



一、报价单的头部(Head)01,卖家基本资料(举例)ﻫ工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)ﻫ详细地址(DetailedAddress)ﻫ邮政编码(PostCode)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(TelephoneNo.)ﻫ传真号码(Fax No.)ﻫ手机号码(Mo bile No.) ﻫ邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)ﻫ公司网址(Website Address)02,买家基本资料(举例)ﻫ工厂标志(FactoryLogo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)ﻫ邮政编码(PostCode) ﻫ联系人名(Contact)ﻫ职位名称(Jobtitle)ﻫ电话号码(TelephoneNo.)传真号码(FaxNo.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)03,报价单的抬头:报价单标题(Quotation/Quotation Form/Price List)ﻫ参考编号(Re ferenceNo.)报价日期(Date) ﻫ有效日期(Valid date)ﻫ二、产品基本资料(Product’s Basic information)序号(No.)货号(Item No.)ﻫ型号(Type) ﻫ产品名称(Product’s Name) ﻫ产品图片(Ph oto) ﻫ产品描述(Description) ﻫ原材料(Materials) ﻫ规格(Specification)ﻫ尺寸(Size)长度(Length) ﻫ宽度(Width)ﻫ高度(Height)ﻫ厚度(Thickness)ﻫ管径(Tube’s Diameter)ﻫ口径(Caliber)ﻫ形状(Shape)ﻫ外观颜色(Colors)光源类型(Typeof Lamp-house) ﻫ光源数量(Nos. of lamp-house)光源颜色(Colorsof lamp-house)三、产品技术参数(Product’s TechnicalParameters)01,电力类产品技术参数:ﻫ电流、电压、电阻、电弧、功率、频率、负载等。



