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一起来学习吧!本期主题【九年义务教育】Since the foundation of the People s Republic ofChina, the government hasbeen devoted topopularizing the nine-year compulsory education withthe aim toimprove the national qualily. The nine-year compulsory education refers to nineyears ofeducation in primary and junior secondary schools. In 1986,Chinaformulated CompulsoryEducation Law of the People s Republic of China, whichindicated that the compulsory educationsystem was legally established. Sincethen, the nine-year compulsory education had madesignificant progress. Accordingto the statistics in 2002, the enrollment rate of primary school-aged childrenreached 98.6%. In 2006, the enacting of a new compulsory education law helpedthecompulsory education make great strides to quality-oriented education and freeeducation,promoting the education in China into a new stage of development.参考翻译:中华人民共和国成立以来,为提高国民素质,政府致力于普及九年义务教育。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【冰灯】An ice lantern is a wintertime work of art widelycreated in north China. Itwas originally made forillumination, providing a light source for the lifeandwork of farmers and fishermen of north China oncold winter night. Later, thecrystal-clear icelanterns of all shapes and sizes gradually became a folk artand an ice lantern fair became a folkrecreational activity unique to the north.Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, is thebirthplace of Chineseice and snow art. During the Lantern Festival in 1963,the city hosted theveryfirst ice lantern feir in the park, during which over a thousand ice lanternsand dozens ofice flowers made with simple tools like basins and basket forfreezing were on display. Later, alarge-scale annual ice lantern feir was heldeach year in Harbin.参考翻译:冰灯(ice lantern)是中国北方广泛创作的冬季艺术品。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【微博】The original intention of Twitter,microblog inforeign countries,is justlike the literal sense of wordtwitter:tweet of birds.It graspsforeigners feature ofcraving for communication,expression andinformationsharing.It s like a window filled withpeople s trivial thoughts and fragments ofemotion.However,the cultural feature microbloggrasps in China is the nature ofrelation-driven society.Social identity of Chinese people isbased on a strongsystem of relations.The cultural core lies in group and association,namelytheso-called Within the four seas all men are brothers .The popularization ofsocial media likemicroblog can greatly enhance interpersonal relationship.参考翻译:外国的微博(microblog)产品Twitter的初衷正如单词twitter的本义-鸟儿叽叽喳喳的叫声。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【北京大学】Originally known as the Imperial University ofPeking,Peking University wasestablished in1898.The establishment of the University markedthe beginning ofhigher education in China s modernhistory.In modern history of China,it was acenter forprogressive thought and was influential in the birth of China s NewCulture Movement,theMay Fourth Movement and many other significant events.Today,Peking University was placedby many domestic university rankings amongst the top universities in China.The universitylays emphasis on both teaching,andscientific research.It has made great efforts to improvethe undergraduate andgraduate education,and maintain its role as a leading researchinstitution.Inaddition,the University is especially renowned for its campus environmentand thebeauty of its traditional Chinese architecture.参考翻译:北京大学于1898年成立,原名为京师大学堂(the ImperialUniversity ofPeking)。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【茅台酒】Chinese Moutai, Scotch whiskey and French brandyare known as the world sthree famous wine . Itoriginated in the Han Dynasty which was over 2,000yearsfrom now. In 1915 Panama World Exposition,Moutai was awarded Gold Medal and ithas becomefamous worldwide ever since. Besides meeting the domestic demands,Moutai is also exportedto many countries in the world. Moutai is famous for thefeatures like being clear andtransparent in color, being smooth, fresh and coolin taste and its long-lasting fragrance.Taking advantage of the unique climate,excellent water quality and suitable soil in MaotaiTown, people brew Moutai wineby using distinctive brewing techniques and a series ofcomplicated procedures.Now, Moutai is called the national wine in China.参考翻译:茅台酒(Moutai)同苏格兰威士忌和法国白兰地(cognac)并称为世界三大名酒。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【南水北调】In China water resources are unevenly distributed.Ingeneral, waterresources are abundant in the southbut deficient in the north.With the increaseofpopulation and rapid economic development, theproblem of water shortage in thenorth is gettingmore and more serious.One solution is to divert water from onedrainage area to another,also known as the South-to-North Water DiversionProject.There are three routes.The easternroute will transfer water from thelower reaches of the Yangtze River to north along theBeijing-Hangzhou GrandCanal and through a tunnel under the Yellow River, from where it canflowdownhill to reservoirs near Tianjin.The central route is from DanjiangkouReservoir on theHan river, a branch of the Yangtze River, to Beijing.The westernroute, also called the BigWestern Line, aims at diverting water from theheadwaters of the Yangtze River into theheadwaters of the Yellow River.参考翻译:中国水资源地区分布不均匀。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【中国红】When we talk about Chinese New Year what occursto your mind first? Theyare red lanterns, redcouplets, red firecrackers and red Chinese knots.Indeed,redis an indispensable color for Chinesepeople.Chinese red means peace,joy,harmony,and reunion; it also means everything goes well and it can driveaway illness anddisaster. Someone describes Chinese red in this way: Chinese redabsorbs the most dynamicelement of the rising sun; it picks the most beautifuland charming light of sunset glow;itembodies the thickest and most activeingredient of blood;it contains the most delicateemotions of jequirity;and itshapes the most:mature imagery of maple leaves in late autumn.