
International competitive bidding国际竞争性招标1.International competitive bidding as used in these guidelines has the purpose of affording to prospective bidders from all countries adequate notification of a recipient's requirements and of providing all bidders an equal opportunity to bid on the necessary goods or works , subject to appropriate preferences for goods and services from developing countries . 国际竞标中使用这些指南的宗旨向潜在投标人提供的所有国家的足够的通知接收者的要求和提供所有的投标人平等机会竞拍必要的货物或作品,遵从适当的偏好对商品和服务的来自发展中国家。
In connection with any contract to be financed by the Fund , as a general rule , the Fund does not permit a recipien to deny prequalification , if required ,Bidding documents招标文件2.The bidding documents should furnish all information necessary for a bidder to prepare a tender for the goods and/or sevices to be supplied . 招标文件应当提供一切必要的信息,对投标人的投标准备货物和/或服务提供。

9.1第一段Construction planning is a fundamental and challenging activity in the management and execution of construction projects. It involves the choice of technology, the definition of work tasks, the estimation of the required resources and durations for individual tasks, and the identification of any interactions among the different work tasks. A good construction plan is the basis for developing the budget and the schedule for work. Developing the construction plan is a critical task in the management of construction, even if the plan is not written or otherwise formally recorded. In addition to these technical aspects of construction planning, it may also be necessary to make organizational decisions about the relationships between project participants and even which organizations to include in a project. For example, the extent which sub-construction will be used on a project is often determined during construction planning.在施工项目的管理和执行中,施工计划是一项基本的并且具有挑战性的活动。

passge1project management perspective关键步骤在任何项目的第一步,这是了解项目的目标,和项目团队成员沟通,考虑项目替代办法在投入项目工作之前。
工程管理专业英语 第五章句子翻译

Chapter 5 Cost EstimateNotes and sentence1.If the design technology for a facility has been specified,the project can bedecomposed into elements at various levels of detail for the purpose of cost estimation.Technology在这里翻译为“待建设使用的技术”。
he design technology翻译为“设计者选定的技术”。
be decomposed into翻译为“分解”。
2.However, the accuracy of the resulting estimate depends on the reliability of thesubcontractors since the general contractor selects one among several contractor quotations submitted for each item of subcontracted work.depends on 译为“取决于”general contractor译为“总承包商”全句可译为:然而,估算结果的精确程度取决于各分包商的估算是否可靠,因为对每一个分包商的分项工程,总承包商总是从几个分包商提交的报价中选择。
3.If the construction procedure of a proposed project is used as the basis of a costestimate,the project may be decomposed into items such as labor,material and equipment needed to perform various tasks in the projects.construction procedure译为“施工方法”as the basis of译为“以为基础”decomposed into译为“分解为”全句可译为:如果以项目的施工方法为基础进行成本估算,则可以分解为各项工作的组成分项,如为完成各项工作所需的劳动力、原材料和机械设备。

1. A decision whether to pump or to transport concrete in buckets will directly affect the cost and duration of tasks involved in building construction.用泵送混凝土还是用吊斗浇筑混凝土的决定将直接影响建筑物施工中各项任务的成本和时间2.In selecting among alternative methods and technologies, it may be necessary to formulate a number of construction plans based on alternative methods or assumptions. 在选择施工方法和技术时,有必要根据各种备选的施工方法和假设制订若干套施工计划。
3.This examination of several alternatives is often made explicit in bidding competitions in which several alternative designs may be proposed or value engineering for alternative construction methods may be permitted这种对几个备选方案之间的评比在公开招标中表现的十分明显:在设计招标中会要求提交数个设计方案;在施工招标中会用到价值工程的方法4. In this case, potential constructors may wish to prepare plans for each alternative design using the suggested construction method as well as to prepare plans for alternative construction methods which would be proposed as part of the value engineering process.在这个案例中,潜在的承包商需要针对每个备选设计方案根据被建议的施工方法来制定具体的计划;也需要针对每个备选施工方法制定具体计划,而这些施工方法选择会被推荐应用价值工程方法5.In forming a construction plan, a useful approach is to simulate the construction process either in the imagination of the planner or with a formal computer based simulation technique.根据施工计划人员的想象或者利用以计算机为工具的仿真技术队施工过程进行模拟。
工程管理专业英语翻译Chapter 1-5

Chapter 11.1 introduction"To form by assembling parts" is the dictionary definition for construct, but the phrase also is a metaphor for the construction itself. 由各组成部分所构成是对建筑在字典中的定义,它也是对建筑本身的比喻。
Just as divergent materials come together to form a structure, so, too, does a diverse group of people come together to make the project possible.正如将各种不同材料组成构筑物,将不同人群聚集到一起也一样,使实现一个项目成为可能。
To bring together numerous independent businesses and corporate personalities into one goal-oriented process is the particular challenge of the construction industry. 把多个互不相关的行业和独立人群聚集到一起来实现一个共同目标对建筑业而言是独特的挑战。
The organizational cultures of architects, engineers, owners, builders, manufacturers, and suppliers may seem to work against the real need to forge a partnership that will ensure the success of a project. 建筑师,工程师,业主,建造者,制造商和供应商的组织文化看似违背了一个真实需求,这个需求是形成一个合作体(关系)以确保项目成功。

Professional English for Construction Management
Contents (continued)
Chapter 8 Construction Planning Chapter 9 Time Control for Construction Projects Chapter 10 Cost Control for Construction Projects
Unit 1 The Owner’s Perspective
1.1 The Project Life Cycle
Since an owner is essentially acquiring a facility on a promise in some form of agreement, it will be wise for any owner to have a clear understanding of the acquisition process in order to maintain firm control of the quality, timeliness and cost of the completed facility.
Owners must recognize that there is no single best approach in organizing project management throughout a project's life cycle. All organizational approaches have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the knowledge of the owner in construction management as well as the type, size and location of the project.

