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国际商务毕业论文范文Title: The Impact of Globalization on International Business。
Abstract:Globalization has become a significant driver of international business, leading to increased interconnectedness and interdependence among countries. This paper aims to explore the impact of globalization on international business, focusing on the opportunities and challenges it presents. The study uses a combination of literature review and case studies to analyze the various aspects of globalization and its influence on international business. The findings suggest that globalization has opened up new markets, facilitated the exchange of goods and services, and enhanced international cooperation. However, it has also led to increased competition, cultural clashes, and ethical dilemmas. The paper concludes by highlighting the need for businesses to adopt a global mindset and develop strategies to navigate the complexities of the globalized economy.1. Introduction。
一、电子商务的发展历程1. Rappa, M. (2000). Business models on the web: Managing the digital enterprise. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 1(1), 75-85.这篇文章详细介绍了电子商务的发展历程,从传统商业模式到互联网时代的商业模式转变。
2. Turban, E., King, D., & Lee, J. (2015). Electronic commerce: A managerial and social networks perspective. Springer.这本书是电子商务领域的经典教材,全面介绍了电子商务的概念、技术和管理。
二、电子商务平台的建设与管理1. Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons.这本书提供了一个实用的框架,帮助企业构建和管理电子商务平台。
2. Chaffey, D., & Smith, P. R. (2017). Digital marketing excellence: Planning, optimizing and integrating online marketing. Taylor & Francis.这本书详细介绍了数字营销的策略和技术,帮助企业在电子商务平台上实现市场营销的最佳实践。
国际贸易毕业论文参考文献(2)国际贸易毕业论文篇1浅谈电子商务下的国际贸易创新1 电子商务的概念及其特点电子商务主要是指利用开放的互联网网络环境,打破商业贸易时空界限,促成交易双方在不相谋面的状态下达成合作交易的新型商业运作方式。
目前,电子商务主要呈现出以下三个主要特点:1.1 电子商务能提供较丰富的现代信息技术服务随着互联网技术更新换代速度加快,电子商务赖以发展的现代信息技术服务功能也越来越丰富,如计算机软件程序设计多样化、信息处理速度明显加快、信息传输质量高、整个计算机系统得到优质建设与服务等。
1.2 电子虚拟市场形成电子商务以开放式的互联网环境为载体,可直接实现不同地域交易双方的合作,这也促成了电子虚拟市场的形成。
1.3 全球化市场形成传统的经济贸易市场是实体交易市场,其低速交易决定了企业商品、服务交易难以无限扩大其市场贸易规模。
2 电子商务对国际贸易的影响2.1 国际贸易公司虚拟化电子商务贸易突破全球贸易地域限制,大大方便了国际贸易公司的国际贸易服务往来。
最新国际贸易专业本科毕业论文参考文献最新国际贸易专业本科毕业论文参考文献文章类型:参考文献论文参考文献本文是一篇参考文献,国际贸易(International Trade)也称通商,是指跨越国境的货品和服务交易,一般由进口贸易和出口贸易所组成,因此也可称之为进出口贸易。
知识产权保护对国际贸易的影响--一个研究综述[J]. 现代管理科学,2018(01):6-8.[2]朱辉。
“一带一路”发展战略视野下我国特色农产品国际贸易发展战略研究[J]. 农业经济,2018(01):124-126.[3]齐萌萌,王士海。
世界甘薯进出口贸易格局的演变分析--兼论中国甘薯国际贸易的发展趋势[J]. 世界农业,2018(01):92-99.[4]池秀莲,杨光,马帅,程蒙,阙灵。
我国茯苓国际贸易研究与问题探析[J]. 中国中药杂志,2018,43(01):191-196.[5]周靖,龚凯,罗仕龙,刘瑾瑜,唐朝生。
国际贸易网络上经济危机传播的仿真分析与研究[J]. 计算机应用研究,2018,35(01):83-87.[6]张倩。
基于电子商务环境下的国际贸易创新[J]. 中国商论,2018(01):66-67.[7]赵致一,王柯程。
我国中小企业国际贸易融资问题研究[J]. 经营与管理,2018(01):105-107.[8]董志尚。
从世界贸易供需谈中国茶业国际贸易[J]. 福建茶叶,2018,40(03):44-45.[9]郭鹏。
数字化交付的内容产品的国际贸易竞争性自由化策略--基于美国的视角[J]. 河南社会科学,2018,26(01):74-79.[10]王乔,卢鑫。
“十九大”全球治理观影响下的中国国际贸易治理机制变革[J]. 理论探讨,2018(01):92-98.[11]王林辉,应洁妤。
1. 《商务英语》(作者:张庆兰)
2. 《国际商务》(作者:韩冬)
3. 《市场营销学》(作者:菲利普·科特勒)
4. 《消费者行为学》(作者:迈克尔·R·索洛蒙)
5. 《投资学》(作者:柯林·马佛)
6. 《管理学原理》(作者:斯蒂芬·罗宾斯)
7. 《战略管理》(作者:弗雷德·R·大卫)
8. 《人力资源管理》(作者:加里·迪斯勒)
9. 《项目管理》(作者:哈罗德·克尔曼)
10. 《财务管理》(作者:尤金·F·布雷利)
Skills in Business Begotiation
中国某某信息学校学生毕业设计(论文)题目:Skills in Business Begotiation姓名:0000班级、学号:000班、00号系(部) :经济管理系专业:商务英语指导教师:000开题时间:2008-4-10完成时间:2008-11-122009 年11 月12 日目录一、课题(论文)提纲二、内容摘要三、参考文献Skills in Business NegotiationChen HonglingAbstract:With the development of global economic trend, the cooperation between enterprises from different countries hasbacame more closely, and negotiation as a starting point that has a very important role, no matter for the success of business transaction or for the prosperity of market economy, and also it is a very important part of the socio-economic activities. If we want to make the enterprise dedevelop well, we shoud try our best to get most profits in the process of negotiation, that’s the negotiating objectives, while to be a negotiator, we need