Stromag Braker制动器使用说明书

更通过DIN ISO9001 质量体系的认证,使我们在给各个领域提供技术支持方面发挥着领导者的巨大作用。

液压顶出 后退 / 前进
气阀 1-4 打开
中子 抽芯 / 进芯
自动安全门 打开 / 关闭
Rotary table index bolt move in / move out
模厚调整 增加 / 减小
旋转模板 逆时针 /顺时针
提示 “模厚调整”按钮只针对曲轴式机床。“自动安全门”和“气阀 1-4”按钮只有当这些功 能配置以后才起作用。“Rotary table latches”, Rotary table index bolt” and “旋转模板”应 用于带转转模板的多色注塑 。
Sfu服EnRc务tVio页InC面Egr功oup 能组
Fig. 2: 功能选择键
1.2 手动功能键
在手动和点动模式下可通过下面的按钮(见Fig. 3 和 Fig. 4)进行相应的操作。 Fig. 3: 手动模具装置功能
模具 打开 / 闭合
Rotary table latches move in / move out
帮助功能键和专家系统 .......................................................................................................19
频幕 ..........................................................................................................20
Process 过Pfu程RnOc控tCio制EnS功gSr能oCu组pONTROL

1.锚缆机操作规程----------------------------------------------------------------4 2.首尖舱污水遥控排水系统操作规程-----------------------------------------6 3.压载控制台操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------74. 货舱进水检测装置操作规程--------------------------------------------------95. 货舱污水处理操作规程--------------------------------------------------------116.报警监视系统操作规程--------------------------------------------------------127. 和面机/电炒锅操作规程------------------------------------------------------ 148. 电灶的使用与保养--------------------------------------------------------------159.粉碎机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------1610.烤箱的操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------1711. 蒸馒头/蒸饭机的操作规程------------------------------------------------------1812. 货舱作业的安全规定----------------------------------------------------------1913. 甲板作业的安全规定---------------------------------------------------------2014. 开关舱作业的安全规定------------------------------------------------------2115. 系解缆作业的安全规定------------------------------------------------------2216. 舷外、水上作业的安全规定------------------------------------------------2417. AIS操作规程-------------------------------------------------------------------2518. C站操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------2719. EPIRB 操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------2820. F站操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------2921. GPS NAVIGATOR操作规程--------------------------------------------------3022. NAVTEX 操作规程-------------------------------------------------------------3323. NBDP 操作规程----------------------------------------------------------------3424. VDR 操作规程------------------------------------------------------------------3625. VHF 操作规程------------------------------------------------------------------3726. 电子海图操作规程------------------------------------------------------------3827. 雷达使用操作规程------------------------------------------------------------3928. 气象传真机操作规程---------------------------------------------------------4429. 自动舵操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------4730. 驾机联系制度------------------------------------------------------------------4831. 驾驶台规则---------------------------------------------------------------------5132. EEBD 操作规程----------------------------------------------------------------5233. 火警控制面板操作规程-----------------------------------------------------5334. 机舱大型二氧化碳灭火系统操作规程-----------------------------------5435. 机舱水雾灭火系统操作规程-----------------------------------------------5536. 救生筏释放程序--------------------------------------------------------------5637. 救生艇操作规程--------------------------------------------------------------5738. 消防员装备操作规程--------------------------------------------------------5839. 机炉舱规则--------------------------------------------------------------------6040. 机舱值班制度-----------------------------------------------------------------6241. 检修作业注意事项-----------------------------------------------------------6642. 主机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------6743. 副机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------6944. 燃油锅炉操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------7045. 主空压机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------7246. 空调装置操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------7347.燃油分油机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------7448. 滑油分油机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------7549. 主机滑油泵操作规程--------------------------------------------------------7650. 主机缸套水泵操作规程-----------------------------------------------------7751. 主海水泵操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------7852. 重油驳运泵操作规程--------------------------------------------------------7953. 造水机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------------8054. 油水分离器操作规程--------------------------------------------------------8155. 生活污水处理装置操作规程-----------------------------------------------8256. 应急发电机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------8357. 应急救火泵操作规程--------------------------------------------------------8458. 应急空压机操作规程--------------------------------------------------------8559. 冰机操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------------8660. 焚烧炉操作规程--------------------------------------------------------------8764. 主配电板操作规程-----------------------------------------------------------8865. 应急配电板操作规程--------------------------------------------------------89 63. 压载泵操作规程--------------------------------------------------------------90目录64. 消防通用泵操作规程---------------------------------------------------------9165. 污水泵操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------9266. 机舱电力中断应急操作------------------------------------------------------9367. 触电的预防和急救------------------------------------------------------------9568. 总用电瓶及充放电板操作规程---------------------------------------------9669. 机舱报警检测系统操作规程------------------------------------------------9770. 机舱局部灭火系统操作规程------------------------------------------------9871. 机舱水雾灭火系统高压泵操作规程---------------------------------------9972. 主机机侧应急操作规程------------------------------------------------------10073. 主机盘车机操作规程---------------------------------------------------------10174. 饮水消毒柜操作规程---------------------------------------------------------10275. 砂轮机操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------10376. 气焊作业安全规定------------------------------------------------------------10477. 电焊作业安全规定------------------------------------------------------------10578. 车床作业安全规定----------------------------------------------------------10679. 救生艇机操作规程------------------------------------------------------------10780. 油渣泵操作规程---------------------------------------------------------------10881. 钻床作业操作规程------------------------------------------------------------10982. 火警T1016控制面板操作规程---------------------------------------------11083. 舵机操作规程------------------------------------------------------------------112锚缆机操作规程O P E R A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R M O O R I N G W I N C H&W I N D L A S S 一、绞缆机操作的注意事项1)操作前必须要检查以下事项:●离合器的位置,齿轮箱上档位杆的位置,传感器上的指示灯,●检查刹车杆及刹车带是否完好,工作是否正常,●缆绳的出绳方向是否与刹车带底部连接块侧一致,●检查滚筒转动方向是否与操作杆指令方向一致,●检查所有的油脂润滑点,油位是否符合要求。

观察系统压力表MP读数,到9.5 MPa时为止。
交替调节低压力的安全阀或柱塞泵,直到MP压力表显示为9.5 MPa。
斯沃伯格刹车系统BSFH D500双杆双扁平刹车盘数据手册说明书

TECHNICAL DA T A AND CALCULA TION FUNDAMENT ALSName: DEB-0500-029-DS-MARDate: 20.05.2013Revision: -Disc Brake: BSFH D500 (DOUBLE PISTON) DUALspring1) All figures are based on 1 mm air gap (Total) and 2 spring packs2) Braking force is based on a min clamping force, nominal coefficient of friction μ = 0.4 and 2 brake surfaces.3)The piston travel at which the pressure limits is measured - the norminal pressure limits is identical to balancing pressure values 5)Pad pressure for organic pads respectively (based on max. clamping force)CALIPER TYPECLAMPING FORCE 1)[N]BRAKING FORCE 2)LOSS OF FORCE PER 1MM OPERATING PRESSURE 3)BALANCING PRESSURE 1)MIN PADSURFACE PRESSURE 5)MINMAX[N][%]MPaMPa[N/mm²]BSFH D524BSFH D528BSFH D530BSFH D532 BSFH D540240,000280,000300,000320,000 400,000260,000306,000328,000350,000 436,000192,000224,000240,000256,000 320,0008. braking torque M B is calculated from following formula where:a is the number of brakes acting on the discF B is the braking force according to table above [N] or calculated from formula D O is the brake disc outer diameter [m]The actual braking torque may vary depending on adjustment of brake and friction coefficient.M B = a · F B ·[Nm](D 0 - 0,2)2DUALSPRING Weight of caliper without bracket: Approx. 780 kg Overall dimensions without base plate: 698 x 530 x 533 (+C) mm Pad width: 200 mm Pad area: (organic) 110,000 mm 2 (*) Max. wear of pad: (organic) 10 mm (*)Nominal coefficient of friction: μ = 0.4 Total piston area - each caliper half: 2 x 145 cm 2 = 290 cm 2 Total piston area - each caliper: 4 x 145 cm 2 = 580 cm 2 Volume for each caliper at 1 mm stroke: 60 cm 3 Volume for each caliper at 3 mm stroke: 180 cm 3 Actuating time (guide value for calculation): 0.4sec Pressure connection/P-port: G3/8, ISO 288Air breathing connection/A-port: G3/8, ISO 288 Drain connection/L-port: G1/4, ISO 288 Recommended pipe size: 16/12 mm Operating temperature range - general from -20°C to +70°C(For temperatures outside this range contact Svendborg Brakes)(C = Brake disc thickness)(*) On each brake pad.BRAKING TORQUECALCULATION FUNDAMENTALSF B = F C · 2 · µDisc Brake: BSFH D500 (DOUBLE PISTON) DUALspring。

第一章制动参数选择及计算第一节汽车参数(符号以汽车设计为准)制动器设计中需要的重要参量:汽车轴距:L=1370mm车轮滚动半径:r r =295 mm汽车满载质量:m a=4100Kg汽车空载质量:m o=2600Kg满载时轴荷的分配:前轴负荷39%,后轴负荷61% 空载时轴荷的分配:前轴负荷47%,后轴负荷53% 满载时质心高度:hg =745mm空载时质心高度:hg'=850mm质心距前轴的距离:L1 =835mm L1'=726mm 质心距后轴的距离:L2 =535mm L2'=644mm 对汽车制动性有影响的重要参数还有:制动力及其分配系数、同步附着系数、制动强度、附着系数利用率、最大制动力矩与制动因数等。
第二节制动器的设计与计算一制动力与制动力矩分配系数0 水平路面满载行驶时,前、后轴的负荷计算对于后轴驱动的移动机械和车辆,在水平路面满载行驶时前后轴的最大负荷按下式计算(g=9.8N/kg)前轴的负荷F1=Ga(L2-ϕhg)/(L-ϕhg)=3830.8N后轴的负荷F2=GaL1/(L-ϕhg)=36349.2Nϕ--- 附着系数,沥青.混凝土路面,取0.6轴荷转移系数:前轴:m,1= F Z1/G1=0.24后轴:m,2= F Z1/G2=1.481、(汽车理论108页)水平路面满载行驶制动时,地面对前后车轮的法向反作用力(满载)F Z1= GL (L2+ϕgh)=4100×9.8÷1.370×(0.535+0.6×0.745)=28800.55NF Z2=GL (L1-ϕgh)=4100×9.8÷1.370×(0.835-0.6×0.745)=11379.45N 式中: G-- 汽车所受重力;L-- 汽车轴距;1L--汽车质心离前轴距离;L2--汽车质心离后轴距离;gh--汽车质心高度;g --重力加速度;(取9.80N/kg)2 (汽车理论8,22)汽车制动时,如果不记车轮的滚动阻力矩和汽车的回转质量的惯性力矩,则任何角速度ω﹥0的车轮,其力矩平衡方程为Mμ-F b⨯R e=0 (4-2)式中:Mμ--制动器对车轮作用的制动力矩,即制动器的摩擦力矩,其方向与车轮旋转方向相反,N﹒m;F b--地面作用于车轮上的制动力,即地面与轮胎之间的摩擦力,又称地面制动力,其方向与汽车行驶方向相反,N;R e--车轮有效半径,m令 F B=Mμ/R e并称之为制动器的制动力,它是在轮胎周缘克服制动器的摩擦力矩所需的力,因此又称为制动周缘力。

盘式制动器使用说明书盘式制动器使用说明书盘式制动器使用说明书目录一、性能与用途.1 二、结构特征与工作原理..1 三、安装与调整..4 四、使用与维护..9 五、润滑...12 六、特别警示...13 七、故障原因及处理方法...12 附图1:盘式制动器结构图...15 附图2:盘形闸结盘式制动器使用说明书目录一、性能与用途⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.1二、结构特征与工作原理⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..1三、安装与调整⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯.. ⋯⋯⋯4四、使用与维护⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯. ⋯⋯⋯ .9五、润滑⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯. ⋯⋯⋯ ..12六、特别警示⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯. ⋯⋯⋯ ..13七、故障原因及处理方法⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯. ⋯. ⋯⋯ .12附图 1:盘式制动器结构图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯. ⋯. ⋯⋯ .15附图 2:盘形闸结构图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯. ⋯. ⋯⋯ .16附图 3:制动器限位开关结构图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ . ⋯. ⋯⋯ .17附图 4:盘式制动器的工作原理图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ . ⋯. ⋯.18附图 5:盘式制动器安装示意图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ . ⋯. ⋯⋯ .19附图 6:制动器信号装置安装示意图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ . ⋯. ⋯⋯ .20一、性能与用途盘式制动器是靠碟形弹簧产生制动力,用油压解除制动,制动力沿轴向作用的制动器。
Stromag Strom Brakes产品说明书

