雅思写作Task 1评分细则(IELTS Task 1 Writing band descriptors)

IELTS Task 1 Writing band descriptors (public version)Band Task Achievement Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy9 fully satisfies all the requirements ofthe taskclearly presents a fully developedresponse uses cohesion in such away that it attracts noattentionskilfully managesparagraphinguses a wide range of vocabulary withvery natural and sophisticated control oflexical features; rare minor errors occuronly as ‘slips’uses a wide range of structures with fullflexibility and accuracy; rare minor errorsoccur only as ‘slips’8 covers all requirements of the tasksufficientlypresents, highlights and illustrates keyfeatures / bullet points clearly andappropriately sequences information andideas logicallymanages all aspects ofcohesion welluses paragraphingsufficiently andappropriatelyuses a wide range of vocabulary fluentlyand flexibly to convey precise meaningsskilfully uses uncommon lexical items butthere may be occasional inaccuracies inword choice and collocationproduces rare errors in spelling and/orword formationuses a wide range of structuresthe majority of sentences are error-freemakes only very occasional errors orinappropriacies7 covers the requirements of the task(Academic) presents a clear overviewof main trends, differences or stages(General Training) presents a clearpurpose, with the tone consistent andappropriateclearly presents and highlights keyfeatures / bullet points but could bemore fully extended logically organisesinformation and ideas; thereis clear progressionthroughoutuses a range of cohesivedevices appropriatelyalthough there may besome under-/over-useuses a sufficient range of vocabulary toallow some flexibility and precisionuses less common lexical items withsome awareness of style and collocationmay produce occasional errors in wordchoice, spelling and/or word formationuses a variety of complex structuresproduces frequent error-free sentenceshas good control of grammar andpunctuation but may make a few errors6 addresses the requirements of the task(Academic) presents an overview withinformation appropriately selected(General Training) presents a purposethat is generally clear; there may beinconsistencies in tonepresents and adequately highlights keyfeatures / bullet points but details maybe irrelevant, inappropriate orinaccurate arranges information andideas coherently and thereis a clear overallprogressionuses cohesive deviceseffectively, but cohesionwithin and/or betweensentences may be faulty ormechanicalmay not always usereferencing clearly orappropriatelyuses an adequate range of vocabularyfor the taskattempts to use less common vocabularybut with some inaccuracymakes some errors in spelling and/orword formation, but they do not impedecommunicationuses a mix of simple and complex sentenceformsmakes some errors in grammar andpunctuation but they rarely reducecommunication5 generally addresses the task; theformat may be inappropriate in places(Academic) recounts detailmechanically with no clear overview;there may be no data to support thedescription(General Training) may present apurpose for the letter that is unclear attimes; the tone may be variable andsometimes inappropriatepresents, but inadequately covers, keyfeatures / bullet points; there may be atendency to focus on details presents information withsome organisation but theremay be a lack of overallprogressionmakes inadequate,inaccurate or over-use ofcohesive devicesmay be repetitive becauseof lack of referencing andsubstitutionuses a limited range of vocabulary, butthis is minimally adequate for the taskmay make noticeable errors in spellingand/or word formation that may causesome difficulty for the readeruses only a limited range of structuresattempts complex sentences but these tendto be less accurate than simple sentencesmay make frequent grammatical errors andpunctuation may be faulty; errors cancause some difficulty for the reader4 attempts to address the task but doesnot cover all key features / bulletpoints; the format may be inappropriate(General Training) fails