2016 年福建省普通高校专升本招生考试人体解剖学、生理学试卷考生答题注意事项:1、本试卷考试时间 120 分钟,满分 150 分。
选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上的相应代码涂黑。
非选择题用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上书写作答,在试卷上作答无效。
第一部分选择题一、单项选择题(本大题共 40 小题,其中 1~ 20 小题为人体解剖学题,21~40 小题为生理学题。
每小题2 分,共 80 分。
未涂、错涂或多涂均无分)1.下列属于计数肋的重要标志是A.肋弓B.肩峰C.颈静脉切迹D.肩胛骨下角2.椎间盘突出症最多见的部位是A.颈部B.胸部C.腰部D.骶部3.下列属于胃的分部是A.胃小弯B.胃大弯C.角切迹D.幽门部4.下列关于麦氏点的描述,正确的是A.麦氏点是阑尾根部的体表投影B.麦氏点是胆囊底的体表投影C.麦氏点是盲肠的体表投影D.麦氏点是回盲瓣的体表投影5.下列关于胰的描述,正确的是A.胰分胰头、胰体两部分B.胰位于第1~2 腰椎体水平C.胰是人体最大的消化腺D.胰管开口于十二指肠小乳头6.开口于蝶筛隐窝的鼻旁窦是A.蝶窦B.筛窦C.额窦D.上颌窦7.对保持呼吸道通畅具有重要意义的喉软骨是A.甲状软骨B.会厌软骨C.环状软骨D.杓状软骨8.临床上肺尖的听诊部位在A.高出锁骨外侧1/3 上方2~3cm B.高出锁骨内侧1/3 上方2~3cmC.低于锁骨外侧1/3 下方2~3cm D.低于锁骨内侧1/3 下方2~3cm9.男性膀胱下方邻接的器官是A.前列腺B.直肠C.精囊D.盲肠10.包绕肾乳头的结构是A.肾小盏B.肾大盏C.肾盂D.输尿管11.下列不属于女性尿道特点的是A.宽B.直C.短D.长12.临床上前尿道是指男性尿道的A.膜部B.海绵体部C.前列腺部D.膜部和前列腺部13.行经内踝前方的静脉是A.小隐静脉B.大隐静脉C.贵要静脉D.头静脉14.不成对的腹主动脉脏支是A.肾动脉B.肾上腺中动脉C.肠系膜上动脉D.胃网膜左动脉15.心位于A.前纵隔内B.后纵隔内 C. 上纵隔内D.中纵隔内16.房水由眼后房流入眼前房经过的结构是A.虹膜角膜角B.巩膜静脉窦C.瞳孔D.黄斑17.听觉感受器位于A.鼓室B.咽鼓管C.骨迷路D.蜗管18.下列属于颈丛分支的神经是A.膈神经B.副神经C.正中神经D.迷走神经19.交感神经的低级中枢位于A.脊髓胸1~腰3 节段的灰质前角B.脊髓胸1~腰3 节段的灰质侧角C.脊髓骶2~骶4 节段的灰质前角D.脊髓骶2~骶4 节段的灰质侧角20.下列属于三叉神经分支的是A.舌神经B.颊神经C.眼神经D.泪腺神经21.机体内环境稳态是指A.细胞外液化学成分保持恒定B.细胞外液理化性质相对恒定C.细胞内液化学成分相对恒定D.细胞内液理化性质保持不变22.葡萄糖在小肠粘膜上皮细胞的吸收机制是A.载体转运B.原发性主动转运C.通道转运D.继发性主动转运23.下列不属于神经-骨骼肌接头处兴奋传递特点的是A.单向传递B.易受环境因素变化的影响C.时间延搁D.神经兴奋后肌肉不一定收缩24. 急性化脓性细菌感染时,白细胞计数百分率增加明显的是A.嗜碱性粒细胞B.中性粒细胞C.嗜酸性粒细胞D.淋巴细胞25.血清与血浆的主要区别在于血清中缺乏A.凝血因子B.Ca2+C.纤维蛋白D.纤维蛋白原26.心室肌细胞动作电位的主要特征是A.4 期膜内电位稳定B.去极化速度快C.复极化2 期缓慢D.有不应期27.心动周期中,心室血液充盈主要是由于A.心房肌收缩的挤压作用B.心室肌舒张的抽吸作用C.血液依赖地心引力而回流D.骨骼肌的挤压作用加速静脉回流28.支配心脏的交感神经节后纤维末梢释放的递质是A.去甲肾上腺索B.乙酰胆碱C.肾上腺素 D. 血管紧张素29.肺泡表面活性物质减少将导致A.肺顺应性增大B.肺弹性阻力减小C. 肺难于扩张D.肺泡内液体表面张力降低30.血液中C02分压升高使呼吸运动加强的最主要途径是A.刺激颈动脉窦和主动脉弓感受器B.直接刺激延髓呼吸中枢C.刺激颈动脉体和主动脉体化学感受器D.刺激中枢化学感受器31.胃蛋白酶原转变为胃蛋白酶的激活物是A.HCl B.Na+ C.Cl-D.内因子32.食物通过消化道时停留时间最长的部位是A.胃B.小肠C.结肠 D. 直肠33.人体运动状态下的主要产热器官是A. 肝脏B.心脏C.骨骼肌D.脑34.正常人不同测定部位的体温高低不同,正确的排列顺序是A.直肠温度>腋窝温度>口腔温度B.直肠温度>口腔温度>腋窝温度C.口腔温度>直肠温度>腋窝温度D.腋窝温度>口腔温度>直肠温度35.剧烈运动引起尿量减少的主要机制是A.抗利尿激素分泌增多B.肾小球滤过膜面积减少C.醛固酮分泌增多D.肾血管收缩,肾血流量减少36.肾小管重吸收葡萄糖的部位是A.近端小管B.髓袢细段C.髓袢升支粗段D.远曲小管37.视近物和远物均需眼进行调节的折光异常是A.近视B.斜视C.远视D.散光38.感觉的非特异性投射系统的主要功能是A.引起特定的感觉B.维持大脑皮层的兴奋状态C.协调肌紧张D.使机体进入睡眠状态39.去甲肾上腺素与α 受体结合后引起舒张效应的是A.皮肤粘膜血管B.小肠平滑肌C.胃肠括约肌 D.瞳孔开大肌40.成人甲状腺激素分泌不足可导致A.侏儒症B.肢端肥大疲症C.呆小症D.粘液性水肿第二部分非选择题二、名词解释题(本大题共 10 小题,其中 41 -45 小题为人体解剖学题,46-50 小题为生理学题。
选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔将答题卡上的相应代码涂黑。
A.PaO2<60mmHg, PaCO2>40mmHg B.PaO2>60mmHg, PaCO2<50mmHgC.PaO2<60mmHg, PaCO2>50mmHg D.PaO2 <60mmHg, PaCO2 >45mmHg6.慢性呼吸衰竭的患者临床上出现最早的症状是()。
选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔将答题卡上的相应代码涂黑。
在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请选出并将答题卡上对应的答案代码涂黑,错涂、多涂或未涂均不得分)1.我国幼儿教育的年龄段是()A.0-3岁B.0-6岁C.2-4岁D.3-6岁2.在新拉纳克为村民开辟游戏场的是()A.杜威B.欧文C.皮亚杰 D. 柏拉图3.儿童从出生到3岁进行社会化的主要场所是在()A.家庭B.托儿所C.幼儿园D.家庭托儿中心4.宣称儿童和成人一样,应当得到人的尊严和尊重的是()A.《儿童权利宣言》B.《儿童权利公约》C.《世界人权宣言》D.《儿童生存、保护和发展世界宣言》5.下列不属于福禄贝尔教育贡献的是()A.创办了世界上第一所幼儿园B.强调游戏在幼儿教育中的地位和价值C.为儿童设计活动玩具材料“恩物”D.重视儿童心理发展的敏感期6.下列目标表述属于智育目标的是()A.培养幼儿良好的生活卫生习惯B.培养幼儿活泼、开朗的性格C.增进幼儿对周围环境的认识 D. 培养幼儿初步的美感7.为各年龄班儿童选择玩具要有针对性,可多设一些棋类玩具的年龄班是()A.小小班B.小班C.中班D.大班8.有的幼儿擅长绘画,有的幼儿擅长动手制作,还有的能绘声绘色地讲故事。
T导通的期间,电源电压Vs加至N1绕组,电流 直线上升、电感L1储能增加,副方绕组N2的感应电势
22. 以图2为例,说明单端反激DC/DC变换器在连续电流模式(CCM)时的工作原理,并推导其变压器M=Vo/Vs的表达
图2 (15分)
一、 (共31题,共155分)
1. 电力二极管,BJT,SCR,MOSEFT和IGBT中,不可控器件是____________________,半控器件是________________ ____,全控器件是____________________和____________________,电压驱动控制型器件是___________________ _和____________________。 (6分) .标准答案:1. 电力二极管;2. SCR;3. MOSEFT;4. IGBT;5. MOSFET;6. IGBT;
7. 简述散热器在开关变换器中的作用。 (5分) 标准答案:开关器件在工作时会产生功耗,由于开关器件体积小,导致其热容量较小,其温度很容易快速上升。高温 时开关器件的电特性变坏,严重过热可能导致器件短时间内毁坏。为防止过热损坏,开关器件必须装有散热器,使 开关器件产生的热量由管壳经散热器传至周围空气中。
8. 简述冲量等效原理及其在SPWM中的应用思路 (5分) 标准答案:(1)冲量等效原理:大小、波形不相同的窄脉冲变量作用于惯性系统时,只要它们的冲量(面积),即变量 对时间的积分相等,其作用效果相同。 (2)应用思路:依据冲量等效原理,将幅值相同但宽度不同的窄脉来逼近理想正弦波,将其作用于惯性系统(滤波电 路)后,即可得到正弦输出电压。
)1. --- Oh, sorry to bother you.--- ______A______.(3分)(A) That’s okay(B) No, you can’t(C) That’s good(D) Oh, I don’t know2.- Well done and ____B_____.- Thank you very much!(3分)(A) not at all(B) congratulations(C) that's right(D) you are welcome3. --- The coffee is so good. __A_____--- Certainly. I am glad you love it.(3分)(A) Could I have another cup?(B) What about something else?(C) Why not have a taste?(D) Where have you got it?4. --Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office?-- ______B_______.(3分)(A) You can't miss it(B) I don't know(C) No, I can't(D) Sorry, but I am a stranger here myself5. --- Do you mind my smoking here?--- ____B___(3分)(A) No, thanks.(B) Yes, I do.(C) Yes. I'd rather not.(D) Good idea.阅读理解(共30分)说明:(此部分有2篇短文,每篇短文有5个问题,第一篇判断5个阐述的正确与错误,正确的选择T,错误的选择F;第二篇有5个问题,请从...)6. Martin Luther King was a black minister, who became a greatleader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s.King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. When he was young, he was strongly influenced by Thoreau and Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi's idea of non-violent resistance. Having received a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) from Boston University, he became a political and religious leader of the non-violent civilrelights movement in 1955. On August 28, 1963, he led over250,000 Americans on a march in Washington D.C. to fight for the Civil Rights Law to guarantee equality for all people, and delivered his best known speech "I Have a Dream" before the LincolnMemorial. The "dream" is a dream of brotherly love and equality for the Black and White. Thus, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964, but he was murdered four years later.Though he died, he was greatly respected and loved by theAmericans, both the white and the black. By vote of Congress in 1968, the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in Luther King's honor. He lives in people's hearts forever. (15分) 6.1 Martin Luther King was murdered when he was 39 years old.(3分) T(A) T(B) F6.2 Martin Luther King was a black minister only.(3分)(A) T(B) F6.3 Martin Luther King's Day has been a federal holiday for more than40 years.(3分)(A) T(B) F6.4 The underlined word "delivered" in the second paragraph could bereplaced by "gave".(3分)(A) T(B) F6.5 The best title for this passage is "Civil Rights Law"(3分)(A) T(B) F7. It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, thedaytime serial drama known as the soap opera has suddenlybecome "in". Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4:30 pm, college television lounges are filled with soap opera fans who can't wait to see the next episode in the lives of their favorite characters.Actually, soaps are more than a college favorite; they're a youth favorite. When school is out, high-school students are in front of their TV sets. One young working woman admitted that she turned down a higher paying job rather than give up watching her favorite serials. During the 1960's, it was uncommon for young people to watch soap operas. The mood of the sixties was very different from now. It was a time of seriousness, and talk was about social issues of great importance.Now, seriousness has been replaced by fun. Young people want tobe happy. It may seem strange that they should turn to soap opera, which is known for showing trouble in people's lives. But soap opera is enjoyment. Young people can identify with the soap operacharacter, who, like the college-age viewer, is looking for happy love, and probably not finding it. And soap opera gives youngpeople a chance to feel close to people without having to bear any responsibility for their problems.(15分)7.1 What is soap opera?(3分)(A) Plays based on science fiction stories.(B) Plays based on non-fiction stories.(C) The daytime serial dramas on TV.(D) Popular documentary films on TV.7.2 What can be the best title of the passage?(3分)(A) College student viewers.(B) Favorite TV serials.(C) Soap opera fans.(D) College-age viewers.7.3 Which is NOT the reason why the soap opera has suddenlybecome "in" among American young people ?(3分)(A) Because the viewers want to be happy and to enjoy themselves.(B) Because the soap opera makes young people feel cl ose to their people.(C) Because the viewers can find themselves in the soa p opera characters.(D) Because the young people have to bear the respons ibilities for their troubles.7.4 What can we learn from the passage? _________(3分)(A) College students like soap operas more than any ot her social groups.(B) Young people of sixties liked soap operas more than people today.(C) young viewers have turned themselves from the ser iousness of sixties to enjoyment now.(D) The young as a whole are trying to look for happy l ove but in vain.7.5 What message does the author want to convey to us?_________(3分)(A) The people's favorites to drama works have been ch anged for a long time.(B) The people's favorites to drama works change along with the times.(C) The people's favorites to drama works is changed b y the soap opera.(D) The people's favorites have changed the drama wor ks.完型填空(共10分)说明:(此部分的文章中有五个未完成的部分,请从ABCDE五个选项中选择最恰当的一项。
)第一部分选择题I. Vocabulary and structure (45 points, 1.5 for each)Directions: In this section, there are 30 incomplete sentences or dialogues. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence or the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.1.Mathematics a very important subject in high school.A.areB.isC.wasD.were2.He rescued the child at the of his life ,which earned him the name of hero.A.riskB.dangerC.hazardD.difficulty3.Please your name and address on the card so that we can send the book to you.A.go overB.write downC.find outD.carry out4.Two were seriously injured in the car accident yesterday,and now they are still in hospital.A.woman driversB.woman driverC.women driversD.women driver5.There was not enough to prove him guilty of the crime.A.evidenceB.attemptC.methodD.invention6.The notice said that the students and their parents should come to school this afternoon.A.eachB.everyC.allD.much7. You work, you will learn.A.Harder; moreB.Hard; muchC.The hard; the much D,The harder; the more8.In the ,you can find some old planes,which are on show for free.A.departmentB.experimentC.museumD.magazine9.I the book several times.I first it during my summer holidays last year.A.have read; am readingB.have read; readC.was reading; readD.am reading; have read10.Most people think that success mainly on hard work.A.keepsB.insistsC.dependsD.spends11.It is necessary that the problem at once.A.solvesB.should solve.C.should be solvedD.will be solved12.As far as the color is ,I do not like the dress.A.saidB.talkedC.mentionedD.concerned13.Since the ground is wet, it last night.A.should have rainedB. has rainedC.must rainD.must have rained14.He likes to help others.Why don’t you go and ask him help?A.aboutB.forC.ofD./15.I expect the girl her promises.A.carryingB.carry outC.carried outD.to carry out16.When the president and delegation left the country, of people were at the airport to .A.thousand; see off themB.thousands;see off themC.thousand;see them offD.thousands;see them off17.Not until all the fish died in the river how serious the pollution was.A.did the villagers realizeB.the villagers realizedC.the villagers did realizeD.didn’t the villagers realize18.He an important part in putting out the fire. All of us should thank him.A.playedB.tookC.madeD.had19.Scientific development makes possible for doctors to do operations on computers.A.thatB.itC.thisD.him20.He to lend me his new bicycle but I refused,for I didn’t want to trouble him.A.failedB.offeredC.consideredD.insisted21.They talked about things and persons they had visited in Beijing.A.whoB.whichC.thatD.what22.We the job five parts,and each of us did one partA.divided;intoB.separated;toC.divide;fromD.separated;from23.The war between the two countries and four yearsA.broke out;was lastedB.broke out;lastedC.was broken;lastedD.was broken out;was lasted24.They had a good time last weekend, ?A.do theyB.had theyC.didn’t theyD.hadn’t they25.一We have not yet decided when to get married一Oh,tell me about it as soon as you your decisionA.putB.wait forC.giveD.make26. on the project for 10 years, he still feels it hard to make any achievements.A.He worksB.Having workedC.He having workedD.Working27.It him two years to write the book.A.tookB.costC.spentD.paid28.If we keep English, we will learn English well.A.practicing speakB.practicing speakingC.practicing to speakD.to practice to speak29.After he finished his supper,he his work.A.caught up withB.went on withC.came up withD.kept up with30.Tom had hardly left the classroom it began to rain.A.thanB.whenC.beforeD.afterII. Cloze (30 points, 1.5 for each)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following two passages. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A.B.C and D. You should decide on the ONE that fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.(A)A teacher had been made very angry by some of his boys making a high sound during the school hours. At last he 31 to punish any one who would repeat the wrong act. 32 morning ,a loud sound was heard in the quiet classroom. The students were very much surprised, and the teacher an once 33 around to find out who had made the high sound.When a boy was often in bad act,was told he was wrong, he 34 said he hadn’t done it.Yet his words were not believed,and then he was brought up for punishment.Seeing what was about to take place,Charles,a little boy,got up suddenly from his 35 .“Don’t punish Tom, Sir. I made the high sound. I’m very sorry , but I didn’t mean to whistle.”He held out his hand to be punished. Taking the little boy’s 36 ,the teacher said, “Charles, you have done right . I can’t punish you after you 37 so nobly ,”Even the youngest child in the school felt proud 38 Charles,for every child could see how bravely he had acted .Charles was truly a brave boy. He had done 39 he knew to be right. True courage may also be shown by 40 to do what we know to be wrong,even though some people may laugh at us.31.A. Forced B.was forced C.was forcing D.had forced32.A.Tomorrow B. Early st D. The next33.A.looked B.saw C. hurried D. smelt34.A.actively B.truly C.strongly D.surprisingly35.A.seat B.desk C.table D.room36.A.hair B.arm C.finger D.hand37.A.would act B.will act C.have acted D.have acting38.A.with B.of C.for D.at39.A.what B.which C.who D.while40.A.refuse B.refused C.refuses D.refusing(B)All over the United States, you can see Americans running —men and women,young and old.People run 41 —along the beaches of California, 42 the Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym .Some people run even in their living rooms.Running was not so popular in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and healthy strong people . When people saw a runner , they used to 43 ,“Hey, what’s 44 ?”or they might say to 45 ,“Is he crazy?”At that time ,women almost never ran . If they did , they might be laughed at but today all these have 46 .Men and women of all ages enjoy 47 .Doctors say many of the health problems in the United States 48 these bad habits: eating too much ,smokingcigarettes ,and 49 little exercise . Doctors tell us,“Eat less; don’t smoke and exercise more .”It is a good exercise to run regularly 50 it helps build strong hearts and lungs. It also helps most people lose weight.41.A.nowhere B.somewhere C.everywhere D.anywhere42.A.through B.among C.on D.with43.A.speak B.say C.ask D.talk44.A.a hurry B.the hurry for C.hurry D.the hurry to45.A.their B.theirs C.themself D.themselves46.A.changed B.done C.stopped D.finished47.A.to run B.to running C.running D.runse to e from C.go to D.go from49.A.take B.took C.Taking D.taken50.A.because B.but C.nor D.neitherIII. Reading ComprehensionSection A (30 points, 2 for each)Directions:There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best ONE and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Questions 51-55 are based on the following passage:China has the largest population in the world. Though we have made great achievements in economic development, huge population has wiped out the material benefits we have gained. Therefore, it has been quite necessary for China to implement family planning policy. After more than 30 years efforts,we have brought down the growth rate of population . But does it mean that single-child policy is the best policy forever? The answer is negative .The reasons are as follows:Firstly, single-child policy is not effective in the countryside and has the risk of quality . More and more couples in large modern cities quit the idea of raising a child mainly due to the pressure from life .They adopt childless policy which results in negative increase of population in such cities as Shanghai and Beijing. And at the same time ,some people from rural areas try to escape from family planning policy and have more children by using any means, which will lead to the decrease of population quality.Secondly , it has caused other problems concerning the quality of children .Most children nowadays are treasured as the apple in their parents’eye.Parents extend excessive care and love to them . Children under such circumstances are likely to become selfish, arrogant and spoilt .They have poor sense of independence. This is harmful to the development of children`s character and personalityFinally, it increases the burden the burden of young people in taking care of their aging parents .Most young couples have to take care of four old persons , including parents and parents-in-law. Meanwhile , it adds to the seriousness of aging problems. Being rather busy with their work , most of the young people do not have enough time and energy to take care of their old parents.51.Why is it quite necessary for China to implement family planning policy?A.China has made great achievements in economic development.rge population has wiped out the material benefits we have gained.C.Single-child policy is forever the best policy.D.China has brought down the growth rate of population.52.Which of the following statements is NOT the bad effect of single-child policy?A.It is risky for population quality.B.It decreases the growth rate of population.C.It increases the seriousness of the aging problem.D.It is harmful to the development of children`s character and personality.53.What does the underlined word arrogant mean in paragraph 3?A.ModestB.kindC.cautiousD.self-conceited54.Single-child policy adds to the seriousness of aging problem because .A.Most young couples do not have enough time and energy to take care of their old parentsB.Parents always show too much care and love to their childrenC.Most children nowadays are treasured as the apple in their parents’eyeD.More and more couples in large modern cities quit the idea of raising a child55.The best title of the passage is .A.Benefits of Single-Child policyB. History of Single-Child PolicyC. Bad Effects of