完整的外贸报价单一、报价单的头部01,卖家基本资料举例工厂标志FactoryLogo公司名称Company详细地址DetailedAddress邮政编码PostCode联系人名Contact职位名称Jobtitle电话号码TelephoneNo.传真号码FaxNo.手机号码MobileNo.邮箱地址E-mailAddress聊天方式MessengerOnline公司网址WebsiteAddress02,买家基本资料举例工厂标志FactoryLogo公司名称Company详细地址DetailedAddress邮政编码PostCode联系人名Contact职位名称Jobtitle电话号码TelephoneNo.传真号码FaxNo.手机号码MobileNo.邮箱地址E-mailAddress聊天方式MessengerOnline公司网址WebsiteAddress03,报价单的抬头:报价单标题Quotation/QuotationForm/PriceList参考编号ReferenceNo.报价日期Date有效日期Validdate二、产品基本资料Product’sBasicinformation序号No.货号ItemNo.型号Type产品名称Product’sName产品图片Photo产品描述Description原材料Materials规格Specification尺寸Size长度Length宽度Width高度Height厚度Thickness管径Tube’sDiameter口径Caliber形状Shape外观颜色Colors光源类型TypeofLamp-house光源数量光源颜色Colorsoflamp-house三、产品技术参数Product’sTechnicalParameters01,电力类产品技术参数:电流、电压、电阻、电弧、功率、频率、负载等;02,光源、光学类产品技术参数:光源类型、光源功率、中心光强、色度、光通量、光中心高度、发光颜色、流明维护系数、有效光照范围、发光效率、光源色粉、波长、色轮型号、照明面积、日照时间、阴雨天数等;03,机械、力学类产品技术参数:结构、封装形式、结构高度、连接结构标记、分断能力、安装形式、可插拔次数、耐压特性、耐压强度、插拔力、零插拔力、拉伸强度、抗张强度等;04,热学类产品技术参数:色温、最低启动温度、耐温性、环境温度、耐热温度、环境湿度;05,加工工艺、防护性能类产品技术参数:表面处理、导电体材质、屏蔽壳材质、基材、胶系、阻燃性、防护等级、防火等级、防潮等级、防水等级等;06,配件类产品技术参数:灯头、灯座、保险丝、镇流器、变压器、灯罩、玻壳、灯管、支架、外壳、壳体、灯盘、灯杆、套管等;07,产品使用寿命:平均使用寿命、机械寿命、电寿命等;08,用途及使用范围:适用范围、车灯适用车型、主要用途等;四、价格条款PriceTerms贸易方式EXW,FOB,CFR,CIF装运港,目的港LoadingPort,DestinationPort货币种类,中银汇率Currency,ExchangeRate,单位价格,货币单位UnitPrice/PCS,Unit实例一:PCS1USD=离岸价中山装运港船上交货,单价美元/支,汇率:1美元=元实例二:PCS1USD=成本加运费中山装运港船上交货,单价美元/支,汇率:1美元=元实例三:PCS1USD=成本加运费保险费中山装运港船上交货,单价美元/支,汇率:1美元=元实例四:EXWShenzhenTechoneTechCo.,LtdPCS工厂交货价深圳电王科技有限公司交货,单价元/支几种贸易方式间的差别:01,工厂交货价EXW=ExWorks:交货地点:出口国工厂或仓库;运输:买方负责;保险:买方负责;出口手续:买方负责;进口手续:买方负责;风险转移:交货地;所有权转移:随买卖转移;02,离岸价FOB=FreeonBorad:交货地点:装运港;运输:买方负责;保险:买方负责;出口手续:卖方负责;进口手续:买方负责;风险转移:装运港船舷;所有权转移:随交单转移;03,到岸价成本+运费+保险费,CIF=Cost+Insurance+Freight:交货地点:装运港;运输:卖方负责;保险:卖方负责;出口手续:卖方负责;进口手续:卖方负责;风险转移:装运港船舷;所有权转移:随交单转移;04,成本加运费CFR=Cost+Freight:交货地点:装运港;运输:卖方负责;保险:买方负责;出口手续:卖方负责;进口手续:买方负责;风险转移:装运港船舷;所有权转移:随交单转移;FOB、CIF、CFR共同点:01,卖方负责装货并充分通知,买方负责接货;02,卖方办理出口手续,提供证件,买方办理进口手续,提供证件;03,卖方交单,买方受单、付款;04,装运港交货,风险、费用划分一致,以船舷为界;05,交货性质相同,都是凭单交货、凭单付款;06,都适合于海洋运输和内河运输;FOB、CIF、CFR间不同点:01,FOB:买方负责租船订舱、到付运费;办理保险、支付保险;02,CIF:卖方负责租船订舱、预付运费;办理保险、支付保险;03,CFR:卖方负责租船订舱、预付运费;买方负责办理保险、支付保险;五、数量条款QuantityTerms按整柜20’,40’,40HC,45HC提供报价:按最小定单量MOQ,MinimumorderQuantity提供报价按库存量报价20Container,40Container,40HC,45HC20英尺货柜,40英尺货柜,40英尺高柜,45英尺高柜MOQ:500PCS/Design,500PCS/Item最小订单量:500支/款:5000PCS库存数量:5000PCSMoreorLessClause:at5%短溢缺条款备品数量:5%各类货柜的内容积、配货毛重、体积对比序货柜类型内容积英尺内容积米配货毛重吨体积立方米0120尺货柜20x8x8英尺0240尺货柜40x8x8英尺0340尺高柜40x8x9英尺0445尺高柜45x8x9英尺Total100CTNS,200PCS/CTN,OuterCarton’sMeasure:482836,24Innerboxes/CTN 总共100箱,每箱200支,外箱尺寸:482836厘米,24个内盒/外箱Innerbox’sMeasure:532,12PCS/Innerbox内盒尺寸:532厘米,12支/内盒NetWeight,GrossWeight,APNNo.,Barcode,Bicolor,RGB,CMYK产品净重,产品毛重,产品代码,条形码,双色,三色,四色Carton’sMain/SideShippingMark外箱正唛/侧唛七、支付条款PaymentTerms即期信用证,远期信用证:SightL/C,UsanceL/C可撤销信用证,不可撤销信用证:RevocableL/C,IrrevocableL/C跟单信用证,光票信用证:DocumentaryL/C,CleanL/C可转让信用证,不可转让信用证:TransferableL/C,UntransferableL/C电汇:T/T,TelegraphicTransfer余额,总金额,定金:Balance,Totalsum,Deposit/Earnest/Earnestmoney在开始投入生产前通过电汇方式预付30%,余款方式在装运前付清30%paidfordepositbyT/Tbeforeproductionarranged,thebalancetobepaidbeforeshipment90天信用证付款,成本加运费加保险费贸易方式下90天信用证付款PaymentbyL/C90days,CIFL/C90days通过即期信用证付款PaymentbysightL/C八、质量条款QualityTerms检验检疫局:法定检验、商品鉴定、质量认证认可、出口质量许可、出入境检验检疫标志、普惠制原产地证FORMA,一般原产地证C/O;国家质检总局:主管质量监督的最高行政执法机关;主管检验检疫工作的最高行政执法机关;检验内容:包装检验,品质检验,卫生检验,安全性能检验;检验分类:内地检验,口岸检验;预先检验,出口检验;产品质量认证:中国:CCC,CB,CQC欧盟:CE,LVD,EMC德国:GS,VDE,TUV美国:UL,ETL意大利:IMQ,IG北欧四国:N-NEMKO,D-DEMKO,F-FIMKO,S-SEMKO,S-N-FI-D比利时:CEBEC法国:NF荷兰:KEMA-KEUROVEBSISGS,S-BBJINMETRO/UC阿根廷:日本:NKKK,PSEKT,KTL,EKMARK九、装运条款ShipmentTerms港口名重名:注明所在国家或地区无法确定港口:由买家选择港口装运日期,装运期限,装运时间Shippingdate,TimeLimit,Timeofshipment起运港,目的港,装运港/装货港,卸货港,转运港DeparturePort,DestinationPort,LoadingPort,UnloadingPort,Transferringport分批装运,转船Shippinginbatches,PartialShipment,Transshipment航空,航海,散货,整装柜Byair,Bysea,Goodsinbulk,FullContainer十、交货期条款DeliveryTimeTerms订单被确定OrderConfirmed模具费用,准备模具Mould’sExpenses,PreparetheMoulds生产前确定样品,开始投产Confirmthesamplesbeforeproduction,BegintoProduce预付定金,支付余款Paythedepositinadvance,Paythebalance交货期:在收到预付款后30天之内交货Deliverthegoods,thetimeofDeliveryDeliverytime:30daysafterreceiptofdeposit.Deliverytime:30daysaftertheconfirmationoftheorder.交货期:在订单确认后30天之内交货Deliverytime:30daysaftertheconfirmationofpre-productionsamples.交货期:在生产前样品确定后30天之内交货十一、品牌条款Brand’sTerms贴牌加工使用客户自己的品牌或由其指定的其他品牌OEM,Usethebrandappointedbythecustomer使用工厂自己的品牌Usethefactory’sownbrand十二、原产地条款OriginTerms普通原产地证,普惠制原产地证C/OCertificateoforigin,FORMA原产地,中国制造MadeinChina,OriginPlace十三、报价单附注的其他资料Others01,工商营业执照、被批准开业证件副本;02,国税局税务登记证;03,企业法人代码证书;04,质量检验报告、质量鉴定报告;05,产品质量认证、质量管理体系认证;06,荣誉证书、奖励证书;07,出口许可证;08,工厂规模:员工人数,工程技术人员人数,工厂面积;09,主营产品及月加工能力,新品推介,生产设备实力,品牌知名度.。