to clearlyexplain the purpose of the letter; thetone may be inappropriatemay confuse key features / bulletpoints with detail; parts may beunclear, irrelevant, repetitive orinaccurate presents information andideas but these are notarranged coherently andthere is no clearprogression in the responseuses some basic cohesivedevices but these may beinaccurate or repetitiveuses only basic vocabulary which may beused repetitively or which may beinappropriate for the taskhas limited control of word formationand/or spelling;errors may cause strain for thereaderuses only a very limited range of structureswith only rare use of subordinate clausessome structures are accurate but errorspredominate, and punctuation is oftenfaulty3 fails to address the task, which mayhave been completely misunderstoodpresents limited ideas which may belargely irrelevant/repetitive does not organise ideaslogicallymay use a very limitedrange of cohesive devices,and those used may notindicate a logicalrelationship between ideasuses only a very limited range of wordsand expressions with very limited controlof word formation and/or spellingerrors may severely distort the messageattempts sentence forms but errors ingrammar and punctuation predominate anddistort the meaning2 answer is barely related to the task has very little control oforganisational features uses an extremely limited range ofvocabulary; essentially no control of wordformation and/or spellingcannot use sentence forms except inmemorised phrases1 answer is completely unrelated to thetask fails to communicate anymessagecan only use a few isolated words cannot use sentence forms at all0 does not attenddoes not attempt the task in any waywrites a totally memorised response。


雅思作文评分标准细则雅思考试(IELTS),全称国际英语语言测试系统,外文名International English Language Testing System,由剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部、英国文化协会及IDP教育集团共同管理,是一种针英语能力,下面就是整理的雅思作文评分标准细则,一起来看一下吧。
雅思作文评分标准细则解读1. Task response & Task achievement此项评分标准检测的是考生是否恰当回答了写作要求的程度(degree to which the exam question has been answered properly).Task 1的要求是考生在大约20分钟内完成一篇至少150字的文章,包括:summarize, describe or explain 图表所包含的信息,同时也需要对相关信息进行比较。
因此完成一篇较好的小作文,需要做到以下几点:1)Identify ALL key features (找出图表中所有的关键信息)2)Provide sufficient detail for a meaningful explanation(进行解释说明时提供充分、适量的信息),但是不要太多也不要太少!(突然想起了老外吐槽咱们中国食谱中的加盐“少许”)同时保证在描写趋势和数据时的准确性。
3)A clear overview (一个清晰的概述):summarise significant trends/features(总结出最明显的趋势和特征)Task 2 的要求是考生在大约40分钟内完成一篇至少250字的文章:就某一问题阐述自己的观点,并使用证据来支持此观点。
请注意:task 2 的分值比task 1要高! 那么要完成一篇出色的大作文,需要注意以下几点:1)respond completely to all parts of the question (回答题目中的所有要求)2)develop and support your ideas (提出并使用论据支持自己的观点):不要只提观点!添加explanations, examples or experiences!3)ensure your opinion is clear (保证整篇文章的观点清晰一致)最后,提供考生们在写作时可以运用的一个checklist:标出题目中的关键词;找出问题中有几个部分;保证完成题目中的所有要求;写作之前先梳理出观点并确定其相关性;然后将观点进行分类和排序;严格遵循建议时间(20min+40 min)并达到最低字数要求。

雅思写作评分细则雅思考试的写作答题卡上,无论是TASK 1还是TASK 2,最后的考官评分专栏上(EXAMINER'S USE ONLY)都是从TR\CC\LR\GRA四方面来评定的,每项分别为0-9分,最后算出一个平均分。
如,某位考生的TASK2 ,EXAMINER1评分:TR6 CC6 LR 6 GRA 5 该位考官评分为5.75 最终此得分6分;EXAMINER2 评分:TR6 CC6 LR5 GRA5 该位考官评份 5.5 最终得分 5.5分。
该位考生的TASK2 最终得分(6+5.5)/2=5.75晋升为6分。
第一条:requirements of the task7分描述:cover;6分描述:address;5分描述:generally address这项限定词究竟有何差别,官方不曾给出更多的描述,因而该项描述判断必然存在一定的模糊性和主观性。
第二条:(Academic)overview7分描述:clear/main trends,differences or stages6分描述:information appropriately selected5分描述:recounts detail mechanically /no clear /no data to support the description此条评分描述判断起来就明确多了——有主要趋势、差异和阶段的给7分,机械列举数据或完全没有数据的得5分。