Unit 1 the owner’s perspective 第1单元业主的观点1.2 Major Types of Construction 1.2大建筑类型Since most owners are generally interested in acquiring only a specific type of constructed facility, they should be aware of the common industrial practices for the type of construction pertinent to them [1]. Likewise, the construction industry is a conglomeration of quite diverse segments and products. Some owners may procure a constructed facility only once in a long while and tend to look for short term advantages. However ,many owners require periodic acquisition of new facilities and/or rehabilitation of existing facilities. It is to their advantage to keep the construction industry healthy and productive. Collectively, the owners have more power to influence the construction industry than they realize because, by their individual actions, they can provide incentives for innovation, efficiency and quality in construction [2]. It is to the interest of all parties that the owners take an active interest in the construction and exercise beneficial influence on the performance of the industry.由于大多数业主通常只对获得特定类型的建筑设施感兴趣,所以他们应该了解与他们有关的建筑类型的常见工业实践[1]。

1.1T he Project Life Cycle1段:Project managers or the organization can divide projects into phases to provide better management control with appropriate links to the ongoing operations of the performing organization. Collectively, these phases are known as the project life cycle. Many organizations identify a specific set of life cycles for use on all of their projects.项目经理或组织可以把每一个项目划分成若干个阶段,以便有效地进行管理控制,并与实施该项目组织的日常运作联系起来。
2段:For example, from the perspective of an owner, the project life cycle for a constructed facility may be illustrated schematically in Figure1-1.从业主的角度来看,建设项目的生命周期可用图1-1表示。
Essentially, a project is conceived to meet market demands or needs in a timely fashion.从本质上讲,一个项目试图及时满足市场需求。
in a timely fashion. 及时meet market demands or needs 满足市场需求Various possibilities may be considered in the conceptual planning stage, and the technological and economic feasibility of each alternative will be assessed and compared in order to select the best possible project.在项目规划阶段,很多不同的方案都可能被考虑,同事每一天备选方案的技术可行性都经过评估和比较,以选出最优方案。
Unit_5 Hydraulic Structures(翻译版)郑州大学研究生专业英语课程

Unit 5 Hydraulic Structures水工建筑物Open Channel Flow明渠流We may divide open channel flow into steady and unsteady flow. Steady refers to time. If the discharge in a channel at any one point does not change with time, we are dealing with steady flow. If it does change with time, we have unsteady flow, for instance, when a wave is traveling in a channel or when the discharge is gradual.我们可以把明渠流分为恒定流和非恒定流。
We may divide open channel flow also into uniform and non-uniform flow. Uniform refers to distance. If the wetted cross-sectional area of an open channel is the same from one location to another, we are dealing with uniform flow. If it does change from place to place, we have non-uniform flow; for instance, when the slope of the channel steeps, when the channel contains an obstruction, or when the flow is backed up by a dam.我们也可以把明渠流分为均匀流和非均匀流。

Chapter 5Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects建设项目投标和招标5.1 Bidding Procedure of Construction Projects建设项目投标过程第一段:第一句:The implementing agencies of borrowing countries can use a variety of procurement methods on World Bank-financed projects〔世界银行资助项目〕.借款国的执行机构可以使用世界银行资助项目的各种采购方法。
第二句:The method selected depends on a number of factors including [〔the type of goods or services being procured〕, 〔the value of the goods or services being procured〕, 〔the potential interest of foreign bidders〕and 〔even the cost of the procurement process itself〕].选择的方法取决于多项因素,包括所采购的商品或服务的类型;采购的商品或服务的价值;外国投标者的潜在利益;甚至采购过程本身的成本。
第三句:The overall objective of the guidelines〔指南〕how to select procurement methods is to allow borrowing countries to buy high quality goods and services as economically as possible 〔尽可能经济〕.指南中如何选择采购方式的总体目标是让借款国在尽可能经济的条件下购买优质的产品和服务。

《工程管理专业英语》教学大纲开课学院:建筑工程学院Begin College:Construction Engineering College适用专业:工程管理Applicable to Professional:Engineering Management课程编号:Course Number:课程英文名称:Engineering ManagementEnglish Course Title:Engineering Management课程性质:学科基础课Course property:Discipline Basic Courses课程总课时:32Course Total Class:32学分:2Credit:2课程教学目标与基本要求:通过本课程的学习,使学生了解土木工程专业的培养目标、行业发展、主要的科学问题和解决的方法、课程之间的联系、专业学习的特点、毕业后的去向等情况。
The teaching goal and the basic requirements:Through learning of this course, make students understand the civil engineering professional training target, industry development, the main scientific problems and the solution method, the connection between the course and the characteristics of professional learning, go after graduation, and so on and so forth.Courses for students and working to provide the reference for the future.教学内容Content of courses 教学要求Teaching requirement教学模式Modelteaching课时分配(建议)Teachinghours第一部分工程概述1.工程的概念2.工程的作用3.我国古代工程4.我国现代工程The first part Project overview1.The concept of the engineering;2.The role of engineering;3. Ancient China engineering ;4.Modern engineering in our country. 了解工程的概念;了解工程的作用;了解我国古代工程。