Stromag Storm BrakesDISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO MEX (55) 53 63 23 31QRO (442) 1 95 72 60MTY (81) 83 54 10 18**************************VISIT US ON THE WEB AT StromagFounded in 1932, Stromag has grown to become a globally recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative power transmission components for industrial drivetrain applications. Stromag engineers utilize the latest design technologies and materials to provide creative, energy-efficient solutions that meet their customer’s most challenging requirements.Stromag’s extensive product range includes flexible couplings, disc brakes, limit switches, an array of hydraulically, pneumatically, and electrically actuated brakes, and a complete line of electric, hydraulic and pneumatic clutches.Stromag engineered solutions improve drivetrain performance in a variety of key markets including energy, off-highway, metals, marine, transportation, printing, textiles, and material handling on applications such as wind turbines, conveyor systems, rolling mills, agriculture and construction machinery, municipal vehicles, forklifts, cranes, presses, deck winches, diesel engines, gensets and stage machinery.Altra is a leading global designer and producer of a wide range of electromechanical power transmission and motion control components and systems. Providing the essential control of equipment speed, torque, positioning, and other functions, Altra products can be used in nearly any machine, process or application involving motion. From engine braking systems for heavy duty trucks to precision motors embedded in medical robots to brakes used on offshore wind turbines, Altra has been serving customers around the world for decades.Altra’s leading brands include Ameridrives , Bauer Gear Motor, Bibby Turboflex, Boston Gear, Delevan , Delroyd Worm Gear, Deltran , Formsprag Clutch, Guardian Couplings, Huco , Jacobs Vehicle Systems, Kilian , Kollmorgen , Lamiflex Couplings, Marland Clutch, Matrix , Nuttall Gear, Portescap , Stieber , Stromag , Svendborg Brakes, TB Wood’s , Thomson , Twiflex , Warner Electric, Warner Linear and Wichita ClutchVISIT US ON THE WEB AT Altra Motion3P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19 SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20SIME Brakes Industrial Braking SystemsStorm BrakesCONTENTRBS RAIL CLAMPS4RRBS RETRACTABLE RAIL BRAKES 6RPS RAIL PRESS BRAKES8RPS-SA RAIL BRAKES - SELF ADJUSTING 10WBES WHEEL BRAKE ELECTRICAL124SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19SIME Brakes Industrial Braking SystemsStorm BrakesRBS RAIL BRAKESRBS Rail Brakes prevent the crane from uncontrolled motion along the rail in case of sudden bursts of windRBS rail brakes are designed to apply friction forces on both sides of a rail. They are spring set and hydraulically released.They ride above the rail with two flangeless rollers which continuously make contact with the rail. Hardened guides, attached to the cylindrical roller frame, protect serrated shoes from hitting the rail. As the clamp mechanism can float laterally with very little friction, guides wear is very low. This increases rail brakes safety and reliability and reduces the maintenance costs.Applications • Ship to shore cranes • Automated stacking cranes • Rail-mounted gantry cranes • Shiploaders• Rail-mounted material handling equipmentBenefits• Floating mechanism allowing compensation of horizontal ±30mm and vertical ±30mm• Roller and guide assembly can be easily lifted out of the clamp body for ease maintenance• No need for lubrification point for the floating mechanism• Rail clamp shoes retract beyond the guide frames and are protected from hitting the side of a rail during crane traversing • Robust levers made from quality structural steel• Frame painted with marine grade painting system for superior corrosion protection• Hand pump for manual hydraulic release of the rail brake if power isnot available5P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19 SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20SIME Brakes Industrial Braking SystemsStorm BrakesTECHNICAL DATA• Springs application • Hydraulic release• Integrated Hydraulic Power Unit• Stainless steel removable cover with inspection doors • IFM proximity switch for opening monitoring1V Vertical Rail Deviation (Float) ±25mm relative to Rail Clamp enclosure at full rated capacity.2H Horizontal Rail Position Deviation (Float) ±25mm relative to Rail Clamp enclosure at full rated capacity.• Prewired junction box• Hand pump for manual release• Adjustable clamp by flow control valve• Relief valve pressure set at 125% above the operating pressure6SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19SIME Brakes Industrial Braking SystemsStorm BrakesRRBS RETRACTABLE RAIL BRAKESRRBS Retractable Rail Brakes are the obvious choice especially for high speeds machinesRRBS rail brakes are designed to clamp on both sides of a rail.They are spring set and hydraulically released.They are designed to release and retract fully from the rail head. This eliminates mechanical guiding means at rail level. So there is no wear and tear to guide means, brake shoes or the rails head itself.The RRBS rail clamp mechanism is top supported and float laterally with ease. All the features of these brakes allow reliability and low maintenance.Applications • Ship to shore cranes • Automated stacking cranes • Rail-mounted gantry cranes • Shiploaders• Rail-mounted material handling equipmentBenefits• No mechanical guiding means at rail level at any speed: paramount for high speed, modern cranes• Floating mechanism allowing compensation of horizontal ±30mm and vertical ±25mm (up to ±40 mm upon request)• No need for lubrification point for the floating mechanism • Serrated shoes protected from hitting the rails sides for less wear • Hydraulic cylinder easily removable for quick maintenance and replacement• Clamp release, positioning and reserve stroke monitoring by proximity switches• Stainless steel removable cover with inspection doors7P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19 SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20SIME Brakes Industrial Braking SystemsStorm BrakesTECHNICAL DATA• Springs application • Hydraulic release• Integrated Hydraulic Power Unit• Stainless steel removable cover with inspection doors • IFM proximity switch for opening monitoring1V Vertical Rail Deviation (Float) ±25mm relative to Rail Clamp enclosure at full rated capacity.2H Horizontal Rail Position Deviation (Float) ±25mm relative to Rail Clamp enclosure at full rated capacity. Larger floats available upon request.P* & Q* Dimensions are subject to a specific rail size.• Prewired junction box• Hand pump for manual release• Adjustable clamp by flow control valve• Relief valve pressure set at 125% above the operating pressure8SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19SIME Brakes Industrial Braking SystemsStorm BrakesRPS RAIL PRESS BRAKESRPS Rail Press Brakes apply spring force on the top of the rail while permitting a large rail deviationRPS rail brakes use the weight of the crane in the braking process and provide the braking force along the rail.They are spring set and hydraulically released. Once released, the brake hangs above the rail at a pre-designed clearance.Actual braking capacity depends on the applied force and applicable coefficient of friction (different for static and dynamic braking).RPS brakes are parking brakes designed to apply when a crane comes into a full stop position.Applications • Ship to shore cranes • Automated stacking cranes • Rail-mounted gantry cranes • Shiploaders• Rail-mounted material handling equipmentBenefits• Permit large variations of the rail height by means of a longer spring stroke and provide a balanced braking force / stroke curve • Serrated shoes fully protected from hitting the top of the rail for less wear and tear• Longer lasting springs for reduced maintenance• Ultimate gust wind protection for the operator and the crane • Flow control valve installed on the brake for controlled setting time • Proximity switch for release indication • Brake shoes easily removed and replaced • Made with high quality structural steel• Standard frame painting total coat min. 200-275 µm9P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19 SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20Brakes are supplied with release spacers for manual releaseProximity switch for brake release indicationSerrated steel shoeRail topSpacer shims for Manual ReleaseBolts forEmergency ReleaseRail Center Line3-8” - 37°JIC Hydraulic connectionFlow control valveTOP VIEWMounting holes 8 x Ø27(for M24 class 10-.9supplied by the customer)Ex.: Nominal holding force = 220 kN @ 16mm shoe extension & 0.5 Coeff. of Friction Actual acchievable brake force depends on available crane weight. Thus can beaffected by brake mounting position and wind loading of crane.10SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19SIME Brakes Industrial Braking SystemsStorm BrakesRPS-SA RAIL BRAKES - SELF ADJUSTINGRPS-SA Rail Brakes compensate high variations of rail height, they are automatocally adjusted before brakingRPS-SA rail brakes are completely spring set brakes.These brakes apply spring force on the top of the rail, they use the weight of the crane in the braking process and provide the friction force along the rail.Two step braking ensures that the shoe is in contact with the rail before spring force is applied.The design of these brakes allows a small and consistent spring stroke for spring durability.Applications • Ship to shore cranes • Automated stacking cranes • Rail-mounted gantry cranes • Shiploaders• Rail-mounted material handling equipmentBenefits• Compensation of ±19 mm of rail height variations with full rated capacity• All components are fully enclosed in a sealed housing• No release shims, 3 methods for emergency release: HPU hand pump Internal jacking screws & shoe removal - External hand pump & screws• Serrated shoes protected from hitting the rails sided for less wear • Compact design: Low height allows retrofitting for adapter flanges • Proximity switch for release indication • Brake shoes easily removed and replaced• Made with high quality structural steel11P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19 SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20RPS-SA-220 BRAKING FORCE at various stroke extensionsShoe extension: EmmApplied forcekN Braking forcekN BRAKE RELEASED 0470235BRAKE APPLIED24502258445222164402202842021040410205Ex.: Nominal holding force = 220 kN @ 16mm shoe extension & 0.5 Coeff. of Friction Actual acchievable brake force depends on available crane weight. Thus can beaffected by brake mounting position and wind loading of crane.12SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19SIME Brakes Industrial Braking SystemsStorm BrakesWBES WHEEL BRAKES ELECTRICALWBES Wheel Brakes are parking and safety devices that can be used as dynamic brakes in case of emergencyWBES Wheel Brakes are spring applied, with braking force generated by the multiplied forces of springs. Mounted on the idler wheels of rail mounted equipment, they work in conjunction with the existing gantry motor brakes to prevent movement in case of wind microbursts.They are electrically released. An electro-mechanical actuator retracts the brake pads off the wheel and an actuator holding brake is engaged to hold the spring load. Electric actuator replaces hydraulic power unit or thruster and eliminates the possibility of hydraulic leakage.Applications • Ship to shore cranes • Automated stacking cranes • Rail-mounted gantry cranes • Shiploaders• Rail-mounted material handling equipmentBenefits• Simple and compact design• No hydraulic components, so no environmental or fire liabilities • Equipped with shoe alignment device • Release nut for mechanical release • Proximity switch for release monitoring• Replacement of the brake pad, made from abestos-free composite, without brake removal from the crane • Spring pack designed for long life• On all pivot points: stainless steel pins and self-lubricating bushings • Means for adjusting the air gap • Left hand / right hand orientation• Made from good quality structural steel13P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19 SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20SIME Brakes Industrial Braking SystemsStorm BrakesTECHNICAL DATA• Springs application • Electrical release• Parking brake, can be used as dynamic brake in an emergency situation• Proximity switch for release monitoring• For wheel diameter from 500 mm to1200 mm and wheel width from 140 mm to 240 mm • Available horizontal float: ± 6mm• Shoe to wheel flange clearance: 1 mm per side (must be adjusted for wear on regular basis)• Maximum pad wear limits: 6 mm per side• Main power voltage: AC / DC voltage available • Control voltage: single phase AC or DC available •Operating temperature: -20 to 70° CBraking force calculated using theoreticalcoefficient of friction µ=0.414SIME Brakes Stromag +33 (0)1 49 90 32 20P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19NOTESOTHER PRODUCT SOLUTIONS FROM ALTRA MOTIONOur comprehensive product offerings include various types of clutches and brakes, overrunning clutches, engineered bearing assemblies, gearing and gear motors along with linear motion products, belted drives, couplings, limit switches, precision motors, drives & controls, miniature motors and engine braking systems.With thousands of product solutions available, Altra provides true single source convenience while meeting specific customer requirements. Many major OEMs and end users prefer Altra products as their No. 1 choice for performance and reliability.Premier Industrial Company Leading BrandsEngine Braking SystemsJacobs Vehicle SystemsLinear SystemsThomsonSpecialty ComponentsKilianStromagTB Wood’sMiniature MotorsPortescapPrecision Motors& AutomationKollmorgenElectric Clutches & BrakesInertia DynamicsMatrixStromagWarner ElectricHeavy Duty Clutches & BrakesIndustrial ClutchStromagSvendborg BrakesTwiflexWichita ClutchOverrunning ClutchesFormsprag ClutchMarland ClutchStieberEngineered Couplings& Universal JointsAmeridrivesBibby TurboflexGuardian CouplingsHucoLamiflex CouplingsStromagTB Wood’sGear Drives & Gear MotorsBauer Gear MotorBoston GearDelroyd Worm GearNuttall GearAUTORIZADOMEX (55) 53 63 23 31QRO (442) 1 95 72 60MTY (81) 83 54 10 18**************************P-8819-SG-A4 | BRC10167-01-B 11/19T he Brands of Altra Motion C ouplings Ameridrives Bibby Turbofl ex www.bibbyturbo Guardian Couplings HucoLamifl ex Couplings mi Stromag TB Wood ’s Linear Systems ThomsonGeared Cam Limit Switches StromagEngineered Bearing Assemblies Kilian Electric Clutches & Brakes Matrix Stromag Warner Electric Deltran Belted Drives TB Wood’sHeavy Duty Clutches & Brakes Twifl ex www.twi Stromag Svendborg Brakes Wichita ClutchGearing & Specialty Components Bauer Gear Motor Boston Gear Delevan Delroyd Worm Gear Nuttall GearEngine Braking Systems Jacobs Vehicle Systems Precision Motors & Automation Kollmorgen Miniature Motors Portescap Overrunning Clutches Formsprag Clutch Marland Clutch StieberNeither the accuracy nor completeness of the information contained in this publication is guaranteed by the company and may be subject to change in its sole discretion. The operating and performance characteristics of these products may vary depending on the application, installation, operating conditions and environmental factors. The company’s terms and conditions of sale can be viewed at /terms-and-conditions/sales-terms-and-conditions. These terms and conditions apply to any person who may buy, acquire or use a product referred to herein, including any person who buys from a licensed distributor of these branded products.©2019 by Stromag LLC. All rights reserved. All trademarks in this publication are the sole and exclusive property of Stromag LLC or one of its af liated companies.Stromag FacilitiesEurope GermanyHansastraße 12059425 Unna - Germany +49 (0) 23 03 102 0Clutches & Brakes, Couplings, Geared Cam Limit Switches, Discs, Wind BrakesDessauer Str. 1006844 Dessau-Roßlau - Germany +49 (0) 340 2190 0Electromagnetic Clutches & Brakes FranceAvenue de l’Europe18150 La Guerche sur L’Aubois - France +33 (0)2 48 80 72 72Disc Brakes & Drum Brakes Great BritainAmpthill RoadBedford, MK42 9RD - UK +44 (0)1234 324347Electromagnetic Clutches & Brakes, Industrial Caliper BrakesNorth America USA31 Industrial Park RoadNew Hartford, CT 06057 - USA 860-238-4783Electromagnetic Clutches & Brakes 300 Indiana Highway 212Michigan City, IN 46360 – USA 219-874-5248Couplings2800 Fisher Rd.Wichita Falls, TX 76302 - USA 940-723-3400Geared Cam Limit Switches, Industrial Caliper & Drum Brakes South AmericaBrasilAvenida João Paulo Ablas, 2970Jardim da Glória, Cotia - SP , 06711-250 - Brasil +55 (11) 4615-6300Flexible Couplings, Bearing Isolators, and Coupling GuardsAsia Pacifi c ChinaT40B -5, No. 1765 Chuan Qiao Road Pudong 201206, Shanghai - China Tel +86 21-60580600Clutches & Brakes, Electromagnetic Clutches & Brakes, Couplings, Industrial Caliper & Drum Brakes, Discs, Geared Cam Limit Switches, Wind Brakes IndiaGat No.: 448/14, Shinde Vasti, Nighoje Tal Khed, Pune- 410 501+91 2135 622100Clutches & Brakes, Electromagnetic Clutches & Brakes, Couplings, Industrial Caliper & Drum Brakes, Discs, Geared Cam Limit Switches, Wind BrakesDISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO MEX (55) 53 63 23 31QRO (442) 1 95 72 60MTY (81) 83 54 10 18**************************。

