
英文质量保证书格式英文质量保证书格式篇一:质量保证书英文翻译qualityguaranteethankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts! toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandseller,andthepro ductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstam pedtothebuyer.third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheproductswithoffi cialsealstampedtothebuyer.fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtrademarkoftheprod uctsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute: thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwiththesupplie rproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetesting.theremainingsamplesf ailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekeptforoneweek. incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerandseller negotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontractanddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:产品质量保证书中英文范文qualityguarantee ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformtospectficati on.repiacementwitlentcost thecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate -ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.fireda magecausedbybuildingdetects. actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbre akageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。

质量保证书英文篇一:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandsel ler,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn’tclearlymentionit.Afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,w eformallyofferproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasin gquality.Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithoffic ialsealstampedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheprod uctswithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeoffici alqualitystandardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecess aryprovidethenecessaryqualityinformation,suchastheinspectio nreportandotherrelevantinformation.Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtradem arkoftheproductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheproductpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfo llowit,orisresponsibleforthecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,the suppliershouldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.Ifitisin deedtheresponsibilityofsupplier,thesuppliershallbearfullres ponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwi ththesupplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetest ing.Theremainingsamplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekept foroneweek.Ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompanybearsthelosscausedbytheusingoftheproducts.Incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuy erandsellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.Ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontracta nddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:质量保证书-英文CERTIFICATEOFQUALITY,HEALTH,PURITYANDANALYSISSANITARYANDVET ERINARYCERTIFICATETOWHOMITMAYCONCERNTheundersignedLapinlacommuneveterinariancertifiesthatthemil kproductsdescribedhereinaremanufacturedfromsoundrawmaterial sandthemanufacturingiscarriedoutundersanitaryconditions.Theproductsareatthetimeofshipmentsound,wholesomeandfitforhumanconsumption.TheproductsareproducedinValoEdibleFatsandi ngredients,productsispermittedanywhereinFinland.Theproducti sfreefromB.S.E.EU-Registrationnumber:60220Exporter:Destination:Specificati onProductsDEMINERALIZEDWHEYPOWDERASPERCONTRACTNO.CH/99/66.809AND 4760bagsProteinScorchedparticlesDateofExport:Apr.20,2011StaphylococcusaureusSalmonellaShippingMarks:neg.inneg.inCH99/66.8091g50gneg.in1gneg.in50g------------------ShenzhenCHINALapinla,Apr.20,2011Lapinlacommuneveterinarian 篇三:质量保证书中英qualityguaranteeifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformt ospectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrre sponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirec ttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbreakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。

Quality Assurance CertificateWe hereby certify that the product/service mentioned herein has been thoroughly inspected and tested to meet the highest standards of quality and excellence. Our Quality Assurance team has rigorously evaluated every aspect of the product/service to ensure that it conforms to the specified requirements and guidelines.The product/service has been designed and developed with utmost care and precision, utilizing advanced technology and expertise. Our dedicated team of professionals has meticulously crafted every component to ensure durability, reliability, and functionality. We guarantee that the product/service is free from any defects in design, material, or workmanship.During the manufacturing process, we have implemented stringent quality control measures to monitor and inspect the product/service at various stages. This includes thorough testing of raw materials, components, and finished products to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. Our quality assurance team consistently monitors and evaluates the production process to identify and rectify any potential issues or deviations.We assure our valued customers that the product/service provided is of superior quality and will perform as intended. Our commitment to quality extends beyond the production stage, as we provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the continued satisfaction of our customers. Should any issues arise, we承诺及时解决并提供必要的协助。
【精品文档】质量保证书英语-范文word版 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==质量保证书英语篇一:质量保证书英文翻译Quality GuaranteeThank you for choosing to buy our products!To ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:First, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. The national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. After the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.Third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.Fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with theofficial quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.Fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.Sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.Seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. If it isindeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.Eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:The buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shippedwith the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. The remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.If it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.In case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.Ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇二:质量保证书中英quality guaranteeif any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls toperform tospectfication .repiacement witlent cost the customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge tomate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses.megigence .abuse.firedamage caused by building detects.acts of god and any otherdirect to affect its ap-pearance and performance classbreakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。


