

八年级英语8A 单词

八年级英语8A 单词

8A 单词8A U1 Friends1.口渴的adj thirsty2.诚实的;正直的adj honest3.秘密n secret4.保守秘密(词组) keep a secret5.*欢乐,高兴;乐趣n joy6.关心,关注,在意vi&vt care7.关心,关怀(词组) care about 8.你自己pron yourself9.*(13-19岁的)青少年n teenager 10.杂志n magazine11.好看的,漂亮的adj good-looking 12.幽默的adj humorous13.礼貌的adj polite 14.爱整洁的,整洁的adj tidy15.成为;适合linking v make 16.信任vt trust17.谎言n lie 18.玩笑n joke19.确实的;的确adj true 20.*慷慨的,大方的adj generous21.*乐意的,愿意的adj willing 22.在任何时候adv any time=anytime 23.嗓音n voice 24.歌手n singer25.几乎,差不多adv almost 26.圆形的adj round27.感觉;观念,意识n sense 28.*幽默n humour=humor 29.无聊的adj bored 30.可容纳,装进vi fit31.碰,撞;把…撞击成vt knock 32.*到…的上面prep onto33.笔直的adj straight 34.可爱的,惹人喜爱的adj sweet35.微笑vi smile 36.*个性n personalityworse37.选择;挑选vt&vi choose 38.(bad的比较级)更差,更糟,更坏adjworst 40.高,高度n height39.(bad的最高级)最差,最糟,最坏adj41.重量n weight 42.秒n second43.竞赛,比赛;竞争n competition 44.测试,考查n test45.游泳者n swimmer 46.打算,计划n plan47.社会的adj social 48.社会工作者(词组) social worker 49.*马尾辫n ponytail 50.害羞的adj shy51.方形的adj square 52.微笑的,带着笑意的adj smiling53.英俊的adj handsome 54.胖的adj fat55.勤奋的,工作努力的adj hard-working 56.耐心的adj patient57.微笑n smile 58.不快乐的,悲伤的adj unhappy59.杰出的,极好的adj excellent8A U2 School life1.*广告n advertisement2.英国的adj British3.<英>饼干n biscuit4.*<英>卡车n lorry5.<英>橡皮n rubber6.美国的adj American7.*<美>英式足球n soccer 8.<美>假期n vacation9.<美>饼干n cookie 10.<美>秋天n fall11.<美>商店n store 12.<美>卡车n truck13.<美>院子n yard 14.<美>电影n movie15.*男女混合的;混合的adj mixed 16.法语n French17.外国的adj foreign 18.语言n language19.在…期间prep during 20.讨论,议论vt discuss21.在课堂上(词组) in class 22.*<口>家伙n guy23.*<口>好朋友;搭档n buddy 24.主动提出,自愿给予vt offer25.结束vi&vt end 26.棒球n win27.赢得;赢,获胜vt&vi least 28.最少的;最小的adj least29.(far的比较级)较远adv farther, further 30.(far的最高级)最远adv farthest, furthest31.花费(时间或金钱)vt spend 32.花时间做某事(词组) spend time on/doing sth 33.*制服n uniform 34.国际象棋n chess35.至多,不超过(词组) at most 36.每日的,日常的adj daily37.每周的adj weekly 38.快的adj quick39.自始至终,从头到尾prep through 40.浏览,快速查看(词组) look through41.真实的,真的adj real 42.起初,首先(词组) at first43.继续,重复做某事(词组) keep(on)doing sth 44.完成;结束vi&vt finish45.午餐时间n lunchtime 46.物理(学)n physics47.*羽毛球运动n badminton 48.*理想的adj ideal8A U3 A day out1.来吧;赶快(词组) come on2.我们自己pron ourselves3.玩得愉快(词组) enjoy oneself4.澳大利亚n Australia5.保重(词组) take care6.咖啡n coffee7.顶部,(物体的)上面n top 8.总统,国家主席n president9.…宽的;宽广的adj wide 10.*钢n steel11.吨n ton 12.够好,蛮不错adv fine13.加入,参加vt&vi join 14.我自己pron myself15.照耀,发光vi shine 16.晴朗的;清晰的adj clear17.天,天空n sky 18.旅行,旅程n journey19.乏味的adj boring 20.最后adv finally21.到达vi arrive 22.到达(词组) arrive at/in23.迫不及待(词组) can’t wait 24.下车(词组) get off25.令人感兴趣的事(或人);兴趣n interest 26.景点(词组) place of interest27.不相信自己的眼睛,非常惊讶(词组) not believe one’seyes28.主要的adj main29.*[复]名胜,风景n sights 30.文化n culture 31.网络n Internet 32.页,页面,页码n page 33.主页(词组) home page 34.你们自己pron yourselves 35.他们自己pron themselves 36.独立地,独自(词组) by oneself 37.它自己pron itself 38.拉;拖;移开vt&vi pull39.岩石n rock 40.幸好,幸运的是adv luckily 41.登山者,攀爬者n climber 42.*决赛n final 43.支持n support 44.进行,发生(词组) take place 45.欢呼,喝彩vi&vt cheer 46.到达vt reach 47.*中场休息n half-time 48.上车(词组) get on 49.费用,价钱n cost 50.休息,歇息vi rest51.免费的adj free 52.无助的adj helpful53.有用的,有益的adj useful 54.无用的adj useless55.欢呼声,喝彩声n cheer 56.希望n hope57.意思n meaning 58.味道;品味n taste59.兴高采烈的adj cheerful 60.多彩的adj colourful61.票,入场券n ticket 62.留着;不退还vt keep63.广场n square8A U4 Do it yourself1.指示n instruction2.最好(词组) had better=’d better3.工具n tool4.*刷子;画笔n brush5.胶水n glue6.绳索n rope7.[复]剪刀n scissors 8.磁带;胶带n tape9.自己动手做n DIY 10.确切地,精确地adv exactly11.代表;象征(词组) stand for 12.修补vt repair13.*装饰vt decorate 14.而不是,代替(词组) instead of15.玫瑰(花)n rose 16.着迷的,狂热的;发疯的adj crazy17.对…着迷(词组) be crazy about 18.可怕的adj terrible19.曾经,一度adv once 20.安装(词组) put in21.错误,失误n mistake 22.犯错误(词组) make a mistake 23.*供电中断;停电(词组) power cut 24.*管子,水管n pipe25.使充满vt fill 26.用…填充…(词组) fill …with…. 27.不仅…而且…;…和…都(词组) not only…but also 28.*天花板n ceiling29.*架子,搁板n shelf复数shelves 30.建议,忠告,劝告vt&vi advise31.课程;过程n course 32.已经adv already33.反而,却adv instead 34.经常去;出席vt&vi attend35.剪下,切下,割下vt cut 36.句子n sentence37.葡萄n grape 38.草莓n strawberry39.匙,调羹n spoon 40.沙拉n salad41.*奶油;乳脂;霜n cream 42.混合vt&vi mix43.增加,补充vt&vi add 44.*提示,指点n tip45.例子;榜样n example 46.例如(词组) for example47.使处于某种状态vt leave 48.*调味汁,酱n sauce49.*火腿n ham 50.正确的adj correct51.完成adj finished 52.确定的adj certain53.积极的,活跃的;主动的adj active 54.可能的adj possible55.收拾,整理vi&vt tidy 56.收拾妥,整理好(词组) tidy up57.秘密的adj secret 58.保密(词组) keep a secret59.错误地,不对adv wrong 60.弄错;犯错;(机器)出故障(词组) go wrong61.拼写vt&vi spell 62.剪出(词组) cut out63.气球n balloon 64.