
The above two de…nitions will rather be results not de…nitions when we derive them from utility maximization under some general circumstances in Ch. 3. w and I are nominal variables. When adjusted for price level, they become real variables.
Unless stated otherwise, we only consider X = RL and + p 2 RL ++
The Walrasian or competitive budget set Bp,w = fx 2 RL : p x w g is the set of all feasible + consumption bundles for the consumer who takes market prices as given and has wealth w .
Technical Assumptions When appropriate, we will assume that x (p, w ) is single-valued, continuous and di¤erentiable.
A function f : R ! R is continuous at c i¤ 8 > 0, 9δ s.t.jx c j < δ =) jf (x ) f (c )j < .


课程说明1.本课程为金融学专业硕士生的必修课程,系统地讲授课程说明1.授课方式:讲授课程说明1.评估方法课程说明1.授课教师:唐国正教学内容1.什么是金融工程?什么是金融工程?定义1.包括设计、开发和实施具有创新意义的金融工具和金什么是金融工程?创新1.创新的三个层次什么是金融工程?金融工程产品作为金融创新活动的结果,金融工程产品可能是教学内容1.什么是金融工程?金融创新的动机税法与监管的变化1.Merton Miller认为:金融创新的动机减少金融约束1.Silber认为金融创新的过程实质上是公司试图放松面金融创新的社会价值R. C. Merton认为金融创新可以从三个方面提升经济公司(RJR金融创新的社会价值零和对策?1.许多经济学家认为,从全社会的角度来看,以绕开监教学内容1.什么是金融工程?金融工程的创新标准1.一种金融工具或者金融策略成为一项金融创新的条件金融工程的创新标准1.如果用Van Horne的标准来衡量,那么一些过去被认金融工程的创新标准债权-股权互换的税收套利1.A公司:金融工程的创新标准债权-股权互换的税收套利1.这笔交易对A公司来说是有意义的教学内容1.什么是金融工程?推动金融工程发展的因素在综合了Miller、Silber与Van Horne的研究成果教学内容1.什么是金融工程?应用领域综述1.开展金融工程活动的主体应用领域融资1.在融资方面,一种类型的金融工程活动是:在各种约应用领域融资4.另一种类型的金融工程活动与公司并购有关,在并购应用领域投资与现金管理1.在投资方面,金融工程师开发出了各种各样的中长期应用领域管理发行人的风险1.在风险管理领域,金融工程发挥着重要作用应用领域管理投资者的风险1.挑战性q90年代市场上出现的与股票指数挂钩的债券应用领域风险管理管理投资者的风险与管理发行人的风险迥然不同应用领域套利1.开发交易策略来利用不同地点、不同时间、不同工具教学内容1.什么是金融工程?应用领域非金融类公司1.金融工程在公司层面有着非常重要的应用应用领域非金融类公司1.对公司来说,金融工程可以用来应用领域非金融类公司安然公司(Enron) 应用领域非金融类公司1.1993年,为了便于供应商与最终消费者管理价格风教学内容1.什么是金融工程?理论基础1.作为一门应用学科,金融工程的理论基础主要来自于基本工具1.金融工程的工具可以分成两部分,一部分是基本的金来,用以实现某一特定的目标其它理论、工具1.除了应用上述理论与工具以外,金融工程活动常常还。

Principles of FinanceLecture 06Forward and Futures ContractsThe Nature of Derivatives∙ A derivative is an instrument whose value depends on the values of other more basic underlying variables∙Examples of derivatives-F orward-F utures-O ptions-S waps……Derivative Markets ∙Exchange Traded-Standard products-Trading floor or computer trading-Virtually no credit risk∙Over-the-Counter (OTC)-Non-standard products-Telephone market-Credit riskForward Contracts∙ A forward contract is an agreement made today to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future for a certain price (referred to as the forward price or the delivery price)∙The delivery price is usually chosen so that the initial value of the contract is zero; No money changes hands when contract is first negotiated and it is settled at maturity∙An OTC agreement between two parties and both parties are subject to credit risk∙Both parties have the obligation to honor the contractSettlement of Forward Contracts∙Physical: requires delivery of actual assets∙ Cash settled: requires only the exchange of the difference between the delivery price and the prevailing spot price at maturity∙Suppose that:Long 3-month Gold forwardDelivery price $300Spot price at t = 3 months: $320P/L from a Long Forward PositionS, TP/L from a Short Forward PositionSTFutures Contract∙Futures are standardized forward contracts.∙Whereas a forward contract is traded OTC a futures contract is traded on an exchange∙Specifications need to be defined:-The underlying asset-Delivery location-Maturity date and delivery time-Method of settlement∙Most contracts are closed out before maturityFeatures Promoting Liquidity ∙Standardized Contract-Maturity dates-Contract size-Price tick size, i.e. minimum price movement-The underlying asset (especially commodities) ∙Organized exchangesFeatures Reducing Credit Risk∙Daily settlement: Futures contracts are marked to market and settled at the end of every business day∙Margin account: To buy or sell a futures contract, the investor is required to post a specified margin to guarantee contract performance∙Clearinghouse: The clearinghouse does not take a position in any trade but interpose itself between two parties in every transactionMargin Accounts∙ A