LITTLE WOMEN Louisa May Alcott.
书虫系列_Little Women

1.Four sisters'Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents,' said Jo crossly.'It's so awful to be poor!' agreed Meg, looking at her old dress.'It's not right for some girls to have pretty things, and others to have nothing at all,' said little Amy.'We've got Father and Mother,' and each other,' said Beth gently.The four young faces round the fire cheered up as they thought of this, but then Jo said sadly,' We haven't got Father, and we won't have him for a long time.' She didn't say 'perhaps never,' but each silently thought it, remembering that he was away at the war in the South.Then Meg said,' Mother says we shouldn't spend money on presents when our men are fighting a war.''We can't expect anything from Mother or each other,' said Jo,' but we only have a dollar each, and that won't help the army much. Let's each buy ourselves what we want, and have a little fun. We work hard to earn it.''I do, teaching those awful children,' said Meg.' What about me?' said Jo, 'I'm shut up all day working for a terrible old lady, who gives me different orders every five seconds!''I think washing cups and plates and keeping things tidy is the worst work in the world,' said Beth. 'My hands get too tired to play my music.''I have to go to school with girls who laugh at my dresses and say cruel things because my father isn't rich,' said Amy.'I wish we had the money Father lost when we were little, Jo,' said Meg.'I wish I was a boy,' said Jo.' Then I could go and fight beside Father!'Meg was sixteen and very pretty, with large eyes and soft brown hair, and white hands. Fifteen-year-old Jo was very tall and thin. Her long, dark-red hair was usually pushed up out of the way. Beth was thirteen, a very shy girl who seemed to live in a happy world of her own. Amy was the youngest, but thought herself to be the most important. She had blue eyes, and yellow hair which curled on to her shoulders.At six o'clock, Beth put a pair of slippers by the fire to warm and Meg lit the lamp. Amy got out of the comfortable chair without being asked, and Jo forgot how tired she was and held the slippers closer to the fire.'These are old, she said. 'Mother needs a new pair.''I'll get her some with my dollar,' said Beth.'No, I shall!' cried Amy.'I'm the oldest—'began Meg.'I'm the man of the family now Father is away, and I shall buy them,' said Jo.'Let's each get her something and not get anything for ourselves,' said Beth.'That's a kind idea!' said Jo.' What shall we get?'Everyone thought for a moment, and then Meg said, 'I'll give her a nice pair of gloves.''The best army slippers, said Jo.'Some handkerchiefs,' said Beth.'A little bottle of perfume,' said Amy. 'It won't cost much, so I'll have some money left to buy something for me.''We'll let Mother think we're getting things for ourselves, and then surprise her,' said Jo.Mrs. March arrived home soon after. She took off her wet things and put on her warm slippers. Meg made the tea, Jo brought wood for the fire, Beth was quiet and busy, and Amy gave orders.I've got a letter from Father!' cried Mrs. March.It was a letter to cheer them up, and the special message for the girls came at the end: Give them all my love and a kiss. I think of them every day. I know they will be loving children to you, and that when I come back, I will be prouder than ever of my little women.A tear dropped off the end of Jo's nose.Amy hid her face on her momer's shoulder. 'I'm selfish,' she cried, 'but I'll try to be better.''We all will!' cried Meg. 'I think too much about the way I look, and hate to work, but I won't anymore.''And I'll try to be a “little woman”,' said Jo, 'and not be rough and wild.'Beth said nothing, but she began to work hard at a blue army glove she was making.So the four girls decided that they would all try very hard to be good. They would never be cross, or lazy, or selfish-and they would all help each other. They talked over their plan that evening, while they made sheets for Aunt March. Then at nine o'clock they stopped to sing a song. Beth played the old piano, and Meg and her mother led the singing. Jo always sang in the wrong place, but the girls never got too old to sing together.2. A Happy ChristmasJo was the first to wake up on Christmas morning, but soon they were all awake and they went downstairs.'Where's Mother? 'asked Meg.'I don't know,' said old Hannah. She had lived with the family since Meg was born, and was more like a friend than a servant.' Some poor woman came to the door and your mother went off to see what was needed.''She'll be back soon,' said Meg. She looked at the presents for her mother which were in a basket under a chair, ready to bring out at the right time.' Where is Amy's bottle of perfume?'She went to put some pretty paper round it, I think,' said Jo.Suddenly, they heard the outside door close.'Here's Mother! Hide the basket, quick!' said Jo.But it was Amy. She came in quickly.'Where have you been, and what's that behind you?' asked Meg.'I ran to the shop and changed the little bottle of perfume for a big one,' said Amy. 'I spent all my money to get it, and I'm not going to be selfish anymore!' Meg smiled proudly and put her arms around her sister. Then there was another bang from the outside door, and the basket was pushed back under the chair. The girls ran to the table, ready for their breakfast.'Happy Christmas, Mother!' they shouted.'Happy Christmas, little daughters!' said Mrs. March.Then the smile disappeared from her face.' Girls, listen. Not far away is a poor woman, Mrs. Hummel, with a new baby. Her six children are in one bed, trying to keep warm, as they have no wood for a fire. There is nothing to eat and they are hungry and cold. Will you give them your breakfast as a Christmas present?For a minute no one spoke. Then Jo said, 'Mother, I'm so glad you came back before we began to eat!'And the girls quickly began to put their breakfast in a basket.'I knew you would do it,' said Mrs. March, smiling.She took the girls and Hannah to a cold, miserable little room in an old building, where they found a sick mother, a crying baby, and a group of children with white, frightened faces. The children were on the bed under a blanket, trying to keep warm.The woman almost cried with happiness when she saw the girls. Hannah, who had brought wood, made a fire. Mrs. March gave the mother tea and hot food, and then she dressed the little baby gently. The girls put the children round the fire and fed them like hungry birds.It was a very happy meal, although the girls ate none of it. But no one was happier than those hungry young ladies who gave away their breakfast on Christmas morning.Mrs. March was surprised and pleased when she saw her presents later. There was a lot of laughing and kissing and explaining. Then, for the rest of the day, the girls were busy. Jo liked to write plays, and the four of them were going to act one that evening. They had learned their words, and had worked hard to make strange andwonderful clothes for all the different characters in the play.On Christmas night, some other girls came to watch. At first, there was a lot of whispering and laughing from the four sisters behind the curtains. Then the curtains were opened and the play began.It was an exciting story about Hugo (acted by Jo wearing a black beard!), beautiful Zara and brave Roderigo. There were also two ghosts, a cruel king, and a tall castle made of paper and wool-which unfortunately fell down just as Roderigo and Zara were escaping from it. There were screams of laughter from everyone, but the actors picked them up and carried on through more dangers and mysteries until the happy ending was reached.All the visitors loved the play, and after the excitement and fun came a surprise for everyone.'Would the young ladles like to stay for supper?' asked Hannah.And when the girls saw the supper table, they could not believe their eyes! There was ice-cream, cake, fruit, and French chocolate! And in the middle of the table were flowers for each of the four actors.'Where did it all come from?' asked Amy.'From Father Christmas, perhaps?' said Beth.'Mother did it,' said Meg.Aunt March sent it,' said Jo.'You're all wrong,' laughed Mrs. March. 'Old Mr. Laurence sent it!''The Laurence boy's grandfather?' said Meg. 'But we don't know him.''Hannah told his servant about your breakfast party, and that pleased him,' said Mrs. March. 'He knew my father many years ago, and he sent me a note this afternoon, asking if he could send my children a few small Christmas presents.' 