



(完整版)供应链管理第三版Unit11习题与答案Chapter 11Managing Uncertainty in the Supply Chain: Safety Inventory True/False1. Safety inventory is inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand thatexceeds the amount forecasted for a given period.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate2. Safety inventory is carried because demand forecasts are accurate and aproduct shortage may result if the forecast demand exceeds the actual demand.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate3. Raising the level of safety inventory increases product availability and thus themargin captured from customer purchases.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. Raising the level of safety inventory increases inventory holding costs.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility when newproducts come on the market.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. The appropriate level of safety inventory is determined by the uncertainty of bothdemand and supply and the desired level of cycle inventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate7. As the uncertainty of supply or demand grows, the required level of safetyinventories increases.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. As the desired level of product availability increases, the required level of safetyinventory decreases.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy9. Lead time is the gap between when an order is placed and when it is received.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy10. The coefficient of variation measures the size of the relative certainty of cycleinventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy11. Product availab ility reflects a firm’s ability to fill a customer order out of availableinventory.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. Order fill rate is the fraction of product demand that issatisfied from product ininventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate13. Product fill rate is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product ininventory.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate is significant in a singleproduct situation.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard15. Tracking order fill rates is important when customers place a high value on theentire order being filled simultaneously.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy16. With continuous review, inventory is continuously tracked and an order for a lotsize Q is placed at regular intervals of time.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. With periodic review, inventory status is checked at regular intervals and an orderis placed to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard18. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle(ESC) isthe average units ofdemand that are satisfied from inventory in stock per replenishment cycle.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard19. A shortage occurs in a replenishment cycle only if the demand during the leadtime exceeds the ROP.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. The fill rate increases and the cycle service level decreases as the safetyinventory is increased.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. For the same safety inventory, an increase in lot size increases the fill rate butnot the cycle service level.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard22. The required safety inventory grows rapidly with a decrease in the desiredproduct availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy23. The required safety inventory increases with an increase in the lead time and thestandard deviation of periodic demand.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy24. A goal of any supply chain manager is to reduce the level of safety inventoryrequired regardless of the affect product availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy25. In most supply chains, the key to reducing the underlying forecast uncertainty isto link all forecasts throughout the supply chain to customer demand data.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate26. A reduction in supply can help dramatically reduce safety inventory requiredwithout hurting product availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. Aggregation reduces the standard deviation of demand only if demand acrossthe regions being aggregated is not perfectly positively correlated.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. In case demand in different geographical regions is about the same size andindependent, aggregation increases safety inventory by the square root of thenumber of areas aggregated.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29. If aggregation reduces the required safety inventory fora product by a smallamount, it may be best to carry the product in multiple decentralized locations to reduce response time and transportation cost.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate30. The lower the coefficient of variation of an item, the greater the reduction insafety inventories as a result of centralization.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard31. Manufacturer-driven substitution increases overall profitability for themanufacturer by allowing some aggregation of demand, which reduces theinventory requirements for the same level of availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate32. Postponement allows the supply chain to delay product differentiation, whichresults in disaggregating most of the inventories in the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate33. Periodic review policies require more safety inventory than continuous reviewpolicies for the same level of product availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy34. When using a continuous review policy, a manager has toaccount for theuncertainty of demand during the lead time and the review interval.Answer: FalseDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. Inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand that exceeds the amountforecasted for a given period isa. cycle inventory.b. demand inventory.c. safety inventory.d. security inventory.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy2. Safety inventory is carried becausea. demand forecasts are accurate.b. demand forecasts are uncertain.c. adequate supplies are available.d. excess product was manufactured.e. forecast demand exceeds the actual demand.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate3. The trade-off that a supply chain manager must consider when planning safetyinventory isa. increasing product availability versus increasing inventory holding costs.b. decreasing product availability versus decreasinginventory holding costs.c. increasing product availability versus raising the level of safety inventory.d. decreasing product availability versus decreasing the level of safetyinventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate4. The issue of product availability and the level of safety inventory is particularlysignificant in industries wherea. product life cycles are short and demand is stable.b. product life cycles are short and demand is very volatile.c. product life cycles are long and demand is stable.d. product life cycles are long and demand is very volatile.e. a and b onlyAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate5. A key to success at which company has been its ability to provide a high level ofproduct availability to customers while carrying very low levels of safety inventory in its supply chain?a. Compaqb. Hewlett-Packardc. Delld. Packard-Belle. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. What key question(s) need(s) to be considered when planning safety inventoryfor any supply chain?a. What is the appropriate lead time to establish?b. What is the appropriate level of safety inventory to carry?c. What actions can be taken to improve product availability while reducingsafety inventory?d. a and b onlye. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate7. The appropriate level of safety inventory is determined bya. the uncertainty of both demand and supply.b. the desired level of product availability.c. the desired level of cycle inventory.d. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories dependingall of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate8. As the uncertainty of supply or demand grows, the required level of safetyinventoriesa. decreases.b. increases.c. remains stable.d. both a and be. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate9. As the desired level of product availability increases, the required level of safetyinventorya. decreases.b. increases.c. remains stable.d. both a and be. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate10. Lead time is the gap betweena. when an order is placed and when it is received.b. when an order is received and when it is put away.c. when an order is received and when it is used.d. when an order is acknowledged and when it is received.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy11. The coefficient of variation measuresa. the accuracy of the demand forecast.b. the size of the uncertainty relative to demand.c. the relevance of cycle inventory to demand.d. the relative certainty of the forecast.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. Which of the following is not a measure of product availability?a. customer fill rateb. product fill ratec. order fill rated. cycle service level(CSL)e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. The fraction of orders that are filled from available inventory is thea. customer fill rate.b. product fill rate.c. order fill rate.d. cycle service level(CSL).e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy14. The fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product in inventory is thea. customer fill rate.b. product fill rate.c. order fill rate.d. cycle service level(CSL).e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy15. The fraction of replenishment cycles that end with all the customer demand beingmet is thea. customer fill rate.b. product fill rate.c. order fill rate.d. cycle service level(CSL).e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy16. If a customer order arrives when product is not availablea. a sale results.b. the retailer allocates product to the customer.c. a stockout results.d. the order is filled from safety inventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate isa. not significant in a single product situation.b. significant in a single product situation.c. not significant when a firm is selling multiple products.d. significant when a firm is selling multiple products.e. both a and dAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate18. A replenishment policya. consists of decisions regarding when to reorder and how much to reorder.b. determines the cycle and safety inventories along with the fr and the CSL.c. may take several forms.d. All of the above are true.e. None of the above are true.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. A company that tracks inventory and places an order fora lot size Q when theinventory declines to the reorder point (ROP) is usinga. continuous review.b. daily review.c. occasional review.d. periodic review.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy20. A company that checks inventory status at regular periodic intervals and placesan order to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold is usinga. continuous review.b. daily review.c. occasional review.d. periodic review.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate21. Which of the following is correct?a. Average inventory = cycle inventory + safety inventoryb. Average inventory = cycle inventory - safety inventoryc. Average inventory = cycle inventory x safety inventoryd. Average inventory = cycle inventory / safety inventorye. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy22. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle(ESC) isa. the units of demand that are not satisfied from inventory in stock in agiven replenishment cycle.b. the units of demand that are satisfied from inventory in stock in a givenreplenishment cycle.c. the average units of demand that are not satisfied from inventory in stockper replenishment cycle.d. the average units of demand that are satisfied from inventory in stock perreplenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate23. The product fill rate (fr)is thus given bya. fr = 1 –ESC/Q + (Q – ES C)/Q.b. fr = 1 –ESC/Q –(Q – ES C)/Q.c. fr = 1 + ESC/Q = (Q + ES C)/Q.d. fr = 1 –ESC/Q = (Q – ES C)/Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Hard24. Given a lot size of Q (which is also the average demandin a replenishment cycle)a. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC + Q.b. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC –Q.c. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC/Q.d. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC x Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard25. A shortage occurs in a replenishment cyclea. only if the demand during the lead time exceeds the ROP.b. only if the demand during the lead time is less than the ROP.c. only if the demand during the lead time exceeds the average demand.d. only if the demand during the lead time is less than the average demand.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate26. As the safety inventory is increaseda. fill rate increases and cycle service level decreases.b. fill rate decreases and cycle service level increases.c. both fill rate and cycle service level increase.d. both fill rate and cycle service level decrease.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate27. For the same safety inventory, an increase in lot sizea. decreases the fill rate but not the cycle service level.b. increases the fill rate but not the cycle service level.c. decreases both the fill rate and the cycle service level.d. increases both the fill rate and the cycle service level.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard28. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle is shown asa. ESC = (1 + fr)Q.b. ESC = (1 –fr)Q.c. ESC = (1 + fr)/Q.d. ESC = (1 –fr)/Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard29. The required safety inventorya. grows rapidly with a decrease in the desired product availability.b. grows rapidly with an increase in the desired product availability.c. decreases with an increase in the desired product availability.d. remains stable with an increase in the desired product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate30. The required safety inventorya. increases with an increase in the lead time and thestandard deviation ofperiodic demand.b. decreases with an increase in the lead time and the standard deviation ofperiodic demand.c. remains stable with an increase in the lead time and the standarddeviation of periodic demand.d. increases with a decrease in the lead time and the standard deviation ofperiodic demand.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate31. A goal of any supply chain manager is toa. increase the level of safety inventory required in a way that does notadversely affect product availability.b. increase the level of safety inventory required regardless of the effect onproduct availability.c. reduce the level of safety inventory required regardless of the effect onproduct availability.d. reduce the level of safety inventory required in a way that does notadversely affect product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate32. Which of the following is not an approach to reduce the level of safety inventoryrequired in a way that does not adversely affect product availability?a. Reduce the supplier lead time.b. Reduce the underlying uncertainty of demand.c. Reduce the cost of material coming from suppliers.d. All of the above are approaches.e. None of the above are approaches.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard33. Often, safety inventory calculations in practicea. do not include any measure of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels thatmay be higher than required.b. do not include any measure of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels thatmay be lower than required.c. include measures of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels that may behigher than required.d. include any measures of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels that maybe lower than required.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard34. Aggregation reduces the standard deviation of demanda. only if demand across the regions being aggregated is perfectly positivelycorrelated.b. only if demand across the regions being aggregated is not perfectlypositively correlated.c. even if demand across the regions being aggregated is not perfectlypositively correlated.d. whenever demand across the regions being aggregated is not perfectlypositively correlated.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard35. If the number of independent stocking locations decreases by a factor of n, theaverage safety inventory is expected toa. decrease by a factor of √n.b. decrease by a factor of n.c. increase by a factor of √n.d. increase by a factor of n.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate36. Which of the following is not a major disadvantage of aggregating all inventory inone location?a. Increase in forecast accuracy of customer demand.b. Increase in response time to customer order.c. Increase in transportation cost to customer.d. All of the above are disadvantages.e. All of the above are advantages.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy37. Which of the following is not a method by which a supply chain can extract thebenefits of aggregation without having to physically centralize all inventories inone location?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component differentiatione. postponementAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderation38. Which approach to aggregation requires an information system that allowsaccess to current inventory records from each location?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy39. Which approach to aggregation would stock the fast-moving items atdecentralized locations close to the customer and slow-moving items at acentralized location?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate40. The use of one product to satisfy demand for a different product isa. information centralization.b. specialization.c. product substitution.d. component commonality.e. postponement.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy41. Which use of common components in a variety of products has been a veryeffective supply chain strategy to exploit aggregation and reduce componentinventories?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy42. The ability of a supply chain to delay product differentiation or customization untilcloser to the time the product is sold isa. information centralization.b. specialization.c. product substitution.d. component commonality.e. postponement.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate43. Which approach to aggregation has the goal of moving product differentiation asclose to the pull phase of the supply chain as possible?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate44. Periodic review policies for inventory replenishment require safety inventory tocover demand duringa. lead time only.b. the review interval only.c. both lead time and the review interval.d. neither lead time or the review interval.e. lead time when it exceeds the review interval.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate45. Continuous review policies for inventory replenishment require safety inventory tocover demand duringa. lead time only.b. the review interval only.c. both lead time and the review interval.d. neither lead time or the review interval.e. lead time when it exceeds the review interval.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate46. Periodic review policies requirea. more safety inventory than continuous review policies for the same levelof product availability.b. less safety inventory than continuous review policies for the same level ofproduct availability.c. the same safety inventory as continuous review policies for the samelevel of product availability.d. no more safety inventory than continuous review policies for the samelevel of product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate47. All inventory between a given stage in the supply chain and the final customer iscalled thea. cycle inventory.b. demand inventory.c. echelon inventory.d. safety inventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard48. A distributor should decide his safety inventory levels based ona. the level of safety inventory carried by all retailers supplied by him.b. the level of safety inventory carried by other distributors.c. the level of safety inventory carried by manufacturers supplying him.d. the level of cycle inventory carried by all retailers supplied by him.e. the level of cycle inventory carried by other distributors.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard49. As retailers decrease the level of safety inventory they carry, the distributor willhave toa. decrease his or her safety inventory.b. increase his or her safety inventory.c. keep his or her safety inventory at the same level.d. increase his or her cycle inventory.e. decrease his or her cycle inventory.Answer: bDifficulty: HardEssay/Problems1. Discuss the role of safety inventory in the supply chain and the trade-offsinvolved.Answer: The primary role of safety inventory is providing product availability forcustomers when demand and supply are uncertain. The trade-off that a supplychain manager must consider when planning safety inventory involve productavailability and inventory holding costs. On one hand, raising the level of safetyinventory increases product availability and thus the margin captured fromcustomer purchases. On the other hand, raising the level of safety inventoryincreases inventory holding costs. This issue is particularly significant inindustries where product life cycles are short and demand is very volatile.Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility but can reallyhurt if new products come on the market and demand for the product in inventory dries up. The inventory on hand then becomes worthless.In tod ay’s business environment, firms experience great pressure to improveproduct availability while increasing product variety through customization. As aresult, markets have become increasingly heterogeneous and demand forindividual products is very unstable and difficult to forecast. Both the increasedvariety and the increased pressure for availability push firmsto increase the level of safety inventory they hold.At the same time, product life cycles have shrunk. This increases the risk to firms of carrying too much inventory. Thus, a key to the success of any supply chain isto figure out ways to decrease the level of safety inventory carried without hurting the level of product availability.Difficulty: Hard2. Discuss the various measures of product availability.Answer: Product availability reflects a firm’s ability to fill a customer order out ofavailable inventory. A stockout results if a customer order arrives when product is not available. There are several ways to measure product availability. Allavailability measures are defined on average over a given time frame, which can range from hours to a year.Product fill rate (fr) is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product in inventory. It is equivalent to the probability that product demand is suppliedfrom available inventory.Order fill rate is the fraction of orders that are filled from available inventory. In amulti-product scenario, an order is filled from inventory only if all products in theorder can be supplied from the available inventory. Order fill rates tend to belower than product fill rates because all products must be in stock for an order to be filled.Cycle service level(CSL) is the fraction of replenishment cycles that end with all the customer demand being met. A replenishment cycle is the interval betweentwo successive replenishment deliveries. The CSL is equal to the probability ofnot having a stockout in a replenishment cycle. Observe that a CSL of 60 percent will typically result in a much higher fill rate.The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate is not significant in asingle product situation. When a firm is selling multiple products, however, thisdifference may be significant. For example, if most orders include 10 or moredifferent products that are to be shipped, an out-of-stock situation of one product results in the order not being filled from stock. The firm in this case may have apoor order fill rate even though it has good product fill rates. Tracking order fillrates is important when customers place a high value on the entire order beingfilled simultaneously.Difficulty: Moderate3. Describe the two types of ordering policies and the impact each has on safetyinventory.Answer: A replenishment policy consists of decisions regarding when to reorderand how much to reorder. These decisions determine the cycle and safetyinventories along with the fr and the CSL. There are several forms thatreplenishment policies may take. We restrict attention to two instances:1. Continuous review: Inventory is continuously tracked and an order for a lotsize Q is placed when the inventory declines to the reorder point (ROP). The time between orders may fluctuate given variable demand. When using a continuousreview policy, a manager has to account only for the uncertainty of demandduring the lead time (L).2. Periodic review: Inventory status is checked at regular periodic intervals andan order is placed to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold. In thiscase, the time between orders is fixed. The size of each order, however, canfluctuate given variable demand. Periodic review replenishment policies requiremore safety inventory than continuous review policies for the same lead time andlevel of product availability, because the safety inventory has to cover fordemand uncertainty over the lead time and the review interval (L + T). Periodicreview policies are simpler to implement for retailers because they do not require that the retailer have the capability of continuously monitoring inventory. Giventhat higher uncertainty must be accounted for, periodic review policies will requirea higher level of safety inventory.Difficulty: Moderate4. Explain the impact of supplier lead time on safety。





















A.再订货点B.中转存货C.现有存货D.周期存货A.挑选出的标准通常使得现有的供应商更符合自己的要求B.在制定供应商筛选标准时对供应市场进行分析并不重要C.在制定供应商筛选标准时一定要客观、公正,是经过小组的讨论通过的D.每一个采购类别的供应商筛选标准都可能是不一样的A.有影响力的合作伙伴B.普通合作伙伴C.竞争性/技术性合作伙伴D.战略性合作伙伴回答错误!正确答案: DA.技术型产品B.有效型产品C.功能型产品D.创新型产品A.所有货物通过配送中心的库存向外运送B.通过配送中心利用送奶线路的运送C.利用送奶线路的直接运送D.直接运输A.在制定供应商筛选标准时一定要客观、公正,是经过小组的讨论通过的B.在制定供应商筛选标准时对供应市场进行分析并不重要C.挑选出的标准通常使得现有的供应商更符合自己的要求D.每一个采购类别的供应商筛选标准都可能是不一样的A.采购(包含订购)工作要做到五个恰当:恰当的数量、恰当的时间、恰当的地点、恰当的价格、恰当的来源B.采购最终的目标是通过比较不同供应商的价格,选择最便宜的,从而实现公司在原材料支出最小化C.一般情况下单次采购量越大,在价格上得到的优惠越多,同时因采购次数减少,采购费用会相对降低,但一次进货数量过大容易造成积压,占压资金,且增加了利息支出和仓储管理费用D.如果一次采购量过小,那么在价格上得不到优惠,同时因采购次数的增多而加大采购费用的支出,并且增加了因供应不及时而造成停产待料的风险A.鼓励供应商提出建议B.选择和监督供应商C.与供应商共同研发新的产品和技术D.持续改进供应商质量、成本和交货周期A.自动库存补充方法体现了战略供应商联盟的新型企业合作关系。

B.联合库存管理比供应商管理库存的方式更优越;C.制造商管理库存体现了战略供应商联盟的新型合作企业合作关系;D.联合库存管理体现了战略供应商联盟的新型企业合作关系;A.集成性B.简洁性C.集优化D.动态性A.建立供应商与分销商(批发商)的合作框架协议B.建立顾客情报信息系统C.建立销售网络管理系统D.建立基于标准的托付订单处理模式A.复杂性B.容量与用户需求的关系C.功能模式D.稳定性A.存货补给周期B.完成周期C.平均完成周期D.订货完成周期回答错误!正确答案: BA.自动补货B.快速反应的集成C.联合产品开发D.零售空间管理A.库存的垂直分组B.由供应商对逐日的库存水平进行管理C.库存水平的目测管理D.委托库存A.简单库存与复杂库存B.多余库存与实际库存C.过量库存与恰当库存D.单周期库存与多周期库存A.高需求/ 高价值B.低需求/ 高价值C.高需求/ 低价值D.低需求/ 低价值A.复杂性B.流通性C.交叉性D.动态性A.具体执行生产加工业务的企业B.电子产品服务C.拥有关键核心技术自主知识产权的企业D.承包方或受托方回答错误!正确答案: AA.快速反应的集成B.自动补货C.联合产品开发D.零售空间管理A.冲程B.进程C.行程D.流程A.距离经济B.集成效应C.规模不经济D.规模经济A.劳动力供给B.法制条件C.交通条件D.土地供应A.赢利型供应链B.ECR(efficient customer response)有效消费者响应C.反应型供应链D.QR(Quick Response) 快速反应A.价值增值=企业收入—企业成本B.价值增值=用户价值—用户成本C.价值增值=企业利润D.价值增值=用户满意—用户期望值A.服务B.产品C.效益D.客户A.稍微需求确定低生产不确定产品B.高隐含需求不确定性低生产不确定性产品C.低隐含需求不确定高生产不确定产品D.低隐含需求不确定性低生产不确定性产品A.网链结构B.支链结构C.链式结构D.环状结构A.在传统的采购方式下,质量、交货期等都是通过事前把关的办法进行控制的B.传统采购具有迅速响应用户需求的能力C.传统采购的供需关系是临时的或短时期的合作关系,合作多于竞争D.传统采购的重点是重视交易过程的供应商的价格比较,通过供应商的多头竞争,从中选择最低的价格A.企业将业务外包后,必须加强对外包业务的监督和管理。



