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Chapter1: Site Planning


I. During the conceptual design period, the overall design documents should include:

1. 设计说明书;

1. Design Description;

2. 设计图纸。

2. Drawings.


II. Design Description


Design description should include detailed explanation about the idea of the overall design as well as a list of technical-economic indices (such as site area, total floor area, built-up area, major buildings’ names, levels and height, plot ratio, coverage rate, paving area of roads and plazas, green area, afforestation rate, calculation of land leveling earthwork if necessary and applicable, etc).


III. Drawings.

1. 用地范围的区域位置;

1. Site Location;

2. 用地红线范围(各角点测量座标值、场地现状标高、地形地貌及其它现状情况反映);

2. Site Scope Defined by Building Lines (coordinates of angle points, current site level, terrain and landform, etc);

3. 用地与周围环境情况反映(如用地外围城市道路;市政工程管线设施;原有建筑物、构筑物;四邻拟建建筑及原有古树名木、历史文化遗址保护等)。

3. Context of the Site (such as exterior urban streets, municipal pipelines and facilities, existing buildings and structures, buildings to be constructed, old and valuable trees, and heritage sites, etc).

4. 总平面布局,其功能分区、总体布置及空间组合的考虑;道路广场布置;场地主要出入口车流、人流的交通组织分析(并应说明按规定计算的停车泊位数和实际布置的停车泊位数量);以及其它反映方案特性的有关分析;消防、人防、绿化等全面考虑。

4. General Layout Plan including functional sub-areas, general layout, combination of various spaces, analysis of vehicle and pedestrian movement through major entrances and exits (including required and actual parking space), other relevant analysis reflecting the proposal's uniqueness, considerations on fire-fighting, air defense and planting, etc.


5. (According to the development’s uniqueness and upon the bidder’s requirements) drawings of function analysis, traffic analysis, planting and landscape analysis, sunshine analysis, and interior drainage line analysis, etc.


Chapter 2: Architectural Design


I. During the conceptual design period, the architectural design documents should include:

1. 设计说明书;

1. Design Description;

2. 设计图纸;

2. Drawings.


II. Design Description

1. 设计依据及设计要求:

1. Basis and Requirements:


1) Project plan, or project approval document, feasibility report approval document and joint-investment agreement approval document issued by relevant authorities;


2) Map of building lines, or land use approval document;


3) Requirements on building design by urban planning and air defense agencies, etc.


4) Entrustment certificate of design and usage requirements given by the builder;
