



1.1 如果是Matlab安装光盘上的工具箱,重新执行安装程序,选中即可;1.2 如果是单独下载的工具箱,一般情况下仅需要把新的工具箱解压到某个目录。

2 在matlab的file下面的set path把它加上。

3 把路径加进去后在file→Preferences→General的Toolbox Path Caching里点击update Toolbox Path Cache更新一下。

4 用which newtoolbox_command.m来检验是否可以访问。



MATLAB Toolboxes============================================/zsmcode.htmlBinaural-modeling software for MATLAB/Windows/home/Michael_Akeroyd/download2.htmlStatistical Parametric Mapping (SPM)/spm/ext/BOOTSTRAP MATLAB DSS package for MATLABDSS Matlab package contains algorithms for performing linear, deflation and symmetric DSS. Method Tree with MATLAB/~olvi/uwmp/msmt.htmlA Matlab Toolbox for every single topic !/~baum/toolboxes.htmleg. BrainStorm - MEG and EEG data visualization and processingCLAWPACK is a software package designed to compute numerical solutions to hyperbolic partial differential equations using a wave propagation approach/~claw/DIPimage - Image Processing ToolboxPRTools - Pattern Recognition Toolbox (+ Neural Networks)NetLab - Neural Network ToolboxFSTB - Fuzzy Systems ToolboxFusetool - Image Fusion Toolbox - Wavelet ToolboxGat - Genetic Algorithm ToolboxTSTOOL is a MATLAB software package for nonlinear time series analysis.TSTOOL can be used for computing: Time-delay reconstruction, Lyapunov exponents, Fractal dimensions, Mutual information, Surrogate data tests, Nearest neighbor statistics, Return times, Poincare sections, Nonlinear prediction / Data description toolboxA Matlab toolbox for data description, outlier and novelty detectionMarch 26, 2004 - D.M.J. Tax network toolbox for Matlab toolbox for Matlab SpiderThe spider is intended to be a complete object orientated environment for machine learning in Matlab. Aside from easy use of base learning algorithms, algorithms can be plugged together and can be compared with, e.g model selection, statistical tests and visual plots. This gives all the power of objects (reusability, plug together, share code) but also all the power of Matlab for machine learning research. Toolbox/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ ype=file#XML Toolbox/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ Type=fileFIR/TDNN Toolbox for MATLABBeta version of a toolbox for FIR (Finite Impulse Response) and TD (Time Delay) NeuralNetworks./interval-comp/dagstuhl.03/oish.pdfMisc. and Titan trajectories ... MALTAB astronomy/~abrecht/Matlab-codes/AudioMA Toolbox for Matlab Implementing Similarity Measures for Audio - Matlab Auditory Demonstrations/~martin/MAD/docs/mad.htmMusic Analysis - Toolbox for Matlab : Feature Extraction from Raw Audio Signals for Content-Based Music Retri - Matlab Toolbox for Warped DSPBy Aki Härmä and Matti Karjalainen Software Signal data formats (EEG machine specific file formats with Matlab import routines) Encoding library for MATLAB Movies (Created by David Foti)It enables MATLAB users to read (MPGREAD) or write (MPGWRITE) MPEG movies. That should help Video Quality project.Filter Design package by Christophe COUVREUR (Generates normalized A-weigthing, C-weighting, octave and one-third-octave digital filters)/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ Id=69Source Coding MATLAB Toolbox/users/kieffer/programs.htmlBio Medical Informatics (Top)CGH-Plotter: MATLAB Toolbox for CGH-data AnalysisCode: Brain Imaging Software Toolbox Brain Segmentation/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ (providing PCA) (Top)Matlab Molecular Biology & Evolution Toolbox(Toolbox Enables Evolutionary Biologists to Analyze and View DNA and Protein Sequences) James J. Cai provided by Prof. Massart research group collection of routines from Prof age smilde research group Toolbox written by Rune Mathisen/~mvartools/index.htmlMatlab code and datasets (Top)Chaotic Systems Toolbox/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ ype=file#HOSA Toolbox pe=fileChemistry (Top)MetMAP - (Metabolical Modeling, Analysis and oPtimization alias Met. M. A. P.) - A set of software programs for quantitative comparison of measured and computed radiation dose distributions/GenBank Overview/Genbank/GenbankOverview.htmlMatlab: /matlabcentral/fileexchange/ for the estimation of Scaling Exponents (Top)Control Tutorial for Matlab/group/ctm/AnotherCommunications (Top)Channel Learning Architecture toolbox(This Matlab toolbox is a supplement to the article "HiperLearn: A High Performance Learning Architecture") Coding MATLAB Toolbox/users/kieffer/programs.htmlTCP/UDP/IP Toolbox 2.0.4/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ ype=fileHome Networking Basis: Transmission Environments and Wired/Wireless Protocols Walter Y. Chen/support/books/book5295.jsp?category=new&language=-1MATLAB M-files and Simulink models/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ Type=file•OPNML/MATLAB Facilities/OPNML_Matlab/Mesh Generation/home/vavasis/qmg-home.htmlOpenFEM : An Open-Source Finite Element Toolbox/CALFEM is an interactive computer program for teaching the finite element method (FEM) Engineering Vibration Toolbox/people/faculty/jslater/vtoolbox/vtoolbox.htmlSaGA - Spatial and Geometric Analysis Toolboxby Kirill K. Pankratov/~glenn/kirill/saga.htmlMexCDF and NetCDF Toolbox For Matlab-5&6/staffpages/cdenham/public_html/MexCDF/nc4ml5.htmlCUEDSID: Cambridge University System Identification Toolbox/jmm/cuedsid/Kriging Toolbox/software/Geostats_software/MATLAB_KRIGING_TOOLBOX.htmMonte Carlo (Dr Nando) - The Most Powerful Optimal Control Problem Solver/~adam/RIOTS/ExcelMATLAB xlsheets/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ pe=filewrite2excel/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ pe=fileFinite Element Modeling (FEM) (Top)OpenFEM - An Open-Source Finite Element Toolbox/NLFET - nonlinear finite element toolbox for MATLAB ( framework for setting up, solving, and interpreting results for nonlinear static and dynamic finite element analysis.)/GetFEM - C++ library for finite element methods elementary computations with a Matlabinterface - FEA package to view results ( contains neat interface to MATLA/~blstmbr/felipe/Finance (Top)A NEW MATLAB-BASED TOOLBOX FOR COMPUTER AIDED DYNAMIC TECHNICAL TRADINGStephanos Papadamou and George StephanidesDepartment of Applied Informatics, University Of Macedonia Economic & Social Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece/fen31/one_time_articles/dynamic_tech_trade_matlab6.htm Paper: :8089/eps/prog/papers/0201/0201001.pdfCompEcon Toolbox for Matlab/~pfackler/compecon/toolbox.htmlGenetic Algorithms (Top)The Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox (GAOT) for Matlab 5/mirage/GAToolBox/gaot/Genetic Algorithm ToolboxWritten & distributed by Andy Chipperfield (Sheffield University, UK)/uni/projects/gaipp/gatbx.htmlManual: /~gaipp/ga-toolbox/manual.pdfGenetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox (GEATbx)/Evolutionary Algorithms for MATLAB/links/ea_matlab.htmlGenetic/Evolutionary Algorithms for MATLAB GraphicsVideoToolbox (C routines for visual psychophysics on Macs by Denis Pelli)/VideoToolbox/Paper: /pelli/pubs/pelli1997videotoolbox.pdf4D toolbox/~daniel/links/matlab/4DToolbox.htmlImages (Top)Eyelink Toolbox/eyelinktoolbox/Paper: /eyelinktoolbox/EyelinkToolbox.pdfCellStats: Automated statistical analysis of color-stained cell images in Matlab Morphology Toolbox for MATLAB (powerful