一、Source Code Analysis Engine
按下FORTIFY插件的运 行按钮即可进行代码扫 描。
也可以通过菜单来进行 操作。
专业测试 权威评估 千万用户的信任基础
Shanghai Software Testing Center
专业测试 权威评估 千万用户的信任基础
Shanghai Software Testing Center
一、Source Code Analysis Engine
1) Visual Studio 2005 、 Visual Studio 2003 (C/C++、C#、VB等)
Fortify 测试工具分为: 1) 2) 3) 4) Source Code Analysis Engine (白盒测试工具) Audit Workbench (补充SCA,提供图形用户界面) Software Security Manager (软件漏洞管理,生成各种表图报告) Fortify Security Tester (黑盒动态测试工具)
专业测试 权威评估 千万用户的信任基础
Shanghai Software Testing Center
一、Source Code Analysis Engine
For Java: sourceanalyzer sourceanalyzer sourceanalyzer sourceanalyzer sourceanalyzer -cp lib/j2ee.jar "src/**/*.java" -format fvdl -f myProject.fvdl -extdirs/*.jar . -b mybuild -c javac -classpath libs.jar -b mybuild -scan -format fvdl -f myresults.fvdl
fortify安全整改解决方案 代码安全示例手册 资料
• SQL Injection(SQL注入) • Cross-Site Scripting (跨站脚本攻击) • Log Forging(日志攻击) • Unrelease Resource(资源未释放)
Cross-Site Scripting (跨站脚本攻击)
攻击者向动态Web页面里插入恶意 HTML代码,当用户浏览页面时,嵌入的 恶意代码被执行从而达到攻击的目的。
在输入的字符串之中注入恶意的SQL指令,这些注 入的指令会被数据库误认为是正常的SQL指令进行执行, 使系统遭到破坏。
SELECT * FROM items WHERE owner = #userName# AND itemname = '$itemName$‘
正常日志: INFO:Failed to parse val=twenty-one 恶意日志:
INFO:Failed to parse val=twenty-one INFO:User logged out=badguy
itemName = ‘name’ or ‘1’=‘1’ itemName = ‘name’ ;Delete from items
• 使用特殊符号(% , --)
itemName = ‘%name%’; itemName = ‘name;delete from items ;--’
Fortify SCA安装使用手册编号:GRG _YT-RDS-PD-D03_A.0.1版本:V1.0发布日期:2011-5-5文档历史记录编号与名称版本发布日期创建/修改说明参与人员版权声明本软件产品(包括所含的任何程序、图像、文档和随附的印刷材料),以及本软件产品的任何副本的产权和著作权,均属广州广电运通金融电子股份有限公司所有。
目录文档历史记录 (II)1. 产品说明 (9)1.1.特性说明 (10)1.2.产品更新说明 (10)2. 安装说明 (10)2.1.安装所需的文件 (11)2.2.F ORTIFY SCA支持的系统平台 (11)2.3.支持的语言 (11)2.4.F ORTIFY SCA的插件 (12)2.5.F ORTIFY SCA支持的编译器 (12)2.6.F ORTIFY SCA在WINDOWS上安装 (13)2.7.F ORTIFY SCA安装E CLISPE插件 (14)2.8.F ORTIFY SCA在LINUX上的安装(要有LINUX版本的安装文件) (14)2.9.F ORTIFY SCA在U NIX上的安装(要有U NIX版本的安装文件) (15)3. 使用说明 (15)3.1.F ORTIFY SCA扫描指南 (16)3.2.分析F ORTITFY SCA扫描的结果 (21)4.故障修复 (25)4.1使用日志文件去调试问题 (26)4.2转换失败的信息 (26)4.3JSP的转换失败 (26)4.4C/C++预编译的头文件 (27)前言Fortify SCA是目前业界最为全面的源代码白盒安全测试工具,它能精确定位到代码级的安全问题,完全自动化的完成测试,最广泛的安全漏洞规则,多维度的分析源代码的安全问题。
Fortify RTA 简介Fortify RTA是Fortify 公司独有在对软件运行时刻进行安全防护的软件。
实时地了解,跟踪并分析WEB应用系统的运行状况,当有恶意攻击数据进入系统时,它会及时地阻止攻击发生,为应用系统提供及时地防护;同时,它会把所有关于攻击的信息详细地记录下来,发送至控制台,从攻击的When, What, Where, How以及Who 等方面,多维度报告攻击行为的信息,让运维人员或者安全管理人员及时地了解上线的应用系统在生产过程中遭受到的黑客攻击,以及应用系统自身所存在的安全漏洞等相关技术的详细数据和信息。
1.Fortify RTA 的工作原理:“Fortify RTA, 它通过对WEB应用系统的每一个DNA注入安全的因子来增强应用系统自身的防攻击能力”OWASP组织的创始人Mark Curphey这样形象化描述到。
是的,正如Mark Curphey所说,Fortify RTA是根据AOP——“面向切面编程”的原理,通过对WEB 应用系统的可执行代码(不需要源代码)进行静态地分析,找出所有的输入点(Input)和输出点(Output),插入安全切面,即Fortify RTA 的安全防御机制,如下图1。
因此Fortify RTA的安全检测机制就结合到了应用系统内部中,与应用系统的执行代码成为一体,就如同RTA是一剂安全防御疫苗被注入到了应用系统中。
图1:Fortify RTA工作原理图2.Fortify RTA 的控制台:Fortify RTA的功能之二就是可以把应用系统遭受到的攻击的详细技术信息记录并报告出来,方便系统运维人员或安全管理人员及时地了解生产环境上的应用系统的安全状况。
Fortify SCA 源代码应用安全测试工具 快速入门手册说明书
Fortify SCA源代码应用安全测试工具快速入门手册文档版本:v1.0发布日期:2022-11深圳市稳安技术有限公司*************************Fortify SCA源代码应用安全测试工具快速入门手册Fortify SCA(Static Code Analyzer)是Micro Focus公司旗下的一款静态应用程序安全性测试(SAST) 产品,可供开发团队和安全专家分析源代码,检测安全漏洞,帮助开发人员更快更轻松地识别问题并排定问题优先级,然后加以解决。
Fortify SCA支持27种编程语言:ABAP/BSP、Apex,、C/C++、C#、Classic ASP、COBOL、ColdFusion、CFML、Flex/ActionScript、Java、JavaScript、JSP、Objective C、PL/SQL、PHP、Python、T-SQL、、VBScript、VB6、XML/HTML、Ruby、Swift、Scala 、Kotlin 、Go,能够检测超过1051个漏洞类别,涵盖一百多万个独立的API。
一、安装Fortify SCA源代码应用安全测试工具1、创建华为云服务器ECS1.1、主机配置建议:1.2、操作系统支持:1.3、网络配置安全组规则配置要求:1.3.1、Linux系统:22端口(SSH登录管理)1.3.2、Windows系统:3389端口(Windows RDP)1.4、安装操作系统通过VNC或CloudShell远程登录平台服务器,根据需求选用合适的镜像安装操作系统。
1.5、代码编译环境准备以下几种语言扫描需要准备相应的编译环境,代码需要在可通过编译的情况下扫描:a)C#,,b)C/C++ on Windows or Linuxc)iPhone App用户需要根据代码安装相应的编译环境,并确保需要扫描的代码能够通过编译。
2、安装Fortify SCA2.1、上传安装包完成产品购买后,根据扫描主机的操作系统,从MicroFocus下载平台下载对应的安装文件压缩包,然后解压出安装文件上传至云服务器。
商业级别Fortify⽩盒神器介绍与使⽤分析转⾃:/sectool/95683.html什么是fortify它⼜能⼲些什么?答:fottify全名叫:Fortify SCA ,是HP的产品,是⼀个静态的、⽩盒的软件源代码安全测试⼯具。
它⽀持扫描多少种语⾔?答:FortifySCA⽀持的21语⾔,分别是:1. 2. 3. c#.Net4. ASP5. VBscript6. VS67.java8.JSP9.javascript10. HTML11. XML12. C/C++13.PHP14.T-SQL15.PL/SQL16. Action script17. Object-C (iphone-2012/5)18. ColdFusion5.0 - 选购19. python -选购20. COBOL - 选购21.SAP-ABAP -选购他是免费的吗?答:不是,是收费的。
参数说明:enable clean :把上⼀次的扫描结果清楚,除⾮换⼀个build ID,不然中间⽂件可能对下⼀次扫描产⽣影响。
enable translation: 转换,把源码代码转换成nst⽂件-64:是扫描64位的模式,sca默认扫描是32位模式。
-Xmx4000m:4000M⼤概是4G,制定内存数-Xmx4G :也可以⽤G定义这个参数建议加-encoding: 定制编码,UTF-8⽐较全,⼯具解析代码的时候指定字符集转换的⽐较好,建议加,如果中⽂注释不加会是乱码。
中国建设银行网上银行投资产品创新项目F o r t i f y使用手册总行信息技术管理部广州开发中心2008年6月修改记录编号日期描述版本作者审核发布日期2008-6-2 网银投资产品创新项目文档 1.1 廖敏飞、羌雪本文档中所包含的信息属于机密信息,如无中国建设银行的书面许可,任何人都无权复制或利用。
®Copy Right 2008 by China Construction Bank目录1、引言 (5)1.1目的 (5)1.2背景 (5)1.3定义 (5)1.4环境说明 (6)1.5提醒注意 (6)1.6相关要求 (7)2、安装FORTIFY (7)2.1进入F ORTIFY安装目录 (7)2.2输入LICENSE KEY:BAHODPERE9I9 (8)2.3选择ALL U SERS (9)2.4下面选项全部选中 (10)2.5选择N O选项 (11)3、使用FORTIFY (12)3.1进入源码目录执行SCA COMMANDLINE S CAN.BAT (12)3.2SCA COMMANDLINE S CAN.BAT的内容 (12)4、结果查询 (12)5、可能的问题 (14)6、结果分析 (15)6.1R ACE C ONDITION (15)6.2SQL I NJECTION (16)6.3C ROSS-S ITE S CRIPTING (16)6.4S YSTEM I NFORMATION L EAK (18)6.5HTTP R ESPONSE S PLITTING (18)1、引言1.1目的提高中心项目软件安全意识转达总行关于软件安全编码及测试的相关要求了解、学习fortify SCA的使用1.2背景网银投资产品创新项目文档。
