
英语中各类情绪的表达!一、Joyful-—欢喜篇初级词汇:excited(兴奋的), sensuous(令人愉悦的), energetic(精力充沛的), cheerful(欢快的), creative(有创造力的), hopeful(有希望的)高级词汇:daring(勇敢的),fascinating(迷人的), stimulating(刺激的),amused(逗乐的), playful(嬉戏的), optimistic(乐观的)例句:The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical score.这部电影画面迷人,配乐悦耳动听。
We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur.看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。
He realized this to be a very daring thing to ask.他意识到这是一个非常大胆的问题。
二、Scared--担忧类初级词汇:confused(困惑的), rejected(拒绝的), helpless(无助的), submissive(顺从的), insecure(不安全的), anxious(焦虑的)高级词汇:bewildered(不知所措的), discouraged(气馁的), insignificant(无足轻重的),inadequate(不充足的), embarrassed(尴尬的), overwhelmed(被征服的)例句:He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive.他期望女儿都温顺听话。
Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods on offer。

心情类的英语单词一、开心类1.happy /ˈhæpi/- 解析:感到愉快、满足或幸福。
“She is very happy today because she got a gift.”(她今天很开心,因为她收到了一份礼物。
)2.delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/- 解析:非常高兴、愉快。
“He was delighted to see his old friend again.”(他很高兴再次见到他的老朋友。
)3.cheerful /ˈtʃɪəfl/- 解析:充满欢乐和愉快的情绪。
“She has a cheerful personality.”(她性格开朗。
)4.joyous /ˈdʒɔɪəs/- 解析:充满喜悦的。
“The wedding was a joyous occasion.”(婚礼是一个欢乐的场合。
)5.ecstatic /ɪkˈstætɪk/- 解析:极度兴奋、欣喜若狂的。
“She was ecstatic when she heard the good news.”(当她听到这个好消息时,她欣喜若狂。
)二、悲伤类1.sad /sæd/- 解析:不开心、情绪低落。
“He looks sad after losing the game.”(输了比赛后他看起来很伤心。
)2.sorrowful /ˈsɒrəʊfl/- 解析:充满悲伤、悲痛。
“Her face was sorrowful after the death of her pet.”(她的宠物死后,她的脸上充满了悲伤。
)3.melancholy /ˈmelənkəli/- 解析:忧郁的、悲伤的。
“The music has a melancholy tone.”(这首音乐有一种忧郁的基调。
)4.heartbroken /ˈhɑːtbrəʊkən/- 解析:极度伤心、心碎的。
“She was heartbroken when her boyfriend left her.”(当她的男朋友离开她时,她心碎了。

在英语中如何表达“情绪”常见表示情绪的形容词有:blue/down/depressed 忧郁的,情绪低落的blue:He'd been feeling blue all week.他整个星期都郁郁不乐。
down:I feel a bit down today.我今天有点闷闷不乐。
depressed:She felt very depressed about the future.她感到前途无望。
sorry/sad 难过的sorry:I'm sorry that your husband lost his job.你丈夫把工作丢了,我很惋惜。
sad:I was sad that she had to go.知道她得走了,我心里很难过。
happy 高兴的You don't look very happy today.你今天好像不太高兴。
excited 兴奋的The children were excited about opening their presents. 孩子们对打开礼物感到兴奋不已。
light-hearted 心情欢快的They were light-hearted and prepared to enjoy life.他们无忧无虑,随时准备享受生活。
heavy-hearted 心情沉重的My heart is heavy./ I'm heavy-hearted.我心情很沉重。
crazy 疯狂的She must be crazy to lend him money.她把钱借给他,一定是疯了。
bored 百无聊赖的There was a bored expression on her face.她脸上有一种厌倦的表情。
pissed/mad/angry 生气的,恼怒的pissed:You know Molly's pissed at you.你知道莫莉在生你的气。

