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Photographs of our traveling adventures seem unrealistic to me now, after two years of lockdown. But it suits me fine. I’m the homebody and my husband is the adventurous one.“Where do you want to go after Omicron?” Roger asks, iPad in hand.

Long pause. “How about a resort town only two hours’ drive away?”

I can tell by the look on Roger’s face that he was researching destinations maybe a bit further from home.

I don’t h ate travel. I enjoy hearing about the history of a country from people who live there and love the place with all their hearts. Meeting people in other countries offers insight into lives that are so different to mine.

What I dislike about travel is being a tourist. That awful creature trampling (踩踏) around the columns (柱子) of the Parthenon, wearing down the stone steps of Angkor Wat and complaining that the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) are not as colorful as the photographs on Trip Advisor.

The guides I meet worldwide are kind. They study tourism in university. They are knowledgeable about history and culture. “Don’t wear your rings here, Madam. No jewelry.” “Don’t pay so much for that scarf, Madam.” They would take us by the arm to get us across busy streets as if we were naive (天真的) children. But depending on someone else so far away from home gives a feeling of insecurity.

Traveling contributed to more serious plastic pollution. No recycling program can keep up with the crest (浪尖) of plastic on every wave. Don’t feel bad, people assured (使确信) me, you are boosting the local economy. Many countries depend on tourist dollars.

Do they? Are they really better off? When receiving a massage (按摩) in Thailand, I was asked how much my bathing suit cost. It is a Spee do. “Eighty Canadian dollars.”

I gave her $6, plus a tip, for a 90-minute massage. In Canada, she would get more than the price of my bathing suit for the same labor. I am increasingly uncomfortable with the inequity (不公平). During the weeks and months before the vaccines (疫苗), when planes were grounded and ocean liners (邮轮) were docked (停靠码头), the planet took a deep breath. I am encouraged by conversations with travelers who are sharing better ways of exploring this planet. When we travel once again, it will be with a better understanding for humans who suffered losses greater than ours. COVID-19 proved to be the worst tourist ever. It made a mess and refused to pay its bill. The world has been patient and allowed a late checkout, but housekeeping needs to clean the room. Everybody’s waiting.

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