

《综合教程》(第2版)第一册 - 精品 - Unit12(课堂PPT)

《综合教程》(第2版)第一册 - 精品 - Unit12(课堂PPT)

Men and women speak differently
Perceptually, female and male are said to speak different varieties of language: women are said to use distinctly feminine words, are more meticulous than men in enunciating words and sentences and in the use of intonation patterns, employ marked grammatical features, and tend to be grammatically hypercorrect.
红颜祸水 水性杨花
Have you found any gender bias in English language?
Can you give some examples?
Gender bias in English language
1. In English,man:M & F Man can conquer the nature
u Lexically: Men tend to use taboo words more often than women. Word choice in some languages is gender-marked
u Grammatically: Multiple negation, characters u Conversation: topic, how much to talk
meeting: woman→chairman Then: Madam chairman



中英文对照学习版Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone《哈利˙波特与魔法石》CHAPTER TwelveThe Mirror of Erised第十二章厄里斯魔镜Christmas was coming. One morning in mid-December Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. The lake froze solid and the Weasl ey twins were punished for bewitching several snowballs so that they foll owed Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban. The few owls that managed to battle their way through the stormy sky to deliver post had to be nursed back to health by Hagrid before they coul d fly off again.圣诞节即将来临。




No one coul d wait for the holidays to start. While the Gryffind or common room and the Great Hall had roaring fires, the draughty corridors had become icy and a bitter wind rattled the wind ows in the classrooms. Worst of all were Professor Snape's classes d own in the dungeons, where their breath rose in a mist before them and they kept as cl ose as possibl e to their hot caul drons.大家都迫不及待地盼着放假。

最新Unit 12 A Case of “Severe Bias”课文翻译综合教程四资料

最新Unit 12 A Case of “Severe Bias”课文翻译综合教程四资料

Unit 12A Case of "Severe Bias"Patricia Raybon1 This is who I am not. I am not a crack addict. I am not a welfare mother. I am not illiterate. I am not a prostitute. I have never been in jail. My children are not in gangs. My husband doesn’t beat me. My home is not a tenement. None of these things defines who I am, nor do they describe the other black people I’ve known and worked with and loved and befriended over these forty years of my life.2 Nor does it describe most of black America, period.3 Yet in the eyes of the American news media, this is what black America is: poor, criminal, addicted, and dysfunctional. Indeed, media coverage of black America is so one-sided, so imbalanced that the most victimized and hurting segment of the black community -a small segment, at best -is presented not as the exception but as the norm. It is an insidious practice, all the uglier for its blatancy.4 In recent months, I have observed a steady offering of media reports on crack babies, gang warfare, violent youth, poverty, and homelessness -and in most cases, the people featured in the photos and stories were black. At the same time, articles that discuss other aspects of American life -from home buying to medicine to technology to nutrition -rarely, if ever, show blacks playing a positive role, or for that matter, any role at all.5 Day after day, week after week, this message -that black America is dysfunctional and unwhole -gets transmitted across the American landscape. Sadly, as a result, America never learns the truth about what is actually a wonderful, vibrant, creative community of people.6 Most black Americans are not poor. Most black teenagers are not crack addicts. Most black mothers are not on welfare. Indeed, in sheer numbers, more white Americans are poor and on welfare than are black. Yet one never would deduce that by watching television or reading American newspapers and magazines.7 Why do the American media insist on playing this myopic, inaccurate picture game? In this game, white America is always whole and lovely and healthy, while black America is usually sick and pathetic and deficient. Rarely, indeed, is black America ever depicted in the media as functional and self-sufficient. The free press, indeed, as the main interpreter of American culture and American experience, holds the mirror on American reality -so much so that what the media say is is, even if it’s not that way at all. Themedia are guilty of a severe bias and the problem screams out for correction. It is worse than simply lazy journalism, which is bad enough; it is inaccurate journalism.8 For black Americans like myself, this isn’t just an issue of vanity -of wanting to be seen in a good light. Nor is it a matter of closing one’s eyes to the ve ry real problems of the urban underclass -which undeniably is disproportionately black. To be sure, problems besetting the black underclass deserve the utmost attention of the media, as well as the understanding and concern of the rest of American society.9 But if their problems consistently are presented as the only reality for blacks, any other experience known in the black community ceases to have validity, or to be real. In this scenario, millions of blacks are relegated to a sort of twilight zone, where who we are and what we are isn’t based on fact but an image and perception. That’s what it feels like to be a black American whose lifestyle is outside of the aberrant behavior that the media present as the norm.10 For many of us, life is a curious series of encounters with white people who want to know why we are “different” from other blacks -when, in fact, most of us are only “different” from the now common negative images of black life. So pervasive are these images that they aren’t just perceived as the norm, they’re accepted as the norm.11 I am reminded, for example, of the controversial Spike Lee film Do the Right Thing and the criticism by some movie reviewers that the film’s ghetto neighborhood isn’t populated by addicts and drug pushers -and thus is not a true depiction.12 In fact, millions of black Americans live in neighborhoods where the most common sights are children playing and couples walking their dogs. In my own inner-city neighborhood in Denver -an area that the l ocal press consistently describes as “gang territory” -I have yet to see a recognizable “gang” member or any “gang” activity (drug dealing or drive-by shootings), nor have I been the victim of “gang violence”.13 Yet to students of American culture -in the case of Spike Lee’s film, the movie reviewers - a black, inner-city neighborhood can only be one thing to be real: drug-infested and dysfunctioning. Is this my ego talking? In part, yes. For the millions of black people like myself -ordinary, hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying Americans -the media’s blindness to the fact that we even exist, let alone to our contributions to American society, is a bitter cup to drink. And as self-reliant as most black Americans are -because we’ve had to be self-reliant -even the strongest among us still crave affirmation.14 I want that. I want it for my children. I want it for all the beautiful, healthy, funny, smart black Americans I have known and loved over the years.15 And I want it for the rest of America, too.16 I want America to know us -all of us -for who we really are. To see us in all of our complexity, our subtleness, our artfulness, our enterprise, our specialness, our loveliness, our American-ness. That is the real portrait of black America -that we’re strong people, surviving people, capable people. That may be the best-kept secret in America. If so, it’s time to let the truth be known.“强烈偏见”之实话实说帕特里夏·雷本1 我不是通常想象的那种黑人。



综合英语说课稿课程名称:综合教程课题:Unit 12 gender bias in language (book 1)一、课程性质与作用:综合(或基础)英语是山西师大临汾学院外语系英语教育专业的专业核心课程,旨在培养学生听说读写综合语言运用能力。

















