



回流焊工艺常用中英文术语1. Solder Paste Technology(焊膏工艺)Solder Powder ( 锡粉) 休息再来接着说。

Solder Paste Rheology(锡膏流变学)Solder Paste Composition & Manufacturing(锡膏成分和制造)2. Fundamentals of Solders and Soldering(焊料及焊接基础知识)Soldering Theory(焊接理论)Microstructure and Soldering(显微结构及焊接)Effect of Elemental Constituents on Wetting(焊料成分对润湿的影响)Effect of Impurities on Soldering(杂质对焊接的影响)3. SMT Problems Occurred Prior to Reflow(回流前SMT问题)Flux Separation(助焊剂分离)Paste Hardening(焊膏硬化)Poor Stencil Life(网板寿命问题)Poor Print Thickness(印刷厚度不理想)Poor Paste Release From Squeegee(锡膏脱离刮刀问题)Smear(印锡模糊)Insufficiency(印锡不足)Needle Clogging(针孔堵塞)Slump(塌落)Low Tack(低粘性)Short Tack Time (粘性时间短)4. SMT Problems Occurred During Reflow(回流过程中的SMT问题)Cold Joints(冷焊)Nonwetting(不润湿)Dewetting(反润湿)Leaching(浸析)Interllics(金属互化物)Tombstoning(立碑)Skewing(歪斜)Wicking(焊料上吸)Bridging(桥连)Voiding(空洞)Opening(开路)Solder Balling(锡球)Solder Beading(锡珠)Spattering(飞溅)5. SMT Problems Occurred at Post Reflow Stage(回流后问题)White Residue(白色残留物)Charred Residue(炭化残留物)Poor Probing Contact(探针测接问题)Surface Insulation Resistance or Electrochemical Migration Failure (表面绝缘阻抗或电化迁移缺陷)Delamination/Voiding/Non-curing Of Conformal Coating/Encapsulants (分层 / 空洞 / 敷形涂覆或包封的固化问题)6. Challenges at BGA and CSP Assembly and Rework Stage(BGA、CSP组装和翻修的挑战)Starved Solder Joint(少锡焊点)Poor Self-Alignment(自对位问题)Poor Wetting(润湿不良)Voiding(空洞)Bridging(桥连)Uneven Joint Height(焊点高度不均)Open(开路)Popcorn and Delamination(爆米花和分层)Solder Webbing(锡网)7. Optimizing Reflow Profile via Defect Mechanisms Analysis(回流曲线优化与缺陷机理分析)Flux Reaction(助焊剂反应)Peak Temperature(峰值温度)Cooling Stage(冷却阶段)Heating Stage(加热阶段)Timing Considerations(时间研究)Optimization of Profile(曲线优化)Comparison with Conventional Profiles(与传统曲线的比较)Discussion(讨论)Implementing Linear Ramp Up Profile(斜坡式曲线)8. Problems Occurred at Flip Chip Reflow Attachment(倒装晶片回流期间发生的问题)Misalignment(位置不准)Poor Wetting(润湿不良)Solder Voiding(空洞)Underfill Voiding(底部填充空洞)Bridging(桥连)Open(开路)Underfill Crack(底部填充裂缝)Delamination(分层)Filler Segregation(填充分离)Insufficient Underfilling(底部填充不充分)。



常用机械加工术语中英对比CNC加工流程process flow of CNC车壳来胚→雕格仔纹→3.9H巴孔→耳仔配壳位→铣按的位→粗钻按的孔→胶内罩位Blank after turning → Milling the plaid → Drilling the 3.9H cown hole → Milling the lug to fit the end piece → Milling the pusher position→ Rough drilling the pusher hol e→ movement holder position车壳来胚→壳钻面钉吼→壳钻按的孔→壳钻巴孔→精钻巴孔→圈拔避按的位→注塑出货Case blank after turning → drilling dial hole in the case → drilling pusher hole in the case → drilling crown hole in the case → fine drilling the crown hole → milling the pusher recess of basel ring → injection车壳来胚→壳雕底平→壳雕配胶位→圈锣钻石纹→镶件锣钻石纹→胶罩配壳位→雕胶罩面字印Case blank after turning → milling the case bottom → milling the position of fitting the plastic → milling the diamond texture of the ring→ milling the diamond texture of the inlay piece →milling the notch position for movement holder → milling the marking of movement holder大啤来货→壳锣底平→底件配壳位→壳底件碰焊→胶罩配壳位→胶罩锣外形→胶罩铣面Blank after stamping → milling the case bottom → milling the position of the bottom part fitting the case → soldering the case back →milling the notch for movement holder → milling the shape of the plastic holder → milling the surface of the plastic holder大啤来胚→壳锣底平→壳避位胶罩位→胶罩粗中孔→胶罩锣外形→铣胶罩配壳位→铣胶罩四角避位Blank after stamping → mi lling the case bottom → milling the notch for movement holder → drilling the middle hole of the plastic holder →milling the shape of the plastic holder → milling the plastic holder to fit the case → milling the four corner clearance of the plastic holder钻壳工艺流程Process Flow of Drilling Case大啤来货→烧焊→粗钻(2H、3H、4H)→钻耳孔→烧壳身件(分离)→钻牙孔→攻牙打批锋Q货→出货Blank after stamping →soldering → rough drilling (2H、3H、4H) →drilling lug hole → soldering case body piece → drilling screw thread hole → tapping thread , removing burrs , inspection → deliver to assembly车壳来货→粗钻(2H、3H、4H)→拔位/钻准(2H、3H、4H)→钻耳孔→钻牙孔/攻牙→锣12H米位→打批锋、Q货→出货Case blank after turning →rough drilling (2H、3H、4H) → crown recess /drilling (2H、3H、4H) → drill ing lug hole → drilling screw thread hole/tapping thread → milling notch at 12H → removing burrs, inspection → deliver to assembly大啤来货→ Q胚确认→粗钻3H→粗磨打油→烧焊过炉→拔位/ 3H→钻耳孔配带→打批锋、Q货→出货Blank after stamping→Checking blank →rough drilling (3H) →rough polishing →soldering bracelet →crown recess(3H) → drilling lug hole for matching bracelet → removing burrs, inspection →deliver to assembly大啤来货→粗钻(2H、3H、4H、)→粗钻(8H、 9H、 10H)→钻耳孔→钻牙孔→精钻(2H、 3H、 4H 、8H、 9H、 10H)→攻牙→打批锋、Q货→出货Blank after stamping →rough drilling (2H、3H、4H) →rough drilling (8H、 9H、 10H)→dril ling lug hole → drilling screw thread hole →fine drilling(2H、 3H、 4H 、8H、 9H、 10H)→tapping thread →removing burrs, inspection → deliver to assemblyCNC来货→精钻3H→钻耳孔配带→锣腰线→钻石位Blank after CNC →fine drilling stem hole(3H)→drilling lug hole for fitting bracelet →milling the case side→drilling holes for stones车壳来货→粗钻(2H 3H 4H)→拔位/钻准(2H 3H 4H)→钻耳孔配带→钻耳面钢压钉孔→打批锋Q出货→出货Case blank after turning →rough drilling (2H、 3H、 4H)→crown recess /drilling (2H、3H、4H) →drilling lug hole for fitting bracelet →drilling lug face, hole for decoration pin →removing burrs, inspection →deliver to assembly车壳工序流程Process flow of turning the case来胚→粗丝吼→粗面子口、外元面平→精车丝孔→精车面胶圈坑面平外圆→烧壳耳罩→精车牙位、胶圈坑、底平→精车面子口→车牙case blank → rough turning case inside dimension → turning the dial opening ,turning the top surface → fine turning case inside dimension → fine turning top surface outside circumference → soldering the case lug → fine turning thread area, o-ring groove, turning bottom surface →fine turning dial opening → turning thread来胚→开粗丝孔→开粗中孔→精车丝孔、胶圈坑、牙位、藏底位→开粗底圈→精车底圈→车牙→精车玻璃位面坑弹分线坑平台位case blank→ rough turning case inside dimension → rough turning the dial opening → fine turning case inside dimension, o-ring groove, thread area, hidden back area → rough turning bottom surface → fine turning bottom surface → turning thread → fine turning crystal seat, turning groove for top ring.来胚→开粗丝孔→开粗中孔→精车丝孔、胶圈坑、藏底位、牙位、底平开粗藏圈位→精车面子口、胶圈位→精车藏圈位、面平位→车牙case blank→rough turning case inside dimension →rough turning the dial opening →fine turning case inside dimension, o-ring groove, hidden back area, thread area, rough turning the bottom surface → fine turning dial opening , o-ring area → fine turning hidden ring area, turning the top surface → turning thread来胚→开粗底子口、底平→开粗中孔→精车藏底位、子口、底平→开粗配壳位→开粗藏圈→精车配壳位→精车藏圈位倒角位case blank → rough turning caseback opening, bottom surface →rough turning dial opening → fine turning surface for hiding caseback ,bottom surface → turning position for fitting case → turning hidden ring position → fine turning position for fitting case → fine turning hidden ring area, chamfer area来胚→开粗丝孔、中孔→精车丝孔、胶圈坑、藏底位→开粗耳底→精车耳底、牙位→开粗面坑→精车玻璃位、面子口、面坑、平台→车牙case blank → rough turning case inside dimension and dial opening →fine turning case inside dimension, o-ring groove, hidden back area →rough turning case lug back→ fine turning case lug back, thread area →rough turning dial groove → fine turning crystal seat, dial opening , platform → turning thread来胚→开粗丝孔、中孔→精车丝孔、胶圈坑、牙位、藏底位、底平开粗耳底→精车耳底→精车耳面→车牙→精车玻璃、面坑、弹弓线坑case blank→ rough turning case inside dimension and dial opening →fine turning case inside dimension, o-ring groove, thread area , hidden back area, rough turning the bottom surface → fine turning case lug back→ fine turning surface of case lug → turning thread → fine turning crystal seat, turning groove for top ring.来胚→开粗孔、底平→开粗中孔→精车丝孔→开粗配圈位、精车底子口、胶圈坑、藏底位→精车面子口→精车藏圈位、胶圈位→勾坑case blank→rough turning case inside dimension,bottom surface→rough turning dial opening → fine turning case inside dimension→turning area for fitting the ring, fine turning caseback opening, o-ring groove, hidden back area → fine turning dial opening →fine turning hidden ring area, 0-ring area→ dig grooveCNC工艺流程process flow of CNCInlay来胚→开粗→精雕→雕生耳槽→试配Blank → Cutting material → Fine milling → milling the groove ofSpring bar →assembling checkingBangle来胚→碰焊→锣配壳斜位→锣配带粒→冲孔→试装配带粒Blank → sport we lding → Milling beveled area of case → Milling area for bracelet → Punching → assembling checkingBangle来胚→锣水口→钻孔→锣配壳R位→雕生耳槽→试配胶镶件Blank → Milling the burrs → Drilling → Milling radius area of case → milling t he groove of Spring bar → assembling checking with plastic inlayBangle来胚→锣水口→锣配壳R位→雕生耳槽→试装配壳效果Blank → Milling the burrs → Milling radius area of case → milling the groove of Spring bar →assembling checking with the caseBangle来胚锣水口→锣配壳位→锣制位→雕生身槽→试装配Blank →Milling the burrs → Milling area for case fitting →Milling area for pusher → milling the groove of Spring bar → assembling checking锣雕工艺流程Process flow for Millingprocess flow of bangle上下厄焊件磨光电解→碰焊(厄条焊件焊接)→整形、粗磨→钻石位孔→6H、12H厄条配壳焊接→上下厄条雕较位、锣撬刀位→钻床(钻较位扣位孔)→制扣碰焊钻孔磨光→配套入磨光精磨出货Top bangle and bottom bangle welding, electrolysis polishing → sport welding(we lding bangle) → refinding,rough polishing → Drilling hole for stones → Welding case and bangle at 6H/12H together → refinding hinge and milling notch position for case back opening → Drillpress(drilling hinge and buck le hole) → Welding,drill ing and polishing buckle → Fine polishing and pass to assembling Departmentprocess flow of bangle下厄来胚→粗磨→锣较位R→钻孔→上厄A、B来胚→粗磨→钻石位孔→钻壳孔、攻牙→碰焊过炉→配套出货Bottom bangle blank → Rough polishing → Milling rad ius area for hinge → Drilling → A and B top bangle blank→ Rou gh polishing → Drilling hole for stones → Drilling stem and tapping thread → sport welding and pass through the furnace → pass to assembling DepartmentDT樣辦DT sample裝配工序流程Assembling process flow打巴管Assembling the crown tube打按的Assembling the pusher打玻璃試水Assembling crystal and water resistant test打圈口Assembling the top-ring粘鋁圈glue the aluminium top-ring裝帶QC出貨Assembling bracelet ,QC and send to assembly 裝內影圈Assembling the concave ring裝帶制Assembling bracelet with buckle厄條裝制Assembling bangle with buckle厄條裝膠Assembling plastic into the bangle殼裝厄條Assembling case with bangle。



