江苏省赣榆县智贤中学高中英语牛津必修 nit Growing pain 同步练习四

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Unit 2 Growing pains 同步练习(四)

总分 100分 时间 45 分钟 成绩评定 __________________ I. 说出turn up 在下列各句中的中文意思:(每题2分,共10分)

1. A We had planned to meet at the station, but he didn ’t turn up .

2. A Turn up the dictionary if you cannot spell the word.

3. A Turn the radio up a little. I can hardly hear the program.

4. B The sight of all that blood quite turn s me up .

5. B He turned the coat collar up because of the wind.

II. 用所给短语的适当形式填空:(每题2分,共20分)

1. B We don ’t want to ___________ the young man.

2. A Tom is very untidy; he always leaves his room ___________.

3. A We __________ (not) smoking in this building.

4. B Oh dear! My coat ___________ in the bus.

5. B —— They don ’t agree with my idea?

—— Well, that ’s __________.

6. C What ’s wrong with the cake? It is still _____________.

7. B ___________ the gas; vegetables should be cooked quickly.

8. A It is __________ your talking to him.

9. A As soon as he heard the good news, he ___________ go home to tell it to his parents. 10. C She lost her job and had to return to ________________.

III.相似词语辨析:(共10分) Holiday / vacation

①A The summer _____ usually begins at the beginning of July. ②A He is away on _________.

③B Christmas is a ______ for everybody in the West.

④C In Britain, universities have ___________ while schools have _________. ⑤A We had ________ and so we went to the seaside.

IV . 将表中的短语填入相应的句中:(共10分)



to be expected a waste of time in a mess turn up

go untouched can ’t wait to be supposed to the kitchen sink be hard on leave behind

at the moment

at any moment for a moment for the moment

in a moment

after a moment the moment

①A I know his address, but I cannot think of it ________________.

②A He closed his eyes ________________ and then opened them, looking at nothing. ③B She called her father _______________ she reached the hotel. ④A Don ’t worry. I will be back ________________.

⑤B We are ready _______________ to give our lives for the country. ⑥B Won ’t you come in _____________ ?

⑦A I didn ’t buy that dictionary because I had no money with me _____________. ⑧B Stop discussing ________________ please.

⑨B ________________ I saw him I knew that there was no hope.

V . 填空题:(每空1分,共30分)B

There are some differences in pronunciation and spelling ________ American English

and British English. Sometimes, different words _______ used for the same thing. If we know the Languages are changing and so _______ English. American English has changed ________ the centuries. It is really a “mixture ” of different languages. Most of the words and expressions come from ________ English and some are _________ Spanish or German. And some even from Chinese, such as the words qigong and putonghua .

VI. 书面表达:(共20分) B


在路上所见的事,并就骑车人 ——李平的简单阐明自己的感想。