Hydraulically and Pneumatically Operated Clutches and BrakesP-8359-SG-A4 9/173Stromag | +49 2303 102-0P-8359-SG-A4 9/17In conjunction with flexible Stromag couplings, drives subject to impact or shock loads such as road millers or stone crushers are comfortably controlled.Hydraulically or pneumatically operated brakes in drives ensure stability of construction machinery and keep rotary drives in the required position. Winches on cranes or ships are also braked andheld under difficult conditions.High torques and small dimensions are two significant characteristics of hydraulically operated clutches and brakes. By selecting suitablefriction linings and influencing pressure build-up, the operating characteristics can be adapted to meet specific requirements.This brochure contains several clutch and brake series on the basis ofwhich we can develop solutions tailored to your particular application.Hydraulically or pneumatically operated clutches and brakes are highly advanced and reliable components for modern energy-efficient drives.These units control individual drive trains on modern agricultural machinessuch as combine harvesters and forage harvesters, as well as the powerflow in various hybrid drives.• Universal, hydraulically operated multi-disc clutch. Suitable for wet or dry operation.• Various friction linings with different properties are available.• Transmittable torques from 200 Nm to 140,000 Nm.• Other sizes and customer-specific adaptations available on request.Pneumatic option also available.INSTALLATION IN GEARBOX (WET OPERATION)Stromag KMK for use in gearboxes (wet operation) with optional disc oilflushing. Hydraulic and cooling oil supplied via the transmission shaft.Stromag KMK for use in gearboxes (wet operation) with optional discoil flushing. Hydraulic and cooling oil supplied via integrated radial oilsupply (KRE).No bores in the transmission shaft.MOUNTING ON GEARBOX (DRY OPERATION)Stromag KMK as a shaft-pulley connection for use outsidegearboxes (dry operation). Hydraulic oil can be supplied axially through theshaft. Available as a completely assembled and bearing supported unit.Stromag KMK as a shaft-cardan shaft connection for use outsidegearboxes (dry operation). Hydraulic oil supplied axially through theshaft. Available as a completely assembled and bearing supported unit. P-8359-SG-A4 9/17• Hydraulic multi-disc clutch with hammer head discs.• Designed specially for dry operation on drivessubject to torsional vibrations.• Transmittable torques from 1,600 Nm to 6,000 Nm.• Other sizes and customer specific adaptationsavailable on request.• Pneumatic option also available.Stromag KUK as a basic type. For use outside gearboxes(dry operation). Hydraulic oil supplied axially through the shaft.Customer-specific adaptations of shaft and external body connectionspossible.Stromag KUK as a shaft-pulley connection for use outsidegearboxes (dry operation). Hydraulic oil supplied axially through theshaft. Available as a completely assembled and bearing supported unit.• Hydraulic clutches with low or backlash-free torque• Transmission via diaphragms. Minimal residualtorque when open. Suitable for direct use on internalcombustion engines.• Transmittable torques from 600 Nm to 5,000 Nm.• Other sizes and customer-specific adaptationsavailable on request.• Pneumatic option also available.Stromag KHM as a shaft-pulley connection. Backlash-freepower transmission on pulley side through external body and pistonwith diaphragm guidance. Friction lining carrier on shaft side with lowwearing, wide sliding gear.Stromag KHM for engine mounting. Backlash-free powertransmission via diaphragm guided pistons and frictionlinings. Drag torque free when open. Connection forSAE flywheels. Housings for SAE sizes 1 to 4 possible.5Stromag | +49 2303 102-0P-8359-SG-A4 9/17Stromag KHA with additional carrier for heavy-duty pilot bearing andbracing springs for reducing drag torque.Connection for standard flywheels. Housings for SAE sizes 1 to 4possible.Stromag KHA with flexible Periflex® VN couplings for drives particularlysubject to torsional vibrations. Connection for SAE flywheels. Housingsfor SAE sizes 1 to 4 possible.Stromag KHR as a "Two in One" combination in SAE housing on dieselengine with direct flange-mounted cardan shaft.Stromag KHR as a complete unit for preassembly with supportedexternal body as a shaft-shaft connection.• Hydraulically operated multi-disc clutches withrotating piston. For use mainly outside gearboxes(dry operation) when no axial oil supply is possible• Transmittable torques from 200 to 12,000 Nm• Other sizes and customer-specific adaptationsavailable on request.• Pneumatic option also available• Dry, hydraulically operated multi-disc clutches inhousings with SAE connection sizes for mounting ondiesel engines• Reinforced inner discs and outer discs with hammerhead for low gear wear.• Transmittable torques from 500 Nm to 5,000 Nm.• Other sizes and customer-specific adaptationsavailable on request.• Pneumatic option also available. P-8359-SG-A4 9/17Stromag KMB standard type for direct mounting on shaft end ongearbox or motor. Alternatively with or without sealed shaft bushing.Stromag KMB adapted customer-specific requirements.Integrated in a gearbox.• Hydraulically released, spring-applied multi-disc brake in own housing with standard flangeconnections for mounting between gearbox andhydraulic motors• Flange types and shaft connections according tocustomer requirements• Transmittable torques from 270 to 2,000 Nm• Other sizes and customer specific adaptationsavailable on request• Pneumatic option also available.Stromag KMB.ZM mounted between gearbox and hydraulic motor.Connection flanges according to SAE standard orcustomer specifications.• Universal hydraulically released, spring-appliedmulti-disc brake. For use in or outside gearboxes(wet or dry operation) as well as a holding brakewith emergency stop function.• Various friction linings with different properties areavailable• Transmittable torques from 100 Nm to 130,000 Nm• Other sizes and customer specific adaptationsavailable on request• Pneumatic option also available7Stromag | +49 2303 102-0P-8359-SG-A4 9/17The Brands of Altra Industrial MotionCouplingsAmeridrivesGuardian Couplings HucoStromagTB Wood’sGeared Cam Limit Switches Stromag Electric Clutches & BrakesInertia DynamicsMatrixStromagWarner ElectricLinear ProductsWarner LinearEngineered Bearing AssembliesKilianHeavy Duty Clutches & BrakesIndustrial ClutchStromagSvendborg BrakesWichita ClutchBelted DrivesTB Wood’sGearingBauer Gear MotorBoston GearDelroyd Worm GearNuttall GearOverrunning ClutchesFormsprag ClutchMarland ClutchStieber ClutchStromag FacilitiesEuropeGermanyHansastraße 12059425 Unna - Germany+49 (0) 23 03 102 0Clutches & Brakes, Couplings, Geared Cam Limit Switches, Discs, Wind BrakesDessauer Str. 1006844 Dessau-Roßlau - Germany+49 (0) 340 2190 0 Electromagnetic Clutches & Brakes FranceAvenue de l’Europe18150 La Guerche sur L’Aubois - France +33 (0)2 48 80 72 72Industrial Caliper & Drum Brakes Great Britain11 Fleming ClosePark Farm Industrial Estate Wellingborough NN8 6UF+44 (0)1933 675494 Electromagnetic Clutches & Brakes, Industrial Caliper Brakes North AmericaUSA31 Industrial Park RoadNew Hartford, CT 06057 - USA860-238-4783Electromagnetic Clutches & Brakes300 Indiana Highway 212Michigan City, IN 46360 – USA219-874-5248Couplings2800 Fisher Rd.Wichita Falls, TX940-723-3400Geared Cam Limit Switches,Industrial Caliper & Drum BrakesAsia PacificChinaT40B -5, No. 1765 Chuan Qiao RoadPudong 201206, Shanghai - ChinaTel +86 21-60580600Clutches & Brakes, ElectromagneticClutches & Brakes, Couplings, IndustrialCaliper & Drum Brakes, Discs,GearedCam Limit Switches, Wind BrakesIndiaGat No.: 448/14, Shinde Vasti, NighojeTal Khed, Pune- 410 501+91 2135 622100Clutches & Brakes, ElectromagneticClutches & Brakes, Couplings, IndustrialCaliper & Drum Brakes, Discs,GearedCam Limit Switches, Wind Brakes Hansastraße 120 59425 Unna - Germany +49 2303 102-0P-8359-SG-A4 9/17。
Stromag Braker制动器使用说明书

