Flicker 漂移
补充资料(均一性 RC Loading)
面板Vcom讯号会因RC Loading 影响而失真,造成面板左、中、右Vcom讯号的 差异,以下为T1 Flicker Vcom左、中、右的量測数据情況
0 -5
17"V9 Vcom distribution
Measurement point:
Vth ESD Bar Switch
为什么会有 Flicker 漂移
为什么OTP后 调整Vcom还 有Flicker漂移 OTP前 Panel异常
此次Flicker 漂移主要是 Panel ESD 影响。 a、OTP前静置或者烘烤数小时后, Flicker漂移不良减少; b、TFT特性异常或者材料异常,不会因 为烘烤或者静置不良减少。
1.8 flicker 漂移项目报告
2016/06/29 chunhuisu
目录 Contents
Flicker 漂移影响因子
事件 6月初越南客诉1.8’ “LCD display abnormal”即 Flicker 漂移
Cut Corner
1)以8SD为例,BL照度越大,Ioff变化较大; Ioff变大,device在holding状态下的压降越大,从而闪烁越严重。 2)通过量測不同BL强度下的Vth bias量可以初步评价Ioff对Flicker的影响。
2)JEITA 测量方式
F (w)
f ( x) eiwx dx
使用公式10*log10(Px/P0) [dB]得到JEITA 下 的Flicker 值。
Confidential Standard Product Target Specifications
All Rights Reserved, Copyright 200,BOE Hyundai LCD, Inc.
简 单 介 绍
2005. 07. 22 2006. 11.16
Confidential Standard Product Target Specifications
All Rights Reserved, Copyright 200,BOE Hyundai LCD, Inc.
Standard Product Target Specifications
All Rights Reserved, Copyright 200,BOE Hyundai LCD, Inc.
Standard Product Target Specifications
All Rights Reserved, Copyright 200,BOE Hyundai LCD, Inc.
Standard Product Target Specifications
All Rights Reserved, Copyright 200,BOE Hyundai LCD, Inc.
尊正AM系列监视器使用说明书AM SeriesAM210AM211AM250AM420AM550本说明书基于监视器固件版本2.0.00-2317若您使用的版本为更旧或更新系统版本则本说明书中提到的某些功能可能不存在或操作方式不同深圳市尊正数字视频有限公司网址:地址:深圳市南山区南海大道以西美年广场2栋6楼邮箱:******************/*******************电话:133********邮编:518067目录 (8)1.1.1SDI1 (8)1.1.2SDI2 (8)1.1.3YPbPr (8)1.1.4VIDEO (8)1.1.5DVI (8)1.1.6F1 (8)1.1.7F2 (8)1.1.8F3 (9)1.1.9F4 (9)1.1.10F5 (9)1.1.11MENU (9)1.1.12UP (9)1.1.13DOWN (9)1.1.14LEFT (9)1.1.15RIGHT/ENTER (9)1.1.16POWER (9)1.1.17PHASE(A1) (9)1.1.18CHROMA(A2) (9)1.1.19BRIGHT(A3) (9)1.1.20CONTRAST(A4) (9)1.1.21APERTURE(A5) (9)1.1.22VOL+、VOL-与Mute (10)1.1.23Tally灯 (10) (10)2.1.1LAN (10)2.1.2GPI (10)2.1.3RS-485 (10)2.1.4DVI-I (10)2.1.5Video (11)2.1.6Component (11)2.1.7Ext.Sync (11)2.1.8SDI1&SDI2 (11)2.1.9Audio (11) (11) (11)3.1.1功能键1/2/3/4/5 (12)3.1.2功能显示 (12) (12)3.2.1波形监视1/2/3 (12)3.2.2交叉影线 (12)3.2.3Blue Only (12)3.2.4Blue Only as Mono (12)3.2.5Red Only (12)3.2.6Red Only as Mono (12)3.2.7Green Only (13)3.2.8Green Only as Mono (13)3.2.9标记1/2/3 (13)3.2.10过扫描 (13)3.2.11子窗口 (14)3.2.12像素到像素 (14)3.2.13H/V Delay(行场延时功能) (14)3.2.14黑白模式 (14)3.2.15放大(Zoom) (14)3.2.16标清比例 (15)3.2.17全屏 (15)3.2.18黑色细节模式 (15)3.2.19像素放大 (15)3.2.20亮度着色 (15)3.2.21测光表 (16)3.2.22CIE测光表 (17)3.2.23辅助聚焦 (18)3.2.24静帧 (19)3.2.25DSLR Zoom (19)3.2.26安全播出 (19)3.2.27AFD (20)3.2.28Anamorphic Desqueeze (20)3.2.29CX Scale (21)3.2.30C-log Standard (21)3.2.31C-log Full (21)3.2.32S-log Standard (21)3.2.33S-log Full (21)3.2.34BMD-log Standard (21)3.2.35BMD-log Full (21)3.2.36S-log2Standard (22)3.2.37S-log2Full (22)3.2.38S-log3Standard (22)3.2.39S-log3Full (22)3.2.40Rec.Status Tally (22)3.2.41On-Screen Tally (22)3.2.42最大锐利度 (22)3.2.43Time Code (22) (23)3.3.1波形监视 (23)3.3.2窗口1 (23)3.3.3窗口2 (23)3.3.4波形位置 (23)3.3.5波形窗口排列方式 (24)3.3.6刻度显示 (24)3.3.7音频显示 (24)3.3.8音频测试电平 (24)3.3.9音频峰值电平 (24)3.3.10音频显示通道 (24)3.3.11冲击式电平表 (24)3.3.12峰值保持时间 (24)Scopes&Audio Meters (25) (26)3.4.1SDI格式 (26)3.4.23G Level B (26)3.4.3DVI选择和DVI像素格式 (27)3.4.4复合设定 (27)3.4.5分量输入 (27)3.4.6分量像素格式 (27)3.4.7分量设定 (27)3.4.8Checkerboard Size (28)3.4.9标清增强模式 (28)3.4.10Anamorphic Desqueeze (28)3.4.11视频制式 (28)3.4.12视频处理 (28)3.4.13psF显示模式 (28)3.4.14锐利度 (28)3.4.15Flicker Free Mode(闪烁消除模式,仅在OLED型号上可用) (28)3.4.16部分显示 (28) (29)3.5.1SDI1音频 (29)3.5.2SDI2音频 (29)3.5.3分量音频 (29)3.5.4复合音频 (29)3.5.5DVI-D音频 (30)3.5.6DVI-A音频 (30)3.5.7音频同步 (30)3.5.8音频锁 (30) (30)3.6.1标记选择 (30)3.6.2自定义标记 (31)3.6.3自定义标记信息 (31)3.6.4区域标记 (31)3.6.5安全标记 (31)3.6.6标记背景 (31)3.6.7中心标记 (31)3.6.8标记颜色 (31)3.6.7安全在区域内 (31)3.6.8有效图像边界 (31) (32)3.7.1报警 (32)3.7.2报警监视 (33)3.7.3远程报警监视 (33)3.7.4IRE报警触发值 (33)3.7.5音频报警触发时间 (33)3.7.6音频相位指示 (33)3.7.7UMD显示 (33)3.7.8UMD颜色 (34)3.7.9UMD显示位置 (34)3.7.10音频表显示 (34)3.7.11报警区域选择 (34) (34)3.8.1状态显示 (35)3.8.2菜单位置 (35)3.8.3状态位置 (35)3.8.4调节位置 (35)3.8.5源名信息 (35)3.8.6Source ID位置 (35)3.8.7Source ID字符 (35)3.8.8Time Code (35)3.8.9Time Code大小 (35)3.8.10Time Code位置 (35)3.8.11Time Code背景 (35) (36) (37)3.10.1色彩空间 (37)3.10.2Gamma选择 (37)3.10.3色温 (37)3.10.4Color Matching(OLED监视器可用配色函数选择) (37)3.10.5亮度模式 (38)3.10.6LUT Bypass (38)3.10.7三维查找表升级 (38)3.10.8Red/Green/Blue Gain&Bias(红/绿/蓝Gain&Bias) (39)3.10.9Log模式(可通过快捷功能键设置) (39)3.10.10Video Clipping (39)3.10.11SDI色调调节 (39)3.10.12GaiaColor AutoCal (39)3.10.13恢复出厂校正 (39) (40)3.11.1载入用户设置 (40)3.11.2保存用户设置 (40)3.11.3系统升级 (40)3.11.4按键Led (40)3.11.5颜色/亮度/对比度 (40)3.11.6亮度时间 (40)3.11.7U盘模式 (41)3.11.8语言 (41)3.11.9DHCP (41)3.11.10IP地址 (41)3.11.11子网掩码 (41)3.11.12RS422地址 (41)3.11.13波特率 (41)3.11.14奇偶校验 (41) (42)3.12.1输入 (42)3.12.2输入模式 (42)3.12.3音量 (42)3.12.4对比度 (42)3.12.5亮度 (42)3.12.6颜色 (42)3.12.7色调 (42)3.12.9型号 (42)3.12.10系统版本 (42)3.12.11产品序号 (42) (43) (44) (46)自定义校正LUT ...................................................................................................................46尊正监视器体积自动校正功能.. (47) (47)网线直连..............................................................................................................................47远程控制(IP Remote Utility).. (48)1.1.1SDI1选择SDI1视频通道输入。
中间不能有断线。铜棒或铜板至少埋入地下 2m 深,埋地线的土质最好潮湿,周围放些 石墨或木炭等吸水物质以及食盐,以增加导电性能。遇天旱时应经常在埋地线处浇水 以保证潮湿。接地装置安装完毕后应用接地电阻仪进行检测,核实其接地电阻是否小 于 4 欧姆,如超过规定数值,应重新安装。
有些医院设有公用接地线,但因为有其它设备共用接地而产生干扰,需为视觉电 生理仪设置专用接地线。
本公司生产的视觉电生理仪是在充分吸收国际先进机型优点结合医生临床经验的 基础上,采用低噪声放大技术、视觉刺激技术和计算机软件技术而研制的视觉电生理检 查设备。
1.2 主要用途及适用范围 适用于视觉诱发电位、视网膜电流图、多焦电生理、眼电图等眼科传统和多焦视觉
1.3 型号组成及代表意义 1.3.1 系统的名称类别代号为
监护设备的机壳应当接地以保护病人和医务人员。具体的接地方法请询问本公司技 术支持部门。
某些特定的仪器组合可能会导致本手册没有涉及的安全问题,如漏电流叠加所造成 的危险。用户应当询问本公司。
1.8 禁忌 注意事项:闭角性青光眼及高眼压患者不宜散瞳。禁忌症:精神疾病患者及其他不
二、结构特征与工作原理 2.1 仪器的形式
2.2 仪器结构 仪器结构如下图所示:
图形刺激器 全视野刺激器
主机 隔离电源
仪器的硬件由以下几部分组成: a) 生物电放大器; b) 主机; c) 图形刺激器; d) 全视野刺激器; e) 隔离电源 f) 附件包括记录电极和电极连接线。 仪器的软件包括传统电生理检查项目和多焦电生理检查项目。功能包括参数设置、测试 以及测试结果的分析、打印和存储。
Fluke 430系列三相电能分析器说明书
1981Fluke 430 SeriesThree-Phase PowerQuality AnalyzersPinpoint power problemsfaster, safer and in greater detail Technical DataCAT IV 600 V and CAT III 1000 V safety ratingDesigned to help protect you and your equipment against Array Arrayelectrical shock and fire, the Fluke 430 Series analyzers,accessories and charger are all certified to meet the stringentsafety standards for use in CAT IV 600 V and CAT III 1000 Venvironments. They are the first tools of their kind to carrythe CAT IV rating and therefore can be used at virtually allpower connections and outlets in a low-voltage powerdistribution system.Measures everything Measure true-rms & peak voltage and current,frequency, dips and swells, transients, interrup-tions, power and power consumption, peak demand harmonics, inter-harmonics, flicker and unbalance.Automatic transient displayEvery time an event or distortion on voltage isdetected, the instrument triggers and automati-cally stores voltage and current waveforms on allthree phases and neutral. The analyzer will alsotrigger when a certain current value level isexceeded. Up to 40 dips, swells, interruptionsand transients can be captured this way. You cansee voltage transients as high as 6 kV and asfast as 5 microseconds.Quickly see the trendAuto Trend feature allows fast insight intochanges over time. Every displayed reading isautomatically and continuously recorded withouthaving to set thresholds or intervals and withoutmanually starting the process. Quickly view trendsfor voltage, current, frequency, power, harmonicsor flicker on all phases and neutral. Analyze thetrends using the cursors and zoom tools — evenwhile background recording continues.2Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality AnalyzersAutoTrend automatically records all displayed parameters in the back-ground. Toggle between data and trend view and use cursors andzoom to analyze measurements without interrupting the recording.Simple menu structure with logical function grouping gives fast accessto key measurements.Track harmonics up to the 50th, and measure and record THD in accordance with IEC61000-4-7 requirements.Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers Fluke Corporation 3System-Monitor: Multi-parameter power quality health check on one display A single push of the MONITOR button delivers a single dashboard display of rms voltage, har-monics, flicker, interruptions, rapid voltage changes, swells, unbalance and frequency. The dashboard is updated live, showing compliance of each parameter to EN50160 limits or your own limits. Color-coded bars clearly show which parameters are inside (pass) or outside limits (fail). During a Monitor session, you can easilydrill down to more detail of any parameter andview and capture its trend for a report.Extensive data analysis possibilitiesThe Fluke 430 Series provides three ways toanalyze measurements. Cursors and zoom toolscan be used ‘live’ while taking measurements or The System-Monitor overview screen gives instant insight intowhether the voltage, harmonics, flicker, frequency and the number of dips and swells fall outside the set limits. A detailed list is given of all events falling outside the set limits. Byscrolling through the event list and selecting an event, the event canbe analyzed in detail.