看看下面这三十部电影,见识见识这些千奇百怪的“不可能爱情”,一定能激励你对爱情的信心:他们都能相爱,凭什么我和他/她就不可以!NO.1 《充气娃娃之恋》(2007)怪异之处:嗯,你没看错,就是你想到的那种充气娃娃每个寂寞苦闷,为找不到异性伴侣而烦恼不已的宅男都应该看看这部《充气娃娃之恋》,它会让宅男们前所未有的振奋。
至于充气娃娃嘛,小编一直很好奇,会不会有专门的男性充气娃娃和她配个对呢?NO.2 《暮光之城》(2008)怪异之处:108岁的吸血鬼与17岁的懵懂少女,口味偏重身份,地位,财富之外,年龄也是关乎爱情关系是否牢固的重要一环,男女年龄差距太大的话,额,不是小编诅咒你们,真得容易杯具。
全球最卖座的100部电影 截止至2010年
![全球最卖座的100部电影 截止至2010年](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/17c65facdd3383c4bb4cd2a2.png)
1.阿凡达Avatar (2009) $27.815亿/导演:詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron/编剧:詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron/主演:萨姆·沃辛顿Sam Worthington 佐伊·索尔达娜Zoe Saldana 西格妮·韦弗Sigourney Weaver 希·庞德CCH Pounder 米歇尔·罗德里格兹Michelle Rodriguez/第82届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果、最佳艺术指导、最佳摄影/3D2. 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997) $18.353亿/第70届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳视觉效果/导演:詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron/主演:Leonardo DiCaprio,Kate Winslet3. 指环王3:国王归来The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King (2003) $11.292亿/第76届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳视觉效果/导演:Peter Jackson /演员:Elijah Wood,Viggo Mortensen,Orlando Bloom,Sean Astin-------------------------------------3----------------------------------------------------4. 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺/亡灵宝藏Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man's Chest (2006) $10.659亿/第79届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果/导演:Gore Verbinski/演员:Johnny Depp,Orlando Bloom,Keira Knightley5. 玩具总动员3 Toy Story 3 (2010) 10.630亿/第83届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖6. 爱丽丝梦游仙境Alice in Wonderland (2010) $10.233亿/3D7. 蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士The dark knight (2008) $10.019亿8. 哈利·波特1:哈利·波特与魔法石Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) $9.687亿9. 加勒比海盗3:世界尽头Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End (2007) $9.584亿10.哈利·波特7:哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) $9.461亿--------------------------------------10------------------------------------------------11. 哈利·波特5:哈利·波特与凤凰社Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) $9.370亿12.哈利·波特6:哈利·波特与混血王子Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) $9.340亿13. 星战前传1:魅影危机Star Wars Episode I:The Phantom Menace (1999) $9.224亿14. 指环王2:双塔奇兵The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) $9.216亿/第75届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果15. 侏罗纪公园1 Jurassic Park (1993) $9.197亿/第66届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果16. 哈利·波特4:哈利·波特与火焰杯Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) $8.922亿17.冰河世纪3:恐龙的黎明Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) $8.878亿/3D动画片18. 蜘蛛侠3 Spider-Man 3 (2007) $8.854亿19. 怪物史莱克2 Shrek 2 (2004) $8.809亿/动画片20. 哈利·波特2:哈利·波特与密室Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) $8.663亿---------------------------------------20-------------------------------------------------21. 海底总动员/寻找尼莫Finding Nemo (2003) $8.650亿/第76届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖/动画片22. 指环王1:护戒使者The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) $8.607亿/第74届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果23. 星战前传3:西斯的复仇Star Wars Episode III:Revenge of the Sith (2005) $8.485亿24. 变形金刚2:卷土重来Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) $8.353亿25. 盗梦空间Inception (2010) $8.171亿/第83届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果26. 独立日Independence Day (1996) $8.112亿/第69届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果27. 蜘蛛侠Spider-Man (2002) $8.067亿28. 星球大战1 Star Wars (1977) $7.979亿/第50届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果29. 史莱克3Shrek the Third (2007) $7.911亿/动画片30. 哈利·波特3:哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) $7.895亿31. 蜘蛛侠2 Spider-Man 2 (2004) $7.836亿/第77届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果32. 狮子王The Lion King (1994) $7.834亿/动画片33. 夺宝奇兵4:水晶头骨王国Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) $7.830亿34. 2012 (2009) $7.668亿/动画片35. 达芬奇密码The Da Vinci Code (2006) $7.572亿36. E.T.外星人E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) $7.567亿/第55届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果37. 史莱克4 Shrek Forever After (2010) $7.503亿38. 纳尼亚传奇1:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) $7.388亿39. 黑客帝国2:重装上阵The Matrix Reloaded (2003) $7.356亿40.飞屋环游记Up (2009) $7.271亿/第82届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖、最佳配乐/动画片41. 暮光之城2:新月The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) $7.098亿42. 变形金刚1 Transformers (2007) $7.008亿43. 暮光之城3:月食The Twilight Saga: Eclipse(2010) $6.945亿44. 阿甘正传Forrest Gump (1994) $6.794亿/第67届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳视觉效果45. 灵异第六感The Sixth Sense (1999) $6.615亿46. 加勒比海盗1:黑珍珠号的诅咒Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) $6.532亿47. 星战前传2:克隆人的进攻Star Wars Episode II:Attack of the Clones (2002) $6.482亿48. 功夫熊猫Kung Fu Panda (2008) $6.334亿/动画片49. 超人总动员The Incredibles (2004) $6.240亿/第77届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖/动画片50. 冰河世纪2:消融Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) $6.238亿/动画片----------------------------------------50------------------------------------------------51. 全民超人Hancock (2008) $6.235亿52. 钢铁侠2 Iron Man 2 (2010) $6.168亿53. 料理鼠王Ratatouille(2007)$6.159亿/动画片/第80届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖/动画片54. 侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) $6.143亿55. 耶稣受难记The Passion of the Christ (2004) $6.044亿56. 妈妈咪呀Mamma Mia! (2008) $6.012亿57. 马达加斯加2:逃往非洲Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa(2008) $5.941亿58. 世界之战War of the Worlds (2005) $5.914亿59. 007系列21:皇家赌场Casino Royale (2006) $5.876亿60. 黑衣人1 Men in Black (1997) $5.872亿61. 我是传奇/末世传奇I Am Legend (2007) $5.840亿62↑魔发奇缘Tangled (2010) $5.766亿63. 星球大战3:绝地归来Star Wars Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) $5.727亿/第56届奥斯卡特别贡献奖(最佳视觉效果)64. 钢铁侠Iron Man (2008) $5.718亿65. 博物馆奇妙夜Night at the Museum (2006) $5.710亿66. 007系列22:大破量子危机Quantum of Solace (2008) $5.700亿67. 世界末日/天地大冲撞Armageddon (1998) $5.546亿68. 金刚King Kong (2005) $5.471亿/第78届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果69. 碟中碟2 Mission : Impossible II (2000) $5.453亿70.卑鄙的我Despicable Me (2010) $5.435亿/动画片71. 小鬼当家1 Home Alone (1990) $5.338亿72. 星球大战2:帝国反击战Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) $5.338亿/第53届奥斯卡特别贡献奖(最佳视觉效果)73. 机器人总动员W ALL·E (2008)$5.325亿/第81届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖/动画片74. 怪物公司Monsters, Inc. (2001) $5.289亿/动画片75. 后天The Day After Tomorrow (2004) $5.279亿76. 辛普森一家The Simpsons Movie (2007) $5.255亿/动画片77.大侦探福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes (2009) $5.184亿78. 人鬼情未了Ghost (1990) $5.176亿79. 终结者2:审判日Terminator 2 : Judgment Day (1991) $5.168亿/第64届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果80. 阿拉丁Aladdin (1992) $5.019亿/动画片81. 驯龙记How to Train Your Dragon (2010) $4.949亿82. 夺宝奇兵3:圣战骑兵/最后的十字军Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) $4.948亿83. 龙卷风Twister (1996) $4.947亿84. 诸神之战Clash of the Titans (2010) $4.916亿85.天使与魔鬼Angels & Demons (2009) $4.860亿86. 玩具总动员2 Toy Story 2 (1999) $4.857亿/动画片87. 特洛伊Troy (2004) $4.812亿88. 拯救大兵瑞恩Saving Private Ryan (1998) $4.793亿89. 查理和巧克力工厂Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) $4.719亿90. 大白鲨Jaws (1975) $4.706亿91. 漂亮女人Pretty Woman (1990) $4.634亿92. 宿醉The Hangover (2009) $4.616亿93. 冒牌天神Bruce Almighty (2003) $4.589亿94. 斯巴达300勇士300 (2006)$4.566亿95. 黑客帝国1 The Matrix (1999) $4.563亿/第72届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果96. 角斗士Gladiator (2000) $4.562亿/第73届奥斯卡最佳影片,最佳视觉效果97. X战警3:背水一战X-men :The Last Stand(2006) $4.553亿98. 怪物史莱克1 Shrek (2001) $4.551亿/第74届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖/动画片99. 汽车总动员Cars (2006) $4.548亿/动画片100. 国家宝藏2:秘密之书National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) $4.540。
d 3+ d 4+
,r r
+ ( d 。 如)
还 设
分 别 为d3
第③ 跑 道 上 三 个 半 圆 的 直 径 出 以 显 然 有d 3 + d 4 + d 5 d 那
, , = ,
角形 两 条 高 的 相 交 点 3 策 略 关 答 案 :狗 要 咬 兔 子 兔 子 要 吃 青 菜 所 以 关键 是 要 在 渡 河 的 任 何
么 这 条跑 道 的 长就 是
d ,÷ 2 +
叮 r
6f4+ 2 +
d E ÷2
个 步骤 中 把 兔 子 和 狗 兔 子 和 青 菜 分
, ,
开 才 能 免受损 失
小 女 孩 可 以 先 带兔
子 到对 岸 然 后 空 手 回 来
步 带狗
吉以 丢如 吉 d ) 丢(
不 但 对他
办 又 会 怎 么 办 呢?
参 特 《 尔 斐城 的跑 道 》 考 答 案 1 推 理 关 答 案 :A 是 预 言 家 B 是 宫 廷 女 侍 C 是 舞蹈 家 D 是 演 奏 家且 D 没 有 和 阿特 结 婚 2 计 算 关 答 案 :树 桩 选在 田 地 所 成 正 三
时 回 头 望 望 那 架 只 剩 下 骨架 的 飞 机 以及
Oh,Alakay Stop...stop it,stop it rigth now,don't going...
-Makunga: It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want it to.
-Marty: I don't like looks of this guy.
-Gloria:Well, I think he is kind of cute.
cute: 可爱的
-Marty: I think he is kind of show off.
-Makunga: I am better looking, I have better hair, I am deceivingly smart and... I want everyone else to do what I say.
Alakay, let me show you something, OK? You see this mark?