Unit 12 Gender Bias in Language Teaching plan 综合教程一

Unit 12 Gender Bias in Language Teaching plan 综合教程一

Unit 12 Gender Bias in LanguageTeaching Objectives1)To help students to be aware of gender bias in language2)To help students understand the basic structure and features of an expositive essay3)To help students to learn language points and rhetorical devices used in the textPre-reading ActivitiesI. Pre-reading questions1. Do you think Chinese teachers favor boys over girls? Support your answer by giving examples based on your own experience.2. Do you prefer a single-sex class or mixed one? State your reasons.II. Cultural information1. Why We Need an Equal Rights Amendment:Why We Need an ERA; The Gender Gap Runs Deep in American LawMartha Burk and Eleanor Smeal Why is the amendment needed? Twenty-three countries —including Sri Lanka and Moldova—have smaller gender gaps in education, politics and health than the United States, according to the World Economic Forum. We are 68th in the world in women's participation in national legislatures. On average, a woman working full time and year-round still makes only 77 cents to a man's dollar. Women hold 98 percent of the low-paying "women's" jobs and fewer than 15 percent of the board seats at major corporations. Because their private pensions—if they have them at all —are lower and because Social Security puts working women at a disadvantage and grants no credit for years spent at home caring for children or aging parents, three-quarters of the elderly in poverty are women. And in every state except Montana, women still pay higher rates than similarly situated men for almost all kinds of insurance. All that could change if we put equal rights for women in our Constitution.2. Gender bias in educationGender bias in education is an insidious problem that causes very few people to stand up and take notice. The victims of this bias have been trained through years of schooling to be silent and passive, and are therefore unwilling to stand up and make noise about the unfair treatment they are receiving. Girls and boys today are receiving separate and unequal educations due to the gender socialization that takes place in our schools and due to the sexist hidden curriculum students arefaced with every day. Unless teachers are made aware of the gender-role socialization and the biased messages they are unintentionally imparting to students everyday, and until teachers are provided with the methods and resources necessary to eliminate gender-bias in their classrooms, girls will continue to receive an inequitable education.Sadker, D., Sadker, M. (1994) "Failing at Fairness: How Our Schools Cheat Girls". Toronto, ON: Simon & Schuster Inc.Global ReadingI. Text analysis1. Which two opinions are presented in the first paragraph?There are those who believe that the language that we use everyday is biased in and of itself. Then there are those who feel that language is a reflection of the prejudices that people have within themselves.2. Which sentences in the conclusion show the writer‘s attitude?In the last paragraph, we find these sentences: ―It is necessary for people to make the proper adjustments internally to use appropriate language to effectively include both genders. We qualify language. It is up to us to decide what we will allow to be used and made proper in the area of language.‖ Evidently, they denote the writer‘s attitude toward what we should do about gender bias in language.II. Structural analysis1. What type of writing is the text?This text is an expositive essay with reference to gender bias in language.2. What‘s the main strategy to develop this expositive essay?The text is mainly developed by means of exemplification. Examples are abundantly used in Paragraphs 2-6.3. Work out the structure of the text by completing the table.Paragraph(s) Main idea1 The writer raises the issue to be discussed: Is language the cause of thebias or is it reflective of the preexisting bias that the user holds?2-6 The writer provides quite a number of typical examples to illustrategender bias in language.7 The writer makes his attitude or opinion clear on the issue of genderbias in language.Detailed ReadingText I Gender Bias in LanguageParagraph 1Questions:1. What does the writer think of language?The author thinks that language is very powerful and the most common method of communication, but is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for it is a very complicated system of symbols with plenty of subtle differences.Paragraphs 2-6Questions:1. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2? (Paragraph 2)Paragraph 2 explains and illustrates the fact that some words in English are inherently biased against women and that the English language generally reflects male supremacy and female subservience.2. Which is the topic sentence of Paragraph 3? (Paragraph 3)This shows that the usage of many of the English words is also what contributes to the bias present in the English language.3. What do you think of the two examples given in Paragraph 4? (Paragraph 4)The two examples, which are vivid and interesting, are closely related to the main idea that women are seen as passive while men are active and bring things into being.4. Which sentence in Paragraph 5 shows that gender connotations in words affect people‘s behavior? (Paragraph 5)It is the last sentence, ―It is also commonplace not to scold little girls for being ‗tomboys‘ but to scoff at little boys who play with dolls or ride girl‘s bicycles.‖5. Which sentences in Paragraph 6 denote the writer‘s attitude? (Paragraph 6)The sentences that show the writer‘s attitude tow ards the use of impolite terms in reference to women are ―… but why use them when there are so many more to choose from?‖ and ―It is also the most effective weapon of destruction.‖Paragraph 7Questions:1. What kind change has taken place in regard to gender bias in language?People have recognized gender bias in English and made necessary changes.2. What is the writer‘s opinion in reference to gender bias in language?The writer thinks it is necessary to make the proper adjustments internally to use appropriate language to effectively include both genders, and that it is up to our decision of the proper word used.Further EnhancementText II The Difference Between Sex and GenderLead-in Questions1. According to you, what are the gender differences between male and female?2. What are the causes of those differences?Notes1. connotative meanings (Paragraph 1): the additional meanings that a word or phrase has beyond its central meaning. These meanings show people‘s emotions and attitudes what the w ord or phrase refers to. For example, child could be defined as a young human being but there are many other characteristics which different people associate with child, e.g. affectionate, amusing, lovable, sweet, noisy, irritating. Some connotations may be shared by a group of people of the same cultural or social background, sex, or race; others may be restricted to one or several individuals and depend on their personal experience.2.Barry White(Paragraph 2): (1944-2003) was an American record producer, songwriter andsinger. A multiple Grammy Award-winner known for his deep bass voice and romantic image, White‘s greatest success came in the 1970s with the Love Unlimited Orchestra, crafting many enduring hit soul and disco songs.3. They normally walk with a switch and speak with soft voices. (Paragraph 2): Women usually walk swaying from side to side and speak with gentle voices.4. These descriptions may not apply to all men and women,… (Paragraph 2): Theseoversimplified characteristics may not be applied as a generalization to all men and women. 