'The idea came from that boy, I know it did!' said Jo. 'I'm sure he wants to know us, but he's shy, and Meg won't let me speak to him when we pass him in the street. She says that it's not at all polite for young ladies to introduce themselves to strangers.'You mean the people who live in the big house next door, don't you?' said one of the other girls. 'My mother knows old Mr. Laurence. She says he keeps his grandson in the house when the boy isn't riding or walking with his tutor, and makes him study very hard. We invited the boy to our party but he didn't come.' 'That boy needs to have some fun,' said Jo.3.The Laurence boy'Look!' said Meg, excitedly, a day or two later.She waved a piece of paper at Jo. 'An invitation to a New Year's party at Sallie Gardiner's house, and it's for both of us. Mother says we can go, but what shall we wear?''Our best cotton dresses,' said Jo, 'because we haven't got anything else Yours is as good as new, but mine has a burn and a hole in the back.'Then you must keep your back out of sight,' said Meg. 'I'll have a new ribbon for my hair, and my new slippers. And my gloves are all right.''Mine are stained, so I’ll have to go without.''You must wear gloves to a dance, Jo!’ cried Meg.'Then we'll each wear one good one and carry a bad one,' said Jo.Meg looked worried. 'All right, but you will behave nicely, won't you? Don't stare, or put your hands behind your back.'On New Year's Eve, the two younger sisters watched the two older girls get ready for the party. There was a lot of running up and down, and laughing and talking. Meg wanted some curls around her face, so Jo began to work on the papered ends of Meg's hair with a pair of hot tongs.'Should they smoke like that?' asked Beth.'It's the wetness drying,' said Jo.'What a strange burning smell!' said Amy.'I'll take the papers off now,' said Jo, 'and you'll see lots of little curls.She took the papers off-and, to her horror, the burnt hair came off with them!'Oh, oh! What have you done to my hair!' cried Meg.'I always get things wrong,' said Jo unhappily. 'I'm so sorry. I suppose the tongs were too hot.'Don't worry,' Amy told Meg, who was crying. 'Just tie your ribbon so that the ends come on to your forehead a little, and it will look quite fashionable.' At last, Meg and Jo were ready and went off to the Gardiners' house where Mrs. Gardiner welcomed them kindly. Meg immediately began to enjoy herself with Sallie, but Jo wasn't interested in girlish talk and stood with her back carefully against wall, watching the dancing. Soon Meg was asked to dance, then Jo saw a big red-haired boy coming towards her and she quickly went through a door into a small room. Unfortunately, another shy person was already hiding there and she found herself looking at the Laurence boy'.'Oh dear, I didn't know any one was here!'Jo said.The boy laughed. 'Don't go. I came in here because I don't know any people, but I think I've seen you before,' he said, 'You live near us, don't you?''Next door, said Jo. 'We enjoyed your nice Christmas present.''My grandfather sent it, Miss March.''But you gave your grandfather the idea, didn't you, Mr. Laurence?I'm not Mr. Laurence, only Laurie,' he said.'And I'm not Miss March, only Jo,' she said. 'Do you like parties?'Sometimes,' he answered. 'I've been abroad a lot recently, and I don't know how you do things here.''Abroad!' said Jo. 'Oh, did you go to Paris?''We went there last winter.''Can you speak French?' she asked.He said something in French, and Jo listened carefully. 'You asked, “Who is the young lady in the pretty slippers?” It's my sister, Meg, and you knew it was! Do you think she's pretty?''Yes,' he said.' She looks so fresh and quiet.'This pleased Jo very much, and soon the two of them were talking easily, like old friends. 'I hear you're always studying hard,' said Jo. 'Are you going to college soon?' 'Not for a year or two,' he said. 'I'm sixteen next month, and I won't go before I'm seventeen.''I wish I was going to college, said Jo.'I hate even the idea of it!' said Laurie.Jo wanted to know why, but he looked so serious that instead of asking she said,' Why don't you go and dance?''I will if you'll come too,' he answered.'I can't because----' Jo stopped.'Because what?''You won't tell?''Never!''I've a bad habit of standing near a fire, and I burn my dresses,' said Jo. 'I have to keep still so that no one will see the burn on this one. Laugh if you like.' But Laurie didn't laugh. 'Never mind that, ' he said gently. 'Please come.'Jo smiled. 'All right,' she said. 'Thank you.'When the music stopped, they sat down and began to talk, but Jo saw Meg waving at her. She went over and followed her sister into a side room.'I've turned my foot over and hurt my ankle,' said Meg. 'I can't walk on it, and I don't know how I'm going to get home.''I'm not surprised you turned your foot over in those stupid high shoes,' said Jo. 'You'll have to get a carriage or stay here all night.''A carriage will cost a lot,' said Meg, 'and I can't stay here for the night because the house is full. I'll just rest until Hannah comes to fetch us, then do the best I can.' 'They're going in for supper now,' said Jo. 'I'll stay with you.'No, run and bring me some coffee,' said Meg.Jo found the coffee, but immediately dropped some down the front of her dress. She was cleaning it off with Meg's glove when a friendly voice spoke to her.'Can I help?' said Laurie. He had a cup of coffee in one hand and a plate with a cake on it in the other.'I was trying to get something for Meg, 'said Jo.'And I was looking for someone to give this to,' he said. He fetched more coffee and a cake for Jo, and then the three of them had a happy time talking together until Hannah arrived. Meg completely forgot about her foot and stood up quickly. Shecried out with pain, and when Laurel saw that she could not walk, he immediately offered to take them home in his grandfather's carriage.'But you can't want to go home yet,' said Jo.'I always go early,' said Laurie.He sat with the driver, and the two girls sat with Hannah inside the carriage and talked excitedly about the party.'I had a wonderful time, did you?' said Jo.'Yes, until I hurt myself,' said Meg. 'Sallie’s friend, Annie Moffat, has asked me to go and stay with her for a week in the spring, when Sallie does.'Jo told Meg her adventures, and then they were home. They thanked Laurie and went quietly into the house, hoping to wake no one. But as soon as they opened their bedroom door, two little voices cried out: 'Tell us about the party! Tell us about the party!'4.The house next door'It's so nice to go to parties and drive home in carriages.' said Mea, the next morning. 'Other people live like that all the time and I wish we could. I wish we were rich.''Well, we're not,' said Jo.' So we must do our work with a smile, the way Mother does.'Mr. March had lost most of his money helping a friend. When the two older girls discovered this, they wanted to do something to earn some money for the family, and as soon as they were old enough, they found work. Meg got a job teach ing four small children. It was hard for her to be poor because she could remember the time when their home had been beautiful, with everything they wanted. And every day at Mrs. King's house she saw pretty dresses, and heard talk of parties and the theatre-all the things which Meg loved.Jo went to Aunt March, who needed someone to fetch and carry things, and read to her. She was a difficult old lady who complained a lot, but Jo did her best.Beth was much too shy to go to school with other children, so she studied at home with her father. When he went away, and her mother was busy with war work, Beth continued to study by herself and helped Hannah keep the home tidy for the others. She also spent long, quiet hours alone, talking to her dolls or playing the old piano. Beth loved music and, although the family could not afford music lessons or a good piano for her, she tried hard to make herself a better musician.Amy drew the most beautiful pictures and wanted to be a famous painter one day. She was a favorite with everyone, except when she complained about having to wear her cousin's old clothes because her mother could not afford to buy new ones for her.One afternoon a week or two later, Jo went outside to clear the snow away from some of the garden so that Beth could walk there when the sun came out. She looked across to the house next door-a big stone house with lovely things inside that Jo occasionally saw through the open curtains at the windows. But it seemed a lonely, lifeless kind of house, as no children played outside, no motherly face smiled at the windows, and not many people went in and out, except the old gentleman and his grandson.She had not seen the Laurence boy lately and wondered if he was away, but suddenly she saw him looking out of an upstairs window .She threw up a handful of soft show and called out, 'Are you ill?'Laurie opened the window. 