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第 33卷第 3期 Vol. 33 No. 3


2006年 9 月 Sep t. 2006




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1.南京农业大学杂草研究室 ,南京 210095;


学院 ,大庆 163319

摘要 : 为了分离鉴定马唐 D igitaria sanguinalis L. Scop生防菌画眉草弯孢霉 Cu rvularia eragrosti2

dis菌株 QZ22000的生物活性物质以及评价该物质是否具有作为生物源除草剂的潜力 ,利用生物测


离和鉴定 ,利用种子萌

发、胚根和芽生长的抑制及离体叶片针刺法测定了该毒素对马唐的毒害作用 ,并测定了毒素的专化

性及毒素对马唐叶绿素含量的影响。结果表明 ,该化合物为桔黄色晶体 ,

熔程为 225~227?,经质

谱和 NMR数据分析确定该化合物分子式为 C H O ,并确定为长孺孢素 helm inthosporin。该毒

15 10 5

素在150μg/mL浓度下 ,对马唐胚根生长抑制率达 44. 59% ;当毒素浓度达到200μg/mL时 ,叶绿


素含量下降 18. 41% ;在 500 g/mL浓度下 ,毒素对供试的 23种杂草产生的毒害程度不同 ,其中小

藜对毒素最为敏感 ,其次为马唐、 ?蓄、 ?草、藜和日本看麦娘等恶性杂草。在供试的 5种作物中大

豆、棉花和番茄对毒素不敏感 ,但玉米和小麦则较为敏感。上述结果表明 , 长孺孢素作为大豆和棉


关键词 : 画眉草弯孢霉 ; 长孺孢素 ; 抗生素 ; 马唐 ; 除草活性

Isola tion, pur if ica tion, iden tif ica tion, and b ioa ssay of helm

in thospor in

w ith herb ic ida l activ ity from C u rvu la ria eragrostidis

1, 2 13 1

J I ANG Shu2jun Q I ANG Sheng ZHU Yun2zhi

1. W eed Research Laboratory, Nanjing Agricultural University,

Nanjing 210095, China; 2. Heilongjiang

August First Land Reclamation University, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang Province, China

1 13

Abstract: The bioassay2guided column chromatography and TLC on

silica gel, and MS, H2 and C2

NMR spectral techniques were used to isolate and determ inate the structure of antibiotic from Curvula ria

eragrostidis QZ22000, and to evaluate its herbicidal activity. The herbicidal activity of the toxin to D. san2

guinalis was tested by seed germ ination, the elongation of root and shoot. The needle puncturing leaf as2

say techniques were used to test the specificity and effect of toxin on photosynthetic p igment content of D.

1 13

sanguinalis. MS, H2and C2 NMR spectral data indicated that the toxin is helm inthosporin. The melting

point of the toxin is 225 - 227?, and the molecular formula is C H OThe toxin had inhibitory effect

15 10 5

on el ongation of D. sanguinalis root. A t 150μg/mL concentration, the inhibition of the toxin to root elon2

gation reached 44. 59%. Helm inthosporin showed impact on photosynthetic p igment content of D. sangui2


nalis leaf. W hen the concentration of toxin reached 200 g/mL, the chlorophyll content of D. sanguinalis

leaf decreased by 18. 41%. Twenty three troublesome weeds and five crop s were tested to study specificity

基金项目 :国家高技术研究发展计划“863” 项目 2001AA246012 ,国家自然科学基金项目 30170164资助

作者简介 :姜述君 ,男 , 1968年生 ,博士研究生 ,主要从事植物学和杂草生物防除研究,email:***************

3 通讯作者Authorforcorrespondence,email:************.cn, Tel*************

收稿日期 : 2005 - 08 - 30314 植物保护学报 33卷

of helminthosporin. The result showed that 18 out of the 28 species were susceptible to the toxin. Chenopodium

serotinum is the most suscep tive, and D. sangu ina lis, Polygonum avicu lare, B eckm annia syzigachna,

Chenopod ium album and A lopecurus japonicus took second p lace. Soybean, cotton, tomato, Am aranthus


retroflexus and Ech inochloa crus2galli were resistant to toxin at 500 g/mL concentration. Helm inthospor2

in p roduced by C. eragrostidis QZ22000 could be developed as a biocontrol agent for weed control in soy2

bean and cotton fields.

Key words: Curvularia eragrostidis; D igitaria sanguinalis; helm