5. sexual identity(Paragraph 3): Sexual identity is a person‘s strong feeling of being a male or female. It includes sexual orientation –that is, whether a person is sexually attracted to the opposite sex or the same sex. People who are primarily attracted to members of their own sex are called homosexual, gay,or, if they are women,lesbian. People who are attracted to the opposite sex are called heterosexual or straight. People who feel attracted to people of both sexes are bisexual. Despite considerable research, the origins of sexual orientation are not completely understood.6. Certain traits may get mixed up when dealing with people who like to cross-dress.(Paragraph 4) : Certain features of the two sexes may be found mixed in the case of those who like to wear the clothes of the opposite sex.7. Some people get sex change operations and become transsexuals.(Paragraph 4): A smallnumber of males and females believe they should have been born a member of the other sex.Such individuals, called transsexuals, believe they have the wrong body for their feelings and emotions. They feel ―trapped‖ in the body of the wrong sex. Some transsexuals have surgery to change their anatomy to match their feelings. Transsexualism occurs more in males than in females. Its cause is unknown. Some behavioral scientists think it results from an early disturbance in the mother-infant relationship and a lack of proper identification with the same-sex parent. There is no evidence of hormonal abnormalities in transsexuals.8. hermaphrodites(Paragraph 4): A hermaphrodite is an animal with both male and femaleorgans of reproduction. In human beings, hermaphroditism is not normal. The organs and functions of one or both sexes usually develop imperfectly in such rare individuals. Few human cases of hermaphroditism have been reported.9. deformity(Paragraph 4): a condition in which part of someone‘s body is not the normal shape10. Back then this would have been a pretty good hypothesis. (Paragraph 5): Years ago one‘soccupation would have provided a sound, though tentative, clue to one‘s sexual identity.11. grade school (Paragraph 6): In the United States, a grade school is an elementary school orgrammar school. Elementary school is a school for children from age 5 or 6 to age 12 or 14. 12. They juggle home life and work … (Paragraph 7): They manage to fit their work intohomemaking ……13. Women have broken the gender barrier in almost every sport except for football andhockey. (Paragraph 8): Before the 20th century in the United States women could not play in most organized sports. Soon, however, they began to enter the sports arena. In 1972 Title IX of the Education Amendments Act outlawed discrimination based on gender in education, including school sports. Schools then spent additional funding on women‘s athletics, which provided an enormous boost to women‘s sports of all kinds, especially basketball, which became very popular. Women‘s college basketball, part of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), is a popular focus of interest. By the end of the 20th century, this enthusiasm led to the creation of a major professional women‘s basketball league. Women have become a large part of athletics, making their mark in a wide range of sports.14. Rosa Parks(Paragraph 9): African American civil rights activist. In 1955 in Montgomery,Alabama, Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. Her action led to the Montgomery bus strike, which was the first large-scale, organized protest against segregation that used nonviolent tactics. Rosa Parks‘s personal act of defiance opened a decisive chapter in the civil rights movement in the United States.15. Hilary Clinton(Paragraph 9): Democratic member of the United States Senate from NewYork (2001- ) and wife of the ex-president of the United States Bill Clinton. During her husband‘s presidency (1993-2001), she became a powerful symbol of the changing role and status of women in American society. Her election to the U.S. Senate while being first lady was unprecedented in U.S. history. And she is now serving as Secretary of State in the Obama Administration.16. The term gender is a little sexist because it associates sex with social status. (Paragraph 10):The term gender reflects the belief that females are inferior to males in a variety of attributes because it helps determine sex by what a person does for a living.Questions for discussion1. What is the difference between sex and gender?2. What does the word ―feminine‖ in the second paragraph mean? What is the opposite of theword?3. According to the author how does sexual identity develop?4. What prompts the author to suggest that sex be substituted for gender?5. What is the author‘s purpose of writing this pas sage?Key to Questions for discussion1. Many people use the terms sex and gender interchangeably. However, two terms have differentmeanings. Sex refers to the physical characteristics that make a person male or female. It is also used to describe the sexual activities that occur between intimate individuals Gender refers to a sense of being male or female or having the recognizable traits of one‘s sex. It carries a more social tone, concerning a society‘s expectations for males and females, including values, attitudes, and behavior.2. It refers to characteristics and behavior that are generally associated with being a female such asbody shape, voice, hairstyle, clothing, body movements, and display of emotions.Characteristics and behavior generally associated with being a male are called masculine.3. Each person must decide how he or she wants to express sexuality. Sexual identity developspartly from biological influences, and partly from cultural influences. Most people are influenced in their decision by values learned from their family, culture or peer group.4. Women historically have endured prejudice because of social and sexual taboos. But the authorfeels that in the process of pursuit gender equality, there is confusion about the definition of gender because it consists of social classifications which undermine women‘s sense of their human identity. Sex would include both sexes, eliminating the differences that society has imposed.5. It encourages a society‘s respect for human rights and fun damental freedom for all withoutdistinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.Memorable QuotesRead the following quotes and analyze the functions of language indicated by them.Guidance: Human language is unique in being a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited. A language is a system of signs for encoding and decoding information.Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784), often referred to as Dr. Johnson, was an English author who made great contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer. His Dictionary of the English Language had a far-reaching effect on Modern English.Walter Whitman (1819 –1892) was an American poet, essayist, journalist, and humanist. Whitman is often called the father of free verse.1. Language is the dress of thought. — Samuel JohnsonParaphrase: Language is a means to express thought.2. Language is not an abstract construction of the learned, or of dictionary-makers, but is something arising out of the work, needs, ties, joys, affections, tastes, of long generations of humanity, and has its bases broad and low, close to the ground. — Walt Whitman Paraphrase: Language is not a difficult design of the knowledgeable people, or dictionary-makers, but something that comes out of the daily life of the ordinary people – their work, needs, relationships, happiness, emotions and tastes throughout the history of humanity.It has wide and low bases, close to the most ordinary people.arise (out of/from sth): (rather formal) to happen as a result of something e.g. Unemployment arises out of the economic recession.。

