人教版初中英语同步练习题 Unit 5




2020年精编人教版英语资料人教版初中英语八年级英语上册全套单元测试题八上英语Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?单元测试卷(人教新目标含答案)(45分钟100分)第Ⅰ卷(共50分)Ⅰ. 听力(10分)(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答语。

(5分)1. A. Of course. I don’t. B. Sorry.C. Yes, I do.2. A. I love them very much. B. He likes them.C. They don’t mind them.3. A. I don’t like them, either.B. I’m OK.C. Thank you.4. A. I agree with you. B. Don’t say so.C. Yes, it is.5. A. She likes it very much.B. Yes, I do.C. I like it very much.1. Do you want to watch a game show?2. What do you think of sports shows?3. I don’t like sitcoms. How about you?4. The talk show is very interesting.5. Do you like action movies?答案: 1~5. CAAAB(Ⅱ)录音中有两段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。

(5分)听第一段对话, 回答第6、7小题。

6. Who can’t stand soap operas?A. Bob’s sister.B. Bob.C. Mary.7. What kind of TV shows does Mary like?A. Sitcoms.B. Sports shows.C. News.W: Bob, do you like soap operas?M: I can’t stand them. I like sports shows best. What about you, Mary? W: Oh! I like sitcoms very much.答案: 6、7. BA听第二段对话, 回答第8~10小题。

人教版七年级英语上册Unit 5 单元测试题(含答案)

人教版七年级英语上册Unit 5 单元测试题(含答案)

人教版七年级英语上册Unit 5 单元测试题(含答案)Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( )16. Pi Shan Jiu Mu is _______ interesting story (故事). _______ story is very old.A. a; TheB. a; 不填C. an; TheD. an; 不填( )17.—What are these animals _______ the picture?—They're the wild Asian elephants (野生亚洲象) in Yunnan. I often seethem _______ TV.A. in; onB. in; inC. on; onD. on; in( )18.I have three basketballs, _______ my brother Bill _______ have any.A. and; doesB. and; doesn'tC. but; doesD. but; doesn't ( )19.—Do you know of any good TV dramas (电视剧) about _______?—Yes. Ping Pong is a good TV drama about two ping-pong players.A. colorsB. schoolsC. sportsD. families( )20. —How is this basketball game, Harry?—It's _______. I don't want to watch it.A. easyB. boringC. difficultD. interesting( )21.I have three _______ because I think _______ is a very fun sport. I love it!A. soccer; soccerB. soccer balls; soccerC. soccer; soccer ballD. soccer balls; soccer ball( )22.Ms. Williams is _______ English teacher. She is very nice to _______.A. we; weB. we; usC. our; weD. our; us( )23.My parents don't let me _______ computer games on school days.A. doB. to doC. playD. to play( )24. —Does Amy like tennis?— _______. She is a tennis star in our school.A. Yes, she doesB. No, she doesn'tC. Yes, she isD. No, she isn't( )25.—What about playing volleyball this afternoon?—_______. See you then.A. You're welcomeB. Nice to meet youC. Have a good dayD. That sounds goodⅤ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit5 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit5  随堂小测(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit5 随堂小测(1069)1.Flo we r s in th e g a rd en b y my g r a n d p a re n ts e ve r y d a y.()A.a r e wa te r in gB.a re wa te r e dC.wa te rD.wa te r e d2.E mily is s lo w in d o ing an yth in g,so it's imp o s s ib le fo r h e r to th e wo rk o n time.()A.a c ce p tB.o ff e rC.po lis hD.c o mp le te3.—Yo u r c o a t lo ok s ve r y n ic e.W ha t's it ma d e?—Co tto n,an d it was ma d e H an g zh ou.()A.f ro m; a tB.of; inC.f ro m; o nD.o f; on4.—Is B e ck y g o o d a t E n g lish?—Ye s.Sh e p r a c tice s it.()A.e ve r yd a y;e ve r y d a yB.e ve r y d a y;e ve r yd a yC.e ve r yd a y;e ve r yd a yD.e ve r y d a y;e ve r y d a y5.N o ma tte r yo u b u y,I will lik e it.I will r e g a r d it a s my b e s t p r e s en t.()A.wh a tB.whe r eC.whe nD.wh o6.H a ve yo u e ve r wa tc he d the d r ag on da n ce?11 d o yo u kn o w a b ou t th e d r ag o n d an ce?Tod a y we will s a y s o me th in g a bo u t it.D r ag on s a r e a(n)12 o f Ch in a an d the d ra g on d a nc e is a f o r m of tr a d ition a l d an ce in C h ine s e cu ltu r e.In th e d an c e,a te a m o f pe o p le ca r r y th e d r a go n a n d pe r f o r m won de r f u l d a n ce s.13 the lio n d an c e,th is tr ad itio n a l d an c e h a s sp r e ad a ll o ve r Ch in a an d to th e who le wo r ld.Tr ad itio n a lly,d ra g on s we r e ma d e o f woo d,b a mb o o a n d a sp e c ia l k in d o f c lo th(布).So th e y we r e a lwa ys q u ite 14 .Ho we ve r,in mo d e r n time s,d ra g on s a r e mu c h lig h te r b e c au s e th e y a r e ma d e o f mu c h lig h te r ma te r ia ls. A d r ag on ca n be o f d iff e r e n tle n g th s.It 15 b e f r o m 25 to 35 me te r s lo n g f o r a c ro b a tic(杂技的) ac ts,an d u p to 50 to 70 me te r s lo ng fo r q u ite la rg e p a r ad e s(游行) b ec a u se p eo p le 16 th a t the lo n ge r th e d r ag o n is,th e mo r e g o od lu ck it will b r in g. A s ma ll g ro u p c an n o t co n tr o l a ve r y lo ng d r a go n b e ca u se it 17g re a t s tr en g th(力量)an d s p ec ia l sk ills.T h e d r ag o n d a nc e its e lf18 d u r in g the Ha n D yn a s t y a n d it wa s s ta r te d b y th e C h ine s e wh o ha d g r ea t r e sp e c t(尊重)f o r th e d r ag on.Th e d r a go n d an c e wa s a lr ea d y ap o pu la r 19 b y th e So n g D yn a s t y.A t th a t time,p eo p le c ou ld o f ten s ee it du r ingimp o r ta n t f e s tiva ls.In the Q in g D yn a s t y,th e D ra go n D an c e Te a m o f Fu z h o u was in vite dto g ive a 20 in Be ijin g.An d th e e mpe r o r sp o ke h ig h ly o f it!(1)A.Ho w f a rB.H o w lo ngC.H o w mu c hD.Ho w ma n y(2)A.s ymb o lB.an ima lC.ch a ra c te rD.e x a mp le(3)A.ToB.Lik eC.Fo rD.T h ro ug h(4)A.sh o r tB.s ma llC.he a vyD.o ld(5)A.n e edB.sh o u ldC.mu s tD.c a n(6)A.b e lie veB.won de rC.d isa g re eD.p r o mis e(7)A.re tu r n sB.r e min d sC.r ep ea tsD.re q u ire s(8)A.b e ga nB.ch an g edC.sp r e adD.fa ile d(9)A.c o u rs eB.ex a mC.e ven tD.o b jec t(10)A.sp e ec hB.pe r f o r ma n ceC.me s s a geD.re p o r t7.Lia n g Zh en c o me s fr o m S h a nx i P ro vin c e.A f te r g ra d ua tin g f ro m c o lle g e, s h e we n t to wo r k a t a loc a l mid d le s c ho o l in T ha i la nd.S he h a s s pe n t mu c h time a n d en e rg y p r e pa r in g la ng u ag e co u r s es du r in g he r p a s t te ac h ing c a r e e r.Sh e in tro d uce d P in yin to le a r n e r s wh e n sh e f ir s t a r r ive d.No w, s he h as a dd ed le s s o n s o n th e tr a d ition a l C h ine s e a r t o f p ape r c u tting an d p a in ting,too.T he le s so n s n o t o n ly b r in g jo y to th e s tud en ts,bu t a lso he lp them to imp r o ve th e irvo c a b u lar y a n d s p ea k in g.With h e r e ff o r ts, ma n y o f h e r s tu de n ts ha ve go t e x ce lle n t s co r es in s c ho o l e x a ms an d ha ve b e en r ea lly a ttr a c te d b y C h in e s e c u ltu r e.T he lo ca l g o ve r n me n t h a s b ee n en co u r ag in g p e op le to le a rn Ch in ese c u ltu r e b y h o ld in g a ll k in d s o f a c tivitie s e ver y ye a r, in c lu d in g s in gin g, d an c ing an d d r a ma s. A sh o r t time ag o, h e r s tud en ts pe r f o r me d two C h in e s e c la s s ic d r a ma s f o r th e loc a l pe o p le,in c lu d ing T h eL e ge n d o f th e Wh ite Sn a k e a nd Sn ow in M id su mme r.W he n th in k in g o f th e sh o ws, Lia n g s a id sh e was de e p ly mo ve d b y th e yo u n g s tud e n ts' h ig h sp ir its.S e ve r a l o f he r s tu de n ts ha ve g o t th e ch a nc e to s tu d y in C h in a.S he ta lk e d ab ou t it with a s mile o n he r fa c e.S h e h as h e lp ed th e s tud e n ts in Th a ila nd lea rn C h ine s e o ve r th e p a st f o u r ye a r s.S he wa n ts to he lp mo r e s tu d en ts to k n o w ab ou t Ch in e se c u ltu r e, so s h e ex pe c ts to s ta y th e r e f o r a long time to c on tin ue he r e d uc a tion ca r e e r.(1)W ha t d id Lia n g te ac h the s tud e n ts wh en s h e f ir s t a r r ive d in T ha ila n d?()A.P in yin.B.P a pe r cu ttin g.C.P a in ting.D.D ra ma s.(2)W ha t do e s th e th ir d p a ra g ra p h ma in ly te ll u s?()A.Ho w to imp r o ve sp ea k in g.B.Lia n g's wa y to ma k e s tu de n ts h ap p y.C.Lia n g's a c h ie ve me n ts in te ac h ing.D.T he s tud en t s' s c o r e s in ex a ms.(3)W ha t is the loc a l go ve r n me n t's p u r p o s e of o rg a n iz in g th e a c tivitie s?()A.To te ac h th e p e op le s o me s k ills.B.To h e lp th e pe o p le to k ee p h ea lth y.C.To ma k e the pe op le's lif e c o lo r f u l.D.To pu s h th e p e op le to le a r n C h ine s e c u ltur e.(4)W ha t do e s Lia n g thin k o f wh a t s h e h as don e in T ha ila n d?()A.Won d e r fu l.B.Te r r ib le.C.N o t g oo d.D.B o r in g.(5)W ha t's th e b e s t title f o r th e p a s sa g e?()A.C h in e s e C u ltu r e in T h a ilan dB.T he Lif e o f a S ha n xi G ir l in T ha ila ndC.T he H a rd-wo r k in g Stu d e n ts in T h a ilan dD.A G ir l Wh o Sp r e ad s C h in e se C u ltu r e in Th a ila nd8.假设你是Tin a,你的英国朋友A lis a就要过生日了,你想将亲手做的中国结送给她,表达你的美好祝愿。