工艺流程专业术语英语英文回答:Process Flow Terminology.Process flow is a fundamental concept in engineering and manufacturing. It refers to the sequence of steps involved in the transformation of raw materials into finished products. Process flow can be represented visually using a variety of diagrams, such as flowcharts and process maps.Common Process Flow Terminology.Activity: A specific task or operation that is performed as part of the process.Batch: A group of similar items that are processed together through a series of operations.Bottleneck: A point in the process where capacity is constrained, slowing down the flow of materials.Capacity: The maximum rate at which a process or piece of equipment can produce output.Cycle time: The time it takes to complete one cycle of a process, including setup, processing, and cleanup.Downstream: Processes or activities that occur after a given point in the process.Flow: The movement of materials or information through a process.Input: The materials or information that enter a process.Lead time: The time between the start of a process and the delivery of the finished product.Output: The finished product or result of a process.Process: A sequence of steps that transform inputsinto outputs.Queue: A temporary storage area for materials or information waiting to be processed.Resource: Any asset or capability that is required for a process, such as equipment, labor, or materials.Setup: The time and effort required to prepare a process or equipment for production.Throughput: The rate at which materials or information flow through a process.Upstream: Processes or activities that occur before a given point in the process.Value-added: Activities that increase the value of the product or service.Waste: Activities that do not add value to the product or service.中文回答:工艺流程专业术语。



钢结构焊接英语术语大全以下是一些常见的钢结构焊接英语术语:1. Welding:焊接2. Weld:焊缝3. Joint:焊接接头4. Fillet weld:角焊缝5. Butt weld:对接焊缝6. Fillet size:角焊缝尺寸7. Throat thickness:鞍部厚度8. Penetration:焊透9. Welding position:焊接位置10. Welding procedure:焊接工艺11. Welding current:焊接电流12. Welding voltage:焊接电压13. Welding speed:焊接速度14. Shielding gas:保护气体15. Preheating:预热16. Post-weld heat treatment:焊后热处理17. Groove:槽口18. Bevel:坡口19. Backing strip:补强条20. Welding helmet:焊接面罩21. Welding electrode:焊接电极22. Welding rod:焊条23. Welding wire:焊丝24. Welding machine:焊接机器25. Welding procedure specification (WPS):焊接工艺规范26. Welding inspector:焊接检验员27. Defect:缺陷28. Porosity:孔隙29. Inclusion:夹杂物30. Undercut:侵彻31. Cracking:裂纹32. Slag:焊渣33. Welding consumables:焊接材料34. Arc length:电弧长度35. Arc voltage:电弧电压36. Arc blow:电弧偏转37. Weld quality:焊接质量38. Non-destructive testing (NDT):无损检测39. Visual inspection:目视检验40. Ultrasonic testing (UT):超声波检测41. Radiographic testing (RT):射线检测42. Magnetic particle testing (MT):磁粉检测43. Liquid penetrant testing (PT):渗透检测44. Welder qualification:焊工资格证书45. Welding symbol:焊接符号46. Tack welds:点焊缝47. Crater:焊缝尾部凹坑48. Back gouging:反刮槽49. Weld toe:焊接母材交线处50. Arc welding:弧焊希望对你有所帮助!。



1、mold n. 模具v.铸造(第一单元)2、die 钢模冲模3、term 术语4、tooling 工艺装备5、plastic parts 塑料件6、hardened steel 硬质刚7、aluminium 铝8、beryllium-copper alloy 铍铜合金9、steel molds 钢模10、Rockwell-C scale 洛氏硬度11、resin 树脂12、sprue喷嘴13、runner 流道14、gate 浇口15、protrusion 突出物,凸模16、core 型芯17、clay 粘土18、pin 销钉19、plenum 高压20、vent 通风口21、overhang v. 悬挂22、household 家庭的23、bucket n.桶24、cling to 黏附25、stripper plate 分馏柱塔板26、thermoplastics 热塑性材料27、solidification n.凝固28、chase vt.雕镂29、slide n. 滑块30、perpendicular 垂直的31、gib n.楔形块32、horn pin 推杆33、tire 轮胎34、lander 接触的35、hose 管道36、forklift 叉式升降机37、overhead crane 桥式起重机38、hoist n.提升39、impressions 压痕,型腔40、cavitation第二单元1、Injection Monding 注射模2、gravity 重力3、hopper 料斗4、barrel n.桶5、screw 螺杆,螺孔6、plunger 活塞7、chamber 腔8、melt v.熔化9、nozzle 喷嘴10、cravity 型腔11、gate 浇口12、runner system 热流道系统13、solidify v.使凝固14、ejector pin 顶针15、calmp 夹钳16、tonnage 吨位17、molten 熔铸的18、sprue bushing 浇口套19、mold cavity 模具型腔20、thickness 厚度21、plastication n.塑化22、throat 颈部,窄处23、non-return valve 单向阀24、extruder n.挤压25、plunder 活塞26、melt pool 榕料池27、vacuum 真空28、hydraulics 液压的29、water-cooling 水冷30、resin 树脂31、pellet 小球32、granule 颗粒33、poured into 流入,涌入34、screw flight 螺杆上的螺纹。





1. 模具加工方法基础词汇Mold (模具)•Cavity: 空腔•Core: 芯子•Ejector Pins: 推杆•Draft Angle: 脱模锥度•Runner: 浇口Machining (加工)•Milling: 铣削•Turning: 车削•Drilling: 钻削•Grinding: 磨削•Boring: 镗削Surface Treatment (表面处理) •Polishing: 抛光•Electroplating: 电镀•Anodizing: 阳极氧化•Coating: 涂层•Sandblasting: 喷砂Measurement (测量)•Caliper: 卡尺•Micrometer: 千分尺•Height Gauge: 高度规•CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine): 三坐标测量机•Profile Projector: 轮廓投影仪2. 模具加工方法高级词汇CNC Machining (数控加工)•CNC Milling: 数控铣削•CNC Turning: 数控车削•CNC Grinding: 数控磨削•CNC Wire EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining): 数控线切割•CAM (Computer-ded Manufacturing): 计算机辅助制造Injection Molding (注塑)•Mold Design: 模具设计•Mold Flow Analysis: 模流分析•Mold Temperature Control: 模具温度控制•Gate Design: 浇口设计•Venting: 排气Die Casting (压铸)•Die Design: 压铸模具设计•Die Lubrication: 压铸模具润滑•Die Casting Defects: 压铸缺陷•Cold Chamber Die Casting: 冷室压铸•Hot Chamber Die Casting: 热室压铸Stamping (冲压)•Progressive Die: 渐进模具•Blanking: 冲裁•Piercing: 穿孔•Bending: 弯曲•Deep Drawing: 深冲3. 模具加工方法其他相关词汇Mold Materials (模具材料)•Tool Steel: 工具钢•Stnless Steel: 不锈钢•Aluminum: 铝•Copper: 铜•Plastic: 塑料Mold Components (模具部件)•Guide Pins: 导柱•Ejector Sleeves: 推杆套筒•Sprue Bushing: 浇口套筒•Inserts: 嵌件•Lifter: 脱模销Mold Mntenance (模具维护)•Cleaning: 清洁•Lubrication: 润滑•Repr: 修复•Storage: 存储•Replacement: 更换以上是一个模具加工方法英语词汇大全,涵盖了基本和高级词汇以及其他相关词汇。

English for Domestic Ceramics日用陶瓷专业英语术语

English for Domestic Ceramics日用陶瓷专业英语术语

English for Domestic Ceramics日用陶瓷英语Raw Material(原料):1、feldspar(长石)2、silica、quartz(石英)3、kaolin(高岭土)4、clay(粘土)Production Technics(生产工艺):1、Ball-mill(球磨)2、slurry(泥浆)3、sieving(过筛)4、de-ironing (除铁)5、filter pressing(压滤)6、clay cake(泥饼)7、ageing(陈腐)8、pugging(练泥)9、roller-pressing shape(滚压成型)10、high pressing casting(高压注浆)11、hollow casting(空心注浆)12、raw body(生坯)13、biscuit firing(素烧)14、biscuit body(素烧坯)15、tunnel kiln(隧道窑) 16、glazing(上釉)17、printing(印花)18、painting(手绘) 19、over(in、under)-glaze decoration(釉上(中、下)彩20、glazed firing(本烧、釉烧)21、saggar(匣钵)22、loading of kiln(装窑)23、drawing(出窑)24、firing period(烧成周期)25、oxidizing flame(氧化焰)、reducing flame(还原焰)26、sinter(烧结)27、vitrification(玻化)28、firing temperature(烧成温度)29、selection(选瓷) 30、decal decalcomania(贴花)31、decorating firing(烤花)32、packing(包装) 33、Glazing: (1)dip(浸釉)(2)swing(甩釉)(3)cast(倒釉)(4)jet(喷釉)Model: 1、Plaster、gypsum(石膏)2、mother mould(主模、母模)3、case mould(KS模)4、work mould(工作模)Glaze: 1、raw glaze(生料釉)2、fritted glaze(熔块釉)3、fancy glaze(窑变釉) 4、colour glaze(色釉)5、bright glaze(光亮釉)6、non-bright glaze(无光釉)7、sub-bright glaze(亚光釉)8、transparent glaze(透明釉)9、opaque glaze(乳浊釉)Physics and chemistry(理化性能):1、translucency(透光性)2、glossiness(光泽度) 4、whiteness(白度)5、hardness of glaze surface(釉面硬度)6、thermal stability(热稳定性)7、percent of water absorption(吸水率)8、microwave safe(微波炉适用)。



fabrication tolerance.制造容差
fabrication 加工,制造
ferritic .铁素体的
field fabricated 工地制造的,现场装配的
field installation 现场安装
base material基底材料
bellow type 波纹管式
Bending: 挠曲
beveling 磨斜棱,磨斜边
blinding plate盲板
master schedule 主要图表, 综合图表, 设计任务书, 主要作业表
material certificate.材料合格证
metallic luster 金属光泽
motor lead电动机引出线
name plate名牌, 商标
National Electrical Code 全国电气规程
cement lined piping 水泥衬里
channel bases沟渠基底
check against 检查, 核对
check valve止回阀
Circuit breaker断路开关
circumferential joint 周圈接缝
process pipe 工艺管道
purchased material list原材料进货单
push button station按钮式控制站
qualification: 合格性



(一)粉磨设备风扫式煤炭磨:Air swept coal plant风扫磨:Air swept mill锥形球磨机:Conical mill轮碾磨:Edge—runnerPan grinder水泥磨(细粉磨磨机终粉磨机):Finish mill 立磨:Vertical mill辊磨:Roller mill辊压机:Roller press原料磨:Finish raw mill球磨机:ball mill中心驱动球磨机central—shaft-driven ball mill自磨机: Autogenously mill管磨机:Tube mill(二)筛粉设备(classifier,separator) 粗粉分离器:Air—flow classifie/rAir-flow separator选粉机:Air classifier/ Air separator调速选粉机:Speed controlled separator 涡流式选粉机:Turbo air separator离心式选粉机:whizzer /centrifugal classifier高效选粉机:Dynamic classifier脱水机:Water separator(三)其它固定鄂板:Fixed jaw锤头:Beater打击板:Impeller bar(反击)打击板:Blow bar鄂破进料口(宽):Jaw opening挡风板(选粉机):Impact ring磨机进料口:Intake of mill磨机衬板:Armor plate 研磨体:Crusher ball(辊磨)磨盘:Bowl(磨机)搭接式衬板:Shiplap (shell)liner 滚筒筛:trommel(四)。

库仓及设施水泥仓库棚:Cement shed配料仓synchronous belt料斗:Batch bin原形预均化堆场:Circular preblend stockpile空气搅拌库:Aerated blending silo集料配料仓:Aggregate bather bin锥底库:Hopper-bottomed bin水平料仓:Horizontal bunker矫正仓:Calibration bin中间仓:Intermediate bin溢流仓:Overflow bin原料混合料仓:Composition bin原石库:Raw stone store储仓:Storage bunker储库、堆场:Storage hall圆筒仓、料仓:Silo计量仓(重量喂料):Weigh bin槽形卸料口料仓:Slot bunker露天堆场:Yard料仓、料斗:Bunker长方形堆场:Longitudinal bed圆屋顶预混合堆场:Preblend dome自卸仓、重力仓:Gravity bin石膏仓:Gypsum bin分料溜子:Diversion chute / distribution chute伸缩槽:Telescopic chute检修门:Access door/Service door可调闸门:Adjustable deflector可调刮板:Adjustable plough料仓卸料设备:Bin discharge device底卸式料仓:Bottom dump bucket闸门:Gate装料料斗:Charging funnel卸料装置:Emptying device防雨盖:Cover of weather-proof给料口、装料口:Receiving opening筒仓料斗:Silo bunker清灰门:Soot door卸料溜子:Tip chute隔仓板:partition plate生料均化库:Raw meal homogenizing silo 气动均化库:Pneumatic Homogenizing silo 气动存储库:Pneumatic storage silo弃料中间仓:Reject intermediate bin砂岩、页岩、铁粉储库:Silica 、shale、pyrite storage生料仓:Raw meal bin原煤喂料仓:Raw coal feed bin废料仓:Scrap bin(五)输送装置输送机空气输送斜槽:1. Aerated conveying trough2. airslide3。



