



埃内斯托·拉斐尔·格瓦拉·德·拉·塞尔纳(西班牙语:Ernes‎t o Rafae‎l Gueva‎r a de la Serna‎,1928年‎6月14日‎—1967年‎10月9日‎),通常被称做‎切·格瓦拉(西班牙语:Che Gueva‎r a),香港译作捷·古华拉。
























2011 年5 月,在IMF 原总裁卡恩由于“性丑闻”而辞职后,她当选为IMF 近70 年历史中第一位女性总裁。


最近一次驻外经济代表团的任命会议上,政府官员们简直不敢相信自己的耳朵:拉加德仅仅是在任外贸部部长期间在国外见过他们,5 年后,她不仅认识他们中间的大多数人,还一一记得他们的职业道路、梦想、家庭情况……拉加德的访客口中出现频率最高的一个词语,那就是“和蔼可亲”。















Johannes Brahms(1833-97)Concerto Op.77,(34:32) in D/D-derr/re majeur 《勃拉姆斯小提琴协奏曲》 (4)Allegro non troppo 18:53 (5)Adagio 8:12 (6)Allegro giocoso,ma non troppo vivace 7:20 莱纳指挥芝加哥交响乐团 Fritz Reiner,conductor Chicago Symphony Orchestra Fritz Reiner,conductor
中文名称:世界著名古典大师名版收藏 15HDCD 资源类型:APE 发行时间:2007年 专辑歌手:Various Artists 地区:其他 简介:
介质:CD 版权提供:RCA 条码:9787884772759
这套CD是享誉全球三大古典品牌之一"RCA发烧古典音乐系列",原版引进。古典作曲家的经典作品中 最优美的片段,全部曲目由世界顶级大师、乐队演绎,是一套经典而“唯美”的古典音乐唱片,可以 使听者充分领略到古典音乐的永恒之美。是专家严选最具代表性必听名曲,国际级音乐大师精心诠 释,欧美乐评一致推崇的经典版本。
CD1 这盘CD是属于RCA唱片公司最著的Living Stereo系列中的十大名盘之一,于1954年录制,当时是以 LP的模式出售,在1993年使用ADD方式制作成了CD。经典的LP加以数码技术改造后,唱片保持了LP 丰润的质感与流畅的音乐原味,而在分析力、音色、空气感上又有明显的提高。 CD2 本专辑获奖:日本究极100与名曲300 此张录音可谓是〔金不换〕折旷世钜作之一,除了由海飞兹演奏之外,还有莱纳指挥芝加哥交响、 孟许指挥波士顿交响乐团及RCA傲人的LIVING STEREO录音技术。是一张古典爱好者必收的名版佳作! CD3 这是场超重量级的历史性演出,十余年来从未在俄国以外地区发行录音。BMG首度将其完整收录出版, 让各地乐迷亦有机会一闻这场意义非凡的演奏录音。 CD4 贝多芬和勃拉姆斯的小提琴协奏曲都是所谓“三大”小提琴协奏曲之一,因此海飞兹的演奏也就格外 另令人瞩目。 此录音可谓是“金不换”的旷世巨作之一,除了由海飞兹演奏之外,还有孟许指挥波士顿交响乐团及 rca傲人的living stereo录音技术。这张名演置于案头,其他的演奏都要相形失色了。 CD5 卡萨尔斯--一个响彻世界乐土的名字。是当代最伟大的大提琴演奏家。是现代大提琴演奏艺术的 开山鼻祖。在当今世界大提琴演奏家中,很少没有受过他的影响的。这张是卡萨尔斯的小品专辑, 极为少见,对广大古典爱好者是不可多得的。 CD6 本片中的五段民谣小品、协奏曲和五段浪漫曲,都在舒曼生命最后四年间完成。片中另一首目前流 行,也用大提琴演奏的"慢板与快板"则是原为竖笛与法国号所写的音乐会小品。 大提琴家伊瑟利斯这份充实而充满创意的选曲,也使人更深入感受到他对大提琴的喜爱和始终高昂 的音乐之爱。 CD7 此辑是音乐史上的一部不朽杰作,被世人公认的权威版本,是爱乐者镇机必备作品。



龙源期刊网 14座高峰大满贯作者:黄宗华来源:《户外探险》2010年第03期2005年,美国登山家Ed Viesturs成为全球第五位无氧登顶全部14座8000米级高峰的人,2007年,意大利人Silvio Mondinelli成为第六位完成无氧14座大满贯的人:接下来的2008年是厄瓜多尔登山家Ivan Vallejo。

而在已经过去的2009年攀登季节情况有所改观,有不少于四位登山家荣登14座大满贯行列,其中更有两位以无氧方式完成——Denis urubko(哈萨克斯坦)和Veikka Gustafsson(芬兰)。


Silvio Mondinelli花费14年荣登此榜单,Ed Viesturs是20年,厄瓜多尔人Vallejo速度要快一些仅用11年,而今年登顶的哈萨克人Denis Urubko更为迅速,整个过程耗时九年。


意大利登山家Christian Kuntner于2005年自己最后一座极峰——安纳普尔娜峰征程中因内出血死亡。

在过去的这些年殒命在14座征程上的登山者的数量是惊人的,2009年登山界失去了几位很好的登山者,其中一位是意大利女登山家Cristina Castagna。






”第21位完成14座大满贯的登山者Andrew Lock事后说道,2009年荣登14座殿堂的登山家Raft Dujmovits和Andrew Lock都仅在珠峰的攀登过程中吸氧。




恩里克?格拉纳多斯(Enrique Granados),是19世纪下半叶西班牙民族乐派重要的代表人物,享有“西班牙的肖邦”的美称。


关键词:格拉纳多斯 ; 《六首西班牙民谣小品》中图分类号:J605 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;文献标识码:A ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 文章编号:1008-3359(2020)05-0027-02一、格拉纳多斯艺术生涯简介恩里克·格拉纳多斯(Enrique Granados),1867年7月27日出生于里瑞達,1916年3月24日辞世于英吉利海峡。


除了《戈雅之画》,他的《12首西班牙舞曲(Danzas espanolas)》以及第一部歌剧《玛丽亚·卡门(María del Carmen)》使他在国际上获得了重要的声誉。