(完整版)Unit 12 Gender Bias in Language课文翻译综合教程一

(完整版)Unit 12 Gender Bias in Language课文翻译综合教程一

Unit 12 Gender Bias in LanguageLanguage is a very powerful element. It is the most common method of communication. Yet it is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for language is a very complicated mechanism with a great deal of nuance. There are times when in conversation with another individual, that we must take into account the person’s linguistic genealogy. There are people who use language that would be considered prejudicial or biased in use. But the question that is raised is in regard to language usage: Is language the cause of the bias or is it reflective of the preexisting bias that the user holds? There are those who believe that the language that we use in day-to-day conversation is biased in and of itself. They feel that the term "mailman", for example, is one that excludes women mail carriers. Then there are those who feel that language is a reflection of the prejudices that people have within themselves. That is to say, the words that people choose to use in conversation denote the bias that they harbor within their own existence.There are words in the English language that are existing or have existed (some of them have changed with the new wave of “political correctness” coming about) that have inherently been sexually biased against women. For example, the person who investigates reported complaints (as from consumers or students), reports findings, and helps to achieve fair and impartial settlements is ombudsman (Merriam-Webster Dictionary), but ombudsperson here at Indiana State University. This is an example of the gender bias that exists in the English language. The language is arranged so that men are identified with exalted positions, and women are identified with more service-oriented positions in which they are being dominated and instructed by men. So the language used to convey this type of male supremacy is generally reflecting the honored position of the male and the subservience of the female. Even in relationships, the male in the home is often referred to as the “man of the house,” even if it is a 4-year-old child. It is highly insulting to say that a 4-year-old male, based solely on his gender, is more qualified and capable of conducting the business and affairs of the home than his possibly well-educated, highly intellectual mother. There is a definite disparity in that situation.In American culture, a woman is valued for the attractiveness of her body, while a man is valued for his physical strength and his achievements. Even in the example of word pairs the bias is evident. The masculine word is put before the feminine word, as in the examples of Mr. and Mrs., his and hers, boys and girls, men and women, kings and queens, brothers and sisters, guys and dolls, and host and hostess. This shows that the usage of many of the English words is also what contributes to the bias present in the English language.Alleen Pace Nilsenn notes that there are instances when women are seen as passive while men are active and bring things into being. She uses the example of the wedding ceremony. In the beginning of the ceremony, the father is asked who gives the bride away and he answers, “I do.” It is at this point that Nilsen argues that the gender bias comes into play. The traditional concept of the bride as something to be handed from one man (the father) to another man (the husband-to-be) is perpetuated. Another example is in the instance of sexual relationships. The women becomebrides while men wed women. The man takes away a woman’s virginity and a woman loses her virginity. This denotes her inability, apparently due to her gender, to hold on to something that is a part of her, thus enforcing the man’s ability and right to claim something that is not his.To be a man, according to some linguistic differences, would be considered an honor. To be endowed by genetics with the encoding of a male would be as having been shown grace, unmerited favor. There are far greater positive connotations connected with being a man than with being a woman. Nilsen yields the example of “shrew” and “shrewd.” The word “shrew” is taken from the name of a small but especially vicious animal; however in Nilsen’s dictionary, a “shrew” was identified as an “ill-tempered, scolding woman.” However, the word “shrewd,” which comes from the same root, was defined as “marked by clever discerning awareness.” It was noted in her dictionary as a shrewd businessman. It is also commonplace not to scold little girls for being “tomboys” but to scoff at little boys who play with dolls or ride girls’ bicycles.In the conversations that come up between friends, you sometimes hear the words “babe,” “broad,” and “chick.” These are words that are used in reference to or directed toward women. It is certainly the person’s right to use these words to reflect women, but why use them when there are so many more to choose from? Language is the most powerful tool of communication and the most effective tool of communication. It is also the most effective weapon of destruction.Although there are biases that exist in the English language, there has been considerable change toward recognizing these biases and making the necessary changes formally so that they will be implemented socially. It is necessary for people to make the proper adjustments internally to use appropriate language to effectively include both genders. We qualify language. It is up to us to decide what we will allow to be used and made proper in the area of language.语言中的性别偏见语言是一个非常强大的元素。



Unit 12A Case of "Severe Bias"Patricia Raybon1 This is who I am not. I am not a crack addict. I am not a welfare mother. I am not illiterate. I am not a prostitute. I have never been in jail. My children are not in gangs. My husband doesn’t beat me. My home is not a tenement. None of these things defines who I am, nor do they describe the other black people I’ve known and worked with and loved and befriended over these forty years of my life.2 Nor does it describe most of black America, period.3 Yet in the eyes of the American news media, this is what black America is: poor, criminal, addicted, and dysfunctional. Indeed, media coverage of black America is so one-sided, so imbalanced that the most victimized and hurting segment of the black community -a small segment, at best -is presented not as the exception but as the norm. It is an insidious practice, all the uglier for its blatancy.4 In recent months, I have observed a steady offering of media reports on crack babies, gang warfare, violent youth, poverty, and homelessness -and in most cases, the people featured in the photos and stories were black. At the same time, articles that discuss other aspects of American life -from home buying to medicine to technology to nutrition -rarely, if ever, show blacks playing a positive role, or for that matter, any role at all.5 Day after day, week after week, this message -that black America is dysfunctional and unwhole -gets transmitted across the American landscape. Sadly, as a result, America never learns the truth about what is actually a wonderful, vibrant, creative community of people.6 Most black Americans are not poor. Most black teenagers are not crack addicts. Most black mothers are not on welfare. Indeed, in sheer numbers, more white Americans are poor and on welfare than are black. Yet one never would deduce that by watching television or reading American newspapers and magazines.7 Why do the American media insist on playing this myopic, inaccurate picture game? In this game, white America is always whole and lovely and healthy, while black America is usually sick and pathetic and deficient. Rarely, indeed, is black America ever depicted in the media as functional and self-sufficient. The free press, indeed, as the main interpreter of American culture and American experience, holds the mirror on American reality -so much so that what the media say is is, even if it’s not that way at all. Themedia are guilty of a severe bias and the problem screams out for correction. It is worse than simply lazy journalism, which is bad enough; it is inaccurate journalism.8 For black Americans like myself, this isn’t just an issue of vanity -of wanting to be seen in a good light. Nor is it a matter of closing one’s eyes to the very real problems of the urban underclass -which undeniably is disproportionately black. To be sure, problems besetting the black underclass deserve the utmost attention of the media, as well as the understanding and concern of the rest of American society.9 But if their problems consistently are presented as the only reality for blacks, any other experience known in the black community ceases to have validity, or to be real. In this scenario, millions of blacks are relegated to a sort of twilight zone, where who we are and what we are isn’t based on fact but an image and perception. That’s what it feels like to be a black American whose lifestyle is outside of the aberrant behavior that the media present as the norm.10 For many of us, life is a curious series of encounters with white people who want to know why we are “different” from other blacks -when, in fact, most of us are only “different” from the now common negative images of black life. So pervasive are these images that they aren’t just perceived as the norm, they’re accepted as the norm.11 I am reminded, for example, of the controversial Spike Lee film Do the Right Thing and the criticism by some movie reviewers that the film’s ghetto neighborhood isn’t populated by addicts and drug pushers -and thus is not a true depiction.12 In fact, millions of black Americans live in neighborhoods where the most common sights are children playing and couples walking their dogs. In my own inner-city neighborhood in Denver -an area that the local press consistently describes as “gang territory” -I have yet to see a recognizable “gang” member or any “gang” activity (drug dealing or drive-by shootings), nor have I been the victim of “gang violence”.13 Yet to students of American culture -in the case of Spike Lee’s film, the movie reviewers - a black, inner-city neighborhood can only be one thing to be real: drug-infested and dysfunctioning. Is this my ego talking? In part, yes. For the millions of black people like myself -ordinary, hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying Americans -the media’s blindness to the fact that we even exist, let alone to our contributions to American society, is a bitter cup to drink. And as self-reliant as most black Americans are -because we’ve had to be self-reliant -even the strongest among us still crave affirmation.14 I want that. I want it for my children. I want it for all the beautiful, healthy, funny, smart black Americans I have known and loved over the years.15 And I want it for the rest of America, too.16 I want America to know us -all of us -for who we really are. To see us in all of our complexity, our subtleness, our artfulness, our enterprise, our specialness, our loveliness, our American-ness. That is the real portrait of black America -that we’re strong people, surviving people, capable people. That may be the best-kept secret in America. If so, it’s time to let the truth be known.“强烈偏见”之实话实说帕特里夏·雷本1 我不是通常想象的那种黑人。



