

CIE AS ALevel Paper3 物理2020年真题 实验题

CIE AS ALevel Paper3 物理2020年真题 实验题

Cambridge International AS & A LevelDC (JC/CT) 182587/3© UCLES 2020[Turn overThis document has 12 pages. Blank pages are indicated.*5745011940*PHYSICS 9702/33Paper 3 Advanced Practical Skills 1 February/March 20202 hoursYou must answer on the question paper.You will need: The materials and apparatus listed in the confidential instructionsINSTRUCTIONS●Answer all questions.●Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.●Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page. ●Write your answer to each question in the space provided. ●Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid. ●Do not write on any bar codes.●You will be allowed to work with the apparatus for a maximum of 1 hour for each question.●You should record all your observations in the spaces provided in the question paper as soon as theseobservations are made. ●You may use a calculator.●You should show all your working and use appropriate units.INFORMATION●The total mark for this paper is 40.●The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].For Examiner’s Use 12TotalBLANK PAGE © UCLES 20209702/33/F/M/209702/33/F/M/20© UCLES 2020[Turn overYou may not need to use all of the materials provided.1In this experiment you will investigate the oscillations of a rod.(a)• Assemble the apparatus as shown in Fig. 1.1. •A djust the apparatus until the two springs are approximately 15 cm apart. Each springshould be vertical and the same distance from the middle of the rod. The rod should beparallel to the bench.Fig. 1.1•T he distance between the two springs where they support the rod is x , as shown in Fig. 1.1. Measure and record x .x = [1](b)•L ift one end of the rod a short distance and push the other end of the rod down a shortdistance. Release the rod so that it oscillates with a rocking motion, as shown in Fig. 1.2.FRONT VIEWFig. 1.2•T ake measurements to determine the period T of the oscillation.T = .......................................................s [2](c) •C hange x by moving the stands. Adjust the apparatus until the springs are vertical andthe rod is parallel to the bench. Measure x and T.•Repeat until you have six sets of values of x and T.•Record your results in a table. Include values of 1x in your table.[9](d) (i) Plot a graph of T on the y-axis against 1x on the x-axis. [3](ii) Draw the straight line of best fit. [1] (iii) Determine the gradient and y-intercept of this line.gradient = ...............................................................y-intercept = ...............................................................[2]9702/33/F/M/20© UCLES 2020© UCLES 2020[Turn over9702/33/F/M/20(e) It is suggested that the quantities T and x are related by the equationT = ax + bwhere a and b are constants.Use your answers in (d)(iii) to determine the values of a and b.Give appropriate units.a = ...............................................................b = ...............................................................[2][Total: 20]9702/33/F/M/20© UCLES 2020You may not need to use all of the materials provided.2 In this experiment you will investigate the magnetic field produced by an electrical current.(a) You are provided with a length of wire wrapped around a plastic channel to form a coil, asshown in Fig. 2.1.other groove)Fig. 2.1Count and record the number N of turns of wire in the coil.N = (1)© UCLES 2020[Turn over9702/33/F/M/20•S lide the compass into the plastic channel so that it is in the middle of the coil.(b)•C onnect the circuit as shown in Fig. 2.2.•R otate the channel on the bench until the arrow of the compass is perpendicular to the channel, as shown.clipFig. 2.2•T he distance between the first and last turns of wire is L, as shown in Fig. 2.2. Measure and record L.L = (1)(c) •C lose the switch. The compass arrow will rotate through an angle θ.•M easure and record θ.θ = .............................................................°•R ecord the ammeter reading I.I = ...............................................................•O pen the switch.[2]© UCLES 20209702/33/F/M/20(d)Estimate the percentage uncertainty in your value of θ.percentage uncertainty = (1)(e) Calculate the value of B usingB = μ0(N−1) ILwhere μ0 = 1.26 × 10–6 N A–2.B = .........................................N A–1 m–1 [1]9702/33/F/M/20© UCLES 2020[Turn over(f) •D isconnect the crocodile clips and remove the compass.•R emove the tape and the wire. Re-wind the wire in adjacent grooves (instead of every other groove), as shown in Fig. 2.3.•Re-fix the tape.Fig. 2.3•R epeat (a), (b), (c) and (e).N = ...............................................................L = ...............................................................θ = .............................................................°I = ...............................................................B = ...............................................N A–1 m–1[3]© UCLES 20209702/33/F/M/209702/33/F/M/20© UCLES 2020[Turn over(g) It is suggested that the relationship between θ and B istan θ = B kwhere k is a constant.(i) Using your data, calculate two values of k .first value of k = ............................................................... second value of k = ............................................................... [1] (ii)Justify the number of significant figures you have given for your values of k . ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... [1] (iii)Explain whether your results in (g)(i) support the suggested relationship. ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... . (1)9702/33/F/M/20© UCLES 2020Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after the live examination series.Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.(h) (i) Describe four sources of uncertainty or limitations of the procedure for this experiment.1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 ........................................................................................................................................ (4)(ii) Describe four improvements that could be made to this experiment. You may suggest the use of other apparatus or different procedures.1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 ........................................................................................................................................ (4)[Total: 20]。



alevel2024春季考试试题Alevel 2024春季考试试题随着2024春季的到来,学生们正忙于备考Alevel考试。



1. 英语(English)1.1 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)阅读下面一篇短文,然后回答问题。

文章:...问题:...解答:...1.2 写作(Writing)请根据以下提示,写一篇关于环境保护的短文。

提示:...内容:...结论:...2. 数学(Mathematics)2.1 代数(Algebra)解以下方程组。

解答:...2.2 几何(Geometry)计算以下几何问题。

问题:...解答:...3. 物理(Physics)3.1 力学(Mechanics)问题:...解答:...3.2 电学(Electronics)问题:...解答:...4. 化学(Chemistry)4.1 有机化学(Organic Chemistry)问题:...解答:...4.2 物质与变化(Matter and Change)问题:...5. 生物(Biology)5.1 分子生物学(Molecular Biology)问题:...解答:...5.2 生态学(Ecology)问题:...解答:...以上是2024春季考试的试题,希望能为同学们的备考提供一定的帮助。









