4 3 . 9 2019年年全球网网⺠民数量量为
2019 e
数据来源:Newzoo(数据出自自2019年年2月月)、Mob研究院、We Are Social、Hootsuite
2022 e
01 海海外电竞用用户规模
增⻓长迅猛 910万
• 巨大大人人口口红利利,年年龄结构年年轻
利利 • 国家支支持,传统媒体扩散
• 职业俱乐部体系正在形成
• 企业开始投入入电竞领域,一一些
• 网网络和基础设施整体较落后
• 社会舆论相对负面面,观念较
电竞赛事与体育赛事在网网⺠民中的渗透率已基本 持平;同时电竞在游戏用用户群体中还有大大量量未 被开发的潜在市场
03 电竞赛事 vs 传统体育赛事
传统体育 用用户
• 选取国家级别在电竞、足足球中最具代表性和抗衡性的四项赛事——LPL、KPL、中超、英超联赛作为数据来源进行行行对比搜索指数与中超几几乎一一致甚至至超过中超, 且LPL的峰值远高高于中超峰值。
用户数据采样与精准度说明为了客观准确展示中国以及全球的电竞产业发展态势,本报告分析发布了多项独家调研数据,主要来自于三个方面:1. 企鹅调研平台精准调研(中国用户数据):通过企鹅调研平台,我们对全国范围内的手机网民进行广泛调研,共收集了10784个样本数据。
2. 国际调研机构Lightspeed(海外用户数据):通过Lightspeed,对美国、日本、韩国、法国、巴西、越南、俄罗斯7个海外国家进行调研,每个国家各600个样本,海外国家共计4200个调研样本。
3. 腾讯电竞大数据(行业大数据):针对电竞赛事观看情况、电竞用户画像特征,腾讯电竞提供了独家的信息来源,在行业大数据解读方面,腾讯电竞也提供了专业的分析建议。
核心洞察:NEWZOO游戏玩家动机研究究竟是什么促使玩家玩游戏?我们首个游戏玩家动机研究(Gamer Motivation Study)揭示的重要洞察在2019年4月我们成功推出Newzoo’sGamer Segmentation™(玩家画像细分)之后,我们开始着手回答一个被客户反复提及的问题:当涉及到游戏相关行为时,真正驱动玩家的是什么?是什么促成了他们玩游戏、观看游戏视频和购买游戏相关硬件的决定?为找出这些重要问题的答案,我们在世界两个最大的游戏市场——美国和中国,进行了首次玩家动机研究。
同时还探索了Newzoo的Gamer Segmentation™中不同人群的动机。
Sander BosmanVP Research游戏打破性别隔阂,助玩家逃离日常48%的美国玩家玩游戏以逃离日常。
35%的美国主机玩家在新游戏上架的第一时间就会购买,这使他们与PC 玩家(33%)一起成为购买速度最快的游戏买家,而移动游戏玩家的购买速度则稍慢(28%)。
gamesGlobalmarket reportMethodologyMarket sizing & forecasts Key global trendsNewzoo’s Gamer Segmentation TM T op 35 companies2019FORPRESSFOREWORD FOREWORDWe are proud to present our 2019 Global Games Market Report. Now more than ever, gaming is at the heart of the entertainment business. The way consumers engage with and through games is continually changing. Not only does this result in more overallengagement, but it also leads to entirely new segments of game enthusiasts.Brands from every corner of the consumer-facing market are seizing the opportunity that gaming presents, especially when it comes to reaching younger generations. In the last decade alone, the years-long stigma against gamers has all but disappeared. What’s more, the past year has seen many brands—including the biggest companies in apparel, automotive, and even financial services—connect with gaming in bigger and better ways than ever before.Gaming’s rise to the mainstream, particularly its shift toward more live events, profes-sional athletes, and entertainment spectacles, presents new crossover opportunities for other sectors within the entertainment business. After all, more than 10 million enthu-siasts tuned in when the popular DJ Marshmello hosted a concert within the virtual world of Fortnite. This year marks the first time that Netflix had a presence at E3, the world’s largest gaming event for consumers. What’s more, popular game IP is increas-ingly being adapted for television, and the biggest games rival Hollywood in terms of grandeur, budget, narrative, and revenues.Business models from general entertainment and games are also becoming intertwined. Subscription-based distribution is now the de facto method of content consumption for music and TV , and gaming is increasingly embracing the model. However, content is still king and lies at the heart of any successful subscription service. This is why we foresee a content gold rush going forward, as companies vie for the rights to lucrative gaming IP . The promise of cloud gaming—allowing players to play any game anywhere, anytime, on any platform—brings us into a platform-agnostic future. In this future, we will no longer argue about what’s the best console, nor the differences between PC, console, andmobile gaming. The only thing that will matter is which services offer the best gaming experiences and content.The meteoric success of ga ming is too impa ctful for bra nds to ignore, with more a nd more huge na mes, including Google a nd Netflix, choosing to enter the fra y. Google a nnounced its biggest move into gaming in March 2019 when it unveiled Google Stadia to the world, as well as the establishment of its own game studio. It will levera ge YouTube’s ma ssive user ba se to drive Sta dia ’s success, combining both video a nd intera ctive ga ming content. Mea nwhile, Sa msung pa rtnered with Ha tch to la unch a 5G-powered ga me strea ming service in the U.S., a nd Apple is testing the wa ters for its new premium mobile ga me service, Apple Arcade.At the sa me time, the ma instrea m spotlight a lso a ttra cts the public eye. New models of content monetiza tion, pioneered by games, have drawn criticism from the community and politicians alike. The nine-month freeze on game licenses in China last year wa s perha ps the most impa ctful consequence. The domestic market is well on the road to recovery, but it has certainly taken a hit, albeit temporarily. In-game monetization is now the norm in the most profitable games, even more so when subscriptionssta rt to substitute the tra ditiona l pa id ga me business model. For publishers, finding the right mix of business models in a n extremely dyna mic ma rket, with pressure from politics a nd a diverse game enthusiast community, will be the biggest challenge in the coming years.PETER WARMANCEO, NewzooFOREWORDNEWZOO’S 2019 GLOBAL GAMES MARKET REPORT: CONTENT IS KINGC O V E R © S H U T T E R S T O C KFORPRES S METHODOLOGY & TERMINOLOGY1.METHODOLOGY & TERMINOLOGYAt the highest level, Newzoo focuses on three key metrics for every market: players, payers, and revenues.The data on players and payers is mainly based on our own primary consumer research, which continues to form the basis of our understanding of consumers and games. In our primary consumer research, conducted from February to March 2019, more than 62,500 invite-only respondents across 30 key countries/markets were sur-veyed. The 30 countries/markets together represent more than 90% of global game revenues. Respondents were carefully selected to represent the online population in developed countries and the urban online population in selected major cities in emerg-ing countries in Southeast Asia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and India. This research started in 2009 with six countries; now, it is the world’s largest games-related consumer research program.The player and payer ratios resulting from our consumer research are projected against the online population, using UN population and ITU internet penetration metrics. The logic behind the model is that the online population is an important driver of the number of potential gamers and an indicator of how much more struc-tural growth a country can expect in its potential gamer population.The differences between the player and payer numbers in the Global Games Market Report and our Consumer Insights stem from the use of age boundaries and the core city approach; that is, including only Tier 1 and 2 cities in Asia and the Middle East. In the G lobal G ames Market Report, the total population is considered, while our Consumer Insights use the population aged between 10 and 50 or 65 years to best rep-resent the online urban population in most countries.The revenue data comes from our predictive games market model, which uses a top-down approach to market sizing. We incorporate macroeconomic and census data from the IMF and UN, such as household income and GDP per capita, transactional and app store revenue data from our data partner Priori Data, our primary consumer research, detailed financial information reported by more than 100 public companies, and third-party research. We also receive valuable input from clients.METHODOLOGYSIZING THE MARKET WITH A VARIETY OF DATANewzoo aims to provide clients with the best possible assessment of the size of the overall games market, broken down into segments and regions. By developing many data po ints, we ensure that o ur numbers make sense o n a segment, regio nal, and individual country/market level. Below, we describe our approach in more detail to help clients understand what underpins our forecasts, facilitating comparisons with other data sources.FORPRESSMarket size estimates and growth forecasts for individual segments, countries, and in aggregate for the total industry are validated against our analysis of various contex-tual metrics. For instance, our market model calculates the average annual spend perpaying gamer, which is then compared with historical numbers, other