Power designer 15 过期如何破解

1、打开powerdesigner15,File->Reverse Engineer->Database
点击Using a data source右边的那个小按钮。
这里面有三个选项,选介绍有配置文件连接数据库----Connection profile 数据库连接的自己可以试一下
选定Connection profile后点击下面的configure

◦ 官方正式版
/eval/PowerDesigner/PowerDesi gner15_Evaluation.exe
◦ 破解版
PowerDesigner15_Evaluation.exe 安装文件 PowerDesigner15_Library.zip 类库文件
Database Technology, GUCAS
运行 PowerDesigner15_Evaluation.exe
Database Technology, GUCAS
Database Technology, GUCAS
2013/2/6 Database Technology, GUCAS 6
安装完后先不要运行,将目录 “PowerDesigner15汉化+注册补丁”下的 pdflm15.dll文件复制到PowerDesigner 15.1 的安装目录下 启动PowerDesigner,选择菜单help->about powerdesigner,若注册成功,则弹出以下对话框
官方正式版试用期只有15天,需要进行破解 /down/173/486854.html
Database Technology, GUCAS
Altium designer 15安装破解实用教程

Altium designer 15安装破解教程
1.首先在电脑中找到已经下载好的Altium designer 15软件安装包,双击Altium
designer 15 setup文件打开软件进入安装界面。
3.出现安装协议选择界面,根据个人的操作习惯选择英文或中文版本,接着选择I accept
the agreement后点击Next。
5.出现安装目录选择界面,选择安装目录为D盘Altium designe文件夹,也可为其它盘
8.在电脑中打开刚安装好的Altium designer 15软件,依次选择
Home→Admin→License Management,在license窗口点击Add standalone license file(增加单机许可文件)
10.Altium designer 15软件破解成功!。

这里,我们可以通过重置WINSOCK 目录来解决此问题。
2、右键点击“开始菜单” - 打开“Windows PowerShell(管理员)”3、在出现的窗口中输入“netsh winsock reset” 输入后按回车,提示成功地重置Winsock目录代表操作成功,重启机器即可;2机器更换密钥。
如下图:核实确定非OEM标签,那么说明可能自己更换过密钥或使用第三方软件无意修改了密钥;2、以管理员权限运行CMD命令,输入【slmgr.vbs /upk】回车(注意空格和标点符号),提示卸载密钥成功;3、使用此工具读取主板预装系统密钥:预装系统密钥提取工具【点击下载聚好用-工具详情】。

PowerDesigner16安装教程1、从PC下载⽹下载Power Designer安装包,后得到如图所⽰的两个压缩包,其中“PowerDesigner165.zip”为PowerDesigner安装程序,“PowerDesigner165_破解⽂件.rar”为破解需要⽤到的⽂件。
2、将这两个压缩包全部解压后,得到“PowerDesigner165.exe”安装程序和“PowerDesigner165 破解⽂件”⽂件夹。
)4、进⼊模式选择界⾯,默认模式为“Trial”(试⽤,含有15天试⽤时间),其他三种模式为“Standalone Seat-Local License(本地脱机版)”、“Standalone Seat-Served(服务器脱机版)”、“Floating License-Served(服务器浮动授权版)”,⽤户暂时不需要修改,直接⽤⿏标左键单击“next”进⼊下⼀界⾯即可。
5、此页⾯是⽤户许可协议相关内容,但是初始语⾔是英⽂,可能很多⽤户看不明⽩,那么我们看到界⾯最上⽅的“Please select the location where you are installing this software(询问⽤户在哪个区域安装此软件)”,之后⽤⿏标左键点击这段话下⽅的空⽩框体,打开下拉菜单,之后在下拉菜单中⿏标左键单击选择“Peoples Republic of China(PRC)”(中华⼈民共和国)6、这样⽤户许可协议就会变成中⽂了,但由于官⽅的纰漏,会出现少量乱码,但不影响整体阅读(注意:协议中的30天试⽤期适⽤于⽼版本PowerDesigner,本页⾯为最新版本,试⽤期为15天,协议中未更改),在⽤户阅读完协议后,选择“I AGREE to the Sybase license,for the install location specified”表⽰同意⽤户协议,再⽤⿏标左键点击“next”进⼊下⼀界⾯。
Altium Designer 15安装破解汉化图文教程

Altium Designer 15安装破解汉化图文教程附下载链接AD2015相较之前的版本,对一些细节进行了优化,运行效率感到明显的提升。
本教程仅供Altium Ddesigner爱好者交流学习之用。
以下为详细步骤:1.解压安装文件压缩包,打开Altium Designer 15.0.7 Build 36915文件夹,双击Altium Designer Setup15-0-7.exe开始安装。
2.3.4. 选择需要安装的功能5. 选择安装路径6. 点击下一步,开始安装7. 安装完成后点击finish,注意把复选勾去掉,因为破解的时候是不允许软件运行的8.安装完成后,打开破解文件夹altium designer 15 破解文件(防局域网冲突)9.弹出如下界面,单击打开模板。
10.在弹出的界面中选择破解文件夹altium designer 15 破解文件(防局域网冲突)中的license.ini文件。
11. 加载license.ini后出现如下界面,修改注册名,点击生成协议12. 打开安装目录,将生成的许可文件复制到安装目录。
打开安装目录的方法:按照,A.默认路径或者自己设置的目录打开;B. 或者win7中在开始菜单所有程序找到Altium designer文件夹,右键打开文件所在目录;C. win8中在开始菜单找到Altium designer 图标,右键打开文件所在目录,右键发送到桌面快捷方式,再右键打开文件所在目录。
13. 将patch.exe同样复制到安装目录对dxp.exe进行补丁,此目的在于防同一局域网用相同license.ini出现冲突的提示14.15. 完成此步骤后,若桌面没有快捷方式图标,则可在dxp.exe右键发送到桌面快捷方式生成快捷启动图标。