2022-2023学年浙江省杭州市常春藤A-Level国际高中高三物理模拟试题含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. 一观察者发现,每隔一定时间有一滴水自8m高的屋檐落下,而且看到第五滴水刚要离开屋檐时,第一滴水正好落到地面,那么这时第2滴水离地的高度是:(g取10m/s2)A.2.9m B.2.5m C.2m D.3.5m参考答案:D2. 下列叙述中正确的是()A.布朗运动就是液体分子的无规则运动B.当分子力表现为引力时,分子势能随分子间距离的增加而增加C.对于一定质量的理想气体,温度升高时,压强可能减小D.已知水的密度和水的摩尔质量,则可以计算出阿伏加德罗常数E.扩散现象说明分子之间存在空隙,同时分子在永不停息地做无规则运动参考答案:BCE【考点】分子间的相互作用力;布朗运动.【专题】分子间相互作用力与分子间距离的关系.【分析】布朗运动是固体微粒的运动,是液体分子无规则热运动的反映.当分子力表现为引力时,分子势能随分子间距离的增加而增加.气体压强如何变化,可根据气态方程分析.已知水的密度和水的摩尔质量,只能求出水的摩尔体积,求不出阿伏加德罗常数.扩散现象说明分子在做无规则运动.【解答】解:A、布朗运动是悬浮在液体中固体微粒的运动,是由于其周围液体分子的碰撞形成的,故布朗运动是液体分子无规则热运动的反映,但并不是液体分子的无规则运动.故A错误.B、当分子力表现为引力时,分子距离增大时,分子引力做负功,分子势能增加.故B正确.C、对于一定质量的理想气体,由理想气体状态方程可知,若温度升高时,体积同时增大,且体积增大的比值大于温度升高的比值;则压强减小;故C正确;D、已知水的密度和水的摩尔质量,只能求出水的摩尔体积,求不出阿伏加德罗常数.故D错误.E、扩散现象说明分子之间存在空隙,同时分子在永不停息地做无规则运动;故E正确;故选:BCE3.下列说法正确的是()A.卢瑟福通过粒子散射实验建立了原子核式结构模型B.根据玻尔理论可知,氢原子辐射出一个光子后,氢原子的电势能增大,核外电子的运动加速度增大C.200个的原子核经过两个半衰期后剩下50个D.在中子轰击下生成和的过程中,原子核中的平均核子质量变小参考答案:AD4. 如图所示电路中,电池均相同,当电键S分别置于a、b两处时,导线MM′ 与NN′ 之间的安培力的大小为F a、F b,判断这两段导线()A.相互吸引,F a>F b B.相互排斥,F a>F bC.相互吸引,F a<F b D.相互排斥,F a<F b参考答案:D解析:电键S置于a处时,一节电池供电;电键S置于b处时,两节电池供电;导线MM′ 与NN′ 之间的安培力F a<F b;导线MM′ 与NN′中电流方向相反,相互排斥,所以选项D正确。



深圳AP&A-level微积分数学物理化学专业辅导吴静彬1Worksheet(AS)Data needed to answer questions can be found in the Data,formulae and relationships sheet.1Five speeds are listed.[1] 6m s−16cm s−16km s−16m h−1Starting with the smallest,what is the order of increasing magnitude of these speeds?A6m s−1→6cm s−1→6km s−1→6m h−1B6cm s−1→6m s−1→6km s−1→6m h−1C6m h−1→6cm s−1→6km s−1→6m s−1D6m h−1→6cm s−1→6m s−1→6km s−12Which of the following correctly lists one scalar and one vector quantity?[1] Scalar quantity Vector quantityA displacement velocityB speed displacementC speed distanceD velocity displacement3The diagram shows a strip of paper tape pulled at constant speed under a ticker-timer.The ticker-timer makes50dots per second.[1]40cmWhat was the speed of the object?A4cm s−1B10cm s−1C200cm s−1D400cm s−14A racing car is fitted with a computer that records the distance travelled every second.Which set of readings shows that the car is decreasing in speed?[1]A B C DTime / s Distance / m Time / s Distance / m Time / s Distance / m Time / s Distance / m 00000000 125150140125 25021002602605Three velocity vectors,u,v and X are shown in the diagram.[1]Which statement about the vectors is correct?A v added to u produces a resultant XB u added to X produces a resultant vC the magnitude of v equals the sum of the magnitude of u and the magnitude of XD the magnitude of u equals the sum of the magnitude of X and the magnitude of v.6Explain what is meant by:a a scalar quantity[1]b a vector quantity.[1] 7Name any three scalar quantities.[3] 8a Define the velocity of an object.[1]b Use your answer to a to explain why velocity is a vector quantity.[2] 9Cannons are being fired in a mock battle scene.The spectators are at a safe distance of600m from the cannons.Calculate how long it would take for the sound from the cannons to reachthe spectators.(Speed of sound in air=340m s−1.)[2] 10A small insect travels a distance of24cm in a time of4.0minutes.Calculate the average speed of the insect in m s−1.[2] 11The displacement–time graph for an object is shown below.a What does the gradient of a displacement–time graph represent?[1]b Describe the journey of the object.[2]c Calculate the velocity of the object at2.0s.[2] 12A cyclist travels a distance of3.2km in15minutes.She rests for30minutes.She then covers a further distance of6.2km in a time of40minutes.Calculate the average speed of the cyclist in m s−1:a for the first15minutes of the journey[2]b for the total journey.[2]13The diagram shows the displacement–time graph foran object.Calculate the velocity of the object at times:a 4.0s[2]b8.0s.[2] 14The diagram below shows a stone moving in a horizontal circle of radius70cm.The stone takes a time of0.62s for each revolution.a Calculate the speed of the stone.(Hint:In a time of0.62s,the stone travels a distanceequal to the circumference of the circle.)[2]b The stone starts at point A.What is the magnitude of the displacement of the stonefrom A after a time of:i0.31s[1] ii0.62s?[1] 15The table below shows the time taken(t)and the displacement(s)of a trolley rolling down a ramp.Time / s00. / 10−2m00.8 3.0 6.812.018.927.0a Plot a graph of displacement against time.(Make sure that you sketch a smooth curve.)[2]b Describe the motion of the trolley.Explain your answer.[2]c By drawing tangents to the curve at times0.2s and0.5s,determine the velocities of thetrolley at these times.[2]d The acceleration a of the trolley is given by:taken time yin velocitchangeaUse the equation above and your answers to c to determine the acceleration a of the trolley.[2]Total:42Score:%。