Item 项目
Product 产品名称
Model 型号
Description 描述
Delivery: 交货方式:
2012/5/18 F.O.B HK
QTY. 数量 (pcs)
Unit Price/单价
Under More than More than
500pcs 500pcs
blank part below
Re mar
1. Payment: 30% TT Deposit for PO Confirmation, 70% TT within one days before Delivery. 付款方式:订单确认电汇定金30%,交货前一天电汇70%。
2. Included with one set of encryption tools and related key injection software. 配送一套加密工具和相关密钥注入的软件。
3. No cancellation allowed within 15 days before the delivery date by confirmed. 确认的交货日之前15天内不接受取消订单.
4. Production capacity: 500K/Month. 产能:每个月500K.
Golden Seed:
Customer Name: 客户名称:
Quotation 报价单
Quotation No. 报价单编号:
Customer TEL No. 客户电话号码:
Customer Fax No. 客户传真号码:


页数Page :1/1
报价单 Quotation
工程名称Project Name 项目地点Project Place
2 3
船型Hull Type
烟台 币种Currency:RMB
4 5 6
项次 Item 品名 Description 外框Frame 材质 颜色 尺寸Size(mm) 图纸Drawing 名义Nominal 图纸号 Drawing No 颜色 功能 单位 Unit 数量 Qty 单价 Unit price 折扣 Discount
11 12
11 12 13
报价人Prepared by:14ຫໍສະໝຸດ 欢迎莅临考察指导Welcome
to visit us.We hope our offer is in line with your requirements and looking forward to receiving your valuable order.
1 2
编号 Ref No: 日期Issued Date: 报价有效期Validity:30天
1 2
Your Ref No:
2 3
sent by email dated 2018-05-22 船东Shipowner 国别Country 船级Class 船厂Shipyard 项目号Project No
4 5 6
金额 Amount
7 8 9 10
总金额Sub Total Amount: 折扣Special Discount: 运费freigh: 安装费Installation fee TOTAL RMB:
7 8 9 10

