英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第六单元 英译汉(二) A Passion for Sport

英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第六单元  英译汉(二) A Passion for Sport
英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第六单元  英译汉(二) A Passion for Sport



A Passion for Sport

Australians have always loved sport, and excelled at it. Even before Federation in 1901, “Australia” was competing internationally as a nation. Despite its relatively small population, Australia has consistently had world champions in most sports.

The most recent example of Australia’s sporting prowess is its athletes’ success at the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Finishing in fourth place overall in the Olympic competition, Australians won 58 medals. Australia gained first place in the Paralympics, with a total of 149 medals.

But it is not just a strong will and a natural aptitude for sport that makes Australian athletes champions in their disciplines. Applying the newest scientific technologies to training can literally mean the difference between winning and losing in competition. The role that science plays in sport is now a major factor in Australia’s sporting success. In addition, Australia’s elite athletes have a large support network of coaches, managers, scientists, doctors, physiotherapists and nutritionists.

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In 2001, an estimated 11.7 million people, or 77.7 per cent of the population aged 15 years and over, participated in at least one physical activity for recreation and sport. Australians also enjoy watching sporting events, with sporting programs the most commonly watched on television (after news and current affairs), by 55 per cent of adults. Going to sports events is also a popular pastime. In 1999, 7 million people, or 47.1 per cent of the Australian population aged 15 years and over, attended sporting matches or competitions. The late, great cricketer Sir Donald Bradman summed it up crisply and well. “Sport,” he said, “is embedded in the fabric of Australian life.” Author Donald Ho rne once made the bleak but accurate judgment that to play games and / or watch them was “to fulfill one’s role as an Australian.”


prowess 威力the Paralympic Games 残疾人奥运会aptitude 天赋physiotherapist 理疗学家nutritionist 营养学家crisply 清楚地