You and me are the same and when you're bigger,
全球电影票房排行榜 2011
![全球电影票房排行榜 2011](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3a0c902abd64783e09122bb4.png)
1.阿凡达Avatar (2009) $27.54893602亿(沙发,BT种子。
)导演:詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron/编剧:詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron/主演:萨姆·沃辛顿Sam Worthington 佐伊·索尔达娜Zoe Saldana 西格妮·韦弗Sigourney Weaver 希·庞德CCH Pounder 米歇尔·罗德里格兹Michelle Rodriguez/第82届奥斯卡最佳视觉效果、最佳艺术指导、最佳摄影影片的预算超过5亿美元,成为电影史上预算金额最高的电影。
全球票房:$2,754,893,602全球电影票房历史排名第一全球第一部票房突破19亿并一路到达27亿美元的影片全球影史票房最快过十亿美元记录:17天.最快破一亿(3天)、二亿(5天)、四亿(10天)唯一突破7亿并到达14亿的影片2. 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997) $18.43201268(板凳,带泰坦尼克号2的电影观看视频。
)第70届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳视觉效果/导演:詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron/主演:Leonardo DiCaprio,Kate Winslet该片是当时电影史上第一昂贵的电影,全球票房收入为18亿3540万美元(北美地区为6亿美元,中国三点六亿人民币),是位居全球及北美地区历史单部影片票房的第二名,仅次于詹姆斯·卡梅隆指导的另一部影片,2009年已上映的《阿凡达》。
全球票房$1,843,201,268北美票房$600,788,188海外票房$1,242,413,0803.↑哈利·波特7与死亡圣器(下)(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2)(地板,这个系列的前7部电影BT种子,哈利波特7下没有。
马达加斯加2经典台词1他们不像你期待的那样长大真的很令人失望啊It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want it to.我还是觉得他太显摆了I still think he is kind of a show off.肯定是的啊他是动物嘛You got to give it to him, the guy is an animal.如果你们有天来曼哈顿的话别担心打个电话就行If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan, feel free to call first.不过说真的绝对要先打个电话好吗Seriously no, call. OK?如果机舱内气压瞬间下降请把面罩罩上In case of losing cabin pressure, please place the mask over your face...好让其他乘客不被你惊吓的表情吓坏to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.我们可能这样就完了马蒂This could be it Marty.但我还是想说你是个真正的朋友百万里挑一的I just want you to know that you are truly a one in a million friend.谢谢伙计你是最棒的永远都是Thanks buddy. You are the best ever.我知道如果我告诉你你不会介意的I know you won't mind when I tell you...告诉我啊告诉我什么Come on. Tell me it, tell me, tell me what?—我把你的iPod弄坏了—什么?!—I broke your iPod! —What!按键太小了嘛我受不了...The button were so small.—太恐怖了—对不起嘛—It made me mad. —I'm sorry.—我要杀了你! —是个意外嘛对不起啦I'm gonna kill you!注意我是机长This is your captain speaking.我有好消息也有坏消息I've got good news and bad news.好消息就是我们马上就要降落了The good news is, we will be landing immediately.坏消息是The bad news is...我们会是坠落的`we are crush landing!当你们要航空旅行时我们知道你们别无选择When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.马达加斯加2经典台词2但还是要谢谢你们选择企鹅航空But thanks again for choosing air penguin.科沃斯基伤亡报告Kowalski, casualty report.只有两名乘客不知去向机长Only two passengers unaccounted for, Skipper.这个数字我可以接受着陆不错伙计们!That's a number I can live with.Good landing boys. 喂女孩你够壮的啊Goodness girl. You're huge.你的朋友是谁呀? 或者那是你的屁股?Who is your friend, or is that your butt?你反应倒是真快Girl, you are as quick as you all have to.所以你叫摩托摩托?So, you are Moto Moto.这么好听的名字当然要说两次The name is so nice, when you say it twice.我太老了还不想死I'm too old to die.我真想亲亲你猴子I'd like to kiss you monkey man.只剩2天可活的话Only had two days left to live.会实现所有我梦想要做的事I'd do all the things I have ever dreamed of doing. 什么事?Like what?我想成为职业口哨家I'd love to became a professional whistler.我现在已经非常令人惊艳了I pretty amazing that I did know.但我要好上加好But I wanna get luck even better.完全可以以此为生I'd make my living out of it.你知道我还会做什么其它事么You know what else I'd do?我要去侵略临国的地盘I'd invade a neighboring country and impose... 不管他们愿意与否都会强加我的意识形态予他们...my own ideology even if they didn't want it. 她爱我She loves me.她爱我的眼睛She loves my eyes.她爱我She loves me.她爱我的过去She loves my ass.她爱我圆滚滚的身材She loves my roundness.她爱我的强壮She loves that I'm chunky.她爱我的丰满She loves that I'm plumpy.她爱我的嘻哈味道She loves my healthiness.她爱我的风趣She loves my zestiness.她永不停止的爱我She loves me restlessly.她永远的爱我She loves me forever.她爱我因为她爱我She loves me, because she loves me.听着摩托摩托你最好像女皇一样待这位女士Listen Mototo, you'd better treat this lady like a queen.因为我的朋友你找到了完美的女人朋友Because you my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman.我若像你样幸运If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman我会天天送她花束I would give her flowers every day.而且不是随便什么破花And not just any flowers, OK?她最喜欢白色的兰花Her favorites are orchids. White.要在早餐送到床边六条全麦面包正反两面都涂黄油And breakfast in bed. Six loaves of wheat toast with butter on both sides.不要面包皮她喜欢这样的做法No crusts. The way she likes it.我会借她肩膀哭成为她最好的朋友She has the most...most amazing laugh.我是说我要是你就那么做Well, I mean. That's what I would do, if I were you.可我不是你你最好乖乖做But I'm not. So you do it.可能有某人不希望让这些照片流传在外呢。
干得好,哥们,看来早餐有冰冻寿司吃了Well done, boys. Looks like ice-cold sushi for breakfast.儿子,这儿No, no, son. Over here.看见这狮子吗?过来抓他See the lion? Look at the lion and get the lion.儿子,如果你长大以后Now, son, if you're gonna grow up像你老爹一样,你要学会如何搏斗and be like your daddy someday, you gotta learn how to fight.大大Da-da.阿拉凯,我给你看点东西Now, Alakay, let me show you something, OK?你看见这记号了吗?You see this mark?你和我是一样的You and me are the same.你长大以后,你会成为狮王,像我一样When you're bigger, you'll be Alpha Lion, just like me.现在让我看看你是怎么搏斗的,准备好了吗?Now let me see you fight. Ready?不,阿拉凯,不准跳舞!No, Alakay. No dancing!你还真自得其乐You just amuse yourself, don't you?你真是个奇怪的小孩,奇怪的一个You're a strange kid. You're a strange one. I'm...我们再来试一遍Now, come on, let's try it again. 别这样,阿拉凯No, Alakay.停下来,别这样!Stop that right now. Doggone it!望子成龙,却总是让人失望It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want.马库加,你还想挑战我?Makunga. You're not challenging me again, are you?往好处想,等我击败你当了狮王Look on the bright side. After I defeat you and become alpha lion,你就可以整天陪着你那可悲的儿子了you'll have more time to spend with your pathetic son.在我狂扁你之前,我先问问你:Before I kick your butt, let me ask you:你为什么总是想当狮王?Why do you want to become the alpha lion?我比你帅,发型比你美,也比你聪明…I'm better looking, I have better hair, I'm deceivingly smart...…我还想让所有人对我唯命是从...and I want everyone else to do what I say.数到三,我就上了,一…We fight on three. One...注意,阿拉凯,看着老爸是怎么教训他的Pay attention, Alakay. Daddy will show you how it's done.二,三!Two, three!- 谁才是狮王? - 是你- Who's the alpha lion? - You are.你可别再忘了Don't you forget it.看好了,阿拉凯,这才叫实力…And that, Alakay, is how you attack...阿拉凯?Alakay?对了,过来,小猫咪That's it. Here, kitty, kitty.这个漂亮This one's a beauty.能值几个钱的He'll be worth a few bucks.越来越简单了It just gets easier and easier.爸爸!Daddy!阿拉凯!阿拉凯!Alakay! Alakay!阿拉凯!Alakay!大大!Da-da!不要啊!不要啊!No! No! No!阿拉凯!Alakay!- 爸爸! - 爸爸来了!别怕!- Daddy! - Daddy's got you! Hold on!大大!Da-da!阿拉凯!Alakay!爸爸!Daddy!片名:马达加斯加2:逃往非洲(捕鱼捞起小狮子)I'm a fish out of water Lion out of the jungle- 我不喜欢他的样子 - 他有点可爱的- I don't like the looks of this guy. - He's kind of cute.他有点炫耀He's kind of a showoff.你觉得他可爱?You think he's cute?嗷!!Roar!!纽约之王…The King of New York City...…雄狮阿历克斯...Alex the Lion!我还是觉得他有点炫耀I still think he's kind of a showoff.他是个动物The guy's an animal.也许他需要轻松一下我们也需要度个假什么的Maybe he should take a break. You know, we could all use a vacation.少来了,我们能去哪里度假?Come on, where would we go on vacation?我不知道你要去哪,我可想去康涅狄格州I don't know about you, but I want to go to Connecticut!包括世界闻名的雄狮阿历克斯在内的几只动物On the loose, several animals, including the world famous Alex the Lion,今晚从中央动物园逃脱escaped from the Central Park Zoo tonight.动物们被追逃进了中央车站The escapees were cornered in Grand Central Station.他是只讨厌的小猫He was a very bad kitty.动物保护组织曾说服动物园Animal rights activists, who convinced zoo officials将动物们送去非洲to have the animals sent to Africa,他们如今惊讶的获知,运载动物们去非洲的货船were stunned to learn that the freighter carrying the animals今天据悉在海上失踪was reported missing today.今晚,数百纽约市民在动物园聚集Tonight, hundreds of New Yorkers have gathered at the zoo哀悼他们喜爱的动物们to mourn the loss of their beloved zoo animals.每个人都在想,他们现在在哪呢?The question on everyone's mind, where are they now?大家一起来,你们都会唱的,不老套的Come on! Y'all know this one! It never gets stale!我们会想念你们这些小毛球的你们真是好听众We'll miss you little fuzz buckets! You've been a great crowd!很荣幸能教会你们如何用马桶Glad we could introduce you to the toilet.如果你们要来曼哈顿拜访,随时给我们打电话If you ever come look us up in Manhattan, feel free to call first. 说真的,要打电话,好不好?Seriously though, call. OK?安静点,诸位Settle down, everybody. Be quiet!你们不尝尝这个就走可不行You can't leave without this!很惊喜吧,怪胎们!Surprise, freaks!摇起来,摇起来Shake it! Shake it.看,我是个美女,我是个美女,一起来Look, I'm a lady! I'm a lady, everyone!我是个美女,假的啦,是我,朱利安国王I'm a lady! Not really! It's me, King Julien!谁被我迷倒啦?举手Which of you is attracted to me? Hands up!怪胎们,你们肯定很开心,因为我要和你们一起走Hey, freaks! You will be very glad to hear that I am coming with you.哦,不用了,多谢Oh, no, thank you.要的,多谢,那是我的飞机!Yes, thank you. It's my plane!在我从新大陆带回纪念品之前…Until I return with the spoils from the new country...…史迪威是老大!...Stevie will be in charge!我觉得他们不太喜欢这个主意啊I don't think they like that idea.你说什么,史迪威?What are you saying, Stevie?不会吧No.可以吗?不是吧!这怎么可能?Could we? No, you didn't say that! How is that even possible?真是小淘气!史迪威说…Naughty little thing! Stevie says...把蛋糕给他们吃吧!Let them eat cake!朱利安国王,等等我!King Julien, wait for me!我已经收拾好了!旅程也计划好了!I'm all packed! I have a whole itinerary planned!啊,是莫特!烦人的家伙!Oh, no! It's Mort! He's so annoying!别让他上来,抓住他!Don't let him on. Stop that thing!他带着剪刀和护手霜!He's carrying scissors and hand cream!