‘off line’ on stored measurement data. The stored measurements can also be transferred to a PCwith FlukeView ®software. The software’s ‘view’mode allows cursors and zoom tools to be used on stored measurements. Perform custom analy-sis and create reports, measurement data canalso be exported to common spreadsheet pro-grams. Store up to 10 measurement datasets,each dataset can contain up to 32 parametersand up to 50 screens for use in reports.Easy-to-useThanks to thoughtful features like user-friendlymenus in local languages and setups with mini-mal steps. The high-resolution color screenupdates every 200 mS and displays waveformsand wiring diagrams color coded to industrystandards. Handy on-screen wiring diagrams forall commonly used three phase and single phaseconfigurations guide you through connections.The full color display uses region specific industry-standard color-coding (user selectable) to correlate measurements with actual wiring.Perform custom analysis and create reports with FlukeView ®PowerQuality software. Measurement data can also be exported to commonspreadsheet programs.Specifications4Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality AnalyzersFluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers Fluke Corporation 56Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzersdepending clamp scaling250 Hz/60 Hz nominal frequency according to IEC 61000-4-303Add clamp accuracy4The advanced functions: interharmonics, energy, transients and inrush are optional for the Fluke 433 and standard available on the Fluke 434Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers Fluke Corporation 7Fluke Corporation PO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BDEindhoven, The NetherlandsFor more information call:In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 orFax (425) 446-5116In Europe/M-East/Africa (31 40) 2 675 200 orFax (31 40) 2 675 222In Canada (800) 36-FLUKE orFax (905) 890-6866From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 orFax +1 (425) 446-5116Web access: /©2004 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Allcopyrights are the property of their respective owners. Printed in U.S.A. 9/2004 2276752 D-US-N Rev A Fluke.Keeping your world up and running.Optional 430 Series Accessories•i400s AC Current Clamp — Replacement current clamp for the Fluke 430 Series: It is compatible with any oscilloscope,ScopeMeter ®Test Tool or Power Quality Analyzer that accepts BNC connectors and is capable of millivolt measurements.•TLS430 Test Lead Set — Test lead replace-ment set for the 430 Series Power Quality Analyzer. Set includes five test leads and five alligator clips.•WC100 Multi-Color Wire Clips — 32 wire clips in 8 colors easily snap onto test leads and current clamp cables to organize multiple leads and cables in a work area.•CCS430Color coding set for Fluke 430 Series.•C430Hard carrying case.•OC4USB Optical cable for USB.•BC430Battery charger 230 V/110 V.•Fluke-433/UGK Upgrade kit for Fluke 433,includes FlukeView software, USB cable and advanced feature upgrade.Ordering informationModelFluke-433Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer Fluke-434Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer Fluke-433UGKUpgrade Kit for Fluke 4338Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzers Fluke offers a full suite of power quality test tools to locate, predict, prevent and troubleshoot power problems.•Handheld troubleshooters for instant analysis •Ready-to-use event loggers •Full Disclosure power analyzers•Power calibrators and standards backed by Fluke metrology expertiseThe Fluke power quality set of products offers the highest level of performance and maintains theFluke promise of rugged and reliable test tools.。
AE插件中英文对照及介绍插件专区2010-03-07 10:21:26 阅读283 评论0 字号:大中小订阅Cycore FX HD CC系列CC Cylineder(圆柱体贴图,在Perspective菜单中出现)CC Drizzle(雨打水面效果,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Flo Motion(两点收缩变形,在Distort菜单中出现)CC Force MotionBlur(强力运动模糊,在Time菜单中出现)CC Glass(玻璃透视效果,好,在Stylize菜单中出现)CC GlassWipe(融化过渡,酷,在Transition菜单中出现)CC Glue Gun(喷胶效果,在Render菜单中出现)CC Griddler(网格状变形,在Distort菜单中出现)CC GridWipe(纺锤形网格过渡,在Transition菜单中出现)CC Hair(毛发生成器,较慢,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Image Wipe(亮度过渡,类似AE自带的Transition/Gradient Wipe,在Transition 菜单中出现)CC Jaws(锯齿状过渡,在Transition菜单中出现)CC Kaleida(不错的万花筒效果,在Stylize菜单中出现)CC Lens(鱼眼镜头效果,不如Pan Lens Flare Pro,在Distort菜单中出现)CC Light Burst 2.5(光线缩放,好,在Render菜单中出现)CC Light Rays(光芒放射,加有变形效果,酷,在Render菜单中出现)CC Light Sweep(过光效果,很不错,在Render菜单中出现)CC LightWipe(边缘加光过渡,带有变形效果,好,在Transition菜单中出现)CC Mr.Mercury(模仿水银流动,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Mr Smoothie(像素溶解运动,酷,在Image Control菜单中出现)CC Page Turn(卷页效果,好,在Distort菜单中出现)CC Particle Systems II(不错的二维粒子运动,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Particle World(三维粒子运动,大大优于AE自带的Simulation/ParticlePlayground,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Pixel Polly(画面破碎效果,好,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Power Pin(带有透视效果的四角扯动工具,类似AE自带Distort/CornerPin,在Distort 菜单中出现)CC PS Classic(利用通道形成的粒子系统,有模板,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC PS LE Classic(局域性的粒子系统,有模板,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Radial Blur(螺旋模糊,在Blur & Sharpen菜单中出现)CC Radial Fast Blur(快速的放射模糊,好,在Blur & Sharpen菜单中出现)CC Radial Scale Wipe(带有边缘扭曲的圆孔过渡,在Transition菜单中出现)CC Rain(下雨效果,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC RepeTile(多种方式的叠印效果,好,在Stylize菜单中出现)CC Ripple Pulse(扩散波纹变形,必需打关键帧才有效果,好,在Distort菜单中出现)CC Scale Wipe(扯动变形过渡,在Transition菜单中出现)CC Scatterize(发散粒子化,类似于AE自带的Stylize/Scatter,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Simple Wire Removal(简单的去除钢丝工具,实际上是一种线状的模糊和替换效果,不错,在Keying菜单中出现)CC Slant(倾斜变形,在Distort菜单中出现)CC Smear(涂抹变形,不错,在Distort菜单中出现)CC Snow(飘雪效果,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Sphere(球化效果,在Perspective菜单中出现)CC Split(简单的胀裂效果,在Distort菜单中出现)CC Split 2(不对称的胀裂效果,在Distort菜单中出现)CC Spotlight(点光源效果,好,在Perspective菜单中出现)CC Star Burst(模拟星团效果,在Simulation菜单中出现)CC Threshold(简单的阈值工具,在Adjust菜单中出现)CC Threshold RGB(RGB分色阈值工具,在Adjust菜单中出现)CC Tiler(简便的电视墙效果,在Distort菜单中出现)CC TimeBlend(带有动态模糊的帧融合,效果不错,在Time菜单中出现)CC TimeBlend FX(可自定义的帧融合,在Time菜单中出现)CC Toner(分别对阴影、中间色和高光色调进行替换,在Image Control菜单中出现)CC Twister(扭曲过渡,不错,在Transition菜单中出现)CC Vector Blur(向量区域模糊,好,在Blur & Sharpen菜单中出现)CC Wide Time(多重的帧融合效果,在Time菜单中出现)共61种滤镜,其实也就是著名的FinalEffects,速度、效果和易用性都很好,特别是粒子系统和过渡、变形、光效等。
尊正DM系列监视器使用说明书DM SeriesDM170DM240DM241DM250本说明书基于监视器固件版本2.0.00-2326若您使用的版本为更旧或更新系统版本则本说明书中提到的某些功能可能不存在或操作方式不同深圳市尊正数字视频有限公司网址:地址:深圳市南山区南海大道以西美年广场2栋6楼邮箱:******************/*******************电话:133********邮编:518067SDI BNC线缆连接与断连为防止漏电对监视器组件造成毁坏,请遵循以下步骤:•首先连接所有设备电源。
PROfLINE 2100 谐振与闪烁测试系统用户手册说明书
PROfLINE 2100HArMonICS & FLICKEr, CondUCTEd IMMUnITy TEST SySTEMS1981HArMonICS & FLICKEr, CondUCTEd IMMUnITy TEST SySTEMS3PROfLINE 2100 OvERvIEwThe ProfLine 2100 system is a complete and cost effective harmonics and flicker measurement test system to the latest IEC/EN standards. The programmable power generation capability of up to 45 kVA (90 kVA and 145 kVA sources comprise multiple 45 kVA units) provides more than ample power to cater for a wide range of Equipment Under Test (EUT). In addition to harmonics and flicker testing capability the AC/DC power source used in the system is capable of testing to a wide range of power quality immunity tests. In short, this system is a one stop power quality testing station that will help you meet your EMC responsibilities for compliance testing.Harmonics standard:IEC 61000-3-2 < 16 A per phaseIEC 61000-3-12 > 16 to 75 A per phaseFlicker standard:IEC 61000-3-3 < 16 A per phaseIEC 61000-3-11 < 75 A per phaseVoltage dip, interruption & variation:IEC 61000-4-11 < 16 A per phaseIEC 61000-4-34 > 16 A per phaseother immunity tests:IEC 61000-4-8 Power line magnetic fieldIEC 61000-4-13 Immunity to harmonics & inter-harmonicsIEC 61000-4-14 Repetitive voltage variationsIEC 61000-4-17 Ripple on DC input power portsIEC 61000-4-27 Voltage & Phase unbalance immunityIEC 61000-4-28 Frequency variationsIEC 61000-4-29 DC dips, variation and short interruptionALL ThE POwER LEvELS YOU NEED designed and widely used for compliance testing of equipment up to 45 kVA (90kVA and 145 kVA sources comprise multiple 45 kVA units), Teseq’s ProfLine 2100system is ideal for:Test houses requiring high precision tools for compliance and pre-compliance testing Manufacturers requiring AC & DC test tools for both in-house/self