Module 7 Unit19 Language Lesson 1 Get ahead with your English 阅读课导学案

Module 7 Unit19 Language  Lesson 1 Get ahead with your English 阅读课导学案
Module 7 Unit19 Language  Lesson 1 Get ahead with your English 阅读课导学案

Module 7 Unit 19 Language

Lesson 1 Get ahead with your English (阅读课导学案)



1、Know the importance of learning English and how to improve English;

2、talk about their English study.


Step1:Lead in

1. Do you like learning English? Why?

2. How do you learn English?

3. Do you think learning English is important for your future? Why?

4. Do you think it is difficult to learn English well? Why or why not?

Step2:Fast reading/Skimming.

1. Read the text fast to find in which paragraphs we can find the information about the

importance of English.

2. Read the text fast to find the correct order of the text:

A. Learning environment is important.

B. What the students should do after class

C. What the teachers should do in class

D. English has become a global language.

Step3:Careful reading/Scanning: read the text again carefully and answer the questions.

1. How important is English learning?

English has become the ______ language. In today’s world, being able to speak ________ one language, including English, is how you _______ and get ahead and English holds the ________

a brighter future and a world of _________.

2. What can we do to improve our English?

We can improve our English by learning _____ new words a day, listening to ______________, reading the _____ in English after ________ it in our own language, watching English _____ and studying with our ________.

3. According to the text, what is the best way to learn a foreign language?

The best way to learn a foreign language is to be _________ by it, probably by _________ in a country where the __________ is spoken.

4. How can teachers try to create a rich language environment in the classroom?

To create a rich language ___________ in the classroom, teachers need to ________ that there is an ________ amount of input in English __________ through various __________.

5. What has make more and more people decide to learn English in recent years?

The _____ of international companies, the great _______ in communications, and the fact that English has become the _______ language have made more and more people decide to learn

English in recent years.

Step4:Listening: Listen to the tape and decide whether the following are true or false.

1. Experts recommend doing 2 hours of extra work once a week.

2. Listening to an English song several times can help you revise new vocabulary.

3. There’s no point reading the news in English if you’ve already watched it in your own language.

4. Watching your favourite DVD in English will improve your listening skills.

Step5:Read the text and complete the passage.

Many people ________ in the 1700s that English ______ be the global language one day, which __________ to be the case. With the growing international companies and the great advances in communications, more and more people _________ to learn English as the second language.

And the fact is that speaking more than one language make you ___________________. People have realized that in the _______ of the native language environment, people can not learn it well.

In ______ words, you have to be ____________ by the language.

Sadly, most of the English learners can not live in the native country, which means we can only depend on our school resources. So teachers have to ______________ rich language _____, which can be ________ to students _______various mediums. Since extra-curricula work may ________ language learning, here are some suggestions to English learners:setting __________________ targets; listening to English songs; watching English DVD; studying with your friends; and

__________ yourself. Please remember to __________ dedicated.

Step6:Reading comprehension.

1. Learning English as a foreign language has become a trend ________.

A. because it has become the global language

B. because of the growth of international companies

C. because of the great advances in communications

D. all of the above

2. Language input includes ______.

A. reading and writing

B. reading and listening

C. listening and speaking

D. listening and writing

3. Experts advise us to do the following extra work outside of classroom except _______.

A. enlarge our vocabulary by 10 new words every day

B. watch the news in our own language and then read the news in English

C. study with friends

D. read English novels

4. Putting extra 15 minutes a day in English takes the following except _______.

A. effort

B. time

C. money

D. dedication



1. It is said/reported/predicted/announced/believed tha t…


________________________ the sale of cars will not be good this year.


_________________ the painting was preserved by a farmer.

2. surround Vt.

(1)学生们围着老师问成绩。(surround sb/sth)

The students _____________ the teacher, asking about grades.

(2)澳大利亚四面环海。(be surrounded by)

Australia ___________________ oceans.

3. 这辆小车跑得更快了;它在加速。(accelerate)

The car is running faster. It is ________________.

4. guarantee Vt / n 保证;担保

(1)更多的词汇可以保证在阅读时有更好的理解。(guarantee sth)

More vocabulary can ____________ greater comprehension when reading.