1. welding circuits焊接电路2. welding processes焊接工艺3. welding wire conduit 焊丝导管4. workpiece 工件5. cable电缆6. stick-electrode焊条7. welding gun 焊枪8. electrical current电流9. welding machine电焊机10. electrode holder焊钳11. electrode焊条,电极,焊丝12. alternating current(AC) 交流电13. direct current(DC) 直流电14. power source 电源15. power line 电源线16. transformer 变压器17. rectifier 整流器18. torch 焊炬19. welding materials焊接材料20. arc blow 电弧偏吹21. solid wire 实心焊丝22. flux-cored wire 药芯焊丝23. welding flux 焊剂24. arc welding (AW) 电弧焊25. manual arc welding 手工电弧焊26. core wire 焊芯27. coating (or covering) 药皮28. filler metal 填充金属29. base metal 母材金属30. weld 焊缝31. slag 熔渣32. gas welding 气焊33. welding wire 焊.丝34. submerged arc welding (SAW) 埋弧焊35. electroslag welding (ESW) 电渣焊36. metal inert-gas arc welding (MIG) 熔化极惰性气体保护焊37. wire-feeding mechanism(wire feeder)送丝机构38. arc stability 电弧稳定性39. electrode feed rate送丝速度40. electrode feed unit 送丝装置41. wire drive-roll 送丝滚轮42. wire reel 焊丝盘43. welded joint 焊接接头44. butt joint 对接接头45. corner joint 角接接头46. T joint T形接头47. lap joint 搭接接头48. edge joint 端接接头49. bond area 熔合区50 heat-affected zone热影响区51. flat position 平焊位置52. horizontal position 横焊位置53. vertical position 立焊位置54. overhead position 仰焊位置55. undercut 咬边56. overlap 焊瘤57. lack of fusion 未熔合58. molten metal熔池金属59. vertical down welding 向下立焊60. vertical up welding 向上立焊61. pinch effect 电磁收缩效应62. porosity 气孔63. molten iron 铁水64. stainless steel不锈钢65. carbon steel碳钢66. low-alloy steel低合金钢67. aluminum alloys铝合金68. heat input 热输入69. weld pool(molten pool; puddle)熔池70. electric arc电弧71. metal rod金属棒72. arc voltage 电弧电压73. travel rate (travel speed; welding speed; arc speed; torch speed)焊接速度74. electrode angle 焊丝角度75. nozzle-to-work distance 喷嘴与工件之间的距离76. gas-flow rate 气流速度77. penetration 熔深78. molten metal 熔融金属79. deposition rate熔敷速度80. contact tube(tip)导电嘴81. nozzle 喷嘴82. building up (surfacing, overlaying)堆焊83. welding position 焊接位置84. welding equipment 焊接设备85. preheat 预热86. wire extension (stickout) 焊丝伸出长度87. are length 弧长88. groove 坡口89. Self-shielded Flux Cored Process自保护药芯电弧焊90. Shielded Metal Arc Process(Shielded Metal Arc Welding SMAW)焊条电弧焊91. Gas Metal Arc Process/Welding (GMAW)熔化极气体保护电弧焊92. striking arc 引弧93. crater 弧坑94. crack 裂纹95. run-off tab 引出板96. oscillator 振荡器97. Gas Tungsten Arc Process (GTA)钨极气保焊98. square butt joint I形对接接头99. single V butt joint V形对接接头100. double V butt joint 双V形对接接头。




























服装工艺英语_汉语对照平缝线迹----PLAIN STITCH ,FLAT STITCH疏缝线迹----BASTING STITCH ,TACKING STITCH绷缝线迹----COVERING STITCH ,FLAT -LOCK STITCH绗缝线迹----QUILTED STITCH嵌缝线迹----CORD STITCH面缝线迹----TOP STITCH,OVER STITCH暗缝线迹----INVISIBLE STITCH ,BLIND STITCH缲缝线迹----SLIP STITCH折缝线迹----FELL STITCH倒缝线迹----REVERSIBLE STITCH , BACKWARD STITCH包缝线迹----OVERLOCK STITCH ,OVERCASTING STITCH ,OVEREDGE 锁式线迹----LOCK STITCH ,LOCKSTITCH链式线迹----CHAIN STITCH联式线迹----CHAINLOCK STITCH人字线迹----HERRINGBONE STITCH羽状线迹----FEATHER STITCH珠式线迹----PEARL STITCHZ形线迹----CATCH STITCH,ZIGZAG STITCH角形线迹----ANGLE STITCH弓形线迹----ARCHED STITCH锯齿形状线迹----PICOT STITCH ,ZIGZAG STITCH贝壳形状线迹----SHELL STITCH网眼形状线迹----BASKET STITCH蜂窝形状线迹----HONEYCOMB STITCH直形线迹----STRAIGHT STITCH双十字形状线迹---DOUBLE STITCH交叉线迹,十字线迹---CROSS STITCH圆形线迹----ROUND STITCH廓形线迹----OUTLINE STITCH曲折形线迹---ZIGZAG SITITCH变形线迹---CHANGE STITCH钩编线迹---CROCHET STITCH织补线迹---DARNING STITCH刺绣线迹---EMBROIDERY STITCH,CREWEL STITCH装饰线迹---ORNAMENTAL STITCH,DECORATIVE STITCH 花式线迹---FANCY STITCH点划线迹---DOT DASH STITCH对称线迹---COUNTER STITCH比翼线迹---FLY STITCH特殊线迹---SPECIAL STITCH复合线迹---COMBINATION STITCH, SPLIT STITCH复式线迹---DOUBLE ACTION STITCH双针线迹---TWICE STITCH双重线迹---TWICE STITCH三重线迹---TRIPLE STITCH缝式线迹---SEAM STITCH加固线迹---FASTENING STITCH ,TACKING STITCH 打结线迹---KNOTTING STITCH扎缚线迹---PADDING STITCH袖褶线迹---SHIRRING STITCH伸缩线迹---STRETCH STITCH,ELASIC STITCH滚边线迹---BINDING STITCH卷边线迹---HEMMING STITCH暗卷缝线迹---BLINDING HEMMING STITCH拼合线迹---ABUTTING STITCH间断线迹---BROKEN STITCH跳针线迹---SKIPPING STITCH安全线迹---SAFETY STITCH手针缝法缭针法----SLIP STITCH拱针法----PRICK STITCH明缲针法---FELL STITCH暗缲针法---BLING HEMMING STITCH环针法----CATCH STITCH叠针法----FASTENING STITCH扎针法----PAD STITCH扳针法----DIAGONAL BASTING绗针法----QUILTING STITCH锁针法----LOCK STITCH倒针法----BARTACK STITCH ,BACK STITCH 三角针法---HERRINGBONE STITCH杨树花针法--FEATHER STITCH花针法----ZIGZAG STITCH跳针法----SKIPPING STITCHC:Cotton 棉W:Wool 羊毛M:Mohair 马海毛RH:Rabbit hair 兔毛AL:Alpaca 羊驼毛S:Silk真丝J:Jute 黄麻L:linen 亚麻Ts:Tussah silk 柞蚕丝YH:Yark hair 牦牛毛Ly:lycra莱卡Ram:Ramine 苎麻Hem:Hemp 大麻T:Polyester 涤纶WS:Cashmere 羊绒N:Nylon 锦纶(尼龙)A:Acrylic 腈纶Tel:Tencel 天丝,是Lyocell莱赛尔纤维的商品名La:Lambswool 羊羔毛Md:Model 莫代尔CH:Camel hair 驼毛CVC:chief value of cotton涤棉倒比(涤含量低于60%以下)Ms:Mulberry silk 桑蚕丝R:Rayon 粘胶纤维缩写代号纤维名称缩写代号天然纤维丝S麻L人造纤维粘胶纤维R醋酯纤维CA三醋酯纤维CTA铜氨纤维CVP富强纤维Polynosic蛋白纤维PROT纽富纤维Newcell 合成纤维碳纤维CF聚苯硫醚纤维PPS聚缩醛纤维POM酚醛纤维PHE弹性纤维PEA聚醚酮纤维PEEK预氧化腈纶PANOF改性腈纶MAC维纶PVAL聚乙烯醇缩乙醛纤维PVB氨纶PU硼纤维EF含氯纤维CL高压型阳离子可染聚酯纤维CDP常压沸染阳离子可染纤维ECDP聚乳酸纤维PLA聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯纤维PTT聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯纤维PBT聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯纤维PEN聚乙烯、聚丙烯共混纤维ES氯纶Pvo聚对本二氧杂环已酮纤维PDS弹性二烯纤维ED同位芳香族聚酰胺纤维PPT对位芳香族聚酰胺纤维PPTA芳砜纶PDSTA聚酰亚胺纤维Pi超高强高模聚乙烯纤维CHMW-PE 其他金属纤维TF玻璃纤维GE车缝车间单针平车 1-NEEDLE LOCKSTITCH M/C单针链缝平车 1-NEEDLE CHAINSTITCH M/C人字平车 ZIG-ZAG STITCHES M/C双针车 TWIN-NEEDLE M/C钮门车 BUTTONHOLE M/C钉钮车 BUTTON ATTACHING M/C打枣车 BARTACK M/C埋夹车 CHAIN STITCH FEED-OFF ARM M/C切刀车 LOCKSTITCH TRIMMING M/C五线及骨车 5-THREAD SAFTY STITCHES M/C三线及骨车 3-THREAD OVERLOCKING M/C拉筒车 MUTI-NEEDLE CHAINSTITCH M/C耳仔机 LOOPER SEWING M/C辘脚车 SPECIAL STREAMLINED LOCKSTITCH三针网车 3-NEEDLE INTERLOCK M/C四针虾苏网车 4-NEEDLE INTERLOCK M/C四针拼缝车 FEED-OFF-THE-ARM,4 NEEDLE BOTH CUT FLAT SEAMER 挑脚车 CHAIN-BLINDSTITCH M/C凤眼车 EYELET END M/C开袋机 POCKET M/C切耳仔机 LOOPER CUTTING MACHINE粘合机 FUSING M/C啤钮机 SNAP FIXING M/C切领机 COLLAR CUTTING M/C切筒车 CUTING PLACKET MACHINE拉布机 SPREADER直送捆条机 BALER大型翻线机(8个头) CROSSING THREAD M/C反领机 COLLAR TURNING MACHINE自动反介英机 AUTO CUFF TURNING M/C点领机 HEAT NOTCHING M/C切领机 COLLARTRIMMING M/C切筒机 PLACKET TRIMMING M/C裁床裁床 CUTTING BED绣花机 EMBROIDERING M/C直刀电剪 STRAIGHT KNIFE M/C切布机 CLOTH CUTTING M/C一字镭射灯 "一" LASER LIGHT十字定位灯 CROSS LASER LIGHT切朴机 INTERLINNING CUTTING M/C 卷朴机 WINDING INTERLINNING M/C 钻孔机 HOLER M/C自动裁割机 AUTOMATIC CUTTING M/C 啤机 HYDRAULIC CUTTING PRESSER 拉布机 SPREADER印花厂自动印花机 AUTO-PRINTING M/C印花烘干机 DRYER手动印花机 MANUAL PRINTING M/C 洗网机 NET WASHER MACHINE晒网机 BLUE PRINT MACHINE干网机 NET DRYER MACHINE刨刮机 SQUEEGE SHARPENER熨画机 IRONING DRAWING洗水厂工业洗衣机 INDUSTRY WASHER工业脱水机 INDUSTRY SPIN-DRYER工业染色办机 INDUSTRY COLORING M/C震动机 SHAKING M/C大货洗衣机 BULK WASHER缝纫机中英文对照机型Bed type平板式 / Flat bed平台式 / Raised flat-bed箱体式 / Box type立柱式 / Post-bed悬筒式 / Cylinder type旋梭Hook卧式标准旋梭 / Horizontal hook (standard) 卧式双倍旋梭 / Horizontal hook (large) 立式标准旋梭 / Vertical hook (standard) 立式双倍旋梭 / Vertical hook (large)摆梭 / Shuttle hook使用线数No. of threads线数 / No. of threads针迹Size of stitch(mm)机针 / Needle针间距 / Needle gauge针迹长度 / Stitch length线迹长度 / Stitch length线迹宽度 / Stitch width送料方式Feeding modes下送料 / Bottom feed差动送料 / Differential feed针送料 / Needle feed上下送料 / Top and bottom feed 综合送料 / Compound feed滚轮送料 / Wheel feed针数No. of needles针数 / No. of needles缝纫速度Sewing speed(S.P.M.)缝纫速度 / Sewing speed缝纫速度(带速度控制器) / Sewing speed(with controller)送布差动量Feed amount主运动量 / Main feed amount差动主运动量 / Differential feed amount差动比 / Differential ratio缝纫布料Sewing materials薄料 / Light-weight materials中厚料 / Medium-weight materials厚料 / Heavy-weight materials极厚料 / Extra heavy-weight materials机能Functions离合式针杆 / Split needle bar针杆行程 / Needle stroke压脚提升量 / Height of presser foot滚轮压脚 / Roller presser foot加固缝 / Straight line bartacking挡线 / Thread wiper切线 / Thread trimmer倒回缝 / Reverse stitching交替幅度 / Alternation range弯针 / Looper模式 / Sewing mode布切刀 / Cloth cutting knife衣前身 front body/front裁片/片料 cutted pieces/cut衣大身 bodice/body大身衣片 body piece前身里子 front lining全/半衬里 full/half lining活动里 detachable lining拉练脱卸里 zip-out lining防缩衬里 shrink-proof lining衣肩 shoulder腰节 waistline前过肩 front yoke领嘴 notch胸部 chest/breast/bosom硬衬胸 front stiff前襟/前片/前幅 forepart/front panel 开襟 opening/placket/cardigan front长开襟 deep placket半开襟 placket front/neckline placket对襟 front opening偏襟 slanting front/side opening曲襟 crank opening门襟 top/front fly明门襟 front strap/band//top center贴门襟 facing strap暗门襟French front/plain front//wrap over front/ button panel/cover placket假门襟 mock fly门襟里打袢 fly tongue里襟 under/right fly挂面 front facing前搭门 front overlap门襟止口 front edge腰身 waist下摆/衣裾 bottom/hem/lap平下摆square-cut hem/plain hem/flat hem斜下摆 slant-cut bottom弧形下摆 curve bottom圆下摆 round bottom罗纹下摆 rib bottom底边/折边 hem反折边 turnup hem贴边 facing/welt滚边 piped/welted edge滚条 welt嵌条 panel包边 covered edge假封边 tack edge毛边 fringe皱襞 jabot领串口 gorge line领驳口 fold line for lapel扣眼/钮孔 buttonhole圆头钮孔/凤眼 eyelet buttonhole平头钮孔/直扣眼 straight/flat buttonhole 花式扣眼 fancy buttonhole假扣眼 mock/decoration buttonhole滚边扣眼/滚眼 welt buttonhole扣位button stand扣眼位buttonhole position扣眼档 buttonhole distance省 dart前肩省 front shoulder dart前腰省 front waist dart驳口省 lapel dart肋省 underarm/side dart肚省 stomach dart曲线省/刀背缝 French dart衣后身 back body后片/后幅 back panel后身里 back lining后身半衬里 half back lining 总肩 across back shoulders小肩 shoulder line后过肩 back yoke后开襟 back opening后搭门 back overlap后半腰带 half back belt后摆 tail/sweep/coattail后摆省 back waist dart后肩省 back shoulder dart衩 vent/slit/slash/umanoir(F)背衩 back vent单衩 center vent明单衩 hook vent阴衩/暗衩 inverted vent边衩/双开衩 side vent/split钩形衩 hook vent关于针织品的名词术语1.1 针织物1.1.1 纬编针织物 weft-knitted fabric用纬编针织机编织,将纱线由纬向喂入针织机的工作针上,使纱线顺序地弯曲成圈,并相互穿套而形成的圆筒形或平幅形针织物。



