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(1).动词ing形式是动词的一种非谓语形式,包括现在分词和动名词两种。动词ing形式在句中的语法作用:动名词在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语,现在分词在句中作状语、宾语补足语和定语。(2).动词ing形式的时态和语态。Reading aloud is a good way to learn a language.大声朗读是学习语言的一种好方法。

Having studied his lessons very hard, he passed the exam.

努力学习了功课, 他通过了考试。

The building being built now will be finished next month.


Having been laughed at for his lameness, the boy became shy and inhibited.

那男孩因跛脚被人嘲笑, 变得羞怯。



Saying is one thing, and doing is another.


Having a walk every day helps to make one keep healthy.




Climbing mountains is really difficult for the old.对于老人来说爬山的确困难。


It is a waste of time persuading such a person to join us.劝告这种人参加我们是铺张时间。

It is no good/use regretting for the past.懊悔过去是没用的。


It's a waste of time doing sth.


It's useless/worthwhile doing sth.




Their ing to help was a great encouragement to us.


His/Tom's being late made the teacher very angry.他的/汤姆的迟到使老师很生气。Jerry's not arriving on time made the people present angry.杰里未能按时到达令在场的人很生气。


(2)作主语的动词ing的复合结构的否认形式为:形容词性物主代词/名词的全部格+not doing...。

1.In recent years, ________ (rent) clothes has bee an increasingly popular trend among people of all ages. 2._______(slide) into the habit was easy, but it was difficult to quit the habit.

3._____________(examine) twice a year, whether it is a car, a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver should obey in this city.

4.________(digitise)ancient art allows us to explore the practices of long ago.

5.As I get older, ing home and ______ (be) with my entire family is the most important part of it.

6.________(be) able to appreciate art is very satisfying.

7.________(visit) art galleries helps you understand different cultures.

8.________(draw) realistic portraits of people is very difficult.

9.________(add) Beijing Opera to the basic education in China is a big step to promote traditional art.

10._________ (expose) to strong sunlight can be harmful to human skin.

11.________ (design) a great flag is very difficult, as you are trying to squeeze a whole nation into a small box. 12.His ________(e) late made the teacher very angry.

13.________(get) involved in a new and emerging business can be risky and also be profitable.

14.________ (adapt) to school life quickly is important for freshmen, which will influence their performance. 15.It is no use______________ (reason) with him.

16.________ (turn) 18 also changed the way that society viewed me.

17.________(attend) training classes means costing them much money.

18.Before you begin, it’s worthwhile ________(understand) the example application you’ll build.

19.It’s no use ________(cry) over spilt milk.

20.Many people agree that ________ (go) to a museum is a good way of learning about ancient treasures. 21.________ (play) tricks on others is something we should never do.

22.________ (live) in the countryside has both advantages and disadvantages.

23.________ (get) up late means missing the early bus.

24.________ (collect) stamps takes a lot of his spare time.

25.________ (Read)is necessary for you to expand your knowledge.

26.________ (Consult)this kind of dictionary is really a piece of cake.

27.In some ways, ________ (learn) to program a puter is similar to learning a new language.

28.________ (make) eye contact isn’t always easy; it can feel unfortable at times, especially when you haven’t yet built a relationship with the other person.

29.In a word,__________ (get) along well with your classmates is considered an important thing.

30.________ (jog) through the park bees my routine.

31.________(e) to Guizhou Province to teach has been quite an exciting experience for him.

32.It is a waste of time ________ (persuade) him to give up the plan.

33.________ (bee) aware of what causes your worry will help to reduce the stress.

34.________(ignore) the differences between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.

35.___________ (feed) a hungry family can be expensive.

36._______(learn) Chinese is a must, which is likely to make your living in China more fortable.

37._______(swim) is one of the best sports, which keeps me in good health.

38.________ (pursue) your passion is a necessary — but not sufficientcondition for a great career, so it is