margin is cash or marketable securities deposited by an investor with his or her broker∙The balance in the margin account is adjusted to reflect daily settlement (profit or loss)∙Initial margin: The amount a trader must deposit into his/her trading account (i.e. margin account) when establishing a futures position∙When the balance in the margin account falls to, or below, a maintenance margin level, the trader receives a margin call and is requested to top up the account to the initial level. The extra funds deposited are known as a variation margin∙If the balance in the margin account exceeds the initial margin level, the trader is entitled to withdraw the excess funds in the accountExample of the Margin Account ∙An investor takes long position in $/£ futures∙Contract size: £62,500∙Initial margin: 1,485$∙Maintenance margin: 1,100$Date SettlementPrice OpeningBalance($)DailyP/L ($)ClosingBalance($)Margincall ($)Cumulative P/L ($)1.6500 1,48501/11 1.6508 1,485 50 1,535 50 02/11 1.6412 1,535 -600 935 550 -550 03/11 1.6384 1,485 -175 1,310 -725 04/11 1.6456 1,310 450 1,760 -275 05/11 1.6492 1,760 225 1,985 -50The Economic Function of Futures MarketsThe futures markets facilitate the re-allocation of exposure to commodity price risk among market participants.By providing a means to hedge the price risk associated with storing a commodity, futures contracts make it possible to separate the decision of whether to physically store a commodity from the decision to have financial exposure to price changes.The Economic Function of Futures MarketsThe existence of the futures market for wheat conveys information to all producers, distributors, and consumers; and this eliminates the necessity for market participants to gather and process information in order to forecast the future spot priceSuppose the commodity is wheat, and next year’s crop is expected to be much higher than average, then futures prices may be lower than the spot, (the spread may be negative,) nobody will store wheat.The Law of One Price and Arbitrage∙In a competitive market, if two assets are equivalent they will tend to have the same price∙The law of one price is enforced by a process called arbitrage∙Arbitrage is the purchasing of a set of assets, and immediate sale of another set of assets, in such a way as to earn a sure profit from price differences∙Arbitrage process brings two equivalent assets to the same price, this is known as market clearing.An Arbitrage Opportunity?∙Shares of General Motors (GM) are listed on both NYSE and LSE ∙The quoted price is £100 in London and $148 in New York∙The current exchange rate is $1.4500/£∙An arbitrage opportunity?Another Arbitrage Opportunity?∙There are two investment portfolios: portfolio A and portfolio B∙The payoffs at maturity are as follows:State 1 State 2Portfolio A $70 $100Portfolio B $70 $100∙The current quoted price of portfolio A is $80 and the current quoted price for portfolio B is $82∙An arbitrage opportunity?Framework for Forward/Future Pricing ∙Future price: price of the future∙Spot price: price of the underlying asset at present∙Future spot price: price of the underlying asset in the futureFramework for Forward/Future Pricing Suppose you have some spare cash, and you want to invest it in gold in a year’s time. There are 2 ways to do it:A.Buy gold at the spot price with your money, store it for a year(which means you incur some storage costs), sell it at the future spot price.B.Enter into a forward/future contract of gold, put your money in abank for a year, buy A at the forward/future price in the end of the year, sell it at the future spot price.Since the two strategies are equivalent, they must provide the same return so that there are no arbitrage opportunities.Framework for Forward/Future PricingDenote S as the spot price of gold, F as the forward/future price of gold, FS as the future spot price of gold, s as the storage cost of gold as a fraction of spot price, r as the risk-free interest rate:Return of A: FS S s S -- Return of B: FS FrS -+FS S FS Fs rS S---=+Therefore: (1)F r s S =++Framework for Forward/Future Pricing∙Forward price must be arbitrage-free∙Suppose that-The spot price of gold is US$300-The 1-year US$ interest rate is 8% per annum with annual compounding-Storage costs 2% of gold.