


1.充满了:be filled with = be awash with = be inundate with = be saturated with
2.尽力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for
3.从事:embark on = take up = set about = go in for
4.踊跃的,好的:good = conducive = benБайду номын сангаасficial=advantageous
5.消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable
6.明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest
7.健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome
11.流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive
1.提高,增强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize
2.引发:cause = trigger = endanger
3.解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with
8.惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous
9.漂亮的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching
10.有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated




替换词NO.1:numerouseg:Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine.科技发展意味着许多医学衍生职业的增长。

替换词NO.2:a host ofeg:The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles.新电子书将包括大量的简明指南。

替换词NO.3:a multitude ofeg:There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along.有很多可以骑车的宁静小路。




替换词NO.1:variouseg:They've been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups.他们和不同民族的人们一起和睦地生活和工作。

替换词NO.2:a variety ofeg:West Hampstead has a variety of good shops andsupermarkets.西汉普斯特德有各种各样不错的店铺和超级市场。

替换词NO.3:diverseeg:people from diverse cultures不同文化背景的人用烂词之三:普遍的说到“普遍的”,只能想到"common"?替换词NO.1:commonplaceeg:Simpson's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology.辛普森的那些被大肆称赞的发现在现代社会学中实际上都不足为奇。



高考英语高分作文替换词一、形容词1.easysimple adj.易于理解的;简单的effortless adj.不需费力的;容易的painless adj.轻松的;不难的uncomplicated adj.简单的;容易的undemanding adj.不费力的;不费神的;轻松容易的unproblematic adj.没有问题的;不惹麻烦的no trouble 没有问题be plain sailing 顺利;一帆风顺a piece of cake(informal)小菜一碟child’s play(informal)小儿科2.difficulthard adj.难懂的;艰难的tricky adj.难办的;难对付的complicated adj.复杂的;难懂的complex adj.复杂的;难懂的;费解的intricate adj.错综复杂的involved adj.复杂难解的knotty adj.复杂的;难以解决的;棘手的perplexing adj.令人不解的puzzling adj.费解的thorny adj.棘手的;麻烦的3.dangerousrisky adj.有危险(或风险)的unsafe adj.不安全的;危险的vulnerable adj.脆弱的;易受……伤害的insecure adj.不安全的perilous adj.危险的;艰险的breakneck adj.飞速惊险的hazardous adj.危险的;有害的precarious adj.不稳定;危险的4.angryannoyed adj.恼怒;生气cross adj.恼怒的;十分恼怒的;生气的displeased adj.不高兴的;生气的enraged adj.暴怒的exasperated adj.恼怒的;愤怒的incensed adj.非常愤怒的;大怒的infuriated adj.大怒的irate adj.极其愤怒的;暴怒的outraged adj.气氛的resentful adj.憎恨的;愤慨的5.directbald adj.不加修饰(直话直说)的frank adj.坦率的;直率的naked adj.直白的;毫不掩饰的plain adj.明显的;浅白的sincere adj.坦率的;真诚的stark adj.毫无修饰的straightforward adj.简单的;直截了当的candid adj.坦率的;坦诚的forthright adj.直率的;直截了当的outspoken adj.直率的;直言不讳的二、副词1.veryterribly adv.非常;很extremely adv.极其;极端;非常surprisingly adv.惊人地pretty adv.颇;相当greatly adv.非常;很;大大地highly adv.很;非常badly adv.非常dreadfully adv.极其;极端;非常quite adv.颇;相当simply adv.(强调某说法)确实;简直perfectly adv.完全地;非常;十分totally adv.完全;全部地rather adv.(常用于表示轻微的批评、失望或惊讶)相当,在某种程度上2.firstlypreviously adv.以前;先前beforehand adv.预先;事先foremost adv.首先;居于首位地initially adv.开始;最初;起初originally adv.原来;起初formerly adv.以前;从前principally adv.主要地mainly adv.主要地;首要地essentially adv.本质上;根本上;基本上basically adv.大体上;基本上generally adv.普遍地;广泛地;一般地commonly adv.通常;常常;大多数人地universally adv.全体地;一致地;共同地to begin with 首先to start with 首先first of all 首先at the outset 开始时;起初3.thensubsequently adv.随后;后来;之后afterward adv.以后;后来thereafter adv.之后;此后;以后after that 之后;然后succeeding adj.随后的;接着的secondarily adv.其次what’s mo re 此外furthermore adv.此外;而且;再者stly finally adv.终于;最终ultimately adv.最终;最后;终归eventually adv.最后;终于in conclusion 总之;最后to conclude 最后to summarize 总而言之all in all 总而言之on the whole 总体而言as a final point 最后last of all 最后last but not least 最后但同样重要的是5.tooas well(句末)也in addition 此外besides adv.而且;再说moreover adv.此外;而且additionally adv.此外to boot 而且6.onlyjust adv.正好;恰好merely adv.仅仅;只不过barely adv.仅仅;刚刚;勉强可能solely adv.仅;只;唯三、名词1.problemissue n.重要议题;争论的问题question n.问题;疑问case n.具体情况;事例;实例trouble n.问题;忧虑;困难difficulty n.困难;难题dilemma n.(进退两难的)窘境;困境2.meetingconference n.(通常连续几天的大型正式)会议;研讨会discussion n.讨论;商讨assembly n.会议;议会congress n.代表大会convention n.(某职业、政党等成员的)大会,集会gathering n.聚会;集会conclave n.秘密会议session n.会议assignation n.约会;幽会encounter n.(尤指突然、意外或暴力的)相遇,邂逅confrontation n.对抗;对峙;冲突argument n.争辩;辩论controversy n.(公开的)争论,争议,论战3.studylearning n.学习application n.申请;申请书lesson n.一节课;一课时reading n.阅读;读书活动research n.研究;调查;探索school work 学校作业examination n.考试;审查analysis n.(对事物的)分析,分析结果consideration n.仔细考虑;深思;斟酌contemplation n.深思;沉思inspection n.视察investigation n.(正式的)调查,侦查knowledge n.知识;学问;学识scholarship n.奖学金4.advantagebenefit n.优势;益处;成效convenience n.方便;适宜;便利dominance n.支配地位precedence n.优先;优先权profit n.利润;收益;赢利superiority n.优越(性);优势merit n.优点;美德;价值upside n.(糟糕局面的)好的一面,光明的一面5.disadvantageshortcoming n.缺点;短处weakness n.弱点;缺点inconvenience n.不便;麻烦drawback n.缺点;不利条件deficiency n.缺乏;不足flaw n.错误;缺点handicap n.阻碍;障碍downside n.缺点;不利方面limitation n.限制;控制6.lifeexistence n.(尤指艰难或无聊的)生活,生活方式conduct n.(人在某地或某种情况下的)行为,举止lifestyle n.生活方式。