统一编号_____________ (共1 册)
(第 1 册)
课程性质B3 总学时32 总学分 2
课程授课学期 5 起止时间2018.9 至2019.1
本教案用于第 5 学期

Chapter 12 Organization and Use of Project Information
Appendix 1 Glossary Appendix 2 Translation for Specialty English Appendix 3 Project Management World Wide Web Sites
Professional English for Construction Management
Contents (continued)
Chapter 8 Construction Planning Chapter 9 Time Control for Construction Projects Chapter 10 Cost Control for Construction Projects
Unit 1 The Owner’s Perspective
1.3 Selection of Professional Services
When an owner decides to seek professional services for the design and construction of a facility, he is confronted with a broad variety of choices. The type of services selected depends to a large degree on the type of construction and the experience of the owner in dealing with various professionals in the previous projects undertaken by the firm. Generally, several common types of professional services may be engaged either separately or in some combination by the owners.
第五章 翻译的过程

4. As we got on board I saw the motorman and conductor coming out of the station wine-shop. (E. Hemingway: “A Farewell to Arms”, Ch. 38) 我们上车时,我看见司机和卖票员正从车站酒店里出来。 海明威在这里描写的是瑞士的登山小火车,但我们不要忘记作者是美国 作家,使用的是美国英语。译者把the motorman and conductor译成“司机和 卖票员”,无论从词义还是从语法上看,都有可商榷之处。先说词义, motorman是“司机”,这没有问题;而conductor作为“卖票员”讲,在美 国英语里也有,但那是指公共汽车卖票员;在美国,火车上的conductor应是 “列车长”。再从语法上看,motorman和conductor共用一个定冠词,说明 此处是一人兼二职:既是司机又是列车长,而小说译者将其译作“司机和卖 票员”,就变成了两个人,有违作者的原意。正确的译法应该是:我们上车 时,我看见司机兼列车长从车站的酒店里出来。
第五章 翻译的过程
Hale Waihona Puke 第五章 翻译的过程第一节 理解阶段 1. 理解概述 2. 理解阶段所遇问题及其注意事项 2.1 双语能力的局限 2.2 专业知识的局限 2.3 思维与文化差异 第二节 表达阶段 1. 表达概述 2. 表达阶段注意事项 2.1 重视上下文,避免孤立处理词句 2.2 从情景出发,摆托表层结构的束缚 第三节 审校阶段 1. 审校概述 2. 审校阶段步骤及注意事项 2.1 审校内容 2.2 审校方法 2.3 商务文本的审校 第四节 广义的翻译过程
3. “Turn off the fence,” he requested, “and I’ll slip him under the wires.” I flipped the switch. John sneaked the calf between the wires, and the little one scamped to its mother. (J. Donaldson: “to know what’s happening, just ask the neighbors”) “关上栅栏,”他要求说,“我把它从电网下放过去。” 我关上了栅栏。约翰把小牛从电网间递了进去,小家伙蹦蹦跳跳地朝妈妈 那儿跑了过去。 这个译文读上去倒也顺畅,似乎没有什么问题,但是跟原文一对,问题就 来了:turn off the fence是“关栅栏(门)”的意思吗?那为什么不用close, 而用turn off呢?而且,下一段紧接着说flipped the switch,说明这里要关的是 “(电)开关”,而不是“门”。再看看词典的释义,turn off系指disconnect; stop the flow of;switch off(切断,关掉)。通过以上分析,我们可以得出结 论:这里要关的是栅栏的电开关,因而这两段话可以译作:“关上栅栏的电开 关,”他说,“我把小牛从电线底下塞过去。”/我赶忙关上开关。约翰悄悄把 小牛从电线之间塞进去,小家伙蹦蹦跳跳地奔向妈妈。

