



brave Confident positive
Communication team
What do you love?

“ I do not make any
difference to you. If you have to find a difference, it may be that I have the opportunity every day to do my favorite job. If you want me to give you advice, this is the best advice I can give you 。”
“ ---- 比尔盖茨
Integrity、 Integrity、Conscience :
Do what is right
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.“
“ 。”
The customer's money is more important than criticism. Criticism from customers, we can better learn the lessons of failure, it would translate into a successful power。”

People who have the courage to try, they will not lose. Even if you don‘t succeed, you can also learn lessons. Only those who do not have the courage to try are the real losers


bring home the baconing
Success covers a multitude of blunders . I成Ffoy功uor由usw大hois量rht的wto失osr望dusc铸cseuemd u, pyowuhsaht ohualsdluifsteed pmeorsstissutecncceessafsuyl oinudrivgiodoudalfsriaebnodv,eetxhpeecrireonwcde: aTashlieyttopleuebroirptelmefeworerheno.cege, tporundinentcheisawsoyroldurabreroththeer a如以ptm在成Yhnoeae果谨这功doukype你慎个的hhwloeat希为世秘ahvpwneee望兄界诀htmta,oo成弟上就.sagbn功、,是yeedot,以 取 四luiiuefr当希 得 个vptseh以望 成 简aeeinnny恒为 功 单dtrycy心哨 的的loao.nuo为兵 人字nrks良。 是:oeftol友那多ffri.n、些一cTdir以h努点ctahu经力点-te-m'-sm验寻。-s-t-th为找.爱atehn参他迪ecye谋们生s、 I想sse要ucrc机ecte会oefd的seu人dcb,cee如csas果u.s找e不I w到il机led会i,t ;他I n们e就ve去r 创造机 h会人e。必sit须at相ed信. 自己,这是成功的秘诀。 我成功是因为我有决心,.从-不---踌--英躇国。剧作---家---肖拿伯破3 纳仑
people. She is Florence
Nightingale. At this time. If



1 Positive attitude
2 Facing failure
2 3 2 Hardworking
4 Finding and creating 5
when you are confronted with gratitude, not only from others toward you, but from your outer-self to your innerself: that’s when you are a really winner. 当你得到的感激不仅来自他人,而且自己也由内而外 都深悟到它的时候,你才真正的获得了成功。
Success covers a multitude of blunders . 成功由大量的失望铸成的
Finding and creating
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want , and if they cannot find them .they make them. 在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那 些努力寻找他们想要机会的人,如 果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。 ------英国剧作家 肖伯纳
Success: Hold to your dreams
Positive attitude
I succeeded because I willed it ; I never hesitated . 我成功是因为我有决心,从不 踌躇 。 ------拿破仑
Facing failure
The success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame. 成功就是好好工作而不计较名利。 ——美国诗人朗费罗


In modern society, wealth is also a symbol of success.
The world wont care about your selfesteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
So the young man got there at 4am,, got on a suit .should a wore shorts. The old man grabs his hand he says
“how bad do you wanna be successful? ” He said “ real bad ” He said “walk on out into the water ”. So he
walks out into the water. Watch this.When he walks out into the water it goes waist deep, So he
’ s like “this guy
crazy ” .
He ’s thinkin ’, “I wanna make money, he ’s got me out here swimming. I don ’t want to be a life guard, I want to make money. ”
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
He got the meaning,so he said “ come out a little further ” he walked out a little further till it was right around this area.the shoulder area.So this old man crazy, he makin money but he crazy.