下载 PowerDesigner 15.1 的安装文件和破解文件

下载PowerDesigner 15.1 的安装文件和破解文件下载PowerDesigner 15.1 的安装文件和破解文件PowerDesigner 15.1 下载地址:/share/link?shareid=177870&uk= 3626956064破解文件下载地址:/share/link?shareid=177873&uk= 3626956064安装详细图解步骤:1.运行PowerDesigner 15.1 安装包:2.运行安装包后出现下图并选择红圈中的Next> :3.点击Next> 后出现如下界面:PS:红圈1选择安装的地区,这里选择的是Hong Kong(中国香港)红圈2选择I AGREE(我同意)条约点击红圈3的Next> (下一步)4.点击Next> 后出现如下界面:PS:红圈1是选择安装的路径,这里选择安装在了D 盘下点击红圈2的Next> (下一步)5.点击Next> 后出现如下界面:PS:选择需要安装的组件,我这里选择的系统默认的组件。
单击红圈中的Next> (下一步)6.点击Next> 后出现如下界面:PS:选择需要安装的用户配置文件,这里我选择了全部安装单击红圈中的Next> (下一步),,从这里开始后就可以一直点击下一步。
PS:完成安装,点击红圈中的Finish 退出安装。
PowerDesigner 15.1 破解方法:解压下载的【PowerDesigner 15.1破解文件.rar】文件,用文件夹下的pdflm15.dll覆盖PowerDesigner15安装目录下的pdflm15.dll (这里是:D:\Program Files\Sybase\PowerDesigner 15)即可。

visualstudio过期解决办法Microsoft Visual Studio 2005是微软最新的开发⼯具套件,融合了微软带来最新最前沿Windows平台开发技术。
在我们使⽤试⽤版时会有⼀个期限,如果过了期限就会禁⽌使⽤软件了,这时我们应该怎么办呢?⼯具/原料PC机Microsoft Visual Studio 2005Microsoft Visual Studio 2005序列号⼀组步骤/⽅法1.⽹上找⼀组Microsoft Visual Studio 2005的序列号,很容易找到,⽐如:KGR3T-F2C26-RRTGT-D6DQT-QBBB32.打开电脑的控制⾯板,找到添加/删除程序3.在添加/删除程序中找到visual studio 2005 主程序,然后双击进去4.经过程序的⾃检,进⼊到visual studio 2005 的维护模式,耐⼼等待安装组件加载完成5.安装组件加载完成后,点击下⼀步6.在最下⽅输⼊你找到的序列号,⽐如:KGR3T-F2C26-RRTGT-D6DQT-QBBB3 ,点击升级就完成了7. Visual Studio 2005/2008 序列号过期破解⽅法8. 中⽂版本的软件本⾝是正式版,但内置的序列号却是180天试⽤版的所以,在安装完中⽂版本之后。
如果需要升级成正式版本的朋友,可以采⽤下⾯两个⽅法来修改序列号(两个⽅法的序列号都是⼀样的):⽅法⼀:在“添加删除”⾥⾯选择删除”visual studio 2005″然后在打开的窗⼝中选择最后⼀项“添加注册码升级到正式版”在⾥⾯输⼊下⾯的cd-key:SN: KGR3T-F2C26-RRTGT-D6DQT-QBBB3注意:本次发布的英⽂版软件本⾝和序列号都是正式版的,所以,在“添加删除”⾥⾯做上诉操作之后,是没有“添加注册码升级到正式版”这个选项的。
⽅法⼆:下载后解压,找到SETUP⽂件夹下的setup.sdb,⽤记事本打开它找到[Product Key],将下⾯的⼀⾏序列号删除改为:KYTYHTQKW6VWPBQDKC8FHWC4J序列号:XMQ2Y-4T3V6-XJ48Y-D3K2V-6C4WTVisual Studio 2008简体中⽂试⽤版(90天)变成永久正式版的两种⽅法:⼀、先安装试⽤版,然后在“添加或删除程序”⾥找到VS2008,点“更改/删除”就会看到⼀个输⼊序列号的地⽅,把序列号输进去,点“升级”按钮即可,Team Suite和Professional通⽤。
Power Designer 15新特性之:工程(Project)

