Stock 股票知识




入门篇第一章股票基础知识1.1股票知识入门1.1.1股份有限公司:股份公司(Stock corporation)是指公司资本为股份所组成的公司,股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任的企业法人。






















限制性股权限制性股权(Restricted Stock Units,RSU),是被授予特定员工作为薪酬的一种形式,是在特定的时间段内发放有条件的限制性股票单元,需要员工满足一些特定的条件,比如在公司工作一定时间,或公司达到一定的业绩,才可以将股票单元免费转换成实际股票,从而可以享受到股票涨价带来的利润提升。




每部分的 RSU 在释放时最终会转换为等价的公司股票,员工可以选择在公司内部持有股份甚至兑换成现金或商品。


















1. 资产(Assets):资产是指一个人、一家公司或一项经济活动所拥有的能够产生经济利益的物质或无形财产。



2. 风险(Risk):风险是指投资中可能发生的未知事件导致的损失或波动。



3. 收益(Return):收益是指投资所带来的回报。




4. 股票(Stock):股票是公司发行的资本份额,代表着投资者在该公司的所有权。



5. 债券(Bond):债券是一种借贷工具,发行者向持有人承诺按照一定利率和期限归还本金和利息。



6. 投资组合(Investment portfolio):投资组合是指投资者持有的多种投资资产的集合。



7. 指数基金(Index fund):指数基金是一种 passively managed 的投资基金,其目标是追踪某个特定的金融指数的表现。

drafa 涨幅 指标 公式

drafa 涨幅 指标 公式

drafa 涨幅指标公式
drafa 涨幅指标公式:涨幅=(现价-上一个交易日收盘价)/上一个交易日收盘价*100%


















股票与证券行业英语词汇share, equity, stock 股票、股权bond, debenture,debts债券negotiable share 可流通股份convertible bond可转换债券treasury/governmentbond国库券/政府债券corporate bond企业债券closed—endsecurities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金open-end securities investmentfund开放式证券投资基金fund manager基金经理/管理公司fundcustodian bank 基金托管银行marketcapitalization市值p/e ratio市盈率(price/earning)mark—to-market 逐日盯市payment versusdelivery银券交付clearing and settlement清算/结算commodity/financial derivatives商品/金融衍生产品put/ calloption看跌/看涨期权margins,collateral 保证金rightsissue/offering配股bonus share红股dividend 红利/股息ADR 美国存托凭证/存股证(AmericanDepository Receipt)GDR全球存托凭证/存股证(Global Depository Receipt)retail/private investor个人投资者/散户institutional investor 机构投资者broker/dealer券商proprietary trading自营insider trading/dealing内幕交易marketmanipulation市场操纵prospectus招股说明书IPO新股/初始公开发行(Initial Public Offering) mergerand acquisition收购兼并AllOrdinariesIndex(澳大利亚)股市指数Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美国股票交易所amortize摊提,分期偿还债务annuity 年金享受权asking price 卖主的开叫价assess对(财产等)进行估价,确定(款项)的金额back拖欠的bad loan 呆账,坏账bailout帮助……摆脱困境balloon (分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔barometer 晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标basis point 基点(一个百分点的百分之一)bear markets熊市blue—chip(股票等)热门的,(在同行中)最赚钱的forex foreign exchangebond 债券,公债bourse 交易所,证券交易所bullmarkets牛市bullish 牛市的bunji-change 快速的大幅度变化CAC—40Index (法国)股市指数CD(certificate—of-deposit) 大额存款单Chicago MercantileExchange芝加哥商业交易所Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数contagion蔓延correction 调整couponrate 券根利率CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 农矿产品交易顾问Currency board 货币委员会DAX index(法兰克福)德国股市指数dead loan死帐delist从上市证券表中除名derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来,主要有期货futures、期权optiontrading 与掉期swap三种类型,品种多达100余种.)discount 贴现discountrate 贴现率DJIA Dow—Jones Industrial Average道"琼斯公用事业股价平均数.通常简称Dow(道),是30个主要工业公司股票价格的组合。























一、股票基本概念1.1 什么是股票股票是指代表股份所有权的凭证,代表股东在公司中的权益。



1.2 主要股票市场全球股票市场众多,其中一些主要的股票市场包括:•纽约证券交易所 (New York Stock Exchange)•纳斯达克证券交易所 (NASDAQ)•伦敦证券交易所 (London Stock Exchange)•东京证券交易所 (Tokyo Stock Exchange)•上海证券交易所 (Shanghai Stock Exchange)•香港交易所 (Hong Kong Stock Exchange)1.3 股票的分类股票可以根据不同的标准进行分类,常见的分类包括:•按股票的发行主体分类:A股、B股、H股等。