人教版初中英语9年级全一册unit 5 同步重点单词短语练习题(含答案)

人教版初中英语9年级全一册unit 5  同步重点单词短语练习题(含答案)

人教版初中英语9年级全一册unit 5同步重点单词短语练习题I.根据句意、汉语及首字母提示完成单词1. She was wearing a blue________(衬衫) when she came into the room.2. Is the skirt made of________(棉布),silk or wool?3. Jim is going to collect_________(材料) for a new book.4. The calm water’s_________(表面) is very much like a mirror.5. May I use your________(可移动的) phone for a call?6. In America, people usually use f________ and knives to eat.7. The rain cleared the air, and the green g________ smelt fresh and sweet.8.S________ is different from iron(铁)but both can be used for making knives.9. The boy happened to find some c________ on the ground and he used them to buy a pencil.10. The b________ is very mean. He only cares whether he can make more money.11. There is a pair of_________(剪刀) in the bottom drawer.12. I have to___________(完成) the work by myself in two days.13. Can you help me to blow up these_________(气球)?14. You can feel the________(热) from the sun.15. These are two different________(形式) of the same thing.16.There is always a lot of____________(交通) at this time of the day.17.Mr. Zhang often makes his classes interesting and___________(生动的).II.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Cars of this kind are made in_________ ( German).2. Does anyone live in that_________ (glass) house?3. These houses are used by them_______( process) shirts.4. My mother bought me a pair of_______( glove) on my tenth birthday.5. Tom can't use________ (chopstick)well although he has been in China for quite a long time.6. There used to be five__________( postman) in the post office, but now there are only two left.7. People have all_______ (kind) of ideas about what the rule should be.8. An_______( nation) kite festival is held in Weifang every year. People from different countries take part in it.9. Have you any idea of______ (it) value?10. Mary is a_______ (live) child and popular with everyone.11.The girl has no time because she_______ (make)to practice playing the piano all day.III.完成句子1.他们好像不喜欢这些礼物。

新人教版初中英语七年级Unit 5 练习

新人教版初中英语七年级Unit 5 练习

No, I don’t. Soccer is difficult. I like ping-pong. It’s easy for me. I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, I play ping-pong with my classmates. No, He doesn’t. Soccer is difficult. He likes ping-pong. It’s easy for him. He has three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, He plays ping-pong with his classmates.
对划线部分提问: 1 She has a very nice watch. _____ ____ he ____ ? 2 Gina likes her new skirt. _____ _____ Gina _____ ? 3My teacher plays baseball every day. _____ _____ your teacher ____ every day. 1 What does have 2 What does like 3 What does do



七年级英语下册Unit5练习题班级考号姓名总分一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.The panda is k_____ of cute.2.This ______ (动物) is very beautiful.I like it.3.Miss.Wang is very f______ to us.We all like her.4.Guangdong is in the ______ (南方) of China.5.Please d on’t f______to close the door when you leave.6.The dove (鸽子) is the _______ (象征) of peace.7.These animals are in d______.8.We are in the right ______ (地方).9.These clothes are m______ of silk (丝绸).10.Some people ______ (杀死) elephants for their ivory.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.She is very _______ (friend) to me.2.The dog can walk on two ______ (leg).3.It’s my _______ (luck) day.4.Yangtze River is one of the longest (最长的) _______ (river).5.The panda can draw very ______ (good).6.This desk is ______ (make) of wood.7.The little boy got _____ (lose) in the forest.8.A tiger is a ______ (danger) animal.9.There are all _____ (kind) of flowers in the park.10.They are from ________ (Australian).三、单项选择( )1.This desk is _____ wood and this paper is _____ wood, too.A.made of; made fromB.made from; made ofC.made of; made ofD.made from; made from( )2.Let’s _____ the panda first.A.to seeB.seeingC.seeD.sees( )3.-- _____ do you like this book?-- _____ it is very interesting.A.Why; BecauseB.Why; SoC.What; BecauseD.What; So( )4.-- Where _____ you ____?-- I _____ Beijing.A.are; come from; am fromB.do; from; fromC.are; from; am fromD.do; come from; from( )5.I want ______ some fruit.A.eatB.eatingC.to eatD.to eating( )6.This elephant is ______ shy (害羞的).A.kinds ofB.a kind ofC.all kinds ofD.kind of( )7.These trees are very useful (有用的).Don’t ______.A.cut them downB.cut them upC.cut down themD.cut up them( )8.One of the students _____ pet.The pet is really cute.A.haveB.hasC.keepD.save( )9.Mr.Wang works _____.A.whole dayB.all the dayC.whole the dayD.all day( )10.They kill these animals _____ their fur (皮毛).A.inB.forC.atD.with四、翻译句子1.祝你好运。



七年级英语上册Unit5练习题班级考号姓名总分一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.I h______ two books.2.There is a _______ (网球) under the desk.3.L______ go to school together.4.Hurry up! We are ______ (迟到).5.Can you p_____ soccer ball?6.That sounds _______ (有趣的).7.I often w______ TV with my parents after dinner.8.I ______ (仅) have one pen.9.We are in the s______ class.10.English is ______ (容易的) for me.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1._____ he _____ (like) playing baseball?2.I ________ (not have) any bananas.3.Let me _____ (get) a pencil for you.4.Mike ______ (have) an interesting book.5.It ______ (sound) good.6.I have a nice ball, but my brother _____ (do).7.I often play basketball with my _______ (classmate) after school.8.My brother and I _____ (be) in the same class.9._____ you _____ (have) a tennis?10.He _______ (not like) playing soccer ball.三、单项选择( )1. -- Do you like apples?-- No, _____.A.I doB.I don’tC.I doesD.I doesn’t( )2.He _____ any volleyball.A.doesn’t haveB.does haveC.doesn’t hasD.does has( )3.I think maths is very ______, I don’t like it.A.interestingB.relaxingC.funD.boring( )4.He loves sports, but he _____ play them -- I only watch _____ on TV.A.don’t; theyB.don’t; themC.doesn’t; themD.doesn’t; they( )5.We play soccer ball ____ school _____ our friends.A.at; withB.in; andC.at; andD.in; with( )6.Soccer is _____ for me, I can play it well.A.difficultB.easyC.boringD.same( )7.I play computer games _____ school.A.afterB.onC.inD.with( )8.He _____ a baseball, but I _____.A.have; don’tB.has; don’tC.have; doesn’tD.has; doesn’t( )9.We are in the _____ class, we are classmates.A.differentB.difficultC.interestingD.same( )10.His bag is on the bed, let’s _____ it.A.to getB.gettingC.getD.gets四、翻译句子1.我们迟到了。