Single-Child PolicyD. Necessities of Single-Child PolicyQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage:Ernest Hemingway (1899—1961),an American novelist and short-story writer , was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 . His adventuresome life and four marriages were widely publicized. In 1925,his first important book, a collection of stories called In Our Time, was published .The following year he published The Sun Also Rises, the novel with which he scored his first solid success. His Position as a master of short fiction was advanced by Man Without Woman,which included the story Hills Like White Elephants, and was confirmed by winner Take Nothing,which included A Clean, Well-lighted Place. At least in the public view , however, the novel A Farewell to Arms, with its powerful fusion(结合)of love story and war story, overshadowed both.Acting again as a correspondent, Hemingway made four trips to Spain. The harvest of his considerable experience in Spain was the novel For Whom the Tolls, the best seller of all his books.After seeing action in World War II, Hemingway returned to his home in Cuba. In 1953 , he received the Pulitzer prize in fiction for his short novel The old Man and the Sea.In1960,Fidel Castro`s revolution drove Hemingway from Cuba . Anxiety-ridden and depressed, he eventually took his own life, behind many manuscripts.56.Ernest Hemingway is a/an novelist and short-story writer.A.AmericanB.BritishC. SpanishD.Cuban57.Which of the following works gave Hemingway his first solid success?A.In Our TimeB. The Sun Also RisesC. Man Without womanD. Hills Like White Elephants58.When did Hemingway win the Nobel Prize for literature?A.In 1925B.In 1953C. In 1954D. In 196059.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.Hemingway’s adventuresome life and four marriages were widely publicized.B.Hemingway’s first important book , The Sun Also Rises, was published in 1925.C.Hemingway was awarded the Pulitzer for The Old Man and the Sea.D. Hemingway eventually took his own life due to heavy anxiety and depression.60.What is the harvest of Hemingway’s experience in Spain according to the passage?A.Winner Take Nothing.B. A Clean, Well-Lighted PlaceC. A Farewell to Arms.D. For Whom the Bell Tolls.Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:Car servicing is something that every car owner has to experience at least some time of the year. The best method to service your car is to go to your car service station and have the servicing done methodically(有条理地)according to your car maker,Consider this:your car is up and running smoothly but the mileage (里程)figures indicate that you need to have it serviced. Certainly, this is the right thing to do but have you wondered what actually goes in to make you pay that servicing bill every 6 months?Servicing your car is a simple DIY (Do It Yourself) job that you can learn quickly and easily save some good money.If you have never serviced your car before personally, here’s your resource:Servicing BasicsCar servicing essentially means inspecting the car thoroughly for any damaged components, and replacing some parts regularly that have worn out over time . If you review carefully, it is certainly possible to do all this by yourself .You will need a complete set of tools provided by your car maker when you purchase the vehicle. This will usually consist of all sorts of the spanners(扳手)that you might need.Completely servicing your car will need a few hours but you will end up saving a lot of money.Besides, it’s fun too and a lot of learning.61.What is the passage mainly about?A.Car servicingB. Car purchasing.C. Car making.D. Car driving.62.According to the passage , the best way to service your car is ?A.to have your car serviced by yourselfB.to send your car back to the car makerC.to have your car serviced at the service stationD.to turn to other car owners for help63.Which of the following indicates that your car needs servicing?A.Gas consumption .B. Mileage figuresC. Servicing billsD. Road conditions64.The author suggests servicing your car by yourself for several reasons except that .A.it is a money-saving DIY jobB. it is full of funC. it needs much of your timeD. it is a lot of learning65.Some parts of the car should be replaced regularly because .A.they are easily availableB.they have worn out over timeC.they need to be oiledD.they have become outdated第二部分非选择题Section B Short Answer Questions(15points,3 for each)Directions:Answer each of the following questions with not more than 5 words.Lost Property OfficeOpenings hoursThe office is open every day 08:00-19:00.Contacting the lost property officeTelephone number:0844 8176 2855(UK only).If you calling from outside the UK,please dial 44 020 8364 4755.Phone lines are open every day 09:00-17:00.E-mail:ekh.lost property@Where to find usWe are by the Heathrow Express ticket office near Terminal(航站楼)4. Just follow the signs for “Lost Property”in the underground passageway.We also have an office in Terminal 5 for any items lost here or on a British Airways flight operating from this terminal. Find us near domestic arrivals.Items left on aircrafts, in airline lounges(候机厅)or on airline busesIf anything is left on an aircraft, in an airline lounge or on an airline bus, please contact your airline. However, for Blue One, British Airways, SAS, Swissair, Tap Air Portugal and Virgin Altantic Airways, please contact the Lost Property Office above.66.How long is the Lost Property Office open every day ?The Lost Property Office is open for hours.67.How can a passenger contact the Lost Property Office on the phone if he or she is in UK ?He or she can call the telephone number at .68.Where is the Lost Property Office ?The Lost Property Office is by the Heathrow Express ticket office near .69.Where can a passenger find Lost Property Office in Terminal 5 ?He or she can find it near .70.Whom should a passenger contact if he or she leaves something on Swissair ?He or she can contact the .IV. Writing (30 points)Directions: for this part, you are required to write an English composition of about 100 words on the topic “My Mother”based on the suggestions given below.71.母亲节将至,请以“My Mother”为题写一篇100词左右的短文,从性格、爱好等方面简略描述你的母亲,重点描述一件发生在你和母亲之间难忘感人的事,并简要说明你应如何回报母亲的爱。