Stromag Limited 29 Wellingborough Road RushdenNorthamptonshireNN10 9YEUnited KingdomTel. (+44) 0 1933 350407Fax. (+44) 0 1933 358692e-mail. stromagltd@Page 2JCB110698Electromagnetic Fail Safe Brakes Series NFA/NFF Stromag Versions:Basic & Dockside CranesStromag Limited29 Wellingborough Road,RushdenNorthamptonshire · NN10 9YE · United KingdomTel. 01933 350407 · Fax. 01933 358692e-mail stromagltd@CB110698Page 3NFA / NFF SERIES BRAKEAdvantages:Comprehensive range 20 -10,000 Nm.Simple assembly to motor, no dismantling of brake required.Concentricity through body for Tacho fixing.No setting required when changing discs, therefore eliminating human error.Compatibility of consumable spares.Simple maintenance, once only adjustment by shim removal.Positive feel hand release mechanism.Proven reliable design.Sealed inspection holes for Airgap / Lining wear.Extremely low inertia.High heat dissipation.Free from axial loads when braking and running.Suitable for vertical mounting (subject to conditions).Many optional extras available.Facilities to design to customer's special requirements.Protection available up to IP66."Asbestos free" linings as standard.Holding and Working brake variations.===============================================================Voltages Available:Standard 24v DC, 97v DC (110v Rectified), and 198v DC (220v Rectified).Other Voltages available.Coils available to suit : AC Supplies with Integral Half and Full Wave rectification.We suggest the following alternative - Customer to take standard voltage 24V / 110VDC, and we can provide Transformer Rectifier unit.Page 4JCB110698Brake Operation :Brakes switched on the DC side. (This will achieve fastest response times).Brakes are FAIL SAFE ie. Spring Applied.Power on to release.When the coil (2), is energised, the magnetic flux attracts the armature plate (3), to the coil body (1), this compresses the springs (8), and releases the brake disc (4).Micro Switch :Optional availability, Inboard Proving Switch, one common contact, one normally open contact and one normally closed contact.This can be interlocked with motor contactor for parking brake duty, ie. brake release before starting motor.Brake Termination :Three standard versions :1) Flyaway leads, usually 1 metre long through PG Cable Gland in Body.2) IP66 Terminal box, for easy connection and removal,3) Versions for AC supply with built-in Full Wave or Half Wave rectification inside the Terminal Box.Please note that when the brake is electrically connected to an AC motor and switched on the AC side, care must be taken so that the load does not drive back into the motor and generate a voltage that may hold the brake off.I.e. in hoist and lift applications. If in doubt please contact the Stromag technical department.Emergency Hand Release Lever :This is set in our works, no setting is required over maximum lining wear.Special Bearing mechanism for easy operation and positive feel.Emergency Jacking Screws available if Hand Release Lever not supplied.Brake Flange :Manufactured to suit our Brake and your Motor.Condensation Heaters :Inboard condensation heaters can be providedTacho / Encoder :Can be provided as optional extras.Special Surface Finishes :Most of the components can be treated with a protective surface coating for arduous environments; ie. Dockside Cranes / Deck mounting etc.CB110698Page 5CALCULATIONSFull Load Torque = FLTLoad Torque = NmTorque = NmKilowatts = Kw9550Speed = rpm Initial Torque, size of brake = FLT x Factor (25% - 200%)Calculating Maximum Stops per Hour using Braking Tables Example:-Motor 15 Kw @ 1500 rpmJ = Total Inertia of Load + Motor = 2.04 Kgm2T L = Load Torque = 20 NmT S = Brake Torque = 100% FLTMotor FLT = Kw x 9550 = 15 x 9550 = 95.5 Nmrpm 1500Brake selection NFA 10 (100 Nm)KJ per switching = J x N2 x TS182000 TS ± TL= 2.04 x 15002 x 100182000 100 + 20= 25.21 x 100 = 21 KJ per switching 120From NFA Braking Tables @ 1500 rpmNFA 10 Brake will stop approx. 40 times per hour.To Calculate Stopping TimeStopping Time = J x rpm9.55 x (TS ±TL)Example:-NFA 10 (100Nm)15Kw @ 1500 rpmMotor and Machine MOI = 2.04Kgm2T L = 20 NmStopping Time = 2.04 x 15009.55 x (100 + 20)Stopping Time = 2.67 seconds + Brake response timePage 6JCB110698NFA Basic Size 2 (20 NM) – Size 1000 (10,000 NM) ApplicationsGeneral engineering brake for a variety of applications.Standard FeaturesCoil Body Class F insulation and platingOuter Body Manufactured in standard Aluminium with PG9 Airgapinspection plug.Armature Plate Standard FinishBrake Flange Standard FinishFriction Lining Low wear rate with low torque fade over widetemperature band. High thermal capacity.End Cover Manufactured in standard AluminiumHub Mild SteelFixings All standard 12.9 Grade Cap ScrewsFlying Leads 1 metre longOptional Extra’s Hand Release LeverTacho/Endcoder ProvisionTerminal BoxMicro-proving SwitchWear detection switchCondensation heatersAdjustable brake torqueSwitching ModulesHalf WaveFull WaveForcing UnitsQuick SwitchingBuilt in Terminal boxOr Free-standingCB110698Page 7NFF Dockside Size 2 (20 NM) – Size 1000 (10,000 NM)ApplicationsDockside/Harbour and Marine Crane brake suitable for Seawater environment.Standard FeaturesCoil Body Class F insulation and platedOuter Body Manufactured in sea water proof aluminium with largeinspection holes and sealed bearing hand release provision. Armature Plate Special protection: Nitrided or PlatedBrake Flange Special protection: Nitrided or PlatedFriction Lining Low wear rate with low torque fade over wide temperature band.High thermal capacity.End Cover Manufactured in sea water proof aluminium with provision forcondensation heater.Hub Stainless SteelFixings All Stainless SteelFlying Leads 1 metre longSeals For high protectionAdjustable brake torque Simple adjustment with C spannerOptional Extra’s Hand Release LeverTacho/Endcover provisionTerminal BoxMicro-proving switchWear detection switchCondensation heatersSwitching ModulesHalf WaveFull WaveForcing UnitsQuick SwitchingBuilt in Terminal BoxOr Free StandingPage 8JCB110698CB110698Page 9Brake Size 24 6.310162540631001602504006301,000Torque (Working)Nm 2040631001602504006301,0001,6002,5004,0006,30010,000Torque (Holding)Nm 3060981402403605809501,4602,3603,7006,0309,27014,700Max Speed Min -15,3004,9004,5004,1003,8003,5003,2003,0002,8002,2001,9001,6001,4001,200Moment of Inertia J - B Side kgm 20.00040.000430.000730.001280.001350.003250.007750.013750.025750.149250.23850.4330.913251.66425Weightkg Voltage (DC)* *v 2424242424242424110110110110110110Nominal Wattage w 8067103110124149170249270325400482601587Nominal CurrentA 3.34 2.81 4.28 4.57 5.18 2.46 2.95 3.64 4.38 5.47 5.34Air Gap Normal GapMax 11 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.82 2.1a 150165175190225250270314350440500560650750b 135152162175205225250292325418472530620710c 120140140160180200220240270340390460530600d max H72530* 40* 404550606080110120130140160e 55556068.27678.59096100200215240270300h 3034322731313333343333333333l 73.589.692.895.3104121141145168182.6191226225265m 10.57.810.61514.51714.25212024.421.426.33030n 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5445 5.55566p 242830303555455575125130150185210s 230270280320340380 6screwsk M5M6M6M6M8M8M8M10M10M12M16M16M16M20f478080658090105120158220255280320330* * Other Voltages Available * With t2 keyways Din 6885 (2)# 255 when adjusting nut requiredStromag Electromagnetic Spring Applied Brake Series NFA (Basic Design)Page 10JCB110698Brake Size24 6.310162540631001602504006301,000M 115.5128.5128125151165179196238260290327364420K 179.5203198210245276300343376J 20.92829293239404554Refer to StromagL 95110110123140150170200220X 1933.7533.753848628386113125.5133.5168172182Q110110110110110150150250500Dimensions not given are available on requestConsult chart before orderingSeries Size 1st Digit BasicDesign Brake Flange Hand Release Lever M/C for Tacho AdjustableTorque2nd Digit Terminal Box PG Gland Micro Switch RectifierHeaterB lA l C lB l lD l l C lEl l D l l NFAF ll l E l l lG l F l l H l lGl l K l H l l lL l l K l l MlllL l l l M l l l Nlll lExample :- NFA 63 EC-24v DCIs a Brake Size 63 (630Nm) with Hand Release, Zag 3 Terminal Box with PG11 Gland and 24v DC CoilStromag Electromagnetic Spring Applied Brake Series NFA (Basic Design)Jack Off Screws are suppliedloose for emergency release Protection available up to IP66Special variations available on requesta) Terminal Box, Large ZAG6b) Proximity Sensorc) Wear Detection SwitchBrake Size24 6.310162540631001602504006301,000M 115.5128.5128125151165179196238260290327364420K 179.5203198210245276300343376J 20.92829293239404554Refer to StromagL 95110110123140150170200220X 1933.7533.753848628386113125.5133.5168172182Q110110110110110150150250500Dimensions not given are available on requestConsult chart before orderingSeries Size 1st Digit BasicDesign Brake Flange Hand Release Lever M/C for Tacho AdjustableTorque2nd Digit Terminal Box PG Gland Micro Switch RectifierHeaterB lA l C lB l lD l l C lEl l D l l NFFF ll l E l l lG l F l l H l lGl l K l H l l lL l l K l l MlllL l l l M l l l Nlll lExample :- NFF 63 EC-24v DCIs a Brake Size 63 (630Nm) with Hand Release, Zag 3 Terminal Box with PG11 Gland and 24v DC CoilStromag Electromagnetic Spring Applied Brake Series NFF (Dockside)Optional AccessoriesJack Off Screws are suppliedloose for emergency releaseProtection available up to IP66Special variations available on requesta) Terminal Box, Large ZAG6b) Proximity Sensorc) Wear Detection SwitchTabulated Permissible Heat / Energy CapacitySeries NFA / NFFEnergy KJ / Switching @ 1000 RPMBrake Size24 6.310162540631001602504406301,000117.714.6274562921542092985407028419961,304517.714.6274562921542092984485827148621,1431017.714.6274562921542092963644806007389902017.714.627425464891101481942733775137393013.69.718.92836435973991291822513424934010.27.314.22127324455749713618825636960 6.8 4.99.41418213037506491125171246100 4.1 2.9 5.78.511131822303955751021471,0000.410.290.570.851. KJ / Switching @ 1500 RPMBrake Size24 6.310162540631001602504006301,000117.714.627456292154209298373476570672880517.714.6274562921542092903234185086088031017.714.6274562921542022432773624485447243013.69.718.92836435973991291622513424934010.27.314.22127324455749713618825636960 6.8 4.99.41418213037496491125171246100 4.1 2.9 5.78.511131822293955751031471,0000.410.290.570.851. KJ / Switching @ 3000 RPMBrake Size24 6.310162*********17.714.627456292154209298517.714.6274562921542092901017.714.6274562921542022433013.69.718.92836435973994010.27.314.221273244557460 6.8 4.99.4141821303749100 4.1 2.9 5.78.511131822291,0000.410.290.570.851. The number of switchings must be spread evenly over an hourS w i t c h i n gS w i t c h i n gS w i t c h i n g165946731219291081Supplied Encapsulated22627112215The user of the brake must observe the respective regulations for prevention of accidents (Law applicable to working means).Spare part orders should indicate the following data:-1) Stromag Ref. No.2) Series and Size 3) Item and NumberConstruction & FunctioningThis brake is a fail safe spring-applied double faced brake, with electromagnetic release. When the coil is de-energised the pressure springs (19) push the armature disc (4) axially against the friction lining assy. (5). This is clamped between the armature disc (4) and the brake flange (7) thereby preventing rotation.The braking effect is transmitted through the friction lining carrier (5) to the shaft by way of a splined driving hub (6). When the coil is energised, the armature disc (4) is attracted towards the coil body (1) by electromagnetic force overcoming the pressure springs (19). Thereby the friction lining assy. (5) is released.AssemblyThe hub should be fitted to the shaft and retained by a good fitting key and axially located. The assembly to the motor is simple, no dismantling of the brake is required.Offer brake onto the motor spigot ensuring friction lining and assy. (5) is centralised.Tighten fixing screws (23) to correct bolt tightening torque (as specified on the drawing). Terminate brake as per wiring diagram in terminal box.Seal face between brake and motor with Hylomar gasket sealer to conform to IP 65.Emergency ReleaseNFA/NFF Version : By pulling the hand lever towards the back of the brake theWith Hand Release armature (4) is moved axially until it is lying against the coil body Lever (1), thus the friction assy may rotate freely.NFA /NFF Version :By inserting the Jack Off screws through the coil body into the Without Hand armature and tightening, the armature is moved axially against Release Lever the coil body, thus the friction assy may rotate freely.Attention: These measures shall be applied during maintenance, assembly or emergency conditions only.Operating Instructions for ElectromagneticSpring applied NFA / NFF Brake (Construction & Assembly)StromagIn the course of the working life of the brake, an increase of the airgap between coil body (1) and armature disc (4) will occur.For correct operation of the brake, ensure that the airgap maximum (rate specified in the drawing) is not exceeded, if the airgap is greater than this, re-adjust to normal dimension (also specified in drawing).To check the airgap dimension remove the inspection cover (22) and place a non-magnetic feeler gauge between the coil body (1) and armature (4).THERMAL CAPACITY; The brake is capable of absorbing a certain amount of energy during one emergency stop (As stated in the charts in our catalogue).Ensure all excessive dust and contamination is removed (this may impair operation of the micro switch).Strip brakes after commissioning and clean.Term of inspection six monthly, thereafter adjusted from evidence found.IF THERMAL CAPACITY IS EXCEEDED INSPECTION OF FRICTION LININGS,ARMATURE BACKPLATE AND COIL IS REQUIRED.Re-adjustment of the airgapIf the maximum airgap is reached, a re-adjustment to the normal airgap dimension must be made, this is done as follows:-Remove screws (23,25) dismantle coil body assembly and non magnetic outer body (2)from brake flange (7) taking care not to lose pressure springs (19) or damage armature plate(4).Remove shim (3) and re-assemble. The armature may be retained in position by using the emergency release screws. Ensure these are removed after re-assembly.Note: If the shim has previously been removed, a new lining assembly (5) together with shim (3) has to be fitted.Attention: On assembling the brake or replacing the friction lining assembly, care should be taken that the linings do not come in contact with grease etc. Greasy substances if any, can be removed by suitable degreasing agents. Never use petrol or paraffin.NOTE; USE ONLY GENUINE Stromag FRICTION LINING SPARES WHICH ARE NON ASBESTOS.StromagOperating Instructions for ElectromagneticSpring applied NFA / NFF Brake (Construction & Assembly)StromagStromagHousing colour for Halfwave version: BlackHousing colour for Fullwave version: GreyBy removing wire link and connecting instead, a contact (or No. of contacts in series) the D.C. output to coil is switched on the D.C. side of the Rectifier giving a 4 to 8 times faster application of the Brake (t2).Electrical connection via a 6 pole Terminal Block.Stripping length for cable: 6mm/0.25”.Cable size: 0.5mm - 2.5mm.EGV 500-5 Halfwave Rectifier Unit for Max. 500vAC Input, 1.8 amps Max. output.BG 270-5 - Fullwave Rectifier Unit for Max. 270vAC Input, 1.8 amps Max. output.The input and output for both types of Rectifier Unit are protected against overvoltage by Varistors.The Halfwave version EGV 500-5 also incorporates a Varistor to protect the D.C. switch contacts.Customer: __________________________________________________ Installation Site if known: ______________________________________ Enquiry No: _____________Order No: __________________Brake Size and Description: _________________________ See Catalogue IP Protection required: IP __________ Input Voltage: ___________ AC / DCHeater (Anti-condensation ) Voltage 110v / 240v ACHand Release Lever: Y / NVertical / Horizontal Shaft Application: H / VBore Requirements: _____________________________ Keyway Requirements: ___________________________Backplate Spigot dimensions: _______________________ Male / Female Terminal Box: Y / N Size: Large (Zag 6) Small (Zag 3) End Cap Fitted: Y / NTacho Fitted: Y / N Fixing Dimensions: __________________________ Additional machining / Special Requirements:Previous Order Ref. _____________________________________________Special adapter/adapters mounting plates or seals etc. Please specify. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________StromagORDER CHECK LISTNFF/NFA/NFH SeriesWe have supplied since 1988 in excess of 3000 NFA/NFF Brakes for high protection,Dockside Crane applications.The following Motor Manufacturers have used our Brakes:-Bull Electric Siemens Thrige Scott Marelli Mawdsley Sicme Motori David McClure IEG AnsaldoBrook CromptonVME A.B.B.Hyosung Teco AEG BauerMagneticThey have been used on the following Cranes: -Morris’s Stothert & Pitt Butterley MWG MagriniB.M. Titan KHIC Rolls RoyceSchnieder ImsaStreetInstallations Include: -Felixstowe Hong Kong Miami Southampton Pusan Port S. KoreaPenang Calcutta Cork Singapore Bombay Dundalk VancouverMadras Limerick Hull Tanjin Tilbury Immingham ShanghaiCharlstonFraser River StromagREFERENCE LISTStromag AGD-59411 Unna, Postfach 2123 . D-59425 Unna, Hansastr. 120 . Tel. (02303) 102-0 . Fax. (02303) 102-201。