Power Designer 15新特性之:工程(Project)——对大规模建模任务的支持Sybase公司上海研发中心李珂为了应付日益复杂和庞大的建模任务,Power Design引入了全新的工程(Project)的概念,并且提供了一种称为框架矩阵(Framework Matrix)的机制来支持建模的框架和方法学,从而更有效的胜任其“集成化的企业级建模工具”的定位。
本文接下来将会为您着重介绍Power Designer 15中的工程(Project)这一特性。
这是Power Designer用户手册里的描述。
为什么引入工程(Project)的概念从容器的角度来说,似乎Power Designer之前的版本已经支持了诸如工作区(Workspace)和文件夹(Folder)的功能,那么为什么还需要工程呢?对于复杂的建模任务,只有容器的功能似乎略显单薄,我们还需要更多便于查看、维护、共享甚至是引导等等功能。
这样做,加入了很多灵活性,并且可以复用Power Designer许多既有的机制。
下面就列出了一些工程主要的特性:-支持视图(Diagram):工程支持两种视图,一种叫工程视图(Project Diagram),用来展示模型和文档之间的关系;另一种叫框架矩阵(Framework Matrix),作为一种框架(Framework)来指导工程的建立,以及对工程进行有效的观察和维护。
powerdesigner15 安装

Installation Guide PowerDesigner® 15.2WindowsDOCUMENT ID: DC38092-01-1520-01LAST REVISED: February 2010Copyright © 2010 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved.This publication pertains to Sybase software and to any subsequent release until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical notes. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described herein is furnished under a license agreement, and it may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.To order additional documents, U.S. and Canadian customers should call Customer Fulfillment at (800) 685-8225, fax (617) 229-9845.Customers in other countries with a U.S. license agreement may contact Customer Fulfillment via the above fax number. All other international customers should contact their Sybase subsidiary or local distributor. Upgrades are provided only at regularly scheduled software release dates. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Sybase, Inc.Sybase trademarks can be viewed at the Sybase trademarks page at /detail?id=1011207. Sybase and the marks listed are trademarks of Sybase, Inc. A ® indicates registration in the United States of America.Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc.All other company and product names used herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 52.227-7013 for the DOD and as set forth in FAR 52.227-19(a)-(d) for civilian agencies.Sybase, Inc., One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568ContentsCHAPTER 1: Installing PowerDesigner® (1)Installing PowerDesigner in Standalone Mode (2)Obtaining a License Key File (6)Manual Fonts Installation (7)Uninstalling PowerDesigner and InstallationMaintenance (8)Setting up a License Server (9)Installing a License Server (9)Adding Additional Licenses with lmtools (11)Troubleshooting with lmutil (12)Installing PowerDesigner in Administrative Mode (12)Creating the Administrative Install on the Server (13)Installing Client Machines (13)Upgrading an Administrative Install (14)Installing PowerDesigner in Silent Mode (14)Uninstalling PowerDesigner in Silent mode (15)CHAPTER 2: Installing the Repository (17)Setting up the Repository Database Server (18)Troubleshooting the Repository Installed on ASE (20)Troubleshooting the Repository Installed on DB2 (21)Installing SQL Anywhere (21)Authenticating Databases (22)Creating a Database (23)Installing the SQL Anywhere Client on ClientMachines (23)Installing the Repository Proxy (24)Creating an ODBC System Data Source on the ProxyServer (24)ContentsInstalling the Repository Proxy on the Proxy Server (25)Configuring the Repository Proxy (26)Installing the PowerDesigner Portal Server (27)Accessing the PowerDesigner Portal Web Site (32)PowerDesigner Portal Security (33)Index (37)CHAPTER 1Installing PowerDesigner®This section explains the system requirements and various install options ofPowerDesigner®.PowerDesigner has the following minimum system requirements:•Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or 7 or Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or 2008• 1.5 GHz processor• 1 GB RAM•SVGA or higher-resolution graphics adapter and compatible color monitor (800x600)•CD-ROM drive•Up to 500MB for installation of all the core modules that make up the Studio Enterprise Edition.You can choose among the following installation modes:•Standalone mode - is the typical install scenario, where PowerDesigner is installed directly on each client machine (see Installing PowerDesigner in Standalone Mode on page2).•Administrative mode - installs PowerDesigner for use from a network machine (see Installing PowerDesigner in Administrative Mode on page 12).•Silent mode – allows you to deploy PowerDesigner on a large number of machines, using exactly the same setup options (see Installing PowerDesigner in Silent Mode on page14).Depending on which version of PowerDesigner you have purchased, you will be able to install one or more of the following modules:•Projects and Frameworks•Requirements Model (RQM)•Enterprise Architecture Model (EAM)•Business Process Model (BPM)•Conceptual Data Model (CDM)•Logical Data Model (LDM)•Physical Data Model (PDM)•Information Liquidity Model (ILM)•Object-Oriented Model (OOM)•XML Model (XSM)•Repository•Impact Analysis (IAM)•Free Model (provided with all PowerDesigner configurations)•Reports (provided with all PowerDesigner configurations)In addition to the standalone version, you can also install PowerDesigner plug-ins for use in the Eclipse and Visual Studio IDEs.Installing PowerDesigner in Standalone ModeStandalone mode is the standard method for installing PowerDesigner on one or moreindividual workstations.For mass installations and network installation, see Installing PowerDesigner in Silent Mode on page 14 and Installing PowerDesigner in Administrative Mode on page 12.Note: Non-Administrator users may receive a warning message during installation as setup requires write access on certain directories and on the registry that they may not have. Setup can go on despite this message.1.Insert the PowerDesigner CD-ROM in your drive.If setup does not automatically start, then double-click the SETUP.EXE file in the setupdirectory of the CD-ROM.2.Click the Install PowerDesigner 15.2 button to open the welcome page, and then clickNext to go to the license selection page:3.Select one of the following license types, and then click Next to go to the license agreement page.•Trial version – is a full-featured version, valid for an evaluation period of 15 days, that allows you to perform any design task. Contact Sybase if you require a limitedextension.•Local standalone license – is installed on and locked to a particular machine. Click Next to go to the license key page, where you must load a valid license file (see Obtaining a license key file on page 6).•Served standalone license – is provided by one or more SySAM license servers, and is locked to a particular machine. Click Next to go to the license server page, where you must enter the name of your license server.•Served floating license – is provided by one or more SySAM license servers, which manage the allocation and recuperation of licenses among a pool of users. Click Next to go to the license server page, where you must enter the name of your license server.For more information about PowerDesigner licensing, see the Getting Started with PowerDesigner chapter in the Core Features Guide .4.[for served licenses] Click Next to go to the package selection page, where you can select which package to install. The list displays all the packages that are available on the server but it does not necessarily reflect the availability of a license for a particular package.5.Click Next to go to the license agreement page. Select the location where you are installing the software, read the License Agreement, and then click the I Agree radio button to accept CHAPTER 1: Installing PowerDesigner ®the terms of the agreement. If you click I Do Not Agree, you cannot proceed with the Setup program.Note: You can print the License Agreement from the Setup\Licenses directory on the product CD.6.Click Next to go to the directory selection page, where setup suggests a directory in whichto install PowerDesigner files. You can specify an alternate directory by clicking the Browse button.We recommend that you do not install a new major version of PowerDesigner in adirectory that holds a previous version.7.Click Next to go to the component selection page, which lists the products and featuresthat are available to install. Each node can be expanded in order to let you select or deselect sub-features:Note:•The PowerDesigner plugin for Eclipse is available for Eclipse v3.2 to v3.5.•The PowerDesigner plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio and Team Foundation is available for Visual Studio 2005 to 2008.•Addins for third-party software such as MS Word and Visio are not selected by default for installation. If you want to install these addins, expand the General Addins node, and select them for installation.Select or clear check boxes as necessary, and then click Next.8.If you selected the Eclipse 3 plug-in in the list of components, the Eclipse directory selection page is displayed. Click the Browse button to specify a directory containing a valid Eclipse installation.Note: If you had manually installed the Eclipse plug-in in PowerDesigner version 10 or 11and want to upgrade to version 15.x you have to remove the plug-in manually. To do so,open the Eclipse directory, and remove any PowerDesigner-related folder under the \configuration, \features, and \workspace\.metadata\.plugins folders.9.Click Next to go to the user profiles page. Select the user profiles that you want to apply immediately to your installation.Note that whatever you select on this page, all the profiles will be installed and you can apply any profiles after installation. If you select two or more contradictory profiles (for example, E/R Notation and Barker Notation, in the CDM category), the one that appearslast in the list will be applied:For more information about user profiles, including how to make your own profiles available to the installer, see "User Profiles" in the Customizing Your Modeling Environment chapter of the Core Features Guide .10.Click Next to go to the program folders page. You can select to make PowerDesigner available from the default folder or select or create another.CHAPTER 1: Installing PowerDesigner ®11.Click Next to go to the current settings page, which lists all your selections. Select theKeep PowerDesigner Settings check box to retain any settings from a previous version ofPowerDesigner.12.Click Next to begin the install. Setup begins copying files to the destination directory.13.Wait for the setup to complete, and then click Finish to exit the wizard.Depending on your working environment, you may be prompted to reboot your machine.Note: The Readme.html file, which contains important release information, isavailable in the root of your installation directory.Obtaining a License Key FileYou must have a license key file to install PowerDesigner. License files can be downloaded on the Sybase Product Download Center site (SPDC) at https:///.•When you purchase PowerDesigner from Sybase, you receive an E-mail with an URL, your login, and your password for the SPDC.•When you purchase PowerDesigner from a Sybase reseller, you receive a certificate with a Web key registration number and a download URL.Host IDBefore accessing the download site, make sure you know your license configuration, the host ID and the name of the computer that will receive the license key file. You can find the host IDCHAPTER 1: Installing PowerDesigner®and the computer name in the Installation program, these details are automatically calculatedand displayed in the third page of the installation where you are asked to load or copy a licensefile to proceed.For Windows platforms, if your machine does not have a network adapter an alternate Hostidof type Disk Serial Number is supported. To get this host id, use the "lmutil lmhostid -vsn"command or get the disk's volume serial number by executing "DIR C:", remove "-" fromthe value and prefix "DISK_SERIAL_NUM=" to the serial number to get the host id.Each host ID type has valid formats that will be checked when generating a license. Make surethe value entered matches these valid formats.Ethernet addresses are 12 character hex values consisting of digits 0 through 9 and charactersA through F. They may be entered in any of the following formats:•12AB34CD56EF•12-AB-34-CD-56-EF•12:AB:34:CD:56:EFHost Ids are 8 character hex values consisting of digits 0 through 9 and characters A through F.They may be entered in the following formats:•12AB34CD•12AB-34CDNote: For some platforms, host IDs can also be entered in decimal formats, in this case prefixthe host id with a "#" sign. Example: #1039716963Disk Serial Number is always entered with a "DISK_SERIAL_NUM=" prefix. For example:DISK_SERIAL_NUM=3e2e17fdManual Fonts InstallationIf setup fails to define default fonts, you can do it manually.1.Select the Fonts page in the General Options dialog box and define fonts for UI, Code andRTF Editor.2.Create a new report, select Report > Change Font and define new fonts.3.Verify that the following registry key does not exist: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\PowerDesigner 15\DisplayPreferences\Font Name.4.Create a registry key named Font Name (with the following string values: Name, Size,Style) for all symbols in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sybase\PowerDesigner 15\DisplayPreferences\Font Name.Uninstalling PowerDesigner and Installation MaintenanceAfter installing PowerDesigner on your machine, you can modify the installation by selecting Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs or by restarting the installation.You can:•Modify - your PowerDesigner installation by adding or removing program features. Select or clear components in the components page.