、公式图:a. 要精选、简明,切忌与表及文字表述重复。


c. 图序及图名居中置于图的下方,用五号字宋体。





毕业论文标题、中英文摘要、关键词和目录的格式第一篇:毕业论文标题、中英文摘要、关键词和目录的格式毕业设计(论文)新民本主义:传统民本思想与现代民主理念的契合(字体:黑体小一)专业年级学生学号学生姓名指导老师评阅人二○○ 年月中国·南京234-第二篇:中英文摘要及关键词格式附件3中文题目(居中)摘要:×××××(摘要内容用小四号宋体字书写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22磅)×××××关键词:×××××(关键词内容用小四号宋体字书写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22磅;关键词之间用分号相隔。

)×××××注:① 格式模板中的说明(红色或蓝色字体表示),在参阅后请删除。

② 中文摘要及关键词项目排版要求:中文摘要及关键词项目要求独占一页。


英文题目(Times New Roman字体)Abstract:abcdefghijk(英文摘要内容用小四号Times New Roman字书写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22磅)×××××Keywords:abcdefghijk(英文关键词内容用小四号Times New Roman字书写,每行与冒号对齐;行距为固定值22磅;关键词之间用分号相隔)×××××注:① 格式模板中的说明(红色或蓝色字体表示),在参阅后请删除。




(一)毕业论文的结构1. 题目:即标题,它的主要作用是概括整个论文的中心内容。



2. 摘要:摘要是论文的高度概括,是长篇论文不可缺少的组成部分。


3. 目录:反映论文的纲要。


4. 前言:前言是相当于论文的开头,它是三段式论文的第一段(后二段是本论和结论)。







5. 正文:论文的正文是作者对自己的研究工作详细的表述。






毕业论文开题报告 英文

毕业论文开题报告 英文

毕业论文开题报告英文Title: An Introduction to My Graduation ThesisIntroduction:As I embark on the journey of writing my graduation thesis, I would like to take this opportunity to present a brief overview of my research topic, its significance, and the methodology I plan to adopt. This report aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of my thesis, highlighting its objectives, research questions, and expected outcomes.1. Background:In this section, I will provide a contextual framework for my research topic. I will discuss the current state of knowledge in the field, highlighting key studies and theories that have laid the foundation for my research. Additionally, I will identify any gaps or limitations in the existing literature that my thesis aims to address. 2. Research Objectives:In this section, I will outline the primary objectives of my research. I aim to clearly define the purpose and scope of my study, emphasizing the specific goals I hope to achieve through my research. This will help readers understand the significance and relevance of my thesis in the broader academic context.3. Research Questions:This section will focus on the research questions that will guide my study. I will present a series of well-defined and focused questions that will serve as the backbone of my research. These questions will be designed to explore thevarious aspects of my research topic and provide a framework for data collection and analysis.4. Methodology:In this section, I will describe the methodology I plan to utilize in my research. I will discuss the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques that I will employ. Additionally, I will explain the rationale behind my chosen methodology and highlight its suitability for addressing the research questions.5. Expected Outcomes:This section will discuss the anticipated outcomes of my research. I will outline the potential contributions my thesis can make to the existing body of knowledge, as well as its practical implications. By presenting the expected outcomes, I aim to demonstrate the significance and value of my research to both academia and relevant stakeholders.6. Limitations and Challenges:In this section, I will acknowledge the limitations and challenges that I may encounter during the research process. It is essential to address any potential obstacles or constraints that may impact the validity and reliability of my findings. By acknowledging these limitations, I aim to ensure transparency and enhance the credibility of my research.Conclusion:In conclusion, this report has provided an overview of my graduation thesis,including its background, research objectives, questions, methodology, expected outcomes, and limitations. Through this report, I hope to have conveyed the importance and potential impact of my research. I am excited to embark on this academic journey and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in my field.。