英文演讲稿的PPT制作技巧分享English Presentation PPT Production Skills SharingGood morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my pleasure to share with you some tips and techniques regarding how to create a high-quality PPT for an English presentation. As we all know, PPT has become an essentialtool in our modern communication, especially in the business world. An engaging and clear PPT can effectively convey your message and win the trust and interest of your audience. Therefore, it’s crucial to master some PPT production skills to create an impressive presentation. In this article, I’ll take you through five essential steps of creating a compelling English presentation PPT.Step 1: Planning and PreparationBefore creating any PPT, it’s important to cl arify the content and target audience of your presentation. Askyourself the following questions:1. What is the purpose of my presentation?2. Who is my target audience?3. What information do they want to know?4. How long is my presentation?5. How many slides will I use?Based on these questions, you can determine the corresponding information and supporting materials to include in your PPT. Additionally, a clear and concise outline can help you organize the structure of your presentation and save your time in the production process.Step 2: Design and LayoutA well-designed and organized PPT can help you quickly engage your audience and convey your message. The design and layout of your slides should conform to the theme of your presentation and be consistent throughout the PPT. Here are some design tips to consider:1. Choose a consistent color scheme that complements your content and the overall tone of your presentation.2. Use high-quality images and graphics to support your words. Avoid using too many stock images or clip art.3. Use a modern and easy-to-read font. Stay away from decorative fonts.4. Keep the layout simple and clean. Avoid excessive animations or transitions that may distract the audience.Step 3: Content and PresentationThe content is the core of your PPT. It should be concise, engaging, and informative. A good PPT should not beoverloaded with information. Instead, focus on key points and deliver them effectively. Here are some presentation tips to consider:1. Start with an attention-grabbing opening statement or question.2. Use bullet points and short sentences to convey your message effectively.3. Use examples or real-life scenarios to clarify your concept or idea.4. Use videos or animations to enhance the visual effectof your presentation.5. Summarize the key points and make a call to action at the end of your presentation.Step 4: Practice and RehearsalPractice makes perfect. A well-prepared presenter can deliver the message with confidence and clarity. To achieve this, you need to practice and rehearse before the actual presentation. Here are some rehearsal tips to consider:1. Read your presentation out loud to become familiar with the content and delivery style.2. Time yourself to ensure your presentation is within the allocated time frame.3. Ask a friend or colleague to listen to your presentation and give feedback.4. Record yourself and watch the playback to see if you need to improve on any areas.5. Be comfortable with your presentation material and be prepared to respond to any questions or challenges.Step 5: Final Touches and DistributionAfter completing your PPT, it’s time to do the final touches. Here are some final tips to consider:1. Review your presentation and correct any spelling or grammatical errors.2. Check the consistency of the design and layout throughout the presentation.3. Save your PPT in the appropriate format (PowerPoint, PDF, etc.) to distribute to your audience.4. Be prepared to adjust the font size and color schemeif necessary, depending on the venue and lighting.5. Always have a backup plan in case of any technical difficulties.In conclusion, a well-designed and delivered PPT can help you effectively communicate your message and engage your audience. By following these essential steps, you can create an impressive and engaging PPT for your English presentation. Thank you for reading, and I hope you found these tipshelpful in your future presentations.。



Goals determine what you are going to be.—欧文
(目标决定你将成为为什么样的人 )
Finally l wish you learn better English. And :
Day day up!
Thank you !
英语(English)是联合国的工作语 言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语 言。英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语 族下的西日耳曼语支,并通过英国 的殖民活动传播到世界各地。根据 以英语作为母语的人数计算,英语 可能是世界上第三大语言,但它是 世界上最广泛的第二语言。
How to improve your English
首先要坚持默写英语课文。有了 听,说和读,没有写,还是学不 好英语。写在英语学习中有着不 可替代的作用。默写课文是最简 单的英语书写方式之一。另外, 要坚持写英语文章 ,写英语日 记对提高运用英语的能力更有帮 助。
下周三就是期中考,为了迎接期 中考,你该怎么做?拿出一张纸, 用英语写上自己今后几天的计划 和期中考的目标。(三十词左右)
All for one, one for all. —[法] 大仲马
Other men live to eat, while I eat to live.—苏格拉底


me”unless “
Listen to this article, and answer the questions


• Assess the value of what you have to offer to each position and the organization. How does your experience apply to what is required for the job? Think deeply about yourself: How have you grown over time? How do you interact with others? What could you have done differently for better results? What motivates you?
• Don’t give the impression you are only interested in salary.
• Don’t act as though you would take any job or are desperate for employment.
• Don’t chew gum or smell like smoke.
• Maintain good eye contact during the interview.
• Sit still in your seat; avoid fidgeting and slouching.
• Respond to questions and back up your statements about yourself with specific examples whenever possible.
• to enable the interviewer to understand what you are trying to say; to determine your strengths for that particular job; and to have sufficient information to make a good decision.