IntroductionEngineering project management is a critical discipline that involves the planning, execution, and control of projects to achieve specific objectives within defined constraints. This textbook aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the principles, practices, and tools used in engineering project management. It is designed to serve as a valuable resource for students, professionals, and anyone interested in understanding and mastering the art of managing engineering projects effectively.Chapter 1: Introduction to Engineering Project ManagementThis chapter sets the stage for the study of engineering project management. It defines what a project is, the importance of project management in engineering, and the key roles and responsibilities of project managers. It also discusses the project life cycle and the various stages involved in managing a project from conception to completion.Chapter 2: Project PlanningProject planning is a fundamental aspect of engineering project management. This chapter delves into the process of creating a comprehensive project plan. It covers the following topics:- Scope Definition: Establishing the project's boundaries and deliverables.- Schedule Development: Creating a timeline for project activities.- Resource Allocation: Identifying and allocating resources needed for project execution.- Budgeting: Estimating costs and preparing a budget plan.- Risk Management: Identifying potential risks and developing mitigation strategies.Chapter 3: Project SchedulingEffective project scheduling is crucial for ensuring that project activities are completed on time. This chapter explores various scheduling techniques and tools, including:- Critical Path Method (CPM): Identifying the sequence of activitiesthat determine the project's duration.- Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT): Estimating activity durations and project completion times.- Gantt Charts: Visualizing project schedules and progress.- Project Management Software: Utilizing tools like Microsoft Project to manage schedules.Chapter 4: Project ExecutionProject execution is where the plan is put into action. This chapter covers the following aspects:- Team Management: Leading and motivating project team members.- Communication: Ensuring effective communication among stakeholders.- Procurement: Managing the acquisition of goods and services.- Quality Control: Ensuring that project outputs meet specified standards.- Change Management: Adapting to changes in project scope, schedule, or resources.Chapter 5: Project ControlProject control involves monitoring and adjusting the project's progress to ensure it stays on track. This chapter discusses:- Performance Measurement: Assessing project progress against the plan.- Variation Management: Handling changes in scope, schedule, or budget.- Conflict Resolution: Addressing conflicts that arise during project execution.- Project Closure: Documenting lessons learned and transitioning project deliverables to the client.Chapter 6: Project Risk ManagementRisk management is essential for identifying and mitigating potential threats to project success. This chapter covers:- Risk Identification: Identifying potential risks to the project.- Risk Analysis: Assessing the likelihood and impact of identified risks.- Risk Response Planning: Developing strategies to manage identified risks.- Risk Monitoring and Controlling: Continuously monitoring risks and adjusting responses as needed.Chapter 7: Project Quality ManagementEnsuring high-quality project outputs is a critical aspect of engineering project management. This chapter discusses:- Quality Planning: Defining quality standards and objectives.- Quality Assurance: Implementing processes to ensure quality is maintained.- Quality Control: Inspecting project outputs to ensure they meetquality standards.- Continuous Improvement: Identifying opportunities for improvingproject quality.Chapter 8: Project CommunicationEffective communication is key to the success of any project. This chapter covers:- Communication Models: Understanding different communication models and their application in project management.- Communication Plans: Developing plans to ensure effective communication among stakeholders.- Communication Tools: Utilizing tools like emails, meetings, andproject management software to facilitate communication.Chapter 9: Project Procurement ManagementProcurement management involves acquiring the necessary goods and services for project execution. This chapter covers:- Procurement Planning: Identifying procurement requirements and developing procurement strategies.- Supplier Selection: Selecting appropriate suppliers and vendors.- Contract Management: Managing contracts and ensuring compliance with terms and conditions.Chapter 10: Case Studies and Practical ApplicationsThis chapter includes real-world case studies and practical applications of engineering project management principles. It provides insights into how project management is applied in different industries and project types.ConclusionEngineering project management is a complex but essential discipline. This textbook provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and applying project management principles in engineering projects. By mastering the concepts and practices outlined in this textbook, readers will be well-equipped to manage projects effectively and achieve successful outcomes.AppendicesThe appendices include additional resources, such as templates, checklists, and guidelines for project management tasks.ReferencesThe references section provides a list of recommended reading materials for further exploration of engineering project management.。