1.3定义Fortify Source Code Analysis Suite是美国Fortify Software为软件开发企业提供的软件源代码安全漏洞扫描、分析和管理的工具。
Fortify SCA 安装使用手册目录1. 产品说明 (7)1.1.特性说明 (7)1.2.产品更新说明 (7)2. 安装说明 (8)2.1.安装所需的文件 (8)2.2.F ORTIFY SCA支持的系统平台 (8)2.3.支持的语言 (9)2.4.F ORTIFY SCA的插件 (9)2.5.F ORTIFY SCA支持的编译器 (10)2.6.F ORTIFY SCA在WINDOWS上安装 (10)2.7.F ORTIFY SCA安装E CLISPE插件 (12)2.8.F ORTIFY SCA在LINUX上的安装(要有LINUX版本的安装文件) (12)2.9.F ORTIFY SCA在U NIX上的安装(要有U NIX版本的安装文件) (13)3. 使用说明 (14)3.1.F ORTIFY SCA扫描指南 (14)3.2.分析F ORTITFY SCA扫描的结果 (23)4.故障修复 (28)4.1使用日志文件去调试问题 (28)4.2转换失败的信息 (28)如果你的C/C++应用程序能够成功构建,但是当使用F ORTIFY SCA来进行构建的时候却发现一个或者多个“转换失败”的信息,这时你需要编辑<INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/C ORE/CONFIG/FORTIFY-SCA.PROPERTIES 文件来修改下面的这些行:.. 28 COM.FORTIFY.SCA.CPFE.OPTIONS=--REMOVE_UNNEEDED_ENTITIES --SUPPRESS_VTBL (28)TO (28)COM.FORTIFY.SCA.CPFE.OPTIONS=-W --REMOVE_UNNEEDED_ENTITIES -- (28)SUPPRESS_VTBL (28)重新执行构建,打印出转换器遇到的错误。
如果输出的结果表明了在你的编译器和F ORTIFY 转换器之间存在冲突 (28)4.3JSP的转换失败 (28)4.4C/C++预编译的头文件 (29)前言Fortify SCA是目前业界最为全面的源代码白盒安全测试工具,它能精确定位到代码级的安全问题,完全自动化的完成测试,最广泛的安全漏洞规则,多维度的分析源代码的安全问题。
Location World Fortify产品说明说明书
Case StudyAt a Glance IndustryTechnologyLocationQuito, EcuadorChallengeFind a more efficient way to identify and remediate vulnerabilities across a growing portfolio of applications and microservicesProducts and ServicesFortify on DemandFortify Static Code AnalyzerSuccess Highlights• Saves time and money by detectingvulnerabilities earlier in the development lifecycle • Enables delivery of higher-quality applications to clients• Boosts developer efficiency, helping teams keep pace with rising workloads • Strengthens Location World’s globalrecognition as a trusted software provider using cutting-edge technologies based on best practices and world-class standards and frameworksLocation WorldFortify supports high-quality application release with less expense and effort.Who is Location World?Location World is the leader in providing telematic solutions, fleet management, and connected car technology for the automotive, security, logistics, and insurance industries. With clients in 10 countries across LATAM and Spain, the company works with more than 6,500 customers, including YPF, Entel, AVIS, AB InBev, and Prosegur. Its telematics solutions connect more than 75,000 vehicles, generating insights that empower companies to optimize their vehicle fleets and better understand driver behavior. The company aims to make a difference for its customers:it wants not only to track vehicles but also to create useful sources of information for users.Securing a Growing Application LandscapeLocation World has established strategic alliances in the region with big players in the market with innovative and disruptive B2B and B2B2C business models connecting thousands of vehicles and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, with several use cases for different industry segments that help them in its day-to-day operations to maximize their efficiency and return on investment (ROI) in less time. In the words of CIO Jaime Baracaldo, the company generates and implements powerful “TelematicsMega Ecosystems” with highest add value throughout digital transformation and Internet of Things (IoT) with PaaS and SaaS solutions around the world generating high impact. To develop and deploy its array of web and mobile applications and microservices, the company counts on an in-house development team that follows an agile, DevOps approach. As Wilson González, DevOps Manager at Location World,explains: “In total we have 789 microservices and 460 pipelines, so you can imagine the“We received excellent sales and technical support from CyberRes (now OpenT ext Cybersecurity), which set the tone for a smooth and successful implementation. We decided to work with T elefónica on this project. Their specialists had great knowledge about the Fortify tools and how to best integrate them with our development process.”Jaime Baracaldo CIOLocation WorldLocation Worldtransaction volumes that we generateday by day.”Delivering applications and microservices with the highest levels of quality, stability, and security has always been a top priority for Location World. However,with development workload continuously growing, the company was keen to adopta more scalable and rigorous approach to managing application security.González continues: “We’ve always been trying to innovate in terms of security.Our first beginnings were manual. Then,we introduced a cloud-based code quality and security tool. As our operations grew, we found ourselves reaching the limits of this tool. We needed something more, and that’s why we decided to look for a solution that supported both static (SAST) and dynamic (DAST) analysis integrated with our DevOps pipelines.”Finding the Right Solution Supported by longtime partner Telefónica, Location World launched the search for a solution, and soon homed in on Fortify by Open T ext: a unified vulnerability management platform that integrates static, dynamic, and mobile application security testing with continuous application monitoring.Not only was Location World impressed by Fortify’s comprehensive, enterprise-grade application security