外研社高中英语 music_from_china教案

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Music From China

Analysis of the teaching materials

This text, as a supplementary part of the whole module “Music”, introduces the Chinese band Twelve Girls Band, which delivers the message of “what belongs to the nation belongs to the world”. As western culture is getting popular, such a text can be very educational to students.

I Teaching aims

Knowledge objectives

a. important words and expressions

Charm, arena, scene, billboard, signify, symbolic, honour, heritage.

b. important sentences and structures

draw upon, in aspects of, the mixture of,

Ability objectives

a. Enable students to know the Twelve Girls Band and its features that helps them to be popular around the globe

. b. Improve students' reading ability, including fast reading and grasping the main idea of each paragraph quickly.

Moral objectives

Deliver the message of “what belongs to the nation belongs to the world”and encourage them to enjoy traditional Chinese culture.

II Teaching methods

a. Question-and-answer activity teaching method

b. Watch-and-listen activity teaching method

c. Pair work or individual work method

d. Free discussion method

e. Task-oriented teaching method

III Teaching important points

a.How to get the main idea of the paragraphs/ the whole passage in limited time

b. The using of difficult words and phrases

IV Teaching difficult points

a. Teach students about how to apply fast reading skills in practice.

V Teaching aids

A computer, a projector, a blackboard

VI Teaching procedures

Part I warming up and speaking

Play two clips of music to Ss, one western and one traditionally Chinese.

Then ask students to compare their difference in aspects of the musical

instruments they use, the message they delivers and Ss own feeling.

Next, show Ss the pictures of the Twelve Girls Band and ask them what they

can see on them.

Part ПFast reading

Before reading, teach Ss the strategies of fast reading: Skimming and


Skimming is to read the first and last sentences of each paragraph to get the

main idea of each part, and further, the whole text, while scanning is to

locate certain keywords to find answers to particular questions.

Take the first paragraph of the text as example.

1 minute for Ss to read the first and last sentence and summarize the main


Purpose: Improve the students' fast reading ability.

Part III Reading and applying the strategies to the text.

With a time limit of 7 minutes, ask Ss to read the rest of the text using

skimming strategy. When time is up, Ss discuss the main idea of each

paragraph and the whole text in groups of around four. Then pick 5 group

representatives to present their discussed conclusion of the main ideas of

para.2~5 and the whole.

Following that, give Ss questions on the screen and Ss read the text again

to find the answers, using the strategy of scanning. Words in boldness are

the keyword Ss should locate in the process of scanning the text.


1.In which year did the Twelve Girls Band arrive on the Billboard 200

album chart?

2.What does yuefang mean in Chinese?

3.What’s their traditional Chinese music background?

Part IV Analyzing the text

Ask one student to stand up and read one paragraph each time, paying

attention to their pronunciations and intonations. Then explain new words

and phrases.