二、股票交易流程2.1 股票交易市场股票交易市场是股票交易的场所,主要包括证券交易所和场外交易市场。


2.2 股票交易流程一般而言,股票交易的基本流程包括以下几个步骤:1.选择一个股票券商或经纪人开立证券账户。





三、投资股票的基本策略3.1 长期投资与短期投机在股票市场中,投资者可以选择长期投资或短期投机两种策略。

股票入门的基础常识 英文

股票入门的基础常识 英文

股票上市是指已经发行的股票经证券交易所批准 后,在交易所公开挂牌交易的法律行为,股票上 市,是连接股票发行和股票交易的"桥梁"。
A stock index or stock market index is a method of measuring the value of a section of the stock market. It is computed from the prices of selected stocks (typically a weighted average). It is a tool used by investors and financial managers to describe the market, and to compare the return on specific investments. 股票指数或股票市场指数是衡量一段股票市场价值的 方法。它是从选定的股票价格计算(通常是一个加权 平均)。这是一种由投资者和金融管理人员用来描述 市场,和比较具体投资回报的工具。
Stock refers to the shares that have been issued after approval by th e securities exchange, the legal behavior of publicly traded on an exchange, stock m arket, is the bridge of connected to the stock issuance and trading
股票是一种有价证券,它是由股份有限公司公开 发行的,用以证明投资者的股东身份和权益,并 据以获得股息和红利的凭证。






一、金融市场相关术语解释:1. 股票(Stock):股票是公司对外发行的所有权凭证,代表股东对公司的权益和分红权。

2. 债券(Bond):债券是债务人向债权人发行的债权凭证,债务人承诺在约定的时间内偿还本金和利息。

3. 期货(Futures):期货是在交易所交易的标准化合约,约定双方在未来某个时间按照约定价格买卖一定数量的特定商品或金融资产。

4. 期权(Options):期权是一种购买或者出售标的资产的权利,但不是义务,买方支付给卖方一定的费用来购买这个权利。

5. 活期存款(Current Deposit):活期存款是指随时可以取款的存款方式,存款人可以根据自己的需要随时支取或存入资金。

6. 定期存款(Time Deposit):定期存款是指按约定时间存入,到期时取出的存款方式,利率相对较高。

7. 保险(Insurance):保险是一种风险管理工具,通过合同的方式,保险公司向被保险人承诺在保险事件发生时给予一定的经济补偿。

8. 黄金(Gold):黄金是一种贵金属,可用作货币储备、商品购买、投资及工业应用等。

二、投资相关术语解释:1. 资产配置(Asset Allocation):根据个人或机构的风险承受能力、目标收益和时间等要素,合理分配资金到不同投资类别中的策略。

2. 风险收益比(Risk-Return Ratio):衡量投资项目风险与收益之间关系的指标,通常较高的收益伴随着较高的风险。

3. 基本面分析(Fundamental Analysis):通过分析公司的经营状况、财务状况、市场环境等因素来预测股票或债券等标的的未来走势。

4. 技术分析(Technical Analysis):通过研究图表、交易量等技术指标,预测股票或债券等标的的未来走势。

















以下是一些股票用法和中英文对照例句:1. 股票市场 - stock marketExample: Many investors lost money in the stock marketcrash.2. 股票交易 - stock tradingExample: He made a profit through stock trading.3. 股票投资 - stock investmentExample: She is experienced in stock investment.4. 股票价格 - stock priceExample: The stock price has been fluctuating recently.5. 股票分红 - stock dividendExample: Shareholders are entitled to receive stock dividends.6. 股票投资组合 - stock portfolioExample: He has a well-diversified stock portfolio.7. 股票交易所 - stock exchangeExample: The New York Stock Exchange is one of the largest stock exchanges in the world.8. 股票指数 - stock indexExample: The S&P 500 is a widely followed stock index.9. 股票交易费用 - stock trading feesExample: The stock trading fees are relatively high for this broker.了解股票的基本知识以及市场的运作方式对于投资者来说是非常重要的。
