大家都进去,快点,快进去!Everybody in! Quickly, get in, get in! Get in quick!- 支架 - 检查完毕- Struts. - Check.- 机翼 - 检查完毕- Flaps. - Check.- 引擎,咖啡机 - 检查完毕- Engine. Coffee maker. - Check.你们这些傻瓜!You guys!想都别想Oopsie-daisy!这肯定是我见过的第二大的弹弓了That has to be the second biggest slingshot I've ever seen. 不过没办法啦,全体注意But it'll have to do. Attention.我是机长This is your captain speaking.一旦发生紧急情况,请穿上救生夹克In the event of an emergency, place the vest over your head然后和这个世界说再见then kiss your... good-bye.纽约,我们来了!New York City, here we come!请向各路神仙祈祷这破烂能飞起来吧Pray to your personal God this hunk of junk flies.各路神仙?破烂?说什么?Personal God, hunk? What?启动了,机长We are go, sir.开门!我还没进去!Open the door! I'm outside!如果机舱失压If cabin pressure is lost,请戴上面具,别让人看见你吓得要死place the mask over your face to hide your terrified expression.对不起,小姐,这带子不该是连在座位上的吗?Miss, aren't these supposed to be attached to my seat?- 不是,先生 - 好了,小伙子们,发射!- No, sir. - OK, boys, launch!发射!Launch!- 发射! - 发射!- Launch! - Launch!有鬼!Gremlin!嗨,莫特Hey, Mort.嗨!Hi!真奇怪That was weird.- 有人还没睡醒 - 我觉得我刚才看见莫特在机翼上- Somebody's dreaming. - I think I saw Mort on the plane wing.是你太想念马达加斯加了You got Madagascar on the brain.我一定会想的I know I'm gonna miss it.那儿是很不错,不过我觉得我们离的越远记忆越美好It was incredible. I think it'll seem more fun the further we are from it.哪种美好?就像你咬了我屁股那样?Like when you bit me on the butt?我会把你念念不忘的这事用在舞台上I'm gonna take that thing you're holding onto and use it onstage.算是我的沙拉吧台上的情感点心吧It's all part of my little actor's salad bar of emotional tidbits.我的屁股也算是吧台上的点心吗?(上集阿历克斯曾因饥饿咬了马蒂的屁股)Are the butts next to the croutons?你不必处处讽刺我吧You don't need to be sarcastic.等我们回去了,我想要参加相亲计划When we get back, I might sign up for the breeding program.相亲计划?Breeding program? 我们已经够年纪谈婚论嫁了We reach a point when we want to meet somebody.应该安定下来,发展一段感情Settle down, have a relationship.看得出来I can see that.什么感情?约会吗?What? Like dating?没错,是约会Yeah, dating.和…和别人?Other... other guys?什么叫“和别人”?What do you mean, other guys?糟了!Darn it!餐饮服务怎么拖了这么久还没来?!What is holding up that beverage service?!我去看看I'm gonna go check.你们继续聊吧,我得睡一会You all keep talking. I'm gonna catch a few winks.真好笑!It's so funny!我喜欢开怀大笑!笑起来…I like laughing! It's such a nice experience!真有意思!To laugh!能麻烦你回去吗?这里是头等舱Do you mind going back? This is first class.我可不是针对你,不过我们可比你高贵多了!It's nothing personal. We're just better than you. Maurice, I'm open! Hit me!那是维瓦尔第吗?- He shoots, he scores! - Is that Vivaldi?- 机舱奴隶 - 您有什么需要,马克维茨先生- In-flight slave. - Can I help you, Mr. Mankiewicz?用银盘子把我的坚果端上来Bring my nuts on a silver platter.我只是想问问我们要的饮料好了没有We were checking on our drink order.对不起,人手不够Sorry. Been a little backed up.- 那我还是回去… - 你身子在哪?- I guess I'll go back... - Where's your body?你真是让我不爽!能麻烦你回去吗?You're freaking me out! Can you please go over there, please?难道这航班没有等级区分的吗?What happened to the separation of the classes?这些所谓民主之类的东西都是一时的啦I'm sure this democracy thing is just a fad.我们去吃点菠萝吧,小可爱We'll go out for pineapple, my bobbly-headed boobily-boo.机长,看Skipper, look.分析一下Analysis.看起来这个小灯说明有什么异常比如故障什么的Looks like a small bulb used to indicate something unusual, like a malfunction.我倒是觉得一闪一闪的很漂亮还有催眠效果I find it pretty and somewhat hypnotic.也对,长官That too, sir.好吧,里克?Right! Rico?飞行手册!Manual!解决了Problemo solved.- 我们可能没燃料了 - 你怎么知道的?- We may be out of fuel. - Why do you think so?一号引擎不转了We've lost engine one...二号引擎的火也熄了...and engine two is no longer on fire.系好安全带,小伙子们Buckle up, boys.别看,宝贝,情况可能变得很糟糕Don't look, doll. This might get hairy.全体注意,我是机长Attention! This is your captain.我一个好消息和一个坏消息要宣布好消息是,我们马上要降落了I have good and bad news. The good news is, we're landing immediately.坏消息是,我们坠机降落The bad news is, we're crash-landing.你们知道坐飞机这种事是难免的啦When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice.谢谢乘坐企鹅航空But thanks for choosing Air Penguin.举手,莫里斯!举起手来更好玩!Raise your arms, Maurice! It's more fun when you raise your arms!我会飞哦!I can fly!这次看来躲不掉了,我告诉你你是我的真心朋友This could be it, Marty! I want you to know you are a one-in-a-million friend!谢谢,哥们,你也是Thanks, buddy! You're the best ever!- 那么,那事你也不介意吧? - 什么事,随便说!- And you won't mind when I tell you... - Tell me anything!我摔坏了你的iPod!I broke your iPod!按键太小,我抓狂了!The buttons were so small! It made me mad!- 惨绝人寰啊! - 对不起啦!- The horror! - I'm sorry!- 我要杀了你,咬屁股的混蛋! - 真的是意外啦!- I'll kill you, butt-biter! - It was an accident!- 意外啦! - 混蛋!- An accident! - Butt-biter!我爱你,格罗丽雅!我一直爱着你!I love you, Gloria! I always have!就像爱沙滩和读书那样的爱Like you love the beach. Or a good book. Or the beach.天啊,宝贝,你抖的像风中落叶Goodness, doll, you're shaking like a leaf. 里克,玩够了Rico, you've had your fun.拉起来Pull up.放下起落架Gear down.慢慢的,温柔的触地Gently. You just want to kiss the ground.如飞鸟啄食,像温柔爱抚就像你亲你妹妹那样Just a peck, a smooch, like you'd kiss your sister.我是说,温柔点!I said, kiss it!现在稍稍刹下车就好了Now just a little brake. Just a touch.将军I believe that's checkmate.执行紧急迫降,机翼向上!拉!Commence emergency landing procedure. Flaps up! Deploy!哦,我们到了Oh, we're here.到底怎么回事?What in the world?飞机哪去了?你们把飞机怎么了?What happened to the plane? What did y'all do to the plane?没事,我还活着I'm OK. I'm alive.我连小睡一会都不行这不是肯尼迪国际机场I can't even sleep for a minute. This is not JFK.科瓦斯基,伤亡报告Kowalski, casualty report.只有两名乘客失踪Two passengers unaccounted for.结果还不错嘛,干得好,小伙子们That's a number I can live with. Good landing, boys.谁说企鹅不能飞的?Who says a penguin can't fly?嗨,你们这还庆祝?看看飞机Hey, happy slappers! Is there some reason to celebrate? Look at the plane!- 我们会修好的 - 你们要怎么修?- We'll fix it. - How are you gonna fix this?勇气、口水还有一卷胶带Grit, spit and a whole lot of duct tape.我们可以在六到九月内修好We should be up and running in, say, six to nine months.- 六十九个月?! - 不,是六到九个月- Sixty-nine months?! - No, six to nine months.科瓦斯基,我们要化挫折为力量Kowalski, I say we use this setback to our advantage.- 这个数字你是怎么得来的? - 你负责重新装配- Where'd you get that number? - I want you to reconfigure the design.你是怎么估计时间的?How do you estimate that?你,帅哥,你和你的朋友去挖个厕所先Pretty boy! Why don't you and your friends dig a latrine.等等,你评什么?Hold on. Who made you king of the plane wreck?你说什么?好吧,你负责,飞机你来修Excuse me? Fine. You can be in charge. You fix the plane.谁说你有资格让我负责的?Who gives you the authority to put me in charge?好吧,那么,还是我负责OK, then I'll remain in charge.没错,你负责吧Yeah, you will remain in charge.你和你那些朋友别来妨碍我们You and your hippie friends stay out of our hair.太对了,因为我决定...Correcto-mundo. Because I decided to.- 很好 - 听着,这事我们没完- Good for you. - Well, this discussion isn't over.高等哺乳生物,你们留下来Higher mammals! Stay with us.我们可以用到你们的大脑皮层和可握拳的手We could use your front cortexes and opposable thumbs.菲尔,我该先用肥皂给你洗洗手的Phil! I should wash your hands out with soap.这到底…他们要怎么修好飞机?How in the hell-o will they fix this plane?!勇气和口水You know, grit and spit and spit.很多的勇气和口水,众志成城之类A lot of spit and grit and stick-to-it-iveness.听起来没什么希望That don't sound too promising.太对了,我们困在这儿了You're right. We're stuck here.只要我们大家还在一起就没事As long as we're together, we'll be OK.没错,不过相爱可没法送我们回家Yeah, but love ain't gonna get us home.看,狮子!Behold! The lion!- 大伙们 - 看够了,走吧- People! - There is much to see. Moving on.等等,等等,伙计们!Wait, wait, wait! People!- 他们会帮我们的 - 等等!- They'll help us! - Wait up!- 伙计们!伙计们! - 帮帮我们!- People! Stop! - Help us!如果你们停下来我就给你们签名!If you stop, I'll autograph those!我认识你!I know you!你You.是那只讨厌的小猫It's the bad kitty.喜欢这招吗!How do you like some of that?!还有这招!Come in, Tokyo!正中要害Right in the batteries.你觉得老奶奶就不能照顾自己?You think an old lady can't take care of herself?下次我就不会对你这么客气了!Next time, I won't go so easy on you! 谢谢,亲爱的Thank you, dear.开车Moving on!你疯了吗?我们需要帮助你却骚扰老太太?Are you out of your mind? We need help and you harass old ladies?!疯了?Out of my mind?谁才疯了?Who's out of my mind now?- 看看能不能打通 - 没问题- See if you can get an operator. - No problem.说我疯了,我们要回家了Out of my mind. We're going home.消息E-4Message E-4.用户已漫游出信号覆盖范围The service user has roamed outside the coverage area.请稍候再试Please try again later.我花眼了吗?Am I trippin'?这些斑马…和我一样哦All those zebras... like me.- 我们在哪? - 圣地亚哥- Where are we? - San Diego.这次我有40%的把握This time I'm 40 percent sure.- 我认识这里 - 我觉得是非洲- I know this place. - I think it's Africa.非洲?.Africa?一定是啦It's got to be.我们祖先的摇篮Our ancestral crib.这都藏在我们的血脉里,我能感觉到!It's in our blood. I can feel it!不,不仅仅是这样…No, it's more than that. It's like...…像是似曾相识,好像我来过这...deja vu, like I've been here before.这就叫寻根!It's like Roots!不是,像是…No, it's like...…似曾相识,像是我来过这里...deja vu, like I've been here before.我是阿历克斯!Me Alex!我和我朋友们飞来的Me and me friends fly,在一个金属大鸟里飞来的fly in great metal bird.然后掉了下来!Then plummet!砸到地上!Smash ground!嘭!Go boom!然后我们相遇了Then here we emerge.我们只带来快乐We offer only happiness和问候and good greetings.他是在演坠机吗?Is he dancing about a plane crash?没错,我们…没错Yeah. We just... yeah.我本来以为…对不起I thought... Sorry.你们是从保护区外面来的?You came from off the reserve?远得很,我们其实从中央公园动物园来的Way off. From the Central Park Zoo, actually.别勉强了Don't strain yourself.怎么回事?What's going on here?他们说是从保护区外面来的They say they're from off the reserve.不可能,从保护区外来的只有人That's impossible. Only people come from off the reserve.你看起来很面熟,我认识你吗?You look familiar. Do I know you?你们怎么躲过盗猎者的?How could you survive the hunters?我们没见到什么偷猎者啊We didn't see any hunters.- 你看什么? - 我?没看什么啊- What are you looking at? - Me? Nothing.我们的水塘养不起闲人This watering hole doesn't need any more mouths to feed.你们哪来的回哪去So skedaddle back to where you came from.你们这儿有什么经理负责吗?Is there a manager we could talk to?我明白了,你是来挑战我的!I see. You're here to challenge me!什么?我没有!What? No! No.我觉得是这么回事!That's what it looks like to me!祖巴,等等Zuba! Wait.你没看我有正事吗…I'm trying to take care of business...我知道,祖巴,你等等Yeah, yeah, Zuba. Hold on.阿拉凯?Alakay?是你吗?Is that you?不,是阿历克斯,是“克斯”纽约尼克斯的那个“克斯”No, it's Alex. Lx. Like New York Knicks.祖巴,看!Zuba, look!我生来就有,兽医也查过I've always had that. The vet checked it out.其实是个很漂亮的胎记It's kind of a beauty spot, really.这个记号A mark.好吧,气氛好像有点奇怪All right, this is a little weird.亲爱的,他回来了Honey, he's come home.什么?What? 你终于回家了You've come home.儿子Son.爸爸Dad.妈妈和爸爸?妈妈和爸爸!Mom and Dad? Mom and Dad!妈妈和爸爸!是我的妈妈和爸爸!Mom and Dad! It's my mom and dad!我有妈妈和爸爸了!I got a mom and dad!我孩子还活着!My baby's alive!爸爸!Dad!我的孩子!My son!我儿子回来了!My son is home!阿拉凯!阿拉凯回来了!Alakay! Alakay has come home!阿拉凯!耶!走失的儿子回来了!太好了!Alakay! Yeah! The prodigal son returns. This is perfect!我以为你讨厌祖巴的I thought you hated Zuba.对,我是讨厌他,没错,我讨厌他No, I do. I do. I do. I hate him. Oh, I do.我要利用阿拉凯,没错And I'm going to use Alakay, yes.我要利用他来一劳永逸的除掉祖巴I'm going to use him to get rid of Zuba once and for all!快点,长羽毛的马!Giddy-up, feathered horse!让开,让开路,躲开!Make way! Move out of the way! Stand aside!纽约!New York!有点像垃圾场,你确实这儿不是新泽西吗?It's a bit of a dump. Are you sure we're not in New Jersey?嗨,纽约众!你们的国王来了!Hello, New Yorkers! Your new king is here!已经举行欢迎仪式了?This calls for a celebration!莫里斯,我觉得他们喜欢我Maurice, I think they like me.和平移交政权,大家当然喜欢You've got to love a non-hostile takeover!不要意思,我是马蒂,我刚来这儿Excuse me. I'm Marty. I'm kind of new around here.嗨,马蒂!Hey, Marty!你们这群长得还真帅!喜欢跑步吗?You're a good-looking group! You like to run?当然,跑步超酷的Yeah. Running is crack-a-lackin'.没错,超酷的That's right! Crack-a-lackin'.你们原来和我一样说这种超酷的语言啊You guys speak my crack-a-lackin' language.什么?你们这连医生都没有?What? You don't have doctors here?现在没了Not anymore.那你们感冒了怎么办?Well, what if you catch a cold?蹲在等死坑里,等死咯We go over to the dying holes and we die.你们真的需要个医生You guys really need a doctor.- 你可以来当啊 - 你有兴趣吗?- We have an opening. - Would you be interested?我?当医生?Me? A doctor?这儿男人遍地跑,你们真幸福It's raining men. Hallelujah! You all got it going on.你怎么没个男人?你长寄生虫了?Why dont you have a man? You got worms?早就没了,听着,姑娘们Oh, I got rid of those. Listen, girls.曼哈顿有两样东西紧缺,停车位和河马Manhattan is short on two things, parking and hippos.嗨,大伙们,我刚发现Hey, everybody! I just found out that my son原来我儿子已经是一方王者了,纽约之王!is a doggone king! The King of New York!给我们表演一下,儿子,别害羞Show me some of your moves, son. Don't be bashful.好吧,这个动作总是迷倒一片All right. This one always knocks 'em dead.嗷!Roar!看,狮王发威了,狮王发威了!Look out. The King is mad. The King is mad!让我们一起欢迎他回归狮群吧!Let's welcome him back into the pride with open arms!欢迎加入我们群,马蒂!Welcome to the herd, Marty!我一直盼着能加入群呢!Me? I've always wanted to be part of a herd!- 我为人人 - 人人为我- It's one for all... - [all] And all for all, y'all!我看起来怎么样?How do I look?准确的说,巫医鼻子上要穿一根骨头的Technically, a traditional witch doctor has a bone through his nose.别担心,只是卡上去而已Don't worry... it's just a clip-on.看啊,他现在是一个巫医了!Voila! He's a witch doctor!我妈妈一定会为我高兴的My mother will be so happy.看那,我觉得摩托摩托喜欢你Look out! I think Moto Moto likes you.他过来了Here he comes.天啊,姑娘,你还真壮实啊Goodness, girl... you huge.你后面跟着谁?还是那只是你的大屁股?Who's your friend? Or is that your butt?你不但壮实还很幽默You as quick as you are hefty. 你是摩托摩托?So you're Moto Moto?我名字太好听了,所以要说两遍The name's so nice, you say it twice.我听喜欢的,大牛I kind of like it, fatso.回见,姑娘,你可不难找,因为你真丰满I'll see you around, girl. It won't be hard, because you so... plumpy.我不想搅了你们的狂欢,祖巴I hate to be a party pooper, Zuba,不过狮群中有人想知道你什么时候流放你的儿子but some of the lions were wondering when you plan to banish your son.- 你说什么,马库加? - 其实没什么大不了的- What are you talking about? - It's nothing, really.不过他们抱怨说阿拉凯还没通过…They're griping that Alakay never went through入群仪式之类的the rite of passage, blah, blah, blah,所以严格的说,他还不能加入狮群这实在是没道理so technically speaking, he can't be a member of the pride. It's nonsense.我都忘了入群仪式这事了I forgot about the rite of passage.那是什么?入群仪式是什么?What is it? What's this rite of passage?是一个传统的成年仪式A traditional coming-of-age ceremony.年轻的雄狮都要通过仪式来证明自己的力量Young lions earn their manes bydemonstrating their skills.- 就像选秀那样? - 没错,展示他们的才能- A show-of-skill talent show deal? - Yeah. Strutting their stuff.表演才艺!这事我驾轻就熟A performance! I think that's up my alley.如果是传统,那我一定要参加展示才艺,证明自己If it's tradition, I want to do it. Strut my stuff. Earn my mane.我想成为阿拉卡I want to be Alaki.- 是阿拉凯 - 阿拉凯,这名字更帅- Alakay. - Alakay! Even better.我们明天一早就举行仪式!We will hold the rite of passage in the morning!太好了,祝你好运,阿拉凯That's wonderful! Good luck, Alakay.在我们那,我们说“奏凯”Where Im from, we say, "Break a leg."我的好儿子!That's my boy!真漂亮啊,不是吗?Beautiful, isn't it?了不起It's amazing.伙计们…Guys...…这才是该我们生活的地方...this is where we belong.游客陷阱行动开始!Operation Tourist Trap is a go.哦,我喜欢Oh, I like that one.这个行动得分好多步It works on many levels.你们真是群小坏蛋啊You guys are a bunch of suck-ups.- 没错 - 当然- That, too. - Absolutely.各就各位Stations.第一步,开始!Stage one. Go!天啊,我都干了些什么?Oh, no! What have I done?快点,上钩吧Come on, take the bait.- 怎么了? - 看看这可怜的小家伙- What happened? - Oh, look at the poor little guy.它死了吗?Is it dead?第二步!行动!Stage two! Go, go, go!我要给他一个生命之吻I will give him the kiss of life.里克!Rico!里克!Rico!倒档!Reverse!油门!Gas!音乐!Music!不,停下!停下!No! Stop! Stop!停下!Stop!回来!Come back!哪个混蛋在放摇滚?What is all this rock'n'roll racket?!她死了吗?Is she dead?没有!No!你们这些流氓!You hoodlums!天啊,你还好吗?Good heavens! Are you OK?女士,我找到了你的手袋Lady, I found your pocketbook.我的手袋,你真是个好孩子My handbag. Such a good boy.奶奶我没有手袋可不行Nana can't survive without it.老奶奶您还真硬朗啊You are one tough cookie.扬克斯市416女童子军,报道!Brownies Troop 416, Yonkers.大家别惊慌,现在最好的办法就是大家呆在一起OK, nobody panic! The best thing we can do is stay together.等下一辆游客吉普车过来可能要等几小时,不过…We'll wait for another tourjeep. It may take hours, but...你去哪?Where are you going? 我可不会在这等野兽来享用!奶奶我还没活够呢I'm not staying here to be attacked by more animals! I'm too old to die.我得跟她一起去,老奶奶,等等!I'm going with her. Old lady, wait up!拜托!我们大家要待在…Please! We need to stay...…一起...together.好吧,我们就走这条路!Fine! We'll go that way!有人想吃糖吗?Does anyone want a hard candy?- 慢点 - 注意脚下- Easy now. - Watch your step.我们到了,你准备好了吗?And right here... OK, are you ready?这是你小时候睡觉的地方This is where you always slept.哦,天啊Oh, man!- 这是我的吗? - 看他高兴的,你看,亲爱的- Was this mine? - Look at you. Look at him.哦,还有这个,看啊Oh, this thing. Look, look!- 我记得这个! - 他还记得- I remember this! - He remembers.比我想象中硬一点…A little harder than...你以前从来不睡床头,只睡床尾You never slept on the right end. You always slept on the bottom end.是么?Is that?这是我留的吗?Is that my?是我吗?Is that me?你的小狮爪是最可爱的You had the cutest little paws.小小的很可爱Little, little bitty ol' paws.这是你走失那天留下的You did that the day we lost you.哇,我那时真小Wow. I was so young.后来怎么了?What happened to me?都是我的错,就那一瞬间,我没看住你…It was all my fault. I turned my back and...不是你的错It was not your fault.你爸爸真的尽力了他追寻那些盗猎者几个星期Your father did everything he could. He tracked those hunters for weeks.出了保护区很远很远Far off the reserve.最后,我不得不认为那些盗猎者…Finally, I had to assume the hunters...他们…...well...我们觉得他们已经杀了你We thought they'd killed you.不过我儿子把他们都击败了!谁都别惹纽约之王!But my son fought them off! Dont mess with the King of New York!当然了!- That's right! - Keep your chin in.好啦,小心,别打坏东西You boys be careful! Watch out before you break something.你以前叫这个“飞飞”You used to call this "foofie."飞飞?"Foofie"?飞飞Foofie.他现在不需要了He doesn't want that.这是我的飞飞This is my foofie!祖巴,你最好把飞飞给他Zuba, you better give him his foofie.哦,不用,谢谢,很好I mean, no, thank you, thank you. It's perfect.儿子,你早点睡觉,明天你有大事要做Son, you get your rest. You have a big day tomorrow.你要恢复体力You'll need all your strength.我会让欢呼声把房顶都掀翻的I will bring the house down for you.希望如此,否则你爸爸就不得不流放你了I hope so. Otherwise, your father will have to banish you.不会吧,妈妈,真的吗?Jeez, Mom, really?我知道你会让我们骄傲的你知道为什么吗?I know you'll do us proud. You know why?。
聊电影加Q群66960928一、黑鹰坠落Black Hawk Down (2001)故事发生地:索马里导演:雷利·史考特主演:乔什·哈奈特,伊旺·麦奎格,汤姆·哈帝,汤姆·赛斯摩,威廉·费区纳,艾瑞克·巴纳,山姆·薛帕德,奥兰多·布鲁姆二、卢旺达饭店Hotel Rwanda (2004)故事发生地:卢旺达导演:特瑞·乔治主演:唐·钱德尔苏菲·奥康内多杰昆·菲尼克斯三、末代XXXThe Last King Of Scotland (2006)故事发生地:乌干达导演:凯文·麦克唐纳主演:福里斯特·惠特克吉莲·安德森詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊四、血腥钻石Blood Diamond (2006)故事发生地:塞拉利昂导演:爱德华·兹威克主演:詹妮弗·康纳利莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥杰曼·翰苏五、太阳之泪Tears of the Sun (2003)故事发生地:尼日利亚导演:安东尼·福奎阿主演:布鲁斯·威利斯莫妮卡·贝鲁奇科尔·豪瑟六、通天塔Babel (2006)故事发生地:摩洛哥导演:亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多主演:布拉德·皮特凯特·布兰切特菊地凛子七、战争之王Lord of War (2005)故事发生地:南非导演:安德鲁·尼科尔主演:尼古拉斯·凯奇布丽姬·穆娜伊桑·霍克八、不朽的园丁The Constant Gardener (2005)故事发生地:肯尼亚导演:费尔南多·梅里尔斯主演:拉尔夫·费因斯蕾切尔·薇姿哈勃·孔黛九、英国病人The English Patient (1996)故事发生地:突尼斯撒哈拉沙漠导演:安东尼·明格拉主演:拉尔夫·费因斯克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯朱丽叶·比诺什十、走出非洲Out of Africa (1985)故事发生地:肯尼亚导演:西德尼·波拉克主演:梅丽尔·斯特里普罗伯特·雷德福克劳斯·马利亚·布朗道尔十一、遮蔽的天空The Shetering Sky (1990)故事发生地:北非导演:贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇主演:德博拉·温格约翰·马尔科维奇坎贝尔·斯科特十二、情陷非洲Nirgendwo in Afrika (2001)故事发生地:肯尼亚导演:卡洛琳·林克主演:茱莉安·柯勒米勒·尼尼兹史迪迪·安朱洛十三、卡萨布兰卡Casablanca (1942)故事发生地:摩洛哥导演:迈克尔·柯蒂斯主演:亨弗莱·鲍嘉英格丽·褒曼克劳德·雷恩斯十四、情陷撒哈拉Inshalla (1997)故事发生地:阿尔及利亚导演:李民容主演:崔民秀李英爱十五、上帝也疯狂The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)导演:Jamie Uys主演:Marius Weyers Sandra Prinsloo 历苏上帝也疯狂续集The Gods Must Be Crazy (1989)导演:Jamie Uys 主演:历苏Lena Farugia Hans Strydom故事发生地:非洲卡拉哈里沙漠十六、撒哈拉骑兵Sahara (2005)故事发生地:摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠导演:布瑞克·埃斯纳尔主演:佩内洛普·克鲁兹马修·麦康纳史蒂夫·茨恩十七、职业:记者Professione: reporter (1975)故事发生地:北非导演:米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼主演:杰克·尼科尔森玛利亚·施奈德珍妮·鲁纳奎十八、非洲女王号The African Queen (1951)故事发生地:东非导演:约翰·休斯顿主演:亨弗莱·鲍嘉凯瑟琳·赫本罗伯特·莫利十九、成事在人Invictus (2009)故事发生地:南非导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德主演:摩根·弗里曼马特·达蒙托尼·戈罗奇二十、木乃伊The Mummy (1999)故事发生地:埃及导演:斯蒂芬·索莫斯主演:布兰登·费舍蕾切尔·薇姿阿诺德·沃斯洛二十二、木乃伊2The Mummy Returns (2001)故事发生地:埃及导演:斯蒂芬·索莫斯主演:道恩·强森布兰登·费舍蕾切尔·薇姿二十三、第九区District 9 (2009)故事发生地:南非导演:尼尔·布洛姆坎普主演:沙尔托·科普雷詹森·库伯威廉·艾伦·扬二十四、刚果惊魂Congo (1995)故事发生地:刚果导演:弗兰克·马歇尔主演:劳拉·琳妮迪伦·沃尔什埃涅·赫德森二十五、谍影重重The Bourne Identity (2002)故事发生地:摩洛哥导演:道格·里曼主演:马特·达蒙弗兰卡·波坦特克里斯·库柏二十六、狮子王The Lion King (1994)故事发生地:非洲大草原导演:罗杰·艾勒斯罗伯·明可夫主演:乔纳森·泰勒·托马斯马修·布罗德里克杰瑞米·艾恩斯二十七、马达加斯加Madagascar (2005)导演:埃里克·达尼尔汤姆·麦克格雷斯主演:本·斯蒂勒大卫·休默克里斯·洛克马达加斯加2:逃往非洲Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008)导演:埃里克·达尼尔汤姆·麦克格雷斯主演:本·斯蒂勒大卫·休默克里斯·洛克故事发生地:马达加斯加二十八、人猿泰山Tarzan (1999)故事发生地:非洲原始森林导演:克里斯·巴克凯文·利玛主演:托尼·戈德温明妮·德里弗格伦·克洛斯[本锯怕弦由お影ふ︵★于2010-06-18 21:12:52 编辑]。
比如投入 1.95亿美元完成的《变形金刚2》,投资大半都花在战斗特效的制作上,导演和150个人的特效团队为此付出了一年半的努力。
聊电影加Q群66960928一、黑鹰坠落Black Hawk Down (2001)故事发生地:索马里导演:雷利·史考特主演:乔什·哈奈特,伊旺·麦奎格,汤姆·哈帝,汤姆·赛斯摩,威廉·费区纳,艾瑞克·巴纳,山姆·薛帕德,奥兰多·布鲁姆二、卢旺达饭店Hotel Rwanda (2004)故事发生地:卢旺达导演:特瑞·乔治主演:唐·钱德尔苏菲·奥康内多杰昆·菲尼克斯三、末代XXXThe Last King Of Scotland (2006)故事发生地:乌干达导演:凯文·麦克唐纳主演:福里斯特·惠特克吉莲·安德森詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊四、血腥钻石Blood Diamond (2006)故事发生地:塞拉利昂导演:爱德华·兹威克主演:詹妮弗·康纳利莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥杰曼·翰苏五、太阳之泪Tears of the Sun (2003)故事发生地:尼日利亚导演:安东尼·福奎阿主演:布鲁斯·威利斯莫妮卡·贝鲁奇科尔·豪瑟六、通天塔Babel (2006)故事发生地:摩洛哥导演:亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多主演:布拉德·皮特凯特·布兰切特菊地凛子七、战争之王Lord of War (2005)故事发生地:南非导演:安德鲁·尼科尔主演:尼古拉斯·凯奇布丽姬·穆娜伊桑·霍克八、不朽的园丁The Constant Gardener (2005)故事发生地:肯尼亚导演:费尔南多·梅里尔斯主演:拉尔夫·费因斯蕾切尔·薇姿哈勃·孔黛九、英国病人The English Patient (1996)故事发生地:突尼斯撒哈拉沙漠导演:安东尼·明格拉主演:拉尔夫·费因斯克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯朱丽叶·比诺什十、走出非洲Out of Africa (1985)故事发生地:肯尼亚导演:西德尼·波拉克主演:梅丽尔·斯特里普罗伯特·雷德福克劳斯·马利亚·布朗道尔十一、遮蔽的天空The Shetering Sky (1990)故事发生地:北非导演:贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇主演:德博拉·温格约翰·马尔科维奇坎贝尔·斯科特十二、情陷非洲Nirgendwo in Afrika (2001)故事发生地:肯尼亚导演:卡洛琳·林克主演:茱莉安·柯勒米勒·尼尼兹史迪迪·安朱洛十三、卡萨布兰卡Casablanca (1942)故事发生地:摩洛哥导演:迈克尔·柯蒂斯主演:亨弗莱·鲍嘉英格丽·褒曼克劳德·雷恩斯十四、情陷撒哈拉Inshalla (1997)故事发生地:阿尔及利亚导演:李民容主演:崔民秀李英爱十五、上帝也疯狂The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)导演:Jamie Uys主演:Marius Weyers Sandra Prinsloo 历苏上帝也疯狂续集The Gods Must Be Crazy (1989)导演:Jamie Uys 主演:历苏Lena Farugia Hans Strydom故事发生地:非洲卡拉哈里沙漠十六、撒哈拉骑兵Sahara (2005)故事发生地:摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠导演:布瑞克·埃斯纳尔主演:佩内洛普·克鲁兹马修·麦康纳史蒂夫·茨恩十七、职业:记者Professione: reporter (1975)故事发生地:北非导演:米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼主演:杰克·尼科尔森玛利亚·施奈德珍妮·鲁纳奎十八、非洲女王号The African Queen (1951)故事发生地:东非导演:约翰·休斯顿主演:亨弗莱·鲍嘉凯瑟琳·赫本罗伯特·莫利十九、成事在人Invictus (2009)故事发生地:南非导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德主演:摩根·弗里曼马特·达蒙托尼·戈罗奇二十、木乃伊The Mummy (1999)故事发生地:埃及导演:斯蒂芬·索莫斯主演:布兰登·费舍蕾切尔·薇姿阿诺德·沃斯洛二十二、木乃伊2The Mummy Returns (2001)故事发生地:埃及导演:斯蒂芬·索莫斯主演:道恩·强森布兰登·费舍蕾切尔·薇姿二十三、第九区District 9 (2009)故事发生地:南非导演:尼尔·布洛姆坎普主演:沙尔托·科普雷詹森·库伯威廉·艾伦·扬二十四、刚果惊魂Congo (1995)故事发生地:刚果导演:弗兰克·马歇尔主演:劳拉·琳妮迪伦·沃尔什埃涅·赫德森二十五、谍影重重The Bourne Identity (2002)故事发生地:摩洛哥导演:道格·里曼主演:马特·达蒙弗兰卡·波坦特克里斯·库柏二十六、狮子王The Lion King (1994)故事发生地:非洲大草原导演:罗杰·艾勒斯罗伯·明可夫主演:乔纳森·泰勒·托马斯马修·布罗德里克杰瑞米·艾恩斯二十七、马达加斯加Madagascar (2005)导演:埃里克·达尼尔汤姆·麦克格雷斯主演:本·斯蒂勒大卫·休默克里斯·洛克马达加斯加2:逃往非洲Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008)导演:埃里克·达尼尔汤姆·麦克格雷斯主演:本·斯蒂勒大卫·休默克里斯·洛克故事发生地:马达加斯加二十八、人猿泰山Tarzan (1999)故事发生地:非洲原始森林导演:克里斯·巴克凯文·利玛主演:托尼·戈德温明妮·德里弗格伦·克洛斯[本锯怕弦由お影ふ︵★于2010-06-18 21:12:52 编辑]。
Madagascar 2 《马达加斯加 2》-Penguin: Well done boys. It looks like ice cold sushi for breakfast.ice cold: 冰冷的 sushi: 寿司干得好,伙计们。
-Zuba: No, no son. Over here. See the lion, look at the lion, you get the lion. 不,不,孩子。
Now son, if you are going to grow up and be like your daddy someday you got to learn how to fight.孩子,听着,你将来会长大,某天会长成像你爸爸一样,你要学会怎么搏斗呀。
Alakay, let me show you something, OK? You see this mark?好了,Alakay,我给你看样东西,好吗?看见这个记号了么?You and me are the same and when you're bigger,你和我是一样的,you are gonna be alpha lion just like your daddy.alpha: 希腊语的第一个字母,开端【alpha dog代表狗群中资格最老、最具统治地位的狗。
Now, let me see you fight. Ready? No Alakay, no dancing.现在,让我看看你怎么搏斗。
You just amuse yourself, don't you?amuse: 使娱乐你就是自得其乐,是吧?You are a strange kid. You are a strange man. Oh come on, let's try it again. strange: 奇怪的 kid: 小孩你真是个怪孩子。
Lions gate、华谊兄弟
梦工厂 迪士尼 派拉蒙
陈凯歌、黎明、章子怡、陈红 杜琪峰
中影. 华谊. 英皇
2008.09.12 2008年底 2008年底 2008 2008 2008
编 剧: 刘恒 导 演: 冯小刚 主 演: 张涵予 邓超 任泉 汤嬿 胡军 王宝强 袁文康 类 型: 战争/剧情 出 品: 华谊兄弟影业公司 上 映: 2007年12月20日(国内)
本片根据杨金远的小说《官司》改编,故事背景发生在 1948年到1956年间,一个连队的战士全部阵亡却无人知 晓,全片通过寻找追溯的过程展现了这几个战士的英勇 和感人的事迹。冯小刚把镜头瞄准解放战争的浩瀚烽烟。 一场场动人心魄的惊天场面,审视战争带来的无情代价, 重现绝望中的人性光辉。
导演:宁浩 编剧:宁浩
主演:黄渤 国家:中国 类型:喜剧 首映:2008年春节
一名赛车手痛失金牌决定东山再起,却被 奸商李法拉利用,为了师父的安葬费用, 耿浩卖掉糊口为生的冷冻车,结果被冒充 交警的混混把车骗走,由此卷入了绑架案、 杀人案、贩毒案等一系列麻烦中,在无数 的误会后成了警察通缉要犯……
华谊兄弟 中影集团 中影华纳横店影视 上影、长宏影业
迪士尼 周润发、乔纳森〃梅耶斯 焉知电影公司
2008.05 暑期档 暑期档 2008.06.27 2008.08.01
2008 电影
![2008 电影](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d3f69af1ba0d4a7302763a1a.png)
2008年电影概况预计档期片名国别地区类型主创人员出品/发行公司2007.12.10《投名状》陈可辛动作李连杰、刘德华、金城武寰亚电影2007.12.20《集结号》冯小刚战争张涵予、廖凡、袁文康华谊兄弟2008.01.31长江7号香港喜剧周星驰中影集团春节档银牌车手中国喜剧宁浩中影华纳横店影视2008.02.07大灌篮中国情节蔡卓妍、周杰伦、陈楚河上影、长宏影业2008年初三国志·见龙卸甲香港/韩国历史刘德华、洪金宝、Maggie.Q2008.03国家宝藏2美国动作/冒险迪士尼2008.03黄石的孩子中、澳、德战争/爱情周润发、乔纳森〃梅耶斯焉知电影公司五一档功夫之王美国动作李连杰、成龙Lions gate、华谊兄弟2008.05功夫熊猫美国动画梦工厂暑期档纳尼亚传奇2美国科幻/冒险迪士尼暑期档夺宝奇兵4美国动作/冒险派拉蒙2008.06.27梅兰芳中国人物传记陈凯歌、黎明、章子怡、陈红中影. 华谊. 英皇2008.08.01鬼吹灯中国恐怖杜琪峰2008.09.07飞鹰计划3中国香港动作/喜剧成龙预计档期片名国别地区类型主创人员出品/发行公司2008.09.07英雄本色中国/韩国动作张东健、古天乐、Rain2008.09.07李小龙中国香港动作/传记关锦鹏2008.09.12贵族中国喜剧冯小刚、葛优华谊兄弟2008年底007美国枪战索尼哥伦比亚2008年底蓝精灵真人版美国魔幻派拉蒙2008南京浩劫中国/美国剧情/战争西蒙〃韦斯特江苏文化产业集团2008白鹿原中国剧情姜文、葛优2008赤壁(上、下)中国古装战争吴宇森、梁朝伟、金城武保利华亿电影公司2008画皮中国动作/奇幻甄子丹、周迅2008功夫2中国动作/喜剧周星驰Sony Pictures 2008双雄会中国剧情贾樟柯、张曼玉、林强2008南京圣诞:1937中国香港剧情/战争严浩2008二十四城记中国剧情贾樟柯2008妾的女儿中国香港剧情许鞍华、周润发预计档期片名国别地区类型主创人员出品/发行公司2008女人不坏中国香港徐克、郭在容2008金山中/加胡大为Alchemy Television 2008普洱茶中国小江2008两个人的房间中国剧情路学长、朱时茂、曾志伟2008车票中国剧情张之亮、吴奇隆、叶童2008银杏,银杏中国剧情俞飞鸿、段奕宏2008恋爱吧中国/韩国爱情朱文2008生死28小时中国剧情2008味道男女中国剧情金明、倪大宏2008守望平安中国喜剧/剧情段奕宏2008夺爱中国剧情孙渤洋部分国外影片讯息预计档期片名国别地区类型主创人员出品/发行公司2008.02.05《侏罗纪公园4》美国科幻/惊险2008.05.05《X战警前传》美国科幻/动作2008.05.16《纳尼亚王国2》美国迪斯尼2008.05.22《夺宝奇兵4》美国动作派拉蒙2008.05.25《第一滴血4》美国动作史泰龙2008.08.01《木乃伊3》美国科幻/惊悚李连杰、黄秋生2008.11.07《马达加斯加2》美国2008.11.21《哈利波特6》美国魔幻丹尼尔〃雷德克里夫2008.12.31《光晕》美国2009年部分国外影片讯息预计档期片名国别地区类型主创人员出品/发行公司2009.02.02《终结者4》美国动作/科幻2009.06.06《超人之钢铁战士》美国科幻/惊险凯文〃斯派西2009.06.29《变形金刚2》美国科幻2009.07.04《冰河世纪3》美国2009.08.10正义联盟美国2009.09.25斗士美国马克〃沃尔伯2009.10.10铁臂阿童木日本投名状导演:陈可辛主演:李连杰刘德华金城武徐静蕾类型:动作/剧情/战争出品:中国电影集团寰亚电影有限公司Morgan Chan影业中影华纳横店保利博纳橙天娱乐星美影业北京广电影视传媒有限公司上映:2007年12月10日(国内)张文祥、黄纵皆为草莽中人,与马新贻不打不相识,并结为异性兄弟。
汽车总动员 - 迪士尼和皮克斯旧有合约下的最后一部电影
大力水手King Features Syndicate
花与树 - 世界第一部彩色动画片,高飞狗首次出现
白雪公主 - 世界第一部长片动画电影
幻想曲 - 艺术欣赏片
玩具总动员 - 世界第一部全3D动画电影
虫虫危机 - 电脑三维动画电影
海底总动员 - 迪士尼最卖座动画电影
第一, 频繁丰富涌出动画周边产品。
第二, 善于塑造典型,推出动画明星;
第三 大团圆结局,悲剧很少,迎合观众心理需求;
第四, 注重细节刻画,雅俗共赏,迎合观众审美口味;
第五, 动物形象夸张,成为被广泛借鉴的卡通模式;
第六, 人物造型设计规范,与原形差别不大,形ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้优美;
第七, 数字技术与电影技术结合,使画面达到完美的效果;
第八, 以剧情片为主,情节曲折,生动有趣,人物性格鲜明,音乐优美动听;
美国动画片 - 代表作