人教八年级上册 Unit5 同步练习题

人教八年级上册 Unit5 同步练习题

Unit5 (A)一.单选1.You can’t ____ Mark to decide where to go. After all, he’s only a three-year-old boy.A.expectB.hopeC. makeD.want2.----Are you ready ____, sir?----- Yes, I’d like a large bowl of beef noodles.A.leavingB. to leaveC. orderingD. to order3.Sally doesn’t mind ____ to school. It’s good exercise for her.A.to driveB. drivingC. to walkD. walking4.We decided _____ to the mountain because of the heavy rain.A.to climbB. not to climbC. climbD. not climb5.We expect ____ with foreign teachers.A.TalkB. to talkC. talkingD.talks6.My father plans _____ a new car next month.A.buyB. boughtC. to buyD. buying7.---What do you think of the restaurant?---_______.Both the service and the food are terrible.A.It’s OK.B. I like it.C. I don’t mind it.D. I can’t stand it.8.----Can you ____who broke the window of the classroom?-----Sorry, I can’t, Mr.Smith.A.look forB. wait forC. find outD. come out9.Sanya is famous ____its beautiful beaches.A.ofB. forC. asD. to10.We had a discussion ____ them ____ TV shows.A.with;aboutB. about;withC. for;aboutD.with;for二.首字母填空题1. I h_______ that the children in the poor area can get many people’s help.2. ---What do you want to buy?---I p________ to buy this computer, but I don’t have enough money.3. ---M______ I go out with my friends, Mum?---Of course. But you should do your homework first.4. Do you know the n_______ about The Voice of China now?5. They exercise every day, so they b_______ very strong now.6. The girl married a r_____ man in May, 2012. And she has a happy life now.7.The schools in some poor area don’t have good e_______ ways and resources(资源).8.---My favorite f_____ is Vulgaria(《低俗喜剧》).---I like it, too.9. The c_______ between China and Korea is different.10. Hu Ge is a f_________ actor. He acted many good roles.三.用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Do you mind_________(open) the door?It`s very hot here.2.Bob can`t stand____________(stay) at home for a whole day.3.Our teacher often tells us to read some_______________(education) books.4.-What`s your dream?-I want to be a ___________(success) businessman.5.Mo Yan is one of the most famous _____________(write) in the world.6.He may be a(n)_________(luck) man. He has lots of problems in his life.7.The students are having a _________(discuss) about their favorite sports stars.8.He always tries _________(face) any danger he meets.9.Jim likes talk shows because they are ____________(enjoy).10.Don`t forget ________________(turn) off the lights when you leave the room.四.语法填空:There was a little cat. He spent much time eating and sleeping. He ate once (1) ______ day, and then went to bed and slept. When he slept, his snoring (鼾声) sound (2) ______ very loud. He hardly took exercises, (3) ______ he was very heavy. Other (4) ______ (animal) were angry at the cat, (5) ______ they couldn’t sleep well at night.One day, a big cat (6) ______ (plan) to teach the little cat a lesson. He asked a few animals to help (7) ______ (he). They wanted to catch the little cat and beat (打) him. Because (8) ______ cat never exercised, he was too heavy to move.When other animals ran after him, he couldn’t run (9) _______ (quick). He knew it’s (10) _________ (importance) to do exercises when he was caught.Unit5 (B)一.单选11.Yu Garden, the biggest private garden in Nanjing, opened to visitors____ May 1st.2016.A.InB. atC. onD. of12.Helen, don’t be too worried. The doctor will soon ___ what’s wrong with you.A.care aboutB. think ofC. bring outD. find out13.Mark studies really hard, so I expect him ____good exam results.A.getsB. to getC.gettingD.get14.Our math teacher Mr. Zhang was ill, so Mr.Li _____his place to teach us math yesterday.A.tookB. gaveC.madeD. happened15.Can you tell me what happened ___ him just now?A.withB. forC. toD. at16.My parents always tell me ____ more vegetables and fruit.A.eatB. eatingC. eatD. to eat17.Many young people like _____ sunglasses and rings.A.Putting onB.wearingC. put onD. wear18.Do you mind _____ the window?A.My closing B,my close C. my closed D me close19.Every time I see this photo, I _____ my happy old days.A.care aboutB. think ofC. bring outD. make up20.The girl knows ____ is hard to be a top tennis player in the world, but she’ll try ___ best.A.this;yourB.this;herC.it;yourD.it;her二.首字母填空题1.They made a lot of d on when and where to spend our summer holiday2.Almost everybody thinks that Bill Gates is a very s person.3.What will h if I don't have my ID card?4.Jack Chen is a great a movie star.5.The twins have many things in c .If you l the book, you must pay for it.6.Even children can understand the story because it's written in verys English.7.I can’t s the opera, so I even can’t sit still on my seat.8.The athletes were e to break the record in Olympic games.9.In fact, he is really not good at telling j ,which can never make us laugh.三.用下列所给短语的适当形式填空:find out;dress up;be ready to;take one's place;do a good job1.All the soccer players_______________________start the game now.2.Who will_____________when Ms.Smith is away on vacation?3.The little girl wants to__________________like Snow White.4.The policemen wanted to_____________what happened,but they found nothing.5.My parents were very happy because I__________in the important exam.四.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空:1.We are planning ________________(go) to Beijing on vacation next week.2.Our teacher tells us _____________________(not play) on the street because it`s too dangerous.3.I listened,but I heard _______________(something).4.She is very ill. Let`s ____________(send) a doctor at once.5.I think Pepa Pig is as______________(famous) as Mickey Mouse.五.语法填空:A magician (魔术师) was working on a ship. The audience (观众) would be (1) _______ (difference) every week, (2) _______ the magician did the same tricks over and over again. There was only one problem: (3) ______ parrot saw the shows each week and began to (4) _______ (understand) how the magician did every trick. Once he understood, he started shouting, “Look, it’s not the same hat”, “Look, he is (5) ______ (put) the flowers under the table.” The magician was (6) _____ (anger) but couldn’t do anything. It was, after all, the captain’s parrot. One day the ship had (7) ______ accident and sank. The magician found (8) _______ (he) on a piece of wood in the ocean (9) ______ the parrot. They stared at each other with hate, but did not say a word. This went on for some (10) ______ (day). After a week the parrot said, “OK, I give up. Where’s the boat?”六.完形填空Growing up is not always easy. When facing difficulties ,courage and a spirit ofI’ve heard recently tells me.The young man was born in1982 in a poor family in a small town.When he was only 11, his father became mentally(心理上地) ill and one day came back with andoing part-time job.behavior. Although his life was hard, he didn’t give up his father and his sisterToday when many young people worry more about their own happiness, thisand society, and you’ll find the world smiling back.1.A. what’s B. what C. why D. when2.A. father B. mother C. sister D. brother3.A. understand B. stand C. believe D. think. 4.A.support B. organize C .hate D .like5.A.At times B. Sometimes C. At the same time D. For the first time6.A.planted B. afforded C ended D. went7.A.Before B. Unless C. Until D. After8.A. they B. he C she D. you9. A.received B .expected C. refused D. got10. A. sorry B. unhappy C. encouraged D .sad11.A. even B. hardly C. still D .tooC. pay attention toD. look forward to12. A. get used to B.worryabout13.A. with B. without C. by D. for14.A.fool B. volunteer C. hero D. boy15.A.knock into B. ream about C. talk about D. complain aboutKeys一.单选1. C 具体的日期用介词on2.D find out 查明弄清楚3.B expect to do sth 期望做某事4. A take place to do sth 代替某人做某事5. C happen to sb 某人发生某事6. D tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事7.B like doing sth 喜欢做某事,穿戴用wear8. A mind doing sth 介意做某事9.B think of 想起10.D it is hard to do sth 很难做某事,try one's best 尽某人最大的努力二.首字母1.discussions2.successful3.happen4.actionmon6.lose7.simple8.stand9.expected10.jokes三.选词填空:1.are ready to2.take her place3.dress up4.find out5.did a good job四.适当形式填空1.to go2.not to play3.nothing4.send5.famous五.语法填空1. different2. so3. A4. understand5. putting6. angry7. an8. himself9. with 10. Days六.完形填空:1-5 BBBAC 6-10 BDACC 11-15 ACBCDK1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.10.1.。