IELTS Writing Band Descriptors: Task 1 (Public Version)Band Task achievement Coherence and cohesion Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy9 • fully satisfies all the requirements of the task• clearly presents a fully developed response • uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts noattention• skilfully manages paragraphing• uses a wide range of vocabulary with very naturaland sophisticated control of lexical features; rareminor errors occur only as ‘slips’• uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility andaccuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’8 • covers all requirements of the task sufficiently• presents, highlights and illustrates key features/bullet points clearly and appropriately • sequences information and ideas logically• manages all aspects of cohesion well• uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately• uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexiblyto convey precise meanings• skilfully uses uncommon lexical items but there maybe occasional inaccuracies in word choice andcollocation• produces rare errors in spelling and/or wordformation• uses a wide range of structures• the majority of sentences are error-free• makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies7 • covers the requirements of the task• (Academic) presents a clear overview of maintrends, differences or stages• (General Training) presents a clear purpose, with thetone consistent and appropriate• clearly presents and highlights key features/bulletpoints but could be more fully extended • logically organises information and ideas; there isclear progression throughout• uses a range of cohesive devices appropriatelyalthough there may be some under-/over-use• uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow someflexibility and precision• uses less common lexical items with someawareness of style and collocation• may produce occasional errors in word choice,spelling and/or word formation• uses a variety of complex structures• produces frequent error-free sentences• has good control of grammar and punctuation butmay make a few errors6 • addresses the requirements of the task• (Academic) presents an overview with informationappropriately selected• (General Training) presents a purpose that isgenerally clear; there may be inconsistencies in tone• presents and adequately highlights key features/bullet points but details may be irrelevant,inappropriate or inaccurate • arranges information and ideas coherently and thereis a clear overall progression• uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesionwithin and/or between sentences may be faulty ormechanical• may not always use referencing clearly orappropriately• uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task• attempts to use less common vocabulary but withsome inaccuracy• makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation,but they do not impede communication• uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms• makes some errors in grammar and punctuation butthey rarely reduce communication5 • generally addresses the task; the format may beinappropriate in places• (Academic) recounts detail mechanically with noclear overview; there may be no data to support thedescription• (General Training) may present a purpose for theletter that is unclear at times; the tone may bevariable and sometimes inappropriate• presents, but inadequately covers, key features/bullet points; there may be a tendency to focus ondetails • presents information with some organisation butthere may be a lack of overall progression• makes inadequate, inaccurate or over-use ofcohesive devices• may be repetitive because of lack of referencing andsubstitution• uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this isminimally adequate for the task• may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or wordformation that may cause some difficulty for thereader• uses only a limited range of structures• attempts complex sentences but these tend to beless accurate than simple sentences• may make frequent grammatical errors andpunctuation may be faulty; errors can cause somedifficulty for the reader4 • attempts to address the task but does not cover allkey features/bullet points; the format may beinappropriate• (General Training) fails to clearly explain the purposeof the letter; the tone may be inappropriate• may confuse key features/bullet points with detail;parts may be unclear, irrelevant, repetitive orinaccurate • presents information and ideas but these are notarranged coherently and there is no clearprogression in the response• uses some basic cohesive devices but