mim工艺常用的专业术语英语In the world of MIM (Metal Injection Molding), there are a few essential terms we use every day. First up, "feedstock" is the blended metal powder and binder that's the starting point for any MIM project. It's like the dough before it goes into the oven.The next term is "debinding." This is when we remove the binder from the feedstock using heat or chemicals. It's kind of like taking the chocolate out of a chocolate chip cookie dough before baking.After debinding, comes sintering. That's when we heat the metal powder to fuse the particles together, making a solid part. Think of it as baking that chocolate chip cookie dough until it's a delicious, solid cookie.Tooling is another important term. It refers to the molds or dies we use to shape the feedstock. They're like the cookie cutters that give our parts their final shape.Lastly, let's talk about ejection. After sintering, the parts need to be removed from the mold. That's called ejection, and it's like taking the freshly baked cookies out of the oven and off the cookie sheet.So, there you have it! A few essential terms in the world of MIM, explained in a way that's easy to understand and remember.。



工艺流程专业术语英语1. Batch Processing.2. Continuous Processing.3. Countercurrent Flow.4. Co-current Flow.5. Cross-flow Filtration.6. Dead Leg.7. Downstream Processing.8. Feedstock.9. Heat Exchanger.10. Hold-up Volume.11. In-line Processing.12. Mass Transfer.13. Mixing Tank.14. Off-gas.15. Packed Column.16. Parallel Flow.17. Plug Flow.18. Pressure Drop.19. Product Stream.20. Recycle Stream.21. Residence Time.22. Scale-up.23. Shear Viscosity.24. Slurry.25. Solids Loading.26. Steady State.27. Stirred Tank Reactor.28. Stream.29. Throughput.30. Transient State.31. Unit Operation.32. Yield.中文回答:工艺流程专业术语。