bleak 单调的,








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英译汉重点:Unit 1 (1) Promising are the cross-cultural studies seeking to support Darwin’s theory that facial expressions are universal and researchers found that the particular visible pattern on the face, the combination of muscles contracted for anger, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, happiness is the same for all members of our species, but this seems helpful until it is realized that a person’s cultural upbringing determines whether or not that emotion will be displayed or suppressed, as well as on which occasions and to what degree. 力求证明达尔文关于面部表情是共同的这一理论的跨文化研究给人极大的希望,研究者发现脸部的某些看得见的形状,即因愤怒、恐惧、惊讶、悲伤、厌恶、幸福而紧缩的肌肉组合,我们人类各成员都是一样的。但是这似乎无济于事,只要我们意识到一个人生长的文化决定了这种情感是否会表露或压抑,决定了在何种场合和多大的程度上会表露或压抑。 (2) The stumbling block of assumed similarity is a “troublem,” as one English learner expressed it, not only for the foreigner but for the people in the host country with whom the international visitor comes into contact.正如一个学习英语的人所表达的那样,相似性的假设这个的绊脚石是一个“麻烦”,不仅仅是对于来访的外国人,就连这个外国人接触的东道国的人也都是个问题。 (3) They abstract whatever fits into their personal world of recognition and then interpret it through the frame of reference of their own culture. 他们只提取出那些适合他们认可的个人世界的东西,然后按照他们自身文化为参考系来加以解释。 (4) A worse language problem is the tenacity with which someone will cling to just one meaning of a word or phrase in the new language, regardless of connotation or context. (2008 Paper A) 更糟糕的问题是死死抱住新语言中一个词汇或短语的一种意义,而不顾隐含义和语境。 (5) The confidence that goes with the myth of similarity is much more comfortable than the assumption of differences, the latter requiting tentative assumptions and behavior and a willingness to accept the anxiety of “not knowing.” (2009 Paper A)相信相似性的神话比设想存在差异更让人觉得舒服,因为后者要求试探性的设想和行为并且乐意接受由于“不知”而产生的焦虑。 Unit 3(1) The key to Crockpot stepfamilies is time and low heat. I’ve already stressed the importance of being patient with the integration process and not trying to force love, care, or togetherness. Often, in an attempt to quickly combine various ingredients such as people, rituals, and backgrounds, stepfamilies use the food processor, microwave, pressure cooker, and blender integration styles. 瓦罐煨汤式融合的继亲家庭的关键是温火慢炖。前文我已经强调了整合过程中有耐心,而不强迫关爱、强迫关心、强迫在一起的重要性。通常,为了快速的将诸如人,仪式和背景等原料合并一体,继亲家庭采用食品加工式,微波炉式,高压锅式和果汁机式的融合方式。 (2) Stepfamilies need time to adjust to new living conditions, new parenting styles, rules, and responsibilities. They need time to experience one another and develop trust, commitment, and a shared history. They need time to find a sense of belonging and an identity as a family unit. None of these things can be rushed. (2008 Paper A) 继亲家庭需要时间来适应新的居住环境,新的父母家教风格,规矩和责任。他们需要时间来相互体验,产生信任,形成忠诚,创造共同的历史。他们需要时间来寻找作为一个家庭的归属感和认同感。所有这些都不能操之过急。继亲家庭需要时间来适应新的居住条件,新的父母家教风格,规矩和责任。他们需要时间来寻找作为一个家庭的归属感和认同感。 (3) A watched pot never boils. 心急水不开。 (4) Meredith considered it her “down time” to relax and read a good book, Terry enjoyed playing with friends, while Joe mastered his latest computer game. Meredith会把闲暇时间当作者“工歇时间”,放松自己,读一本好书。Terry喜欢和朋友们一起玩,而Joe则精通又一种最新的电脑游戏。 (5) It is quite normal for a stepparent to have close bonds with one stepchild, be working on bonds with another, while experiencing a distant relationship with an older child. (2009 Paper A) 对继父或继母来说,和一个继子女有着亲密的关系,正在和另一个继子女建立关系,还和年纪较大的那个继子女有一定距离,这些都是很正常的。 Unit 4 (1) When economists first began to measure the sources of economic growth, what previously had been considered an unexplained residual became identified as human capital. 当经济学家开始测定经济发展的因素时,从前被认为是无法解释的剩余因素被决定为人力资本。 (2) The term “human capital” suggests to some a depersonalization of individual and is associated in the popular mind with a dehumanizing society that equates men with machines. “人力资本”这一术语让人觉得是剥夺人的个性,在公众的脑海里联想到将人与机器等同的异化社会。 (3) When we think about an appropriate investment strategy in China, and the development of its regions, it is very important to understand that optimizing over the full portfolio of investment—both human and physical capital—promote the highest rate of growth. 当我们思考在中国的适当投资策略以及各地区发展的时候,十分重要的是要知道,优化人力资本和实物资本投资组合将推动最高速度的发展。 (4) There are benefits to education that are not directly captured by individuals; these externalities are likely to be quite large in China.教育的收益有些并不是个人直接获得的,这些间接受益在中国很有可能是巨大的。 (5) It is important to evaluate government activity on a quantitative basis, to screen the bad investments from the good ones and to conduct policy on a factually informed basis. (2008 Paper A) 对政府的活动进行量化评估,剔除坏的投资保留好的投资,实事求是地执行政策,这是至关重要的。 (6) Labor markets are so distorted that wages do not reflect this true marginal contribution of educated labor to the economy. 劳动市场如此被扭曲,结果工资没有反映出受教育的劳动者对经济的真实的边际贡献。 (7) However, evidence indicates that the true rate of return to education and skill formation is very一high and that the imbalance is symptomatic of a serious distortion of current policy that retards economic development in China. (2009但是,事实表明教育和技术培养的实际回报率非常之高,而且这种(投资的)不平衡是当前政策严重扭曲的典型表现,而这(种不平衡的投资政策)阻碍了中国经济的发展。 Unit 5(1) The synergies between the goals of gender equity, poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability are explored below in terms of addressing poverty, health, climate change, natural disasters and creating sustainable livelihoods by