'I’m almost better, thank you,' he said. 'I've had a bad cold.''What do you find to do?' said Jo.'Nothing,' he said.' They won't let me.''Why don't you get someone to come and see you?''I don't know anyone.''You know us,' said Jo.'So I do!' laughed Laurie. 'Will you come, please?''I'll come if Mother will let me. I'll go and ask her. Shut the window and wait until I come.'Laurie was excited and began to get ready for Jo's visit. He brushed his hair and tried to make his room tidy. Soon after, he heard voices downstairs, then a surprised servant ran up to his room.There's a young lady to see you, sir,' she said.A moment later, Jo appeared with a box in one hand and Beth's three small cats in the other. 'Mother sends her love,' she said. 'Meg asked me to bring some of her cake, and Beth thought you would like to play with her cats. Isn't she funny?' Laurie laughed 'How kind you all are,' he said.'Shall I read to you?' said Jo.'I'd rather talk,' he said.'I can talk all day,' said Jo, smiling. 'Beth says I never know when to stop.''Is Beth the one who stays at home?''Yes, that's Beth. She's a good girl.''The pretty one is Meg, and the curly-haired one is Amy, is that right?' he said.'Yes. How did you know?'Laurie's face became red. 'I hear you calling to each other, and you always seem to be having so much fun. Sometimes, in the evenings, you forget to close your curtains and I can see you sitting round the fire with your mother. I haven't got a mother.'Jo saw the sadness in his eyes. 'Why don't you come over and see us? Would your grandfather let you?''Perhaps, if your mother asked him,' said Laurie. 'He spends a lot of time among his books, and Mr. Brooke, my tutor, doesn't live here. So I haven't anyone to go out with. Do you like your school?''I don't go to school. I go out to work-to my aunt's,' said Jo. She described the difficult old lady and made him laugh with her stories. She told him all about her sisters, the plays they acted, and their hopes and fears for their father. Then they talked about books, and Jo discovered that Laurie loved them as much as she did.'Come and see our library,' he said. 'Grandfather is out, so you needn't be afraid.''I 'm not afraid of anything,' replied Jo.He took her down to a room where the walls were covered with books and pictures.'You should be the happiest boy in the world!' said Jo, sitting in a big armchair and looking round.'A person can't live on books,' he said.Suddenly, a bell rang.Jo jumped up out of the chair. It's your grandfather!' she said.'What if it is?' said Laurie, with a smile. 'You're not afraid of anything, remember?''Perhaps I am a little bit afraid of him,' said Jo.The servant came in at that moment. 'The doctor is here to see you, sir,' she saidto Laurie.'Can I leave you for a minute or two, Jo?' he said.'Yes, I'm very happy here,' said Jo.He went away and Jo was staring at a large picture of the old gentleman when the door opened again without turning, she said, 'I won't be afraid of him, because he's got kind eyes, although his mouth looks hard and cold. He's not as handsome as my grandfather, but I like him.''Thank you,' said a deep voice behind her.She turned quickly-and saw old Mr. Laurence!Jo's face turned a bright red and she wanted to run away. But the old man's eyes looked kinder than those in the picture and seemed to have a smile in them.'So you're not afraid of me, eh?' he said.'Not much, sir.''But I'm not as handsome as your grandfather?''Not quite, sir.''But you like me.' He laughed and shook hands with her.'Now, what have you been doing with my grandson?''Trying to cheer him up, sir,' said Jo. 'He seems a bit lonely.''Then come and have some tea with us.'Laurie was very surprised to see Jo with his grandfather, but was soon talking and laughing happily with Jo. The old man watched the two young people and noticed the change in his grandson. 'She's right,' he thought. The boy does need cheering up.'After tea, they went into a room where there was a large and beautiful piano.'Do you play?'Jo asked Laurie.'Sometimes,' he answered.'Play now. I want to hear it so I can tell Beth.'So Laurie played and Jo listened. Afterwards, Mr. Laurence said, 'He plays quite well, but I want him to do well in more important things. Now, I hope you'll come again.' He shook hands with her. 'Goodnight, Jo.'Laurie walked to the door with her. 'He doesn't like to hear me play,' he said.'Why not?' said Jo.'I'll tell you one day,' he said.When Jo told the family of her afternoon's adventures, they all wanted to go and visit the big house.'Mother, why doesn't Mr. Laurence like to hear Laurie play the piano?' asked Jo.'Laurie's father married an Italian lady, a musician,' said Mrs. March. 'The old man didn't like her, and never saw his son after they were married. Laurie was born in Italy, but his parents died when he was a child, and his grandfather brought him home. Laurie loves music and I expect his grandfather is afraid he'll want to be a musician like his mother.'Laurie should be a musician if he wants to be,' said Jo. 'Sending him to college will just make him unhappy.'5. A surprise for BethLaurie and the four girls were soon great friends. Mr. Brooke complained to the old gentleman that his student was always running across to see the Marches.'Let him have a bit of a holiday,' said Mr. Laurence. 'He can catch up with his studies later.'What good times they had! Writing and acting plays, happy evenings at the Marches, and little parties at the big house. Only Beth was too shy to go there. When Mr. Laurence heard about Beth's shyness, he came to have tea with their mother one day, and began to talk about music and great singers he had heard. Beth found it impossible to stay in her corner and came to listen.'Laurie hasn't much time for his music, 'Mr. Laurence told Mrs. March, 'so the piano is not used very often. Would any of your girls like to play it sometimes? They needn't see or speak to anyone, and I'll be in my study.' He got up to go. 'But if they don't wan t to come…'At this moment, a little hand touched his own. It was Beth's. 'I-I want to come,' she said, her voice shaking. 'Very much.''You're the musical girl,' said Mr. Laurence, gently.'I'm Beth. Yes, I love music, and I shall come.'The next day, Beth waited until the old and the young gentlemen both went out, then she ran across to the big house and found her way to the room with the beautiful piano. As soon as she began to play, she forgot her fears immediately in the delight which the music gave her.After that, Beth went every day. She never knew that Mr. Laurence often opened his study door to hear her playing, or that Laurie stood in the hall to keep the servants away from the shy little girl. But she was so grateful that she asked her mother and sisters to help her make the old gentleman a pair of slippers. After several days careful sewing, the slippers were finished. Then Beth wrote a short letter and, with Laurie's help, left it with the slippers in the old man's study one morning, before he was up.The next day, Beth went out for a walk, and when she came back the others were waiting for her. 'Here's a letter for you, Beth!' they called out. 'Come and read it!'She hurried to the house and they took her into the front room. 'Look there!' everyone was saying at once. Beth looked-and got the biggest surprise of her life! For there stood a lovely little piano, with a letter on the top of it, addressed to: ‘Miss Elizabeth March'.'You-you read it, Jo,' whispered Beth. 'I can't.'So Jo opened the letter and began to read.'Dear Miss March,' she read, 'I have had many pairs of slippers but none which have pleased me so much as yours. I should like to thank you for your kindness by sending you something that once belonged to my little granddaughter, who died. With many thanks. I am your good friend, James Laurence.'Jo put an arm around her sister. 'Now try it, Beth,' she said.Beth sat down and began to play, and everyone thought it was the most perfect。