•Repair - your PowerDesigner installation by reinstalling it. You must have the installation CD or access to the network drive where installation files are copied.•Remove - your installation and clean up your registry.Note: User files are not removed and you cannot modify your license configuration.CHAPTER 1: Installing PowerDesigner®Setting up a License ServerIf you want to use a standalone served or a floating served license, you must have access to alicense server. Licenses for all Sybase products can be managed by a SySAM license server,which is powered by Flexlm technology, and is available on the PowerDesigner CD-ROM.Note: The default SySAM server supplied with PowerDesigner can only be installed on aWindows machine. To install SySAM in other environments and to obtain detailedinformation about SySAM, go to /sysam. Note that any licenses thathave been activated for a Windows server must be reactivated for any other platform.The license server serves a license to a user upon request and retrieves it when it is no longerbeing used. If all the licenses are already in use, the license server informs you that no licenseis available.Served licenses limitationIf you borrow a mobile license and your workstation has installed other products with Flexlmserved licenses, you may encounter problems returning your license to the server.Installing a License ServerIf a SySAM license server is already available on your network, your PowerDesigner licensescan be assigned to it.Note: Do not install a license server and PowerDesigner on the same workstation. Licenseservers installed with PowerDesigner v11 are not compatible with v12.0 and higher. If you nolonger use PowerDesigner v11, we recommend that you uninstall the old license server.You need a license file to install the license server (see Obtaining a license key file on page6).1.Select the machine on which you want to install the SySAM license server (this should notbe a workstation on which you will install any Sybase product), and insert thePowerDesigner CD.2.Click the Install Licenses Server button to open the Sybase Software Asset ManagementInstallshield wizard:3.Click Next to display the license agreement page. Read the License Agreement and clickthe I Agree radi o button to accept the terms of the agreement. If you click I Do Not Agree, the installation will be cancelled.4.Click Next to display the license file definition page and perform one of the followingactions:•If you already have a license file, click the Load button and browse to the folder where your license file is located. The content of the license file is automatically displayed in the License key box.•Download a license file from SPDC and copy the file content into the License Keybox.5.Click Next .The destination folder page is displayed if no other SySAM license server is detected on the machine.6.Select the suggested installation directory or browse to a new one and then click Next to go to the settings page.7.Click Next to accept the current settings and start copying files.The copy starts. A progress box is displayed and Setup copies files to the destination directory. When installation is complete:•If SySAM had to be installed, you can choose to start the license server as a service.•If the PowerDesigner licenses were assigned to an existing license server, you can choose to reread the licenses to refresh the server license file.8.Click Finish to exit the wizard.Adding Additional Licenses with lmtoolsThe license server should configure itself correctly at installation. If you need to subsequently add additional licenses or otherwise administer the server, you can do so using lmtools.exe,which is available in the SYSAM-2_1\Bin folder.1.Double-click SYSAM-2_1\Bin\lmtools.exe to open the LMTOOLS dialog.2.On the Service/License File tab, select SYSAM in the list of servers:CHAPTER 1: Installing PowerDesigner ®3.Click the Start/Stop/Reread tab and click the Reread License File button to force theserver to read again the file sybpdes.lic and update license number.4.Select File > Exit to close the LMTOOLS dialog box.For detailed information about lmtools, follow the SySAM Documentation Collection link available at /sysam.Troubleshooting with lmutillmutil.exe, which is available in the SYSAM-2_1\Bin folder provides various diagnosticpossibilities.For example, the following command can be used to find the user(s) who have currentlyborrowed the license(s):lmutil lmstat -a -c <port>@<host> where <port> and <host> are license server information.For detailed information about lmutil, follow the SySAM Documentation Collection link available at /sysam.Installing PowerDesigner in Administrative ModeSystem administrators can install PowerDesigner on a server and have client machines run the application from this central install. The client machines do not install any files but theirregistry is modified in order to be able to access PowerDesigner from the specified location.With this type of administrative mode install, there is only one instance of PowerDesigner todeploy and upgrade.You can install any type of PowerDesigner license and specify any combination of installation options on each client machine.Creating the Administrative Install on the ServerThe first part of the administrative install consists in copying the PowerDesigner files to a server. You are not required to enter any product key or select any feature to install. All PowerDesigner setup files are decompressed and copied to the server, but the server registry and system files will not be affected.1.Insert the CD-ROM in the drive to automatically launch the setup program. The initial setup dialog box is displayed. Click the Administrative Installation button.orSelect Start > Run , type the PowerDesigner setup.exe path followed by /a in the Run dialog box and click OK.The welcome page is displayed.2.Click Next to display the network location page.3.Specify the network location where you want to copy the product files, and then click Install .The setup status page displays a progress box while the files are copied to the destination directory. When this process is complete, the complete page opens.4.Click Finish to exit the InstallShield Wizard.Installing Client MachinesOnce you have created the administrative install on the server, you can set up the client machines. The client install modifies the registry of the client machine in order to be able to reference the files located on the server, but does not copy any file onto the client machine.Consequently no space is required on the client machine.1.On the client machine, open Windows Explorer, connect to the network location where you have created the administrative install and double-click the Setup.exe file.The welcome page is displayed.CHAPTER 1: Installing PowerDesigner ®2.Click Next to open the license selection page, select a license type, and then click Nextagain.3.Define the appropriate installation parameters on the following pages, and then clickFinish to begin the install.Depending on your working environment, Setup may ask you to reboot your machine. Upgrading an Administrative InstallYou can pass the administrative install command to an upgrade package downloaded from the web.Note: You cannot upgrade between major versions. Each major version (12.x, 15.x, etc.) must be installed as a new administrative install in its own directory.Use the following syntax to upgrade your administrative install to a new minor version:upgrade_package.exe /aInstalling PowerDesigner in Silent ModeIf you need to deploy PowerDesigner on a large number of machines and wish to reuse exactly the same setup options and destination folder for each machine, you can use the silent install mode. Silent install runs without user input, by using a response file (called setup.iss) that specifies all the required installation options.The silent installation mode does not provide any information about the installation itself. You can open the setup.log file in the directory containing the setup.exe file to have a report about the silent install. The last section of this ResponseResult file contains a lineResultCode=X. If X=0, installation was successful.Note: You can perform a silent install from the product CD or from a network location where the PowerDesigner installation files have been copied (see Creating the Administrative Install on the Server on page 13).1.To create a setup.iss response file, select Start > Run to open the Windows Run dialog boxand enter the following command:<PD-inst-dir>\setup\setup.exe /r /f1"<path>\setup.iss"Complete the installation parameters as required and then click Finish to create thesetup.iss file at <path>. For example, the following:G:\setup\setup.exe /r /f1"setup.iss"References a network drive G:, mapped to a location where the PowerDesigner files havebeen copied, and creates setup.iss in the setup directory for easy access.2.Proceed to install the client machine with the following command:<PD-inst-dir>\setup\setup.exe /s /f1"<path>\setup.iss".CHAPTER 1: Installing PowerDesigner®Each new silent install will replace the content of the setup.log file located in theInstallation drive.Use the /f2 parameter to define a local directory where the setup.log file will be stored oneach client machine:G:\setup\setup.exe /s /f2"c:\temp\setup.log"Note: From a client machine, map a drive to the server where the PowerDesigner files arecopied. The drive letter must be the same as that on the server. For example, if yourPowerDesigner files are located on drive R:\admin\setup.exe, you must use the R drive oneach client machine to access installation files.Uninstalling PowerDesigner in Silent modeA silent uninstall works in a similar fashion to the silent install, but requires that you locate theInstallShield PowerDesigner maintenance file.For PowerDesigner v15.x this file is located, by default, at:C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{D88DF8F0-B749-4D26-AFBC-A6E588099793}\setup.exeNote: It may be that your maintenance file is not found in the standard location. You canalways retrieve its location file from the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft \Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{D88DF8F0-B749-4D26-AFBC- A6E588099793}1.To create an uninstall.iss response file, select Start > Run to open the Windows Rundialog box to invoke the installshield maintenance file with the following options:<path-to>\setup.exe /r /f1"<path>\uninstall.iss"Complete the installation parameters as required and then click Finish to create theuninstall.iss file at <path>. For example, the following:C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\setup.exe /r /f1"C:\temp\uninstall.iss"Uses the standard maintenance file, and creates uninstall.iss in a temp directory.2.Proceed to uninstall the client machine with the following command:<path-to>\setup.exe /s /f1"<path>\uninstall.iss"CHAPTER 2Installing the RepositoryThe PowerDesigner repository can be used to store your PowerDesigner models and other files relating to your design projects.An administrator must set up the repository, which is stored in a database on a server. The repository can be created with the authenticated copy of the Sybase SQL Anywhere DBMS delivered with PowerDesigner or with one of the following DBMSs:•Oracle 8 and higher•IBM DB2 Common Server and DB2 for OS/390•Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise•Sybase SQL Anywhere•Informix 2000•Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and higherIn addition, the following databases are supported via a native connection:•Oracle 8 and higher•Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and higherThe following repository components can be installed:•Database server – [required] Select a server to host the repository database and create a database on it. The server need not necessarily be reserved exclusively for hosting therepository, but performance will be improved if this is the case. See Setting up therepository database server on page 18.•Repository proxy – [optional] The proxy acts as a bridge between client machines and the repository database, and can provide considerable performance improvements(particularly over a WAN). See Installing the Repository Proxy on page 24.•PowerDesigner Portal – [optional] The PowerDesigner Portal allows users to connect to and browse the repository in their standard web browser. See Installing the; Server on page27.•Client machines – Can connect either directly to the repository or via the proxy, from PowerDesigner, or from a web browser via the PowerDesigner Portal server.The following diagram shows the various ways of connecting to the repository:Setting up the Repository Database ServerThe repository administrator must set up the repository on a database server.1.Choose a server on which to install the repository. The server must be accessible to allthose who will need to work with the repository.2.Install or obtain access to a DBMS suitable to store the repository tables. For this step, youhave two options:•Install the authenticated version of Sybase SQL Anywhere 10 provided with PowerDesigner. For detailed instructions, see Installing SQL Anywhere on page21.•Use your own DBMS3.Create an empty database to host the repository, with an administrator user who has fullrights on all the tables. For instructions on performing this step with SQL Anywhere, seeCreating a Database on page 23.4.On a client machine, with PowerDesigner installed, create a direct repository definition toconnect to the new database by selecting Repository > Repository Definitions.For detailed information about creating repository definitions, see the Working with theRepository book.。
PowerDesigner 15.1 安装步骤详细图解及破解