P-1723-18-SV 5/16Printed in USASvendborg Brakes' comprehensive product range makes us your answer to one-stop brake shopping and supply. Our complete braking solutions include extensive design services, market-leading products, a quality-focused supply chain and unmatched after salesservices.Hydraulic Brakes - FailsafeSpring applied/hydraulic released failsafe disc brakes commonly used for parking or emergency stopping in case of power failure. Brake model and spring pack selection sized to suit specific application and customerrequirements. Brakes are available in either Dualspring or Monospring design and in standard finish or a corrosion resistant finish.Hydraulic Brakes - ActiveActive brakes are hydraulic applied/spring released discbrakes typically used for stopping, tensioning or holding purpose. The hydraulic pressure ensures a constant braking torque throughout the life of the pads. Brakes are available in either Dualspring or Monospring design and in standard finish or a corrosion resistant finish.Hydraulic Brakes - CustomApplication specific brakes such as Mill Brakes, Drawworks Brakes and Elevator Brakes are available to meet different customer and application requirements.Depending on the application, these brakes are offered with steel yokes and different types of certifications including DNV , ABS and API. Brakes are available in a standard finish or a corrosion resistant finish.Hydraulic Power Units -On/Off / 2 Stage Braking / SOBO ® iQOptional controlled braking sequence for use with Svendborg calipers.Controlled braking is used to prevent a hard/abrupt braking sequence. HPU is available with cabinet / enclosure and various options and accessories.Hydraulic Power Units - Application SpecificSpecific application HPU's forConveyors, Mills, Drawworks, Hoists, Cranes, Elevators etc. Each design is engineered and tested in cooperation with our customers, so we make sure all requirements are met.SOBO ® iQ ControllerSOBO ® iQ is a revolutionary soft braking technology for a variety of applications including Conveyors, Cranes, Hoists, Water Gates,Bridges, Barge Unloaders etc. If youneed safe and consistent stopping times independent of load or if you require to stop within a certain distance SOBO ® iQ is the answer.Brake DiscsSvendborg Brakes can supply brake discs according toapplication requirements. Standard sizes as well as custom sizes and special designs such as split discs are available.R&D & Test Center Extensive testing in our full scale test center is second to none and your guarantee for top quality. We have a strong tradition for R&D investments and an invaluable accumulated know-how. Our focus on innovation and testing is core to our company.Service OrganizationSvendborg Brakes field service technicians ensure correct adjustment of brakes, hydraulics and SOBO ®. A preventative maintenance visit minimizes downtime. A detailed service report including recommendations is always provided.Global FootprintOur global organization is always close to our customers. This means we can quickly be on site even in the most remote locations, which minimizes the downtime for our customers.OEM Spares & AccessoriesOEM spare parts are worth far more than compromising on price, quality and safety. We guarantee that all our products meet orexceed local regulations and safety standards.Engineering Support Our engineering team ensures your braking system is sized right for your project. We include our hydraulic, mechanical and electrical engineering team on each project. Trust is what we deliver to our customers. If anyone can do it,we can.Customer Service & Application SupportNorth America: +1 303 285 1271***********************South America: +56 23 203 9150***********************INDUSTRIALGet ConnectedThe Altra Newsroom makes it quick and easy for you to get the news you need when you need it. From new literature releases to trade show schedules, the news is at your fingertips 24 hours a day./newsroomEverything AltraFrom the Altra homepage you can connect to all of our brands, and visit our market portals to find solutions for yourspecific needs.Literature PortalConveniently download and request Altra's latest catalogs, brochures, service manuals and more on the Literature Portal. Find thelatest product information to meet your power transmission requirements by going to any Altra brand website and clicking onthe Literature tab.Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for up to the minute news you can use. 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斯特恩斯刹车换件部件P N 8-078-946-04说明书

®Brake Replacement PartsImportantPlease read these instructions carefullybefore servicing your Stearns Brake. Failure to comply with these instructions could cause injury to personnel and/or damage to property if the brake is serviced or operated incorrectly. For definition of limited warranty/liability, contact Rexnord Industries, Inc., Stearns Division, 5150 S. International Dr., Cudahy, Wisconsin 53110, (414) 272-1100.Caution1. Servicing shall be in compliance with applicable local safety codes including Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). All wiring and electrical connections must comply with theNational Electric Code (NEC) and local electric codes in effect.2. To prevent an electrical hazard,disconnect power source before working on the brake. If powerdisconnect point is out of sight, lock disconnect in the off position and tag to prevent accidental application of power.3. Be careful when touching the exterior of an operating brake. Allow sufficient time for the brake to cool before disassembly. Surface may be hot enough to be painful or cause injury.4. Do not operate brake with housing removed. All moving parts should be guarded.5. After usage, the brake interior will contain burnt and degraded friction material dust. This dust must beremoved before servicing or adjusting the brake.DO NOT BLOW OFF DUST using an air hose. It is important to avoiddispersing dust into the air or inhaling it, as this may be dangerous to your health.a) Wear a filtered mask or a respirator while removing dust from the inside of a brake.b) Use a vacuum cleaner or a softbrush to remove dust from the brake.When brushing, avoid causing the dust to become airborne. Collect the dust in a container, such as a bag,which can be sealed off.6. Maintenance should be performed only by qualified personnel familiar with the construction and operation of the brake.7. For proper performance and operation,only genuine Stearns parts should be used for repairs and replacements.Warning!Any mechanism or load held in position by the brake should be secured to prevent possible injury to personnel or damage to equipment before anydisassembly of the brake is attempted or before the manual release knob or lever is operated on the brake.Instructions1. T o remove housing, follow instructions listed for appropriate brake series.Series 65,300 brakes use fourthrough-bolts (15S), four flat washers (15U), four lock washers (15W) and four hex nuts (15N). Remove all and pull back on housing (7) to free it.Series 65,000 and 65,300 BrakesSeries 65,000 brakes use four bolts (15S), threaded into endplate and four lock washers (15W). Remove all and pull back on housing (7) to free it.Note:Some older design Series 65,300 brakes used the same bolt arrangement as Series 65,000.2. To replace the solenoid coil, disconnect lead wire terminal screws (139S), lock washers (139W) and lead wires (139).3. Insert a screwdriver between supportplate (126) and top of lever arm (17).With screwdriver wedge apart; remove bearing pin (26) and solenoid lever (8) with solenoid link (13) and plunger(29). It is not necessary to separatethe solenoid lever, solenoid link andplunger.4. Remove plunger guide screw(s) (84).Remove both plunger guides (82) byprying up on the flanges. Discardplunger guides.5. Slide coil (12A) sideways fromsolenoid frame (79). If necessary, tapcoil lightly with soft hammer. If coil had burned out, be sure to remove allforeign material from the solenoidplunger (29) and solenoid frame (79).7. To connect dual voltage coil for l owvoltage only, use crimp terminals(12AT) to attach black pigtail leads tocoil terminals.8. To connect dual voltage coil for highvoltage only, use wirenut (12AN) to12. Reconnect coil leads.13. Orient housing so that manual releaseknob is approximately 20°counterclockwise from verticalcenterline. Slide housing overendplate register and rotate clockwiseto align bolt holes. Replace hardwarein reverse order of Step 1.14. Caution 1!Do not run motor withbrake in manual release position. It isintended only for emergency manualmovement of the driven load, not as asubstitute for full electrical release.Caution 2!Class H coils withterminals. Do not bend lead wirecrimp connection as this causesfatigue in the metal which may breakunder vibration.NOTE: For complete instructions, withtroubleshooting, request sheetapplicable to the series of brake thatyou have.For Power Line A Power Line B Tie LeadsLow voltage 1 and 3 2 and 4High voltage12 3 and 4Copyright©1999 by Rexnord Industries, Inc.Rexnord Industries, Inc., Stearns Division, 5150 S. International Dr., Cudahy, Wisconsin 53110, (414) 272-1100 Fax (414) 277-4364。