On improving the quality of project cost managementAbstractProject cost is an important part of project construction management, it can take effective measures in the whole process of engineering construction, the construction of full cost control within the approved limit, and correct the deviation at any time, to ensure that completed the investment estimate, design budget and final accounts, etc, to achieve the goal of management to achieve the rational use of manpower, material resources, financial resources, the purpose of the largest investment benefit. Is the core content of the project cost estimates of investment estimation, design, modification and construction drawing budget, engineering settlement, completion final accounts, and so on. The task of the project cost is according to the drawings, norm and listing standards, calculate the project included in the direct fee (all the branch of engineering, subdivisional work of labor, materials, mechanical stage class expense, etc.), indirect fees, fees and taxes, and so on.Engaged in engineering cost personnel mainly involves the ability should include: the project has a strong ability of calculation of quantities, to prepare the accounting settlement of construction cost control, the bill of quantities, prices, bid price quotations, engineering settlement, skilled application software cost, have certain ability of data management and so on.Keywords: construction cost; The status of the construction project cost management; The project cost; Benefits.Project cost is a pay all the expenses of construction projects completed and put into operation combined. Engineering cost in addition to the related to project content, it also with the construction of regional economic development level, the management of builders, and technical level, national and local government policies, laws and other external conditions is intimately involved. The uniqueness of the project determines the project cost also has uniqueness. Preparation of project cost correctly for the government and the owner's decision has an irreplaceable role. In our country has been under the situation of "WTO", study how to improve the level of project cost establishment, scientifically reflect the engineering actual expense, is already in front of our construction cost professionals has become a major topic. Combined with practical work and thinking about the problem now, talk about the following experience and advice.1. the current situation of engineering cost management in our countryOur country the current engineering cost management system is formed in the 50 s, eighty s perfect. Due to historical reasons, the former Soviet union's basically overall introduction of the basic construction of budget system. The system is the product of highly centralized planned economic system. Directly involved in the form of country and management of economic activities. Regulation in different design stage must prepare the estimate or budget and shall be responsible for the government; Relevant departments to formulate the budget compilation principle, content, methods and measures for examination and approval, the cost budget quota, quota and equipment material budget price establishment, examination and approval, management authority, etc. Along with the historical process, after recovery, reform and development, formed a relatively complete system of budget quota management. But with the development of the socialist market economy, many of the problems in the system has been exposed.In recent years, the developed countries in the world is predicted in advance, matter to the requirement of engineering investment control. And the practice of our country traditional decision objectively cause light, heavy, light the economy and technology, after construction, first get the consequences. Due to the engineering technical personnel's technical and economic ideas and weak consciousness of costcontrol, cost management personnel's quality is difficult to improve. The project cost control goal difficult to achieve for a long time.According to the above situation, our country academic circles in the eighty s first puts forward the concept of whole process cost management and control, relevant departments are the feasibility study of construction projects and the budget to the relevant requirements of both ends to extension, the our country cost management ideas and methods mentioned a new height. We should now the task is the modern cost management and target market economic system which accords with the situation of China, draw lessons from the advanced experience of developed countries, to establish a set of perfect market economy law system of engineering cost management, efforts to improve the level of project cost of.2. change the backward idea, establish consciousness of the whole process of investment controlProject cost control and management, it is in the project decision-making stage, design stage and construction stage of project implementation, the study of project cost, the construction project cost control in the range of scientific and reasonable, according to the project progress at any time the deviation correction, to ensure the implementation of project management investment objectives, strive for in every stage of the construction of the project reasonable use of manpower and material resources, financial resources, in order to obtain better investment benefit and social benefit. According to the scientific connotation of engineering construction, and cost control problems in each stage. Interconnected each stage of cost control, this requires that we should establish a scientific and perfect engineering cost management system, make the project valuation, review, determine, settlement and final accounts of standardization institutionalization, establish a set of powerful supervision and inspection mechanism and rewards and punishments measures. At the same time, how to reasonably determine the cost and make full and reasonable match of the various resources, in order to obtain better investment benefit and social benefit, is also need to study the problem.Because the project construction period is longer, usually influenced by a variety of external factors and constraints, the beginning of the project is difficult to determine the correct cost. With the development of the project and the thorough,understanding of the project is more comprehensive, thus cost estimate is more reasonable. Such as estimation, budget, budget and final accounts of compilation is done in different stages of the construction, its precision is becoming more and more deep. Therefore, reasonable and effective control of engineering cost, should consider the following issues:(1) because of the large scale of construction projects, construction cycle is long, complex technology, financial and material resources is used up big, considering the factors such as economic benefits after put into use, once decision-making error, will cause huge economic loss beyond retrieve, in order to reasonable cost, must be in the whole construction process, according to the characteristics of different stages of multiple valuation, namely according to construction procedure reasonable accuracy of the various stages of construction cost, to fully embody the rationality of the cost. Historical experience tells us that the sequencing of construction project is the basic premise for reasonable cost.(2) over the years, our country the construction of the project is generally ignored the importance of prophase project construction stage, the cost control mainly focus on the project of the construction of the late stage and even in the final stage, so often appear the phenomenon of investment overrun. Some programs even in after the completion of investment has more than plan, bad engineering so as to build a lot of benefits. , so we must renew the idea, summed up a complete set of engineering cost control and management methods.(3) the project cost control should run through the whole process of construction projects, but in the early period of the control key should be transferred to the project construction, is transferred to the project decision-making and design stage, but once the investment decision, the control should focus on the design stage.(4) all construction project implementation stage is subject to supervision and engineering cost control system, all can obtain satisfactory economic benefits and social benefits, but at present our country construction project prophase stage has not yet adopted this system. Because on the premise of meet the specifications, designs the cost will be because of the influence of the experience, level, or other factors, the difference is bigger, conservative design thought, and makes the project cost is high, so, the whole process of construction project management and cost control system is very necessary.3, to effectively control the project costEffectively control the project cost, it is necessary to do the following: first, at the early stage of the project construction phase must be carried out on the supervision system of supervision (including cost). It should be said that this is a relatively objective and fair way. Through the supervision of the design process, make a design more reasonable, the construction cost control within the scope of the limit, but also can make design units to improve management, optimize structure, improve the design level, truly with minimal funds for maximum output. On the other hand is actively promoting "limit design method, which is proved an effective way, it is not just an economic problem, more accurately, a technical and economic problems. Will not assimilation of the whole project by facilities sites or function is divided into several units, design personnel according to the limited quota for selection and design. The limitation of "design" can effectively control the project cost of the project. For the aim of "design" the limit to, should be involved in the designer must be experienced designers understand the technical and economic. The results of their design must be practical, advanced and reasonable cost. To control the engineering cost on the other hand is a must for scheme comparison, because design achievements is a process of gradually improve, not can determine down at the beginning, so much more is to measure the practicality, advancement and economy.Effectively control the project cost, should be measures in many aspects: from the organizational measures is clear project organization structure, clear cost controller and its mission to make the cost of each part is responsible for personnel; Take measures from the technology's strict inspection supervise each stage of design, design review, in terms of technical and economic research may save investment; Take measures is to dynamically from the economic comparative cost plan value and the actual value, audit strictly the expense, adjust the design according to the design progress.Engineering design field in China for a long time do not do the optimization combination of technology and economy. Technical personnel lack of economic idea, conservative design, make the design results of economy get fully embody. And