1. 间歇式处理。

2. 连续式处理。

3. 逆流。

4. 顺流。

5. 交叉流过滤。

6. 死角。

7. 下游加工。

8. 原材料。

9. 热交换器。

10. 滞留体积。

11. 在线处理。

12. 传质。

13. 混合罐。

14. 尾气。

15. 填料塔。

16. 平行流。

17. 塞流。

18. 压降。

19. 产品流。

20. 回流。

21. 停留时间。

22. 扩大规模。

23. 剪切粘度。

24. 浆液。

25. 固体负载。

26. 稳态。

27. 搅拌釜反应器。



机械加工常用基础英语名词术语翻译对照大全air header 集气管air set 空气中凝固,常温自硬自然硬化Alignment:对准,定位调整amplifier panel 放大器盘analyzer 分析器anchor bolt 地脚螺栓anchor bolt 锚定螺栓application drawing 操作图,应用图arc cutting 电弧切割arc gouging 电弧刨削arc welding 电弧焊assembly.装配audit 审计automatic temperature recorder 温度自动记录器back-feed 反馈base material 基底材料bellow type 波纹管式bend.弯管弯头Bending:挠曲beveling 磨斜棱,磨斜边blinding plate 盲板blind 挡板blowhole 气泡,气孔bolt 螺栓bonding wire 接合线,焊线both sides welding.双面焊接branch connection 分支接续bridges.管式桥burn through 烧蚀bus duct 母线槽butt weld 对接焊缝butt welding 对接焊cable armor 电缆铠装cable fitting 电缆配件cable gland 电缆衬垫cable glands:电缆衬垫cable routing 电缆路由选择Cable sheath 电缆包皮层cable tray.电缆盘cable trunk 电缆管道calculation sheet 计算书calorimeter 热量计Capping ends 顶盖末端cathodic protection system 阴极保护系统caulking metal 填隙合金金属(材料)cement lined piping 水泥衬里channel bases 沟渠基底check against 检查,核对check valve 止回阀chipping 修琢chronometer 精密计时表Circuit breaker 断路开关circumferential joint 周圈接缝civil engineer.土木工程师civil works 土建工程,建筑工程clamp.夹钳coaxial cable 同轴电缆color identification 彩色识别commencement.开始condensation 冷凝conduit box 电导管分线匣conduit entry 导管引入装置conduit outlet 电线引出口connector. 接线器Console:控制台construction work 施工工程control cable 控制电缆操纵索control console 控制台control valve actuator 阀控传动机构control valve 控制阀,control wiring 控制线路control:控制器convenience receptacle.电源插座crate:柳条箱cubicle 室,箱cutting opening 切孔Cutting:切割design pressure 设计压力dimensional inspection 尺寸检验disposition notice 处罚通知书distribution board 配电盘,配电屏drain 排水管dye penetrant examination 染料渗透试验法elbow.弯管接头electric heat tracing.电伴随加热electrical material 电气材料electrical panel.配电板,配电盘electrode 电焊条erection 架设examination 试验exfoliation 剥落expansion bolt 伸缩栓,扩开螺栓expansion bolt 伸缩栓,扩开螺栓expansion joint 伸缩接头fabrication drawing 制造图纸,制作图fabrication tolerance.制造容差fabrication 加工,制造fabrication.制造feeder 馈电线ferritic .铁素体的field fabricated 工地制造的,现场装配的field installation 现场安装field instrument.携带式仪表filler metal 焊料,焊丝filler rod 焊条fillet weld 角焊,填角焊film density.影片密度film viewer 底片观察用光源fire barriers 防火间隔Fixing:固定flange connection.凸缘联接flange gasket 法兰垫片flange joint 凸缘接头flange.凸缘,flash plate 闪熔镀层flexible conduit 软管flow instrument 流量计flow instrument 流量计flow sheet 流程图flushing 冲洗,填缝flux 焊剂fusion 熔融gage glass 液位玻璃管gas cutting.气割gauge board 样板,模板规准尺gauge board 仪表板girth weld 环形焊缝Goggles:护目镜gouging .刨削槽grind off 磨掉grinder. 磨床grounding conductor 接地导体grouting 灌浆guide wire 尺度定距索,准绳gusset plate 角撑板,加固板hanger 吊架Hard hat:安全帽Heating boxes 加热室high frequency generator.高频发电机horizontal line 水平线hydrostatic pressure test 静水压试验hydrostatic test .流体静力学试验,水压试验identification mark 识别标志imperfection缺陷inclusion 杂质instrument air 仪表气源instrument rack 计测器支架instrument rack 计测器支架,计测器框架insulated sleeve 绝缘套管intensifying screen 增光屏,光增强屏jig.夹具job site 施工现场junction box 分线箱junction box.接线盒land 纹间表面lateral translation 侧向平移layout drawing 布置图lead foil 铅箔lead pipe 铅管leak test 漏泄试验level instrument 位面计,水平仪level switch (信号)电平开关,Leveling:校平lighting fixture 照明器材limitation 限度line check 小检修line number 行数lintel beam 水平横楣梁liquid penetrant examination 液体渗透探伤local heat treatment 局部热处理local panel 现场配电盘lock washer 锁紧止动,防松垫圈logic diagram 逻辑图longitudinal.纵向的loop test 环路测试lump sum price 混合价格,统包价格machining 机械加工magnetic particle examination 磁粉检验main pipe 主管道master schedule 主要图表,综合图表,设计任务书,主要作业表material certificate.材料合格证metallic luster 金属光泽motor lead 电动机引出线name plate 名牌,商标National Electrical Code 全国电气规程nipple 螺纹接头nondestructive examination.非破坏性检验,normal bend 法向法线弯管NPT thread. 美国标准锥管螺纹nut 螺母odometer 历程标opening 开口orifice plate.挡板packing list 装箱单penetrameter 透度计pilot tube 指示灯pipe arrangement 管配置pipe stanchion 管支柱piping system.管道系统Piping work:铺管工程piping.管道系统piping 管道敷设plate thickness 筛板厚度plug.塞pneumatic pressure 气压pneumatic signal 气动信号postweld heat treatment焊后热处理power control 功率控制power distribution panel 配电盘power drill 机械钻power receptacle 电力插座power wiring 电力布线pressure instrument 压力仪表/压力计pressure test.压力试验process pipe 工艺管道purchased material list 原材料进货单push button station 按钮式控制站qualification:合格性race way 电缆管道radiographic examination 射线照相检查Random Radiography 随机射线照相检查recalibration.复校,重新校准receptacle 插座reinforcement of weld 加强焊缝reinforcing pad.补强垫,增强衬板residual stress 残余应力restoration 修理rigid conduits 刚性导管rigid steel conduit 钢制电线管ring joint 环接,围缘接合road crossing duct bank 平交道口管道组scaffolding 脚手架scale 废料schedule number 表示管壁厚度系列的号码scrap material 废料Screw thread lubricant 螺纹润滑剂Screwed Piping Joints 螺丝状的管接头seal fitting 密封接头,密封配件seal welding.密封焊接Seal:绝缘层sealing compound 电缆膏sequence test.联锁顺序试验shield gas 保护气体shield jig 保护夹具shim plate 垫板shop fabrication 车间制造silicone paint 硅树脂油漆sleeve 套筒socket weld 承插焊接solenoid valve.螺线管阀,电磁阀solvent 溶剂spool drawing 管路图,管路详图spot test 抽查,当场测试sputter 喷溅stamping .冲压steam trace 加热蒸汽管道Steam trace:加热蒸汽管道stencil.模绘片版,镂花模板stockpile 贮存stop end 封端structural attachment 结构附件sub-header 分联箱subcontractor 转包商substation 分站tachometer 转速计tack welding 点焊tack welding 平头焊接take-off valve 输出阀tank gauge 液面计tank gauge 油箱液位计tapered allowance 削尖余量tee 三通管丁字钢T 形梁tender documents 提供证件tensile strength 抗张强度terminal block 线弧,接头排接线盒,接线板,线夹terminal box 接线盒test pump 试验泵threaded pipe 螺纹管Threading:车缧纹tie band 捆扎用带材TIG:Tungsten-arc Inert-Gas welding 钨极电弧惰性气体保护焊torque wrench 转矩扳手tubing 敷设管道tumble switch.翻转开关,拨动式开关undercut 底切valve 阀,闸门vent 放气孔,通风孔vertical panel 竖直面板vibration stopper:减震器weld bead 焊缝weld joint 焊缝,焊接接头weld reinforcement 焊缝补强welded joint 焊接缝焊接节点welding bead 焊道welding rod 焊条Welding:焊接wet developer 湿显像剂wire coil 线盘,线卷,wire connector 接线器wire terminal 电线接头witness test 订货人在场的试验witnessed inspections 现场检测WPS Works Process Specification 典型工艺规程zinc plated.镀锌的机械加工常用刀具英汉对照adjustable spanner 活动扳手angle cutter 角铣刀anvil 铁arbour 心轴backing 衬垫belt sander 带式打磨机buffing 抛光chamfering machine 倒角机chamfering tool 去角刀具chisel 扁錾chuck 夹具compass 两角规concave cutter 凹面铣刀convex cutter 凸形铣刀cross joint 十字接头cutting edge clearance 刃口余隙角drill stand 钻台edge file 刃用锉刀file 锉刀flange joint 凸缘接头grinder 砂轮机hammer 铁锤hand brace 手摇钻hatching 剖面线hexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓hexagon nut 六角螺帽index head 分度头jack 千斤顶jig 治具kit 工具箱lapping 研磨metal saw 金工锯nose angle 刀角pinchers 钳子pliers 铗钳plug 柱塞头polisher 磨光器protable driller 手提钻孔机punch 冲头sand paper 砂纸scraper 刮刀screw driver螺丝起子scribing 划线second out file 中纹锉spanner 扳手spline broach 方栓槽拉刀square 直角尺square sleeker 方形镘刀square trowel 直角度stripping 剥离工具T-slot T 形槽tool for lathe 车刀tool point angle 刀刃角tool post 刀架tosecan 划线盘trimming 去毛边waffle die flattening 压纹效平wiper 脱模钳wrench 螺旋扳手机械类常用英语:常用加工机械3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床boring machine 搪孔机cnc milling machine CNC 铣床contouring machine 轮廓锯床copy grinding machine 仿形磨床copy lathe 仿形车床copy milling machine 仿形铣床copy shaping machine 仿形刨床cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床die spotting machine 合模机drilling machine 孔机engraving machine 雕刻机engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机form grinding machine 成形磨床graphite machine 石墨加工机horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床jig boring machine 冶具搪孔机jig grinding machine 冶具磨床lap machine 研磨机machine center 加工制造中心multi model miller 靠磨铣床NC drilling machine NC 钻床NC grinding machine NC 磨床NC lathe NC 车床NC programming system NC 程式制作系统planer 龙门刨床profile grinding machine 投影磨床projection grinder 投影磨床radial drilling machine 旋臂床shaper 牛头刨床surface grinder 平面磨床try machine 试模机turret lathe 转塔车床universal tool grinding machine 万能工具磨床vertical machine center 立式加工制造中心wireE.D.M. 线割放电加工机模具专业英语入水:gate 进入位:gate location水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate细水口:pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size转水口:switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runnerhot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:roundfull/half runner流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡: runner balance热嘴:hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug 插座:connector socket密封/封料:seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug 喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker四、模具零件:mold components三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:l eader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板:support plate螺丝:screw 管钉:dowel pin 字串9开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针:ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin 推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable corereturn core core puller扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter模胚(架):mold base 上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert 行位(滑块):slide镶件:insert 压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate撑头: support pillar 唧嘴:sprue bushing挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun 活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader 水口司: bush 垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓: die spring中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch模具成形不良用语英汉对照aberration 色差atomization 化bank mark料纹bite 咬入字串5blacking hole 涂料孔铸疵blacking scab 涂料疤blister 起泡blooming 起霜low hole 破孔blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹breaking-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边camber 翘曲cell 气泡center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂crazing 龟裂deformation 变形edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕galling 毛边glazing 光滑gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂haze雾度incrustation 水锈indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点necking 缩颈nick 割痕orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流peeling 剥离pit 坑pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落riding 凹陷sagging 松垂saponification 皂化scar 疤痕scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞scratch 刮伤/划痕scuffing 深冲表面划伤seam 裂痕shock line 模口挤痕short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮折叠straightening 矫直streak 条状痕surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折surging波动sweat out 冒汗torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化wrinkle 皱纹模具工程常用词汇英汉对照——2stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory 现有库存available material 良品可使用obsolete material 良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工total合计cause description 原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type 形态item/group/class类别quality 品质prepared by 制表notes 说明physical inventory 盘点数量year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表字串5physical count quantity 帐面数量difference quantity 差异量cause analysis 原因分析raw materials 原料materials 物料finished product 成品semi-finished product 半成品packing materials 包材disposed goods 处理品warehouse/hub 仓库on way location 在途仓oversea location 海外仓spare parts physical inventory list 备品盘点清单spare molds location 模具备品仓skid/pallet 栈板tox machine 自铆机wire EDM 线割EDM 放电机coil stock 卷料sheet stock 片料tolerance 工差scoregroove 压线cam block 滑块pilot 导正筒trim 剪外边pierce 剪内边drag form 压锻差pocket for the punch head 挂钩槽slug hole 废料孔feature die 公母模expansion dwg 展开图radius 半径shimwedge 楔子torch-flame cut 火焰切割set screw 止付螺丝form block 折刀stop pin 定位销round pierce punchdie button 圆冲子shape punchdie insert 异形子stock locater block 定位块under cutscrap chopper 清角active plate 活动板字串6baffle plate 挡块cover plate 盖板male die 公模female die 母模groove punch 压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate 弹簧箱顶板bushing block 衬套insert 入块club car 高尔夫球车capability 能力parameter r 参数factor 系数phosphate 皮膜化成viscosity 涂料粘度alkalidipping 脱脂main manifold 主集流脉bezel 斜视规blanking 穿落模dejecting 顶固模demagnetization 去磁消磁模具钢材及零件英语模具钢材alloy tool steel 合金工具钢aluminium alloy 铝合金钢bearing alloy 轴承合金blister steel 浸碳钢bonderized steel sheet 邦德防蚀钢板carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢clad sheet 被覆板clod work die steel 冷锻模用钢emery 金钢砂ferrostatic pressure 钢铁水静压力forging die steel 锻造模用钢galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢high speed tool steel 高速度工具钢hot work die steel 热锻模用钢low alloy tool steel 特殊工具钢low manganese casting steel 低锰铸钢marging steel 马式体高强度热处理钢字串4martrix alloy 马特里斯合金meehanite cast iron 米汉纳铸钢meehanite metal 米汉纳铁merchant iron 市售钢材molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢molybdenum steel 钼钢nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢prehardened steel 顶硬钢silicon steel sheet 硅钢板stainless steel 不锈钢tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板tough pitch copper 韧铜troostite 吐粒散铁tungsten steel 钨钢vinyl tapped steel sheet 塑料覆面钢板塑件amp模具相关英文compre sion molding 压缩成型flash mold 溢流式模具plsitive mold 挤压式模具split mold 分割式模具cavity 型控母模core 模心公模taper 锥拔leather cloak 仿皮革shiver 饰纹flow mark 流痕welding mark 溶合痕post screw insert 螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw 自攻螺丝striper plate 脱料板piston 活塞cylinder 汽缸套chip 细碎物handle mold 手持式模具移转成型用模具encapsulation molding 低压封装成型射出成型用模具two plate 两极式(模具)well type 蓄料井insulated runner 绝缘浇道方式字串5hot runner 热浇道runner plat 浇道模块valve gate 阀门浇口band heater 环带状的电热器spindle 阀针spear head 刨尖头slag well 冷料井cold slag 冷料渣air vent 排气道h0.020.05mm w3.2mm L35mmwelding line 熔合痕eject p.。