(2)我不能保证这计划有效,但我会试试。(guarantee that…)

I can’t _____________ the plan is effective but I will try.

(3)我可以保证在这工作两年以上。(guarantee to do sth)

I can ______________________ here for over two years.


Unity is the ____________ of victory.

quality guarantee 质量保证;品质保证

guarantee period 保修期;保质期

5. adjust (…) to (doing) sth: (使…)适应


It takes a few seconds for our eyes to _____________ the darkness.


He found it hard to __________________ at night.


Many people find it hard to __________________________ in foreign countries.

6. 汤姆在我们班里很突出,因为他数学成绩总是第一名。

Tom _______________ in our class because he always gets the first in math test. 7. 老师鼓励我们上课尽可能多说英语。(encourage sb to do sth)

8. 他的理论后来证明是正确的。(prove)

9. 请告诉我们会议的日期。( keep sb informed of)

Please ______________________ the date of the meeting.


七年级上册参考答案 七年级(上)Units 1~6 【题组训练一】 一、I. 1. question 2. dictionaries 3. friends 4. difficult 5. vegetables II. 1. are 2. their 3. interesting 4.mine 5. watches 二、1-5 AABAD 三、1. Excuse me; in English 2. Thanks for 3. e-mail; at 4. plays sports 5. What color 【题组训练二】 1-5 DAABC 6-10 CDCAC 11-15 BBBDC 【题组训练三】 (一)1-5 DCBCA 6-10 CBDDB (二) 1—5 ADCBC 七年级(上) Units 7~9 【题组训练一】 一、1. December 2. usually 3. subject 4. Saturday,eful 6.writing 7.favorite 二、1. fifth 2. teeth 3. doesn’t like 4. are 5. healthy eat 7.makes ; laugh 8.boring ; bored 三、1. How much 2. Why does, like 3. Can; can’t 4. Her favorite subject 5. When do 【题组训练二】 1-5 CCBDA 6-10 BCBDA 【题组训练三】 一、1.shops 2.into 3. without 4.catching 5.considered 6.turn 7.impolite 8. surprised 二.1--5 CDADC 6--10ABACA


材料分析方法课后练习题参考答案 2015-1-4 BY:二专业の学渣 材料科学与工程学院

3.讨论下列各组概念的关系 答案之一 (1)同一物质的吸收谱和发射谱; 答:λk吸收〈λkβ发射〈λkα发射 (2)X射线管靶材的发射谱与其配用的滤波片的吸收谱。 答:λkβ发射(靶)〈λk吸收(滤波片)〈λkα发射(靶)。任何材料对X射线的吸收都有一个Kα线和Kβ线。如Ni 的吸收限为0.14869 nm。也就是说它对0.14869nm波长及稍短波长的X射线有强烈的吸收。而对比0.14869稍长的X射线吸收很小。Cu靶X射线:Kα=0.15418nm Kβ=0.13922nm。 (3)X射线管靶材的发射谱与被照射试样的吸收谱。 答:Z靶≤Z样品+1 或Z靶>>Z样品 X射线管靶材的发射谱稍大于被照射试样的吸收谱,或X射线管靶材的发射谱大大小于被照射试样的吸收谱。在进行衍射分析时,总希望试样对X射线应尽可能少被吸收,获得高的衍射强度和低的背底。 答案之二 1)同一物质的吸收谱和发射谱; 答:当构成物质的分子或原子受到激发而发光,产生的光谱称为发射光谱,发射光谱的谱线与组成物质的元素及其外围电子的结构有关。吸收光谱是指光通过物质被吸收后的光谱,吸收光谱则决定于物质的化学结构,与分子中的双键有关。 2)X射线管靶材的发射谱与其配用的滤波片的吸收谱。 答:可以选择λK刚好位于辐射源的Kα和Kβ之间的金属薄片作为滤光片,放在X射线源和试样之间。这时滤光片对Kβ射线强烈吸收,而对Kα吸收却少。 6、欲用Mo 靶X 射线管激发Cu 的荧光X 射线辐射,所需施加的最低管电压是多少?激发出的荧光辐射的波长是多少? 答:eVk=hc/λ Vk=6.626×10-34×2.998×108/(1.602×10-19×0.71×10-10)=17.46(kv) λ0=1.24/v(nm)=1.24/17.46(nm)=0.071(nm) 其中h为普郎克常数,其值等于6.626×10-34 e为电子电荷,等于1.602×10-19c 故需加的最低管电压应≥17.46(kv),所发射的荧光辐射波长是0.071纳米。 7、名词解释:相干散射、非相干散射、荧光辐射、吸收限、俄歇效应 答:⑴当χ射线通过物质时,物质原子的电子在电磁场的作用下将产生受迫振动,受迫振动产生交变电磁场,其频率与入射线的频率相同,这种由于散射线与入射线的波长和频率一致,位相固定,在相同方向上各散射波符合相干条件,故称为相干散射。 ⑵当χ射线经束缚力不大的电子或自由电子散射后,可以得到波长比入射χ射线长的χ射线,且波长随散射方向不同而改变,这种散射现象称为非相干散射。