小妇人英文读后感《小妇人》("Little Women")是由美国作家路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)创作的一部经典小说。
以下是一篇关于《小妇人》的英文读后感:---"Little Women" is a timeless classic that captivates readers with its endearing characters and poignant exploration of familial bonds, personal growth, and the pursuit of individual dreams. Louisa May Alcott's narrative skillfully weaves together the lives of the four March sisters –Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy –as they navigate the challenges of adolescence, womanhood, and societal expectations during the Civil War era.One of the novel's strengths lies in its portrayal of the diverse personalities and aspirations of the March sisters. Meg, the eldest, embodies traditional values and domesticity, while Jo, with her fierce independence and a passion for writing, challenges societal norms. Beth's gentle nature and love for music bring a sense of harmony to the family, while Amy's artistic ambitions underscore the importance ofcreativity and self-expression.The themes of sisterhood and female empowerment are prominent throughout the story. The sisters' unwavering support for each other during times of joy and sorrow serves as a testament to the resilience of familial bonds. Alcott skillfully breaks away from conventional gender roles by depicting strong, multidimensional female characters who strive for personal fulfillment beyond societal expectations.The novel also delves into the challenges faced by women in the 19th century, addressing issues such as limited educational opportunities and societal pressure to conform. Jo's desire to become a writer and her struggles to be taken seriously in a male-dominated literary world provide a thought-provoking commentary on gender inequality, making "Little Women" a trailblazing work for its time.Alcott's prose is rich in emotion and morality, and her storytelling resonates with readers of all ages. The novel's enduring popularity can be attributed to its universal themes of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of one's dreams. "Little Women" serves as an inspiration for generations, encouraging readers to embrace individuality, cherish family ties, and strive for personal and societal progress.In conclusion, "Little Women" is a literary gem that stands the test of time. Louisa May Alcott's masterful storytelling and the relatable characters create a narrative that continues to touch the hearts of readers, reminding us of the enduring power of love, resilience, and the pursuit of a meaningful life.。