初中英语(新人教版)九年级全一册同步测试:Unit 5 综合测评【含答案】

初中英语(新人教版)九年级全一册同步测试:Unit 5 综合测评【含答案】

Unit5综合测评(分数: 100分时间: 90分钟)第一卷听力部分(15分)Ⅰ.听句子,选择与所听句子相符合的图片(5分)Ⅱ.听对话和对话后面的问题,选择最佳答案(5分)6.A.France. B.Germany. C.Italy.7.A.It’s made of glass.B.It’s made of steel and wood.C.It’s made of used wood and glass.8.A.It was made in America.B.It was made in Japan.C.It was made in China.9.A.Paper cutting. B.Sky lanterns. C.Clay art.10.A.One. B.Two. C.Three.Ⅲ.听短文,选择最佳答案(5分)11.Which floor do they start from?A.The first floor.B.The second floor.C.The fourth floor.12.What can they see on the second floor?A.Technology in the old days.B.Inventions in different centuries.C.Modern inventions in the 20th century.13.Where can they have a drink?A.On the first floor.B.On the second floor.C.On the fourth floor.14.Which is the most helpful way to find more information about the museum?A.Searching the Internet.B.Asking the guide for help.C.Buying books or magazines.15.What is the speaker?A.A guide.B.A teacher.C.A worker.第二卷笔试部分(85分)Ⅳ.单项选择(10分)16.Put on your, or you may make your hands dirty.A.coatB.socksC.hatD.gloves17.—Is there a sports meeting in your school?—Yes. It in November every year.A.holdsB.heldC.will be heldD.is held18.As a volunteer, Wang Fan went to Xinjiang. Now he works at a hospital.A.localB.directC.politeD.correct19.You can easily think up a good idea to going out with him.A.preventB.avoidC.stopplete20.—How long did you the project?—About one month.A.producepleteC.suggestD.discover21.People light the lanterns and watch them the sky with their best wishes.A.turn intoB.send outC.rise intoD.put into22.The pair of on the left made of wool.A.glove; isB.gloves; areC.glove; areD.gloves; is23.Miss Zhang by all of us because her classes are always and interesting.A.loves; lovelyB.loves; livingC.is loved; livelyD.is loved; lovely24.My are made of .A.glass; glassB.glass; glassesC.glasses; glassD.glasses; glasses25.—Do you know Bing Xin?—Of course. She children’s works.A.is different fromB.is proud ofC.is famous forD.catches up withⅤ.完形填空(10分)The umbrella is a very common object. It keeps the 26 and the sun off the people. Most umbrellas can be folded up (折叠) so it is 27 to carry them.However, the umbrella was not always as 28 as it is now. In the past, it was a symbol of importance. Some African countries still use umbrellas in this 29. Someone carries an umbrella and walks behind the king or important person.Umbrellas are very old. People in different parts of the world began to 30 umbrellas at different times. The Chinese have had them for more than 3, 000 years. From there, umbrellas 31 to India and Egypt. In Greece and Rome, 32 wouldn’t use them. They believed umbrellas were only for women.England was 33 the first country in Europe where common people used umbrellas against rain. The weather there is very 34 and umbrellas are very useful.Everybody uses umbrellas today. The next time you 35 one, thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them, you’ll feel you are important people, too.26.A.rain B.cloud C.air D.water27.A.lovely B.cheap C.hard D.easy28.A.light B.heavy mon D.special29.A.way B.size C.reason D.place30.A.discover e C.examine D.discuss31.A.walked B.traveled C.rode D.flew32.A.children B.parents C.men D.women33.A.probably B.already C.suddenly D.immediately34.A.sunny B.rainy C.snowy D.windy35.A.sell B.return C.borrow D.carryⅥ.阅读理解(30分)ADolls (玩偶) come in all shapes and sizes. Many people like to collect them. The reason is probably that dolls make people feel like they just gave birth to their own children.One famous doll company (公司) is Madame Alexander. The dolls it produces are usually bought by mothers for their daughters to play with. Two of the most expensive dolls they have are Kathleen Toddler whose market price today is from $125 to $300 and Binnie, which costs about $175 to $475.Cabbage Patch Kids are another kind of dolls. That company’s marketing policy(政策) is different because you don’t buy a doll but rather adopt (收养) one. You just have to pay a small, regular fee (定额费用). They were very successful in the 1980s.Lee Middleton also produces (生产) baby dolls, including different collections. As they are very lively, these dolls are still very popular among collectors.Another company that makes dolls is Tiny Miracles. They have a collection called the Ashton Drake Galleries that consists of (由……组成) 10-inch long babies. They are not sold in stores, so if you want one, you have to order it straight from Tiny Miracles.These are just a few of the baby dolls on the market. The best place to sell dolls is online because almost everyone has a computer and the company can make money here much more easily than by putting an ad in the newspaper. The companies don’t even have to create their own websites because they can use auction (拍卖) sites easily, meaning they just have to open an account (开户).36.Who usually buy dolls produced in Madame Alexander?A.Mothers.B.Daughters.C.Grandparents.D.Fathers.37.If you want to adopt a baby doll, you should choose .A.Lee MiddletonB.Tiny MiraclesC.Cabbage Patch KidsD.Madame Alexander38.Which of the following is an advantage (优点) for companies that sell dolls online?A.The companies need to make their own websites.B.The companies have to open an account.C.The online companies have to advertise (登广告) their goods.D.Auction sites allow them to do business easily.39.What can we infer (推测) from the passage?A.Mothers like to buy expensive dolls for their daughters.B.Kathleen Toddler is the most expensive doll in the world.C.The policy of adopting a doll was popular in the 1980s.D.Dolls make people feel that they are children.40.The writer’s purpose (目的) of writing the passage is to .A.introduce ways to make baby dollsB.introduce different kinds of baby dollsC.tell us how to choose a beautiful baby dollD.show different baby doll collectionsBThe Chinese first made paper about 2, 000 years ago. China still has pieces of paper which were made as long ago as that. But Chinese paper was not made from the wood of trees. It was made from the hair-like parts of certain plants.Paper was not made in southern Europe until about the year 1100.Scandinavia (斯堪的纳维亚半岛), which now makes a great deal of the world’s paper, did not begin to make it until 1500.It was a German named Schaeffer who found out that one could make the best paper from trees. After that, the forest countries of Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the United States became the largest paper producers. Today in Finland, which makes the best paper inthe world, the paper industry is the biggest in the land. New paper-making machines are very big, and they make paper very fast. The biggest machines can make a piece of paper 300 meters long and 6 meters wide in one minute.When we think of paper, we think of newspapers, books, letters and envelopes. But there are many other uses. Only half of the paper that is made is used for books and newspapers, etc.41.Which of the following is the first to make paper?A.China.B.Scandinavia.C.Germany.D.Finland.42.Schaeffer found out that .A.the best paper was in the forestB.a German made the best paperC.wood could be made into the best paperD.the oldest paper was made 1, 500 years ago43.What does the underlined word “industry” mean in Chinese?A.国防B.教育C.农业D.工业44.According to the passage, paper is not used for .A.newspapersB.envelopesC.lettersD.food and drinks45.The second paragraph mainly talks about paper making .A.in the United StatesB.in ScandinaviaC.in EuropeD.in all forest countriesCWhen we think of money, we think of coins and paper bills. That is what money is today. But in the past people used many things instead of money. Some countries used cows. Other countries used salt, tobacco or stones. Today there are still some places in the world that do not use paper money. One place is the island of Yap in the Pacific Ocean.On the island of Yap, people use the heaviest money in the world—Yap stones. These are round, white stones with a hole in the middle. They do not originate (起源) from the island. The Yap men have to go to the islands four hundred miles away to get them. Big stones can be twelve feet high as big as two tall men. Small stones are as big as a dinner plate.Rich people do not carry the Yap stones. Servants follow the rich. Each servant carries a stone or a long stick over his shoulder. Today the people on the island use paper money for everyday shopping. But for other things they still prefer Yap stones.46.What is money today?___________________________________________________________________________ 47.What did people use instead of money in the world in the past?___________________________________________________________________________ 48.Where do people on the island of Yap get Yap stones?___________________________________________________________________________ 49.What do Yap stones look like?___________________________________________________________________________ 50.What do the Yap men buy with Yap stones today?___________________________________________________________________________ Ⅶ.词汇(10分)A.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。

Unit 5 单元练习 人教版七年级英语上册

Unit 5 单元练习  人教版七年级英语上册

人教版七年级上册Unit 5 单元练习一、单项选择1.-Can you play piano?-No,I can't.But I can play basketballA.the:theB.the:aC.the:/D.a:the2.The music is ________. I like it.A.well B.relaxing C.boring D.bad 3.—Do you think our football team will win the match?—Yes.We have better players.So I them to win.A.hopeB.askC.expectD.help4.—Jack, what about going to the library?—.A.You're welcomeB.Have a good dayC.That sounds goodD.Nice to meet you5.Don't be late class.We must be on time.A.forB.to C in6.It is greatus to get so many favorite books on International Children's Boo k Day.A.toB.withC.ofD.for7. -Bill,what's your sisters favorite ?-She likes volleyball best.A.foodB.colorC.sportD.movie8.In autumn, the weather starts to ________ cold.A.get B.grow C.turn D.go9.It’s time _______. Stand up, please.A.for class B.for the class C.to classD.to the class10.My friend ________ tall and he ________ of medium build. A.has;has B.is;is C.is;has D.has;is 二、完形填空。

Unit5 同步练习人教版八年级英语上册

Unit5 同步练习人教版八年级英语上册

人教版八年级上册Unit 5同步练习一、单项选择(2.5分每题,共12.5分)( )1. The students are trying to ______ the answer to the math problem.A.find B.find out C.look D.look for( )2. After he had worked several hours, he stopped _____ a cup of coffee to refresh himself.A.to drink B.drinking C.drink D.drank( )3. Would you please _____ on that chair? It’s just painted.A. don’t sitB. not sitC. not to sitD. not sitting( )4. The clothes in Miller’s are _________ in town but the price of the clothes in Blue Moon is ______.A.the cheapest; the most expensiveB. the cheapest; the lowestC.the lowest; the most expensiveD. the cheapest; the highest( )5. Parents always _______ their children to have good grades and behave well at school.A. hopeB. expectC. helpD. wishes二、词汇题(2.5分每题,共25分)6. As one of the winners in this competition, Mrs Smith was lucky ______ what she wanted. (choose)7. In 1955, Mickey was on a TV show the Mickey Mouse Club. The Mickey Mouse Club was successful. People loved its_______(新闻),movies, and music.8. Mickey a _______in the cartoon Plane Crazy in 1928. The movie was interesting.9. Our city Xing Yi is p_______ to build another international airport, in that case, there will be more visitors in the future.10. My father can’t stand ________ (看) soap operas. He enjoys games on TV.11. Don’t play j________ on others. You should try to put yourself in their shoes. They will feel sad aboutthis.12. Those actors _________ a very fantastic show for the audience, they got a lot of flowers andapplause(掌声) after the show. (performer)13. I learned a lot about our country and its great culture from collecting stamps(集邮). It is very ______.(education)14. The Great Wall is usually c_______ with a number of tourists on National Day.15.I practiced swimming for competitions about five years, but I was ready to quit (退出) these days. Them_________ reason was that I only got an “Honorable Prize (鼓励奖)”. It simply showed that “Thank you for joining. You didn’t get the first, second or third, but we don’t want you to go home withanything.”三、完成句子(2.5分每题,共25分)16. Tony can't stand sports shows. (对画线部分提问)___________ does Tony____________ sports shows?17.The man next to my house learned the piano on his own.(改为同义句)The man next to my house __________ ___________ the piano.18.我们的校长要求我们关心世界上正在发生的事情。