粘住,钉住vt&vi stick65.封面;盖子,罩n cover 66.完成vt complete67.颜料n paint 68.*家具n 69.furniture8A U5 Wild animalswild 2.自由的,不受束缚的adj free1.野生的adj;自然环境,野生状态n3.一道菜;盘,碟n dish4.<口>不可能(词组) no way5.同情n pity6.同情;怜悯(词组) have/take pity on7.死vi die8.实际上,事实上(词组) in fact9.*海豚n dolphin 10.大熊猫(词组) giant panda 11.*松鼠n squirrel 12.*斑马n zebra13.意思是,意味着vt mean 14.出生,出世(词组) be born15.开始,起初n beginning 16.一开始(词组) in the beginning 17.令人遗憾地,不幸地;伤心地adv sadly 18.面临;面对vt face19.严重的adj serious 20.以食…为生(词组) live on21.主要地;大部分adv mainly 22.然而adv however23.结果n result 24.因此(词组) as a result25.危险n danger 26.处境危险(词组) in danger27.行动;行为n action 28.采取行动(词组) take action29.立刻,马上(词组) right away 30.*(动植物)保护区n reserve31.法律,法规n law 32.没有一个(人或物)pron none33.出生时,诞生时(词组) at birth 34.关闭的adj closed35.*蝙蝠n bat 36.*蜜蜂n bee37.迷路的,迷失的adj lost 38.迷路(词组) get lost39.与…同样(词组) the same …as 40.储存,节省vt&vi save41.*条纹n stripe 42.一会儿,一段时间n while43.*特性;才能n quality 44.*猎人n hunter45.捉住,捕获vt catch 46.*狼n wolf复数wolves 47.厚的;密的;浓的adj thick 48.失去,被…夺去;输掉vt lose49.生存,生计n living 50.杀死vi&vt kill51.人n human 52.难过的,遗憾的adj sorry53.遗憾,可惜n pity 54.卖,出售vt&vi sell55.憾事;羞愧n shame 56.行动;表演vi&vt act57.疾病n illness 58.因为,由于(词组) because of59.接受,收受vt&vi accept 60.报告n report61.尾巴n tail 62.*昆虫n insect63.活动,移动,搬迁vi&vt move 64.缓慢地adv slowly65.白天n daytime 66.*要不然,否则adv otherwise8A U6 Birdwatching1.*观鸟n bird watching2.市场n market3.母鸡n hen4.*鹤n crane5.*麻雀n sparrow6.*羽毛n feather7.*天鹅n swan 8.*鹰n eagle9.*宽的,宽大的adj broad 10.翅膀n wing11.*种类n type 12.*罕见的,稀有的adj rarewetland13.大自然,自然界n nature 14.*(尤指为野生动物保存的)湿地n15.提供vt provide 16.庇护所n cover17.*野生动物n wildlife 18.极好的,完美的adj perfect19.周围,绕一整圈;转过来adv round 20.一年到头(词组) all year round 21.然而conj while 22.停留,逗留n stay23.容易地,不费力地adv easily 24.分;分币n cent25.*百分之…n per cent=percent 26.以便,为的是(词组) in order to27.空间n space 28.领导,带领vi&vt lead29.导致(词组) lead to 30.越来越少(词组) less and less 31.*此外adv moreover 32.渔民,钓鱼的人n fisherman33.捕鱼;钓鱼vi fish 34.政府n government35.*防止,预防vt prevent 36.协会;社会n society37.记录vt record 38.改变,变化n change39.旅行者,观光者n tourist 40.计算(或清点)总数;数数vt&vi count41.描述vt describle 42.理解,明白vt&vi understand43.*重要性n importance 44.写下,记下(词组) write down45.覆盖;包括vt cover 46.*丹顶鹤(词组) red-crowned crane 47.*[复]望远镜n binoculars 48.清晰地adv clearly49.说话人;演讲者n speaker 50.旅行n tour51.*申请n application 52.表格;形式n form53.地址n address 54.主席n chairperson55.介绍vt introduce 56.自然的,天然的adj natural8A U7 Seasons1.*打赌;敢说vt&vi bet2.*有雾的,多雾的adj foggy3.有雨的adj rainy4.有雪的adj snowy5.*蝴蝶n butterfly6.阵雨;阵雪n shower7.*记忆,回忆n memory 8.*小河,溪流n stream9.*阴凉处,树荫处n shade 10.*堆n pile11.在…之上prep upon=on 12.*收割,收获vt&vi harvest13.*庄稼,收成n crop 14.当…时;随着conj as15.温度n temperature 16.下降,落下vi&vt drop17.上升;升起vi rise 18.云n cloud19.踢vt kick 20.发烧n fever21.咳嗽vi cough 22.糟糕的,很坏的adj awful23.暴风雪n snowstorm 24.风n wind25.大约adv around 26.*阳光n sunshine27.其余的部分(人)n rest 28.度数n degree29.一点,少量n bit 30.有一点(词组) a bit31.吹;刮vi&vt blow 32.大声地adv loud33.给…打电话;响起铃声vt&vi ring 34.*雾n fog35.困倦的;瞌睡的adj sleepy 36.光亮,光泽n shine37.*光亮的;反光的adj shiny 38.突然的adj sudden39.引起,使发生vt cause 40.雪球n snowball41.打仗(架)n fight 42.深的adj deep43.*结冰的adj frozen 44.陆地n land45.激动人心的adj exciting 46.扔,投,掷vt throw47.*尖叫,惊呼vi&vt scream 48.雪人n snowman49.冰n ice 50.到处adv everywhere8A U8 Natural disasters1.*灾难;不幸,祸患n disaster2.*用拖把擦干净vt mop3.完全地adv up4.地震n earthquake5.成千上万的(词组) thousands of6.*事故,意外的事n accident7.长途汽车n coach 8.*猛撞;碰撞vi&vt crash9.洪水,水灾n flood 10.冲走(词组) wash away11.村庄,乡村n village 12.*闪电n lightning13.风暴,暴(风)雨n storm 14.*雷,雷声n thunder15.着火(词组) catch fire 16.*轻微的adj slight17.摇动,震动n shake 18.响亮的;大声的;喧闹的adj loud19.*炸弹n bomb 20.摇动,震动vi&vt shake21.害怕,恐惧n fear 22.方向n direction23.四面八方(词组) in all direction 24.当…的时候,和…同时conj while25.*砖,砖块n brick 26.崩塌,坍塌(词组) come down27.摇动,震动n shaking 28.寂静的adj silent29.一点也不(词组) not…at all 30.是否conj if31.紧张不安的adj nervous 32.心脏n heartbeat 34.*困住的adj trapped33.(使)规律作响,作节奏运动vi&vt35.头脑n mind 36.*(使)平静,(使)镇定vi&vt calm37.*冷静(词组) calm down 38.由于,既然conj since39.仍然adv still 40.活着的adj alive41.黑暗n dark 42.找到出路(词组) find one’s way out 43.呼喊,喊叫声n shout 44.最后,终于(词组) at last45.日光n daylight 46.安全的adj safe47.睡着的adj asleep 48.在…以后conj after49.损坏;打破vi break 50.(车辆或机器)出故障,坏掉(词组) break down51.尽可能…(词组) as…as possible 52.*毛巾,浴巾n towel53.规则n rule 54.铁路n railway55.烧伤,烫伤,灼伤n burn 56.女儿n daughter57.(外)孙女n granddaughter 58.儿子n son59.(外)孙子n grandson 60.木板n boardweekly 62.头痛n headache61.工作日(星期一至星期五的任何一天)n63.牙痛n toothache 64.乡下,农村n countryside65.家务活n housework 66.烙饼,薄饼n pancake67.几乎,将近adv nearly 68.清除,清理vt clear69.在后面adv behind 70.。