regions, house-hold income, and GDP per capita.Our historical revenues and growth rates reflect the year-end US$ exchange rate.Our projected growth rates assume steady exchange rates going forward, but we take into consideration historical growth rates in local currency rather than US$, as thisgives a better picture of underlying growth.We define revenues as the amount the industry generates in consumer spending on games; physical and digital full-game copies, in-game spending, and subscription services like PlayStation Plus and Xbox G ame Pass. Mobile revenues include paid downloads and in-game spending on all stores, including third-party stores, and fromdirect downloads. Our revenue numbers exclude taxes, consumer-to-consumer second-hand trade, advertising revenues earned in and around games, (peripheral) hardware, business-to-business services, and the traditionally regulated online gambling and betting industry (e.g., BWIN and William Hill).In terms of countries and regions, we define the market size as the amount com-panies generate from consumers in that specific territory, as opposed to the amount companies based in a particular territory generate worldwide.The broader conceptual framework supporting our forecasts consists of the expected growth of the online population plus the expected development of the key marketindicators per region, as illustrated on the right. Overall, our forecasts are always theoutcome of an iterative process, reviewing the implications of our assumptions on a very granular level. During this process, we rely on quantifiable metrics, such as his-torical growth rates, and include hard-to-quantify metrics, such as (gaming) culture, spending behavior, and other societal factors.GLOBAL FINANCIAL COMPANY ANAL YSIS Game revenues of public and non-public companiesPOPULATION & ECONOMIC CENSUS DATA Projecting organic growth on a local and global scaleLOCAL DATA VALIDATIONWith commercial companies in specific countriesTHIRD-PARTY RESEARCH Reported on a local and global scalePRIMARY CONSUMER RESEARCH IN KEY COUNTRIES Understanding playing and spending behaviorPARTNER DATAActual download, revenue, and play time dataGLOBAL GAMES MARKET MODELA V G . S P E N D /P A Y I N G P L A Y E R ($)S H A R E O F P A Y I N G P L A Y E R S (%)FORPRESSGame revenues: Consumer revenues generated by companies in the global games market, excluding hardware sales, tax, business-to-business services, advertising, and online gambling and betting revenues.Gamer personas: A new way of segmenting game enthusiasts across their playing, viewing, and owning behavior. Please refer to the Special Focus Topic (page 23) to find the definition of each persona.Games as a service: Also known as GaaS, games as a service provides game content or access to games on a continuous revenue model; for example, via a game subscription service or a season/battle pass.Smartphone games: Games played on smartphones.Online population: All people within a country/market or region who have access to the internet via a computer or mobile device.Payers or paying gamers: All people who have spent money to play games on a PC, console, or mobile device.Pay-to-play (P2P) games: Games that must be paid for upfront or are paid subscription-based games.Peripherals: G aming-related hardware products that are used for gaming, such as gaming mice, keyboards, headsets, controllers, or monitors.Players or gamers: All people who play (digital) games on a PC, console, or mobile device. Spend per payer: Annual average revenue generated per payer (game revenues/payers).Tablet games: Games played on a tablet (e.g., iPad).Virtual reality (VR): The computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a headset with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.Augmented reality (AR): A technology that supplements real-life views of users with computer-generated sensory input as images or sounds.Boxed revenues: Revenues generated by the sales of games or game-related content delivered on physical storage media (i.e., discs or cartridges). Also includes physicalcopies ordered in online stores.Browser PC games: Games played on casual game websites or social networks.Cloud gaming: Also referred to as gaming on demand, cloud gaming is the ability to play a game on any device without owning the physical hardware required to process it or needing a local copy of the game itself.Compound annual growth rate (CAGR): The constant growth rate over a period ofyears. In this report, all CAGRs are based on the years 2018-2022.Console games: Games played on a TV screen directly or through a console, such as Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo, or on handheld devices, such as a Nintendo DS or PS Vita.Digital revenues: Revenues generated by the sales of games or game-related content purchased directly from an online store, without a physical product being delivered. Digital revenues include in-game purchases, subscription revenues, and any additional downloadable content (DLC).Downloaded/Boxed PC games: PC games downloaded from websites or services (e.g., Steam or Epic Games Store) or purchased as a boxed product (CD/DVD), including client MMO and MOBA games.Esports: Competitive gaming at a professional level and in an organized format (a tournament or league) with a specific goal (i.e., winning a champion title or prize money) and a clear distinction between players and teams that are competing against each other.Free-to-play (F2P) games: Games that are (legally) free to download and play, often offering in-game spending opportunities.Game enthusiasts: All people who engage with games through playing, viewing gaming content, and/or hardware or peripheral ownership.TERMINOLOGYDEFINITION OF MAIN TERMSFORPRES S THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKET2.THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKET• Mobile gaming (smartphone and tablet) remains the largest segment in 2019,producing revenues of $68.5 billion—45% of the global games market. Of all mobile game revenues, 80%, or $54.9 billion, will come from smartphone games, with tablet gaming accounting for the remaining $13.6 billion.• Growth in mobile game revenues will continue to outpace growth on PC in the coming years, resulting in a shrinking PC market share toward 2022. Mobile will also outpace console’s revenue growth; still, console’s market share will remain relatively static.• On PC, browser game revenues will continue to decrease as more gamers switch to mobile games. In 2019, revenues will decrease by -15.1% year on year. Competitive play will continue to drive downloaded/boxed PC games, which will generate $32.2 billion in 2019.• The current console generation is coming to an end, meaning the installed base for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is at its highest. The Nintendo Switch also continues to be successful, which will be bolstered by the upcoming new models. These factors, coupled with the continued shift toward the games-as-a-service business model, will drive 2019’s console games revenues to $47.9 billion, growing at +13.4% year on year.• Markets in the Asia-Pacific region will generate $72.2 billion in 2019, up +7.6% year on year, accounting for 47% of total global game revenues.