PowerDesigner 15.1 安装步骤详细图解及破解准备工作:下载PowerDesigner 15.1安装文件和破解文件PowerDesigner 15.1下载地址:/share/link?shareid=177870&uk=3626956064破解文件下载地址:/share/link?shareid=177873&uk=3626956064安装详细图解步骤:1.运行PowerDesigner 15.1的安装包:2.运行安装包后出现下图并选择红圈中的Next> :3.点击Next> 后出现如下界面:PS:红圈1选择安装的地区,这里选择的是Hong Kong(中国香港) 红圈2选择I AGREE(我同意)条约点击红圈3的Next> (下一步)4.点击Next> 后出现如下界面:PS:红圈1是选择安装的路径,这里选择安装在了D盘下点击红圈2的Next> (下一步)5.点击Next> 后出现如下界面:PS:选择需要安装的组件,我这里选择的系统默认的组件。
单击红圈中的Next> (下一步)6.点击Next> 后出现如下界面:PS:选择需要安装的用户配置文件,这里我选择了全部安装单击红圈中的Next> (下一步),,从这里开始后就可以一直点击下一步。
PS:完成安装,点击红圈中的Finish 退出安装。
PowerDesigner15.1的破解方法:解压下载的【PowerDesigner 15.1破解文件.rar】文件,用文件夹下的pdflm15.dll覆盖Powe rDesigne r15安装目录下的pdflm15.dll (这里是:D:\Prog ram Files\Sybase\Powe rDesig ner 15)即可。
PowerDesigner 15 新功能介绍