collection of latest state-of-the-art gray-scale morphological tools that can be applied to image segmentation, non-linear filtering, pattern recognition and image analysis)/Image Acquisition Toolbox/products/imaq/Halftoning Toolbox for MATLAB/~bevans/projects/halftoning/toolbox/index.htmlDIPimage - A Scientific Image Processing Toolbox for MATLAB Toolbox / KICA and KPCA (Top)ICA TU Toolbox Linear and Nonlinear ICA Toolbox Independant Component Analysis/~fbach/kernel-ica/index.htmMatlab: kernel-ica version 1.2KPCA- Please check the software section of kernel machines.KernelStatistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox A MATLAB Wrapper for Classification/tmp/MATLABArsenal.htmMarkov (Top)MapHMMBOX 1.1 - Matlab toolbox for Hidden Markov Modelling using Max. Aposteriori EM Prerequisites: Matlab 5.0, Netlab. Last Updated: 18 March 2002./~parg/software/maphmmbox_1_1.tarHMMBOX 4.1 - Matlab toolbox for Hidden Markov Modelling using Variational Bayes Prerequisites: Matlab 5.0,Netlab. Last Updated: 15 February 2002../~parg/software/hmmbox_3_2.tar/~parg/software/hmmbox_4_1.tarMarkov Decision Process (MDP) Toolbox for MatlabKevin Murphy, 1999/~murphyk/Software/MDP/MDP.zipMarkov Decision Process (MDP) Toolbox v1.0 for MATLAB Markov Model (HMM) Toolbox for Matlab/~murphyk/Software/HMM/hmm.htmlBayes Net Toolbox for Matlab/~murphyk/Software/BNT/bnt.htmlMedical (Top)EEGLAB Open Source Matlab Toolbox for Physiological Research (formerly ICA/EEG Matlabtoolbox)/~scott/ica.htmlMATLAB Biomedical Signal Processing Toolbox/Toolbox/Powerful package for neurophysiological data analysis ( Igor Kagan webpage)/Matlab/Unitret.htmlEEG / MRI Matlab Toolbox/Microarray data analysis toolbox (MDAT): for normalization, adjustment and analysis of gene expression_r data.Knowlton N, Dozmorov IM, Centola M. Department of Arthritis and Immunology, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, OK, USA 73104. We introduce a novel Matlab toolbox for microarray data analysis. This toolbox uses normalization based upon a normally distributed background and differential gene expression_r based on 5 statistical measures. The objects in this toolbox are open source and can be implemented to suit your application. AVAILABILITY: MDAT v1.0 is a Matlab toolbox and requires Matlab to run. MDAT is freely available at:/publications/2004/knowlton/MDAT.zipMIDI (Top)MIDI Toolbox version 1.0 (GNU General Public License) (Top)MATLAB-The Graphing Tool/~abrecht/matlab.html3-D Circuits The Circuit Animation Toolbox for MATLAB/other/3Dcircuits/SendMail (Matlab Parallel Interface)Cornell Multitask Toolbox for MATLAB/Services/Software/CMTM/Beolab Toolbox for v6.5Thomas Abrahamsson (Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Applied Mechanics,Göteborg, Sweden) =filePARMATLABNeural Networks (Top)SOM Toolbox Net Toolbox for Matlab/~murphyk/Software/BNT/bnt.htmlNetLab/netlab/Random Neural Networks/~ahossam/rnnsimv2/ftp: ftp:///pub/contrib/v5/nnet/rnnsimv2/NNSYSID Toolbox (tools for neural network based identification of nonlinear dynamic systems) (Top)WAFO. Wave Analysis for Fatigue and Oceanography toolbox for MATLAB (USGS, USA)Presented at the Hydroacoustics Workshop in Tampa and at ADCP's in Action in San Diego /operations/stg/pubs/ADCPtoolsSEA-MAT - Matlab Tools for Oceanographic AnalysisA collaborative effort to organize and distribute Matlab tools for the Oceanographic Community /Ocean Toolbox D. GALLAGHER(Associate Professor, Environmental, Coastal & Ocean Sciences)/edgwebp.htmOptimization (Top)MODCONS - a MATLAB Toolbox for Multi-Objective Control System Design/mecheng/jfw/modcons.htmlLazy Learning Package version 3.02 -- a MATLAB software for semidefinite-quadratic-linear programming .sg/~mattohkc/sdpt3.htmlMinimum Enclosing Balls: Matlab Code/meb/SOSTOOLS Sum of Squares Optimi zation Toolbox for MATLAB User’s guide/sostools/sostools.pdfPSOt - a Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox for use with MatlabBy Brian Birge ... A Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox (PSOt) for use with the Matlab scientific programming environment has been developed. PSO isintroduced briefly and then the use of the toolbox is explained with some examples. A link to downloadable code is provided.Plot/software/plotting/gbplot/Signal Processing (Top)Filter Design with Motorola DSP56K Detection and Adaptive Filtering Toolbox Processing Toolbox/products/signal/ICA TU Toolbox Toolbox for Matlab - Speech Processing Toolbox/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.htmlLeast Squared - Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM) : the Wavelet ToolboxBy David Donoho, Mark Reynold Duncan, Xiaoming Huo, Ofer Levi /~wavelab/Time-series Matlab scripts Wavelet Toolbox Home Page Vector Machine (Top)MATLAB Support Vector Machine ToolboxDr Gavin CawleySchool of Information Systems, University of East Anglia/~gcc/svm/toolbox/LS-SVM - SISTASVM toolboxes/dmi/svm/LSVM Lagrangian Support Vector Machine/dmi/lsvm/Statistics (Top)Logistic regression/SAGA/software/saga/Multi-Parametric Toolbox (MPT) A tool (not only) for multi-parametric optimization. A Matlab package for the estimation of parameters and eigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive models Dimensional Analysis Toolbox for MATLABHome: for Matlab/personal/djones/PLS-toolbox/Multivariate analysis toolbox (N-way Toolbox - paper) Toolbox for Matlab toolbox for Robust Calibration Parametric Mapping/spm/spm2.htmlEVIM: A Software Package for Extreme Value Analysis in Matlabby Ramazan Gençay, Faruk Selcuk and Abdurrahman Ulugulyagci, 2001.Manual (pdf file) evim.pdf - Software (zip file) evim.zipTime Series Analysis Net Toolbox for MatlabWritten by Kevin Murphy/~murphyk/Software/BNT/bnt.htmlOther: /information/toolboxes.htmlARfit: A Matlab package for the estimation of parameters and eigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive models/~tapio/arfit/M-Fit Analysis Toolbox for Matlab/The NaN-toolbox: A statistic-toolbox for Octave and Matlab®... handles data with and without MISSING VALUES. Methods for Optimization: Matlab Codes/~ctk/matlab_darts.htmlMultiscale Shape Analysis (MSA) Matlab Toolbox Ecological & Oceanographic Data Analysis (FATHOM)From David Jones/personal/djones/glmlab (Generalized Linear Models in and Geometric Analysis (SaGA) toolboxInteresting audio links with FAQ, VC++, on the topic机器学习网站北京大学视觉与听觉信息处理实验室北京邮电大学模式识别与智能系统学科复旦大学智能信息处理开放实验室IEEE Computer Society北京映象站点计算机科学论坛机器人足球赛模式识别国家重点实验室南京航空航天大学模式识别与神经计算实验室- PARNEC南京大学机器学习与数据挖掘研究所- LAMDA南京大学人工智能实验室南京大学软件新技术国家重点实验室人工生命之园数据挖掘研究院微软亚洲研究院中国科技大学人工智能中心中科院计算所中科院计算所生物信息学实验室中科院软件所中科院自动化所中科院自动化所人工智能实验室ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning (SIGNLL)ACMACM Digital LibraryACM SIGARTACM SIGIRACM SIGKDDACM SIGMODAdaptive Computation Group at University of New MexicoAI at Johns HopkinsAI BibliographiesAI Topics: A dynamic online library of introductory information about artificial intelligence Ant Colony OptimizationARIES Laboratory: Advanced Research in Intelligent Educational SystemsArtificial Intelligence Research in Environmental Sciences (AIRIES)Austrian Research Institute for AI (OFAI)Back Issues of Neuron DigestBibFinder: a computer science bibliography search engine integrating many other engines BioAPI ConsortiumBiological and