1. Investment(投资)Investment是指投资的行为或者过程。



2. Stock(股票)Stock是指公司发行给股东的所有权证书。



3. Bond(债券)Bond是指借款人向投资者借款,并以债券形式进行担保的金融工具。



4. Exchange Rate(汇率)Exchange rate是指一种货币与另一种货币之间的兑换比率。



5. Inflation(通货膨胀)Inflation是指一定时期内物价普遍上涨的现象。



6. GDP(国内生产总值)Gross Domestic Product(GDP)是衡量一国经济总体规模的指标。



5 常见金融产品介绍

5  常见金融产品介绍

常见金融产品介绍(股票、基金、期货、国内金)目录股票 (2)基金 (4)期货 (6)国内金 (7)伦敦金 (9)股票、基金、期货、伦敦金、国内金的区别对比 (10)股票股票(stock)是股份公司在筹集资本时向出资人公开或私下发行的、用以证明出资人的股本身份和权利,并根据持有人所持有的股份数享有权益和承担义务的凭证。








H 股:H股也称为国企股是指国有企业在香港 (Hong Kong) 上市的股票。

S股:S股是指那些主要生产或者经营等核心业务在中国大陆、而企业的注册地在新加坡(Singapore)或者其他国家和地区, 但是在新加坡交易所上市挂牌的企业股票。

N股:N股是指那些在中国大陆注册、在纽约(New York)上市的外资股。







2、向二级市场投资者配售 ①、投资者必须在股票发行公告确定的登记日持有上市流通A股才有配售新股的权利; ②、持有深、沪两市流通A股市值的投资者可分别用深圳、上海证券帐户同时参加在上海证 券交易所发行的新股申购配售,同一新股申购配售,深、沪两交易所分别使用各自的申购代码; ③、每持有10000元上市流通A股市值可申购配售1000股,申购数量必须为1000股或其整数倍 ,市值不足10000元的,不计入可申购市值; ④、深市投资者同一证券帐户在不同营业部托管的上市流通A股市值合并计算; ⑤、申购配售新股时,投资者按申购上限委托买入,每个证券帐户只能申购一次,超额申购 和重复申购部分,均为无效申购,申购一经确认,不得撤销; ⑥、投资者在申购配售后的第一个工作日(T+1日),以有效方式查询配号,并于T+2日核对 中签号码,如中签,须于T+3日14:00前存入足额中签股款。
目前在深圳证券交易所和上海证券交易所发行新股的方式主要有两种:上网公开发行和向二 级市场投资者配售。 1、网上公开发行 ①投资者认购新股前应充分了解招股说明书和发行公告。 ②申购前须在资金账户中存入足额资金用以申购。每个证券账户申购下限是1000股,认购必 须是1000股或其整数倍。 ③每个账户只能申购一次,每1000股给一个配号。多次申购的只有第一次委托有效,其余委 托申购无效,无效申购不给配号。 ④委托合同号不是中签配号,只是投资者在证券部下单委托的电脑序列号。投资者可在申购 日后的第三个工作日通过电话系统或自助系统查询新股配号。申购日后的第四个工作日可根据 报纸公布的中签号与自己的申购配号核对是否中签。 ⑤申购新股不收取手续费。申购未中签的资金在申购日后的第四个工作日自动返还到资金账 户上。 ⑥新股申购不能撤单。新股委托申购时间为上午9:30--下午3:00;上午9:30分前下单委 托无效。



新手怎么选股股票知识(中英文版)Title: How Beginners Can Choose Stocks and Understand Stock Knowledge标题:新手如何选股和理解股票知识As a beginner in the stock market, it"s important to have a solid understanding of stock knowledge and learn how to choose the right stocks.Here are some tips to help you get started:作为股票市场的初学者,掌握股票知识和学习如何选择正确的股票非常重要。

以下是一些帮助您入门的建议:Firstly, it"s crucial to do your research and stay updated on the latest news and trends in the market.This will help you make informed decisions and avoid making impulsive investments.首先,进行研究并关注市场最新新闻和趋势非常重要。


Secondly, understand the different types of stocks and their characteristics.For example, growth stocks are companies that have a history of strong earnings growth, while value stocks are companies that are trading below their intrinsic value.其次,了解不同类型的股票及其特点非常重要。









二、回报率(Return on Investment)回报率是指投资所获得的利润与投入资金的比例。






四、资产配置(Asset Allocation)资产配置是指将投资资金分配到不同类别的资产上,以达到收益最大化和风险最小化的目标。









七、风险投资(Venture Capital)风险投资是指对创业公司或高风险项目进行投资,以获取高额回报的一种投资方式。

股票K线图上蓝 红 绿 黄四条线各代表啥意思 3篇汇总

股票K线图上蓝 红 绿 黄四条线各代表啥意思 3篇汇总


















股票的乘离率【最新版】目录1.股票乘离率的定义2.股票乘离率的计算方法3.股票乘离率的作用和意义4.股票乘离率的应用5.股票乘离率与投资策略正文股票的乘离率(Stock Price Premium Ratio),也被称为股票溢价率,是指股票的市场价格与股票的内在价值之间的比率。