六年级下册英语导学案 Unit 1 Lesson 3 北京课改版

Lesson 3 【学习目标】 1. 会使用本课的四会新词,会认读on the top of his head, having fun, in the garden, on the street 2. 会使用I’m looking for my…. What does he look like? 的句式,进行简单的对话交流。 3. 能正确地朗读课文,表演对话. 4. 在学习课文的基础上,根据情景, 掌握在对物品描述中能从形状、外观特点、物体比较大小、颜色等几方面进行准确地表达。 【学习重难点】 (一)重点: 能在寻物的情境下就寻找物品I’m looking for ...和描述物体特征What does he look like? 的话题灵活地进行问答 (二)难点: 学生在对物品描述中能从形状、外观特点、物体比较大小、颜色等几方面(He has beautiful eyes. He’s all white but black on the top of his head.)进行准确地表达。 【学习过程】 一、新知学习 1.回忆上一节课所学的单词和短语。 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2.学习单词, 短语和句子。 (1)主题课文: ---What’s the matter, young man? What are you doing here? --- I’m looking for my little kitten. He’s missing. Should I call the police?

仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit 3 Topic 2-Section B 导学案(含答案).

仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit 3 Topic 2-Section B 导学案【学习目标】 1、学习的任务和目标: 1).知识: Learn some new words and a phrase: work, hospital, on, farm, on a farm, drive 2). Talk about jobs and workplaces: (1)—What does the man do? —He’s a doctor. (2)—Where does he work? —He works in a hospital. 3).帮助学生将职业与工作地点结合起来。 2、学习的重点: 谈论工作及工作地点。 3、学习的难点: 谈论工作及工作地点。 【学习过程】 Step 1: 自主学习----明确目标自学文本 1. 请同学们课前上平台阅读思考本节导学案,明确本节课的学习任务和目标。 2. 对照课本后面第三单元的单词表跟读单词录音。要求:根据录音及单词音标,首先会读单词接着边读边写记单词,注意中英文的转换,最后默写单词。 3. 独立认真地预习课文。要求:阅读课文,把不理解的短语,句子用红笔做上记号。 4. 在线上对照导学案本课时完成探究归纳部分的预习。 5. 请大家带着问题自学本课时的两个微课视频。 Step 2: 自学检测----在线测学质疑思学 1. 学生独立完成导学案上的自学检测。 2. 学生在线上提交客观题的答案。 3. 对照正确的答案对错题进行反思,质疑。 1. 通过自学完成下列任务: 自学检测题

一、根据语境及汉语提示完成句子 1. —Where does your father (工作)? —He teaches in a school. 2. My mother is a doctor. She works in a (医院). 3. —Can you (给……看) your photos to us? —Sure. 4. Jack’s father is a farmer. He works on a (农场). 5. The man is a driver and he (驾驶) a bus. 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. —Where does your mother work? —She works a farm. She is a farmer. A. on B. in C. at D. to ( ) 2. —_____________________________________ —He’s a high school student. A. Where does he work? B. What does he look like? C. What does he do? D. Who is he? ( ) 3. She is a nurse. She works a hospital. A. in B. at C. on D. / ( ) 4. They are office workers. They work in office. A. a B. an C. some D. all ( ) 5. —_______________________________________ —They work in a hospital. A. Who are they? B. How are you? C. What do they do? D. Where do they work? Step3: 自展提升----合作探究展示交流 通过老师和同学的一起合作交流,解决学生自学中的疑问【知识探究】 知识点一 1.把…出示给某人看: show sth. to sb. Maria shows a photo of her family to Kangkang.