Computational Learning Center at MITBiometrics ConsortiumBoosting siteBrain-Style Information Systems Research Group at RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert SystemsCanadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI)CI Collection of BibTex DatabasesCITE, the first-stop source for computational intelligence information and services on the web Classification Society of North AmericaCMU Advanced Multimedia Processing GroupCMU Web->KB ProjectCognitive and Neural Systems Department of Boston UniversityCognitive Sciences Eprint Archive (CogPrints)COLT: Computational Learning TheoryComputational Neural Engineering Laboratory at the University of FloridaComputational Neurobiology Lab at California, USAComputer Science Department of National University of SingaporeData Mining Server Online held by Rudjer Boskovic InstituteDatabase Group at Simon Frazer University, CanadaDBLP: Computer Science BibliographyDigital Biology: about creating artificial lifeDistributed AI Unit at Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of LondonDistributed Artificial Intelligence at HUJIDSI Neural Networks group at the Université di Firenze, ItalyEA-related literature at the EvALife research group at DAIMI, University of Aarhus, Denmark Electronic Research Group at Aberdeen UniversityElsevierComputerScienceEuropean Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI)European Network of Excellence in ML (MLnet)European Neural Network Society (ENNS)Evolutionary Computing Group at University of the West of EnglandEvolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization RepositoryExplanation-Based Learning at University of Illinoise at Urbana-ChampaignFace Detection HomepageFace Recognition Vendor TestFace Recognition HomepageFace Recognition Research CommunityFingerpassftp of Jude Shavlik's Machine Learning Group (University of Wisconsin-Madison)GA-List Searchable DatabaseGenetic Algorithms Digest ArchiveGenetic Programming BibliographyGesture Recognition HomepageHCI Bibliography Project contain extended bibliographic information (abstract, key words, table of contents, section headings) for most publications Human-Computer Interaction dating back to 1980 and selected publications before 1980IBM ResearchIEEEIEEE Computer SocietyIEEE Neural Networks SocietyIllinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (IlliGAL)ILP Network of ExcellenceInductive Learning at University of Illinoise at Urbana-ChampaignIntelligent Agents RepositoryIntellimedia Project at North Carolina State UniversityInteractive Artificial Intelligence ResourcesInternational Association of Pattern RecognitionInternational Biometric Industry AssociationInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)International Machine Learning Society (IMLS)International Neural Network Society (INNS)Internet Softbot Research at University of WashingtonJapanese Neural Network Society (JNNS)Java Agents for Meta-Learning Group (JAM) at Computer Science Department, Columbia University, for Fraud and Intrusion Detection Using Meta-Learning AgentsKernel MachinesKnowledge Discovery MineLaboratory for Natural and Simulated Cognition at McGill University, CanadaLearning Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon UniversityLearning Robots Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon UniversityLaboratoire d'Informatique et d'Intelligence Artificielle (IIA-ENSAIS)Machine Learning Group of Sydney University, AustraliaMammographic Image Analysis SocietyMDL Research on the WebMirek's Cellebration: 1D and 2D Cellular Automata explorerMIT Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryMIT Media LaboratoryMIT Media Laboratory Vision and Modeling GroupMLNET: a European network of excellence in Machine Learning, Case-based Reasoning and Knowledge AcquisitionMLnet Machine Learning Archive at GMD includes papers, software, and data sets MIRALab at University of Geneva: leading research on virtual human simulationNeural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT)Neural Computing Research Group at Aston University, UKNeural Information Processing Group at Technical University of BerlinNIPSNIPS OnlineNeural Network Benchmarks, Technical Reports,and Source Code maintained by Scott Fahlman at CMU; source code includes Quickprop, Cascade-Correlation, Aspirin/Migraines Neural Networks FAQ by Lutz PrecheltNeural Networks FAQ by Warren S. SarleNeural Networks: Freeware and Shareware ToolsNeural Network Group at Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics, University ofNeural Network Group at Université Catholique de LouvainNeural Network Group at Eindhoven University of TechnologyNeural Network Hyperplane Animator program that allows easy visualization of training data and weights in a back-propagation neural networkNeural Networks Research at TUT/ELENeural Networks Research Centre at Helsinki University of Technology, FinlandNeural Network Speech Group at Carnegie Mellon UniversityNeural Text Classification with Neural NetworksNonlinearity and Complexity HomepageOFAI and IMKAI library information system, provided by the Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Vienna (IMKAI) and the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI). It contains over 36,000 items (books, research papers, conference papers, journal articles) from many subareas of AI OntoWeb: Ontology-based information exchange for knowledge management and electronic commercePortal on Neural Network ForecastingPRAG: Pattern Recognition and Application Group at University of CagliariQuest Project at IBM Almaden Research Center: an academic website focusing on classification and regression trees. Maintained by Tjen-Sien LimReinforcement Learning at Carnegie Mellon UniversityResearchIndex: NECI Scientific Literature Digital Library, indexing over 200,000 computer science articlesReVision: Reviewing Vision in the Web!RIKEN: The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, JapanSalford SystemsSANS Studies of Artificial Neural Systems, at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Santa-Fe InstituteScirus: a search engine locating scientific information on the InternetSecond Moment: The News and Business Resource for Applied AnalyticsSEL-HPC Article Archive has sections for neural networks, distributed AI, theorem proving, and a variety of other computer science topicsSOAR Project at University of Southern CaliforniaSociety for AI and StatisticsSVM of ANU CanberraSVM of Bell LabsSVM of GMD-First BerlinSVM of MITSVM of Royal Holloway CollegeSVM of University of SouthamptonSVM-workshop at NIPS97TechOnLine: TechOnLine University offers free online courses and lecturesUCI Machine Learning GroupUMASS Distributed Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryUTCS Neural Networks Research Group of Artificial Intelligence Lab, Computer Science Department, University of Texas at AustinVivisimo Document Clustering: a powerful search engine which returns clustered results Worcester Polytechnic Institute Artificial Intelligence Research Group (AIRG)Xerion neural network simulator developed and used by the connectionist group at the University of TorontoYale's CTAN Advanced Technology Center for Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience ZooLand: Artificial Life Resource。



