英语单词手抄报简单又漂亮 三年级上册模板

英语单词手抄报简单又漂亮三年级上册模板English: For a simple and beautiful English word handout for third graders, you can include common words related to animals, colors, numbers, and daily activities. Use colorful illustrations or clip arts to make the handout visually appealing and engaging for young learners. Include simple definitions or examples for each word to help students understand and remember them easily. Consider organizing the handout into categories or themes to make it easier for students to navigate and learn new words. Keep the design clean and clutter-free to ensure that the focus remains on the words themselves. Encourage students to practice writing and using the words in sentences to reinforce their learning.中文翻译: 对于三年级学生,手写简单漂亮的英语单词手册,可以包括与动物、颜色、数字和日常活动相关的常见词汇。


人教版小学英语单词表三年级Unit 1pen:[pen] 钢笔pencil:[‘pensl]铅笔 pencil-case:[‘penslkeis] 铅笔盒ruler:[‘ru:lə] 尺子eraser:[i’reisə] 橡皮crayon:[‘kreiən] 蜡笔book:[buk] 书bag:[bæg] 书包 sharpener:[‘ʃɑ:pənə] 卷笔刀school :[sku:l]学校Unit 2head:[hed] 头face[feis] 脸nose:[nəuz] 鼻 mouth:[mauθ] 嘴eye:[ai] 眼睛ear:[iə] 耳朵 arm:[ɑ:m]胳膊finger[‘fiŋgə] 手指leg:[leg] 腿foot:[fut] 脚 body:[‘bɔdi] 身体Unit 3el even:[i’levn] 十一twelve:[twelv] 十二 thirteen:[‘θə:ti:n] 十三fourteen:[‘fɔ:’ti:n] 十四fifteen:[‘fif’ti:n]十五 sixteen:[‘siks’ti:n] 十六seventeen:[sevn’ti:n]十七 eighteen:[‘ei’ti:n] 十八nineteen:[‘nain’ti:n] 十九twenty:[‘twenti] 二十how many :[hau]:[‘meni]多少can:[kæn] 能够;可以look at:[luk][æt] 看;瞧Unit 4peach:[pi:tʃ] 桃 pear:[pɛə] 梨orange:[‘ɔ:rindʒ] 橙子watermelon:[‘wɔ:təmelən] 西瓜 apple:[‘æpl]苹果banana:[bə’nɑ:nə] 香蕉strawberry:[‘strɔ:bəri] 草莓grape:[greip] 葡萄like:[laik] 喜欢 some:[sʌm] 一些;某些thanks 多谢Unit 5bus:[bʌs] 公共汽车bike:[baik] 自行车 taxi:[‘tæksi]出租车jeep:[dʒi:p] 吉普车Unit 6small:[smɔ:l] 小的big:[big] 大的 long:[lɔŋ] 长的short:[ʃɔ:t] 短的;矮的tall:[tɔ:l] 高的giraffe:[dʒi’rɑ:f] 长颈鹿deer:[diə] 鹿三年级英语学习方法有哪些三年级是小孩学习的一个重要阶段,尤其对于英语这门功课来说。

小学三年级英语手抄报内容篇一英语语法总结:1、play 与球类搭配时,中间不加the例如:play football 踢足球play basketball 打篮球2、play与乐器搭配时,中间要加the例如:play the flute 吹笛子play the drums 打鼓(注:play 与乐器搭配时,中间加the,但是也可以加像her,his,my,your,等形容词性物主代词。
)常见的错误:play the football 错误play the basketball 错误play flute 错误play drums 错误3、要想表达:“在某个季节”,那么直接在季节前加in例如:in spring 在春季in summer 在夏季in autumn 在秋季in winter 在冬季in the summer (错误)at winter (错误)at the spring (错误)on autumn (错误)4、要想表达:“在早、中、晚”,那么用in the再加上早中晚例如:in the morning 在早晨、在上午in the afternoon 在中午、在下午in the evening 在晚上常见的错误:in morning (错误)at afternoon (错误)in evening (错误)(注:night特殊,要用at)例如:at night在晚上5、在几点钟前面要用at,无论是整点、半点、还是几点几分,都在时间前直接加at。
例如:at five o’clock 在五点at half past eleven 在十一点半at twelve ten 在十二点十分at the five o’clock 错误in half past ten 错误on the ten o’clock 错误英语成语故事:If you wish good advice, consult an old man老马识途In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi led an army to attack a small state in the north.春秋时代,齐桓公出征攻打北方一个小国。