当格拉纳多斯13岁时,跟随Francisco Xavier Jurnet正式学习钢琴。

一年后,成为著名钢琴大师Joan Baptista Pujol(1835-1898)的学生,并一直演奏舒曼、肖邦、李斯特等浪漫派作品。




安达鲁西亚自治区- Andalucía阿尔梅里亚- Almería加的斯- Cádiz科尔多瓦- Córdoba格拉纳达- Granada韦尔瓦- Huelva哈恩- Jaén马拉加- Málaga塞维利亚- Sevilla阿拉贡自治区- Aragón韦斯卡Huesca特鲁埃尔Teruel萨拉戈萨Zaragoza阿斯图里亚斯- Asturias奥维耶多Oviedo巴利阿里群岛- Islas Baleares帕尔马Palma de Mallorca巴斯克自治区- Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco维多利亚Vitoria毕尔包Bilbao圣塞巴斯提安San Sebastián加那利群岛- Islas Canarias拉斯帕尔马斯Las Palmas圣克鲁斯-德特内里费Santa Cruz de Tenerife坎塔布里亚- Cantabria桑坦德Santander卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰- Castilla-La Mancha阿尔瓦塞特Albacete雷阿尔城Ciudad Real昆卡Cuenca瓜达拉哈拉Guadalajara托莱多Toledo卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂- Castilla y León阿维拉ávila布尔戈斯Burgos莱昂León帕伦西亚Palencia萨拉曼卡Salamanca塞戈维亚Segovia索里亚Soria巴利阿多利德Valladolid萨莫拉Zamora加泰罗尼亚- Catalu?a巴塞罗那Barcelona赫罗纳Gerona莱里达Lérida塔拉戈纳Tarragona埃斯特雷马杜拉- Extremadura巴达霍斯Badajoz卡塞雷斯Cáceres加利西亚自治区- Galicia拉科鲁尼亚A Coru?a卢戈Lugo奥伦塞Orense蓬特韦德拉Pontevedra拉里奥哈自治区- La Rioja洛格罗尼奥Logro?o马德里自治区- Madrid马德里Madrid穆尔西亚自治区- Murcia穆尔西亚Murcia纳瓦拉- Comunidad Foral de Navarra潘普洛纳Pamplona巴伦西亚自治区- Comunidad Valenciana阿利坎特Alicante卡斯特利翁-德拉普拉纳Castellón de la Plana 巴伦西亚省Valencia皇家马德里足球俱乐部百科名片Real Madrid CF皇家马德里足球俱乐部(西班牙语:Real Madrid Club de Fútbol ,中文简称:皇马),是一家成立于1902年3月6日,位于西班牙首都马德里的足球俱乐部,前称马德里足球队(Madri d Club de Fútbol),1920年,获国王赐封“皇家”的尊称,徽章上加上了皇冠,并改名为皇家马德里。



Nelson Mandela was a towering figure in the history of South Africa and a global icon for peace and justice.Born on July18,1918,in the small village of Qunu in the Eastern Cape of South Africa,Mandela would grow to become a central figure in the fight against apartheid,a system of institutionalized racial discrimination and segregation enforced by the South African government.Early Life and EducationMandela matriculated at the Clarkebury Boarding Institute and later the Healdtown Wesleyan College,where he was first exposed to the ideas of African nationalism.He would go on to study law at the University of Fort Hare,where his political consciousness was further awakened.Political ActivismMandela joined the African National Congress ANC in1942,initially as a member of the ANC Youth League.He quickly rose through the ranks,becoming a leading figure in the organization.His commitment to ending apartheid led him to become involved in both peaceful protests and,later,armed resistance through the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe,the armed wing of the ANC.ImprisonmentIn1962,Mandela was arrested and charged with inciting workers to strike and leaving the country without permission.He was sentenced to five years in prison.In1964,while still serving his sentence,he was charged with sabotage and conspiracy to violently overthrow the government,leading to his conviction and a life sentence.Mandela spent27years in prison,most of which were at the notorious Robben Island. Despite the harsh conditions,he became a symbol of resistance and hope for millions around the world.Release and PresidencyIn February1990,after international pressure and negotiations,Mandela was released from prison.His release marked a turning point in South African history,leading to the dismantling of apartheid and the first multiracial elections in1994.Mandela was elected as South Africas first black president,serving from1994to1999.Presidency and LegacyAs president,Mandela focused on reconciliation between South Africas racial groups.He established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses.His presidency laid the foundation for a new democratic South Africa, emphasizing the importance of education,health care,and land reform.Mandelas legacy extends beyond his presidency.He became a global advocate for human rights,social justice,and equality.His charisma,resilience,and unwavering commitment to freedom and justice earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in1993,which he shared with then South African President F.W.de Klerk.Later YearsAfter his presidency,Mandela continued to work on charitable causes through the Nelson Mandela Foundation.He focused on issues such as HIV/AIDS awareness,childrens rights,and rural poverty.Death and LegacyNelson Mandela passed away on December5,2013,but his impact on South Africa and the world remains profound.He is remembered for his leadership,his fight against injustice,and his message of hope and reconciliation.Mandelas life serves as an inspiration to generations,reminding us of the power of resilience,the importance of standing up for ones beliefs,and the possibility of change through peaceful means.。


● 加那利群岛(西班牙语:Islas Canarias),是非洲西北海域的岛屿群,面积7273平方公里,是 西班牙的一个自治区,也是欧盟的域,人口约209万。
● 东部岛群包括兰萨罗特岛(Lanzarote)、富埃特文图拉岛及 6个小岛屿;西部岛群包括特内里费岛、 大加那利岛、帕尔马岛、戈梅拉岛和费罗岛(又称耶罗岛)。
● 岛群呈弧形分布,长约 480公里。由特内里费、大加那利、拉帕尔马、戈梅拉、费罗、兰萨罗特、 富埃特文图拉等 7个主要岛屿和若干小岛组成,分东、西两岛群。总面积7273平方公里。其中最 大的岛屿是形如金字塔的特内里菲岛,人口136.7万(1982),多为西班牙人和当地人混血种人, 信奉基督教,通行西班牙语。
● 加那利时间是西欧时间(WET)(或GMT),夏季比格林尼治时间提前一小时。所以,加那利时 间比西班牙大陆慢一个小时,与英国,爱尔兰和葡萄牙一样。
● 每年春季,是西班牙加那利群岛最热闹的季节,炫目与纯净,截然不同两种风格的狂欢节,接连 在这里上演。
● 虽然加那利群岛距离西班牙本土还有着1100公里的距离,它们只是位于大西洋深处的一群小岛, 但这里却是西班牙最有名气的旅游目的地之一。有统计说,每年到加那利群岛的外国游客达1500 万,占到西班牙外国游客总数的三分之一。
● 西班牙于2014年8月批准了Repsol及其合作伙伴,探索加纳利群岛的石油和天然气前景,四年来投资75亿欧 元,于2016年底开始。当时Repsol表示该地区最终可能每天生产10万桶石油,这将达到西班牙能源需求的 10%。然而,获得的样本的分析没有显示出必要的体积和质量来考虑未来的提取,并且该项目被报废。
● 西班牙的13个国家公园中有4个在加那利群岛,这比其它自治区都多: ● 拉帕尔玛岛上的 Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente ● 拉戈梅拉岛上的 Parque Nacional Garajonay ● 特内里费岛上的泰德国家公园(Parque Nacional del Teide ) ● 兰萨罗特岛上的 Parque Nacional Timanfaya ● 非洲大陆西北岸外火山群岛。东距非洲西海岸约130公里,东北距西班牙约1100公里。