1. happy ['hæpi] - adj.(形容词)- 例如:He looks very happy today.(他今天看起来非常高兴。
)2. glad [ɡlæd] - adj.- 例如:I'm glad to see you.(见到你我很高兴。
)3. cheerful ['tʃɪəfl] - adj.- 例如:She has a cheerful smile.(她有一个欢快的笑容。
1. sad [sæd] - adj.- 例如:The movie has a sad ending.(这部电影有一个悲伤的结局。
)2. sorrowful ['sɒrəʊfl] - adj.- 例如:He gave a sorrowful look.(他露出了悲伤的神情。
)3. depressed [dɪ'prest] - adj.- 例如:She has been depressed since she lost her job.(自从她失业后就一直很沮丧。
1. angry ['æŋɡri] - adj.- 例如:Don't be angry with me.(不要生我的气。
)2. mad [mæd] - adj.(口语中常用,比较生气、愤怒的意思,也有“发疯的”意思)- 例如:He is mad at his brother.(他对他的兄弟很生气。
)3. furious ['fjʊəriəs] - adj.(非常愤怒的)- 例如:He was furious when he heard the news.(当他听到这个消息时非常愤怒。
1. surprised [sə'praɪzd] - adj.- 例如:She was surprised to see him there.(她很惊讶在那里看到他。
人教 新目标 英语 表达情绪

二、基本情绪词汇1. 高兴英文表达:happy, glad, delighted2. 惊讶英文表达:surprised, amazed, astonished3. 伤心英文表达:sad, upset, heartbroken4. 生气英文表达:angry, furious, irritated5. 害怕英文表达:scared, afr本人d, fearful三、常用表达方式1. 问候英文表达:How are you feeling today? / How are you?中文对应:你今天感觉怎么样?/ 你好吗?2. 喜悦英文表达:I'm so happy to see you!中文对应:见到你我很开心!3. 惊讶英文表达:I can't believe it!中文对应:我简直不敢相信!4. 担忧英文表达:I'm really worried about the exam. 中文对应:我真的很担心考试。
5. 生气英文表达:I'm so angry with him!中文对应:我对他真的很生气!四、实际情景应用1. 在学校情景:做了一件让老师很生气的事情表达:I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it.英文对应:对不起,我不是故意的。
2. 与朋友交流情景:朋友诞辰派对上的惊喜表达:I'm really surprised, I had no idea!英文对应:我真的很惊讶,我一点都不知道!3. 在家庭聚会上情景:家人对自己的抱怨表达:I'm sorry, I'll try to do better next time.英文对应:对不起,下次我会尽量做得更好。

动词: annoy ; irritate 失望
名词: disappointment; hopelssness; boredom;
discouragement; despair(n&v) 形容词: disappointing; disappointed; hopeless;
形容词: surprising; surprised; amazed; amazing; shocked; shocking; astonished; astonishing; curious; fantastic; 动词: surprise; amaze; astionish; 忧虑
名词: anxiety; pressure; stress; tension; worry (n&v );concern(n&V)
名词: fear; terror; fright; panic(n&v); 形容词: frightening; frightened; afraid; horrible; terrible; trembling; scared; terrifying;
terrified 动词: frighten; terrify; tremble; scare(n&v)
optimistic( 乐观的 ); pessimistic(悲观的); subjective(主观的 ); objective(客观的 );
approving(赞同的 );disapproving(反对的) ; indifferent( 漠不关心的 );
considerate(体贴的;考虑周到的 ); controversial(有争议的 ); neutral(中立的 );