人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 5 达标检测卷含答案

人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 5 达标检测卷含答案

人教版七年级英语下册UNIT 5 达标检测卷第一部分听力(四大题,20分)一、短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)()1. What animals does Tony like?()2. Where are the boy and the girl now?()3. How old is the giraffe?A. 5 years old.B. 6 years old.C. 7 years old.()4. Why does Frank like elephants?A. Because they're big.B. Because they're cute.C. Because they're smart.()5. What does the boy need to do on Statuary morning?A. To go to the zoo.B. To clean the room.C. To have a violin lesson.二、长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6、7小题。

()6. What does Mary want to see?A. The tigers.B. The lions.C. The giraffes.()7. Where are the animals from?A. Australia.B. China.C. South Africa.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。

()8. When will they go to the zoo?A. This Sunday.B. This Friday.C. This Saturday.()9. Who likes tigers best?A. Bob.B. Jenny.C. Sam.()10. How will they go to the zoo?A. Ride bikes.B. Walk there.C. Take the bus.三、短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)()11. What are the new animals in the zoo?A. Koalas.B. Dolphins.C. Lions.()12. How old are the new animals?A. One year old.B. Two years old.C. Three years old.()13. How long can you see the new animals?A. 4 hours.B. 5 hours.C. 6 hours.()14. When can you book(预订) tickets?A. Before Tuesday.B. Before Thursday.C. After Monday.()15. How much is the ticket for a parent?A. $4.B. $8.C. $18.四、信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二部分语言知识运用(三大题,35分) 五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)()21. —What can you see in this picture?—____ giraffe and ____ elephant.A. An; anB. A; aC. An; aD. A; an()22. It's too noisy here. Eric, let's go to a quiet ____.A. groupB. placeC. thingD. night()23. —Don't ____ to take my book home, Paul.—OK. I'll take it for you.A. watchB. tasteC. forgetD. listen()24. —How about seeing the lions?—Oh, no. They're ____. I'm afraid of them.A. scaryB. longC. healthyD. great()25. —____ do you like pandas?—Because they are very cute.A. HowB. WhereC. WhenD. Why()26. My father has many things to do today, so he is ____ busy.A. lots ofB. kind ofC. a set ofD. a pair of()27. —So many people in the hall!—Yes. There are____ 900 people in it.A. likeB. withC. overD. from()28. These trees are important to us. Don't ____,please.A. cut them downB. cut down themC. cut it downD. cut down it()29. We can't ____ the animals because they are our friends.A. meetB. knowC. rideD. kill()30. —I think Molly is very nice.—____. I also want to be friends with her.A. Here you areB. Yes, you're rightC. Have a good dayD. Let me see六、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)AWhere do you go on weekends? Do you go to the zoo? Many people go there to watch elephants, pandas and other__31__. They like animals and want to__32__ friends with them. And they can also__33__ things from them.Some people don't go out to show their __34__ of animals. They have__35__ at home.Li Lei is a student from Tunxi, Anhui. He has a white__36__ . He gives it milk and good food. “My ca t is my good friend,” he says. “It likes to__37__ with me. And I like to play with it, too. ”Han Mei, 28, is also from Tunxi, Anhui. She has __38__ dog(s). One is big, and the other is __39__. “They are cute. I'm__40__ to be with them. They can help me do many things,” she says.()31. A. clothes B. sportsC. photosD. animals()32. A. make B. comeC. haveD. draw()33. A. write B. relaxC. learnD. spell()34. A. work B. loveC. talkD. luck()35. A. maps B. bagsC. jobsD. pets()36. A. dog B. tigerC. catD. koala()37. A. play B. singC. sellD. walk()38. A. one B. twoC. threeD. four()39. A. clean B. strictC. lazyD. small()40. A. afraid B. happyC. sorryD. rightBJenny comes from the US. She __41__ in a new house. But there are many mice (老鼠) in her house. She goes to the pet __42__ to buy a cat, and names it Cookie. Cookie is very __43__. It is easy for it to catch mice. After a week Jenny doesn't see a mouse.One afternoon, some children come to Jenny's house for__44__ cat. “All the houses on this street have mice. Cats are __45__. So I think we can__46__ cats, too,” says Paul. “No, you don't have to. You can__47__ Cookie for two weeks to let it catch mice,” says Je nny. Then she puts the cat into a big box and Paul __48__ it home.Early the next morning, Paul __49__ Jenny about seeing the cat eating a mouse in the kitchen. He__50__ Jenny because he is happy to solve the mouse problem. After about a year, the houses on this street don't have mouse problems anymore.()41. A. shows B. livesC. joinsD. wants()42. A. card B. tripC. foodD. store()43. A. smart B. tallC. freeD. quiet()44. A. your B. myC. herD. his()45. A. beautiful B. usefulC. difficultD. boring()46. A. see B. letC. askD. buy()47. A. keep B. helpC. bringD. find()48. A. swims B. wearsC. takesD. needs()49. A. loves B. callsC. drivesD. arrives()50. A. fights B. bringsC. excusesD. thanks七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) A: Hi, Peter. 51. ________B: Yes. We have a dog and we call him Frank.A: 52. ________B: He is three years old. I get him from my aunt.A: 53. ________B: He is black and white. I like to play with him.A: 54. ________B: Because he is really cute. Oh, how about you?A: 55. ________ But I'm thinking about getting one.B: I see.第三部分阅读(共两节,40分) 八、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:AI'm Harry. I'm a hippo(河马). I'm from Africa. I have a big head andI'm Arnold and I'm an anteater(食蚁). I live in South America. I don't eat()56. Arnold can eat a lot of____ every day.()57. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. Kara can be a good pet.B. Suhail doesn't like its new home.C. Harry has a big head and is good at swimming.D. Arnold eats food with its long tongue and teeth.()58. In which part of a magazine can we probably(可能)find the reading?A. History.B. Animals.C. People.D. Health.BHong Kong has pink dolphins(海豚). Do you know? Theseanimals have been in great danger in the last(最近的) 300 yearsbecause their living places are polluted(受污染的). Hong KongDolphinwatch Ltd. started up in 1995. You can go to watch thecute animals on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays and it can be 3to 4 hours. You can take photos with the dolphins, and have a talk about how to protect(保护) them. You can also buy some gifts there.Price: adults(成人)—HKD460; children under 12—HKD230; children under 3—HKD50Hong Kong Dolphinwatch, 1528A Star House, Hong Kong. Tel: 2984-1414.You can find more information(信息) at www. hkdolphinwatch. com.()59. What color are the dolphins in Hong Kong?A. Blue.B. White.C. Pink.D. Black.()60. How many times(次) can you go to watch the dolphins a week?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.()61. How much should Mr. Brown and his 4-year-old son pay(支付) to watch the dolphins?A. HKD460.B. HKD690.C. HKD510.D. HKD280.()62. What is the purpose(目的) of the text?A. To tell a story.B. To introduce(介绍) an animal.C. To answer a question.D. To introduce a watch.CLisa is a nice girl. On the weekend, she usually goes to the Animal Rescue (救助) Center to be a volunteer (志愿者). One day, she saw a cute dog in the Animal Rescue Center. Lisa always wanted to keep a dog at home, so she took the dog home. She called her Puffy. Puffy is a blind (盲的) dog, but Lisa likes her very much. After Lisa goes home from school, Puffy likes to sleep on Lisa's legs. Then Lisa likes to sing for her. It's really a great time for them.Aunt Diana lives next to Lisa's home. She is a teacher and she also loves animals very much. One day, she saw a dog in her school and one of his legs was hurt (受伤的). She took him home quickly. Lisa and Aunt Diana looked__after him well. They made nice food for him, and took him to the animal hospital (医院). Aunt Diana called their new friend Carl. Lisa thinks it sounds cool. Now Carl is well, and he likes playing with Puffy. They're good friends.()63. What does the underlined phrase (画线短语) “looked after” mean in Chinese?A. 查阅B. 照顾C. 关注D. 鼓励()64. From the passage, we can learn that ____.A. Lisa is a nice teacherB. Puffy can't see or walkC. Aunt Diana lives with LisaD. Carl and Puffy are friends()65. What's the best title(题目) for the passage?A. Lisa and her dogB. Puffy's new homeC. Animals in dangerD. Love for animalsDDo you know why the cat is not in the Chinese zodiac(生肖)? There is a famous Chinese folk(流传民间的) story about this.The Jade Emperor(玉皇大帝)asks all animals to take part in a race. The first 12 animals to finish the race will become(成为)parts of the zodiac. At that time, the cat and the rat are good friends. When they hear about the race, the cat says to the rat, “We should get up early for the race, but I usually wake up late. ” The rat says he will make his friend get up early and they can go together. However, on the morning of the race, the rat is so happy that he doesn't wake the cat up. He goes to the gathering(集合区) himself for the race and wins the first place in the race. An ox comes next, and then a tiger.The cat wakes up late and he finds that the race is already over. The cat doesn't like the rat at all after that. Of course, it is only a story.()66. Who comes after the ox?A. The cat.B. The tiger.C. The rat.D. The monkey.()67. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The rat also goes to the race late.B. The cat gets to the gathering area on time.C. The rat asks the cat to wake up early on that day.D. The cat and the rat both want to take part in the race.()68. After the race, the cat may feel ____ when he knows the rat was the winner.()69. We can probably read the text in a ____.A. science bookB. posterC. storybookD. sports bookEI'm Cindy. All my family like animals. We have four pets at home. My brother has a bird and a dog. My sister has a cat and I have a squirrel (松鼠). My grandfather gave me the squirrel for my twelfth birthday.I call the squirrel Chippy. She likes to have milk, fruit, and vegetables. She usually sleeps in a cage(笼子) near my bed.Chippy loves to tease my brother's dog. She always goes to him quietly and bites(咬) his tail(尾巴) and then goes up the bookcase quickly. She also likes playing with my brother and she often runs after him. My brother is so big and Chippy is so small. It's funny to watch them running all around the house.My friends all like coming to my house because they enjoy watching Chippy do funny things. She can dance and walk on her back legs.I really love Chippy. I enjoy taking her out with me. She makes me happy every day.()70. Who gave Chippy to Cindy?A. Her mother.B. Her sister.C. Her brother.D. Her grandfather.()71. What does the underlined word “tease” mean in Chinese?A. 照顾B. 捉弄C. 模仿D. 嘲笑()72. What does Chippy like to do?A. She likes to sleep on the bed.B. She likes to play with the cat.C. She likes to eat fruit and vegetables.D. She likes to go out with Cindy's friends.第二节:阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。