格拉纳多斯间奏曲的介绍1. 引子:什么是格拉纳多斯间奏曲?格拉纳多斯间奏曲(Granados Intermezzo)是西班牙作曲家恩里克·格拉纳多斯(Enrique Granados)的作品之一。



2. 格拉纳多斯间奏曲的背景与创作格拉纳多斯间奏曲属于钢琴独奏作品,时长约在3-5分钟之间。






3. 格拉纳多斯间奏曲的特点格拉纳多斯间奏曲的特点之一是独特的旋律线和和声结构。




4. 对格拉纳多斯间奏曲的个人理解与观点对于我个人来说,格拉纳多斯间奏曲是一首非常优美和富有表现力的钢琴作品。








格拉纳多斯钢琴作品《音乐会快板》的创作特点与演奏技巧格拉纳多斯钢琴作品《音乐会快板》的创作特点与演奏技巧转自上海音乐学院学报《音乐艺术》2010年第三期杨凌云副教授著前言西班牙作曲家恩里克?格拉那多斯( EnriqueGranados, 1867~ 1916)是西班牙民族乐派的重要代表, 他的作品属于带有民族主义色彩的浪漫主义音乐。

他的钢琴作品既有西班牙音乐明快率直、多情浪漫的特征, 又蕴藏着忧郁的色彩。

他与肖邦一样, 力图在音乐中挖掘深层次的情感, 因此, 被誉为“西班牙的肖邦”。

1867年7月27日, 恩里克-格拉纳多斯生于巴塞罗那附近的莱里达。

1879年开始学习钢琴,1880年在普霍尔学院师从Joan Baptista Pujol继续学习钢琴, 1884年, 格拉纳多斯又向佩德雷尔学习和声及作曲技法, 1887年, 格拉纳多斯赴巴黎音乐学院随当时著名的钢琴教授查尔斯- 贝里奥( Charles de Beriot)学习, 并在钢琴演奏技巧上受到了贝里奥的影响, 贝里奥强调演奏中的即兴发ériot)学习, 并在钢琴演奏技巧上受到了贝里奥的影响, 贝里奥强调演奏中的即兴发挥, 从而极大地激发了格拉纳多斯潜在的才能。

1889年, 格拉纳多斯回到巴塞罗那, 同时出版了使他获得了国际声望的《西班牙组曲》。

格拉纳多斯作为演奏家, 曾多次在西班牙、法国及纽约举办音乐会, 并同许多音乐家合作。

作为一名作曲家, 他创作的作品范围包括室内乐、声乐、歌剧、交响诗以及钢琴作品等。

同时, 格拉纳多斯还是一名卓越的音乐教育家, 1900年他创办了巴塞罗那古典音乐协会, 1901年创立了格拉那多斯音乐学院。

在钢琴音乐创作方面, 格拉那多斯最成功的作品是他于1912~ 1914年间创作的钢琴组曲《戈雅之画》,他一生钟爱西班牙画家弗朗西斯科! 戈雅的作品, 为此创作了这部包括了6首作品的组曲。




塞万提斯奖历届获奖作品塞万提斯奖(Premio Cervantes)是西班牙语文学界最负盛名的奖项之一,每年颁发给对西班牙语文学做出杰出贡献的作家。

以下是一些历届塞万提斯奖获得者及其获奖作品:1. 1976年Jorge Guillén(豪尔赫·吉列恩)《Cántico》。

2. 1977年 Alejo Carpentier(阿莱霍·卡彭提尔)《Elreino de este mundo》。

3. 1978年Dámaso Alonso(达马索·阿隆索)《Hijos dela ira》。

4. 1979年 Jorge Luis Borges(豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯)《Ficciones》。

5. 1980年 Juan Carlos Onetti(胡安·卡洛斯·奥内蒂)《La vida breve》。

6. 1981年 Octavio Paz(奥克塔维奥·帕斯)《Piedra desol》。

7. 1982年 Luis Rosales(路易斯·罗萨莱斯)《La casa encendida》。

8. 1983年 Rafael Alberti(拉斐尔·阿尔贝蒂)《Marinero en tierra》。

9. 1984年 Ernesto Sabato(埃内斯托·萨巴托)《Eltúnel》。

10. 1985年 Gonzalo Torrente Ballester(贡萨洛·托伦特·巴列斯特)《La saga/fuga de J.B.》。

11. 1986年 Antonio Buero Vallejo(安东尼奥·布埃罗·瓦列霍)《Historia de una escalera》。

12. 1987年 Carlos Fuentes(卡洛斯·富恩特斯)《Laregión más transparente》。








【关键词】格拉纳多斯, 六首西班牙民谣小品, 音乐生涯, 创作背景, 曲目介绍, 贡献, 音乐史, 西班牙音乐, 影响。

1. 引言1.1 格拉纳多斯与他的《六首西班牙民谣小品》介绍格拉纳多斯(Isaac Albéniz)是一位享有盛誉的西班牙作曲家和钢琴家,他的作品《六首西班牙民谣小品》被认为是西班牙音乐史上的杰作之一。








2. 正文2.1 格拉纳多斯的音乐生涯格拉纳多斯是西班牙著名的音乐家和作曲家,他的音乐生涯充满了传奇色彩。



The African-Americans

The African-Americans

Structure of the text
• Para.1: Barack Obama won the presidential election and became the first African American president • Para.2-8: The historical development of black people's struggle for social justice paved way for Obama's victory. • Para. 9: Conclusion
Reading ac text and finish the true or false questions on page 73. • key: F T T F T; F T F • 2. Skim the text again and determine the main idea. • Barack Obama's victory is achieved through an excellent, tightly run campaign. • Barack Obama's victory is due to a series of historical struggles of Americans since 1830.
Section A
• Do you know some famous black people? Could you introduce somebody you know to each other?
How much do you know about the following people?
Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)