质量保证书英文模板质量保证书英文 1the product quality guarantee english:the products we provided to the shandong rizhao huagui technology limited company are in accord with the countrys related standards and the industry standards. we guarantee five years free repair. we promise the color of the lacquer not fade away in five years, the lacquer not peel off in two years.company name:(seal of the full name of material company)质量保证书英文 2I hereby take time to play mobile phone, late of the seniors received the student union, I regret that I did not dare to play school again after the phone.Since our cell phones are accepted.I was thinking, think oneself should not play mobile phone on campus, I wash clothes tonight also thinking, cause when I was hanging clothes, clothes fell down on the ground floor.Zheng big eyes, I immediately ran from the fifth floor to the fourth floor at the clothes in.Ran down from the third floor see clothes in.And then ran down the second floor, and then see clothes in;And then I ran out of the ground floor, andfinally picked up my clothes, Im very happy.But Im not at the mood, because my cell phone was closed.Also in regret, then I took my clothes one breath ran on the fifth floor, the fifth floor of the scenery is really beautiful.I miss my phoneI assure the student union of the seniors.I dont play mobile phone on campus, hope the seniors can give opportunity many times.I give back to me on my mobile.I will take to mend.质量保证书英文 3Assurance of Equipments Quality:1. Products that conform to design standard and acceptable quality level are to be supplied according to the contracts specifications.2. On the basis of the contracts stipulation, department of the ordering (requesting) party is to beprovided with related standard and drawings, as well as accessibility and condition.Assurance of Delivery:1. To deliver according to the time and location as specified in the contract.2. Goods are to be delivered according to form of packing; the mode of transport as stipulated in the contract.Technical Assurance:1. To provide ordering party, in time, all technical information and drawings as stipulated in the contract. Supplier would carry out timely technical service on site when required, and to give ordering party guidance, on the basis of suppliers technical information and drawings, to carry out installation.2. To meet ordering partys requirement on spare parts and tools at all time.Compensation on the Violation of Agreement:For any loss as a consequence of the violation of the agreements stipulations, with respect to product quality and delivery, supplier would undertake to assume corresponding financial responsibility in accordance with the agreements terms and conditions and related legal regulations.。
质量保证书 英语(作文)

质量保证书英语(作文)Quality Assurance CommitmentQuality is the foundation of any successful product or service. At our company, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of quality and reliability. Our quality assurance program is designed to ensure that every aspect of our operation meets the most stringent standards, from the raw materials we use to the final delivery of our products.At the heart of our quality assurance program is a comprehensive set of processes and procedures that are constantly monitored and refined. Our team of experienced quality control specialists work tirelessly to identify and address any potential issues before they can impact our customers. This includes rigorous testing and inspection at every stage of the manufacturing process, as well as ongoing audits and quality checks to ensure that our products consistently meet or exceed industry standards.One of the key pillars of our quality assurance program is our commitment to continuous improvement. We are constantly seeking out new and innovative ways to enhance our processes andprocedures, drawing on the latest research and best practices in the industry. This includes investing in cutting-edge technology and equipment, as well as providing ongoing training and development opportunities for our team to ensure that they are always at the forefront of their field.Another critical component of our quality assurance program is our focus on customer satisfaction. We recognize that our customers are the lifeblood of our business, and we are dedicated to ensuring that their needs and expectations are always met. This means not only delivering high-quality products, but also providing responsive and personalized customer service, and standing behind our work with a comprehensive warranty and support program.At the end of the day, our commitment to quality assurance is more than just a set of policies and procedures – it is a fundamental part of our company's culture and values. Every member of our team, from the executives in the boardroom to the frontline workers on the production floor, is committed to upholding the highest standards of quality and excellence. We take pride in our work, and we are dedicated to ensuring that our customers can always count on us to deliver products and services that they can trust.In conclusion, our quality assurance commitment is the foundation upon which our entire business is built. It is the driving force behindour success, and it is what sets us apart from our competitors in the market. Whether you are a long-standing customer or a new client, you can rest assured that when you choose our company, you are getting the very best in quality, reliability, and customer service.。