• For the first time since 2015, the U.S. will be the largest gaming market by revenues globally with $36.9 billion this year. Driven by growth in console game revenues, it will overtake China for the #1 position.In 2019, the global games market will generate revenues of $152.1 billion, a +9.6% year-on-year increase. The following section provides an overview of how these revenues are divided per region and segment, and how they will develop toward 2022.THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKET 2019AN OVERVIEW PER REGION AND SEGMENTFORPRESSKEY DEVELOPMENTS TOWARD 2022This year, the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region will produce game revenues of $72.2 billion, accounting for 47% of total global game revenues. This represents year-on-year growth of +7.6%. China’s licensing freeze has had a huge impact on the region’s revenue growth. Measures aiming to reduce the screen time of those under the age of 16 will also affect revenues in China. The licensing freeze impacts the mobile games market, APAC’s largest segment by far, more than other segments, as it is more dependent on a steady stream of new titles.North America will, once more, be the second-largest region (by game revenues), taking more than a quarter (26%) of 2019’s total global games market with $39.6 billion. This represents a +11.7% increase from last year, the fastest year-on-year growth rate of any region. Game revenue growth in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa region (EMEA) will be slightly lower than North America’s. With a year-on-year growth of +11.5%, EMEA will gen-erate revenues of $34.7 billion this year, representing 23% of the total global games market. Meanwhile, Latin America will make up 4% of the games market, growing +11.1% year on year to $5.6 billion.•By 2022, the global games market will grow to $196.0 billion with a CAGR (2018-2022)of +9.0%. Owing to the licensing freeze that heavily impacted China, Asia-Pacific is no longer the fastest-growing region. Driven by improving infrastructure andan increased appetite for games and esports, Latin America is now the fastest-growing games market in the world, boasting a CAGR of +10.4%.• Mobile gaming (smartphone and tablet combined) will produce revenues of $95.4 billion in 2022, growing with a CAGR of +11.3% to account for almost half (49%) of the entire games market. Revenues and growth will be driven predominantly bysmartphones, with revenues of $79.7 billion by 2022 (a CAGR of +12.8%). Tablet will account for the remaining $15.7 billion. Emerging markets will contribute most to the segment’s growth. However, a range of other factors will also contribute, including more cross-platform titles, more smartphone users, and improvements in hardware and infrastructure.• Revenues generated by the console segment will reach $61.1 billion in 2022,increasing with a healthy CAG R of +9.7%. Revenues will be boosted both by the imminent release of the next-generation Xbox and PlayStation consoles, the upcoming new Switch model(s), as well as the massive installed base of the previous (now current) console generation.• G ame revenues for PC will grow at a slower pace than mobile and consolerevenues. Nevertheless, the overall PC gaming market will grow with a CAG R of +3.5% to total $39.5 billion by 2022. The ongoing consumer shift from browser PC games to downloaded/boxed PC games will reduce the browser segment’s revenues by almost half from 2018 to 2022. Downloaded/boxed PC games will grow with a CAGR of +5.4%, generating $37.3 billion by 2022.2019 GLOBAL GAMES MARKET PER REGIONEUROPE,MIDDLE EAST, AND AFRICARPRESSIn 2019, mobile will again be the largest segment, generating revenues of $68.5 billion and comprising 45% of the global games market. Of global mobile game revenues, 80%, or $54.9billion, will come from smartphone games, with tablet gaming accounting for the remain-ing $13.6 billion.Across the board, the games market is in a healthy state, with every segment showing growth. Console is the second-largest segment, boasting revenues of $47.9 billion. It will grow to $61.1 billion by 2022 with a CAGR (2018-2022) of +9.7%. In total, PC games will gener-ate $35.7 billion in 2019, making it the third-largest segment. Growth in downloaded/boxed PC games is partially offset by declining browser PC revenues, as browser gamers have mostly transitioned to mobile. Browser PC revenues will continue to decline from $3.5 billion this year to $2.2 billion in 2022, a CAGR (2018-2022) of -14.7%.REGIONAL BREAKDOWN OF GLOBAL GAME REVENUES TOWARD 2022$138.7Bn2018$152.1Bn2019$164.6Bn2020$178.2Bn2021$196.0Bn2022EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA LATIN AMERICA NORTH AMERICA ASIA-PACIFICBROWSER PC GAMES2019 GLOBAL GAMES MARKET PER SEGMENTSEGMENT BREAKDOWN OF GLOBAL GAME REVENUES TOWARD 2022DOWNLOADED/BOXED PCBROWSER PC CONSOLE TABLET SMARTPHONE38%21%$164.6Bn20202%31%8%35%3%22%31%9%$138.7Bn201836%2%21%32%9%$152.1Bn201940%1%20%31%8%$178.2Bn202141%1%19%31%8%$196.0Bn2022FORPRES S REGIONS GLOBAL KEY GLOBAL TRENDS3.KEY GLOBAL TRENDSNostalgia has always been a key selling point in the games market, with some of the biggest franchises today, including Mario, Final Fantasy, and Pokémon, born as far back as the early 1980s. Looking to capitalize on consumers’ nostalgia, companies are rereleas-ing and remaking retro content—and even hardware—from years gone by.Porting older games to current hardware has always been commonplace; for example, Nintendo has traditionally ported its older titles to its handheld consoles, such as the G ame Boy (Color/Advance), and to console via its Virtual Console and now Nintendo eShop. In the previous console generation (Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3), HD remasters were a possibility. Many publishers realized that consumers are willing to repurchase older titles at a discounted rate for upscaled or slightly updated visuals.However, the current console generation has seen publishers moving away from rereleases and remasters toward outright, from-the-ground-up remakes, released at premium price points. Two beloved PlayStation platformer franchises from the 90s, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon, have seen major success here. Activision now owns the rights to these IPs and remade the first three main games from both fran-chises in two trilogy collections: the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, respectively. Similar remakes include 2018’s Shadow of the Colossus and Ratchet & Clank on PlayStation 4, Pokémon Let’s Go Eevee and Let’s Go Pikachu on the Switch, and Resident Evil 2. Each has seen critical and commercial success. There are many highly anticipated remakes on the horizon, such as Final Fantasy VII and Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled. Blizzard is getting involved in the PC space with Warcraft III: Reforged and World of Warcraft Classic.Blizzard’s upcoming remakes show that capitalizing on nostalgia goes beyond short-term profit. Remakes or remasters can reignite the passion players have (or had) for fran-chises and allows the publisher to bring these beloved franchises to a modern era, poten-tially extending the timeline of these games for another decade or more. It also offers an opportunity to modernize the revenue model of these classic titles.Capitalizing on nostalgia offers publishers the chance to monetize games far beyond the initial success of the game but commercial and critical success isn’t the only benefit for publishers. Remaking games in this manner is less time consuming and more cost-effective than designing an entirely new title. After all, the developers already have a foundation, including character design, level layout, and story, from which to build. This provides another way for companies to produce stable revenue alongside games-as-a-service offerings. It also repurposes older content for new and younger audiences, who expect to see high-fidelity visuals in games.1. A LINK TO THE PAST: PUBLISHERS CAPITALIZE ON NOSTALGIAFORPRESSMINI RETRO CONSOLES TOOK THE MARKET BY STORM, BRIEFLYOn the hardware front, Nintendo kick-started a trend of companies releasing smaller versions of retro consoles, with the release of the NES Classic Edition in November 2016.It was an unexpected success and consumer demand was far higher than the initial supply, leading the company to manufacture more. Nintendo followed this up with the Super NES Classic Edition in 2017. This success inspired Sony to release the PlayStation Classic in 2018 and Sega to announce the Sega Genesis Mini (Mega Drive mini in Europe)for release in September 2019. Most recently, Capcom announced the Capcom Home Arcade, another plug-and-play arcade system including 16 classic titles and the originalcontroller layout from 80’s-style game arcades. However, consumer demand for thesesmaller retro consoles already seems to be diminishing. Also, since modern consoles often come with backward compatibility, we expect the market for hardware re-releases to be limited