PowerDesigner 15新功能介紹PowerDesigner 15在市場上已經公開Launch了,相較於前系列的版本,PowerDesigner 15包含一些新的模組,有讓人覺得”多了不少新奇功能”的感覺。
這一篇文章,我們將說明PD 15的新功能,將來針對重要的模組或功能,再以專文來介紹。
平台需求Microsoft Windows XP、Microsoft Windows Server 2003或Microsoft Windows Vista1.5 GHz processor1 GB RAM最多500MB硬碟空間核心功能使用者設定檔(User profiles)新的使用者設定檔可用來儲存各項設定,並可用來發布設定檔,讓大家有相同的操作設定。
這些設定包括有顯示喜好(Display Pregerences)、模組選項(Model options)、模組檢查(Check Model)、各種產生過程設定…等等。
January 09 M-Power eNewJanuary 09 M-Power eNew圖ㄧ:使用者設定檔相依矩陣(Dependency Matrices)相依矩陣存在所有模組,協助你以視覺化方式瀏覽或編輯物件間的關連性,即使這些物件各自在自己的模組內。
你可自訂這個矩陣,並定義你想要的物件種類和關聯型態,例如OOM 使用association link 關聯的類別(classes),對應到PDM 的表格(tables)圖二:相依矩陣可客製化的顯示喜好設定(Customizable Display Preferences)妳可以完全訂定圖形符號所要顯示的資訊類型。
針對延伸的物件,或是企業架構模組EAM(Enterprise Architecture Model),PowerDesigner 也提供機制,根據你的需要,設定你想要的顯示喜好。

