unit 1-7单词拼写

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1.What’s your l________ name?

2.She is the f_________ one to the classroom.

3.I have t________ friends. They are Mark, Cindy and Jane.

4.I can s__________. I want to join the sports club.

5.Andy is my cousin. Our m_________ are sisters.

6.Andy is my c_________. Our mothers are sisters.

7.Here is my family photo! These are my p_________.

8.My father’s sister is my a___________.

9.Robert is English, but h_________ mother is Chinese.

10.T___________ you for your letter.

11.The man is my u___________. He’s my father’s brother.

12.That’s _________(不是) my ruler. It’s Tony’s.

13.----What color is the cat? --- It’s not orange, it’s y_________.

14.What is your ___________(妈妈) favorite music?

15.These books are for c___________, I’ll buy some for my son.

16.---What c_________ are your shoes? ---They’re black and white.

17.---You have a b__________ family, don’t you, Rick?

---Yes, I have two brothers and two sisters.

18.T om sent me his latest ___________(照片) by e-mail and it was very


19.May is the f________ month of the year.

20.Mother said the twins were old enough to take care of t________.

21.Tony is not an outgoing boy, so he h________ ever shows his


22.–We had a very interesting chat. ---R__________? About what?

23.The fate(命运) of people in any country should be d_________ by

their own.

24.The people in Hangzhou are p_________ of the West Lake and

Longjing Tea.

st year we planted a lot of tree a__________ our school and now

they grow well.

26.The teachers have a meeting every Wednesday, u_________ there is

noting to discuss.

27.You needn’t know all questions, for many of these questions simply

don’t have a____________.

28.W hen someone c________ a new product or process, it means he

invents it or designs.

29.Can you see the pen u__________ the notebook?

30.Can you ___________(带来) these things to your brother?

31.Please ___________(带走) your dictionary to school tomorrow.

32.Look! Your baseball is _________(下面) the chair.

33.Please __________(拿走) these books to your sister.

34.Can you __________(拿来) some things to school? I’m at school


35.Bob r__________ every morning; that’s why he is so healthy.

36.The question looks easy, but it is really __________(难的) to answer.

37.I don’t like __________(看) TV.

38.She thinks the film is very b__________, so she doesn’t like it.

39.That s_________ like a good idea.

40.Mary __________(喜欢) apples.

41.Mary always __________(看) TV before she goes to bed.

42.The story is very i_____________. The children like reading it.

43.Running star Sandra Clark eats a lot of h_________ food.

44.We have many sports clubs: basketball, pingpong, soccer and


45.They want three ___________(跑步者) for their running club.

46.I like doing sports. How about p_________ tennis.

47.My friend gave me a nice _________(手表) for my birthday.

48.A ________ are my favorite fruit.

49.I like _________(马铃薯),but I don’t like broccoli.

50.For lunch, she likes ___________(汉堡),salad and pears.

51.Liu Xiang has chicken, __________(西红柿),and apples for lunch.

52.For dinner, I like _________(鸡肉),tomatoes and carrots.

53.Don’t ask teachers. You can do the homework y_________.

54.---Thank you very much. ---You are w___________.