2016普通专升本考试英语阅读理解专项训练(一)(一)In bringing up children,every parent watches eagerly the child's acquisition(学会)of each new skill the first spoken words,the first independent steps,or the beginning of reading and writing.It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate,but this can set up dangerous feelings of failure and states of worry in the child.This might happen at any stage.A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early,a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads.On the other hand,though,if a child is left alone too much,or without any learning opportunities,he loses his natural enthusiasm for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.?Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness towards their children.Some may be especially strict in money matters.Others are sever over times of coming home at night or punctuality for meals.In general,the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child's own happiness. their morals can be a dangerous disappointment.1.Eagerly watching the child's acquisition of new skills______.A)should be avoidedB)is universal among parentsC)sets up dangerous states of worry in the childD)Will make him lose interest in learning new things2.In the process of children's learning new skills parents______.A)should encourage them to read before they know the meaningof the words they readB)should not expect too much of themC)should achieve a balance between pushing them too hard andleaving them on their ownD)should create as many learning opportunities as possible3.The second paragraph mainly tells us that______.A)parents should be strict with their childrenB)parental controls reflect only the needs of the parents and thevalues of the communityC)parental restrictions vary,and are not always enforced for thebenefit of the children aloneD)parents vary in their strictness towards their children accordingto the situation4.The word"precept"(Line3,Para.3)probably means"______".A)idea B)punishment C)behaviour D)instruction5.In moral matters,parents should_______.A)observe the rules themselvesB)be aware of the marked difference between adults and childrenC)forbid things which have no foundation in moralityD)consistently ensure the security of their children(二)American society is not nap(午睡)friendly.In fact,says David Dinges,a sleep specialist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine."There's even a prohibition against admitting we need sleep".Nobody wants to be caught napping or found asleep at work.To quote a proverb:"Some sleep five hours,nature requires seven,laziness nine and wickedness eleven."Wrong.The way not to fall asleep at work is to take naps when you need them." We have to totally change our attitude toward napping",says Dr.William Dement of Stanford Univereity,the godfather of sleep research.?Last year a national commission led by Dement identified an"American sleep debt" which one member said was as important as the national debt,The s concerned about the dangers of sleepiness:people causing industrial accidents or falling asleep while driving.This may be why we have a new sleep policy in the White House. According to recent reports,president Clinton is trying to take a half瞙our snooze(打瞌睡)every afternoon.?About60percent of American adults nap when given the opportunity.We seem to have"a midafternoon quiet phase"also called"a secondary sleep gate."Sleeping15minutes to two hours in the early afternoon can reduce stress and make us refreshed.Clearly, we were born to nap.?We Superstars of Snooze don't nap to replace lost shut ye or to prepare for a night shift.Rather,we"snack"on sleep,whenever,wherever and at whatever time we feel like it.I myself have napped in buses,cars,planes and on boats;on floors and beds; and in libraries,offices and museums.6.It is commonly accepted in American society that too much sleep is______.A)unreasonable B)criminal C)harniful D)costly7.The research done by the Dement commission shows that Americans______.A)don't like to take napsB)are terribly worried about their national debtC)sleep less than is good for themD)have caused many industrial and traftic accidents8.The purpose of this article is to______.A)warn us of the wickedness of nappingB)explain the danger of sleepinessC)discuss the side effects of nappingD)convince the reader of the necessity of napping9.The"American sleep debt"(Line1,Para.3)is the result of______.A)the traditional misconception the Americans have about sleepB)the new sleep policy of the Clinton AdministrationC)the rapid development of American industryD)the Americans'worry about the danger of sleepiness10.The second sentence of the last paragraph tells us that it is______.A)preferable to have a sound sleep before a night shiftB)good practice to eat something light before we go to bedC)essential to make up for cost sleepD)natural to take a nap whenever we feel the need for it(三)A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary piece of reading.It is remarkable first for what it contains:the range of news from local crime to international politics,from sport to business toAs regards the development of moral standards in the growing child,consistency is very important in parental teaching.To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality(道德).Also,parents should realize that"example is better than precept".If they are not sincere and do not practise what they preach(说教),their children may grow confused,and emotionally insecure when they grow old enough to think for themselves,and realize they have been to some extent fooled.?