马达加斯加2电影的观后感英语Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa - A Post-Screening ReflectionIntroduction:As I sit down to share my thoughts on Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa, I am still filled with excitement from this captivating and entertaining English animated film. The movie, directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath, serves as a sequel to the beloved Madagascar, and it takes us on another thrilling journey alongside the charming animal characters. In this post-screening reflection, I will delve into the memorable aspects of the film, including its storyline, animation, and underlying themes.Plot and Storyline:Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa continues the story of our favorite New York City zoo animals - Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Gloria the hippo, and Melman the giraffe. In this sequel, the adventure takes a significant turn as the animals unexpectedly find themselves in the vast wilderness of Africa. Their aim is to return to the Central Park Zoo in New York City; however, this journey becomes all the more challenging as they face various obstacles and discover the true meaning of family along the way.What makes the storyline engaging is the comedic yet heartfelt exploration of friendship, love, and finding one's true identity. The characters' personal growth is showcased through encounters with other animal species, such as Alex meeting his long-lost family in Africa. The filmmakers skillfully weave together humor, action, and emotional moments,making Madagascar 2 not only an enjoyable watch for children but also for adults.Animation and Visuals:The animation in Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa is visually stunning. The attention to detail in recreating the African landscapes, animals, and characters' expressions is commendable. The vibrant colors, mesmerizing scenery, and lively animation techniques immerse the audience in the film's world, enhancing the overall cinematic experience. The animation team has done an exceptional job in bringing the animal characters to life, capturing their personalities and giving them depth.Furthermore, the film cleverly combines both realistic and exaggerated animation styles to create a unique visual appeal. This blend allows for moments of pure comedy, especially during the characters' ridiculous antics and slapstick humor. The animation in Madagascar 2 surpasses its predecessor, demonstrating the advancements made in the field of animated filmmaking.Themes Explored:Beyond its entertaining narrative and impressive animation, Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa also explores important themes that resonate with audiences of all ages. One prominent theme is the significance of family and belonging. As we witness Alex's reunion with his family and observe the animals' growing relationships, we are reminded that family extends beyond biological bonds. The film encourages viewers to appreciate the support and love found within friendships and bonds formed in unexpected places.Another theme touched upon in the film is the importance of embracing one's true self. Marty's struggle with his identity as a zebra in a land full of zebras challenges societal norms and expectations. His journey of self-acceptance inspires viewers to celebrate their uniqueness and not conform to societal pressures.Conclusion:Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa is a delightful and heartwarming sequel that not only entertains but also shares valuable life lessons. The engaging storyline, captivating animation, and exploration of themes such as family and identity make this film a must-watch for both children and adults alike. The film's ability to balance comedy, adventure, and emotion showcases the skill of the filmmakers in creating a memorable cinematic experience. As the credits rolled, I left the theater with a renewed sense of appreciation for the power of animated storytelling. Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa is undoubtedly a film that leaves a lasting impression and brings both laughter and inspiration to its audience.。
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《马达加斯加2》原英文台词2009-2-15 22:02回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝2楼madagascar subtitles2009-02-15 18:02100:00:23,343 --> 00:00:28,705Well done boys.It looks like ice cold sushi for breakfast.200:00:47,004 --> 00:00:49,607No, no son. Over here.300:00:50,663 --> 00:00:53,160See the lion, look at the lion, you get the lion.400:00:57,802 --> 00:01:02,796Now son, if you are going to grow up and be like your daddy someday you got to learn how to fight.500:01:05,538 --> 00:01:08,422Alakay, let me show you something, OK?600:01:09,687 --> 00:01:11,553You see this mark?700:01:11,973 --> 00:01:16,792You and me are the same and when you're bigger,you are gonna be alpha lion just like your daddy.800:01:17,249 --> 00:01:19,536Now, let me see you fight. Ready?900:01:20,588 --> 00:01:22,769No Alakay, no dancing.1000:01:23,190 --> 00:01:27,447You just amuse yourself, don't you?You are a strange kid. You are a strange man.1100:01:30,084 --> 00:01:32,300Oh come on, let's try it again.1200:01:37,084 --> 00:01:39,580It's so disappointing when they don't grow upthe way you want it to.1300:01:40,073 --> 00:01:44,679Oh come on.You are not challenging me again, are you?Look on the bright side Zuba. After I...1400:01:44,929 --> 00:01:50,309...defeat you and take over as alpha lion,you will have so much more timeto spend with your pathetic excuse of a son.1500:01:52,807 --> 00:01:58,046Before I kick your butt, let me ask you,why do you even want to become the alpha lion?1600:01:58,401 --> 00:02:01,389I am better looking, I have better hair,I am deceivingly smart and...1700:02:02,022 --> 00:02:03,990I want everyone else to do what I say.2009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝3楼1800:02:05,011 --> 00:02:07,049We'll fight on three.1900:02:07,402 --> 00:02:12,114 One.Pay attention Alakay.Daddy gonna show you how it's done. Two, three.2000:02:35,381 --> 00:02:36,893Who is alpha lion?You are.2100:02:37,880 --> 00:02:41,958Don't you forget it.And that Alakay is how you attack.2200:02:43,857 --> 00:02:45,581 Alakay?2300:02:50,258 --> 00:02:53,001That's it. Here kitty kitty.2400:02:55,288 --> 00:02:58,312Ah, this one is a beauty.It will be worth a few bucks.2500:02:59,931 --> 00:03:01,478It just gets easier and easier.2600:03:01,354 --> 00:03:04,435 Daddy!2700:03:04,888 --> 00:03:08,871 Alakay, Alakay, Alakay!2800:03:11,610 --> 00:03:13,646 Daddy!2900:03:14,009 --> 00:03:16,839 No, no, no!3000:03:19,161 --> 00:03:20,250 Alakay!3100:03:30,308 --> 00:03:33,018 Daddy!Alakay! Daddy got you, hold on.3200:03:37,115 --> 00:03:38,592 Daddy!3300:03:52,581 --> 00:03:55,849 Alakay!3400:04:00,902 --> 00:04:03,046 Daddy!3500:04:23,013 --> 00:04:26,948 MADAGASCAR 2Subtitles by LalCan...3600:05:14,256 --> 00:05:17,279 I don't like looks of this guy. Well, I think he is kind of cute.3700:05:17,560 --> 00:05:21,217I think he is kind of show off.You think he is cute?3800:05:36,901 --> 00:05:39,326The king of New York City.3900:05:39,921 --> 00:05:42,109Alex the lion!4000:05:43,233 --> 00:05:47,384I still think he is kind of a show off.You got to give it to him, the guy is an animal.4100:05:47,666 --> 00:05:51,182Maybe you should take a break.You know, we could all use a vacation.4200:05:51,463 --> 00:05:56,209Come on. Where on earth would we go on vacation.2009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝4楼I don't know about you but I wanna go to Connecticut.4300:05:57,124 --> 00:06:01,413On the loose,several animals including the world famous Alexthe lion the king of New York...4400:06:01,729 --> 00:06:06,584...escaped from the Central Park Zoo tonight.The escapees were finally corneredin Grand Central Station.4500:06:07,182 --> 00:06:09,611It was a very bad kitty.4600:06:10,487 --> 00:06:14,959Animal rights activists who convinced zoo officials to have the escaped animals sent to Africa...4700:06:15,203 --> 00:06:20,129...were stunned to learn thatthe shipping freighter carrying the animalswas reported missing today.4800:06:20,729 --> 00:06:26,148Tonight hundreds of New Yorkers have gatheredat the Central Park Zooto mourn the loss of their beloved zoo animals.4900:06:26,606 --> 00:06:29,840The question on everyone's mind:where are they now.5000:07:09,372 --> 00:07:11,121I like to move it, move it!5100:07:11,131 --> 00:07:12,784He likes to move it, move it!5200:07:12,784 --> 00:07:14,491She likes to move it, move it!5300:07:14,557 --> 00:07:15,6925400:07:15,692 --> 00:07:16,700Move it!5500:07:23,709 --> 00:07:26,663We are gonna miss you little fuzz buckets.You guys had been a great crowd.5600:07:27,155 --> 00:07:29,440Glad we can introduce you to the toilet.5700:07:29,634 --> 00:07:32,324If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan,feel free to call first.5800:07:34,854 --> 00:07:36,897Seriously no, call. OK?5900:07:36,897 --> 00:07:41,884Settle down, settle down everybody. Ssh... Be quite.You can't leave without this.6000:07:42,691 --> 00:07:46,567Hey. Surprise freaks!2009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头5楼Look. Shake it, shake it.6100:07:47,484 --> 00:07:51,737Yeah, I am a lady, I am a lady everyone.拜月梧桐32位粉丝6200:07:51,737 --> 00:07:57,247Not really, it's me, it's King Julien.Which of you was attracted to me?6300:07:57,616 --> 00:07:58,616Hands up.6400:08:01,924 --> 00:08:06,387Hey freaks!You will be very glad to hear that I am coming with you.6500:08:08,183 --> 00:08:09,867Oh no, thank you.6600:08:10,325 --> 00:08:16,759Yes thank you. It's my plane.Until I return with the spoils from the new country...6700:08:17,567 --> 00:08:20,203...Stevie will be in charge.6800:08:24,177 --> 00:08:26,989I don't think they liked that idea so much Julien.6900:08:27,231 --> 00:08:28,605What is that you are saying Stevie?7000:08:28,446 --> 00:08:31,037Oh, oh, no!7100:08:31,267 --> 00:08:38,064What? Really? No, you didn't say that.Oh it's not even possible.7200:08:38,064 --> 00:08:39,399Stevie says:7300:08:39,743 --> 00:08:42,108Let them eat the cake!7400:08:42,713 --> 00:08:45,175King Julien wait for me.7500:08:45,382 --> 00:08:48,583I'm all packed.I have such a whole itinerary plan.7600:08:48,675 --> 00:08:52,343Oh no. It's Mort. He's so annoying.Don't let him on.7700:08:53,187 --> 00:08:56,317Stop that thing, he is carrying scissors and hand cream.7800:08:59,129 --> 00:09:02,913Everybody in quickly. Get in. Get in.Get in quick. Get in quick.7900:09:02,939 --> 00:09:06,829Struts. Checked. Fillets. Checked.Engine. Checked. Coffee mate. Checked.8000:09:12,356 --> 00:09:13,459Oopsie daisy.8100:09:14,795 --> 00:09:18,478That is got to be the second biggest slingshot I have ever seen.2009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝6楼8200:09:18,660 --> 00:09:22,078But it is got to have to do.Attention. This is your captain speaking.8300:09:22,607 --> 00:09:27,176In the event of a water emergency,place the vest over your head then kiss your life good bye!8400:09:27,599 --> 00:09:30,200New York City, here we come baby.[Skipper] ...sit back, relax and pray your personal gods that...8500:09:30,410 --> 00:09:32,101...this hunk of junk flies.8600:09:32,239 --> 00:09:34,210Personal god, hunk, what?8700:09:35,121 --> 00:09:39,553We are going sir.Open the door. I am outside.8800:09:39,894 --> 00:09:44,901In case of losing cabin pressure,please place the mask over your faceto hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.8900:09:45,323 --> 00:09:49,121Excuse me miss.But aren't these supposed to be attached to my seat.9000:09:49,372 --> 00:09:51,516No sir.OK. boys. Launch.9100:09:52,699 --> 00:09:55,704Launch.Launch.Launch.9200:10:34,568 --> 00:10:35,781Melman!9300:10:39,264 --> 00:10:40,349Hey, Mort.9400:10:41,070 --> 00:10:42,461Hi.9500:10:46,764 --> 00:10:49,050That was weird.Hey, somebody is dreaming ha?9600:10:49,543 --> 00:10:53,095I think I just saw Mort on the wing of the plane. You got Madagascar on the brain.9700:10:53,503 --> 00:10:58,626... it was quite a, it was incredible, wasn't it?I think we will see much more funthe further way we get from.9800:10:58,626 --> 00:11:02,695Yeah, like when you beat me on the butt?I am gonna take that, that thing you are holding on to...9900:11:02,978 --> 00:11:08,288...and I am going to use it, on stage.So all part of my little actor's salad bar2009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝7楼of emotional tidbits.10000:11:08,420 --> 00:11:13,604Are the butts next to the crutons at the salad bar? You don't need to be sarcastic Marty.10100:11:13,604 --> 00:11:18,587Hey guys, you know, I was thinking.When we get back,I might assign up for the breeding program.10200:11:18,661 --> 00:11:19,388Breeding program?10300:11:19,475 --> 00:11:25,398I think we all reach a point on our liveswhen we wanna meet somebody,you know settle down, have a relationship.10400:11:25,784 --> 00:11:30,836I see that.What? Like, like dating?Yeah, dating!10500:11:30,917 --> 00:11:33,683Other, other...Other guys?10600:11:34,281 --> 00:11:36,637What do you mean "other guys"?10700:11:39,873 --> 00:11:41,423Darn it!10800:11:42,125 --> 00:11:45,537I'm gonna, what is holding up that beverage service.10900:11:45,992 --> 00:11:47,716I'm gonna go and check.11000:11:48,155 --> 00:11:50,789Oh, yeah ya, keep talking.I'm gonna catch a few wings.11100:11:50,789 --> 00:11:52,219Did you see that?It is so funny.11200:11:53,628 --> 00:11:58,021I like laughing.It is such a nice experience. To laugh.11300:12:02,843 --> 00:12:08,501Do you mind going back? This is first class.It's nothing personal, it's just that we are better than you.11400:12:08,889 --> 00:12:11,843Hey Maurice. I'm awful, hit me, hit me.Is it Vivaldi?11500:12:12,547 --> 00:12:15,113Hey, in flight slave.Can I help you Mr. Mankiewicz?11600:12:15,532 --> 00:12:19,685Bring me my nuts, on a silver plate.We just wanted to check on the drinks we ordered.11700:12:20,172 --> 00:12:23,203Oh, sorry. We are in a little backed up.2009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝8楼Then I guess I am gonna back to..11800:12:23,454 --> 00:12:25,852Hey, what happened to your body?You are freaking me out.11900:12:26,037 --> 00:12:28,810And can you please go over there please.Thank you very much.12000:12:29,008 --> 00:12:34,493Whatever happened to the separation of the classes. Yeah, I am sure is all democracy thing is just affeered.12100:12:39,560 --> 00:12:42,006Skipper, look.Analysis.12200:12:42,006 --> 00:12:46,031It looks like a small incandescent bulbdesigned to indicate something out of the ordinary. Like a malfunction.12300:12:46,521 --> 00:12:49,445I found it pretty and somewhat hypnotic.That too sir.12400:12:49,730 --> 00:12:52,748Right. Rico, manual.12500:12:54,610 --> 00:12:57,108Problemo solved.Sir, we may be out of fuel.12600:12:57,423 --> 00:12:59,465What makes you think that?We lost engine one.12700:13:01,294 --> 00:13:03,403And engine two is no longer on fire.12800:13:03,791 --> 00:13:05,161Buckle up boys.12900:13:05,656 --> 00:13:10,093Don't look dull. This might get hairy. Attention. This is your captain speaking.13000:13:10,406 --> 00:13:13,818I've got good news and bad news.The good news is, we will be landing immediately.13100:13:14,133 --> 00:13:16,348The bad news is,we are crush landing!13200:13:19,054 --> 00:13:22,464When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.13300:13:22,853 --> 00:13:24,889But thanks again for choosing air penguin.13400:13:35,615 --> 00:13:39,450Raise your arms Maurice.It's more fun when you raise your arms like this.13500:13:43,249 --> 00:13:45,393I can fly.This could be it Marty.2009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝9楼13600:13:45,745 --> 00:13:49,224I just want you to know thatyou are truly a one in a million friend.13700:13:49,544 --> 00:13:53,802 Thanks buddy. You are the best ever.I know you won't mind when I tell you (138)Come on. Tell me it, tell me, tell me what?I broke your iPod!13900:13:57,436 --> 00:14:00,942What!The button were so small. It made me mad.14000:14:01,504 --> 00:14:04,106I'm sorry.I'm gonna kill you!14100:14:06,173 --> 00:14:08,600I love you Gloria,I always have!14200:14:15,538 --> 00:14:19,264Like ah...Like you love the beach or a good book.14300:14:19,722 --> 00:14:20,987Or the beach.14400:14:31,210 --> 00:14:33,848My goodness doll,you are shaking like a leaf.14500:14:34,199 --> 00:14:36,519Rico, you had your fun.Haul up!14600:14:39,299 --> 00:14:40,844Gear down.147Gently now. You just wanna kiss the ground. Just a little pack, smooch like a kiss...14800:14:49,145 --> 00:14:50,554I said kiss it!14900:14:55,018 --> 00:14:57,869Now, just a little break.Just a touch, a little whisper.15000:14:58,994 --> 00:15:00,682I believe that's checkmate.15100:15:07,329 --> 00:15:08,686Immersed emergency landing procedure.15200:15:09,024 --> 00:15:11,008Flaps up! Deploy!15300:15:26,445 --> 00:15:27,958Oh, we are here.15400:15:28,661 --> 00:15:30,699What in the world?15500:15:31,770 --> 00:15:35,589What happened to the plane?OK. I'm OK. OK. I'm alive.15600:15:37,348 --> 00:15:39,668See, I can't even sleep for a minute.157You know what, this is not JFK.2009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝10楼Kowalski, casualty report.15800:15:43,816 --> 00:15:47,124Only two passengers unaccounted for, Skipper. That's a number I can live with.15900:15:47,510 --> 00:15:50,815Good landing boys.Who says a penguin can't fly.16000:15:51,838 --> 00:15:54,490Hey, happy slappers.Is there some reason to celebrate?16100:15:54,716 --> 00:15:56,496Look at the plane.We'll fix it.16200:15:56,496 --> 00:16:01,051Fix it? How you gonna fix this?Grit, spit and a whole lotta duct tape.16300:16:01,649 --> 00:16:04,918We should be up and running in say,six to nine months.16400:16:05,164 --> 00:16:07,696Sixty nine months?No! Six to nine months.16500:16:07,836 --> 00:16:10,686Kowalski, I say we use this setback to our advantage.16600:16:10,686 --> 00:16:12,541Where do you get,where do you pull that number out of, huh?16700:16:12,839 --> 00:16:16,392I want you to reconfigure the design, so start reconfiguring! Great, that's a great... How do you estimate that?16800:16:17,476 --> 00:16:19,935You! Pretty boy!Why don't you and your friends dig a tree, maybe find water.16900:16:20,403 --> 00:16:23,733Hold on, hold on a second.Who made you king of the plane wreck?17000:16:23,936 --> 00:16:27,303Excuse me.Fine, you can be in charge. You fix the plane!17100:16:27,636 --> 00:16:31,472Who gives you the authority to put me in charge?OK then, I'll remain in charge.17200:16:31,929 --> 00:16:36,183Yeah, that's right. You will remain in charge.You and your little happy friends can stay out of our hair.17300:16:36,501 --> 00:16:39,208Correctamundo! Because I decided to.Good for you.17400:16:39,847 --> 00:16:42,6242009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝11楼Yeah, well guess what this discussion isn't over.17500:16:43,223 --> 00:16:47,797Higher mammals, you stay with us.We could use your front cortexes and apposable thumbs.17600:16:48,711 --> 00:16:51,806Feel crushedwash your hands out with soap.17700:16:52,758 --> 00:16:59,508How, in the.. Hello! are they gonna fix this plane?You know, grit 'n spit and spit, once spit and griten.17800:17:00,107 --> 00:17:02,683Stick to it at mist.They don't sound too promising.17900:17:03,703 --> 00:17:09,610You're right. Right, we are stuck here.Hey guys, as long as we're together we'll be OK.18000:17:10,381 --> 00:17:13,368Yeah, yeah but love ain't gonna get us home.18100:17:13,368 --> 00:17:17,757Behold, the lion!Hey, it's people.OK. There is much to see, moving on.18200:17:18,058 --> 00:17:20,367People.Wait, wait.Wait people.18300:17:28,148 --> 00:17:30,145Hey wait, if you stop we'll autograph those.18400:17:30,847 --> 00:17:32,782I know you.18500:17:33,555 --> 00:17:36,015You.It's that bad kitty.18600:17:44,107 --> 00:17:45,339How do you like some other?18700:18:12,362 --> 00:18:13,545Right in the batteries!18800:18:13,897 --> 00:18:16,676You think that old lady can't take care of you?18900:18:17,202 --> 00:18:19,417Next time I won't go so easy on you.19000:18:20,966 --> 00:18:23,570Thank you dear.Moving on.19100:18:25,592 --> 00:18:30,295Are you out of your mind?We need their help, and you're arresting little old ladies?19200:18:30,295 --> 00:18:34,473Out of my mind? Aha!Who is out of my mind?19300:18:35,071 --> 00:18:37,219See if you can get an operator?No problem.19400:18:37,236 --> 00:18:40,100Out of my mind?We're going home.19500:18:51,439 --> 00:18:58,242Message A-4: the service user has brought outsideof the coverage area. Please try again later.19600:19:00,786 --> 00:19:02,577Oh my.. Wow...19700:19:03,176 --> 00:19:04,757Am I trappen?19800:19:05,285 --> 00:19:07,851All those zebras, like me.19900:19:08,767 --> 00:19:11,051Wait a minute, where are we?San Diego.20000:19:11,969 --> 00:19:15,396This time I'm forty percent sure.I know this place.2009-2-15 22:41回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝12楼20100:19:16,079 --> 00:19:17,312I think this is Africa.Africa?20200:19:17,629 --> 00:19:21,533It's gotto be.Our ancestral crib.20300:19:21,696 --> 00:19:25,382It's in our blood. I can feel it.No, no. It's more than that.20400:19:25,382 --> 00:19:29,551It's like dejavu.Like I've, like I've been here before.20500:19:30,542 --> 00:19:36,163It's like roots.No, no. It's like dejavu.Like I've, like I've been here before.20600:19:38,036 --> 00:19:42,752 How? How?20700:19:46,528 --> 00:19:52,538Me, Alex. Me and me friends. Fly. Fly. 20800:19:52,538 --> 00:19:55,282In great metal bird.20900:19:56,476 --> 00:20:03,449Then. Plummet.Smash ground. Go boom.21000:20:03,449 --> 00:20:11,754Then here. We emerge.We offer only happiness and good greetings.21100:20:12,737 --> 00:20:15,377Is he dancing about a plane crash.21200:20:16,148 --> 00:20:21,568Yeah, we just... Yeah. I thought. Sorry.You mean, you came from off the reserve.21300:20:21,918 --> 00:20:24,521Yeah, way off, from the Central Park Zoo actually.21400:20:32,247 --> 00:20:35,809Don't strain yourself.What is going on here, what is all this have about?21500:20:36,199 --> 00:20:39,997They say they are from off the reserve.That's impossible.21600:20:40,313 --> 00:20:42,169Only people come from off the reserve.21700:20:42,169 --> 00:20:46,470You look familiar, do I know you from...How could you possibly survived the hunters.21800:20:46,787 --> 00:20:49,705Hunters, we didn't see any hunters.What are you looking at?21900:20:50,057 --> 00:20:53,540Me? Nothing.This watering hole doesn't need any more mouths to feed.2202009-2-16 01:09回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝13楼00:20:53,818 --> 00:20:58,795So just get out of back to wherever you came from. OK. Was there a maybe like a manager we can talk to?22100:20:59,186 --> 00:21:01,825Oh, I see.You're here to challenge me.22200:21:01,825 --> 00:21:05,193What? No! No, no.What else would start you look on to me?22300:21:05,193 --> 00:21:08,766Hold on, Zuba, wait.Don't call woman, don't you see I am trying...22400:21:08,766 --> 00:21:10,482Yeah, yeah...Zuba. Hold on.00:21:11,958 --> 00:21:15,509Alakay, is that you?22600:21:15,830 --> 00:21:18,469No, it's Alex. "X", like New York Knicks.22700:21:18,469 --> 00:21:23,602- Zuba, look.Oh, I have always had that, have had checked it out, it's really...22800:21:24,163 --> 00:21:26,167it's kind of a beauty spot, really.22900:21:26,208 --> 00:21:27,487Mark.23000:21:28,670 --> 00:21:30,418Alright, this is a little weird.23100:21:31,944 --> 00:21:35,276Honey, he has come home.What?23200:21:36,299 --> 00:21:38,304You've come home.23300:21:46,180 --> 00:21:47,796Son.23400:21:52,897 --> 00:21:54,409Dad.00:21:56,064 --> 00:22:00,434Mom and dad.Mom and dad. Mom and dad.23600:22:00,469 --> 00:22:01,794It's my mom and dad.23700:22:03,265 --> 00:22:07,421I've got a mom and dad.My baby is alive.23800:22:08,301 --> 00:22:12,241My son.My son is home.23900:22:21,275 --> 00:22:25,736Alakay, yeah. The pathetical son returns.This is perfect.24000:22:26,193 --> 00:22:27,950I thought you hated Zuba.24100:22:28,477 --> 00:22:32,150No I do. I do, I do. I hate him. Oh, I do.24200:22:32,185 --> 00:22:38,079And I am going to use Alakay.2009-2-16 01:09回复锡罐头14楼Yes. I am going to use himto get rid of Zuba once and for all.拜月梧桐32位粉丝00:22:41,026 --> 00:22:43,073Move out of the way, stand aside.24400:22:43,599 --> 00:22:51,882New York. Hmm, it's a bit of a dumb.Are you sure we are not in New Jersey?Hello New Yorkers, your new king is here.24500:22:52,092 --> 00:22:58,463This calls for celebration.Maurice, I think they like me.You got to love a known house to take off.24600:23:00,389 --> 00:23:01,666Chaka chaka what?24700:23:08,344 --> 00:23:12,423Excuse me, excuse me.I'm Marty. I'm kind of new around here.24800:23:13,165 --> 00:23:14,396Hey Marty.24900:23:15,396 --> 00:23:20,899Hey, you are a good looking group.You like to run?25000:23:20,997 --> 00:23:29,020Oh yeah. Running is crackalacking.That's right, that's right, crackalacking.You guys are speaking my crackalacking language.25100:23:29,196 --> 00:23:32,997What, you don't have doctors here?Well, not any more.25200:23:33,629 --> 00:23:38,484What if you catch a cold?We go over to the die holes and we die.25300:23:40,980 --> 00:23:45,059OK, you guys really need a doctor.Hey, we have an opening.25400:23:45,446 --> 00:23:48,577Would you be interested?Me? A doctor?25500:23:53,289 --> 00:23:56,454It's raining men, hallelujah.You are gotto going all.25600:23:57,227 --> 00:24:00,915How come you don't have a man in your life.25700:24:00,915 --> 00:24:04,896Listen girls, Manhattan is short on two things:parking and hippos.25800:24:04,896 --> 00:24:09,665Hey everybody! I just found out thatmy son is a king.25900:24:10,087 --> 00:24:11,809The king of New York.2009-2-16 01:09回复锡罐头拜月梧桐32位粉丝15楼26000:24:14,134 --> 00:24:16,809Show me some of your moves son. Come on.Don't be bashful.Alright.26100:24:17,142 --> 00:24:19,316Ooh, this one always knocks them dead.26200:24:22,316 --> 00:24:25,109The king is mad, the king is mad.26300:24:25,589 --> 00:24:29,117Now, let's all welcome him back into the prideabove the arms.26400:24:33,417 --> 00:24:37,843Welcome to the herd Marty.Me, in a herd?I've always wanted to be a part of a herd.26500:24:38,413 --> 00:24:40,554It's one for all,and all for all.26600:24:43,565 --> 00:24:49,126How do I look?Technicly, a traditional witch doctor has a bone to his nose.26700:24:50,145 --> 00:24:52,254Don't worry, it has just a clip on it.26800:24:52,472 --> 00:24:57,248V oila, he's a witch doctor.My mother would be so happy.26900:25:01,117 --> 00:25:04,845Look out. I think Moto Moto likes you.27000:25:07,693 --> 00:25:09,240Here he comes.27100:25:11,504 --> 00:25:12,883I like 'em big.27200:25:13,315 --> 00:25:14,875I like 'em chunky.27300:25:15,334 --> 00:25:16,596I like 'em big.27400:25:17,400 --> 00:25:18,779I like 'em plumpy.27500:25:19,297 --> 00:25:20,647I like 'em round.27600:25:21,351 --> 00:25:22,537With something, something.27700:25:22,967 --> 00:25:26,004They like my sound.They think I'm funky.27800:25:26,146 --> 00:25:28,571 Goodness girl.。