译林牛津英语8A Unit 8【单元测试卷】(附答案)

译林牛津英语8A Unit 8【单元测试卷】(附答案)

译林牛津英语8A Unit 8【单元测试卷】(附答案)译林牛津英语8A Unit 8【单元测试卷】(附答案)一、短语翻译(每题1分,共10分)1、醒来2、擦干3、成千上万的4、撞上5、冲走6、远离7、尽快8、冷静9、从……跑出来10、在恐慌中二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)( ) 1. (2019湖北孝感) After the Asian Games, people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays.A.thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of( ) 2. (2019天津) We have never visited the museum, but we have it.A.stood forB. belonged toC. heard aboutD. kept to ( ) 3. (2019江苏无锡) Don’t drive so fast! We must slow down when we drive the tunnel.A.pastB. acrossC. overD. through ( ) 4. (2019 江苏徐州) Millie a picture when Mr Green came in.A.drawB. will drawC. drewD. was drawing( ) 5. (2019 浙江衢州) —Sam, what will the weather be like tomorrow?—Sorry, Mum. I didn’t watch the weather forecast just now. I aold bridge over the small river.A.washed awayB. went awayC. kept awayD. put away( ) 13. (2019 福建泉州) I first met Lisa three tears ago. She at a radio shop at that time.A.has workedB. was workingC. had been workingD. had worked( ) 14. (2019 河南周口) He kept telling himself . He knew he could do well if he tried.A.not to nervousB. don’t be nervousC. not to be nervousD. didn’t be nervous( ) 15. (2019 江苏镇江) The plane will take off three hours. I must get to the airport right now.A.inB. forC. onD. at三、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)It's very common to meet different people in public places.When I was 12 years old,I got a small job in a 1 ,On my first day at work,I didn't come home for lunch. When I came home at night, Mum asked, “How did you 2 your lunch, dear?”I answered,“I made some new friends in the supermarket, twin brothers, their mom and dad. They were my customers. They invited me 3 lunch."Mum was happy that I had made new friends but she wanted to know what kinds of 4 they might be.Several days later,I asked my friends to come to the supermarket where l worked5 let Mum meet them. Mum was very6 to find out that the twin brothers were joined at the chest(胸部).She felt very strange because I didn't tell her about that before.When Mum asked me about this,I said,“I know that too. But do you know that their mom has to make all clothes because it's 7 difficult to find anything to fit them? They're also good 8 .That day, Joe, the one on the right, made me noodles for lunch."When Mum saw the twins, she must have thought how strange they 9 . But to me, what I cared about was that they had difficulty 10 clothes and they were good cooks.( ) 1. A.supermarket B.post office C.factory D.bank( ) 2. A.find B.make C.manage D.eat( ) 3. A.at B.for C.after D.before ( ) 4. A.men B.women C.boys D.people ( ) 5. A.and B.but C.or D.so( ) 6. A.surprised B.excited C.interestedD.disappointed( ) 7. A.so B.very C.too D.really ( ) 8. A.friends B.singers C.workers D.cooks ( ) 9. A.smelled B.looked C.felt D.sounded ( ) 10. A.selling B.making C. wearing D.buying四、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)AA 7-magnitude(震级)earthquake hit Ya'an,Sichuan at 8:02 on April 20, 2019, and it killed at least 196 people and injured more than 11,000.Together with other students, Yang Xuelan ran out to the playground. She was safe. But all her textbooks and exercise books were buried(埋)in the teaching building.What can we do when an earthquake happens? In fact, there's little we can do to stop natural disasters (自然灾害) such as earthquakes happening. But, some methods can reduce the harm they cause.◆ Drop down onto your hands and knees. This way can protect you from falling.◆ Cover your head under a strong table or desk. You can also stay along a wall,and cover your head with your arms and hands.◆ Hold on to(守住,抓牢) your shelter(遮蔽物) until the shaking stops. Be prepared to move with your shelter if the shaking continues.Schools can normally take the earthquake drills(演练) to help student stay alive.( ) 1. How many people lost their lives in the earthquake in Ya'an?A. At least 196.B. More than 11,000.C. Less than 196.D. About 11,196.( ) 2. When the earthquake happened in Ya'an, Yang Xuelan was .A. at homeB. at schoolC. on her way to schoolD. playing on the playground( ) 3. What does the underlined word "reduce" mean in Chinese?A.提高B.阻止C.增加D.减少( ) 4. According to the writer, we can to reduce the harm natural disasters cause.A. do nothingB. stay at homeC. take some methodsD. run out of the house( ) 5. Which of the following can help you stay alive in an earthquake?A. Dropping down on to your hands and knees.B. Covering your head under a strong table or desk.C. Holding on to your shelter until the shaking stops.D. A, B and C.BOnce when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. Finally, there was only one family between the ticket office and us. This family made a big impression on me.There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12. You could tell they didn’t have a lot of money. Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean. The children talked excitedly about the clowns. It was clearly a very important day out for them. The father and mother seemed happy as they could be.The tickets lady asked how many tickets the father wanted, he proudly answered, “Please let me buy eight children’s tickets and two adults’ tickets, so I can take my family to the circus.”The ticket lady told him the price.The man’s wife lowered her head. There was no longer a smile on the man’s face. He quietly asked, “How much did you say?”The ticket lady again told him the price.The man obviously didn’t have enough money. But how could he tell his kids the bad news?Seeing what was happening, my dad took a $20 note from his pocket and dropped in on the ground. (We were not rich ourselves at all!) He then tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, you dropped this.”The man understood my father was helping him. He picked up the money, looked straight into my dad’s eyes, and in tears replied. “Thank you. This really means a lot to me and my family.”Although we did not go to the circus that night, we didn’t go without.( ) 6. Why does the writer say “Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean” ( Paragraph 2)?A. To show the children were well looked after.B. To show cheap clothes could be popular.C. To show how hard the mother worked.D. To show how rich the family were.( ) 7. Why was the poor man unhappy after he spoke with the ticket lady?A. He had lost his money.B. His children were noisy.C. The tickets were sold out.D. The tickets were too expensive. ( ) 8. Who did the $20 note belong to?A. The poor man .B. The writer’s father.C. The poor man’s wife.D. The ticket lady.( ) 9. Why was the poor man in tears at the end of the story?A. He found the money he lost.B. He wanted others to help him.C. He made his children unhappy.D. He was thankful for the kindness.( ) 10. Which of the following statements is probably true according to the passage?A. The poor mans saw the circus that night.B. The two families became close friends.C. The writer’s father earned some money.D. The writer saw the circles that night.CPresents For Children’s DayCharles M. Schulz was born in 1922 in Minneapolis, the only child of a housewife and a barber. His interest in comics was encouraged by his father, who loved the funny pages. Charles M. Schulz sold seventeen cartoons to the Saturday Evening Post from 1948 to 1950 and Li’l Folks to the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Peanuts debuted(首次露面) on October 2, 1950, and ran without interruption(中止)for the next fifty years. Charles M. Schulz died in 2019.●IT’S A DOG’S LIFE SNOOPYIt’s a Dog’s Life, Snoopy brings all your familiar friends together for great times and fun.●IT’S A BIG WORLD CHARLIE BROWNCharlie Brown faces some of life’s little challenges with the help of Snoopy, Lucy, Peppermint Patty, Linus, and the rest of the gang(一伙) in It’s a Big World, Charlie Brown.●PEANUTS 2019The last one is the special edition Peanuts 2019, which includes all the last year’s Peanuts comic strip and Charles M. Schulz’s famous farewell strip.Come and visit our website at or come to Ballantine Bookshop, you’ll have a big surprise.( ) 11. Why did young Charles become interested in comics?A. He wanted to sell cartoonsB. His mother encouraged him.C. Cartoons brought him great times and funD. His father’s love for the funny pages influenced him.( ) 12. When did Peanuts first appear in public?A. In 1922B. In 1948C. In 1950D. In 2019 ( ) 13. Who doesn’t belong to the Peanuts gang?A.Snoopy.B. Lucy.C. Charles M. Schulz.D. Peppermint Patty.( ) 14. Which of the following appeared last?A. Peanuts 2019B. Li’l FolksC. It’s a Dog’s Life, SnoopyD. It’s a Big World, Charlie Brown.( ) 15. What do you think the passage is?A. A novelB. A menuC. A diaryD. An advertisement五、任务型阅读(每题1分,共10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后的表格(每空一词)The haze(雾霾)season is back. How much do you know about haze? Haze can also be called “Smog”. The word "smog" is from the words “smoke” and “fog”, it first appeared in the early 20th century, It is a kind of air pollution(污染)caused(导致)mostly by cars and factories.Smog will do great harm(伤害)to your health, especially lungs(肺).It can make you cough and cause skin and eye problems. It seems that we can do nothing to stop it, but only wait until the wind blows all the smog away. However, there are some easy ways to prevent it hurting you. Here are some of them.1. Don’t do exercise in the open.Exercising in the open makes you breathe(呼吸)deeply, and you will take in the particles(颗粒物)deep into your lungs.2. Stay indoors and keep the air clean.If you can, just stay in your room and keep the doors and windows closed. Remember to air your room twice a day, you can open the window at noon or at night for half an hour.3. Wear a mask.Paper and cotton masks can not help you in the haze weather. Some special masks, such as N95 masks, can keep you from breathing in the particles in the air.4. Change your diet.Scientists find that vitamin A, C and E can greatly help protect your eyes, nose and lungs. So eat more green vegetables and fresh fruit everyday. What’s more, do not eat food with too much fat(脂肪),it’s bad for your lungs.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.六、用所给词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共15分)1. When I got home yesterday afternoon, it (rain) hard.2. On a (snow) morning, many cars hit each other.3. The lift didn’t work and we were(trap) inside.4. I know that many (visit) come to China every day.5. They always have fun (talk) to each other.6. Do you like the basketball player (name) Lin Shuhao?7. He gave me some (advise) on how to learn English?8. (nature) disasters kill a lot of people every year.9. Which (direct) did they go to? Do you know?10. It took (near) two hours to get there.11. The av erage person’s heart(beat) 70 times a minute, right?12. Alice was laughing and joking, but her sister remained (silence).13. I couldn’t fall(sleep) last night because of the exciting news.14. I wish you would stop (shout) at the children.15. It is too (noise) outside for me to hear you clearly.七、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成单词(每题1分,共10分)There are too many accidents in cities. Accidents often happen when people c 1 the roads or streets. Read the passage c 2 and learn to be careful later on. Be careful when it is r 3 . Many a 4 happen on rainy days. People are in a h 5because they don’t want to get wet. They often cross the roads q 6 . Often they c 7 see clearly as they hold their u 8 in front of them. Remember that cars take m 9 time to stop when the roads are a 10 wet. When it is raining, we must be more and more careful, not less careful.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.参考答案一、短语翻译(每题1分,共10分)1. wake up2. mop up3. millions of4. crash into5. wash away6. stay/keep away from7. as soon as possible8. calm down9. run out of 10. in fear二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)1-5 DCDDA 6-10 CABCA 11-15 BABCA三、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)1-5 ACBDA 6-10 ACDBD四、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)1-5 ABDCD 6-10 ADBDA 11-15 DCCAD五、任务型阅读(每题1分,共10分)1.means2. foggy3. factories4. bad5. Ways6. exercise7. much/often8. air9. Wear 10.less六、用所给词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共15分)1. was raining2. snowy3. trapped4. visitors5. talking6. named7.advice8. Natural9. direction 10. nearly11. beats 12. silent 13. asleep 14. shouting 15. noisy七、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成单词(每题1分,共10分)1.cross2.carefully3. rainy4. accidents5. hurry6. quickly7. can’t8. umbrellas9. more 10.all。



【ic strip&Wele to the unit】重点单词1.disaster n.灾难;不幸,祸患2.mop (Ved)mopped (现在分词)mopping3.up4.earthquake5.accident n.事故,意外的事6.coach (复数)coaches7.crash vi.&vt.猛撞;碰撞(三单)crashes8.flood n.洪水,水灾9.village n.村庄,乡村10.lightning11.storm n.风暴,暴(风)雨12.thunder n.雷,雷声【ic strip&Wele to the unit】重点短语1. natural disasters 自然灾害2.start /begin to do sth. = start/begin doing sth. 开始做某事3.wake up 醒来4.mop up 把......拖干净5.mop up the water 把水拖干净6.thousands of people 成千上万的人7.thousands of 成千上万的8.crash into 撞上9.wash away 冲走10.fall from ... 从...·落下11.hear about/of 听说12.what happened 发生了什么13.a heavy storm with thunder and lightning 一场雷电交加的大风暴14.catch fire 着火【ic strip&Wele to the unit】重点句型1. Didn't you hear the rain?难道你没听到雨声吗?2. Who will mop up the water if I go home without you? 如果你不跟我回家,谁将拖干水呢?3. Lightning hit a classroom building and it caught fire. 一幢教学楼被闪电击中而着火了。



8A Unit 8 知识点默写教案01一、 8A Unit 8 Welcome —— Grammar要点和默写:1睡着的adj.asleep20用拖把擦vt.mop2活着的adj.alive21炸n.bomb3高声的adj.loud22n.brick4不安的adj.nervous23黑暗n.dark5安全的adj.safe24日光n.daylight 6沉寂的adj.silent25方向n.direction 7微的adj.slight26惧怕n.fear8困住的adj.trapped27心n.heart9仍旧adv.still28n.mind10完整地adv.up29呼叫(声)n.shout11在...此后conj.after30事故n.accident 12能否conj.if31途汽n.coach 13既然,因为conj.since32地震n.earthquake 14在...期conj.during33洪灾,水灾n.flood15(使)跳v.beat34n.lightning 16(使)沉静v.calm35暴,暴雨n.storm 17,震v.shake36雷,雷声n.thunder 18猛撞v.crash37乡村,村n.village 19打破;坏vi.break38灾;不幸n.disaster 1自然灾祸92natural disaster2把水拖干92mop up the water3了决93lose the final4不计其数的⋯93thousands of5汽事故 / 交通事故93traffic/car accident6猛撞到⋯93crash into7冲走了乡村93wash away the villages8燃起了一大火93start a big fire9点火,纵火 /生(炉)火93make a fire10听93hear of11一雷交加的暴雨93a storm with thunder and lightning 12着火93catch fire13受93be hurt14在清早94in the early morning15感觉一微的94feel a slight shake精选文档16雷般的响声94 a loud noise like thunder17惧怕,惊慌地94in fear18全力以赴94try one ’ s best19四奔跑94run in all diretions20下来,坍毁94come down21根本不94not ⋯ at all22感觉不安94feel nervous23堕入窘境,被困住94be trapped24片晌的惧怕94 a moment of fear25掠我的海94go through my mind26沉着下来94calm down27数小后94hours later28找到我的出路94find my way out29搬开94move away the bricks30最后,于94at last31站在公路97on the side of the road32等出租97wait for a taxi33坏,出故障97break down34因严寒的天气97because of the cold weather二、本 Welcome—— Grammar 要点句型回放:1.我正在睡,开始下雨了。