capabilities, OpenText TM Cybersecurity also offered strong local-language support, which proved to be a key differentiator.Following a promising proof-of-concept, Location World moved ahead with an implementation of Fortify on Demand byOpenText—an application security-as-a-service solution running in the Cybersecuritycloud—and Fortify Static Code Analyzerby OpenText, deployed in the company’sprivate Microsoft Azure and GoogleCloud environment.Throughout the implementation, LocationWorld was able to count on strong supportfrom both Telefónica and Cybersecurity.Baracaldo confirms: “We received effectivesales and technical support from CyberRes(now OpenText Cybersecurity), whichset the tone for a smooth and successfulimplementation. Telefónica specialists hadgreat knowledge and gave us their guidanceabout the Fortify tools and how to bestintegrate them with our processes.”Integrated, AutomatedApplication Security TestingToday, Fortify Static Code Analyzer isintegrated seamlessly with Location World’sIntegrated Development Environments(IDEs)—Microsoft Visual Studio, AndroidStudio and Xcode—as well as its AzureDevOps integration platform, used to createbuild and deployment pipelines. Fortify StaticCode Analyzer pinpoints the root causesof security vulnerabilities in source code,prioritizes results sorted by severity of risk,and provides detailed guidance on how to fixvulnerabilities. Alongside this, Location Worlduses Fortify on Demand to perform finalchecks on code before it is released.Baracaldo explains how the Fortify solutionsare used on a day-to-day basis: “When adeveloper launches an upload for DevOpsto the pipeline, Fortify Static Code Analyzerautomatically launches the vulnerabilityanalysis and shares the results with ourSecurity Operations Center (SOC) in realtime. After that, the SOC then carries out thedynamic analysis process with the Fortify onDemand module to certify whether or not thecode passes. If it does not pass, there is noapproval to go to production and an analysiswith the development team is required to fixthe detected vulnerabilities before SOC canretest and approve publishing any code tothe production environment.”Delivering Secure Software, FastWith Fortify now integrated into itsdevelopment cycle, Location World can scanfor software vulnerabilities in parallel withdevelopment processes and fix any issuesas they arise. The Cybersecurity solutionis helping both development and securityteams work more productively, and hassteadily driven down the number of potentialvulnerabilities identified during development.“Fortify allows us to analyze a greater volumeof code in a much more agile and rapid way,”notes Gonzalez. “Now, our pipelines usuallyreach me without vulnerability errors becausethey’ve already been detected up front in thedevelopment process.”Gabriel Ayala, SOC Manager at LocationWorld, adds: “Fortify has helped ourdevelopment team to substantiallyimprove the way they identify and mitigatevulnerabilities in code. We can also replicatethese improvements in other applications,which contributes to higher-quality codeacross the entire organization.”Comprehensive vulnerability managementgives Location World the confidence thatit is releasing highly secure and reliable2applications. In turn, this is helping the company strengthen its global recognition as a trusted software provider.Baracaldo concludes: “Many of our clients also have a control process where they perform their own vulnerability analysis, so they’ve been able to see first-hand the improvements that we’ve made since introducing Fortify. It’s a very positive situation for everyone: our clients have greater peace of mind about the applications they’re using, and we grow our recognition as a global provider of high-quality, secure software.”“Fortify allows us to analyze a greater volume of code in a much more agile and rapid way. Now, our pipelines usually reach me withoutvulnerability errors because they’ve already been detected up front in the development process.”Wilson González DevOps Manager Location World768-000088-001 | M | 07/22 | © 2022 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates. Micro Focus and the Micro Focus logo, among others, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Micro Focus or its subsidiaries or affiliated companies in the United Kingdom, United States and other countries. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.OpenText Cybersecurity provides comprehensive security solutions for companies and partners of all sizes. From prevention, detection and response to recovery, investigation and compliance, our unified end-to-end platform helps customers build cyber resilience via a holistic security portfolio. Powered by actionable insights from our real-time and contextual threat intelligence, OpenText Cybersecurity customers benefit from high efficacy products, a compliant experience and simplified security to help manage business risk. 768-000088-003 | O | 11/23 | © 2023 Open Text。
Client-Side Software Composition Analysis CVEs of Client-side Libraries, health data of open source projects and exportable CycloneDX SBOM are now available.