situations. 【参考译文】 ①玩视频游戏鼓励孩子的即刻满足。 ②连续数小时看带有预录笑声的电视节目,只会使孩子以消极的方式处理信息。 ③同时,长时间通过耳机听节奏单调的音乐鼓励孩子待在自己封闭的天地里,而不是去做其他的尝试。 ④所有这些行为会阻止重要的交流与思考技能的提高,并且使孩子很难发展持久的注意力,而这将是未来他们从事的众多工作所需要的。 ⑤他们应该知道如何处理挫折、压力和不称职感。 ⑥他们还应该学习如何解决问题和化解冲突,学习开动脑筋和批判性思维的方法。 ⑦家庭讨论可以帮助孩子练习,并且帮助他们将这些技能应用到日常生活当中。 “搭配记忆法”对我们记忆单词、攻克翻译题有很大的帮助,但任何巧妙的方法都需要在长久的练习中熟能生巧,希望大家在以后的复习过程中,能按照这种方法把真题吃透,学英语贵在积累,三天打鱼两天晒网的学习方式要不得,只要坚持下去,终有一天,你的英语会变得很不一样!

【参考译文】 ①想要申请攻读博士学位的每一个学生都应该阅读一下这本精妙的、睿智的小书:《思想的市场:美国大学的改革和抗拒》。 ②然后他们可能会决定另觅他路。 ③因为在美国大学里已经发生了某种奇妙的事情,哈佛大学英语教授Louis Menand敏锐地捕捉到了这一点。 ④他关注的主要是人文学科:文学、语言、哲学等类似的学科。 ⑤这些都是要过时了的学科:现在美国大学的研究生中有22%的学生选择商务为自己的专业,与之相比只有2%的人主修历史专业,4%的学生主修英语专业。 “搭配记忆法”对我们记忆单词、攻克翻译题有很大的帮助,但任何巧妙的方法都需要在长久的练习中熟能生巧,希望大家在以后的复习过程中,能按照这种方法把真题吃透,学英语贵在积累,三天打鱼两天晒网的学习方式要不得,只要坚持下去,终有一天,你的英语会变得很不一样!


英汉翻译 一、给下列的英译汉作出判断,正确在括号用T表示,错误用F表示。 1、I’d die first. 我宁愿先死。(F ) 2、Kill it please. 别干了,你!(T ) 3、I find it hard to get going in the morning. 我发现早上起来就懒得动。(T ) 4、The troops of the two countries are kept at arm’s length.两国军队相距很远。(T ) 5、He knew that Shanghai was the bastion of Far East imperialism. 他知道上海是远东帝国主义的堡垒。( F ) 6、The importance of electronic computers cannot be over-estimated.电子计算机的重要性不能过高地估计。(F) 7、The importance of electronic computers cannot be over-estimated.电子计算机的重要性不能过高地估计。(F) 8、I don’t care about going. 我愿意(可以)去。(F ) 9、That’s the door. 门在那儿。( F ) 10、Let the cat out of the bag. 露出马脚。(T) 11、If I want you I will ask for you .请不要插嘴。(T ) 12、If I want you I will ask for you .请不要插嘴。(T ) 13、I could not feel better. 我感觉很好。( T ) 14、I could not feel better. 我感觉很不好。( F ) 15、It leaves nothing to be desired. 这已完美无缺。(T ) 16、Mary is a girl of a boy.玛丽是个男孩式的女孩。(F ) 17、There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。(T ) 18、Domestic shame should not be made public.家丑不可外扬。(T ) 19、That’s too much for me. 那对我来说太多了。( F ) 20、Keep it dark . 这事不可泄露出去。(T )