产品名称:STROMAG抱闸/制动器产品型号:产品报价:8888产品特点:专业销售德国STROMAG制动器、德国STROMAG编码器、德国STROMAG盘式制动器、德国STROMAG限位开关、德国STROMAG电磁离合器、德国STROMAG抱闸摩擦片STROMAG抱闸/制动器STROMAG抱闸/制动器的详细资料:STROMAG抱闸/制动器STROMAG GGES 100/1 GNE 281FVSTROMAG EGV500-5 Vmax:300VAC Imax:1.8ASTROMAG 4CONPACPS 250V/AC 80V/DCSTROMAG 中心控制器CVT012.2AQ/MCDSTROMAG NFA100/150 BA BRAKE 220VDCSTROMAG 35HGE-651FV-A2R带接手STROMAG MWU40-100/SDF200 220VDC 91WSTROMAGSTROMAG 参考:446019类型:WS.1-3STROMAG 70HGE-581V50AIRSTROMAG 25K-315-48STROMAG NFA100/150BA 0044-1933-350407STROMAGSTROMAG GTES 51/1B 11NMH-499 B3 IP65STROMAG 350HGE-690FVFILSTROMAG 323BM-699B3 IP66STROMAG 16NE-652FV131359STROMAG NFA 160/250-VSTROMAGSTROMAG NFA250M G 52-73020-007-507STROMAG FFP2311013-30AA电机STROMAG AUFTR NR:108368/10 R51 IP66STROMAG 产品名称1STROMAG EKE S24 24V 33WSTROMAG 35HGE-690FVA2R N:128351/130STROMAG 订货号:062-03553STROMAG NFA100M G 52-73020-002-506STROMAG EAF NO:101867 电机抱闸摩擦片STROMAG 1500uF 350vdc -20+20% STROMAG NFA160/2500N.M SN:219002 STROMAG 6.5NMC-499B14IP55 STROMAG 限位开关53NE411STROMAGSTROMAG SHC5.6 C191或C252pres-Druck: STROMAG GETS 51/1C 6.5NM 699B3 IP66 STROMAGSTROMAG 参考:451793类型:US.2-4 NO STROMAGSTROMAG FOP23/0340-20AC2(400V) STROMAG NFF40 250-100471 227-03170 STROMAGSTROMAG 75BM-699B3 IP66STROMAGSTROMAG NFA100/150STROMAG 24HGE-690FV-A2L 400VAC 10A STROMAGSTROMAG 22HGE-690FV-A2LSTROMAG 205BM499 提升限位STROMAG 29BMC-499B14IP55 STROMAG 48BM-192/492 anfir Ur:501642 STROMAG ZBA4000 570V00096-900 STROMAG 5175BM-10-99A(F+M167-02780) STROMAG DCSP0.5 1.62KVASTROMAG BG270-4 MAX 270V AC 1.8A STROMAG STROMACON:7326629 FABR:30568 STROMAG NFA160M G 52-73020-003-507 STROMAG 4.1NM.Geber Auft.Nr:130712 STROMAG 5175BM-10-99A(F+M 167-02780) STROMAG 75BM-199/499+Potikup1产品系列: STROMAGSTROMAG 205BM-699B3 IP66STROMAG KH107DVM4 BM/HF STROMAGSTROMAG ADF180 驱动器STROMAG 48 BM-199/499 凸轮限位STROMAG 29BM-692LR-DH R51 IP20 STROMAG B3-3050120FG MAX:AC575V STROMAG AFFN FF6.3/5 207V 0.49A STROMAG ADF 038.3 服务器STROMAG NFF6.3(BG270-5)整流块STROMAG 35HGE-853FV50-A2R STROMAG 125 BM-699 AUFTR.NR 132828/30 STROMAG 0.76NE-45IF U230U6A 极限开关STROMAG AEB060.3.1STROMAG WS.1-3 N0DELOT:35794 STROMAG 产品名称1STROMAG IBV13C 240810 GBH2-26 24V 58W STROMAG P-100-3-015-000-N09 STROMAG C/12015/ABC 控制箱STROMAG 8HGE-690FV-A2R+F+M STROMAG NFF63 EA Brake 170VDCfor380VAC STROMAG GNE281FVSTROMAG K2-48-Z1 SN:000008 STROMAG 446092 29828 WS.1-3 STROMAG 51NE-680FV(8对开关)S/N:125597 STROMAG NFA 160/220STROMAG 17HGE-690-590FV-B22 F+M STROMAG NFH10STROMAG 58mm-24VDC-3600T/U STROMAG NFA100B BRAKE 1.91AMPS STROMAG 22HGE-690FVA2R N:128351/150 STROMAG 执行器:类型:3TB 3OR序列号: STROMAG AKM125.3STROMAG抱闸/制动器STROMAG FSP23/0300-30A0STROMAG 35HGE-590FVA1LF+M 接近开关STROMAG NFA100M/1000N.M SN:219027 STROMAG AG SSG230/4 230V STROMAG 执行器:类型:SHC15-3序列号:STROMAG 17HGE-55FV50-AIR-F2 STROMAG 155 HGE-590 控制器STROMAG NFA 250/400-VSTROMAG EGV500-5 500VAC 1.8ASTROMAG 2E-HSPH-481 V400 10AM STROMAG 155HGE552FV50A1R-D12 124879/10 STROMAG EZE63 离合器STROMAG KH107DVM4 BM/HFSTROMAG NFF6.3 0044-1933-340407的配套STROMAG 配在NFA 160/220上用的制动片STROMAG ERD160 NR.526-00039 STROMAG 48BM-492 IP66 125turns STROMAG FIP 10/0007-60 BA1 4P STROMAG 180HGE-653FV-A2R 卷筒圈数:160 STROMAG 48BM 499STROMAG EF3-1STROMAG 6.5NM-497B5/IP66STROMAG FGP111/002-25AASTROMAG C/12016/ABC SN:405451 控制箱STROMAG AEB125.3-1 伺服STROMAGSTROMAGSTROMAGSTROMAG 48BMC-499B14IP55STROMAG 17.5BMC-499B14IP55 STROMAG 35HGE552FV50A1R-D12 124879/70 STROMAG MKK100 SPULE 110VDC 256W 2.3A STROMAG 51NE653FV FMSTROMAG NFA40 BRAKE 110V DCFOR 230VAC STROMAG BG270-5 270vAC 1.8A STROMAG 70HGE-853FV50-A2RSTROMAG 旋转限位开关70HGE-690FVFIL STROMAGSTROMAG 110/A 51 NE-290VSTROMAG NFA 100M.G 24VDC/252W/0.5A STROMAGSTROMAGSTROMAG ADF038.3 驱动器STROMAG 24HGE-690FV-A3R+F+M STROMAG 9.5HGE-890FV-A2RSTROMAG 446090 29862 WS.1-3 STROMAG 4.1NM-699G ORDER NO:126503/10STROMAGSTROMAG ADC006.3/III VA Aufor-Nr702999 STROMAG SIME EF3-1 GFSTROMAG 48BM-292 119450 201644 STROMAG NFE40 NO:235035/242252 STROMAG 抱闸磨刹片(成套)Sime EF3-1 STROMAG 70HGE-890FV70-A2L NR13828/80 STROMAG PNA25R IN:l830-00080 STROMAG 240244E2416STROMAG 085HGE-753FV50-A2R带连轴器STROMAG NFF 6.3 EH BRAKE 207V DC FOR STROMAG 17,5BMH-697+CRD66 R51 IP65 STROMAG ZBA630STROMAG 21 CGS-281/380V NR:129781/20 STROMAG CN007.182 STROMAG GTES 51/2C 48BMH-699+CDV-115-M STROMAG HVF-200L 30KW 1500RPM/62A STROMAG 92NE653FV FMSTROMAG 0.91NE451FV GR.1 NR:129162 STROMAG 17.5BMH-697+CRD66STROMAG GEN-281FVSTROMAG 凸轮限位.N=125.125BMH-899G STROMAG 17.5BMP-699G AUftr Nr:138306 STROMAG NFF40:03-53986XESTROMAG 446091 29863 WS.1-3 SECURITE STROMAG 产品名称1STROMAG 70HGE853FV50A2R-F+M STROMAG EGV 500-1 Max:500VAC 1.8A STROMAGSTROMAG 035HGE-753FV50-A2L带连轴器STROMAG TYP:BZFM4 ART:401-02305 207VDC STROMAG 35HGE-552FV-AIR-D12 STROMAG 22.5.1-4备8-9STROMAG 0.28HEG-522FU-A1 127144 STROMAGSTROMAG ADF038.3 00380016STROMAG 210-PNA16 438214-11 STROMAG ZBA1000 570V00095-90STROMAG 70HGE-890FV70-A2L UI=400V STROMAG 02 CLS-553V NR:129254 STROMAG 离合器EZL25-24V/55.6W STROMAG抱闸/制动器STROMAG DR0013 30VA-C 70VB-C 125V STROMAG 708-119D11D 角度0-100编码器STROMAG ERD160 NR.510-00032 STROMAG 70HGE-553FV50A1R-FL X STROMAG NFA250/4000N.M SN:219002 STROMAG EZL16.24VSTROMAG QABPEJ 3156A:NFF100/150 1500N STROMAG 29BM692 LR-DHSTROMAG 快速开关驱动单元DSZ1508.1 STROMAG NFF 6.3/9.4 PH RAKE STROMAGSTROMAG 限位开关35HGE452FV50AIR STROMAG AEB160.3.2STROMAGSTROMAGSTROMAGSTROMAG 参考:451793类型:US.2-4 STROMAG NFF100 制动器STROMAGSTROMAG 中心控制器CVT012.2AQ/SCD STROMAG CRT1.B SN:114STROMAG 图号DC32177-15 离合器STROMAG 29 BM-192/892 230VAC 6A/24DVC STROMAG 5175BM-10-99-A 5X12DEG.5X90DEG STROMAGSTROMAG SSG-A3-B 060505802制动模块STROMAG 70HGE-490FVA1LF+M 接近开关STROMAGSTROMAG 22.5.1-4备8-71STROMAGSTROMAGSTROMAG 115HGE-653FV-A2L 卷筒圈数:150 STROMAGSTROMAG 155HGE-653FV-A2R 卷筒圈数:150STROMAGSTROMAG MAH10RH 566997STROMAG RLS-51-49.5-SP-2-0STROMAGSTROMAG GTES 51/3D 125BMH-899B3 IP65 STROMAG FLF42/1/83-30STROMAG 155HGE590FV50A2R STROMAG 5INE-451 100/ZSTROMAG AC-SERVO 475 1143 FabrNO.49727 STROMAG JBV13C 228348 GBH2-22 24V STROMAGSTROMAG 电磁离合器EFK-40 24V 120W STROMAG NAF 160M.G 24VDC/344W/14.3A STROMAG BG270-1 MAX:270VAC MAX:1.8A STROMAG FRP 21/0060-20BN AUFIR-NR-30 STROMAG ADF038.3 00380017 STROMAG SGI-0173/IGV58 4000/200 STROMAG SSG 230/4 060505 802-000 STROMAGSTROMAG 改:35HGE853FV50A2R-F+M STROMAG EZE250。

□制动器的安装及调整●制动器安装方式:○纵装:松开螺母4、5使主弹簧处于自由状态,松开6、8螺母,转动螺杆7撑开制动臂,再将制动器套装在制动轮节器9—弹簧座spring base 上。
10—弹簧架刻度机 spring notches ○横装:当制动轮已装在电机与其它机件之间时,松开螺母4、5、6、7、8,转动螺杆取下螺杆3和7,将制动臂放倒。
篇二:制动器说明书(参考) 1 绪论1.1 课题背景及目的汽车的普及伴随着能源消耗的增多,而如今的生活,汽车已经是人们日常生活离不开的必要工具。
吉安特conduct SL水泥制式刹车系统用户指南说明书