毕业论文开题报告英文范例毕业论文开题报告英文范例论文开题报告英文范例如下文function and application of descriptive translation studies1 introductionthe intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths abouttranslation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm〞 is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two English versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.2 outline2.1 development and major concepts of dtsin this part i will describe holms’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.2.2 methodolgyi will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.dts in contrast to other theoriesa contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.2.4 case studyin this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.2.5 conclusionbased on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)附录2- 引文范例(仅供参考)“it is therefore pointless to try to make tc more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and available methods. translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.〞(wilss, 1982: 217)‘“噢,这就是恐水病吧?你们贵族圈子怎么流行起这种病来啦?真够呛的!费芬斯小姐,您喝点茶大概没关系吧!〞’(张南峰,1990:59-60)附录3- 参考文献范例(仅供参考)wilss, wolfram. the science of translation –problems and methods. gunter narr verlag tubingen,1982.newmark, peter. a textbook of translation. new york: prentice hall, 1988. delabastita, dirk. translating puns: a false opposition in translation studies. target, 1991(3:2):137-152.以上即是论文开题报告英文范例。



1课题来源、背景和意义课题的来源就写“本课题零件来自生产实际” ,然后附上零件图片,注意每个图片下面都要有图名、图号,表格上方都应该有表号、表名。


课题的意义就讲一下通过毕业设计课题,对四年大学学习的综合实践啦、锻炼啦、为以后工作打基础啦,等等神马的,自己发挥,写个100-200 字。




3课题主要任务和成型方案3.1 设计内容也就是课题都做些神马,就是毕业设计任务书里列出的几条,如果必要,自己可以再增加内容3.2 成型方案对于模具设计的,主要介绍分型面位置、一模几腔、浇口位置等成型方案,以及浇注系统、冷却系统、推出机构、侧抽芯或内抽芯等的模具主要结构形式,并说明原因或依据,有多种可行结构或方案的,可都列出,说明各自优缺点,最后选择一个最佳方案非模具设计的,根据设计任务书,列出自己的设计方案,亦可列出多个可行方案,做出比较,选择最佳。

3.3 课题重点和难点列出课题的重点,或任何主观、客观的难点、问题。



5参考文献把任务书里要求的参考文献写在最前面,后面再写上参考过的文献,要求参考文献至少10 个以上科院和本部的开题报告封面不一样,内容和格式要求是一样的毕业设计(论文)开题报告课题名称:指导老师:学生:班级:学号:专业:时间:毕业设计(论文)开题报告课题名称 _______________________________________________系部_________________ 材料工程系 ________________________ 专业____________________________________________________ 班级____________________________________________________ 姓名____________________________________________________ 学号____________________________________________________指导教师签名(校内)__________________指导教师签名(校外)__________________________________ 年 _________ 月__________ 日卄湖北汽车工业学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告m23cm1课题背景及意义(小三黑体)随着各种新型材料和新型胶粘剂的出现,胶接技术越来越广泛地应用于国防、航空、航天、汽车等领域。




外语系特对本届毕业论文开题报告作以下规定:I. 英语专业学生开题报告写作语言为英文(填写毕业论文登记表中“开题报告”用中文)。

II. 开题报告写作步骤为:1. Title (论文题目)2. Thesis Statement (中心论点)3. Purpose and Significance of Study (研究目的和意义)4. Situation of Study (研究现状)5. Difficulty of Study (研究难点)6. Detailed Outline (详细提纲)7. References (参考文献)。

III. 学生按规定时间完成开题报告后,指导教师组织小组开题并填写审核意见。

IV. 指导教师同意后,学生方可进行论文写作。

V. 本期末学生离校前须与指导教师见面,商讨下一步写作计划等事宜。

VI. 下期开学报到后小组长召集全组成员与指导教师见面,汇报论文资料收集或写作中存在的问题。

VII. 参考文献要求用APA格式或MLA格式。

VIII. 页面设置纸型:A4(210 X 297毫米)即宽度:21厘米,高度29.7厘米。




外语系潼城大学外语系Tongcheng University(B.A. Thesis Proposal)论文题目:(英文题目在上、汉语题目在下)专业:指导教师:学生:班级:学号:日期:1. Title2. Thesis Statement3. Purpose and Significance of Study4. Situation of Study5. Difficulty of Study6. Outline7. References开题过程:论文小组长(签名):日期:指导教师意见:指导教师签名:提高英语阅读速度的主要障碍摘要:本文从培养良好的阅读习惯和掌握科学的阅读方法等四个方面简要地介绍了提高英语阅读速度的技巧。