英译汉短文翻译 1. Job security is extremely hard to come by these days, no matter what profession you choose. It isn't enough to pursue a field with perceived stability, say the experts. You'll want to find something you feel passionate about, can make a living doing and that involves using skills you can easily apply to other fields. 在当前的经济形势下,无论你从事何种职业,就业稳定都很难找到稳定的就业机会。专家们表示,光是追求预计能够带来稳定就业的领域是不够的。你希望追求的方向应该是你所热爱的、能够借以维持生计的职业,并且能够运用到一些你可以轻松转换到其它领域的技能。 2. Love plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better. 爱在生活之外扮演了一个关键的角色。爱使你想要得到些什么。没有爱,一个人将走向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。在我们最初的人生道路上,我们的父母给予了我们无条件的关爱,他们教会我们判断正确与错误、好与坏。然而我们常常把这想当然了,只有等到我们结了婚并且有了孩子之后,一个人才会懂得并注意别人的感受。孩子让我们变得富有责任心、变得成熟稳重,并且更好的理解人生 3. When companies have different employees on the same job and one of them is paid differently, many unfairness issues surface. "It can happen in any 'open shop' that differentiates pay for any reason (seniority, performance, etc.)," says Dauphinais. You could run the risk of alienating valued colleagues if they learn you earn more for what they perceive to be the same job. 公司雇佣不同的人员从事同一岗位的工作时,如果其中有个人的薪资不同时,很多不公平的问题就会浮出水面。Dauphinais 说:“这种情况在任何开放行业都有可能发生,因为不同的原因(资历,表现等)员工的薪酬不同”。如果你让同事知道你们在做相同的工作,而你的工资比他们高,那么你就可能会被你很重视的同事疏远。 4. Spouses are a bigger source of stress than bosses, research shows. There may be no place like home, but if you want to relax then you might be better off at work, according to the survey.


一至五单元翻译题 1.The sum of $20 is【due to you as a bonus】(是你应得的奖金). 2. He had just received a doctorate【in recognition of his contributions to psychology】(以表彰他为心理学作出的贡献). 3. Insurance is only valuable if it【serves a purpose】(达到一种目的). 4. Don’t worry, everything will be【attended to in due course 】(在适当的时候得到处理). 5. This problem should be discussed first, as it 【takes precedence over all the others】(比其他问题都重要). 6. Y ou’ve been promoted? This【calls for a celebration】(需要庆祝一下). 7. The scholar’s mind【thirsted for a few new books 】(渴望一些新书). 8. I am writing to you【with reference to the job opening in your department 】(有关你们部门的工作机会). 9.【Mary has a great diversity of interests】(玛丽有广泛的兴趣爱好), she like sports, travel, photography and making radio sets. 10. The banks have【committed themselves to boosting profits 】(承诺增加利润) by slashing costs. Paragraph One “Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,”says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting ‘there’faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move quickly, but you have to know how to decide where ‘there’is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.” “一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。” Paragraph Two Lastly, professional status encompasses adherence to ethical standards. Most lawyers find self worth in setting an example—both within the profession and within the larger society—as ethical actors. When management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their professional dealings, it provides yet another form of compensation. 最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。很多律师通过在行业内外把自己塑造成一个具有良好职业道德的典范来找到自我价值。对那些在所有职业行为中都表现出极度正直和谦逊有礼的律师们来说,当管理阶层对他们理应受到的特别尊重表示肯定时,便又获得了另一种形式的精神报酬。 Paragraph One The decline goes well beyond recent surveys that show growing complaints about mediocre quality and high prices—no small concern in a country where tourisme gastronomique earned 18 billion euros in 2002, a quarter of all tourist revenues. More and more restaurateurs say that government tax and economic policies are limiting their profits, and thereby hurting their capacity to invest and hire more staff. They have become ensnarred in the red tape for which France is infamous—not to mention edicts from Brussels that affect everything from sales taxes to the bacteria in the Brie. 最近的调查显示越来越多的人抱怨饭菜质量平平,价格昂贵,而法国烹饪的衰落还不止于此。这在法国可不是个小问题,要知道2002年美食旅游为法国创收180 亿欧元,占到全部旅游收入的1/4。越来越多的餐馆老板反映政府的税收和经济政策限制了他们的利润,也就影响了他们投资和雇佣更多人手的能力。束缚他们手脚的是令法国不那么光彩的繁琐拖拉的公事程序,更不要说那些来自欧盟的规定,从销售税到布里乳酪里含细菌的指标统统都在严格的掌控之中。 Paragraph Two Zhejiang cuisine is light and exquisite, and is typical of food from along the lower Y angtze River. One famous dish is West Lake Vinegar Fish, which looks pretty and has the delicate refreshing flavors of nature. Many Chinese restaurants in China, as well as other parts of the world, serve this dish, but often the flavor is less authentic compared to that found in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, which has unique access to the fish and water of West Lake. 浙江菜口味清淡,精致玲珑,是长江下游区域菜肴的代表。西湖醋鱼是其中的一道名菜。这道菜鲜美,酥嫩,带着自然的清香。中国乃至世界各地的中餐馆大都能找得到这道菜,但口味往往不及在浙江杭州吃得那般纯正。因为只