人教版新目标八年级英语上册U8单词讲解与练习 有答案(共16张PPT)

人教版新目标八年级英语上册U8单词讲解与练习 有答案(共16张PPT)
7.yogurt['joʊɡərt] n.酸奶; (不可数名词) a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶
8.honey ['hʌni] n.蜂蜜 (不可数名词) a cup of honey 一杯蜂蜜
9.watermelon ['wɔːtərmelən] n.西瓜
10.spoon [spuːn] n.勺,调羹 11.pot. /pɒt/ n.锅 12. add[æ d] v.增加 add…to(into)… 将...…加到......上(里) 常用以下结构: (1)add…to… 意为“把……加到……”, 例如: Don’t add fuel to the flames. 别再火上浇油了。 (2)add to表示“增加;增添”,其中to是介词,后
tradition n.传统;惯例
29. autumn / ‘ɒtəm/ n.秋天;秋季 =fall in autumn 在秋天/季 30. traveler ['trævlə] n.旅行者(=traveller)
travel v./n.旅行
31. England['ɪŋɡlənd] 英格兰;英国 32. celebrate['selɪbreɪt] v.庆祝;庆贺
2.)serve sb. sth. = serve sth. to sb. Serve it to your friends with some vegetables. 把它和一些蔬菜一起端给你的朋友 3.)serve sb. with sth. “用某物招待某人” Serve the guests with some tea. 用茶招待客人 41 temperature ['temprətʃər] n.温度,气候 take one's temperature 给某人量体温

牛津译林版八年级上册英语8A Unit 8单元易错题集(含答案)

牛津译林版八年级上册英语8A Unit 8单元易错题集(含答案)

牛津英语8A Unit 8单元易错题集一、单项选择1.----What__________heavy rain it was!---- Yes,but I love _________air after it rains, It smells so fresh.A. the; aB. a; theC. the; theD.a;a2. —You are 15 minutes late. What’s wrong?—My car___. I had to take a taxi. It took me _____ to wait for one.A. broke down; some timesB. was broken down; some timeC. broke down; some timeD. was broken; some times3. Luckily, _______ people were found _______ after the earthquake.A. a number of ; aliveB. the number of ; deadC. a number of ; deadD. the number of ; alive4. _____ Amy met Peter, she with her mum _______ the bus at the bus station.A.When; were waitingB. When; was waitingC. While; were waitingD. While; was waiting5. —I miss my elder sister very much. She has been abroad for three years but she will be back in a week.—Pardon? I ______ about something else just now. ________ will she come back? A.was thinking; How long B. thought; How oftenC. was thinking; How soonD. thought; When6. I don’t know if he ______ me if he ______ free.A. will help, will beB. helps, isC. w ill help, isD. helps, will be7.While she _____ the newspaper, the telephone _____.A. read; was ringingB. was reading; rangC. was reading; was ringingD. read; ring8. We should take action actively natural disasters a more comfortable life.A. to prevent; from livingB. prevent; from livingC. to prevent; to liveD. prevent; to live9. He felt so ________ that he fell ________ soon.A. sleepy, asleepB. asleep, sleepyC. sleeping, asleep D . sleepy, asleep10.--There was hardly anything left after the earthquake, ______?--_______.People had to rebuild their houses.A. wasn’t there, YesB. was there , NoC. wasn’t there, NoD. was there, Yes11. A moment of fear ______ his mind and he told _____ to calm down.A. go through; himselfB. went through; himC. go through; himD. went through; himself12. The baby stops _____ as soon as he _______ his mother coming into the room.A.to cry; seesB.crying; will seeC. crying; seesD. to cry; will see13.We all got ______when we heard the ________news.A.excited;excitedB.exciting;excitedC.excited;excitingD.exciting;excited14.How _______ the wind sounds! Why not stay at home ______a rainy morning?A.terrible; inB. terrible; onC.terribly;inD. terribly; on15.---Do you think it will be cool tomorrow? ---_______. It is too hot these days.A.so it isB.I’m afraid soC.I hope soD.Of course not 二.完形填空Everything was covered in deep white snow, but Christmas day was sunny and bright Jo went into the garden and nude a 1for Beth. Beth was much better but she was still very thin and __2.Later, Laurie came back, there was a 3on his face. Here is another Christmas present for the March family! It was Mr March! 4the home was full of joy. Meg, Jo and Amy all ran to their 5and hugged and kissed him. Everyone was talking at the same time." Be quiet! Remember Beth! " Mrs March said. Beth 6upstairs. But it was too late. Beth was already at the door. She looked at them and then she 7 straight into the arms of her father. It was the 8Christmas they could rememberMr March looked at the 9young faces around him." It was a difficult year for my little girls, I know," he said to them. " 10you are very brave. "Meg, your white hands are now rough and red with hard work. They were pretty before but they are 11to me now. Then he looked at Jo."You were my noisy, wild boy! " He said. " But now I can see a good, strongwoman with a kind heart 12me. I'm very happy Beth! Dear! We nearly lost her. Now I'm going to keep her 13forever. "Then it was 14turn. "She is kinder and more helpful than she was. She thinks 15about other people. I am proud of all my wonderful little women. "1. A. boat B. snowman C. plane D. kite2. A. tall B. strong C. healthy D. weak3. A. surprise B. fear C. smile D. wish4. A. Suddenly B. Slowly C. Usually D. Really5. A. mother B. brother C. sister D. father6. A. was sleeping B. sleeps C. slept D. is sleeping7. A. drove B. rode C. ran D. swam8. A. worst B. most interesting C. most boring D. happiest9. A. four B. three C. two D. one10. A. Because B. But C. So D. And11. A. whiter B. redder C. prettier D. braver12. A. behind B. in front of C. in D. among13. A. dangerous B. hopeful C. helpful D. safe14. A. Jo's B. Amy's C. Meg's D. Beth's15. A. less B. better C. more D. fewer三.阅读理解ALily Born is an 11-year-old girl from Chicago, America. When most 11-year-olds are watching Hunger Games, Lily is busy designing(设计) a special cup to help people with Parkinson’s disease(帕金森病).Lily is the daughter of an inventor, and his grandfather has Parkinson’s disease. After Lily noticed that her grandfather spilled his drinks, she decided to make a special cup for him. Lily’s cup has three legs, so it’s harder to knock over than the common cup. She named it the Kangaroo Cup.The design was not a success at first. The cup broke easily. However, with the help of her father, Lily worked with some older designers and manufacturers(厂商)to improve her design. Now Lily’s grandfather can use the Kangaroo Cup. This new Kangaroo Cup is made from plastic(塑料), and Lily’s grandfather can’t break it. The new cup can stand up on anywhere , even on the grass. It also has many colours, so it’s the perfect cup for picnics.Lily gives some advice to boys and girls like her. “Don’t be afraid if you fail, because you’ll fail a lot before you get it right,” she said. “Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your parents and teachers ca n help you with a lot of things. Most of the time they are happy to help you if it’s not anything really expensive.”1.Why did Lily invent the Kangaroo Cup?A. To make her dream come true.B. To help her grandfatherC. To finish her homeworkD. To make some money2.The underlined word “spilled” probably means “______________”.A. flew out of a cupB. got hurt easilyC. warmed something upD. finished something quickly3.The Kangaroo Cup is harder to knock over because __________________.A. it has many coloursB. it has three legsC. its shape is beautifulD. it’s made from plastic4.Which of the following is NOT Lily’s advice?A. Don’t worry about failureB. Don’t be afraid to ask for helpC. Your parents and teachers can help you a lot.D. It’s expensive to get help from other people.BHave you ever heard the phrase "You never get a second chance to make a first impression(印象)"?It may sound like an unusual piece of advice,but it is true﹣the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future.What is even more interesting is that the brain takes in all the information to create that first impression in about three seconds.When you meet someone for the first time,by the time you have stated your name or shaken hands,the other person has already formed an opinion about the kind of person you are.So how do you make a good first impression?All things grown up tell you such as being polite,and being well﹣dressed are very important.However,the most important tool for making a good first impression is your face.Smiling,being responsive,and looking like you are happy will almost always leave a positive(积极的)impression on people,especially those who do not know you.Most people,generally speaking,are ready to smile back when they are smiled at.Furthermore,smiling and being in a positive mood helps you to know and geta better understanding of new things.This means that you can possibly be friendlier to people you do not know and be more creative and able to solve problems more quickly.So if you ever need a reason to be happy,think about the wonderful people you might meet and impress with a cheerful smile.1.What does the underlined word "react" in Paragraph I probably mean in Chinese?A.回应B.道歉C.报告D.建议2.Which paragraph shows how soon others form opinions on you?A.Paragraph 1.B.Paragraph 2.C.Paragraph 3.D.Paragraph 4.3.What is the most important to leave good impressions?A.Shaking hands.B.Stating your name.C.Dressing nicely.D.Wearing a smile.4.What can be learned from the last paragraph?A.Friendliness helps solve problems.B.Being positive helps you find a way out.C.There are many reasons to be happy.D.Thinking of great people cheers you up.CIt is a cold and dry winter morning. When you wake up, you feel that your throat hurts. You begin to sneeze and later you may cough. You must have a cold! Wait a moment. Could it just be a common cold or the flu(流感) going around?A cold gives you a runny nose and cough. But it’s usually ea sy to deal with. Some take medicine while others drink herbal tea or chicken soup. Usually you feel better after a week.On the other hand, the flu can be much more dangerous. It usually gives you fever. Sometimes it can cause death. According to an American magazine, the worst flu killed about 50 million people from 1918 to 1919.Don’t worry. If you get a flu vaccine(疫苗),it can stop you from getting the virus(病毒). Flu vaccines work by giving the body a small amount of flu viruses. This causes your body to have antibodies(抗体). So next time you get the flu, the antibodies should help you.The flu virus changes every few years. So there are so many types of flu, such as H1N1 and H5N1. The antibodies for one type of flu can’t help us against all types of flu. That’s why we need to get the vaccine every year.However, good health habits may also help you away from a cold or flu. Washing your hands often stops you from getting viruses easily. It is also important to get regular exercise and eat healthy food. All these can help you strengthen your immune system (增强免疫系统).1. If you have a common cold, usually you’ll feel better after ______ days.A. 7B. 10C. 15D. 202. What does the underlined “it”in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. Herbal tea.B. Chicken soup.C. A flu virus.D. A flu vaccine.3. We need to get a flu vaccine every year because ______.A. the flu often kills usB. the antibodies can help us against all types of fluC. the flu virus changes every few yearsD. you don’t need to take any medicine after that4. The following ways can help stop the flu EXCEPT ______.A. staying indoorsB. getting regular exerciseC. eating healthy foodD. washing our hands often四、词汇运用1. His car ___________________ (猛撞) into a tree, so he called 120 for help.2. May I know your___________________(外孙)names?3.The boy didn’t want to stay at home alone, because he was afraid of______(闪电).4. These days the workers are busy using _______(砖块) to build the houses.5. _____________ (摇动) hands with others can show your kindness.6. How terrible! I have a bad____________________(牙疼).7. The animals were running___________ (wild) when they heard a lion coming.8. The boy was so shy that answered the question____________(nervous).9. Timmy was _________ (trap) under the stones and bricks, so he shouted for help.10. All the fans screamed with ____________________ (excite) when they saw thepop star on the stage.五、阅读填空There are four seasons in most of the countries. But the climate(气候) is not always the same.In England, winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. There is not a great difference between summer and winter because it is an island country. In winter the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea bring warm air to England. In summer the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to England. The west winds blow over England the whole year. They blow from the southwest. They are wet winds. They also bring rain to England. So England has a lotof rain all year. Sometimes it rains heavily. The west of England is wetter than the east.In Canada they have four seasons, too. But the average(平均) temperature is very low. Spring is usually very cold in most part of the country. It comes in February. People can still go skating in some places. Summer is usually very cool. Early in the morning the weather is so cold that people usually wear sweaters. Autumn comes after summer. Canadians like to watch maples(枫叶) in the park or on the hills. They are really beautiful. Winter is the coldest season of the year. It’s often freezing cold. There is thick ice on the river or lake. Children like to go skating there. Of course, they should wear warm, thick coats, or they will catch a cold.Today, I want to write something about my mother. When I had something difficult to do, I often asked my mother for h1. But she always said, “DIY, dear.” I know DIY means “Do it y 2 ”. I was not happy about this at all. I thought she was the l3mother in the world.For example, one day, I decided to i 4 some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order(整齐的). Books were e5 , and I didn’t make the bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it, but she still said, “DIY, girl.”Because of my “lazy mother”, I had to w6my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents do h7 . I even had to go to the dentist(牙医) by myself. It was really hard for me to do everything well, but I have l 8 a lot.As time goes by, I understand my mother. She made me clever and diligent (勤奋的).W9 a great mother! A good mother is worth等值于)one hundredt 10 ! Don’t you think so?参考答案:选择题: BCCBC CBCAB DCCBC完形填空BDCAD ACDAB CBDBC阅读理解BABD ABDB ADCA词汇1.crashed2.grandsons’3.lightning4. bricks5.Shaking6.toothache7.wildly8.nervously9.trapped 10.excitement任务型阅读1. different2. England3. blow4.cool5.rains6. has7.weather8. warm9. beautiful10. in短文填空1.help2.yourselfziest4.invite5.everywhere6.wash7.housework8.learned9.What 10.teachers。