答案:物体受到的重力可以通过公式 \( F = m \cdot g \) 计算,其中 \( m \) 是物体的质量,\( g \) 是重力加速度(地球表面约为9.8 m/s²)。

所以,5kg的物体受到的重力为 \( 5 \text{ kg}\times 9.8 \text{ m/s}^2 = 49 \text{ N} \)。


答案:波长、频率和波速之间的关系可以通过公式 \( v = \lambda\cdot f \) 来描述,其中 \( v \) 是波速,\( \lambda \) 是波长,\( f \) 是频率。





答案:欧姆定律指出,在一段均匀的导体中,电流 \( I \) 与电压\( V \) 成正比,与电阻 \( R \) 成反比,公式为 \( V = I \cdotR \)。


答案:电场强度 \( E \) 可以通过公式 \( E = \frac{k \cdotq}{r^2} \) 计算,其中 \( k \) 是库仑常数(约为 \( 8.99 \times 10^9 \) Nm²/C²),\( q \) 是电荷量,\( r \) 是距离。



Section 6: OscillationsRevision spread1 : Simple harmonic motionCheckpoints : (1)recall that the condition for simple harmonic motion is F=-kxIdentify situations in which simple harmonic motion will occur.(2) recognize and use the expressions a=-ω2x, a=-Aω2xcosωt,v=-Aωsinωt,x=A cosωt,and T=1/f=2π/ωas applied to asimple harmonic oscillator.(3) obtain a displacement-time graph for an oscillating objectand recognize that the gradient at a point gives the velocity atthat point.(201306-1)A mass is bouncing on the end of a vertical spring. Its motion will be simple harmonic if the springA .can store energy.B .has elasticity.C .is hung vertically.D .obeys Hooke’s law.(201206-4)Which of the following is not an example of simple harmonic motion?A A car bouncing on its suspension system.B A child jumping on a trampoline.C A person bouncing on the end of a bungee cord.D A swinging pendulum in a grandfather clock.201301(201201-13)(a) Define simple harmonic motion(b) The graph shows the variation in water level displacement with time for the water in a harbour. The water level displacement varies with simple harmonic motion.(i) Use the graph to calculate the amplitude and the time period of the variation in the water level displacement.(ii) Show that the maximum rate of change of water level displacement is about 0.6 m hour–1.(iii) On the axis below sketch how the rate of change of water level displacement varies with time for the interval 0–30 hours. The variation in water level displacement with time has been drawn for you. You need not add any numerical values to the y-axis.Revision spread2 :Energy and damping in SHMCheckpoints : (1)Recall that the total energy of an undamped SHM system remains constant and recognize ad use expressions for the totalenergy of an oscillator.(2) Distinguish between free and damped oscillations(201306r-7) An object is hung from a vertical spring and undergoes undamped simple harmonic motion. It is correct to say that there are no changes in theA .elastic potential energy of the oscillating system.B .gravitational potential energy of the oscillating system.C .kinetic energy of the oscillating system.D .total energy of the oscillating system.(201306-9)For an object undergoing simple harmonic motion select the graph that represents the variation of kinetic energy with displacement.(201306-10) For an object undergoing simple harmonic motion select the graph that represents the variation of the total energy with displacement.Revision spread3 :Forced oscillations and resonance .Checkpoints : (1)Distinguish between free, damped and forced oscillations .(2) Investigate and recall how the amplitude of a forced oscillationchanges at and around the natural frequency of a system .Describe qualitatively how damping affects resonance .(3)Explain how damping and the plastic deformation of ductilematerials reduce the amplitude of oscillation .(201306-8) A car is travelling over a rough road surface. At low speed the ride is very bumpy with the car and its occupants suffering large amplitude vertical oscillations. However, when the car is driven at a higher speed the ride gets smoother. This is because at the higher speedA .the car leaves the ground and misses the bumps.B .the car crushes the bumps and makes the road smoother.C .there is a greater amount of damping in the car’s suspension.D .the car’s suspension oscillates at a greater frequency than its natural frequency (201206-7) When one system is driven into oscillation by another, the driven system A. exhibits resonance. B. has a large increase in amplitude.C. vibrates at its natural frequency.D. vibrates at the driver frequency. (201301-4)New buildings in earthquake zones are often designed to be earthquake resistant .Such buildings incorporate mechanisms to reduce the transfer of kinetic energy from the ground to the building. Which of the following would be the most important property of a material used in such a mechanism ?A.densityB. ductilityC. stiffnessD.strength(201306-13) The diagram shows a number of pendulums hanging from a single thread. Pendulum X has a heavy lead sphere as the bob and the others have low mass bobs. When X is set into motion energy is transferred to the others which all begin to oscillate.After a short time C is observed tohave the largest amplitude ofoscillation.(a) Explain why pendulum C has the largest amplitude of oscillation.(b)For an efficient energy transfer pendulum C must be at rest when pendulum X has its maximum kinetic energy. The graph below shows how the displacement of pendulum X varies with time.Mark a point P on this graph showing an instant when pendulum X has a maximum kinetic energy, and add a curve to show how the displacement of pendulum C varies over the same time interval.(201306r-18)A baby-bouncer is a light harness, into which a baby can be placed, suspended by a vertical spring.The height of the baby-bouncer is adjusted so that the baby’s feet are a few centimetres above the floor when the baby is in equilibrium in the harness. If the baby is then displaced downwards and released, the system oscillates vertically with simple harmonic motion. It is stated in a textbook that “a mass-spring system that obeys Hooke’s law will lead to simple harmonic motion when the mass is displaced.”*(a) Exp lain why a system consisting of a mass and a spring that obeys Hooke’s law may be set into simple harmonic motion.(b) The acceleration experienced by a baby of mass 8.2 kg is 0.49 m s-2when the displacement from the equilibrium position is 3.0 cm.Show that the period of vertical oscillations for this baby is about 1.6 s.(c) The amplitude of the oscillations quickly decreases, so the baby has to keep kicking on the floor to maintain them.(i) State the name given to oscillations that die away quickly.(ii) State the name that is given to oscillations such as those that are kept going by the baby kicking on the floor.(iii) If the baby kicks on the floor at a certain frequency, the amplitude of the bounces can be made to increase to a maximum.Name this effect and calculate the frequency at which it occurs(d) The baby is replaced by a baby of less mass. This baby also kicks to produce maximum amplitude of oscillation. Without further calculation, explain how the frequency at which the baby must kick compares to that for the larger mass baby. (201206-17) The photograph shows a nodding tiger toy. The tiger is placed on a car’s dashboard and its head nods up and down as the car is driven along a rough road surface. It is n oticed that at a particular speed the tiger’s head vibrates with maximum amplitude.(a) (i) What is the name of this phenomenon?(ii) Describe the conditions necessary for thisphenomenon to occur.(b) (i) The graph shows the variation of accelera tion with time for the tiger’s head. Using values from the graph calculate the amplitude of oscillation of the tiger’s head.(ii) Sketch a graph of the head’s displacement against time over the same time interval on the axes below.(201201-14)*When a tuning fork is struck with a rubber hammer, a pure sound of fixed frequency is produced. The photograph shows a tuning fork connected to a wooden sounding box..The sounding box amplifies the sound produced when the tuning fork is struck ..The sound lasts for a shorter time than if the tuning fork were t be struck identically but without the sounding box.Explain these observations.。