powerDesigner15.1的使用方法:ctrl+g先连接数据源,相当于编译ctrl+g出现新的页面如果id名称不能相同,则设置如下:tools/model options/model Settings/relationship和dataItem调出组件栏:tools/customize options/palettes在物理模型图(PDM)中设置自增长:双击字段前的箭头,选中对话框右下角Identity即可powerdesiner的自增长列1.如果dbms是MsSql,则选定表后,database-> edit current dbms-> 出现DBMS properties对话框,选择General页,左侧的树选择SQL 2000-> Profile-> Column -> Extended Attributes 下面的ExtIdentityIncrement是步进值,ExtIdentitySeed 是起始值,分别设定默认值,后返回。
3.对于ql server ,在表的属性对话框里面,选择Clumns页,按Alt+enter进入列的属性页面,在右下角勾选Idenitity属性即可.sql语句中表名与字段名前的引号去除:打开cdm的情况下,进入Tools-Model Options-Naming Convention,把Name 和Code的标签的Charcter case选项设置成Uppercase或者Lowercase,只要不是Mi xed Case就行!或者选择Database->Edit current database->Script->Sql->Format,有一项Case SensitivityUs ingQuote,它的comment为“Determines if the case sensitivity for identifiers is managed using double quotes”,表示是否适用双引号来规定标识符的大小写,可以看到右边的values默认值为“YES”,改为“No”即可!或者在打开pdm的情况下,进入Tools-Model Options-Naming Convention,把N ame和Code的标签的Charcter case选项设置成Uppercase就可以!在修改name的时候,code的值将跟着变动,很不方便修改方法:PowerDesign中的选项菜单里修改,在[Tool]-->[General Options]->[D ialog]->[Operating modes]->[Name to Code mirroring],这里默认是让名称和代码同步,将前面的复选框去掉就行了。