高级英语2的Unit12译文Just recently a committee meeting at the University of Colorado was interrupted by the spectacle of a young man 1scaling the wall of the library just outside the window. Discussion of new interdisciplinary courses halted as we silently hoped he had discipline enough to return safely to the earth. Hope was all we could offer 2from our vantage point in Ketchum Hall, the impulse to rush out and catch him being 3checked by the realization of futility.就在最近,我们在科罗拉多大学举办的一次委员会会议因为窗户外一位年轻男士正在攀爬对面图书馆的高墙而半途中断。



The incident reinforced my sense that mountaineering serves as an 4apt analogy for the art of teaching. The excitement, the risk, the need for 5rigorous discipline all correspond, though the image I have in mind is not that of the solitary adventurer rappelling off a wall, but that of a Swiss guide leading an expedition.这次事件使我更加强烈地觉得攀岩对于教学艺术是一个恰当的类比。






















Unit12 课文翻译

Unit12 课文翻译

In the rich world the idea of progress has become impoverished. Through complacency and bitter experience, the scope of progress has narrowed. The popular view is that, although technology and GDP advance, morals and society are treading water or, depending on your choice of newspaper, sinking back into decadence and barbarism. On the left of politics these days, “progress”comes with a pair of ironic quotation marks attached; on the right, “progressive”is a term of abuse. 在一个富裕的世界,关于进步的观念则变得贫困。


取决于你爱看哪种立场的报纸,流行的看法是:尽管科技和GDP 发展了,道德与社会却停滞不前,甚至可说是,正在向颓废和野蛮沉沦。


It was not always like that. There has long been a tension between seeking perfection in life or in the afterlife. Optimists in the Enlightenment and the 19th century came to believe that the mass of humanity could one day lead happy and worthy lives here on Earth. Like Madach’s Adam, they were bursting with ideas for how the world might become a better place.情况也并非一直都是这样糟糕。

Unit 12 Gender Bias in Languag Words and Expressions综合教程一

Unit 12 Gender Bias in Languag Words and Expressions综合教程一

Unit 12 Gender Bias in LanguageWords and Expressions1. bias:1) n. an opinion or feeling that strongly favors one side in an argument or an item in a group or series; predisposition; prejudicee.g. This university has a bias towards the sciences.Students were evaluated without bias.2) vt. to unfairly influence attitudes, choices, or decisionse.g. Several factors could have biased the results of the study.Collocation:bias against/towards/in favor ofe.g. It's clear that the company has a bias against women and minorities.Phrase:gender bias: sex prejudice; having bias towards the male and against the femalee.g. Gender bias is still quite common in work and payment.2. nuance: adj. slight, delicate or subtle difference in color, appearance, meaning, feeling, etc.e.g. Language teachers should be able to react to nuances of meaning of common words.He was aware of every nuance in her voice.Synonym:subtletyCollocation:nuance of3. prejudicial: adj.causing harm to sb’s rights, interests, etc.; having a bad effect on sth.e.g. These developments are prejudicial to the company’s future.What she said and did was prejudicial to her own rights and interests.Synonyms:damaging, detrimental, prejudiciousDerivation:prejudice: n.4. in/with regard to: in connection with; concerninge.g. I have nothing to say in regard to your complaints.She is very sensitive in regard to her family background.I refuted him in regard to his injustice.5. reflective: adj. (of a person, mood, etc.) thoughtful; (of a surface) reflecting lighte.g. She is in a reflective mood.These are reflective number plates.Derivation:reflectiveness: n.6. denote:vt. be the name, sign or symbol of; refer to; represent or be a sign of somethinge.g. What does the word "curriculum"denote that "course" does not?Crosses on the map denote villages.Derivations:denotative: adj.denotation: n.Synonyms:connoteindicate7.harbor: vt.1) keep bad thoughts, fears, or hopes in your mind for a long timee.g. She began to harbor doubts over the wisdom of their journey.2) contain something, especially something hidden and dangerouse.g. Sinks and draining boards can harbor germs.3) protect and hide criminals that the police are searching fore.g. You may be punished if you harbor an escaped criminal or a spy.Derivation:harbor: n.8. inheren t: adj. used to describe sth. that is a natural part of sth. else and cannot be separated from ite.g. I am afraid that the problems you mention are inherent in the system.Every business has its own inherent risks.Collocation:inherent inDerivations:inhere: v.inherence: n.9. identify: vt. show or prove who sb. is or what sth. is; recognize sb./sth. as being the specifiede.g. He was too far away to be able to identify faces.She identified the man as the attacker.Collocations:identify sth. with sth. else: consider sth. to be; the same as sth. elsee.g. One cannot identify happiness with wealth.Derivation:identifiable: adj.10.orient:vt; orientate; direct sb.’s interest to sth; direct sth. at sb.; specially design sth. for sb.e.g. The teacher tried to orient his students towards the science subjects.Our firm is oriented towards the export side of business.The organization is strongly oriented towards research.Collocation:be oriented to/towards/around sth./sb.Derivations:orientation: n.oriented: adj.oriental: adj.Comparisons: oriented, orientaloriented:giving a lot of time, effort, or attention to one particular thingoriental: relating to or from the eastern part of the world, especially China and Japan1) She has studied the cultures of ______ countries. (oriental)2) A lot of the younger students don't seem to be politically _____ at all. (oriented)11. supremacy: n. position of the highest power, authority or statuse.g. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere.Japan’s supremacy in the field of electronics is being challenged.Phrases:male supremacywhite supremacySynonym:dominationCollocation:supremacy over sb./ sth.Derivation:supreme: adj.12. insulting: adj. very rude and offensive to someonee.g. He was most insulting to my wife.He uttered insulting remarks, which hurt the manager.Collocation:insulting toDerivation:insult: n. / vt13. disparity: n. (fml) difference or inequalitye.g. There is much disparity in age, rank, income and status between them.A comparison of the two accounts revealed numerous disparities. Collocation:disparity in/between14. contribute to: help in bringing about; have a share ine.g. Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the U.S.The doctor suggested that sufficient fresh air would contribute to good health.Would you like to contribute to our collection?你愿意给我们的募捐捐款吗Derivations:contributing: adj.contribution: n.contributor: n.contributory: adj.contributable: adj.Phrase:contributing factor: the factor that plays a role in the matter discussed15. bring things into being:cause things to come into existence; create thingse.g. That outstanding scientist is good at bringing things into being.When did the universe come into being?16. come into play: (begin to) be active or have an influencee.g. Personal feelings should not come into play when one has to make business decisions.Political considerations do come into play (=have an effect) when making policy. Synonym:put sth. into play17. perpetuate:vt.make a situation, attitude, etc., especially a bad one, continue to exist for a long timee.g. These measures will perpetuate the hostility between the two groups.这些举措会使双方的敌对持续。