these may beinaccurate or repetitive• uses only basic vocabulary which may be usedrepetitively or which may be inappropriate for the task• has limited control of word formation and/or spelling;errors may cause strain for the reader• uses only a very limited range of structures with onlyrare use of subordinate clauses• some structures are accurate but errors predominate,and punctuation is often faulty3 • fails to address the task, which may have beencompletely misunderstood• presents limited ideas which may be largelyirrelevant/repetitive • does not organise ideas logically• may use a very limited range of cohesive devices,and those used may not indicate a logicalrelationship between ideas• uses only a very limited range of words andexpressions with very limited control of wordformation and/or spelling• errors may severely distort the message• attempts sentence forms but errors in grammar andpunctuation predominate and distort the meaning2 • answer is barely related to the task • has very little control of organisational features • uses an extremely limited range of vocabulary;essentially no control of word formation and/orspelling • cannot use sentence forms except in memorised phrases1 • answer is completely unrelated to the task • fails to communicate any message • can only use a few isolated words • cannot use sentence forms at all 0 • does not attend• does not attempt the task in any way• writes a totally memorised response©UCLES 2005IELTS Writing Band Descriptors: Task 2 (Public Version)Band Task response Coherence and cohesion Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy9 • fully addresses all parts of the task• presents a fully developed position in answer to thequestion with relevant, fully extended and wellsupported ideas • uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention• skilfully manages paragraphing• uses a wide range of vocabulary with very naturaland sophisticated control of lexical features; rareminor errors occur only as ‘slips’• uses a wide range of structures with full flexibilityand accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’8 • sufficiently addresses all parts of the task• presents a well-developed response to the questionwith relevant, extended and supported ideas • sequences information and ideas logically• manages all aspects of cohesion well• uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately• uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexiblyto convey precise meanings• skilfully uses uncommon lexical items but there maybe occasional inaccuracies in word choice andcollocation• produces rare errors in spelling and/or wordformation• uses a wide range of structures• the majority of sentences are error-free• makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies7 • addresses all parts of the task• presents a clear position throughout the response• presents, extends and supports main ideas, butthere may be a tendency to over-generalise and/orsupporting ideas may lack focus • logically organises information and ideas; there is clearprogression throughout• uses a range of cohesive devices appropriatelyalthough there may be some under-/over-use• presents a clear central topic within each paragraph• uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow someflexibility and precision• uses less common lexical items with someawareness of style and collocation• may produce occasional errors in word choice,spelling and/or word formation• uses a variety of complex structures• produces frequent error-free sentences• has good control of grammar and punctuation butmay make a few errors6 • addresses all parts of the task although some partsmay be more fully covered than others• presents a relevant position although theconclusions may become unclear or repetitive• presents relevant main ideas but some may beinadequately developed/unclear • arranges information and ideas coherently and there isa clear overall progression• uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion withinand/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical• may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately• uses