西班牙钢琴家恩里克格拉纳多斯与他的《升 C 大调音乐会快板》西班牙位于伊比利亚半岛,这里是欧洲、非洲的交通枢纽,位于地中海地区以西,所以接受过基督文化,也有希腊罗马文化的体现,也存在着吉卜赛和阿拉伯文化的身影,所以西班牙音乐的色彩变化很多,不仅仅是热情,还有神秘感,有很浓的东方色彩。






格拉纳多斯创办了巴塞罗那古典音乐协会,在1900 年他还创立了格拉纳多斯音乐学院并亲自督促和指导教学,所以,格拉纳多斯也是一位杰出的音乐教育家。










在这首曲目中,各种弹奏技法交织在一起,例如第55 小节到72 小节,这里运用了模进的手法,将音乐气氛烘托的非常激动和紧迫感,弹奏速度快,并且右手八度和三和弦持续级进,所以,练习时,右手应将手腕放松,每个音的力量稍向上提起,手指要主动向前走,以保证弹奏的准确。



不可不看的世界著名电影推荐1. 2001 Kubrick, Stanley 1968(《漫游太空2001,库布利克》)2. Accattone Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1961(《乞丐》,帕索里尼)3. Babette's Feast Axel, Gabriel 1987(《芭贝特的盛宴》)4. Battleship Potemkin, The Eisenstein, Sergei 1925(《战舰波将金号》,爱森斯坦)5. Bicycle Thieves, The De Sica, Vittorio 1949(《偷自行车的人》,德-西卡)6. Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Scott, Ridley 1991(《银翼杀手》,雷德利-斯科特)7. Blue Velvet Lynch, David 1986(《蓝丝绒》,大卫-林奇)8. Chronicle of a Summer Rouch, Jean 1960(《夏日纪事》,让-鲁什)9. Clockwork Orange Kubrick, Stanley 1971(《发条橙子》,库布利克)10. Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, the Greenaway, Peter 1989 (《情欲色香味》,格林纳威)11. Crash Cronenberg, David 1996(《撞车》,柯南博格)12. Demon Seed Cammell, Donald 1977(《魔种》)13. Desk Set Lang, Walter 195714. Draughtsman's Contract, The Greenaway, Peter 1982(《画师的合约》,格林纳威)15. Dreamlife of Angels, The Zonca, Erick 1998(《两极天使》,宗卡)16. Early Works Richter, Hans 192717. Eraserhead Lynch, David 1977(《橡皮头》,大卫-林奇)18. Fifth Element, The Besson, Luc 1997(《第五元素》,吕克-贝松)19. Film before Film Nekes, Werner 198620. Gattaca Niccol, Andrew 1997(《变种异煞/千钧一发》安德鲁-尼科尔)21. Big Day, The Tati, Jacques 1947(《节日》,雅克-塔蒂)22. Jules et Jim Truffaut, Francois 1962(《朱尔与吉姆》,特吕弗)23. Beauty and the Beast Cocteau, Jean 1946(《美女与野兽》,让-考科多)24. Hate Kassoritz, Mathieu 1995(《仇恨/怒火青春》,卡索维茨)25. Pier, The Marker, Chris 1962(《堤》,克里斯-马克尔)26. New Enchantment, The l'Herbier, Marcel 192427. La Magic Melies Meny, Jacques 199728. Films of Man Ray, The Man Ray 199829. 400 Blows, The Truffaut, Francois 1957(《四百击》,特吕弗)30. Level Five Marker, Chris 199731. Man Bites Dog Belvaux, Remy 1992(《人咬狗》)32. Man Ray Fargier, Jean Paul 199833. Man with a Movie Camera Vertov, Dziga 1929(《持摄影机的人》,维尔托夫)34. Metropolis Lang, Fritz 1929(《大都会》,佛列兹-朗)35. Mr Hulot's Holiday Tati, Jacques 1952(《于洛先生的假期》,雅克-塔蒂)36. My Uncle Tati, Jacques 1958(《我的舅舅》,雅克-塔蒂)37. Naked Leigh, Mike 1993(《赤裸》,迈克-雷)38. Nosferatu Murnau, F.W. 1922(《吸血鬼》,茂瑙)39. Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The Wiene, Robert 1919(《卡里加利博士的小屋》,维内)40. Notorious Hitchcock, Alfred 1946(《美人计》,希区柯克)41. Nuts in May Leigh, Mike 1976(《五月的坚果》,迈克-雷)42. October Eisenstein, Sergei 1927(《十月》,爱森斯坦)43. Paris, Texas Wenders, Wim 1984(《德州,巴黎》,文德斯)44. Pillow Book, The Greenaway, Peter 1995(《枕边书》,格林纳威)45. Playtime Tati, Jacques 1967(《游戏时间》,雅克-塔蒂)46. Solaris Tarkovsky, Andrey 1972(《索拉里斯/飞向太空》,塔尔柯夫斯基)47. Stalker T arkovsky, Andrey 1979(《潜行者》,塔尔柯夫斯基)48. Tampopo Itami, Juzo 1986(《蒲公英》,伊丹十三)49. Tati Shorts Tati, Jacques 1930-67(雅克-塔蒂的短片)50. Things to Come Menzies, William Cameron 1936(《科幻双故事》)51. Tokyo Story Ozu, Yasuijiro 1953(《东京物语》,小津安二郎)52. Man and a Woman, A Lelouch, Claude 1966(《一个男人与一个女人》克劳德?勒鲁什)53. Wings of Desire Wenders, Wim 1987(《柏林苍穹下》,文德斯)54. Birth of a Nation, The Griffith, D.W. 1915(《一个国家的诞生》,格里菲斯)55. Theorem Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1968(《定理》,帕索里尼)56. Week-End Godard, Jean-Luc 1967(《周末》,戈达尔)57. Brothers Quay, The Brothers Quay 1980s58. Andalusian Dog, An Bunuel, Luis/Dali, Salvador 1928(《一条叫安德鲁的狗》,达利,布努埃尔)59. Rome, Open City Rossellini, Roberto 1945(《罗马,不设防的城市》,罗西里尼)60. Intruder, The Corman, Roger 1961(《入侵者》,罗杰科尔曼)61. Visions of Light Glassman, Arnold 1992(《光影的美丽》,阿诺德格拉斯曼)62. Svankmajer : vol 1 Svankmajer, Jan 1960s63. Svankmajer : vol 2 Svankmajer, Jan 1960s64. Contempt Godard, Jean-Luc 1963(《轻蔑》,戈达尔)65. One plus One Godard, Jean-Luc 1968(《一加一》,戈达尔)66. Night in Casablanca, A Mayo, Archie 1946(《卡萨布兰卡之夜》,阿尔其?梅奥)67. Rashomon Kurosawa, Akiro 1950(《罗生门》,黑泽明)68. Yojimbo Kurosawa, Akiro 1961(《用心棒》,黑泽明)69. Early Cinema : vol 1 BFI70. Early Cinema : vol 2 BFI71. Red Desert Antonioni, Michaelangelo 1964(《红色沙漠》,安东尼奥尼)72. Annie Hall Allen, Woody 1977(《安妮?荷尔》,伍迪?艾伦)73. Brazil Gilliam, Terry 1985(《巴西》,特里?