英文长对话Dialog gender bias in language

英文长对话Dialog gender bias in language

Unit 12 Gender bias in EnglishDavid: Max, do you know gender bias in English?Max: Year, gender bias is built into the English language? For instance, rules of grammar dictate[1] that we use masculine pronouns like he, his, him when we don’t know the gender of the person we are talking about.David: And most speakers are accustomed to using the word man generically[2] such as policeman, chairman,. I think we should pay more attention to the equality between man and woman because it will need great pains before this bias is completely wiped out.Max: You mean we should abolish the words like policeman, chairman?David: Yes, these words reflect gender bias. Since there are so many words to choose from, why not use other words like “police office” to replace them?Max: To tell the truth, I think you are crazy. It’s both unnecessary and impossible.David: I only said that we should try using more gender-neutral words to emphasize that men and women are equal.Max: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. “Man” can be, and is, used as definition for adult male, but is not exclusive[3] to that definition, especially in the case of a prefix or a suffix.David: But they do denote the bias, don’t they?Max: I don’t understand.David: I mean these words favor a certain gender over another.Max: Maybe you are wrong. We know that the word “man” and suffix “-man” are gender-neutral, referring to all members of male and female. Using such words in speech or text is not biased. A chairman is presiding[4] officer, and is not gender-specific.David: But certain words like “policeman”can create gender stereotypes[5]in the minds of speakers and listeners, especially for children. I don’t think a 5-year-old girl would think the word “man” and suffix “-man” are gender-neutral.Max: So what would you like to do on our language? Can you manage to change all the people’s speaking manners?David: The language is arranged so that men are identified with exalted positions, and women are identified with more service-oriented positions. It conveys the supremacy of male and the subservience of the female. It’s unfair.Max: I partly agree with you. But it doesn’t mean we should change traditional habit of speaking. David: In old days, women were filtered[6] out recognition of participation in some area of life. But now it is different. More and more women have a social job like men. So we should use gender-neutral words instead of those out-of-date words.Max: Well, using “police officer” instead of “policeman” is easy, but replacing every “his” with “him or her”will sound tedious[7]. It does avoid sexist language, but the result is stylistically[8] awkward. And it will lower the level of communication.David: I know it’s difficult to make it in short time, but with the development of society, it has become a must.Max: You’re shelving[9] words that are part of our language and tradition. If you must, then even the word “woman” ends with “man”, what should we do about that.David: Well, I didn’t think of that. But using gender-neutral words is a trend.Max:You can keep your opinions. But my opinion is that we should avoid biased writing, speaking without sounding awkward. I think you overdo it.Notes:[1] dictate [dikˈteit] v 指示; 指定; 指令[2] generic [dʒəˈnerɪk] adj. 普通的;通用的[3] exclusive [iksˈklu:siv]adj. 排除其他一切的;专一的[4] presiding [priˈzaidiŋ]adj.首席的[5] stereotype [ˈstiəriətaip] adj模式化观念,刻板印象[6] filter[ˈfiltə]v. 透过, 过滤[7] tedious[ˈti:diəs]adj.乏味的, 单调的;冗长的;啰嗦的[8] stylistic [staɪˈlɪstɪk]adj. 风格上的[9] shelve [ʃelv]v. 将(书等)放置在架子上。



Translation of Text A圣诞节的早晨1他忽然完全醒过来。




































人教版九年级下册英语Unit12SectionB课文翻译人教版九年级下册英语Unit12 SectionB课文翻译:2a 局部翻译Have you ever played jokes on others, especially on April Fool's Day? Have you ever been fooled by others? Tell your story to your partner.你曾经捉弄过别人吗,特别是在愚人节这天?你曾经被别人捉弄过吗?向你的同伴讲述你的故事。

人教版九年级下册英语Unit12 SectionB课文翻译:2b 局部翻译Read the passage quickly.Then match each paragraph with the main idea.快速阅读文章。


Paragraph 1 The most famous trick played第一段最著名的恶作剧Paragraph 2 Exles of funny stories that happened on April Fool's Day第二段发生在愚人节的有趣的故事的例子Paragraph 3 An introduction to April Fool's Day第三段愚人节的介绍Paragraph 4 A sad story that happened on April Fool's Day第四段发生在愚人节的一个伤心的故事USING BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE运用背景知识Carefully reading the first sentence in each paragraph can activate your own knowledge of the topic and help you guess what the whole text is about.认真阅读每一段的第一句可以激活你自己对于这一话题的知识,并且帮助你猜想整篇文章的内容。