-The forward-spot-price-parity relation implies that the one-year forward price is:+=++F⨯rs=S+08)30033002.0)1(.01(=∙Forward prices above $330 permit arbitrage-Suppose the forward price is $340-At time t = 0- Sell gold forward at $340- Borrow $300 at 8% pa- Purchase gold in the spot market at $300, store for a year (storage costs $6)-At time t = 1 year- Deliver gold and receive $340-Pay back loan with interest ($324)-Pay storage cost: ($6)- Make a profit of $10: 340-324-6=10∙Forward prices below $330 permit arbitrage-Suppose the forward price is $320-At time t = 0-Buy gold forward at $320-Sell short gold in the spot market at $300 (borrow gold and sell it immediately)-Deposit $300 at 8% pa-At time t = 1 year-Accept delivery of gold for $320: ($320)-Return the gold and receive storage cost: $6-Receive deposit with interest of $324-Make a profit of $10: 324+6-320=10Financial FuturesThe underlying asset of a financial future is a financial instrument, e.g. stock, bond, foreign currency, etc.Example: Share A has a spot price of $100 (S=100), the risk-free interest rate is 8% (r=0.08) with annual compounding, what’s the forward price?Forward-spot-price-parity for a share with no dividend with maturity of T years:T1(+=SrF)Financial FuturesThe investor has two equivalent investment strategies:1.buy one share A, hold it for a year, and sell it at the future spotprice of 1S. Cash flow in a year’s time: 1S2.buy a forward/future contract of share A at the price of F, make adeposit in a risk-free asset with future value of F, take the money out after a year, and buy the share at F, sell it in the market at the future spot price of 1S. Cash flow in a year’s time: 1SThe law of one price says that they should have the same price today since they produce the same amount of cash flow in a year’s time!Financial FuturesPrice of strategy 1: the spot price of share A: SPrice of strategy 2: the amount of cash invested into the risk-free asset so as to generate F in a year’s time: F/(1+r)Therefore: S=F/(1+r)Rearranging, we have:F+=S)1(rIf the futures contract matures in T years, it becomes:T=1(+rSF)Financial FuturesWhat if share A pays dividend of D in a year’s time?Again the investor has two equivalent strategies:Strategy 1: buy share A at the spot price S, hold it for one year, receive dividend of D, and sell the share at the future spot price of S. Cash flow in a year’s time: 1S+ D1Strategy 2: buy a forward/future contract at the price of F, make an investment in a risk-free asset with future value of F+D, take the money out after a year, buy the share at F, sell it in the market at the future spot price of 1S. Cash flow in a year’s time: 1S+DFinancial FuturesPrice of strategy 1: the spot price of share A: SPrice of strategy 2: the amount of cash invested into the risk-free assetso as to generate F+D in a year’s time (F+D)/(1+r)Applying the law of one price, we have: S=(F+D)/(1+r) Rearranging, we have the forward-spot-price-parity of a share with dividend payment:F=S(1+r)-DThe Forward Price is not a Forecast of Future Spot Price The forward price is obtained without risk from the current spot and risk free investmentThe spot value at a future date is obtained by investing in the security and accepting (market) risk, and this risk must be rewardedFX Forward RateDefine HC r and FC r as the effective interest rates at home andabroadFCHCr r S F ++=11where F and S are defined as the number of units of HC per unit of FC. For example, suppose £1=$1.6, then F =1.6 and $r r HC =, £r r FC = if you are buying a pound future; F =0.625 and £r r HC =, $r r FC = if you are buying a dollar future.The FX Forward RateSuppose an investor wants to buy a futures contract of pound sterling at F , i.e. he can buy pound at the price of £1=$F in a year’s time. The spot price of pound is S , i.e. £1=$S . So here pound is the foreign currency, dollar is the home currency. The risk-free interest rates are: $r r HC =, £r r FC =. What is the proper price of the future contract?The investor has two equivalent strategies: Stragegy 1:At t=0: Enter into a futures contract of pound with futures price of F . Cash flow: 0At t=1: Buy pound at F . Cash flow: FThe FX Forward RateStrategy 2:At t=0: Borrow )1/(£r S + of US dollars, change into £1/(1)r + of pounds, put it in a bank at the pound interest rate. Cash flow: 0At t=1, take the money out (in pound), pay back the dollar loan. Cashflow: $£11r Sr ++The FX Forward RateSince the two strategies both will give you one pound in a year’s time, the law of one price says that they have the same price, i.e. the amount of investment of these two strategies must be the same:$£11r F Sr +=+More generally:FCHCr r SF ++=11Pricing FX Forward Contract∙ Suppose that:Spot $/£: 1.4222One-year $ interest rate: %00.5 per annum with annual compounding One-year £ interest rate: %00.6 per annum with annual compounding∙ The six-month £ forward rate:415.10296.010247.014222.11111£$=++⨯=++=++=r r S r r S F FC HCAs a rule of thumb, if the foreign currency offers a higher interest rate, the future price of the foreign currency will be lower than the spot price.Corporate Applications: Hedging∙Receive FC payment at a future date ⇒ sells FC forward short∙Boeing has just sold 10 Boeing-747s to British Airways with total price of £200m payable in one year’s time∙Boeing can hedge this cash flow in £ by selling £ forward short∙If the one-year forward rate is $1.60/£, so Boeing will receive $320m no matter how exchange rate $/£ movesCorporate Applications: Hedging∙Make FC payment at a future date ⇒ buys FC forward (long)∙An US company imported some goods from Switzerland and is due to pay SFr100m in six months’ time∙The company can hedge its exposure to SFr by buying SFr forward. The six-month forward rate is SFr1.54/$, so the company is required to pay $64.94mThe Role of Expectations in Determining Exchange Rates Consider a world in which there are two countries, Domestic & Foreign, and conditions are such in each country that the yield curves are flat, with yields of 5% and 10% respectively.Further assume that the exchange rate is 1 todayThe 1-year forward is 1*1.05/1.10=0.9545The Role of Expectations in Determining Exchange Rates If the interest rate in Foreign is higher than in Domestic, one explanation may be that the rate of inflation is higher.Assume no taxes, and the interest rate difference is the result inflation being 5% and 10% respectively.Then the price dynamics of both countries will result in an exchange rate of 0.9545 next year, which is also the forward rate.The Role of Expectations in Determining Exchange Rates In real life, things are not so simple, but several mechanisms may be postulated that support the expectations hypothesis.International investor confidence, and their forecasts of inflation, place price pressure on both spot and forward exchange rates through the international bond market。

2 企业 经营 实际 资产 财务 管理 3
金融 市场 持有金 融资产 的投资 者
• 企业的性质 • 企业的目标 • 财务管理的内容 • 财务管理的目标
• 企业的性质
–依法自主经营、自负盈亏,独立核算 的商品生产和经营单位(全民所有制 企业法) –法人实体(公司法) –“契约关系”的集合
• 契约关系-利益所有者: – 所有者 – 债权人 – 管理者 – 职工 – 政府 – 社会
– ……
• 企业的目标 –利润最大化目标 –生存目标 –满意的利润水平目标 –价值最大化目标
• 利润最大化目标 – 会计成果度量 – 确定性假设 • 生存目标 – 以安全生存为基本出发点 – 缺乏进取性
• 运用经济附加值指标的意义(续) –可以建立一个既有利于股东,也有利于 管理人员与职工的激励体系。 –这一指标使公司与股东之间可以有效地 就公司是否实现了股东的利益进行沟通。 总之,经济附加值使得企业可以建立一 个有效的内部管理与激励体制使各级管理人 员和公司员工为实现最好的公司业绩而努力。
• 经济附加值(Economic Value Added, EVA)一种 体现股东财富最大化目标的财务指标,又称经济 利润。 经济附加值的定义为:EVA=NOPAT-(C%)×(TC) 或:EVA=NOPAT- kw×(NA)
C%为资本成本在总成本中所占的比例 TC为总成本
• 营运资金管理:流动资产管理 – 现金管理 – 短期投资管理 – 应收帐款管理 – 存货管理


8. Probability and Statistics Degroot, M. H.
2 北大光华,曹凤岐,货币金融学笔记
3 关于2010年北大光华金融考研答疑,超详细
4 北京大学光华管理学院金融参考书目
5 光华考试指南绝密资料
6 考上光华金融的本科生背景
7 光华金融常见词汇英汉互译
8 光华金融2007-2010分数统计
9 北大光分考友经验交流会资料!!!