1.1 如果是Matlab安装光盘上的工具箱,重新执行安装程序,选中即可;1.2 如果是单独下载的工具箱,一般情况下仅需要把新的工具箱解压到某个目录。

2 在matlab的file下面的set path把它加上。

3 把路径加进去后在file→Preferences→General的Toolbox Path Caching里点击update Toolbox Path Cache更新一下。

4 用which newtoolbox_command.m来检验是否可以访问。



MATLAB Toolboxes============================================/zsmcode.htmlBinaural-modeling software for MATLAB/Windows/home/Michael_Akeroyd/download2.htmlStatistical Parametric Mapping (SPM)/spm/ext/BOOTSTRAP MATLAB DSS package for MATLABDSS Matlab package contains algorithms for performing linear, deflation and symmetric DSS. Method Tree with MATLAB/~olvi/uwmp/msmt.htmlA Matlab Toolbox for every single topic !/~baum/toolboxes.htmleg. BrainStorm - MEG and EEG data visualization and processingCLAWPACK is a software package designed to compute numerical solutions to hyperbolic partial differential equations using a wave propagation approach/~claw/DIPimage - Image Processing ToolboxPRTools - Pattern Recognition Toolbox (+ Neural Networks)NetLab - Neural Network ToolboxFSTB - Fuzzy Systems ToolboxFusetool - Image Fusion Toolbox - Wavelet ToolboxGat - Genetic Algorithm ToolboxTSTOOL is a MATLAB software package for nonlinear time series analysis.TSTOOL can be used for computing: Time-delay reconstruction, Lyapunov exponents, Fractal dimensions, Mutual information, Surrogate data tests, Nearest neighbor statistics, Return times, Poincare sections, Nonlinear prediction / Data description toolboxA Matlab toolbox for data description, outlier and novelty detectionMarch 26, 2004 - D.M.J. Tax network toolbox for Matlab toolbox for Matlab SpiderThe spider is intended to be a complete object orientated environment for machine learning in Matlab. Aside from easy use of base learning algorithms, algorithms can be plugged together and can be compared with, e.g model selection, statistical tests and visual plots. This gives all the power of objects (reusability, plug together, share code) but also all the power of Matlab for machine learning research. Toolbox/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ ype=file#XML Toolbox/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ Type=fileFIR/TDNN Toolbox for MATLABBeta version of a toolbox for FIR (Finite Impulse Response) and TD (Time Delay) NeuralNetworks./interval-comp/dagstuhl.03/oish.pdfMisc. and Titan trajectories ... MALTAB astronomy/~abrecht/Matlab-codes/AudioMA Toolbox for Matlab Implementing Similarity Measures for Audio - Matlab Auditory Demonstrations/~martin/MAD/docs/mad.htmMusic Analysis - Toolbox for Matlab : Feature Extraction from Raw Audio Signals for Content-Based Music Retri - Matlab Toolbox for Warped DSPBy Aki Härmä and Matti Karjalainen Software Signal data formats (EEG machine specific file formats with Matlab import routines) Encoding library for MATLAB Movies (Created by David Foti)It enables MATLAB users to read (MPGREAD) or write (MPGWRITE) MPEG movies. That should help Video Quality project.Filter Design package by Christophe COUVREUR (Generates normalized A-weigthing, C-weighting, octave and one-third-octave digital filters)/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ Id=69Source Coding MATLAB Toolbox/users/kieffer/programs.htmlBio Medical Informatics (Top)CGH-Plotter: MATLAB Toolbox for CGH-data AnalysisCode: Brain Imaging Software Toolbox Brain Segmentation/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ (providing PCA) (Top)Matlab Molecular Biology & Evolution Toolbox(Toolbox Enables Evolutionary Biologists to Analyze and View DNA and Protein Sequences) James J. Cai provided by Prof. Massart research group collection of routines from Prof age smilde research group Toolbox written by Rune Mathisen/~mvartools/index.htmlMatlab code and datasets (Top)Chaotic Systems Toolbox/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ ype=file#HOSA Toolbox pe=fileChemistry (Top)MetMAP - (Metabolical Modeling, Analysis and oPtimization alias Met. M. A. P.) - A set of software programs for quantitative comparison of measured and computed radiation dose distributions/GenBank Overview/Genbank/GenbankOverview.htmlMatlab: /matlabcentral/fileexchange/ for the estimation of Scaling Exponents (Top)Control Tutorial for Matlab/group/ctm/AnotherCommunications (Top)Channel Learning Architecture toolbox(This Matlab toolbox is a supplement to the article "HiperLearn: A High Performance Learning Architecture") Coding MATLAB Toolbox/users/kieffer/programs.htmlTCP/UDP/IP Toolbox 2.0.4/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ ype=fileHome Networking Basis: Transmission Environments and Wired/Wireless Protocols Walter Y. Chen/support/books/book5295.jsp?category=new&language=-1MATLAB M-files and Simulink models/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ Type=file•OPNML/MATLAB Facilities/OPNML_Matlab/Mesh Generation/home/vavasis/qmg-home.htmlOpenFEM : An Open-Source Finite Element Toolbox/CALFEM is an interactive computer program for teaching the finite element method (FEM) Engineering Vibration Toolbox/people/faculty/jslater/vtoolbox/vtoolbox.htmlSaGA - Spatial and Geometric Analysis Toolboxby Kirill K. Pankratov/~glenn/kirill/saga.htmlMexCDF and NetCDF Toolbox For Matlab-5&6/staffpages/cdenham/public_html/MexCDF/nc4ml5.htmlCUEDSID: Cambridge University System Identification Toolbox/jmm/cuedsid/Kriging Toolbox/software/Geostats_software/MATLAB_KRIGING_TOOLBOX.htmMonte Carlo (Dr Nando) - The Most Powerful Optimal Control Problem Solver/~adam/RIOTS/ExcelMATLAB xlsheets/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ pe=filewrite2excel/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ pe=fileFinite Element Modeling (FEM) (Top)OpenFEM - An Open-Source Finite Element Toolbox/NLFET - nonlinear finite element toolbox for MATLAB ( framework for setting up, solving, and interpreting results for nonlinear static and dynamic finite element analysis.)/GetFEM - C++ library for finite element methods elementary computations with a Matlabinterface - FEA package to view results ( contains neat interface to MATLA/~blstmbr/felipe/Finance (Top)A NEW MATLAB-BASED TOOLBOX FOR COMPUTER AIDED DYNAMIC TECHNICAL TRADINGStephanos Papadamou and George StephanidesDepartment of Applied Informatics, University Of Macedonia Economic & Social Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece/fen31/one_time_articles/dynamic_tech_trade_matlab6.htm Paper: :8089/eps/prog/papers/0201/0201001.pdfCompEcon Toolbox for Matlab/~pfackler/compecon/toolbox.htmlGenetic Algorithms (Top)The Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox (GAOT) for Matlab 5/mirage/GAToolBox/gaot/Genetic Algorithm ToolboxWritten & distributed by Andy Chipperfield (Sheffield University, UK)/uni/projects/gaipp/gatbx.htmlManual: /~gaipp/ga-toolbox/manual.pdfGenetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox (GEATbx)/Evolutionary Algorithms for MATLAB/links/ea_matlab.htmlGenetic/Evolutionary Algorithms for MATLAB GraphicsVideoToolbox (C routines for visual psychophysics on Macs by Denis Pelli)/VideoToolbox/Paper: /pelli/pubs/pelli1997videotoolbox.pdf4D toolbox/~daniel/links/matlab/4DToolbox.htmlImages (Top)Eyelink Toolbox/eyelinktoolbox/Paper: /eyelinktoolbox/EyelinkToolbox.pdfCellStats: Automated statistical analysis of color-stained cell images in Matlab Morphology Toolbox for MATLAB (powerful