and for retro and nostalgic software re-releases and remakes to have moreof a role to play in the games market going forward.Just as mobile gaming expanded the market by making games accessible to billions of people across the globe, cloud gaming has the potential to expand the market for premium games beyond the current console and PC audience. Cloud gaming presents an opportunity that was unattainable just 10 years ago: any game can be played on any device without the consumer having to own the physical hardware required to processthe game. As the tech continues to improve and cloud gaming grows, we expect an increase in the overall demand for games as new consumer groups enter the ecosys-tem. We also expect to see challenges and innovations in business models, game devel-opment, content discovery, engagement options, and even shakeups to gameplay itself. The past year has seen some key players unveiling cloud gaming platforms. Faster Internet and the imminent release of 5G make the technology feasible in more markets than ever, and companies are striking when the iron is hot. Microsoft, for example, announced Project xCloud in October 2018, leaning heavily on this innovative new tech for the upcoming console generation. Earlier this year, Google unveiled Stadia, marking the tech giant’s biggest foray into the games business (outside the Google Play Store). Google is leveraging YouTube’s popularity with Stadia, including a button that shares directly to the video-streaming platform, as well as the ability for players to join stream-ers’ games. G oogle also announced its first-party development studio that will create Stadia-exclusive content. Of course, Sony is also active in the cloud gaming space and currently operates the world’s most popular cloud gaming platform, PlayStation Now, which now has more than 700,000 users.2. THE PERFECT STORM: CLOUD GAMING TAKES OFFKEY GLOBAL TRENDSKEY GLOBAL TRENDS UNLIKELY PARTNERSHIPS AND AN AMBIGUOUS FUTUREThe biggest cloud providers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, IBM, and Alibaba Cloud. Interestingly, Amazon has not yet revealed plans for a cloud gaming platform or partnership, despite being one of the world’s largest cloud providers. Moreover, Microsoft and Sony signed a memorandum of understanding, with both companies agreeing to work together on their respective cloud gaming solutions. This means that Sony’s cloud gaming platform will be powered by Microsoft’s Azure. While this seems an unlikely partnership, as Sony and Microsoft have been rivals in the console space since the mid-2000s, the two companies are consolidating their efforts in part to offset the looming threat of Google Stadia.All in all, cloud gaming is due to disrupt the market in some significant ways, including new features for consumers, new content-delivery methods, and potentially new pricing models. We dive even deeper into these areas in the Special Focus Topics section of in the paid version of this report.Instant game platforms are becoming popular across the globe. In China, Tencent’s WeChat mini games are most prominent, already solidifying themselves within the Chinese games ecosystem. In the West, Facebook Instant Games shows great potential. This has led to other Western-focused platforms, such as Snapchat, introducing similar instant games. In China, Tik Tok is also beginning to introduce them.MINI GAMES ROSE TO PROMINENCE IN CHINA FOLLOWING THE MINI-PROGRAM REVOLUTIONMini programs were first introduced to Chinese smartphone users at the end of 2017. Since then, they have grown into an integral part of many residents’ lives. Suitable for apps with low-frequency usage, mini programs are less work to design and develop com-pared to traditional mobile applications. Unlike app stores, where extremely popular apps generate most revenues, the more widespread distribution of mini programs allows for each mini program to enjoy an equal chance of reaching new users. Notably, the most efficient way to acquire users is through group chat, where people share and recom-mend mini programs to friends. This shows mini programs’ heavy dependence on social networks. Game developers in China have already seen huge potential in this market, with WeChat starting to monetize mini games on Android through rewarded video ads in April 2018.3. INSTANT GAMES: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN GAMING AND SOCIAL MEDIA。
在不久前由上海市网络游戏行业协会、炫踪网络联合举办的“这届女玩家”女性向游戏分享会上,来自Facebook的演讲嘉宾Lesley Huang就明确强调了这点。
(以下数据与部分图片来自游戏日报“这届女玩家”女性向游戏分享会现场拍摄,像素不高,条件有限,凑合看吧)首先我们先看下关于女性用户消费方面的数据:据《哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review)》的统计显示,在2017年,全球女性消费力已经达到了20兆,并预计会在五年后达到28兆。
在US Bureau of Labor Statistics(可以理解为美国劳工统计局)数据中,女性的薪资收入与男性的差距正在逐渐缩减。
女性的消费能力上涨趋势是毋庸置疑的,而在游戏领域,据IBA 调查显示,全球女性玩家的内购占比为31%,在游戏时间与7天留存上的占比则分别为35%与42%。
一、全球游戏产业现状1. 规模和增长:根据市场研究机构Newzoo的数据显示,全球游戏产业规模已超过2000亿美元,并且在未来几年内有望持续增长。
2. 主要市场:在全球游戏产业中,美国、日本、韩国和中国等国家是最主要的市场。
3. 游戏类型:从游戏类型来看,移动游戏和电子竞技是当前全球游戏产业的两个主要趋势。
4. 游戏开发和发行:随着游戏行业的发展,游戏开发和发行也呈现出多样化的趋势。
二、中国游戏产业现状1. 规模和增长:中国是全球最大的游戏市场,在过去几年里,中国游戏市场规模不断扩大。
2. 主要市场:在中国游戏市场中,手机游戏成为最主要的游戏类型。
3. 发展环境:中国政府对游戏产业的支持和政策环境的改善,为中国游戏产业的发展提供了有力保障。
© 2019 Newzoo
2 0 19年全球游戏市场报告
2 0 1 9 年,全球游戏市场预计将产生1521亿美元的收入,年同比增长9 . 6 % 。以下内容概述了 这些收入是如何在各个地区和细分市场分布的。
付费( P 2 P ) 游戏:需要预先付款或订阅的游戏。
免费( F 2 P ) 游戏:可以(合法地)免费下载并游玩的游戏,通常会有游戏内付费。
年复合增长率( CAGR):几年时间内的持续增长率。本报告中的年复合增长率基于20182 0 2 2 年期间计算。
© 2019 Newzoo
数字游戏收入:直接从网上商店购买、无需交付实体产品的游戏或游戏相关内容的销售收 入。数字收入包括游戏内购、订阅收入以及其他追加内容下载包( D L C ) 。 盒装游戏收入:通过销售在实体存储介质(如光碟或磁盘)上交付的游戏或游戏相关内容而 产生的收入。包括在网上商城下单的实体游戏。 虚拟现实(V R ):通过计算机生成的对三维图像或环境的模拟,人可以使用特殊的电子设 备(如内置屏幕的头戴设备或带有传感器的手套),以看似真实或现实的方式与模拟环境进 行交互。 增强现实( A R ) : 通过计算机生成的图像或声音等感官输入,来补充用户真实视觉的一种 技术。 游戏即服务:游戏即服务也被称为G aaS,以持续性收费模式提供游戏内容或游戏访问权; 例如游戏订阅服务或赛季/战斗通行证。
2 0 19
2018 GLOBALTABLE OF CONTENTS1. KEY GLOBAL TRENDS2. NEW SEGMENTATION3. THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKET4. REGIONAL OVERVIEW4 10 12 15It took more than 35 years for the global games business to grow to $35 billion in 2007, the year that the iPhone was introduced. Since then, the games market has added an extra $100 billion in revenues to arrive at this year’s total of $137.9 billion worldwide. The uptake of smartphones has been a key contributor to the accelerated growth of the games market, in terms of both engagement and revenues, but is only one of the many factors that have brought us to where we are today.The way games are run has changed completely in only 10 years, from both an organizational and a business per-spective, regardless of platform. Add to that the ongoing global alignment of distribution channels, franchises, and business models and it becomes clear that this is more than several individual trends happening simultaneously. Ultimately, the consumer has determined the pace of change. No other form of entertainment or media gives as much power to the consumer as games. Today, not only do games empower people to actively participate, but allow them to enjoy their passion for gaming in ways that suit any mood, interest, lifestyle, location, and budget. The viewing experience is part of games’ DNA. Almost any new game includes competitive modes that could lead to a professional esports scene, including live events, pro-gamer heroes, and teams with millions of fans.The global games industry has reinvented itself to maximize consumer engagement and revenue growth on a global scale. It is time to do away with old terminology and re-examine how we segment consumers based on the wide variety of game behavior and preferences. This report features a new segmentation based on engagement in three different dimensions: playing, viewing, and owning.We trust you will enjoy this free version of our 2018 landmark global games report. Feedback is always appreciated!PETER WARMANNewzoo CEO & Co-Founder“Never in the history of Newzoo have we adjusted our global market forecasts so significantly, and twice in a single year. Upward, that is. This is indicative of the new dimensions of gaming and our industry’s ability to offer unique ways to engage. What I find particularly exciting is the impact it’s having on other industries, which will only increase in the coming years. While we don’t know exactly where the road will lead us, it is certain who the most skillful drivers will be: companies and professionals that dare to move over now and again and let the consumer take over the steering wheel.”NEWZOO’S 2018 GLOBAL GAMES MARKET REPORT: GROWTH ACCELERATESFOREWORD1.KEY GLOBAL TRENDSTo put current and future trends into perspective, we look back at the fundamental changes that have reshaped the industry in recent years. As we look toward the future, we foresee games playing an increasingly impactful role in disrupting and reshaping traditional industries, from implementing individual game mechanics to an array of mergers and acquisitions crossing the boundaries of traditional industries.2. MOBILE GAMING BOOMSTARTS NEW GROWTH PHASE3. GAAS IS THE NEW NORMALALSO FOR CONSOLES4. EMPOWERING ENTERTAINMENTPUTS COMMUNITIES AT THE HEART OF INNOVATION6. iNSTANT GAMINGCHANGES THE RULES OF DISTRIBUTION1. GAME AS IPTHINKING BIGGER5. STREAMING &ESPORTSREDEFINES RULES OFENGAGEMENT7. IMMERSION & COMPETITIONBRING THE CORE GAMING EXPERIENCE TO MOBILE8. GAMING LEADS DISRUPTIONACROSS ALLCONSUMER MARKETS10. THE NEXT BIG THINGHOW GAMING WILL BRING BALANCE TO THE WORLD9. CLOUD GAMINGGETS A NEW CHANCE2005<$35BN2025>$200BNGAMING COMPANIES PUT COMMUNITIES IN THE DRIVER’S SEATAs companies shift focus toward keeping gamers, viewers, and creators engaged while continuously providing opportunities to spend money, the most successful companies put communities at the center of their strategy and daily st year, we introduced the term “game enthusiast” to replace gamer, as gaming now encapsulates lean-forward playing (intensely or casually), lean-back viewing (content created by peers or provided by the professional gaming scene), creat-ing unique content (influencers), sharing (streaming live or on demand), and owning hardware. This marks another step forward for gaming, in line with other hobbies like sports or movies where fandom is not limited to those who actively participate.This year, we are adjusting our player segmentation to reflect this global trend. Our new segmentation considers playing, viewing, and owning as part of the game experience. It segments people based on how they engage with the various ways to enjoy gaming content and how important they consider gaming in their day-to-day lives.1.GAMES AS IP - THINKING BIGGER2. MOBILE GAMING - START OF A NEW GROWTH PHASE3. GAMES AS A SERVICE IS THE NEW NORMAL - ALSO FOR CONSOLES4. GAMING GIVES POWER TO CONSUMERS TO ACCELERATE CHANGEGLOBAL GAMES MARKET TRENDSTHE (LEGAL) BATTLE FOR PLAYERS AND PLAY TIMEIn 2017, we saw game publishers threatening to shut down startups or fan-made projects, or to sue rival companies that could potentially lure players away from their games. This is a side effect of GAAS, where game companies are compet-ing for the attention and time of gamers. The damage done by a rival company copying a successful formula can be tremendous if the business model is based on ongoing monetization. This legal battle will only intensify in 2018 and the yearsbeyond, given the growing importance of players and the community.GAMING GIVES POWER TO CONSUMERS TO ACCELERATE CHANGEINSTANT GAMING CHANGES THE RULES OF DISTRIBUTIONFor the most casual gamers, even downloading an app is sometimes a bridge too far. Since last year, social media platforms are experimenting with games that can be played instantly, without the need to download. Facebook was an early mover with Instant Games, which opened to third-party developers in March 2018, and Google was quick to follow. The practice is already commonplace among social networks in Asian countries, where Tencent in China, Kakao in South Korea, and LINE in Japan all offer instant, integrated game experiences directly in their apps.The trend is beneficial for all parties involved. Casual gamers get to try games immediately and the integration with the network allows for quick and easy setup for social games. Developers get exposure to the massive user base of the platform. The social networks themselves benefit from increased engagement on their platform and get a cut of every transaction in these games. This last benefit is crucial, as it allows these social networks to fulfill the role of distributor previ-ously reserved for app stores.5. STREAMING AND ESPORTS SPARK ALL-AROUND ENTERTAINMENT6. HYPER-CASUAL GAMES UNLOCK V ALUE IN SOCIAL NETWORKSGLOBAL GAMES MARKET TRENDSHYPER-CASUAL GAMES UNLOCK V ALUE IN SOCIAL NETWORKSTHE IMPORTANCE OF IN-APP ADVERTISING IN EMERGING MARKETS The number of gamers has grown to more than 2.3 billion globally, and nearly 95% of them play mobile games. The number of people with access to the internet in emerging markets has grown dramatically in the past years, due to the global expansion of Chinese smartphone manufacturers offering affordable smart-phones and local government investment in mobile internet infrastructure. Yet, many gamers in these mobile-first regions do not have much disposable income to spend on (mobile) games, resulting in considerably lower average spend per paying gamer. Instead, these gamers “pay” with their time and most revenue in these regions is generated through in-app advertising.MOBILE PORTS TO BOOST OR REVIVE POPULAR GAME FRANCHISES Now that publishers have established that mechanics from PC and console games can be successfully adapted to mobile screens, ports to mobile are becoming increasingly popular. Games based on popular franchises or IP are launched on mobile to either attract attention for upcoming larger releases, such as Pokémon Quest in anticipation of two Pokémon games launching on Switch later this year. Publishers can also benefit from the popularity of their franchise in regions where mobile gaming is the preferred gaming method, or even to reinvigorate a dying franchise, such as the upcoming Maplestory M or recently announced Command & Conquer: Rivals.Due to the success of core gaming genres, these ports are not limited to certain genres. Instead, mechanically complex genres such as MOBAs, massive multi-player RPGs, sports games, and fighting games are all launching on mobile.7. IMMERSION AND COMPETITION BRING THE CORE GAMING EXPERIENCE TO MOBILE 8. GAMING DRIVES INNOV ATION ACROSS CONSUMER MARKETSGLOBAL GAMES MARKET TRENDSIMMERSION AND COMPETITION BRING THE CORE GAMING EXPERIENCE TO MOBILETHE RISE OF IMMERSIVE AND COMPETITIVE GAMING ON MOBILEIn the past year, mobile skeptics were proven wrong once again as publishers managed to create games for mobile in genres considered too complex for mobile screens and controls. Several games were launched to success that could rival the immersive experience of role-playing games or the competitiveness of a multi-player online battle arena game (MOBA).Launched at the end of 2015, Tencent’s Honor of Kings was the highest-grossing mobile game in 2017 and boasts 200 million monthly active users in China alone. By limiting the time spent per match and the number of abilities flying on screen at one time, Tencent created a mobile MOBA experience that rivals PC MOBAs in competitiveness. Netmarble’s Lineage II: Revolution offered an immersive massive multiplayer experience with stunning visuals, but limited the typical grind associ-ated with MMO-RPGs with an auto-play mechanic that lets players focus on other tasks while playing the game. This year, Fortnite for iOS and PUBG Mobile show that Western markets are equally ready for core gaming experiences on mobile.PC PUBLISHERS EAGER TO BECOME LESS DEPENDENT ON STEAMBeing the first to offer a digital distribution platform, Valve’s Steam has had a firm grip on digital distribution for PC games for the past 15 years and is the largest distribution platform for PC games.Eager to become less dependent on Steam, publishers have launched their own PC platforms in the past years to various degrees of success, offering their games exclusively on those platforms. At the same time, new challenger platforms are offering alternatives to Steam, often by focusing on a specific aspect that Steam lacks, such as strong curation of games, offering classic game titles, or offering cloud streaming. Publishers and challenger platforms alike are now competing for developers (and thus games) on their platforms as they look to compete in the ever-growing market for subscription-based gaming.GLOBAL GAMES MARKET TRENDSTHE NEXT BIG THING - SUBSCRIPTION-BASED GAMING IS THE START OF A NEW BUSINESS MODELSUBSCRIPTION-BASED GAMING BREAKS $60 AAA PRICING ON CONSOLE Console publishers are likely to take the lead in a new phenomenon that goes hand in hand with GAAS: subscription-based gaming. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, platform owners who already control the hardware and the distribution channel for content and services, are especially well-positioned to offer game subscription services. By including latest releases in the Xbox Game Pass and acquiring several development studios for exclusive rights on its latest titles, Microsoft has taken a first step in that direction, which could have an equally fundamental impact on the games industry as it did on the music industry. Traditional game publish-ers are also experimenting with subscription services, including offering access to older titles in their back catalogs. Several startups and other established firms active in the games space also offer game subscription services, including services based on streaming technology, where pre-installation is no longer required to play games.9. CLOUD GAMING GETS A NEW CHANCE10. THE NEXT BIG THING - SUBSCRIPTION-BASED GAMING IS THE START OF A NEW BUSINESS MODEL2.NEW SEGMENTATIONA NEW SEGMENTATION THAT PROFILES ALL GAME ENTHUSIASTSGaming has evolved into an all-around entertainment phenomenon. If you add up all playing and viewing hours, gaming is the world’s favorite pastime. Buying and owning physical products that are specifically developed for gaming adds to the possibilities for consumers to enjoy their passion for games. How a person divides his or her time and/or money over playing, viewing, and owning differs greatly. An additional overlying dimension is how actively people share or engage with gaming content and discussions on social networks and other (online) communities.To reflect this changing engagement in the games market, we are introducing a new way of segmenting game enthusiasts, regardless of platform and content. For this purpose, we performed extensive research in 28 countries/markets simultaneously, allowing in-depth profiling of all segments. We will continue tobuild on this concept in upcoming reports and quarterly updates.THE VARIOUS TYPES OF GAME ENTHUSIASTS By combining these levels of engagement, we can identify types among game enthusiasts. At the heart of these segments is the community that creates and shares gaming experiences. In total, the new segmentation allows us to identify and size 64 potential types of game enthusiasts.3.THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKETThe Asia-Pacific region will generate $71.4 billionthis year, or 52% of total global game revenues. This represents a +16.8% year-on-year increase. The share of total revenues claimed by the Asia-Pacific region has increased slightly over the past years due to continued growth in smartphone gaming, for which the region has, by far, the largest player base.North America remains the second-largest region, taking 23% of the global games market. T otal revenues in North America will increase year on year by +10.0% to reach $32.7 billion. Growth inEMEA’s diverse markets is lagging slightly behind North America, as the uptake of mobile gaming has been slower. As a result, the EMEA region rep-resents 21% of the market, equal to $28.7 billion. Latin America will grow to $5.0 billion in game rev-enues this year, taking 4% of the market. Growth in the coming years will cement Asia-Pacific as the largest region by game revenues, as the fast-est-growing markets in the coming three years will be India and various countries in Southeast Asia. The largest single market will continue to be China, which will reach $50.7 billion in 2021.THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKETPER REGIONGLOBAL GAMES MARKET 2018PER REGION52%21%2018 TOTAL$137.9Bn+13.3%YoYASIA-PACIFICEUROPE,MIDDLE EAST & AFRICALATIN AMERICANORTH AMERICA$28.7Bn+8.8% YoY$5.0Bn+13.5% YoY$32.7Bn+10.0% YoY$71.4Bn+16.8% YoY23%4%Mobile gaming is the largest segment in 2018, claiming more than half of all global game revenues for the first time. Combined, smartphone and tablet gaming will generate $70.3 billion, accounting for 51% of the total global market. The segment also has the most players with 2.2 billion, the majority of whom are gaming on smartphones.The gaming industry is in a healthy state as both console and PC games are also growing. Console is the second-largest segment with revenues of $34.6 billion in 2018. This will grow to $39.0 billion in 2021 with a CAGR (2017-2021) of +4.1%. The overall PC segment will generate $32.9 billion in 2018 and is the third-largest segment. Growth in downloaded/boxed PC games is offset by declining browser PC revenues, as browser gamers have largely transitioned to mobile. Browser PC revenues will continue to decline with a CAGR (2017-2021) of -16.1% to $2.5 billion in 2021.THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKETPER SEGMENTSEGMENT BREAKDOWN OF GLOBAL GAMES REVENUESTOWARD 2021CONSOLE TABLETGLOBAL GAMES MARKET 2018PER SEGMENTCONSOLE GAMESTABLET GAMESDOWNLOADED/BOXEDPC GAMESBROWSER PC GAMES(SMART)PHONEGAMES21%41%10%25%3%$34.6Bn+4.1% YoY$13.9Bn+13.1% YoY$56.4Bn+29.0% YoY$28.6Bn+4.5% YoY$4.3Bn-13.9% YoY2018 TOTAL$137.9Bn+13.3%YoY$180.1Bn201720182019202020214.REGIONAL OVERVIEWTOP 20 COUNTRIES/MARKETSBY GAME REVENUES IN 20181CHINA 1,415M 850M $37,945M 2UNITED STATES 327M 265M $30,411M 3JAPAN 127M 121M$19,231M 4SOUTH KOREA 51M 48M$5,647M 5GERMANY 82M 76M$4,687M 6UNITED KINGDOM 67M 64M$4,453M 7FRANCE 65M 58M$3,131M8CANADA 37M 34M$2,303M 9SPAIN 46M 39M$2,032M 10ITAL Y 59M 40M$2,017M 11RUSSIA 144M 113M$1,669M 12MEXICO 131M 86M$1,606M 13BRAZIL 211M 142M$1,484M 14AUSTRALIA 25M 23M$1,269M 15TAIWAN, CHINA 24M 20M$1,268M 16INDIA 1,354M 481M$1,169M 17INDONESIA 267M 82M$1,130M 18TURKEY 82M 53M$878M19SAUDI ARABIA 34M 26M$761M20THAILAND 69M 38M$692M363,721,000Population298,884,000Online Population199,868,000Gamers23.7%Share of 2018Global Revenues650,580,000Population411,319,000Online Population234,050,000Gamers$456M3.6%Share of 2018Global Revenues2018 Revenues Generated in LATAM+13.5%2017-2018 YoY Growth408,943,000Population357,477,000Online Population206,961,000Gamers 14.5%Share of 2018Global Revenues352,962,000Population264,977,000Online Population147,140,000Gamers1,716,242,000Population601,417,000Online Population330,696,000Gamers3.6%Share of 2018Global Revenues4,098,006,000Population1,944,417,000Online Population1,234,243,000Gamers 51.8%Share of 2018Global RevenuesFREE 2018 GLOBAL GAMES MARKET REPORTSUBSCRIBE TO THE REAL DEALTHE INDUSTRY STANDARD FOR UNDERSTANDING AND SIZING THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKETTrends, revenue, and gamer forecasts per segment, consumer insights, globally, regionally, and per country. Also includes our new gaming enthusiast segmentation.GLOBAL GAMES MARKETRevenues per region and segment | 2017-2021Gamers per region and segment | 2017-2021Digital vs. boxed revenue breakdownRevenue share per genre | mobile, PC, and consoleKEY GLOBAL TRENDS PER SEGMENTRANKINGST op 35 Public Game Companies by Game Revenues T op 50 Countries/Markets by Game Revenues REGIONAL MARKET OVERVIEW Revenues per segment | 2017-2021Gamers per segment | 2017-2021COUNTRY MARKET OVERVIEW Revenues per segment | 2017-2021Gamers per segment | 2017-2021Demographics of gamers per segmentSPECIAL FOCUS TOPICS:Game Enthusiast Segmentation, Mobile Device Specs and Growth, Battle Royal Fever: The Rise of PUBG and FortniteANNUAL REPORT123 pages QUARTEL Y UPDATE16 pages DASHBOARD T ableau & XLSClient supportincludedSUBSCRIBE TODAYKarst KortekaasBusiness Development Director ****************6000 EUR7500 USDDOWNLOAD THE FACTSHEETMARKET FORECASTSREPORT CONTENT SUMMARYOUR SOLUTIONSMetrics that come straight from the source. Track your market, optimize marketing, and product development while keeping an eye out for blue-ocean opportunities.Our landmark reports. In-depth market forecasts and trends ensure younever miss an opportunity. Includes quarterly updates and access to our forecast dashboards.Understand your mostvalued consumers’ drivers, attitudes, and behavior. Segment your audience across 28 countries/markets using more than 200 variables.TRACKING DATAMARKET FORECASTSCONSUMER INSIGHTSSTARTING AT $ 7K Annual subscriptions giving access to a specific report or type of market intelligence.STANDARD SUBSCRIPTIONS Our ultimate subscription involvingall our market intelligence, support, and expertise.PARTNER MODELOne-off projects or trackers scoped to specific data, support, or reporting needs .CUSTOM SERVICES STARTING AT $ 50K STARTING AT $ 100KLEARN MORE LEARN MORE LEARN MOREFREE 2018 GLOBAL GAMES MARKET REPORT。