作业认真按时独立完成 早读的声音一定要响亮。给自己固定的任务。 同时老师会对前一天所学单词或句型进行听写 及时解决疑难,当天问题当天解决、
TODAY Homework(今日家庭作业)
Nothing is difficult if you are brave or careful enough.
Believe in yourself and you can do it .
1、借用字典或资料,认识生词(要标注新、难单词 小河田心张坊
课前预习课后复习不算作业,是一种习惯 上课眼到、耳到、口到、手到、心到,积极参与活动.
5 Requirements for English study 英语学习要求
Name: Lili 姓名:莉莉 Hobby:running, reading,exercise 爱好:跑步,阅读,健身 小河田心张坊 To be your English teacher is my pleasure.
小河田心张坊 小河田心张坊


不要怕别人笑话。要争取一切机会讲英语,和外国人讲,和 学我外一语 向,主要张眼要尖“背、”。耳明、嘴勤、手快。
英学语外大 语师,谈要英眼语尖学、习耳成明功、窍嘴秘勤、手快。
同学讲,和同事讲,实在没办法的时候和自己讲。例如,可以 学英习语外 大语师,谈从英事语语学言习学成研功究窍的秘人不要把自己圈在只读洋文的狭小天地里,一定要具备良好的国学基础。
学习英语无捷径。要想学好英语只有大量实践,多听多 有了这种意识,你就会发现:你走到哪里都可以学英语,一辈子都在学英语。
学对外于语 初,中要级眼英尖语、学耳习明者、我嘴特勤别、推手荐快英。语简易读物,读的材料要浅易,故事性要强,读的速度尽可能快一些,读的越多越好。 要不想要学 被好商英业语广只告有所大误量导实。践,多听多读多说多写。
我一向主张要“背”。不仅儿童,成人更加要背。 一般学
习外语的,都知道有所谓“精读”和“泛读”。殊不知,在听、 说和写这其他三“会”上,也都要作精和泛的工作。说的啰唆
些:要有精听和泛听、精说和泛说、精写和泛写。精泛两种 功夫相辅相成,缺一不可。学习语言,在读、听、说、写四 会中,固可因工作的需要而有所侧重,但最好还是能全面掌 握。英国16世纪思想家培根曾说:“读书使人充实,交谈 使人机敏,写记使人精确”(这里交谈包括听和说)。可以 看出,学会读、听、说、写一种语言,不仅是掌握语言能力 以作为工具的问题,更加关系到一个人素质的培养。
多么宽广。诚然,你周围的语言环境是汉语,但你完全可以 好学生都不是在课堂上由老师“教”出来,而是靠老师在课堂内外“导”出来的。



Tips on the Weakness Question
▪ Everyone has a weakness; don’t be arrogant ▪ Avoid trite answers like “I work too hard” ▪ Recognize a deficient skill not a character flaw ▪ Choose something that will not affect your ability to do the job ▪ Changing a weakness to a positive makes you stand out in a crowd
Sample questions:
“What are the challenges and opportunities for the new hire in their first year?” “How did you choose your career path?’ What is the management style of the supervisor the person in the position?” “When will you make your hiring decision?”
• Employers will only consider resumes and cover letters that are flawless in format, grammar and spelling
• Resumes should also be tailored to the specific job for which you have applied and should emphasize relevant work experience and academic qualifications