情绪相关的英语单词汇总,10大类110个单词1、第一类悲伤SadDepressed沮丧的 Desperate令人绝望的Dejected沮丧的, 灰心的Heavy沉重地 Crushed起皱的 Disgusted厌恶的,Upset使心烦 Hateful可恶的 Sorrowful悲伤的Weepy要哭的 Frustrated失败的2、第二类快乐HappyAmused愉快的 Delighted快乐的 Glad高兴的,Pleased高兴的 Charmed喜悦的 Grateful感激的Optimistic乐观的 Content满足的 Joyful快乐的Enthusiastic热情的 Loving钟情的3、第三类受伤HurtJealous妒忌的 Betrayed背叛的 Let down使失望Tender软弱的 Wounded受伤的 Impaired受伤害的Damaged损坏的 Criticized批评的 Abused虐待的Punished受惩罚的 Rejected 被拒绝的4、第四类自信 ConfidentStrong强壮的 Brave勇敢的 Assured确定的Certain确定的 Prepared准备好的 Successful成功的Encouraged被鼓励的 Peaceful平静的 Secure安全的Relaxed不拘束的 Comforted舒适的5、第五类正能量的EnergizedStrengthened有力量的 Motivated有动力的 Focused集中精力的Invigorated精神充沛的 Determined坚决的, Inspired有灵感的, Creative创造性的Healthy健康的, renewed复兴的Vibrant充满活力的Refreshed精神振作6、第六类痛苦的PanicAnxious焦虑的 Troubled麻烦的 Uncomfortable不舒服的,Stunned晕眩的 Mixed up混淆的 unsure不确定的Stuck陷入困境 Hurt受伤的 Frozen冰冻的Desperate 绝望的7、第七类生气的AngerAnnoyed讨厌的 Agitated激动的 Raging狂怒的Furious狂怒的 Livid惨白的 Bitter痛苦的Fed up厌烦的 Irritated恼怒的 Mad生气的Critical爱挑剔的Resentful愤慨的8、第八类劳累的 TiredIndifferent无关紧要的 Bored无趣的 Drained耗尽的Exhausted疲惫的 dull迟钝的 Weary疲倦的Powerless无能力的 Dejected沮丧的 Listless倦怠的Burned Out疲倦不堪的 Fatigued疲乏的9、第九类强壮的 StrongDynamic有动力的 Tenacious顽强的 Hardy艰苦的Sure可靠的 Certain确定的 Unique独特的Secure安全的 Empowered授权的 Ambitious野心勃勃的Powerful强大的Confident自信的10、第十类助人为乐的HelpedCherished怀抱希望的Befriended 助人为乐的Appreciated感激的Understood理解的 Commended称赞的 Empowered准许的Accepted可接纳的Blessed受尊敬的Healed治愈的Loved热爱的Saved拯救的。

表示情绪的英语含翻译1. Joy (喜悦):- Expression: A radiant smile adorned her face as she embraced the news.- Translation (翻译): 一条灿烂的微笑点缀在她的脸上,因为她接受了这个好消息。
2. Sadness (悲伤):- Expression: Heaviness settled in her heart as tears welled up in her eyes.- Translation (翻译): 沉重感笼罩着她的心,眼泪涌上眼眶。
3. Excitement (激动):- Expression: His eyes sparkled with excitement as he shared his upcoming adventure.- Translation (翻译): 他的眼睛因为分享即将到来的冒险而闪烁着激动的光芒。
4. Fear (恐惧):- Expression: A shiver ran down her spine as she faced the daunting challenge.- Translation (翻译): 当她面对令人生畏的挑战时,一阵战栗沿着她的脊柱传过来。
5. Surprise (惊讶):- Expression: The unexpected gift left her in a state of pleasant surprise.- Translation (翻译): 这个意外的礼物让她感到愉快的惊喜。
6. Anger (愤怒):- Expression: Frustration boiled within him, evident in the intensity of his glare.- Translation (翻译): 沮丧在他内心翻滚,他的目光表现出明显的强烈。

有关情绪的单词一、高兴类1. happy ['hæpi] adj. 快乐的;幸福的- 例如:She has a happy family.(她有一个幸福的家庭。
)2. glad [ɡlæd] adj. 高兴的;乐意的- 例如:I'm glad to see you.(见到你我很高兴。
)3. cheerful ['tʃɪəfl] adj. 快乐的;愉快的- 例如:He has a cheerful personality.(他有开朗的性格。
)4. delighted [dɪ'laɪtɪd] adj. 高兴的;欣喜的- 例如:She was delighted with the gift.(她对这个礼物很高兴。
)二、悲伤类1. sad [sæd] adj. 难过的;悲哀的- 例如:He looks sad.(他看起来很悲伤。
)2. sorrowful ['sɒrəʊfl] adj. 悲伤的;悲痛的- 例如:She has a sorrowful expression.(她有悲痛的表情。
)3. gloomy ['ɡluːmi] adj. 忧郁的;沮丧的- 例如:The weather made him feel gloomy.(天气使他感到忧郁。
)三、愤怒类1. angry ['æŋɡri] adj. 生气的;愤怒的- 例如:Don't be angry with me.(不要生我的气。
)2. mad [mæd] adj. 疯狂的;生气的(口语中常用)- 例如:He is mad at his friend.(他在生他朋友的气。
)3. furious ['fjʊəriəs] adj. 狂怒的;暴怒的- 例如:He was furious about the delay.(他对延误感到暴怒。