14 A metal ball is dropped from a height of 6.0 m onto soft ground. The ball hits the ground and penetrates a distance of 8.5 cm. Calculate the deceleration of the ball as it enters the ground.
AS and A Level Physics
Original material © Cambridge University Press 2010
深圳 AP&A-level 微积分数学物理化学专业辅导 吴静彬
Ball X is projected horizontally at the same time as ball Y, of twice the mass, is released from rest. Both balls fall vertically from the same height and hit the horizontal floor below. Air resistance is negligible. Which statement is true? [1] A B C D Y will hit the floor just before X. X will hit the floor just before Y. X and Y will hit the floor at the same time. Y hits the floor while X is half way to the floor. [2] [3]
AS and A Level Physics



2020年浙江省杭州市常春藤A-Level国际高中高三物理期末试题含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. (单选)爱因斯坦说:“伽利略理想斜面实验指出了真正建立动力学基础的线索。

”伽利略根据理想斜面实验A. 否定了“摩擦力是改变物体运动状态的原因”B. 否定了“物体越重下落越快”C. 认为“物体不受力的作用将永远运动下去”D. 认为“力是产生加速度的原因”参考答案:C 解析:伽利略通过理想斜面实验,假设没有摩擦,物体将一直运动下去不会停止,提出“力不是维持物体运动的原因”,从而推翻“力是维持物体运动的原因”.故选C.2. (单选)如图所示,放在水平桌面上的木块A处于静止状态,所挂砝码和托盘的总质量为0.6Kg,弹簧秤的读数为2N。

若轻轻取走盘中的部分砝码,使其质量减少到0.3Kg,将会出现的情况是(g=10m/s2,不计滑轮的摩擦)()A、弹簧弹簧秤的读数将变小B、A仍静止不动C、A对桌面的摩擦力不变D、A对桌面的摩擦力将变小参考答案:BD3. 如图所示中实线和虚线分别是x轴上传播的一列简谐横波在t=0和t=0.03s时刻的波形图,x=1.2m处的质点在t=0.03s时刻向y轴正方向运动,则A.该波的频率可能是125HzB.该波的波速可能是10m/sC.t=0时,x=1.4m处质点的加速度方向沿y轴正方向D.各质点在0.03s内随波迁移0.9m参考答案:A4. 一物块沿斜面直线滑行,初速度方向沿斜面向上,其v – t 图象如图所示,取g=10m/s2。

则A.物块下滑的加速度大小为8m/s2B.物块下滑的加速度大小为2m/s2C.物块向上滑行的最大距离为2mD.斜面的倾斜角为30°参考答案:BD物块向上滑行时做匀加速直线运动,根据平均速度公式,有x1= ?0.5=1m,即物块向上滑行的最大距离为1m.物体上滑时受到重力、支持力和摩擦力,此时的加速度为a1= =-8m/s2根据牛顿第二定律,有-mgsinθ-f=ma1物体下滑时受到重力、支持力和摩擦力,此时的加速度为a2= =-2m/s2根据牛顿第二定律,有-mgsinθ+f=ma2解得θ=30°即斜面的倾角为30°.只有选项BD正确。



alevel试题及答案1. 请解释牛顿第三定律。



2. 描述光的波粒二象性。




3. 解释什么是相对论。




4. 列举并解释两种常见的遗传变异类型。

答案:遗传变异是指基因序列的变化,常见的变异类型包括:- 点突变:指DNA序列中单个核苷酸的替换、插入或缺失,可能导致氨基酸序列的改变。

- 染色体重排:涉及染色体片段的移动、缺失或重复,可能导致基因表达的改变或疾病。

5. 描述细胞周期的四个阶段。

答案:细胞周期是细胞生长、复制并分裂为两个新细胞的连续过程,包括以下四个阶段:- G1期:细胞生长和准备DNA复制。

- S期:DNA复制。

- G2期:细胞继续生长,准备进行有丝分裂。

- M期:有丝分裂发生,细胞分裂为两个新的细胞。

6. 解释什么是热力学第一定律。



7. 列举并解释两种常见的生态系统服务。

答案:生态系统服务是指生态系统为人类社会提供的直接或间接利益,包括:- 生物多样性保护:生态系统通过维持物种多样性,有助于保持生态平衡和生态系统的稳定性。



Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)
9702/11 October/November 2016
1 hour 15 minutes
length of 10.0 cm.
What is the period of the signal? A 7.1 × 10–6 s B 1.4 × 10–5 s
10.0 cm C 7.1 × 10–3 s
D 1.4 × 10–2 s
© UCLES 2016
[Turn over
road and then brakes to a halt. The graph shows the variation with t of the velocity of the car.
velocity / m s–1 20
0 0 0.8
5.0 t / s
How far does the car travel in the 5.0 s after the driver sees the obstacle?
6 A cyclist pedals along a raised horizontal track. At the end of the track, he travels horizontally into the air and onto a track that is vertically 2.0 m lower.
initial velocity
8.00 m s–1