三、阅读的主要参考文献及资料名称[1] Benson, P. and Voller, P.Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning [M].London: Longman.1997,[2] Breen, M.P .and Mann, S. Shooting arrows at the sun: perspectives on pedagogy for autonomy. In P.Benson and P.Voller (Eds) Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning [M]. London: Longman. 1997.[3] Boud, D. (ED.).Developing Students Autonomy in Learning [M]. London: Kogan.1988.[4] Candy.Self-direction for Life-long Learning [M]. California: Jossey-Bass.1981.[5] Dickinson, L. Self-instruction in Language Learning [M].Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1987.[6] Gardner and Miller. (Eds.).Tasks for Independent Language Learning [M].Alexandria. 1996.[7] Holec, H. Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning [M], Oxford: Pergamon.1981.[8] Jones.Strategic teaching and learning: cognitive instruction in the content areas [M]. Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development.1987.[9] Nunan, D. ‘Designing and adapting materials to encourage learner autonomy’. In P.Benson&P.Voller (eds) Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning [M]. London: Longman.1997.[10] O’Malley, J.M.and Chamot, A.V. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition [M]. London: Macmillan.1990.[11] Sinclair, B. “Learner autonomy: the next phase” In Sinclair, B.et al. (eds).Learner Autonomy, teacher Autonomy: Future Directions [M]. London: Longman.2000.[12] Voller, P. Does the teacher has a role in autonomous learning? In P.Benson and P.Voler (eds) Autonomyand Independence in Language Learning [J].1997.London: Longman, 98-113.[13] Vygotsky, L.S.Mind and Society: The Development of Higher Mental Processes [M]. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.1978.[14] Wenden, A. Learner Strategies for Learner Autonomy: Planning and Implementing Learner Training for Language Learners [M], Hertfordshire, UK:Pretice Hall International.1991.[15] Wenden, A. Learner Strategies for Autonomous Learning [J]. 1998.Great Britain:Prentice Hall.xi:347[16] Wenden.A.In cooperating learner training in theclassroom. In A.Wendenand J.rubin (Eds.) Learner strategies in language learning [J],159-68. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: prentice-Hall.1987.[17] 文秋芳.英语学习策略论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社.1995.[18] 武和平.元认知及其与外语学习的关系[J].国外外语教学[J]第二期.2000.[19] 王立非.第二语言学习策略研究:问题与对策[J].国外外语教学第四期.2001.[20] 英语课程标准研制组.普通高中英语课程标准(实验)解读[M].江苏:江苏教育出版社.2004.[21] 刘润清,胡壮麟.外语教学中的科研方法[M].北京:北京外语教学与研究出版社.1999.四、国内外现状和发展趋势与研究的主攻方向1.国内外现状和发展趋势自主学习,又称自我调节的学习,一般是指学习者自觉确定学习目标、选择学习方法、监控学习过程、评价学习结果的过程。

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this paper begins with a brief introduction to chomsky’s methodology of idealization in linguistic research. although the idealization in physical research from which chomsky’s idealization deprives can still keep natural laws’ validity, the author points out chomsky’s idealization is not accessible. the key point lies in the exclusion of social factors in his research. then the author demonstrates the reason why chomsky’s exclusion of social factors is not accessible from two aspects: (1) language is a concrete system of signs. (2)language is a social institution. only in the context of society are these features significant and integrate, can language bear its form and forward its development and keep up the interaction with the society. therefore instead of “being idealized” out of linguistic research, social factors should be regarded as the base of the research. otherwise the object of the research will be totally changed and the research itself will be misguided. as for what factors can be temporarily idealized without changing language’s fundamental features? this is a question worth our further study in the future.





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