吉列姆)74. After Hours Scorsese, Martin 1985(《下班之后》,斯科西斯)75. Wizard of Oz, The Fleming, Victor 1939(《绿野仙踪》,弗莱明)76. Promise, The Von Trotter, Margarethe 1995(《许诺》,玛格丽特?冯?特洛塔)77. Hudsucker Proxy, The Coen, Joel 1994(《金钱帝国》,科恩兄弟)78. Matter of Life and Death, A Powell, Michael 1946(《平步青云》,迈克尔?鲍威尔)79. Thelma and Louise Scott, Ridley 1991(《末路狂花》,雷德利?斯科特)80. Antonia's Line Gorris, Marleen 1995(《不靠男人的女人》,玛琳?格里斯)81. Man Who Fell to Earth, The Roeg, Nic 197382. Wings of the Dove Softley, Iain 1997(《三颗翼动的心》,伊恩?索夫特雷)83. Portrait of a Lady Campion, Jane 1996(《淑女本色》,简?康萍)84. Sense and Sensibility Lee, Ang 1995(《理智与情感》,李安)85. Fanny and Alexander Bergman, Ingmar 1982(《芬尼与亚历山大》,伯格曼)86. Don't Look Now Roeg, Nic 197387. Blow Up Antonioni, Michaelangelo 1966(《放大》,安东尼奥尼)88. Mrs Dalloway Gorris, Marleen 1997(《达洛威夫人》)89. Orlando Potter, Sally 1992(《奥兰多》,萨利?波特)90. Colour of Pomegranates, The/Legend of the Suram Fortress, The Paradjanov, Sergo 1969(《石榴的颜色/苏拉姆城堡的传说》,帕拉杰诺夫)91. Sunset Boulevard Wilder, Billy 1950(《日落大道》,比利?怀尔德)92. Citizen Kane Welles, Orson 1941(《公民凯恩》,威尔斯)93. Blood of a Poet, The Cocteau, Jean 1930(《诗人之血》,让?考科多)94. Crimes and Misdemeanors Allen, Woody 1989(《罪与罚》,伍迪?艾伦)95. His Girl Friday Hawks, Howard 1940(《女友礼拜五》霍华德?霍克斯)96. Batman Burton, Tim 1989(《蝙蝠侠》,提姆?波顿)97. Strange Days Bigelow, Kathryn 1995(《世纪末暴潮》,凯瑟琳?碧罗格)98. Age of Innocence, The Scorsese, Martin 1993(《纯真的年代》,斯科西斯)99. French Lieutenant's Woman, The Reisz, Karel 1981(《法国中尉的女人》,卡尔?雷兹)100. Little Dorrit : Part 1 Edzard, Christine 1988(《小杜瑞特》)101. Little Dorrit : Part 2 Edzard, Christine 1988 102. Clueless Heckerling, Amy 1995(《独领风骚》,艾米·海克林)103. Third Man, The Reed, Carol 1949(《第三个人》,卡洛尔·里德)104. Fellini's Roma Fellini, Frederico 1972(《罗马》,费里尼)105. It's A Wonderful Life Capra, Frank 1946(《美好人生》,卡普拉)106. Edward Scissorhands Burton, Tim 1993(《剪刀手爱德华》,提姆·波顿)107. Dracula - 1992 Coppola, Francis Ford 1992(《吸血惊情四百年》,科波拉)108. Elephant Man, The Lynch, David 1980(《象人》,大卫·里恩)109. Jane Eyre Stevenson, Robert 1943(《简爱》,罗伯特·斯蒂文森)110. Performance Roeg, Nic and Cammell, Donald 1970 111. Flash, The Iscove, Robert 1990(《闪电侠》,罗伯特·伊斯科夫)112. Apartment, The Wilder, Billy 1960(《公寓》,比利·怀尔德)113. My Girlfriend's Boyfriend Rohmer. Eric 1987(《我女朋友的男朋友》,侯麦)114. Silences of the Palaces, The Tlatli, Moufida 1996(《沉默的宫殿》)115. Oliver! Reed, Carol 1968(《奥利弗》,卡洛尔·里德)116. Rope Hitchcock, Alfred 1948(《绳索》,希区柯克)117. Apocalypse Now Coppola, Francis Ford 1979(《现代启示录》,科波拉)118. I've Heard The Mermaids Singing Rozema, Patricia 1996(《我听到美人鱼在唱歌》)119. Intimate Lighting Passer, Ivan 1965(《逝水年华》,伊万·帕瑟)120. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Speilberg, Steven 1977(《第三类接触》,斯皮尔博格)121. Haunting, The Wise, Robert 1963(《猛鬼屋》,罗伯特·怀斯)122. Short Cuts Altman, Robert 1993(《短片集》,罗伯特·阿尔特曼)123. Yellow Submarine Dunning, George 1968(《黄色潜水艇》,乔治·唐宁)124. 8 1/2 Fellini, Federico 1968(《八又二分之一》,费里尼)125. Mirror Tarkovsky, Andrei 1974(《镜子》,塔尔柯夫斯基)126. Dick Tracy Beatty, Warren 1990(《至尊神探》,沃伦·比蒂)127. Lola Demy, Jacques 1960(《劳拉》,雅克·德米)128. Fathers of Pop Arts Council ?129. Conan the Barbarian Milius, John 1981(《霸王神剑》)130. Piano, The Campion, Jane 1993(《钢琴课》,简·康萍)131. Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Scott, Ridley 1991(《银翼杀手导演版》,雷德利·斯科特)132. Red Shoes, The Powell, Michael 1948(《红菱艳》,迈克尔·鲍威尔)133. Gormanghast: Episode 1 Wilson, Andy 2000 134. M Lang, Fritz 1931(《M》佛列兹·朗)135. Gormanghast: Episode 2 Wilson, Andy 2000 136. Enigma of Kasper Hauser, The Herzog, Werner 1974(《加斯·荷伯之迷》,赫尔佐格)137. Dark City Proyas, Alex 1998(《黑暗之城》)138. Gormanghast: Episode 3 Wilson, Andy 2000 139. Fistful of Dollars, A Leone, Sergio 1964(《为了几块钱/荒原大镖客》,莱昂内)140. For a Few Dollars More Leone, Sergio 1965(《为了更多几块钱/黄昏双镖客》,莱昂内)141. Good, The Bad and The Ugly, The Leone, Sergio 1966(《好的坏的和丑的/黄金三镖客》,莱昂内)142. L'Atalante Vigo, Jean 1934(《亚特兰大号》,让·维果)143. Conformist, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 1970(《同流》,贝尔托鲁奇)144. Rear Window Hitchcock, Alfred 1954(《后窗》,希区柯克)145. Kino-Eye Vertov, Dziga 1924(《电影眼》,维尔托夫)146. A Nous La Liberte Clair, Rene 1931(《自由属于我们》,雷内·克莱尔)147. Alphaville Godard, Jean-Luc 1965(《阿尔法城》,戈达尔)148. Touch of Evil Welles, Orson 1958(《历劫佳人/邪恶的接触》,奥逊·威尔斯)149. Fat City Huston, John 1971(《富城》,约翰·休斯顿)150. Under the Roofs of Paris Clair, Rene 1930(《巴黎屋檐下》,雷内·克莱尔)。