最经典的大学英语写作替换词最经典的大学英语写作替换词导语:很多大学生用惯了比较简单的词汇,就不习惯运用高级词汇了,这样你的英语作文会很吃亏的,下面是YJBYS店铺收集整理的最经典的大学英语写作替换词,欢迎参考!1.individuals,characters,folks替换(people,persons)2: positive, favorable, rosy ( 美好的' ) , promising ( 有希望的 ) ,perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior 替换good3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad如果 bad 做表语,可以有 be less impressive 替换eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are lessimp ressive.4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换 many.注:用 many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。

Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理用most, if not all,替换 most.5: a slice of, quiet a few , several 替换 some6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替think (因为是书面语,所以要加that)7:affair ,business ,matter 替换 thing8: shared 代 common9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits )10:for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion 11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly 这种形式。



英语30个最经典的替换词30个最经典的替换词:1.individuals,characters, folks代替(people ,persons)2 : positive, favorable, rosy(美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding代替good3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse(有害的)代替bad如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive代替eg. An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation, as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,many, if not most)代替many.注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。

Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理用most, if not all ,代替most.5: a slice of, quiet a few , several代替some6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely shared that,it is universally acknowledged that)替think(因为是书面语,所以要加that)7:affair ,business ,matter 代替thing8: shared 代common9.reap huge fruits 代替get much benefit )10:for my part ,from my own perspective 代替in my opinion11:Increasing(ly),growing 代替more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。



以下是最经典的替换词,各位同学可以参考一下名词:形容词:副词:动词:IV. Similar words or expressions(synonyms)11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。

所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.V. Antonyms1) to and fro 来来回回2) ebb and flow 潮起潮落3) high and low----- I have searched my wallet high and low but it seems nowhere to be found. (我找遍了每个角落,就是找不到我的皮夹子。

)4) pros and cons----------The pros and cons of private cars.(私人小汽车的利弊)5) dear and near(to sb.) 极为亲密的He is very near and dear to her.他和她很亲近。

6) (after much)tear and wear磨损;(喻)折腾------1)A carpet(毯) that stands up to the wear and tear of continual use. 2) the wear and tear of modern city life.现代都市生活的折腾。

VI. Idioms and Proverbs1) As the old saying goes, ….(俗话说:…。


)/ …just as an old saying goes, “where there is a will, there is a way.”…就像古语说得那样,“有志者,事竟成”。



高中英语作文高级词汇替换(精选五篇)第一篇:高中英语作文高级词汇替换高级词汇、短语替换1、difficult---tough;challenging2、difficulties---obstacles;barriers;tough times3、happy---delighted4、sad, upset---depressed;frustrated5、give---offer;provide sb.with sth.6、Good---beneficial(有益的);brilliant(精彩的);awesome(棒极了)7、Bad---poor;awful8、Show---convey(传递); express(表达)9、Although---despite the fact that…;regardless of sth,10、Finally---eventually11、Most of---the majority of(大多数)12、Tired---exhausted13、Enough---sufficient(充足的)14、However---nevertheless15、Different---various(不同的、多样的)16、Hard-working---diligent17、Clever---intelligent18、Never---in no case;by no means;under no circumstances19、Meet---encounter;be faced with 20、Remember---bear in mind that…21、Also---as well22、Better---superior(to sth)23、I think/believe---I am firmly convinced that…24、In my opinion---from my perspective;as far as I am concerned25、And---combined with26、Will do---will manage to do(能够成功做到);be bound to do(一定做到)27、Can do---be capable of doing(强调能力)28、Decide to do---determine to do29、You will get---you are bound to be rewarded with 30、Main reason---leading factor(首要因素)31、Try one’s best to do---spare no efforts to do(不遗余力做某事)32、It’s our duty to do---it’s our obligation to do(做某事是我们的义务)33、It’s important to do---it’s of great importance to do34、More and more---an increasing number of第二篇:英语高级词汇替换英语写作《高级词汇替换》★ 形容词:1.贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken2.富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off3.优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding4.积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous5.消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable6.明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest7.健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome8.惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous9.美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10.有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11.流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant 2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous 3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent 5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished 7.Serious 严重的Severe 8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★ 动词:1.提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize2.引起:cause = trigger = endanger3.解决:高考英语作文中《关于复杂句型和高级词汇》①词汇篇单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用very good 等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好),夏哥可以教你用高级替换简单词汇~~ severe 替换掉serious(严重的)a severe water shortage严重缺水needy替换掉 ppor(贫穷的)wealthy 替换掉 rich(富裕的)benificial 替换掉 good(有益的)undesirable 替换掉 bad(不好的,不受欢迎的)nevertheless 替换掉 however(然而,不过)fundamental / significant 替换掉 important(重要的)relevant 替换掉 related(有关的)....is highly relevant to.......extraodinary 替换掉 surprising(惊人的,非凡的)provided/providing(that)替换掉if(如果.....)promote /strengthen 替换掉 improve(提高,加强)More should be done to strengthen industry's links with universities.应该做更多的事情加强工业界和大学的联系.cope with 替换掉 solve(解决)motivate 替换掉 encourage(激励)We are looking for someone who will be able to motivate the staff to work hard.我们在寻找能激励职员们努力工作的人.jeopardize 替换掉 be bad to(损害,危及)Failing exams could jeopardize her future.考试不及格危及她的前程.ease 替换掉 relieve(减轻,缓解)To ease the problem of.....为了缓解....的问题.....well-being 替换掉 happiness(幸福,安康)pros and cons 替换掉 advantages and disadvantages(好处和坏处)You must consider all the pros and cons of the matter before you make a decision.在你做决定之前,必须考虑这个问题的正反两个方面.approach / method 替换掉 way(方法,方案)adopt 替换掉 use(采用,采取)the aged 替换掉 old people(老人)adolescents 替换掉 the young(青少年)employment 替换掉 job(就业)affair 替换掉 thing(事情,东西)bent 替换掉 gift(天赋,爱好)catastrophe 替换掉(disaster 灾难)subscribe to 替换掉 agree with(同意)tend 替换掉 want(趋向于..想要.....)I am tending to another customer at he moment.acquire 替换掉 gain(获得(尤指知识上的))administration 替换掉 government(政府部门)contribute to 替换掉 cause(引起)extremely 替换掉 very(非常的)frown on sth 替换 disagree with sth(不同意)for instance 替换掉for example(例如)advocate 倡导compensate for 弥补.....Spare no efforts for努力In contemporary society 在当今社会A vast amount of 大量的be abundant in 富有...on ones own account 为了某人自己的利益at ones own risk 自行负责on account of 由于On no account绝不要arise from 由....引起Are these any matters arising from the last meeting?这些事情都是由上次的会议引起的吗?assess 评估,评价Examinations are not the only means of assessing ones ability.考试不是评价一个人能力的唯一方法.authentic 真实的,可信的gradual 逐渐的 There has been a gradual improvment in...over the last two years.过去的两年中...逐渐改善.....multiply rapidly...迅速增加.ripe 时候成熟的The country is ripe for change.国家已是时候改变.trend 趋势,趋向,潮流The trend at the moment is that....现在..是一个趋势.....emphrasize 强调,重视I’d like to emphrasize how important it is to....sustainable development 可持续发展②句型篇英语里面常用的句型也就那么几个,尽量往里套。