目录1、电力设计基本术语2、给水排水设计基本术语3、水泵专业英语词汇4、阀门种类英汉术语对照5、阀门专用英语词汇6、照明术语7、工程结构设计基本术语电力设计基本术语abrasion-Proof component of burner 燃烧器耐磨件arm-brace 撑脚ash conditoner 调灰器basket removal panel 元件盒检修护板BDV blow down valve 疏水阀,排污阀blind 堵板blind flange 法兰堵板/盲板法兰(盖calling 催交campell diagram 叶片埃贝尔曲线dado 墙裙daily service fuel tank level switch 日用油缸液位掣damage 损毁damper 挡板damper linkage 风闸联动装置damper motor 风闸马达damping mat 阻尼垫dangerous earth potential 危险性对地电势dashpot 减震器data transmission 数据传输DC/AC converter 直流电/交流电转换器dead 不带电dead weight 自重decanter 沉淀分取器declaration of conformity 符合标准声明decommissioning 解除运作;停止运作decompression chamber 减压室decorative lighting 装饰照明;灯饰deep bore well pump 深钻井泵defect liability period 故障修理责任期;保用期defectograph 钢缆探伤仪;故障检查仪defence in depth 纵深防御definite sequence 固定次序deflection 偏转;挠度deflector sheave 折向轮;导向轮defrost timer 防霜时间掣defrost unit 溶雪组合dehumidifier 抽湿机deleterious substance 有害物质delivery and return air temperature 送风及回风温度delivery connection 出油接头delivery pressure 输出压力demand side management 用电需求管理demand side management agreement 用电需求管理协议demand side management programme 用电需求管理计划dent 凹痕dental instrument 牙科仪器dental scaler 洗牙具Departmental Administration Division [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 行政部〔机电工程署〕Departmental Safety Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 部门安全组〔机电工程署〕deposition 沉积物depth measuring facility 深度测量装置derating factor 额定值降低因子derust 除锈descale 清除氧化皮design current 设计电流design parameter 设计参数designated employee 指定雇员detachable grip 可拆除的夹扣Details of Branch Offices of Registered Electrical Contractors 注册电业承办商分行详情申报deterioration 变质;变坏Deutsche Industrie Normen [DIN] 德国工业标准device 器件;装置dewatering 脱水;排水diaphragm 膜片;隔板dielectric strength test 电介质强度测试diesel fuel tank 柴油燃料缸diesel oil 柴油differential gasket 差速器衬垫differential lock 差速器锁differential oil 差速器机油diffuser 透光罩;扩散器dilute 稀释dim sum trolley 点心手推车dim transformer 光暗变压器diminution of value 减值dimmer 调光器;光暗掣;光暗器dip tube 液位探测管Diploma in Electrical Engineering 电机工程学文凭dipstick 量油尺direct current [DC] 直流电direct current control 直流控制direct current electric drive 直流电电力驱动direct current reactor 直流电抗器direct drive 直接驱动direct purging 直接驱气direct-acting lift 直接驱动升降机direct-fired vaporizer 明火直热式汽化器direction arrow 方向箭头direction arrow plate 方向指示板direction indicator 方向指示器Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services 机电工程署署长Directory of Accredited Laboratories 认可实验所名册Directory of Quality System Registration Bodies 品质系统注册团体指南disassemble 拆散discharge 放电;卸载discharge lamp 放电灯;放电管discharge lighting 放电照明设施discharge of electricity 释电;放电discharge valve 排水阀disciplinary board 纪律审裁委员会disciplinary board panel 纪律审裁委员团disciplinary tribunal 纪律审裁小组disciplinary tribunal panel 纪律审裁委员团;纪律审裁委员会discolouring 变色disconnection 截断;截离steam hamerring analysis 汽锤分析steam packing unloading valve 汽封卸载阀steam purity 蒸汽纯度steam seal diverting valve 汽封分流阀steam seal feed valve 汽封给水阀steam water mixture 汽水混合物steel bar 扁钢steel supporting 钢支架steel wire brush 钢丝轮steel works 钢结构step load change 负荷阶跃still air 蒸馏气体stirrup 镫形夹stoikiometric ratio 化学当量比stopper 制动器、塞子storage vessell 贮水箱stppage alarm 停转报警stranded copper cable 铜绞线电缆strength 强度strong backs 支撑stud bolt 柱头螺栓、双头螺栓sub cooling line 欠热管submerged arc welding 埋弧焊substation 配电装置substation island 电气岛superficial corrosion 表面腐蚀superheat 过热度supersaturation 过饱和supervisory instrument 监测装置supply transformer 供电变压器support trunnion 支撑端轴surfactant 表面活性剂surge 喘振suspended diode 中断二极管suspended particles 悬浮颗粒switch board 开关柜switch gear 开关柜sychronization 并网sychroscope 同步指示器、同步示波器T square 丁字尺T/G transformer 发变组tackling system 起吊系统tamped/compacted backfill 夯实回填土tanks and accessories 箱罐和附件taper land thrust bearing 斜面式推力轴承tar epoxy paint 柏油环氧漆tarpaulin 防水布temperature digital display meter 温度数显表tensile test 拉伸试验tension test 拉伸试验,张力试验tensioning rod 拉杆terminal box 接线盒terminal poit 接口termination flange 接口法兰tertiary air 三次风test connection 试验接头test permition 试验合格the expansion coordinate system 热膨胀系统theodilite\transit instrument 经纬仪thermal insulatiion for tuebine casing 汽缸保温thermo resistor 热电阻thermostat 恒温器、恒温调节器thinner 稀释剂threaded flange 螺纹法兰throudh type 直通式、穿入式through bolt 贯穿螺栓、双头螺栓thrust plate 推力板tier tube 间隔管tilting pad 可倾瓦块tilting pad bearing 可倾瓦块轴承tip shroud 围带、环形叶栅外柱面tip speed 叶顶速度toe board/plate (kick plate) 踢脚板top crown plate seal 高冠板式密封装置top girder 顶板top penthouse 顶部雨棚top plan view 俯视图torquemeter 扭矩测量仪totalnumber of welding 焊口总数trajectory 轨道、轨迹transducer board 变送器屏transfer pipe 引出管transition piece 过渡连接件transtion piece 过渡段transverse strength 弯曲强度、抗挠强度transverse stress 横向应力、弯曲应力transverse test 抗弯试验trapezoid corrugated plate seperater 梯形波形板分离器、顶帽travelling crab 小车起重机travelling hoist 移动卷扬机tread width 踏步宽度trestle 组合支架trim and grind the welding 修磨焊点trisector air preheater 三分仓空预器trunk cable pair 主电缆对trunnion air seal assembly 端轴空气密封tube exchanger 管式热交换器tubing stress analysis 管系应力分析turbidity analyser 浊度分析仪turbine lube oil and conditioning system 汽机润滑油及净化系统turning oil 循环油twisted pair conveyer 双绞线传送器undercut 坡口underflow 地流、潜流、下溢union 活接头、管节unit control 单元控制unloadding spout vent fan 卸料口通风风机unloading valve 卸载阀urgent need equipment 急需设备urgtented need equipment 急需设备u-shape hanger chains u形曲链片吊挂装置UT ultrasonic testing 超声波探伤UTS ultimate tensible strength 极限抗拉强度vacuum belt filter 皮带真空吸滤器valve opening chart at load rejection 甩负荷阀门开启阀valve seat body seat 阀座valve spindle 阀轴、阀杆valve stem 阀杆vapor proof 防水灯variable inlet guide vane centrifugal fan 进口可调导叶离心式风机variable moning blade axial flow fan 动叶可调轴流式风机variable moving blade double stage axial fan 动叶可调双级轴流式风机variable speed driver 变速马达variables 变量vent capacity 排放量vent line 放气管ventilator valve 通风阀vernier caliper 游标卡尺vertical deflection 垂直挠度vertical movement 垂直位移vertical spindle coal pulveriser 立式磨煤机vibration isolation 隔振装置viewing lamp 观察指示灯viscosity 粘滞度、内摩擦viscous fluid 粘性液体visual examination of coating 外观质量vlve body 阀体void 无效volatily 挥发分voltage class 电压等级vortex gasket 涡流垫片wall type and retractable soot blower 墙式、伸缩式吹灰器warm air curtain 热风幕rwarming line 加热管water balance 水平衡water induction prevent control 防进水控制water level gauge 水位计water stop flange 止水法兰water supply facility island 水工岛wear hardness 可抗磨能力wear template 防磨板wearing bush 防磨套wearing plate 防磨板、护板weigh feeder 重量计量进料器weld bolt 焊接螺栓weld contamination 焊接杂质weld groove 焊缝坡口weld pass 焊道weld penetration 熔深weld preparation 焊缝坡口加工weld with shop beveled ends 工厂加工坡口焊接welder helment 面罩welding line 焊缝welding plate flange 焊接板式法兰welding rod 焊条welding rods dryer barrel 焊条保温筒welding run 焊道welding seam 对接焊缝welding technological properties 焊接工艺性能welding tool 电焊钳welding torch 焊枪welding wire 焊丝welds counting quantity 焊口统计数量wellington boot 防水长统靴whirl plate 折流板wide column 宽立柱winding resistance 绕组电阻wire feed speed 送丝速度wire netting/metal mesh 铁丝网wire wool 擦洗用的)钢丝绒,百洁丝withstand voltage test 耐压试验working medium 工质worm hole (焊缝)条虫状气孔yield strength 屈服强度yoke 磁轭、人孔压板、座架联板firproof paint 防火漆manifold valve 汇集阀saw trace 锯痕tapping point 取样点bushing current transformer 套管式电流互感器light gauge plate/sheet 薄钢板notch 槽口、凹口holding strip 压板straight edge 校正装置trailing edge 后缘lance 喷枪lighting off 点火gaseous fuel 气体燃料entrain 夹带、传输combustion air 助燃风hot stand by 热备用行波travelling wave模糊神经网络fuzzy-neural network神经网络neural network模糊控制fuzzy control研究方向 research direction副教授associate professor电力系统the electrical power system大容量发电机组large capacity generating set输电距离electricity transmission超高压输电线supervltage transmission power line 投运commissioning行波保护Traveling wave protection自适应控制方法adaptive control process动作速度speed of action行波信号travelling wave signal测量信号measurement signal暂态分量transient state component非线性系统nonlinear system高精度high accuracy自学习功能selflearning function抗干扰能力antijamming capability自适应系统adaptive system行波继电器travelling wave relay输电线路故障transmission line malfunction仿真simulation算法algorithm电位electric potential短路故障short trouble子系统subsystem大小相等,方向相反equal and opposite in direction 电压源voltage source故障点trouble spot等效于equivalent暂态行波transient state travelling wave偏移量side-play mount电压electric voltage附加系统add-ons system波形waveform工频power frequency延迟变换delayed transformation延迟时间delay time减法运算subtraction相减运算additive operation求和器summator模糊规则fuzzy rule参数值parameter values可靠动作action message等值波阻抗equivalent value wave impedance附加网络additional network修改的modified反传算法backpropagation algorithm隶属函数membership function模糊规则fuzzy rule模糊推理fuzzy reasoning样本集合 sample set给定的given模糊推理矩阵fuzzy reasoning matrix采样周期sampling period三角形隶属度函数Triangle-shape grade of membership function 负荷状态load conditions区内故障troubles inside the sample space门槛值threshold level采样频率sampling frequency全面地all sidedly样本空间sample space误动作malfunction保护特性protection feature仿真数据simulation data灵敏性sensitivity小波变换wavelet transformation神经元neuron谐波电流harmonic current电力系统自动化power system automation继电保护relaying protection中国电力 China Power学报 journal初探primary exploration标准的机组数据显示 (Standard Measurement And Display Data)负载电流百分比显示 Percentage of Current load(%)单相/三相电压 Voltage by One/Three Phase (Volt.)每相电流 Current by Phase (AMP)千伏安 Apparent Power (KVA)中线电流 Neutral Current (N Amp)功率因数 Power Factor (PF)频率 Frequency(HZ)千瓦 Active Power (KW)千阀 Reactive Power (KVAr)最高/低电压及电流 Max/Min. Current and Voltage输出千瓦/兆瓦小时 Output kWh/MWh运行转速 Running RPM机组运行正常 Normal Running超速故障停机 Overspeed Shutdowns低油压故障停机 Low Oil Pressure Shutdowns高水温故障停机 High Coolant Temperature Shutdowns起动失败停机 Fail to Start Shutdowns冷却水温度表 Coolant Temperature Gauge机油油压表 Oil Pressure Gauge电瓶电压表 Battery Voltage Meter机组运行小时表 Genset Running Hour Meter怠速-快速运行选择键 Idle Run – Normal Run Selector Switch运行-停机-摇控启动选择键 Local Run-Stop-Remote Starting Selector Switch其它故障显示及输入 Other Common Fault Alarm Display and input给水排水设计基本术语一、通用术语给水排水工程的通用术语及其涵义应符合下列规定:1、给水工程water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。



《机械制造基础》常用英语术语金工教研室200 年月乙炔发生器acetylene generator 二次淬火double hardening二次硬化secondary hardening 二氧化碳气体保护焊carbon-dioxideshieled arc welding 人工时效artificial-aging人字齿轮double helical spur gear,herringbone gear刀具寿命cutter life刀尖角nose angle刀座tool rest刀架tool carrier干型铸造dry sand casting下模bottom die上模top die下箱drag flask上箱cope flask工件working piece工序operating sequence 工作特性operating characteristics 工字钢girder steel飞边flash or fin飞边槽flash channel or gutter 飞溅spatter六角车床turrent lathe无心磨床centerless grinder无级调速stepless speed regulating 不熔化电级inconsumable electrode 车床lathe车削turning切削性cutability切削cutting principle切削运动cutting movement 切削要素cutting factors切削速度cutting speed切削深度cutting depthcutting surfacecutting planecutting areacutting toolcutting forcecutting fluidcutting edgecutting anglechips,swarfgroovinggear cuttingthreadingcutting-offspecific gravitygravity segregationsteady restinternal stressingatecohesive forceinternal grinderhand mouldinghand forginghand arc welding 反接reversed polarity,negative polarityreversed electrodesplit patternparting surfacesize screentwo-part mouldingwith a split patterngas weldinggas pressure weldinggas shieldedarc welding gas welding equipmentcavity,blow holeair tight test引弧arc-striking引弧电压ignition voltage双面焊welding by both sides 水压机hydraulic press立焊vertical position立柱vertical column立式车床vertical lathe闪光对焊flash butt welding 半熔化区incomplete fusion zone 自动电弧焊automatic arc welding 永久型铸造permanent mold casting 永久变形permanentdeformation出铁口spout浇不足misrun未焊透incomplete fusion 正火区normalized正级性,正接normal polarity,straight polarity节点node,point of joint 溃散性collapsibility石英quartz石墨graphite龙门刨床double-housing plane 平焊flat position welding 平口钳flat nose pliers平炉钢opening-hearth steel 平面磨床surface grinder轧制rolling process轧辊rolling mill卡盘chuck卡盘爪chuck jaw凸模冲头punch电源electric sources 电弧arc电弧焊arc welding电弧电压arc voltage电弧长度arc length电弧特性arc characteristic 电渣焊electroslang welding 电子束焊electro-bombardment 电焊机welding machine电焊变压器welding transformer 电蚀加工electric corrosionprocess 电解液electrolyte电炉钢electric steel凹模die block四爪卡盘four-jaw clamp白口铸铁white coat iron外园磨床plain grindingmachine 外特性external characteristic 外焰out flame主运动principle motion 主剖面principle section 主轴箱main spindle box 主偏角end cutting edge angle 出气孔vent hole出渣slag off加工性能workability加工硬化work handening加工余量allowance for finish 加工面finish surface对接接头butt joint台式钻床bench-type drillingmachine 母材base metal丝杠lead screw冲裁blanking冲天炉cupola冲天炉炉底cupola shell冲天炉炉身cupola body,cupola shaft 冲天炉前炉cupola receiver冲天炉炉缸cupola well冲床punching machine 冲压pressing冲孔punching交流电alternating current 机床machine tool机器锻造machine forging 机器造型machine moulding 压缩compression-2-《机械制造基础》常用英语术语金工教研室200 年月压力焊pressure welding 压力铸造die casting灰口铸铁grey cast iron夹渣enclosed slag夹角included angle夹具fixture扩孔钻头reaming bit划伤scotching划线scribing过热区overheated zone过渡锥transition cone光亮退火bright annealing光亮淬火bright quenching 光车刀finishing tool回程return motion刚玉corundum传动比speed ratio仰焊overhead positionwelding仿形法from copying method 延伸模膛fullering-impression 延伸,拔长drawing-out自由锻造free forging自动车床automatic lathe自动电弧焊automatic welding 后面flank后角relief angle全位置焊条all-position electrode 铸造性能casting property多孔的porous多箱造型multiple-part moulding 多层焊multi-layer welding 收缩shrinkage收缩量shrinkage收缩余量contraction allowance 收缩裂纹contraction crack 纤维组织fiber冷焊cold welding冷态cold state冷拉cold drawing冷裂cold crack冷处理subzero treatment,cold treatment 床身lathe bed床头lathe head应力stress应力状态stressed state汽化vaporization汽锤steam hammer进给量feed变速齿轮change speed gear 芯头core print.芯铁core iron芯盒core box芯砂core sand极性polarity两相区two-phase field找正adjust扭曲,翘曲distortion光杠feed rod时效aging抛光polishing连续浇铸continuous casting 折皱wrinkles低氢型焊条low-hydrogenelectrode 角接接头corner joint角变形angular distortion刨削planning刨齿gear shaping宏观裂纹macro-crack尾架tail stock附件accessory鸡心夹头carrier纯金属pure metal纵向变形linear deformation -1-变质铸铁inoculated cast iron 变形程度degree of deformation 变速装置speed transformation 实际应力actual stress空气锤pneumatic forging 空载电压open circuit voltage 空心主轴hollow spindle直浇口sprue,down sprue 直流direct current板料冲压press working ofsheet metal拉伸试验tensile test拉伸tension拉拔drawing拉丝wire drawing拉丝模wire drawing die 拉刀broach拉削broaching拉床broaching machine 坡口grooveV型坡口V- grooveU型坡口U- grooveX型坡口double groove拔模斜度tapper of pattern draw 拨盘rotating disc转炉钢converter steel软点soft spots齿条gear rack齿轮磨床gear grinder刮板造型sweep moulding金属工艺学technology of metals 金属材料metallic materials 金属锻造forge of metals金属压力加工press workingof metals金属的焊接与切割welding and cutting metals 金属切削加工metal-cutting process 弧柱arc stream弧长arc length弧坑crater降落特性drooping characteristic 组织结构constitution始锻温度initial forging temperature 终锻温度final forging temperature 弯曲bending弯曲模膛bending impression 进给运动feed motion前刀面rake face前角rake angle逆向分段焊back step sequencewelding剃齿gear shaving浇注pouring浇包laddle浇注速度pouring speed浇注系统gating system型芯molding core型钢shape steel型砂molding sand型砂强度sand strength研磨lapping研磨剂lapping compound,abrasive砂轮grinding wheel砂型铸造sand coasting耐火性refractoriness挤压extrusion点焊spot welding冒口feeder head,rising head 咬边undercut分型面tap face,parting face 胎模unattached die消除应力stress relief涂料coating material焊条electrode流动性fluidity部分相变区incomplete recrystallization 珩磨honing珩磨头honing tool起模stripping pattern draw 热影响区heat-affected zone-2-《机械制造基础》常用英语术语金工教研室200 年月红硬性red-hardness热稳定性thermal stability钻(孔)drilling钻头drill钻套drill bushing钻模drill plate钻夹drill chuck钻尾drill tail钻颈drill neck氩弧焊argon arc welding 氧-乙炔焰oxy-acetylene welding 氧化焰oxidizing flame缺陷defect造型材料moulding material 造型机moulding machine 造渣slagging透气性air permeability陶瓷结合剂vitrified bond预锻模膛blocking impression 粘结binding粘渣dry slag粘度viscosity粘土结合剂clay clad粗糙度roughness剪切shear焊接设备welding equipment 焊接规范welding rules,welding instruction 焊接速度welding speed焊接电流welding current焊接检验welding inspection 焊接试验welding testing焊接接头welding joint焊接缺陷welding defect焊接应力stress in welding 焊接变形deformation in welding 焊接顺序welding sequence 焊接金属weld metal焊接性weldability焊接钢welding steel焊条芯core wire焊条electrode焊丝welding wire焊剂flux焊炬welding torch焊嘴welding tip焊瘤overlap清理cleaning基面base plane堆焊pile-up welding副偏角side cutting edge angle 副前角side rake angle副后角side relief angle副截面side section副切削刃side cutting edge连续焊缝continuous welding seam 接触焊contact welding铣削milling铣齿gear milling铰孔reaming矫正机arbor press敏感性susceptibility偏析segregation脱氧deoxidize脱碳decarburization普通铸件common quality coasting 湿型铸造green sand coasting 割嘴cutting tip割炬cutting torch超级光磨super-smooth grinding 超声波焊ultrasonic welding 超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection 落砂shakeout裂缝crack搭接接头lap joint插齿gear slotting-1-翘曲warping铸铁cast iron铸造性castability铸造生产casting production 铸造用缩尺contraction rule铸件缺陷casting defect等离子焊plasma welding焦比coke radio溜板箱apron滚齿gear hobbing滚压模镗edging impression 蓝脆区blue-shortness zone 填平fill up蒸汽-空气锤steam and air hammer 楔铁wedge iron摇杆机构rock lever mechanism 摇臂钻床radial drilling machine 跳焊skip welding跟刀架follower rest锥度,锥体taper,cone惚孔spot facing微观裂缝micro-crack缝焊(滚焊)seam welding敲击法knocking method 端面end surface精密铸造precision methodcasting精度accuracy熄弧breaking the arc 熔点melting point熔滴fused drop,globul 熔池molten pool溶解dissolve熔化焊fusion melding熔化电级consumable electrode 熔模铸造investment casting,lost wax casting静特性static characteristic 模压die pressing模膛impression磁性探伤magnetic inspection 锻造性forgeabilityforging temperature range forging radioslugforging drawing forging tolerance forging allowance forging press forge welding aluminium forging nose time shrinkage cavity shrinkage porosity contraction crack friction method friction welding friction presslateral deformation cross gate runner horizontal position weldingcross welding seam chisel edgeknock-out by jolting grindinggear grinding grinding materiallaser weldinglaser process warping of thin plate borer,boring lathe,boring machine boringboring rodspiral angle thread grinder spiral chute upsetingupset radio explosive spark explosive pressing。