格拉祖诺夫 全部音乐作品列表(List of compositions by Alexander Glazunov)

格拉祖诺夫 全部音乐作品列表(List of compositions by Alexander Glazunov)

List of compositions by Alexander Glazunov Contents• 1 By performing mediumo 1.1 Stageo 1.2 Orchestralo 1.3 Concertanteo 1.4 Vocal/Choral Orchestralo 1.5 Chambero 1.6 Instrumentalo 1.7 Pianoo 1.8 Vocal/Choral• 2 By opus1. By performing medium1.1 StageOp. 57: Raymonda, ballet in three acts (1898)Op. 61: Les Ruses d'Amour aka The Trial of Damis aka Lady Soubrette, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 67: The Seasons, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 95: Music to the drama The King of the Jews after K.K. Romanov (1913)1.2 OrchestralSymphoniesOp. 5: Symphony No. 1 in E major "Slavonian Symphony" (1881-1884)Op. 16: Symphony No. 2 in F-sharp minor "To the Memory of Liszt" (1886)Op. 33: Symphony No. 3 in D major (1890)Op. 48: Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major (1893)Op. 55: Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major (1895)Op. 58: Symphony No. 6 in C minor (1896)Op. 77: Symphony No. 7 "Pastorale" in F major (1902-1903)Op. 83: Symphony No. 8 in E-flat major (1905-1906)Symphony No. 9 in D minor (1910), first movement (incomplete)Op. 3: Overture No. 1 in G minor for orchestra "On Greek Themes" (1882)Op. 6: Overture No. 2 in D major for orchestra (1883)Op. 7: Serenade No. 1 in A major for orchestra (1882)Op. 8: To the Memory of a Hero, elegy for orchestra (1885)Op. 9: Suite Charactéristique in D major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 11: Serenade No. 2 in F major for small orchestra (1884)Op. 12: Poème Lyrique in D-flat major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 13: Stenka Razin, symphonic poem in B minor (1885)Op. 14: Two Pieces for orchestra (1886-1887)Op. 18: Mazurka"in G major for orchestra (1888)Op. 19: The Forest, fantasy in C-sharp minor for orchestra (1887)Op. 21: Wedding March in E-flat major for orchestra (1889)Op. 26A: Slavonian Feast, symphonic sketchesOp. 28: The Sea, fantasy in E major for orchestra (1889)Op. 29: Oriental Rhapsody in G major for orchestra (1889)Op. 30: The Kremlin, symphonic picture in three parts (1890)Op. 32: "Meditation" in D major for violin and orchestra (1891)Op. 34: The Spring, symphonic picture in D major (1891)Op. 45: Carnaval, overture for large orchestra and organ in F major (1892)Op. 46: Chopiniana, suite for orchestra after piano pieces by Chopin (1893)Op. 47: Concert Waltz No. 1 in D major for orchestra (1893)Op. 50: Cortège Solennel in D major for orchestra (1894)Op. 51: Concert Waltz No. 2 in F major for orchestra (1894)Op. 52: Scènes de Ballet, suite, not intended as dance piece (1894)Op. 53: Fantasy From Dark into Light for orchestra (1894)Op. 68: "Pas de Caractère" from Raymonda in G major for orchestra (1899)Op. 69: Intermezzo Romantica in D major for orchestra (1900)Op. 73: Solemn Overture for orchestra (1900)Op. 76: March on a Russian Theme in E-flat major (1901)Op. 79: From the Middle Ages, suite in E major for orchestra (1902)Op. 81: Dance-Scene in A major for orchestra (1904)Op. 84: The Song of Destiny, dramatic overture in D minor for orchestra (1908)Op. 85: Two Preludes for orchestra (1906)Op. 86: Russian Fantasy in A major for balalaika-orchestra (1906)Op. 87: To the Memory of Gogol, symphonic prologue in C major (1909)Op. 88: Finnish Fantasy in C major for orchestra (1909)Op. 89: Finnish Sketches in E major for orchestra (1912)Op. 90: Introduction and Dance of Salomé, to the drama of Oscar Wilde (1908)Op. 91: "Cortège Solennel" in B-flat major for orchestra (1910)Op. 96: Paraphrase on the Hymn of the Allies for orchestra (1914-1915)Op. 99: Karelian Legend in A minor for orchestra (1916)Op. 102: Romance of Nina from the play "Masquerada" (1918)1.3 ConcertanteOp. 20: Two Pieces for cello and orchestra (1887-1888)Op. 82: Concerto in A minor for violin and orchestra (1904)Op. 92: Concerto No. 1 in F minor for piano and orchestra (1910-1911)Op. 100: Concerto No. 2 in B major for piano and orchestra (1917)Op. 100A/B: Mazurka Oberek (1917) for violin and orchestra or piano (1917)Op. 108: Concert Ballade in C major for cello and orchestra (1931)Op. 109: Concerto for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra in E-flat major (1934) (same opus number as quartet, but different work ) In 1896 he arranged Tchaikovsky's violin and piano piece Souvenir d'un lieu cher for violin and orchestra.1.4 Vocal/Choral OrchestralOp. 40: Triumph March for large orchestra and chorus (1892)Op. 56: Coronation Cantata for four soloists, chorus and orchestra (1895)Op. 65: Cantata after Pushkin for solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1899)Op. 97: Song of the Volga-skippers for chorus and orchestra (1918)1.5 ChamberOp. 1: String Quartet No. 1 in D major (1881-1882)Op. 10: String Quartet No. 2 in F major (1884)Op. 26: String Quartet No. 3 in G major "Quatuor Slave" (1886-1888)Op. 64: String Quartet No. 4 in A minor (1894)Op. 70: String Quartet No. 5 in D minor (1898)Op. 106: String Quartet No. 6 in B-flat major (1920-1921)Op. 107: String Quartet No. 7 in C major "Hommage au passé" (1930)Op. 14: Oriental Reverie for clarinet and string quartet (original version of 2 Pieces for Orchestra) (1886)Op. 15: Five Novelettes for String Quartet (1886)Op. 35: Suite in C major for string quartet (1887-1891)Op. 38: In Modo Religioso, quartet for trumpet, horn and two trombones (1892)Op. 39: String Quintet in A major for string quartet and cello (1891-1892)Op. 105: Elegy in D minor for string quartet in memory of M. P. Belaieff (1928)Op. 109: Saxophone Quartet in B-flat major (1932)1.6 InstrumentalOp. 17: Elegy in D-flat major for cello and piano (1888)Op. 24: Rêverie in D-flat major for horn and piano (1890)Op. 32A: Meditation in D major for violin and piano (1891)Op. 44: Elegy in G minor for viola and piano (1893)Op. 71: Chant du Ménestrel for cello and piano (1900) (a version exists for cello and orchestra)Op. 93: Preludium and Fugue No. 1 in D major for organ (1906-1907)Op. 98: Preludium and Fugue No. 2 in D minor for organ (1914)Op. 110: Fantasy in G minor for organ (1934-1935)Albumblatt for trumpet and piano (1899)10 Duets for Two Clarinets1.7 PianoOp. 2: Suite on the Theme "S-A-C-H-A" for Piano (1883)Op. 22: Two Pieces for Piano (1889)Op. 23: Waltzes on the name S-A-B-E-L-A for piano (1890)Op. 25: Preludium and Two Mazurkas for piano (1888)Op. 31: Three Études for piano (1891)Op. 41: Large Concert Waltz in E-flat major for piano (1893)Op. 42: Three Miniatures for piano (1893)Op. 43: Salon Waltz in C major for piano (1893)Op. 49: Three Pieces for piano (1894)Op. 54: Two Impromptus for piano (1895)Op. 62: Prelude and Fugue in D minor, for piano (1899)Op. 72: Theme and Variations in F-sharp minor for piano (1900)Op. 74: Piano Sonata No. 1 in B-flat minor (1901)Op. 75: Piano Sonata No. 2 in E minor (1901)Op. 101: Four Preludes and Fugues for piano (1918-1923)Op. 103: Idylle in F-sharp major for piano (1926)Op. 104: Fantasy in F minor for two pianos (1919-1920)1.8 Vocal/ChoralOp. 