ァ?A sudden awareness of a marked difterence between their parents'principles and fashion to science,and the range of comment and special features(特定)as well,from editorial page to feature articles and interviews to criticism of books,art,theatre and music.A newspaper is even more remarkable for the way one reads it:never completely,never straight through,but always by jumping from here to there,in and ont glancing at one piece,reading another article all the way through,reading just a few paragraphs of the next.A good modern newspaper offers a variety to attract many different readers,but far more than any one reader is interesied in.What brings this variety together in one place is its topicality(时事性),its immediate relation to what is happening in your world and your locality now.But immediacy and the speed of production that goes with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient(短暂的)value.For all these reasons,no two people really read the same paper:what each person does is to put together out of the pages of that day's paper,his own selection and sequence,his own news paper.For all these reasons,reading newspapers efficiently,which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time,demands skill and selfawareness as you modify and apply the techniques of reading11.A modern newspaper is remarkable for all the following except its______.A)wide coverage B)uniform styleC)speed in reporting news D)popularity12.According to the passage,the reason why no two people really read the "same"newspaper is that______.A)people scan for the news they are interested inB)different people prefer different newspappersC)people are rarely interested in the same kind of newsD)people have different views about what a good newspaper is13.It can be conclude from the passage that newspaper readers______.A)apply reading techniques skillfullyB)jump from one newspaper to anotherC)appreciate the variety of a newspaperD)usually read a newspaper selectively14A good newspaper offers"a variety"to readers because______.A)it tries to serve different readersB)it has to cover things that happen in a certain localityC)readers are difficult to pleaseD)readers like to read different newspapers15.The best title for this passage would be"______".A)The lmportance of Newspaper TopicalityB)The Characteristics of a Good NewspaperC)The Variety of a Good NewspaperD)Some Suggestions on How to Read a Newspaper(四)Persons who are overweight should watch their diet carefully in order to lose pounds. The best way to do this is to start a weight control program. At first it is wise to talk with your doctor. He can advise you of the number of calories(卡路里) you should have in your meals each day. He can tell you about exercising while on your diet. A good rule is to lose slowly. A loss of a pound or two is plenty.Plan meals around foods you know. This means that it is wise to include foods that you are used to and that are part of your regular eating habits. When you hav e lost the weight you wish, simple items can be added to your diet so that you can maintain the weight you want. While you are dieting, try to build a pattern of eating that you can follow later to maintain your desired weight.When dieting, choose low-calorie foods. Avoid such items as fats, fried food, sweets, cakes, cream and soft drinks. Try to take coffee and tea without sugar or cream. Snacks can be part of your diet. For example, a piece of fruit or a simple dessert saved from mealtime can be eaten between meals.Keep busy! This way you will not be empted to go off the diet. Make full use of opportunities to exercise. Try walking instead of riding whenever possible. Happy dieting!16. What is the main idea of the passage?A) How to diet.B) Why we should diet.C) What we should diet.D) Where we should diet.17. While dieting you should ________.A) choose fried foods B) choose low-calorie foodC) choose snack as hamburger in McDonalds D) talk to your doctor18 When you have lost the weight you wish, you can ________.A) have some more simple items in your dietB) eat more and more foods you likeC) stop dietingD) tell the doctor what you've done19. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A) While dieting, you should ask the doctor so that you can lose your weight quickly.B) Plan meals means to have some foods you like and take them as your daily eating habits.C) When you have lost your weight, you can have some coffee and tea without sugar or cream.D) As you are dieting, don't forget exercise.20. If you want to start a weight control program, you should ________.A) ask your doctor B) plan meals and choose low-calorie foodsC) do some exercise D) all of the above参考答案:1-5 BCCDA 6-10 ACDAD 11-15 BCDAB.16-20 ABAAD。
1 - 15小题为管理学试题,16-30小题为市场营销试题)1.管理的本质是A.实现既定的目标B.合理分配和协调各种资源的过程C.获取所需的信息D.决策.计划.组织、领导、控制和创新2.提出企业应成为一个学习型组织的是A.亚当·斯密B.彼得·圣吉C.查尔斯·巴贝奇D.弗雷德里克·哈尔西3.提出为了提高劳动生产率,必须为工作挑选第一流的工人的是A.韦伯B.法约尔C.泰罗D.巴纳德4.梅奥的霍桑试验表明A.管理者需要正视企业中非正式组织的存在B.管理者应及时取缔企业中的一切非正式组织C.非正式组织绝对有利于生产率的提高D.非正式组织绝对不利于生产率的提高5.控制的过程包括三个基本环节的工作,其正确排序应该是A.确定标准一纠正偏差一衡量成效B.确定标准一衡量成效一纠正偏差C.衡量成效一纠正偏差一确定标准D.衡量成效一确定标准一纠正偏差6.利用头脑风暴法进行集体决策时,下列做法不正确的楚A.鼓励参与者独立思考B.激发参与者提出各种荒诞的想法C.鼓励参与者对别人的建议作评论D.参与者可以补充完善已有的建议7.做什么、为什么做、谁去做、何地做、何时做以及怎么傲,是哪-一项管理职能的内容A-计划B.组织C.领导D.控制8.长期计划的时间跨度通常为A.3-5年B.5年左右C.5年以上D.5-10年9.某企业有员工64人,假设管理幅度为4人,贝该企业的管理人员数为A.5 B.20 C.2l D.8510.下列哪一项不是组织所采取的传统绩效评估方法A.个人自我评价法B.小组评议法C.排列评估法D.头脑风暴法11.按照变革的程度与速度不同,组织变革可以分为A.主动性变革和被动性变革B.渐进式变革和激进式变革C.结构性变革和流程性变革D战略性交革和战术性变革12.根据菲德勒权变理论,在环境比较好和环境比较差的情况下,比较有效的领导方式是A.两种情况下都是采用人际关系型的领导方式B.两种情况下都是采用工作任务型的领导方式C.前者采用人际关系型的领导方式,后者采用工作任务型的领导方式D.前者采用工作任务型的领导方式,后者采用人际关系型的领导方式13.某高校为严肃考场纪律,规定凡违反考场纪律者,一经发现,当科成绩以零分计,下学期初不得参加补考,并根据违纪情况给予相应的纪律处分,这种强化手段是A自然消退B.小题大作C.负强化D.正强化14.过程控制又称为A.前馈控制B.成果控制C.现场控制D.事后控制、15.创新活动必然依循一定的步骤、程序和规律。
专升本综合练习题Part I. Dialogue CompletionSection A1. Louise: Would you like to go to a party this Saturday?Jackie: ______________. What kind of party?A. Feels great.B. Sounds good. C。
Looks nice. D. Seems OK。
2. Customer: Hi, I'd like a double room for tonightReceptionist: ____________?Customer: Yes, I called you last week from Seattle。
My name is Bob Woods。
A. Do you have an appointment? B。
Have you paid beforehand?C. Do you have a reservation?D. Have you made an order?3. Sally: You look great in this red dress!Jennifer: __________。
No,it’s not。
Yours looks better。
No, I don't like it very much。
C. I quite agree with you。
D. Thank you. It's my favorite.4。
Ginger: Hey, how was your vacation?Lily: Too bad. I broke my arm when skiing and had to come back home.Ginger: ____________A. I feel heartbreaking for you.B. Oh, no。
目录2013年福建省普通高职(专科)专升本招生统一考试 (2)2014年福建省普通高职(专科)专升本招生统一考试 (7)2015年福建省普通高校专升本招生考试 (11)2016年福建省普通高校专升本招生考试 (16)2017年福建省普通高校专升本招生考试 (21)机密★启用前2013年福建省普通高职(专科)专升本招生统一考试高等数学试卷(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)考生答题注意事项:1、答题前,考生务必在试题卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的准考证号、姓名(答题卡背面只需填写姓名)。
选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