铸造行业英语词汇大全:一、铸造基本术语1. Casting:铸件2. Pattern:模样3. Mold:模具4. Core:砂芯5. Sand:砂子6. Foundry:铸造厂7. Melting:熔炼8. Pouring:浇注9. Solidification:凝固10. Casting Defects:铸件缺陷11. Machining:机械加工12. Inspection:检验二、铸造材料1. Grey Cast Iron:灰铸铁2. Ductile Cast Iron:球墨铸铁3. White Cast Iron:白铸铁4. Highstrength Cast Iron:高强度铸铁5. Stainless Cast Steel:不锈钢铸件6. Carbon Steel:碳钢7. Alloy Steel:合金钢8. Titanium Alloy:钛合金9. Aluminum Alloy:铝合金10. Copper Alloy:铜合金11. Magnesium Alloy:镁合金三、铸造工艺1. Sand Casting:砂型铸造2. Investment Casting:熔模铸造3. Die Casting:压铸4. Centrifugal Casting:离心铸造5. Continuous Casting:连续铸造6. Squeeze Casting:挤压铸造7. Lost Foam Casting:消失模铸造8. Shell Mold Casting:壳型铸造9. Vprocess Casting:V法铸造10. Highpressure Die Casting:高压铸造四、铸造设备1. Melting Furnace:熔炼炉2. Pouring Machine:浇注机3. Sand Mixer:砂混合机4. Molding Machine:造型机5. Core Shooter:射芯机6. Shakeout Machine:落砂机7. Grinding Machine:磨削机8. Shot Blasting Machine:喷砂机9. Testing Equipment:检测设备10. Robot:机器人五、铸造缺陷1. Blowhole:气孔2. Sand inclusion:砂眼3. Porosity:缩孔4. Shrinkage:缩松5. Cold shut:冷隔6. Hot tear:热裂7. Overfeed:过补给8. Underfeed:欠补给9. Oxidation:氧化10. Incomplete fusion:熔接不良六、铸造技术参数1. Tolerance:公差2. Draft:拔模斜度3. Parting Line:分模线4. Riser:冒口5. Gate:浇道6. Runner:滑道7. Cooling Time:冷却时间8. Solidification Time:凝固时间9. Molding Sand Properties:型砂性能10. Core Sand Properties:芯砂性能七、环保与安全1. Environmental Protection:环保2. Waste Gas Treatment:废气处理3. Waste Water Treatment:废水处理4. Solid Waste Treatment:固体废物处理5. Dust Collection:除尘6. Safety:安全7. Personal Protective Equipment:个人防护装备8. Fire Protection:消防9. Occupational Health:职业健康10. Accident Prevention:事故预防八、国际合作与标准1. ISO:国际标准化组织2. ASTM:美国材料与试验协会3. DIN:德国工业标准4. JIS:日本工业标准5. BS:英国标准6. SAE:美国汽车工程师协会7. International Foundry Research:国际铸造研究8. Foundry Technology Transfer:铸造技术转移9. Import and Export:进出口10. Global Foundry Industry:全球铸造行业。