二、手抄报模板1. 标题标题为“Amazing Animals”,字体选择可爱的卡通字体,用彩色字体增加视觉效果。
2. 海报布局海报分为上中下三个部分,上半部分为标题和背景图片,中间部分为动物的介绍信息,下半部分为动物图片和相关装饰。
3. 背景选择色彩鲜艳的天空云彩背景,增加整个手抄报的活泼气氛。
4. 动物介绍选择三种不同种类的动物进行介绍,比如狗、猫和兔子。
每种动物的介绍包括以下内容:- 动物的英文名称- 动物的简单描述(外貌特征、食物、栖息地等)- 有趣的知识(例如狗是人类最忠诚的朋友)5. 动物图片每种动物对应一张可爱的图片,图片下方标注动物的英文名称。
6. 装饰在海报的四周进行装饰,选择与动物相关的小图案,比如骨头、鱼骨等,增加整个手抄报的趣味性。
三、注意事项1. 字体选择标题部分选择可爱的卡通字体,介绍文字部分选择清晰易读的印刷体,避免使用花哨的字体影响阅读。
2. 图片选择动物图片选择清晰可爱的图片,可以是卡通形象或真实图片,让孩子们一目了然地认识动物。
3. 信息简洁介绍动物的文字内容要简洁明了,避免使用过于专业的术语,方便学生理解和记忆。
4. 手抄报尺寸根据教室的实际情况,确定手抄报的尺寸,以便于学生们参与制作,同时要考虑打印的方便性。
五、制作步骤1. 准备材料准备一张大一号的彩色纸作为手抄报的背景,颜色选择宜选择明亮的颜色,比如蓝色或者粉红色。

1. 在小报的上方正中间,用较大的、艺术字形式写上“英语小世界”或者“Fun with English(与英语同乐趣)”等标题。
(一)单词天地(Word World)1. 形状与布局。
- 这个板块可以占小报的三分之一左右的空间。
2. 内容。
- 在这个板块里,写一些3 - 4年级课本里常见的单词。
(二)日常用语(Daily Expressions)1. 形状与布局。
- 这个板块可以和单词天地板块并列,也占小报的三分之一左右的空间。
2. 内容。
- 写一些日常生活中的简单英语用语,如“Good morning(早上好)”、“How are you?(你好吗?)”、“Thank you.(谢谢你)”、“Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你)”。
例如,在“Good morning”旁边画一个小朋友在早上和老师打招呼的场景。
(三)趣味故事(Fun Story)1. 形状与布局。
- 这个板块占小报剩下的三分之一空间。
2. 内容。
- 写一个简单的英语小故事。
比如:- The Fox and the Grapes(狐狸和葡萄)- One hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard. He stopped before a bunch of grapes. They were ripe and juicy. "I'm just feeling thirsty," he thought. So he backed up a few paces, got a running start, jumped up, but could not reach the grapes. He walked back. One, two, three, he jumped up again, but still, he missed the grapes. The fox tried again and again, but never succeeded. At last he gave it up, and walked awaywith his nose in the air, saying: "I am sure they are sour."(在一个炎热的夏日,一只狐狸正在穿过一个果园。