Unit-12-Gender-Bias-in-Lang uage-Teaching-plan-综合教程一Unit 12 Gender Bias in LanguageTeaching Objectives1)To help students to be aware of gender bias in language2)To help students understand the basic structure and features of an expositive essay 3)To help students to learn language points and rhetorical devices used in the textPre-reading ActivitiesI. Pre-reading questions1. Do you think Chinese teachers favor boys over girls? Support your answer by giving examples based on your own experience.2. Do you prefer a single-sex class or mixed one? State your reasons.II. Cultural information1. Why We Need an Equal Rights Amendment: Why We Need an ERA; The Gender Gap RunsDeep in American LawMartha Burk and Eleanor Smeal Why is the amendment needed? Twenty-three countries —including Sri Lanka and Moldova—have smaller gender gaps in education, politics and health than the United States, according to the World Economic Forum. We are 68th in the world in women's participation in national legislatures. On average, a woman working full time and year-round still makes only 77 cents to a man's dollar. Women hold 98 percent of the low-paying "women's" jobs and fewer than 15 percent of the board seats at major corporations. Because their private pensions—if they have them at all —are lower and because Social Security puts working women at a disadvantage and grants no credit for years spent at home caring for children or aging parents, three-quarters of the elderly in poverty are women. And in every state except Montana, women still pay higher rates than similarly situated men for almost all kindsof insurance. All that could change if we put equal rights for women in our Constitution.2. Gender bias in educationGender bias in education is an insidious problem that causes very few people to stand up and take notice. The victims of this bias have been trained through years of schooling to be silent and passive, and are therefore unwilling to stand up and make noise about the unfair treatment they are receiving. Girls and boys today are receiving separate and unequal educations due to the gender socialization that takes place in our schools and due to the sexist hidden curriculum students are faced with every day. Unless teachers are made aware of the gender-role socialization and the biased messages they are unintentionally imparting to students everyday, and until teachers are provided with the methods and resources necessary to eliminate gender-bias in their classrooms, girls will continue to receive aninequitable education.Sadker, D., Sadker, M. (1994) "Failing at Fairness: How Our Schools Cheat Girls". Toronto, ON: Simon & Schuster Inc.Global ReadingI. Text analysis1. Which two opinions are presented in the first paragraph?There are those who believe that the language that we use everyday is biased in and of itself. Then there are those who feel that language is a reflection of the prejudices that people have within themselves.2. Which sentences in the conclusion show the writer’s attitude?In the last paragraph, we find these sentences: “It is necessary for people to make the proper adjustments internally to use appropriate language to effectively include both genders. Wequalify language. It is up to us to decide what we will allow to be used and made proper in the area of language.” Evidently, they denote the writer’s attitude toward what we should do about gender bias in language.II. Structural analysis1. What type of writing is the text?This text is an expositive essay with reference to gender bias in language.2. What’s the main strategy to develop this expositive essay?The text is mainly developed by means of exemplification. Examples are abundantly used inParagraphs 2-6.3. Work out the structure of the text bycompleting the table.Detailed ReadingText I Gender Bias in LanguageParagraph 1Questions:1. What does the writer think of language?The author thinks that language is very powerful and the most common method of communication, but is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for it is a very complicated system of symbols with plenty of subtledifferences.Paragraphs 2-6Questions:1. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2? (Paragraph 2)Paragraph 2 explains and illustrates the fact that some words in English are inherently biased against women and that the English language generally reflects male supremacy and female subservience.2. Which is the topic sentence of Paragraph 3? (Paragraph 3)This shows that the usage of many of the English words is also what contributes to the bias present in the English language.3. What do you think of the two examples given in Paragraph 4? (Paragraph 4)The two examples, which are vivid and interesting, are closely related to the main idea that women are seen as passive while men are active and bring things into being.4. Which sentence in Paragraph 5 shows thatgender connotations in words affect people’s behavior? (Paragraph 5)It is the last sentence, “It is also commonplace not to scold little girls for being ‘tomboys’ but to scoff at little boys who play with dolls or ride girl’s bicycles.”5. Which sentences in Paragraph 6 denote the writer’s attitude? (Paragraph 6)The sentences that show the writer’s attitude towards the use of impolite terms in reference to women are “… but why use them when there are so many more to choose from?” and “It is also the most effective weapon of destruction.”Paragraph 7Questions:1. What kind change has taken place in regard to gender bias in language?People have recognized gender bias in English and made necessary changes.2. What is the writer’s opinion in reference to gender bias in language?The writer thinks it is necessary to make the proper adjustments internally to use appropriate language to effectively include both genders, and that it is up to our decision of the proper word used.Further EnhancementText II The Difference Between Sex and GenderLead-in Questions1. According to you, what are the gender differences between male and female?2. What are the causes of those differences?Notes1. connotative meanings (Paragraph 1): the additional meanings that a word or phrase has beyondits central meaning. These meanings show people’s emotions and attitudes what the word or phrase refers to. For example, child could be defined as a young human being butthere are many other characteristics which different people associate with child, e.g. affectionate, amusing, lovable, sweet, noisy, irritating. Some connotations may be shared by a group of people of the same cultural or social background, sex, or race; others may be restricted to one or several individuals and depend on their personal experience.2. Barry White (Paragraph 2): (1944-2003) wasan American record producer, songwriter and singer. A multiple Grammy Award-winner known for his deep bass voice and romantic image, White’s greatest success came in the 1970s with the Love Unlimited Orchestra, crafting many enduring hit soul and disco songs.3. They normally walk with a switch and speak with soft voices. (Paragraph 2): Women usually walk swaying from side to side and speak with gentle voices.4. These descriptions may not apply to all menand women, … (Paragraph 2): Theseoversimplified characteristics may not be applied as a generalization to all men and women.5. sexual identity (Paragraph 3): Sexual identity is a person’s strong feeling of being a male or female. It includes sexual orientation – that is, whether a person is sexually attracted to the opposite sex or the same sex. People who are primarily attracted to members of their own sex are called homosexual, gay, or, if they are women,lesbian. People who are attracted to the opposite sex are called heterosexual or straight. People who feel attracted to people of both sexes are bisexual. Despite considerable research, the origins of sexual orientation are not completely understood.6. Certain traits may get mixed up when dealingwith people who like to cross-dress.(Paragraph 4) : Certain features of the two sexes may be found mixed in the case of those who like to wear the clothes of the opposite sex.7. Some people get sex change operations andbecome transsexuals. (Paragraph 4): A small number of males and females believe they should have been born a member of the other sex. Such individuals, called transsexuals, believe they have the wrong body for their feelings and emotions. They feel “trapped” in the body of the wrong sex.Some transsexuals have surgery to change their anatomy to match their feelings.Transsexualism occurs more in males than in females. Its cause is unknown. Some behavioral scientists think it results from an early disturbance in the mother-infant relationship and a lack of proper identification with the same-sex parent.There is no evidence of hormonal abnormalities in transsexuals.8. hermaphrodites (Paragraph 4): Ahermaphrodite is an animal with both male and female organs of reproduction. In human beings, hermaphroditism is notnormal. The organs and functions of one or both sexes usually develop imperfectly in such rare individuals. Few human cases of hermaphroditism have been reported.9. deformity (Paragraph 4): a condition in which part of someone’s body is not the normal shape 10. Back then this would have been a prettygood hypothesis. (Paragraph 5): Years ago one’s occupation would have provided a sound, though tentative, clue to one’s sexual identity.11. grade school (Paragraph 6): In the UnitedStates, a grade school is an elementary school or grammar school. Elementary school is a school for children from age 5 or 6 to age 12 or 14.12. They juggle home life and work …(Paragraph 7): They manage to fit their work into homemaking ……13. Women have broken the gender barrier inalmost every sport except for football and hockey. (Paragraph 8): Before the 20thcentury in the United States women could not play in most organized sports. Soon, however, they began to enter the sports arena. In 1972 Title IX of the Education Amendments Act outlawed discrimination based on gender in education, including school sports. Schools then spent additional funding on women’s athletics, which provided an enormous boost to women’s sports of all kinds, especially basketball, which became very popu lar. Women’s college basketball, part of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), is a popular focus of interest. By the end of the 20th century, this enthusiasm led to the creation of a major professional women’s basketball league. Women have become a large part of athletics, making their mark ina wide range of sports.14. Rosa Parks (Paragraph 9): AfricanAmerican civil rights activist. In 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused togive up her bus seat to a white man. Her action led to the Montgomery bus strike, which was the first large-scale, organized protest against segregation that used nonviolent tactics. Rosa Parks’s personal act of defiance opened a decisive chapter in the civil rights movement in the United States. 15. Hilary Clinton (Paragraph 9): Democraticmember of the United States Senate from New York (2001- ) and wife of the ex-president of the United States Bill Clinton.During her husband’s presidency (1993-2001), she became a powerful symbol of the changing role and status of women in American society. Her election to the U.S.Senate while being first lady was unprecedented in U.S. history. And she is now serving as Secretary of State in the Obama Administration.16. The term gender is a little sexist because itassociates sex with social status. (Paragraph10): The term gender reflects the belief thatfemales are inferior to males in a variety of attributes because it helps determine sex by what a person does for a living.Questions for discussion1. What is the difference between sex andgender?2. What does the word “feminine” in the secondparagraph mean? What is the opposite of the word?3. According to the author how does sexualidentity develop?4. What prompts the author to suggest that sexbe substituted for gender?5. What is the author’s purpose of writing thispassage?Key to Questions for discussion1. Many people use the terms sex and genderinterchangeably. However, two terms have different meanings. Sex refers to the physical characteristics that make a person male or female. It is also used to describe the sexualactivities that occur between intimate individuals Gender refers to a sense of being male or female or having the recognizable traits of one’s sex. It carries a more social tone, concerning a soci ety’s expectations for males and females, including values, attitudes, and behavior. 2. It refers to characteristics and behavior thatare generally associated with being a female such as body shape, voice, hairstyle, clothing, body movements, and display of emotions.Characteristics and behavior generally associated with being a male are called masculine.3. Each person must decide how he or she wantsto express sexuality. Sexual identity develops partly from biological influences, and partly from cultural influences. Most people are influenced in their decision by values learned from their family, culture or peer group.4. Women historically have endured prejudicebecause of social and sexual taboos. But theauthor feels that in the process of pursuit gender equality, there is confusion about the definition of gender because it consists of social classifications which undermine women’s sense of their human identity. Sex would include both sexes, eliminating the differences that society has imposed.5. It en courages a society’s respect for humanrights and fundamental freedom for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.Memorable QuotesRead the following quotes and analyze the functions of language indicated by them.Guidance: Human language is unique in being a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited. A language is a system of signs for encoding and decoding information.Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784), often referred toas Dr. Johnson, was an English author who made great contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer. His Dictionary of the English Language had a far-reaching effect on Modern English.Walter Whitman (1819 – 1892) was an American poet, essayist, journalist, and humanist. Whitman is often called the father of free verse.1. Language is the dress of thought. —Samuel JohnsonParaphrase: Language is a means to express thought.2. Language is not an abstract construction of the learned, or of dictionary-makers, but is something arising out of the work, needs, ties, joys, affections, tastes, of long generations of humanity, and has its bases broad and low, close to the ground. — Walt Whitman Paraphrase: Language is not a difficult design ofthe knowledgeable people, or dictionary-makers, but something that comes out of the daily life of the ordinarypeople – their work, needs, relationships, happiness, emotions and tastes throughout the history of humanity. It has wide and low bases, close to the most ordinary people.arise (out of/from sth): (rather formal) to happen as a result of somethinge.g. Unemployment arises out of the economic recession.21。


