牛津英语8A+Unit+8+知识点默写答案8A Unit 8 知识点默写学案01一、8A Unit 8 Welcome——Grammar 重点单词和词组默写:1睡着的adj.asleep 20用拖把擦vt.mop2活着的adj.alive 21炸弹n.bomb3大声的adj.loud 22砖块n.brick4紧张不安的adj.nervous 23黑暗n.dark5安全的adj.safe 24日光n.daylight 6寂静的adj.silent 25方向n.direction 7轻微的adj.slight 26害怕n.fear8困住的adj.trapped 27心脏n.heart9仍然adv.still 28头脑n.mind10完全地adv.up 29呼喊(声)n.shout11在...以后conj.after 30 事故n.accident 12是否conj.if 31 长途汽车n.coach13既然,由于conj.since 32 地震n.earthquake 14在...期间conj.during 33 洪灾,水灾n.flood15(使)跳动v.beat 34 闪电n.lightning 16(使)平静v.calm 35 风暴,暴雨n.storm17摇动,震动v.shake 36 雷,雷声n.thunder 18猛撞v.crash 37 村庄,乡村n.village 19打破;损坏vi.break 38 灾难;不幸n.disaster 1自然灾害92natural disaster2把水拖干净92mop up the water3输了决赛93lose the final4成千上万的…93thousands of5汽车事故/交通事故93traffic/car accident6猛撞到…93crash into7冲走了村庄93wash away the villages8燃起了一场大火93start a big fire9点火,放火/生(炉)火93make a fire10听说93hear of11一场雷电交加的暴风雨93 a storm with thunder and lightning 12着火93catch fire13受伤93be hurt14在清晨94in the early morning15感到一丝轻微的摇摆94feel a slight shake16雷鸣般的响声94 a loud noise like thunder17害怕,惊恐地94in fear18竭尽全力94try one’s best19四处奔跑94run in all diretions20下来,倒塌94come down21根本不94not… at all22感到紧张不安94feel nervous23陷入困境,被困住94be trapped24片刻的恐惧94 a moment of fear25掠过我的脑海94go through my mind26冷静下来94calm down27数小时后94hours later28找到我的出路94find my way out29搬开砖块94move away the bricks30 最后,终于94at last31 站在公路边97on the side of the road32 等出租车97wait for a taxi33 损坏,出故障97break down34 因为寒冷的天气97because of the cold weather二、课本Welcome——Grammar重点句型回放:1.我正在睡觉,这时开始下雨了。

牛津8A U1 U8 单词中文【VIP专享】

牛津8A U1 U8 单词中文【VIP专享】
笔直的 a 耐心的 a.


新译林版英语 8A U1-U8 重要词组和句型短语默写(含答案)

新译林版英语 8A U1-U8 重要词组和句型短语默写(含答案)

牛津译林英语8Aunit1-8重要短语中英文默写版8A Unit 1 Friends词组:1.再吃一些食物2.保守秘密3.使某人开心4.关心5.告诉他/她关于你自己的所有事情6.准备好做……7.有问题8. 说谎/讲笑话9.给需要的人让座10.有一副好嗓子11.想成为歌手12.戴又小又圆的眼镜13.使…看起来聪明14.有幽默感15.使我发笑16. 感到无聊17.留着长长的直发18.说任何人的坏话19 擅长说笑话20.遇见不同的人21.交朋友22.认真听人们讲话23.在某方面帮助某人24.周游全世界25.我们未来的计划26.成为一个社会工作者27.既…又……28.带着笑意的眼29.面带微笑30使她看起来真的美丽和善良.句型:1.我能喝些东西吗?2.我能再来些食物吗?3. 一些牛奶如何?4.也许我们可以一起分享。





10 他的腿很长而且他们不适合放在书桌下。

11. 她经常微笑而且从来不说任何人的坏话。

12. 有事使我烦心时,我总会去找她。

13. 你会选谁做你做好的朋友?14. 比特是六个学生中最高的。

15. 这张桌子是那张桌子的两倍宽。

16. 当我长大的时候我想成为一个社会工作者。

17. 如果我能使人们开心我将会开心。

18. 凯特既是我的好朋友又是我的邻居。

19. 她总是面带微笑而且看起来开心。

20. 我想她会成为一名杰出的教师。

Unit 2 School life 词组:1 在读8年级2.在阅读周期间3. 与某人讨论某事4. 似乎做某事5 + 从句似乎….6. 似乎有趣7.在课堂上8更多地了解9.主动给予我帮助10.一起做运动11. 打棒球12.在我们三人当中13.在赛跑中获得第一/第二名14. 跳得比我的任何一个同学都高15. 其他的学生16. 我的其他所有同学17. 余下的全部学生18.学生/老师的数量19.做早操20.花时间做某事21.有更多/更少周的假期22.最多23.另一个半小时24.阅读25.下棋26.需要早起床27. 有半个小时的回家作业28.系领带29.选择学习的科目30.进行校游31..继续做某事32.玩得开心句型:1. 因为我们比人聪明。

牛津译林版 英语 八年级上 8A Unit 8 Exercise E(含答案)

牛津译林版 英语 八年级上  8A  Unit 8 Exercise E(含答案)