Chapter 11Managing Uncertainty in the Supply Chain: Safety InventoryTrue/False1. Safety inventory is inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand thatexceeds the amount forecasted for a given period.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate2. Safety inventory is carried because demand forecasts are accurate and aproduct shortage may result if the forecast demand exceeds the actual demand.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate3. Raising the level of safety inventory increases product availability and thus themargin captured from customer purchases.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. Raising the level of safety inventory increases inventory holding c osts.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility when newproducts come on the market.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. The appropriate level of safety inventory is determined by the uncertainty of bothdemand and supply and the desired level of cycle inventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate7. As the uncertainty of supply or demand grows, the required level of safetyinventories increases.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. As the desired level of product availability increases, the required level of s afetyinventory decreases.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy9. Lead time is the gap between when an order is placed and when it is r eceived.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy10. The coefficient of variation measures the size of the relative certainty of cycleinventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy11. Product availability reflects a firm’s ability to fill a customer order out of availableinventory.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. Order fill rate is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product ininventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate13. Product fill rate is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product ininventory.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate is significant in a singleproduct situation.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard15. Tracking order fill rates is important when customers place a high value on theentire order being filled simultaneously.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy16. With continuous review, inventory is continuously tracked and an order for a lotsize Q is placed at regular intervals of time.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. With periodic review, inventory status is checked at regular intervals and an orderis placed to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard18. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle (ESC) is the average units ofdemand that are satisfied from inventory in stock per replenishment cycle.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard19. A shortage occurs in a replenishment cycle only if the demand during the leadtime exceeds the ROP.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. The fill rate increases and the cycle service level decreases as the safetyinventory is increased.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. For the same safety inventory, an increase in lot size increases the fill rate butnot the cycle service level.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard22. The required safety inventory grows rapidly with a decrease in the desiredproduct availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy23. The required safety inventory increases with an increase in the lead time and thestandard deviation of periodic demand.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy24. A goal of any supply chain manager is to reduce the level of safety inventoryrequired regardless of the affect product availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy25. In most supply chains, the key to reducing the underlying forecast uncertainty isto link all forecasts throughout the supply chain to customer demand data.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate26. A reduction in supply can help dramatically reduce safety inventory requiredwithout hurting product availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. Aggregation reduces the standard deviation of demand only if demand acrossthe regions being aggregated is not perfectly positively correlated.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. In case demand in different geographical regions is about the same size andindependent, aggregation increases safety inventory by the square root of thenumber of areas aggregated.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29. If aggregation reduces the required safety inventory for a product by a smallamount, it may be best to carry the product in multiple decentralized locations t o reduce response time and transportation cost.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate30. The lower the coefficient of variation of an item, the greater the reduction insafety inventories as a result of centralization.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard31. Manufacturer-driven substitution increases overall profitability for themanufacturer by allowing some aggregation of demand, which reduces theinventory requirements for the same level of availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate32. Postponement allows the supply chain to delay product differentiation, whichresults in disaggregating most of the inventories in the supply chain. Answer:FalseDifficulty: Moderate33. Periodic review policies require more safety inventory than continuous reviewpolicies for the same level of product availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy34. When using a continuous review policy, a manager has to account for theuncertainty of demand during the lead time and the review interval.Answer: FalseDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. Inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand that exceeds the amountforecasted for a given period isa. cycle inventory.b. demand inventory.c. safety inventory.d. security inventory.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy2. Safety inventory is carried becausea. demand forecasts are accurate.b. demand forecasts are uncertain.c. adequate supplies are available.d. excess product was manufactured.e. forecast demand exceeds the actual demand.Answer: b Difficulty:Moderate3. The trade-off that a supply chain manager must consider when planning safetyinventory isa. increasing product availability versus increasing inventory holding costs.b. decreasing product availability versus decreasing inventory holding costs.c. increasing product availability versus raising the level of safety inventory.d. decreasing product availability versus decreasing the level of safetyinventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate4. The issue of product availability and the level of safety inventory is particularlysignificant in industries wherea. product life cycles are short and demand is stable.b. product life cycles are short and demand is very volatile.c. product life cycles are long and demand is stable.d. product life cycles are long and demand is very volatile.e. a and b onlyAnswer: b Difficulty:Moderate5. A key to success at which company has been its ability to provide a high level ofproduct availability to customers while carrying very low levels of safety inventory in its supply chain?a. Compaqb. Hewlett-Packardc. Delld. Packard-Belle. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. What key question(s) need(s) to be considered when planning safety inventoryfor any supply chain?a. What is the appropriate lead time to establish?b. What is the appropriate level of safety inventory to carry?c. What actions can be taken to improve product availability while reducingsafety inventory?d. a and b onlye. b and c onlyAnswer: e Difficulty:Moderate7. The appropriate level of safety inventory is determined bya. the uncertainty of both demand and supply.b. the desired level of product availability.c. the desired level of cycle inventory.d. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories dependingall of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: e Difficulty:Moderate8. As the uncertainty of supply or demand grows, the required level of safetyinventoriesa. decreases.b. increases.c. remains stable.d. both a and be. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate9. As the desired level of product availability increases, the required level of s afetyinventorya. decreases.b. increases.c. remains stable.d. both a and be. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate10. Lead time is the gap betweena. when an order is placed and when it is received.b. when an order is received and when it is put away.c. when an order is received and when it is used.d. when an order is acknowledged and when it is received.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy11. The coefficient of variation measuresa. the accuracy of the demand forecast.b. the size of the uncertainty relative to demand.c. the relevance of cycle inventory to demand.d. the relative certainty of the forecast.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. Which of the following is not a measure of product availability?a. customer fill rateb. product fill ratec. order fill rated. cycle service level (CSL)e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. The fraction of orders that are filled from available inventory is thea. customer fill rate.b. product fill rate.c. order fill rate.d. cycle service level (CSL).e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy14. The fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product in inventory is thea. customer fill rate.b. product fill rate.c. order fill rate.d. cycle service level (CSL).e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy15. The fraction of replenishment cycles that end with all the customer demand beingmet is thea. customer fill rate.b. product fill rate.c. order fill rate.d. cycle service level (CSL).e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy16. If a customer order arrives when product is not availablea. a sale results.b. the retailer allocates product to the customer.c. a stockout results.d. the order is filled from safety inventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate isa. not significant in a single product situation.b. significant in a single product situation.c. not significant when a firm is selling multiple products.d. significant when a firm is selling multiple products.e. both a and dAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate18. A replenishment policya. consists of decisions regarding when to reorder and how much to reorder.b. determines the cycle and safety inventories along with the fr and the CSL.c. may take several forms.d. All of the above are true.e. None of the above are true.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. A company that tracks inventory and places an order for a lot size Q when theinventory declines to the reorder point (ROP) is usinga. continuous review.b. daily review.c. occasional review.d. periodic review.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy20. A company that checks inventory status at regular periodic intervals and placesan order to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold is usinga. continuous review.b. daily review.c. occasional review.d. periodic review.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate21. Which of the following is correct?a. Average inventory = cycle inventory + safety inventoryb. Average inventory = cycle inventory - safety inventoryc. Average inventory = cycle inventory x safety inventoryd. Average inventory = cycle inventory / safety inventorye. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy22. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle (ESC) isa. the units of demand that are not satisfied from inventory in stock in agiven replenishment cycle.b. the units of demand that are satisfied from inventory in stock in a givenreplenishment cycle.c. the average units of demand that are not satisfied from inventory in stockper replenishment cycle.d. the average units of demand that are satisfied from inventory in stock perreplenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate23. The product fill rate (fr) is thus given bya. fr = 1 –ESC/Q + (Q – ES C)/Q.b. fr = 1 –ESC/Q – (Q – ES C)/Q.c. fr = 1 + ESC/Q = (Q + ES C)/Q.d. fr = 1 –ESC/Q = (Q – ES C)/Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Hard24. Given a lot size of Q (which is also the average demand in a replenishmentcycle)a. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC + Q.b. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC –Q.c. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC/Q.d. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC x Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard25. A shortage occurs in a replenishment cyclea. only if the demand during the lead time exceeds the ROP.b. only if the demand during the lead time is less than the ROP.c. only if the demand during the lead time exceeds the average demand.d. only if the demand during the lead time is less than the average demand.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate26. As the safety inventory is increaseda. fill rate increases and cycle service level decreases.b. fill rate decreases and cycle service level increases.c. both fill rate and cycle service level increase.d. both fill rate and cycle service level decrease.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate27. For the same safety inventory, an increase in lot sizea. decreases the fill rate but not the cycle service level.b. increases the fill rate but not the cycle service level.c. decreases both the fill rate and the cycle service level.d. increases both the fill rate and the cycle service level.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard28. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle is shown asa. ESC = (1 + fr)Q.b. ESC = (1 –fr)Q.c. ESC = (1 + fr)/Q.d. ESC = (1 –fr)/Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard29. The required safety inventorya. grows rapidly with a decrease in the desired product a vailability.b. grows rapidly with an increase in the desired product availability.c. decreases with an increase in the desired product a vailability.d. remains stable with an increase in the desired product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate30. The required safety inventorya. increases with an increase in the lead time and the standard deviation ofperiodic demand.b. decreases with an increase in the lead time and the standard deviation ofperiodic demand.c. remains stable with an increase in the lead time and the standarddeviation of periodic demand.d. increases with a decrease in the lead time and the standard deviation ofperiodic demand.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate31. A goal of any supply chain manager is toa. increase the level of safety inventory required in a way that does notadversely affect product availability.b. increase the level of safety inventory required regardless of the effect onproduct availability.c. reduce the level of safety inventory required regardless of the effect onproduct availability.d. reduce the level of safety inventory required in a way that does notadversely affect product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate32. Which of the following is not an approach to reduce the level of safety inventoryrequired in a way that does not adversely affect product availability?a. Reduce the supplier lead time.b. Reduce the underlying uncertainty of demand.c. Reduce the cost of material coming from suppliers.d. All of the above are approaches.e. None of the above are approaches.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard33. Often, safety inventory calculations in practicea. do not include any measure of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels thatmay be higher than required.b. do not include any measure of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels thatmay be lower than required.c. include measures of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels that may behigher than required.d. include any measures of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels that maybe lower than required.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard34. Aggregation reduces the standard deviation of demanda. only if demand across the regions being aggregated is perfectly positivelycorrelated.b. only if demand across the regions being aggregated is not p erfectlypositively correlated.c. even if demand across the regions being aggregated is not p erfectlypositively correlated.d. whenever demand across the regions being aggregated is not perfectlypositively correlated.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard35. If the number of independent stocking locations decreases by a factor of n, theaverage safety inventory is expected toa. decrease by a factor of √n.b. decrease by a factor of n.c. increase by a factor of √n.d. increase by a factor of n.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate36. Which of the following is not a major disadvantage of aggregating all inventory inone location?a. Increase in forecast accuracy of customer demand.b. Increase in response time to customer order.c. Increase in transportation cost to customer.d. All of the above are disadvantages.e. All of the above are advantages.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy37. Which of the following is not a method by which a supply chain can extract thebenefits of aggregation without having to physically centralize all inventories inone location?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component differentiatione. postponementAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderation38. Which approach to aggregation requires an information system that allowsaccess to current inventory records from each location?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy39. Which approach to aggregation would stock the fast-moving items atdecentralized locations close to the customer and slow-moving items at acentralized location?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: b Difficulty:Moderate40. The use of one product to satisfy demand for a different product isa. information centralization.b. specialization.c. product substitution.d. component commonality.e. postponement.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy41. Which use of common components in a variety of products has been a veryeffective supply chain strategy to exploit aggregation and reduce componentinventories?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy42. The ability of a supply chain to delay product differentiation or customization u ntilcloser to the time the product is sold isa. information centralization.b. specialization.c. product substitution.d. component commonality.e. postponement.Answer: e Difficulty:Moderate43. Which approach to aggregation has the goal of moving product differentiation asclose to the pull phase of the supply chain as possible?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: e Difficulty:Moderate44. Periodic review policies for inventory replenishment require safety inventory tocover demand duringa. lead time only.b. the review interval only.c. both lead time and the review interval.d. neither lead time or the review interval.e. lead time when it exceeds the review interval.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate45. Continuous review policies for inventory replenishment require safety inventory tocover demand duringa. lead time only.b. the review interval only.c. both lead time and the review interval.d. neither lead time or the review interval.e. lead time when it exceeds the review interval.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate46. Periodic review policies requirea. more safety inventory than continuous review policies for the same levelof product availability.b. less safety inventory than continuous review policies for the same level ofproduct availability.c. the same safety inventory as continuous review policies for the samelevel of product availability.d. no more safety inventory than continuous review policies for the samelevel of product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate47. All inventory between a given stage in the supply chain and the final customer iscalled thea. cycle inventory.b. demand inventory.c. echelon inventory.d. safety inventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard48. A distributor should decide his safety inventory levels based ona. the level of safety inventory carried by all retailers supplied by him.b. the level of safety inventory carried by other distributors.c. the level of safety inventory carried by manufacturers supplying him.d. the level of cycle inventory carried by all retailers supplied by him.e. the level of cycle inventory carried by other distributors.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard49. As retailers decrease the level of safety inventory they carry, the distributor willhave toa. decrease his or her safety inventory.b. increase his or her safety inventory.c. keep his or her safety inventory at the same level.d. increase his or her cycle inventory.e. decrease his or her cycle inventory.Answer: bDifficulty: HardEssay/Problems1. Discuss the role of safety inventory in the supply chain and the trade-offsinvolved.Answer: The primary role of safety inventory is providing product availability forcustomers when demand and supply are uncertain. The trade-off that a supplychain manager must consider when planning safety inventory involve productavailability and inventory holding costs. On one hand, raising the level of safetyinventory increases product availability and thus the margin captured fromcustomer purchases. On the other hand, raising the level of safety inventoryincreases inventory holding costs. This issue is particularly significant inindustries where product life cycles are short and demand is very volatile.Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility but can reallyhurt if new products come on the market and demand for the product in inventory dries up. The inventory on hand then becomes worthless.In today’s business environment, firms experience great pressure to improveproduct availability while increasing product variety through customization. As aresult, markets have become increasingly heterogeneous and demand forindividual products is very unstable and difficult to forecast. Both the increasedvariety and the increased pressure for availability push firms to increase the level of safety inventory they hold.At the same time, product life cycles have shrunk. This increases the risk to firms of carrying too much inventory. Thus, a key to the success of any supply chain is to figure out ways to decrease the level of safety inventory carried without hurting the level of product availability.Difficulty: Hard2. Discuss the various measures of product availability.Answer: Product availability reflects a firm’s ability to fill a customer order out ofavailable inventory. A stockout results if a customer order arrives when product is not available. There are several ways to measure product availability. Allavailability measures are defined on average over a given time frame, which can range from hours to a year.Product fill rate (fr) is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product in inventory. It is equivalent to the probability that product demand is suppliedfrom available inventory.Order fill rate is the fraction of orders that are filled from available inventory. In a multi-product scenario, an order is filled from inventory only if all products in theorder can be supplied from the available inventory. Order fill rates tend to belower than product fill rates because all products must be in stock for an order to be filled.Cycle service level (CSL) is the fraction of replenishment cycles that end with all the customer demand being met. A replenishment cycle is the interval betweentwo successive replenishment deliveries. The CSL is equal to the probability ofnot having a stockout in a replenishment cycle. Observe that a CSL of 60 percent will typically result in a much higher fill rate.The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate is not significant in asingle product situation. When a firm is selling multiple products, however, thisdifference may be significant. For example, if most orders include 10 or moredifferent products that are to be shipped, an out-of-stock situation of one product results in the order not being filled from stock. The firm in this case may have apoor order fill rate even though it has good product fill rates. Tracking order fillrates is important when customers place a high value on the entire order beingfilled simultaneously.Difficulty: Moderate3. Describe the two types of ordering policies and the impact each has on safetyinventory.Answer: A replenishment policy consists of decisions regarding when to reorderand how much to reorder. These decisions determine the cycle and safetyinventories along with the fr and the CSL. There are several forms thatreplenishment policies may take. We restrict attention to two instances:1. Continuous review: Inventory is continuously tracked and an order for a lotsize Q is placed when the inventory declines to the reorder point (ROP). The time between orders may fluctuate given variable demand. When using a continuousreview policy, a manager has to account only for the uncertainty of demandduring the lead time (L).2. Periodic review: Inventory status is checked at regular periodic intervals andan order is placed to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold. In thiscase, the time between orders is fixed. The size of each order, however, can。