30个经典替换词1.individuals,characters, folks替换(people ,persons)2.positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good3.dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they records are less impressive.4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。

Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理用most, if not all ,替换most.5. a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some6.harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely shared that,it is universally acknowledged that)替think(因为是书面语,所以要加that)7.affair ,business ,matter 替换thing8.shared 代 common9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits )10.for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion11.Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。



191937 英语作文中常用替换高级词汇(一)★形容词:. 贫穷的:. 富裕的:. 卓越的:. 积极的,好的:. 消极的,不良的:. 明显的:. 健康的:. 惊人的:. 美丽的:. 有活力的:. 流行的:★动词:. 提高,加强:. 引起:. 解决:. 拆除:. 培养:. 激发,鼓励:. 认为:. 完成:. 保留:. 有害于:. 减轻:★名词:. 影响:. 危险:. 污染: . 人类:. 老人:. 幸福:191937 . 老师:. 教育:. 青少年:. 优点:. 责任:. 能力:. 职业:. 娱乐:. 孩子:★短语:. 充满了:. 努力:. 从事:. 在当代:. 大量的:(二), 替换( ): , , (美好的),(有希望的),, , , , 替换: , , , , (有害的)替换,如果做表语,可以有替换. , . , , ..( , , , , , )替换.注:用, 一定要小心,后一定要有词。

. , , ….同理用, ,替换.: , , 替换: , , ,,)替(因为是书面语,所以要加)替换: 代替换): 替换: () 替换( 注意没有这种形式。

所以当修饰名词时用.修饰形容词,副词用. . .., 或替换, 替换,, 替换, 替换, ... 替换,,替换 .' 替换' .代代,, , , 替换.. 替换替换.替换替换. , 替换(注意是过程的意思). 替换替换,, 替换,. ,替换(三). : 后面接名词,表示“加速”,中性词,好事坏事都能用。

. : “足够的”,用来替代经常被使用的。

. : 名词,“进步,发展”,用来替代文章开头经常使用的,。

. : “合理的”,都可以替代。

. : “不应当做”,不是我们说的“负担不起”。

. : “对…保持警惕”,后面接消极概念。

. : “其他的选择或办法”,比如… 就相当于(除此之外)了。

. : 都表示“可行的”,用在政策、法令、手段等词前面做修饰语,既可增加字长,又可以提高词汇水平。



英语词汇中可以替换的词45条英语词汇中可以替换的词1、 individuals, characters, folks 替换 people ,persons.2、 positive, favorable, rosy, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, superior 替换 good.3.、dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill 替换bad(如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换。

)eg. An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.4、an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, many, if not most 替换 many.注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。

Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that....同理,用most, if not all 替换 most.5、 a slice of, quiet a few 替换 some.6--106、 harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that 替换 think(因为是书面语,所以要加that)。



80个最常用英语单词的替换词1.think认为,思考= take...into consideration, consider2.decide:断定= come to the conclusion, arrive at the conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude,3.get: 得到= acquire, obtain, attain4.support: 支持= approve of, be in favor of , stand by one's side, agree with, advocate, recommend5.say no to: 反对= oppose, object to, be against,resist6.important: 重要的= significant, key, essential, crucial, decisive, play an important part in ```e: 使用= make best/full use of ,employ,8.glad, happy: 快乐的= be in a good mood, cheerful, joyful, joyous, pleased, delighted9.hard-working: 勤奋的= d i l i gent, industrious10.serious:认真的= conscientious11.calm:平静的= reasonable, sensible, rational12.clever:聪明的= intelligent, bright, wise, brilliant, smart13.tired:累的= fatigued, worn-out, weary14.be used to : 适应= be adapted to, be accustomed to , be adjusted to15.stop:阻止= hinder, prevent, avoid16.好处:good side 害处:bad sidei.好处,优点:advantage, merit, benefitii.害处,缺点:disadvantage,flaw, drawback17.join:参加= participate in , attend, take part in, go in for, engage in18.pay one's attention to:注意= focus on, concentrate on19.depend on:依赖,依靠= rely on, lean on20.ability:能力= capability21.aim:目的= objective22.always:始终= invariably23.appear:出现= emerge24.attractive:吸引力= fascinating25.bear:承当= tolerate26.beautiful:美丽的= elegant27.best:最好的= optimal28.big:大的= massive29.blame:责怪= condemn30.boring:闷= tedious31.brave:勇敢的= bold32.brief:简要= concise33.build:建造= construct34.busy:繁忙= occupied35.buy:买= purchase36.careful:小心的= cautious37.catch:抓住= capture38.clever:聪明的= intelligent39.cold:冷的= chillymon:常见的= universal41.dangerous:危险的= hazardous42.difficulty:困难地= challenge43.(sb.)dislike:不喜欢= disgust (sb.)44.expensive:贵的= costly45.fair:公平= impartial46.famous:著名的= distinguished47.field:领域= domain48.free:自由= liberal49.good:好的= beneficial50.greatly:非常= increasingly51.lonely:孤单的= solitary52.method:方法= approach53.nowadays:现今= currently54.obvious:明显= apparent55.only:只有= unique56.opinion:意见= standpoint57.part:局部= component58.poor:贫穷的= pathetic59.possible:可能= feasible60.problem:问题= issue61.quite:相当= fairly62.rapid:快速= swift63.result:结果= consequence64.rich:富有的= abundant65.ruin:消灭= devastate66.run:跑= chase67.sharp:锋利的= acute68.short:短的= deficient69.show:说明= demonstrate70.so:所以= consequently71.stop:停止= cease72.strange:奇怪= weird73.top:顶部= peak74.ugly:丑陋的= hideouse:利用= utilize76.vague:模糊的= obscure77.wet:湿的= humid78.whole:整个= entire79.smelly:臭的= unpleasant80.surprise:惊奇= startle。