参考翻译:当我们提到过年的时候,你脑子里首先想到的是什么?有红灯笼、红对联(couplets)、红爆竹和红色的中国结。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【出国留学热】As early as 100 years ago,studying abroad was seenas a strategy tostrengthen the nationalpower.Now,more and more students crave forstudyingabroad.Students nowadays are a bitaimless and casual when craving forstudyingabroad, which leads to many problems like exhausting all the savings oftheir family,wastingtheir youths but ending up by giving up halfway and evenbecoming trouble-makingstudents with many bad habits.It s better not follow thecurrent craze of studying abroadblindly and it s most important to choose thedirection fit for oneself,for one can perform wellin any field .参考翻译:早在100年前,出国留学就被视为一种强国之策。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【吹糖人】As a truditional Chinese folk art, the Sugar FigureBlowing Art have a longhistory. But it is graduallydisappearing in the process of economicdevelopmentin China. It is said that this folk drt was formed inthe SongDynasty; at that time it wan called operacandy. The Sugar Figure Blowing Artuses sugar as its basic material, and the artists have theirown ways to boilsugar and blow it into various figures. Artists heat up sugar topropertemperature, then pull some syrup and knead it to a ball. Then they makedifferent shapes byusing different skills and paint bright colors on thefigures. This art is really a combination ofhand, eye, heart, breath, and thetiming of temperature skill.If there is one skill you couldn’tperform well, thewhole procedure will be a failure.参考翻译:作为中国传统的民间艺术,吹糖人(Sugar Figure BlowingArt)历史悠久,然而随着中国经济的发展,这一艺术正渐渐消失。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【酒文化】请将下面这段话翻译成中文:Alcohol and its drinking culture have always played a significant role in Chinese history. In the Song Dynasty, white liquor became the main type of alcohol Chinese people drunk. Chinese liquor has a complicated production process and can be made from various raw materials, making it one of the six world-famous distilled liquor. There are lots of excellent brands in China favored by different groups of people. In contemporary society, the drinking culture has undergone unprecedented enrichment and development. The drinking customs and rituals in different regions and on different occasions have become an important part of Chinese people s daily life. In thousands of years of civilization, alcohol has penetrated into almost every aspect of social life, such as literary creation, diet and health care.参考翻译:酒和饮酒文化在中国的历史中占据着重要地位。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【中国朝代】With a history of more than 4,000 years, China is one of the oldest ancientcivilizations of the world. From Xia Dynasty in the 21st century BC to QingDynasty, China experienced dozens of dynasties in history. Each dynasty achievedunique accomplishments in the fields of politics, economy, culture, science andtechnology, etc. Han Dynasty was the most advanced empire at that time, whichcontributes to the formation of the name the Han Nationality Tang Dynastyimpressed Chinese for its long time unification and powerful national strength,because of which overseas Chinese call themselves Tang people abroad. SongDynasty and Ming Dynasty were periods when economy, culture, education andscience were highly prosperous. But the change from one dynasty to anotherusually led to long-lasting wars, which brought unspeakable suffering for themasses.参考翻译:中国有4000多年的历史,是世界最古老的文明之一。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【中国人的消费观念】In the 1970s, Chinese people were proud of owningan imported shirt and animported electronic watch.At that time, domestic products were inferiortoproducts of foreign brands both in appearance andfunction. The idea ofworshipping and having blindfaith in foreign things has been deeply rooted inthe Chinese consumers. With the developmentof modern science and technology,economy and national strength in China, domestic productsat present have made aleap in appearance, quality, elements of science and technology.Many domesticproducts are even superior to the similar products in foreign brands.Chinesepeople s attitude toward foreign products has changed from admiration to objectiveness, andfinally even to contempt. The psychology of consumers ischanging and people are graduallycoming back to rational consumption.参考翻译:70年代,中国人曾以有一件外国衬衣和一块进口电子手表而自豪。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【黄鹤楼】Located on Snake Hill in Wuhan, Hubei Province,Yellow Crane Tower isenjoying the fame of The FirstScenery under Heaven . It is one of the mostfamoustowers at the south of the Yangtze River. Due to theideal location, it wasbuilt by Sun Quan, Emperor ofWu, as a watchtower for his army. After hundreds ofyears,its military function was graduallyforgotten and the tower served mainlyas a picturesque spot. During the Tang Dynasty, manypopular poems were writtenin praise of the Yellow Crane Tower. It was these poems thatmade the tower sorenowned and attractive for people to visit. The tower haddifferentarchitectural features in different dynasties. However, the tower whichstands today is based onthe one designed during the Qing Dynasty.参考翻译:黄鹤楼(Yellow Crane Tower)位于湖北省武汉市蛇山(SnakeHill),享有天下江山第一楼之称。