英语中各类情绪的表达(总5页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除英语中各类情绪的表达!一、Joyful——欢喜篇初级词汇:excited(兴奋的), sensuous(令人愉悦的), energetic(精力充沛的), cheerful(欢快的), creative(有创造力的), hopeful(有希望的)高级词汇:daring(勇敢的),fascinating(迷人的), stimulating(刺激的),amused(逗乐的), playful(嬉戏的), optimistic(乐观的)例句:The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical score.这部电影画面迷人,配乐悦耳动听。
We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur.看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。
He realized this to be a very daring thing to ask.他意识到这是一个非常大胆的问题。
二、Scared——担忧类初级词汇:confused(困惑的), rejected(拒绝的), helpless(无助的), submissive(顺从的), insecure(不安全的), anxious(焦虑的)高级词汇:bewildered(不知所措的), discouraged(气馁的),insignificant(无足轻重的), inadequate(不充足的), embarrassed(尴尬的), overwhelmed(被征服的)例句:He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive.他期望女儿都温顺听话。

表示情绪的英文词以下是20 个表示情绪的英文单词及其造句翻译:1. Happiness 幸福I felt a great sense of happiness when I received the good news. 当我收到这个好消息时,我感到非常幸福。
2. Sadness 悲伤After the funeral, everyone felt a deep sense of sadness. 葬礼结束后,每个人都感到深深的悲伤。
3. Anger 愤怒He was filled with anger when he saw the damage to his car. 当他看到他的汽车损坏时,他充满了愤怒。
4. Fear 恐惧She had a fear of heights and refused to go on the Ferris wheel. 她有恐高症,拒绝坐摩天轮。
5. Joy 喜悦The children were full of joy when they saw the presents underthe Christmas tree. 孩子们看到圣诞树下的礼物时充满了喜悦。
6. Surprise 惊讶I was surprised by the news of his promotion. 他升职的消息让我感到惊讶。
7. Disappointment 失望She felt a sense of disappointment when she didn't get the job she wanted. 当她没有得到她想要的工作时,她感到失望。
8. Envy 嫉妒He was jealous of his friend's success. 他嫉妒他朋友的成功。
9. Embarrassment 尴尬She felt embarrassed when she forgot the words to the song during the performance. 她在表演时忘记了歌词,感到很尴尬。

表示各种情绪的单词1. Happy(快乐的)- 单词释义:感到愉悦、满意的情绪状态。
- 单词用法:可作形容词,例如“I'm happy today.”。
- 近义词:glad, cheerful。
- 短语搭配:happy birthday(生日快乐),happy ending(幸福的结局)。
- 双语例句:- I was so happy when I saw my old friend again. It was like finding a long - lost treasure.(当我再次见到我的老朋友时,我太高兴了。
)- “Are you happy with your new job?” he asked me. I replied, “Yes, it's like a dream come true.”(“你对你的新工作满意吗?”他问我。
”)2. Sad(悲伤的)- 单词释义:难过、哀伤的情绪。
- 单词用法:形容词,如“She looks sad.”。
- 近义词:unhappy, sorrowful。
- 短语搭配:sad story(悲伤的故事)。
- 双语例句:- When my dog passed away, I was really sad. It felt like a part of my heart was gone.(当我的狗去世时,我真的很伤心。
)- “Why are you so sad?” she asked. “I lost my favorite book,” I said. “That's like losing a good friend.”(“你为什么这么难过?”她问。
”)3. Angry(愤怒的)- 单词释义:生气、恼怒的状态。