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Unit 12 Gender Bias in LanguageLanguage is a very powerful element. It is the most common method of communication. Yet it is often misunderstood and misinterpreted, for language is a very complicated mechanism with a great deal of nuance. There are times when in conversation with another individual, that we must take into account the person’s linguistic genealogy. There are people who use language that would be considered prejudicial or biased in use. But the question that is raised is in regard to language usage: Is language the cause of the bias or is it reflective of the preexisting bias that the user holds? There are those who believe that the language that we use in day-to-day conversation is biased in and of itself. They feel that the term "mailman", for example, is one that excludes women mail carriers. Then there are those who feel that language is a reflection of the prejudices that people have within themselves. That is to say, the words that people choose to use in conversation denote the bias that they harbor within their own existence.There are words in the English language that are existing or have existed (some of them have changed with the new wave of “political correctness” coming about) that have inherently been sexually biased against women. For example, the person who investigates reported complaints (as from consumers or students), reports findings, and helps to achieve fair and impartial settlements is ombudsman (Merriam-Webster Dictionary), but ombudsperson here at Indiana State University. This is an example of the gender bias that exists in the English language. The language is arranged so that men are identified with exalted positions, and women are identified with more service-oriented positions in which they are being dominated and instructed by men. So the language used to convey this type of male supremacy is generally reflecting the honored position of the male and the subservience of the female. Even in relationships, the male in the home is often referred to as the “man of the house,” even if it is a 4-year-old child. It is highly insulting to say that a 4-year-old male, based solely on his gender, is more qualified and capable of conducting the business and affairs of the home than his possibly well-educated, highly intellectual mother. There is a definite disparity in that situation.In American culture, a woman is valued for the attractiveness of her body, while a man is valued for his physical strength and his achievements. Even in the example of word pairs the bias is evident. The masculine word is put before the feminine word, as in the examples of Mr. and Mrs., his and hers, boys and girls, men and women, kings and queens, brothers and sisters, guys and dolls, and host and hostess. This shows that the usage of many of the English words is also what contributes to the bias present in the English language.Alleen Pace Nilsenn notes that there are instances when women are seen as passive while men are active and bring things into being. She uses the example of the wedding ceremony. In the beginning of the ceremony, the father is asked who gives the bride away and he answers, “I do.” It is at this point that Nilsen argues that the gender bias comes into play. The traditional concept of the bride as something to be handed from one man (the father) to another man (the husband-to-be) is perpetuated. Another example is in the instance of sexual relationships. The women becomebrides while men wed women. The man takes away a woman’s virginity and a woman loses her virginity. This denotes her inability, apparently due to her gender, to hold on to something that is a part of her, thus enforcing the man’s ability and right to claim something that is not his.To be a man, according to some linguistic differences, would be considered an honor. To be endowed by genetics with the encoding of a male would be as having been shown grace, unmerited favor. There are far greater positive connotations connected with being a man than with being a woman. Nilsen yields the example of “shrew” and “shrewd.” The word “shrew” is taken from the name of a small but especially vicious animal; however in Nilsen’s dictionary, a “shrew” was identified as an “ill-tempered, scolding woman.” However, the word “shrewd,” which comes from the same root, was defined as “marked by clever discerning awareness.” It was noted in her dictionary as a shrewd businessman. It is also commonplace not to scold little girls for being “tomboys” but to scoff at little boys who play with dolls or ride girls’ bicycles.In the conversations that come up between friends, you sometimes hear the words “babe,” “broad,” and “chick.” These are words that are used in reference to or directed toward women. It is certainly the person’s right to use these words to reflect women, but why use them when there are so many more to choose from? Language is the most powerful tool of communication and the most effective tool of communication. It is also the most effective weapon of destruction.Although there are biases that exist in the English language, there has been considerable change toward recognizing these biases and making the necessary changes formally so that they will be implemented socially. It is necessary for people to make the proper adjustments internally to use appropriate language to effectively include both genders. We qualify language. It is up to us to decide what we will allow to be used and made proper in the area of language.语言中的性别偏见语言是一个非常强大的元素。