牛津译林版英语八年级上8A Unit 8Exerc i se E(含答案)一、单项选择1. A foo tba l l _____ me when I ____pas t the foo tba l l f i e ld. My a rm s t i l l h ur t s now.A.h i t; was walk ingB.was h i t t ing; was walk ingC.was h i t t ing; wa l kedD.h i t; was walk ing2.We should d r ive a s _____ as _____.D. ca re fu l ly;canA.carefu l; poss ib leB.ca re fu l ly; poss ib leC.ca re fu l;can3.--- Did you see a man in b lack pass by jus t now?--- No,s i r.I ____ a newspaper.B.was read ingC. would readD.am read ingA.read4.--- How abou t your journey?--- Every th ing was wonder fu l excep t t ha t our ca r _____t wice on the way.A.s lowed downB.b roke downC.go t downD.pu t down5. There i s no way of knowing why one man makes an i m por tan t d i scovery _____ ano ther man,a l so smar t,f a i l s.B.i fC. asD. whi leA.s ince6. He shouted ____ he lp, bu t no one came ____ a long t ime.A.to;toB.to;fo rC.fo r;t oD.fo r;fo r7.I was go ing shopping ____ my unc le came to see me.A.whi leB.asC. whenD.so8.--- _____ you know Engl i sh i s impor tan t, you shou l d lea rn i t we l l.--- Bu t I found i t hard fo r me ____i t wel l.A.Since;to l ea rnB. For;l ea rnC. Because o f;l ea r ningD. Because;l ea rned9.--- Cheer up! Somet imes g iv ing up i s the way _____.--- Many thanks.I got i t.A. towardB.awayC. pas tD.fo rward10. _____I ____t he dea th o f J in Yong, a mo ment o f sadness wen t _____m y mind.A. W hen; heard o f;throughB.Whi le; hea rd;throughC.Whi le; hea rd about;ac rossD.When; heard f r o m; ac ross11.In an impor tan t game l ike th i s one,one minu te ____.Let’s go fo r i t.A.coun tsB. worksC.l a s t sD. he lps12.In o rder ____f or the mee t ing, my s i s t e r fo rced hersel f to ge t up ea r ly thi s morn ing.A.no t to be l a teB. no t be ing l a teC.to be l a teD. be ing l a te13.--- How much t roub le d id you have ____th i s p rob lem? --- ____.I t’s qu i t e easy.A. work ing ou t; Noth i ngB.to work ou t; Noth ingC. work ing ou t; NoneD.to work ou t; None14.--- Le t me in t roduce myse l f.I’m Albe r t.--- _______.A. Tha t’s very n iceB.I t’s n ice o f you D. How n iceC. Nice to mee t you二、词汇填空1.I was ____(将近)a s leep when he ca l led me yes te rday.2.I am too busy to p lay compute r games on _________(工作日).3. Sudden ly,a b ig noise came f rom ______(在后面).4.My grandparen t s l ive in the ________(乡下). They l i ke the beau t i fu l na t ura l wor ld.5. Unluck i ly, he had a second-degree_______(烧伤) on the face a f te r the b i g f i re.6.My mother i s good a t making ______(烙饼). Do you want to have some?7. Lad ies and _______(先生), p lease keep of f your mobil e phones before the concer t s t a r t s.8.I hea rd ______(exc i te)shou ts f rom the foo tba l l f i e lds.I wan t to jo in them.9. The Class 1s tuden t s seem much bus ie r ______(c lea r)the c lass room than the Class 2s tudent s.10. He fe l l th rough the window, _______(break)the g lass.11.I’m surpr i sed t o hear tha t she ______(fa l l) o f f he r b i ke ca re less ly yes terday.12.You shou ld look l ef t and r igh t f i r s t when ______(c ross) the road because o f too much t r a f f i c.三、动词填空:1.---I r ang you a t about t en, bu t the re was no rep ly.--- Oh, maybe tha t was when I _______(see)the den t i s t.2. Las t n igh t, he ________(wr i t e)a re por t abou t the wi ldl i f e in danger.I wonder i f he has f in i s hed.3. _______(harvest)c rops,f a rmers work very hard in the f i e lds every au tum n.4. Al l work and no p lay _______(make)Jack a du l l boy.5. Exc i ted vo ices ______(shout)tha t“China won the vo l l eyba l l f ina l!” a t that mo ment.6. Al ice saw her son ________(t idy) up the bed when she wen t to wake h im up th i s morn ing.7. F i res _______(burn) ou t o f con t ro l(控制)in the cen te r o f the c i ty. People were f r igh tened.8.--- Your watch l ooks very beau t i fu l.--- Thank you. My unc le ______(send)i t to me as a b i r thday presen t.四、完成句子1.他生活在失业的恐惧之中。



一、词汇运用(每小题1分,满分10分)A)根据句意用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空.61. Look at the ________ (village). How beautiful they are!62。

Read it ________ (loud)please.63. They are trying ________ (they)best to climb up the mountain.64。

Were you ________ (sleep)when the earthquake happened?65。

I want to see a dentist (牙医)because I have got a ________ (tooth).B)根据汉语提示完成句子。


Her ________ (声音) sounds sweet on the phone。


Fish can’t live ________ (没有) water.68。

During that Spring Festival, a heavy ________ (暴风雪)hit many areas across South China。

69. Are you ________ (紧张不安的) when you speak in front of your classmates?70。

He is too tired。

He ________ (几乎) falls over.C)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

71. The old computer ________ (break) down easily,so I had to restart it again and again. 72。

He ________ (walk)along the street when the UFO arrived。


I ________ (share) an umbrella with Millie yesterday.74。

8A Unit8 默写卷答案

8A Unit8 默写卷答案

8A Unit8 默写卷答案一、四会单词1.灾难disaster2.完全地 up3. 地震earthquake4.事故 accident5.长途汽车coach6.猛撞 crash7.洪水 flood 8.村庄 village 9.闪电lightning 10.风暴 storm 11.雷声 thunder 12.轻微的 slight 13.摇动 shake 14.响亮的 loud 15.害怕 fear16.方向 direction 17.砖 brick 18.寂静的 silent 19.紧张不安的 nervous 20.心脏 heart 21.(使)规律作响 beat 22.困住的 trapped 23.头脑 mind 24.(使)平静 calm 25.活着的 alive 26.日光 daylight 27.睡着的asleep 28.毛巾towel 29.规则 rule 30.铁路 railway 31.烧伤 burn 32.(外)孙女 granddaughter 33.(外)孙grandson34.木板 board 35牙痛 toothache 36.烙饼 pancake二、重要词组1.成千上万的 thousands of2.冲走 wash away3.着火 catch fire4.四面八方 in all directions 5.崩塌 come down 6.一点也不 not...at all7.冷静 calm down 8.找到出路 find one’s way out 9.最后at last 10.出故障 break down11.尽可能... as...as possible12 .遵守交通规则 follow traffic rules13.穿过黑暗 through the dark14.将砖头移开 move away the bricks15.听到了行人和车辆的声音 hear the noise of traffic16.因为,由于because of 17.不停地落下 keep falling18.几乎倒下 nearly fall down 19.在路边 on the side of the road三、翻译句子1.下雨了,我的房子全湿了。