设备 报价单 英文 范文

设备 报价单 英文 范文

设备报价单英文范文In today's fast-paced business environment, having a well-structured and comprehensive equipment price list is crucial for any organization. This document serves as a vital tool for effectively managing inventory, streamlining purchasing processes, and ensuring transparent pricing for customers or clients. The purpose of this essay is to provide a detailed guide on how to create an effective equipment price list in English, drawing from best practices and industry standards.The first and most important step in creating an equipment price list is to gather all the necessary information about the products or services being offered. This includes details such as the item name, model number, description, unit of measurement, and the associated cost or price. It is essential to ensure that the information is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent across all products or services. This will help to avoid any confusion or discrepancies that could lead to billing errors or customer dissatisfaction.Once the necessary information has been collected, the next step isto organize the data in a clear and logical manner. This can be achieved by grouping similar items together, such as by product category, manufacturer, or functionality. This will make it easier for customers or clients to navigate the price list and quickly locate the specific items they are interested in. Additionally, it is important to include clear and concise headings and subheadings to further enhance the overall structure and readability of the document.One of the key components of an effective equipment price list is the inclusion of detailed product descriptions. These descriptions should provide a comprehensive overview of the item, including its features, specifications, and any relevant technical information. This will help customers or clients to make informed purchasing decisions and ensure that they are selecting the right product for their needs. It is also important to include any relevant warranty information or service agreements that may be associated with the equipment.Another important aspect of an equipment price list is the pricing structure. This should be clearly outlined, with any applicable discounts, volume pricing, or special offers prominently displayed. It is also important to ensure that the pricing is competitive and in line with industry standards. This will help to build trust and confidence with customers or clients, and can also help to differentiate the organization from its competitors.In addition to the pricing information, it is also important to include any relevant shipping or delivery details. This may include information on shipping times, delivery methods, and any associated costs. This will help to ensure that customers or clients have a clear understanding of the total cost of their purchase, including any additional fees or charges.Finally, it is important to regularly review and update the equipment price list to ensure that it remains accurate and relevant. This may involve adjusting prices to reflect changes in market conditions, updating product information to reflect new features or specifications, or adding new products or services to the list. By keeping the price list up-to-date, the organization can ensure that it is providing customers or clients with the most accurate and reliable information possible.In conclusion, the creation of an effective equipment price list in English is a critical component of any successful business. By following the best practices outlined in this essay, organizations can create a comprehensive and user-friendly document that will help to streamline purchasing processes, build trust with customers or clients, and ultimately drive business growth and success. Whether you are a small startup or a large multinational corporation, having a well-structured and up-to-date equipment price list is essential for success in today's competitive business landscape.。

设备 报价单 英文 范文

设备 报价单 英文 范文

设备报价单英文范文Equipment Quotation Sheet.1. Introduction.This quotation sheet details the costs associated with the procurement of equipment required for a specific project. The equipment listed here has been carefully selected to meet the specified requirements and ensure the smooth execution of the project.2. Equipment List.Item 1: High-Performance Computing Server.+ Model: Dell PowerEdge R740XD.+ Specification: Dual Intel Xeon Gold 6240 Processors, 512GB RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Operating System.+ Quantity: 2 Units.+ Unit Price: USD $15,000。

+ Total Cost: USD $30,000。

Item 2: Network Switches.+ Model: Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series.+ Specification: 48 Ports, 10Gbps Speed, Layer 3 Routing, IPv6 Support.+ Quantity: 5 Units.+ Unit Price: USD $3,000。

+ Total Cost: USD $15,000。

Item 3: Multifunction Printers.+ Model: HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M577f.+ Specification: Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, Automatic Document Feeder.+ Quantity: 3 Units.+ Unit Price: USD $800。