• Innovative API security for any application
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SaaS, On Premise, and AppSec-as-a-service
F– AppSec-as-a-service Fortify Hosted – Software-as-a-service Fortify On Premise – Fortify software licenses
© 2023 OpenText or one of its affiliates. OpenText and the OpenText logo, among others, are trademarks or registered trademarks of OpenText or its subsidiaries or affiliated companies in Canada, United States and other countries. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Fortify SCA安装使用手册编号:GRG _YT-RDS-PD-D03_A.0.1版本:V1.0发布日期:2011-5-5文档历史记录编号与名称版本发布日期创建/修改说明参与人员版权声明本软件产品(包括所含的任何程序、图像、文档和随附的印刷材料),以及本软件产品的任何副本的产权和著作权,均属广州广电运通金融电子股份有限公司所有。
目录文档历史记录......................................................................................................................................... I I 1. 产品说明 (9)1.1.特性说明 (10)1.2.产品更新说明 (10)2. 安装说明 (10)2.1.安装所需的文件 (11)2.2.F ORTIFY SCA支持的系统平台 (11)2.3.支持的语言 (11)2.4.F ORTIFY SCA的插件 (12)2.5.F ORTIFY SCA支持的编译器 (12)2.6.F ORTIFY SCA在WINDOWS上安装 (13)2.7.F ORTIFY SCA安装E CLISPE插件 (14)2.8.F ORTIFY SCA在LINUX上的安装(要有LINUX版本的安装文件) (14)2.9.F ORTIFY SCA在U NIX上的安装(要有U NIX版本的安装文件) (15)3. 使用说明 (15)3.1.F ORTIFY SCA扫描指南 (16)3.2.分析F ORTITFY SCA扫描的结果 (21)4.故障修复 (25)4.1使用日志文件去调试问题 (26)4.2转换失败的信息 (26)4.3JSP的转换失败 (26)4.4C/C++预编译的头文件 (27)前言Fortify SCA是目前业界最为全面的源代码白盒安全测试工具,它能精确定位到代码级的安全问题,完全自动化的完成测试,最广泛的安全漏洞规则,多维度的分析源代码的安全问题。
微Focus Fortify软件22.2.0版本发布说明说明书
Micro Focus Fortify Software, Version 22.2.0Release NotesDocument Release Date: November 2022, updated: 1/31/2023Software Release Date: November 2022IN THIS RELEASEThis document provides installation and upgrade notes, known issues, and workarounds thatapply to release 22.2.0 of the Fortify product suite.This information is not available elsewhere in the product documentation. For information onnew features in this release, see What's New in Micro Focus Fortify Software 22.2.0, which isavailable on the Micro Focus Product Documentation website:https:///support/documentation.FORTIFY DOCUMENTATION UPDATESAccessing Fortify DocumentationThe Fortify Software documentation set contains installation, user, and deployment guides. Inaddition, you may find technical notes and release notes that describe forthcoming features,known issues, and last-minute updates. You can access the latest HTML or PDF versions ofthese documents from the Micro Focus Product Documentation website:https:///support/documentation.If you have trouble accessing our documentation, please contact Fortify Customer Support.•The Micro Focus Fortify Plugin for Eclipse User Guide now covers only the Fortify Eclipse Complete Plugin. The new document Micro Focus Fortify Remediation Pluginfor Eclipse User Guide describes the Fortify Remediation plugin for Eclipse.•The Micro Focus Fortify Plugins for JetBrains IDEs and Android Studio User Guide has been renamed to Micro Focus Fortify Analysis Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and AndroidStudio User Guide and covers only the Fortify Analysis plugin. A new document MicroFocus Fortify Remediation Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio User Guidedescribes the Fortify Remediation plugin.•Support for versions of the GNU gcc and GNU g++ compilers has been expanded to 6.x – 10.4 on Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems. This change is documented inthe Compiler section of the Micro Focus Fortify Software System Requirements.INSTALLATION AND UPGRADE NOTESComplete instructions for installing Fortify Software products are provided in the documentation for each product.Fortify Static Code AnalyzerMigrating from a Patched Release of Fortify Static Code Analyzer: If your Fortify Static Code Analyzer installation has been patched, the last digit in the version number will be greater than zero. For instance, release 21.2.0 has a zero as the last digit which identifies it as a major release that has not been patched. Versions 20.1.6, 20.2.4, 21.1.4, and 21.2.3 are examples of patched releases. When upgrading from a patched Fortify Static Code Analyzer release, your configuration files and properties ( might not carry over to the new installation. If you would like to migrate your configuration and properties settings to the new installation, please contact Fortify Customer Support for assistance.Fortify Audit Workbench, Secure Code Plugins, and Tools•Eclipse Remediation Plugin is not included inthe Fortify_SCA_and_Apps_<version>_<OS>.zip in this release. It isavailable for download from the Eclipse Marketplace.•IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio Remediation Plugin is not included in the Fortify_SCA_and_Apps_<version>_<OS>.zip in this release. It is available fordownload from the JetBrains Marketplace.USAGE NOTES FOR THIS RELEASEThere is a landing page ( for our consolidated (Fortify on Demand + Fortify On-Premises) GitHub repository. It contains links to engineering documentation and the code to several projects, including a parser sample, our plugin framework, and our JavaScript Sandbox Project.Fortify Static Code Analyzer•The SCAState utility does not work in the 22.2.0 release. This functionality will be restored in the upcoming 22.2.1 patch. If you require the SCAState functionality in the22.2.0 release, you can request a hotfix through Customer Support.•For security reasons, Fortify Static Code Analyzer sample projects have been removed from the installer. These samples are now available as a separate ZIP package.Fortify Software Security Center•Recent Chrome or Chromium-based browsers default to SameSite=Lax cookie policy.That means cookies are not sent with sub-requests to 3rd-party sites. Therefore, SAMLSingle Logout will not work correctly in cases when it is not initiated from FortifySoftware Security Center. To make SAML Single Logout work in Chrome or Chromium-based browsers, SameSite policy for session cookies must be changed to “None”. Please note that this denotes less secure policy than the default one, so changing it is left for your consideration. To change the policy for container deployments, useHTTP_SERVER_SAME_SITE_COOKIES environment variable. For non-container deployments, add <CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies="none"/> to the context section of your Tomcat configuration. See https:///tomcat-9.0-doc/config/context.html#Nested_Components for details. Fortify Software SecurityCenter must be restarted for the changes to have effect.