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一起来学习吧!本期主题【景泰蓝】The art of Jingtailan is a unique combination ofsculpture, painting andporcelain making.It is saidto have originated in Beijing during the YuanDynasty.The oldest extant piece was made duringthe Yuan Dynasty, but Jingtailan had amajor changeduring the Ming Dynasty.At that time, Jingtailan was considered tobe the most complicated.However, it reachcd its peak during the Qing Dynastybecause of great innovations in copper-melting techniques.Jingtailan can be madeinto large objects such as vases and other largeutensils and decorative items,as well as small items like earrings, bracelets orchopsticks.Since new China wasfounded, quite a number of new varieties have been created.Itenjoys a highreputation both at home and abroad.参考翻译:景泰蓝(Jingtailan)艺术是雕刻、绘画和塑瓷(porcelainmaking)的独特融合。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【四大名著】The Four Great Classical Novels of China refer to thefour greatest and mostinfluential novels written inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties. Reading themcanacquaint people with traditional Chinese society,history, geography, folkcustoms and philosophy oflife. Most Chinese are pretty familiar with thefigures, plots and scenes in the four novels. Theyhave profoundly influenced thementality, ideas and values of Chinese people. Nowadays, thefour novels havealready been adapted into movies or TV series, favored by lots ofaudiences.Being high in artistic standard, the Four Great Classical Novels areprecious heritages ofChinese nation and pioneering works in the history ofChinese literature.参考翻译:中国的四大名著(the Four Great ClassicalNovels)指创作于明清时期的四部最伟大、最有影响力的小说。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【长城】After Emperor Qin Shi Huang united the separatestates, he restored, linkedup and extended thecity walls built by the former states into hugemilitarydefensive works which started from theLiaodong Peninsula in the east and endedat Lintao inthe west. This is the world-famous Great Wall. It is one of theimportant wonders of the world,consisting of hundreds of passes,fortresses,towers and walls. Beacon towers are built atcertain intervals to give the alarmif enemies approach. The parts of the Great Wall situatedat Badaling, Mutianyuand Simatai in Beijing were all constructed during the Ming Dynasty.Nowadays,the Great Wall attracts a great many tourists from home and abroad each year. Itisan artistically extraordinary cultural relic and historic site as well as thecrystalisation ofChinese people s great strength and wisdom.参考翻译:秦始皇(Emperor Qin ShiHuang)统一各国后,修复、连接并扩展了先前各国修建的城墙,将其建成巨大的军事防御工程,东起辽东半岛(LiaodongPeninsula),西至临洮。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【百度】Baidu is the world s largest Chinese search engine. The company was foundedby Robin Li and Xu Yong in Beijing s Zhongguancun in January 2000, devoted toproviding a simple and reliable way in obtaining information for the public.After years of development, thousands of research and development engineers workin Baidu and they hold the most advanced technology of search engine in theworld. Baidu has become one of the Chinese high-tech enterprises that master themost sophisticated core technology. Easily operated, all the products of Baiduconcern every aspect of common people s work and life, so it has become the mostpopular and influential Chinese website in China.参考翻译:百度(Baidu)是全球最大的中文搜索引擎。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【文明古国—中国】As one of the oldest civilizations of the world, Chinahas a long historyand brilliant culture. Afterentering the era of civilization in the XiaDynasty,China created glorious science and culture. Thecompass, gunpowder,paper-making and printingare considered to be the four great inventions ofancient China, which have contributedimmensely to the civilization of the worldand the progress of mankind. The Silk Road of China,the oldest trade route inthe world, largely promoted the cultural exchange between the Eastand the West.The Great Wall and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal are honored astheengineering wonders in the world. Besides, China has colorful traditionalculture and folk artssuch as Beijing Opera, paper-cutting, kite, embroidery andshadow play.参考翻译:中国是世界上最古老的文明之一,有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【刺绣】Embroidery is a brilliant pearl in Chinese art. Fromthe magnificent dragonrobes worn by emperors totoday s fashions, embroidery adds a great dealofpleasure to our culture and life. The oldestembroidery on record in Chinadates from theShang Dynasty. Embroidery in this period symbolized social status.As the national economydeveloped, embroidery entered the life of the commonpeople.Embroideiy was an elegant taskfor ladies who were forbidden to go out oftheir homes. Imagine a beautiful young ladyembroidering at home:stitch bystitch, she ;embroiders a pair of mandarin ducks for her lover.It is a coldwinter day and the room is filled with sweet smell. What a touching andbeautifulpicture!参考翻译:刺绣(embroidery)是中国艺术中一颗璀燦的明珠。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【吹糖人】As a truditional Chinese folk art, the Sugar FigureBlowing Art have a longhistory. But it is graduallydisappearing in the process of economicdevelopmentin China. It is said that this folk drt was formed inthe SongDynasty; at that time it wan called operacandy. The Sugar Figure Blowing Artuses sugar as its basic material, and the artists have theirown ways to boilsugar and blow it into various figures. Artists heat up sugar topropertemperature, then pull some syrup and knead it to a ball. Then they makedifferent shapes byusing different skills and paint bright colors on thefigures. This art is really a combination ofhand, eye, heart, breath, and thetiming of temperature skill.If there is one skill you couldn’tperform well, thewhole procedure will be a failure.