【初中英语】人教版七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas-(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas-(练习题)

人教版七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you likepandas?(911)1.澳大利亚的动物D o yo u lik e an ima ls? I th in k th e b e s t 1 to se e a n ima ls is A u str a lia.Yo u c ans e e2in te re s tin g a n ima ls th e r e, s uc h a s k o a la s an d k an g a ro o s(袋鼠).Ko a la s a r e my 3a n ima ls.I o f te n g o to the 4 to se e th e m o n week e nd s.T he y a r e s mall a n d c u te, bu t a little(有点儿) 5 .Th ey o f te n 6 in th e da y.A t n ig h t th e y g e t u p an d e a t le a ve s(树叶).Lik e ko a la s,kan g a ro o s a ls o 7in A us tr a lia.T he y a r e a8 o f A u s tra lia.Th e y 9 s p ec ial(特别的).Mo th e r ka n g ar o o s h a ve ap o ck e t(口袋) a t th e f ro n t an d the y c a n p u t the ir b a b ie s in it.Th ey c a n't r u n b u t th e y c a n ju mp(跳).T he y lik e e a tin g g r a s s(草).I lik e k oa la s an d k an g a ro o s, 10 I wa n t tog o to Au s tr a lia to se e th e m o n e d a y.(1)A.n a meB.p la c eC.ro o mD.c e n te r(2)A.a n yB.so meC.lo tD.mu ch(3)A.b e s tB.go odC.tr ueD.fa vo r ite(4)A.lib ra r yB.bo ok s to r eC.zo oD.h a ll(5)A.f r ien d lyB.be au tif u lC.sh yz y(6)A.p la yB.wo rkC.s lee pD.s wim(7)A.liveB.lea veC.co meD.a r r ive(8)A.ru leB.s ymb o lC.na meD.g r ou p(9)A.se eB.wa tc hC.loo kD.so un d(10)A.b u tB.orC.be c au s eD.so2.词汇积累:be s t ad j.最好的a d v.最A u s tr a lia n.澳大利亚cu te ad j.可爱的pu t v.放wan t v.想要从“词汇积累”中选择合适的单词并用其适当的形式填空。

Unit5同步练习 人教版英语八年级下册+

Unit5同步练习 人教版英语八年级下册+


()1.-Tony, could you help me ______ the phone, please? I’m busy. -Sure, I’m coming.A.cut upB.run outC.pick upD. give back()2.The boss was late for the meeting because his alarm clock didn’t ______.A.go offB. go outC. go onD. go across()3.-Was the wind blowing ______ when you went to school? - No, it was.A.strongly; dying downB. strong; going offC. strong; dying downD. strongly; going off()4.-What’s the weather like in summer here? -It’s hot. Sometimes it rains ______.A. clearlyB. heavilyC. carefullyD. hardly()5. -How ______! There are no workers in the bank. -It’s the first self-service bank in China.A. strangeB. scaryC. boringD. popular()6.Sorry, I’m late. I ____with a friend and I completely forgot the time.A. talkB. am talkingC. was talkingD. will talk()7.She ____ a magazine when I came in.A. readsB. has readC. will readD. was reading()8.John ____ so hard on his project that he didn’t notice his mom enter the room.A. worksB. has workedC. was workingD. will work()9.Amy was reading a book ____ I came in.A. whenB. whileC. becauseD. though()10. what ___ you ____ when the captain came in?A. are; doingB. did, doC. were; doing()11. Tom rushed into the house____ his mother was cooking.A. asB. beforeC. whileD. after()12.---- Mom, the bread has gone bad, we’d better throw______ away.----Ok.A. the rest of itB. themC. the otherD.Grammar()13. Little Tom _____ computer games when his mother got home.A. is playingB. playsC. was playing()14. I saw him in the library yesterday. He _____ a book at that moment.A. readsB. is readingC. was readingD. will read()15. They _____ a football game from 7 to 9 last night.A. were watchingB. watchC. watchesD. are watching()16. I didn’t hear the phone because my father _____ TV then.A. is watchingB. was watchingC. watchedD. watches()17. While she _____ TV, she _____ a sound outside the room.A. was watching; was hearingB. watched; was hearingC. watched; heardD. was watching; heard()18. I was reading _____ my mother was cooking.A. whenB. whileC. since()19. We were about to start _____ we heard a girl crying at that moment.A. whenB. whileC. since()20.—Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night?—I the piano.I usually practice the piano at that time.A. playB. playedC. am playingD. was playing()21. Jim called his mother at 7:30 yesterday, but she didn't at that time.A. look upB. turn upC. pick upD. dress up()22.— Look! It's raining .— That's right. The rain is tooto go shopping.A. heavily;heavyB. heavily;heavilyC. heavy;heavyD. heavy;heavily ()23. Sally was late for school because her alarm didn't . A. get off B. go off C. put off D. turn off ()24. Sally took a photo of her friends while they at the party.A. danceB. were dancingC. are dancingD. danced二、翻译短语。



七下Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?第1课时一、根据中文或首字母提示填写单词。

1. There are many a__________ in the zoo. Let's go and see them.2. Guangzhou is in the s__________ of China.3. Tom is a __________(懒惰的)boy. He never does his homework on time.4. __________(大象)help people do many things and they are our friends.5. This company(公司)wants a __________ (聪明的) and hard-working young man.二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. A baby needs __________ (sleep) 15 hours every day.7. How many __________ (zoo) are there in your city?8. --- Why do you want __________ (see) the pandas? --- Because they are cute.9. This dog can walk on two __________ (leg). That's so funny.10. I think koalas are __________ (interest) animals.11. The animal usually __________ in the daytime and looks for food at night.12. Look at the __________. They're so tall.13. The __________ girl is my cousin. She can sing and dance very well.14. Alicia will go to __________ and start her new life there.15. I have two __________, one brown dog and one yellow cat.四、根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词。

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 5 Self Check(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 5  Self Check(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 5 Self Check(815)1.M ac h ine s a re ma d e o f.()A.c o ttonB.s ilkC.g la s sD.s te e l2.Ch ina's h o t wo rd s,lik e tu ha o,d a ma an d g ao k ao, on the We s te r n me d ia(媒体).()A.u s e wid e lyB.is wid e ly u s e d e s wid e lyD.a r e wide ly u s e d3.th e s u r ve y r e s ults,mo s t s tud en ts su r f th e In te r n e t o n wee k-e n d s.()A.Ac c o rd in g toB.T ha n k s f o rC.In s te ad o fD.B ec a us e o f4.is it ma d e b y?()A.W hoB.W h os eC.W h a tD.Ho w5.Th is k in d o f s we a te r ve r y s o f t.()A.is f e ltB.f ee lsC.f ee lD.is f e e ling6.—Yo u ma d e s o ma ny s p e llin g mis ta k e s a ga in, M a r y.Yo u wo n't le a r n E ng lis h we ll if yo u r s p e llin g.—So r r y,M r.Wu.I will b e mo r e c a r e fu l.()A.wo n't b e p a id a tten tio nB.is n't p a id a tte n tion toC.do e sn't p a y a tte n tion toD.isn't p a id a tte n ti on7.E ve r y d a y,to o mu c h wa te r in o u r s c hoo l. We s ho u ld s a ve it.()A.is wa s tedB.wa s te sC.wa s wa s tedD.wa s te d8.So me c la s s ic f ilms a t th a t c in e ma e ver y mo n th.()A.a r e sh o wnB.will s ho wC.will be s ho wnD.sh o w9.Th e G re a t Wa ll (kn o w) a l l o ve r the wo r ld.10.T he s tud e n ts(a s k)to b e on time e ve r y d a y.11.I d on't k n o w ho w(u s e)th e for k.12.E ng lis h is ve r y p op u la r.It wide ly (u s e)in ma n y f ie ld s.13.C h in e s e a r e g oo d at(ma k e) e ve r yd a y th in g s,s u ch a s h an db a g s,f oo t-b a lls a nd mo b ile p h on e s.C ou p le ts(对联) h a ve b e e n a ro u nd f or ab o u t 600ye a r s.T h e y s ta r te d in M in gd yn a s t y.Pe o p le b eg an to 1. r e d p a pe r in s te a d of p e ac h woo d ch a r ms(桃符)to ma k e th e Sp r ing Fe s tiva l c o u p le ts.A f te r Q in g d yn a s ty,th e c ou p le ts we r e on c e 2.p o pu la r.Lo ts o f f amo u s c o up le ts ap p ea r ed.With th e d e ve lo p me n t o f th e in te rn a tion a l c u ltu r a l e x ch an g e,th e co up le t we re a lso in tr o du c ed to Vie tn a m,Ko r ea,J ap an,S in ga p o re an d o th e r 3..T h e c u s to m o f s t i c k i n g t h e s e c o u p le t s s t i l l 4.n o w.C ou p le ts a r e u s u a lly in d iff e r en t 5. an d c o lo r s.N ice wo rd s an d s en te nc e s a r e 6.o n th e c ou p le ts.D iff e r e n t co up le ts a r e p ut o n do o r s,wa lls a nd wind o ws a s s ymb o ls o f wis h es f o r g oo d lu ck a nd a h ap p y n e w ye a r.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)15.用适当的介词填空(1)M an y c o mmo n th ing s a r e tu r ne d ob je c ts o f b ea u ty b y p e op le.(2)P ap e r c u tting is r e ga r d ed a s s ymb o ls wis h e s g oo d lu ck a nd a ha p p y n e w ye a r.(3)I a m wr itin g to a sk s o me in fo r ma tio n a bo u t th e c o u rs e s.(4)Th e k ite r is e s th e s k y s lo wl y.(5)Th e c lo th e s we r e ma d e H on g Ko ng.16.—Is th e r e a sp o r ts me e tin g in yo u r s ch o ol—Ye s.It in N ove mb e r e ve r y ye a r.()A.h o ldB.he ldC.will be he ldD.is h e ld17.A mir r o r is u s e d f or a t yo u r s e lf.()A.lo o kB.loo ke dC.to lo okD.lo o k in g参考答案1.【答案】:D3.【答案】:A4.【答案】:A5.【答案】:B6.【答案】:B7.【答案】:A【解析】:考查被动语态。