use proper skills to achieve this objectives, which not only can help us protect own interests, but also can keep the further cooperationship. In pre-ngotaition we should care ahout the information gathering and negotiation attitude to fully prepare for negotiation, and when we negotiation we should flexibly use this skills, such as, asking question skillfully, agressing indirectly, Marathon-style tactics, ect.Key words: skills; business negotiation; goal0.intruduction:As the tendency of the world’s economy globalization become stronger and stronger, cooperation and relationship between countries have become more and more closer. With the ongoing of china opening and reform policy and succeed in entry WTO, the foreign trade have beening devoloped with fly speed. As a center of the trade, business negotiation madea great impaction on operation of enterprise, and also an important part of conducting a foreingn trade. no matter what line or what products, buyer want to import goods they need to negotiate, at the same time, seller want to export goods they need to negotiate. It is the dealing between supplier and customers in order to reach agreement on price, quantity, quality, payment and other terms and conditions of a sale. obviously, it’s very complex and trying process and importanter than what we image, so it’s necessary to have mastery strategies and tactices which is the key to get a transaction.1.International business and business negotiationThere are many international business between countries in this era of economic globalizationa and it refers to any business activity that cross national boundaries. What we exchange not only include products, but also involve fund, technic, information, service, ect. and as we kown that our final purpose to do this business activity is to get a transaction and to get benefits, then how we can do that? all that we need to through business negotiation, no matter what kind of business or transaction if we want to get mutually agreement. As an important and necessary part of international business,business negotiation has a special function, it is an action of different party exchange their inormation in order to get a trasaction and negotiate for important clause of the busines. Through negotiation we will improve the relationships between each other and exchange viewpoint to reach mutual benefit. But the key is how we can solve the negotiation problems, and then we need to use some special negotiation skills to help us.Negotiation skills is the floorboard of the use of matters, measures, strategies and tactices which be adopt by negoators in order to achieve the given target in process of neotiation. It has a direct impact on result of negotiation and related to the interests of the parties and the economic efficiency of enterprises. The proper use of the negotiation skills is an important prerequisite for the success of business negotiations. It was a powerful means to avoid weakness and gain the initiative in the negotiation, also is an effective tool for enterprise to maintain their own interests.Generally, the process of international business negotiation is made up of three different stage(pre-negotiation, negotiation, and post-negtiation), and each state is difined as a specific part of the process and coverall actions and communication by either side pertaining to negotiations made during that part, anyway pre-negotiation and negotiation are particularly important for a successful business and more need to use skills.2.skills in pre-negotiationThe pre-negotiation stage starts from the first contact between the two sides whose interested in doing business with each other is shown from this stage on, both sides begin to understand one’s need and evaluate the benefits of entering into the process of negotiation. This stage more usually important than the