参考翻译:作为中国传统的民间艺术,吹糖人(Sugar Figure BlowingArt)历史悠久,然而随着中国经济的发展,这一艺术正渐渐消失。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【北京胡同】People say that the real culture of Beijing is theculture of hutong andquadrangle courtyards.Theyattract more tourists from home and abroad thanthehigh-rise buildings and large mansions.Now hutongshave become representativesof Beijing s culture;thus it is the first choice for people who would like tolearn about the local history andculture.Hutong is a Mongolian word meaningwell .In the Yuan Dynasty, Mongolians attachedgreat importance to water, soalmost every community in the city was designed around awell.Until now, one canstill find dry wells in hutongs. Where there is such a lane, there is astory.Inancient times,the names of them were passed from mouth to mouth amongpeople;there were no signposts in hutongs.It was not until the Ming and QingDynasties that thenames of hutongs were written down gradually.参考翻译:人们说,真正的北京文化是胡同(hutong)和四合院(quadranglecourtyard)文化。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【中国朝代】With a history of more than 4,000 years, China is one of the oldest ancientcivilizations of the world. From Xia Dynasty in the 21st century BC to QingDynasty, China experienced dozens of dynasties in history. Each dynasty achievedunique accomplishments in the fields of politics, economy, culture, science andtechnology, etc. Han Dynasty was the most advanced empire at that time, whichcontributes to the formation of the name the Han Nationality Tang Dynastyimpressed Chinese for its long time unification and powerful national strength,because of which overseas Chinese call themselves Tang people abroad. SongDynasty and Ming Dynasty were periods when economy, culture, education andscience were highly prosperous. But the change from one dynasty to anotherusually led to long-lasting wars, which brought unspeakable suffering for themasses.参考翻译:中国有4000多年的历史,是世界最古老的文明之一。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【中国皇帝】Emperor was the supreme ruler of the feudalsociety in China. AfterYingzheng, the king of Qin,unified China, he called himself Emperor. Sincethen,China had entered a period of emperors reign,which lasted for 2,132 years. Therewere totally 495emperors in the history of China until 1912, when Puyi, the lastemperor of China gave up thethrone. Emperors dominated all the rights of policymaking and military decision and so on.They were the only ones who could decidethe fate of the country and its people. In Chinesehistory many wise emperorswere diligent in politics and loved their people. They made manyreasonablepolicies to promote the development of economy and society. There were alsomanycruel and incompetent emperors who brought endless disasters to the people andwereresisted fiercely.参考翻译:皇帝是中国封建社会(feudalsociety)最高统治者。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【甲骨文】The earliest characters once existed in China areJiaguwen carved ontortoise shells or animal bones,mainly during the Shang Dynasty. In1899,theinscriptions of the Shang Dynasty s Jiaguwen weredetected in Anyang ofHenan Province which was thecapital in the late Shang Dynasty. So far,altogether more than 100,000 pieces of tortoise shellsand animal bones have beenunearthed from Anyang;about 4,500 Chinese characters have beenfound on thetortoise shells and animal bones, among which 1,700 have been confirmed.Thesearevery important materials for us to research into the origin of Chinesecharacters. In thepast, people generally considered Jiaguwen of the ShangDynasty as the earliest Chinesecharacters. But in 1980s, some other tortoiseshells and animal bones carved with characterswere found in the suburb of Xi an. Archaeologists made sure that these characters were about4,000 years ago, evenearlier than Jiaguwen.参考翻译:中国最早的文字主要是商朝时期刻在龟壳或兽骨上的甲骨文(Jiaguwen)。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【北京】Beijing, the capital city of China, is the nation s political, economic andcultural center. It is a famous historic and cultural city, the history of whichdates back to 3,000 years ago. As one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals ofChina, Beijing has a history of more than 800 years as a capital. Thus there arenumerous traditional and magnificent imperial architectures, such as palaces,gardens and temples. Beijing is rich in tourism resources, with more than 200scenic spots open to tourists. Beijing is also the nation s most developedregion in education and is home to a great number of colleges and universities.Beijing, a perfect combination of traditional culture and modern civilization,is of significant international influences.参考翻译:北京是中国的首都,是全国的政治、经济、文化中心。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【轿子】In ancient times,the sedan chair was considered as a special transportationvehicle in China. It is lifted with shoulders and hands. The sedan chair was themost common in the Song Dynasty. In fact, it is a removable chair fixed on twopoles with or without a tent. The Chinese sedan chair was very popular in manyareas in histoiy. In different ages and areas,the sedan chair has various names,for example,douzi, nuanjiao, etc. The sedan chair we know now is nuanjiao. Asfar as its kind is concerned, the sedan chair can be categorized into threetypes: sedan chair for officials, common people and weddings. Regarding thepurposes, the sedan chair falls into two types: one for mountain roads, and theother for flat roads.参考翻译:在古代,轿子(sedanchair)被视作中国的特殊交通工具。