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Lesson 15 Good news








New words and expressions

secretary n. 秘书nervous adj. 精神紧张的

afford v. 负担得起weak adj. 弱的

interrupt v. 插话,打断

(secretary ['sekrətəri] n.秘书

secret ['si:krit] n. 秘密

tell a secret 告诉一个秘密

keep a secret 保守秘密

the secret of success 成功的秘密

an open secret 一个公开的秘密

in secret 秘密地

secret adj. 秘密地,保密的,不公开的

a secret marriage 一次秘密的婚礼

a secret document 一份秘密的文件

secretary n. 秘书,书记

a private secretary 一位私人秘书

Secretary-general 秘书长

Secretary of State 国务卿

secretive ['si:krɪtɪv, sɪ'kri:tɪv] adj. 喜欢保守秘密的,守口如瓶的

eg. He is rather secretive about his personal problems. 他对自己的个人问题守口如瓶。nervous adj. 紧张的

nerve n. 神经

worried adj. 焦急的,焦虑的

anxious: very worried

eager adj. 热切的,盼望的,急切的(褒)

annoyed adj. 稍微恼怒的,不悦的

angry adj. 生气的

irritable ['ɪrɪtəbəl] adj.易怒的, 急躁的

nervous breakdown 神经衰弱(口)

be nervous about

or: be nervous of 对…感到紧张

afford v. 负担得起(金钱,时间)

常与can/could/be able to连用,不用被动语态(no passive)。

afford money 有足够的钱花

afford time 能抽出时间

afford sth 供给某事物,给予某事物

afford to pay 付得起

afford to buy 买得起

eg. They took a bus because they couldn't afford to take a taxi.


eg. I'd love to go on holiday but I can't afford the time. 我倒想去度假,可是抽不出时间。

eg. When I have time, I can't afford the money. 我有时间时却没有钱了。

eg. I can't afford the car. I can only afford a bicycle. 我买不起汽车,只能买辆自行车。

weak adj. 弱的←→ strong

adj. 无力的,疲弱的,微弱的,不宜察觉的,淡的,(能力等)拙劣的,不擅长的

eg. She was still weak after her illness. 大病之后,她仍很虚弱,

a weak economy 疲弱的经济

a weak market 疲软的市场

weak currency 贬值的货币

in a weak voice 用微弱的声音

a weak smile 微微的一笑

strong tea 浓茶

weak tea 淡茶

eg. They are strong in English but weak in French. 他们擅长英语但不擅长法语。

weakness n. 弱点

eg. This is the only weakness in the machine. 这是这台机器的唯一缺点。

have a weakness for sweets 酷爱甜食

or: have a sweet tooth

weakling ['wi:kliŋ] n. 懦夫,弱者(贬)

eg. Don't be such a weakling. 不要做这样的懦夫。

interrupt [,ɪntə'rʌpt]

1) break sb; cut in打断某人讲话,打岔,打扰

eg. It is impolite to interrupt others. 打断别人谈话是不礼貌的。

eg. Don't interrupt while I am busy. 在我忙时,不要打扰我。

2) 使中断,终止(break)

eg. Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the war.


eg. We interrupted the programme to bring you a newsflash.


extra adj. 额外的,附加的,外加的

(additional, more than or beyond what is usual, expected, or necessary)

eg. The football match went into extra time. 足球赛进入加时赛阶段。

extra pay for extra work 额外的工作付给额外报酬

eg. I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year. 我每年将得到额外的一千英镑。

extra n. 号外,(电影的)临时演员

another 另外一个,又一个

eg. There aren't enough chairs here for us all. Please bring me another one.


another: 表示在原来基础上再增加一个。

extra: 表示原来已经足够,在预期的基础上额外的,附加的。


Key Structures