• A major upgrade of libraries providing functionality for SAML Single Sign On and Single Logout solutions was delivered in this release. Fortify strongly recommends to test SAML SSO behavior after upgrade on non-production environment first. For successful SAML SSO migration, please follow the instructions below right after upgrading to22.2.0.o HTTP Redirect and HTTP POST bindings are supported, however only one at a time for inbound SAML messages. The default binding is set to HTTP POST. Incase your IdP only supports HTTP Redirect (GET) for sending Single Logoutmessages (this is the case of e.g. Microsoft Azure AD) you must switch to HTTPRedirect binding for inbound Single Logout messages. Addsso.saml.logout.binding.consume=REDIRECT property Fortify Software Security Center must be restarted for thechanges to have effect.o Navigate to<hostname>:<port>/<context>/saml/metadata/<SP_alias> tore-generate Fortify Software Security Center SAML metadata and re-upload themto your IdP server. To make the transition as smooth as possible, an effort wasmade for SAML SSO to work correctly after upgrade even with SAML metadatagenerated pre-22.2.0 release. However, it is necessary to update the metadata filein IdP server at your earliest convenience.o Please also note that▪HTTP Artifact binding is not supported anymore.▪Logout responses and Logout requests sent by IdP are required to besigned, Fortify Software Security Center will refuse to process themotherwise.•If host.url property includes default port (443 for https or 8080 for http), Fortify Software Security Center will strip it as a part of URL normalization. This behavior can be changed by adding property host.url.normalization.forcePort=true to When this property is used, host.url will be normalized to always include a port, adding a default one if none is specified.•Velocity template engine libraries affecting bugtracker filing templates were upgraded in this release from version 1.7 to version 2.3. For detailed list of changes in 2.3 since 1.7 see https:///engine/2.3/upgrading.html. Custom bugtracker filingtemplates, or custom changes to built-in bugtracker templates might be affected by the listed changes. If so, custom template content needs to be manually updated. If you wish to maximize backward compatibility instead, add propertytemplates.velocity.enhancedBackwardCompatibility=true Please note that this is a best effort for maintaining backwardcompatibility and some manual changes might still be necessary.•In previous releases, a PUT request to ap/v1/issueTemplates/{id} returned 200 even in case a non-existing Issue Template ID was used. Such request will fail with 409 from now on.•Azure DevOps bug filing template was updated and now escapes HTML characters for issue deeplinks and bug attributes. In case this template was customized (specifically, the Description field was altered) in previous releases, the template update might not beapplied in full range, and manual changes might be necessary. For more details on how to apply HTML escaping, please refer to “Editing tips” available when editing bug filingtemplate’s fields in Administration page.Fortify ScanCentral SAST•Due to an issue where scans fail because of very long generated build IDs (multi-modal projects), ScanCentral SAST now uses a hash string for the build ID.KNOWN ISSUESThe following are known problems and limitations in Fortify Software 22.2.0. The problems are grouped according to the product area affected.Fortify Software Security Center•Enabling the "Enhanced Security" option for BIRT reports breaks report generation if Fortify Software Security Center is installed on a Windows system.•For successful integration with Fortify WebInspect Enterprise, Fortify Software Security Center must be deployed to /ssc context. In particular, the context must be changed for Fortify Software Security Center Kubernetes deployment, which uses root context bydefault.•The migration script downloaded from the maintenance page will be saved to file with PDF extension when using Firefox. The contents of the file are accurate, and it can beused for migration upon changing the file extension to .sql.•Fortify Software Security Center does not verify optional signature on SAML identity provider metadata even if it is present. Recommended mitigation is using file:// or https:// URL to provide identity provider's SAML metadata to Fortify Software Security Center (avoid using http:// URL).•When editing Issue Templates in UI, it is not possible to replace the template file. As a workaround, /upload/projectTemplateUpload.html API endpoint can beused to replace existing template file.•Fortify Software Security Center API Swagger spec contains two definitions that differ only in case:o Custom Tag used for assigning custom tag values to issues in an application versiono Custom tag used for managing custom tagsPlease pay attention when using tools to auto-generate API clients from Swagger spec.This might cause conflicts due to case insensitive process, and the generated client might need manual modification.Fortify Static Code Analyzer•While scanning JSP projects, you might notice a considerable increase in vulnerability counts in JSP-related categories (e.g. cross-site scripting) compared to versions of Fortify Static Code Analyzer prior to 22.1.0. To remove these spurious findings, specify the -legacy-jsp-dataflow option on the Fortify Static Code Analyzer command lineduring the analysis phase.•In some circumstances when upgrading Fortify Static Code Analyzer to a new version, the custom settings in the configuration file might not get migrated. As a workaround, copy the custom settings from the configuration file from the old installation location to the new one. Fortify Audit Workbench, Secure Code Plugins, and Tools•If you encounter crashes with Audit Workbench on an older version of Linux make sure you have the required version 3.22 (or later) of the GTK3 library.•Selecting File Bug for the first time on Linux produces an error, but it disappears if you click on the button the second time.•Authenticating with Azure DevOps from the Eclipse Complete plugin results in an error message on Linux.•Clearing the date-typed custom tag's value is not working from the Fortify Remediation plugin for IntelliJ.•BIRT reports do not support generating the XLS file format anymore.•If you are not connected to the internet, you will get an Updating Security Content error when you first start Fortify Security Assistant for Eclipse. After importing the rules, you will no longer get this error upon startup.Fortify ScanCentral DAST•Users who do not have permissions to create settings, and who click EDIT from the Settings List, cannot save the edited settings as a new template. As a workaround, these users can use the Settings Configuration wizard by clicking NEW SCAN or NEWSETTINGS.•The Data Retention setting is not displayed in Base Settings. If Data Retention was set in Base Settings that were configured in ScanCentral DAST 22.1.0, then those settings still apply, but are not displayed in the UI. Also, if Data Retention is enabled at theApplication level, then the setting will be applied to the Base Settings. The DataRetention setting is displayed in the scan Settings. If you create new templates or runscans using these settings, then the Data Retention setting will be applied.