质量保证书.doc(英语翻译)质量保证书Quality Certificate1、产品质保期为一年(人为因素、使用保养不当、不可抗拒灾害除外)。
Time limit for product quality is one year (except for human factors, or improper application or maintenance, or unpredictable disasters).2、质量保证期内,如有下列情况,本公司酌情收取相应费用:In case of the following during time limit for quality, customers will be charged at the Company's discretion:⑴未依据产品说明书指示工作程序使用所致损坏;Damage due to application not according to the specified operation procedure in the Product Instructions⑵擅自拆卸、扩充、改装所损坏;Damage due to unauthorized disassembly, addition or modification;⑶非我公司技术人员维修所致损坏;Damage due to maintenance not made by technical staff from the Company;⑷不可抗拒灾害的设备损坏;Device damage due to unpredictable disasters;⑸属定货范围以外的备品。
Spare parts outside of supply ranges产品名称Product Name 型号Size产品出厂日期Ex-factory Date产品出厂编号Ex-factory No.防爆型静电消除装置Explosion-proof StaticEliminatorFJX-15/220故障原因Failure Cause处理方法Solution处理结果Solution Results维修人员签字Signed by MaintenanceMan厂方人员签字Signed by FactoryMember维修日期Maintenance Period 年月日至年月日From to。

英文版产品质量保证书(一)The Product Quality GuaranteeEnglish:The products we provided to the Shandong Rizhao Huagui Technology Limited Company are in accord with the country's related standards and the industry standards. We guarantee five years' free repair. We promise the color of the lacquer not fade away in five years, the lacquer not peel off in two years.Company Name:(Seal of the full name of material company) Tel:XXXXXXXXXXXXDate:XXXX-04-01英文版产品质量保证书(二)CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY, HEALTH, PURITY AND ANALYSIS SANITARY AND VETERINARY CERTIFICATETO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNThe undersigned Lapinla commune veterinarian certifies that the milk products described herein are manufactured from sound raw materials and the manufacturing is carried out under sanitary conditions. The products are at the time of shipment sound, wholesome and fit for human consumption. The products are produced in Valo Edible Fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in Finland. The product is free from B.S.E.EU-Registration number: 60220Exporter:Valo Edible Fats and Ingredients, Helsinki, FinlandDestination:Shenzhen, ChinaDate of Export:Apr. 20, XXXXSpecificationProductsWeight (kg)DEMINERALIZED WHEY POWDER AS PER CONTRACT NO. CH/99/66.809 AND4760 bags121,380.00 kgs gross119,000.00 kgs netSpecificationAnalysisProtein (N x 6.38)MoistureAsh (550c)Ph (10% sol. 20c)Scorched particles (ADMI)NitrateMin.Max.Max.6.2Disc AMax.12.0%4.0%1.0%--6.930mg/kg13.5%2.1%0.5%6.4Disc Apasses testStandard plate count Enterobacteriaceae YeastsMoundsSulphite reducing clostridia Staphylococcus aureus SalmonellaMax.Max.Max.Max.Max.neg. inneg. in5,000/g10/g50/g50/g10/g1 g50 g3,000/g< 5/g< 5/g< 5/g< 5/gneg. in 1 gneg. in 50 gShipping Marks:CH99/66.809------------------ Shenzhen CHINALapinla, Apr. 20, XXXX Lapinla commune veterinarian。

质量保证书英语篇一:质量保证书中英篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文qualityguarantee ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformtospectficati on.repiacementwitlentcost thecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate -ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.fireda magecausedbybuildingdetects. actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbre akageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
篇二:质量保证书英文翻译qualityguaranteethankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts! toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandseller,andthepro ducts(:质量保证书英语)afety,wemakethefollowingpromise:second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstam pedtothebuyer.third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheproductswithoffi cialsealstampedtothebuyer.fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtrademarkoftheprod uctsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute: thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwiththesupplie rproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetesting.theremainingsamplesf ailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekeptforoneweek. incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerandseller negotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontractanddeliveryo ccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇三:质量保证书-英文certificateofquality,health,purityandanalysissanitaryandveterinarycertifica tetowhomitmayconcernhumanconsumption.theproductsareproducedinvaloediblefatsandingredient s,productsispermittedanywhereinfinland.theproductisfreefromb.s.e.eu-reg istrationnumber:60220exporter:destination:specificationproductsdemineralizedwheypowderaspercontractno.ch/99/66.809and4760bagsprotein(nx6.38)moistureash(550c)ph(10%sol.20c)scorchedparticles(admi) nitrate standardplatecountenterobacteriaceaeyeastsmounds sulphitereducingclostridiaspecificationmin.max.max.6.2discamax.max.max.max.max.max.g5,000/g10/g50/g50/g10/g12.0%4.0%1.0%--6.930mg/kanalysis13.5%2.1%0.5%6.4discapassestest3,000/g121,380.00kgsgross11 9,000.00kgsnetvaloediblefatsandingredients,helsinki,finlandshenzhen,chinaweight(kg)dateofexport:apr.20,20XXstaphylococcusaureussalmonella shippingmarks:neg.inneg.inch99/66.8091g50gneg.in1gneg.in50g------------------shenzhenchina篇二:产品质量保证书中英文范文QualityGuarantee。