collection of latest state-of-the-art gray-scale morphological tools that can be applied to image segmentation, non-linear filtering, pattern recognition and image analysis)/Image Acquisition Toolbox/products/imaq/Halftoning Toolbox for MATLAB/~bevans/projects/halftoning/toolbox/index.htmlDIPimage - A Scientific Image Processing Toolbox for MATLAB Toolbox / KICA and KPCA (Top)ICA TU Toolbox Linear and Nonlinear ICA Toolbox Independant Component Analysis/~fbach/kernel-ica/index.htmMatlab: kernel-ica version 1.2KPCA- Please check the software section of kernel machines.KernelStatistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox A MATLAB Wrapper for Classification/tmp/MATLABArsenal.htmMarkov (Top)MapHMMBOX 1.1 - Matlab toolbox for Hidden Markov Modelling using Max. Aposteriori EM Prerequisites: Matlab 5.0, Netlab. Last Updated: 18 March 2002./~parg/software/maphmmbox_1_1.tarHMMBOX 4.1 - Matlab toolbox for Hidden Markov Modelling using Variational Bayes Prerequisites: Matlab 5.0,Netlab. Last Updated: 15 February 2002../~parg/software/hmmbox_3_2.tar/~parg/software/hmmbox_4_1.tarMarkov Decision Process (MDP) Toolbox for MatlabKevin Murphy, 1999/~murphyk/Software/MDP/MDP.zipMarkov Decision Process (MDP) Toolbox v1.0 for MATLAB Markov Model (HMM) Toolbox for Matlab/~murphyk/Software/HMM/hmm.htmlBayes Net Toolbox for Matlab/~murphyk/Software/BNT/bnt.htmlMedical (Top)EEGLAB Open Source Matlab Toolbox for Physiological Research (formerly ICA/EEG Matlabtoolbox)/~scott/ica.htmlMATLAB Biomedical Signal Processing Toolbox/Toolbox/Powerful package for neurophysiological data analysis ( Igor Kagan webpage)/Matlab/Unitret.htmlEEG / MRI Matlab Toolbox/Microarray data analysis toolbox (MDAT): for normalization, adjustment and analysis of gene expression_r data.Knowlton N, Dozmorov IM, Centola M. Department of Arthritis and Immunology, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, OK, USA 73104. We introduce a novel Matlab toolbox for microarray data analysis. This toolbox uses normalization based upon a normally distributed background and differential gene expression_r based on 5 statistical measures. The objects in this toolbox are open source and can be implemented to suit your application. AVAILABILITY: MDAT v1.0 is a Matlab toolbox and requires Matlab to run. MDAT is freely available at:/publications/2004/knowlton/MDAT.zipMIDI (Top)MIDI Toolbox version 1.0 (GNU General Public License) (Top)MATLAB-The Graphing Tool/~abrecht/matlab.html3-D Circuits The Circuit Animation Toolbox for MATLAB/other/3Dcircuits/SendMail (Matlab Parallel Interface)Cornell Multitask Toolbox for MATLAB/Services/Software/CMTM/Beolab Toolbox for v6.5Thomas Abrahamsson (Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Applied Mechanics,Göteborg, Sweden) =filePARMATLABNeural Networks (Top)SOM Toolbox Net Toolbox for Matlab/~murphyk/Software/BNT/bnt.htmlNetLab/netlab/Random Neural Networks/~ahossam/rnnsimv2/ftp: ftp:///pub/contrib/v5/nnet/rnnsimv2/NNSYSID Toolbox (tools for neural network based identification of nonlinear dynamic systems) (Top)WAFO. Wave Analysis for Fatigue and Oceanography toolbox for MATLAB (USGS, USA)Presented at the Hydroacoustics Workshop in Tampa and at ADCP's in Action in San Diego /operations/stg/pubs/ADCPtoolsSEA-MAT - Matlab Tools for Oceanographic AnalysisA collaborative effort to organize and distribute Matlab tools for the Oceanographic Community /Ocean Toolbox D. GALLAGHER(Associate Professor, Environmental, Coastal & Ocean Sciences)/edgwebp.htmOptimization (Top)MODCONS - a MATLAB Toolbox for Multi-Objective Control System Design/mecheng/jfw/modcons.htmlLazy Learning Package version 3.02 -- a MATLAB software for semidefinite-quadratic-linear programming .sg/~mattohkc/sdpt3.htmlMinimum Enclosing Balls: Matlab Code/meb/SOSTOOLS Sum of Squares Optimi zation Toolbox for MATLAB User’s guide/sostools/sostools.pdfPSOt - a Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox for use with MatlabBy Brian Birge ... A Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox (PSOt) for use with the Matlab scientific programming environment has been developed. PSO isintroduced briefly and then the use of the toolbox is explained with some examples. A link to downloadable code is provided.Plot/software/plotting/gbplot/Signal Processing (Top)Filter Design with Motorola DSP56K Detection and Adaptive Filtering Toolbox Processing Toolbox/products/signal/ICA TU Toolbox Toolbox for Matlab - Speech Processing Toolbox/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.htmlLeast Squared - Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM) : the Wavelet ToolboxBy David Donoho, Mark Reynold Duncan, Xiaoming Huo, Ofer Levi /~wavelab/Time-series Matlab scripts Wavelet Toolbox Home Page Vector Machine (Top)MATLAB Support Vector Machine ToolboxDr Gavin CawleySchool of Information Systems, University of East Anglia/~gcc/svm/toolbox/LS-SVM - SISTASVM toolboxes/dmi/svm/LSVM Lagrangian Support Vector Machine/dmi/lsvm/Statistics (Top)Logistic regression/SAGA/software/saga/Multi-Parametric Toolbox (MPT) A tool (not only) for multi-parametric optimization. A Matlab package for the estimation of parameters and eigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive models Dimensional Analysis Toolbox for MATLABHome: for Matlab/personal/djones/PLS-toolbox/Multivariate analysis toolbox (N-way Toolbox - paper) Toolbox for Matlab toolbox for Robust Calibration Parametric Mapping/spm/spm2.htmlEVIM: A Software Package for Extreme Value Analysis in Matlabby Ramazan Gençay, Faruk Selcuk and Abdurrahman Ulugulyagci, 2001.Manual (pdf file) evim.pdf - Software (zip file) evim.zipTime Series Analysis Net Toolbox for MatlabWritten by Kevin Murphy/~murphyk/Software/BNT/bnt.htmlOther: /information/toolboxes.htmlARfit: A Matlab package for the estimation of parameters and eigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive models/~tapio/arfit/M-Fit Analysis Toolbox for Matlab/The NaN-toolbox: A statistic-toolbox for Octave and Matlab®... handles data with and without MISSING VALUES. Methods for Optimization: Matlab Codes/~ctk/matlab_darts.htmlMultiscale Shape Analysis (MSA) Matlab Toolbox Ecological & Oceanographic Data Analysis (FATHOM)From David Jones/personal/djones/glmlab (Generalized Linear Models in and Geometric Analysis (SaGA) toolboxInteresting audio links with FAQ, VC++, on the topic机器学习网站北京大学视觉与听觉信息处理实验室北京邮电大学模式识别与智能系统学科复旦大学智能信息处理开放实验室IEEE Computer Society北京映象站点计算机科学论坛机器人足球赛模式识别国家重点实验室南京航空航天大学模式识别与神经计算实验室- PARNEC南京大学机器学习与数据挖掘研究所- LAMDA南京大学人工智能实验室南京大学软件新技术国家重点实验室人工生命之园数据挖掘研究院微软亚洲研究院中国科技大学人工智能中心中科院计算所中科院计算所生物信息学实验室中科院软件所中科院自动化所中科院自动化所人工智能实验室ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning (SIGNLL)ACMACM Digital LibraryACM SIGARTACM SIGIRACM SIGKDDACM SIGMODAdaptive Computation Group at University of New MexicoAI at Johns HopkinsAI BibliographiesAI Topics: A dynamic online library of introductory information about artificial intelligence Ant Colony OptimizationARIES Laboratory: Advanced Research in Intelligent Educational SystemsArtificial Intelligence Research in Environmental Sciences (AIRIES)Austrian Research Institute for AI (OFAI)Back Issues of Neuron DigestBibFinder: a computer science bibliography search engine integrating many other engines BioAPI ConsortiumBiological and Computational