budget personnel because of not familiar with engineering technology, also less understanding of the project progress in various relations, difficult to effectively control the project cost. Therefore, we should solve the problem now is to enhance economic efficiency as the goal, in the heart of the project construction process organically organization, technology and economy. Through economic analysis, the comparison of the technology, and the effect evaluation, correctly handle the unity ofopposites between the economic and reasonable and advanced technology, strive to advanced technology under the condition of economic and reasonable, in the economic and reasonable on the basis of advanced technology.In the process of project cost control is very important. Cost engineer should comprehensively to master and apply the bidding documents, the contract agreement and the relevant design, construction documents. Was based on reasonable of the bill of quantities, grasp measurement pay this key link, carefully examine and verify the payment application, so that each of the funds to jindu can get reasonable control and payment. Cost engineer except for what had happened in the process of project implementation of cost control, also need to know the national related aspects of the project cost in the laws and regulations, collect all kinds of price information, understand price is dynamic, after analyzing all kinds of cost data, etc. Obviously, there is no solid knowledge of economic and technical strength is difficult to finish the work. It puts forward higher requirements on cost engineer.The core content of the project cost control is based on the market as the center of cost dynamic control and management. The complexity of construction project determines its valuation for many times, and the construction process in different stages of the corresponding cost is dynamically reflect the total cost of the project. Especially in the project implementation stage, due to the changes of external conditions, the design phase is not considered factors are often exposed, lead to design changes, the cost changes. This will require a cost engineer for timely research and analysis of problems in the operation of the construction project, and take timely corrective measures, to achieve the target. This stage is the most concentrated cost dynamic control process. Cost engineer is the large amount of work should be done at this time.4, develop a team having both ability and political integrity of the project costProject cost management is a comprehensive discipline. It to the relevant national guidelines and policies as the norms of engineering construction, and other technical and economic disciplines, it is a policy, technical, economy and practicality are very strong work. Cost engineer in addition to our professional knowledge, therefore, have a deep understanding and the understanding, also deal with design content, design process, construction technology, project management, economic lawsand regulations, computer application, construction of the external environment and so on, have a comprehensive understanding. Shall also have rich practical experience, with its technical and economic knowledge. Cost engineer is a multi-level talent of knowledge. In market economic system gradually perfected, investment increasingly diverse today, urgent need a large number of provide scientific decision basis for project investment cost engineer. To meet the above requirements, should begin from the following aspects:(1) to establish a truly independent of engineering cost consulting agencies, intermediary role between the owner and the contractor. In the management of government investment project, consultancy activities that the government need not go directly to the project management, and to rely on indirect means to achieve the purpose of regulating the management. In the process, cost engineers and other professional engineers have the same status and restrict and influence each other and play a positive role in engineering construction; This not only can let the government officials from multifarious economic activity, can give full play to the project cost professional work initiatives and creativity. They both for the owners to provide quality, convenient, comprehensive cost management services, and provide professional engineering cost consultation service for government departments.(2) to set up for the general association of engineering cost personnel of the service organization or academic organizations. These institutions: is the main task of the use of education and the scientific method, cost engineering science. To cultivate new engineering cost to provide convenient conditions; Research project cost management problems, promote the development of engineering cost engineering science and technology; Provide academic BBS and communication tool, to project cost practice () personnel to provide the field of communication, publishing of cost engineering theory and technology journal, published for relevant personnel research experiences and exchange work experience; This industry and promote the social concern; Advance the project cost professional terminology standardization process, applicable standard methods: encourage add people cost engineering course in engineering college and university education is to train the professional senior talents, promote our main goal; To promote the cooperation with other related organizations, promote the development of the public interest.(3) strengthen the accumulation of engineering cost data analysis. Engineering cost is a practical major. If there is no experience but only control method, the work is carried out. Therefore, to improve the level of project cost for both organizations andindividuals, must attach great importance to data accumulation and analysis. Simple data accumulation is just a pile of data. Can only be called after finishing analysis data. In developed countries, all kinds of cost of basic data, including the consumption of labor, materials, machines and prices, and even the land price, raise interest rates, the benefit is generally not make uniform or norm, completely determined by markets or actual needs, by cost management professionals and professional organizations to manage. However, the country has to go through a series of all aspects of the law to regulate market behavior, protect the legitimate interests of all parties, achieve the goal of macroeconomic regulation and control. The engineering cost consultation company has its own years of accumulation, the full cost data. They put the cost data collection, and the analysis in the archives. If necessary, to bring up from the computer at any time, and then adjusted according to the concrete situation, can be used for new project. Many engineering cost consulting company or institute and academic groups also insisted on for many years to the cost of public offering all the latest information and price information, achieve cost social sharing of information resources. The main content in addition to the purpose of people, material, machine, consumption and price, rate, the profits thereof, and all kinds of engineering of annual price index and price index between the cities. These after decades of experience in developed countries proved to be effective methods, we should draw lessons from and fully developed the data collecting and anally sing system suitable for China's national conditions.(4) improve the project cost professional senior education and on-the-job personnel's continuing education activities. Due to the engineering cost management in construction projects and closely related to the economic interests of the parties, and to the economic activities of the whole society plays a very important guiding role, we should according to the market to the quality requirement of the cost management talent, prompting courses in project cost professional education institutions, formal training project cost professional senior talents. The professional curriculum setting, should also be completely according to the requirement of the market needs and talent quality to decide. Both due and structures, machinery and other engineering, should also be open economy, finance, cost, probability and mathematical statistics and other basic courses. At the same time should also open systems engineering, value engineering, technology, economy, econometrics, computer, management science, such as expanding knowledge and enlightenment thinking emerging course. As industry management, engineering cost society should periodically on-the-jobpersonnel to continue education. In academic exchanges, short-term training, and other areas of the form of the cost of the latest theory, technology promotion and reference case. Two aspects of education institutions and industry management institutions constitute a complete education system. To engineering to create conditions for the growth of senior talents.(5) construction cost professionals to learn and improve. Overall, at present we are engineering cost industry personnel quality and distance from the social demands. Therefore, we should take learning and keep up with the pace of The Times. In addition to our professional knowledge is updated to improve, work should also be combined with extensive understanding and preliminary master relevant knowledge of engineering. Only has a comprehensive grasp of project content, in order to increase the project cost control work. Just think, if we don't know for the preparation of the cost of engineering, the professional knowledge is very fuzzy, how can invest control? Construction cost professionals should be the first professional experts, at the same time, it should be an expert in the field of engineering. Only a high level of talent to develop the high levels of the project cost. The role of the professional status and professional is proportional to the. We should improve the level of individual manpower from, and gradually raise the level of the industry's work, for our country modernization play our role.In short, the project cost control is a whole process control, it should be said that each link cannot be ignored, and every link is very important also. With China's accession to the WTO, China's investment must be diversified, investors to reduce the cost, control costs, improve the investment benefit is becoming more and more attention. So, change the original project cost estimation, budget, budget, and the contract price settlement price, the final accounts of the traditional mode, improve the control level, investment projects for the development of comprehensive control system, can promote the development of the socialist market economy in our country, and adapt to the global economic integration process improve the level of project cost establishment is a systems engineering. It not only needs a high quality team of experts, must have the form a complete set of government policy and social environment. In this paper, combined with the author's working practice, made some Suggestions on relevant issues. In view of the author's theoretical level and practical experience is insufficient, Hard to avoid some negligence . Here is only for reference.。