以下是最经典的替换词,各位同学可以参考一下名词:简单词汇复杂词汇简单词汇复杂词汇people, persons individuals,characters, folkskind/type/sort variety/category/genreMost people The (great)majorityopinion perspective, standpointthing affair ,business ,matter, incident,caseaim/goal ambition, objective,dream,advice , suggestion proposal,recommendationlove affectioninfluence impact old people the old, the elderly, the aged danger perils,hazard young people youngsters, youths, teenagersteachers Instructors, educators,lecturerschoice alternative belief convictioncommunication interaction Result consequencecustomer shopper, client,consumer, purchaserability capacity, capabilityfame Reputation,prestigeexplanation interpretationadvantage merits,superiority,virtue, benefit,upside, strength disadvantage demerit, drawback, downside,weaknessagreement consensus disagreement Dispute, controversypollution contamination development advance, progresseducation schooling,upbringinghappiness cheerfulness, well-beingenjoyment pastimes,recreation,entertainmentjob career, employment, professionduty responsibility,obligation ,liability environment Circumstance, atmosphere,surroundingneeds request, demand,requisitionancestor forefather、predecessorDifference Gap(简单但是牛)、Distinction 形容词:简单词汇复杂词汇简单词汇复杂词汇helpful beneficial/conducive, rewardingdisappointed in disappointmentskillful proficient panic run into panicugly hideous useful helpful, beneficial,profitable, rewarding,advantageousbig magnificent useless of no useimportant attach importance to;lay emphasis on; makea difference;matters; counts, Key,crucial, critical,significant, vital,substantial,indispensable,imperative clear distinct; plain; obvious;apparent; explicit;unambiguous,manifest,transparent,evident,self-evident, crystal-clearhard-workingdiligent, assiduous unclear vague, obscure, implicitgreat considerable/substantial, noticeable,singularunnecessary hardly necessaryleast minimum considering given; in view of; taking intoaccount ofnice elegant/fascinating attractive glamorous/enchanting,charming,appealing,unavoidable indispensable distinctivetired exhausted loyal faithful如果bad做表语be less impressiveEg.they find theiracademic records areless impressive.bad, poor, ill dreadful, unfavorable, adverse(有害的),disastrous,detrimental ,undesirable,negative,good positive, favorable,promising (有希望的),perfect,pleasurable ,excellent,outstanding,superior, wonderful,marvelous,beneficial, favorable many many a, numerous,countless,an army of, an ocean of, a seaof, a multitude of, a host of,if not most,a range of, avariety of, a series of , anarray of, a host of , a vastnumber oftoo much excessive much drastic, a vast amount of on time punctually effective fruitfulhuge tremendous, enormous,massive basic Important, fundamental,elemental, significant,radicaloften more often than not unlucky ill-fated most most, if not all embarrassed awkward small/tiny minute impressive imposing enough adequate/ample/sufficient,abundantcool chillyabout/aroun d approximately/roughlythe same as be identical to/withproper appropriate because in that, now that; seeing that plentiful abundant,ample, complex intricatepoor (soil) barren, infertile fair impartialforever perpetual boring tediousdangerous Perilous, hazardous nowadays currentlycareful cautious famous distinguished,prominent different Distinct,distinctive,diverse;reasonable advisable, plausible, sensiblenot believe unbelievable=incredible;respectable honorablenotsatisfieddisaffected; safe securenecessary Indispensable cheap affordableexciting thrillingimpossible to destroy indissoluble坚不可摧的be interestedinbe absorbed in, with an eye tonotinterestedinindifferent interesting amusingable competent有能力,能胜任的favorable supportive 赞成的,有利的beautiful Spectacular,attractive,eye-catching,impressive, charmingloyal faithfulfamous Noticeable, striking,prominent,distinguished joyous festive喜气洋洋的,充满节日气氛的,cheerful 欢快的unwilling reluctant attractive charming=appealing=magnetic=capture one’s attentionboring tedious active Positive, energetic, vigorous same Identical, subtledifference 细微的差别traditional conventionalfollowing subsequent better superiorcommon shared worse inferiorsudden and unexpected abrupt rich Wealthy, affluent, well-to-do,well-offpoor Needy, impoverished,poverty-stricken surprising amazing, extraordinary,miraculousexcellent Prominent, top,outstandinghealthy robust, sound,wholesomeenergetic dynamic, vigorous, animatedeverywhere widespread,prevalentpopular prevailing, prevalentharmful Inhumane,detrimental, banefulcheap economical, inexpensiveserious severe Clever, bright Advisable, sensible,basic fundamentaldifferent distinctivepromising 有前途的;ambitious 有抱负的;acceptable 合意的,可接受的;irresponsible 不负责任的;inseparable 不可分离的;副词:often Frequently,constantly,regularly so as a result,accordingly,consequentlyat the sametimein the meantime for ever once and for all,permanentlyespecially exclusively moreover Furthermore,in addition,additionallycertainly undoubtedly again andagainrepeatedlyunluckily unfortunately out of expect unexpectedlyalmost Actually,virtually carefully delicatelymainly primarily all over theworldworldwideby oneself Independently, on one’s own always invariablyvery exceedingly,extremely,intensely nearly,almostimpossiblenext to / virtually impossiblealways invariably superficially on the surfacehardlylittle if anything, 或little or nothing, little if anything, little or nothingfirst first and foremost; to begin with; to start with;actuallyvirtually, literally, practically ,in practice ,essentially ,in essence ,in reality ,in effect , in fact ,as a matter of fact ,it is a fact that急剧地 dramatically ,drastically ,sharply ,enormously ,substantially ,considerably ,significantly ,markedly ,surprisingly ,strikingly ,radically ,remarkably ,vastly ,noticeably平稳地Steadily ,smoothly ,slightly ,marginally ,gradually ,moderately ,mildlynamely 换言之 that is to say ,in other words ,to put it like this ,to put it differently ,to put it from another way ,to put it from another angle.aboutregarding, concerning, with reference to, with regard to, in terms of, on the subject ofmainly primarilyincluding Complete with carefully delicately动词:简单词汇 复杂词汇 简单词汇 复杂词汇change transform discuss under discussioncriticize condemnagreein agreement with, approve of decide be determined to collaborate in collaboration with defend justifylead under the leadership of clear obvious/apparent/distinct prepare make preparations for control restrain/constrain/refrain /manipulate fear be fearful ofmix minglecause give rise to, lead to, result in, triggerdo Undertake/conduct indicate be indicative of ,demonstrate, illustrateeat consumesuggest be suggestive ofend terminate/expirechance take the chance; take the opportunity; enjoy appreciateSuspect be suspicious offinish accomplish, complete, go through, fulfill, achieve control take/put/keep …under control get obtain/gain/achieve hope light at the end of the tunnel kill eliminate guess figure out, conjectureleavedepartcauselead to, result in ,give rise to,triggerlike/prefer appreciate consider take…into consideration/account make/produce manufacture/formulate use utilize/employrise ascend buy purchaseset up/build establish/pitch order command/instructtalk/chat converse appear emergetell Inform/notify begin/start commence/initiaterise on the rise consider allow fordecline on the decline want desirehave enjoy, possessremember Bear/keep sth. in mind that try/effort endeavor/contrivedecide be determined to; beresolved to; set one’s hearton sth. (to do sth.)stick adhere, cling toThink/hold/ insist/ assert/maint ain/ conclude/ believe/ argue/consid er harbor the idea that, takethe attitude that, hold theview that, it is widelyshared that, it isuniversally acknowledgedthat, be convinced, befirmly convinced, be fullyconvinced, reckonexplain account for; shed(cast/throw)light on; expound; clarify; laybare; make clear;insult humiliate build establishcomplain grumble enlarge magnifyrelieve alleviate praise Compliment, speak highly of,appreciate,sing high praise for force1 compel surprise startle , astonish, amazethank be grateful for notice take notice ofpollute contaminate chase run after, pursuepromise pledgelimit Restrict, restrain protect conserve, preserve, guard puzzle bewilder, perplex assure ensure, guarantee, pledgeoccupy comprise, take up, accountfor, constitute, consistof, make upblame condemnincrease multiplyremove get rid of, dispose of,eliminate, clear up, takeaway, smooth away Pleasant,pleasingdesiring=desirable称心的,满意的help contribute to,accommodate/assist/assistancefail fall throughput out extinguishshowindicate, demonstrate, manifest, illustrate, reveal, represent, describe destroy tear down, knock down, eradicate impair, undermineimprove enhance, promote, strengthen, advance, enhance, boost, optimizedevelop cultivate, foster, nurturesolve resolve, address, tackle, cope with, deal with encourage motivate, stimulate, spureasealleviate, relieve, lighten emphasize highlight, stress, address(星级用法) keep Preserve, conserve, reserve ,retain, hold need require, necessitate, call for (星级用法)IV. Similar words or expressions(synonyms)Plan to dobe planned to,be arranged to, be scheduled to do develop successfully Bloom, flourish, thrive make sth clear clarify 澄清stop to doprohibit to do; onfind an idea/answer/solution come up with, put forward get used to get accustomed tostand for on behalf of, on one ’s behalfmake sure confirm; get along with, be compatible with object to go against, be opposed to be against , disagree with sth frown on sth ask for appeal for give upabandon In modern societyIn contemporary society, In present-day society, In this day and ageWhere/when/if it is necessary in/at a pinch be made up of be composed of, be comprised of, consist of, have an effect Have influence on, make a difference pay attention to pour attention into think over reflect on care about be concerned about have right to do sth be entitled to do sth base on on the ground of(that); on the basis of; oncondition that;agree with/to be in line with; be in tune with; be compatiblewith;be in accord with; conform to; be in conformitywith; approve oflooking back in retrospectin a word in short; in brief; in a nutshell; to make longstory short;in fact in point of fact; as a matter of fact; in essence;in its real sense; in the real sense of themeaning;together with coupled with; added with;carry out put into effectcease to do sth. bring sth. to a halt; put an end to sth;do/try one’s best do one’s utmost, go to great lengths,exertoneself to do,in high gear, struggle for, strivefor, compete for, spare no efforts for, makeefforts to do sth, exert oneself to dotake up go in for, be engaged insb take interest in / sb. be interested in sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sbattract one’s attention capture one’s attentionrealize one’s dream live up to one’s expectations; turn one’s dreaminto reality;understand the idea bring home the ideano hope no light at the end of the tunnelthe first thing to be dealtwith is…on top of the list is…; High on the agenda is…in other words to put it another wayget many benefits reap huge fruitsin my opinion for my part ,from my own perspectivesb take interest in / sb. be interested in sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sbreasons for sth there are several reasons behind sthattract one's attention capture one's attentionat least at the minimumaccording to in accordance withfor example, for instance to name only a few, as an examplebe against, disagree withsth.frown on sthby the way incidentallyit is likely that chances are thatit is sure/certain that it makes no mistake thathave difficulty run into trouble/difficulty/problems 遇到麻烦/困难/问题;have nothing to do with have no effect/influence/bearing on sth.in front of sb. in sb’s presence as long as provided=providing,on the condition that on the surface superficially,on the exteriorbefore preceding toby nature on the interior by chance accidentally together. with along with=coupled with according to in accordance withat the cost of at the expense of after considering sth upon reflectionat the prospect of/that when aware of thepossibility of/that;in honor of sb. who hasdiedto the memory of纪念某人Have an influence on Have an impact on Differ in, be differentfromDistinguish ...from,Differentiate ...fromDraw one’s attention Capture one’s attention Be made up of consist of, becomprised of, becomposed ofIn practice practically Depend on Be dependent onIn theory theoretically It is likely that ... Chances are that... With accuracy accurately11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。