第一章 一、选择题 1.用来进行晶体结构分析的X射线学分支是() A.X射线透射学; B.X射线衍射学; C.X射线光谱学; D.其它 2. M层电子回迁到K层后,多余的能量放出的特征X射线称() A.Kα; B. Kβ; C. Kγ; D. Lα。 3. 当X射线发生装置是Cu靶,滤波片应选() A.Cu;B. Fe;C. Ni;D. Mo。 4. 当电子把所有能量都转换为X射线时,该X射线波长称() A.短波限λ0; B. 激发限λk; C. 吸收限; D. 特征X射线 5.当X射线将某物质原子的K层电子打出去后,L层电子回迁K层,多余能量将另一个L层电子打出核外,这整个过程将产生()(多选题) A.光电子; B. 二次荧光; C. 俄歇电子; D. (A+C) 二、正误题 1. 随X射线管的电压升高,λ0和λk都随之减小。() 2. 激发限与吸收限是一回事,只是从不同角度看问题。() 3. 经滤波后的X射线是相对的单色光。() 4. 产生特征X射线的前提是原子内层电子被打出核外,原子处于激发状态。() 5. 选择滤波片只要根据吸收曲线选择材料,而不需要考虑厚度。() 三、填空题 1. 当X射线管电压超过临界电压就可以产生X射线和X射线。 2. X射线与物质相互作用可以产生、、、、 、、、。 3. 经过厚度为H的物质后,X射线的强度为。 4. X射线的本质既是也是,具有性。 5. 短波长的X射线称,常用于;长波长的X射线称 ,常用于。 习题 1.X射线学有几个分支?每个分支的研究对象是什么? 2.分析下列荧光辐射产生的可能性,为什么? (1)用CuKαX射线激发CuKα荧光辐射; (2)用CuKβX射线激发CuKα荧光辐射; (3)用CuKαX射线激发CuLα荧光辐射。 3.什么叫“相干散射”、“非相干散射”、“荧光辐射”、“吸收限”、“俄歇效应”、“发射谱


初一英语导学案参考答案 Starter Unit 1 Section A Period 1 四、归纳整理2、26 8 五、拓展练习略 Section A Period 2 二、预习检测Hello/Hi Good morning 三、共同探究afternoon good afternoon evening good evening 四、归纳整理Goog morning Good afternoon Good evening Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 二、拓展练习略 Section B 三、共同探究3、how you I fine thank am are 五、拓展练习1)Hi 2) Hello 3) Good evening 4) Good morning 5) Good afternoon 6) How are you ? I‘m fine. thanks. How are you ? I‘m fine, too. 单元复习 三、单元检测1. 略 2. C C B C A 3. 1) —c 2) —d 3) —b 4) —a 5) —e 4. 1) Good evening 2) How are you ? 3) I‘m fine. 4) Good afternoo Start Unit 2 Section A 1、R j q I K L p O n M

2、略 3、略 4、N e h n A g l U k 5、What’s this in English? It’s an orange. Section B 1、略 2、Ab Bd Ca Dc Ee 3、quilt ruler key spell please Frank jacket orange Section C 1、略 2、morning Hi How fine thanks I’m what’s an it S-P-E-L-L Section D 〈一〉1---5 SDSDD 6---9 SDDD 〈二〉in Chinese a quilt a chair a jacket a map a pen 用英语一把钥匙这个尺子谢谢你 〈三〉1、d 2、c 3、e 4、b 5、a 〈四〉1、B 2、A 3、C 4、B 5、C 〈五〉.1、What’s this ? 2、What’s this in English? 3.This is a nice quilt.4.Spell it, please. Start Unit 3 Section A: 共同探究:


第十四章 1、波谱仪和能谱仪各有什么优缺点 优点:1)能谱仪探测X射线的效率高。 2)在同一时间对分析点内所有元素X射线光子的能量进行测定和计数,在几分钟内可得到定性分析结果,而波谱仪只能逐个测量每种元素特征波长。 3)结构简单,稳定性和重现性都很好 4)不必聚焦,对样品表面无特殊要求,适于粗糙表面分析。 缺点:1)分辨率低。 2)能谱仪只能分析原子序数大于11的元素;而波谱仪可测定原子序数从4到92间的所有元素。 3)能谱仪的Si(Li)探头必须保持在低温态,因此必须时时用液氮冷却。 分析钢中碳化物成分可用能谱仪;分析基体中碳含量可用波谱仪。 2、举例说明电子探针的三种工作方式(点、线、面)在显微成分分析中的应用。 答:(1)、定点分析:将电子束固定在要分析的微区上用波谱仪分析时,改变分光晶体和探测器的位置,即可得到分析点的X射线谱线;

用能谱仪分析时,几分钟内即可直接从荧光屏(或计算机)上得到微区内全部元素的谱线。 (2)、线分析:将谱仪(波、能)固定在所要测量的某一元素特征X射线信号(波长或能量)的位置把电子束沿着指定的方向作直线轨迹扫描,便可得到这一元素沿直线的浓度分布情况。改变位置可得到另一元素的浓度分布情况。 (3)、面分析:电子束在样品表面作光栅扫描,将谱仪(波、能)固定在所要测量的某一元素特征X射线信号(波长或能量)的位置,此时,在荧光屏上得到该元素的面分布图像。改变位置可得到另一元素的浓度分布情况。也是用X射线调制图像的方法。 3、要在观察断口形貌的同时,分析断口上粒状夹杂物的化学成分,选用什么仪器用怎样的操作方式进行具体分析 答:(1)若观察断口形貌,用扫描电子显微镜来观察:而要分析夹杂物的化学成分,得选用能谱仪来分析其化学成分。 (2)A、用扫描电镜的断口分析观察其断口形貌:


Unit24 Society Lesson1Consumer Society Reading (使用范围:选修8 Unit24 Society) Learning Aims:(学习目标) Practise reading skills---fast reading and careful reading. Read and understand the article, knowing about the spending circle in the consumer society; Step1:Revision(知识回顾) Have a dictation. Step2: Check preview(检查预习) Check their books.(page34) Step3:Lead—In(导入) 1. Have you got any pocket money? 2. If so, how do you spend it? Step4:Self-study and Cooperation(自主学习与合作探究) Skim and match each paragraph with the given key words. Para 1 A.Suggestions given to resist the consumer Society Para 2 B.What the spending circle is like Para 3 & 4 C.Results of the spending circle Para.1 Many of us are _________ in a spending circle. We work hard to ________________. And then we ____________, and because of this we have to work _____________. Sometimes we try to _______ or change our money into different countries’__________ to earn more money, but we u sually feel disappointed. We start putting our _________ on credit cards to spend money we don’t even have. Besides, the more we earn, the more ______ we have to pay to those who ______ us. The circle goes round and round and gets more and more ___________. Para.2 We work towards the __________ of bigger and better houses and cars which feel like a ________ because every month we have to _________ most of the money we earn to pay for them. The result of this is that we don’t feel ________ happiness, but ______ and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families. Para.3 We’re still ___________ than those who wear ______ and sleep on the streets or in _________ buildings, but there is a growing ___________ to this consumer society.