2.股票乘离率的计算方法股票乘离率的计算方法是:股票市场价格 - 股票内在价值 / 股票内在价值。









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Introduction: StockWouldn't you love to be a business owner without ever having to show up at work? Imagine if you could sit back, watch your com pany grow, and collect the dividend checks as the m oney rolls in! This situation might sound like a pipe dream, but it's closer to reality than you m ight think.As you've probably guessed, we're talking about owning stocks. This fabulous category of financial instruments is, without a doubt, one of the greatest tools ever invented for building wealth. Stocks are a part, if not the cornerstone, of nearly any invest m ent portfolio. When you start on your road to financial freedom, you need t o have a solid understanding of stocks and how they trade on the stock m arket.Over the last few decades, the average person's interest in the stock m arket has grown exponentially. What was once a toy of the rich has now turned into the vehicle of choice for growing wealth. This dem and coupled with advances in trading technology has opened up the m arkets so that nowadays nearly anybody can own stocks.Despite their popularity, however, m ost people don't fully understand stocks. Much is learned from conversations around the water cooler with others who also don't know what they're talking about. Chances are you've already heard people say things like, "Bob's cousin made a killing in XYZ com pany, and now he's got another hot tip..." or "Watch out with stocks--you can lose your shirt in a m atter of days!" So m uch of this misinformation is based on a get-rich-quick m entality, which was especially prevalent during the am azing dotcom m arket in the late '90s. People thought that stocks were the m agic answer t o instant wealth with no risk. The ensuing dotcom crash proved that this is not the case. Stocks can (and do) create m assive amounts of wealth, but they aren't without risks. The only solution to this is education. The key to protecting yourself in the stock m arket is to understand where you are putting your money.It is for this reason that we've created this tutorial: to provide the foundation you need to m ake investm ent decisions yourself. We'll start by explaining what a stock is and the different types of stock, and then we'll talk about how they are traded, what causes prices to change, how you buy stocks and m uch m ore.Stocks Basics: What Are Stocks?The Definition of a StockPlain and simple, stock is a share in the ownership of a com pany. Stock represents a claim on the com pany's assets and earnings. As you acquire more stock, your ownership stake in the company becom es greater. Whether you say shares, equity, or stock, it all m eans the sam e thing.Being an OwnerHolding a com pany's stock m eans that you are one of the m any owners (shareholders) of a company and, as such, you have a claim (usually very sm all) to everything the com pany owns. Yes, this m eans that technically you own a tiny sliver of every piece of furniture, every tradem ark, and every contract of the com pany. As an owner, you are entitled to your share of the com pany's earnings as well as any voting rights attached to the stock.A stock is represented by a stock certificate. This is a fancy piece of paper that is proof of your ownership. In today's com puter age, you won't actually get to see this docum ent because your brokerage keeps these records electronically, which is also known as holding shares "in street nam e". This is done to m ake the shares easier to trade. In the past, when a person wanted to sell his or her shares, that person physically took the certificates down to the brokerage. Now, trading with a click of the m ouse or a phone call m akes life easier for everybody.Being a shareholder of a public com pany does not m ean you have a say in the day-to-day running of the business. Instead, one vote per share to elect the board of directors at annual meetings is the extent to which you have a say in the com pany. For instance, being a Microsoft shareholder doesn't m ean you can call up Bill Gates and tell him how you think the com pany should be run. In the sam e line of thinking, being a shareholder of Anheuser Busch doesn't m ean you can walk into the factory and grab a free case of Bud Light!The m anagement of the com pany is supposed to increase the value of the firm for shareholders. If this doesn'thappen, the shareholders can vote to have the m anagement rem oved, at least in theory. In reality, ind ividual investors like you and I don't own enough shares to have a m aterial influence on the com pany. It's really the big boys like large institutional investors and billionaire entrepreneurs who make the decisions.For ordinary shareholders, not being able to m anage the com pany isn't such a big deal. After all, the idea is that you don't want to have to work to m ake money, right? The im portance of being a shareholder is that yo u are entitled to a portion of the com pany’s profits and have a claim on assets. Profits are som etimes paid out in the form of dividends. The m ore shares you own, the larger the portion of the profits you get. Your claim on assets is only relevant if a company goes bankrupt. In case of liquidation, you'll receive what's left after all the creditors have been paid. This last point is worth repeating: the importance of stock ownership is your claim on assets and earnings. Without this, the stock wouldn't be worth the paper it's printed on.Another extremely important feature of stock is its limited liability, which means that, as an owner of a stock, you are not personally liable if the com pany is not able to pay its debts. Other com panies such as partnerships are set up so that if the partnership goes