还有一个表达情感时的词语替换表:另外,写文章时要保证自己传达给读者的信息是自信的,因此不要用I think 或I believe 之类。


除此之外,回答者还按字母顺序给出了常见词语的替换,对于写文章或是日常交流都非常有帮助:Amazing —incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinaryAnger —enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, maddenAngry —mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant, exasperated, aroused, inflamedAnswer—reply, respond, retort, acknowledgeAsk- —question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quizAwful—dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasantBad—evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated, spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior, imperfect, substandard, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, disagreeable, unpleasant, cross, nasty, unfriendly, irascible, horrible, atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister, putrid, snide, deplorable, dismal, gross, heinous, nefarious, base, obnoxious, detestable, despicable, contemptible, foul, rank, ghastly, execrableBeautiful—pretty, lovely, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, dazzling, splendid, magnificent, comely, fair, ravishing, graceful, elegant, fine, exquisite, aesthetic, pleasing, shapely, delicate, stunning, glorious, heavenly, resplendent, radiant, glowing, blooming, sparklingBegin—start, open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate, originate Big—enormous, huge, immense, gigantic, vast, colossal, gargantuan, large, sizable, grand, great, tall, substantial, mammoth, astronomical, ample, broad, expansive, spacious, stout, tremendous, titanic, mountainousBrave—courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesomeBreak —fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck, crash, demolish, atomize Bright—shining, shiny, gleaming, brilliant, sparkling, shimmering, radiant, vivid, colorful, lustrous, luminous, incandescent, intelligent, knowing, quick-witted, smart, intellectualCalm—quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloofCome—approach, advance, near, arrive, reachCool—chilly, cold, frosty, wintry, icy, frigidCrooked—bent, twisted, curved, hooked, zigzagCry—shout, yell, yowl, scream, roar, bellow, weep, wail, sob, bawl Cut—gash, slash, prick, nick, sever, slice, carve, cleave, slit, chop, crop, lop, reduce Dangerous—perilous, hazardous, risky, uncertain, unsafeDark—shadowy, unlit, murky, gloomy, dim, dusky, shaded, sunless, black, dismal, sadDecide—determine, settle, choose, resolveDefinite—certain, sure, positive, determined, clear, distinct, obvious Delicious—savory, delectable, appetizing, luscious, scrumptious, palatable, delightful, enjoyable, toothsome, exquisiteDescribe—portray, characterize, picture, narrate, relate, recount, represent, report, recordDestroy—ruin, demolish, raze, waste, kill, slay, end, extinguish Difference—disagreement, inequity, contrast, dissimilarity, incompatibility Do—execute, enact, carry out, finish, conclude, effect, accomplish, achieve, attain Dull—boring, tiring…tiresome, uninteresting, slow, dumb, stupid, unimaginative, lifeless, dead, insensible, tedious, wearisome, listless, expressionless, plain, monotonous, humdrum, drearyEager—keen, fervent, enthusiastic, involved, interested, alive toEnd—stop, finish, terminate, conclude, close, halt, cessation, discontinuance Enjoy —appreciate, delight in, be pleased, indulge in, luxuriate in, bask in, relish, devour, savor, likeExplain—elaborate, clarify, define, interpret, justify, account forFair—just, impartial, unbiased, objective, unprejudiced, honestFall —drop, descend, plunge, topple, tumbleFalse —fake, fraudulent, counterfeit, spurious, untrue, unfounded, erroneous, deceptive, groundless, fallaciousFamous —well-known, renowned, celebrated, famed, eminent, illustrious, distinguished, noted, notoriousFast —quick, rapid, speedy, fleet, hasty, snappy, mercurial, swiftly, rapidly, quickly, snappily, speedily, lickety-split, posthaste, hastily, expeditiously, like a flashFat —stout, corpulent, fleshy, beefy, paunchy, plump, full, rotund, tubby, pudgy, chubby, chunky, burly, bulky, elephantineFear —fright, dread, terror, alarm, dismay, anxiety, scare, awe, horror, panic, apprehensionFly —soar, hover, flit, wing, flee, waft, glide, coast, skim, sail, cruiseFunny —humorous, amusing, droll, comic, comical, laughable, sillyGet —acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gain, fetch, find, score, accumulate, win, earn, rep, catch, net, bag, derive, collect, gather, glean, pick up, accept, come by, regain, salvageGo —recede, depart, fade, disappear, move, travel, proceedGood —excellent, fine, superior, wonderful, marvelous, qualified, suited, suitable, apt, proper, capable, generous, kindly, friendly, gracious, obliging, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, satisfactory, well-behaved, obedient, honorable, reliable, trustworthy, safe, favorable, profitable, advantageous, righteous, expedient, helpful, valid, genuine, ample, salubrious, estimable, beneficial, splendid, great, noble, worthy, first-rate, top-notch, grand, sterling, superb, respectable, edifying【英国留学申请、英国院校信息私信@英国院校那些事;留学免费评估链接戳置顶微博】Great —noteworthy, worthy, distinguished, remarkable, grand, considerable, powerful, much, mightyGross —improper, rude, coarse, indecent, crude, vulgar, outrageous, extreme, grievous, shameful, uncouth, obscene, lowHappy —pleased, contented, satisfied, delighted, elated, joyful, cheerful, ecstatic, jubilant, gay, tickled, gratified, glad, blissful, overjoyedHate —despise, loathe, detest, abhor, disfavor, dislike, disapprove, abominate Have—hold, possess, own, contain, acquire, gain, maintain, believe, bear, beget, occupy, absorb, fill, enjoyHelp —aid, assist, support, encourage, back, wait on, attend, serve, relieve, succor, benefit, befriend, abetHide —conceal, cover, mask, cloak, camouflage, screen, shroud, veilHurry —rush, run, speed, race, hasten, urge, accelerate, bustleHurt —damage, harm, injure, wound, distress, afflict, painIdea —thought, concept, conception, notion, understanding, opinion, plan, view, beliefImportant —necessary, vital, critical, indispensable, valuable, essential, significant, primary, principal, considerable, famous, distinguished, notable, well-known Interesting —fascinating, engaging, sharp, keen, bright, intelligent, animated, spirited, attractive, inviting, intriguing, provocative, though-provoking, challenging, inspiring, involving, moving, titillating, tantalizing, exciting, entertaining, piquant, lively, racy, spicy, engrossing, absorbing, consuming, gripping, arresting, enthralling, spellbinding, curious, captivating, enchanting, bewitching, appealingKeep —hold, retain, withhold, preserve, maintain, sustain, supportKill —slay, execute, assassinate, murder, destroy, cancel, abolishLazy —indolent, slothful, idle, inactive, sluggishLittle —tiny, small, diminutive, shrimp, runt, miniature, puny, exiguous, dinky, cramped, limited, itsy-bitsy, microscopic, slight, petite, minuteLook —gaze, see, glance, watch, survey, study, seek, search for, peek, peep, glimpse, stare, contemplate, examine, gape, ogle, scrutinize, inspect, leer, behold, observe, view, witness, perceive, spy, sight, discover, notice, recognize, peer, eye, gawk, peruse, exploreLove —like, admire, esteem, fancy, care for, cherish, adore, treasure, worship, appreciate, savorMake —create, originate, invent, beget, form, construct, design, fabricate, manufacture, produce, build, develop, do, effect, execute, compose, perform, accomplish, earn, gain, obtain, acquire, getMark —label, tag, price, ticket, impress, effect, trace, imprint, stamp, brand, sign, note, heed, notice, designateMischievous —prankish, playful, naughty, roguish, waggish, impish, sportive Move —plod, go, creep, crawl, inch, poke, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, dawdle, walk, traipse, mosey, jog, plug, trudge, slump, lumber, trail, lag, run, sprint, trip, bound, hotfoot, high-tail, streak, stride, tear, breeze, whisk, rush, dash, dart, bolt, fling, scamper, scurry, skedaddle, scoot, scuttle, scramble, race, chase, hasten, hurry,hump, gallop, lope, accelerate, stir, budge, travel, wander, roam, journey, trek, ride, spin, slip, glide, slide, slither, coast, flow, sail, saunter, hobble, amble, stagger, paddle, slouch, prance, straggle, meander, perambulate, waddle, wobble, pace, swagger, promenade, lunge【英国留学申请、英国院校信息私信@英国院校那些事;留学免费评估链接戳置顶微博】Moody —temperamental, changeable, short-tempered, glum, morose, sullen, mopish, irritable, testy, peevish, fretful, spiteful, sulky, touchyNeat —clean, orderly, tidy, trim, dapper, natty, smart, elegant, well-organized, super, desirable, spruce, shipshape, well-kept, shapelyNew —fresh, unique, original, unusual, novel, modern, current, recentOld —feeble, frail, ancient, weak, aged, used, worn, dilapidated, ragged, faded, broken-down, former, old-fashioned, outmoded, passe, veteran, mature, venerable, primitive, traditional, archaic, conventional, customary, stale, musty, obsolete, extinctPart —portion, share, piece, allotment, section, fraction, fragmentPlace —space, area, spot, plot, region, location, situation, position, residence, dwelling, set, site, station, status, statePlan —plot, scheme, design, draw, map, diagram, procedure, arrangement, intention, device, contrivance, method, way, blueprintPopular —well-liked, approved, accepted, favorite, celebrated, common, currentPredicament —quandary, dilemma, pickle, problem, plight, spot, scrape, jamPut —place, set, attach, establish, assign, keep, save, set aside, effect, achieve, do, buildQuiet —silent, still, soundless, mute, tranquil, peaceful, calm, restfulRight —correct, accurate, factual, true, good, just, honest, upright, lawful, moral, proper, suitable, apt, legal, fairRun —race, speed, hurry, hasten, sprint, dash, rush, escape, elope, fleeSay/Tell—inform, notify, advise, relate, recount, narrate, explain, reveal, disclose, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, enlighten, instruct, insist, teach, train, direct, issue, remark, converse, speak, affirm, suppose, utter, negate, express, verbalize, voice, articulate, pronounce, deliver, convey, impart, assert, state, allege, mutter, mumble, whisper, sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, bellow, thunder, boom, scream, shriek, screech, squawk, whine, philosophize, stammer, stutter, lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, announce, swear, vow, content, assure, deny, disputeScared —afraid, frightened, alarmed, terrified, panicked, fearful, unnerved, insecure, timid, shy, skittish, jumpy, disquieted, worried, vexed, troubled, disturbed, horrified, terrorized, shocked, petrified, haunted, timorous, shrinking, tremulous, stupefied, paralyzed, stunned, apprehensiveShow —display, exhibit, present, note, point to, indicate, explain, reveal, prove, demonstrate, exposeSlow —unhurried, gradual, leisurely, late, behind, tedious, slackStop —cease, halt, stay, pause, discontinue, conclude, end, finish, quitStory —tale, myth, legend, fable, yarn, account, narrative, chronicle, epic, sage, anecdote, record, memoirStrange —odd, peculiar, unusual, unfamiliar, uncommon, queer, weird, outlandish, curious, unique, exclusive, irregularTake —hold, catch, seize, grasp, win, capture, acquire, pick, choose, select, prefer, remove, steal, lift, rob, engage, bewitch, purchase, buy, retract, recall, assume, occupy, consume【英国留学申请、英国院校信息私信@英国院校那些事;留学免费评估链接戳置顶微博】Tell —disclose, reveal, show, expose, uncover, relate, narrate, inform, advise, explain, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, recount, repeatThink —judge, deem, assume, believe, consider, contemplate, reflect, mediate Trouble —distress, anguish, anxiety, worry, wretchedness, pain, danger, peril, disaster, grief, misfortune, difficulty, concern, pains, inconvenience, exertion, effort True —accurate, right, proper, precise, exact, valid, genuine, real, actual, trusty, steady, loyal, dependable, sincere, staunchUgly —hideous, frightful, frightening, shocking, horrible, unpleasant, monstrous, terrifying, gross, grisly, ghastly, horrid, unsightly, plain, homely, evil, repulsive, repugnant, gruesomeUnhappy —miserable, uncomfortable, wretched, heart-broken, unfortunate, poor, downhearted, sorrowful, depressed, dejected, melancholy, glum, gloomy, dismal, discouraged, sadUse —employ, utilize, exhaust, spend, expend, consume, exerciseWrong —incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous, improper, unsuitable资源来自豆瓣作者Carrie.H.,版权归原作者所有整理:新浪微博@英国院校那些事。