牛津译林版八年级英语上册 8AU8重难点整理练习含答案

牛津译林版八年级英语上册 8AU8重难点整理练习含答案

8AU8重难点整理复习一、单项选择1. ________ you can't answer this question, we have to ask someone else for help.A. TillB. SoC. SinceD. But2.—Did you hear the cries the boy?—Yes, when I arrived there, I found the boy looking at the snake fear.A. from; inB. at; withC. from; withD. in; in3. I'd love to go to the English evening. But I'm a little , because I will be asked to sing an English song in front of the whole school.A. tiredB. sadC. nervousD. pleased4. The flood in 1998 washed lots of houses _______ and lots of people _______.A. on; diedB. off; dieC. away; dieD.away; died5. I don’t know if I _______ free tomorrow. If I _______, I will go to the bookstore.A. am; amB. will be; will beC. will be; amD.am; will be6. It _______ hard _______ he got to the cinema yesterday evening.A. rained; whileB. was raining; whenC. was raining; whileD. is raining; when7. If the earthquake happens, you should run _______ the empty ground.A. out toB. out ofC. out fromD. out at8. At first, Luke felt a sense of cold _______ his body.A. crossB. acrossC. throughD. by9. Last night, I _______ along the street when I met my English teacher.A. walkB. walkedC. was walkingD.am walking10. While she _______ TV in the sitting room, the bell _______.A. watches; ringsB. was watching; rangC. is watching; rangD. was watching; was ringing11. —A foreign English teacher will teach us English next term.—Wow! ________!We can practise our English better.A. What an excited newsB. How excited the news isC. What exciting newsD. How exciting news12. The traffic is so heavy! You should drive ________.A. as fast as possibleB. as slowly as possibleC. as more fast as possibleD. as more slowly as possible13. He saw the bad man _______ into his neighbour’s house and _______ 110 for help in a hurry.A. to break; calledB. break; calledC. break; callD. breaking; calling14. He shouted _______ help, but no one came _______ a long time.A. to; toB. to; forC. for; toD. for; for15. —If you are in trouble, make sure to call the police. —_______A. I’m happy to hear that.B. I don’t know.C. I have to think about it.D. I will. Thanks a lot.16. When the bus stopped, some people ______the bus and some others ______A. got off; got on itB. got off; got it onC. got it off; got on itD. got it off; got it on17. The rain was so _________ that the climbers had to walk __________A. heavy; slowB. heavily; slowlyC. heavy; slowlyD. heavily; slow18. A moment of___went through her mind and she couldn’t wait____others about the good news.A. fear; forB. fear; to tellC. joy; to tellD. happy; for telling19.Hearing there was a bomb near the building , all the people screamed ____________.A in fearB in all directionsC in allD in fact20. _______heard a loud noise because we were all asleep. It_________ thunder.A. Both of us, was likeB. We all, likedC. None of us, likedD. Nobody, was like21. The mountain looks very beautiful because it _______________ green trees.A. covers thousands ofB. is covered in thousand ofC. covers with three thousandD. is covered with three thousand22. --Bad luck! Our car _____________on the way home.--________ you were so unlucky, you should call for help.A. crashed into; AsB. broke down; SinceC. knocked down; BecauseD. came down; Because of23.---We couldn’t find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening.--- I’m sorry for it. My mother with I _______ on the square.A.dancedB. will danceC. were dancingD. was dancing24. Look! The dog is still _______after the flood.A. liveB. aliveC. livingD. lived25. The terrible earthquake hurt _______ people. _________ of them got seriously hurt.A. thousands of; Two hundredsB. two thousand; Two hundredC. thousands of; Two hundredD. thousand of; Two hundred of26. --- Why didn’t you attend the party last night? --- I _______ with my mother.A. went shoppingB.go shoppingC. was shoppingD. is shopping27. It was very cold, he picked up sticks , but sadly the house .A. to make a fire, caught a fireB. to make a fire, caught fireC. to make fire, caught fireD. made a fire, caught fire28.My teacher told me to ___________ when i was in trouble .A. calm downB. come downC. slow downD. get down29. —Many people in Tangshan earthquake.—That's terrible. I hope everything every day.A. lose their life; go wellB. lose their lives; go wellC. lost their lives; goes wellD. lost their lives; go well30. Would you please________ mistakes any more?A. don't makeB. not to makeC. not makeD. to not make二、动词填空1. —Did you see a girl in red pass by just now?—No, sir. I ___________ (discuss) the new plan with my classmates.2. I heard someone _______________ (scream) for help while I was walking around the lake.3.What a heavy rain and a strong wind last night. But the sun ____________(shine)brightly now.4.Would you like ___________(describe)the weather and seasons in your hometown?5.The Smiths ___________(fly)to America for a holiday next week, aren’t they?6.The students in Class One invited us ___________(join)in their party yesterday.7.His grandfather spent as much as free time as he can __________(teach)the parrot to speak.8.It’s 8 o’clock now. Many people on the road are in a hurry ___________(catch)the bus to work.9. ________ he ________ (make) a snowman when you saw him?10. He __________ (mop) the floor for her mother at 4 p.m. yesterday.11. I’m sorry that I didn’t answer your phone. I _______ (listen) to music and didn’t hear the ring.12.Sandstorms were getting more and more serious and __________ (cause) a lot of problems.三、拓展阅读Still in shock! I moved around the house purposelessly trying to decide what to put into the suitcases (行李箱). Earlier that evening, I’d received a call telling me that my brother was killed in a car crash. “Come as soon as you can.” cried my mother.I wanted to hurry to her at once. But my husband, Larry, and I were packing to move from New York to Seattle. Our house was in total mess. Supper dishes sat on the kitchen table. Toys lay everywhere. I purposelessly picked things up and put them down. Mother’s crying went through my head again and again.Larry called some friends to tell them what had happened. Someone asked to speak to me. “If there’s anything I can do, let me know.” But I didn’t know what to ask for.Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was Emerson. He and his wife Donna lived in the block nearby.“I’ve come to clean your shoes,” he said.I asked him to repeat.“Donna had to stay with the baby,” he said, “but we want to help you. I remember when my father died, it took me hours to clean our shoes for the funeral (葬礼). Give me all your shoes.”I gathered all our dirty shoes to the kitchen. Emerson got to work right away. Watching him devoting himself to one task helped me pull my own thoughts into order. I told myself to wash clothes first. Then, Larry and I bathed the children and put them to bed. One job after another.When we returned to clear the dishes, Emerson had left. All our shoes stood in a line against the wall, clean, shining. I couldn’t help crying. Early next morning, we left for the airport with all the jobs done.Now whenever I hear of a friend who’s lost a loved one, I no longer call with the polite offer,”If there’s anything I can do …” Instead I try to think of one specific task that suits that man’s need, like taking the dog to the boarding kennel, or house -sitting during the funeral. If the person asks,”How did you know I needed that one?” I reply,”Because a man once cleaned my shoes.” 1.The writer didn’t know what to put into the suitcases because _____.A.she couldn’t do it on her ownB.she was too sad to do anythingC.she wanted to take everything to SeattleD.she was not good at housework2.Here’s a time line of what happened in the story.Which of the events should go in the empty box above? A.Emerson came to clean the shoes.B.The couple bathed the children.C.They cleared the supper dishesD.The writer found the shoes cleaned.3.If one of her friends has lost a loved one, what will the writer probably NOT do?A.Call her friend to ask what she can do.B.Look after her friend’s young children.C.Take her friend’s dog to the boarding kennel.D.Offer her friend house-sitting during the funeral.4.Which sentences best expresses the theme of this story?A.One person’s loss is another’s gain.B.An act of kindness is often rewarded.C.A near neighbour is better than a brother far off.D.Do something specific to help those in need.参考答案单项选择1-15 CACDC BACCB CBBDD16-30ACCAD DBDBC CBACC动词填空was discussing s creaming is shining to describe are going to flyto join teaching to catch Was making was mopping was listening caused阅读理解BAAD。

人教新目标英语8AU8How do you make a banana milk shake写作

人教新目标英语8AU8How do you make a banana milk shake写作

开头: 点目的 主体: 按先后 顺序, 描述制 作过程 及使用 结果 结尾: 鼓励大 家动手 做实验
小贴士:1.主要人称:第二人称;2.主要时态: 一般现在时;3.熟练使用表示顺序的副词
ink Do you know how to make (1)invisible ___________
遣词造句:英汉互译 句型 8.用棉签在纸上写一些字. to write some words on the paper. ____ Use the Q-tip ___ 9.用刷子反复刷这张纸。 Brush the paper with the brush _____ over _____ and _____ over again _______ 10.因为你用了葡萄汁,所以文字是紫色的。 ________you use grape juice, the words are in the Because ________purple. color
1.Mix the baking soda and (2)_______in water the bowl. 2.Dip the Q-tip into it and use the Q-tip to paper write something on the (3)__________. 3.Wait for it to dry. grape juice 4.Dip the brush into the (4)___________and brush the paper. appear 5.The words (5)_________on the paper.
Invisible ink You can use invisible ink to write down secret(秘 密的) message. But do you know how to make it? First, put some water and baking soda in a bow and mix them well. Second, dip a Q-tip into the mix, and use the Q-tip to write some words on a piece of peper. Wait for it dry and then you won't use anything on the paper. Third, dip the brush into the grape juice and then brush the paper with it over and over again. Finally, you will see the message. Because you use the grape juice, the words are in the color purple. It is easy to make invisible ink. isn't it? Try it by yourself.

人教版新目标八年级英语上册U8单词讲解与练习 有答案(16张)ppt

人教版新目标八年级英语上册U8单词讲解与练习 有答案(16张)ppt
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?
1.shake /ʃeɪk/ n.&v. (shook /ʃʊk/) 摇动;抖动
shake hands with sb. 和某人握手;
When you meet some important persons , you should shake hands with them. 当你遇到一些重要的人时,你应该和 他们 握手 。
much you owe me. 把所有的数字加起来看看你欠我多少。
(4)add up to 意为“总计;加起来结果是”。 例如:All the numbers add up to exactly900.
13. finally['faɪnəli] adv.最后,最终
=at last = in the end 14.salt[sɔːlt] n.盐 15.sugar['ʃʊɡər] n.糖 16. cheese[tʃiːz] n. 干酪,奶酪 17.popcorn ['pɑːpkɔːrn] n.爆米花
pour…into…意为“把……倒进……里”,意义 相当于put…into…,但pour …into…通常强调 倾倒液体;而put…into…既可以放液体,也可 以放固体。例如:
He poured the milk into the cup. 他把牛奶倒进 杯子里。
You must put them into the blender. 你得把他 们放进搅拌器里。
shake for sth 为某事震惊;因...而发抖
2. milk shake 奶昔 3.blender['blendər] n. 搅拌器;果汁机

Unit8 词汇基础练习(含答案)2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上册

Unit8 词汇基础练习(含答案)2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上册

牛津深圳版英语八年级上册 Unit8词汇基础练习(含答案)根据中文写英文1. 演说;发言 _____________2. 比赛;竞赛 _____________3. 文本 _____________4. 自信地 _____________5. 优胜者 _____________6. 几个;一些 _____________7. 贫穷的 _____________8. 意见 _____________9. 交流 _____________10. 富有的 _____________11. 藏;躲藏 _____________12. 袭击 _____________13. 选择 _____________14. 害羞的 _____________15. 通告 _____________16. 珍宝 _____________17. 机会 _____________18. 话题 _____________19. 建议 _____________20. 整个的 _____________21. 建议 _____________22. 其他的;别的 _____________23. 在任何…的时候 _____________24. 寻宝游戏 _____________25. 公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前_____________26. 上演 _____________27. 依我看 _____________28. 最重要的是;尤其是_____________29. 小心;当心 _____________参考答案:1. speech2. competition3. text4. confidently5. winner6. several7. poor8. opinion9. communicate 10. rich 11. hide 12. attack 13. choose 14. shy 15. notice 16. treasure 17. chance 18. topic 19. advise 20. whole21. suggestion 22. else 23. whenever 24. treasure hunt 25. in public 26. put on27. in my opinion 28. above all 29. look out 根据英文写中文1. speech _____________2. competition _____________3. text _____________4. confidently _____________5. winner _____________6. several _____________7. poor _____________8. opinion _____________9. communicate _____________10. rich _____________11. hide _____________12. attack _____________13. choose _____________14. shy _____________15. notice _____________16. treasure _____________17. chance _____________18. topic _____________19. advise _____________20. whole _____________21. suggestion _____________22. else _____________23. whenever _____________24. treasure hunt _____________25. in public _____________26. put on _____________27. in my opinion _____________28. above all _____________29. look out _____________参考答案:1. 演说;发言2. 比赛;竞赛3. 文本4. 自信地5. 优胜者6. 几个;一些7. 贫穷的8. 意见9. 交流 10. 富有的 11. 藏;躲藏 12. 袭击 13. 选择14. 害羞的 15. 通告 16. 珍宝 17. 机会 18. 话题 19. 建议 20. 整个的21. 建议 22. 其他的;别的 23. 在任何…的时候 24. 寻宝游戏25. 公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前 26. 上演 27. 依我看28. 最重要的是;尤其是 29. 小心;当心根据首字母写单词1. s__ __ __ __ __2. t__ __ __3. w__ __ __ __ __4. s__ __ __ __ __ __5. p__ __ __6. o__ __ __ __ __ __7. r__ __ __8. h__ __ __9. s__ __10. n__ __ __ __ __11. t__ __ __ __ __ __ __12. t__ __ __ __13. w__ __ __ __14. s__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __15. e__ __ __16. w__ __ __ __ __ __ __参考答案:1. speech2. text3. winner4. several5. poor6. opinion7. rich8. hide9. shy 10. notice 11. treasure 12. topic 13. whole 14. suggestion 15. else 16. whenever。