bankrupt the creditors can com e after the partners (shareholders) personally and sell off their house, car, furniture, etc. Owning stock m eans that, no m atter what, the m aximu m value you can lose is the value of your investm ent. Even if a com pany of which you are a shareholder goes bankrupt, you can never lose your personal assets.Debt vs. EquityWhy does a company issue stock? Why would the founders share the profits with thousands of people when they could keep profits to them selves? The reason is that at som e point every com pany needs to raise m oney. To do this, com panies can either borrow it from somebody or raise it by selling part of the com pany, which is known as issuing stock. A com pany can borrow by taking a loan from a bank or by issuing bonds. Both m ethods fit under the umbrella of debt financing. On the other hand, issuing stock is called equity financing. Issuing stock is advantageous for the com pany because it does not require the com pany to pay back the m oney or make interest paym ents along the way. All that the shareholders get in return for their m oney is the hope that the shares will som eday be worth m ore than what they paid for them. The first sale of a stock, which is issued by the private com pany itself, is called the initial public offering (IPO).It is important that you understand the distinction between a company financing through debt and financing through equity. When you buy a debt invest m ent such as a bond, you are guaranteed the return of your money (the principal) along with promised interest paym ents. This isn't the case with an equity invest m ent. By becoming an owner, you assume the risk of the com pany not being successful - just as a sm all business owner isn't guaranteed a return, neither is a shareholder. As an owner, your claim on assets is less than that of creditors. This means that if a com pany goes bankrupt and liquidates, you, as a shareholder, don't get any m oney until the banks and bondholders have been paid out; we call this absolute priority. Shareholders earn a lot if a com pany is successful, but they also stand to lose their entire invest m ent if the com pany isn't successful.RiskIt m ust be emphasized that there are no guarantees when it com es to individual stocks. Som e com panies pay out dividends, but m any others do not. And there is no obligation to pay out dividends even for those firms that have traditionally given them. Without dividends, an investor can make money on a stock only through its appreciation in the open m arket. On the downside, any stock may go bankrupt, in which case your invest m ent is worth nothing. Although risk might sound all negative, there is also a bright side. Taking on greater risk demands a greater return on your invest m ent. This is the reason why stocks have historically outperformed other invest m ents such as bonds or savings accounts. Over the long term, an invest m ent in stocks has histor ically had an average return of around 10-12%.Stocks Basics: Different Types Of StocksCommon StockCommon stock is, well, common. When people talk about stocks they are usually referring to this type. In fact, the majority of stock is issued is in this form. Common shares represent ownership in a company and a claim (dividends) on a portion of profits. Investors get one vote per share to elect the board members, who oversee themajor decisions made by management.Over the long term, common stock, by m eans of capital growth, yields higher returns than almost every other invest m ent. This higher return com es at a cost since common stocks entail the most risk. If a com pany goes bankrupt and liquidates, the common shareholders will not receive money until the creditors, bondholders and preferred shareholders are paid.Preferred StockPreferred stock represents som e degree of ownership in a com pany but usually doesn't com e with the sa m e voting rights. (This m ay vary depending on the company.) With preferred shares, investors are usually guaranteed a fixed dividend forever. This is different than common stock, which has variable dividends that are never guaranteed. Another advantage is that in the event of liquidation, preferred shareholders are paid off before the common shareholder (but still after debt holders). Preferred stock m ay also be callable, meaning that the com pany has the option to purchase the shares from shareholders at anytim e for any reason (usually for a premium).Som e people consider preferred stock to be m ore like debt than equity. A good way to think of these kinds of shares is to see them as being in between bonds and common shares.Different C lasses of StockCommon and preferred are the two m ain forms of stock; however, it's also possible for companies to custom ize different classes of stock in any way they want. The m ost common reason for this is the com pany wanting the voting power to rem ain with a certain group; therefore, different classes of shares are given different voting rights. For example, one class of shares would be held by a select group who are given ten votes per share while a second class would be issued to the m ajority of investors who are given one vote per share.When there is more than one class of stock, the classes are traditionally designated as Class A and Class B. Stocks Basics: How Stocks TradeMost stocks are traded on exchanges, which are places where buyers and sellers meet and decide on a price. Som e exchanges are physical locations where transactions are carried out on a trading floor. You've proba bly seen pictures of a trading floor, in which traders are wildly throwing their arms up, waving, yelling, and signaling to each other. The other type of exchange is virtual, com posed of a network of com puters where t