高考英语写作替换单词大汇总①词汇篇单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用very good等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好). severe 替换掉serious(严重的)a severe water shortage严重缺水needy替换掉p o or(贫穷的)wealthy 替换掉rich (富裕的)beneficial 替换掉good (有益的)undesirable 替换掉bad (不好的,不受欢迎的)nevertheless 替换掉however(然而,不过)fundamental / significant 替换掉important(重要的)relevant 替换掉related (有关的)....is highly relevant to....... extraordinary 替换掉surprising (惊人的,非凡的)provided/providing (that)替换掉if (如果.....)promote /strengthen 替换掉improve (提高,加强)More should be done to strengthen industry's links with universities.应该做更多的事情加强工业界和大学的联系.cope with 替换掉solve(解决)motivate 替换掉encourage(激励)We are looking for someone who will be able to motivate the staff to work hard.我们在寻找能激励职员们努力工作的人.jeopardize 替换掉be bad to (损害,危及)Failing exams could jeopardize her future.考试不及格危及她的前程.ease 替换掉relieve (减轻,缓解)To ease the problem of ..... 为了缓解....的问题.....well-being 替换掉happiness (幸福,安康)pros and cons 替换掉advantages and disadvantages(好处和坏处)You must consider all the pros and cons of the matter before you make a decision.在你做决定之前,必须考虑这个问题的正反两个方面.approach / method 替换掉way(方法,方案)adopt 替换掉use (采用,采取)the aged 替换掉old people(老人)adolescents 替换掉the young (青少年)employment 替换掉job(就业)affair 替换掉thing (事情,东西)bent 替换掉gift (天赋,爱好)catastrophe 替换掉(disaster 灾难)subscribe to 替换掉agree with(同意)tend 替换掉want(趋向于..想要.....)I am tending to another customer at he moment.acquire 替换掉gain (获得(尤指知识上的))administration 替换掉government (政府部门)contribute to 替换掉cause (引起)extremely 替换掉very (非常的)frown on sth 替换disagree with sth (不同意)for instance 替换掉for example (例如)advocate 倡导compensate for 弥补.....Spare no efforts for努力In contemporary society 在当今社会A vast amount of 大量的be abundant in 富有...on ones own account 为了某人自己的利益at ones own risk 自行负责on account of 由于On no account绝不要arise from 由....引起Are these any matters arising from the last meeting?这些事情都是由上次的会议引起的吗?assess 评估,评价Examinations are not the only means of assessing ones ability.考试不是评价一个人能力的唯一方法.authentic 真实的,可信的gradual 逐渐的There has been a gradual improvment in ...over the last two years. 过去的两年中...逐渐改善.....multiply rapidly ...迅速增加.ripe 时候成熟的The country is ripe for change.国家已是时候改变.trend 趋势,趋向,潮流The trend at the moment is that ....现在..是一个趋势.....emphasize 强调,重视I’d like to emphasize how important it is to ....sustainable development 可持续发展②句型篇英语里面常用的句型也就那么几个,尽量往里套。