Unit 5 复习A. 单词检测1 筷子2硬币 3 餐叉,叉子 4 衬衫5 银,银器6 玻璃7 棉花8 钢,钢铁9 展览会10 自然环境的11 草,草地12 叶子(复数)13 生产14 广泛的15 加工,处理16 包装17 产品18 法国19 当地的20 品牌21 避免22 小手提包23 可移动的24 每天的,日常的25 老板上司26 德国27 表面28 材料29 交通30 邮递员31 帽子32 手套33 国际的34 参赛者35.它的36. 形式;类型37. 黏土;陶土38. 庆典39. 气球40. 剪刀41. 生气勃勃的42. 童话故事43. 历史的44. 热;高温45. 磨光;润色46. 完成B.翻译句子1.无论你说什么,她都保持沉默。




5.桥什么时候可以建好?6. 中国因茶而闻名。

7. 新学校将在明年建成。

8. 半小时后我接你到机场。

9. 羊毛衫体现了温暖、美和时尚。

10. 剪纸艺术把简单的东西变成一件漂亮的艺术品。

11. 山上都是雪。

12. 第36届国际风筝节是2019年4月2日在山东潍坊举办的。

C.选择填空( )1. -What do you know about the city Wuhan?-It’s ______ its place of interest-the Yellow Crane Tower.A.famous asB. born withC. similar toD. known for( )2. —Lucy, are you going to Jeff's birthday party on Saturday? —Unless I ________.A.will be invited B.am invited C.was inviting D.invited( )3. ________ I know, no one has been to the lonely island so far.A.As soon as B.As well as C.As long as D.As far as ( )4. —Let me help you carry the box, Granny.—Thank you, Li Lei. It's very nice ________ you ________ me.A.of; to help B.for; to help C.of; helping D.for; helping ( ) 5. He avoided ________ our questions, and we had no ways.A.answer B.answered C.to answer D.answering ( ) 6. —Do you know that there are many different animals in the zoo?—Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are scary.A. kinds of, kind ofB. kinds of, kinds ofC. kind of, kinds ofD. kind of, kind of ( ) 7. New technology ________ stopping the students from cheating in the exam last year.A.is used for B.used to C.was used for D.is used to( ) 8. .Hurry up! Once the concert starts, nobody ________ to enter the concert hall.A.allows B.allowed C.is allowed D.is allowing ( ) 9. —Do you know the price of the ticket? —Yes. Each________¥180.A.pays B.costs C.takes D.spends( ) 10. The house is dirty. It is ________ dirt.A.cover with B.covered with C.cover D.covered( ) 11. —I find ________ good to study with a group.—I agree with you. Group work makes us study better.A.that B.it C.its D.this( ) 12. When I traveled in Beijing, I bought a ring. It _______ silver.A. was made inB. was made ofC. was made fromD. was made by ( ) 13. China’s hot words, like tuha o, dama, lianghui, ________ in the western media.A. use widelyB. is widely usedC. uses widelyD. are widely used ( ) 14. Keep quiet, please! Talking ________ during the meeting.A.is not allowed B.is allowed C.doesn't allow D.allows( ) 15. No matter ______ you want, your parents will get it for you.A. whoB. whatC. whereD. whenD.短文填空(A)Though chopstick are used in many Asian countries today, they have their beginnings in China. According to the Chinese 1 , the Chinese had chopsticks as far as Xia Dynasty. Chopsticks are traditionally given to a daughter when she marries to show that she should havea 2 very soon, 3 “chopsticks” in Chinese is pronounced like quick like “quick a son!”. In China chopsticks are related to 4 luck. So 5 the Chinese New Year’s Eve, many families will lay out new chopsticks on the 6 as a way to ask for good luck.Chopsticks can be made 7 different materials including metals 8 wood. Some chopsticks today are made of plastic. In the old time, the 9 people might use golden or silver chopsticks to show their wealth. Chopsticks is an 10 part in Chinese culture.(B)As we all know, people wear clothes to cover their bodies, keep warm and protect against bad weather conditions.Nowadays, with the 1 of science and technology, people have paid more attention to the other functions(功能) clothes can have. Clothes can help you 2 being hurt while you do something dangerous. They can provide a layer(层) between your body’s3 and the outside environment. Further, clothes can stop us from getting silk. That is to say, we are better protected from illnesses so that we can be healthy. And sooner or later, your sports clothes will check your health condition to see 4 you should do exercise or not.“In 2050, the people who design clothes won’t be l imited(限制)to needles and thread(针和线). And clothing companies are getting closer and closer to the latest fashion that we can 5 a piece of cloth to make it not only more beautiful but also more protective,” say Sondra Grace, a fashion designer. However, the biggest changes in clothes will come from the latest 6 . Ned Thomas, a teacher at MIT, says, “The technology we are studying now will one day be7 used in clothing, too.”Humans have invented different kinds of clothes 8 can make people who are in 9 safe. For example, fire suits can protect firefighters from being hurt by high temperature in the burning house. Space suits make sure that astronauts can be safe in space. The 10 between fas hions and protective clothes isn’t always clear. That means clothes designed to be protective will be more and more popular. Do you think so?E. 阅读理解(A)Tea culture is varied in different countries by the way tea is made and drunk, and by the places for tea drinking. How to make tea may be different. According to the ways of making tea, tea is classified (分类) into white tea, green tea, black tea, etc. And how to prepare tea may be different, too. In Tibet, tea is commonly boiled (煮) with salt and butter (黄油). People may drink tea at home or in public, for example, at tea houses.As part of culture, tea has a relationship with history, health, education, communication and so on. It is commonly used at social activities. For example, afternoon tea is a British custom. Families or friends can communicate with each other while having afternoon tea.Tea has remained a way of daily life in China and drinking tea has a lot of advantages. It makes people less tired, clears heat in the human body and helps people lose weight.Chinese people are good at using tea to make other things delicious. Tea, originally (最初) served as a medicine in ancient times, is now not just a kind of drink, but also excellent seasoning (调味品). Here are two delicious dishes made with tea:Tea Eggs: You can find them cooked and sold in street markets in almost every city in China. Dragon Well Tea Shrimp (龙井虾仁): It’s one of the most well-known dishes in Hangzhou.Before you drink tea, please check the following tips:◆Drink tea hot.◆The best time to drink is in between meals. It is bad for your stomach if you drink tea just before meals, during meals or soon after meals.◆Do not drink too much strong tea.( )1. Tea has no relationship with ______ as part of culture according to the passage.A. historyB. healthC. educationD. sports( )2. Afternoon tea in Britain is a _____ according to the passage.A. way of communicationB. hobbyC. gameD. weekend activity( )3. In ancient China, tea was originally served as ______ according to the passage.A. a medicineB. a drinkC. seasoningD. a dish( )4. The best time to drink tea is ______ according to the passage.A. just before mealsB. during mealsC. soon after mealsD. in between meals ( )5. The passage doesn’t mention _____.A. ways of making teaB. places to drink teaC. tools for drinking teaD. advantages of drinking tea(B)A middle school teacher from Jiangxi Province gave up her job in 2005. She thought she had something more important to do. She has spent the past few years setting up the first intangible cultural enterprise(非物质文化企业) in China. This developed the traditional art of paper cutting at home and abroad. He Hong has already held many large shows since she took up the traditional art. Her beautiful creations and excellent skills made lots of people get interested in paper cutting. Now, she is considered as the “Queen” of Chinese paper cutting by many people in the country. More and more people come to buy her paper cutting products.He Hong’s father worked in the local cultural center. She had a good situation to learn from some experienced folk artists when she was five. She had great interest in the traditional art of paper cutting. With the increasing skills day by day, she began traveling far and wide to find modern ideas from more people. She looked for inspiration wherever she went.She worked as a teacher for over ten years. In her teaching time, she taught many students paper cutting. And over 150 students received the first prize in paper cutting competitions under her teaching. Later, she decided to set up her own company. She wanted to increase the traditional art’s influence. She paid much attention to researching modern consumption trends(消费趋势). And she has created all kinds of household things to meet the need of the market. To her surprise, all her paper cutting products have sold well in more than 3,000 stores across the country.In order to run her enterprise well, she set up a complete service including design(设计) and production as well as sales. It has made many improvements compared with traditional business models. In addition, she spread her business to clothes, girls and other products.( )1. When did He Hong begin to learn the folk art?A. When she was five.B. When she was ten.C. When she became a teacherD. In her teaching time.( )2. The underlined word “inspiration” means “_________” in Chinese.A. 技艺B. 财富C. 灵感D. 知识( )3. The model of He Hong’s enterprise is _________ than traditional business models.A. betterB. more popularC. worseD. larger( )4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Few people were interested in He Hong’s creations and skills.B. He Hong taught many students paper cutting in her teaching time.C. She studied modern consumption trends after setting up the company.D. He Hong thought it was normal that her paper cutting products sold well.参考答案:单词检测:1 chopstick 2 coin 3 fork 4 blouse 5 silver 6 glass7 cotton8 steel9 fair 10 environmental11 grass12 leaf (leaves) 13 produce 14 widely 15 process 16 pack17 product 18 France 19 local 20 brand 21 avoid 22 handbag 23 mobile 24 everyday 25 boss 26 Germany27 surface28 material29 traffic30 postman31 cap32 glove33 international34 competitor 35 its 36 form 37 clay 38 celebration 39 balloon 40 scissors 41 lively42 fairy tale 43 historical 44 heat 45 polish 46 complete翻译句子:1 No matter what you say, she always keeps silent.2 As far as I know, tea plants are grown on the sides of the mountains.3 According to Chinese history, the sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming.4 In China, badmintons are played everywhere.5 When will the bridge be built?6 China is famous / known for tea.7 The new school will be finished next year.8 I’ll pick you up to the airport in half an hour.9 The sweaters made of wool show the warmth, beauty and fashion.10 The art of cutting paper turns a simple thing into a beautiful piece of art.11 The mountain is covered with snow.12 The 36th International Kite Festival was held on April 2, 2019 in Weifang, Shandong.选择填空:1----5 DBDAD6----10 ACCBB11----15 BBDAB短文填空:(A) 1 history 2 son 3 because 4 good 5 on6table7 of8 and9 rich10 important(B) 1 development 2 avoid 3 surface 4 whether 5 produce6 technology7 widely8 that / which9 danger 10 difference阅读理解(A)1----5 DAADC(B)1----4 ACBC。