三、名词解释供应链 - --- 是围绕企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品运送到消费者手中,将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、直到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构模式。

吸脂性定价 --- 是建立高价位并吸收所有市场需求曲线上端顾客的策略。

独立需求 --- 是来自于外部客户或市场的需求,不能直接从其他产品需求中派生出来。

安全库存 --- 是指当不确定因素已导致更高的预期需求或导致完成周期更长时的缓冲存货,安全库存用于满足提前期需求。

有效顾客响应 --- 是应用于食品行业,分销商和供应商为消除系统中不必要的成本和费用,给客户带来更大效益而进行密切合作的一种供应链管理方法。

供应链管理--- 是同一供应链上的所有节点企业,包括供应商、分销商、零售商等,将所处的供应链中的各种资源进行集成,并对供应链中的各种动作进行同步化、集中化管理,从而形成高度竞争力,使得该供应链的产品在快速多变的市场中处于优势地们的一种管理模式。

渗透性定价 --- 是指最初以低价进入新市场而获取更大的市场占有率的策略。

派分需求 --- 是指要在发货点派分某种货物或某项服务的需求和提前期。

第三方物流 --- 是指物流的实际需求方和物流的实际供给方之外的第三方,它部分或全部利用第二方的资源,通过合约向第一方提供物流服务,它是业务外包在物流业务中的具体表现。

客户关系管理--- 是一种以客户为中心的管理思想和经营理念,目的在于改善企业与客户之间的关系,在企业的市场、销售、服务与技术支持等与客户相关的领域中广泛实施,通过为不同类型的客户定制不同的服务,吸引和保持更多的客户。

现代物流管理 -- 是指将信息、运输、库存、仓储、搬运以及包装等系列物流活动综合起来的一种新型的集成式管理,他的目的在于以最低成本为顾客提供最好的服务。

牛鞭效应 -- 由于供应链的信息流从末端向源端传递时,信息扭曲会逐级放大,导致需求信息的波动越来越大。



《供应链管理》课程测验试卷及答案(2)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:试卷B课程名称:供应链管理考试方式:完成时限:班级名称:学号:姓名:题号一二三四五六总分分值20 20 20 15 25 100 得分阅卷人一、不定项选择题(多选、少选或错选均不给分,每题1分,共20分)1.供应链管理中有两个理念吸引许多跨国企业的青睐:()A. 轻资产运作B. 快速响应C. 协同运作D. 运作高效率2.除了质量、成本和柔性,以下还有哪些是供应链管理可以实现的客户价值:()A. 交付能力B. 交付数量C. 创新D. 服务质量3.以下哪些是供应链管理需要的信息质量特点?()A. 准确的B. 相关的C. 及时的D. 可传递的4.库存在供应链中不同环节的表现形式大致可以分为生产库存和()。

A. 循环库存B. 安全库存C. 季节性库存D. 投机库存的5.供应链上的不确定性可表现为两种不确定性:()A. 供应不确定B. 衔接不确定C. 运作不确定D. 配送不确定6.供应链联盟的动因在于两个方面:()和加强企业核心竞争力。

A. 快速响应市场B. 降低信息成本C. 增加市场份额D. 降低库存成本7.我们认为可通过以下几种方式来建立一条柔性的供应链:()A. 库存冗余B. 及时响应C. 延迟制造D. 物流配送8.优秀供应链的4A特质:()和构建价值的能力。

A. 敏捷力B. 适应力C. 持续力D. 协同力9.收益管理的核心在于()。

A. 价格一致B. 价格细分C. 利润D. 供应链10.差异化定价策略大致可以分为()。

A. 顾客差异化定价B. 渠道差异化定价C. 产品差异化定价D. 时间差异化定价11.供应链管理中的信息作用主要有()A. 协调供应链运作B. 降低供应链运作成本C. 提高供应链市场反应能力D. 增强企业的运作柔性和战略优势12.供应链中的两大信息陷阱是()A. 信息拥有不完美B. 信息拥有不对称C. 信息传递不完美D. 信息传递不对称13.牛鞭效应产生的原因有()A. 需求预测偏差B. 订货批量决策C. 价格波动D. 短缺博弈14.以下哪几点是外包业务的风险?()A. 供应链权力转移B. 服务水平下降C. 竞争隐患D. 技术外溢15.以下哪一项不是使用第三方物流的企业的优越性。



供应链考试的题目和答案供应链管理考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 供应链管理的核心是()。