要善于恭维他人,重要的一步就是你要知道为什么恭维他人会有助于你建立良好的社会关系。恭维之所以奏效,最根本的原因是恭维符合了人类行为的一个基本原则:人们渴望得到赏识。尽管文化背景各不相同,但大多数人都有类似的想法。在亚洲文化中,人们对群体赏识的渴求要强于对个体赏识的渴求。但不管怎么样,人们渴望赏识是普遍存在的。 Be good at praising others, an important step is to understand that why compliments would help you establish much better relationships with others. The flattery works effectively because flattery accord with a fundamental principle of human beings' behaviour: people are eager to be appreciated. Majority of people have the similar ideas though they have different culture background. In Asian culture, the desire for group recognition is generally stronger than the desire for individual recognition. Nevertheless, the need for recognition is widely spread. 很多人认为,工作本身带来的乐趣要比外界赏识包括恭维更为重要。工作的乐趣也许是一种动力,但是即使那些从工作中得到极大乐趣的人们如科学家、技艺术家 摄影家也渴望得到恭维和认可,否则他们就不会去竞争诺贝尔奖或者在重要的展览会上展示他们的作品了。 Many person think that the fun brought by the work itself is more important than the external recognition including compliment. Maybe the fun of working is a impulse,but even the people who get numerous entertainment from their work ,such as scientists, artists and photographers ,wanna compliment and recognition. Otherwise, they would not compete for Noble Prizes or display their works in the important exhibitions. 恭维之所以奏效,还因为它与人们对认可的正常需要有关。尽管有一些关于恭维的书和文章问世,并对恭维进行极力地宣扬,但是大多数人还是没有得到应有的赏识。很多人无论在工作上或在家里都很少得到赞扬,所以对认可的渴望就变得更加强烈了。 The another reason why compliment works is that compliment relates to people's normal desire for recognition. Although some articles and books have been published ,and preach about it ,most people don't get enough compliment they deserve. Many people get little compliment either on work or at home, then the result is that people's desire for recognition becomes much more intense.


英译汉模拟试题30篇参考答案 Passage 1 1.参考译文:尽管世界上3350万艾滋病病毒携带者/患者中的大多数人都生活在非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区"~每年还有另外400万人感染艾滋病病毒,但上周召开的非洲统一组织首脑会议的主要议题却仍是解决沖突和发展经济。 2.参考译文:然而这一流行病对于经济发展,或者更确切地说对于经济发展目前所缺乏的因素产生的影响比许多政治家想像的更大。 3.参考译文:南非大都市人寿保险公司保险统计员迪恩莫尔认为,管理人员在工作场所如何对待艾滋病将决定他们的公司在21世纪的头几年能否继续存在。 4.参考译文:在南非,因种族隔离我们有过失落的一代,新的失落的一代将是因艾滋病而变为孤儿的一代。 5.参考译文:津巴布韦薄弱的国民经济在很大程度上依赖于非正式企业和小型商业,而随着艾滋病夺去雇主和雇员的生命,许多企业都自身难保。 Passage 2 1.参考译文:申请基因专利的最大问题就是当科学家们对于基因编码的特定股起什么作用至少有一个大体想法时,它常常就只是大体上的。 2.参考译文:这些所谓的已表达的序列标签可能携带有真正的基因信息,但确定这些小块在什么地方及它们的结构是什么样子需要更多的挖掘探究。 3.参考译文:比确定如何申请基因组专利更令人烦恼的是一个更大的问题,任何人到底该不该对人类DNA提出专利要求。 4.参考译文:专利申请者的支持者坚持说,他们可以提出同样有说服力的理由,即进行基因组绘诗作的大型团体需要专利保护以使他们的工作对他们来说是值得的。 5.参考译文:这种论点不是立足于法律,而是立足于对做人意味着什么的理解上——这是一个连联邦最高法院都不太可能解决的问题。 Passage 3 1.参考译文:重商主义学说与制度之所以重要是因为它们被具有影响力的商人和政府首脑们信奉,而正是这些人强有力地影响着国家公共政策与制度的变革。 2.参考译文:如果促进国内产业发展所需的物资难以获得,则最好是通过建立殖民地或友好的国外商栈来进口。 3.参考译文:重商主义者认为,这些增强国力的手段可以由通过并严格执行规范经济生活的法规来实现。 4.参考译文:几乎在弗吉尼亚的烟草刚开始大批运往英国时,英王詹姆士一世便对此征税,同时同意禁止在英国竞争性地种植烟草。 5.参考译文:凡殖民地的贸易,其所用船只必须是英国制造和拥有,船长和至少3/4的船员也必须是英国人。 Passage 4 1.参考译文:网上的东西目前正毫无管制地进入人们的家中,世界各国得找出一种办法,通过某种国际条约或联合国行动,对此加以控制。 1