certification and product developmentRental companies requiring precise, reliable, portable harmonics & flicker systems for on-site customer testingProfLine 2100: highly modular compliance test power capability Programmable IEC compliant AC power sources accommodate wide range of 1- and 3-phase power levelsUltra-fast digital power analyzer provides high resolution acquisition for accuratemeasurementIEC 60725-compliant reference impedance ensures accurate flicker measurementAll electrical data is stored for complete evaluation and test replay analysisWindows-based operation speeds set-up, analysis, display and reportingContinuous pass/fail status monitoring4The high repetitive peak current. AC power source is designed for demanding non-linear load applications such as white goods, air-conditioners and other products with inductive or capacitive loads. The 45 kVA (90 kVA and 145 kVA sources comprise multiple 45 kVA units) source is specially designed with regenerative load withstand capability. It can handle power generated back to the source which is common in AC motor and motor control applications.3 kVA test system. Ideal for manufacturer not requiring the full 16 amps of the standard require-ments.5 kVA to 15 kVA test systems. Cater for manufacturers, test houses and rental companies requiring the full 16 amp range.1- and 3-phase configuration up to 45 kVA. This power house is ideal for the manufacturerand test houses that require the full range of low and high current testing such as required forcompressors, air conditioners and machine tools. ArrayFully featured 3x5 kVA harmonics and flickersystem including 3 phase power quality testingAC switch for compliant IEC 61000-4-11 testingdC to 500 Hz fundamental frequencyLow output impedanceSupports power magnetics applicationsIEC 61000-4-13 testing5hIGh ACCURACYMEASUREMENT vERIfIEDAt the heart of the ProfLine 2100 system is a fully compliant harmonics analyzer and flickermeter. DSP-based 1 M sample per second, no-gap/no overlap 200 mS data acquisition and powerful FFT analysis ensures full compliance harmonics testing based on IEC 61000-4-7. Direct PC bus access ensures higher data throughput than is found on most single box IEEE-488-based test system. Streaming real-time data display and storage allows measured data to be replayed and analyzed in complete confidence, speeding up fault detection.All EUT electrical parameters are monitored and stored continuously. Distortion, current har-monics and power consumption are checked against relevant IEC class test limits for pass/fail detection and dynamic class C and D test limit calculation.Independent verification has confirmed the following is correctly implemented: Measurement accuracy for electrical parameters such as voltage, current, harmonics and flickermeter is as per IEC requirementSoftware applies relaxation as and when the situation warrants it for pass/fail decision Compliance to all test equipment requirements as per IEC 61000-4-7 and IEC 61000-4-15A true measure of class. The unique concept for the ProfLine 2100 system measurement section is a cutting edge PC based analyzer. The measurement section is split into two parts, one being the advanced coupling unit CCN 1000 whilst the PC provides the digitization of the analogue signals, data processing and analysis. This approach has been extremely successful in keeping up with changes to the standards that demanded major increase in data processing and analysis capability.CCn 1000. This advanced coupling unit provides quick and easy single cable connection between the AC power source output and the EUT, plus the required isolation and signal con-ditioning. Precision, no-burden, active hall-effect current transformers ensure accurate current sensing over 4 A, 16 A and 40 A ranges simultaneously with 200 A peak capability for maximum resolution.6data Acquisition Unit Input ChannelsAll harmonics tests can be accessed from the ProfLine 2100’s single control and data display window on the PC. With a few mouse clicks the test can be set up and run quickly and easily.The operator is presented with a simple screen that shows the type of test to be run and the test duration, with clearly labelled buttons for the test to start or stop. Voltage and current time domain waveform displays are updated in real time during the test. All power analyzer parameters such as Vrms, Irms, Ifundemental, Ipeak, crest factor, real power, apparent power and power factor are clearly displayed throughout the test and updated in real time.The harmonics window displays instantaneous current harmonics and a line marking the appli-cable test limits. AC source voltage and EUT power are also monitored continuously throughout the entire test. Voltage distortion and current harmonics are checked against the IEC class limits for preliminary pass/fail detection. The continuous monitoring of EUT power consumption allows class C and D limits to be calculated dynamically.Harmonics analysis is implemented using the high performance DSP based plug-in A/D card connected directly to the CCN 1000 signal conditioning unit through a shielded cable. Each Power phase has four dedicated measurement channels- a total of 12 in 3-phase systems – ensuring accurate full compliance to the harmonics standard.The software will also automatically apply any relaxation of limits (e.g. POHC) should the situation warrant it and will indicate this in the test report.78All IEC harmonics tests can be accessed from ProfLine 2100’s single control and data display window on the PC. Steady state harmonic, transitory harmonic and inter-harmonic tests can be set up and run quickly and easily.Simple buttons start and stop automated testKey EUT electrical parameters updated continuouslyUser selectable test limitsTest progress clearly indicated, with preliminary pass/fail indication throughout AC voltage distortion continuously monitoredComplete test documentation including Word™ and Excel™ compatible data files Voltage and current waveform shown together in real timeUser-selectable real time display of individual current harmonicsEUT description and operator identification can be added to the test reportUser selectable measurement of inter-harmonics per IEC 61000-4-7Harmonics AnalysishARMONICS TEST SOfTwARE wIN 21009Seven simple steps to configure a harmonic test, configurationcan be saved for single step test start.Parameters required:1 Select harmonic test2 Select class A, B, C, D3 Select frequency 50/60 Hz4 Select test voltage5 Select limit, European or Japanese6 Select single or three phase7 Select test durationAll test parameters are displayed in real time, includingharmonic spectrum viewed against limit, test progress, voltage andcurrent waveforms.report can be viewed in Word™ format using inbuilt standardtemplate. Data files can be viewed with Excel™.fLICkER TEST MADE EASYFlicker tests are run from the same user interface as the harmonics module, making it familiar to the user. Set up is minimal and tests run can be started quickly.during each test run two graphical windows are displayed and updated continuously. One window will display the Vrms whilst the other can be user selected to display absolute voltage deviation or percentage, dt, dmax, dc, instantaneous Pst or Plt against their respective limits. At the end of the test sequence, both short-term flicker (Pst) and long-term (Plt) are calculated and a clear pass/fail indication is provided.Embedded in the ProfLine 2100 software is an IEC 61000-4-15 compliant single/three-channel flickermeter for 1- and 3-phase application. Single phase output configuration can use both the programmable and real IEC 60725-compliant output impedance to perform flicker measurement. Lumped reference impedance for 1- and 3-phase system impedances with varying current carrying capacity are available as an option.Power Source Reference Impendance Analyzer/Flickermeter EUTFlicker Test SoftwareStart and stop flicker tests with a single mouse clickTest progress clearly indicated with pass/fail indication throughoutPeak values displayed and updated in real timeUser-selectable test timeUser selectable parameters and data display optionCustomizable test limits for pre-compliance applicationReal time display of Vrms and one user selectable parameterEUT description and operator identification can be entered for inclusion in the test report24 dmax and inrush current test10Flicker Analysisreference impedance. For single phase systems the impedance is programmed into the source, therefore no physical impedance is required thus making the system more simple and lower costs. This approach is not possible in the three phase systems as it is not possible to separate the line and neutral impedances. Therefore