A. 降低成本B. 提高效率C. 客户满意度D. 以上都是答案:D2. 供应链管理不包括以下哪一项()。

A. 供应商管理B. 库存管理C. 财务管理D. 客户关系管理答案:C3. 供应链中的“链”指的是()。

A. 产品链B. 信息链C. 价值链D. 以上都是答案:D4. 供应链管理的最终目标是()。

A. 提高利润B. 降低成本C. 提高客户满意度D. 以上都是答案:D5. 供应链中的“上游”指的是()。

A. 供应商B. 制造商C. 零售商D. 消费者答案:A6. 供应链管理中的“牛鞭效应”是由于()。

A. 信息不对称B. 需求预测不准确C. 库存管理不当D. 以上都是答案:D7. 供应链管理中的“供应商关系管理”主要关注()。

A. 价格谈判B. 质量控制C. 交货时间D. 以上都是答案:D8. 供应链中的“库存”包括()。

A. 原材料B. 在制品C. 成品D. 以上都是答案:D9. 供应链管理中的“需求计划”主要关注()。

A. 历史数据B. 市场趋势C. 促销活动D. 以上都是答案:D10. 供应链管理中的“运输管理”主要关注()。

A. 运输成本B. 运输时间C. 运输安全D. 以上都是答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 供应链管理的主要环节包括()。

A. 采购B. 生产C. 销售D. 客户服务答案:ABCD2. 供应链管理中的风险包括()。

A. 供应风险B. 需求风险C. 运输风险D. 信息风险答案:ABCD3. 供应链管理中的“协同”包括()。

A. 供应商协同B. 制造商协同C. 零售商协同D. 客户协同答案:ABCD4. 供应链管理中的“信息技术”包括()。

A. 企业资源规划(ERP)B. 供应链执行系统(SCE)C. 客户关系管理(CRM)D. 电子商务(e-commerce)答案:ABCD5. 供应链管理中的“绩效评估”包括()。



《供应链管理》课程测验试卷及答案《供应链管理》课程测验试卷及答案————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————⽇期:试卷A课程名称:供应链管理考试⽅式:完成时限:班级名称:学号:姓名:题号⼀⼆三四五六总分分值20 20 20 15 25 100 得分阅卷⼈⼀、不定项选择题(多选、少选或错选均不给分,每题1分,共20分)1.供应链管理中有两个理念吸引许多跨国企业的青睐:()A. 轻资产运作B. 快速响应C. 协同运作D. 运作⾼效率2.供应链管理时代⾯临的市场竞争情况:()A. 产品⽣命周期⽇渐缩短B. 产品种数飞速膨胀C. 交货期变得越来越严格D. 客户对产品和服务与⽇俱增3.除了质量、成本和柔性,以下还有哪些是供应链管理可以实现的客户价值:()A. 交付能⼒B. 交付数量C. 创新D. 服务质量4.供应链管理关注的三个焦点是什么?()A. 库存B. 信息C. 不确定D. 物流5.库存在供应链中不同环节的表现形式⼤致可以分为⽣产库存和()。

A. 循环库存B. 安全库存C. 季节性库存D. 投机库存的6.供应链上的不确定性从根本上讲是由以下3个⽅⾯的原因所造成:()A. 外部环境的不可预测B. 决策信息的可靠性C. 需求预测能⼒的偏差D. 管理者的决策质量7.横向集成的供应链联盟具有以下4个特征:⾏为的战略性和()A. 合作的平等性B. 范围的⼴泛性C. 竞争的根本性D. 联合的充分性8.优秀供应链的4A特质:()和构建价值的能⼒。

A. 敏捷⼒B. 适应⼒C. 持续⼒D. 协同⼒9.收益管理的核⼼在于()。

A. 价格⼀致B. 价格细分C. 利润D. 供应链10.与功能性产品相匹配的供应链运作战略是()。

A. 响应型供应链B. 柔性供应链C. 有效型供应链D. 功能性供应链11.供应链管理中的信息作⽤主要有()A. 协调供应链运作B. 降低供应链运作成本C. 提⾼供应链市场反应能⼒D. 增强企业的运作柔性和战略优势12.供应链中的两⼤信息陷阱是()A. 信息拥有不完美B. 信息拥有不对称C. 信息传递不完美D. 信息传递不对称13.⽜鞭效应产⽣的原因有()A. 需求预测偏差B. 订货批量决策C. 价格波动D. 短缺博弈14.以下哪⼏点是外包业务的风险?()A. 供应链权⼒转移B. 服务⽔平下降C. 竞争隐患D. 技术外溢15.假设B公司的利润率为5%,在其他条件不变的情况下,B公司节省1元钱的采购成本,公司若想考增加销售收⼊来获得同样的利润,则需要增加多少销售额?()A. 5元B. 10元C. 15元D. 20元16.从成本的⾓度去看待供应链采购管理,有哪些要点需要注意?()A. 降低原材料采购成本B. 提⾼物流效率C. 降低库存D. 改善质量17.以下哪些是JIT采购的特点:()A. 单源采购B. 采购质量⾼C. ⼩批量和多频次采购D. 信息共享程度好18.VMI采购模式的应⽤给供应链绩效带来了以下两个⽅⾯的改善:()A. 信息共享程度好B. 采购质量⾼C. 降低了需求⽅的采购管理⼯作D. 改善供应商的运营计划19.单源采购的脆弱性主要表现在哪些⽅⾯?()A. 区域性突发状况导致的供应中断B. 采购效率差C. 供应商产能的不⾜D. 采购价格问题20.百安居在中国使⽤的物流模式是:()A. ⾃营和外包并举B. 只有⾃营C. 只有外包D. 以上都不对⼆、判断题(对的请打√,错的请打×并修改错误之处,每题2分[修改错误占1分],共20分)1.供应链管理中的⼤多决策失误可以归结到对市场的误判。




















供应链管理习题答案.docC.供应链与供应链D.供应链与企业C.产品的不确定性A.物料链B.信息链C.资金链3.供应链中需求变异放大的原因是(ABCD )A.需求预测修正B.订货批量决策乏合作供应链的结构模型主要有:(AB )D.增值链C.短缺博奕D.价格波动E.缺第一章供应链概述1.供应链随目标的转变而转变,随服务方式的变化而变化,这属于供应链的(D )。

A.时代性B.协调性C.复杂性D.动态性2.将供应链划分为平衡的供应链和倾斜的供应链,是根据(A )划分的。

A.供应链容量与用户需求的关系B.供应链存在的稳定性C.供应链的发展进程D.供应链的功能3.从供应链的结构模型可以看出,节点企业和节点企业之间是一种(A )关系。

A.需求与供应B.支配C.平等D.利益4.对市场的响应速度而言,牛鞭效应表明,越是处于供应链后端,企业响应速度(B )BA.越快B.越慢C. 一般D.无影响5.英国著名物流管理专家马丁?克里斯托夫说:“21世纪的竞争不是企业和企业之间的竞争,而是( C )之间的竞争。

”A.企业内部B.供应链内部二、多选题1.供应链的不确定性主要来源于(ABD )A.供应商的不确定性B.生产者的不确定性D.顾客不确定性E.库存的不确定性2.供应链是一条连接供应商到用户的:(ABCD )A.链状模型B.网状模型C.环状模型D.总线模型E.反馈模型5.供应链的特征包括(ABCE)A.复杂性B.动态性C.而向用户需求D.竞争性E.交叉性三、判断题1.供应链由其中的节点所组成,这些节点是指供应链中的实体,包括法律实体、功能实体和物理实体。

(V )2.供应链是一个网链结构,一个企业是一个节点,节点企业和节点企业之间是一种需求与供应关系。

(J )3.推动式供应链模式的流程是:消费者购买商品一零售商店一零售配送中心一生产商。

(X )4.企业一般都利用过去的市场需求来预测未来的市场需求,这样就很容易导致需求信号被不断放大。








7.供给链管理理念下的库存核心价值是〔C 〕。









11.在供给链采购活动中,供给商与采购商之间的关系是〔 B 〕关系。




2020智慧树,知到《供应链管理》(山东财经大学)章节测试[完整答案]智慧树知到《供应链管理》(山东联盟-山东财经大学)章节测试答案第一章1、供应链是一个网链结构,由围绕( )的供应商、供应商的供应商和用户、用户的用户组成。

A:主要B:最终用户C:一级D:核心企业正确答案:核心企业2、 ( )的驱动力产生于最终客户,整个供应链的集成度较高,信息交换迅速,可有效降低库存,为客户提供更大的价值。

A:拉动式供应链B:推动式供应链C:有效性供应链D:响应性供应链正确答案:拉动式供应链3、以下关于供应链管理模式说法错误的是( )。

A:从“大而全、小而全”向“分散网络化制造”转变B:从“封闭式”向“开放式”的设计、开发与生产转变C:从“纵向一体化”向“横向一体化”转变D:从“横向一体化”向“纵向一体化”转变正确答案:从“横向一体化”向“纵向一体化”转变4、全球竞争环境的变化体现在以下几个方面( )。