4: Five Romances, songs (1882-1885)Op. 27: Two Songs after Pushkin (1887-1890)Op. 59: Six Songs for middle voice (1898)Op. 60: Six songs (romances to poetry of Aleksandr Pushkin and Apollon Maikov) for high voice (1897-1898) () Op. 63: Festive Cantata for solo-voices, women's chorus and two pianos eight hands (1898)Op. 66: Hymn after Pushkin for women's chorus and piano (1899)Op. 80: Chant Sans Bornes for soprano and alto with piano accompaniment (1900)Op. 94: Love after Shukovsky for mixed chorus a cappella (1907)2. By opusOp. 1: String Quartet No. 1 in D major (1881-1882)Op. 2: Suite on the Theme "S-A-C-H-A" for Piano (1883)Op. 3: Overture No. 1 in G minor for orchestra "On Greek Themes" (1882)Op. 4: Five Romances, songs (1882-1885)Op. 5: Symphony No. 1 in E major "Slavonian Symphony" (1881-1884)Op. 6: Overture No. 2 in D major for orchestra (1883)Op. 7: Serenade No. 1 in A major for orchestra (1882)Op. 8: To the Memory of a Hero, elegy for orchestra (1885)Op. 9: Suite Charactéristique in D major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 10: String Quartet No. 2 in F major (1884)Op. 11: Serenade No. 2 in F major for small orchestra (1884)Op. 12: Poème Lyrique in D-flat major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 13: Stenka Razin, symphonic poem in B minor (1885)Op. 14: Two Pieces for orchestra (1886-1887)Op. 15: Five Novelettes for String Quartet (1886)Op. 16: Symphony No. 2 in F-sharp minor "To the Memory of Liszt" (1886)Op. 17: Elegy in D-flat major for cello and piano (1888)Op. 18: Mazurka in G major for orchestra (1888)Op. 19: The Forest, Fantasy in C-sharp minor for orchestra (1887)Op. 20: Two Pieces for cello and orchestra (1887-1888)Op. 21: Wedding March in E-flat major for orchestra (1889)Op. 22: Two Pieces for Piano (1889)Op. 23: Watzes on the name S-A-B-E-L-A for piano (1990)Op. 24: Rêverie in D-flat major for horn and piano (1890)Op. 25: Preludium and Two Mazurkas for piano (1888)Op. 26: String Quartet No. 3 in G major "Quatuor Slave" (1886-1888)Op. 26A: Slavonian Feast, symphonic sketchesOp. 27: Two Songs after Pushkin (1887-1890)Op. 28: The Sea, fantasy in E major for orchestra (1889)Op. 29: Oriental Rhapsody in G major for orchestra (1889)Op. 30: The Kremlin, symphonic picture in three parts (1890)Op. 31: Three Études for piano (1891)Op. 32: Meditation in D major for violin and orchestra (1891)Op. 32A: Meditation in D major for violin and piano (1891)Op. 33: Symphony No. 3 in D major (1890)Op. 34: The Spring, symphonic picture in D major (1891)Op. 38: In Modo Religioso, quartet for trumpet, horn and two trombones (1892)Op. 39: String Quintet in A major for string quartet and cello (1891-1892)Op. 40: Triumph March for large orchestra and chorus (1892)Op. 41: Large Concert Waltz in E-flat major for piano (1893)Op. 42: Three Miniatures for piano (1893)Op. 43: Salon Waltz in C major for piano (1893)Op. 44: Elegy for viola and piano (1893)Op. 45: Carnaval, overture for large orchestra and organ in F major (1892)Op. 46: Chopiniana, suite for orchestra after piano pieces by Chopin (1893)Op. 47: Concert Waltz No. 1 in D major for orchestra (1893)Op. 48: Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major (1893)Op. 49: Three Pieces for piano (1894)Op. 50: Cortège Solennel in D major for orchestra (1894)Op. 51: Concert Waltz No. 2 in F major for orchestra (1894)Op. 52: Scènes de Ballet, suite, not intended as dance piece (1894)Op. 53: Fantasy From Dark into Light for orchestra (1894)Op. 54: Two Impromptus for piano (1895)Op. 55: Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major (1895)Op. 56: Coronation Cantata for four soloists, chorus and orchestra (1895)Op. 57: Raymonda, ballet in three acts (1898)Op. 58: Symphony No. 6 in C minor (1896)Op. 59: Six Songs for middle voice (1898)Op. 60: Six songs (romances to poetry of Aleksandr Pushkin and Apollon Maikov) for high voice (1897-1898) () Op. 61: Les Ruses d'Amour aka The Trial of Damis aka Lady Soubrette, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 62: Prelude and Fugue in D minor, for piano (1899)Op. 63: Festive Cantata for solo-voices, women's chorus and two pianos eight hands (1898)Op. 64: String Quartet No. 4 in A minor (1894)Op. 65: Cantata after Pushkin for solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1899)Op. 66: Hymn after Pushkin for women's chorus and piano (1899)Op. 67: The Seasons, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 68: "Pas de Caractère" from Raymonda in G major for orchestra (1899)Op. 69: Intermezzo Romantica in D major for orchestra (1900)Op. 70: String Quartet No. 5 in D minor (1898)Op. 71: Chant du Ménestrel for cello and piano (1900) (a version exists for cello and orchestra)Op. 72: Theme and Variations in F-sharp minor for piano (1900)Op. 73: Solemn Overture for orchestra (1900)Op. 74: Piano Sonata No. 1 in B-flat minor (1901)Op. 75: Piano Sonata No. 2 in E minor (1901)Op. 76: March on a Russian Theme in E-flat major (1901)Op. 77: Symphony No. 7 "Pastorale" in F major (1902-1903)Op. 78: Ballade in F major for orchestra (1902)Op. 79: From the Middle Ages, suite in E major for orchestra (1902)Op. 80: Chant Sans Bornes for soprano and alto with piano accompaniment (1900)Op. 81: Dance-Scene in A major for orchestra (1904)Op. 82: Concerto in A minor for violin and orchestra (1904)Op. 83: Symphony No. 8 in E-flat major (1905-1906)Op. 84: The Song of Destiny, dramatic overture in D minor for orchestra (1908)Op. 85: Two Preludes for orchestra (1906)Op. 86: Russian Fantasy in A major for balalaika-orchestra (1906)Op. 87: To the Memory of Gogol, symphonic prologue in C major (1909)Op. 88: Finnish Fantasy in C major for orchestra (1909)Op. 89: Finnish Sketches in E major for orchestra (1912)Op. 90: Introduction and Dance of Salomé, to the drama of Oscar Wilde (1908)Op. 91: Cortège Solennel in B-flat major for orchestra (1910)Op. 92: Concerto No. 1 in F minor for piano and orchestra (1910-1911)Op. 93: Preludium and Fugue No. 1 in D major for organ (1906-1907)Op. 94: Love after Shukovsky for mixed chorus a cappella (1907)Op. 95: Music to the drama The King of the Jews after K. K. Romanov (1913)Op. 96: Paraphrase on the Hymn of the Allies for orchestra (1914-1915)Op. 97: Song of the Volga-skippers for chorus and orchestra (1918)Op. 98: Preludium and Fugue No. 2 in D minor for organ (1914)Op. 100A/B: Mazurka Oberek (1917) for violin and orchestra or piano (1917)Op. 101: Four Preludes and Fugues for piano (1918-1923)Op. 102: Romance of Nina from the play "Masquerada" (1918)Op. 103: Idylle in F-sharp major for piano (1926)Op. 104: Fantasy in F minor for two pianos (1919-1920)Op. 105: Elegy in D minor for string quartet in memory of M. P. Belyayev (1928)Op. 106: String Quartet No. 6 in B-flat major (1920-1921) (Listings with details about opp. 105 and 106)Op. 107: String Quartet No. 7 in C major "Hommage au passé" (1930)Op. 108: Concert Ballade in C major for cello and orchestra (1931)Op. 109: Saxophone Quartet in B-flat major (1932)Op. 109: Concerto for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra in E-flat major (1934) (same opus number as quartet, but different work ) Op. 110: Fantasy in G minor for organ (1934-1935)•Works without opus number:Albumblatt for trumpet and piano (1899)Symphony No. 9 in D minor (1910)First movement (incomplete)Reverie Orientale for Clarinet and String Quartet (1886)10 Duets for Two Clarinets。