北大光华管理学院金融经济学课件百 年回顾
n 以无套利假设作为出发点的一大成就也就 是布莱克-肖尔斯期权定价理论。
n 所谓 (股票买入) 期权是指以某固定的执行 价格在一定的期限内买入某种股票的权利。 期权在它被执行时的价格很清楚,即:如果 股票的市价高于期权规定的执行价格,那么 期权的价格就是市价与执行价格之差;如果 股票的市价低于期权规定的执行价格,那么 期权是无用的,其价格为零。
北大光华管理学院金融经济学课件百 年回顾
1997 年诺贝尔经济奖获得者
•默顿 (R. Merton, 1944~) 《连续时间 金融学》
•肖尔斯 (M. Scholes, 1941~) 期 权定价公式
布莱克(F. Black, 1938~1995) 期权定价公式
1973 年布莱克-肖尔斯-默 顿期权定价理论问世
n 如果把各证券的投资比例看作变量,问题就归 结为怎样使证券组合的收益最大、风险最小的数 学规划。
北大光华管理学院金融经济学课件百 年回顾
北大光华管理学院金融经济学课件百 年回顾

金融机构的作用 金融机构在经济发展中发挥着核心作用,包括提 供金融服务、促进资金融通、维护金融稳定等。
金融市场和金融机构是相互依存的两 个部分,金融市场为金融机构提供了 交易场所和交易工具,而金融机构则 是金融市场的参与者和推动者。
金融市场和金融机构在经济发展中相 互促进,金融市场的发展为金融机构 提供了更多的业务机会和盈利空间, 而金融机构的创新和发展则推动了金 融市场的不断完善和成熟。
通过控制货币供应量,保持物 价总水平的基本稳定,防止通
通过调节货币供应量,刺激社 会总需求,促进经济增长和扩
通过调整汇率、外汇储备等手 段,保持国际收支的基本平衡,
通过金融监管和货币政策等手 段,维护金融机构和金融市场
金融市场在经济发展中发挥着重要作 用,包括提供融资平台、优化资源配 置、分散风险等。
根据交易对象的不同,金融市场可分 为货币市场、资本市场、外汇市场、 黄金市场等。
1 2
金融机构的定义 金融机构是指从事金融活动的组织或机构,包括 银行、证券公司、保险公司、信托公司等。
金融机构的分类 根据业务性质和服务对象的不同,金融机构可分 为银行类金融机构和非银行类金融机构。
通过调整存款准备金率,影响金 融机构的信贷扩张能力和货币乘

280、Collusion 勾结企业之间为抬高价格、瓜分市场或限制竞争等而达成的共谋协议。
281、Collusive oligopoly 寡头勾结垄断一种市场结构。
282、Command economy 指令经济一种经济组织方式。
283、Commodity money 商品货币有内在价值的货币;也指作为货币使用的商品(如家畜、珍珠等)。
284、Common stock 普通股票表明在一公司中拥有所有权和投票权的金融证券。
285、Communism 共产主义共产主义经济体制(也称苏维埃模式的中央计划型经济),国家拥有并控制着生产资料,特别是工业资本。
286、Comparative advantage(in international trade)(国际贸易中的)比较优势比较优势法则指出:一国应专门生产和出口那些该国能以相对低的成本生产的商品,并进口那些自己生产成本相对高的商品。
287、Compensating differentials 补偿性(工资)差异用于抵消或补偿工作的非货币性差异的工资水平的差别。

A 供>B 需 A 需>B 供
p1 ↘, p2 ↗,预算线向逆时针
n ,有 Z ( p*) 0 各个市场超额需求为 0 p* R
note: (1)注意瓦尔拉斯均衡与瓦尔拉斯定律的区别,瓦尔拉斯均衡更严格 (2)由瓦尔拉斯定律(法则) ,只需找到一组使(n-1)个商品市场均衡的价格,最后 一种商品市场将自动相等(引入相对价格概念,事实上只有 k-1 种独立价格) 3°均衡的存在性的证明——一般均衡存在性定理 [定理]如果超额需求函数 Z(p)满足下列三个条件[一个假设]总需求函数连续
1 无价格歧视——收取统一价格 ○
提供线 Y 不同价格下预算线与无差异曲线切点的连线 若 A 具有垄断势力,则他会利用无差异曲线与提供线相切的点获取最大利润[帕累托有 效吗?为什么?]
1 完全价格歧视——收取统一价格 ○
若 A 可进行完全的价格歧视,则 A 会对每一商品沿无差异曲线收取其能索取的最高价 格,B 完全得不到交易的好处,但结果却是帕累托有效的。 2°福利经济学第二定理:如果所有消费者的偏好呈凸性,则总会有这样一种价格,在这 组价格上每一个帕累托有效率的配置是在适当商品禀赋条件下的市场均衡 □意义:分配与效率可分开来考虑(市场机制+适当再分配可得到满意的帕累托有效配 置) 价格在市场中的作用
均衡时内部 MRS1 生产安排方式,使境况改善 这个结果也是帕累托有效的
2°两种产品、两个消费者、厂商 企业追求利润最大化有 MRT
消费者MRS1 MRS 2

1.1 什么是金融计量经济学
当一家金融机构,面临某种制度(例如,引入独立董事制度、融资融券业务的推出,再 融资标准的变化,交易制度的引入或限制某种交易行为等)的引入时,需要考虑引入制度对 公司价值的提升作用或交易环境变化的影响进行相应决策。 假定你在一家投资银行工作, 你 可能需要研究几种不同的交易策略对所准备投资证券的收益影响。 假定你是有志作为一名学 术研究者,你需要验证市场上的各种变量之间的关系(例如长短期利率变化,汇率波动与净 出口贸易, 货币政策的变化对那些类别的资产价格会产生影响等) 来确定它们是否遵从相关 的金融理论和模型假设。 假若你是一个市场中的投资者, 你可能需要根据各种影响证券价值 变化的因素来选择投资的对象和买卖的时机。 要完成上述这些任务中的任意一项, 如果你希 望你的行为和决定是有一定科学依据的, 而不愿意象一个赌徒那样接受随机发生的结果, 你 就需要使用金融计量方法,对各种变量之间的关系通过统计方法进行分析和检验。为此,你 将要面对和使用大量的统计模型和计量方法。 金融计量经济学中将会大量使用统计模型和方法解决金融相关问题, 是不是金融计量就 等同于统计方法呢,尽管二者之间存在许多密不可分的联系,但答案仍然是否定的。为此金 融计量与统计之间的关系如何就是一个首先需要明确的问题。 金融学家最初所使用的方法大 多是基于模型的统计推断方法。然而,金融市场的发展日新月异,很对的金融问题已经没有 统计工具来帮助解决,因此,金融计量经济学是相对独立于数理统计而发展的。另一方面, 数理统计更多的是基于假设和可以重复实验, 而计量金融学主要集中在对不可重复试验数据
y f ( x1, x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 )
模型中的干扰项 所具有的特征及其对结果的影响将是计量分析的重要内容。 而干扰项 为此, 接下来就要去收集相关的数据并通过计量方法进行验证。 因为没有通过验证的任 何理论,在经济金融领域只能算是一个假设或猜想,甚至是一个误认为。在后面的内容中再 详细讨论第二、 三两个步骤所涉及的相关内容。 在此, 我们要先来熟悉一下数据是什么样的, 常见都有那些数据类型?

金融衍生工具类23.金融衍生工具通常是指从原生资产(Underlying Asserts)派生出来的金融工具。
更为准确他说,掉期合约是当事人之间签讨的在未来某一期间内相互交换他们认为具有相等经济价值的现金流(Cash Flow)的合约。


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Principles of FinanceLecture 06Forward and Futures ContractsThe Nature of Derivatives∙ A derivative is an instrument whose value depends on the values of other more basic underlying variables∙Examples of derivatives-F orward-F utures-O ptions-S waps……Derivative Markets ∙Exchange Traded-Standard products-Trading floor or computer trading-Virtually no credit risk∙Over-the-Counter (OTC)-Non-standard products-Telephone market-Credit riskForward Contracts∙ A forward contract is an agreement made today to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future for a certain price (referred to as the forward price or the delivery price)∙The delivery price is usually chosen so that the initial value of the contract is zero; No money changes hands when contract is first negotiated and it is settled at maturity∙An OTC agreement between two parties and both parties are subject to credit risk∙Both parties have the obligation to honor the contractSettlement of Forward Contracts∙Physical: requires delivery of actual assets∙ Cash settled: requires only the exchange of the difference between the delivery price and the prevailing spot price at maturity∙Suppose that:Long 3-month Gold forwardDelivery price $300Spot price at t = 3 months: $320P/L from a Long Forward PositionS, TP/L from a Short Forward PositionSTFutures Contract∙Futures are standardized forward contracts.