儿童节英语手抄报清晰简单漂亮Children's Day is an important holiday celebrated around the world in honor of children. Every year, on June 1st, children and adults alike come together to celebrate this special day. It’s a day full of fun and joy for children and a day of reflection and gratitude for adults. One of the ways to celebrate Children's Day is to create a beautiful and clear English hand-copy report.A children's day English hand-copy report should be clear, simple, and visually appealing. To make it look lively and beautiful, it's important to use colored markers, crayons, and pencils. These days you can easily find pre-designed templates online that include images, backgrounds and several other decorations that you can use to create a beautiful report.The report should ideally include a title that catches the reader's attention. You can use titles like "Happy Children's Day," "Let's Celebrate our Kids," or "Super Kids." Once you have your title, you can then proceed to include different sections covering interesting topics related to children.To start, find a few quotes that embody the spirit of Children's Day. Quotes from famous people like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and others can be used to inspire children. You can use these quotes to decorate the board and also as an introduction to your report.Next, create sections for topics such as the history of Children's Day, its significance, and how it’s celebrated around the world. For example, you can include information on how the idea of Children's Day started and how it evolved over the years. You can also talk about the significance of this day, and explain why it is celebrated with so much enthusiasm.You can also include information on how Children's Day is celebrated in different parts of the world. You can mention how different countries celebrate this day, their traditions, and customs. You could also include a section dedicated to famous children around the world and their accomplishments.In addition to this, you can also include a list of fun activities that children can enjoy on this day. The list could include activities like playing games, going on a picnic, or spending time with family.Finally, conclude your report with a message of hope and inspiration for children. You can use another famous quote or add a few lines of your own, reminding children of their importance and how they can make a positive impact on the world.In conclusion, a clear, simple, and visually appealing English hand-copy report is the perfect way to celebrate Children's Day and inspire kids around the world. By using quotes, images, and fun facts about this special day, you can create a memorable report that captures the spirit of Children's Day and spreads joy toyour audience. Remember, the goal of this report is to inspire and empower children to believe in themselves and their abilities.。

Zoom:Hello! I'm Zoom. 祖姆:你好!我是祖姆。
Mike:HeIlo,I'm Mike. 迈克:你好,我是迈克。
Wu Yifan:Hi.I'm Wu Yifan. 吴一凡:你好,我是吴一凡。
2unit1教材第3页课文翻译Zip:Hi! My name's Zip. 次波:你好!我叫次波。
Miss White:Goodbye! 怀特小姐:再见!John:Bye,Miss White! 约翰:再见,怀特小姐!Chen Jie:Hello,I'm Chen Jie. What's your name? 陈杰:你好,我是陈杰。
你叫什么名字?Sarah:My namz's Sarah. 萨拉:我叫萨拉。
Zip:I'd like some bread,please. 次波:我想要一些面包。
Sarah:Can I have some milk? 萨拉:我能喝些牛奶吗?Woman:Here you are. 女人:给你。
Sarah:Thanks. 萨拉:谢谢。
Woman:You're welcorre. 女人:不客气。
Chen J:e:Have some cake. 陈杰:吃些蛋糕吧。
2unit5教材第47页课文翻译Zoom:Here you are. 祖姆:给你。
John:Thank you. 约翰:谢谢你。
1Let's talk部分翻译Bird:Good morning. 鸟:早上好。
Chen Jie:Good morning. 陈杰:早上好。

英语手抄报简单又漂亮三年级上册内容自选写一篇关于爱和友谊的故事Once upon a time有一只狐狸叫小红,他生活在一个小村庄附近的森林里。
A new friend有一天,小红遇到了一只小兔子,兔子叫小白。
A problem arises然而,一天晚上,一只凶猛的狼出现了。
The power of friendship在最困难的时刻,小红和小白团结在一起。
Forever friends从那天以后,小红和小白成为了无话不谈的朋友,他们一起度过了许多愉快的时光。