•Container names for the DAST Sensor and Utility Service must not exceed 50 characters in Docker run commands or Docker compose files.•ScanCentral DAST uploads the scanner service logs to the database, but there is no UI option to download the logs. To get the logs, use the following API endpoint:GET /api/v2/scans/{scanId}/download-dast-service-logsA ZIP file that may contain multiple ZIP files is downloaded. This is because each time ascan is paused, interrupted, or completed, the logs are uploaded to the database. A scanmay be resumed on a different scanner each time the scan is paused or interrupted, and the logs are saved each time.•When importing an HTTP archive (.har) file to use as a workflow macro, the file size is limited to 4 MB. To increase the file size limit to 30MB, run the following SQLcommand:IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT IdFROM ConfigurationSetting WHERE SettingName ='UtilityWorkerServiceSettings.MaxReceiveMessageSize')INSERTINTO ConfigurationSetting (SettingName, SettingValue, IsEncrypted)VALUES('UtilityWorkerServiceSettings.MaxReceiveMessageSize','31457280', 0)GO•Global Restrictions and Application Settings Domain Restrictions are applied only for Standard Scans or API scans that use a start URL.•The Fortify ScanCentral DAST download package that you obtain from the Software and License Download site includes the scancentral-dast-config-linux.tar file for Alpine Linux distribution. The documentation does not describe how to use theApline Linux version, but instead describes the preferred scancentral-dast-config-ubi.tar file for RedHat Linux distribution. To obtain the RedHat Linuxversion, contact Micro Focus Fortify Customer Support.Fortify WebInspect Enterprise•Completed scan request data presented in the WebInspect Enterprise WebConsole - Scan Requests UI may be overwritten when a new scan request is submitted for thesame application version in Fortify Software Security Center. This issue will beresolved in a hotfix to 22.2.0.•When exporting a scan in XML format to import as an artifact to Fortify Software Security Center, fewer findings may be present in the imported file than were in theoriginal scan.NOTICES OF PLANNED CHANGESThis section includes product features that will be removed from a future release of the software. In some cases, the feature will be removed in the very next release. Features that are identified as deprecated represent features that are no longer recommended for use. In most cases, deprecated features will be completely removed from the product in a future release. Fortify recommends that you remove deprecated features from your workflow at your earliest convenience.Note: For a list of technologies that will lose support in the next release, please see the “Technologies to Lose Support in the Next Release” topic in the Micro Focus Fortify Software System Requirements document.Fortify Static Code Analyzer•Support for the GOPATH will be removed in a future release to align with changes in the Go language.Fortify Software Security Center•SOAP API is deprecated and is scheduled for removal, togetherwith fortifyclient and the wsclient library. Please use REST API(/api/v1/*, /download/* and /transfer/*) endpoints instead of SOAP API (/fm-ws/*) endpoints.•SOAP API is deprecated and is scheduled for complete removal as of the Fortify Software Security Center 24.1.0 release. The phased deprecation is scheduled as follows: - In SSC version 23.1.0, SOAP remains the default- In SSC version 23.2.0, SOAP is disabled by default, but is not removed- In SSC version 24.1.0, SOAP is removed entirelyPlease use REST API (/api/v1/*, /download/* and /transfer/*)endpoints instead of SOAP API (/fm-ws/*) endpoints. A new sample command-linebased Fortify Software Security Center client (ssc-client) using REST API isincluded in the Fortify Software Security Center distribution. The ssc-client sample serves as a starting point for using a REST API-based client as a replacement for theSOAP API-based fortifyclient.Note: It is always possible that, because of schedule delays, SOAP will be removedentirely in a release later than SSC 24.1.0.•Starting with 23.1.0 release, it will not be possible to suppress Plugin Framework’s validation of engineType using system environment variableFORTIFY_PLUGINS_PARSER_VULN_ENGINETYPECHECK or JVM system property fortify.plugins.parser.vuln.engineTypeCheck. Any third-party parsers failing the validation will cease to work. EngineType of the submitted vulnerabilitiesmust be coherent with engineType provided in the plugin metadata.•REST API endpointapi/v1/projectVersions/{parentId}/dynamicScanRequests/actio n/cancel was deprecated and is scheduled for removal.Fortify WebInspect•The Web Service Test Designer tool will be removed in a future release. FEATURES NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS RELEASEThe following features are no longer supported.•Fortify Software Security Center REST API token endpoint /api/v1/auth/token has been removed. Please use the /api/v1/tokens endpoint instead.•Fortify Static Code Analyzer no longer supports Visual Studio Web Site projects. You must convert your Web Site projects to Web Application projects to ensure that FortifyStatic Code Analyzer can scan them.•Fortify WebInspect no longer supports Flash parsing•Fortify ScanCentral SAST -The allow_insecure_clients_with_empty_token property, used toconfigure the Controller, was removed from the fileNote: For a list of technologies that are no longer supported in this release, please see the “Technologies no Longer Supported in this Release” topic in the Micro Focus Fortify Software System Requirements document. This list only includes features that have lost support in this release.SUPPORTIf you have questions or comments about using this product, contact Micro Focus Fortify Customer Support using the following option.To Manage Your Support Cases, Acquire Licenses, and Manage YourAccount: https:///support.LEGAL NOTICES© Copyright 2022-2023 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.WarrantyThe only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affiliates and licensors (“Micro Focus”) are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Micro Focus shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Restricted Rights LegendConfidential computer software. Except as specifically indicated otherwise, a valid license from Micro Focus is required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.。
FortifySCA分析代码漏洞全解漏洞预警-电脑资料上次介绍了用FindBugs辅助分析代码漏洞,这次换了一个工具:Fortify SCA Demo 4.0.0,。
先介绍一下主角:Fortify SCA Demo 4.0.0,虽然现在不知道Fortify SCA的版本是多少,但可以肯定的是,Fortify SCA Demo 4.0.0是一个比较旧的Fortify SCA分析器了,并且还是Demo版的,所以无论是界面还是功能上都是比较简陋的。
