11规则航海英语听力与会话(船长)学习笔记 unit 1 Lesson 1 shipboard everyday life

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Unit 1 general English(通用英语)

Lesson 1 shipboard everyday life(船上的日常生活)

I Warming-up (预热)

Read the diary by Captain Keith Townley.

The ship is nearly full but there is room for a bit more cargo before crossing the pacific to Los Angeles. Our last call here will be Yokohama, Japan.

Good news. The pilot boarding time has been changed from 0600 to 0800 which is a bit more civilized and means there will be a chance for breakfast as well.

0930 all fast in Yokohama. A nice day with a straight forward pilotage and a simple berth approach. Very cautious pilot-pleasantly common in Japan-and although sometimes a few minutes slower, undoubtedly much safer.

1430 everything done, paperwork too, so we can set sail for the US. Looking forward to ten days at sea though the weather predictions are not looking too good.

Questions for discussion

1.What is the ship’s last call of the voyage?

2.Why is the captain happy that the pilot boarding time has been changed?

3.What does the captain think of the Japanese pilots in general?

4.What is the ship’s next port of call?

diary ['daiəri] n.日记, 日记簿

a bit more多一点

civilized['sivilaizd] a.文明的, 有礼的

cautious ['kɔ:ʃəs] adj.谨慎的, 十分小心的

pleasantly ['plezntli]adv. 愉快地, 友好地, 亲切地, 客气地,合意地

paperwork ['peipəˌwə:k] n.文书工作

prediction[pri'dikʃәn]n.预言, 预报

set sail for开船, 动身vt.启航,驶往



好消息。引水登船时间已经从0600改变为0800 ,这比较合理,也意味着将有吃早餐的一次机会。








II Reading Aloud(朗读)

Dear Seafarer,

In naming 2010 “The Year of the Seafarer”, I express the hope that when, at the end of the year, we took stock of what we achieved, we would be able to say that 2010 did, indeed, make a difference to the lives of seafarers.

We had three main objectives: to increase awareness among the general public of the indispensable services you render to international seaborne trade, the world economy and society at large; to send a clear message to you that we recognize and appreciate your services; that we understand the extraordinary conditions and circumstances of your profession; that we do care about you, that we do all that we can to look after and protect you when the circumstances of your life at sea so warrant; and to redouble our efforts at a regulatory level to create a better, safer and more secure world in which you can operate.

Answer the following questions according to the passage you read:

1.Which year is the year of the seafarer?

2.What did the speaker hope to see in 2010?

3.What were their objectives in 2010? List some in your own words.

took stock of v. 估量(清查, 鉴定, 估计)

achieve[ә'tʃi:v] vt.完成, 达到vi.如愿以偿

make a difference to对 ... 产生影响indeed [in'di:d] adv.真正地, 的确, 事实上awareness[ə'wɛənis] n.认识, 觉察, 意识

general public ['dʒenərəl 'pʌblik] n. 公众

indispensable[‚ɪndɪ'spensəbl]adj.不可缺少的, 绝对必要的, 不能避免的indispensable services基本服务

render to vt.给予,还给

international seaborne trade国际海运贸易

at large详细地, 充分地,总体地

conditions and circumstances 条件和环境

profession [prə'feʃən] n.职业, 声明, 行业

care about关心, 担心

care about这个短语动词作“介意”讲,而care for这个短语动词如作“想要”讲,多半要用于否定和疑问两种结构;如作“看管”或“护理”讲,则没有这一限制。

例如:I don't care about what people have said.我并不在乎人家咋说。

Would you care for some coffee?再来点咖啡好吗?

Well,I don't care for any wine today.是哟,我今天不想喝酒。

He is very good at caring for sick animals.他善于照看生病的牲口。

warrant ['wɔ:rənt] n.委任状, 凭证, 根据, 正当理由vt.担保, 保证, 辩解, 授权redouble our efforts加倍努力create [kri'eit] v.创造, 造成