Learning Center at MITBiometrics ConsortiumBoosting siteBrain-Style Information Systems Research Group at RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert SystemsCanadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI)CI Collection of BibTex DatabasesCITE, the first-stop source for computational intelligence information and services on the web Classification Society of North AmericaCMU Advanced Multimedia Processing GroupCMU Web->KB ProjectCognitive and Neural Systems Department of Boston UniversityCognitive Sciences Eprint Archive (CogPrints)COLT: Computational Learning TheoryComputational Neural Engineering Laboratory at the University of FloridaComputational Neurobiology Lab at California, USAComputer Science Department of National University of SingaporeData Mining Server Online held by Rudjer Boskovic InstituteDatabase Group at Simon Frazer University, CanadaDBLP: Computer Science BibliographyDigital Biology: about creating artificial lifeDistributed AI Unit at Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of LondonDistributed Artificial Intelligence at HUJIDSI Neural Networks group at the Université di Firenze, ItalyEA-related literature at the EvALife research group at DAIMI, University of Aarhus, Denmark Electronic Research Group at Aberdeen UniversityElsevierComputerScienceEuropean Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI)European Network of Excellence in ML (MLnet)European Neural Network Society (ENNS)Evolutionary Computing Group at University of the West of EnglandEvolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization RepositoryExplanation-Based Learning at University of Illinoise at Urbana-ChampaignFace Detection HomepageFace Recognition Vendor TestFace Recognition HomepageFace Recognition Research CommunityFingerpassftp of Jude Shavlik's Machine Learning Group (University of Wisconsin-Madison)GA-List Searchable DatabaseGenetic Algorithms Digest ArchiveGenetic Programming BibliographyGesture Recognition HomepageHCI Bibliography Project contain extended bibliographic information (abstract, key words, table of contents, section headings) for most publications Human-Computer Interaction dating back to 1980 and selected publications before 1980IBM ResearchIEEEIEEE Computer SocietyIEEE Neural Networks SocietyIllinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (IlliGAL)ILP Network of ExcellenceInductive Learning at University of Illinoise at Urbana-ChampaignIntelligent Agents RepositoryIntellimedia Project at North Carolina State UniversityInteractive Artificial Intelligence ResourcesInternational Association of Pattern RecognitionInternational Biometric Industry AssociationInternational Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)International Machine Learning Society (IMLS)International Neural Network Society (INNS)Internet Softbot Research at University of WashingtonJapanese Neural Network Society (JNNS)Java Agents for Meta-Learning Group (JAM) at Computer Science Department, Columbia University, for Fraud and Intrusion Detection Using Meta-Learning AgentsKernel MachinesKnowledge Discovery MineLaboratory for Natural and Simulated Cognition at McGill University, CanadaLearning Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon UniversityLearning Robots Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon UniversityLaboratoire d'Informatique et d'Intelligence Artificielle (IIA-ENSAIS)Machine Learning Group of Sydney University, AustraliaMammographic Image Analysis SocietyMDL Research on the WebMirek's Cellebration: 1D and 2D Cellular Automata explorerMIT Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryMIT Media LaboratoryMIT Media Laboratory Vision and Modeling GroupMLNET: a European network of excellence in Machine Learning, Case-based Reasoning and Knowledge AcquisitionMLnet Machine Learning Archive at GMD includes papers, software, and data sets MIRALab at University of Geneva: leading research on virtual human simulationNeural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT)Neural Computing Research Group at Aston University, UKNeural Information Processing Group at Technical University of BerlinNIPSNIPS OnlineNeural Network Benchmarks, Technical Reports,and Source Code maintained by Scott Fahlman at CMU; source code includes Quickprop, Cascade-Correlation, Aspirin/Migraines Neural Networks FAQ by Lutz PrecheltNeural Networks FAQ by Warren S. SarleNeural Networks: Freeware and Shareware ToolsNeural Network Group at Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics, University ofNeural Network Group at Université Catholique de LouvainNeural Network Group at Eindhoven University of TechnologyNeural Network Hyperplane Animator program that allows easy visualization of training data and weights in a back-propagation neural networkNeural Networks Research at TUT/ELENeural Networks Research Centre at Helsinki University of Technology, FinlandNeural Network Speech Group at Carnegie Mellon UniversityNeural Text Classification with Neural NetworksNonlinearity and Complexity HomepageOFAI and IMKAI library information system, provided by the Department of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Vienna (IMKAI) and the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI). It contains over 36,000 items (books, research papers, conference papers, journal articles) from many subareas of AI OntoWeb: Ontology-based information exchange for knowledge management and electronic commercePortal on Neural Network ForecastingPRAG: Pattern Recognition and Application Group at University of CagliariQuest Project at IBM Almaden Research Center: an academic website focusing on classification and regression trees. Maintained by Tjen-Sien LimReinforcement Learning at Carnegie Mellon UniversityResearchIndex: NECI Scientific Literature Digital Library, indexing over 200,000 computer science articlesReVision: Reviewing Vision in the Web!RIKEN: The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, JapanSalford SystemsSANS Studies of Artificial Neural Systems, at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Santa-Fe InstituteScirus: a search engine locating scientific information on the InternetSecond Moment: The News and Business Resource for Applied AnalyticsSEL-HPC Article Archive has sections for neural networks, distributed AI, theorem proving, and a variety of other computer science topicsSOAR Project at University of Southern CaliforniaSociety for AI and StatisticsSVM of ANU CanberraSVM of Bell LabsSVM of GMD-First BerlinSVM of MITSVM of Royal Holloway CollegeSVM of University of SouthamptonSVM-workshop at NIPS97TechOnLine: TechOnLine University offers free online courses and lecturesUCI Machine Learning GroupUMASS Distributed Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryUTCS Neural Networks Research Group of Artificial Intelligence Lab, Computer Science Department, University of Texas at AustinVivisimo Document Clustering: a powerful search engine which returns clustered results Worcester Polytechnic Institute Artificial Intelligence Research Group (AIRG)Xerion neural network simulator developed and used by the connectionist group at the University of TorontoYale's CTAN Advanced Technology Center for Theoretical and Applied Neuroscience ZooLand: Artificial Life Resource。