【初中英语】人教版七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball练习题

【初中英语】人教版七年级上册Unit 5  Do you have a soccer ball练习题

人教版七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccerball?(855)1.彼得的收藏P e te r is 66. B u t h e loo k s yo u n g(年轻的).H e h a s 1 c h ild ren, a s o n a nd ad a ug h te r. 2 s on is C a r l.N an c y is h is d a ug h te r.P e te r h a s a 3c o llec tio n(收藏).H e h a s 10te nn is r ac ke ts,12s oc c e r b a lls,8 4,6 b a sk etb a lls a nd 18vo lle yb a lls. 5 he n e ve r(从不) p la ys s p o r ts.H e th in ks th e y'r e 6 .H is s o n,C a r l,like s s o cc e r.H e is in th e sc h oo l s o cc e r c lu b.H e p la ys it 7 h is f r ie nd s e ve ry d a y.A n d N an c y lik e s vo lle yb a ll,bu t sh e ca n't 8it.S h e th in k s it's d iff ic u lt.S h e wa tc h e s vo lle yb a ll g a me s9 TV e ve r y d a y.Ca r l an d Na n c y lik eth e ir10co lle c tion.T h e y th in k it's g r e a t.(1)A.twoB.th re eC.fo u rD.f ive(2)A.M yB.H e rC.H isD.You r(3)A.te le p ho neB.pe nc ilC.ca r dD.sp o r ts(4)A.b a s eb a ll sB.r ing sC.ba g sD.c h a ir s(5)A.An dB.B u tC.Fir s t s t(6)A.n ic eB.in te r e s tingC.bo r ingD.fu n(7)A.withB.fo rC.toD.in(8)A.a n s we rB.p la yC.tak eD.b r in g(9)A.inB.onC.a tD.fo r(10)A.mo th e r'sB.f a th e r'sC.au n t'sD.u n c le's2.词汇积累:lo ok v.看;看起来p la y s p or ts做运动c lu b n.俱乐部g r ea t ad j.美妙的;极好的从“词汇积累”中选择合适的单词或短语并用其适当的形式填空。

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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Ⅰ.词汇运用。


1.I realized I had left my schoolbag at school when I got home.2.My two brothers are postmen.They send letters and newspapers in our neighborhood.3.It's difficult to avoid buying products made in China in American stores.4.Jack is the liveliest boy in our class. He is always full of energy.5.I can't play soccer with you now because I have to complete my homework first.B)用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。

be used for,be brought to,be caused by,be famous for,be covered with6.The whole table was__covered__with delicious food when I got home on my birthday.7.This kind of machine is__used__for picking up rubbish.8.The car accident was__caused__by the man's careless driving.9.Anxiis__famous__for producing good tea.10.These newspapers were__brought__to us by an old man this morning.Ⅰ.完形填空。

Medical experts say most Americans do not get enough sleep.They say more Americans need to __11__ for a short period in the middle of the day.They are advising people to sleep lightly __12__continuing with other activities.One study earlier this year found that persons who sleep for a few minutes during the day were less likely to die of __13__diseases.The study followed more than 2,300 Greek adults__14__ about six years. Adults who rested for half an hour at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower __15__of dying from heart diseases than those who didn't nap.Study organizers said the__16__ evidence was in working men. They said naps might improve health by mitigating(缓和) tension __17__ by work.Some European and Latin American businesses have supported the idea of __18__for many years. They urge people to __19__ work,go home and have a nap before returning. In the United States,some companies let workers rest briefly in their offices.They believe this reduces mistakes and accidents,and __20__ increases the amount of work a person can do.Sleep experts say it is likely that people __21__ more mistakes at work than at other times.They say people should not carry out important duties __22__ feel sleepy.And they say the best thing to do is to take a nap.About twenty minutes of rest is all you __23__.Experts say this provides extra__24__ and can increase your effectiveness until the end of the day.But experts __25__ that a nap should last no more than twenty to thirty minutes.A longer nap will put the body into deep sleep and waking up will be difficult.(D)11.A.work B.wait C.live D.rest(B)12.A.between B.before C.besides D.during(A)13.A.heart B.brain C.mind D.mouth(C)14.A.on B.at C.for D.with(A)15.A.risk B.end C.order D.part(D)16.A.power B.argument C.strong D.strongest(C)17.A.reduced B.broken C.caused D.sensed(A)18.A.napping B.walking C.working D.learning(D)19.A.repeat B.improve C.change D.leave(A)20.A.also B.so C.then D.to(B)21.A.take B.make C.do D.bring(B)22.A.until B.when C.although D.and(C)23.A.forget B.hope C.need D.should(D)24.A.position B.pressure C.demand D.energy(A)25.A.suggest B.see C.show D.promiseⅠ.阅读理解。

Tea,coffee and cocoa are three major drinks all over the world.Tea is drunk by the largest number of people in the world.Tea,as well as silk and porcelain(瓷器),began to be known by the world over 1,000 years ago and has been an important Chinese export since then.Tea has a history of over 4,000 years and China is the home of tea.In ancient China,tea was used as a kind of medicine,while nowadays people drink tea every day.Longjing,Pu’er,Wulong and Tieguanyin are all famous tea.Thanks to the mild climate and rich soil in Fujian,Zhejiang and Yunnan,tea is produced mainly in these provinces.The word for tea in different languages came from Chinese,like “tea” in English,like “cha’i” in Russian.And the Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese.Over the past centuries,Chinese people have developed their unique(独特的) tea culture,which includes tea planting,tea-leaf picking,tea making,tea drinking and so on.Tea is also popular in some sayings,like “A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea.” In dances,songs,poems and novels,tea is often mentioned,too.(B)26.How many kinds of drinks are mentioned in the passage?A.Two. B.Three.C.Four. D.Five.(D)27.Tea is produced mainly in Fujian,Zhejiang and Yunnan because ________.A.people there like drinking teaB.it rains a lot thereC.there are quite a lot of mountainsD.the natural environment is good for growing tea(B)28.Which country has the longest history of tea planting?A.Britain. B.China.C.Russia. D.Japan.(C)29.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A.China has planted tea for many centuries.B.China's tea culture is almost the same as that in other countries.C.China has a unique tea culture.D.Tea is very popular in Chinese sayings.(A)30.What's the best title for the passage?A.Tea in China B.How to Plant TeaC.Drinks in the World D.Tea and CoffeeⅠ.语法填空。