第三课时:PowerDesigner15基本操作1.工作空间(WorkSpace)A workspace contains all the information you need to perform a modeling task with PowerDesigner. It allows you to save your modeling environment in a file with a hierarchy of folders and models. During a work session, every change in the folder or models hierarchy is saved locally in the workspace.You can create several workspace files on your machine, but you can only work in one workspace at a time. Workspaces are saved in files with an .sws extension. They do not have property sheets是PD最大级别的容器,可以包含执行一个模型所需要的全部信息,并将这些信息保存在一个.sws文件中。
2.工程(Project)A project allows you to group together all the models and other types of documents you need for a particular modeling task, and save them as a simple entity in your repository.工程类似一个容器,将不同模型和文档组织在一起,并可显示它们之间的关联,整个工程保存为一个.prj文件,一个工作空间中可以同时处理多个独立的工程。
WIN7 Power Designer 12.5 下载及破解【转载】

FEATURE PD_PDM SYBASE 12.50 permanent uncounted 1 TS_OK HOSTID=ANY SIGN2=3
FEATURE PD_OOM SYBASE 12.50 permanent uncounted 1 TS_OK HOSTID=ANY SIGN2=4
FEATURE PD_FRM SYBASE 12.50 permanent uncounted 1 TS_OK HOSTID=ANY SIGN2=7
FEATURE PD_RTP SYBASE 12.50 permanent uncounted 1 TS_OK HOSTID=ANY SIGN2=8
FEATURE PD_CDM SYBASE 12.50 permanent uncounted 1 TS_OK HOSTID=ANY SIGN2=9
FEATURE PD_XSM SYBASE 12.50 permanent uncounted 1 TS_OK HOSTID=ANY SIGN2=0
B、显示License Load窗口
C、点击[Load],选择上面生成的license.lic文件,之后显示License Key。
FEATURE PD_SHELL SYBASE 12.50 permanent uncounted 1 TS_OK HOSTID=ANY SIGN2=1
FEATURE PD_DEV SYBASE 12.50 permanent uncounted 1 TS_OK HOSTID=ANY SIGN2=2

1、解压“PowerDesigner 15.1.rar”文件2、安装PowerDesigner;双击“PowerDesigner15_Evaluation.exe”,在过程中几乎全部选择下一步就可以了。
】3、破解PowerDesigner;解压“Sybase.PowerDesigner.v15.1.Patch.Only.rar”文件复制上图中2个文件到power designer安装目录完后;回到刚刚解压的目录下,打开“Crack”文件夹,将里面的“patch.exe”复制到power designer安装目录将“patch.exe”复制到power designer安装目录后,在安装目录下找到刚刚复制的patch.exe文件,双击这个文件;出现的窗口中点击“Apply Patch”;注意破解时如果打开了power designer要先关闭它。
4、打开power designer ;如果发现概念模型中的下面属性无法选择;则需要设置相关属性如下。
打开“Tools”——“Model Options…”配置窗口,将“Notation”中的值设置为“E/R+Merise”,之后点击“Set As Default”,再点击“OK”。
例如:在win 7 中,可以在开始菜单搜索服务,之后打开服务窗口;开启6、如果在power designer中的概念模型中,不小心关闭了Palette 工具栏。
在Power Designer 中;打开“Tools”——“Customize Toolbars”,选择Palette 就可以了。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
它可与许多流行的数据库设计软件,例如:PowerBuilde r,Delphi,VB等相配合使用来缩短开发时间和使系统设计更优化。
目前 PowerDesigner 最新官方正式版本为 ,謾軻提供官方下载地址:
/eval/PowerDesigner/PowerDesigner15_Evaluation.exe 类库: PowerDesigner15_Library.zip
1.点击以上链接到官方下载 PowerDesigner 最新正式版并安装;
2.将謾軻提供的注册补丁 pdflm15.dll替换原安装目录里的 pdflm15.dll 文件;
3.重启 PowerDesigner 15 即完成破解。
对于 PowerDesigner15 的破解,网上盛传的方法是通过 pdflm15.dll + license.lic 破解补丁进行破解,然而謾軻亲自试验后发现这种方法其实只适用于 PowerDesigner12 的破解,用在 PowerDesigner15 身上则会出现如下错误提示:
错误提示1: PowerDesigner:pdshell15.exe-无法找到入口
错误提示2: Sybase PowerDesigner(R)
Cannot load license management library(pdflm15)
针对这种现象,謾軻通过对 PowerDesigner15 的研究发现,官方加强了程序的保护措施,在动态链接库 PDCore15.dll 做了手脚,于是謾軻花了将近2个多小时的睡眠时间终于把 Powe rDesigner15 破解出来,而且在只修改官方 pdflm15.dll 一个文件的情况下完成了注册效果,保持了软件原有的稳定性,废话少说,謾軻以图为证,希望对大家有所帮助: