毕设附件外文文献原文及译文文献出处作者:Mar t inG期刊:Economics &Management, 2016 年,第5 卷,第3期,PP:31-41.原文The study on the influence of VAT instead Business tax to themanufacturingindustry MartinGAbstractVA T inste a d B usine s s ta x can eliminating doubl e ta x ation, perfec t in g thetaxsystem, optimize the tax structure, and promote industrial structure adjustmenthas importanttheoreticalsignificanceandpracticalsignificance.Atpresent,theVAT in stead Business tax on the reform path, the direction and target have madesignificantbreakthrough,buttherearecomplextax,assigningmore,highstandard,VATi snotthorough,unr e asonabledistri but ion,n e xttotherelati ons hi p bet w e e nt a xand hi ghl i g h t thet axationmainbodyandreducetaxlevels,toreducetheaveragetaxpayerstandard,increaseofformac ompleteset,expandingthescopeofthepilot.Duetothesecurities company's unique business model, forecast to increase plan will have a greatinfluence on the securitiescompany.K e ywords:VAT i ns t eadB us i n essta x;M anufa c tur i ng;I m pac t1IntroductionAs an important part of financial market, the securities firm itself inwealth management, capital operation, the advantages of product design, asset pricing,andchannel service, optimal allocation of social resources, wealth creation andreasonablecost pricing play a positive role, etc. With the expansion of the camp to increasescope,financial insurance and securities will also be introduced to increase plan, temporary6%VATratemaybe.Inthefaceofthenewtaxsystemenvironment,howtoseekto adaptt otheenterpriseowndevelopmentpath,isstillanimportantissueofsecuritiescompaniesshouldbeconsid ered.Tothisend,thispaperfromthecampof the securities firm to increase problem isstudied.2The relatedconcepts2.1The VAT instead BusinesstaxAbout the business tax to value added tax, in the business tax under thetax system,taxforthesamesubject,thesametaxlevyobjectoftenproducemanytimes.Circ ul atio n o f c omm o dities, for e xa m ple, every sal e s link, the conduct of busi n esstaxcollection is involved in the production and consumption of link, the more thetax problemsaremoreobvious.Businesstaxafter the change of value added tax, the main scope in the field of transportation industry and part of the modernservice industry,suchasauthenticationconsulting servicesin the service industry,inform a tion technolog y s e rvice s, and th e pi peli ne t ransp ort a nd ai r tran s port inthetransportation industry. In terms of tax, business tax change since the implementation ofvalue-addedtaxforgeneraltaxpayerandsmall-scaletaxpayerinthetaxare different.Themainprocessofsuchasintermsofaveragetaxpayer,thet axshouldbein the heart of the output tax of the current period to deduct the input tax of thecurrentperi od,a ssumeth a tappeari n suf fi c i ent de duc t ionphe nom enon,therestc a nbedi re c t ly in the next. Again such as small-scale taxpayers, the tax in the process of major shouldbebasedonvalueaddedtaxlevyrates,salesofvalue-addedtaxcalculation,deduction of input tax is prohibited. Comprehensive these, to increase the implementation ofthecamp, the key are to solve the traditional tax collection problems of double taxationand t a x burde n i s notequal.2.2The business tax to change the meaning ofVATBusiness tax changes under the implementation of VAT, the advantage of the related industry areas mainly displays in: first, from the perspective of deepeningofdivision of industry. Due to the camp to increase can solve the problem ofdoubletaxation in enterprise production and operation, can make the business tax taxpayers to pay more attention to collaboration, taxpayers will business tax, VAT taxpayer in the tax system to eliminate segregation, is advantageous to the taxpayersto collaboration. Second,theperspectiveofindustrial structure is optimization. Inmodernserviceindustry,forexample,insteadofusingVATsalestax,canpromotethe scale expansion and improvement of service quality, content specialization will tendto many production and circulation, has obvious pulling effect on economic growth.Third,isfromtheperspectiveofdomesticdemand.Fromthecamptoincreaseafter implementation for double taxation problem is eliminated, the investors due toreduce thetaxburdentolowerinputcosts,investorsremainingincreasedirectlycanmakethe expa ns i on o f inves t me n t de m and, also, for consumers, pr odu cers, b eca us eaf t ereliminating double taxation problem, the labor price and commodity tax willbe reduced,sothatconsumerandproducersurplusincrease,supplyanddemandof consumptio n and the expansion of can play a significant role. In addition, thecamp change after implementation,will produce certain effect of industrialstructure, is conduc i ve t o s timulating jobg row t h.3The specificinfluence3.1VAT instead Business tax is difficult toimplementFromthecharacteristicsofsecuritiesindustry,toincreasetheimplementationofthe camp will face a bigger problem. Specific displays in: first, the securitiescom pa nie s onthe bus i n essinnov a ti on spee d faste r,coupl e d w ithproduc td ivers i ty cha racteristicisobvious,differentbusinessatthistimeitisdifficulttouseaunifiedtax and tax rates, even in terms of tax mode or tax unification, is likely to be difficult to adapt to different business. Second, the securities firm in the business incomeoftenmixed incomecharacteristics, such asbrokerage business income,investment,business inc om e and ass e t m a nagement busines s income, b us i ness i ncome, c ap it alpriceriskandother benefitssuchasinflationordefaultriskcompensation,incomeprojectisverycomplex,inordertoad apttothecamptoincreasedemand,needtodo a good job of integrating all these business income of the project. Third, thesecuritiesbusiness, a lot of trading activity characterized by way of bidding activity, it isdifficult to determine, and both parties to increase after the implementation ofthis camp, tax chain interruption, such as mismatch problem will be moreobvious.3.2Impact on securities businesschargeLook from the current rates for securities company business, the main to channelmorechargessuchasfeesandcommissions,fees,etc.Forthiskindofcharge,inthe process of using simple collection way requires a full calculation, according tothecorresponding of pay VAT to guarantee service receiver, providers to avoid incometaxdeduction.Andbesides thiswayof easycollection, includinggeneralcollection approach, in which the general collection approach in terms of the tax payablewill inputtax,whichisdeductedfromtheoutputtaxofthecurrentperiod.Eitherway,the s e c uri t iesbus i nesswillproducecertainadvanta g esa nddi s a dvant a g e s,s uchassim pl ein a way, it is difficult to make VAT closed-loop cohesion, influence the realizationof camptoincreaseeffect,butthewaytoimplementwithoutconsidering too much invoice problem, more general brokerage business of securities companies isgiven prioritytowithindividualinvestors,itisdifficulttodeductionofinputtax,afterthe ca m p t o i ncrease needn't V A T invoice issue. At t he s a me t ime, from t h e broke ra gecosts, the main as broker commissions, insurance funds and other relevant expensesis given priority to, often spending content isdifficult to obtain the corresponding value-added tax votes, and the simple way, using the input output taxdeductionproblem can be solved. Thus, under the simple collection approach, because the taxrat e is c l os e to the bus iness t ax rate, ta x a l s o can ke ep the sta bi li t y. In addition,the camptoincreasethegeneralway,mainshowisinadvantageofnetdeductioncohesion, canbeimplementedwithtaxationneutralprinciple,quantitycantax principles. But the actual implementation process, the excessive amount of make outan invoice, complex operation and so on is very prominent, so proposal selectionisg i ven priority t o w ith settlement data i n te rm s of pla n t ax bas i s.3.3Deductible items issmallSecurities companieson the nature of the industry itself to humancapital intensive industry, one of the artificial cost occupies a great proportion in the cost,suchasagent,commission,employeecompensation,thesecostsaredifficulttoastodeduc ttheinputtax.Moreatthesametime,thedomesticsecuritiescompaniesmore than in small and medium-sized cities to set up branches, the branch of the technology and equipment involved in such as cost, hard to issue VAT invoice, input tax deductionbasis,whichmaylack.Inaddition,the securitiescompanyinthe business,inthepastbusinesstaxrequirementsintheheartofthetaxableturnovermarket supervision fees or insurance funds to deduct, greatly reduce the tax burdenonenterprises, but the camp change after implementation, the enterprise for thedeductionsarehardtoobtaincorrespondingincomebillcomesoutnow buckle difficult problem, and then increase the taxburden.3.4Tax compliance cost is higher in the securitiesindustryThe securitie s i ndust r y itsel f has more branches. U nde r the c a mp changeincreases the implementation is likely to have more tax compliance ing businesstax,securitiescompaniestotalinstitutionsandthebranchesonthetaxesare rel atively independent, but after the camp to increase requested the institutionsfor unifiedtax,pronetointotheoutputtaxdoesnotmatchthesituation.Inaddition,the s e curitiesfirmi t s e lfonthevolum e is l arg e r,i t willinvolvemore a mountof m akeoutan invoice, the management cost, cost of make out an invoice and safety costwill increase.4SomesuggestionsCamp to increase policy implementation, the securities companies will facema n y pr oblems in business proce s s, i n addition to the a bove m ent i oned content,al s o involves issues such as investment, capital intermediary business, require companiestoconsiderhowtotransfertheadditionalvalueaddedtax,howtomaketheinputVAT ded uction is acquired, and how to manage the VAT invoice, etc. In the actualresponseto camp to increase policy, can adopt the strategy of basically has thefollowings e veralaspect s:First, from the business point of view, require companies to comb of upstreamanddownstream business,andtherelevantcontractdocumentsreview.Second,from the perspective of revenue side, the main need of market competition, productdesign,and considering the customer type, based on this, advances on VAT output taxpolicy.Third, from the cost point of view, the enterprise to achieve the input VATinvoices deduction,supplierswillpassontotheirVATshouldbeavoided.Fourth,from require ments of invoice management, securities companies to invoicemanagement organizationstructureconstruction,ensuretheinvoicemanagementperson nelcantimely communicate with finance department, tax department. Fifth, from the aspects of project management, securities company can consider to the formation ofthebattalion to increase working group, hiring and intermediary agencies, make theenterpriseprojectactivitieshavecleargoalsandplans,abletoadaptto the campto increase policy requirements. Only prepared to all of the work, can make thecamp changepolicyinthespecificimplementation,alltaxdeclaration,accountingandother bus i ness m ana g em e nt a n d s o on va rious aspect s there i s no pr obl e m.译文营改增对证券业的影响研究MartinG摘要营改增在消除重复征税、完善税制、优化税收结构、促进产业结构调整方面具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。
外文文献翻译:原文+译文文献出处:Phillips J D. The research of corporate V AT planning [J]. The Accounting Review, 2016, 1(3): 40-54.原文The research of corporate V AT planningPhillips J DAbstractEnterprise tax planning is very necessity. But most tax planning of enterprise is so difficult, the manager normally feel do not know how to start it. This is mainly because when doing tax planning personnel breadth and depth of thinking is limited. In fact, in view of the enterprise a certain business, as long as the tax personnel to all business related tax law research understand the relevant rules and regulations are in place, so companies when doing tax planning should be no problem. For example and to increase "camp" the tax planning, the categories of taxes that must be considered including the business tax and value-added tax, the relevant expenses such as urban maintenance and construction tax and educational expenses to add. Of course, the enterprise can not only consider when do tax planning; a business enterprise's business is very broad, so when doing tax planning to overall consideration. Keywords: value-added tax; the individual income tax; Tax rate; Tax planning1 IntroductionEnterprises between the increasingly fierce markets competitions, enterprises want to gain share in the market, a place, you must adapt to the evolution of natural law, has the stronger than other enterprise competitive power, and this kind of competition power depend mainly on market segment and reduce the cost. Undoubtedly tax is an important part in enterprise cost, the main body of enterprise tax include value added tax, income tax, business tax, consumption tax, etc., and occupy the largest proportion of is value added tax, accounting earnings and the realization of the goal of the enterprise plays an important significance. Because different countries have different social and economic development to its policyorientation, so differences exist in different countries and different industries, the tax policy and accounting system for the choice of accounting methods more flexible, which provides a choice of V AT tax conditions and space? The V AT tax planning for enterprise attention, recognition and more and more attention. Tax planning in gradually improve, already have a systematic and market characteristics. And the development of society, market economy unceasing prosperity, has prompted the company constantly innovate oneself production mode, operation concept, management style, etc.For the survival and development to adapt to market competition, enterprises will use every possible method to increase the interest, as far as possible to reduce the amount of unnecessary consumption, so how to reduce the tax burden is the problem that managers must consider carefully. Modern enterprises in pursuit of the enterprise value maximization as the goal development relative to evade taxes and tax risk of higher taxes, so business leaders can choose to reduce the tax, tax planning the implementation of reasonable overall planning can make the company a huge income.2 V AT descriptionsValue-added tax is the enterprise product in the process of production, circulation, and the value added part of the labor service or value added, the additional levy taxes. No matter which country, regardless of its power, as long as it is a value-added tax, to enact specific regulations on value-added tax. Generally divided into three kinds, one is the production, the second is income-producing, and three is a consumer.2.1 Production-type V ATProduction-oriented V AT has relationship with the company's production, it is well known that a mature enterprise need fixed plant, equipment, products used in the production of raw materials, transportation, fuel, fixed assets, product sales and production of profit, the sales revenue minus the production and operation of the balance of the raw materials, fuel and power as prescribed by the state of appreciation, this also is the basis of the production V AT, in principle, value added tax is not to be bought and depreciation of fixed assets, value added tax is a period of time limit, the tax basis by the tax unit labor balance, and used in the production of loss and thebalance of sales revenue, which belongs to the category of value-added tax, fixed assets depreciation is used in the process of transfer value, is also a part of value-added tax levy, which is called double taxation. Based on this, with a large enterprise as an example, the higher its value of fixed assets, to the payment of taxes, the more because of the wear and depreciation is not deducted, in the process of production is also repeat pay; This part of income is almost equivalent to the gross national product, so called the production-oriented V AT, it includes the rent, wages, profits, interest and depreciation of fixed assets, etc.2.2 Consumption-type V ATIn a word, it is not including the current depreciation of fixed assets and net income tax, including the taxpayers' wages, profits, interest, and rent, etc., in terms of a country, relative to the production-oriented V AT is gross national product, net national product. It is deducted for the production of all the value of fixed assets and depreciation forehead, purchased raw materials and labor value of net income, after is the income of the enterprise production and sales, including spending part, such as wages, so called income-producing V AT.2.2 Income-type V ATDue to the use of standard, advanced, has a legal basis, is engaged in the tax accounting practical operation is simple, popular among countries in the world. A category is a one-off deducted for production and operation of the fixed assets value and the value of the purchase raw materials in the tax, that is to say, the taxpayer’s tax products for production and operation, and are not all the outsourcing material to this category. Fixed assets has been imposed production V AT, of course, but the operator is used as a purchase of fixed assets, its tax gold when the purchase has been deducted, relatively, this part of the goods as fixed assets, there would be no tax, as the nature of the V AT collection does not include other production of raw materials, only including the management of all sales of consumer goods. Consumer is a use of special V AT invoices for V AT tax withholding of taxes, occupies a certain advantage, due to its treatment scope strictly enforced, standard, has certain advancement, and are applicable in many countries.3 The characteristics of added-value tax3.1 Wide taxEnterprise engaged in the work of production and sales for the main V AT collection objects, individuals engaged in business also in the collection and processing, such as small restaurants, small articles of daily use operators, etc., are widely applicable to all kinds of ownership enterprises and individuals, embodies the fairness of the tax system.3.2 Indirect taxV AT calculation is not directly to value multiplied by the applicable tax rate to calculate the tax payable, but by buried output tax and tax balance to determine the tax payable. Although V AT is the value-added tax on appreciation forehead that increases the value or goods, but in the actual execution process, due to the added value of goods or services or goods value is a difficult to calculate the data, so the V AT only by way of indirect tax. Indirect tax measures increased the difficulty of the value-added tax calculation and collection management.3.3 Additional taxGoods have to be sold by pricing, V AT tax refers to the outside valence is not including commodity tax on the original price. When selling goods, should will receive all the money was divided into excluding V AT price sales and value added tax, and on the special V AT invoices to the tomb-sweeping day, respectively, in this way, the V AT on revenues, costs and profits will not occur, also need not collect V AT included in the income statement. Although it is important to note that the V AT is outside valence tax, but the sales direction while receiving payment from buyers tend to be merged charge, through a certain calculation formula of a sales tax were decomposed into will not sales tax and value-added tax, and fill in the V AT special invoice respectively, rather than in the place where has to determine the price of the total sales of value-added tax calculated separately again.3.4 Special invoiceV AT is absolute and levy, in order to avoid only partially and the phenomenon of double taxation, must carry on the effective control of each link, implement V AT isunified, special invoices, and according to the stated on the invoice amount to impose a tax deduction method, this is the main method for effective control. Countries introduced related management way, strengthen the management of the special invoice, the rules on the scope of the use of special V AT invoices, the invoice issued the purpose to make clear a regulation, also completed, enterprises have an obligation to give the buyer special invoices for value-added tax, and to do specialized tickets, taxable services shall be paid not, except duty-free goods also. All invoices shall be protected by law. Special invoices for specific use measures enterprises in strict accordance with the provisions of the calculation, on the basis of the in and out of balance of the current period by the enterprise, both reasonable and legitimate, is the duty of the taxpayer. Thus, to strengthen the taxpayer over the use of special V AT invoices highlighted the value-added tax levy management effect.4 The V AT tax planningV AT tax planning is the content of the enterprise according to their own economic activities, on the premise of not illegal, V AT tax matters to the enterprise to seek planning V AT tax minimization of planning and arrangement. It has the following features:4.1The result of V AT tax planningCity building duty and educational expenses to add belongs to attach tax, as the value-added tax falls. But at the same time, if the two tax drops, can lead to enterprise's total profits, so the enterprise income tax will rise. So, the result of the tax planning may be related to some deviation from the ultimate goal of enterprises to reduce tax burden.4.2 V AT special invoices for value-added tax planningInvoice buckle tax law is a common way to calculate the V AT payable taxes, so special invoices for value-added tax management is the key content of value added tax management. Enterprise product sales directly affected by the special invoices for value-added tax, can open will promote the further development of the enterprise; on the other hand, will affect the size of the enterprise. So, V AT tax planning is the need of the development of the enterprise, therefore in the process of V AT tax planning, toconsider the problem of special V AT invoices to the enterprise development prospects.4.3 The planning of the tax burden onKnown to value added tax is a turnover tax, also proves that it is the identity of the indirect tax, from the nature of the object defined, flow from it this is the flow of goods, the circulation tax included in commodity prices, determines the turnover does not open automatically. And tax excluded in price, taxes are independent in accounting book, looks like has nothing to do with the price, but it is also part of the purchase price, income tax is directly understand hang, V AT tax on hidden is indirectly. Because of V AT qualitative, its scope covers almost all walks of life, can say all the goods in the column, but for taxpayers, because taxes will rise in price is not reasonable publicly, will be opposed by the consumers. So, the taxpayer can only secretly push up commodity prices, will tax include in the price, do not attract the attention of consumers, easy will be passed on to the purchaser, tax and consumers don't know, so don't oppose.译文企业增值税纳税筹划研究Phillips J D摘要企业进行纳税筹划是非常有必要性的。
企业增值税纳税筹划外文文献翻译最新This article discusses the importance of value-added tax (VAT) XXX is a tax on the value added to a product or service at each stage of n and n。
ns pliance.The first step in XXX includes identifying the VAT rates。
It is also XXX.Once the VAT rules are understood。
ns XXX and report VAT。
as well as training XXX.XXX。
This can include taking advantage of VAT ns and ced rates。
as well as optimizing the timing of VAT payments and refunds.Overall。
XXX their financial performance。
It requires a thorough understanding of the VAT rules and ns。
as well as a XXX.译文本文讨论了对于公司而言,增值税规划的重要性。
Word格式 I A4打印 I 内容可修改2020年营改增改革文档6篇Reform document of replacing business tax with value-a dded tax in 2020编订:JinTai College2020年营改增改革文档6篇前言:细则也称实施细则,是有关机关或部门为使下级机关或人员更好地贯彻执行某一法令、条例和规定,结合实际情况,对其所做的详细的、具体的解释和补充。
文献出处:Evans C, Hansford A, Hasseldine J, et al. The Study of Business tax into the V AT:The empirical analysis of France [J] Journal of Tax Research, 2014, 12(2): 453-482.(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,其他网站不得转载,完整译文请到百度文库。
)原文The Study of Business tax into the V AT:The empirical analysis of FranceEvans, Hansford, HasseldineAbstract:In the current tax structure in France, Value-Added Tax (V AT) and sales tax are two most important turnover taxes. V AT covers almost the secondary industry except the construction. And in most sectors of the tertiary industry, sales tax is levied. But with the development of market economy, such tax institution is showing its irrationality. In order to further solve the double taxation issues in goods and services tax, perfect the tax system and support the development of modern service industry, France will gradually change the current sales tax to V AT in accordance with the establishment of the modern type of V AT mode. The reform has far -reaching impact on promoting the development of the tertiary industry, especially the modern service industry, promoting economic restructuring and improving the comprehensive national strength, promoting the healthy and harmonious development of the national economy, and the establishment and perfection of fiscal and taxation systems conducive to scientific development.Key words:V AT, fiscal and taxation systems reform, system of taxThe tax system as one of the national macroeconomic regulation and control tools, each significant change must obey and serve the macroeconomic regulation and control goal request, to adapt themselves to the political, economic and social situation, has its profound historical and realistic background.With the passage of time, the social progress and economic development, the early stage of the implementationof the tax system and reality of economic and social contradictions accumulate gradually, to temporize change inevitably require institutional change and structural optimization, is in line with the development trend of pragmatic.V AT is to adapt to the height of the development of commodity economy arises at the historic moment, France has been committed to reform and improve the system of value added tax. Since January 1, 2009, France in all areas, all industries comprehensively implement V AT reform.V AT, refers to the transition from production V AT to consumer V AT.The purpose of reform is to expand domestic demand, reduce the tax burden of business investment in equipment, promote enterprise technology progress, industrial structure adjustment and transformation of the mode of economic growth.This reform is the value-added tax system was introduced in 1994 France since the wide range of aspects, affect one of the biggest change, making French V AT system a step closer to international norms.According to the spirit of the state council executive meeting, the main content of the V AT reform includes the following several aspects: since January 1, 2009, all across the country, general V AT taxpayers for new purchase equipment contained in the input tax deduction can be calculated;Purchase of cars, motorcycles and yacht services consumption tax shall not be deductible income taxes;Cancel the import equipment value-added tax exemption policy and V AT rebate policy purchasing home-made equipment for enterprises with foreign investment;Small-scale taxpayers levy rates decreased to 3%;The restoration of minerals V AT rate from 13% to 17%.V AT reform, allowing companies to offset the purchase equipment of value added tax, which is both a major tax cuts, is also an important part of the active fiscal policy.Most countries in the world is a consumption-based value-added tax, the implementation of consumer V AT in France, the unification of the help and the international practice of value added tax, is conducive to further attract foreign capital inflows, so as to promote the continuous development of domestic enterprises economic scale, enhance the capacity of domestic enterprises in the international market competition.At the same time, the disadvantages of consumer V AT to eliminate double taxation, realized export rebate thoroughly, promote the developmentof export trade.The generation of value added tax is inseparable with tax.Along with the increasing socialization of industrial production, the production increase circulation, sales made in the production chain backend cumulative production operators bear the tax burden.Early in the 20th century, the business tax increasingly exposed the shortcomings, hindered the capitalist commodity production and circulation.After the "war", Wilhelm von Siemens of Germany has proposed to "a sophisticated sales tax" to replace the business tax, this is the germ of an idea of value added tax.After the second world war, the French first sounded the horn of tax reform.In 1948 the French government to allow manufacture goods after deducting the intermediate inputs to a tax on finished goods value.In morris, 1954, with the help of law to the French government to deduct further expanded to fixed assets, taxes paid will produce tax reform known as value-added tax, marks the formal V AT was born.Soon, the French V AT from industry to agriculture, commerce, transportation, service industry, the first in the world to establish a set of the system of consumption-based value-added tax system.Value-added tax in France pioneered the use of has obtained the good effect, make value-added tax system is able to spread throughout the world, its also to enrich and perfect in the transmission.From the point of the development of foreign value-added tax system, the overall trend is from the production to consumption, converge to simplify the tax rates and collection and management mode, the allocation of tax adjustment is sufficient, industry tax equalization.German formally on January 1, 1968 implementation of value-added tax, to replace the years of practice has been extended to the retail link tax "cascade" sales tax.After nearly 40 years of continuous improvement and perfection, the value-added tax system in Germany are becoming reasonable, levy management also more specification and accumulated experience.At present, the German V AT is second to the personal income tax, duty.Germany full type value added tax, sales and service provided for V AT taxpayers engaged in commodity business owners and no unit or individual from import activities, collection scope includes the self supply of labor and private use, in addition to the land of other real estate rental business, agentsengaged in labor and parts of the financial activities, lease contract, construction activities, transportation, etc.In the V AT rate in Germany three tax system: standard rate (ordinary tax rate), reduce the tax rate (special tax) and investigation, standard rate applicable to the general trade and imports of goods;Reduce the tax rate applicable to domestic animals, fish, meat, milk, tea, fruits, plants, grains, tap water, such as cultural articles 46 species of special items;Investigation is suitable for commodity exports.Asean countries the introduction of value added tax is a successful example of Indonesia.Indonesia for the indirect tax reforms focused on the sales tax, and with the V AT scheme (including V AT and luxury consumption tax) to replace the sales tax, value added tax unification set at 10%, in the final stage of consumption V AT, in addition to the individual situation, domestic consumption goods almost no duty-free and low tax rates.In stages since 2004, Indonesia a value-added tax on all goods, luxury goods consumption tax and import duties of value-added tax reform, not only greatly increase the government's financial revenue, but also enhance the fairness of the tax system, improve the efficiency of tax neutral effect is strengthened, the domestic original double taxation problem also eases, and weaken the influence of value-added tax on prices, to a certain extent to ensure the interests of poor, V AT reform has achieved good results.To sum up, the value added tax of countries mostly take consumption-based value-added tax system, tax range, from the sales of agricultural products, industrial manufacturing, through to the wholesale, retail and services.In the management of country pay attention to the application of computer and network, technically guarantees the efficiency of the value-added tax levy and the taxpayers' supervision and management.After V AT, France is the implementation of consumer V AT is only a theory of the V AT type pared to foreign tax practice, France on the implementation of consumer V AT in the scope of tax, tax rate, tax management shortcomings, need to further deepen the reform.This level of the reform, will have a significant impact on the turnover tax system.French scope of V AT general provisions is to sell goodsprocessing, repairs and replacement services, as well as the behavior of the imported goods to impose value added tax.Thus it can be seen that its only the processing, repairs and replacement services levy no construction, post and telecommunications, culture and other labor service into its scope of sports industry.Look from the tax principle, value added tax should cover all the goods and services;From the mature experience of countries all over the world and the real practice, some countries in value added tax is imposed will into its scope of service industry, and other countries is gradually expanding to services.Growing with the development of economy, the French services strength, scope of coverage is not complete value-added tax levy will be conducive to the development of service industry.French existing in narrow scope of value-added tax levy, lead to V AT deduction chain "break", bring a series of problems.(2) the tax deduction, deduction scope is not complete, the existing V AT deduction vouchers non-standard France just in France at present selling goods or providing taxable services as a tax on imported goods, labor service industry is still a traditional business tax.The division of labor is the most prominent contradictions mixed sales and engaged in tax to define problems, complicate the tax collection and administration, as a direct result of the sales of goods of value added tax and business tax taxable services buckle chain interruption, affected the play of the role of value-added tax, not conducive to fair competition.The intangible asset deduction.Intangible assets is of great significance for high-tech enterprises.If not be deductible, not only cannot completely eliminate double taxation issues, and hindering the development of high-tech industries, to a certain extent.If credit, how to touch buckle?If the intangible asset change paid V AT, will directly affect the local fiscal revenue.At the same time, the intangible assets valuation is also very complex.If according to the current accounting system, at the purchase price included in the cost of intangible assets purchased, homemade intangible asset with homemade cost valuation, homemade cost is higher than the cost of outsourcing, it weakens the enterprise independent innovation motivation.tax deduction.V AT has many problems in the tax deduction at present: one is the tax deduction of time is not reasonable.Industrial enterprise purchasing goodswarehouse after deduction, business enterprise purchase goods payment deduction, general V AT payers taxable services after payment deduction.This is not reasonable in theory, tax authority to operate in practice.Second, the deduction vouchers.In addition to deduct 13% of the purchase price from the purchase tax-free agricultural products, deduct tax rates low, restricted the development of agricultural enterprises and agricultural product processing industry.The acquisition of waste materials by 10%, the freight invoice according to the 7% deduction, easily lead to falsely making out special invoice, such as virtual taxes tax problems.Three is withholding tax is not completely, while allowing companies to buy new equipment contains the input tax deducted from output tax, but real estate projects under construction are not allowed to offset the input tax, consumption tax taxpayers own yacht, cars and motorcycles also can not offset the input tax.France after the "transformation" of current value-added tax system further perfect suggestion V AT because of its unique advantages and widely used in the world.France have been trying to reform and improve the system of value-added tax, in order to further solve the problem of double taxation in goods and services tax system, perfect the tax system, support the development of modern service industry has gradually impose business tax industry to impose value added tax.This opened up a new round of tax reform of V AT in France.Expand the scope of value-added tax levy, V AT "chain" to keep complete 1. From the perspective of tax system integrity, value added tax and business tax in parallel, destroyed the deduction of V AT chain, value added tax neutral effect.Value-added tax has the advantage that the "neutral", that is, at the same time of raising government revenue is not "the distinction between" influence on economic subject, thus objectively beneficial to guide and encourage enterprises to become bigger and stronger in the fair competition, but to give full play to the neutral effect of V AT, the premise is V AT tax base should be as wide as possible, one of the best contains all of the goods and services.In a narrow scope of V AT tax in the current tax system, leading to economic operation of the V AT deduction chain is interrupted, neutral effect will sell at a discount greatly.Expand the scope of value-added tax levy,a to promote sustainable, rapid and healthy development of national economy;Second, we must to strengthen tax administration, increasing the tax revenue;Third, we need to help tax simplification, to resolve the contradictions.In the scope of the current business tax collection, tax sources around half of post and telecommunication, finance, insurance, culture, sports, entertainment and services, closely associated with direct consumption of the hotel, food, most of the other services still can continue to impose business tax, need not change paid V AT.As companies outsourcing service including the business tax, for example, can't get deduction, the enterprise will be more willing to provide the required services rather than outsourcing services, service production internalization, unfavorable to the services specialization subdivided and the development of service outsourcing.At the same time, exports for investigation is a common international practice, but as a result of the French services for business tax, lost on the export tax rebates, export service pared with other countries for services to impose value added tax, the French service exports will be at a disadvantage in the international competition.3. From the perspective of tax collection and administration, two sets of tax system caused some difficulties in the tax collection and administration practice in parallel.Along with the diversification and the new economic forms appear constantly, tax collection and administration is faced with new challenges.For example, in the modern market economy, tie-in sales behavior more and more goods and services, in the form of more and more complex, more accurate division of their goods and services proportion is becoming more and more difficult, which poses challenges to the division of the law standard.Such as again, with the development of information technology, some traditional commodity has been as a service, the difference between goods and services increasingly fuzzy, difficult to clearly defined, both are applicable V AT or sales tax problems will arise.For the construction of value-added tax levy can steadily push forward on the basis of the pilot, is the key to real estate value-added tax levy, though France is now a basic implementation of consumer V AT transformation, but for fixed assets in real estate, because in the non-vat taxable items, and no input tax deduction, which harm the nature of consumer V AT.Though, it is suggested that the real estate is divided intoresidential and commercial, and residential housing for tax exemption treatment, but it will increase the difficulty of the tax administration, after all, mutual conversion between the two is easy.Therefore, most countries in the world can be used for real estate sales tax, and mainly in the tax structure within the framework of adjusted by adjusting the property tax on real estate.At the same time, international experience shows that the vast majority of countries V AT, is the V AT for goods and services together.Under the new situation, the scope of V AT tax will be expanded to all the goods and services, to replace the business tax, value-added tax in accordance with international practice, is the inevitable choice of deepening the reform of French tax.This reform issues in general satisfy relevant enterprises double taxation and reduce tax reform, will promote a large number of market main body up potential, promote their business operation and development of the specialized segmentation, improve service levels, which is helpful to boost consumption and improve the livelihood of the people, enhance the people, and is beneficial to expand domestic demand, promote industrial upgrading, speed up the transformation of the mode of production.译文营业税改增值税研究:法国的实证分析作者:埃文斯;斯福德;哈撒(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,其他网站不得转载,完整译文请到百度文库。
房地产行业营业税改增值税外文文献翻译最新This paper examines the potential impact of replacing business tax with value-added tax (VAT) in the real estate industry。
The study finds that VAT has the potential to increase XXX。
there are also potential drawbacks。
the research XXX of such a policy change.n:In recent years。
there has been increasing interest in the useof value-added tax (VAT) as a XXX already widely used in many countries。
its potential use in the real XXX the potential impact of such a policy change.XXX:Business taxes are a significant source of XXX around the world。
but they can also be a XXX。
on the other hand。
is a tax on the value added at each stage of n and n。
and is seen by some as a more XXX.XXX:This XXX replacing business tax with VAT in the real XXX already been implemented in the real estate industry。
such as the United Kingdom and Australia.Results:The study found that replacing business tax with VAT in the real estate industry has the potential to XXX。
文献出处:Norrman A, Henkow O.. The influence of business tax V AT to the international logistics enterprises [J]. Logistics Technology, 2014, 23: 62-71原文The influence of business tax V AT to the international logistics enterprisesNorrman, HenkowBased on the background of the policy "camp to gain" the interpretation of policy and the related solution as a starting point, combined with the practical examples of the tax system reform to the impact of the international logistics and related enterprises.Value added tax and business tax is South Korea two of the most important in the current turnover tax categories of taxes.Taxation scope of V AT in South Korea domestic sales, import goods and providing processing, repairs and replacement services, mainly play a role in the field of industrial production and circulation of commodities;While the scope of the business tax includes other services, transfer of intangible asset and sale of real estate, covers most of the tertiary industry to provide labor services.In short, V AT tax mainly for goods and most services is applicable sales tax, the two parallel in the scope of our tax levy, cross each other.As one of the major tax turnover tax on turnover in full as plan tax basis, according to industry setting different tax rates, calculation is simple, and convenient for collection, it in the balance of the sustainable development of local economy has played a pivotal role.But through long-term practice, the business tax gradually showing its limitations, mainly embodied in the following aspects:Sales tax is a tax on turnover in full, will inevitably produce double taxation. V AT tax only appreciation of this link, especially after the V AT to consumer V AT general taxpayer purchased fixed assets contained can be used as the input V AT tax deduction, thus leading to relatively V AT taxpayer, tax taxpayers tax burden is higher.For companies to buy services or services, as a result of outsourcing servicesincluding business tax cannot get deduction, lead to enterprise more willing to provide the required services rather than outsourcing services, service production internalization, not conducive to the professional division of labor and service outsourcing development of service industry.Based on the background of the policy "camp to gain" the interpretation of policy and the related solution as a starting point, combined with the practical examples of the tax system reform to the impact of the international logistics and related enterprises.Sales tax is a tax on turnover in full, will inevitably produce double taxation.V AT tax only appreciation of this link, especially after the V AT to consumer V AT general taxpayer purchased fixed assets contained can be used as the input V AT tax deduction, thus leading to relatively V AT taxpayer, tax taxpayers tax burden is higher.For companies to buy services or services, as a result of outsourcing services including business tax cannot get deduction, lead to enterprise more willing to provide the required services rather than outsourcing services, service production internalization, not conducive to the professional division of labor and service outsourcing development of service industry.In exports for investigation is the international practice, because South Korea services for business tax, when exports to drawback, lead to tax export service, finally influence of South Korea's service industry in the international market competitiveness.From all over the world can be seen in the history of the development of the business tax, it is the business tax repetition of this disease, resulted in a V AT, and lead.Advantages of value added tax is mainly in the following aspects: don't double taxation, have the feature of tax neutral;Link tax, each link tax deduction, final consumer is all taxes; consideringConvenient for export tax rebates, be helpful for their goods and services fair to participate in international competition;Restrict each other on tax collection and administration, cross audit, avoiding tax evasion.The service lives of taxable sales of more than standard prescribed by the ministry of finance and the total (5 million) of taxpayers for average taxpayer, taxpayer for small-scale taxpayers not in excess of the prescribed standards.Withsound accounting who can provide accurate taxation information small-scale enterprises can also apply for average taxpayer qualification.Pilot policy also specifies the original road, inland waterway cargo transportation since the taxpayer shall be identified in principle of make out an invoice for the general taxpayer.South Korea in 1994, the turnover tax system reform, according to the international common practice to establish the standardization of the production V AT, with value-added tax as the core to establish a new pattern of the turnover tax: a comprehensive value-added tax in the field of the flow of goods production, on the basis of the select few consumer goods cross to impose consumption tax, and for most services trade to impose business tax.At the end of 2008, to ease the impact of the international financial crisis, the central identified the "structural tax cuts" advocate tone, reflected in terms of turnover tax, mainly will be changed from production V AT to consumer V AT tax.Consumption type allows the enterprise cost of purchased fixed assets value contained in the value-added tax is deducted from all.This transition effectively promote the industrial structure adjustment and technology upgrade, improve the domestic products in the international market competitiveness.After the completion of the V AT, the V AT expansion circumference in the sights of south Korean tax reform.The current tax system apply to the practice of different tax system, goods and services between the goods and services in the unification of the tax on property, destroyed the deduction of V AT chain, in South Korea have certain obstacles on the development of modern service industry, is not conducive to further transformation and upgrading of economic structure.To give full play to the advantages of V AT tax burden fair, its basic condition is as far as possible the "full coverage, the whole chain, full deduction".So, it is imperative to change business tax V AT.Business tax to the influence of value added tax it away to the enterprise at present, Beijing camp change increases the pilot program has won the approval of the state council, formal implementation is expected to begin in the near future.The company's main business service for international freight forwarders, belongs to the scope of auxiliary "logistics", so as to pay V AT, as general V AT taxpayers.Apply to thetax rate of 5%, and the difference between tax;After the change of value added tax for 6% of the value-added tax, offset the input tax.Types of taxes, tax rate and tax changes in the way of the development of the enterprise has a long-term impact.Pilot policies also change during the pilot V AT tax belonging to business tax, the continuation of the business tax preferential transitional policy made detailed provisions.Business tax after the change of value added tax, as a result of value added tax is a tax excluded in price, revenue from the customer can't all as enterprise's revenue, and the need to isolate the income part as the output V AT tax, namely: the business income/(1 + 6%) = tax income.Certain cases, this means that the income items change business tax V AT will inevitably lead to the income of business scale, the tax payable, the corresponding change of turnover and profit.The author's international freight forwarding business is mainly decided by the cost price, gross margin is relatively fixed, in order to facilitate more business tax change V AT after each related financial index change under different circumstances, do the following hypothesis: hypothesis after tax reform without tax gross margin (hereinafter referred to as the gross profit margin) level remains the same;Taxes only consider the business tax and value-added tax, does not consider calculated on business tax and value-added tax each additional taxes and fees;Consider only associated with operating revenue and operating cost of V AT, and both contain V AT rates are consistent, to 6%.The company mainly to international trade, commodity circulation link of customer is given priority to, in the industry's average taxpayer clients, for example, after the tax reform, providing international cargo transport agency services to issue special V AT invoices, my company to maintain the price the same or increase (up to Maori constant), the relevant freight cost will be reduced by more than 5% of the clients.In addition, the customer deductible V AT amount increases, the V AT payable will decrease accordingly.Illustrate that: international freight forwarding business by the tax change after paid V AT, will greatly improve the international trade class customer profit space.Is still using the previous example, the company provides international cargo transport agency services customers in commodity production andcirculation field.By the above analysis can be concluded that the business tax after the change of value added tax, in front of the meet the conditions of the four assumptions listed, if you still perform the original price unchanged, the tax reform to cause a decline in revenue, gross margin level of business, should pay tax increases, eventually reduce enterprise profits;If you raise the price to ensure that the gross margin level is constant, the operating income is reduced, should pay tax increase.Business tax changes are confirmed as general taxpayer V AT, input tax can be calculated at to obtain special invoices for value-added tax deduction.If acquire other taxpayers' original belongs to the scope of business tax differences can collect invoices, can be deducted from the sales in the invoice value;Such as the special invoice to invoice to obtain tax authorities must indicate the output tax deduction.The result of the tax increase, on the one hand, further squeeze corporate profits, the development of industry.On the other hand, in the case of its difficult to digest, will cause freight rate rise, which would push up prices.It is reported that many famous international freight companies in Shanghai after issue V AT invoices to the customer request, on the original cost pay more tax.In view of the problems exposed by the Shanghai pilot, the south Korean federation of logistics and purchasing has been made to the relevant state departments including the goods transportation services into logistics support service, and appropriately increase the input tax deductions in eight Suggestions, in case the camp change increases the pilot policy has adverse effects on the entire logistics industry.Business tax change after V AT as small-scale taxpayers, transport, international freight forwarding business taxpayers obtain other taxpayers' original belongs to the scope of business tax differences can collect invoices, can be deducted from the sales in the invoice value.Other industries such as to obtain the original belong to the scope of business tax differences can collect other taxpayers invoice, can also be deducted from the sales of the invoice value, but the pilot average taxpayer or pilot the invoice of small-scale taxpayers shall not deduct the sales.Pilot policies also change during the pilot V AT tax belonging to business tax, the continuation of the business taxpreferential transitional policy made detailed provisions.Business tax after the change of value added tax, international freight forwarding business chain joined the V AT deduction.Although in the short term, the scale of business will decrease, didn't really reduce tax burden, also has the potential to reduce profits.But in the long run, the business tax change of value added tax more significance lies in: eliminate double taxation;Is conducive to the professional division of labor and service outsourcing services,Promote the specialization of social division of labor;Strengthen service industry competition ability.All of this will be conducive to further expand the market, enterprises expand sales.In addition, the "battalion to add" also can impact on the industry standard.Related industries in major and value-added tax management system, to the enterprise financial accounting requirements will be more standardized and rigorous.At the same time, because the customer requirements for legal, compliance V AT deduction vouchers, would force some imperfect management of small enterprises withdraw from the market译文营业税改增值税对国际物流企业的影响诺曼;科诺本文以“营改增”政策的背景及对相关方案政策的解读为出发点,结合本单位实际举例说明该项税制改革给国际物流及相关企业带来的影响。
Effect of Tax Planning on Firms Market Performance: Evidence from Listed Firms in GhanaSeyram Kawor & Holy Kwabla KportorgbiInternational Journal of Economics and Finance; V ol. 6, No. 3; 2014. P162-164.AbstractThe study sought to ascertain the level of tax planning of firms and to explore the relationship between tax planning and firms’ market performance. The study used 22 non-financial companies listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange over a twelve year period from 2000. The longitudinal correlative designed was used. The results indicate that that firms’ tendency to engage in intensive tax planning activities reduces when tax authorities maintain low corporate income tax rates. Secondly, tax planning has a neutral influence on firms’ performance. This fi nding challenges the general perception that every cedi of tax savings from tax planning reflect in the pocket of investors. It is concluded that investors must institute systems to ensure tax planning benefits reflect significantly in their pockets.Keywords: Ghana stock exchange, tax planning, market performance, longitudinal correlative design, investors1. IntroductionOver the years and throughout the world, the history of taxation brings out one fact; that taxes are coercive in nature and therefore economic units which are assigned the tax liability never wholly intend to bear the actual tax burden (Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA), 2007). Economic units, more specifically, corporate bodies are always adopting ways to minimise, postpone, or avoid entirely, the payment of tax. The attempts by the economic units to reduce, postpone or avoid tax payment can be legal or illegal. The legal means is called tax planning while the illegal means is called tax evasion. The dire consequence of tax evasion makes it an unattractive option for listed companies (Murphy, 2004).The practice of tax planning dates back to 1947 when learned judge Hand, in the case Commissioner Newman, held that there is nothing sinister in arranging ones affairs so a s to keep taxes as low as possible. Hoffman’s (1961) tax planning theory supports this argument. According to Hoffman, it is a necessity for firms to understand the prevailing tax laws and apply the laws in a manner that ensures the firms minimise their tax exposure. Hoffman posits that it makes no economic sense to pay more tax than what the law demands. Scholes and Wolfson’s (1992) tax planning framework also underscores the need for corporate bodies to engage in tax planning. According to Scholes and Wolfson, a successful company is the one that is properly attuned to its tax environment.International governmental organizations, such as CATA (2009), suggest that corporate bodies in Ghana, especially the large entities, engage in complex tax planning activities. Research by civil society groups such as Christian Aid (2008), Action Aid (2011), and Dan Watch (2011), confirm this assertions made by the Domestic Revenue Division. The missing element in the findings is the quantitative expression of the tax planning activities of the firms.The traditional thinking is that firms that derive maximum benefit from tax planning perform better than those that do not plan their taxes (Murphy, 2007). From the empirical perspective, tax planning is positively associate d with firms’ performance. For instance, Desai and Hines (2002); Chen, Chen, Chen and Shelvin (2010) reported positive association between tax planning savings and firm performance. The argument is that tax represents cost of doing business, and any action that has the potential of minimising tax cost reflects in higher firm performance. This argument presupposes that tax planning cost and risk does not exceed the savings from the planning.Few studies in the UK dispel the traditional relationship between tax planning and firm performance. While admitting that tax planning has a positive association with accounting performance, Desai and Dharmaphala (2007) reported that tax planning has a neutral association with market performance. Indeed Abdul-Wahab (2010) found a negative association between tax planning and firm performance.Kportorgbi (2013) suggested that corporate governance strength plays a mediating factor in the tax planning-firm performance relationship.A study of the effect of tax planning savin gs on firms’ market performance is crucial for all stakeholders in the emerging security markets such as the Ghana stock Exchange. In fact each possible relationship has a unique implication for the players. For instance, a positive association implies that tax planning produces a win-win situation for both management and shareholders (investors). A negative association connotes that tax planning benefits may not eventually trickle to the pocket of the shareholder. Indeed, a negative association may be an indicative of the existence of agency problem, where management is inclined to pursue tax planning to enhance their own lot rather than advancing the interest of the investor. Where a neutral association is established, it will invoke a follow up study on the possible factors that could influence the relationship either positively or negatively. Secondly, the study is necessary to inform tax planning agents and investors on the dynamics of tax planning.1.1 Objective of the StudyThe primary objective of this study is to explore the relationship between tax planning savings of firms listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange and firm market performance. The study also seeks to examine the simultaneous influence of other firm specific variables on the tax planning-market performance relationship.1.2 Tax Planning Intensity of Firms in GhanaCommentators on tax behaviour of firms in Ghana paint a picture that suggests that large firms engage in tax planning activities. For instance CATA (2009) posits that Ghana Revenue Authority lost seventy-four million pounds between 2005 and 2007 to the European Union (EU) in tax revenue as a result of tax avoidance by several multinational companies. Murphy (2004) also reported that firms have complex gamut of arsenals to reduce their tax burden. The reports indicate that the tax avoiding mechanism of firms are largely allowed by the tax laws. There are also indications that the firms take advantage of the loopholes in the tax laws to derive unintended tax benefits. The avenues for tax planning usually revolve aroundlocational reliefs, industry-specific concessions and capital allowance provitions. Others are time variables and entity variables.Most of the reports are not precise in their estimation of the benefits that firms achieve through tax planning. The lack of precision in measuring tax planning intensity is largely attributed to the insufficient reporting of issues of taxation by firms. Aside the mandatory disclosures to tax authorities, firms are reluctant in disclosing much on tax behaviours. This is due to the perceived thin line that exist between tax planning and tax evasion. Listed companies, however, provide provide adequate information necessary to estimate the tax savings of the firms. This is made possible by virtue of the financial reporting guidelines provided by the security exchange commision.2. Review of Related LiteratureThis section is subdivided into theoretical review and empirical review. The theoritical review encapsultes the Hoffman’s (1961) tax planni ng theory. Three main empirical studies are reviewed. They are Desai and Hines (2002), Desai and Dharmaphala (2009) and Abdul-Wahab (2010).2.1 Hoffman’s Tax Planning TheoryAccording to Hoffman (1961) tax planning seeks to divert cash, which would ordinarily flow to tax authorities, to the corporate entities. Tax planning activities are desirable to the extent that they reduce taxable income to the barest minimum, without sacrificing accounting income. The theory is premised on the fact that firms tax liability is based on taxable income rather than accounting income. The idea is thus to intensify activities that reduce taxable income but has no indirect relationship on accounting profit. The theory thus recognised a positive association between firm tax planning activity and firm performance.Hoffman (1961) also recognised the role of tax cost in the tax planning activities. The theory thus provided that the positive association between tax planning and corporate performance is on a basic assumption that tax benefits from the tax planning exceed tax cost. The scope of the Hoffman’s tax planning theory does not address the dynamics of tax planning and market performance. As capital markets develop andthe separation of ownership and control of corporate bodies become well-spread, the need for a comprehensive tax planning theory is imperative. This need is rather addressed through the empirical perspective than through theoretical perspective (Inger, 2012).2.2 Empirical Review and Development of HypothesisDesai and Hines (2002) provide evidence on firm performance and tax planning behaviour of firms. Again, the study investigates the relationship between tightening of tax systems and market value of firms. The study was based on 850 listed US firms. The study sample was purposively selected to reflect the characteristics desired by the researchers. The study was cross sectional and the data relates to year 2000. Correlative-description design was adopted. Simple regression and t-tests were used to establish the relationships. Desai and Hines established that intensive tax planning is associated with higher firm performance. On the other hand, the study reported that tightening of the tax system is positively associated with higher market performance of firms. The findings of Desai and Hines (2002) are similar to that reported by Chen, Chen and Chen (2010).税收筹划对企业市场绩效的影响:对加纳上市公司的实证分析Seyram Kawor & Holy Kwabla Kportorgbi国际财经周刊.2014年第6期第3卷.第162-164页.摘要本研究试图确定企业的纳税筹划水平,探讨税收筹划与企业市场绩效的关系。
营改增文献综述2012 年 1 月 1 日,上海率先在全国启动营业税改征增值税试点,至今已将近两年了。
1 赞成“营改增”改革1.1促进经济发展高培勇(2012)在《多重宏观经济政策目标下的“营改增”》中认为“营改增”是一项旨在减税的改革,以“营改增”为主要抓手,着眼于“扩围”与“降率”同时并举,把有关结构性减税的安排一一落到实处,是目前可以勾画出的一幅事关宏观经济政策布局的基本图景。
外文文献原文+译文原文The research of V AT instead business tax in real estate industryBrashares DAbstractReal estate industry is one of the industry of the national economy, made great contribution to economic development, especially in recent years the vigorous development of the real estate industry has greatly promoted the development of the national economy, not only led to the development of related industries, also increased more employment opportunities, but because of the real estate industry involves the link is very wide, in the real estate industry, real estate developers in the purchase of raw materials link to pay value added tax, according to tax regulations, this is not part of the tax deduction. Business tax regulations, developers in the real estate sales link to pay business tax, which objectively formed a V AT deduction chain disruption, which also led to the law of real estate industry double taxation. Due to the interrupt the chain of V AT deduction, tax neutral effect is weakened, also gave rise to the rising house prices, increases the burden of consumers, and so the real estate industry tax change the V AT reform is more urgent.Key words: Real estate industry; Business tax; The V AT1 IntroductionIn France in the world in 1954 first implemented V AT, after the French lead more than one hundred countries and regions have the value added tax is imposed. Value-added tax is a tax of tax neutral characteristics, ideal V AT should cover all fields of national economy and each link, such not only can let the characteristics of tax neutral play a more obvious, and can largely increase the fiscal revenue for the country, this is should be preferred in commodity tax categories of taxes. Real estate industry as a rapid development in recent years and has important significance on the livelihood of the people of an industry, the business tax change of value-added tax reform will be a reform is imperative. Present real estate tax reform, tax change V AT pilot is in an orderly way, and have achieved the effect of different degree, although,in the current effect may not be so obvious, but in the long run will be the real estate industry in new wave of reform, but also on the basis of summing up experience to be more perfect and improve the measures are put forward. Scope of the real estate industry change the tax into the V AT reform is also a tax reform will achieve.2 Literature reviewThe history of value added tax is not so long ago, in 1921 the German Simon and formally put forward the concept of value added tax, the earliest initially formed in France until 1948, 1954 were widely used. V AT tax neutral this feature really let it benefit, favored by many other countries adopted by many countries throughout the world. V