欧阳术创编2021.02.02 欧阳美创编2021.02.02 表达情绪的18个英语词汇:
1.confident 自信的
2.hysterical 歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的
3.mischievous 搞怪的(人、行为等)恶作剧的;淘气的;有害的
4.smug 自鸣得意的;自以为是的;整洁的
5.surprised 惊讶的
6.bored 无聊的;烦人的;无趣的
7.shy 羞涩的,害羞的
8.ashamed 羞愧的,惭愧的
9.happy 高兴的,欢乐的
10.depressed 沮丧的,意志消沉的
11.shocked 震惊的,极其惊讶的
12.frustrated 失意的,挫败的;泄气的
13.hopeful 满怀希望的,充满期望的
14.proud 骄傲的
15.angry 愤怒的,气愤的
16.confused 迷惑的,不解的
17.suspicious 怀疑的,多疑的
18.indifferent 冷漠的,漠不关心的
欧阳术创编2021.02.02 欧阳美创编2021.02.02。
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情绪●积极的(positive)●快乐的,高兴的●happyThe news made him very happy.●glad/ɡlæd/I'm so glad to see you.●adj. 高兴的;感激的;乐意的,非常愿意的;令人愉快的●cheerful /ˈtʃɪrf(ə)l/Why are you so bright and cheerful today?●adj. 欢快的,高兴的;令人愉快的;乐观的,开朗的●joyful /ˈdʒɔɪfl/It was a joyful meeting.●adj. 高兴的,令人愉快的●joyous /ˈdʒɔɪəs/adj. 高兴的,令人愉快的●The end of the joyous day had come.●merry/ˈmeri/Merry Christmas, my best friend.●adj. <旧>愉快的,高兴的;<旧>令人愉快的;<英,非正式>微醉的●excited/ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/Right now I'm feeling very excited.●adj. 激动的,兴奋的;忧虑的,气愤的;已激发的,受激的;性兴奋的●v. 使兴奋,使激动;激发,引起(excite 过去式和过去分词形式)●delighted/dɪˈlaɪtɪd/I was delighted with my presents.我对我收到的礼物很满意。
●adj. 高兴的●v. 使高兴;以……为乐(delight 的过去式及过去分词)●gladsome/ˈɡlædsəm/Nature must be gladsome when I was so happy. 当我欣喜万分的时候,大自然也一定非常高兴。
●adj. 高兴的;可喜的●自信,乐观●hopefulSo you are hopeful for the future. 所以你对未来充满希望。
●adj. 满怀希望的;有希望的,有前途的;(行动)被寄予希望的●n. 希望成功的人,有前途的人●confident/ˈkɑːnfɪdənt/Marina was a confident, happy child.●adj. (性格,态度)自信的,充满信心的;坚信的,肯定的●self-confident自信的●optimistic/ˌɑːptɪˈmɪstɪk/He has an optimistic view of life.●adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的;(估计)过于乐观的,高估的●信任,满意●satisfiedI'm satisfied with it. How often did you feel satisfied? 你多久能体会到一次满足感?●adj. 满意的,满足的;确信的,信服的●v. 使满意;满足(要求、需要等);使确信(satisfy 的过去式和过去分词形式)●satisfying/ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ/A good book can be satisfying, can improve your knowledge and can teach you a lot.●adj. 令人满意的;令人满足的●approving/əˈpruːvɪŋ/His mother leaned forward and gave him an approving look. 他妈妈向前探身并对他投出赞许的目光。
●adj. 赞成的,赞许的,满意的●v. 赞成,同意;批准,通过;认可,核准;证明,显示(approve 的现在分词)●contentI am content to admire the mountains from below. 我满足于从山下观赏群山。
●adj. 满足的,满意的,甘愿的●n. 目录;所含物,容纳的东西;(书、文章、演讲、电影等的)内容;含量;满足,满意;投赞成票的贵族院议员;网上信息,电子信息●v. 使满意,使满足●惊喜,惊讶(surprise)●surprisedI'm really not a bit surprised. 我确实毫不吃惊。