D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\mbc\mbcview\@cgtools\@inversionpane首先说说添加到matlab搜索路径好处:1 对 n——你只需要存储一个副本,就可以在其他地方使用。




1. 如何添加工具箱?以下是添加工具箱的方法:(论坛很多人转载过,这里就不作区分了,下面的举例也一样)如果是Matlab安装光盘上的工具箱,重新执行安装程序,选中即可。

如果是单独下载的工具箱,则需要把新的工具箱(以下假设工具箱名字为svm)解压到toolbox目录下,然后用addpath或者pathtool把该工具箱的路径添加到matlab的搜索路径中,最后用which newtoolbox_command.m来检验是否可以访问。



1.1 举例:要添加的工具箱为svm,则解压后,里边有一个目录svm,假设matlab安装在D:/MATLAB6p5,将svm目录拷贝至D:/MATLAB6p5/toolbox,然后运行matlab,在命令窗口输入addpath D:/MATLAB6p5/toolbox/svm回车,来添加路径。



Matlab Toolbox 工具箱Matlab工具箱已经成为一个系列产品,Matlab主工具箱和各种工具箱(toolbox )。


Symbolic MathPDEOptimizationSignal processImage ProcessStatisticsControl SystemSystem Identification……一、工具箱简介•功能型工具箱——通用型功能型工具箱主要用来扩充Matlab的数值计算、符号运算功能、图形建模仿真功能、文字处理功能以及与硬件实时交互功能,能够用于多种学科。

•领域型工具箱——专用型领域型工具箱是学科专用工具箱,其专业性很强,比如控制系统工具箱(Control System Toolbox);信号处理工具箱(Signal Processing Toolbox);财政金融工具箱(Financial Toolbox)等等。


控制系统工具箱Control System Toolbox•连续系统设计和离散系统设计•状态空间和传递函数以及模型转换•时域响应(脉冲响应、阶跃响应、斜坡响应)•频域响应(Bode图、Nyquist图)•根轨迹、极点配置Matlab常用工具箱•Matlab Main Toolbox——matlab主工具箱•Control System Toolbox——控制系统工具箱•Communication Toolbox——通讯工具箱•Financial Toolbox——财政金融工具箱•System Identification Toolbox——系统辨识工具箱•Fuzzy Logic Toolbox——模糊逻辑工具箱•Bioinformatics Toolbox——生物分析工具箱•Image Processing Toolbox——图象处理工具箱•Database Toolbox——数据库工具箱•Model predictive Control Toolbox——模型预测控制工具箱•Neural Network Toolbox——神经网络工具箱•Optimization Toolbox——优化工具箱•Partial Differential Toolbox——偏微分方程工具箱•Robust Control Toolbox——鲁棒控制工具箱•Signal Processing Toolbox——信号处理工具箱•Spline Toolbox——样条工具箱•Statistics Toolbox——统计工具箱•Symbolic Math Toolbox——符号数学工具箱•Simulink Toolbox——动态仿真工具箱•Virtual Reality Toolbox——虚拟现实工具箱•Wavelet Toolbox——小波工具箱等等…….而且每个新出的版本都在增加、更新完善。



MATlAB如何添加工具箱1. 如何添加工具箱?以下是添加工具箱的方法:(论坛很多人转载过,这里就不作区分了,下面的举例也一样)如果是Matlab安装光盘上的工具箱,重新执行安装程序,选中即可。