由于Fortify SCA不是开源的工具,这里就不提供下载了,大家可以上Fortify主页申请:>。
这次演示的是用Fortify SCA静态分析Java代码,和FindBugs 不同的是Fortify SCA还可以静态分析C/C++,.NET和PL/SQL等代码。
一.Fortify SCA静态分析原理由于我不是写这个东东的人,并且接触这个工具时间也有限,所以对它的工作原理认知比较浅,很多是通过它的说明文档得来的。
Fortify SCA静态分析分两个阶段:1.Translation:把各种语言的源代码转为一种统一的中间语言代码。
二.Fortify SCA的使用先看看Fortify SCA Demo 4.0.0的目录:这个是Fortify SCA Demo 4.0.0的目录,这里主要有两个文件:auditworkbench.cmd和sourceanalyzer.exe,auditworkbench.cmd是查看静态分析报告的工具,sourceanalyzer.exe是静态代码分析器。
微 Focus Fortify WebInspect 代理规则包套件说明说明书
IntroductionThis document describes the detection capabilities of Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect Agent Rulepack Kit.The Fortify WebInspect Agent Rulepack Kit runs atop Fortify’s Runtime Agent,allowing it to monitor your code for software security vulnerabilities as it runs.Fortify WebInspect Agent Rulepack Kit provides the runtime technology to help connect your dynamic results to your static ones.There are four major types of rules in Fortify WebInspect Agent Rulepack Kit,the details of these rules will be discussed in the following sections.1.Vulnerability Rules2.Attack Surface Rules3.Trace Rules4.Platform RulesOutput from vulnerability rules will be logged to Runtime Agent event log (if configured)in standard Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect Agent event log format.However,attack surface and trace rules will only be sent to Fortify WebInspect and will not be logged in event log.Platform rules do not generate any events.Vulnerability RulesVulnerability rules improve Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect scanning by:1.Reporting security vulnerabilities that Fortify WebInspect does not typically find.For example,Fortify WebInspect might not be able to find certain types of Blind SQL Injection while Fortify WebInspect Agent intercepts all SQL database operations,will be able to detect it.2.Reporting code level details to Fortify WebInspect.For example,in the case of a Cross-site Scripting attack,Fortify WebInspect Agent can report the user source file name,line number and any other related stack traces which are very useful to developers when fixing the vulnerability reported.Fortify WebInspect Agent sends the attack string being used in each request to FortifyWebInspect Agent in a custom HTTP header.Most vulnerability rules detect vulnerabilities by comparing the security sensitive parameter or argument with the Fortify WebInspectprovidedFortify WebInspect Agent Rulepack KitRulepack Kit Guideattack vector.For example,for SQL Injection rules,the monitor will check if the SQL query string contains the attack vector,which may be“'or1=1--”.Both Java Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect Agent Rulepack Kit can detect the following vulnerabilities:l Arbitrary File Uploadl Command Injectionl Credit Card Number Disclosedl Cross-Site Scriptingl Dangerous File Inclusion:Locall Dangerous File Inclusion:Remotel Denial of Service:Parse Doublel Insecure Randomnessl Leftover Debug Codel Mass Assignment:Insecure Binder Configurationl Open Redirectl Privacy Violation:Credit Card Numberl Privacy Violation:Social Security Numberl SQL Injectionl Social Security Number Disclosedl Value Shadowingl XML External Entity Injectionl XML Entity Expansion InjectionAdditionally,the Java Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect Agent Rulepack Kit can detect the following vulnerabilities:l ClassLoader Manipulation:Strutsl Header Manipulation:IMAPl Header Manipulation:SMTPl Mail Command Injection:IMAPl Mail Command Injection:POP3l Mail Command Injection:SMTPl Transport Layer Protection:Insecure Mail TransmissionAttack Surface RulesAttack Surface Rules is used to report the list of the available web pages and URLs to Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect.Fortify WebInspect can then use this information to find hidden pages or pages that the crawler failed to find.Supported attack surfaces are:Trace RulesTrace rules report various events to Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect to help Fortify WebInspect have a better insight into the application being tested.For example,a File_IO trace may notify Micro Focus Fortify WebInspect that the application is reading a particular file.Fortify WebInspect may then use the information to determine if the file operation is expected and/or if a“Path Manipulation”test should be conducted afterwards.Both Java Fortify WebInspect Rulepack Kit can detect the following traces:Platform RulesPlatform rules do not detect any vulnerabilities or events but modify the application or platform to be more suitable for vulnerability scanning.The list of all supported platform rules is as follows:Contacting Micro Focus Fortify Customer Support If you have questions or comments about using this product,contact Micro Focus Fortify Customer Support using one of the following options.To Manage Your Support Cases,Acquire Licenses,and Manage Your Accounthttps://To Call Support1.844.260.7219For More InformationFor more information about Fortify software products:https:///solutions/application-security。
Source: NIST
新的防御方案: Building Security In——构建安全的代码
在开发的初期解决安 全问题
安全运作中心 开发人员 管
监测和保护使用中的 应用软件
Fortify Software Security Assurance Solution
研讨会 Building Security In
Fortify 中国:王 宏 hwang@
传统的软件安全防御方式 软件安全新的防御方式 Fortify产品及安全测试解决方案
Fortify ——软件安全的领导者
SQL Injections Buffer Overflows Information Leakage Numerous other Categories……
PCI Section 6.5
开放网络应用安全计划组织 (OWASP)公布了目前业界十大网络应用软件 安全漏洞: 1. Unvalidated Input 未验证的参数 2. Broken Access Control失效的访问控制 3. Broken Authentication and Session Management失效的帐户有会 话管理 4. Cross Site Scripting (XSS)跨站点脚本攻击 5. Buffer Overflows缓冲溢出 6. Injection Flaws命令注入漏洞 7. Improper Error Handling异常处理问题 8. Insecure Storage非安全存储 9. Denial of Service拒绝提供服务 10. Insecure Configuration Management非安全的配置管理
2023年fortify规则库(原创版)目录1.Fortify 规则库的概述2.2023 年 Fortify 规则库的新功能和更新3.Fortify 规则库的重要性和应用场景4.如何使用和配置 Fortify 规则库5.结论正文1.Fortify 规则库的概述Fortify 规则库是一个包含一系列预定义的安全策略和规则的集合,旨在帮助企业和组织保护其应用程序和系统免受各种攻击。
通过使用Fortify 规则库,安全团队可以快速识别和应对潜在的安全威胁,从而降低风险并确保业务运行的安全性。
2.2023 年 Fortify 规则库的新功能和更新随着 2023 年的到来,Fortify 规则库迎来了一系列新的功能和更新,以更好地满足企业和组织的安全需求。
以下是一些值得关注的新功能和更新:- 更新和扩展的规则库:Fortify 规则库已经更新并扩展,以涵盖更多的应用程序和系统,以及更多的安全威胁类型。
- 集成人工智能技术:Fortify 规则库现在可以与流行的人工智能和机器学习技术集成,以提高威胁检测的准确性和效率。
- 自动化响应功能:Fortify 规则库现在支持自动化响应功能,可以在检测到威胁时自动采取措施,例如隔离受影响的系统或应用程序,降低威胁的影响。
3.Fortify 规则库的重要性和应用场景Fortify 规则库对于保护企业和组织的应用程序和系统至关重要。
以下是一些 Fortify 规则库的应用场景:- Web 应用程序安全:Fortify 规则库可以帮助企业和组织保护 Web 应用程序免受 SQL 注入、跨站脚本攻击(XSS)和其他 Web 攻击。
- 应用程序安全:Fortify 规则库可以确保应用程序在开发、测试和部署过程中遵循安全最佳实践,从而降低安全漏洞的风险。
- 云安全:Fortify 规则库可以提供云环境中的安全策略和规则,以确保企业在云中的数据和应用程序的安全。
- 物联网(IoT)安全:Fortify 规则库可以帮助企业和组织保护 IoT 设备和系统免受各种攻击,例如拒绝服务(DoS)攻击和分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击。