1、sheer 陡峭的,险峻的:【她(she)的儿(er)子胆真大,爬上陡峭的悬崖】2、penguin 企鹅【企鹅用钢笔(pen)闯过鬼gui门n关】3、chunk 大块,【胖墩村chun长的客k人胖墩墩】4、Swap 交换【用糖果交换苹果】(Sw=sweet+ap=apple)4、juice 汁,液【桔(ju)汁加冰(ice),凉爽可口】5、legislate 立法【〔为腿(leg)立法,总是(is)太迟(late)】6、hatred n. 仇恨,怨恨【怀着仇恨,将帽(hat)染红(red)】这样记单词,是不是很简单?诗歌学英语The Cock CrowsThe cock crows in the morning To tell us to rise .And he that sleeps lateNeeds to memorize:“early to bedand eraly to riseIs the way to be healthyAnd wealthy and wise.”公鸡叫早上公鸡叫,要我们起床了。

标题:Animal World
1. 动物名称:狮子(Lion)、猴子(Monkey)、大象(Elephant)、长颈鹿(Giraffe)、斑马(Zebra)
2. 动物特点:
- 狮子:大型猫科动物,拥有强壮的身体和锋利的爪牙,是草原上的霸主。
- 猴子:善于攀爬和跳跃,生活在热带雨林中,非常聪明。
- 大象:长鼻子和大耳朵是它们的特征,记忆力超群,是陆地上最大的哺乳动物。
- 长颈鹿:拥有世界上最长的脖子,可以吃到高处的新鲜树叶。
- 斑马:身上有黑白条纹,善于奔跑,是非洲草原上的常见动物。
3. 英语单词:
- 狮子(Lion):lion
- 猴子(Monkey):monkey
- 大象(Elephant):elephant
- 长颈鹿(Giraffe):giraffe
- 斑马(Zebra):zebra
4. 句子练习:
- I like lions because they are very strong.
- Monkeys are very clever and can climb trees.
- Elephants have long trunks and big ears.
- Giraffes have the longest neck in the world.
- Zebras have black and white stripes and are fast runners.。
英语单词手抄报简单又漂亮 三年级上册模板