rades are made electronically.The purpose of a stock m arket is to facilitate the exchange of securities between buyers and sellers, reducing the risks of investing. Just im agine how difficult it would be to sell shares if you had to call around the neighborhood trying to find a buyer. Really, a stock m arket is nothing more than a super-sophisticated farm ers' market linking buyers and sellers.Before we go on, we should distinguish between the primary market and the secondary m arket. The primary market is where securities are created (by m eans of an IPO) while, in the secondary m arket, investors trade previously-issued securities without the involvem ent of the issuing-com panies. The secondary m arket is what people are referring to when they talk about the stock m arket. It is im portant to understand that the trading of a com pany's stock does not directly involve that company.The New York Stock ExchangeThe m ost prestigious exchange in the world is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The "Big Board" was founded over 200 years ago in 1792 with the signing of the Buttonwood Agreement by 24 New York City stockbrokers and merchants. Currently the NYSE, with stocks like General Electric, McDonald's, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, Gillette and Wal-m art, is the m arket of choice for the largest com panies in America.The NYSE is the first type of exchange (as we referred to above), where m uch of the trading is done face-to-face on a trading floor. This is also referred to as a listed exchange. Orders com e in through brokerage firms that are members of the exchange and flow down to floor brokers who go to a specific spot on the floor where the stock trades. At this location, known as the trading post, there is a specific person known as the specialist whose job is to m atch buyers and sellers. Prices are determined using an auction m ethod: the current price is the highest am ount any buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price at which som eone is willing to sell. Once a trade has been made, the details are sent back to the brokerage firm, who then notifies the investor who placed the order. Although there is human contact in this process, don't think that the NYSE is still in the stone age: computers play a huge role in the process.The NasdaqThe second type of exchange is the virtual sort called an over-the-counter (OTC) m arket, of which the Nasdaq is the m ost popular. These m arkets have no central location or floor brokers whatsoever. Trading is done through a com puter and telecommunications network of dealers. It used to be that the largest companies were listed only on the NYSE while all other second tier stocks traded on the other exchanges. The tech boom of the late '90s changed all this; now the Nasdaq is home to several big technology com panies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, Dell and Oracle. This has resulted in the Nasdaq becoming a serious com petitor to the NYSE.On the Nasdaq brokerages act as m arket m akers for various stocks. A m arket m aker provides continuous bid and ask prices within a prescribed percentage spread for shares for which they are designated to m ake a market. They may m atch up buyers and sellers directly but usually they will maintain an inventory of shares to m eet dem ands of investors.Other ExchangesThe third largest exchange in the U.S. is the Am erican Stock Exchange (AMEX). The AMEX used to be an alternative to the NYSE, but that role has since been filled by the Nasdaq. In fact, the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), which is the parent of Nasdaq, bought the AMEX in 1998. Almost all trading now on the AMEX is insm all-cap stocks and derivatives.There are m any stock exchanges located in just about every country around the world. American m arkets are undoubtedly the largest, but they still represent only a fraction of total investm ent around the globe. The two other main financial hubs are London, home of the London Stock Exchange, and Hong Kong, home of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The last place worth m entioning is the over-the-counter bulletin board (OTCBB). The Nasdaq is an over-the-counter m arket, but the term commonly refers to sm all public com panies that don’t m eet the listing requirements of any of the regulated markets, including the Nasdaq. The OTCBB is home to penny stocks because there is little to no regulation. This makes investing in an OTCBB stock very risky.Stocks Basics: What Causes Stock Prices To Change?Stock prices change every day as a result of m arket forces. By this we m ean that share prices change because of supply and dem and. If m ore people want to buy a stock (dem and) than sell it (supply), then the price m oves up. Conversely, if more people wanted to sell a stock than buy it, there would be greater supply t han demand, and the price would fall.Understanding supply and demand is easy. What is difficult to com prehend is what m akes people like a particular stock and dislike another stock. This com es down to figuring out what news is positive for a com pany and what news is negative. There are many answers to this problem and just about any investor you ask has t heir own ideas and strategies.That being said, the principal theory is that the price m ovement of a stock indicates what investors feel a com pany is worth. Don't equate a com pany's value with the stock price. The value of a com pany is its m arket capitalization, which is the stock price m ultiplied by the number of shares outstanding. For example, a com pany that trades at $100 per share and has 1 million shares outstanding has a lesser value than a com pany that trades at $50 that has 5 million shares outstanding ($100 x 1 million = $100 million while $50 x 5 million = $250 million). To further com plicate things, the price of a stock doesn't only reflect a com pany's current value, it also reflects the growth that investors expect in the future.The m ost important factor that affects the value of a com pany is its earnings. Earnings are the profit a com pany makes, and in the long run no com pany can survive without them. It m akes sense when you think about it. If a com pany never makes money, it isn't going to stay in business. Public com panies are required to report their earnings four times a year (once each quarter). Wall Street watches with rabid attention at these tim es, which are referred to as earnings seasons. The reason behind this is that analysts base their future value of a com pany on their earnings projection. If a com pany's results surprise (are better than expected), the price jum ps up. If a com pany's results disappoint (are worse than expected), then the price will fall.Of course, it's not just earnings that can change the sentim ent towards a stock (which, in turn, changes its price). It would be a rather simple world if this were the case! During the dotcom bubble, for example, dozens of internet com panies rose to have m arket capitalizations in the billions of dollars without ever m aking even the sm allest profit. As we all know, these valuations did not hold, and most internet com panies saw their values shrink to afraction of their highs. Still, the fact that prices did move that m uch demonstrates that there are factors other than current earnings that influence stocks. Investors have developed literally hundreds o f these variables, ratios and indicators. Som e you may have already heard of, such as the price/earnings ratio, while others are extremely com plicated and obscure with nam es like Chaikin oscillator or moving average convergence divergence.So, why do stock prices change? The best answer is that nobody really knows for sure. Some believe that it isn't possible to predict how stock prices will change, while others think that by drawing charts and looking at past price movements, you can determine when to buy and sell. The only thing we do know is that stocks are volatile and can change in price extrem ely rapidly.The important things to grasp about this subject are the following:1. At the most fundamental level, supply and demand in the market determines stock price.2. Price times the number of shares outstanding (market capitalization) is the value of a company. Comparing just the share price of two companies is meaningless.3. Theoretically, earnings are what affect investors' valuation of a company, but there are other indicators that investors use to predict stock price. Remember, it is investors' sentiments, attitudes and expectations that ultimately affect stock prices.4. There are many theories that try to explain the way stock prices move the way they do. Unfortunately, there is no one theory that can explain everything.Stocks Basics: Buying StocksYou've now learned what a stock is and a little bit about the principles behind the stock m arket, but how do you actually go about buying stocks? Thankfully, you don't have to go down into the trading pit yelling and screaming your order. There are two m ain ways to purchase stock:1. Using a BrokerageThe m ost common m ethod to buy stocks is to use a brokerage. Brokerages com e in two different flavors.Full-service brokerages offer you (supposedly) expert advice and can m anage your account; they also charge a lot. Discount brokerages offer little in the way of personal attention but are much cheaper.At one tim e, only the wealthy could afford a broker since only the expensive, full-service brokers were available. With the internet cam e the explosion of online discount brokers. Thanks to them nearly anybody ca n now afford to invest in the m arket.2. DRIPs & DIPsDividend reinvest m ent plans (DRIPs) and direct investm ent plans (DIPs) are plans by which individual com panies, for a minimal cost, allow shareholders to purchase stock directly from the com pany. Drips are a great way to invest sm all amounts of m oney at regular intervals.Stocks Basics: How to Read A Stock Table/QuoteAny financial paper has stock quotes that will look something like the im age below:Columns 1 & 2: 52-Week High and Low - These are the highest and lowest prices at which a stock has traded over the previous 52 weeks (one year). This typically does not include the previous day's trading.Column 3: Company Name & Type of Stock - This column lists the nam e of the company. If there are no specialsym bols or letters following the name, it is common stock. Different sym bols imply different classes of shares. For example, "pf" m eans the shares are preferred stock.Column 4: Ticker Symbol - This is the unique alphabetic nam e which identifies the stock. If you watch financial TV, you have seen the ticker tape m ove across the screen, quoting the latest prices alongside this symbol. If you are looking for stock quotes online, you always search for a company by the ticker symbol. If you don't know what a particular com pany's ticker is you can search for it at: /l.Column 5: Dividend Per Share - This indicates the annual dividend payment per share. If this space is blank, the com pany does not currently pay out dividends.Column 6: Dividend Yield - The percentage return on the dividend. Calculated as annual dividends per share divided by price per share.Column 7: Price/Earnings Ratio - This is calculated by dividing the current stock price by earnings per share from the last four quarters. For more detail on how to interpret this, see our P/E Ratio tutorial.Column 8: Trading Volume - This figure shows the total num ber of shares traded