七上导学案答案 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section A 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 ADCDD 【拓展练习】 (略) Section B 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 CDDDD 【拓展练习】 (略) Section C 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---4 DADD 【拓展练习】 (略) Section D 【当堂反馈】 Ⅰ、从B栏中找出A栏各句的应答语。 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.E Ⅱ、(略) Unit 1 Topic 2 Section A 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 BBBCA 【拓展练习】(略) Section B 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 BACBC 【拓展练习】(略) Section C 1

【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---4 CBBA 【拓展练习】 用适当的词填空。 1. name 2. I 3. is 4.What 5.He 6. number 7. is 8. Where 9. too 10. Her Section D 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 BCCB Unit 1 Topic3 Section A 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 CBCCB 【拓展练习】 略 Section B 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 BAABB 【拓展练习】 略 Section C 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 BDACB 【拓展练习】 略 Section D 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---3 CCB Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A 【当堂反馈】 2

单项选择 1---6 ACCBBA 【拓展练习】略 Section B 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 DACDB 【拓展练习】 略 Section C 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 BACBC 【拓展练习】 略 Section D 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1----5 ABDDB Unit 2 Topic 2 Section A 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 DBBBC 【拓展练习】 略 Section B 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 AADCC 【拓展练习】 略 Section C 【当堂反馈】 单项选择 1---5 BBDAB 【拓展练习】 略 Section D 【当堂反馈】 3


材料现代分析方法试题5 材料学院材料科学与工程专业年级班级材料现代分析方法课程200—200学年第学期()卷期末考试题( 120 分钟) 考生姓名学号考试时间 题号得分分数 主考教师:阅卷教师: 材料现代分析方法试题5(参考答案) 一、基本概念题(共10题,每题5分) 1.若X射线管的额定功率为1.5kW,在管电压为35kV时,容许的最大电流是多少? 答:1.5kW/35kV=0.043A 2.证明()、()、()、(01)、(12)晶面属于[111]晶带。 答:根据晶带定律公式Hu+Kv+Lw=0计算 ()晶面:1×1+1×+0×1=1—1+0=0 ()晶面:1×1+1×+1×1=1—2+1=0 ()晶面:×1+2×1+1×1=(—3)+2+1=0 (01)晶面:0×1+×1+1×1=0+(—1)+1=0 (12)晶面:1×1+×1+1×2=1+(—3)+2=0 因此,经上五个晶面属于[111]晶带。 3.当X射线在原子例上发射时,相邻原子散射线在某个方向上的波程差若不为波长的整数倍,则此方向上必然不存在放射,为什么?

答:因为X射线在原子上发射的强度非常弱,需通过波程差为波长的整数倍而产生干涉加强后才可能有反射线存在,而干涉加强的条件之一必须存在波程差,且波程差需等于其波长的整数倍,不为波长的整数倍方向上必然不存在反射。4.某一粉末相上背射区线条与透射区线条比较起来,其θ较高抑或较低?相应的d较大还是较小? 答:背射区线条与透射区线条比较θ较高,d较小。 产生衍射线必须符合布拉格方程2dsinθ=λ,对于背射区属于2θ高角度区, 根据d=λ/2sinθ,θ越大d越小。 5.已知Cu3Au为面心立方结构,可以以有序和无序两种结构存在,请画出其有序和无序结构[001]晶带的电子衍射花样,并标定出其指数。 答:如图所示: 6.(1)试说明电子束入射固体样品表面激发的主要信号、主要特点和用途。(2)扫描电镜的分辨率受哪些因素影响? 给出典型信号成像的分辨率,并说明原因。(3)二次电子(SE)信号主要用于分析样品表面形貌,说明其衬度形成原理。(4)用二次电子像和背散射电子像在显示表面形貌衬度时有何相同与不同之处? 答:(1)背散射电子:能量高;来自样品表面几百nm深度范围;其产额随 原子序数增大而增多.用作形貌分析、成分分析以及结构分析。 二次电子:能量较低;来自表层5-10nm深度范围;对样品表面状态十分敏感.不能进行成分分析.主要用于分析样品表面形貌。