2.表 “过多”,用 “over” overdressed, overworked, overestimated
3.表 duty-free
4.表 “超过”,用 “out-” outlive, outgrown
2.使译文明确表达原文所要表达的含 义:通常增添一些解释性文字,将原文暗含 的意思表达出来
英时,为使译文正确,符合英语表达习惯, 要省略汉语原文中的某些词。不能逐词死译
2.汉语的范畴词在英语译文中常常省 略:如:任务、工作、情况、状态、问题、 态度、情绪等。要善于运用英语中的抽象词 将需译部分既简练又符合英语习惯地译出
一、从句知识 二、倒装用法 三、词组知识 四、比较结构 五、分词用法
六、情态动词的用法 七、虚拟语气
增词法就是增加原文中无其形而有其义的词 汇,有两个目的:
1.使译文语法正确:通常增添的是冠 词、时态词、语态词、连词、概括词等

如何成为成功商人 英文

如何成为成功商人 英文

Wisdom and Knowledge
There is no denying that knowledge is the most powerful weapon in the world. And doing business is not an easy thing , we need much information and experience . So ,a successful businessman must be a smart man who is knowledgeable .
Leo Chen (陈欧) The founder of JUMEI. 16-year-old Nanyang Technological University(the best university in Singapore) 26-year-old got the MBA in Stanford University
Being a noble man is more important than being a rich man. No matter how high your rank is , how much money you have, we still should keep our pure and kind heart. Remember, sometimes, money is savor, sometimes, money is demon. It is universally acknowledged that morality is a part of success.

The Awareness of Business Opportunities


Be friendly and professional to everyone you meet The support staff may be asked their opinion of you
Take a few moments to compose yourself once you arrive • Make sure your appearance is professional and your demeanor is calm and confident
Employers expect you to know what the organization is and what it does and how that fits into your employment plans
First Things First
Perfect Your Resume
Turn OFF your cell phone (Do not leave it on vibrate)
During The Interview
▪ Listen carefully to questions. It’s okay to ask for clarification ▪ Show interest in the position through your eye contact, posture and attentiveness ▪ Know the difference between being sure of yourself and being cocky ▪ Provide concrete examples of your classroom or work experience



In modern society, wealth is also a symbol of success.
The world wont care about your selfesteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
Having a lot of money is also a symbol of success for most of the young .
A nurse. She has helped many people. Saved many people. Was praised for the people. She is Florence Nightingale. At this time. If nurses can do to serve the people. And there is a great contributor to the nurse. Would arrive at this name for itself. Is very honorable.As nurses, the highest honor现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
success: bring home the bacon; come through; make good winning
Success covers a multitude of blunders . If you wish to succeed , you should use Four short words sum up what has lifted 成功由大量的失望铸 persistence as your good friend , experience mostsuccessful individuals above the crowd: as your reference , prudence as your brother a little bit more. The people who get on in this world are the and hope as your sentry. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。 people who get up and look for circumstances 如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友、以经验为参 they want , and if they cannot find them .they 谋、以谨慎为兄弟、以希望为哨兵。 make them. -----爱迪生 You have to believe in yourself . That's the 在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他 I succeeded because I willed it ; I never secret of success . 们想要机会的人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创 hesitated . 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 造机会。 我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇 。 ------英国剧作家 肖伯纳 ------拿破仑