paragraphing, but not always logically• uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task• attempts to use less common vocabulary but withsome inaccuracy• makes some errors in spelling and/or wordformation, but they do not impede communication• uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms• makes some errors in grammar and punctuation butthey rarely reduce communication5 • addresses the task only partially; the format may beinappropriate in places• expresses a position but the development is notalways clear and there may be no conclusionsdrawn• presents some main ideas but these are limited andnot sufficiently developed; there may be irrelevantdetail • presents information with some organisation but theremay be a lack of overall progression• makes inadequate, inaccurate or over-use of cohesivedevices• may be repetitive because of lack of referencing andsubstitution• may not write in paragraphs, or paragraphing may beinadequate• uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this isminimally adequate for the task• may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or wordformation that may cause some difficulty for thereader• uses only a limited range of structures• attempts complex sentences but these tend to beless accurate than simple sentences• may make frequent grammatical errors andpunctuation may be faulty; errors can cause somedifficulty for the reader4 • responds to the task only in a minimal way or theanswer is tangential; the format may beinappropriate• presents a position but this is unclear• presents some main ideas but these are difficult toidentify and may be repetitive, irrelevant or not wellsupported • presents information and ideas but these are notarranged coherently and there is no clear progressionin the response• uses some basic cohesive devices but these may beinaccurate or repetitive• may not write in paragraphs or their use may beconfusing• uses only basic vocabulary which may be usedrepetitively or which may be inappropriate for thetask• has limited control of word formation and/or spelling;errors may cause strain for the reader• uses only a very limited range of structures with onlyrare use of subordinate clauses• some structures are accurate but errorspredominate, and punctuation is often faulty3 • does not adequately address any part of the task• does not express a clear position• presents few ideas, which are largely undevelopedor irrelevant • does not organise ideas logically• may use a very limited range of cohesive devices, andthose used may not indicate a logical relationshipbetween ideas• uses only a very limited range of words andexpressions with very limited control of wordformation and/or spelling• errors may severely distort the message• attempts sentence forms but errors in grammar andpunctuation predominate and distort the meaning2 • barely responds to the task• does not express a position• may attempt to present one or two ideas but there isno development • has very little control of organisational features • uses an extremely limited range of vocabulary;essentially no control of word formation and/orspelling• cannot use sentence forms except in memorisedphrases1 • answer is completely unrelated to the task • fails to communicate any message • can only use a few isolated words • cannot use sentence forms at all0 • does not attend• does not attempt the task in any way• writes a totally memorised response©UCLES 2005。

雅思写作部分包含两项任务:任务1(Task 1)和任务2(Task 2),每一项任务的评分都基于四个主要标准。
1. 任务完成情况(Task Achievement/Response):此标准评估考生是否完全理解了题目,并且作出了适当的回应。
对于Task 1,这意味着需要提供所有必要的信息,比如图表的所有主要特点和趋势。
对于Task 2,这意味着需要针对所给出的观点或问题提出一个完全相关的论点,并且有清晰的立场。
2. 连贯与衔接(Coherence and Cohesion):这一项关注的是文章的流畅性和连贯性。
3. 词汇丰富度(Lexical Resource):此项评估的是词汇使用的准确性和丰富性。
4. 语法多样性和准确性(Grammatical Range and


uses a sufficient range of vocabulary toallow some flexibility and precision
uses paragraphingsufficiently andappropriately
uses a wide range of vocabulary fluentlyand flexibly to convey precise meanings