人教版新目标八年级英语上册U8单词讲解与练习 有答案PPT(16张)优质课件

人教版新目标八年级英语上册U8单词讲解与练习 有答案PPT(16张)优质课件
7.yogurt['joʊɡərt] n.酸奶; (不可数名词) a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶
8.honey ['hʌni] n.蜂蜜 (不可数名词) a cup of honey 一杯蜂蜜
9.watermelon ['wɔːtərmelən] n.西瓜
10.spoon [spuːn] n.勺,调羹 11.pot. /pɒt/ n.锅 12. add[æ d] v.增加 add…to(into)… 将...…加到......上(里) 常用以下结构: (1)add…to… 意为“把……加到……”, 例如: Don’t add fuel to the flames. 别再火上浇油了。 (2)add to表示“增加;增添”,其中to是介词,后
C. fill; with D. put;in 39. gravy['ɡreɪvi] n.(调味)肉汁;肉汤
人教版新目标八年级英语上册U8单词 讲解与 练习 有答案PPT(16张)优质课件
40. serve[sɜːrv] v.接待,服务 人教版新目标八年级英语上册U8单词讲解与练习有答案PPT(16张)优质课件 1.)serve +名/代 “提供…” The shop serves nice food.这家商店供应很好
个/张”。词组“in pieces”意为“碎片,碎块”, 其中的in可以用into替换,更有动感。例如:
人教版新目标八年级英语上册U8单词 讲解与 练习 有答案PPT(16张)优质课件
The glass broke into pieces. 玻璃杯被打成了 碎片。
What happened? Why ismy desk in pieces? 发生什么事了?为什么我的桌子散架了? (2)a piece of是piece构成的常用词组,意为

八年级上册英语(苏教版八年级)8AU8 Grammar语言点

八年级上册英语(苏教版八年级)8AU8 Grammar语言点

八年级上册英语(苏教版八年级)8AU8 Grammar语言点八年级上册英语(苏教版八年级)8au8grammar语言点一、短语:一.一场暴风雪袭击了阳光小镇。

asnowstormhitsunshinetown.多可怕的暴风雪啊!3.走到公共汽车站4.看见某人站在路边5.在路边onthesideoftheroad;在路一边ononesideoftheroad跑向他们跑向他们跑开打个大雪球等出租车二.语法:1.过去进行时主要表示:在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作;在过去某段时间一直在进行的动作2.过去进行时的句式1)基本结构:was/were+v-ing2)肯定句:主语+was/were+v-ing3)否定句:was/werenot+v-ingwasnot=wasn’t;werenot=weren’t4)疑问句:将was/were移到主语前回答:yes,主语+was/were.no,主语+wasnot/wasn’t.werenot/weren’t.5)特殊疑问句:疑问词+was/were+主语+v-ing (3)常与表示过去的某一点或一段时间状语连用,如:atthatmoment;at2:30p.m.yesterday;atthistimelastsunday;at9:05yesterdaymorning;f rom10to11yesterdaymorning,then等;或者与when,while,as引导的过去时间状语连用。


(主控和从控,使用时)whileiwaswatchingtv,liewasreadingabookwhileeddiewassl eeping.2.如果短暂性的动作是主句时,我们可以用when,while或as引导。

(主短,when,while,as)when/while/asmilliewaswatchingtv,andycameintotheroom.3.如果连续动作是主句,我们经常使用when to connect。

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:把街上的雪清理掉。clear the snow from the street;
67. 我听不清你说的话。大声点。I can’t hear you clearly. Speak a little louder. 68. 一点儿钱 ( 2) ; 69. 几乎没钱; 70. 只有 /仍然有一点时间剩下;有 /仍然有几分钟时间剩下 71. 有点大( 2) ; 72. 比..大了一点; 73. 我没有钱,请给我一点。 68. a little money = a bit of money; 70. only/ still a little time left; 72. a little / a bit larger than ….; 69. little money; 71. a little / a bit large; only/ still a few minutes left;
50. 在铁路上: on railways 在火车站: at the railway station 51. 女儿和儿子:daughters and sons 52. 孙子/孙女 grandson、granddaughter 55. 头痛,牙痛: have a headache/ toothache 53. 木板 board 54. 在工作日: on weekdays 57. 烙饼,薄饼 pancake 56. 乡下,农村 countryside
20. 寂静的;他变得沉默寡言:He became silent. 保持沉默:keep silent; 他的沉默:his silence
29. 慢慢的把我自己拽出黑暗: pull myself slowly through the dark 30. 突然我听到我头顶上方有声音。I suddenly heard some noise above me. 31. 设法找到出路;try to find my way out; 32. 听到来自激动的人们的喊叫声: hear shouts from excited people/voice 33. 激动的人们对这个令人激动的消息感到很兴奋/激动。The excited people were excited at the exciting news. 34. 幸运的是,我刚好有足够的空间可以活动。Luckily, there was just enough space for me to move. 35. 最后,终于: at last, finally, in the end 36. 明亮的日光: the bright daylight. 37. 安全起飞/降落: took off/ landed safely. 38. 把这孩子抱到安全的地方:carry the boy to safety (a safe place) 39. 他发现 Tom 很安全/活着/睡着的/死的/一个人。He found Tom safe/alive/ asleep/dead/ alone.
58. 几乎,将近: nearly 几乎 不到 20 岁;2. 几乎 有 1.75 米高; (牢记 almost/ nearly 的区别) ; not nearly 20 years old; almost any/ no/ none/ no one/nobody… ; almost 1.75 metres tall (in height); 59. 我几乎摔倒: I nearly fell over. 60. 落后-领先: fall behind<->take the lead; 61. 从后面:from behind; 62. 落下,跌倒:fall down; 63. 向前跌倒:fall over; 65. 睡着:fall asleep/ get to sleep/ go to sleep/ be asleep; 66. 从树上跌落;.fall off the tree=fall down from the tree; 66. 清除,清理 clear 64. 爱上: fall in love with sb.
73. ( I have no money. Please give me a little. )
74. 怎样处理这件事: how to deal with the matter; =what to do with the matter;
40. 生物(活的东西) ;他还活着。living things; He is still alive. 41. 那时/昨天这时我在睡觉:I was sleeping at that time/ at this time yesterday. 42. 睡着:go/get to sleep/fall asleep/ be asleep 43. 地震停止以后: after the earthquake stopped; 做了什么以后;after doing sth; 44. 我汽车坏了:My car broke down./ My car went wrong./My car was broken. /There was something wrong with my car. 45. 因为,由于糟糕的天气/他的粗心/病:because of the awful weather/ his carelessness/his illness/sickness 46. 尽可能快的: as soon as possible/ as soon as sb. can/ could 47. 一条湿毛巾: a wet towel; 浑身湿透:be/ get all wet. 49. 烧伤,烫伤,灼伤 burn-burnt-burnt; 48. 遵守交通规则: follow traffic rules 灼伤我们自己: burn ourselves
8Au8 单元单词(初稿) 1. 用拖把它擦干净.mop it up –mopped-mopping 2. 成千上万的游客 thousands of tourists; 游客中的两千人:two thousand of the tourists 3. 乘长途汽车去那; 许多长途车/教练 take the coach there= go there by coach; many coaches; 4 猛力撞到树上: v. crash into a tree; 5. 洪水/水灾冲走了村子。The flood washed away the village. =The village was washed away by the flood. 不该穿过洪水:shouldn’t walk through the flood water; 6. 一场伴有闪电和雷鸣的暴风雨:a storm with thunder and lightning ; 7. 采取措施保护自己免遭交通事故/意外的事: take action to protect ourselves from traffic accidents; 8. 自然灾难,不幸,祸患:natural disasters; 9. 容易着火: catch fire easily; be on fire; 生火取暖:make a fire to keep warm; 点火:start a fire;放火:set fire to sth 10. 感到轻微的振动: feel a slight shake; 11. 响亮,大声,喧闹 loud; 大声点说:speak loud; 说得更响一点:speak a little louder 12. 像炸弹/像打雷: like bombs; like thunder 13. 摇动,震动: shake –shook—shaken 和某人握手:shake hands with sb. 14. 害怕,恐惧 n.fear; 害怕地发出尖叫:scream in fear 由于害怕:because of fear; with fear; 害怕做某事:be afraid of doing sth; be afraid to do sth;= do sth in fear 一阵/片刻的恐惧: a moment of fear 15. 四面八方:in all directions ; 同一方向:in the same direction 16. 当做.. 的时候:while doing sth; 17. 对某人大喊;冲某人吼: shout to sb; shout at sb. 19. 最后噪音和摇动/震动结束了 The noise and shaking ended. 18. 开始崩塌,坍塌:began to come down; 默默地站在那儿:stand there silently 21. 一点也不: not…at all; 这鞋一点也不适合我:The shoes don’t fit me at all. 他看起来一点也不激动。He didn’t look excited at all. 22. 是否: 我不知道是否明天会下雨。 I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow. 如果:如果明天不下雨,我就去动物园。(如果不是下雨天) I will go to the zoo if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. (if it isn’t rainy, ….) 23. 感到更加紧张不安的: feel more nervous; 24. 我感到我的心跳得更快了:I felt my heart beating faster. 25. 被困住: be trapped; 26. 流经我的大脑: go through my mind 下定决心做某事:make up one’s mind to do sth; 你介意我做某事吗?不介意/介意。---Would you mind my/me doing sth? ---No, of course not./ No, go ahead. / You’d better not. 改变某人的注意:change one’s mind; 在我脑子里:in my mind; 27. 平静,冷静 adj. 保持平静: keep calm; 使我冷静下来 v. make me calm down; 28. 既然/由于你已经长大 since you have grown up; 既然我仍然活着:since I was still alive, beat-beat-beaten