英语写作中的词语替换总结吴倩形容词/副词Important: essential, significant, vital, crucial, indispensable, requisite, critical Basic:fundamental, underlying, rudimentaryBig: vast, large, huge, tremendous, massive, enormous, immense, gigantic, colossal, gargantuan, giantMany: numerous, myriad, infinitea (large) number of / (large) numbers of +可数名词复数a good/great many +可数名词复数many a +可数名词单数plenty of +可数名词复数/不可数名词a large/huge amount of +不可数名词a great deal of +不可数名词Small: minimum, diminutive, minute, tinyGood: impressive, glorious, brilliant, outstanding, distinguished, remarkable, superb, incredible, fabulous, gorgeous, spectacular, magnificent, excellent, wonderful, amazingBad: harmful, defective, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, substandard, unsatisfactory, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, hurtful, ruinous, unhealthy, evil, immoral…Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable, intellectual, intelligent, excellent, bright, smartHappy: delightful, joyful, elated, pleased, jubilantBeautiful: charming, charismatic, attractive, gorgeous, pretty, endearing, adorable, eye-catching, engagingFast:quick, rapid, swift, speedy, hastyEasy: simple, effortless, painless, plain sailing, uncomplicated, undemandingClear: obvious, apparent, evident, comprehensible, conspicuous, distinct, manifest, plain, recognizableHard: difficult, tricky, complicated, complex, intricate, involved, knotty, perplexing, puzzling, thornyDangerous: perilous, breakneck, hazardous, insecure, precarious, risky, unsafe, vulnerableRich:wealthy, affluent, amplePoor: impoverishedCheap: economical, inexpensiveVery: exceedingly, extremely, intensely动词Think (that): hold the (opinion/ belief/ position/stand point/idea) that, assume, believe, deem, reckon, argue, maintain, suppose, conceive, insist, be convinced, to my knowledge, personally, from my personal perspective, as far as I am concerned, from my point of view, from my angle, consider, conceive, perspectiveShow:convey, reveal, indicate, illuminate, express, imply, demonstrate, elucidate, denote, display, discloseKnow: realize, comprehend, notice, sense, perceive, recognize, understand, figure out Influence: impact, affect, guide, sway,Stop: halt, cease, conclude, desist, end, pause, put an end to, quit, refrain, terminateMak e: create, assemble, built, construct, form, manufacture; fore, cause, compel, constrain, drive, impel, induce, oblige, prevailGive: present, award, contribute, deliver, donate, grant, hand over, hand out, provide, supplyDestroy: ruin, raze, annihilate, crush, demolish, devastate, eradicate, shatter, wipe out, wreck, obliterate, weaken, undermineHappen: occur, come about, develop, result, take place, transpireEmphasize: highlight, stress, accentuate, addressDeal with: cope with, tackleNeed: require, call forTry one’s best to do sth: endeavor to do sth, make a great/concerted effort to do sth, strive to do sth, take pains to do sth名词Problem: issue, question, case, trouble, difficulty, dilemma.Meeting: conference, discussion, assembly, conclave, congress, convention, gathering session, assignation, encounter, confrontation, argument, controversyAdvantage: benefit, dominance, precedence, profit, superiority, meritDisadvantage: shortcoming, weakness, inconvenience, drawback, deficiency, flaw, handicap, downside, limitation.Influence: impact, repercussion, implication Difficulty: hindrance, impediment, hurdles。

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Important: essential, significant, vital, crucial, profound, play a pushing role, indispensable, requisite, critical, fundamental, primary, elementary, underlying, rudimentary, basically, necessary…Angry: annoyed, cross, displeased, enraged, exasperated, incensed, infuriated, irate, mad (informal), livid (informal), berserk, outraged, resentful…
Big: gigantic, massive, colossal, enormous, immense, gargantuan, tremendous, titanic, giant, vast, large, huge, monster, bulky,
Good: marvelous, fabulous, gorgeous, spectacular, outstanding, distinguished, remarkable, superb, incredible, unbelievable, out of this
world, magnificent, charming, stunning, fantastic, terrific, excellent, great, wonderful, amazing, awesome Many: numerous, myriad, infinite,
Forever (adv): infinity, eternal, timeless, everlasting,undying, endless, changeless, perpetually Small: minimum, diminutive, minute, petite, wee, undersized, teeny, tiny, little, petite(女子身高娇小)
Bad: awful, terrible, dreadful, defective, faulty, imperfect,
inadequate, poor, substandard, unsatisfactory, harmful, damaging, rious, detrimental, hurtful, ruinous, unhealthy, evil, immoral(此词的意思是“不道德的”,请用
Beautiful: charming, charismatic, attractive, gorgeous, pretty, endearing, sweet, adorable, eye-catching, handsome, hot, cute, good-looking, lovable, engaging…
Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable, intellectual, intelligent,
excellent, bright, smart
Happy: delightful, delectable, elated, glad, overjoyed, pleased, jubilant, merry, joyful,
Fast:swift, quick, rapid, speedy, hasty, nippy, like lightning,
Hurry (v): hustle, rush, make haste, tear, step on it, dash, get a move on, step on it, scoot.Clear: obvious, apparent, blatant, prehensible, conspicuous, distinct, evident, manifest, palpable, plain, pronounced, recognizable, transparent, intelligible, lucid, plain,
understandable, uninvolved, simple, …Easy: simple, effortless, no trouble, painless, plain sailing, unplicated, undemanding, unproblematic, a piece of cake (informal), child’s play (informal),…
Dangerous: perilous, breakneck, chancy (informal), hazardous, insecure, precarious, risky, unsafe, vulnerable
Personally:from my personal perspective, as far as I am concerned, from my point of view, from my angle, consider, conceive, perspective…
Direct: bald, basic, frank, naked, plain, sincere, stark, straightforward, candid, forthright, outspoken….
Difficult: hard, tricky, plicated, plex, intricate, involved, knotty, perplexing, puzzling, thorny…
Think (that): hold the (opinion/ belief/
position/stand point/idea) that,
assume, believe, deem, reckon, argue, maintain, suppose, conceive, insist(坚定认为), be convinced, to my knowledge,
Show: convey, reveal, express, corroborate, justify, imply,
verify, clarify, signify, exemplify, illuminate, substantiate, demonstrate, elucidate, denote, characterized as, instruct, display, disclose, indicate, means, explain, give an/a exle (reason, explanation) of, bear out, point out, point toward…
Know: realize, prehend, identify, distinguish, discern, notice, perceive, recognize, see, understand, figure out, be acquainted with, be familiar with, Get: acquire, attain, achieve(本词其实很棒,但是只限于艰苦努力后的获得), obtain, gain
Suggest: have a proposal in,
Increase: magnify, expand, proliferate, mushroom, improve, enhance, advance
Affect: Impress, inspire, influence, imprint of, impact Stop: halt, cease, desist, end, pause, put an end to, quit, refrain, shut down, terminate…
Make: create, assemble, built, construct, form, manufacture; fore, cause, pel, constrain, drive, impel, induce, oblige, prevail, upon, require…
Give: present, award, contribute, deliver, donate, grant, hand over, hand out, provide, supply
Break:separate, burst, crack, destroy, disintegrate, fracture, fragment, shatter, smash, snap
Destroy: ruin, raze, annihilate, crush, demolish, devastate, eradicate, shatter, wipe out, wreck, obliterate, weaken, undermine…
Happen: occur, e about, e to pass, develop, result, take place, transpire。
