人教版新目标英语七年级下册第三单元第一课时 PPT

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the school to your home? Tom: Only about two kilometers.
Conversation 2
Peter: How do you get home from school, Jane? Jane: I take the bus. Peter: How long does it take? Jane: Oh, about one hour and 30 minutes. Peter: Wow! That's a long time! Jane: Yes, I only go home on weekends. Peter: How far is it from your home to school? Jane: It's about 60 kilometers.
Tom Jane
walks takes the bus
How long?(多久) How far(多远)
minutes 分钟
kilometers 千米
about 20 min
about one hour and 30 min
about 2 km about 60 km
Conversation 1
3.It’s about 8miles from his home to school. (对画线部分提 问)
_H_o_w_ __fa_r_ is it from his home to school ?
Language Points
1. 交通方式的常见表达法:
1 ) take +a/the + 交 通 工 具 名 称 。 例 如 : take a/the bus/train/subway/taxi/boat/plane 等。表示骑自行车时用 ride。 2)“by+交通工具名称”这一介词短语。注意by后的名 词一律用单数,而且这一名词前一般不加冠词。例如: by bike /by bus / by car / by train / by plane/air/ by ship/boat 等 。但是,表示步行时,要用on foot。
Unit 3 How do you get to school?
Section A
Lead in
How do you get to school? I ride my bike.
How about you?
I walk.
How do you get to school? I take the subway. I get to school by subway.
I take the train. I get to school by train.
bus taxi
I take the bus. I get to school by bus.
I take the taxi. I get to school by taxi.
I ride the bike. I get to school by bike.
Ⅱ.句型转换 1.He rides his bike to school.(对画线部分提问) H__o_w_ d__o_e_s he get to school?
2.It takes me about 20 minutes to get to school.(对画线部分 提问)
H__o_w_ _lo_n_g_ _d__o_es_ it take you to get to school?
walபைடு நூலகம்= on foot
I walk ( to school). I get to school on foot.
A: How do you get to school? B: I take … / I get to school by ….
A: How does he /she get to school? B: He /she takes …
1. Bob 3. John
5. Yang Lan
2. Mary 4. Paul
6. Jim
sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 hundred 100
2a Listen and repeat.
2b Listen and complete the chart
A: How do you get to school? B: I… to school.
A: How long does it take to get to school? B: It takes about...
A: How far is it from your home to school? B: It's about...
15 km
6 km
5 min
8 min
20 min 3 km
12 min 4 km
Tom Jane
How long?
about 20 min
takes the bus about one hour and 30 min
How far
about 2 km about 60 km
A: How does Tom / Jane get home from school? B: He /She ... A. How long does it take to get home? B: It takes about...(to get home) A. How far is it from the home to school? B: It's about ...
He /she gets to school by ….
your friend
1a Match the wards with the ictures
1. take the train
2. take the bus
3. take the subway
2. how/how long /how far的用法
3. take 表示“花费”的用法
take 意为“花费”时,常用于句型“It takes +某人+时间 +to do sth.”表示花费某人多少时间做某事。其中it 是形式 主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。例如: It takes me about an hour to do my homework every day. 每天做作业花费我大约一个小时。
4. ride a bike
_______b________ 5. walk ___c_______
1b. Listen and write the mumbers next to the correct students in the picture above.
Mary:How do you get home from school, Tom? Tom: I walk. Mary: How long does it take? Tom: It takes about 20minutes. Mary: Wow! That's quick ! How far is it from
Ⅰ.根据汉语,完成句子 1.我通常步行去上学但有时乘公共汽车。 I usually _w__a_lk_ to school but sometimes I t_a_k_e_ the bus. 2.他大约七点去学校。 He g_o_e_s_ to school at _a_b_o_u_t__ seven . 3.她每天骑自行车去上学大约花半个小时。 It__t_a_k_e_s_ her about half an hour _t_o__ _r_id_e_ to school every day. 4.我家离学校大约5英里。 My home is about _fi_v_e_ m__i_le_s_fr_o_m__ school.