2019-2020学年浙江省杭州市常春藤A-Level国际高中高三物理月考试题含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. 如图所示,水平放置的平行金属导轨的左端接有电阻R,导线ab的有效电阻为r,匀强磁场垂直穿过框架平面,当ab匀速向右移动时,以下说法中错误的是(忽略一切摩擦):( )A.导线ab除受拉力作用外,还受磁场力的作用B.导线ab移动速度越大,所需拉力越大C.导线ab移动速度一定,若将电阻阻值R增大,则拉动导线的力可减小D.当导线ab运动达到某一速度υ后,撤去外力,电阻R上产生的总的焦耳热为参考答案:D2. .下列关于电磁波的说法正确的是()A.电磁波在真空和介质中传播的速度相同B.变化的磁场能够在空间产生电场C.电磁波的波长、波速、周期的关系为v =λ?TD.电磁波既可能是横波,也可能是纵波参考答案:B解析:电磁波在真空和介质中传播的速度不相同,选项A错误;变化的磁场能够在空间产生电场,选项B正确;电磁波的波长、波速、周期的关系为v =λ/T,选项C错误;电磁波只可能是横波,选项D错误。

3. 如图所示,物体A在与水平方向成α角斜向下的推力作用下,沿水平地面向右匀速运动,若推力变小而方向不变,则物体A将A.向右加速运动 B.仍向右匀速运动C.向右减速运动 D.向左加速运动参考答案:C4. 完全相同的直角三角形滑块A、B如图所示叠放,设A、B接触的斜面光滑,A 与桌面的动摩擦因数为,现在B上施加一水平推力F,恰好使A、B保持相对静止且一起匀速运动,则A对桌面的动摩擦因数跟斜面倾角的关系为A. B.C. D. 与无关参考答案:C5. 一小球自空中自由落下,与正下方的直立轻质弹簧接触,直至速度为零的过程中,关于小球运动状态,正确的是A.接触后,小球作减速运动,加速度的绝对值越来越大,速度越来越小,最后等于零B.接触后,小球先做加速运动,后做减速运动,其速度先增加后减小直到为零C.接触后,速度为零的地方就是弹簧被压缩最大之处,加速度为零的地方也是弹簧被压缩最大之处D.接触后,小球速度最大的地方就是加速度等于零的地方参考答案:BD二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 在探究“加速度与力、质量的关系”的活动中:①某同学在接通电源进行实验之前,将实验器材组装如图所示。


A. 物体由于做圆周运动而产生了一个向心力
B. 向心力只能改变做圆周运动的物体的速度方向,不能够改变速度的大小
7.如图所示,质量相等的A、B两物块置于绕竖直轴匀速转动的水平圆盘上,两物块始终相对于圆盘静止,则两物块( )
3.在空中某一高度水平匀速飞行的飞机上,每隔1s时间由飞机上自由落下一个物体,先后释放四个物体,最后落到水平地面上,若不计空气阻力,则这四个物体( )
A. 在空中任何时刻排列在同一抛物线上,落地点间是等距离的
B. 在空中任何时刻排列在同一抛物线上,落地点间是不等距离的
10.如图,物体在地面附近绕地球做匀速圆周运动的速度叫做第一宇宙速度,则地球的第一宇宙速度的大小是( )






1. 证明车辆的刹车距离d与初始速度v、制动力F和比例系数k之间存在什么样的关系?
2. 当制动力F和比例系数k固定时,刹车距离d与初始速度v之间呈线性关系还是其他关系?为什么?
- 刹车距离d是从车辆开始刹车到停下所经过的路程。

- 刹车过程中,车辆减速度a可以表示为a=F/m。



2021十月alevel物理5答案1、67.关于粒子和宇宙,下列认识中正确的是()[单选题] *A.光年是时间单位,宇宙是一个有层次的天体结构B.电子的尺度比原子的尺度大;原子核带负电,电子带正电C.水和酒精混合后总体积变小,说明分子间有引力D.汤姆生发现了电子,卢瑟福建立了原子核式结构模型(正确答案)2、7.舞龙舞狮是我国民间的传统习俗,舞龙舞狮过程中,往往用敲锣和击鼓来助兴,下列说法正确的是()[单选题] *A.锣鼓声响起时远近不同的观众都能听到,说明声音传播不需要时间B.越用力敲击锣面,锣面振动幅度会越大,发出声音的音调越高C.人们能区分锣声和鼓声,主要是它们的音色不同(正确答案)D.围观的一些小孩捂住耳朵,是为了在传播过程中减弱噪声3、33.小明用已调节好的天平测物体质量,通过增、减砝码后,发现指针指在分度盘的中央刻度线左边一点,这时他应该()[单选题] *A.将游码向右移动,直至横梁重新水平平衡(正确答案)B.将右端平衡螺母向左旋进一些C.将右端平衡螺母向右旋出一些D.把天平右盘的砝码减少一些4、如图63所示,MM’为平面镜,AO为入射光线,ON为法线,入射角∠AON等于60°。


则入射光线AO的反射光线将沿着哪个方向射出()[单选题]A.ONB.OBC.OCD.OD(正确答案)5、71.晓阳同学在做测量密度实验时,分别测量了A、B两种不同物质的密度,并绘制了m﹣V图像,如图所示,下列说法不正确的是()[单选题] *A.A物质的密度ρA=5g/cm3B.水的m﹣V图像应该在Ⅰ区域(正确答案)C.A物质的密度大于B物质的密度D.图像反映出同种物质的物体,其质量与体积成正比6、用天平测小石块质量的实验中,有如下实验计划,正确的操作顺序是()①将游码移至标尺左端的“0”刻度线处;②将托盘天平放置在水平工作台面上;③在天平的左盘放入小石块;④调节平衡螺母,使天平横梁平衡;⑤用镊子在右盘中加减砝码,移动游码,使天平平衡;⑥正确读出砝码和游码的示数. [单选题] *A. ①②③④⑤⑥B. ②①④③⑤⑥(正确答案)C. ②③①④⑤⑥D. ③②①④⑤⑥7、做匀速直线运动的物体,其机械能保持不变[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:匀速直线运动的物体,动能保持不变,重力势能无法判断,机械能无法判断。