未涂、错涂或多涂均无分.1.函数()12f x x =+-A.[]2,2-B.(]2,2-C.[)2,2-D.()2,2-2.函数()f x 在0x x =处有定义是极限()0lim x x f x →存在的A.必要非充分条件B.充分非必要条件C.充分且必要条件D.既非充分又非必要条件3.当0x →时,1cos x -是tan x 的A.高阶无穷小B.同阶无穷小,但非等价无穷小C.低阶无穷小D.等价无穷小4.0x =是函数()1cosf x x =的A.可去间断点B.跳跃间断点C.无穷间断点D.振荡间断点5.函数()f x x =在0x =处A.不连续B.连续C.可导D.可微6.函数2x y =的2013阶导数是()2013y=A.()20112ln 2x B.()20122ln 2x C.()20132ln 2x D.()20142ln 2x 7.若函数()f x 的一个原函数是ln x ,则()f x '=A.21x -B.21x C.1x D.ln x 8.使广义积分21kdx x +∞⎰发散的k 的取值范围是A.(],2-∞B.(],1-∞C.[)2,+∞D.[)1,+∞9.在空间直角坐标系中,点()1,1,1-关于原点的对称点是A.()1,1,1--B.()1,1,1---C.()1,1,1--D.()1,1,1--10.常微分方程230y y y '''--=的通解是y =A.312x x C e C e +(1C ,2C 为任意常数)B.312x x C e C e --+(1C ,2C 为任意常数)C.312x x C e C e -+(1C ,2C 为任意常数)D.312x x C e C e -+(1C ,2C 为任意常数)第二部分非选择题(请用0.5毫米黑色签字笔并严格按照题号顺序在答题卡上书写作答)二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分)请在答题卡相应位置上作答.11.设()()22f x x x +=+,则()2f x -=______.12.极限32lim 13x x x →∞⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭______.13.设()14f '=,则()()011lim 4h f h f h →--=______.14.曲线cos ,2sin x t y t =⎧⎨=⎩()02t π≤≤过点22⎛ ⎝⎭的切线方程是______.15.曲线()23y x x =-的拐点是______.16.函数2x y e =在区间[]0,1上满足拉格朗日中值定理的ξ=______.17.设()20cos x f x t dt =⎰,则f '=______.18.()1201315sin 2tan 3x x dx --+=⎰______.19.点()1,1,0-到平面2260x y z +--=的距离d =______.20.常微分方程x y dy e dx-=满足初始条件()00y =的特解是______.三、计算题(本大题共8小题,每小题7分,共56分)请在答题卡相应位置上作答.21.求极限2301sin lim x x x x →⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭.22.已知函数()31sin ,0,,0,,0x x x x f x b x a e x ⎧>⎪⎪==⎨⎪+<⎪⎩在0x =处连续,求a ,b 的值.23.已知函数()2sin ln x y e x =,求dy .24.已知函数()y y x =由方程22xy x ye =+所确定,求y '.25.求不定积分cos 2x xdx ⎰.26.求定积分10⎰.27.求同时垂直于平面1π:52690x y z -+-=和2π:3210x y z -+-=,且过点()3,2,2-的平面方程.28.求常微分方程222x y xy xe -'+=的通解.四、应用题(本大题共2小题,每小题9分,共18分)请在答题卡相应位置上作答.29.已知由曲线y =,直线6x y +=以及x 轴所圈成的平面图形为D ,(1)求D 的面积;(2)求D 绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积.30.依订货方要求,某厂计划生产一批无盖圆柱形玻璃杯,玻璃杯的容积为16π立方厘米.设底面单位面积的造价是侧壁单位面积造价的2倍,问底面半径和高分别为多少厘米时,才能使玻璃杯造价最省?五、证明题(本大题6分)请在答题卡相应位置上作答.31.证明:当0x <时,()22arctan ln 1x x <+.机密☆启用前2014年福建省普通高职(专科)专升本招生统一考试高等数学试卷(考试时间120分钟,满分150分)考生答题注意事项:1、答题前,考生务必在试卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的准考证号、姓名。
)一、单项选择题1.学前教育学研究对象的年龄为()A.0-3岁B.0-6岁C.2-6岁D.3-6岁2.学前教育最初的专门机构是()A.学前班B.托儿所C.幼儿班D.幼儿园3.3.人们对儿童的认识和看法指的是()A.教育观B.发展观C.儿童观D. 人生观4.我国幼儿园的任务是()A.保教结合B. 保育为主C. 教育为主D. 智育为主5.世界上第一本图文并茂的儿童读物()A.《世界图集》B.《母育学校》C.《童年的秘密》D.《爱弥儿》6.1907年在罗马贫民区创设“儿童之家”的教育学家是()A.福禄贝尔B.欧文C.蒙台梭利D.卢梭7.家庭的保教将伴随着学前儿童成长的全过程,反映了学前家庭故育具有()A.领先性B.长久性C.单独性D.随机性8.”儿童是国家未来的天源和劳动者”反映的是()A.古代儿童观B.近代儿童观C.现代儿童观D.社会本位儿童观9.倡导自然主义教育观的数育家是()A.福禄贝尔B.欧文C.洛克D.卢梭10.体育游戏属于()A.创造性游戏B.智力游戏C.有规则游戏D.表演游戏11.提供给幼儿游戏的玩具(如布娃娃、玩具汽车)属于()A.成型玩具B.未成型玩具C.体育玩具D.智力玩具12.芳芳一会扮演成“妈妈”炒菜,一会又扮演成“老师”上课,芳芳玩的是()A.音乐游戏B.表演游戏C.智力游戏D.角色游戏13.幼儿园组织一日活动应()A.以体育为主B.动静交替C.以上课为主D.以静为主14.著名的“双生子爬阶梯”实验说明在儿童发展中起主导作用的因素是()A.教育B.实践C.环境D.成熟15.实施学前教育的主要形式是学前家庭教育和()A,学前健康教育B.学前语言教育C.学前社会教育D.学前艺术教育16.习性学家通过研究动物行为发现,某种行为在某一特定时期最容易习得,这种习得某种行为的大好时机就是()A.习得期B.关键期C.适应期D.反应期17.研究学前儿童心理的基本原则是()A.客观性、科学性、教育在B.客观性、发展性、系统性C.客观性、发展性、教育性D.客观性、科学性、系统性18.根据现成量表和测验程序来了解儿童心理发展的水平或状态的方法是()A.观察法B.调查法C.测验法D.实验法19.正常出生的新生儿天生具有的能力是()A.条件反射B.无条件反射C.有条件反射D.一般条件反射20.著名的“恒河猴社会性剥夺实验”给我们的启示是()A.儿童的心理发展水平影响了亲子关系的质量B.亲子关系与儿童心理发展之间没有关系C.良好的亲子关系对儿童生理发展具有积极促进作用D.良好的亲子关系对儿章心理发展具有积极促进作用21,“当知觉对象从视野中消失时,儿童仍能知道它的存在”,儿童的这种观念是()A.主体永久性B.主体暂时性C.客体永久性D.客体暂时性22.幼儿能够正确辨別上下方位的起始年是()A.3岁B.4岁C.5岁D.6岁23.吉布森等人设计的“視崖实验”用来探讨婴儿的()A.高度知觉B.深度知党C.长度知觉D.宽度知党24.苗苗活泼,灵活、好交际,苗苗的气质类型是()A.胆汁质B.粘液质C.抑郁质D.多血质25.正常的6岁儿童掌的词汇数量为()A.500-100个B.1500-200个C.3000-400个D.4500-6000个26.儿童掌握句型的顺序依次是()A.单词句一双词句一简单完整句一复合句B.单词句一双词句一复杂完整句一复合句C.单词句一多词句一简单完整句一复合句D.单词句一多词句一复杂完整句一复合句27.父母对孩子既缺乏爱的情感和积极反应,又缺少行为的要求和控能制。
2016年成人高考专升本英语考试真题及答案1(单选题)选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()(本题1分)A vitalB silentC collideD fierce标准答案: D2(单选题)选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()(本题1分)A taughtB caughtC laughD fault标准答案: C3(单选题)选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()(本题1分)ABCD标准答案: B4(单选题)选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()(本题1分)ABCD标准答案: C5(单选题)选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项()(本题1分)ABCD标准答案: A6(单选题)As a child I used to wash my parents´car to earn some__ money.(本题1分)A paperB easyC privateD pocket标准答案: D7(单选题)After the busy day I´ve had, I need a__ drink.(本题1分)A heavyB sharpC StrongD powerful标准答案: C8(单选题)If you__ stayed at home, this would never have happened.(本题1分)A HaveB HadC will haveD would have标准答案: B9(单选题)--How much did this set of furniture cost?--I forgot __(本题1分)A how much it costsB how much did it costC how much it costD how much does it cost标准答案: C10(单选题)We had a long way to go so we decided to __ early.(本题1分)A set onB put onC set offD put off标准答案: C11(单选题)__ it is not his responsibility to do that,he said he would help.(本题1分)A AlthoughB AsC SinceD Unless标准答案: A12(单选题)One of the strongest hurricanes __ was the Florida Keys Storm of 1935, during which 500 people were killed.(本题1分)A to recordB recordedC recordingD being recorded标准答案: B13(单选题)Ms. Jolie is __________beautiful and very talented, and in control of her own career.(本题1分)A basicallyB remarkablyC perfectlyD actively标准答案: B14(单选题)When John left the office, Amy __ ather desk.(本题1分)A is still workingB has still workedC had still workingD was still working标准答案: D15(单选题)You should learn through failures. Why don´t you __ your plan or try a new approach?(本题1分)A adjustB repeatC acceptD refuse标准答案: A16(单选题)The carpet has so many stains on it that it needs__________(本题1分)A replaceB to replaceC being replacedD to be replaced标准答案: D17(单选题)I sent him the package yesterday. He__ it by now.(本题1分)A might have receivedB receivedC will receiveD receives标准答案: A18(单选题)Is this the factory __ you visited the other day?(本题1分)A whatB whereC ThatD when标准答案: C19(单选题)To make the fish__ nice, she put in some sugar and wine vinegar.(本题1分)A tasteB to tasteC tastedD tasting标准答案: A20(单选题)My daughter runs faster than__ in her class. She runs the fastest.