冀教版英语五下Lesson1《IAmExcited》word 导学案 Grade:Five Group:Name:Designer: Jing Lu Nothing is impossible if you put your mind in it.( 一切皆有可能) 【学习目标】 1.把握单词:run, sing, jump, dance, sit, down , stand , up, sorry, excited 2.把握句型:Please run, please don’t run. 3.能在生活中积极使用所学单词和句型。 【学习重难点】 1.把握单词:run, sing, jump, dance, sit, down , stand , up, sorry, excited 2.把握句型:Please run, please don’t run. 【学法指导】 引导学生逐步把握自主学习、合作探究的学习模式。 【课前预备】录音机 【学习流程】 I.Class-opening. Free talking:How do you feel today? II.自主学习 1、说出你预习时碰到的可不能的单词; 2、依照你的预习情形,快速写出下列单词,并大声读一读: ①跑______________ ②跳______________ ③唱__________ ④跳舞______________ ⑤走路_____________ ⑥对__________ ⑦站起来____________ ⑧坐下_____________ 3、小组长领读这些单词,个人展现读单词;

III:反馈拓展 1、仿惯例句完成句子 句型:Please run. Please don’t run. ①Please sing.___________________________________________ ②Please stand up._____________________ ③Please sit down..__________________________ 2、在不同的场合,有些行为是承诺的,有些行为是不被承诺的,依照所给地点,两人一组,完成下列对话: in the classroom A: In the classroom, I want to _______________, B: Please ______________, please don’t __________. On the bus A: On the bus, I want to _______________, B: Please ______________, please don’t _____________________. in the library A: In the library, I want to _______________, B: Please ______________, please don’t _____________________. 【自我小结】 同学们,学习了I Am Excited!后,你都学到什么了呢? ___________________________________________________________ 自我评判小组评判教师评判


七年级下册期中检测(一) 1. ---Are these crayons____? -----No,______are on the table. A your,my B your ,mine C yours ,mine D you,me 2.London is __capital of Britain and is ___city with many of places of interest. A / ,a B the ,a C the ,/ D /,/ 3.---Where is your cousin? --- He ___his exam. A is getting ready to B gets ready for C is getting ready for 4.---Excuse me,whose Japanese book is this/ ----It ___be Tom’s.In our class,only he is studying Japanese. 5.We are going to take ___in the country or swimming. A walk B a walk C walking D walks 6.---Jack,I’m going for a picnic with my parents after the exam. ---_____.

A That’s it. B Have fun C It’s a pleasure D Thank you. 7. Hunan is ___ of Shandong in China. A in the south B to the south C on the north D on the south 8.The New York Lost and Found Office is very big.__people come here every day. A Thousand B Thousand of C Thousands D Thousands of 9. ---___does he take ? ---Small. A What colour B What size C How big D What about 10 ---Will they come to the party? ---___.They’ll have an English test. A Yes,they will. B No,they won’t C Yes,they won’t D No,they will. 11.People will have long holidays and ____free time in the future. A lots of B a fewC a lot D many 12 Johnson is sitting ____the sun and listening to CDs.


2013-2014学年度第一学期五年级英语导学案 学段:第一学段年级:五年级学科:英语单元:第一课 课题:Lesson1 How’s the weather? 课型:新授课,练习课 课时安排:三课时 第一课时 【导学目标】 1.能听懂,会说,会写,会用下列句型: (1)It’s time to get up. (2)How’s the weather today? 2.“四会”单词: sunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy, windy, weather 【导学重难点】 sunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy, windy, weather How is the weather? It is sunny. 【导学流程】 (一)呈现导学目标(2分钟) 1.能听懂,会说,会写,会用下列句型: (1)It’s time to get up. (2)How’s the weather today? 2.“四会”单词: sunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy, windy, weather (二)温故知新(8分钟) 1、出示图片认识天气。 2、用英语引导出本课句型。 (三)新授内容(15分钟) 1、学生试着翻译P1的句子,教师订正补充。 2、说一说自己不认识的单词,学生互教互学。 3、讲解How’s the weather today? 4.教授对话前半部分:根据课文内容作答:What time is it? 和How’s the weather today? 5.做游戏:How’s the weather today? (四)巩固练习(8分钟) 小组分角色朗读课文比赛。 (五)总结提高:(7分钟) 编写一段询问星期和时间的会话 (六) 作业安排: 1、背诵对话 2、自我问答