目录第一章 (2)passage1:施工管理Construction Management (2)Passage2 项目管理与计算机 (2)Project Management and the Computer (2)第二章 (3)Passage1 混凝土Concrete (3)Passage2 现代建筑与结构材料 (4)Modern Buildings and Structural Materials (4)第三章 (5)Passage1 计算机辅助制图与设计 (5)Computer Aided Drafting and Design (5)Passage2 新兴技术Emerging Technologies (7)第四章 (9)Passage1 项目管理的观点 (9)Project Management Perspective (9)Passage2项目经理The Project Manager (10)第五章 (10)Passage1 进度开发Schedule Development (10)Passage2业主的时间表-单独设计招标合同 (11)The Owner’s Schedule for Separate Design-Bid Contracts (11)第六单元: (12)文章1 施工中的质量和安全问题 (12)Quality and Safety Concerns in Construction (12)第七章 (13)Passage1 成本控制Cost Control (13)Passage2 成本控制程序Cost Control Procedure (14)第八章 (15)Passage1 房地产市场的兴起和衰落 (15)Rise and Fall of Property Market (15)Passage2 房地产市场特征 (15)Market Characteristic of Real Estate (15)第九章 (16)Passage1 一个项目的开始,完成和计划 (16)The Commencement,Completion and program of a Project (16)Passage2 土木工程合同Civil Engineering Contracts (17)第十章 (18)Passage1 施工索赔Construction Claims (18)Passage2 工程施工索赔:常见的陷阱 (18)Delay Claims in Construction Cases:Common Pitfalls (18)第十一章 (19)Passage1招标文件Bidding Documents (19)Passage2 招标有效性和安全性Competitive Bids (20)第12章 (22)Passage1 建筑的未来趋势 (22)Smart Structures and Intelligent Building (22)建设:未来趋势Construction:Future Trends (22)第一章passage1:施工管理Construction Management在施工管理中,业主与建筑师-工程师签订项目合同。