RSHDEC20171121 a 第 1 页 2018/10/16
净重 Net weight
2.辅助材料 Subject material
3.外购外协 Puchased Parts
4.燃料动力 Fuel
费用分析 项目 Project 直接工资 Direct labor 制造费用 Manufactg expenses 管理费用 Manag expenses 财务费用 Finance expenses
Expenses Calculation 生产工时 Production hours 分配率 Proportion
销售费用 项目 Project 包装 Packing 运输 Transport 交样周期 Lead time
Sales expenses 金额 Subtotal (元)
供应商Supplier 零件号Part Number 零件名称Part Name 总表List 项目 Item 1.原材料 Raw Materials 2.辅助材料费 Subject material cost 3.外购外协 Puchased Parts 4.燃料动力费 Fuel cost 5.直接人工费 Direct labor 6.制造费用 Manufacturing expenses 7.工装模具费 Tooling cost 8.废品损失 Damaged goods 一、生产成本 Production expenses 二、管理费用 Management expenses 三、销售费用 Sales expenses 四、财务费用 Finance expenses 五、产品利润 Profit 销售价格Price 工装模具分析 名称 Name 单价 Price Tooling Analysis 设备名称 Equipment name 生产工时分析 班产量 Volume per shift 单件台时 unit time Production Time Analysis 操作人数 Labor count 工人工时 man hour 分摊金额 件/模 Proportioned 主要工序 使用寿命 Life span pcs./model expense Key process 金额 Subtotal (RMB) 项目 Item 1.原材料 Raw Materials 单位 Unit 填表人Writer 每车用量Quantity/Car 产品重量Products Weight 明 细 消耗定额 Consume Quote Detaiil 无税单价 Net Price 金额总计 (元) Subtotal(RMB) 供货厂家 Supplier 联系电话Telephone 产品周期Life time 运输方式Transportation



一、报价单的头部(Head)01,卖家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)02,买家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)03,报价单的抬头:报价单标题(Quotation/Quotation Form/Price List)参考编号(Reference No.)报价日期(Date)有效日期(Valid date)二、产品基本资料(Product’s Basic information)序号(No.)货号(Item No.)型号(Type)产品名称(Product’s Name)产品图片(Photo)产品描述(Description)原材料(Materials)规格(Specification)尺寸(Size)长度(Length)宽度(Width)高度(Height)厚度(Thickness)管径(Tube’s Diameter)口径(Caliber)形状(Shape)外观颜色(Colors)光源类型(Type of Lamp-house)光源数量(Nos.of lamp-house)光源颜色(Colors of lamp-house)三、产品技术参数(Product’s Technical Parameters)01,电力类产品技术参数:电流、电压、电阻、电弧、功率、频率、负载等。



Quotation Sheet 报价单
Project 1
No. 序号 Item 项目名称 roof accessories 屋面配件 plywood board 胶合板 2 Boards 板材 wall board 墙面板 wall accessories 墙面配件 flashing 彩钢折件 loading cost 装车费 Subtotal (合计) foundation bolt 地脚螺栓 high strength bolt 高强螺栓 normal bolt 普通螺栓 normal bolt 普通螺栓 M24 M20 M12 set set set set 0.4mm/50mm/0.4mm EPS sandwich panel V950型0.4mm/50mm/0.4mm厚白 灰色泡沫复合板 Specification 规格 Unit 单位 m2 m2 Qty 数量 Unit Price (RMB) 单价 Subtotal (RMB) 合计 0.00 0.00 WHITE,EPS10KG, WITH FILMS 泡沫容重10kg,覆膜,白 灰色
Quotation Sheet 报价单
Project 1
No. 序号 Item 项目名称 main steel frame 主钢构 wind resistance column 抗风柱 second floor steel frame 二层钢构 roof purlin Steel Skeleton 屋面檩条 钢骨架 wall purlin 墙面檩条 horizontal supporting 水平支撑 column brace 柱间支撑 zinc coating 钢结构镀锌 loading cost 装车费 Specification 规格 Unit 单位 t t Qty 数量 Unit Price (RMB) 单价 Subtotal (RMB) 合计 0.00 0.00









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为了方便起见,我报CIF和FOB价 1.产品价格:到岸价格,离岸价格 2.付款方式保兑不可撤销即期信用证,运单到后的30天内按照我们方式签订合同,且包含总价。