skillfully uses uncommon lexical items butthere may be occasional inaccuracies inword choice and collocation
uses less common lexical items withsome awareness of style andcollocation
may produce occasional errors in wordchoice, spelling and/or word formation
uses a variety of complex structures
rare minor errors occuronly as ‘slips’
uses a wide range of structures with fullflexibility and accuracy;
rare minor errorsoccur only as ‘slips’
covers all requirements of the tasksufficiently

雅思考试评分细则实用1份雅思考试评分细则 1等级分/原始分如何换算部分等级分及其相对应的平均原始分换算表:听力等级分原始分(个数)5 166 237 308 35阅读(普通)等级分原始分5 156 237308 35阅读(学术)等级分原始分4 155236 307 34写作评分细则雅思写作通常有Task1和Task2两个部分,考官给以下四项分别评等级分:任务完成情况、任务反应情况、连贯与衔接、词汇和句式丰富性及语法准确性。
仍以一名获得口语6分的考生为例,他所对应的口语水准是: 流利度及连贯性方面,愿意进行详细描述,但有时因重复、自我更正或停顿而造成不连贯,运用不同的连接词和语篇标记,但有时不恰当。

雅思写作考试要求在60分钟内完成两篇作文(Task 1 and Task 2)。
写作中,以移民为主的培训类(General Training)和以留学为主的学术类(Academic)试题类型有所不同。
Task 1要求考生在20分钟内完成150字以上的文章。
Task 2 要求考生在40分钟内写作一篇不少于250字的议论文。
A类和G类在Task 2方面非常相似。
基本上,移民或读语言学校起码要5分(Modest User)。
留学需要6分(Competent User)以上。
如果读的是法律、传媒、管理等名校的研究生的话,写作最好达到7分(Good User)。
但考生最后写作成绩并不是Task 1和Task 2的简单平均,而是以Task 2为主。
雅思写作的评分标准不象四六级或托福采用整体式的评分,而是分项式评分(analytical scoring)。
书信或图表评分标准:Task 1(书信或图表)按照以下三方面评分:Task Fulfilment(完成任务);Coherence and Cohesion(连贯与衔接);Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(词汇与句子结构)。

Task 1: 写作任务完成情况、连贯与衔接、词汇丰富程度、语法多样性及准确性。
Task 2: 写作任务回应情况、连贯与衔接、词汇丰富程度、语法多样性及准确性。
G类Task2,8分例文与评价? G类Task2,7分例文与评价? G类Task2,6分例文与评价阅读评分标准与示例

雅思写作任务1的评分标准雅思写作评分标准是怎样的?如何才能获得雅思8分?雅思考官给以下四项分别评等级分:任务完成情况(Task 1)/任务回答情况(Task 2),连贯与衔接,词汇变换、句式多样性和语法准确性,这四方面所占权重相同。
雅思写作任务1评分标准 (* 评分标准以英文版本为准,中文翻译仅供参考。
) 分数写作任务完成情况连贯与衔接词汇丰富程度语法多样性及准确性 9 ♦ 完全满足所有的写作任务要求 ♦ 清晰地呈现充分展开的写作内容 ♦ 衔接手段运用自如,行文连贯 ♦ 熟练地运用分段♦ 使用丰富的词汇,能自然地使用并掌握复杂的词汇特征;极少出现轻微错误,且仅属笔误 ♦ 完全灵活且准确地运用丰富多样的语法结构;极少出现轻微错误,且仅属笔误 8 ♦ 写作内容充分地涵盖了所有的写作任务要求 ♦ 就主要内容/要点进行清晰和恰当的呈现、强调以及阐述 ♦ 将信息与观点进行有逻辑的排序♦ 各种衔接手段运用得当 ♦ 充分且合理地使用分段 ♦ 流畅和灵活地使用丰富的词汇,达意准确♦ 熟练地使用不常用词汇,但在词语选择及搭配方面有时偶尔出现错误 ♦ 拼写及/或构词方面错误极少♦ 运用丰富多样的语法结构 ♦ 大多数句子准确无误 ♦ 只在极偶然情况下出现错误或存在不当之处 7 ♦ 写作内容涵盖写作任务的要求 ♦ (学术类)清晰地呈现关于主要趋势、区别或不同阶段的概述♦ (培训类)清晰地呈现写作目的,行文语气一致且恰当 ♦ 能就主要内容/要点进行清晰的呈现与强调,但未能更为充分地展开 ♦ 符合逻辑地组织信息及观点;清晰的行文推进贯穿全文 ♦ 恰当地使用一系列衔接手段,尽管有时使用不足或过多 ♦ 使用足够的词汇,体现一定灵活性及准确性 ♦ 使用不常见词汇,对语体及搭配有一定认识 ♦ 在选择用词、拼写及/或构词方面可能偶尔出现错误 ♦ 运用各种复杂的语法结构 ♦ 多数句子准确无误 ♦ 对语法及标点符号掌握较好,但有时出现少许错误 6 ♦ 根据写作任务要求作文 ♦ (学术类)选择恰当的信息进行概述 ♦ (培训类)写作目的基本清晰;行文语气有时未能保持前后一致 ♦ 呈现并充分地强调了主要内容/ 要点,但有时含有不相关、不恰当或不准确的细节信息♦ 连贯地组织信息及观点,总体来说,能清晰地推进行文发展 ♦ 有效地使用衔接手段,但句内及/ 或句间的衔接有时有误或过于机械 ♦ 有时无法保持一贯清晰或恰当地使用指代 ♦ 使用足够的词汇开展写作任务 ♦ 试图使用不常用词汇,但有时使用不准确♦ 在拼写及/或构词方面有错误,但不影响交流♦ 综合使用简单句式与复杂句式 ♦ 在语法及标点符号方面有一些错误,但这些错误很少影响交流 5♦ 基本上能就写作任务作文,但某些地方写作格式有时存在不当之处 ♦ (学术类)机械地描述细节,缺乏清晰的概述;有时未能提供数据支持所描述的内容;♦ (培训类)信函有时能体现特定的写作目的,但有时目的不清晰;行文语气变化不定,且有时不得体; ♦ 呈现但不能充分地涵盖主要内容/ 要点;有时出现着重表述细节的倾向 ♦ 有一定组织性地呈现信息,但总体来说有时缺乏清晰的总体行文推进 ♦ 衔接手段不足、不准确或过度使用 ♦ 由于指代和替换不足显得行文重复 ♦ 使用词汇范围有限,但能达到进行写作任务的最低限度 ♦ 在拼写及/或构词方面可能出现明显的错误,且可能会对读者造成一定的阅读困难 ♦ 仅能使用有限的语法结构 ♦ 试图使用复杂句,但复杂句的准确性常不及简单句的准确性 ♦ 可能经常出现语法及标点符号使用的错误;这些错误会对读者造成一定的阅读困难 4 ♦ 试图就写作任务要求行文,但未能包含所有主要信息 / 要点;写作格式有时不恰当 ♦(培训类)未能清晰地说明信件的写作目的;行文语气有时不恰当 ♦ 有时混淆主要信息 / 要点与细节信息;部分写作内容有时不清晰、不相关、重复或不准确 ♦ 呈现了信息及观点,但未能连贯地组织这些信息及观点,且未能清晰地推进行文发展 ♦ 使用了一些基本的衔接手段,但有时出现不准确或重复的使用 ♦ 只使用基本词汇,且有时重复使用这些词汇或使用之于写作任务不恰当的词汇 ♦ 对构词及/或拼写掌握有限; ♦ 错误可能对读者造成阅读困难 ♦ 仅能使用非常有限的语法结构,只能偶尔使用从句 ♦ 一些语法结构使用正确,但错误占多数,且标点符号经常出错 3 ♦ 可能因完全曲解写作任务而未能根据写作任务行文 ♦ 所表达的观点有限,可能大部分并不相关或重复 ♦ 不能有逻辑地组织观点 ♦ 所用衔接手段有时非常有限,且有时未能体现观点之间的逻辑性 ♦ 只使用非常有限的词汇及表达方式,对构词及/或拼写掌握也非常有限 ♦ 错误可能严重地影响信息的传达 ♦ 尝试造句,但语法及标点符号错误占多数,意思被扭曲 2♦ 写作内容与写作任务几乎无关 ♦ 在内容组织方面能力非常有限 ♦ 词汇的使用极其有限;基本上未能掌握构词及/或拼写 ♦ 除了使用预先背诵的短语外,无法造句 1 ♦ 写作内容与写作任务完全无关 ♦ 未能传达任何信息 ♦ 仅能孤立地使用少数单词 ♦ 完全无法造句 0 ♦ 缺考 ♦ 未以任何方式尝试写作 ♦ 写作内容完全是预先背诵的内容 (* 评分标准以英文版本为准,中文翻译仅供参考。
雅思task 1评分标准

雅思task 1评分标准雅思考试(International English Language Testing System,简称 IELTS)是一个全球性的英语语言水平考试,评估机构为英国剑桥大学考试委员会、澳大利亚教育国际事务办公室、以及 IDP 教育集团等。
IELTS 考试对于很多需要使用英语的人来说是非常重要和必不可少的一部分,特别是想要进入海外大学的学生。
其中,写作共分为两部分:Task 1 和 Task 2。
本文将着重介绍 Task 1 的评分标准。
Task 1 测试的主要目的是考察考生的能力,看他们是否能够在限定的时间内正确地理解、描述和分析图表数据。
题目会提供一个包含各种信息的图表,考生需要在 20 分钟内书写一个作文来描述这些信息。
评分标准包括以下三个方面:1. 结构:考生的写作是否有清晰可读的结构辨识度。
2. 段落:考生是否为自己的写作添加了一个或多个段落,以便于表达一个清晰的思想。
3. 句子:考生是否使用了多样化的句子结构和长度,以增强文章的语言流畅度,传达自己的思想。