贴布绣:APPLIQUE平跑针:FLAT STITCH扣琐:CUT WORK变色龙:SHADE THREAD/ POL Y/NYLONG花边:LACE纳褶:PLEATING/PIN TUCK带子:RIBBON LACE刷针绣:SATIN STITCH、锁链绣:CHAIN STITCH仿真丝:POL YSILK竹边线绣:PICK STITCH反底绣或反包梗:CREWELWORK STITCH仿双贡:POLY SILK麂皮绒:FAUX SUEDE仿双宫:FAUX DOUPIONI毛竹节:POLY SLUB磨毛布:POLYESTER BRUSHED\ MICRO FIBER 仿麻布:LINEN -LOO K阳离子:色丁布:POLYESTER SATIN亚光色丁:MATT SATIN网费:SCREEN CHARGE活性印染:reactive printing dyes涂料印染:PIGMENT PRINTINGscreen charge 网费手织样:HANDLOOM手刮样:OFF STRIKE OFF阳离子:FAUX SILK.If you want to bring down the prices,we suggest the reverse fabric use the Rongyuan fabric.But the target prices is too low,even if use the reverse fabric from Rongyuan,the target prices is also can not achieve.世界上最强的中国式英文~~1.we two who and who 咱俩谁跟谁阿2.how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你3.you don't bird me,I don't bird you 你不鸟,也不鸟你4.you have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers !together up !你有种,要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!5.hello everybody! if you have something to say,then say!if you havenothing to say,go home!! 有事起奏,无事退朝6.you me you me 彼此彼此7.You Give Me Stop!!product产品home textile家纺bedding 床上用品quilt 被子comforter胖被duvet cover被套quilt cover 被套comforter shell被壳sheet set床单套flat sheet床单套fitted sheet 床垫套pillowcase 西式枕(美)sham 中式枕(美)housewife pillowcase西式枕(英)oxford pillowcase中式枕(英)university 大学bedskirt床裙petti skirt床裙(加拿大) mattress床垫(toss) pillow 靠垫/抱枕cushion cover 靠垫壳breakfast cushion 早餐枕bumper床帷子table cloth台布placemat 盘垫runner长条doily杯垫oval椭圆的oblong长方的square正方的round圆的kitchen厨房oven mitt微波炉手套pot holder锅垫hotpot火锅window 窗window treatment 窗上用品panel大窗帘drapery大窗帘tieback绑带tier小窗帘valance帘头swag三角帘sca**窗幔*scot valance倒三角帘shade遮光帘blind遮光帘Accessory附件trimming饰边tassel 吊苏fringe排苏button扣子stud暗扣zipper拉链thread线rayon人丝线metallic thread金属线tape带子ribbon丝带,缎带lace蕾丝,花边cord线绳twist粗绳elastics松紧带sequin亮片bead 珠子label标签care label水洗标sewn-in label水洗标woven label织标printed label印刷标签***** sticker不干胶纸帖law label法律标barcode条形码carton label箱帖carton纸箱swing tag 吊牌hang tag吊牌master carton外箱inner carton内箱vinyl bag PVC袋handle 提手gusset加高folding board垫板insert 彩卡package包装casepack装箱数shipping mark唛头main mark主唛side mark 侧唛container集装箱seal number封号dimension尺寸measurement尺寸design 设计designer设计者style风格description描述ricrac水浪带association协会store 商店department store 百货公司speciality store专卖店discount store折扣店supermarket 超市chain store连锁店importer进口商exporter出口商vendor卖主,供应商agency代理商manufacturer制造商,厂商supplie*供货方factory工厂mill工厂retailer零售商面辅料英语(一)原料纺织原料 textile raw materials天然纤维 natural fibre化学纤维 chemical fibre植物纤维 vegetable fibre纺织纤维 textile fibre人造纤维 man made fibre动物纤维 animal fibre罗纹针织物 rib knit fabric双反面针织物 purl fabric长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted fabric 提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物 multi-ba* **bric(三)辅料1.衬树脂衬 resin interlining麻布胸衬 breast canvas树脂领衬 resin collar interlining绒布胸衬 breast fleece热熔衬 fusible interlining粘合衬 adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬 double-faced adhesive interlining 无纺布衬 non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬 non-woven adhesive interlining有纺粘合衬 adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬 hair interlining马尾衬 horsehair interlining化纤衬 chemical fibre interlining针织衬 knitted interlining2.填料棉花 cotton人造棉 artificial cotton喷胶棉 polyester wadding丝棉 silk wadding腈纶棉 acrylic staple fibre羽绒 down3.线、扣、拉链线 thread棉线 cotton thread丝线 silk thread尼龙线 nylon thread装饰线 ornamental thread钮 button四目扣 four-hole button装饰纽扣 decorative button异形扣 special-shaped button塑料扣 plastic button玻璃扣 glass button子母扣,四合扣 snap button拉链 zipper尼龙拉链 nylon zipper涤纶拉链 polyester zipper双头拉链 zipper with double sliders装饰带 fashion tape罗纹 rib家纺英语的专业术语(中英文对照)产品色彩风格/Color and style of the products 产品结构分类/Product structure classification 套件主题 / themes of each set产品生产规格 / Production specification专卖店陈列 / stand alone displaying产品需求比例/Proportion of products demand产品风格 Style of the products典雅 CLASSIC精致 FANCY舒适 ELEGANT春夏产品色彩 Main color of the products in Spring and summer 秋冬产品色彩 Main color of the products in autumn and winter 产品高贵色彩 COLORS FOR HIGH-END PRODUCTS印花/ Print Programs绣花 / Embroidered Programs提花 / Jacquard Programs蕾丝 / Lace Programs婚庆 / Wedding Sets面料要求:采用精梳纯棉面料,纱线粗细达40支以上,纱支密度达200针以上,经丝光-缩水-三防处理,印染工艺采用环保染料.运用大网,平网印染技术.Fabric requirements:pure cotton qualityTotal yarn count over 60Total density of warp&weft over 200mercerized finish to reduce shrinkage- waterproof, wrinkle-free, anti-static finish- printing and dyestuff used are environmental friendly - rolling print technology,盖被绣花 Fully embroidered throws枕边绣花 Embroidered pillow cases被面绣花 Embroidered duvet covers面料要求纱线细腻面料柔软图案精致Fabric used will be- fine and smooth- soft- exquisitely patterned被套:duvet cover有边枕套:pillow shame无边枕套:pillow case床单:sheet床裙:bed skirt盖被:throw套件:set series产品组合:product combination被芯:duvet睡衣:pajamas抱枕:cushion小件产品:basic set床笠:fitted cover care label:洗水唛sticker:吊牌产品里料 lining面料fabric平纹 taffeta斜纹 twill缎面 satin / charmeuse 绡 lustrine提花 jacquard烂花 burnt-out春亚纺pongee格子 check条子 stripe双层 double-layer双色 two-tone花瑶 faille高士宝koshibo雪纺 chiffon乔其 georgette塔丝隆 taslon弹力布 spandex/elastic/strec/lycra牛仔布 jeanet牛津布 oxford帆布 cambric涤棉 P/C涤捻 T/R白条纺 white stripe黑条纺 black stripe空齿纺 empty stripe水洗绒/桃皮绒 peach skin卡丹绒 peach twill绉绒 peach moss玻璃纱 organdy原料涤纶polyester锦纶nylon/polyamide醋酸acetate棉 cotton人棉rayon人丝viscose仿真丝imitated silk fabric真丝silk氨纶spandex / elastic / strec / lycra长丝 filament短纤 spun黑丝black yarn阳离子 cation三角异形丝triangle profile空气变形丝air-jet texturing yarn 超细纤维 micro–fibre全拉伸丝 FDY (full drawn yarn)预取向丝 POY(pre-oriented yarn)拉伸变形丝 DTY(draw textured yarn)牵伸加捻丝 DT (draw twist)retailer零售商wholesale*批发商fabric面料cotton棉布polyester涤Linen亚麻ramie苎麻silk真丝mulberry silk桑蚕丝dupioni双宫绸linen/viscose麻粘布percale高纱支sateen缎纹布satin佳丽缎sheer透明面料voile薄纱organdy薄纱organza硬纱taffeta塔夫绸corduroy灯芯绒faux suede麂皮绒velvet天鹅绒flannel法兰绒denim牛仔布twill斜纹布jacquard提花布brocade织锦缎dobby小提花布velour天鹅绒,丝绒dyed染色布printed印花flat bed平网印花rotary圆网印花yarn dyed色织布check格子布gingham色织格布floral花布stripe条纹布plain weave平纹布rayon人棉nylon尼龙chenille雪尼尔tulle网眼布mesh网眼布netting网眼布chambray青年布canvas帆布georgette乔其纱chiffon雪纺纱non-woven非织造布honeycomb蜂巢布waffle华夫格fleece羊毛,摇粒绒tencel天丝modal莫代尔lycra莱卡chemical fibre化学纤维man-made fibre人造纤维synthetic fibre合成纤维natural fibre天然纤维warp经丝weft纬丝yarn count纱支数thread count密度embroidery绣花technique工艺applique贴布patchwork拼布cutwork扣锁battenburg lace百带丽quilting绗缝hand quilting手绗machine quilting机绗computerized quilting 电脑绗sew缝cut 剪finish整理iron整烫satin stitch绷针chain stitch刷针chain embroidery锁链绣ribbon embroidery丝带绣machine embroidery机绣chenille embroidery刀切瓣crewel work雪丽绣platform床裙的面skirt/drop床裙的裙split corner开*式拐角pleated corner对脸折拐角ruffle 自由折box pleat对脸折seam 接缝seam allowance缝头hem卷边face/front 面back/reverse底filling/batting/wadding 填充物棉子flap舌头overlap大压小header上库库rod pocket下库库side hem侧卷边bottom hem底卷边top hem顶卷边overlock锁边blanket stitchneedle针opening/closure开口button closure纽扣封口zipper closure 拉链封口hidden zipper暗拉链flange飞边scallop荷叶边layout布局scatter分散的horizontal水平的vertical垂直的cuff/.hem西式枕的复边overlay覆盖物joint接缝office办事处namecard名片business card名片telephone电话phone/call电话fax传真meeting会议hotel旅馆programme项目project项目order订单purchase order(P.O.)订单training培训presentation 推介negotiate谈判approve/confirm确认production生产bulk production 批量生产mass production大规模生产manager经理general manager总经理director董事,主管lightbox灯箱labdip烧杯样strike off印花布的挂钩样handloom手织样system系统flight航班forwarder货代consolidator集运公司、人logistics后勤payment付款payment term付款条件inspection检验audit审查,验厂list一览表,清单namelist名单defect缺陷facility设施customer顾客buyer买方,买手compliance遵守source资源,开发cost成本price价格quote报价quotation报价quota配额duty税freight运费commission佣金distribution center配货中心review查看shipping出运delivery发货red seal红封样booking预订update更新download下载upload上载submit提交,递交contact联系,联系人register注册cubic meter立方米square meter平方米foot英尺inch英寸centimeter厘米ounce盎司gram克kilogram千克file文件attachment附件catalogue目录warehouse仓库standard标准quality质量quantity数量team/group组,队sample样品comment意见change/amend更改exclusive专门logo标志picture/photo图片finish后处理pre-treatment前处理content成分bleach漂白width 幅宽fabric weight面料克重construction组织结构screen网(平网/圆网印花)mercerize 丝光sanforize预收缩preshrink 预收缩shrinkage缩水率grey cloth坯布piece goods坯布greige 坯布calender 砑光coating 涂层resin 树脂emboss 压花的sanding 磨光soften 柔软seersucker 泡泡纱wash 水洗launder.(动词)洗涤laundry.(名词)水洗woven 梭织的,机织的knit 针织的felt 毛毡mattelasse 凸纹布plush 长毛绒terry 毛圈布cashmere 开士米,山羊绒wool 毛的test 测试test request form 测试申请单test report 测试报告test result 测试结果color fastness 色牢度dry crocking 干磨wet crocking 湿磨hand wash手洗dry clean 干洗machine wash 机洗flammability 阻燃性appearance retention 外观持久性dimension stability 尺寸稳定性。

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常用工艺术语[推荐]常用工艺术语1 工艺基本概念1.1 一般概念1.1.1数控加工:numerical control machining根据被加工零件图样和工艺要求,编制成以数码表示的程序输入到机床的数控装置或控制计算机中,以控制工件和工具的相对运动,使之加工出合格零件的方法。

1.2生产对象1.2.1 原材料:raw material投入生产过程以创新产品的物质。

1.2.2主要材料:primary material; direct material构成产品实体的材料。

1.2.3辅助材料:auxiliary material; indirect material在生产中起辅助作用而不构成产品实体的材料。



1.2.5易损材料:quick-wear material在正常使用条件下,容易损坏或失效的材料。

1.2.6废料:waste material在制造某种产品过程中,剩下的而对本生产对象不再有用的材料。



1.2.9棒材:bar stock金属或非金属材料通过拉延、轧制工艺获得的圆、方、六角形截面的材料。




1.2.13模压件:molded parts利用模具压制的工件。


1.2.15合格品:accepted product;;conforming article通过检验质量特性符合标准要求的制品。

1.2.16不合格品: defective unit; non conforming article通过检验,质量特性不符合标准要求的制品。


1.2.18返修品:rewotking parts通过修复或重行加工,质量特性符合标准要求的制品。

1.2.19样品:specimen ; sample用于材料试验分析,产品质量对照及商品宣传的单个或多个物品。


1.2.21配套件 (配件):fitting part组成产品的零件、部件、标准件及元器件等的总称。

1.2.22备品(备件):spare part储备待用的易损件。

1.2.23附件:accessory1) 供用户安装、调整和使用产品所需要的工具、检测仪表等,或为扩大产品使用功能所需的附属装置。

2) 随同主要文件一同制定或发出的有关文件。



1.2.26标准件:standard part按国家标准、部标准(专业标准)或企业标准规定制造的零、部、组(整)件。

1.2.27外购件:purchased part不是本单位设计、制造的,而是从其他单位购买来的产品。

1.2.28外协件:teamwork part由本企业提供设计图样资料,委托其他企业完成部分或全部制造工序的零、部、组(整)件。

1.2.29易损件:quick-wear part产品在正常使用过程中,容易损坏的零件。

1.2.30试件:testing part为试验材料的机械、物理、化学性能、金相组织和可加工性等而专门做的样件。

1.2.31一般特性:general character除关键特性和重要特性以外的所有特性,一般情况下此类特性不会影响产品的使用性能。

1.2.32重要特性:important character此类特性如达不到设计要求或发生故障,可能导致产品不能完成所要求的使命,但不会引起产品或主要系统失效。

1.3工艺方法1.3. 1锻造:forging在加压设备及工(模)具的作用下,使金属坯料或铸锭产生局部或全部的塑性变化,以获得一定几何形状、尺寸和质量的锻件加工方法。


1.3.3钳加工:bench work一般在钳台上以钳工工具为主,对工件进行的各种加工方法。



1.3.6热处理:heat treatment将固态金属或合金在一定介质中加热、保温和冷却,以改变其整体或表面组织,从而获得所需要性能的加工方法。

1.3.7表面处理:surface treatment改善工件表面层机械、物理或化学性能的加工方法的总称。


1.3.8表面涂覆:surface coating用规定的异己材料,在工件表面上形成涂层的方法。


1.3.10冷作:cold work在基本不改变材料断面特征的条件下,将金属板材、型材等加工成各种制品的方法。


1.3.12压力加工:mechanical metal processing使毛坯材料产生塑性变形或分离而无切屑的加工方法。

1.3.13塑料成型加工:plastic processing将塑料转变为塑料制品的各种工艺的总称。


1.3.14电加工:electric machining直接利用电能对工件进行加工的方法。

1.3.15电火花加工:electrical discharge machining(EDM)在一定的介质中,通过工具电极和工件电极之间的脉冲放电的电蚀作用,对工件进行加工的方法。


1.3.17包装:packaging1) 为在流通过程中保护产品,方便储运,促进销售,按一定技术方法而采用的容器、材料及辅助物等的总体名称。

2) 为达到上述目的而采用的容器、材料和辅助物的过程中施加一定技术方法等的操作活动。

2 机械加工工艺2.1 切削加工工艺2.1.1车削:turning工件旋转作主运动,车刀作进给运动的切削加工方法。


2.1.3刨削:planning shaping用刨刀对工件作水平相对直线往复运动的切削加工方法。



2.1.6锪削:spot facing; counterboring; countersinking用锪钻或锪刀刮平孔的端面或切出沉孔的方法。





2.1.11抛光:polishing buffing利用机械、化学或电化学的作用,使工件获得光亮平整表面的加工方法。

2.1.12深孔钻削:deep hole drilling孔深与孔径之比大于五倍的钻削加工方法。




2.2 典型表面加工工艺2.2.1孔加工2.2.1.1盲孔:blind hole未穿透的孔。通孔:through hole已穿通的孔。深孔:deep hole孔深与孔径之比大于五倍的孔。内螺纹底孔:internal screw thread bottom hole内螺纹加工前所加工的孔。钻孔:drilling用钻头在实体材料上加工孔的方法。扩孔:hole expanding用扩孔工具扩大工件孔径的加工方法。绞孔:reaming用铰刀从工件孔壁上切除微量金属层的加工方法。锪孔:counterboring;countersinking用锪削工具加工平底或锥形沉孔的加工方法。镗孔:boring用镗削工具扩大工件孔的加工方法。车孔:hole turning ;internal turning用车削工具扩大工件的孔或加工空心工件的内表面的加工方法。磨孔:hole grinding用磨削工具加工工件孔的方法。冲孔:punching用冲模在工件或板料上冲切孔的方法。电火花打孔:spark erosion perforation用电火花加工原理加工工件孔的方法。钻中心孔:center drilling用中心钻在工件的端面加工定位孔的方法。

2.2.2外圆加工2.2.2.1车外圆:cylindrical turning用车削方法加工工件的外圆表面。磨外圆:cylindrical grinding用磨削方法加工工件的外圆表面。

2.2.3螺纹加工2.2.3.1车螺纹:threading; thread turning用螺纹车刀切出工件的螺纹。磨螺纹:thread grinding用单线或多线砂轮磨削工件的螺纹。研螺纹:thread lapping用螺纹研磨工具研磨工件的螺纹。