. 4.运输 CIF:海运到装卸港口,然后由拖车运至项目所在地。




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此致 ______________ 销售经理。

在吗?我看到你提的一个问题:“急需一份外贸英文报价单范文” - 搜如果是首次询问的话,你附加图片,产品详细介绍,以及单位价格。


余 姚 群 创 塑 料 模 具 厂 ZHEJIANG YUYAO CSTRONG PLASTIC MOULD FACTORY TEL:0086-574-22227081 FAX:0086-574-22682781 E-mail:cstrong@ CUSTO TO: TEL: FAX: PROJECT NAME: MOULD NO. PART NAME PART NO. 1 2 3 上盖 下盖 铝件 NO.CAV 1 1 1+1 MATERIAL ABS ABS 铝 TOTAL(含税): REMARK: 1.标准模架,按客户要求标准件; 2.群创塑料模具厂负责将模具发运到贵公司 3.付款方式:40%定单签定日,40%首次样件送达日,20% 模具样件确认后,模具出厂前付清模具尾款 4.本报价单含试模和试模材料费,提供三次送样,每次10件 5.制作周期从订单确认、收到预付款开始计算时间 6.本报价单有效期1个月 SLIDE ANGLE LIFFTER MOULD PRICE (RMB) 41000 54000 21000 116000 PART PRICE (RMB) DIMENSION LEAD TIME (mm) 长X (DAY) 宽X高 45 50 35 WEIGHT (KG) INJECTION MACHINE (TON) GATE CAV MATERIAL NOTE 含税17% 含税17% 含税17% PAYMENT TEEM: QUOTATION NO: CSQ 1.40% UPON ORDER TO START DESIGN AND PUCHASE 2.40% OF TOTAL AMOUNT SHOULD BE RELEASED WHEN RECEIVING FIRST SAMPLES 3.20% SHOULD BE PAID BEFORE SHIPM



Dear Sirs/Madam,
We are please to submit to you our quotation for under the terms and price as below:
报价日期Quotation Date : 2019.02.21
贸易方式Incoterm :
付款方式Terms of payment : 提单日内电汇, within days since B/L date,
报价批量/最小起订量Annual usage/MOQ :
原材料价格(含税)Raw Material price(with VAT) : Average value SMM
(货币Currency:CNY) Item No. Description Quantity U/Price Amount
材料Material :
产品/图号Product /Drawing No. :
1. 价格price:
3. 模具成本Prototype tooling cost
4. 开发成本Development cost
All products price don't include VAT
Material cost fluctuation is based on middle rate of SMM main metal average price in last quarter to confirm the price of next

2021年商务英语会话 公司采购 价格拉锯 PURCHASE

2021年商务英语会话 公司采购 价格拉锯 PURCHASE

商务英语会话公司采购价格拉锯 Purchase商务英语会话:公司采购 ___拉锯 PurchaseRobert回公司呈报了Dan的提案后,老板很满意对方的采购计划,但在折扣方面则希望Robert能继续维持强硬的态度,尽量探出对方的底线。

就在这七上八下的 ___翘翘板上,双方是否能找到彼此的平衡点呢?R: Even with volume sales, our coats for the Exec-U-Ciser won't go down much.D: Just what are you proposing?R: We could take a cut(降低)on the pri ___. But 25% would slash our profit ___rgin(毛利率).We suggest a promise--10%.D: That's a big change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. (pause) Any other ideas?R: I don't think I can change it right now. Why don't we talk again tomorrow?D: Sure. I must talk to my offi ___ anyway. I hope we can find some mon ground(共同信念)on this.[NEXT DAY ]D: Robert, I've been instructed to reject the numbers you proposed; but we can try to e up with some thing else.R: I hope so, Dan. My instructions are to negotiate hard on this deal--but I'm trying very hard to reach some middle ground(互相妥协).D: I understand. We propose a structured deal(阶段式和约). For the first six months, we get a discount of 20%, and the next six months we get 15%.R: Dan, I can't bring those numbers back to my offi ___--they'll turn it down flat(断然拒绝).D: Then you'll have to think of something better, Robert. R: 即使是大量销售,我们的‘健你乐’生产成本仍然无法降低太多。

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编号N O:B M F Z-20120719-1日期D a t e:2012-07-19QUOTA TION报价TEL:0086-21-59189771 FAX :0086-21-59190576E-mail:sales@,elandaibmdragon@ADD:Room 401,No.452 Fengzhuang Road, Shanghai,ChinaCONTENTSChapter 1: Sales conditions ----------------------------------------- Page 3-4 第一章: 销售条款Chapter 2: Scope of supply & breakdown price ------------------- Page 5 第二章: 供货价格Chapter 3: Description and Main specification ------------------- Page 6-8 第三章: 商品简介Chapter I. Sales Conditions第一章. 销售条款1. PA YMENT TERMS: 付款条件- 30% of contract value will be paid by T/T in advance as down payment;- 70% of contract value will be paid by irrevocable at sight L/C or T/T before the delivery付款方式:合同签订后7天内支付总货款30%定金T/T,发货前支付总货款70%T/T或不可撤销即期信用证。