formal negotiation in the international business relationship, as if you not prepare well there is no big chance to get you goal, and that needn’t to negotiate. Trust and confidence in each other are for great help, both side now start to form their skills, for face to face negotiation as well as try to foresee and take precaution against possible events to fully prepared before the negotiation, negotiators should have to take the following four aspects into consideration.2.1 Evironmental factorsThe environmental factors refer to politics, religious, belief, legal, system, business, practices, social, customs, financialstate and climate, which will affect the negotiation in a direct or indirect, it may in some way determine the success or failure of the negotiation. So before negotiation you should kown the probable things above that, like when they do business what practices they often use, is there any influence on your transaction that they economic system will caused, what’s word cann’t say when we communicate, what is their religious, which are very important that cann’t look down to aviod taking mistake and make the opponent uncomfortable and leave a bad impression.2.2 Gathering informationNegotiation is a occasion of communicate. If you want to get the initiative during the process of negotiation, you must prepare all information (credit , finance ect. )you may need in advance, and do not forget to reseach and analyze it. Certainly, that not say all informations are able to use, you must make sure that what you get are reliable. Then how to efficient get the useful information has become one of most difficulty for negotiation, and the channel of gathering the information seems to be one of crucial factors to a successful negotiation.2.3 The attitude of negotiationThere are many kinds of negotiation in business activity,we cannot do aways give the same attitude to all negotiation, which we should basis on the important extend of the negotiation content and result.If the negotiation object is very important for company, such as long term cooperation clients, but the content and result not too much important. then you can take the concession attitude to negotiate, that is to say you can satisfied you clients under the situation of no lossing and bad influence, which seems more benefit for further cooperation.If both clients and result are important for the company, you should keep a friendly cooperation attitude and try you best to get win-win situation, may be you can turn the conflict to the third part.But if the client is important, and the result is not important. Well then, if you do not need to consider the opponent, the only what you should to do is try you best to persuade the clients to trust you and get a deal for you desire.2.4 Prepare several negotiation plansIn the begainning what plan the negotiating parties take out are always benefit to themselves, while both side wish to gain more benefits through negotiations, so the results will certainly not the original plan, but the result after consultation,compromise, and modifications by two sides. What’s more, if you not prepare other plans, you have no idea of concession and it is easy to fall into a trap that setted by you opponet. Also after each other argue is often easy get lost in the original willing and at this time you will disorder your thinking even do not kown what’s you purpose, then the best way is to prepare several negotiation plans, first come up with the most advantageous proposal, if no agreement, come up with the second, like that come up again.3.Skills in negotiationAt this stage both sides can face to face communicate, and negotiate for price, quality, quantity, terms of payment and shippment ect. And also the place where is the conllision and dissension appear, because there is benefits or profits they want to