∙Whereas a forward contract is traded OTC a futures contract is traded on an exchange∙Specifications need to be defined:-The underlying asset-Delivery location-Maturity date and delivery time-Method of settlement∙Most contracts are closed out before maturityFeatures Promoting Liquidity ∙Standardized Contract-Maturity dates-Contract size-Price tick size, i.e. minimum price movement-The underlying asset (especially commodities) ∙Organized exchangesFeatures Reducing Credit Risk∙Daily settlement: Futures contracts are marked to market and settled at the end of every business day∙Margin account: To buy or sell a futures contract, the investor is required to post a specified margin to guarantee contract performance∙Clearinghouse: The clearinghouse does not take a position in any trade but interpose itself between two parties in every transactionMargin Accounts∙ A margin is cash or marketable securities deposited by an investor with his or her broker∙The balance in the margin account is adjusted to reflect daily settlement (profit or loss)∙Initial margin: The amount a trader must deposit into his/her trading account (i.e. margin account) when establishing a futures position∙When the balance in the margin account falls to, or below, a maintenance margin level, the trader receives a margin call and is requested to top up the account to the initial level. The extra funds deposited are known as a variation margin∙If the balance in the margin account exceeds the initial margin level, the trader is entitled to withdraw the excess funds in the accountExample of the Margin Account ∙An investor takes long position in $/£ futures∙Contract size: £62,500∙Initial margin: 1,485$∙Maintenance margin: 1,100$Date SettlementPrice OpeningBalance($)DailyP/L ($)ClosingBalance($)Margincall ($)Cumulative P/L ($)1.6500 1,48501/11 1.6508 1,485 50 1,535 50 02/11 1.6412 1,535 -600 935 550 -550 03/11 1.6384 1,485 -175 1,310 -725 04/11 1.6456 1,310 450 1,760 -275 05/11 1.6492 1,760 225 1,985 -50The Economic Function of Futures MarketsThe futures markets facilitate the re-allocation of exposure to commodity price risk among market participants.By providing a means to hedge the price risk associated with storing a commodity, futures contracts make it possible to separate the decision of whether to physically store a commodity from the decision to have financial exposure to price changes.The Economic Function of Futures MarketsThe existence of the futures market for wheat conveys information to all producers, distributors, and consumers; and this eliminates the necessity for market participants to gather and process information in order to forecast the future spot priceSuppose the commodity is wheat, and next year’s crop is expected to be much higher than average, then futures prices may be lower than the spot, (the spread may be negative,) nobody will store wheat.The Law of One Price and Arbitrage∙In a competitive market, if two assets are equivalent they will tend to have the same price∙The law of one price is enforced by a process called arbitrage∙Arbitrage is the purchasing of a set of assets, and immediate sale of another set of assets, in such a way as to earn a sure profit from price differences∙Arbitrage process brings two equivalent assets to the same price, this is known as market clearing.An Arbitrage Opportunity?∙Shares of General Motors (GM) are listed on both NYSE and LSE ∙The quoted price is £100 in London and $148 in New York∙The current exchange rate is $1.4500/£∙An arbitrage opportunity?Another Arbitrage Opportunity?