小妇人英语作文200"Little Women" is a timeless novel that captures the essence of sisterhood, family, and personal growth. Written by Louisa May Alcott, the novel follows the lives of the March sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy – as they navigate the challenges of growing up during the Civil War era. As the sisters face their own trials and tribulations, they come to realize the importance of love, sacrifice, and resilience in the face of adversity. Through their collective experiences, they learn valuable lessons about life, sisterhood, and the power of female friendship.《小妇人》是一部永恒的小说,捕捉了姐妹情、家庭和个人成长的精髓。
由路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)编写,本小说讲述了马奇姐妹的生活 - 梅格、乔、贝丝和艾米 - 他们如何在南北战争时代面临成长的挑战。
The character of Jo March, in particular, has become an iconic figure in literature for her independent spirit, sharp wit, and fiercedetermination to pursue her dreams. Jo's passion for writing and her ambition to become a successful author resonates with readers of all ages, inspiring them to chase their own aspirations and never giveup on their goals. Her journey from a young girl with big dreams to a mature woman who finds her voice and place in the world is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-discovery.尤其是乔·马奇(Jo March)的性格已经成为文学中具有标志性的人物,因为她独立的精神、敏锐的智慧和坚定不移追求梦想的决心。

二、作者简介首先我们先了解一下作者,路易莎·梅.奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott,1832-1888),美国作家。

小妇人英文原文500字"Little Women" is a novel written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The following is an excerpt of 500 words from the original English text of "Little Women":'But I don't think the_MEMORY of it will ever make me happy, Jo. I was a selfish creature in those days, and though I didn't mean to be wicked, I was naughty and disagreeable, and fancied I didn't care about anybody but myself. You were so good to me, and受害so much, and I think I was cross to you the whole time.""Well, you were rather a peppery little souls, as I remember. But we got along capitally after a while, and had some grand times. I used to enjoy your tantrums, they were so funny; and I liked it when you flew at me and called me hard names, because I knew you didn't mean them. I fancy I was rather a tease, and you were very peppery, and we used to have some lively skirmishes. Don't you remember how you once shut me up in the dark closet?""Yes, and you got out at the window and broke your arm. I was so sorry, and so frightened; but you were a brave fellow, and didn't make much fuss about it.""Wasn't I, though? You were very kind to me, Jo, and helped me through my troubles, when, if it hadn't been for you and mother, I don't know what would have become of me. You were such a trump, and so good and patient with me, I can't think how I could have been so stupid and wicked as to deserve it all.""Don't say that, Beth. We all have our faults, and I'm afraid I've had as many as you, though they may be different. But we've got over them, and I think we're better for it, don't you?""Yes, I do, Jo. I'm so glad we were never apart. It seems to me that I couldn't have lived without you all, and yet I'm afraid I've been a great trouble to you sometimes. Now, I'll try to begin all over again, and be as good as I can. I want to do right, and be a useful person, and have a happy life, like you and mother.""And you will, dear, I'm sure you will. Only keep your little heart full of love, and it will always guide you right."The excerpt showcases the close relationship between the sisters and their conversations about their past mistakes and growing up. It alsohighlights the theme of love and its importance in guiding one's actions.。

小妇人的英语读书笔记以下是一篇小妇人的英语读书笔记:Little Women is a classic American novel written by Louisa May Alcott. The story follows the lives of the four March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy - during the Civil War. Based on Alcott's own experiences as a child growing up with her three sisters, the novel is a coming-of-age story that tackles themes such as family, love, loss, and female empowerment.The novel is set in New England in the 1860s, and the characters are dealing with the hardships of the Civil War. While their father is away at war, the four sisters must rely on each other and their mother to get through the tough times. The novel explores the themes of family unity and the strength of female relationships.The four sisters have very different personalities and growth arcs. Meg is the eldest and the most responsible, always trying to keep the family together. Jo is the tomboy of the family, who dreams of becoming a writer. Beth is the quiet and gentle spirit of the family, always putting others' needs before her own. Amy is the youngest sister, full of mischief and curiosity.The novel is written in a simple language that is easy to understand, yet it has a timeless quality that makes it accessible to modern readers. The characters are well-developed, and the reader easily identifies with their experiences and emotions. The themes covered in the book are universal and timeless, making it a classic that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.Overall, Little Women is a beautifully written coming-of-age story that explores the themes of family, love, loss, and female empowerment. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys reading classic literature or books that celebrate female resilience and strength.。
Little Women(小妇人)