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【黄河】The Yellow River, the second longest river in China,is one of the mostfamous long rivers in the world.The Yellow River flows throughnineprovinces,meandering in northern China. Seen fromthe sky, it is much like ahuge Chinese character ji (meaning a few), and it is also a bit like theunique totem of Chinese nation dragon. Since themiddle part of the river flowsthrough the Loess Plateauin China, a lot of sediment is carriedaway. Therefore,it is also considered as the river with the most sediment in the world.InChinese history, the Yellow River has significant influence on humancivilization and it s one ofthe most important birthplaces of the Chinesenation, so Chinese people call it the MotherRiver .参考翻译:黄河(the YellowRiver)为中国第二大长河,也是世界著名的长河之一。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【毛笔】The brush pen is a traditional Chinese tool of writing and painting.Chinese people have used the brush pen to write or paint for thousands of years.There is a legend about Meng Tian s creation of the brush pen in Qin Dynasty.The nib of a brush pen is made of the hair of an animal, say, the rabbit, thesheep, the wolf, etc. The penholder is often made of bamboo. Because of therequirement of social economy and culture, the brush pen has been replaced byother writing tools, and has become an antique for collection and appreciation.Now it is still a hobby of many children and elderly people to write or paintwith a brush pen, for it can make people calm, strong and healthy. The brush penis an indispensable element in Chinese calligraphy and painting.参考翻译:毛笔(brushpen)是中国传统的书写工具和绘画工具。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【科举制】Since the Sui Dynasty,the feudal government startedto select officials fromthe qualified candidates inthe imperial examinations.There were two kindsofpeople taking the imperial examination.One wascomprised of students chosen byacademies, whowere called shengtu; the other kind,called xianggong, was made upof those who had passedthe examinations held by counties.The imperialexamination in the Tang Dynasty was usuallyheld by the Ministry of Rites.Thosewho passed the examination would be re-examined by theMinistry of Personnel andbe conferred with relevant official positions according to theirexaminationresults.The imperial examination system was used throughout many dynastiesuntilChina s last imperial dynasty,the Qing Dynasty.However, during the Ming andQingDynasties,the imperial examination system became a strict and rigidinstitution whichstopped China from adopting modern and scientific methods.参考翻译:自隋朝起,封建政府开始从科举考试(imperialexamination)合格的应试者中选拔官员。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【中国酒文化】White spirit,as a special form of Chinese culture,has a history of morethan 5,000 years. According tothe book The Spring and Autumn in the Cup byLinChao,white spirit drinking is something of learningrather than eating anddrinking. There are manystories about white spirit in Chinese history. The greatpoet Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty could write 100 poems after drinking whitespirit ,and the more white spirit he drank, the better hispoem would be. Whitespirit plays an extremely important role in Chinese folk custom. Spiritsare usedto celebrate different festivals,wedding ceremonies and birthdayparties,tomemorize the departed,to welcome and send off relatives and friends,to congratulate thegood news and to get rid of anxiety,to cure diseases andprolong life,both for emperors andordinary people.参考翻译:在中国,酒(white spirit)作为一种特殊的文化形式,有着5000多年的历史。
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一起来学习吧!本期主题【京剧】Peking Opera is regarded as the national opera inChina. It has a longhistory and a complete system ofstage performance. It was originally a localdramain Anhui Province.Peking Opera absorbed variouselements of its forerunner,such as singing,dancingand acrobatics,and adapted itself in language and styleof singing for Beijing audiences. Astime went by,it gained popularity all overthe country and became the most popular andinfluential dramatic form on Chinesestage.Performers use body language to represent actionssuch as opening orclosing the door,going up or down a building or a mountain.By suchtechniques,Peking Opera has made it possible to turn a small stage into the wholeworld.参考翻译:京剧(PekingOpera)被视为中国的国剧,有着悠久的历史和完整的舞台表演体系。
参考译文:Chinese people began to make spirits with grains seven thousand years ago.Generally speaking,wine has a close connection with culture in China in both ancient and modern times.Chinese wine culture has been playing a quite important role in Chinese people's life for a long time.Our Chinese ancestors used wine to enjoy themselves while writing poetry, or to make a toast to their relatives and friends during a feast.Wine culture, as a kind of culture form, is also an inseparable part in the life of ordinary Chinese people through numerous events such as birthday party, farewell dinner, wedding, etc.【拓展阅读】酒器收藏文化中国酒器之美酒器收藏在国外历史悠久,而在中国还属于比较“年轻”的大众收藏,近几年才开始逐渐进入人们的视野。
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Alcohol and its drinking culture have always played a significant role in
Chinese history. In the Song Dynasty, white liquor became the main type of
alcohol Chinese people drunk. Chinese liquor has a complicated production
process and can be made from various raw materials, making it one of the six
world-famous distilled liquor. There are lots of excellent brands in China
favored by different groups of people. In contemporary society, the drinking
culture has undergone unprecedented enrichment and development. The drinking
customs and rituals in different regions and on different occasions have become
an important part of Chinese people s daily life. In thousands of years of
civilization, alcohol has penetrated into almost every aspect of social life,
such as literary creation, diet and health care.