●adj.意外的,惊讶的,诧异的●v.使惊奇,使诧异,使感到意外(surprise的过去式和过去分词形式)●amazed/əˈmeɪzd/We were amazed by the play's success. 我们惊叹该剧的成功●adj.惊奇的,惊讶的●v.使惊奇,使惊愕(amaze 的过去式和过去分词形式)●astounded/əˈstaʊndɪd/I was astounded by its beauty.●adj.受惊骇的;被震惊的●v.使惊愕(astound 的过去式和过去分词)●astonished/əˈstɑːnɪʃt/My parents looked astonished at my news. 我的父母听到我的消息后显得十分惊讶●adj.十分震惊的,非常惊讶的●v.使吃惊,使惊讶(astonish 的过去式和过去分词形式)●负面的(negative)●悲伤(sadness)●sadWe are very sad to hear that you are leaving.●adj. 伤心的,难过的;令人伤心的;糟糕的,不能令人接受的;不幸的,可怜的;(歌曲或音乐)显露悲伤的;状况不佳的;●sorrowful/ˈsɑːroʊfl/His father's face looked suddenly soft and sorrowful.●adj. 悲伤的,悲痛的,悲哀的;使人悲伤的●depressedI was deeply disturbed and depressed by the news.●dj.抑郁的,沮丧的;萧条的,不景气的;降低了的,削弱了的;凹陷的,低陷的●v.使抑郁,使沮丧;抑制;使萧条(depress 的过去式和过去分词形式)●spiritless/ˈspɪrɪtləs/The child used to be lively, why does he seem so spiritless today?●adj.沮丧的;沉闷的;无生气的●disappointed/ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪdHe was feeling a shade disappointed. 他略感失望。
●adj.失望的,沮丧的;(希望、期待)破灭的●v.使失望;使破灭,使落空(disappoint 的过去式和过去分词形式)●woeful/ˈwoʊfl/His woeful eyes betrayed his feeling●adj.悲哀的;悲惨的;遗憾的;不幸的●厌恶(disgust)●disgusting/dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ/My darling, it is delicious! Why do you find it disgusting?●adj.令人反感的,令人恶心的;令人吃惊的,让人无法接受的●v.使反感,使憎恶;使感到恶心(作呕)(disgust 的现在分词形式)●disgusted/dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/The level of violence in the film really disgusted me.●adj.厌恶的;厌烦的●v.使恶心;使讨厌(disgust 的过去分词)●nasty/ˈnæsti/This coffee has a nasty taste.●adj.恶毒的,凶相的;令人不快的,令人厌恶的;(伤口、疾病等)严重的,恶性的;污秽的,下流的;(外表)丑陋的,(气味等)难闻的;造成很大伤害的;令人担忧的,难对付的;有威胁性的,吓人的●cheesed /tʃiːzd/He's cheesed off with his job. 他厌倦了他的工作。
●adj.厌烦的;厌腻的 v.停止(cheese 的过去分词)●恐惧(fear),紧张●scared /skerd/I'm certainly not scared of him. 我当然不怕他。
●adj.惊恐的,恐惧的;担心的,焦虑的●v.使惊恐,吓唬;受惊吓,害怕(scared 的过去式和过去分词形式)●terrifiedI was terrified that the plane would crash.●adj.非常害怕的,极度惊恐的●v.使害怕,使恐惧(terrify 的过去式和过去分词)●nervous/ˈnɜːrvəs/I was too nervous to eat.●adj. 神经紧张的,担忧的;神经质的;神经的,神经系统的;(疾病)由精神紧张引起的;易激动的;强健有力的●tenseMark, who had at first been very tense, at last relaxed.●adj. 紧张的,焦虑的;(气氛或局势)令人紧张的;(身体或肌肉)僵直的,绷紧的;(金属丝等)拉紧的;(语音,尤指元音)紧的●v. (使)(身体或肌肉)绷紧,(使)变得僵直;变得神经紧张●n. (动词的)时态●strainedShe looked a little pale and strained.●adj. 紧张的;勉强的;牵强附会的;滤过的●v. 使紧张(动词 strain 的过去式和过去分词)●愤怒(anger)●angryHe was still a little angry with her. 他还是对她有点生气。
●adj.愤怒的,生气的;狂风暴雨的,波涛汹涌的;红肿的,感染的●indignant/ɪnˈdɪɡnənt/They were indignant that they hadn't been invited.●adj.愤愤不平的,愤慨的●wrathful/ˈræθfl/My mother was wrathful with my lying .●adj.愤怒的;激怒的●resentful/rɪˈzentf(ə)l/She was resentful at having been left out of the team.她对被运动队淘汰感到气愤。
●adj.气愤的,憎恨的●furious/ˈfjʊriəs/My father was very furious at first, but eventually we reached an understanding.●adj.狂怒的,暴怒的;狂暴的,猛烈的;喧闹的,热烈兴奋的。