Peter Warman CEO NewzooZoom Out.Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Celebrating the launch of Newzoo’s 2014 Global Games Market ReportTrends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Peter WarmanCEO Newzoo Zoom In.Peter Warman CEO NewzooZoom In.Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Celebrating the launch of Newzoo’s 2014 Global Games Market ReportPeter Warman CEO NewzooZoom Out.Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Celebrating the launch of Newzoo’s 2014 Global Games Market ReportPeter Warman CEO NewzooCelebrating the launch of Newzoo’s 2014 Global Games Market Report2014 Global Games Market Report! 45 pages! Global Trends & Key Moments!Methodology & Key Market Indicators! Global Market per Screen, Segment & Region ! Game Revenues of Top Public Companies ! Market Per Region, 2013-2017 Projections ! The Top 50 Countries, 2014 Data !Key Data & Insights on 18 Countries ! Franchise Rankings & Insights ! €1,490 ($1,990)Global Games Data Service! 12 Month Continuous Service !Granular Datasets !Quarterly Updates!Custom Analysis Support !Includes report ! €4,900 ($6,700)Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Webinar practical stuffQuestions! Questions can be posed by using the Questions box in the GoToWebinar dashboard! Selected questions will be answered at the end of the webinar following a40 minute presentation.! All questions will receive a personal answer from one of the presenters. Problems! If you are experiencing any Technical problems let us know via the Questions box and we will see what we can do.! Alternatively shoot an email to our moderator Thomas,thomas@Global and Local Market IntelligenceGLOBAL COUNTRIESFRANCHISES APPSTORES CUSTOMseveral key clients cannot be disclosed NEWZOO SERVICESGlobal Games Market Webinar Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017 Looking Back.1,110M GAMERS © 2014 NewzooKey Take-Aways.*Excluding tax, hardware,consumer-to-consumer tradebut including retail margin.Japan 2013 mobilerevenues$5.5bnof which $2.4bn throughfeature phonesGames generated80%of appstore revenue versus65% a year ago© 2014 Newzoo*Excluding tax, hardware,consumer-to-consumer trade but including retail margin.Key Take-Aways .China exceededexpectations with+35%Year-on-year growth with total revenues of$13.5bnin 2013Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Peter WarmanCEO Newzoo Zoom Out.Peter Warman CEO NewzooCONSUMERENTERTAINMENT SCREENTV/CONSOLEFLOATING SCREEN TABLETS/HANDHELDSCOMPUTER SCREEN DESKTOP/LAPTOPPERSONAL SCREENFEATURE & SMARTPHONESTrends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017SOCIAL NETWORKSTHE CLOUD2013 Global Games Market© 2014 Newzoo*Excluding tax, hardware,consumer-to-consumer trade but including retail margin.1,110MGAMERSKey Take-Aways .In North America24%of gamers played on all four screens, or 41M gamersIn Western Europe22%of gamers played on all four screens, or 34M gamers© 2014 N ewzoo D ata E xplorerKing Franchises: Screen Most Played OnFor Candy Crush, Pet Rescue Saga, Farm Heroes and Papa Pear Saga gamers#2grossing iOS game in the world (March ’14), #2 for GooglePlay48%of mobile Candy Crush gamers also plays one of King’s other mobiletitles38%Of Candy Crush gamers has a Samsung phone#6grossing iOS game in the world (March ’14) #7 for GooglePlay53%of mobile Farm Heroes gamers also plays Candy Crush onmobile48%Of Farm Heroes players lives with kidsat homeAggregated data for 12 countries:US UK GER FR BE NL TR 55MIs the minimum number of gamers for any of these fourKing franchisesPO CHN KOR VN JPCROSS-‐SCREEN M ONETIZATIONKing uses the PC screen to ! Tweak gameplay ! Test games!Build a community !Promote mobileAnd then selects the game to publish on mobile andstarts monetizing.Only the oldest King franchise, Candy Crush had more players on mobile inMarch with40%Playing most on a smartphone and 39% onPC.Key Take-Aways .Global Games Market Webinar Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Looking Back. Gl obal Games Market Webinar Trend s and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Looking Ahead.© 2014 NewzooTablet gaming is fastestgrowing segment at37%Year-on-year growthTV Console gaming flat at$23.4bnwith current-gen still strongKey Take-Aways.© 2014 Newzoo*Excluding tax, hardware,consumer-to-consumer tradebut including retail margin.Key Take-Aways.Asia-Pacific contributes 82% Of global annual growth of $6.0bn taking 45% of the worlds’games marketGlobal Games Market Webinar Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Looking Back. Gl obal Games Market Webinar Trend s and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Looking Ahead.Global Games Market Webinar Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Towards 2017.2013-2017 Global Games Market© 2014 Newzoo, Global Games Market ReportKey Take-Aways .The global games marketgrows to$102.9bnIn 2017, at a compound annualgrowth rate of8.1%2012 2013 2014 2015201620171020 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Global Games Market 2012-20172013 $75.5 Bn2017 $102.9 Bn$70.418%$75.5$81.4$88.4$95.2$102.923%27%30%32%34%$12.7$17.6$21.8$26.3$30.7$35.4TOTALMOBILETOTALMOBILE2013 $17.6Bn2017 $35.4BnTOTAL MARKET 2013-2017 CAGRMOBILE GAMES+8.1% +19.1%$Bn SHARESHARESHARESHARESHARESHAREMOBILEMOBILEMOBILEMOBILEMOBILEMOBILETOTALTOTALTOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL© 2014 NewzooTOTAL GAMES MARKETMOBILE GAMES MARKETKey Take-Aways .This year mobile gaming passes a quarter share of the games market. In 201734%Of global game revenues will be generated through (smart)phones and tablets,at$35.4bnDouble compared to 2013 and more than consoles….Global Games Market 2013-2017! 2013 Global Revenues Exceeded ExpectationsDriven by Continued Growth in China and Mobile Gaming on a Global Scale.! Between 2013 and 2017, the Global Games Market Grows at 8.1% (CAGR) per Year to $100bn in 2017.! Apple, King, Gungho Generate More Annual Game Revenues Than Nintendo.! The Asia-Pacific Region Contributes 82% of $6Bn Global Games Market Growth.! Smartphones and Tablets Match Global Console Revenues. ! The Global Number of Gamers Surpasses 2.0Bn, Up From 1.6Bn in 2013.! Tencent Takes 10% of World Games Market. ! China Overtakes US as Worlds’ BiggestGames Market with over $25Bn Revenue. ! Mobile Games Market Share Rises to 35% with $35Bn Revenue. ! Global MMO Revenues Equal Those of TV / Consoles at $24Bn.! Physical SalesEvaporate, Dropping Below 20% in the US.! The Asia-Pacific Region Takes 49% of Global Market.