中文名称:多米尼加共和国英文名称:The Dominican Republic 简称:多米尼加首都:圣多明各 (SANTO DOMINGO) 主要城市:拉贝加,拉罗马纳国庆日: 1844年2月27日国歌:《伊斯帕尼奥拉岛英勇的子民》国家代码:DOM官方语言:西班牙语货币:多米尼加比索时区:UTC-4政治体制:总统制共和制国家领袖:总统莱奥内尔·费尔南德斯人口数量:1009万(2009年估计)人口密度:208.2人/平方千米主要民族:印欧混血种,白人主要宗教:天主教国土面积:48734平方公里水域率:0.7%GDP总计:447.16亿美元(2008年)人均GDP:4952美元(2008年)国际电话区号:1809国际域名缩写:.do道路通行:靠右行驶国旗基本资料国名:多米尼加共和国国名释义:意为“星期天、休息日”。

旧说哥伦布于15世纪末的一个星期日到此,故名多米尼加国徽国家格言:Dios, Patria, Libertad(西班牙语,上帝,祖国,自由)气候:热带海洋性气候名胜:哥朗王宫、圣马利亚.拉梅诺尔大教堂、达博卡-奇卡海滩等工业:烟草加工、化肥、水泥、制糖等农业:甘蔗、咖啡、可可、烟草等国旗:呈长方形,长与宽之比为3∶2。










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