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第三段,题目的要求是give your comments,就是给出你的想法,针对第二段的两种类型,也有两种方法。对于现象类,只要写出“我觉得避免这种现象的措施有1,2”,比较好想;对于不是现象类,要写的是由此你能推出的结论。比如第二段写自信很重要,第三段就写“由上可知,自信在工作生活中是不可缺少的,因为只有自信才能努力,才能与别人配合,才能实现国家民族的自信,不被外国看低”,也就是,如果第三段你能推出新的结论就写新的,推不出来就是总结第二段各点,但要换另一种方法给表达出来,替换用过的词,如果还是觉得不够的话,也可以加上一个例子来支持推出的结论。





例1:Depicted by this cartoon is an ironic scene that couplet pasted by students mirrores their undesirable attitude toward college examinations. The first line reads “there would be no upgrade without cheating in examinations”, while the second line bears “what they prefer is less dignity than sound scores.” The horizontal scroll summarizes their idea: regardless of the virtue of honesty, they are determined to pass the exams by any means.

例2:Emerging from this cartoon is an alarming scene that a bird, holding a gun and hiding out in the bush, is staring at the sky where human beings is soaring. Obviously, he is longing for a day when becomes a hunter shooting people for fun. Actually, what he imagines is what he was exposed to.

例3:Under the amuzing appearence of the cartoon lies an alarming scenario: a man, perplexedly and confusedly, is walking back and forth, leaving cricles of footprints but wondering where to go. The caption is reminding him, as well as all of us, that what suffers those pessimistic guys is not so much adversities themselves as too many choices.

例4:Have you ever been trapped in a dilemma? If so, you may feel the same sorrow as the a man in the cartoon: perplexedly and confusedly, he is walking back and forth, leaving cricles of footprints but wondering where to go. The caption is reminding him, as well as all of us, that what suffers those pessimistic guys is not so much adversities themselves as too many choices.

例5:depicted by this cartoon is an ironic scenario, that siting in front of a patient, a doctor is explaining, “Out of the consideration of your safty, I rended you an overall treatment, although you just hurt your finger.” It is conspicious that the doctor is excusing himself for his excessive treatment.


例1:it is accepted by most average people that no other groups can be more honest than college students. But is that the case anymore? Cases to criticise this improper view are within easy reach. From the point of college examinations alone, haven’t you ever seen some candidates deliving notes or making gestures during the exams? Or, haven’t you ever noticed that some of them take advantage of mobilphones to