© 2014 Newzoo, Global Games Market ReportKey Moments Towards 2017 | Revenues Per Year and Market SegmentKey Take-Aways.In 2013, Tencent became worlds’ biggest game company. Its Q1 results showed YoY growth of+40%At this pace, Tencent willtake10%of the f global games marketin 2015CompaniesSource:Free rankings on==FY 2013Q1 2014Global Market Data Methodology Newzoo’s unique approach to global market data and projectionsWorlds’BiggestSudoku.Global Market ModelS h a r e o f P a y i n g P l a y e r s (%)T i m e / P l a y e r (h r s )A v g . S p e n d / P a y i n g P l a y e r ($)Global Financial Company AnalsyisGame revenues of public and non-public companiesPopulation & Economic Census DataProjecting organic growth on a local and global scalePrimary Consumer Research in Key CountriesUnderstanding playing and spending behaviourLocal Data ValidationWith commercial companies in specific countriesThird Party Data & ResearchReported on a local and global scaleNewzoo’s Global Data ModelOutput: Key Market Indicators (Global, Regional, Local)Input: Continuous Data AnalysisModellingUsing Economic & Population KPIsComing soon: new casual connect reportKey Take-Aways .Connectivity and economic growth drive games market growth. Online population will grow+39%Towards 2017 compared to 7.9% in matgure markets.Newzoo Estimates in PerspectiveNotes:Compound annual growth rates cover different periods: PwC (2012-17), IDG (2012-17), Gartner (2012-15), DFC (2012-17), Newzoo (2013-2017).Sources:PWC: “Global Media & Entertainment Outlook 2013-17”, IDG: Investor relations site Capcom (dated September 2013), Gartner: Press release October 29, 2013. DFC:“Return of the core gamer”, February 2014. Newzoo: Games Market Update, April 2014.20122013Granularity Country-by-CountryTop 100 countries by game revenues/countryrevenuesZoom Out.Global Games Market WebinarTrends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017Games: Mass audience & TransmediaFree-to-play PC/MMO games are leading growth on PC with a compoundannual growth rate (CAGR) of+19.4%for 2012 - 2016.PewDiePie is now the #1 Channel on YouTubeworldwide with14,245,717subscribers and 2,577,980,625views to dateOn the Friday of the League of Legends final, attended by 13,000 fans,4,300,000people watched live streams on Twitch.Free to PlayeSportsGame Video ContentTrends are all inter-relatedIt is about time .Total time spent on games in2013 is up+39%Compared to 2011 In North America+43%In Western EuropeSizing eSports PopularityTrends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017 Zoom Out.Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017 Zoom Out.Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017 Zoom Out.Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017 Zoom Out.Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017CONSUMERENTERTAINMENT SCREENTV/CONSOLE FLOATING SCREENTABLETS/HANDHELDS COMPUTER SCREEN DESKTOP/LAPTOPPERSONAL SCREEN FEATURE & SMARTPHONESSOCIAL NETWORKSTHE CLOUDThe Real World Zoom Out.AppStores & Mobile Devices Drive Change in the Real World Zoom Out.The Real WorldZoom In.vs The AppStoreZoom Out.Zoom Out.Peter Warman CEO Newzoo Zoom In. Celebrating the launch of Newzoo’s 2014 Global Games Market ReportGlobal Games Market Webinar Trends and insights towards a $100bn global market in 2017 Order a t n €1,490 ($1,990) ConSnuous s ervice €4,900 ($6,700) Zoom Out.。
游戏行业分析报告目录行业概览:增速放缓,移动游戏成唯一增长点 (1)总览:行业增速放缓,政策收紧行业承压明显 (1)细分:移动游戏增速放缓,细分品类游戏具发展机会 (2)游戏监管政策影响几何? (4)产业趋势展望 (6)趋势一:二次元市场潜力仍值得探索 (6)趋势二:IP加持吸量又吸金,游戏IP强势依旧,动漫IP为新游部署重点 (8)趋势三:竞技、娱乐双向驱动,电竞市场迎黄金发展阶段 (10)风险因素 (12)行业评级及投资建议 (12)腾讯控股:短期业绩承压,长期龙头地位将持续巩固 (12)金山软件:深耕剑侠系列IP,打造“侠游四方”游戏矩阵 (14)IGG:《王国纪元》预计将再创新高,新游接力推动长期业绩增长 (15)完美世界:重点作品下半年释放,“STEAM中国”为公司发展带来新机遇 (15)三七互娱:“传奇+多品类”驱动高增长,新品储备丰富提供业绩保障 (16)金科文化:产品线扩充带动用户增长,IP衍生扩张构建文化产业生态 (17)插图目录图1:中国游戏市场规模及增速 (1)图2:中国游戏市场用户规模及增速 (1)图3:2008-2018H1游戏细分市场占比情况 (2)图4:2018H1年细分游戏市场增长贡献情况 (2)图5:2008-2018H1端游市场增长情况 (2)图6:2008-2018H1端游用户规模 (2)图7:2008-2018H1页游市场增长情况 (3)图8:2008-2018H1页游用户规模 (3)图9:2008-3Q2018移动游戏市场增长情况 (3)图10:2008-2018H1移动游戏用户规模 (3)图11:2008-2018H1移动游戏市场增长情况 (4)图12:2018H1移动游戏流水排名 (4)图13:移动游戏用户年龄结构 (5)图14:2014-2018H1主要游戏厂商研发费用 (6)图15:2014-2018H1主要游戏公司研发费用率 (6)图16:二次元游戏市场规模及预测 (6)图17:二次元用户规模 (6)图18:《Fate/Grand Order》近一年畅销排行 (8)图19:有无IP游戏分布 (9)图20:头部移动游戏IP分布 (9)图21:2018Q3头部新游的IP分布 (10)图22:2018Q3流水排行(按月)Top10 新游IP分布 (10)图23:中国电竞用户规模 (10)图24:中国电竞游戏营收规模 (10)图25:中国电竞游戏营收结构 (11)图26:中国电竞生态市场规模结构 (11)图27:腾讯游戏营收情况 (12)图28:腾讯手游收入情况 (12)图29:中国App发行商出海收入榜中腾讯排名 (13)图30:2018年6月微信小程序日活Top10 (13)图31:金山软件网络游戏收入及增长情况 (14)图32:金山软件游戏在线人数及付费账户情况 (14)图33:IGG收入及增长情况 (15)图34:《王国纪元》收入情况 (15)图35:STEAM中国区活跃用户数 (16)图36:STEAM中国区游戏销售份额 (16)图37:三七互娱网络游戏收入情况 (17)图38:三七互娱营收结构 (17)图39:金科文化营业收入及增长情况 (18)图40:2018Q2全球发行商下载量排行 (18)图41:宝贝童话“会说话的汤姆猫”数字绘本 (18)图42:宝贝听听“会说话的汤姆猫”数字音频 (18)图43:“会说话的汤姆猫”周边衍生品类 (19)图44:“会说话的汤姆猫”天猫热销商品 (19)表格目录表1:近两年来游戏监管政策一览 (4)表2:2018H1移动游戏流水Top20 (7)表3:2018Q3移动游戏流水Top20 (7)表4:2017年移动游戏畅销榜Top10 上榜率排行 (8)表5:近两年电竞行业利好政策(部分) (11)表6:腾讯2018年下半年移动游戏Pipeline (13)表7:金山软件游戏储备 (14)表8:IGG游戏储备 (15)表9:完美世界新游储备 (16)表10:三七互娱游戏储备 (17)表11:重点公司盈利预测、估值及评级 (19)行业概览:增速放缓,移动游戏成唯一增长点总览:行业增速放缓,政策收紧行业承压明显市场规模受政策影响呈低增长状态,用户规模趋近饱和。
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玩家与付费玩家的数据主要基于我们自己的初级消费者调研,我们会在此基础上对消 费者和游戏进行详细了解。我们本次的消费者调研开展时间为2 0 19年2月至3月,有来自3 0 个关键国家/市场的超过6 2 5 0 0 名受邀调查对象接受了采访。这3 0 个国家/市场的收入总和 占比超过全球游戏收入的90%。调查对象经过精心挑选,代表了发达国家的全体网民以及 东南亚、土耳其、沙特阿拉伯和印度这些新兴国家主要城市的网民。该调查始于20 0 9 年, 当时有6 个国家参与;而现在,它已经成为全球最大规模的游戏相关消费者调查项目。
付费( P 2 P ) 游戏:需要预先付款或订阅的游戏。
免费( F 2 P ) 游戏:可以(合法地)免费下载并游玩的游戏,通常会有游戏内付费。
年复合增长率( CAGR):几年时间内的持续增长率。本报告中的年复合增长率基于20182 0 2 2 年期间计算。
© 2019 Newzoo
数字游戏收入:直接从网上商店购买、无需交付实体产品的游戏或游戏相关内容的销售收 入。数字收入包括游戏内购、订阅收入以及其他追加内容下载包( D L C ) 。 盒装游戏收入:通过销售在实体存储介质(如光碟或磁盘)上交付的游戏或游戏相关内容而 产生的收入。包括在网上商城下单的实体游戏。 虚拟现实(V R ):通过计算机生成的对三维图像或环境的模拟,人可以使用特殊的电子设 备(如内置屏幕的头戴设备或带有传感器的手套),以看似真实或现实的方式与模拟环境进 行交互。 增强现实( A R ) : 通过计算机生成的图像或声音等感官输入,来补充用户真实视觉的一种 技术。 游戏即服务:游戏即服务也被称为G aaS,以持续性收费模式提供游戏内容或游戏访问权; 例如游戏订阅服务或赛季/战斗通行证。
游戏通过结合更多的现场表演、职业运动员以及大型娱乐活动走向主流,并向整个娱乐 行业展现了更多跨界合作的全新可能。当DJ Marshmello在《堡垒之夜》举办他的音乐盛宴 时,有超过1000万的爱好者和他一起沉迷其中,而今年也是Ne tflix首次在全球最大的游戏 展会E 3 中亮相。
更重要的是,有越来越多的流行游戏IP可以让玩家在电视上感受高清大屏的体验,其中 的佼佼者甚至能和好莱坞大作在宏伟程度、制作预算、叙事方式以及收入上相提并论。
© 2019 Newzoo
游戏的巨大成功对于各大互联网公司而言无法忽视,包括谷 歌和N e t f l i x 在内的越来越多的巨头选择加入这个战场。G o o g l e 在2019年3月向全球推出Google Stadia并成立自己的游戏工作 室,宣告了他们迈出了进军游戏领域极其重要的一步。公司将充 分利用YouTube 庞大的用户群并同时结合视频以及互动游戏内 容,来为S t a d i a 的成功推波助澜。与此同时,三星与H a t c h 合 作,在美国推出了一款5G 游戏直播服务。苹果正在测试新的高端 移动游戏订阅服务Apple Arcade 。
来自娱乐行业的商业模式也和游戏在互相影响。订阅制的分发模式是音乐和电视的常用 手段,而游戏也在更多地采用这一方式。内容始终为王,且是任何订阅模式的核心,这也是 我们所能预见到的——公司间愈加激烈的游戏IP争夺之战所带来的内容淘金热。云游戏给玩 家带来的随心(游戏)、随时(时间)、随地(地点)及随意(平台)的承诺,将带领我们 进入一个与平台无关的全新游戏时代。在可预见的未来里,我们将不会争论什么是最好的主 机或者是手游玩家和P C 玩家的区别,唯一重要的是,谁能给我们提供最好的游戏体验。
© 2019 Newzoo
2 0 19年全球游戏市场报告
2 0 1 9 年,全球游戏市场预计将产生1521亿美元的收入,年同比增长9 . 6 % 。以下内容概述了 这些收入是如何在各个地区和细分市场分布的。
游戏收入:全球游戏市场中公司从消费者身上获取的收入,不包括硬件销售、税费、企业对 企业服务以及在线赌博及博彩收入。
网页P C 游 戏 : 在 任 意 游 戏 网 站 或 社 交 网 络 上 游 玩 的游戏。 数字版/盒装P C 游戏:从网站或服务商处(例如Steam或Epic Games商城)下载或作为实 体产品(CD/DVD)购买的P C 游戏,包括大型多人在线游戏(MMO)及多人在线战术竞技 游戏(MOBA )的客户端。
收入数据来自于我们的游戏市场预测模型,它用自上而下的方法确定市场规模。我们 整合了来自国际货币基金组织和联合国的宏观经济和人口普查数据(例如家庭收入和人均 国内生产总值)、来自我们数据合作伙伴Priori Data的交易和应用商店收入数据、我们的 初级消费者调研、合作伙伴数据、100多家上市公司报告的详细财务信息以及第三方研究。 我们还获得来自客户——不少一流国际游戏公司—
© 2019 Newzoo
© 2019 Newzoo
2 0 19年全球游戏市场报告
玩家:所有在P C 、 主 机 或 移 动 设 备 上 玩 ( 电 子 ) 游 戏 的人。 付费玩家:所有在P C 、 主 机 或 移 动 设 备 上 为 游 戏 付 费 过 的 人。 游戏爱好者:所有通过玩游戏、观看视频及拥有硬件与游戏内容进行互动的人。
同时,在聚光灯下的游戏行业也吸引了大众的目光。由游戏 赋能的新的内容变现模式也招来了来自社会各界的批评。在中 国,长达9 个月的游戏版号停发或许是这种负面观点造成的最有 冲击力的后果。尽管受到了暂时的冲击,中国游戏市场目前仍处 于复苏的道路上。通过游戏内购的商业模式进行变现,对于大部 分成功的游戏来说已是常态,而我们也看到订阅模式开始取代传 统的付费购买模式。对于发行商而言,在瞬息万变的市场中寻找 合适的商业模式组合和如何面对来自社会以及越来越多样的游戏 爱好者的压力,将会是未来近几年的最大挑战。
© 2019 Newzoo
2 0 19年全球游戏市场报告
我们通过对各种相关指标的分析,来验证单个细分市场、国家/地区和整个行业的总体 市场规模和增长预测。例如,我们的市场模型会计算每位付费玩家的平均年支出,然后与 历史数据、其他地区、家庭收入和人均国内生产总值进行比较。
我们的历史收入和增长率按照当年年末的美元汇率计算。我们预测的增长率以未来汇 率稳定为前提,但我们还考虑到了基于当地货币,而不是美元来计算的历史增长率,以此 更好地反映潜在的增长情况。
外设:用于游戏的相关硬件产品,如游戏鼠标、键盘、耳机、控制器或显示器。 电子竞技:职业水准的、有明确目标(例如赢得冠军头衔或奖金)和组织形式(锦标赛或联 盟)的竞技游戏,互相竞争的玩家和团队之间有明显区分。 玩家画像:一种将游戏爱好者根据行为划分为玩游戏、观看视频和拥有硬件的新方法。请参 考《特别关注话题》(第23页)中每类玩家画像的定义。
我们很自豪地向大家介绍我们的《2019年全球游戏市场报告》。没有什么事物比作为第九 艺术的游戏更接近娱乐产业的核心。消费者参与游戏的方式在不断变化当中,这不仅带来了 新的互动方式,同时也催生了新的游戏爱好者类型。
那些来自各行各业特别是那些想要瞄准年轻一代消费者的品牌都试图抓住游戏所带来的 的机遇。在过去的十年间,针对游戏玩家存在许久的成见消失了,取而代之的是在过去的一 年中有越来越多的品牌在用更加独特的方式与游戏建立连接,其中包括最大的服装品牌、汽 车品牌,甚至金融服务等从不曾想到的公司。
方法论 市场规模及预测 全球关键趋势 Newzoo的Gamer SegmentationTM Top 35上市公司
2 0 19
我们将收入定义为该行业内消费者为游戏支付的金额,包括购买实体和数字版的完整 游戏、游戏内支出和订阅服务,如PlayStation Plus和Xbox Game Pass。移动游戏收 入包括付费下载和所有应用商店(包括第三方应用商店)的游戏内支出,以及直接下载的 费用。我们的收入数据不包括税费、消费者之间的二手交易、游戏中和游戏相关的广告收 入、(外设)硬件、企业对企业服务以及传统赌博和博彩业(例如BWIN和William Hill) 的在线业务。
我们通过联合国公布的人口数据和国际电信联盟公布的互联网渗透率指标,对各个国 家/市场的网民数量进行估算,并结合我们从消费者调研中得出的玩家和付费玩家比例,来 预测玩家和付费玩家数。该模型背后的逻辑是,网民数量是潜在玩家数量的重要驱动力, 也是一个国家的潜在玩家人数结构性增长的指标。
在我们的《全球游戏市场报告》(《报告》)和“消费者洞察”(“洞察”)中,玩 家和付费玩家的数量略有差异。这主要源于《报告》与“洞察”对研究对象采用了不同的 年龄界限,以及“洞察”采用的核心城市策略;也就是说,后者只涵盖了亚洲和中东市场 的一二线城市。在《全球游戏市场报告》中,我们使用的是总人口,而在“消费者洞察” 中,我们采用1 0 - 5 0 岁或1 0 - 6 5 岁的人口基数,此筛选范围能最大程度上代表大多数国家/ 市场的城市网民。
全球公司财务分析 上市公司和非上市公司的游戏收入
人口和经济普查数据 预计在本地和全球范围内实现自然增长
在主要市场的初级消费者调研 了解游戏和付费行为