2. DELIVERY TERM: 交货期限Within 60 days after receipt down payment, at Shanghai port,China.交货期:上海港口收到定金后60天出货;3. PACKING: 包装To be packed in standard packing, suitable for long distance ocean transportation and well protected against damage, moisture, shock, rust.适合长期海运的标准包装。

4. WARRANTY: 保修The seller shall guarantee that equipments are completely brand-new and shall conform to the technical main specification. The mechanical guarantee of machinery & equipment shall be 12 months from the installation in case the commissioning can not be carried out due to buyer’s reason. During the guarantee period, if the accessory(ies) of equipment(s) is/are damaged, due to the buyer’s insufficient maintenance, improper operation of the equipment, the seller will replace or repair it at buyer’s charge, while if the said damages are due to faults in designs and workmanship, seller will replace or repair it at his own cost.保修:保修质量保修期为一年。


5. INSTALLA TION: 安装It includes the following phases安装包括以下几个阶段:-Positioning of the equipment in conformity with the plant layout;按照工厂规划把设备放在适合的位置-Possible unpacking;正确的拆开包装-Assembling of what is necessary for the completion;安装前的必要组装-Connection with the various electrical, pneumatic use or other;电气的疏通-Adjustment of the equipment ;( levels; running way of the motors; 机器的校调-Installation of the safety devices;保护设施的搭建-Idling test of the equipment.机器的空机调试What above-mentioned produces the subscription of the installation end certificate.完成上述步骤后签机器验收单6. TRAINING: 培训It is the training phase for the c ustomer’s personnel. 针对个人培训7. VALIDITY: 有效期Within 30 days from the date of quotation.报价有效期30天8. OTHERS: 其他All taxes and duties including government charge(s) on services, exported tax, income tax and so on incurred in China during the implement of this project shall be borne by the seller, whilst incurred outside of China shall be borne by the buyer.所有在中国产生的服务费,出口关税,增值税等由卖方承担,而其他目的国进口费用,运费等都由买方承担。

The buyer will be charge for the cost of air tickets (go and back), hotel (three star standard), food, lodging and local transports for the engineer from seller, and also need pay 50USD/day/person for pocket money to engineer from seller.买方负责卖方工程师往返机票费,当地的食宿行费用。


Signature: Elan-DaiChapter 2. SCOPE OF SUPPL Y & BREAKDOWN PRICE产品价格DESCRIPTION Q’TY.UNIT PRICE(USD) SUB. TOTAL(USD)MULTIBLADEGANGSAW80/S8004 165,000.00660,000.00BM-龙牌框架锯80/S800TOTAL AMOUNT FOB SHANGHAI: SAY SIX HUNDRED ANDSIXTY THOUSAND USD ONL YUSD660,000.00 上海港口交货价:陆拾陆万美金整Chapter 3: Description and Main specification 产品介绍1 MULTIBLADE GANGSA W 80/800超级金刚组合框架锯80/S8001-1 DescriptionMULTIBLADE GANGSAW80/S800 has the characters of:框架锯80/S800有以下特点:①A blade stoke of 800mm facilitates the evacuation of slurry which results from the sawing of marble and, in particular, of non-crystalline materials, preventing the blades from clogging while ensuring a high quality cut. This is particularly important when sawing defective and fractured blocks.An 800mm stroke also means fewer cycles/minute and consequently less mechanical stress on the relative components.切割大理石时,800mm的行程可进一步促使砂浆流动,特别是对于非晶体材质,可消除锯条的卡带,以确保高质量的切割。



②ARTICULATED RECTILINEAR GUIDESMovement of blade holder frame on articulated guides.This system reduces to a minimum problem of the blade holder frame. It greatly reduces maintenance costs because it does not require replacement like the traditional slide ways which are subject to continuous wear.铰链式线性导向结构锯框在铰链式线性导向机构上运动。


③EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF MECHANIXAL THRUST OVER ALL MACHINE COMPONENTS推力均匀分别于机器所有部件Advantages of two connecting rods:·All the energy and mechanical thrust towards the blade holder is spread on two connecting rods and two cranks instead of just one.用双连杆,双曲轴代替单边式的动力传统方式。