A:全球化B:产品生命周期越来越短C:产品品种数飞速膨胀D:产品价格迅速下跌E:对产品和服务的期望越来越高正确答案:全球化,产品生命周期越来越短,产品品种数飞速膨胀,产品价格迅速下跌,对产品和服务的期望越来越高5、传统管理模式的弊端包括( )。

A:增加企业投资负担B:迫使企业从事不擅长的业务活动C:在每个业务领域都具有较强竞争力D:承担丧失市场时机的风险正确答案:增加企业投资负担,迫使企业从事不擅长的业务活动,承担丧失市场时机的风险6、供应链是一条连接供应商到客户的( )。

A:物料链B:价值链C:信息链D:资金链正确答案:物料链,价值链,信息链,资金链7、供应链管理的作用是( )。


( )A:对B:错正确答案:错9、供应链管理的主要目标是以系统的观点,对多个职能和多层次供应商进行整合和管理外购、业务流程和物料控制。










A: 服务流B: 资金流C:产品D: 信息流答案:ABCD8.供应链的稳定性是相对的,而动态性是绝对的。


A: 采购/低采购成本B: 市场/产品多样化C: 生产/规模效益D: 分销/低运输成本答案:ABCD10.创新性产品对市场来说很新,因此需求的不确定性很高,一般不可预测,生命周期较短。



A:错B:对答案:B第二章测试1.产品开发、产品技术保证、采购、制造、生产控制、库存控制、仓储管理、分销管理、市场营销等属于供应链管理哪方面的领域?( )A:营销职能B:部门职能C:基本职能领域D:竞争职能领域答案:C2.客户服务、设计工程、会计核算、人力资源等属于供应链管理哪方面的领域?( )A:供应链供需平衡管理B:供应链信息流管理C:基本职能领域答案:D3.供应链管理的哪个要素是通过维持一定量的库存来克服由于市场随机需求产生的变化和供应的不确定性风险对供应链带来的不利影响? ( )A:风险管理B:库存功能C:配送功能D:运输功能答案:B4.供应链管理中的什么体系可以使供应链系统在受到内、外部各种风险因素影响时仍然能够良好、稳健地运行 ? ( )A:构建优化体系B:生产监控体系C:库存管理体系D:风险防范机制和管理体系答案:D5.供应链管理是要使企业在竞争中在时间、质量、成本、服务和以下哪个方面有上佳表现。































19春北理工《供应链管理》在线作业答案------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (单选题)1: 供应链最关键的是采用()的思想和方法。

A: 集成B: 纵向一体化C: 合作D: 资源外用正确答案:(单选题)2: 基于产品的供应链设计在分析了市场竞争环境后,紧接着的一步是()。

A: 提出供应链设计B: 分析供应链构成C: 分析企业现状D: 设计和产生新的供应链正确答案:(单选题)3: 供应链是一个()系统,它包括不同环节之间持续不断的信息流、产品流和资金流。

A: 动态系统B: 固定系统C: 独立系统D: 复杂系统正确答案:(单选题)4: 下列不属于单周期需求的特征的是()。

A: 偶发性B: 很少重复订货C: 库存需要不断补充D: 物品生命周期短正确答案:(单选题)5: ()对CPFR的推动起到了重要租用。

A: 沃尔玛B: 家乐福C: 丰田D: 通用正确答案:(单选题)6: 下列()不属于企业物流。

A: 供应物流B: 生产物流C: 配送物流D: 回收物流正确答案:(单选题)7: 供应链最根本的特点是()。

A: 厂商数量多B: 产品成本最低C: 协调配合的网络结构D: 各厂商分工负责正确答案:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (单选题)8: 供应链划分为有效性性供应链和反应性供应链,其依据是根根据供应链的()。

A: 稳定性B: 复杂性C: 容量与用户需求的关系D: 功能模式正确答案:(单选题)9: JIT代表什么意思()。



2、供应链绩效评价一般应包括对 ( )的评价。








最新资料欢送阅读2021 智慧树,知到?供给链管理?章节测试【完满答案】第一章单元测试1、判断题:企业各个部门独立决策只能以致绩效的次优结果选项:A:对B:错答案 :【对】2、判断题:实体配送管理包括物料供给过程选项:A:对B:错答案 :【错】3、判断题:对照物流管理,供给链管理包括了组织之间的共同选项:A:错B:对答案 :【对】4、判断题:基于订单的运营模式考虑的重点是交货期选项:A:对B:错答案 :【对】5、判断题:推拉供给链中推动和拉动局部对主要差异在于不确定性的大小选项:A:错B:对答案 :【对】6、单项选择题:Which of the following expressions best describes the integration of the systems concept?选项:A:2+2 always equals 4B:2+2 equals more than 4C:2 plus 2 equals 4D:2+2 equals less than 4答案 :【2+2 equals more than 4】7、单项选择题:Which of the following benefits is expected whenimplementing collaborative supply chain management?选项:A:Synchronizing supply and demandB:A. Maximizing the performance of the firmC:Reducing the number of competitorsD:Increasing scope of operations答案 :【Synchronizing supply and demand】8、多项选择题:职能孤岛时代部门之间分别的原因是选项:A:常例和惰性B:缺乏本钱权衡看法C:合作失败D:不同样职能目标的矛盾答案 :【常例和惰性;缺乏本钱权衡看法;不同样职能目标的矛盾】9、多项选择题:企业的供给链管理部门应该包括的职能是选项:A:营销B:采买C:生产D:物流答案:【采买;生产;物流】第二章单元测试1、判断题:订货批量的存在与规模经济效应亲近相关选项:A:错B:对答案 :【对】2、判断题:在其他条件不变时,订货本钱与订货量成正比选项:A:对B:错答案 :【对】3、判断题:在其他条件不变时,库存拥有本钱与订货量成正比选项:A:对B:错答案 :【错】4、单项选择题:In most supply chains, raising customer service goals haswhich of the following consequences? I. Higher inventory;II.Higher customer service levels levels; III. Lower total costs选项:A:I onlyB:II and III onlyC:I, II, and IIID:I and II only答案 :【I and II only】5、单项选择题:A forecast is typically more accurate for选项:A:physical units rather than monetary unitsB:daily rather than monthly periods of timeC:far out in the future rather than nearer time periodsD:groups of items rather than for individual items答案 :【groups of items rather than for individual items 】6、单项选择题:Which of the following is included in the cost of carrying inventory?选项:A:inventory obsolescenceB:material handlingC:all of the aboveD:Heating and lighting a warehouse答案 :【all of the above】7、单项选择题:Which of the following costs will increase if a retailerrequests the same amount of inventory to be delivered in twice as many shipments?选项:A:carrying costsB:ordering costsC:item costsD:backorder costs答案 :【ordering costs】8、单项选择题:The concept of postponement strategy选项:A:Seeks to reduce the risk of deliveryB:involves two organizations working together to delay deliveryC:Involves strategic delay of the deliveryD:Seeks to reduce the risk of forecast答案 :【Seeks to reduce the risk of forecast】9、多项选择题:周期库存越低会以致选项:A:库存拥有本钱越低B:平均流动时间越短C:效劳水平越低D:资本需求越低答案 :【库存拥有本钱越低;平均流动时间越短;资本需求越低】10、多项选择题:库存拥有本钱的构成要素包括选项:A:过期本钱B:机会本钱C:保护本钱D:税费答案 :【过期本钱;机会本钱;保护本钱;税费】。

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2、供应链绩效评价一般应包括对 ( )的评价。