1、一质点以初速度v0沿x轴正方向运动,已知加速度方向沿x轴正方向,当加速度a的值由零逐渐增大到某一值后再逐渐减小到零的过程中,该质点( )A.速度先增大后减小,直到加速度等于零为止B.位移先增大,后减小,直到加速度等于零为止C.位移一直增大,直到加速度等于零为止D.速度一直增大,直到加速度等于零为止2、一带负电的粒子只在电场力作用下沿x轴正方向运动,其电势能E p随位移x变化的关系如图所示,其中0~x2段是关于直线x=x1对称的曲线,x2~x3段是直线,则下列说法正确的是A.x1处电场强度最小,但不为零B.粒子在0~x2段做匀变速运动,x2~x3段做匀速直线运动C.若x1、x3处电势为1、3,则1<3D.x2~x3段的电场强度大小方向均不变3、如图所示,MN、PQ是倾角为θ的两平行光滑且足够长的金属导轨,其电阻忽略不计。


导体棒ab、cd垂直于导轨放置,且与导轨接触良好,每根导体棒的质量均为m,电阻均为r,导轨宽度为L,与导轨平行的绝缘细线一端固定,另一端与ab棒中点连接,细线承受的最大拉力max 2sinT mgθ=。

现将cd棒由静止释放,当细线被拉断时,则()A .cd 棒的速度大小为222sin mgr B L θB .cd 棒的速度大小为22sin mgr B L θC .cd 棒的加速度大小为g sin θD .cd 棒所受的合外力为2mg sin θ4、位于贵州的“中国天眼”是目前世界上口径最大的单天线射电望远镜(FAST).通过FAST 测得水星与太阳的视角为θ(水星、太阳分别与观察者的连线所夹的角),如图所示,若最大视角的正弦C 值为k ,地球和水星绕太阳的运动视为匀速圆周运动,则水星的公转周期为A .3k 年B .31k年 C .32k 年D .321k k ⎛⎫ ⎪-⎝⎭年 5、一束单色光由空气进入水中,则该光在空气和水中传播时 A .速度相同,波长相同 B .速度不同,波长相同 C .速度相同,频率相同D .速度不同,频率相同6、如图所示,理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数比为1∶5,交流电源电压不变,电压表为理想交流电表,白炽灯和电风扇的额定电压均为220V ,额定功率均为44W ,只闭合开关1S 时,白炽灯正常发光,则( )A .白炽灯和电风扇线圈的内阻均为1100ΩB .交流电压表示数为44VC .再闭合开关2S ,电压表示数增大D .再闭合开关2S ,原线圈的输入功率变小二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。



北京力迈学校2020年高二物理联考试题含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. 下列关于单摆周期的说法正确的是()A.用一个装满砂的漏斗和长细线做成一个单摆,在摆动时砂从漏斗中缓慢漏出,周期不变B.当升降机向上匀加速运动时(a<g)单摆的周期小于电梯匀速运动时单摆的周期C.将摆由赤道移到北极,单摆振动周期减小D.将单摆的摆角由5°增加到10°(不计空气阻力),单摆的周期减小参考答案:BC2. 如图所示,某空间存在互相正交的匀强磁场和匀强电场,电场方向水平向右,磁场方向垂直纸面向里,一个带负电荷的小球以一定初速度(速度方向平行于纸面)由a点进入电磁场,经过一段时间运动至b点,下列说法正确的是A.从a到b,小球可能做匀速直线运动B.从a到b,小球不可能做匀变速运动C.从a到b,小球可能做匀速圆周运动D.从a到b,小球机械能可能不变参考答案:AB3. (单选)压敏电阻的阻值会随所受压力的增大而减小.如图所示,将压敏电阻平放在电梯内,受力面向上,在其上面放一质量为的物体,电梯静止时电压表的示数为U0.下列电压表示数随时间变化图象中,能表示电梯竖直向上作匀加速直线运动的是()参考答案:A4. (多选)如图所示,有一个闭合金属铜环放置在水平的绝缘桌面上,铜环正上方有一个竖直的条形磁铁。

则下列说法正确的是A.磁铁向下运动,圆环对桌面的压力增大B.磁铁向上运动,圆环对桌面的压力增大C.磁铁向右运动,圆环对桌面的压力增大D.磁铁向左运动,圆环对桌面的压力减小参考答案:AD5. (单选)如图所示,细杆上固定两个小球a和b,杆绕O点做匀速转动,下列说法正确的是( )A.a、b两球角速度相等B.a、b两球线速度相等C.a球的线速度比b球的大D.a球的角速度比b球的大参考答案:A二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 图中a、b和c表示点电荷电场中的三个等势面,它们的电势分别为U、和。

aqa international alevel 物理 as考试内容

aqa international alevel 物理 as考试内容

aqa international alevel 物理 as考试内容AQA International A-Level 物理 AS 考试内容物理科学是一门研究物质和能量以及它们之间相互作用的学科。

AQA International A-Level 物理 AS 考试是物理学领域的一项重要考试,旨在评估学生对物理学基本概念、原理和实践的理解和应用能力。

本文将详细介绍 AQA International A-Level 物理 AS 考试的内容要求和相关知识点。

AQA International A-Level 物理 AS 考试主要涵盖以下几个主题:1. 物理学的基本概念和原理:包括测量和错误、粒子和辐射、力和运动、物质的结构和性质等。