英语单词手抄报简单又漂亮三年级上册模板全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Simple and Beautiful English Word Handwritten ReportsHey everyone! Today I want to share some tips on making really cool and pretty handwritten reports for your English vocabulary words. These can be a fun way to practice writing out new words and using them in sentences. Plus, you get to get creative and make them look awesome!For those of us in 3rd grade this semester, our teachers have assigned us to make vocabulary handwritten reports for the word lists we're learning in our English textbooks. At first I wasn't too excited about it, but then I realized this could be a chance to make something totally unique!The key things you need are:The list of vocabulary words to includeA piece of paper or cardboard to write onPencils, pens, markers, crayons etc for writing and decoratingAny other decorating materials like stickers, glitter, etc.First things first, the template and layout. You want to make it easy to read and organize the words nicely. I'd recommend using pencil to draft a light grid on your paper, making boxes or sections for each word. Leave a space for the word itself, the definition, and a sample sentence using the word.For example, my template has four boxes per page in atwo-by-two grid. In each box I'll write a vocabulary word big and bold at the top. Underneath I'll put the definition, and finally a sentence using that word. The grid makes it look clean and easy to read. With pencil first, I can map it all out properly before going over it in marker or colored pencil.Next up: Decorating! This is where you can get super creative and make your handwritten report look amazing. Think about colors, drawings, stickers, borders, patterns and so on. Maybe pick an overall theme like "under the sea" and incorporate ocean doodles and blue/green colors throughout. Or a "garden" theme with flowers and leaves in the borders.Don't go too overboard with the decorating though - you still want the vocabulary words, definitions and sentences to be the main focus and easy to read. Use your decorations more as creative borders and backgrounds.Here are some fun decoration ideas to try:• Colorful borders around each word box using markers or colored pencils. Get creative with patterns and designs!• Stickers or little drawings related to the theme around th e margins• Glitter glue or puffy paint for drawn embellishments (rainbows, stars, etc.)• Printed out photos, pictures or clipart cut out and pasted on• Rubbing designs onto the paper using pencil over textured materials• Washi tape or c olored masking tape to make stripes or sectionsThe possibilities are endless! Just let your creativity flow and make it bright, vibrant and visually appealing. It'll make studying those words way more fun.For each new vocabulary list, I'll come up with a fresh theme and decorating style. Maybe an "arctic" theme with penguins and snow drawings for one set of words. Then switch it up to"birthday party" with balloons and confetti for the next set. Getting to start over with a new theme everytime is so fun!I can't wait to get started on designing my first one. I'm thinking I may do an "enchanted forest" style for this first round of words - with vines, mushrooms and fairy drawings around the borders. Ooh or maybe a "backyard bugs" theme with ladybugs, worms and blades of grass. So many ideas!The most important part though is practicing and reinforcing those vocabulary words by writing out the definitions and sentences. The decorations are just to make it more enjoyable. As long as the words and their meanings are clear, that's what counts.Handwritten reports may seem like a chore at first, but getting creative and making them into a fun art project is the way to go. It'll help those new words and definitions stick in your brain better when studying them is such a blast!Get those pens and pencils ready, and start brainstorming some awesome decoration themes and ideas. Your amazingly colorful and vibrant vocabulary handwritten reports are going to be the envy of the whole class! Let's make learning new words something to get excited about.篇2Making a Pretty English Vocab ReportHi everyone! I'm a 3rd grader and I have to make an English vocabulary handwritten report this semester. At first I wasn't too excited because it sounded like a lot of work. But then my teacher showed us some examples and I got really inspired to make mine look super cool!The assignment is to choose 20 vocabulary words from the units we're studying. For each word, we have to write the definition, a sentence using the word, and draw a little illustration. My teacher says the drawing part is to help the words stick in our brains better.I can't wait to get started because I have so many ideas! Here are my tips for making an English vocab report that is simple but looks awesome:Use A Fun ShapeMost people just make their reports on regular computer paper or construction paper. That's fine, but it's kind of boring in my opinion. I'm going to use colored poster board and cut it into a fun shape like a cloud, rainbow, or big speech bubble. Instant wow factor!Make A CoverThe cover is the first thing people will see, so I want to make it really eye-catching. I'm going to use a large piece of colorful construction paper or maybe fabric. Puffy fabric paint is cool because you can make raised,texturey designs.For the title, I'll either use fancy puffy letters or make it look like a ransom note by cutting letters out of magazines. Maybe I'll even use glow-in-the-dark letters! On the cover I'll put my name, the date, and a simple illustration like a cartoon