∙ Contact the place of purchase or Authorized Giant Retailer for information on detail of installation and maintenance.∙ Read this manual completely before attempting to install or work on your Giant Conduct SL Hydraulic Brake System.∙ Do not disassemble or alter this product.∙ If you encounter difficulties, or are uncertain abou t anything identified in this user’s manual, please contact your local Authorized Giant RetailerA) Safety Precautions And Considerations✓This braking system was designed for use on a single rider bicycle. Use of this system on any other vehicle or apparatus will void the warranty, possibly causing you great personal harm and injury.✓Please use extra caution to keep your fingers away from the rotating disc brake rotors. The disc brake rotor is sharp enough to inflict server injury to your fingers if caught within the openings of moving rotor.✓If your bike is involved in a fall or crash, stop and fully check the brake function, including: the lever, caliper, and rotor are securely attached to the bike, pads are correctly installed and functioning, the cable is operating smoothly and the lever feels firm when actuating the brake. Always have a qualified mechanic or your Authorized Giant Retailer check the brakes if you have any doubts.✓Disc Brakes, calipers, rotors and pads get VERY HOT during regular use. DO NOT touch or attempt to service the rotor or caliper, assembly until you’ve allowed for sufficient cooling to occur.✓Pad thickness must be more than 2.5 mm( recommendation values). Confirm this before each ride. Keep pads clean and free of oil or hydraulic fluid. If pads become contaminated discard and replace. ✓Cleanliness is a very important part of any maintenance of the Giant Conduct SL Hydraulic Brake System. If the pads or rotor become contaminated with oil, or if the system becomes contaminated with impurities, braking performance will be greatly impaired.✓Ensure that cable housing is always secured to the frame and/or fork prior to every ride. Do not ride a bike on which the cable housing can come into contact with the tires.B) NOTICE✓If you are unfamiliar with any element of assembly or maintenance of this braking system, please consult a qualified mechanic or your Authorized Giant Retailer for assistance.✓To prevent risks and potential dangers, please keep this product away from children.WARNING CAUTIONA) NOTE: This product is designed for use with Giant Contact SL, Contact andConnect handlebar stems only. Please install and adjust according to the instructions in this manual. B) TOOLS NEEDED∙ 3mm Hex Wrench ∙ 4mm Hex Wrench ∙ 5mm Hex Wrench ∙ T15 Torx® Wrench ∙T25 Torx® WrenchC) MOUNTING THE ROTORWARNING: Important: Operating the Giant Conduct SL Hydraulic braking system without out using an authorized GIANT rotor disc will void your warranty. Using an unauthorized rotor disc may lead to unpredictable braking performance, this may cause serious injuries or possibly death. For recommended rotor disc please consult an authorized GIANT dealer.∙ Remove wheel from bike.∙ Clean the disc and hub-mounting surface with isopropyl alcohol (do NOT use discbrake cleaner).∙ Using a TORX T25 wrench, attach the rotor to the hub using supplied bolts andtighten to 4-6 Nm.∙ Use a star-pattern sequence to tighten the disc rotor bolts. DO NOT simply tightenthem clock-wise or counterclockwise. (Fig. C-1)NOTE: Be sure the directional indicators on the rotor point in the same direction as the rotation of the wheel.CAUTION :DO NOT TOUCH THE DISC IMMEDIATELY AFTER USE – IT WILL BE HOT.D) MOUNTING THE CALIPER∙For flat mount or post mount adapters, hold the adapter so that the stamped “UP” is oriented upwards. For use without adaptors, proceed directly to next step.∙ Assemble the adapter and front caliper together, tightening torque is 5-7Nm(4mm) (Fig. D-1)NOTE: Tightening torque is 6-8 Nm(5mm) for post mount. ∙ Align caliper with frame/fork mounting holes.∙ Attach the caliper to the fork or frame using two mounting bolts, but do not fullytighten at this time. (Fig. D-2)Fig. C-1 Rotor assembly sequenceFig. D-2 Align rear-caliper with frame mounting holes.5-7Nm (4mm)E) MOUNTING THE MASTER CYLINDER BODYNOTE: Giant Conduct SL Hydraulic brake systems are designed for use only with Giant Contact SL, Contact and Connect stems ∙ Assemble the master cylinder body to stem extension being sure that thehydraulic hoses are facing downwards ∙ Tighten Stem bolts following the sequence shown (Fig. E-1), fastening torque is 6Nm (Fig. E-2)F) Cable Installation∙The Braking cable housing are consisted by two types of cable housings (Coiled Cable Housing &Compressionless cable Housing) Coiled cable housing serves as an adopter that protects the braking lever from getting damaged by the compressionless cable housing. Compressionless Housing will provide the best braking performance. For cable installation, cut the compressionless housing to accommodate your bar width and preference. ∙ Be sure to cut accurately to minimize tight bends and acute angles for optimizedbrake lever feel. Confirm that the housing is cut evenly, not frayed and wire strands are not exposed (Fig. F-1). For best braking performance, use compressionless housing with linear wire strands and please keep the coiled wire housing as short as possible.Fig. F-1∙The metallic, flexible housing (Fig. F-2) serves as a safety adapter that prevents the control unit housing from being damaged by the compressionless cable housing and also helps reduce cable friction for smooth operationFig. F-2∙ Assemble the compressionless housing to the flexible housing as shown (Fig. F-3) Fig. F-3∙ Insert the male end of F-2 into control unit housing and capped end of F-3 intothe Master Cylinder Body, running the housing inside or outside the first bend inFig. E-1 Torqueing sequence Fig. E-2 Locking torque 6 Nmthe bar .The safety mark should not be visible on a correctly installed unit, as shown below (F ig. F-4).G) Connecting the Brake Cable and Master Cylinder∙ Set the lever reach at its maximum/longest position. ∙ Set the adjuster knob to the lock position when fixing the cable (Fig. G-1) ∙ Loosen the brake cable screw on the master cylinder body.NOTE: While operating this procedure please make sure to insert the T15 Torx ® wrench securely into the screw to avoid any stripping issues.∙ Run cable through the control unit, housings and through the master cylinder. Pull the cable taut, being careful to NOT add any load to the brake cylinder.∙ Tighten the torx T15 cable screw on the related cylinder, maximum torque is 4.5 Nm.∙ Ensure the brake cable is secured. Turn the adjuster knob to indicated start line, and it should never be over the “DO NOT OVERLAP ” indication . (Fig. G-2)∙ The positioning mark should always be in downward direction after finishing turning the adjuster knob.∙Cut the excess cable and add a cable tip.Safety markBrake Cable ScrewFig. F-4 Insert the flexible cable housingCable Tip Fig. G-1 Pull cable and tighten Set adjuster knobto lock position∙To align the caliper, securely attach the wheel according to the bicycle owner’s manual, pull the brake lever firmly and hold to self-align the caliper on the rotor while tightening the caliper mounting bolts with a torque of 5-7 Nm (Fig. G-3). NOTE: Tightening torque is 6-8 Nm (5mm) for post mount; 5-7 Nm for flat mount. NOTE: NEVER activate the (See Section J) ∙ Release the lever and check that the pads are aligned equally and that thewheel spins freely without contact between the rotor and brake pads. ∙ Pull brake lever 10 times to stretch cable and seat housing to ensure there is noair inside the hydraulic system. New cables will stretch slightly after initial installation, repeat the cable tightening process to maintain proper performance. NOTE: If air is identified in the system, please refer to Section J in this manualH) Lever Reach Adjustment / modulationFig. G-3 Pull brake lever & tighten the caliper to5-7NmFig. G-2 Adjuster knobSet adjuster knob to lock positionDO NOT OVERLAPPositioning mark downwardsNever over indication line∙ Install lever in your preferred position and adjust reach of your brake lever according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.∙ Turn the adjuster knob to “DO NOT OVERLAP ” indication line after the adjustment. ∙The positioning mark should always be downward direction after finishing turning the adjuster knob. (Fig. H-1)CAUTION : Adjustment affects the reach of the lever and braking performance according to personal preference and different using conditions of the product. Make sure that the brakes operate properly and with sufficient braking power after every adjustment. If you have any doubts, do no use the bike and always contact a qualified mechanic at your Authorized Giant Retailer to check the brakes.CAUTION : The range of adjustment should never be over the “DO NOT OVERLAP ” indication, possibly causing you great personal harm and injury.I) Changing Brake PadsWARNING: Important: Operating Giant Conduct SL Hydraulic braking system without out using authorized GIANT braking pad will void your warranty. Using unauthorized braking pad may lead to unpredictable braking performance, this may cause serious injuries or possibly death. For Recommended brake pads please consult an authorized GIANT dealer.CAUTION : Pad should be replaced when total thickness is less than 2.5mm (friction material & metal plate)or the pad wear indicator appearance. (Fig. I-1)∙ Remove the w heel from bike.∙ Loosen the brake pad assembly bolt with a 3mm hex wrench.∙ Pull the cotter pin from the brake pad retaining bolt – be careful not to lose this piece∙ Set the bolt and cotter pin aside. Be careful to save the spring assembly for laterFig. I-1 Identify worn brake padsFig. I-2 Caliper assemblyPositioning mark downwardsNever overindication line “DO NOT OVERLAPuse.∙Remove the pads from the bottom end of the caliper. (Fig. I-2)∙Use a bleed block to reset the pistons back into the caliper.∙Install new pads and spring assembly into the calipers in a reverse fashion to the removal process.∙Reinsert brake pad retainer bolt into the caliper and re-attach the cotter pin.Tighten the brake pad assembly bolt.∙Repeat for other caliper and adjust cable or pad alignment if necessary.∙Contact your Authorized Giant Retailer for further details as necessary.WARNING: When the braking pads are worn out please make sure to replace both pads, this way it insures the same 0.3mm clearance in between the rotor and the braking pad. Uneven clearance may cause major braking failure and result in serious injury.J)Bleed the System∙Please always use mineral oil for the Giant Conduct SL Hydraulic brake system.∙You should always bleed the system after you have shortened or replaced the hose or have opened the system to air at any time.∙If the brake action feels spongy, you may improve performance by re-bleeding the system.∙If this is the case, contact your Authorized Giant Retailer or a qualified professional bicycle mechanic to resolve the problem.∙Contact the place of purchase or your Authorized Giant Retailer for further detail information on the bleeding of products which are not found in this user’s manual. K)NOTICE∙Please do not press the circled cylinder section before the brake assembly is complete. Pressing the cylinder before assembly may cause unexpected brakingcharacteristics. (Fig. K-1)∙Please do not remove the screws from the hydraulic cap located the circled cylinder section, by removing the screw may cause unpredictable malfunctions.(Fig. K-2)Fig. K-1 Do not press the cylinder Fig. K-2 Do not remove the screwsor are uncertain about problem are found with following items, please contact your local Giant authorized retailer.Spin wheel to be sure rotors are undamaged and aligned without contact or rub between the rotor and brake pads. Check the front and rear brakes work correctly and without any abnormal noises∙Check the disc brake rotor is complete, without crack and deformation.∙Ensure that pads and rotor must be kept clean and free from oil or grease-based contamination.∙Check brake pad thickness - total thickness is more than recommendation values (Fig. I-1).∙Check cable and housing for fraying, excessive friction or damage.Giant warrants the Conduct SL Hydraulic brake system to be free of manufacturing defects for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase to the original owner.This warranty applies only to this product when purchased new from an Authorized Giant Dealer and assembled by that dealer at the time of purchase.LIMITED REMEDYUnless otherwise provided, the sole remedy under the above warranty, or any implied warranty, is limited to the replacement of defective parts with those of equal or greater value at the sole discretion of Giant. This warranty extends from the date of purchase, applies only to the original owner, and is not transferable. In no event shall Giant be responsible for any direct, incidental or consequential damages, including, without limitation, damages for personal injury, property damage, or economic losses, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, product liability, or any other theory.EXCLUSIONSThe above warranty, or any implied warranty, does not cover:∙Normal wear and tear on parts in situations where there are no assembly or material defects.∙Consumable components including wires, cables, and brake pads.∙Products serviced by other than an Authorized Giant dealer.∙Modifications of the product from its original condition.∙Use of this product for abnormal, competition and/or commercial activities or for purposes other than those for which this product wasdesigned.∙Damage caused by failing to follow the User’s Manual.∙Paint, finish and decal damage resulting from taking part in competitions, jumping, downhill and/or training for such activities or events or as aresult of exposing the product to, or operating the product in, severeconditions or climates.∙Labor charges for part replacement or changeover.Except as is provided by this warranty and subject to all additional warranties, Giant and its employees and agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever (including incidental and consequential loss or damage caused by negligence or default) arising from or concerning any Giant product.Giant makes no other warranties, express or implied. All implied warranties, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are limited in duration to that of the express warranties stated above.Any claim against this warranty must be made through an Authorized Giant Dealer or distributor. The purchase receipt or other proof of the date of purchase is required before a warranty claim may be processed.Claims made outside the country of purchase may be subject to fees and additional restrictions.Warranty duration and details may differ by country. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which may vary from place to place. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR STATUTORY RIGHTS.。