the appropriate three phase impedance unit is supplied as part of the system.Test reports and data Logging. Reports can be printed at the end of each test report or retrospectively to support CE approval or for inclusion in a Technical Report File. The results file includes voltage and current waveform graphs, current harmonics spectrum and class limits and a complete flicker test analysis. The graph can be printed or stored in ASCII format on disc along with timing waveform data for use in detailed reporting or for further analysis using applications such as Excel.1112nSG 2200 AC Switch unit for complaint -4-11 and -4-34 testing. Available as either singleor three phase, these units use solid state IGBTs to rapidly switch between two sources of ACsupply. Typically this will be between the mains supply and a programmable AC source. TheAC source will be set at the lower voltage required for the test with the mains supplying thehigher.Controlled by Teseq WIN 2120 software and able to switch within the required 5 μs this deviceenables the standard to be fully met. Since the higher voltage level is supplied by the usersmains system, the inrush current is limited only by the mains supply and not by the equipment.The NSG 2200 is able to handle 50 amps rms current continuously and up to 500 amps inrush current.AC fast switching unit for standards specifiedin the IEC 61000-4-11Unit has two inputs, AC source and AC MainsAllows for single- or three-phase mode testingAC SwitchAC SwITChING UNIT13Magnetic field immunity testing. The power sources in the ProfLine 2100 systems makean ideal source for mains frequency magnetic field testing. Used in conjunction with the TeseqINA 2170 test coil and interface unit the supplies can be controlled by the WIN 2120 software togenerate the required fields and frequencies.Use of the clean sinusoidal programmable supply ensures that tests can be performed witheither 50 Hz or 60 Hz for different regions. Both the continuous and short duration tests can beeasily programmed at levels up to 100 A/m continuous and 300 A/m short duration dependingon the selection of source.Magnetic coilsIEC 61000-4-8 power frequency fieldAutomated test softwareAdjustable single loop antenna in 3 positionsNote: maximum and continuous coil field strengths can only be achieved using the correctlyspecified NSG 1007 AC/DC Power Source. INA 2170 coils can also be used for IEC 61000-4-9testing in conjunction with Teseq’s nSG 3060 generators.MAGNETIC fIELDIMMUNITY TEST COILSPROfLINE 2100: MORE ThANjUST hARMONICS & fLICkERProfLine 2100 has the hardware and software flexibility to test to beyond harmon-ics and flicker emission. The fully programmable AC power source with arbitrary waveform generation capability can be used in standalone mode in various applications for IEC 61000-4-X testing at pre or full-compliance. The ProfLine system has built in IEC 61000-4-13 immunity testing to harmonics and inter-harmonics standard which sets this system apart as a fully equipped test station for power quality.IEC 61000-4-8: Power frequency magnetic field immunity. Using the power source built into the ProfLine 2100 system the frequency and test level can be accurately controlled. This is ideal if your target market uses a different mains system to your local supply.Loop antenna, interface unit and control software (WIN 2120) are available as options.IEC 61000-4-11: AC Voltage dips, short interruptions and variations. The 1–5 µs rise and fall time and the 500 amp inrush current requirements of the standard for voltage dips and interruptions mean that a power source alone cannot meet the standard.The NSG 2200 AC switch can switch between a power source and the mains supply within the required time enabling the user to meet both requirements.IEC 61000-4-13: Immunity to harmonics and inter-harmonics. ProfLine 2100’s built in sweep generator provides full compliance testing to IEC 61000-4-13. Simple pre-programmed test levels at various test classes makes testing simple. At a click of the start button the two digitally controlled generators superimpose harmonics and inter-harmonics up to the 40th harmonics order (2 kHz for 50 Hz and 2.4 kHz for 60 Hz). The programmable AC power source generates combination waveforms better known as the flat top, overswing and meister curve, tests individual harmonics, and does a sweep to check for resonance points. The user can then go back to those resonance frequencies and test again. The operator can record any unusual behaviour at the observation section which will be included in the report. Pass/fail decision will be determined by the user based on the evaluation of the EUT during the test.1415IEC 61000-4-14: Voltage Fluctuation. A simple screen allows the operator to select the levelof severity of test to be run and the desired nominal test voltage and frequency. All voltagefluctuation test parameters can be customized by the user as required, ensuring the ProfLine2100 fully meets the standard. During testing, the EUT load current is measured continuously tohelp the operator observe and diagnose potential unit failures.IEC 61000-4-17: Ripple on DC input power ports. The test sequence implemented by thistest consists of the application of an AC ripple of specified peak to peak value as a percentageof the DC voltage and at a frequency determined as a multiple of the AC Line frequency. Theripple waveform consists of a sinusoidal linear waveshape. The user selectable severity levelscan easily meet the multiple of the power frequency of 1, 2, 3, 6 and at the user specified levelup to a staggering 20 times the power frequency at 25% Vdc-peak-peak.IEC 61000-4-27: Voltage and phase unbalance. This test is only for three-phase systemsas it involves voltage and phase unbalance between phases of a three phase supply network.Voltage unbalances are applied at different levels depending on product categories. The usermust determine the product class and select the appropriate test level. During the test run,voltage and phase changes are applied. The voltage levels and phase shifts are determined bythe values set in the data entry grid. Predefined test level are also provided to help the operatorwith the settings.Note: The ProfLine 2100 does not fully meet the IEC 61000-4-27 in respect of this particular test,1–5 µs rise fall rate not achievable and maximum output voltage is 300 V. So whilst it can meetthe 110% of U nom required by the product standards (110% of 230 V is 253 V) it does not reachthe 150% of U nom mentioned in the equipment standard (150% of 230 V is 345 V). 45 kVA unitshave a 400 Volt option.16IEC 61000-4-28: Frequency variation. The system provides an open field for the operator toenter the amount of frequency variation or simply load and amend the predefined tests levelprovided. Test parameters for the duration and frequency deviation can be easily customized,enabling ProfLine 2100 to meet this standard should there be changes to it in the future.IEC 61000-4-29: dC dips, variations and short interruptions. Pre-compliance test for DCvoltage dips can be set up quickly using the software. The test sequence implemented by this testconsists of a series of DC voltage dips (to less than DC nominal) or interruptions (dip to 0 V). It isalso possible to select voltage variations which cause the DC voltage to change at a programmedrate to a specified level and then return at the same or a different rate to the nominal DC level.These dips and variations can be applied at different levels and durations for different productcategories. The user must determine the product class and select the appropriate test file. Theselected levels and durations are visible on screen and can be edited and saved to a new setup fileif needed. This allows a library of test files for specific product categories to be created. Accordingto the standard, the use of a test generator with higher or lower voltage or current capability isallowed provided that the other specifications are preserved. The test generator steady statepower/current capability shall be at least 20% greater than the EUT power/current ratings.This means that for many EUT’s a 25 A capable generator is not needed. However, since the riseand fall time requirements may not be met under all circumstances, this is a pre-compliancetest only.IEC 61000-4-34: AC Voltage dips, short interruptions and variations. Similar to IEC61000-4-11 but applying to equipment requiring greater than 16 amps per phase, this standardcan be met by the higher power models in the range. Teseq is ready to advise you on the idealconfiguration and to discuss the limitations on the maximum current due to the selection of thevarious units in the system.SYSTEM SELECTION ChART1Requires option 2/32Current limited by source to 37 amps at 230 volts3Current limited by source to 62 amps at 230 volts4Requires option 8 (100 A/m continuous field)5Requires option 8 (100 A/m continuous field and 300 a/m for 3 seconds)6Requires option 117Pre-Compliance only, generator is not fully compliant with all aspects of the standard 816 to 37 amps at 230 volts916 to 62 amps at 230 volts PL 2115 plus option 11-3* Figures quoted are the maximum current available from the system. The current limit is in some cases due to the source and in some cases due to other equipment in the system. For information on the maximum power available from the sources please contact your local Teseq office.PL 2103/PL 210517Specifications subject to change without notice.All trademarks recognized.Teseq is an ISO-registered company. Its products are designed and manufactured under the strict quality and environmental requirements of the ISO 9001. This document has been carefully checked. However, Teseq does not assume any liability for errors, inaccuracies or changes due to technical developments.。