英译汉练习短文6篇· Passage 1 Satiric Literature1 Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead, it presents the familiar in a new form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful, or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false. Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd; Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science; A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas is original. Chivalry was suspected before Cervantes2, humanists objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley3, and people were aware of famine before Swift4. It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular. It was the manner of expression,the satiric method, that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are


Just as Adam was cast out of Eden, I was kicked out of university; but while his transgression was eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, my sin was ignoring the tree. After my dismal performance in my first year of university, I contemplated the reasons for my failure. Now, I understand the two factors that contributed to my downfall: the lack of a career goal and premature independence. 正如亚当被逐出伊甸园,我被撵出了大学校门:亚当违反的戒律是偷吃了善恶之树的禁果,我的罪恶就是无视知识之树。在我大学第一年差劲表现之后,我仔细考虑自己被逐出大学的原因。现在我意识造成我被逐出校园的两个因素:缺乏职业目标和过早的独立。 Without a career goal, I lacked direction and motivation. About halfway through my final year of high school, I was hounded by my parents to enroll in university, but until that time had not given any thought to what career I wanted to pursue. To silence their nagging, I told them I wanted to be an engineer. Though I got high marks in math, physics, and chemistry, I was bored with them, and my dislike of the science became apparent in the first four months of university. I failed all my science courses. 没有职业目标,我缺乏方向和动机,大约在中学最后一年过了一半时,我被父母追逼着到大学注册,但直到那时候我还未考虑我想追求什么职业。为了让他们不再说我,我告诉他们我想当一名工程师。虽然我在数学、物理和化学上得了高分,但是我对这些课感到厌倦,接着在大学的最初四个月里我不喜欢这些理科课程变得明显了。所有的理科课程都不及格。B. (1) 当他向朋友借钱时,又一次遭到拒绝,顿时勃然大怒。(fury)When he went to borrow money from his friend and was refused again, he flew into fury. (2) 在这次战役中,除了偶尔的无线电联络之外,麦克同部队之间的其它联系都被切断了。 (cut off) Mike was cut off from all but occasional radio communications with his armies in the campaign. (3) 我们正在向前走着,看到一只兔子突然从洞里跳出来,穿过田野。(pop up) As we walked along,we saw a rabbit pop up from it's burrow and scurry across the field. (4) 有人认为对加拿大整个地区的独家经销商来说,三百架钢琴的年销售量未免太保守了。 (sole) Someone thinks the annual sale of 300 pianos for a sole distributorship in Canada is rather conservative. (5) 有人认为,要结婚就应结为终身伴侣;法律对离婚者太宽大了。(lenient) Some people think if people marry, it ought to be for life, the laws are altogether too lenient with divorcees. (6) 在头四圈里,本杰明一直与那名德国赛车手并驾齐驱。(stay abreast of)Over the first four laps, Benjamin stay ed abreast of the German driver. (7) 速度、耐力和战术是选手在比赛中夺冠的重要因素。(tactics) Speed, endurance and tactics are important factors in gaining the victory. (8) 一支球队能够在常年锦标赛中不断的蝉联冠军,关键是临场状态奇佳、合作无间、斗志 高昂。(morale) A soccer team that remains championship year after year must have kept up it's extraordinary performance with close coordination among its high-morale members. Unit 4 英译汉:The capital account is a record of investment and capital transactions between a