质量保证书英文范本篇一:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandsel ler,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn ’tclearlymentionit.Afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,w eformallyofferproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasin gquality.Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithoffic ialsealstampedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheprod uctswithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeoffici alqualitystandardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecess aryprovidethenecessaryqualityinformation,suchastheinspectio nreportandotherrelevantinformation.Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtradem arkoftheproductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheprod uctpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfo llowit,orisresponsibleforthecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,the suppliershouldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.Ifitisin deedtheresponsibilityofsupplier,thesuppliershallbearfullres ponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwi ththesupplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetest ing.Theremainingsamplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekept foroneweek.Ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompa nybearsthelosscausedbytheusingoftheproducts.Incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuy erandsellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.Ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontracta nddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:质量保证书中英篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文qualityguaranteeifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformt ospectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abu se.firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbreakageofanykindofisnotcoveredb ythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。

质量保证书英文质量保证书英文篇一:产品质保书模板warranty certificate(质保书) 样板版本一:WARRANTY CERTIFICATEConsignee:Description of Goods:We, M/s hereby certify that the goods supplied conform to the WAPDA/NTDC specifications P-127:81 & DD-S-45:90 and are brand new and that particulars governing supply, we will be held responsible for all losses and defects and that unacceptable goods shall be substituted with the acceptable goods at our expenses and costs without any delay. The warranty under the Contract shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery / commissioning or 18 months from the date of delivery of last consignment, whichever is later.版本二:CERTIFICATE OF WARRANTYTo the attention of the Buyer of and other interested parties, Vendor Name: Vendor's Address:Vendor's Commercial Invoice Number: Bill of Lading Number: Vendor's Proforma Invoice Number: Bill of Lading Date: Descriptions of GoodsConsignee Name: Consignee's Address:Purchase Order Number:Dear Madam / Sir,We, (here known as the above mentioned Vendor), hereby warrant that the above mentioned Goods; which is listed in theabove mentioned Commercial Invoice and Bill of Lading, and consigned to the above mentioned Consignee, are in accordance to the samples approved by the Consignee, and complies with the terms and condition stipulated in the above mentioned Purchase Order Number. Should the Goods were to be deemed as defective and rejected by the Quality Control Department of the Consignee at the final goods reception site of the Consignee, in addition to the handling chargesincurred for the rejected goods; the Consignee is entitle to a compensation at a rate of 1-to-1 for all the rejected good involved; at the same equal amountof quantity and value of Goods deemed defective.This Warranty shall expire after the 90th day from the above mentioned Bill of Lading Date.济钢产品质保书实现信息化管理日前,随着中厚板、热连轧和冷轧三条生产线MES信息化系统的上线运行,济钢集团产品质量保证书同步实现了信息化管理。

质量保证书英文范本篇一:质量保证书中英qualityguarantee ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformto spectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrresponsiblefora nydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse. firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectits ap-pearanceandperformanceclass breakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
篇二:质量保证书英文翻译qualityguarantee thankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandseller,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:second,thesupplierprovide sthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheproductswith officialsealstampedtothebuyer.fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingan dregisteredtrademarkofthe productsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingc onditionisindicatedontheproductpackage, toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfollowit,orisresponsible forthecausedqualityproblem.eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:thebu yershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwiththe supplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetesting.theremaining samplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekeptforoneweek.incaseoftheind eedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerand sellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesin cebothsidessignasupplycontractanddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇三:住宅质量保证书中英文版(中英文已改)太原星河湾(二号园)住宅质量保证书星河湾住宅质量保证书02/03敬告用户:1、保修期从房屋交付使用日起计。
【精编范文】质量保证书英文格式-优秀word范文 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==质量保证书英文格式篇一:质量保证书英文翻译Quality GuaranteeThank you for choosing to buy our products!To ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:First, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. The national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. After the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.Third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.Fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with theofficial quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.Fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.Sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.Seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. If it isindeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.Eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:The buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shippedwith the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. The remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.If it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.In case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.Ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇二:质量保证书中英quality guaranteeif any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls toperform tospectfication .repiacement witlent cost the customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge tomate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses.megigence .abuse.firedamage caused by building detects.acts of god and any otherdirect to affect its ap-pearance and performance classbreakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。