2. 力和运动:学生需要理解力的概念和运动的原理,并能够解释和预测物体在不同力作用下的运动情况。


3. 能量和能量转换:学生需要理解能量的概念和能量转换的原理,并能够解释不同物体之间的能量转换过程。


4. 波动和振动:学生需要理解波动和振动的概念和原理,并能够解释不同类型的波动和振动现象。


5. 电和磁:学生需要理解电和磁的概念和原理,并能够解释和应用电磁现象。


6. 粒子和原子物理学:学生需要理解粒子和原子的性质和相互作用,并能够解释和应用相关的物理现象。


AQA International A-Level 物理 AS 考试的内容要求不仅仅要求学生掌握物理学的基本概念和原理,还需要学生具备实验和实践的能力。

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This document consists of 20 printed pages.IB16 11_9702_11/4RP © UCLES 2016[Turn over*5340221462*Cambridge International ExaminationsCambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced LevelPHYSICS 9702/11Paper 1 Multiple Choice October/November 20161 hour 15 minutesAdditional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer SheetSoft clean eraserSoft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRSTWrite in soft pencil.Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided unless this has been done for you. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES.There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers A , B , C and D .Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet.Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any working should be done in this booklet. Electronic calculators may be used.© UCLES 2016 9702/11/O/N/16Dataspeed of light in free space c = 3.00 × 108 m s –1permeability of free space µ0 = 4π × 10–7 H m –1 permittivity of free spaceε0 = 8.85 × 10–12 F m –1(41επ = 8.99 × 109 m F –1)elementary charge e = 1.60 × 10–19 C the Planck constant h = 6.63 × 10–34 J s unified atomic mass unit 1 u = 1.66 × 10–27 kg rest mass of electron m e = 9.11 × 10–31 kg rest mass of proton m p = 1.67 × 10–27 kg molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K –1 mol –1 the Avogadro constant N A = 6.02 × 1023 mol –1 the Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 × 10–23 J K –1 gravitational constant G = 6.67 × 10–11 N m 2 kg –2 acceleration of free fall g = 9.81 m s –2© UCLES 2016 9702/11/O/N/16[Turn overFormulaeuniformly accelerated motion s = ut + 221atv 2 = u 2 + 2as work done on/by a gas W = p ∆Vgravitational potential φ = – r Gmhydrostatic pressure p = ρ ghpressure of an ideal gas p = V Nm 31<c 2> simple harmonic motion a = – ω 2x velocity of particle in s.h.m. v = v 0 cos ωtv = ± ω )(220x x −Doppler effect o f = ss v v vf ±electric potential V =rQ 04επ capacitors in series 1 / C = 1 / C 1 + 1 / C 2 + . . . capacitors in parallel C = C 1 + C 2 + . . .energy of charged capacitor W = QV 21electric current I = Anvq resistors in series R = R 1 + R 2 + . . . resistors in parallel 1 / R = 1 / R 1 + 1 / R 2 + . . . Hall voltageV H =ntqB Ialternating current/voltage x = x 0 sin ωt radioactive decay x = x 0 exp(–λt )decay constantλ = 210.693t© UCLES 2016 9702/11/O/N/161What is the order of magnitude of the Young modulus for a metal such as copper? A 10–11 PaB 10–4 PaC 104 PaD 1011 Pa2 The force F between two point charges q 1 and q 2, a distance r apart, is given by the equationF = 221r q kqwhere k is a constant.What are the S I base units of k ?A kg m 3 s –4 A 2B kg m 3 s –4 A –2C kg m 3 A 2D kg m 3 A –23 An aeroplane can fly at a velocity X when moving through still air. When flying in wind theaeroplane’s velocity relative to the ground is Y .Which vector diagram shows the magnitude and direction of the wind velocity W ?XXXYYYWWWXYWA B C D© UCLES 20169702/11/O/N/16[Turn over4 A voltmeter gives readings that are larger than the true values and has a systematic error that varies with voltage.Which graph shows the calibration curve for the voltmeter?43210012A34meter reading / V truevalue /V43210012B34meter reading / Vtruevalue / V43210012C34meter reading / Vtruevalue / V43210012D34meter reading / V truevalue / V5 length of 10.0A 7.1 × 10–6 sB 1.4 × 10–5 sC 7.1 × 10–3 sD 1.4 × 10–2 s6 A cyclist pedals along a raised horizontal track. At the end of the track, he travels horizontally intothe air and onto a track that is vertically 2.0m lower.The cyclist travels a horizontal distance of 6.0m in the air. Air resistance is negligible.What is the horizontal velocity v of the cyclist at the end of the higher track?A 6.3m s–1 Bs–17m s–1, as shown.8.004.00m s–1The acceleration of free fall on the Moon is 1.62m s–2.What will be the speed of the ball 9.00s after being thrown?A 6.6m s–1B 7.7m s–1C 10.6m s–1D 14.6m s–1© UCLES 2016 9702/11/O/N/16© UCLES 2016 9702/11/O/N/16[Turn over8 A car is travelling at constant velocity. At time t = 0, the driver of the car sees an obstacle in the road and then brakes to a halt. The graph shows the variation with t of the velocity of the car.2000.8 5.0t / s velocity / m s –1How far does the car travel in the 5.0 s after the driver sees the obstacle? A 16 mB 42 mC 58 mD 84 m9 A car is stationary at traffic lights. When the traffic lights change to green, the driver pressesdown sharply on the accelerator. The resultant horizontal force acting on the car varies with time as shown.Which graph shows the variation with time of the speed of the car?BA10 A beach-ball falls vertically from a high hotel window. Air resistance is not negligible.Which graph shows the variation with time t of the acceleration a of the ball?11 A car has mass m. A person needs to push the car with force F in order to give the caracceleration a. The person needs to push the car with force 2F in order to give the car acceleration 3a.Which expression gives the constant resistive force opposing the motion of the car?A ma B2ma C3ma D4ma© UCLES 2016 9702/11/O/N/1612 A box is shown resting on the ground. Newton’s third law implies that four forces of equalmagnitude are involved. These forces are labelled P, Q, R and S.Forces P and Q act on the box. Forces R and S act on the Earth.For clarity, the forces are shown slightly separated.groundWhich statement about the forces is correct?A P is the equal and opposite force to Q and both are forces of contact.B Q is the equal and opposite force to P and both are gravitational forces.C R is the equal and opposite force to S and both are forces of contact.D S is the equal and opposite force to Q and both are gravitational forces.13Two spheres travel along the same line with velocities u1 and u2. They collide and after collisionu1v1u2v2Which collision is not elastic?u1/m s–1u2/m s–1v1/m s–1v2/m s–1A 2 –5 –5 –2B 3 –3 0 6C 3 –2 1 6D 5 2 3 6© UCLES 2016 9702/11/O/N/16 [Turn over© UCLES 2016 9702/11/O/N/1614 A submarine has circular windows of diameter 0.30 m. The windows can experience a maximumexternal pressure of 660 kPa before they crack.What is the minimum external force needed to crack the windows?A 47 000 NB 190 000 NC 310 000 ND 620 000 N15 Four beams of the same length each have three forces acting on them.Which beam has both zero resultant force and zero