Little WomenAbout the author: Louisa May Alcott is an American writer. She was born on November 29, 1832 in the town of Chaman, Pennsylvania. Her father is a self-taught philosopher, school reformer and utopian. Louisa taught the book at school and had been a seamstress, nurse, did laundry live. She even had done out of servants at the age of 15. Louisa was already active in amateur in ten years old. She wrote the first melodrama at the age of 15, and 21-year-old began to publish pomes and sketches. In 1868 she began to write about Little Women. When she was well-know to people, she continued to write novels and stories, and engaged in the temperance movement and women's election campaigns. During the American Civil War she worked in Washington, military ambulance personnel, and later, she also served as a children's publications editor. She was died in Boston on March 6, 1888.This book: During the American civil war, there lived the Marches in an old house. Mr. March took care of the wounded following the army.He left his wife and four beautiful daughters, Meg, Joe, Beth and Amy at home. Meg is gentle and graceful virtuous; Joe is vigorous temper,and dreams of becoming a writer; Beth is gentle, quiet, but too shy at first,She loves music and playing the piano is her favourite hobby; Amy is the youngest one who is very lovely and lively while sometimes she is still very naughty, and likes drawing pictures. Mrs. March is kind-hearted and simplicity. Although her family is not rich, she always owns a warm heart to anyone and often does her best to help the poor.In the mother's influence, the kindness of four sisters also often help the poor. Theyeven sent the Christmas breakfast which they had been looking forward to all the time to a poor German family. T heir neighbor, the Lawrence boy’s grandfather praised the little girls after hearing of this thing, and prepared a table of big meal as their Christmas presents. Joe got to know the Laurience’s boy.And then they became good friends. Meg fall in love John who is the family teacher of Laurie at first sight.But she couldn’t know how to express her feeling until there happened an argue about whether she could marry John between her and her Aunt March. Little Amy sometimes makes an argument with her elder sister Joe, but soon they would be good friends again.A cable to bring the bad news: Mr. March is ill heavily in hospital. So Mrs. March immediately leaved for Washington. As soon as Mrs. March leaved, Beth was caught scarlet feaver, when took care of the poor. Her home is in a dark. Four sisters helped each other,and finally passed the dark days. Soon, their mother came back home,and Beth also began to recover. At last their father also came back. The Marches got together happily.According to reading this book, I learned a lot from the four girls. For example, I learned to strong and learned to content but not satisfied. I learned to keep an optimistic attitude for my life and should be full of hope for my future. And they also taught me how to live happily and how to get well with others. We should be careful to find everyone's advantages and not take the blinders only see the faults of others.Anything is possible. If we do our best to accomplish the goal, I think it will come true sooner or later. In my opinion, our society develops more and more quickly. So it’s important to make a plan for ourselves .Then do our best to make our dreams come true, never give up like the four girls who all have their dreams and make an effort for them. To be honest, I really like Joe who is full of energy for everything and can bring happiness and surprise for other people anytime. In a word, their stories told us wherever you are and whatever you become. Don’t lose heart. Just keep a normal attitude.10级02班张石磊。

英语阅读小妇人第十一章内容"Little Women" is a novel written by Louisa May Alcott. In the eleventh chapter of this book, which is titled "Experiments," we see the March sisters continuing to navigate the challenges of their young lives. The chapter revolves around the different ways in which each sister deals with their own personal struggles and desires. Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy are each faced with unique obstacles, and their responses provide insight into their characters and the bond that holds them together.在小说《小妇人》的第十一章中,我们看到了马奇姐妹继续应对她们年轻生活中的挑战。
Meg, as the eldest sister, is portrayed as responsible and mature. In this chapter, we see her struggling with the desire to fit in with her wealthy friends and maintain her sense of self. Her internal conflict reflects the universal struggle of balancing societal expectations withpersonal values. Meg's journey in "Experiments" demonstrates the complexity of growing up and finding one's place in the world.作为最大的姐姐,梅格被描述为负责任和成熟。

Little Women《⼩妇⼈》-Louisa May Alcott露意莎.梅.奥尔科特 CHAPTER ONE第⼀章 PLAYING PILGRIMS 朝圣 "Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," grumbled Jo, lying on the rug . “没有礼物圣诞节怎么过?”乔躺在⼩地毯上咕哝。
"It's so dreadful to be poor!" sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress. “贫穷真可怕!”梅格发出⼀声叹息,低头望着⾝上的旧⾐服。
"I don't think it's fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all," added little Amy, with an injured sniff . “有些⼥孩⼦拥有荣华富贵,有些却⼀⽆所有,我认为这不公平。
"We've got Father and Mother, and each other," said Beth contentedly from her corner. “但我们有⽗母姐妹,”坐在⼀⾓的贝思提出*。
The four young faces on which the firelight shone brightened at the cheerful words, but darkened again as Jo said sadly, "We haven't got Father, and shall not have him for a long time." She didn't say "perhaps never," but each silently added it, thinking of Father far away, where the fighting was. 这句令⼈愉快的话使炉⽕映照下的四张年轻的脸庞明亮起来。
黑布林英语阅读《小妇人》 - 中英伴读

Little Women小妇人Page6About the Author关于作者Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown,Pennsylvania in 1832.She was the second of four daughters.Her father was a teacher and he gave her lessons at home.路易莎·梅·奥尔科特于1832年出生于宾夕法尼亚州的日耳曼敦。
The Alcott family often moved house when Louisa was growing up,but Alcott's happiest years were in the small town of Concord,Massachusetts.Little Women is set in the Alcott family home there.路易莎成长过程中,奥尔科特一家经常搬家,但奥尔科特最快乐的时光是在马萨诸塞州的小镇康科德度过的。
Alcott started work when she was still young because the family wasn't rich.She did many jobs including teaching and dressmaking,but she wanted to be a writer.Her first published work was a poem in1852.This was the beginning of her writing career.奥尔科特很小的时候就开始工作,因为家里并不富裕。

• 简介 • 人物分析 • 主题与思想 • 艺术特色 • 影响与评价
路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)
19世纪美国,女性地位逐渐提升,女性意识开始觉醒。路易莎·梅·奥尔科特以自 身经历为背景,创作了这部反映当时女性追求独立自主的小说。
小说采用章节式叙事结构,每个章节都有独立的故事情节, 但整体上又相互关联,构成了一个完整的故事。
小说语言朴实自然,贴近生活, 没有过多的华丽辞藻和修辞手法, 给人以亲切感。
作者通过幽默风趣的语言表达人 物性格和情节发展,使得故事更 加生动有趣。
小说中的人物语言情感真挚,表 达了人物内心的喜怒哀乐,使读 者能够深入了解人物内心世界。
家中的乖乖女,性格内向、文 静,对音乐有着特别的热爱。 然而,她的人生却充满了悲剧 ,年纪轻轻便因病去世。
乔最小的妹妹,聪明、机智、 善于社交。她渴望成为艺术家 ,并最终嫁给了一位富有的绅 士劳里。
两人是青梅竹马的好友,劳里一直暗恋着乔, 但乔并不知情。
贝丝是家中最小的女儿,深受父母和姐姐们 的宠爱。
《小妇人》中运用了大量的对比手法,如南北战争的对比、贫富的 对比、男女的对比等,使得故事更加鲜明生动。
作者通过象征手法表达了深刻的思想内涵,如以“小妇人”为题, 象征着当时社会中普遍存在的妇女形象和生活状态。
小说中通过对人物内心的描写,展现了人物性格和情感的变化,使 读者更加深入地了解人物内心世界。

Little Women(小妇人)(Louisa May Alcott路易莎·梅·阿尔克特- 美国)【作者简介】《小妇人》Alcott was born in Pennsylvania in 1832. The Alcotts did not have much money.She tried teaching, sewing and taking care of children. She did not like any of these jobs.At the age of 16, she wrote her first book, Flower Fables. Her storied were exciting, butunreal. She sold them to newspapers and magazines for money.In 1868, an American publisher asked Louisa May Alcott to write a book for girls.At first, she was not sure if she wanted to do it. She said she didn`t like girls. However,she decided to write the book finally. She told about her experiences growing up in thenortheast of the united states. the book was quite interesting. little women became oneof the most popular children`s books in American literature. It was published in morethan 50 languages.She continued writing other popular books for young people. These books included An Old-fashioned Girl, Little Men and Eight Cousins.奥尔科特于1832年出生于宾夕法尼亚州。