Unit 1 the owner’s perspective 第1单元业主的观点1.2 Major Types of Construction 1.2大建筑类型Since most owners are generally interested in acquiring only a specific type of constructed facility, they should be aware of the common industrial practices for the type of construction pertinent to them [1]. Likewise, the construction industry is a conglomeration of quite diverse segments and products. Some owners may procure a constructed facility only once in a long while and tend to look for short term advantages. However ,many owners require periodic acquisition of new facilities and/or rehabilitation of existing facilities. It is to their advantage to keep the construction industry healthy and productive. Collectively, the owners have more power to influence the construction industry than they realize because, by their individual actions, they can provide incentives for innovation, efficiency and quality in construction [2]. It is to the interest of all parties that the owners take an active interest in the construction and exercise beneficial influence on the performance of the industry.由于大多数业主通常只对获得特定类型的建筑设施感兴趣,所以他们应该了解与他们有关的建筑类型的常见工业实践[1]。
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Chapter 5Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects建设项目投标和招标5.1 Bidding Procedure of Construction Projects建设项目投标过程第一段:第一句:The implementing agencies of borrowing countries can use a variety of procurement methods on World Bank-financed projects(世界银行资助项目).借款国的执行机构可以使用世界银行资助项目的各种采购方法。
第二句:The method selected depends on a number of factors including [(the type of goods or services being procured), (the value of the goods or services being procured), (the potential interest of foreign bidders)and (even the cost of the procurement process itself)].选择的方法取决于多项因素,包括所采购的商品或服务的类型;采购的商品或服务的价值;外国投标者的潜在利益;甚至采购过程本身的成本。
第三句:The overall objective of the guidelines(指南)how to select procurement methods is to allow borrowing countries to buy high quality goods and services as economically as possible (尽可能经济).指南中如何选择采购方式的总体目标是让借款国在尽可能经济的条件下购买优质的产品和服务。
第四句:In the World Bank’s experience, this objective is best achieved through transparent(透明的), formal competitive bidding(竞标).世界银行的经验,通过透明的,正式的竞标才能最好地实现该目标。
第五句:For the procurement of equipment and civil works, International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is the procurement method the World Bank encourages its borrowers to use in the majority of cases(大多数情况下).对于设备和土建工程采购,国际竞争性招标(简称ICB)是世界银行鼓励借款人在大多数情况下使用的采购方法。
第六句:Under ICB, cost is the primary factor(主要因素)in determining a winning bid(中标).在国际竞争性招标,成本是确定中标的主要因素。
第七句:Other methods for procuring goods and civil works include(Limited International Bidding, National Competitive Bidding, International Shopping, and Direct Contracting).Limited International Bidding:有限国际招标National Competitive Bidding:国内竞争性招标International Shopping:国际询价采购Direct Contracting:直接采购采购货物和土建工程的其他方法,包括有限的国际招标,国内竞争性招标,国际询价采购,和直接采购。
第八句:This section outlines(n.大纲;v.陈述)the bidding process of International Competitive Bidding.本节概述了国际公开竞争性招标过程。
第二段:The objective of International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is to provide (all eligible(合格的)prospective(潜在的、预期的)bidders with timely(及时的)and adequate(丰富的)notification of a Borrower’s requirements)and (an equal opportunity to bid for(对……进行投标)the required goods and works).国际竞争性招标(ICB)的目的在于将借款人的要求及时地、充分地通知给所有合格的、潜在的投标人,并为他们提供对所需货物和工程进行投标的平等机会。
Notification 通知第三段:第一句:Timely notification of bidding opportunities is essential(重要的)in competitive bidding.在竞争性招标中,及时通告投标机会是很重要的。
第二句:For projects which include procurement on the basis of ICB, the Borrower is required to prepare and submit(提交)to the Band a draft(草稿)General Procurement Notice.对于那些包含国际竞争性招标采购的项目,要求借款人准备并向银行提交一份采购总公告草稿.第三句:The Bank will arrange for its publication(刊登,印刷)in Development Business(UNDB).银行将安排把公告刊登在联合国发展商业报上。
第四句:The notice shall contain information concerning the Borrower (or prospective Borrower), amount and purpose of the loan, scope of procurement under ICB, and the name and address of the Borrower’s agency responsible for procurement and the address of the website where specific procurement notices will be posted.公告应包括如下信息:借款人(或预期借款人)名称,贷款金额和用途,国际竞争性招标采购的范围,以及借款人负责采购的单位名称和地址,以及发布具体采购通知的网址。
第五句:If known, the scheduled date(预定日期)for availability(可得到的)of prequalification(资格预审文件)or bidding documents should be indicated(指明的).如果已知,还应指明可得到资格预审文件或招标文件的预定日期。
第六句:The Borrower shall maintain(维持) a list of responses to the notice.借款人应保持一份对总公告作出反应情况的一览表。
第七句:The related prequalification or bidding documents, as the case may be(视情况而定), shall not be released(释放、开放)to(发布)the public earlier than eight weeks after the date of publication of the notice.有关资格预审文件或招标文件(视具体情况而定)不得早于刊登采购总公告之日后的八周对外发布。
第八句:The General Procurement Notice shall be updated(更新)annually(每年)for all outstanding(列出的)procurement.每年应对采购总公告进行更新,以反映尚未采购的内容。
Prequalification of Bidders 投标人预审资格第四段:第一句:Prequalification is usually necessary 【for (large or complex(复杂的)works), or (in any other circumstances(情况、环境)in which the high costs of preparing detailed bids could discourage(不鼓励、妨碍)competition), (such as custom-designed equipment, industrial plant, specialized services, some complex information and technology and contracts to be let under turnkey(交钥匙), design and build, or management contracting)】.对于大型或复杂的土建工程,或在准备详细投标文件的高成本可能会妨碍竞争的任何其它情况下,诸如为用户专门设计的设备、工业成套设备、专业化服务,以及交钥匙合同、设计和建造合同,或管理承包合同等,资格预审通常是必要的。
第二句:This also ensures that invitations(邀请)to bid are extended(扩充,扩大,扩展;发挥(力量);延续)only to those who have adequate capabilities and resources.这也保证了招标邀请只发给那些有足够能力和资源的厂商。
第三句:Prequalification may also be useful to determine eligibility(1有参加比赛的资格2合格)for preference(优先权;特惠;(债权人)受优先偿还的权利;选择机会)for domestic(国内的,本国的,对内的)contractors(对国内承包商优惠)where this is allowed.对国内承包商有优惠的情况下,资格预审也可确定其是否有资格享受优惠。