argue, however negotiation’s direct aim is to get an agreement both sides satisfied, so they need to cooperation in spite of the fact that each side may view the situation in its own way. On the other hand, as it direct effect the end of the negotiation, so we should take more care of it and use some skills.3.1 Build a harmonious atmosphereThat would be better if you choose the topic on the itemsof commen interest for initial discussion such as sport ,tasted food ect, and show the happy experience, and in this busy moder people have not enough time to relax, those will let both enjoy this moment not just for the tasks to get benefit. Besides, you can express the wish of cooperation, in this case to give a subconscious cooperation impression to counterworker, can also be of interest to the other side to provide some business information, or for some very important issues are not simple to explore, if reach a consensus between the two sides of the heart that will occurs wonderful changes.3.2 Ask the question skillfullyAsk the question skillfully is a key for a negotiation success or failure, through ask question you will not only gain the information which peacetime can not get, but also will help you to confirm the judgement made before. Exporters should ask question on on-limits way (reply not use “yes”or “no”) to kown the impoters’demand, since this question can made the impoters speak their demand freely. For instance , “Can you tell me more about your company?”or “What is your opinion about our proposal?”. During this process, we have to note the answer that might be use later, after offer, theimporter always will ask “Cannot you do better than that?”, for this you don’t need to make a concession, but should responded by asking “What is meant by better?”or “Better than what?”, this question will lead the the importer explain where they were not satisfied. If the opponent use fuzzy world answer you asked, we can not accept but need require them make a specific answer, that is say that you can ask each in a row until know the circs completely. It is noteworthy that you should get the permit before you ask, especially In the early stages of negotiations. It has two advantages, First, if the other party agree to our questions, it will be more cooperative in answering questions; Second, if the other answer is “Yes”, this positive response will create a positive atmosphere for negotiations and bring a good start.3.3 Vague languageThe use of vague language has a lot of flexiblity to put out the information vague, avoid over-determined. For example, “I am afraid that the proposal you put forward just now is not too much you presentation makes me feel a little too—you kown what I mean”, “is not too much, you kown what I mean”all this are vague language, it has various meaning and no clear boundaries, so that they can neatly understand and nobig possibility to lead the negotiation get into deadlock.What’s more, it also will cost less to pass enough information to make right adjustments. We can use this vague word, such as, if perhaps, maybe, seem, as if, as far as I can tell, I’m afraid, it is said, sort of to some extent, ect. this word can help us get through the situation of predicament, make the nogotiation go smoothly, may be sometimes it has a mean of refuse, but it is not a undue hurt to the others’heart.3.4 Curve attackSun Tzu said, “in-line as straight”. Crowe Davis who is a General also said, “a shortcut to reach the goal is the most tortuous road”. It can be seen that if we want to success we should go ahead roundabout, otherwise, directly toward the target would lead to the other side of the alert and confrontation, and we should to seize the initiative by guide other’s thinking, for example, by the way of asking questions, let them say the answer you want to hear on a voluntary basis, On the contrary, the