材料结构显微分析 内部资料 姓名: 版权所有 翻版必究 编号: 绝密文件

目录 第一章材料X射线衍射分析----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 第二章X射线衍射方向----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 第三章X射线衍射强度----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 第四章多晶体分析方法----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 第八章电子光学基础-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 第九章透射电子显微镜----------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 第十章电子衍射-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 第十一章晶体薄膜衍衬成像分析----------------------------------------------------------------------8 第十三章扫描电子显微镜-------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 第十五章电子探针显微分析----------------------------------------------------------------------------10

高二英语 Unit17 lesson1 课时1导学案

高二英语 Unit17 lesson1 课时1导学案 课时1一、Warm up 1、Do You often laugh in daily life? Why? 2、What effect does laugher have on you?二、自主探究Read the text carefully and answer the following questions、(1) Question:How much money did the wife take from The bank ?Answer:______________________________________ (2) Question:What was Mr、Wang asking his daughter about?Answer:_____________________________________ (3)Question:What do you think of the angry man?Answer:______________________________________三、合作探究Here are three ________ stories for you、 The first is about checking your spelling、 A woman wanted to ________ $40 from her bank account for shopping, but she forgot how to spell 40、 She took out fifty dollars ________、What a clever woman!The second is about family ________、When a father asked his daughter whether she wanted to Hainan with him or to Thailand with her mother, the girl answered the latter、 The father wondered about her


《Lesson 1》导学案 科目英语年级五主备教师杨航课题Lesson 1 课时安排 1 上课教师杨航 上课时间3月3日周次 1 教具recorder, pictures,ppt 学习目标1.能够听、说、读、写单词do, watch, go, learn, ski及它的过去式。 2.能够灵活运用句型 What did you do in the winter vacation? I watched TV and did my homework. 3.理解Learn to say 部分的内容,并能模仿表演。 导学案知识链接 揭示导入The new term has begun. The teacher and students ask and answer like this: T: Hello, boys and girls. What about your vacation? Ss: Hello, teacher. Very good. T: Answer my question: What did you do in the winter vacation? Free talk 自主学习1.播放录音(recorder),自学课文,初步理解课文 大意,划出重点及不懂的地方。 2.再听课文录音,提出一级问题,通过对学,思考问 题的答案,并试着回答老师和同学提出的问题。(ppt) What did Li Ming do in the winter vacation? _____________________________________ Did Li Ming go to a winter camp? _____________________________________ Students learn by themselves . Try to use the sentences. 合作探究1.播放录音(recorder),自学课文,初步理解课文 大意,划出重点部分及不懂的地方,并提出问题。 词汇do, watch, go, learn, ski及它们的过去式。 (会读、翻译并完成学案)(pictures) 句子What did you do in the winter vacation? I watched TV and did my homework. in the winter vacation 在寒假

人教版英语七年级英语下册Unit 8 Section A 1a-2d导学案设计(含答案)

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section A (1a-2d) 【学习目标】 1.预习掌握以下单词:post, office, post office, police, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, near, across, across from, front, in front of, behind, town, around 2.预习掌握以下句型: 1. ①—Is there a hospital near here? —Yes, there is. ②The pay phone is across from the library. ③ The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 3. 能了解以下语法: —— Where 引导的特殊疑问句及其答语。 ——学会There is / are…。Is/are there..的句型及用法。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~★课前预习★~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 【预习导学】 任务一:预习P43内容,完成下列翻译 1. 邮局___________________ 2. 警察局_____________________ 3. 餐馆___________________ 4. 旅馆______________________ 5. 街道___________________ 6. 公园_______________________ 7. 银行___________________ 8. 医院_______________________ 9. 在这附近_______________ 10. 付费电话___________________ 答案: office 2. police station 3. restaurant 4. hotel 5. street 6. park 7. bank 8.Hospital 9. near here 10. pay phone 任务二:预习P44,找出表示地点的介词或介词词组: eg: next to, 答案:in front of between behind across from on 任务三:【合作探究】学习there be 句型 读下列句子感悟there be 结构的用法及表达含义,再将句子翻译成中文 1. There is a sofa in the sitting room. _____________________________________ 2.There are ten boys in our class. ______________________________________