《小妇人》名著赏析一、作者简介及创作背景"Little Women" is a beloved novel written by Louisa May Alcott. The author, Louisa May Alcott, was an American writer born in 1832. She grew up in a family with strong intellectual and literary influences, and started writing at a young age. "Little Women" was published in 1868 and is considered one of Alcott's most famous works.《小妇人》是由露易莎·梅·奥尔柯特(Louisa May Alcott)所著的一部受人喜爱的小说。
The novel is loosely based on the author's own experiences and her three sisters, whom she portrays as the March sisters in the story. The book tells the story of the four March sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, and their journey from childhood to adulthood during the American Civil War. It explores themes of love, family, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams.这部小说部分基于作者自身的经历,以及她的三个姐妹,作者在故事中将她们描绘为马奇姐妹。

小妇人中英文对照版小妇人 Little Women作者:路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)主要人物:1. 乔(Jo March):故事的主人公,一个有才华、有冲劲的女孩子,梦想成为一名作家。
2. 梅格(Meg March):乔的姐姐,一个温柔贤淑的女孩子,喜欢家庭生活。
3. 贝丝(Beth March):乔的妹妹,一个纯真善良的女孩子,善于弹琴。
4. 艾米(Amy March):乔的妹妹,一个聪明漂亮的女孩子,梦想成为一名画家。
经典语句:1. "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship."(我不怕风暴,因为我正在学会如何驾驶我的船。
)2. "I like good strong words that mean something."(我喜欢有意义的好词汇。
)3. "Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your fault."(观察和祈祷,亲爱的,永远不要厌倦尝试,也永远不要认为征服你的缺点是不可能的。

小妇人故事梗概英文版Little Women is a novel by Louisa May Alcott that tells the story of four sisters in New England: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy March. The book begins when the sisters are living with their mother and father, who is away serving as a chaplain in the Civil War. The sisters are struggling to support themselves and keep their household running despite the recent loss of their fortune.As the girls grow older, they each face their own personal demons and moral challenges. Jo, the protagonist and the oldest sister, must tame her tomboyish ways and learn to be more ladylike while pursuing her ambition to be a great writer. Meg, the eldest sister, must put aside her love of wealth and finery in order to follow her heart. Beth, the second sister, must conquer her shyness, while Amy, the youngest sister, must sacrifice her aristocratic pride. The girls are guided in their personal growth by their mother, "Marmee," and by their religious faith.The family"s tight bonds are forever changed when Meg falls in love with John Brooke, Laurie"s tutor. Meg and John marry and begin a home of their own, quicklypopulated by twin daughters, Daisy and Demi. Another marriage seems imminent whenLaurie reveals to Meg that he has been secretly married for several years to another woman. The girls" lives are turned upside down when their father returns home from the war and reveals that he has been married to another woman for years.。

小妇人的英语完形填空Little Women is Louisa May Alcott's most famous novel. The novel follows the 12 of growing up with her three sisters during the American Civil War(1861-1865).The main theme in the story is the importance of 3. Other themes include the need to work and self-improvement.When the story begins the sisters are complaining because they are 4 and have to work. Their mother says that they mustn't spend money on pleasure 5 there is a war and everybody must help. Their father is in the army. In the letters their father sends home, he tells his daughters to work hard and not to waste their time. They must try to 6 the bad things in their lives and stay cheerful. He wants to be proud of them when he comes home. The girls decide to make an effort to 7 themselves because they love and miss their father very much.Alcott was interested in women's rights and through the four March sisters, she explored (探索)four different 8 of being a woman in those days. Meg leaves the family to get 9 and have a new family. Beth devotes (致力于)herself to 10 her own family. Amy focuses on herself and her own pleasure. And Jo, like Alcott herself, tries to have a careerin writing and care for her family at the same time.(1) A.rules B. lives C.secrets(2)A.experiences B. expressions C. directions(3) A.friendship A.poor(5) C. cleverA.soB.becauseC. if(6) A.sell B. find C. accept(7) A. improve B. serve C.imagine(8) A. maps B. ways C. circles(9) A.dressed B. lost C. married(10) A. looking after B.looking for C. asking for。

小妇人英语梗概100字"Little Women" is a novel written by Louisa May Alcott and published in 1868. The story follows the lives of the four March sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy—as they grow from adolescence into womanhood during the American Civil War.The March sisters live in a small New England town with their mother, Marmee, while their father is away serving as a chaplain in the war. Meg, the oldest, is responsible and dreams of a traditional married life. Jo, the tomboyish second sister, aspires to be a writer and bucks against societal expectations for women. Beth, the quiet and gentle third sister, is content with her home and family. And Amy, the youngest, is artistic and seeks a glamorous life.The novel explores themes of love, friendship, family, and the pursuit of individual dreams. Each sister faces various challenges and obstacles as they navigate their desires and realities. There are romantic interests, conflicts, and tragedies that test their resilience and strength.Meg falls in love with a local tutor, John Brooke, and they marry despite their different social backgrounds. Jo rejects the advances of her best friend, Laurie, with whom she has a strong bond, and instead builds a close friendship with an older German professor, Friedrich Bhaer, who encourages her writing. Beth, the fragile and kind-hearted sister, falls ill with scarlet fever and eventually dies, leaving a void in the family. Amy, who initially feels overshadowed by her sisters, travels abroad and develops into a refined young woman. She reunites with Laurie, and they fall in love and marry.Throughout the novel, "Little Women" highlights the importance of love, sacrifice, and finding one's own path. The March sisters face societal expectations and struggle with their own desires, but ultimately strive for independence and fulfillment. They support each other through their endeavors and setbacks, demonstrating the power of sisterhood and the bond of family.In conclusion, "Little Women" is a poignant coming-of-age story that captures the essence of sisterhood and the challenges of womanhood in the 19th century. It depicts the journey of the March sisters as they navigate love, loss, and personal growth, all while emphasizing the power of familial love and determination.。

英语作文小妇人Little Women is a classic novel written by Louisa May Alcott, first published in 1868. The story follows the lives of the four March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy - as they navigate the challenges and joys of growing up in New England during the American Civil War. The novel has captivated readers for generations with its timeless themes of family, love, and the pursuit of one's dreams.At the heart of the story are the March sisters, each with their own unique personality and aspirations. Meg, the eldest, is the sensible and responsible one, yearning for the comforts of a traditional life. Jo, the protagonist, is a spirited and independent young woman, passionate about writing and determined to forge her own path in the world. Beth, the gentle and selfless sister, finds joy in music and caring for her family. And Amy, the youngest, is the artistic and fashionable one, driven by a desire for social status and acceptance.The novel explores the complex dynamics within the March family as the sisters navigate the challenges of growing up, falling in love, and finding their place in the world. Alcott masterfully weaves togetherthe individual stories of each sister, creating a rich tapestry of family life that resonates with readers across generations.One of the most compelling aspects of Little Women is the way it portrays the struggles and triumphs of young women in the 19th century. The March sisters, despite the societal expectations and limitations placed upon them, are determined to pursue their dreams and forge their own identities. Jo's fierce independence and desire to become a successful writer, for example, challenges the traditional roles assigned to women at the time.Similarly, the novel explores the complexities of romantic relationships and the challenges of balancing personal ambitions with the demands of family and society. As the sisters navigate the ups and downs of love and courtship, Alcott delves into the nuances of human relationships, offering insights into the universal experiences of the heart.Another key theme in Little Women is the importance of community and the power of family. The March household is a warm and supportive environment, where the sisters find solace, encouragement, and strength in one another. Alcott's portrayal of the March family, with its laughter, tears, and unwavering bonds, serves as a testament to the enduring value of family and the ways in which it can shape and sustain us.The novel's enduring popularity can be attributed to its timeless themes and the relatable, well-developed characters. Readers are drawn to the March sisters' struggles and triumphs, their dreams and disappointments, and the ways in which they navigate the complexities of life. Alcott's masterful storytelling and her ability to capture the universal human experiences of growing up, findingone's purpose, and navigating the complexities of relationships have ensured that Little Women remains a beloved classic.Over the years, the novel has been adapted into numerous films, television series, and stage productions, each offering a unique interpretation of the beloved story. These adaptations have helped to introduce the March sisters to new generations of readers and viewers, ensuring that the legacy of Little Women continues to thrive.In conclusion, Little Women is a remarkable work of literature that has stood the test of time. Louisa May Alcott's masterful storytelling, coupled with her insightful exploration of the lives and experiences of young women, has created a timeless classic that continues to captivate and inspire readers around the world. The March sisters' journey of self-discovery, family, and the pursuit of their dreams remains a powerful and enduring testament to the resilience of the human spirit.。