more you eager to reach the goals, the more likely to expose you intentions, instand been imposed by the other party.3.5 Silent and sound moderateNegotiations is not only the language of communication,but also acts of communication, you show something out always what you think in you heart. Body language, posture, etc., as linguistic forms, but also deliver a variety of information. Business negotiation sometimes need negotiators have a glib tongue, sometimes need keep silent, as said silence is golden. seeing from the linguistic standpoint, the silence is also a language, or a nod or shake their heads, or shrugging waved, or dumb. Just right of silence is not only a language arts, and sometimes even can do it “silence outweighs noise this time”to reach a higher realm of language arts. All this require the negotiators grasp the principle of moderate degree which is mainly manifested in degree of listening, intensity, depth.First of all, we must pay an attention to the acceptable level for listener. Good at listen better than who can say, so when we express our idea we would infiltrate some satisfied words into your sentence or some terms close to their conditions, then listeners are inclined to listen, and listen carefully, and also necessary to leave some suspense and stimulate other’s interest in language surprisingly, otherwise the listener will not keep up with the idea of the negotiations, can not touch the pulse of the negotiations, no agreement isreached yet.Followed by the intensity, that refers the strength of talking or the edge of using word in the negotiations. Strong represent the performance of powerful voice but not high-throat big voice, weak represent the performance of suitable and gentle voice. In this way, the tone sounds cadenced, and also make the emotional of content more colorful.Last, the depth, it refers to language and content in a comprehensive and deep level. The depth of flexible changes when we discuss can reflect different intention. Only the length of the lacking depth is too generalitity, no practical significance .3.6 Give tit for tatIn business negotiations, we often found some intractable people, such as “stingy person”, they tend to quote very high, and then refused to make concessions in a very long time, if you can not contain youself to make concessions, they will try to force you to make one and another concession. American psychologists who did some tests for such kind of people, let them respectively negotiate with the different rivals who make different degree concessions. The result show that the bestway to cope with this intractable emulants is tooth for a tooth and tit for tat, and also make ourself be a intractable people at the same time. However,it is important to note that we do this not the goal but a means to achieve, so it also need use proper.3.7 Use humor wordWhen we communicate with our clients, humor language can make serious and nervous atmosphere more easy to accept, it can suddenly become active again, even if in the war of words of arguments and fierce competitive bargaining. Humor also can be benefit to refute fallacies, and persuade the others to trust you. It can be said that the major functions of humor is to creat a good atmosphere for negotiation, and expressing emotion. So that negotiators will have a psychological enjoying and be glad to improve the efficiency of the negotiations. For example, I’m of the opinion that our meeting is fruitful but there is only one point that I feel disappointed (pause) is that there is no single issue at all that needs debating between us. In fact, in business negotiations, the humor reflects the elegance of negotiators, and who has a higher cultural cultivation and strong ability to control the language.3.8 Marathon-style tacticsIt refers that you should let them feel physical tired, then lead a