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Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.
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Feb.-18-2003DUPONT PAINT WARRANTY TOVANTAGE’s “Project Name”I. Warranty. The DuPont paint warranty covers the areas of PVC profile finished with the PVC painting process (page 3) recommended by DuPont, according to the process recommended by DuPont and exclusively with DuPont MULTIMIX paint materials (hereinafter “Multimix System”) for a period of 5 years of color change and gloss loss and 15 years of adhesion from the date the profile is finished. DuPont warrants that the areas finished with the “Multimix System", will be free throughout the warranty period from defects causing paint failures resulting in cracking, checking, detachment, or unreasonable loss of gloss throughout the entire area finished. Conditions that include failure include: a. Detachment of the paint film as measured by DIN EN ISO 2409. b. Loss of gloss in excess of 30% of the original gloss (at least 60 units) as measured by DIN 67537 60 degree gloss meter. c. Color change according Qualicoat Norm (see enclosure) measured by ISO 7724-3 Photometric Instrument Comparison with control sample. *This may be adjusted by a written agreement between Vantage and DuPont to account for the pigments high ultraviolet light exposure. The conditions are related to the tested PVC-Profiles. II. Excluded from coverage under this warranty are the following: paint failures resulting from improper substrate preparation or treatment; paint failures resulting from failure to use the “Multimix System”; paint failures resulting from the use of paint materials not manufactured or sold by DuPont; paint failures resulting from work performed by non-DuPont certified painters;paint failures caused by improper care, abrasive polishes, cleaning agents, heavy duty pressure washing, or aggressive mechanical wash systems; paint failures caused by abuse, accidents, acid rain, chemical fallout or acts of nature; paint failures resulting from product misuse or abuse; any paint failure that Vantage fails to inspect with an authorized DuPont representative as set forth in the Claims Procedure section.This letter sets forth the entire warranty made by DuPont. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY SUCH WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED. The remedy set forth herein shall be the sole and exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty. This warranty runs only to Vantage and is not transferable. III. Claims Procedure. In the event a piece of PVC profile covered by the DuPont warranty demonstrates evidence of a paint failure resulting from a paint defect set forth above, the PVC profile must be inspected by an authorized representative of Vantage and DuPont for a determination of whether a paint failure covered by the DuPont warranty exists. Any paint failure determined to result from a paint defect subject to the warranty must be approved and authorized in advance of the work by a DuPont representative and the work must be performed in the described DuPont painting PVC painting process (page 3). In the event work is covered by this warranty, DuPont will replace the product and, where necessary to effect a repair, provide a reasonable allowance for direct labor costs, which costs shall not include overhead or profit. The actual labor allowance will be determined by DuPont in its sole discretion. Any paint failure determined to result from any paint defect not covered by the warranty will be the sole responsibility of the Vantage.DateAccount Manager: _______________________________Business Manager China & Hong Kong________________________________________Process Guide for PVC Painting of Vantage's “Project Name”1. Clean PVC with suitable cleaning agent in order to remove dust, glue residue and other contaminants. 2. Wipe surface to be coated using lint-free cloth soaked with Multimix etching promoter. 3. Allow etching promoter to react with PVC substrate for a minimum of 5 minutes prior to topcoat application 4. Pretreatment inspection, surface to be coated requires full coverage of etching promoter. 5. Prepare Multimix 2K Acryl 100 Topcoat for application, follow all label and Technical Data Sheet instructions. Mix ratio is 5 parts Multimix 2K Acryl 100 Topcoat to 1 part Multimix 2K LR Hardener Fast 6. Set fluid delivery and automizing air pressure in accordance with Technical Data Sheet instructions. 7. Apply 1st pass of paint materials between 5 minutes and 1.5 hours after etching promoter wiping. 8. Apply 2nd pass after 10 minutes flash. 9. Allow the finish to flash for 10 minutes, then force dry for 2 hours at 40 degree centigrade. 10. Inspect for defects and correct as necessary. 11. The final paint properties reached after complete through drying., The information contained here represents the current state of our knowledge and is intended as a guide to our products and their uses.。