covers therequirements of the task
(Academic) presents a clear overviewofthemain trends, differences,or stages
(General Training) presents a clearpurpose, with the tone consistent andappropriate
(General Training) presents a purposethat is generally clear; there may beinconsistencies in tone
presents and adequately highlights keyfeatures / bullet points,but details maybe irrelevant,inappropriate,orinaccurate
arranges information andideas coherently,thereis a clear overallprogression
uses cohesive deviceseffectively, but cohesionwithin and/or betweensentences may be faulty ormechanical
clearly presents and highlights keyfeatures / bullet points but could bemore fully extended
logicallyorganizesinformation and ideas; thereisaclear progressionthroughout

雅思写作Task1评分标准表雅思写作Task 1评分标准表成绩完成任务情况连贯与衔接词汇资源语法结构的范围和准确性9完全满足任务的所有要求;对于题目的回应清晰而完整;不露痕迹地使用衔接手段;分段得体;词汇使用广泛、自然而老到;极少出现小错误如“笔误” 语法结构的使用广泛、准确而灵活;极少出现小错误如“笔误”8 充分涵盖题目的所有要求;清晰而又得体地呈现并说明核心信息信息和观点的安排有序而富逻辑性;衔接性的各个方面安排得体;分段充分、适当能流畅、灵活地使用多样词汇来准确表达思想;能巧妙使用较不常见单词和习语,尽管偶尔有词汇选择和搭配上的不准确;拼写和构词法错误极少灵活使用多种结构;大部分语句无误;极偶尔情况下出现错误或不准确7 涵盖题目要求;(留学类)清晰概括主要趋势,差别或阶段;(普通培训类)清晰表达写作目的,语气一贯、得体;清晰呈现并说明核心信息,但可以进行更加充分的扩展信息和观点组织有逻辑性;文章从头至尾有延续性;衔接手段使用合理,虽然可能有一些使用过少或过多词汇使用丰富、有一定的准确性和灵活性;能使用较不常见词汇,对语体和搭配有所了解;在词汇的选择、拼写和构词法上偶尔有错误使用多种复杂结构;多数语句无误;语法和标点掌握较好,但可能会犯一些错误;6回应题目要求;(留学类)进行了概括,信息选择合理;(普通培训类)写信目的基本清晰,语气可能有不够一贯之处;呈现并说明核心信息,但细节可能不够相关,不适合或不准确信息和观点组织连贯;文章有延续性;衔接手段使用有效,但是句子内部和句子之间的衔接可能有误或过于机械;指代关系可能不能总是清晰、合理地使用使用适当范围的词汇;试图使用较不常见词汇,但有一些不准确;在拼写和构词法上有错误,但这些错误不至于影响交际能使用简单和复杂句子结构;语法和标点出现一些错误,尽管这些错误很少导致交流障碍。
5 基本上回应题目要求;格式可能有时不准确;(留学类)机械描述细节,缺少清晰概括;可能缺少数据支持;(普通培训类)提出写信目的,有时不清晰;语气可能多变,有时不得体;呈现核心信息,但涵盖不完整;可能有过于注重细节的倾向;信息有一定组织但缺少总体延续性;衔接手段不充分,不准确,或过度使用;缺少指代和替换,显得重复过多;使用有限词汇量,但只是在最低层面上满足题目;拼写和构词法上可能出现明显错误,造成读者的某些阅读困难;只能使用基本句子结构;试图使用复杂句,但复杂句的使用准确性不如简单句;语法错误较多,标点有误用;错误造成读者的某些阅读困难4 试图回应题目要求,但没有涵盖所有主要信息;格式不得体;(普通培训类)没有能够清晰解释写信目的;语气不得体;混淆核心信息和细节;有的部分不清晰,不相关,重复或不准确;提供信息和观点,但安排不连贯,也没有清晰的连续性;使用一些基本的衔接手段,但可能不准确或重复只使用基本词汇,可能重复,可能使用不得体;构词法和拼写掌握有限;错误导致读者理解困难;只使用有限的句子结构,从句很少见;有的结构准确但错误较多,标点经常错误;3没有能够回应题目,可能完全误解题目;观点有限,可能大部分都是不相关或是重复;没有逻辑性地组织观点;衔接手段的使用非常有限,不能表明观点之间的逻辑关系;只使用非常有限的单词和表达,对于构词法和拼写的掌握很有限;错误严重干扰信息的传递;试图写出句子但语法和标点错误非常多,扭曲了意思2回答几乎和任务要求无关对组织结构的掌握极少词汇使用极其有限;基本没有掌握构词法和拼写除了背诵的短语以外无法使用句子1 回答完全和任务要求无关无法交流任何信息只能使用一些零散单词完全无法使用。

在Task 1 中,考生需要根据所给的图表、数据等信息进行描述和分析;在Task 2 中,考生需要对题目中的问题进行回答,并提出自己的观点。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
IELTS Task 1 Writing band descriptors (public version)Band Task Achievement Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy9 fully satisfies all the requirements ofthe taskclearly presents a fully developedresponse uses cohesion in such away that it attracts noattentionskilfully managesparagraphinguses a wide range of vocabulary withvery natural and sophisticated control oflexical features; rare minor errors occuronly as ‘slips’uses a wide range of structures with fullflexibility and accuracy; rare minor errorsoccur only as ‘slips’8 covers all requirements of the tasksufficientlypresents, highlights and illustrates keyfeatures / bullet points clearly andappropriately sequences information andideas logicallymanages all aspects ofcohesion welluses paragraphingsufficiently andappropriatelyuses a wide range of vocabulary fluentlyand flexibly to convey precise meaningsskilfully uses uncommon lexical items butthere may be occasional inaccuracies inword choice and collocationproduces rare errors in spelling and/orword formationuses a wide range of structuresthe majority of sentences are error-freemakes only very occasional errors orinappropriacies7 covers the requirements of the task(Academic) presents a clear overviewof main trends, differences or stages(General Training) presents a clearpurpose, with the tone consistent andappropriateclearly presents and highlights keyfeatures / bullet points but could bemore fully extended logically organisesinformation and ideas; thereis clear progressionthroughoutuses a range of cohesivedevices appropriatelyalthough there may besome under-/over-useuses a sufficient range of vocabulary toallow some flexibility and precisionuses less common lexical