picture of myself.Use Your Best HandwritingObviously this is a handwritten report, so I need to write super neatly. I'll practice my nicest print handwriting and use a neat cursive for the words themselves. Pencil is okay, but colored pens, markers or even crayons will make it look more vibrant.Speaking of color, I'm going to use a different bright color for each new word to make them really stand out. Like red for one word, green for the next, and so on.Get Artistic With IllustrationsThe illustrations are where I can really get creative! Nobody said we have to use basic drawings. Here are some of the ideas I have:• Collages made from magazine clippings• Stickers or fun foam shapes• Printed pictures from the computer• Fabric swatches• Dried leaves or flowers pressed onto the page• Small doodads or knick knacks glued onFor the word "city" I could draw skyscrapers with crayons and glue on bottle caps to look like bright windows. So fun!Decorative TouchesThere are lots of other little ways to make this project super decorative:• Use stencils or rub-on letters for titles• Punch holes around the edges and weave ribbons through• Add glitter, sequins, or pom poms• Outline sections with washi tape, l egal stamps, stickers etc.• Make a shiny cover using tinfoil, aluminum paper, or transparencies• Poke out shapes using a paper punch or hole punchThis reminds me, I should probably ask my teacher if she wants us to hole punch the pages and put it into a binder ring. If so, I'll get a fun patterned binder ring!That's about it! I'll let you know how my English vocabulary report turns out. Whenever I have an assignment like this, I use it as an opportunity to get creative and make something totally unique. Why go basic when you can go big? I'm sure my report will be the best-looking one in the class. Lately I've been so inspired by all kinds of crafty projects I see online. I love taking something ordinary like a school assignment and turning it into a real work of art!篇3Making Handwritten Word Reports Fun and Cool!Hey there, fellow students! It's me, your friendly neighborhood word nerd, here to share some awesome tips on creating handwritten word reports that are not only simple but also super stylish. You know how our teachers always tell us to practice writing new words to help us remember them better? Well, why not turn that boring task into a fun and creative project?First things first, let's talk about the supplies you'll need:A sturdy notebook or sketchpad: This will be the canvas for your word report masterpiece. Choose one with thick,high-quality pages that won't bleed through when you use markers or paints.Colorful pens, markers, or colored pencils: The more vibrant, the better! These will be the stars of your show, helping you bring your words to life with eye-catching illustrations and decorations.Decorative elements: Stickers, washi tapes, glitter glue, or anything else that catches your creative eye. These little extras will add a personal touch to your report and make it trulyone-of-a-kind.Now, let's dive into some fun and easy template ideas to get you started:The Word Garden: Draw a beautiful garden scene on your page, with flowers, trees, and maybe even a few cute critters. Then, write each new word inside a flower petal, leaf, or even on the critters themselves!The Superhero Squad: Imagine each new word as a different superhero, complete with its own costume, powers, andbackstory. Draw them in action poses, and don't forget to include their super cool names and abilities!The Word City: Create a miniature cityscape, with buildings, roads, and parks. Write your words on the buildings, road signs, or even on the clouds in the sky. You can even add tiny stick figure citizens going about their daily lives!The Word Circus: Who doesn't love a good circus? Draw a big top tent, clowns, acrobats, and all the fun circus acts. Then, incorporate your words into the scene, maybe as part of the performers' costumes or on the circus banners and posters.The Underwater Adventure: Dive into an underwater world filled with colorful fish, coral reefs, and maybe even a friendly mermaid or two. Write your words on the fish scales, inside bubbles, or on the mermaid's tail!The possibilities are endless, and the best part is that you can let your creativity run wild! Don't be afraid to think outside the box and come up with your own unique themes and designs.Remember, the key to making your handwritten word reports truly special is to have fun with it. Add personal touches, like doodles, jokes, or even little stories that connect the words together. Not only will this help you remember the words better,but it will also make your report a true work of art that you'll be proud to show off to your friends and family.So, what are you waiting for? Grab your supplies, let your imagination soar, and get ready to create some seriously awesome handwritten word reports that will have everyone in awe of your creativity and wordsmith skills!Happy creating, word warriors!。
二、英语小笑话Aatrangerenteredalittlecountrytore,henoticedaignwarning,"Dan ger!Bewareofdog!"potedonthegladoor.Inide,henoticedaharmleoldhoun ddogaleeponthefloorbeidethecahregiter."Ithatthedogfolkareuppoedt obewareof"heakedtheowner."Yep,that'him,"camethereply.Thetrangercouldn'thelpbutbeamued."Thatcertainlydoen'tlooklikeadangeroudogto me.Whyintheworldwouldyoupotthatign""Becaue,"theownere某plained,"BeforeIpotedthatign,peoplekepttrippingoverhim!"一名陌生人走进一家乡间小商店,看到玻璃门上帖着的一个告示牌上写着,“危险!小心有狗!”进去后,他看到一条样子一点都不凶的老狗趴在收款机旁边的地板上睡觉。
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卢恩语(Futhark)→古英语(即盎格鲁-撒克逊语)(Old English、Anglo-Saxon)→英国英语(English)