(本题1分)A a boyB any boyC some boysD most boys标准答案: B21(阅读理解题)根据以下材料,回答问题Insomnia, or "poor sleep",can have bad effects on a person´s health and general well-being. It can 21onboth our physical and mental health and can lead to other health 22Insomnia can be traced to many different reasons,but what is 23 to ninny sufferers is their inability to relax fully and "switch the mind 24Constantthoughts,25 around and around in the mind, moving from one 26 tothe next, prevent stillness and peaceand 27 a sufferer extremely tired.In order to treat insomnia 28, it is first necessary to allow a sufferer tore-experience 29 real relaxation feel like.It’s almost as though they´ve forgotten how to relax. Once this hasbeen 30 by the brain, then fast and effective 31 can be made to reeducatethe unconscious towards allowing the person to relax 32 and to allow anatural state of sleep to 33 Hypnotherapy(催眠疗法) is one of the fastest and most effective ways of 34 this goalfor long-lasting results.Sleeping pills, if used at all, shouldonly be ashort-term35as their effect is soon reduced and their side effectscan be deep and far-reaching.(本题30分)1(单选题)第21题答案是()(本题2分)A harmB affectC changeD impact标准答案: D2(单选题)第22题答案是()(本题2分)A demandsB concernsC ReasonsD questions标准答案: B3(单选题)第23题答案是()(本题2分)A interestingB sameC commonD alike标准答案: C4(单选题)第24题答案是()(本题2分)A onB offC upD down标准答案: B5(单选题)第25题答案是()(本题2分)A gettingB takingC goingD pulling标准答案: D6(单选题)第26题答案是()(本题2分)A imageB dreamC conceptD Thought标准答案: D7(单选题)第27题答案是()(本题2分)A causeB leaveC disturbD lead标准答案: B8(单选题)第28题答案是()(本题2分)A carefullyB easilyC effectivelyD finally标准答案: C9(单选题)第29题答案是()(本题2分)A ifB howC whereD what标准答案: D10(单选题)第30题答案是()(本题2分)A rememberedB pulledC changedD printed标准答案: A11(单选题)第31题答案是()(本题2分)A scalesB stepsC methodsD techniques标准答案: B12(单选题)第32题答案是()(本题2分)A fullyB recentlyC silentlyD actively标准答案: A13(单选题)第33题答案是()(本题2分)A appearB showC occurD realize标准答案: C14(单选题)第34题答案是()(本题2分)A achievingB targetingC keepingD aiming标准答案: A15(单选题)第35题答案是()(本题2分)A objectB systemC resultD strategy标准答案: D22(阅读理解题)根据以下材料,回答问题Passage OneAlexia Sloane,a l0一year-old girl,losther sight when she was two following a brain disease But despite her disabilityshe has excelled at languages and is already fluent in English,French,Spanish and Chinese。
2016年全国高校招生计划及简章篇一:2016年河北省专接本各院校招生计划2016年河北省专接本各院校招生计划(上)? 发布时间:2016-2-5? 发布者:佳鑫诺教育? 阅读:25956篇二:2016年山东省普通高校招生本科计划招生217300人篇三:2016年全国成人高校招生办法附件1:2016年全国成人高校招生办法一、招生学校经教育部审定核准举办成人高等学历教育的开放大学、广播电视大学、职工高等学校、职业技术学院、管理干部学院、教育学院和普通高校成(继)教院(以下统称成人高校)实行全国统一招生。
招生类型分高中起点升本科(以下简称高起本)、高中起点升专科(以下简称高起专) 和专科起点升本科(以下简称专升本)三种。
(二)成人高校招生来源计划实行网上编制和管理,招生来源计划的编制、上报、分送、调整等工作统一使用教育部?全国成人高校招生分省(区、市)计划网上管理系统? (以下简称?系统?)在网上进行。
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其中1~ 20小题为C语音程序设计试题,21~ 28小题为数据结构试题,29~40为关系数据库与SQL语言试题。
未涂、错涂或多涂均无分)1.C语言的数据类型有大小之分,其中最大的数据类型是A. charB.integerC.doubleD.float2.在C语言中,合法的用户标识符是A. gotoB.class_noC.defineD.include3.在C语言中,表示字符’A’的正确写法是A.'\101'B.'\x65'C. '\x077'D.'\65'4.具有创建文件功能的命令是A. fopenB.freadC.fwriteD.fclose5.运行以下程序段后x的值是int x,a=4,b=3,c=2,d=l;if( a>b)if(c<d) x=l;else if( a>c)if(b<d) x=2;else x=3:else x=4;else x=5;A.1 B.2 C.3 D.46.以下程序的运行结果是#include<stdio.h>#define A VR(x,y)(x+y)/2void main( ){int i=2,j=21,k;k=10*A VR(i,j) ;printf( "% d\n" ,k)}A.20 B.210 C.115 D.2307.以下程序的运行结果是#include<stdio.h>void visit( ){static int key =0 ;int nu ;nu =1 ;Key++;printf( " % d,% d\n" ,key,nu);return ;}void main( ){visit( ) ;visit( ) ;}A.1,1B. 1,1C.2,1D.2,11,1 2,1 1,1 2,18.以下不.能.正确定义一维数组的是A.int a[3]={0,l,2,3};B. char a[ ] = {0,1,2,3};C.char a[ ]={'0',' l','2'};D.char a[5] ="0123"; 9.有c语言语句:char c;则正确的输入语句是A.scanf( "%c ",c); B. scanf( " % s" ,c);C.scanf("%c",&c); D. getchar( c) ; 10.以下表达式中正确是A.++i++B.++i- -C.i+3+=5D.-i++11.以下程序的运行结果是void main( ){int a=4,b=3;printf( "% d\n",(--a= =b++)?a++:b+1);}A.2 B.3 C.4 D.512.设x和s均为int变量,则运行以下循环后,s值是for( x=l,s=l;;x++){if(x>6)break;if( x%2= = 1 ) continue;s*=x;}13.若以下选项中的变量已正确定义,则正确的赋值语句是A.xl=6. 2%3;B.2-1= x2;C. x3 =0x12;D.x4= 1+2 =3; 14.运行以下程序,输入6后的运行结果是#include<stdio.h>long jc(int x){if(x= =l)return l;else return x*jc(x-l);}void main( ){Int n;scanf(" %d",&n);printf( " %ld" ,jc(n));}A.1 B.6 C.120 D.720 15.以下程序的运行结果是#include<stdio.h>void main( ){int a=0,b=l,c=2; . .printf("%d%d\n",! a,b&&c);}A.0l B.02 C.1l D.12 16.以下程序的运行结果是#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>void main( ){char year[ ]="2016" ,subject[ ]="computer";printf("%d\n" ,strlen( strcpy( subject,year)));}A.4B. 8C. 248D. 258 17.不能..实现把字符串”try!”赋给字符数组b的语句是A.char b[10]={'t ','r ','y','!'};B. char b[ l0]="try!";C.char b[10];strcpy(b,"try!");D.char b[l0];b="try!";#include<stdio.h>void fun(int x,int y,double*cp,double*dp){ *cp=x/y; *dp=(double)x/y;}void main( ){int a=1,b=2;double c=0,d=0;fun(a,b,&c,&d);printf( " %.1If##% . 1If\n" ,c ,d);}A.0.0##0.5B.5##0C.0##5D.0.5##0.0 19.下面程序的运行结果是#include<stdio.h>void main( ){int in=3,out=in;switch ( in ){case 3 :out+=3 ;case 2:out++;case l: .case 0 :out++ ; break;default :out = 0 ;}printf( "%d\n",out);}A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9 20.下面程序的运行结果是#include<stdio.h>int fun( char*x){char*y=x;while (* y++);return(y-x-l);}void mam( )char a[ ] = " hello" ;printf( " % d" ,fun( a));}A.0 B.5 C.6 D.721.下列不.属.于.算法应满足的性质是A确定性B输入C.无限性D.输出22.下列说法正确的是A.数组结构是一个非线性的结构B.记录结构中不同的域不允许不同的结构C.数组结构是只能顺序而不能随机访问其成分数据的结构D.记录结构可以随机访问其成分数据23.已知一个用数组实现的线性表L,其长度为n(n>0),要求删除L中位置k(n≥k≥1)处的元素,则表中元素的移动次数是A.n-kB.n-k-lC. n-k+lD.n24.和数组实现表相比较,用指针实现表具有的优点是A.可以方便地随机访问表中任一位置的元素B.插入和删除运算的效率高C.无须为表示表元素之间的逻辑关系增加额外的存储空间D.查找元素方便25.下列关于队列的说法中,正确的是A.只在队尾进行删除操作B.队列的修改是按后进后出的原则进行的C.只能在队首进行插入操作D.队列又称为FILO( First In Last Out)表26.下列排序算法在平均情况下时间复杂度为O( nlogn)的是A.冒泡排序法B.选择排序法C.插入排序法D.堆排序法27.在一棵二叉树中,度为2的结点个数为10,则其叶子结点的个数是A.1l B.9 C.10 D.不确定28.下列关于二叉搜索树的说法中,不正确的是A.一个结点元素的值一定大于其左子树任一结点元素的值B.一个结点元素的值一定小于其右子树任一结点元素的值C.一个结点元素的右子树任一结点的值一定大于其左子树根结点元素的值D.一个结点元素的值可能等于其左子树某一结点元素的值29.在数据库系统中,为防止非法用户使用系统而采取口令来检查用户身份,这是属于数据控制功能中的A.并发操作控制B.完整性控制C.故障恢复控制D.安全性控制30.在数据库技术领域,DBA指的是A.数据库应用B.数据库管理员C.数据库系统D.数据库软件31.在数据库系统内部的体系结构中,个别用户所看到的并允许其使用的那部分数据的逻辑结构是32.以下常用的软件中,属于DBMS的是A. Visual C++B.WIN10C.EXCEI2010D.SQL Server2008 33.每个客户可以购买多种零件,一种零件可以被不同的客户所购买,客户和零件之间的联系类型是A.一对一B.一对多C.多对多D.多对一34.SQL,语言中数据定义语言( DDL)可以实现以下操作中的A.用户授权B.创建基表C.查询记录D.更新数据35成绩表里的成绩字段内容为空,现在要填入学生的成绩数据,应使用的命令是A .UPDATE命令B.DELETE命令C.INSERT命令D.ALTER命令36设学号为选修情况表的外键,则此表中的学号的取值应A.唯一B.非空C.可以为空D.唯一且非空37.设考生表K(S#,XM,NL,ZY),S#为考生号,XM为姓名,NL为年龄,ZY为专业,要查询报考‘护理’专业的不大..于.22岁的考生的信息,条件表达正确的是A.Z Y=‘护理’and NL<22 B.ZY=‘护理’and NL<=22C.ZY=‘护理’or NL<22 D.ZY=‘护理’or NL<= 2238.在规范化的过程中,若消除了1NF关系中非主属性对键的部分函数依赖,则其至少..达到的规范化标准是A..2NF B.3NF C.BCNF D.4NF39.数据库设计过程中时间花费最多、最重要的阶段是A.概念结构设计阶段 B.逻辑结构设计阶段C.需求分析阶段D.物理设计阶段40.E-R图中的基本成分不包括...A.属性B.实体间联系C.实体型D.数据校验第二部分非选择题二、填空题(本大题共12小题,每空3分,共60分。
其中,41~43小题为C语言程序设计试题,44~ 48小题为数据结构试题,49~52小题为关系数据库与SQL语言试题。