IEC Flicker Impedance M6204 电源闪烁阻抗器M6204说明书
The M6204 unit provides the requisite lumped impedance between the AC Power Source and the Unit Under Test (UUT) used to test for flicker compliance to IEC 61000-3-3. Designed to meet IEC 60725 - Consideration of reference impedances and public supply network impedances for use in determining the disturbance characteristics of electrical equipment having a rated current ≤75 A per phase – the M6204 simulates the typical public utility impedance characteristics found in most European countries in order to provide a common flicker measurement reference.IEC Flicker ImpedanceStandard Features:•Three Phase Flicker Impedance Network Supports both single and three phase flicker testing of UUT’s up to 16Arms per phase•Z ref Impedances Values per IEC 60725Line Impedance: 0.24 Ω+ 0.15 j Ω Neutral Impedance: 0.16 Ω + 0.10j Ω•Compatible with 360AMXT and 3120AMXT AC Source ModelsIEC Impedance is matched to AC Source Output impedance for exact IEC 60725 matching•High Qualify Impedance Components Used Low Thermal Drift and Forced Air Cooling while under Load Ensures Constant Flicker Impedance during Long Flicker Test Runs •Dual Connectors on Rear PanelMultiple Terminal Blocks Provided for Power, Voltage Sense and Power Analyzer Connections Simplifies Connections •Standard 19” Rack Mount EnclosureFits easily on Lab Bench, on top of the AC Power Source used or in an Instrument CabinetStandards Supported:• IEC 61000-3-3 / EN 61000-3-3• IEC 61000-4-13 / EN 61000-4-13• IEC 61000-4-27/ EN 61000-4-27•IEC 60725The Leader in AC Power TechnologyFREQUENCY CONVERSION R & D MANUFACTURING AEROSPACE MILITARY CUSTOMA separate impedance network in the Neutral leg ensures full compliance to IEC 61000-3-3 and IEC 60725 even under imbalanced three phase load conditions. The same three phase Impedance network is also fully capable of supporting single phase Flicker test. In this case, the Phase A impedance and Neutral impedance combine together to provide the required Z ref = 0.40 Ω + 0.25 j Ω single phase impedance.Three Phase and Single Phase UUT TestingThe use of high quality components with low thermal drift and high saturation resistance ensures a stable impedance network throughout the entire flicker test duration – typically two hours. This is augmented by efficient yet quiet forced air cooling. Testing to the full 16 Arms per phase as required for products that fall under the IEC 61000-3-3 Flicker Standard is fully supported by this lumped impedance with ample margin for temporary overload conditions.Full 16 Arms per Phase CapableAC Source MatchedAn early pioneer in the development solid-state power conversion equipment, Pacific Power Source continues to develop, manufacture, and market both linear and high-performance PWM AC Power Sources. Pacific’s reputation as a market and technology leader is best demonstrated by its continuing investments in both research and development and world-wide customer support. With corpo-rate owned offices in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and China, local personalized support is always available.12KVA Three Phase 16 Arms/Phase IEC 60725 CompliantThe M6204 impedance is factory calibrated and matched to the AMX AC Power Source Model it is used with. This ensures that the combination of AC Source Output Impedance and Lumped Impedance adds up to the requisite IEC 60725 Impedance values. This prevents unwanted system level errors that can occur when the IEC Flicker Impedance is sourced from a different vendor as the AC Power Source.ApplicationsThe M6204 IEC Flicker Impedance provides the required lumped impedance to create a Flicker test system consisting of a Programmable AC Power Source, an IEC compliant Flicker Meter or Power Analyzer with Flicker measurement mode and the required lumped impedance between the AC Source and the UUT. The IEC Flicker standard is based on analyzing voltage fluctuations caused by changes in UUT load current working against a reference impedance (Z ref ). Z ref was cho-sen to simulate the typical public utility impedance found in Europe. An incorrect or out of tolerance Flicker Impedance can lead to significant errors in Flicker measurement results.Flicker TestingFor single phase applications, the Phase A and Neutral impedance combine to provide the required single phase Z ref of Z = 0.40 + j0.25 Ω so the same M6204 Impedance can be used for either single or three phase Flicker testing.Phase Impedances: Z L = 0.24 + j0.15 Ω each phase Neutral Impedance:Z N = 0.16 + j0.10 ΩOther IEC Test StandardsThe same IEC Flicker impedance is also called out to be used during other IEC Tests. Examples of some of these IEC Test Standards are shown in the table below.The M6204 Impedance is compatible with these IEC 61000-4 Immunity test standards.High QualityBenefits•The M6204 IEC Flicker Impedance is constructed of high quality resistive and inductive components sized to handle load currents up to 16Arms with ease. Proper heat sinking and forced airflow ensure stable operation over a wide temperature range, even under full load conditions that can persist for many hours. The same impedance module can be used for either Single phase or Three phase UUT Flicker testing without the need to rewire or re-configure.Lumped Impedance•Compared to “synthesized or electronic” impedance solutions as employed by some manufacturers, the M6204 pro-vides the required separate Neutral Impedance which is not available on AC Sources with synthesized impedance. This ensures accurate Flicker measurement results under all circumstances, including unbalanced three phase load conditions caused by the UUT.•Furthermore, synthesized impedance circuits often have a limited frequency range and may closely approximate the required impedance at 50Hz but will not accurately simulate the effect of higher current harmonic frequency components present in UUT current for non-linear loads. A lumped impedance like the M6204 does not have such a frequency dependency and will correctly respond to current harmonics.AC Source Matching•Since most AC Power Sources have a non-zero output impedance, adding the lumped impedance to an AC Source will have a cumulative effect resulting in an overall combined output impedance to the UUT that will exceed the ac-tual Z ref value. This will result in overstated Flicker measurement results that may lead to an UUT not passing Flicker test where it otherwise would have.•By obtaining both the AC Power Source and the IEC Flicker Impedance from the same manufacturer, you can be sure both are matched. This means the lumped impedance as well as the AC Source output impedance is adjusted to ensure the combined impedance is within Z ref tolerances.Requirements for the IEC Flicker Impedance when testing UUT’s with Currents up to 75 Arms per phase are covered by IEC Standard 60725, currently at revision 3.0. For UUT’s with phase currents of 16 Arms per phase or less (either single or three phase UUT’s), the required Z ref is defined as a combination of resistive and inductive components with the fol-lowing nominal values:RatingsInput Power Requirments1 If a NON Pacific Power Source AC Power Source model is used with the M6204, an external 24Vdc supply capable of supplying 280 mAdc @ 24Vdc is required to oper-ate the Fan.© 2013 Pacific Power Source, Inc. Subject to change without notice.Order ExampleM6204• 3 Phase, 12KVA, IEC Lumped Impedance NetworkTypical Delivery ItemsShip Kit:• User Manual17692 Fitch, Irvine, CA 92614 USAPhone: +1 949.251.1800 Fax: +1 949.756.0756 T oll Free: 800.854.2433E-mail:**********************#4DS-IECIMP Rev062013Ordering InformationAvailable ModelsM6204M6204 IEC Flicker Impedance front and rear views。