Lubricate and install the outer bearing on spindle. Place thurst washer and new locking tab washer if applicable) and castle nut on spindle. Turn the brake drum as you the tighten spindle nut. When a pronounced drag is felt in the bearings, back off the spindle nut one complete slot and install cotter pin or bend tab on locking tooth washer (if aplicable) and dust cap. Caution: Do not over pack hub with grease. Excessive grease may leak into brake drums causing brake failure. Install wheels at this time. Tighten wheel nuts to proper torque as recommended by trailer or wheel manufacturer. Recheck lug torque after first 50 miles. Spin wheel at this time to make sure the wheel rotates freely without wobble or drag.4. Initial Adjustment of BrakesAdjust the brakes before removing the jacks.A.With trailer wheel off the ground and tire mounted. Removethe rubber access hole plugs from the rear of the brakebacking plate.B.Inserting a brake spoon or flat screwdriver through theaccess hole(s), tighten the star adjuster while rotating thewheel in the forward direction. NOTE: Always spin wheel inthe forward direction as if the trailer was traveling forward onthe road. Tighten the star adjuster until the wheel reaches apoint where the brake shoes start to engage.C.Loosen the star adjustor one click at a time while turning thewheel in a forward rotation. Continue adjusting one click at atime until the wheel rotates with little effort.D.Replace the rubber access hole plugs.E.Repeat this procedure for all braking wheels.5. Connect Elecrical WiresElectric brake controllers are required to be used with electric brakes. Follow the manufacturers installation and use instructions for setting up the brake controller with your tow vehicle and trailer.Connect wiring separately to each brake. Magnet wires are not set up as “+” or “-”.Electric Brakes are similar to drum brakes on an automobile; the difference is that instead of hydraulic pressure actuating the brakes, an electromagnet activates the brakes. When power is given to the magnets, they are attracted to the inside of the brake drum. The drag on the magnet moves the actuating arm and the brake shoes are forced out to the inside of the brake drum hub.NOTE:When using drum or disc brakes on tandem axle trailers, both axles must be installed with brakes, Failure to install brakes on both axles will result in loss of braking performance, overheating of brakes & wheel hub, and significantly reduce brake pad life.Upper Return Spring Secondary PadDrum Replacement Parts Kitfor 10” brakesPart #82081Magnet/Spring Assemblyfor 10” &12” brakesPart #82082Drum Replacement Parts Kitfor 12” brakesPart #82083Pad Replacement Kits10” Uni-Servo/Electric Shoe (lining)KitPart #8099512” Uni-Servo/Electric Shoe (lining)KitElectric Drum Brake Replacement Parts。
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Stromag Limited 29 Wellingborough Road RushdenNorthamptonshireNN10 9YEUnited KingdomTel. (+44) 0 1933 350407Fax. (+44) 0 1933 358692e-mail. stromagltd@Page 2JCB110698Electromagnetic Fail Safe Brakes Series NFA/NFF Stromag Versions:Basic & Dockside CranesStromag Limited29 Wellingborough Road,RushdenNorthamptonshire · NN10 9YE · United KingdomTel. 01933 350407 · Fax. 01933 358692e-mail stromagltd@CB110698Page 3NFA / NFF SERIES BRAKEAdvantages:Comprehensive range 20 -10,000 Nm.Simple assembly to motor, no dismantling of brake required.Concentricity through body for Tacho fixing.No setting required when changing discs, therefore eliminating human error.Compatibility of consumable spares.Simple maintenance, once only adjustment by shim removal.Positive feel hand release mechanism.Proven reliable design.Sealed inspection holes for Airgap / Lining wear.Extremely low inertia.High heat dissipation.Free from axial loads when braking and running.Suitable for vertical mounting (subject to conditions).Many optional extras available.Facilities to design to customer's special requirements.Protection available up to IP66."Asbestos free" linings as standard.Holding and Working brake variations.===============================================================Voltages Available:Standard 24v DC, 97v DC (110v Rectified), and 198v DC (220v Rectified).Other Voltages available.Coils available to suit : AC Supplies with Integral Half and Full Wave rectification.We suggest the following alternative - Customer to take standard voltage 24V / 110VDC, and we can provide Transformer Rectifier unit.Page 4JCB110698Brake Operation :Brakes switched on the DC side. (This will achieve fastest response times).Brakes are FAIL SAFE ie. Spring Applied.Power on to release.When the coil (2), is energised, the magnetic flux attracts the armature plate (3), to the coil body (1), this compresses the springs (8), and releases the brake disc (4).Micro Switch :Optional availability, Inboard Proving Switch, one common contact, one normally open contact and one normally closed contact.This can be interlocked with motor contactor for parking brake duty, ie. brake release before starting motor.Brake Termination :Three standard versions :1) Flyaway leads, usually 1 metre long through PG Cable Gland in Body.2) IP66 Terminal box, for easy connection and removal,3) Versions for AC supply with built-in Full Wave or Half Wave rectification inside the Terminal Box.Please note that when the brake is electrically connected to an AC motor and switched on the AC side, care must be taken so that the load does not drive back into the motor and generate a voltage that may hold the brake off.I.e. in hoist and lift applications. If in doubt please contact the Stromag technical department.Emergency Hand Release Lever :This is set in our works, no setting is required over maximum lining wear.Special Bearing mechanism for easy operation and positive feel.Emergency Jacking Screws available if Hand Release Lever not supplied.Brake Flange :Manufactured to suit our Brake and your Motor.Condensation Heaters :Inboard condensation heaters can be providedTacho / Encoder :Can be provided as optional extras.Special Surface Finishes :Most of the components can be treated with a protective surface coating for arduous environments; ie. Dockside Cranes / Deck mounting etc.CB110698Page 5CALCULATIONSFull Load Torque = FLTLoad Torque = NmTorque = NmKilowatts = Kw9550Speed = rpm Initial Torque, size of brake = FLT x Factor (25% - 200%)Calculating Maximum Stops per Hour using Braking Tables Example:-Motor 15 Kw @ 1500 rpmJ = Total Inertia of Load + Motor = 2.04 Kgm2T L = Load Torque = 20 NmT S = Brake Torque = 100% FLTMotor FLT = Kw x 9550 = 15 x 9550 = 95.5 Nmrpm 1500Brake selection NFA 10 (100 Nm)KJ per switching = J x N2 x TS182000 TS ± TL= 2.04 x 15002 x 100182000 100 + 20= 25.21 x 100 = 21 KJ per switching 120From NFA Braking Tables @ 1500 rpmNFA 10 Brake will stop approx. 40 times per hour.To Calculate Stopping TimeStopping Time = J x rpm9.55 x (TS ±TL)Example:-NFA 10 (100Nm)15Kw @ 1500 rpmMotor and Machine MOI = 2.04Kgm2T L = 20 NmStopping Time = 2.04 x 15009.55 x (100 + 20)Stopping Time = 2.67 seconds + Brake response timePage 6JCB110698NFA Basic Size 2 (20 NM) – Size 1000 (10,000 NM) ApplicationsGeneral engineering brake for a variety of applications.Standard FeaturesCoil Body Class F insulation and platingOuter Body Manufactured in standard Aluminium with PG9 Airgapinspection plug.Armature Plate Standard FinishBrake Flange Standard FinishFriction Lining Low wear rate with low torque fade over widetemperature band. High thermal capacity.End Cover Manufactured in standard AluminiumHub Mild SteelFixings All standard 12.9 Grade Cap ScrewsFlying Leads 1 metre longOptional Extra’s Hand Release LeverTacho/Endcoder ProvisionTerminal BoxMicro-proving SwitchWear detection switchCondensation heatersAdjustable brake torqueSwitching ModulesHalf WaveFull WaveForcing UnitsQuick SwitchingBuilt in Terminal boxOr Free-standingCB110698Page 7NFF Dockside Size 2 (20 NM) – Size 1000 (10,000 NM)ApplicationsDockside/Harbour and Marine Crane brake suitable for Seawater environment.Standard FeaturesCoil Body Class F insulation and platedOuter Body Manufactured in sea water proof aluminium with largeinspection holes and sealed bearing hand release provision. Armature Plate Special protection: Nitrided or PlatedBrake Flange Special protection: Nitrided or PlatedFriction Lining Low wear rate with low torque fade over wide temperature band.High thermal capacity.End Cover Manufactured in sea water proof aluminium with provision forcondensation heater.Hub Stainless SteelFixings All Stainless SteelFlying Leads 1 metre longSeals For high protectionAdjustable brake torque Simple adjustment with C spannerOptional Extra’s Hand Release LeverTacho/Endcover provisionTerminal BoxMicro-proving switchWear detection switchCondensation heatersSwitching ModulesHalf WaveFull WaveForcing UnitsQuick SwitchingBuilt in Terminal BoxOr Free StandingPage 8JCB110698CB110698Page 9Brake Size 24 6.310162540631001602504006301,000Torque (Working)Nm 2040631001602504006301,0001,6002,5004,0006,30010,000Torque (Holding)Nm 3060981402403605809501,4602,3603,7006,0309,27014,700Max Speed Min -15,3004,9004,5004,1003,8003,5003,2003,0002,8002,2001,9001,6001,4001,200Moment of Inertia J - B Side kgm 20.00040.000430.000730.001280.001350.003250.007750.013750.025750.149250.23850.4330.913251.66425Weightkg Voltage (DC)* *v 2424242424242424110110110110110110Nominal Wattage w 8067103110124149170249270325400482601587Nominal CurrentA 3.34 2.81 4.28 4.57 5.18 2.46 2.95 3.64 4.38 5.47 5.34Air Gap Normal GapMax 11 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.82 2.1a 150165175190225250270314350440500560650750b 135152162175205225250292325418472530620710c 120140140160180200220240270340390460530600d max H72530* 40* 404550606080110120130140160e 55556068.27678.59096100200215240270300h 3034322731313333343333333333l 73.589.692.895.3104121141145168182.6191226225265m 10.57.810.61514.51714.25212024.421.426.33030n 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5445 5.55566p 242830303555455575125130150185210s 230270280320340380 6screwsk M5M6M6M6M8M8M8M10M10M12M16M16M16M20f478080658090105120158220255280320330* * Other Voltages Available * With t2 keyways Din 6885 (2)# 255 when adjusting nut requiredStromag Electromagnetic Spring Applied Brake Series NFA (Basic Design)Page 10JCB110698Brake Size24 6.310162540631001602504006301,000M 115.5128.5128125151165179196238260290327364420K 179.5203198210245276300343376J 20.92829293239404554Refer to StromagL 95110110123140150170200220X 1933.7533.753848628386113125.5133.5168172182Q110110110110110150150250500Dimensions not given are available on requestConsult chart before orderingSeries Size 1st Digit BasicDesign Brake Flange Hand Release Lever M/C for Tacho AdjustableTorque2nd Digit Terminal Box PG Gland Micro Switch RectifierHeaterB lA l C lB l lD l l C lEl l D l l NFAF ll l E l l lG l F l l H l lGl l K l H l l lL l l K l l MlllL l l l M l l l Nlll lExample :- NFA 63 EC-24v DCIs a Brake Size 63 (630Nm) with Hand Release, Zag 3 Terminal Box with PG11 Gland and 24v DC CoilStromag Electromagnetic Spring Applied Brake Series NFA (Basic Design)Jack Off Screws are suppliedloose for emergency release Protection available up to IP66Special variations available on requesta) Terminal Box, Large ZAG6b) Proximity Sensorc) Wear Detection SwitchBrake Size24 6.310162540631001602504006301,000M 115.5128.5128125151165179196238260290327364420K 179.5203198210245276300343376J 20.92829293239404554Refer to StromagL 95110110123140150170200220X 1933.7533.753848628386113125.5133.5168172182Q110110110110110150150250500Dimensions not given are available on requestConsult chart before orderingSeries Size 1st Digit BasicDesign Brake Flange Hand Release Lever M/C for Tacho AdjustableTorque2nd Digit Terminal Box PG Gland Micro Switch RectifierHeaterB lA l C lB l lD l l C lEl l D l l NFFF ll l E l l lG l F l l H l lGl l K l H l l lL l l K l l MlllL l l l M l l l Nlll lExample :- NFF 63 EC-24v DCIs a Brake Size 63 (630Nm) with Hand Release, Zag 3 Terminal Box with PG11 Gland and 24v DC CoilStromag Electromagnetic Spring Applied Brake Series NFF (Dockside)Optional AccessoriesJack Off Screws are suppliedloose for emergency releaseProtection available up to IP66Special variations available on requesta) Terminal Box, Large ZAG6b) Proximity Sensorc) Wear Detection SwitchTabulated Permissible Heat / Energy CapacitySeries NFA / NFFEnergy KJ / Switching @ 1000 RPMBrake Size24 6.310162540631001602504406301,000117.714.6274562921542092985407028419961,304517.714.6274562921542092984485827148621,1431017.714.6274562921542092963644806007389902017.714.627425464891101481942733775137393013.69.718.92836435973991291822513424934010.27.314.22127324455749713618825636960 6.8 4.99.41418213037506491125171246100 4.1 2.9 5.78.511131822303955751021471,0000.410.290.570.851. KJ / Switching @ 1500 RPMBrake Size24 6.310162540631001602504006301,000117.714.627456292154209298373476570672880517.714.6274562921542092903234185086088031017.714.6274562921542022432773624485447243013.69.718.92836435973991291622513424934010.27.314.22127324455749713618825636960 6.8 4.99.41418213037496491125171246100 4.1 2.9 5.78.511131822293955751031471,0000.410.290.570.851. KJ / Switching @ 3000 RPMBrake Size24 6.310162*********17.714.627456292154209298517.714.6274562921542092901017.714.6274562921542022433013.69.718.92836435973994010.27.314.221273244557460 6.8 4.99.4141821303749100 4.1 2.9 5.78.511131822291,0000.410.290.570.851. The number of switchings must be spread evenly over an hourS w i t c h i n gS w i t c h i n gS w i t c h i n g165946731219291081Supplied Encapsulated22627112215The user of the brake must observe the respective regulations for prevention of accidents (Law applicable to working means).Spare part orders should indicate the following data:-1) Stromag Ref. No.2) Series and Size 3) Item and NumberConstruction & FunctioningThis brake is a fail safe spring-applied double faced brake, with electromagnetic release. When the coil is de-energised the pressure springs (19) push the armature disc (4) axially against the friction lining assy. (5). This is clamped between the armature disc (4) and the brake flange (7) thereby preventing rotation.The braking effect is transmitted through the friction lining carrier (5) to the shaft by way of a splined driving hub (6). When the coil is energised, the armature disc (4) is attracted towards the coil body (1) by electromagnetic force overcoming the pressure springs (19). Thereby the friction lining assy. (5) is released.AssemblyThe hub should be fitted to the shaft and retained by a good fitting key and axially located. The assembly to the motor is simple, no dismantling of the brake is required.Offer brake onto the motor spigot ensuring friction lining and assy. (5) is centralised.Tighten fixing screws (23) to correct bolt tightening torque (as specified on the drawing). Terminate brake as per wiring diagram in terminal box.Seal face between brake and motor with Hylomar gasket sealer to conform to IP 65.Emergency ReleaseNFA/NFF Version : By pulling the hand lever towards the back of the brake theWith Hand Release armature (4) is moved axially until it is lying against the coil body Lever (1), thus the friction assy may rotate freely.NFA /NFF Version :By inserting the Jack Off screws through the coil body into the Without Hand armature and tightening, the armature is moved axially against Release Lever the coil body, thus the friction assy may rotate freely.Attention: These measures shall be applied during maintenance, assembly or emergency conditions only.Operating Instructions for ElectromagneticSpring applied NFA / NFF Brake (Construction & Assembly)StromagIn the course of the working life of the brake, an increase of the airgap between coil body (1) and armature disc (4) will occur.For correct operation of the brake, ensure that the airgap maximum (rate specified in the drawing) is not exceeded, if the airgap is greater than this, re-adjust to normal dimension (also specified in drawing).To check the airgap dimension remove the inspection cover (22) and place a non-magnetic feeler gauge between the coil body (1) and armature (4).THERMAL CAPACITY; The brake is capable of absorbing a certain amount of energy during one emergency stop (As stated in the charts in our catalogue).Ensure all excessive dust and contamination is removed (this may impair operation of the micro switch).Strip brakes after commissioning and clean.Term of inspection six monthly, thereafter adjusted from evidence found.IF THERMAL CAPACITY IS EXCEEDED INSPECTION OF FRICTION LININGS,ARMATURE BACKPLATE AND COIL IS REQUIRED.Re-adjustment of the airgapIf the maximum airgap is reached, a re-adjustment to the normal airgap dimension must be made, this is done as follows:-Remove screws (23,25) dismantle coil body assembly and non magnetic outer body (2)from brake flange (7) taking care not to lose pressure springs (19) or damage armature plate(4).Remove shim (3) and re-assemble. The armature may be retained in position by using the emergency release screws. Ensure these are removed after re-assembly.Note: If the shim has previously been removed, a new lining assembly (5) together with shim (3) has to be fitted.Attention: On assembling the brake or replacing the friction lining assembly, care should be taken that the linings do not come in contact with grease etc. Greasy substances if any, can be removed by suitable degreasing agents. Never use petrol or paraffin.NOTE; USE ONLY GENUINE Stromag FRICTION LINING SPARES WHICH ARE NON ASBESTOS.StromagOperating Instructions for ElectromagneticSpring applied NFA / NFF Brake (Construction & Assembly)StromagStromagHousing colour for Halfwave version: BlackHousing colour for Fullwave version: GreyBy removing wire link and connecting instead, a contact (or No. of contacts in series) the D.C. output to coil is switched on the D.C. side of the Rectifier giving a 4 to 8 times faster application of the Brake (t2).Electrical connection via a 6 pole Terminal Block.Stripping length for cable: 6mm/0.25”.Cable size: 0.5mm - 2.5mm.EGV 500-5 Halfwave Rectifier Unit for Max. 500vAC Input, 1.8 amps Max. output.BG 270-5 - Fullwave Rectifier Unit for Max. 270vAC Input, 1.8 amps Max. output.The input and output for both types of Rectifier Unit are protected against overvoltage by Varistors.The Halfwave version EGV 500-5 also incorporates a Varistor to protect the D.C. switch contacts.Customer: __________________________________________________ Installation Site if known: ______________________________________ Enquiry No: _____________Order No: __________________Brake Size and Description: _________________________ See Catalogue IP Protection required: IP __________ Input Voltage: ___________ AC / DCHeater (Anti-condensation ) Voltage 110v / 240v ACHand Release Lever: Y / NVertical / Horizontal Shaft Application: H / VBore Requirements: _____________________________ Keyway Requirements: ___________________________Backplate Spigot dimensions: _______________________ Male / Female Terminal Box: Y / N Size: Large (Zag 6) Small (Zag 3) End Cap Fitted: Y / NTacho Fitted: Y / N Fixing Dimensions: __________________________ Additional machining / Special Requirements:Previous Order Ref. _____________________________________________Special adapter/adapters mounting plates or seals etc. Please specify. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________StromagORDER CHECK LISTNFF/NFA/NFH SeriesWe have supplied since 1988 in excess of 3000 NFA/NFF Brakes for high protection,Dockside Crane applications.The following Motor Manufacturers have used our Brakes:-Bull Electric Siemens Thrige Scott Marelli Mawdsley Sicme Motori David McClure IEG AnsaldoBrook CromptonVME A.B.B.Hyosung Teco AEG BauerMagneticThey have been used on the following Cranes: -Morris’s Stothert & Pitt Butterley MWG MagriniB.M. Titan KHIC Rolls RoyceSchnieder ImsaStreetInstallations Include: -Felixstowe Hong Kong Miami Southampton Pusan Port S. KoreaPenang Calcutta Cork Singapore Bombay Dundalk VancouverMadras Limerick Hull Tanjin Tilbury Immingham ShanghaiCharlstonFraser River StromagREFERENCE LISTStromag AGD-59411 Unna, Postfach 2123 . D-59425 Unna, Hansastr. 120 . Tel. (02303) 102-0 . Fax. (02303) 102-201。