一望无际的田野上泛起一片片绿色的 涟漪。 草木是 绿的、 山水是 绿的、 棋格般 划分的 田野更 是绿了 ,绿得 干净, 绿得出 奇。漫 山遍野 都是荡 漾着春 意的绿 ,悄悄 地用这 般蓬勃 的绿染 到了我 的心间 。 一望无际的田野上泛起一片片绿色的 涟漪。 草木是 绿的、 山水是 绿的、 棋格般 划分的 田野更 是绿了 ,绿得 干净, 绿得出 奇。漫 山遍野 都是荡 漾着春 意的绿 ,悄悄 地用这 般蓬勃 的绿染 到了我 的心间 。
In fact , learning English is interesting.
一望无际的田野上泛起一片片绿色的 涟漪。 草木是 绿的、 山水是 绿的、 棋格般 划分的 田野更 是绿了 ,绿得 干净, 绿得出 奇。漫 山遍野 都是荡 漾着春 意的绿 ,悄悄 地用这 般蓬勃 的绿染 到了我 的心间 。 一望无际的田野上泛起一片片绿色的 涟漪。 草木是 绿的、 山水是 绿的、 棋格般 划分的 田野更 是绿了 ,绿得 干净, 绿得出 奇。漫 山遍野 都是荡 漾着春 意的绿 ,悄悄 地用这 般蓬勃 的绿染 到了我 的心间 。
How to Learn English Well 怎样学好英语?
5 Requirements for English study 英语学习要求
一望无际的田野上泛起一片片绿色的 涟漪。 草木是 绿的、 山水是 绿的、 棋格般 划分的 田野更 是绿了 ,绿得 干净, 绿得出 奇。漫 山遍野 都是荡 漾着春 意的绿 ,悄悄 地用这 般蓬勃 的绿染 到了我 的心间 。 一望无际的田野上泛起一片片绿色的 涟漪。 草木是 绿的、 山水是 绿的、 棋格般 划分的 田野更 是绿了 ,绿得 干净, 绿得出 奇。漫 山遍野 都是荡 漾着春 意的绿 ,悄悄 地用这 般蓬勃 的绿染 到了我 的心间 。

成功的面试技巧英文版 ppt课件

成功的面试技巧英文版 ppt课件
Be friendly and professional to everyone you meet The support staff may be asked their opinion of you
Take a few moments to compose yourself once you arrive • Make sure your appearance is professional and your demeanor is ou learn about our company?
▪ By researching the organization’s web site, you will be able to articulate knowledge of the company
▪ Describe a problem you solved in the classroom or at work and what you learned from this experience.
• Employers will only consider resumes and cover letters that are flawless in format, grammar and spelling
• Resumes should also be tailored to the specific job for which you have applied and should emphasize relevant work experience and academic qualifications
What to Bring
Prepare a travel folder that includes:
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

So how can we be successful?
• 1.Firstly,we should have our dreams ! • 2.We must learn the knowledge well! • 3.When we encounter difficulties should not give up easily! • 4. We must never-ending hard work!
2、broad-minded 心胸开阔
• we can't always be the one to win, and there are still so many things we can't expect. The failure isn't avoided. So we should have broad-minded when facing difficulties .
• If you wish to succeed ,you should use perseverance as your good friend ,experience as your reference ,prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.
我们不可能一直都是胜者,还有很多事情 会是我们始料未及的。失败不可避免,所 以我们要心胸开阔的面对一切困难
3、confidence in oneself 相信自己
Only confidence in oneself, you can make a difference. 只有对自己有信心,你才可以创造精彩。
人们时常问我是否晓得成功的诀窍,能否 告诉别人怎样使他们的梦想成为现实.我的 回答是:身体力行.——美国实业家迪斯尼
如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经 验为参谋,以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为哨兵.— —爱迪生
• People often ask me if I know the secret of success ,and I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is ,you do it by working.
每个人都想要成功,但是当谈 到促成成功的的因素时,每个 人的答案都不一样,下面我来 谈谈这个问题。
• The factors leads to success! • 决定成功的因素
1、keep high spirits 保持高昂的情绪
• Nothing is too difficult ,if you fut your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人 • We should always keep high spirits, and learn something from the failure. • 我们应该始终保持高昂的情绪,并且从失败 中学到东西。 • “no pains, no gains” 不劳无获
• Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才 能轻而易举的完成困难的事.——德国剧 作家席勒
What is success!
different people have different opinion about the symbol of success
Talk about success 关于成功
• Every body wants to succeed. But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success, different people will offer different answers. I will talk about with it.
信心帮助一个取得成功;自学能使人成为 天才;自律使人成熟。所以成功的自律是非 常重要的。
• Self-study can promote your skill, your can raise the quality .Knowledge is important.
• 自学可以提升你的技能,你可以提高质量, 知识至关重要的
The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a man . 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大 的人
4、Self-discipline 自律
• Confidence helps one to make a success; Self-study enables one to become talented; Self-discipline makes one mature. So selfdiscipline is very important for success.