情节构思策略第6 期阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
续写的词数应为150 左右。
It was a Saturday afternoon. The color of the sky was changing, first light gray, then dark gray, and finally dark and dense. The wind was blowing heavily, and the trees were swaying in the strong wind. It began to rain cats and dogs. Soon, the road was filled with puddles from the rain.On such a stormy afternoon, my mother took my five-year-old brother, Christopher, and me to a new big toy store she had read about in the newspaper. “So many toys,” the advertisement had shouted in full and f lashy color, “that we had to get a huge warehouse to fit them all!”Christopher and I couldn’t have been more excited. We ran across the parking lot, through the cold and biting rain, as fast as our little legs could carry us. We left our mother outside to battle with the frustrating umbrella, which never worked when she wanted it to. “Christine! Take care of your young brother!” Mother shouted at the top of her voice.“Christine!I’m going to find the Lego section(乐高积木区)! There’s a new pirate ship I want, and I have four dollars! Maybe I can buy it!” Christopher exclaimed and ran off excitedly. I only half heard him.I took a right turn and, to my wide-eyed delight, found myself in the midst of the Barbie (芭比) World.I was studying a Barbie and doing some simple math in my head when suddenly an earthshaking clap of thunder roared from the storm outside. I jumped at the noise, dropping the doll to the floor. The lights flickered (闪烁) once and died, covering everything in a blanket of blackness. Thunder continued to shake the sky and lightning illuminated the store for seconds, casting frightening shadows on my mind.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150 左右;2.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Quantum Resonant Magnetic AnalyzerInstructionWarning/Statement: The property right and the copy right of this program including any image, photo, animation, video, audio, music, character, Additional system, and attached printed material, and any transcript both belong to our company. Without permission, it is not allowed to publish any information of our program in part or in full in any way or for any purpose. Otherwise, you will be subjected to the severe civil and criminal sanctions, and to extend permitted by law, and subject tothe greadetect possible civil suit.Any right of this statement not awarded all should be reserved by our company.CatalogueCataloguePremiseTheory DescriptionWhat is Quantum Resonant Magnetic AnalyzerInstallation InstructionInstallation ProcessAttention:Using InstructionSystem InterfacePersonnel ManagementDetectingGetting ReportPrescription ManagementHeaders and FootersBackup & Restore DatabaseSystem SettingHelpDetect RegulationOperation ProcessRules for Detect ChamberDetect Technician’s ObligationMaintenance of the AnalyzerServicePremiseTheory DescriptionThe human body is the collective body of large number of cells, which are in continuous growth, development, differentiation, regeneration, and death. The cells renew themselves by self-division. There are about 25,000,000 cells dividing in adult human body per second. And the dividing speed of the blood cells is about 100,000,000/s. During the process of dividing and growth, the nucleus and the extranuclear electron, the basic components of the cell withelectricity, are making the high- speed movement and changing. In the meanwhile, the electromagnetic waves are radiating outward constantly. The electromagnetic waves stand for the different specific states of human body, such as healthy state, sub-healthy state and disease state. In different states, the corresponding electromagnetic waves are different. Thus, we can check out the human body state if these specific electromagnetic waves are detected.In quantum medical area, the fundamental reason for people suffering disease is that the spinning and the orbiting of the electron have changed, which makes the atoms change, which causes the biological micromolecule change. Therefore, the biological macromolecule changes, gradually, the whole cell starts to change, and ultimately the whole organ change. Since the electron is a charged body, when the spinning and the orbiting of it have changed, the electromagnetic waves inside will change accordingly. The energy of electromagnetic wave variation, which is caused by the different states of dieses and nutrition, is very weak, usually only Ns Gaussian or To Micro-Gauss. The frequency and theenergy of the magnetic field are measured by holding the sensor with hand. It is similar to the theory of listening to the radio. There are various wireless waves in the air, but if you want to listen to certain broadcasting station, you should modulate the radio to the same frequency, which causes the resonance, and then, the radio can get the specific radio station. Quantum Resonance is based on thistheory as well.What is Quantum Resonant Magnetic Analyzer?The Quantum Resonant Magnetic Analyzer is a Hi-tech innovation project, which is related to medical, bioinformatics, electronic engineering, etc. It is based on quantum medical, and scientifically analyzes the human cell’s weak magnetic field collected by advanced electronic device. The analyzer can work out the customer’s health situation and main problem. According to the checking result, the analyzer can figure out the reasonable treatment recommendation.The quantum resonant magnetic analyzer is the individualized guide ofcomprehensive healthy consulting and updated healthy sciences, and its characteristics and advantages are comprehensive, non-invasive, practical, simple, quick, economical and easy to popularize. With the deep research and scientific development, the analyzer will make great contributions to human health project, and it has broad developing and applying prospect.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION1.Put the installation disc into CD ROM, and then, the installation process willstart automatically.( If not, please come into the disc file, and double click the document Setup.EXE) The program will run to the window asfollowing(Pic-1). Click ‘NEXT’ to go to next step.)2Choose program installing catalogue (Pic-2) and program group(Pic-3) Pic2After choosing, please click ‘ Install’ to go on installation operation.3 Please click ‘Finish’when the installation operation is over, as following(PIC-4)ATTENTION: If the program is installed in Windows 98/Me System, the Microsoft Office software should exist in the computer in the meanwhile, or this program cannot run normally. If the program is installed in Windows 2000/XP/Vista System, it can work well without any other software supportIf the light of encipher is always on, it means the program work properly. The flicker indicates that installation is failed. If that, you can contact with our agency.Using InstructionSystem Interface(1)Log-inClick ‘System-> Quantum Resonant Magnetic Analyzer->Quantum Resonant Magnetic Analyze’Or Double click the shortcut icon of Quantum Resonant Magnetic Analyzer on the surface , as following:(2)Main InterfaceThe main interface of quantum detecting is as following:Personnel Management(1)Personnel Management InterfaceClick ‘Personnel Management’ button in Toolbar, the ‘Personnel Management’interface will appear (the Picture above). This interface is mainly used for managing all detected people’s basic information. On the left, it shows customers’ profiles, and on the other side, it’s all customers’ basic information and detecting record.(2)Customer Profile ManagementMainly used for managing customer information, including:‘Add’ detected person or group‘Revise’ detected person or group‘Delete’ detected person or group‘Searching’ detected personCustomer Group ManagementIn order to make the management easily, this function can divide customers into several groups. The new group can be Added by clicking ‘Add’. Click ‘Storeage’to store the new group. And click ‘ Revise’ to modify the name of the group. Click ‘Delete’ to Delete the group. (Note: If there are members under the group, the detected member should be Deleted first, after that, the group can be Deleted.DETECTED MEMBER MANAGEMENTClick the group name on the left making it blue. And then, click ‘Add’ to Add new detected members to the corresponding group.The information of the detected member is shown as following: Name, Gender, Birthday( D/M/Y), Height, Weight, etc. Click ‘Storage’to keep the information.(Note: Name, gender, birthday, height, weight are necessary to input, but other information are optional.)(3)Detecting Record ManagementIt is used for managing client’s detecting record, mainly including detecting date& exact time, name, age, gender and so on.