初二黑布林英语阅读《小妇人》《小妇人》(Little Women)是一部由美国作家路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)于1868年出版的经典儿童文学作品。

小妇人:女性独立与家庭责任的平衡1. 简介《小妇人》是美国作家路易莎·梅尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)于1868年出版的一部长篇小说。
2. 主题探讨2.1 女性独立在《小妇人》中,作者通过四个不同性格和追求的姐妹来讨论女性独立的重要性。
2.2 家庭责任尽管姐妹们都追求个人独立,但她们也深深地铭记着家庭责任。
2.3 平衡与抉择《小妇人》中的四个姐妹都面临着平衡和抉择的问题。
3. 小说对当代社会的启示《小妇人》虽然是在19世纪写作,但它仍然对当代社会有一定的启示价值。
4. 结语《小妇人》描绘了19世纪美国社会中四位姐妹在女性独立与家庭责任之间寻找平衡的故事。
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LITTLE WOMEN Louisa May Alcott VocabularyBookworm 书虫capitally 极好的Contented 满足的dagger 短剑Dreadful 可怕的严重的糟糕的mutter 嘟囔嘀咕Tiresome 使人厌烦的rehearsal 排练Hearth 壁炉overturn 翻转倒置Holder 支架candle holder 烛台clatter 洗得哗哗响喧哗Be fussy with 对……挑剔,难以取悦bundle 捆,包裹负担Trot 慢跑小跑cellar 地下室酒窖Reprove 责备pilgrim 旅行者朝圣者香客Naughty 无足轻重的slipper 拖鞋Prim 呆板拘谨的flask 长颈瓶热水瓶Fret 苦恼发愁It’s naughty to fret. Frame 框架Insult 侮辱frown 皱眉Pickle bottle 腌菜罐子humble 谦逊的Peck at 对…吹毛求疵earnest 真挚的诚恳的Dignity 尊严高贵trump 王牌胜赢Pervade 弥漫于drill 训练Grumble 抱怨queer 奇怪古怪Plump 丰满的draft 起草草图Capital 资本资本家pane 窗户玻璃嵌板Cloak 斗篷披风frill 褶Refuge 避难庇护所drill 训练Refugee 难民bill 账单Garret 阁楼mill 磨坊Husky 嘶哑的sill 基石Parlor 起居室客厅fill 填充Mortified 窘迫的受屈辱的gill 腮Uneven 不平坦的不对称的hill 小山堆土堆Horrified 恐惧的rill 涓涓流淌Frizzle 鬃发使弯曲pill 药片Ringlet 长卷发小环小圈Mane (马、狮子等的)鬃毛;(人的)长头发Wail 嚎啕恸哭aristocracy 贵族Victim 受害者wink 眨眼Hairdresser 美发师trifle琐事小事adj.一定程度上Hairdressing 美发timid 胆小的Frill 褶边brisk 活泼伶俐的brick 砖Snood 束发带recess 休息PIN 胸针别针recession 后退衰退Hairpin 发簪束发夹peep 窥视隐约显现Sash 肩带腰带Ribbon 丝带rubber 橡胶胶鞋Prink 打扮Walking suit旅行装low—necked 低领Bow 蝴蝶结nightcap晚礼帽snowy muslins 雪白薄纱Ball dress 舞会衣服the plain gown 素净的衣服Pump 泵浅口皮鞋blush (at) 脸红Cricket 蟋蟀blunt 钝的Stray 迷路偏离迷途的bash 痛击猛击Scorch 把…烧焦bashful 害羞的羞怯的Installment 分期支付分期bashfulness 害羞腼腆Obliging 乐于助人的Obliged 感激的grave 坟墓Oblige 施恩于做好事gravely 严肃的庄重的Bonbon 糖果gruff 粗哑的板着脸孔的Wit 机智才干Capital n.首都大写资本资金adj.极好的(常用)主要的大写的资本的garland 花环花冠带花环coward 懦夫cozy 舒服的惬意的保温罩vivacity 活泼有生气affectionate 充满柔情的深情的regard=respect 尊敬器重rosy 美好的玫瑰红的conservatory 温室toss 抛掷投掷toss up a snowball 扔雪球wicked 顽皮的恶劣的solitary 孤独的寂寥的compose 组成使平静accomplished 有教养的tremendous 巨大的完成的熟练的portrait 肖像rapture 着迷狂喜nunnery 女修道院capture 捕获infirmity 虚弱软弱anecdote 轶闻趣事cease 停止gratitude 感激cozy舒适保温盒impart 告知invalid 病弱的引申:破娃娃Noel 耶诞节crotchety 怪癖的Joe 士兵家伙lime 石灰酸橙hoe 锄头picket limes 腌酸橙foe 敌人moist 潮doe 雌鹿midst 中部在之中toe 脚趾mist 薄雾水汽woe 悲哀灾难consign 把交付给,托运,寄存inmost 最深处的stale 不新鲜的陈旧无新意的recess 休息steal 偷twit 责难愚弄store 储存promptly 敏捷的迅速的正好的storage 仓库revengeful 燃起复仇的pretense 假装做作推辞peacock 孔雀爱炫耀的人rankle 使怨恨化脓demon 恶魔stern 严格的严厉的defend 防御保护buzz 嗡嗡响叽叽喳喳reproof 斥责obediently 服从的顺从的bosom 胸胸怀怀抱comply+with 顺从remorse 自责痛悔countenance 脸色fib 小谎oppress 压迫压制frivolous 轻佻的composure 平静沉着talisman 护身符scarlet 猩红色flutter 激动颤抖飘扬passionately 热情的激昂的dainty 精巧的精致的anguish 极度的痛苦dawdle 闲混偷懒disgrace 耻辱不光彩cultivated 文雅的V. 耕种陶冶mortify 使受屈辱remarkably 引人注意的pathetic 可怜兮兮的ludicrous 滑稽的荒唐可笑的intimate 亲密的wrathful 大怒的imitate 模仿conceit 自满自大coralline salve 珊瑚色唇膏perk 振作自满得意洋洋 a plumy fan 羽毛扇faint 头晕昏厥虚弱irritate 使恼怒烦躁ill-bred缺乏教养的vulgar 低俗的virtue 美德品行trip 绊倒rustle 窸窣maternal tune 老成持重的腔调plague 瘟疫使苦恼使折磨flourish 炫耀兴旺gayly 愉快的worldly 精于世故的daunt 使气馁畏惧badge 会徽warbler 歌手bower 树荫凉亭tray 盘子托盘Ginger 生姜corned beef 腌制的生牛肉lobster 大鳌虾scarlet 猩红色fern 蕨类Grove 树林丛林 a grove of 一丛一堆grave 坟墓Closet 壁橱groan 呻吟porch 门廊Ration 配量供给bustle 忙乱慌乱Simplicity 简单朴素oak 橡胶树oar 桨Wicked 坏的缺德的淘气的wicket 小门(售票)小窗口Mermaid 美人鱼Captain 上尉船长首领captive 俘虏Run short 短缺suit sb. 和某人合得来tyrant 暴君sketch 素描beckon 示意召唤cone 松果squirrel 松鼠primer 识字课本saloon 雅间交谊厅preach 说教布道fortune 财产财富fortunate 幸运的unjust 不公平behold 看见bonnet 帽子hood女帽relapse 重新陷入复发forlorn 孤独不幸的exert 用力运用exertion 努力mistress 女主人madam 夫人Belle 美女adorn 装点打扮adornment装饰物Solace 慰藉安慰solacement 安慰物Forefinger 食指guard 项圈守卫Fidget 使…焦躁不安dodge 躲开doom 厄运Conscientious 诚实的flatiron 熨斗Bribe 贿赂收买bolt 螺栓拴上逃跑Bride 新娘moralize 教化confinement 限制幽禁meadow 草地behold 欣赏看见注视estimable 可尊重的fit 适合fist 拳头sleigh ride 滑雪橇invisible 无形的看不见的stammer 结巴cottage 村舍pollutant 污染物disinfectant 消毒液car—sickness 晕车high building sickness 恐高症technical term 专业术语refinish 装修aquatic 水生的wrathful 大怒的fountain 喷泉人造池shrubbery 灌木丛whim 奇想sweeper 清扫器mop 拖把discharge 排出气体液体免除about-face 向后转soap 肥皂gratitude 感激get around 周转兜旋转弯子impetuous 性急的冲动的in spite of 尽管eloquent 有说服力的indulge 沉迷,放纵gratify 使高兴满足drop in 拜访看望tribulation 苦难磨难audacity 大胆无畏marine views 海洋景色divine 神的ruffle in 弄皱弄毛swan 天鹅闲荡obstinacy 顽固truckle 谄媚小车轮strain 拉紧过滤sweetmeat 蜜饯unpardonable 不可原谅的indignation 愤怒exert 加把劲努力exult 欢欣鼓舞puss cherub 天真的小孩wheedle 甜言蜜语的谎言overwhelm 绝对优势压倒性的不知所措的ensue 随之而来的blissful 极快乐的stableman 马夫groom 马夫侍从passion 热情have a passion for…crotchety 怪想反复无常fragment 碎片wrath 愤怒fragile 易碎的wreath 花环花冠花圈fragrant 芳香的constitution 宪法体格Phrases1.a gallant little bow 有教养的弯一下腰2.a second installment of coffee 又去取了一趟咖啡3.In the midst of 在……之中,当中 one’s wits’ end 不知所措5.good breeding 良好的修养 one’s dismay 让某人惊慌的惊愕的沮丧气馁pose oneself 使某人平静下来 any rate 不管怎样9.prim and poky 既严肃又冷漠10.r egularly splendid 十分出众的11.r evel in bouquets 采摘大捧鲜花12.p luck up courage to 鼓起勇气做13.a n irresistible temptation 不可抗拒的诱惑14.g lorious news 光荣的极好的消息15.a fter two or three retreats 犹豫再三16.t he eventful call of him 那次重要的拜访17.f or one’s especial benefit 特意为某人准备18.g lossy lid 光滑的(钢琴)盖子19.p ride goes before a fall 骄兵必败 plump and juicy 多么饱满多汁21.the insulted hand 受屈辱的手 rather conceit 过于自大23.get perked up 活跃起来24. parade sth. 炫耀… parade 行列,游行阅兵炫耀25. trivial affair 小事一桩26. GO slowly zigzagging down the river 慢慢走之字27. something held and turned her around , just in time to see. 莫名其妙转了过来,正好看见28.she worked on, as if possessed. 如同着了魔似的29.real flowers were the prettiest ornament for a young lady.鲜花配美人 fuss about 对大惊小怪31. put an little airs and graces 摆点小架子装腔32.glance at it and then one another 迅速扫了一眼并互相交换眼色33.make up these flowers in dainty bouquets 做成精美的花束 her cards well 如她心计所愿35.dote on sb.宠爱某人 colored up when 飞红了脸37.they chattered like a party of magpies.像群喜鹊叽叽喳喳38. sb. Has heaps(堆) of taste .品位高39.sail into (ball舞厅drawing room 客厅…)款款步入40.refill one’s glass 再次斟满41.and so on= and quantities of nonsense (侧重叽叽喳喳废话的等等)42.make a dash in the world .急功近利43.on one occasion 这一天某一天44. be civil to sb. 对…有礼貌,彬彬有礼45.get in a muddle 陷入混乱46. don’t try too many messes 不要好高骛远47.make a wry face 做鬼脸表不满48.purse up one’s lips 噘嘴49.several people called 一些人来拜访50. live a little for others 为别人想一些51.draw sb. aside 把某人拉过来52. pin up a loose braid 把掉下的一绺辫子夹好53. with all one’s might. 竭尽全力 any price=at any rate 无论如何55.let sb. off 落下漏掉某人56.rower 划桨手57. upon my word . 我发誓Take my word for it . 相信我吧 are a company 你是客人 looked so wistfully at 眼巴巴望着,渴望y luxuriously swinging to and fro in one’s harmmock.舒适的躺在吊床上晃来晃去Sit down to rock to and fro 坐下晃来晃去 in one’s mood 正闹情绪62.on the watch for 正计划,正酝酿’s working against the grain 与气质…格格不入 sorry for 后悔 and then 偶尔66.becoming way 新方式67.bounce in 冲进来68.out of sorts 不爽,心情不好,身体不好69.tramp through 大步走过70.take sb. Home 接某人回家71.draw the table before sb. 把桌子拉至某人跟前72.divert one’s mind 分散注意力73.with an important air 郑重其事的74.head the table 坐在首席75.odds and ends 零碎的小东西 all at sea 完全没有头脑(无助,慌乱)77.the fever fits 疾病发作sb. had a relapse 某人病复发 on one’s own responsibility 自己做主,自己负责79.behave with great presence of mind 表现的十分平静80.bottle up your rapture 收好你的狂喜Have a quiet rapture 不露声色的狂喜81. all more or less antique. 多少有些年头82.sympathize with sb’s little cares and joys. 同喜同忧83. have one’s will 立遗嘱84. to one’s fancy 合心意fancy that 多奇怪A fancy (过分) dress ball 化装舞会Have a fancy that… 感觉…Have a fancy for…喜爱渴望85. you fright ! 你这丑八怪!Hold your tongue. 闭嘴!You old torment ! 你这个老蠢货!86.assumed an air of dignified reserve. 装出一副不可侵犯的样子87.affected to do 装作…affected indifference. 表现出漠不关心 dint of perseverance. 凭着锲而不舍的劲头89.excute immediate justice. 立马执行审判马上捉拿真凶90. have a scene with sb. 和某人当众吵架91.May nothing you dismay. 愿你永不失望 is sb. finds himself?某人恢复的怎么样?93.I’m done with you forever. 我和你一刀两断。