resultant torque acting?90 N A106 N B63 NC112 NDWhich diagram shows the directions of the horizontal and vertical forces acting on the ends of the beam?AB C D17 A hydroelectric power station uses the gravitational potential energy of water to generateelectrical energy.In one particular power station, the mass of water flowing per unit time is 1.5 × 105 kg s –1. The water falls through a height of 120 m.The electrical power generated is 100 MW.What is the efficiency of the power station?A 5.6%B 43%C 57%D 68%18 An engine transforms thermal energy into mechanical work. The engine takes in thermal energyQ in from a heat source and gives out thermal energy Q out to a heat sink, producing useful work W .heat sourceengineheat sinkin WoutWhat is the efficiency of this engine? Aoutin Q Q W + Boutin Q Q W − CinQ W DoutQ W19 A truck of mass 500 kg moves from rest at the top of a section of track 400 m long and 30 m high,as shown. The frictional force acting on the truck is 250 N throughout its journey.What is the final speed of the truck? A 14 m s –1B 24 m s –1C 31 m s –1D 190 m s –120 Which condition must apply for the work done by an expanding gas to be p ∆V , where p is thepressure of the gas and ∆V is its change in volume?A No thermal energy must be supplied to the gas.B The expansion must be at a constant rate.C The pressure must be constant.D The temperature of the gas must be constant.21 A metal wire is stretched to breaking point and the force-extension graph is plotted.Which graph is correctly labelled with the elastic region, the plastic region and the area representing the work done to stretch the wire until it breaks?force / plastic A force / elastic Bforce / force / plastic D22 A copper wire hangs vertically from a fixed point. A load is attached to the lower end of the wireproducing an extension x . The wire obeys Hooke’s law.Which single change gives an extension 2x ?A Halve the cross-sectional area of the wire.B Halve the diameter of the wire.C Halve the length of the wire.D Halve the load on the wire.Which row correctly identifies the principal radiation for each of these wavelengths?10–14 m 10–10 m 10–6 m 10–2 m 102 m A gamma ray X-ray infra-red microwave radio wave B radio wave microwave infra-red X-ray gamma ray C radio wavemicrowaveultravioletinfra-redX-rayDX-ray infra-red ultraviolet microwave radio wave24 The diagram shows an experiment to produce a stationary wave in an air column. A tuning fork,placed above the column, vibrates and produces a sound wave. The length of the air column can be varied by altering the volume of the water in the tube.tuning forkThe tube is filled and then water is allowed to run out of it. The first two stationary waves occur when the air column lengths are 0.14 m and 0.42 m.What is the wavelength of the sound wave?A 0.14 mB 0.28 mC 0.42 mD 0.56 mXs Xs26 The warning signal on an ambulance has a frequency of 600 Hz. The speed of sound is 330 m s –1.The ambulance is travelling with a constant velocity of 25 m s –1 towards an observer.initial positionof ambulance final positionof ambulanceobserverWhich overall change in observed frequency takes place between the times at which theambulance is a long way behind the observer and when it is a long way in front of the observer? A 49 HzB 84 HzC 91 HzD 98 Hz27 Diagrams X and Y show the passage of water waves around an obstacle and through a gap.The thick lines are barriers to the waves and each thin line represents a wavefront.XYWhich statement is correct?A Diagrams X and Y both illustrate diffraction.B Diagrams X and Y both illustrate interference.C Only diagram X illustrates interference.D Only diagram Y illustrates diffraction.28vibration up and down endA 029 A diffraction grating is used to measure the wavelength of monochromatic light.The spacing of the slits in the grating is 1.15 × 10–6m. The angle between the first order diffraction maxima is 60.0°, as shown in the diagram.monochromaticlightWhat is the wavelength of the light?A 288nmB 498nmC 575nmD 996nm30Which path shows a possible movement of an electron in the electric field shown?31The diagram shows an electric field pattern caused by two positive and two negative point charges of equal magnitude placed at the four corners of a square.In which direction does the force act on an electron at point X?32Two large horizontal metal plates are separated by 4mm. The lower plate is at a potential of ––80VWhich potential should be applied to the upper plate to create an electric field of strength 60000V m–1 upwards in the space between the plates?A –320VB –160VC +160VD +320V33An electric kettle is marked 3.10kW. It is used with an electrical supply of 240V.What is the electric current in the kettle and what is the kettle’s electrical resistance when working?current/A resistance/ΩA 0.0129 18600B 0.0770 3100C 12.9 18.6D 12.9 310034 A thick copper wire is connected to a thin copper wire in series with a cell, as shown.What is significantly less in the thick wire than in the thin wire?A the charge passing a point per unit timeB the drift speed of the electronsC the number density of the free electronsD the number of free electrons passing a point per unit time35What is a typical value for the order of magnitude of the resistivity of copper?A 10–13ΩmB 10–8ΩmC 10–3ΩmD 102Ωm36 In the circuit shown, the reading on the ammeter is zero.R3R4The four resistors have different resistances R1, R2, R3 and R4.Which equation is correct?A R1 – R3 = R2– R4B R1×R3 = R2× R4C R1 – R4 = R2– R3D R1×R4 = R2× R337The diagram shows currents I1, I2, I3, I4 and I5 in different branches of a circuit.45Which equation is correct?A I1 = I2 + I3B I2 = I1 + I3C I3 = I4 + I5D I4 = I5 + I3Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after the live examination series.Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.38 What is a proton?A a hadronB a particle consisting of two down quarks and one up quarkC a positive fundamental particleD a positive lepton39 What are the correct descriptions of a γ-ray and a β– particle?γ-rayβ– particleA high-speed electron electromagnetic radiationBelectromagnetic radiation helium-4 nucleus Celectromagnetic radiation high-speed electronDhigh-speed electronhelium-4 nucleus40 In a radioactive decay series, three successive decays each result in a particle being emitted.The first decay results in the emission of a β– particle. The second decay results in the emission of an α particle. The third decay results in the emission of another β– particle.SNuclides P and S are compared.Which statement is correct?A P and S are identical in all respects.B P and S are isotopes of the same element.C S is a different element of lower atomic number.D S is a different element of reduced mass.。