( As picture below)Click the customer on the left, all the detailed information of this customer will show on the right. (Basing on reverse chronological order)DETECTING(1)START TO DETECTChoose the certain member and make the name blue. And then, click ‘ Detect’icon in the toolbar. After that, the information will show as following picture. Click ‘ Start’ to begin the detect.(2)Detecting ProcessMake the detected person to grasp the detect rob firmly with left hand or right hand. During the detecting process, the detected person should be relax and silent, and keep breathe balance.(3)Detecting FinishAfter detecting, click ‘Storage’ to finish the process.Getting the Report(1)After detecting, the system will come back to personnel managementinterface automatically and selected the person who finished the detection just now, and his detecting record. Finally, click ‘Get Report’ and the system can read and analyize the information and come to the result automatically.(2)At present, there are several reports below:The reports are a little bit different because of gender, as the reference below:(3)After the report coming out, the user can do the operation of ‘Full Page’,‘Print’, and ‘P rescription’.(4)Click ‘ FULL PAGE’, the report will be shown as below. Several operationprocesses can be done on this report, such as print, preview, store, and page setup( PIC Below)Prescription MANAGEMENTClick ‘ Prescription Management’ in the toolbar, and the interface will show the content as the picture below. This program is mainly used for managing prescription and the user can also add his own product in order to print the corresponding product after the report coming out.We can manage different prescriptions by clicking different buttons in the page: ADD: Increase new prescriptionDELETE: Delete old prescriptionMODIFY: Modify the given prescriptionSTORE: Store the modified prescriptionCANCEL: Cancel storing the modified prescriptionHEADERS AND FOOTERSInput the headers and footers and their positions (left, middle, or right). And then, click ‘Definition’ to set up the report’s header and footer.BACKUP &RESTORE THE DATABASEThe system supports backing up and restoring the present database in case that the computer was with problems or attacked by virus. Thus, it can store complete date and decrease the loss.Click ‘ Backup’ or ‘Restore’ to come into the corresponding system, and click‘ Start’ to choose save path, document name or back up document.Note: The system will cover the present database, while restoring data. Thus, please do use this function discreetly, if the present database contains important information.SYSTEM SETTINGThis function is used for setting some individual feature in order to make the detecting result satisfy with customers’ requirement.Click the buttons ‘Show Report Setting’, ‘Parameter Setting’and ‘Sensitivity Regulation’ in turn.Show Report Setting: The customers can choose the report according to their requirement, and block some unnecessary report.Parameter Setting: The system can set up any parameter in the report. The parameter can be shown or hidden according to customer’s need.Sensitivity Regulation: It is used for adjusting the sensitivity of the detecting rod. For example, if the sensitivity is too excessive, the device will auto away value, so at this time, the sensitivity should be adjusted properly. As for some members who are hard in detecting, the sensitivity can be adjusted more sensitive.HELPC lick ‘ HELP’ in the toolbar to get the following dialogue box:DETECTING PROCEDUREDetecting Operation Process1.Before the computer is power on, check out whether the computer, theanalyzer, the printer and other device well connected and the detecting rod’s detector should be inserted tightly.2.Detect and record the detected member’s basic information(e.g. name, gender,birthday and so on)3.After power on, please check whether the computer, the analyzer, the printerand some other device work well.4.Remind the detected people of keeping relax and breathe balance and notalking.5.The detected people should grasp the detecting rod with left hand or righthand.6.Close the other application program, and turn on the quantum resonantmagnetic analyzer to detect.7.During detecting process, the detected person’s skin shouldn’t be touched.8.Clean up the detecting device after detecting and make them in well stand-by. RULES FOR DETECTING CHAMBER1. The detecting chamber should keep clean, tidy and quite. Be aware of safe use electricity.2. Before detecting, take away all the mental and communication equipment from the detected people, and put them in proper place.3. The people whose heart installs t he heart pacemaker are not suitable for detecting.4. The power and the system should be checked whether in good condition atwork time.5. During checking process, in order to avoid damaging checking system, the operation principle should be abided strictly.6. Before off work, the power should shut down, and all the device and detecting equipment should be cleaned up, and keep them in good stand-by.NOTES FOR DETECTED PEOPLE:1.Don’t drink alcohols, coffee, and don’t eat health products and try best not totake pill before 2 days to have detect.2.Live a regular life and sleep well 2 days before detecting.3.After intensive sports, please have a rest for 1 to 2 hour and then, havedetecting.4.The detected person had better to keep half empty stomach to have detecting.5.The clothes should be loose and warm.6.Take away the mental and some communication appliance before detecting.7.Keep relax and breathe balance, no talking while detecting. TECHNICIAN’S OBLIGATION1.The technique of the analyzer is so sophisticated that the technicians shouldwork harder, get much experiment and improve their detecting skill.2.During the detecting process, the operator should keep peaceful mind andpatient. Besides, the technician should treat the detected person kindly and do the operation carefully and properly. The acupoint should be set accurately.3.Before detecting, the detected member’s basic information, such as height,weight, blood pressure, pulse and some other related issue should be recorded.4.The technician should be responsible for cleaning, maintaining, serving andstoring the analyzer and some other related device.MAINTAINCE METHOD1.The software/hardware systems both should be installed according to theinstruction.2.The analyzer is quite sensitive, so that any collision and extrusion areforbidden.3.The analyzer is forbidden to put in the high temperature, humid, corrosive, orradioactive place. Avoid direct sunlight.4.The detecting rod should be cleaned with soft cloth or cotton ball, while notin use. After cleaning, the rod should put in the package.5.The wire of the detecting rod shouldn’t stretch excessively to avoid fallingapart.6.The amateur maintenance staff mustn’t remove the sensor.SERVICEDear valued user,Thank you for using our quantum resonant magnetic analyzer. If there is any question during the using process, please contact us.Guarantee:1.If there is any quality problem within 3 months since purchasing date, thebuyer can change for a new one.2.The warranty time is 1 year and lifetime maintenance.3.If the product is out of the warranty time, our company is only responsiblefor maintaining, but the expenses fee and spare part fee should be charged. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS:1.The man-made damage or falls2.The problems are caused by disassembling, removing or remodeling theproduct by the user.3.The damage caused by improper operation.If any question, please contact our sales agency, and we will help you to solve the problem as soon as possible.MAINTAINENCE RECORDSERVICE CARD21。
Auto exposure 简单说明
Auto exposure, Anti-flicker 算法描述一、基本原理1、 理想光源的特点:理想光源可分为两种:一种是光源的强度不随时间发生变化,另一种是光源的强度随着时间发生周期性变化。
2、 日常光源的近似:在日常生活中,主要跟我们相关的光有:太阳光和室内照明所用的光。
其中,由于太阳光具有持续,稳定的特点,为了方便我们的研究,我们认为太阳光为理想光源A 。
当前世界上的交流电频率基本都是50Hz 或60Hz ,根据电源电压与功率的关系,我们可以得到室内光源的频率为100Hz 或120Hz 。
简单推导如下: )sin()(0t U t U ω= -- 公式1R t U t P /)()(2=R 为灯泡电阻,为常数-- 公式22/))2cos(1()(sin )()(202202t kU t kU t kU t P ωω-===∴-- 公式3当w = 50Hz 时,P(t)的频率为100Hz ,Y 与P(t)为线性关系,所以室内光源的频率为100Hz或120Hz 。
3、Sensor的相关知识:各个CMOS sensor生产商所采用的技术和材料都不太一样,其基本结构为:滤光片--- 采集三基色入射光光电二极管--- 将光能转换为电子电荷/电压转换器--- 产生电压信号放大器等不同型号Sensor在以上的各个部分都有差别,因此我们不能做出全面的分析。
以Samsung的hynix7131gp的CMOS Sensor为例,其感光特性与曝光时间的关系如下图所示。
Flicker 调节 SOP
Presentation Title
TFT-LCD 画素驱动方式(OFF)
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VCOM修正Feed through -CS on COM
common=DC driving
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Feed through Voltage 讯号-CS on COM
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2. 將LCD Inversion Driving模式設定為Frame Inversion.