slack spirit and a reduced enthusiasm for work, so we will be able to take the opportunity to achieve our goals. Specific practices are summarized as follows, first, in the early start of negotiations in international business, you should arrange a number of fun activities for opponent. For instance, first you can take them climb mountain, then visit some view, once more to have a dinner, after go to showplace. I believe that few people can brace this journey, to they surprise next day we notice the bargaining will hold immdiately. Second, in this process we can repeat one or several issues two or three times, let them feel weary and will easy to make mistakes unconsciously, and what we should do is to record the mistake and some favorable information. Anyway, this tactic only always be use for the aggressive and irritable negotiators, psychological studies have shown that this kind of people often lack patience and endurance, once the momentum has been strangled, self-confidence will be lost and soon defeated. While we want be care of using this tactic, it is too easy to discover our purpose and lead the other sides’uncomfortable.3.9 Emotion proddingEmotion prodding mostly depend on get other’s mercy by show their weakness, say some mourning language in order to achieve cooperation. This is strategy is to use emotional assault, by one special event to trigger the common feeling in peoples’heart and burst it out to creat an atmosphere, some negotiation group even engage people who are good at this poor-mouth skill to help them. Meanwhile that is a extreme strategy and only just be accepted by kindly and easy be moved opponents, for that not easy taking opponents there is no really effect.4.The problem and settlement leave behind negotiationThe end of negotiation do not mean a transaction have completed, there many works in post-negotiation, and it is also important for a business, we can not relax our mind.Athough there are some skills I introduced, that is not say if you use that you will succeed in negotiation. Negotiation is very complicated subject and determined by many factors, not just only need proper use skills, and the negotiators’qualities we cann’t look down, good representatives can make the negotiation more easy to success, actually they must have the following basic qualities, shrewdness, resourcefulness,endureance, adaptability, gregariousness, the ablity to articulate, also require the negotiators are very professional who have a wide variety of technical and ethical skills, another important request that all negotiators must preserve their solidarity, and responsible for their company when acting on its behalf.Negotiators also must fully understand that negotiation should be mutually benefit, and is based on the two sides(or multiple) to seek commen interests. In this process, each parties are eager to meet the needs of their direct and in direct, but must take other’s need into account at the same time, because it is the only way to ultimate success of the negotiation. Mutual benefit is that each parties should identify own needs first, and then explore other’s need and then work together to to find the condition and feasible approach that will meet both sides’need. In the negotiation, both sides have to fight for their own interests to maximize the relationship of confrontation, but also there has impotant relation of cooperation.5.ConclusionUnder a condition of the open economic system, manyenterprises are in the process of opening international marketing, business negotiators mastered a variety of international business negotiation skills, and flexible to use, companies will be able to success during negotiate with each other’s business, then allowing companies to in a highly competitive market and rapid development.References:[1]姜利军;彭江.商务谈判[M].北京:中国物质出版社,1988:12[2]刘园. 国际商务谈判[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,1999:1[3]建修.商务谈判36计[M].北京:当代中国出版社,2002:11[4]乔淑英;王爱晶等.商务谈判[M ].北京:北京师范大学出版社,2007:2[5]潘肖珏;谢承志.商务谈判与沟通技巧[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,200:8[6]叶柏廷.决战谈判桌[M].内蒙古:内蒙古文化出版社,1997:2[7]仇志荣.对外商务谈判中的问题与对策[M].北京:中国经济出版社,1994:8。