AT began to spread across the globe, made a great contribution for the world economy. But the V AT in the scope is very different from country to country, to the different conditions, and naturally the scope is different also. Famous experts in V AT Alan a. Tate, put forward the scope of V AT is also need to include every link from production to retailing. But he also put forward despite the scope of the land value appreciation tax is wider, more can highlight the efficiency advantages, but the higher cost of V AT on link management and paying high management cost, standing in the point of view, the scope of the it is impossible to cover all areas. Bird, meanwhile, also put forward, the V AT has irreplaceable advantage in calculation is simple, but it in terms of the efficiency of the advantage is not so significant as we expected. Fedel is from the profit and loss account thin put forward his point of view, the level of value added tax for businesses, for its management is relatively easy, especially companies set up their own accounting books, books of the simple and clear, it can effectively inhibit the tax evasion behavior of enterprises, it is said we give attention to two or more things economically efficiency and airbus he has a very obvious shortcomings, is the regulatory costs much more than others. If you want to have a detailed accounting system, at the same time, also need to fill out a lot of reporting form, this requires more manpower and material resources. For private companies that will increase the cost of production of enterprises, it is a certain extent can blow the enthusiasm of private enterprises. Among the many scholars proposed V AT management cost on the high side at the same time, Due to also pointed out that thetax administration cost of V AT tax administrative costs are higher than the average, at the same time, the risk of tax fraud is relatively higher than the average, in view of this, he has suggested that the Norwegian government to restore the original sales tax. Silvia considers the income tax and value-added tax evasion, he believes in the V AT chain is the final stage of tax evasion is probably the most. At the same time, there are a lot of research scholars believe that value added tax management cost is high, easy to cause a loss of tax, should be selectively used V AT system. In conclusion we can see that in the world for the V AT tax neutral this is a big advantage, national differences are mainly concentrated in the regulation cost of V AT.V AT on foreign research an obvious advantage is that they affirm for the advantages of VAT, is only for V AT tax related supporting facilities and reserved, and this is reform needs to solve the problem, if the relevant supporting facilities not perfect, it is a good system can play its proper role. From this we can see the two scholars’ point of view is certainly the V AT special tax advantages, but the reality of value added tax is not so perfect, there is the scope of tax and tax increases the efficiency of the problem, and this article will be on the two problems a simple arrangement. Also to a more comprehensive related supporting system design, hope can help to solve this problem.3 Value added tax and business tax3.1 V AT tax mechanismV AT is based on domestic sales of goods, repair, and replacement services, and imports the goods as the object of taxation, and by it’s produced in the process of circulation of appreciation as the tax basis and on a turnover tax in the nature of indirect. From the definition, the scope of the land value appreciation tax is in addition to real estate, intangible assets, non taxable services and goods not levy V AT law so all the goods. Goods and taxable services plan tax basis is formed in the process of circulation of added value, a value-added tax, value-added tax not, however, all its appreciation is in addition to the purchase of raw materials to add value, including the reproduction process for the operator input the living and the reasonable profits, in other words, as long as the operator to purchase goods as the object, is engaged in the production and business operation activities, will generate added value,unless the loss of business, will bear the V AT. At the same time, for operators, while the value added tax is a tax excluded in price, but in the retail link, the selling price of a commodity, is to include the seller's output V AT tax, that is, value added tax is ultimately borne by consumers. In the practice of the V AT, single business goods add value and added value in the process of production and circulation is difficult to accurately calculate. When sales of goods or services, according to the sales, calculated in accordance with the provisions, the tax rate of the corresponding value-added tax, for example, in the case of the seller, this is the so-called output taxes. An operator when pay V AT, to the current sales of goods by the output tax paid income tax when minus the current purchase raw material, its current value added tax payable balance is the operator.3.2 Business tax levy mechanismBusiness tax is on providing taxable services, transfer of intangible assets in our country, real estate sales units and individuals, its turnover of levied a tax. Business tax and value-added tax belong to transfer tax levy of indirect tax in parallel. Sales tax in the tax system design is not tax deductible, and the whole real estate industry involves the economic activity is a lot of, including prophase of state-owned land use rights, real estate development, real estate sales, real estate leasing and so on a series of economic activities, it is a chain of economic activity, if this chain of economic activity in a chain link is too much of the increased tax burden, will also affect to the next link economic chain, until the last link end by consumers, consumers will inevitably bear the burden of the larger, such tax neutral is not able to be reflected, that is why business tax no tax neutral this feature.4 The advantage of V AT instead business tax4.1 Effectively avoid double taxationV AT is in view of the flow in the process of appreciation tax, in comparison with other circulation taxes, under the condition of without considering other factors, such as does not consider cost, distortion is minimal impact on economic activity, as long as the buckle chain don't interrupt, can tax deduction, and won't appear double taxation. List for the same kind of goods, as long as it is appreciation is the same, nomatter what kind of methods in production or distribution, either through how many circulation link, their tax burden is always the same, basically won't be any impact on the balance of supply and demand, it essentially is the embodiment of the tax neutral, it is also the special advantages of V AT.V AT is to overcome the double taxation the disadvantages of the best path, so in the real estate industry value added tax is also the real estate tax reform a necessary or inevitable link.4.2 Tax source and tax is guaranteedTax is the most important source of national finance, if the tax not guaranteed, the survival of the whole country's economy and even national problems, so to ensure tax payment or tax source is tax reform must be to ensure that the premise, and another advantage of value-added tax is the tax sources is wide, can fully guarantee adequate source of tax and tax, at the same time also the V AT is more convenient for collection. In the field of all economic activity in the real estate industry, as long as it is a new value-added will produce value-added tax, the tax sufficient guarantee, is also to ensure that the fiscal path. At the same time is also more conducive to regulatory tax regulation, it is in a sense, an effective curb for tax evasion. To sum up the practice of value-added tax can not only is advantageous to the tax regulation, avoid double taxation, also won't aggravate the burden of consumers. From the activities of the real estate industry is a very wide area, including the real estate development, real estate transactions, real estate, retain, real estate rental four link, the four link exists in a variety of economic behavior, which can be guaranteed in the tax sources, and can be widespread, can effectively prevent the loss of tax sources.文献出处作者:Brashares D期刊:National Tax Journal 第3卷,第5期,页码:151-160,2016年译文房地产行业营业税改增值税研究布兰肖摘要房地产业是国民经济的产业之一,为经济发展做出了巨大的贡献,尤其是近年来房地产业的蓬勃发展更是大大地推动了国民经济的发展,不但带动了相关产业的发展,也增加了更多的就业机会,但是由于房地产业涉及到的环节很广,在房地产业中,房地产开发商在采购原材料环节支付增值税,根据增值税条例的规定,这部分税额是不能抵扣的;营业税条例规定,开发商在房地产销售环节缴纳营业税,这在客观上形成了增值税抵扣链的中断,进而也导致了房地产业的法律性重复征税。
营业税改增值税外文文献翻译2014年译文3000多字The article "The Influence of Business Tax VAT to the nal Logistics Enterprises" by Norrman and Henkow discusses the impact of the policy "camp to gain" on nal logistics and related enterprises。
The authors use practical examples to explain the effects of tax system reform on these industries.The policy "camp to gain" has been implemented in many countries。
and it has had a significant impact on nal logistics and related enterprises。
The authors explain that this policy has resulted in changes to the tax system。
particularly the n of the value-added tax (VAT)。
The authors then provide practical examples of how these changes have affected logistics companies.One of the main effects of the VAT on nal logistics enterprises is increased costs。
The authors explain that companies must now pay VAT on all goods and services they purchase。
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比较增值税与零售税理查德费冉,泰蕾兹德麦圭尔公共经济学杂志2011 年4 月增值税概述作为政府收入的主要来源的增值税正在被130 多个国家所使用。
贝克结束了减免增值税净额15 美元到税务机关的责任。
由增值税创建的总收入的是面包生产的每个阶段,在这种情况下为50 美元,为收集增值税纳税义务的总和。
对服务的,只有那些明确列举的应课税(沃伦,1998 年戈勒和拉蒙特)。