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【孔子】Confucius is the most influential and respectedphilosopher in Chinesehistory.His ideas have themost powerful and sole influence on Chinesesocietyfrom around 100 B.C.till the early 20thcentury.Confucius never wrote downany of his ownteachings.But for his disciples who took the trouble to record hisconversations anddiscourses,Confucius would have been a nobody today.Beingwidespread across China,peopleaccepted the teachings of Confucius for theirsound principles,and all successive dynasties madethem the official stateideology.Confucianism then affected everything in Chinaincludingeducation,government,public and private attitudes, and etiquette.参考翻译:孔子(Confucius)是中国历史上影响最大、最受尊重的哲学家。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【快速高架公交】快速高架公交Transit Elevated BusA model of the Transit Elevated Bus debuted at a recent high-tech expo inBeijing. Passengers would board a raised vehicle that’s high enough to pass overtraffic. Cars would be able to move between two legs of the buses, which wouldrun on rails. It could run at a top speed of 60 kilometers per hour and carry upto 1,400 passengers. A prototype will be deployed at Qinhuangdao this summer,said Xinhua.最近,在北京的高科技展览会上,展出了快速高架公交的模型。
马上学:Transit elevated bus的外形酷似巨型双层公交(double-decker),外媒也将之称为straddlingbus。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【毛笔】The brush pen is a traditional Chinese tool of writing and painting.Chinese people have used the brush pen to write or paint for thousands of years.There is a legend about Meng Tian s creation of the brush pen in Qin Dynasty.The nib of a brush pen is made of the hair of an animal, say, the rabbit, thesheep, the wolf, etc. The penholder is often made of bamboo. Because of therequirement of social economy and culture, the brush pen has been replaced byother writing tools, and has become an antique for collection and appreciation.Now it is still a hobby of many children and elderly people to write or paintwith a brush pen, for it can make people calm, strong and healthy. The brush penis an indispensable element in Chinese calligraphy and painting.参考翻译:毛笔(brushpen)是中国传统的书写工具和绘画工具。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【科举制】Since the Sui Dynasty,the feudal government startedto select officials fromthe qualified candidates inthe imperial examinations.There were two kindsofpeople taking the imperial examination.One wascomprised of students chosen byacademies, whowere called shengtu; the other kind,called xianggong, was made upof those who had passedthe examinations held by counties.The imperialexamination in the Tang Dynasty was usuallyheld by the Ministry of Rites.Thosewho passed the examination would be re-examined by theMinistry of Personnel andbe conferred with relevant official positions according to theirexaminationresults.The imperial examination system was used throughout many dynastiesuntilChina s last imperial dynasty,the Qing Dynasty.However, during the Ming andQingDynasties,the imperial examination system became a strict and rigidinstitution whichstopped China from adopting modern and scientific methods.参考翻译:自隋朝起,封建政府开始从科举考试(imperialexamination)合格的应试者中选拔官员。
英语四级必考翻译 (3)

英语四级备考Trandlation7、故宫(the Forbidden City)雄伟、壮丽,是中国古建筑艺术的巅峰之作,其规模和独具特色的风格享誉世界。
1925 年故宫改名为故宫博物馆,并成为世界上最大的博物馆之一。
The Forbidden City , grand and magnificent , represents the highest peak of ancient Chinese architecture and enjoys worldwide fame for its scale and unique style .Preserved here are a large number of rare and precious antiques , which are of great significance to the study ofMing and Qing history and the arts of past dynasties . In 1925 ,the Forbidden City was renamed Palace Museum and became one of the largest museums in the world . Since the founfing of the People ’s Republic of China , the national government has spent large sums on the protection and maintenance of the Forbidden City . At present it is one of the most popular tourism sites in Beijing .8、端午节,又称龙舟节和重五( Double Fifth),是一个源于中国的传统节日。

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一起来学习吧!本期主题【京剧】Peking Opera is regarded as the national opera inChina. It has a longhistory and a complete system ofstage performance. It was originally a localdramain Anhui Province.Peking Opera absorbed variouselements of its forerunner,such as singing,dancingand acrobatics,and adapted itself in language and styleof singing for Beijing audiences. Astime went by,it gained popularity all overthe country and became the most popular andinfluential dramatic form on Chinesestage.Performers use body language to represent actionssuch as opening orclosing the door,going up or down a building or a mountain.By suchtechniques,Peking Opera has made it possible to turn a small stage into the wholeworld.参考翻译:京剧(PekingOpera)被视为中国的国剧,有着悠久的历史和完整的舞台表演体系。
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The Imperial Palace, located in the center of Beijing,is the largest, best
preserved ancient imperialpalace and architectural complex in the world.
Thehistorical, spacious palace stretches about 1,000meters from north to south
and 753 meters on itseast-west axis. Altogether, there are 9,999 rooms inside
the palace according to legend, whichis made up of two parts: the outer court
and the inner court. The outer court was a place wherethe emperors exercised
their power and held grand ceremonies. The inner court was theimperial
residence. The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese
palatialarchitecture, and has influenced cultural and architectural developments
greatly in East Asiaand elsewhere. Today the entire Imperial Palace functions as
a national museum, where avariety of treasured cultural relics are
故宫(the Imperial