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下文是店铺为大家整理的关于国际贸易毕业论文参考文献的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!国际贸易毕业论文参考文献(一)1. 秦熠群,金哲松.中韩产业内贸易实证分析[J].中央财经大学学报,2005(3):62-65.2. 张宏,丛静.影响中韩产业内贸易发展因素的实证分析[J].东北亚论坛,2006,15(2):43-48.3. 刘嘉.中日与中美产业内贸易及影响因素比较研究[J].亚太经济,2013(2):92-97.4. 李准晔,金洪起.中韩贸易结构分析[J].中国工业经济,2002(2):47-54.5. 马剑飞,朱红磊,许罗丹,对中国产业内贸易决定因素的经验研究[J].世界经济,2002(9):22-26+80.6. 赵志刚.中国制造业对不同类型经济体的行业贸易[J].中国软科学,2003(3):45-50+121.7. 王云飞.我国与主要贸易伙伴产业内贸易的相关性分析[J].世界经济研究,2005(10):47-55.8. 徐娅玮.中国产业内贸易的现状与成因分析.国际贸易问题,2001(12):36-39.9. 宋全成.加工贸易带动的提升——我国产业内贸易实证分析[J].国际贸易,2003(12):10-13.10. 崔日明,陈付愉.中日服务业产业内研宄[J].区域经济,2008,24(8):51-55.11. 李季.中韩机电产品产业内贸易实证研究[J].国际贸易问题,2010(6):54-59.12. 汪斌,邓艳梅.中日贸易中工业制品比较优势及国际分工类型[J].世界经济,2003,⑷:21-25.13. 石静,王鹏.水平和垂直产业内贸易的实证研究:基于国家特征的视角[J].世界经济研究,2008(4):39-43.14. 张彬,孙孟.中澳两国产业内贸易的实证研究——基于1997-2007年进出口贸易数据[J].国际贸易问题,2009(05):41-48.15. 周茂荣,吕婕.中美产业内贸易的影响因素研究——以资本和技术密集型产品贸易为例.国际贸易问题,2010(2):32-37.16. 贺骁.我国高新技术产品进出口实证分析[J].商讯.商业经济文荟,2005(3):62-67.17. 廖长友.中国制造业产业内贸易影响因素的实证分析[J].西华大学学报:哲学社会科学版,2004(4):45-47.18. 杜莉.中国与美国高技术产品产业内贸易的实证研究[J].数量经济技术经济研究,2005(8):90-97.19. 佟家栋,刘钧霆.中日制造业产业内贸易发展态势的实证研究[J].国际贸易问题,2006(1):5-9.20.Wells,L.T.Jr.ThirdWorldMultinationals,Cambridge,Massachusetts: MITPress,1983.国际贸易毕业论文参考文献(二)1. 卜伟.我国产业外资控制与对策研究[J].管理世界,2011:180-181.2. 陈丽丽,林花.我国对外直接投资区位选择:制度因素重要吗[J].经济经纬,2011(1):20-25.3. 陈文彬.我国对外直接投资的动因分析和模式选择——以福建省为例[J].时代金融,2008(7):170-171.4. 陈岩,张桃.积极推进以“技术+品牌”为核心的“走出去”战略——中国髙新技术产业的必然选择[J].国际贸易,2007(3):14-17.5. 崔家玉.中国对外直接投资的动因[J].大连海事大学学报[J].2010(6):12-14.6. 代中强.中国企业对外直接投资动因研宄——基于省际面板数据的分析[J].山西财经大学学报,2008(11):29-35.7. 邓明.制度距离,“示范效应"与中国OFDI的区位分布[J].国际贸易问题,2012(2):123-135.8. 董莉军.中国对外直接投资的政策动因个新的实证研究[J].技术经济与管理研究,2011(11):73-76.9. 冯华.我国对外直接投资的回顾与展望[J].山东社会科学,2014(1):117-121.10. 官建成,王晓静.中国对外直接投资决定因素研究[J].中国软科学,2007(2):59-65.11. 郭苏文,黄汉民.制度距离对我国外向FDI的影响一基于动态面板模型的实证研究[J].国际经贸探索,2010(11):21-26.12. 何骏.全球化背景下我国企业对外直接投资的动因研究[J].经济经纬,2007(2):57-59.13. 贺书锋,郭羽诞.中国对外直接投资区位分析:政治因素重要吗?[J].上海经济研究,2009(3):3-10.14. 黄静波,张安民.中国对外直接投资主要动因类型的实证研究一基于1982—2007年得外向投资流向分析[J].国际经贸探索,2009(7):4-10.15. 李洪江.中国对外直接投资的发展及未来趋势[J].商业研究,2004(5):143-145.16. 林季红,胡雯婷.中国国际投资发展阶段研宄[J].厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2011(2):52-59.17. 凌丹,赵春丽.政府在企业对外直接投资中的职能作用及实现途径[J].经济纵横,2002(6):43-36.国际贸易毕业论文参考文献(三)1. 丁青艳,王喜富.供应链上核心企业评价指标体系研究[J].物流技术,2010,7(20):52-53.2. 李金玉,阮平南.核心企业在战略网络演化中的影响[J].北京工业大学学报(社会科学版),2010,10(4):19-21.3. 李欣,刘湘宁.电子商务生态系统构建之领导种群研究--以阿里巴巴为例[J].企业研究,2010(8):40-41.4. 韩福荣,徐艳梅.企业仿生学[M].北京:企业管理出版社,2002:12-25.5. 胡斌.企业生态系统健康的基本内涵及评价指标体系研究[J].科技管理研究,2006,26(1):14-15.6. 刘学理.电子商务生态系统风险评价研究[J].商业时代,2011,(30):33-35.7. 陆玲.企业生态学原理初探,中日管理比较[M].广州:中山大学出版社,1995:254-268.8. 梁运文等.商业生态系统价值结构、企业角色与战略选择[J].南开管理评论,2005,8(1):57- 59.9. 刘根.电子商务生态系统的构成及培育[J].江苏商论,2010,(9):15- 18.10. 刘雷.电子商务生态系统演进的影响因素探析[J].现代商贸工业,2010,5(6): 23-24.11. 任今方.电子商务生态系统及其发展环境[J].闽江9 院学报,2010,31(4):22-24.12. 杨艳萍,李琪.电子商务生态系统中企业竞争策略研究[J].科技和产业,2008,8(9):10-11.13. 陈劲,李飞宇.社会资本对技术创新的社会学检释[J].科学学研究,2001,19(3):103-107.14. 吴联生.盈余管理、政治关联与公司税负[J].会计论坛.2010,17(1):3-17.15. 吴灵玲.政治关联的公司治理效应研究一一基于中国民营上市公司样本分析[D].浙江工商大学.2012.。
Johnson和Jenkins (2015)的研究表明,国际贸易对于发展中国家的经济增长具有积极的作用。
Furlong和Smith (2019)研究了市场营销在国际商务中的应用和策略。
Wang (2018)的研究探讨了跨国公司如何管理跨国汇率风险。
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[7]张为国.网络营销令中间商何去何从. [J].营销世界.XX(7)
[8]钱国根.网络营销时代中间商的策略选择. [J].商业研究.XX(9)
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设计(论文)题目:购物网站的设计与实现学院:计算机学院专业:网络技术班级: XX级1班学号:121020XX1 学生:蔡友波指导教师:何志勇接受任务时间 XX年1月9日
1) 陈信祥《电子商务网站建设》清华大学出版社
2) 杨天剑《电子商务系统分析与设计》北京邮电大学出版社
3) 朱迪·施特劳斯《网络营销》中国人民大学出版社
4) 施伯乐.数据库系统教程(第2版).北京:高等教育出版社
5) 夏靖波.电子商务网站建设教程. 北京:清华大学出版社.。