for t he day, listed in hundreds. To get the actual number traded, add "00" to the end of the num ber listed.Column 9 & 10: Day High and Low - This indicates the price range at which the stock has traded at throughout the day. In other words, these are the m aximum and the m inimum prices that people have paid for the stock. Column 11: Close - The close is the last trading price recorded when the market closed on the day. If the closing price is up or down more than 5% than the previous day's close, the entire listing for that stock is bold-faced. Keep in mind, you are not guaranteed to get this price if you buy the stock the next day because the price is constantly changing (even after the exchange is closed for the day). The close is m erely an indicator of past performance and except in extrem e circumstances serves as a ballpark of what you should expect to pay.Column 12: Net Change - This is the dollar value change in the stock price from the previous day's closing price. When you hear about a stock being "up for the day," it m eans the net change was positive.Quotes on the InternetNowadays, it's far more convenient for most to get stock quotes off the Internet. This method is superior because most sites update throughout the day and give you m ore information, news, charting, research, etc.To get quotes, simply enter the ticker sym bol into the quote box of any m ajor financial site like Yahoo! Finance, CBS Marketwatch, or MSN Moneycentral. The exam ple below shows a quote for Microsoft (MSFT) from Yahoo Finance. Interpreting the data is exactly the sam e as with the newspaper.Stocks Basics: The Bulls, The Bears And The FarmOn Wall Street, the bulls and bears are in a constant struggle. If you haven't heard of these term s already, you undoubtedly will as you begin to invest.The BullsA bull m arket is when everything in the econom y is great, people are finding jobs, gross domestic product (GDP) is growing, and stocks are rising. Things are just plain rosy! Picking stocks during a bull m arket is easier because everything is going up. Bull markets cannot last forever though, and som etimes they can lead to dangerous situations if stocks becom e overvalued. If a person is optimistic and believes that stocks will go up, he or she is called a "bull" and is said to have a "bullish outlook".The BearsA bear m arket is when the econom y is bad, recession is looming and stock prices are falling. Bear m arkets m ake it tough for investors to pick profitable stocks. One solution t o this is to m ake money when stocks are falling using a technique called short selling. Another strategy is to wait on the sidelines until you feel that the bear m arket isnearing its end, only starting to buy in anticipation of a bull market. If a person is pessimistic, believing that stocks are going to drop, he or she is called a "bear" and said to have a "bearish outlook".The Other Animals on the Farm - Chickens and PigsChickens are afraid to lose anything. Their fear overrides their need to make profits and so they turn only to money-market securities or get out of the markets entirely. While it's true that you should never invest in something over which you lose sleep, you are also guaranteed never to see any return if you avoid the market completely and never take any risk,Pigs are high-risk investors looking for the one big score in a short period of time. Pigs buy on hot tips and invest in companies without doing their due diligence. They get impatient, greedy, and emotional about their investments, and they are drawn to high-risk securities without putting in the proper time or money to learn about these investment vehicles. Professional traders love the pigs, asit's often from their losses that the bulls and bears reap their profits.What Type of Investor Will You Be?There are plenty of different investment styles and strategies out there. Even though the bulls and bears are constantly at odds, they can both make money with the changing cycles in the market. Even the chickens see some returns, though not a lot. The one los er in this picture is the pig.Make sure you don't get into the market before you are ready. Be conservative and never invest in anything you do not understand. Before you jump in without the right knowledge, think about this old stock market saying:"Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs just get slaughtered!"Stocks Basics: ConclusionLet's recap what we've learned in this tutorial:∙Stock m eans ownership. As an owner, you have a claim on the assets and earnings of a company as well as voting rights with your shares.∙Stock is equity, bonds are debt. Bondholders are guaranteed a return on their invest m ent and have a higher claim than shareholders. This is generally why stocks are considered riskier invest m ents and require a higher rate of return.∙You can lose all of your invest m ent with stocks. The flip-side of this is you can m a ke a lot of m oney if you invest in the right com pany.∙The two m ain types of stock are common and preferred. It is also possible for a com pany to create different classes of stock.∙Stock m arkets are places where buyers and sellers of stock m eet to trade. The NYSE and the Nasdaq are the most important exchanges in the United States.∙Stock prices change according to supply and dem and. There are m any factors influencing prices, the most important of which is earnings.∙There is no consensus as to why stock prices m ove the way they do.∙To buy stocks you can either use a brokerage or a dividend reinvest m ent plan (DRIP).∙Stock tables/quotes actually aren't that hard to read once you know what everything stands for!∙Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered!Read m ore: /university/stocks/stocks8.asp#ixzz2HHE2llOO。