items withsome awareness of style and collocationmay produce occasional errors in wordchoice, spelling and/or word formationuses a variety of complex structuresproduces frequent error-free sentenceshas good control of grammar andpunctuation but may make a few errors6 addresses the requirements of the task(Academic) presents an overview withinformation appropriately selected(General Training) presents a purposethat is generally clear; there may beinconsistencies in tonepresents and adequately highlights keyfeatures / bullet points but details maybe irrelevant, inappropriate orinaccurate arranges information andideas coherently and thereis a clear overallprogressionuses cohesive deviceseffectively, but cohesionwithin and/or betweensentences may be faulty ormechanicalmay not always usereferencing clearly orappropriatelyuses an adequate range of vocabularyfor the taskattempts to use less common vocabularybut with some inaccuracymakes some errors in spelling and/orword formation, but they do not impedecommunicationuses a mix of simple and complex sentenceformsmakes some errors in grammar andpunctuation but they rarely reducecommunication5generally addresses the task; theformat may be inappropriate in places (Academic) recounts detailmechanically with no clear overview; there may be no data to support the description(General Training) may present apurpose for the letter that is unclear at times; the tone may be variable and sometimes inappropriatepresents, but inadequately covers, key features / bullet points; there may be a tendency to focus on detailspresents information withsome organisation but there may be a lack of overall progressionmakes inadequate,inaccurate or over-use of cohesive devicesmay be repetitive because of lack of referencing and substitutionuses a limited range of vocabulary, butthis is minimally adequate for the task may make noticeable errors in spelling and/or word formation that may cause some difficulty for the readeruses only a limited range of structuresattempts complex sentences but these tendto be less accurate than simple sentences may make frequent grammatical errors and punctuation may be faulty; errors can cause some difficulty for the reader4attempts to address the task but does not cover all key features / bulletpoints; the format may be inappropriate (General Training) fails to clearly explain the purpose of the letter; the tone may be inappropriatemay confuse key features / bullet points with detail; parts may be unclear, irrelevant, repetitive or inaccuratepresents information andideas but these are not arranged coherently and there is no clearprogression in the response uses some basic cohesive devices but these may be inaccurate or repetitiveuses only basic vocabulary which may beused repetitively or which may be inappropriate for the taskhas limited control of word formation and/or spelling;errors may cause strain for thereaderuses only a very limited range of structureswith only rare use of subordinate clauses some structures are accurate but errors predominate, and punctuation is often faulty3fails to address the task, which may have been completely misunderstood presents limited ideas which may be largely irrelevant/repetitivedoes not organise ideaslogicallymay use a very limited range of cohesive devices, and those used may not indicate a logicalrelationship between ideas uses only a very limited range of wordsand expressions with very limited control of word formation and/or spellingerrors may severely distort the messageattempts sentence forms but errors ingrammar and punctuation predominate and distort the meaning2answer is barely related to the task has very little control of organisational featuresuses an extremely limited range ofvocabulary; essentially no control of word formation and/or spellingcannot use sentence forms except inmemorised phrases1 answer is completely unrelated to thetaskfails to communicate anymessagecan only use a few isolated wordscannot use sentence forms at alldoes not attenddoes not attempt the task in any way writes a totally memorised response。