∙There are two investment portfolios: portfolio A and portfolio B∙The payoffs at maturity are as follows:State 1 State 2Portfolio A $70 $100Portfolio B $70 $100∙The current quoted price of portfolio A is $80 and the current quoted price for portfolio B is $82∙An arbitrage opportunity?Framework for Forward/Future Pricing ∙Future price: price of the future∙Spot price: price of the underlying asset at present∙Future spot price: price of the underlying asset in the futureFramework for Forward/Future Pricing Suppose you have some spare cash, and you want to invest it in gold in a year’s time. There are 2 ways to do it:A.Buy gold at the spot price with your money, store it for a year(which means you incur some storage costs), sell it at the future spot price.B.Enter into a forward/future contract of gold, put your money in abank for a year, buy A at the forward/future price in the end of the year, sell it at the future spot price.Since the two strategies are equivalent, they must provide the same return so that there are no arbitrage opportunities.Framework for Forward/Future PricingDenote S as the spot price of gold, F as the forward/future price of gold, FS as the future spot price of gold, s as the storage cost of gold as a fraction of spot price, r as the risk-free interest rate:Return of A: FS S s S -- Return of B: FS FrS -+FS S FS Fs rS S---=+Therefore: (1)F r s S =++Framework for Forward/Future Pricing∙Forward price must be arbitrage-free∙Suppose that-The spot price of gold is US$300-The 1-year US$ interest rate is 8% per annum with annual compounding-Storage costs 2% of gold.-The forward-spot-price-parity relation implies that the one-year forward price is:+=++F⨯rs=S+08)30033002.0)1(.01(=∙Forward prices above $330 permit arbitrage-Suppose the forward price is $340-At time t = 0- Sell gold forward at $340- Borrow $300 at 8% pa- Purchase gold in the spot market at $300, store for a year (storage costs $6)-At time t = 1 year- Deliver gold and receive $340-Pay back loan with interest ($324)-Pay storage cost: ($6)- Make a profit of $10: 340-324-6=10∙Forward prices below $330 permit arbitrage-Suppose the forward price is $320-At time t = 0-Buy gold forward at $320-Sell short gold in the spot market at $300 (borrow gold and sell it immediately)-Deposit $300 at 8% pa-At time t = 1 year-Accept delivery of gold for $320: ($320)-Return the gold and receive storage cost: $6-Receive deposit with interest of $324-Make a profit of $10: 324+6-320=10Financial FuturesThe underlying asset of a financial future is a financial instrument, e.g. stock, bond, foreign currency, etc.Example: Share A has a spot price of $100 (S=100), the risk-free interest rate is 8% (r=0.08) with annual compounding, what’s the forward price?Forward-spot-price-parity for a share with no dividend with maturity of T years:T1(+=SrF)Financial FuturesThe investor has two equivalent investment strategies:1.buy one share A, hold it for a year, and sell it at the future spotprice of 1S. Cash flow in a year’s time: 1S2.buy a forward/future contract of share A at the price of F, make adeposit in a risk-free asset with future value of F, take the money out after a year, and buy the share at F, sell it in the market at the future spot price of 1S. Cash flow in a year’s time: 1SThe law of one price says that they should have the same price today since they produce the same amount of cash flow in a year’s time!Financial FuturesPrice of strategy 1: the spot price of share A: SPrice of strategy 2: the amount of cash invested into the risk-free asset so as to generate F in a year’s time: F/(1+r)Therefore: S=F/(1+r)Rearranging, we have:F+=S)1(rIf the futures contract matures in T years, it becomes:T=1(+rSF)Financial FuturesWhat if share A pays dividend of D in a year’s time?Again the investor has two equivalent strategies:Strategy 1: buy share A at the spot price S, hold it for one year, receive dividend of D, and sell the share at the future spot price of S. Cash flow in a year’s time: 1S+ D1Strategy 2: buy a forward/future contract at the price of F, make an investment in a risk-free asset with future value of F+D, take the money out after a year, buy the share at F, sell it in the market at the future spot price of 1S. Cash flow in a year’s time: 1S+DFinancial FuturesPrice of strategy 1: the spot price of share A: SPrice of strategy 2: the amount of cash invested into the risk-free assetso as to generate F+D in a year’s time (F+D)/(1+r)Applying the law of one price, we have: S=(F+D)/(1+r) Rearranging, we have the forward-spot-price-parity of a share with dividend payment:F=S(1+r)-DThe Forward Price is not a Forecast of Future Spot Price The forward price is obtained without risk from the current spot and risk free investmentThe spot value at a future date is obtained by investing in the security and accepting (market) risk, and this risk must be rewardedFX Forward RateDefine HC r and FC r as the effective interest rates at home andabroadFCHCr r S F ++=11where F and S are defined as the number of units of HC per unit of FC. For example, suppose £1=$1.6, then F =1.6 and $r r HC =, £r r FC = if you are buying a pound future; F =0.625 and £r r HC =, $r r FC = if you are buying a dollar future.The FX Forward RateSuppose an investor wants to buy a futures contract of pound sterling at F , i.e. he can buy pound at the price of £1=$F in a year’s time. The spot price of pound is S , i.e. £1=$S . So here pound is the foreign currency, dollar is the home currency. The risk-free interest rates are: $r r HC =, £r r FC =. What is the proper price of the future contract?The investor has two equivalent strategies: Stragegy 1:At t=0: Enter into a futures contract of pound with futures price of F . Cash flow: 0At t=1: Buy pound at F . Cash flow: FThe FX Forward RateStrategy 2:At t=0: Borrow )1/(£r S + of US dollars, change into £1/(1)r + of pounds, put it in a bank at the pound interest rate. Cash flow: 0At t=1, take the money out (in pound), pay back the dollar loan. Cashflow: $£11r Sr ++The FX Forward RateSince the two strategies both will give you one pound in a year’s time, the law of one price says that they have the same price, i.e. the amount of investment of these two strategies must be the same:$£11r F Sr +=+More generally:FCHCr r SF ++=11Pricing FX Forward Contract∙ Suppose that:Spot $/£: 1.4222One-year $ interest rate: %00.5 per annum with annual compounding One-year £ interest rate: %00.6 per annum with annual compounding∙ The six-month £ forward rate:415.10296.010247.014222.11111£$=++⨯=++=++=r r S r r S F FC HCAs a rule of thumb, if the foreign currency offers a higher interest rate, the future price of the foreign currency will be lower than the spot price.Corporate Applications: Hedging∙Receive FC payment at a future date ⇒ sells FC forward short∙Boeing has just sold 10 Boeing-747s to British Airways with total price of £200m payable in one year’s time∙Boeing can hedge this cash flow in £ by selling £ forward short∙If the one-year forward rate is $1.60/£, so Boeing will receive $320m no matter how exchange rate $/£ movesCorporate Applications: Hedging∙Make FC payment at a future date ⇒ buys FC forward (long)∙An US company imported some goods from Switzerland and is due to pay SFr100m in six months’ time∙The company can hedge its exposure to SFr by buying SFr forward. The six-month forward rate is SFr1.54/$, so the company is required to pay $64.94mThe Role of Expectations in Determining Exchange Rates Consider a world in which there are two countries, Domestic & Foreign, and conditions are such in each country that the yield curves are flat, with yields of 5% and 10% respectively.Further assume that the exchange rate is 1 todayThe 1-year forward is 1*1.05/1.10=0.9545The Role of Expectations in Determining Exchange Rates If the interest rate in Foreign is higher than in Domestic, one explanation may be that the rate of inflation is higher.Assume no taxes, and the interest rate difference is the result inflation being 5% and 10% respectively.Then the price dynamics of both countries will result in an exchange rate of 0.9545 next year, which is also the forward rate.The Role of Expectations in Determining Exchange Rates In real life, things are not so simple, but several mechanisms may be postulated that support the expectations hypothesis.International investor confidence, and their forecasts of inflation, place price pressure on both spot and forward exchange rates through the international bond market。