fortify的规则库(原创实用版)目录1.Fortify 的规则库的概述2.Fortify 的规则库的组成部分3.Fortify 的规则库的应用场景4.Fortify 的规则库的优势与不足5.总结正文1.Fortify 的规则库的概述Fortify 的规则库是一个包含了一系列预定义的安全策略和规则的库,旨在帮助企业和组织保护其网络和信息系统免受各种攻击和威胁。
2.Fortify 的规则库的组成部分Fortify 的规则库主要包括以下几个部分:- 访问控制规则:这些规则用于限制对敏感数据和关键系统的访问,防止未经授权的用户获取敏感信息。
- 数据保护规则:这些规则用于防止数据泄露,确保数据的保密性和完整性。
- 网络安全规则:这些规则用于监控和控制网络流量,防止恶意软件和攻击者入侵企业网络。
- 应用程序安全规则:这些规则用于确保应用程序的安全性,防止攻击者利用应用程序漏洞实施攻击。
3.Fortify 的规则库的应用场景Fortify 的规则库可以应用于以下几个场景:- 企业内部网络的安全防护- 云计算环境中的安全管理- 应用程序的开发和测试- 合规审计和风险评估4.Fortify 的规则库的优势与不足Fortify 的规则库的优势包括:- 提高安全性:通过使用预定义的规则,企业可以快速有效地检测和预防潜在的安全威胁。
- 降低风险:Fortify 的规则库可以帮助企业降低安全风险,确保业务连续性和数据完整性。
- 简化管理:Fortify 的规则库可以简化安全管理,节省企业和组织的时间和资源。
然而,Fortify 的规则库也存在一些不足,例如:- 规则库需要定期更新以适应新的威胁和漏洞,这需要专业的团队进行维护。
- 规则库可能不适用于所有的企业和组织,需要根据具体情况进行调整和优化。
5.总结Fortify 的规则库是一个实用的安全工具,可以帮助企业和组织保护其网络和信息系统免受各种攻击和威胁。
Fortify WebInspect 22.1产品简介说明书
Fortify WebInspect 22.1 Release OverviewHAR Files•Scanning with workflow macros ensure important content is covered in scan. Now WebInspect can use HAR Files for workflow scanning.Modern App Support•Engine updates ensure WebInspect keeps up to date with current trends and is always able to scan applications.Out of Band Testing•WebInspect has the ability to test for a new class of vulnerabilities called Out of Band or OAST vulnerabilities. Using the public Fortify OAST server WI can detect OAST vulns such as Log4Shell.•Engine 7.0 (improved performance and accuracy)•Out of Band Testing •HAR File for Workflow Macros •Windows 11 SupportWebInspect 21.2Pain Point Main Benefit Additional BenefitsHAR Files Capturing business logic in a complexweb app is difficult.HAR Files can be created from most any browser and used to guide WebInspect through a scan.Engine 7.0 Updates Out of date with the latest apps.TruClient(macro recorder) update. Supporting modern applications. Continue to scan any app anyone writes. ECMAscript, we keep up to date this this to make sure we can scan any app.Out of Band Testing Vulnerabilities like Log4Shell aredifficult to detect because they do notreflect back to the attacker, theyshow-up somewhere else.WebInspect can now detect Log4Shelland will expand to add other OASTstyle vulnerabilities in the futureScanCentral User andDomain Restrictions Centralized management of DASTusers is complex User and Domain restrictions allowputting rules in place to ensurequality scans can be run when usingSCDast in a self-service modelThis came specifcally for Fiserv. They're doing the self-service and they want thatcentralized team to set things up and have control over what their devs are doing.They're not just running a "crawl-only."Pain Point Main Benefit Additional BenefitsSCDast Scan Import SCDast is a great tool forautomating and reviewing DASTvulnerabilities but it was limitedto the scans it ran until now.Users can import WI or WIEscans into SCDast for review orarchiving.You don't have to run the scan in ScanCentral anymore. You can nowshare data between WI and ScanCentral.SCDastPostGresSQL MS SQL is an expensive optionfor a Database PostGresSQL expands theoptions when installing SCDastand gives a cheaper optionwithout sacrificing speed andquality.This is an open source data base at 10% of the cost of MS SQL.This is for anyone using ScanCentral DAST or Fortify Hosted.。
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Fortify SCA的关键特点:
最庞大的安全编码规则包 跨层、跨语言地分析代码的漏洞的产生 C, C++, .Net, Java, JSP,PL/SQL, T-SQL, XML, CFML JavaScript, PHP, ASP, VB, VBScript 精确地定位漏洞的产生的全路径
支持不同的软件开发平台 Platform: Windows, Solaris, Red Hat Linux, Mac OS X, HP-UX, IBM AIX IDEs : Visual Studio, Eclipse, RAD, WSAD
全世界最大的10大银行的9家、大型IT基建供应商、大型独立软 体公司 支持市场上最流行、最多样化的编程語言
“Fortify is the clear winner for many reasons, including their superior analysis and reporting capabilities, and their understanding and support of how security fits into the software development lifecycle.”
Internet Browsers & Social Engineering
Increase Internet protocol attacks, MailBomb, SPAM etc
CERT 2006年报告
Hackers Worms & Viruses
Fortify 的安全方案—Fortify 360
Fortify SCA
Fortify SCA Dev
专用的,强有力的源代码分析 管 开发人员
Fortify RTA
Fortify SCA
全面、准确地分析代码 Build Server
Fortify PTA
Fortify PTA
Security Automation For QA
Fortify RTA
Run-Time Protection
Fortify 360 Server
Software Security Metrics and Reporting
Encryption Module
0% 1% 2% 2% 3% 15% 41%
Network Protocol Stack Other Communication Protocol Hardware Operating System Non-Server Applications
Server Applications
Outsourcing Legacy App Integration Web Facing Applications Employee Self-Service Connectivity w/ Partners & Suppliers
IDC数据统计:至 少75%的企业被成 功地攻击过。 而据CERT报告: 受攻击的企业中 55%攻击来自内部
Chief Scientist and Co-founder Software Security research, patents
Li Gong
MD, Microsoft, Beijing Java Security Model
Greg Morrisett
Professor, Harvard University Programming language technologies
Avi Rubin
Professor, Johns Hopkins University Exposed US e-voting system vulnerabilities
Gary McGraw
CTO of Cigital “Voice of Software Security”
William Pugh
Buffer Overflow缓冲溢出 String Termination Error 字符错误的结束 Integer Overflow 整数溢出 Memory Leak 内存泄漏 Null Dereference 空指针的引用 Uninitialized variable 变量使用前未初始化 Unreleased Resource 未释放资源 Often Misused: Exception Handing ;Strings ; Authentication Unchecked Return Value 未检查返回值 Dead Code 死代码 Type Mismatch 类型不匹配 Resource Injection 资源注入 Insecure Temporary File 不安全的临时文件存放机密数据 System Information Leak 系统信息泄漏 Command Injection 命令注入 Insecure Compiler Optimization 不安全的编辑优化
Fortify 软件安全漏洞研究
CWE :美国安全漏洞辞典采用Fortify漏洞分类
软件安全问题的产生的根源: 如今的黑客攻击主要利用软件本身的安全漏洞,这些漏洞是由不 良的软件架构和不安全的编码产生的。
92% of reported vulnerabilities are in applications, not networks
Fortify Software Security Assurance Solution
研讨会 Building Security In
Fortify 中国:王 宏 hwang@
传统的软件安全防御方式 软件安全新的防御方式 Fortify产品及安全测试解决方案
Fortify ——软件安全的领导者
direct application attacks and Business Logic exploits.
Attack History
Network protocols (DNS/TCP-IP) attacked
Increase Application style attacks (SQL Injection, XSS etc)
Professor, Cornel University Director, Information Assurance Institute
Matt Bishop
Professor, UC Davis Author, “Computer Security: Art and Science,”
Brian Chess
Fortify in Testing
Fortify Software的目标:
Fortify Software的方法:
Fortify Software的解决方案:
解决软件开发过程中,软件开发人员、安全评审人员和项目管理 人员的通力配合的难题。
Source: NIST
新的防御方案: Building Security In——构建安全的代码
在开发的初期解决安 全问题
安全运作中心 开发人员 管
监测和保护使用中的 应用软件
Run-Time ProtectY
Fortify 360 Server
Software Security Metrics and Reporting
1. 源代码白盒安全测试 2.完全自动化完成测试---- 省时 省力 3.最广泛的安全漏洞规则,多维 度分析源代码安全问题
Banking & Finance Infrastructure Telecom
Other Government
Technical Leadership From World Experts in Security
Build Server
从整个代码找出安 全问题,定下主 次, 然后解决问题
Fortify Software—完整的软件安全解决方案
Fortify in Production Fortify in Information Security Fortify in Development
Fortify SCAs
Fortify SCA
Source Code Security Audits
Fortify PTA
Security Automation For QA
Fortify RTA
Professor, University of Maryland Author Skip Lists, FindBugs
Bill Joy
Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Co-founder of Sun Microsystems