Flicker 現象最容易发生在使用Frame inversion的极性变 换方式. 其它的面板极性变换方式也会有此Flicker的现象,但 相對於Frame Inversion比較輕微.
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Direct Driving
AC Modulation Addressing
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5. 調節Gamma曲線(Gamma 2.2).
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Gate ON/OFF 控制电压:VGH=13~15V左右 VGL=-6~-8V左右
SOURCE 驱动电压:AVDD=5V左右 灰阶的参考电压:GVDD=4.5V左右
五. 總結
1. 調節Flicker必須要有一双好眼睛. 2. Flicker 現象的調節目前並沒有什麼捷徑. 3. 需要多進行Flicker 的調節練習並且在調 節的過程中要有耐性. 4. 在調節的過程中還需要多注意多總結.
TFT-LCD Flicker发生机理分析简述
上图就是液晶显示基本的四种不同极性转换方式,分别是 “帧反转、行反转、列反转、点反转”。虽然转换方式有差异, 但是针对每个像素来说,每一次画面的刷新,极性就会改变,但 与相邻的像素点极性却不一定要保持一致。以帧反转为例,假设 在 60Hz 频率下帧反转:
此时人看到的画面更新频率为 30Hz,故可以观察到闪烁的现 象。所以提高画面的更新频率可以减小 flicker 的影响,同时, 选择不同的画面极性反转方式也对 flicker 有不同的影响。在基 板的四种转换方式中,帧反转的闪烁现象最为明显,行反转与列 反转不明显,点反转几乎没有。
(一)TFT-LCD 驱动原理 在液晶面板显示中,主要由 Gate 线、Source 线、像素电极 与 Common 电极几个关键组分组成了控制像素偏转的部分。其中 Gate 线的作用是依序将每一行的 TFT 器件打开,使不同的 Source 线同时将一整行的像素充电到各自所需的电压来显示不同的灰 阶,当这一行像素充电完毕后,Gate 线关闭,下一行 Gate 线打 开继续对下一行像素进行充电,以此类推,直到最后一行的像素 也充电完毕再重新打开第一行再次进行充电。Source 线的作用就 是当 TFT 器件打开后给像素电极充电到所需的电压以显示出相对 应的灰阶。 大致示意图如下(CsonCommon 为例):
实际上,Gate 线每次打开的时间非常短(以常见的 1024*768 分辨率的屏幕为例,60Hz 频率下每根 Gate 线打开的持续时间约 为 21.7 微秒),在 Gate 线关闭的瞬间,电压由高到底急剧变化, 由于 Gate 线与 Source 线之间还存在一个寄生电容 Cgd,当 Gate 线的电压急剧变小时,由于电容的耦合效应,Source 线上的电压 也会受到影响被下拉,从而影响到了显示电极上的电压,最终结 果就是控制液晶旋转的电场受到了影响,改变了画面的亮度(灰
摄像机基本设置说明:(1)AGC ON/OFF(自动增益控制):摄像头内有一个将来自CCD的信号放大到可以使用水准的视频放大器,其放大即增益,等效于有较高的灵敏度,然而在亮光照的环境下放大器将过载,使视频信号畸变。
(2)ATW ON/OFF(自动白平衡):开关拨到ON时,通过镜头来检测光源的特性/色温,从而自动连续设定白电平,即使特性/色温改变也能控制红色和蓝色信号的增益。
(4)BLC ON/OFF(背光补偿开关):当强大而无用的背景照明影响到中部重要物体的清晰度时,应该把开关拨到ON位置。
TFT-LCD Flicker发生机理分析简述
TFT-LCD Flicker 发生机理分析简述文/叶宁戴明鑫李广圣摘要:TFT-LCD 利用电压变化控制液晶盒内电场的强弱,改变液晶分子的排列方向,从而达到了对光透过与否的控制。
然而在液晶显示器显示画面时,经常会出现画面“闪烁、忽明忽暗”的现象,这种现象称为“Flicker”,本文通过对TFT-LCD 的驱动方式等进行简单说明,找寻理论上会产生和影响“Flicker”的因子,以便了解“Flicker”发生的机理。
关键词:Flicker;驱动原理;Feedthoug 电压;漏电流一、引言TFT-LCD 为每一个像素制作了一个半导体开关,可以实现精确控制每个像素点的显示灰阶,拥有比TN 更加快的响应速度以及更为丰富的色彩,画面的刷新频率也更快,故被俗称为“真彩”。
在TFT-LCD 中,主要通过给像素电极施加不同的电压与Common 电极形成一个电场来控制液晶分子的偏转,从而达到遮光与透光的目的,但是如果液晶分子偏转受到影响,画面的显示就会异常,其中一种异常的表现形式就是“Flicker”,也就是闪烁。
由于余晖效应的关系,要使人眼感受到连续动作的画面,画面的更新频率要至少保持16~24Hz,但由于人眼对光线亮暗的感觉更敏感,实际上30Hz 的画面更新频率下人眼还是可以感觉到画面亮度的差异,直观感受即看到画面在闪烁。
那么为什么人会观察到液晶显示器显示时的Flicker 现象呢?这是因为Flicker 产生是由于前后两幅显示画面显示时的亮度(灰阶)不一致,而亮度不同是因为液晶盒的光透过量不同,最后光的透过量又是由液晶分子的偏转程度来决定。
那液晶分子的偏转又受什么影响呢?要了解这个问题,首先要了解一下LCD 的基本驱动原理是怎样的。
Conduction Headphones
一: I: 按键功能概述: Summaryofbuttonfunctions: 1:开机/关机/播放/暂停
2:音量增加/下一曲 3:音量减小/上一曲 4:LED 指示灯 5:麦克风 6:USB 充电口 7:多功能键:暂停/播放/接电话/挂电话/语音助手 1:On/Off/Play/Pause 2:Vol+/Next 3:Vol-/Pre 4:LEDindicatinglight 5:Microphone 6:USBchargingport 7:Multi-functionalbutton:Pause/Play/Answer/Hang-up/Assistant 二: II: 控制说明 Controls 开机:耳机处于关机状态,长按开机键,保持 3 秒,LED 蓝灯闪亮,提示音: poweron; On:Whentheheadphoneisinpower-offstate,pressandholdpowerbuttonfor3 secondswithblueLEDflickering,remindingtone:poweron. 关机:耳机处于开机状态,长按开机键,保持 3 秒,LED 红灯闪一下关机,提示音:poweroff;
骨传导直达大脑听觉神经 Sounddirectlyconductedtotheauditorynerveofthebrain throughbone 空气传导 Aerialconduction 外耳道 Externalauditorycanal 耳 膜 Eardrum 内耳道 Internal auditory canal 耳蜗 Cochlea 大脑听觉神经 Auditorynerveofbrain 骨传导 Boneconduction 空气传导 Aerialconduction 我们听到的大部分声音,都是声波经过空气到达耳膜,然后声波使耳膜发生震动进而将声音 传至内耳道;