如果是单独下载的工具箱,则需要把新的工具箱(以下假设工具箱名字为svm)解压到toolbox目录下,然后用addpath或者pathtool把该工具箱的路径添加到matlab的搜索路径中,最后用which newtoolbox_command.m来检验是否可以访问。


具体请看工具箱自己代的 README文件。

1.1 举例:要添加的工具箱为svm,则解压后,里边有一个目录svm,假设matlab安装在D:\MATLAB6p5,将svm目录拷贝至D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox,然后运行matlab,在命令窗口输入addpath D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\svm回车,来添加路径。

然后在svm目录下,任意找一个m文件,以svcinfo.m为例,在命令窗口中输入which svcinfo.m。


上面的说明和例子基本上介绍了在matlab中如何添加工具箱,下面是其他补充:1.2 添加方式总结:事实上,有两种添加工具箱到 matlab搜索路径的方法:其一是用代码,其二是用界面。


1.2.1 代码方式: 适用于添加下载的工具箱(别人的):在命令窗口输入addpath D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\svm 或者addpath(‘D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\svm’);但是这种方法只能添加svm目录,如果该目录下有其他子文件夹,并且运行时候“隐式”调用到这些子文件夹(例如假设svm目录下存在子文件夹matdata,该子文件夹下有logo.mat这个文件,且在m 文件代码中使用了诸如load logo 这样的句子,即没有显式给出logo.mat的具体路径,则称为“隐式”),则不能正确访问。

matlab工具箱的安装方法 ROBOT工具箱精解

matlab工具箱的安装方法 ROBOT工具箱精解

robotic toolbox for matlab工具箱下载地址:/source/9407701. PUMA560的MATLAB仿真要建立PUMA560的机器人对象,首先我们要了解PUMA560的D-H参数,之后我们可以利用Robotics Toolbox工具箱中的link和robot函数来建立PUMA560的机器人对象。

其中link函数的调用格式:L = LINK([alpha A theta D])L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma])L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma offset])L =LINK([alpha A theta D], CONVENTION)L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma], CONVENTION)L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma offset], CONVENTION)参数CONVENTION可以取‘standard’和‘modified’,其中‘standard’代表采用标准的D-H参数,‘modified’代表采用改进的D-H参数。


另外LINK还有一些数据域:LINK.alpha %返回扭转角LINK.A %返回杆件长度LINK.theta %返回关节角LINK.D %返回横距LINK.sigma %返回关节类型LINK.RP %返回‘R’(旋转)或‘P’(移动)LINK.mdh %若为标准D-H参数返回0,否则返回1LINK.offset %返回关节变量偏移LINK.qlim %返回关节变量的上下限[min max]LINK.islimit(q) %如果关节变量超限,返回-1, 0, +1LINK.I %返回一个3×3 对称惯性矩阵LINK.m %返回关节质量LINK.r %返回3×1的关节齿轮向量LINK.G %返回齿轮的传动比LINK.Jm %返回电机惯性LINK.B %返回粘性摩擦LINK.Tc %返回库仑摩擦LINK.dh return legacy DH rowLINK.dyn return legacy DYN row其中robot函数的调用格式:ROBOT %创建一个空的机器人对象ROBOT(robot) %创建robot的一个副本ROBOT(robot, LINK) %用LINK来创建新机器人对象来代替robotROBOT(LINK, ...) %用LINK来创建一个机器人对象ROBOT(DH, ...) %用D-H矩阵来创建一个机器人对象ROBOT(DYN, ...) %用DYN矩阵来创建一个机器人对象2.变换矩阵利用MATLAB中Robotics Toolbox工具箱中的transl、rotx、roty和rotz可以实现用齐次变换矩阵表示平移变换和旋转变换。



matlab中SVM工具箱的使用方法1,下载SVM工具箱:/faculty/chzheng/bishe/indexfil es/indexl.htm2,安装到matlab文件夹中1)将下载的SVM工具箱的文件夹放在\matlab71\toolbox\下2)打开matlab->File->Set Path中添加SVM工具箱的文件夹现在,就成功的添加成功了.可以测试一下:在matlab中输入which svcoutput 回车,如果可以正确显示路径,就证明添加成功了,例如:C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\toolbox\svm\svcoutput.m 3,用SVM做分类的使用方法1)在matlab中输入必要的参数:X,Y,ker,C,p1,p2我做的测试中取的数据为:N = 50;n=2*N;randn('state',6);x1 = randn(2,N)y1 = ones(1,N);x2 = 5+randn(2,N);y2 = -ones(1,N);figure;plot(x1(1,:),x1(2,:),'bx',x2(1,:),x2(2,:),'k.');axis([-3 8 -3 8]);title('C-SVC')hold on;X1 = [x1,x2];Y1 = [y1,y2];X=X1';Y=Y1';其中,X是100*2的矩阵,Y是100*1的矩阵C=Inf;ker='linear';global p1 p2p1=3;p2=1;然后,在matlab中输入:[nsv alpha bias] = svc(X,Y,ker,C),回车之后,会显示:Support Vector Classification_____________________________Constructing ...Optimising ...Execution time: 1.9 secondsStatus : OPTIMAL_SOLUTION|w0|^2 : 0.418414Margin : 3.091912Sum alpha : 0.418414Support Vectors : 3 (3.0%)nsv =3alpha =0.00000.00000.00000.00000.00002)输入预测函数,可以得到与预想的分类结果进行比较.输入:predictedY = svcoutput(X,Y,X,ker,alpha,bias),回车后得到:predictedY =1111111113)画图输入:svcplot(X,Y,ker,alpha,bias),回车#Matlab。


MATLAB机 器 人 工 具 箱 简 单 教 程 : ( 一 ) 安 装 说 明
机器人学工具箱(Robotic Toolbook for Matlab) 是matlab中专门用于机器人仿真的工具箱,在机器人建模、轨迹规划、控制、可视化方面使 用非常方便。本篇介绍该工具箱的安装方法。 这里用的版本是robotic toolbox for matlab (release 9.1),可以从我的网盘下载 链接: 密码:r84y 1.把下载后的压缩包解压,得到一个名为robot-9.10的文件夹。
rvctools就是机器人工具箱;pdf和doc文件是使用说明。 2.将rvctools文件夹放在你的matlab安装目录ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的toolbox文件夹下
比如我的matlab是装在D盘的。 3.打开matlab,我这里版本是2016b,设置路径
保存并关闭。 4.运行rvctools文件夹下的startup_rvc.m文件,安装完成。

如何为matlab添加工具包 (自动保存的)-推荐下载

如何为matlab添加工具包 (自动保存的)-推荐下载


D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\mbc\mbcview\@cgtools\@inversionpane首先说说添加到matlab搜索路径好处:1 对n——你只需要存储一个副本,就可以在其他地方使用。




1. 如何添加工具箱?以下是添加工具箱的方法:(论坛很多人转载过,这里就不作区分了,下面的举例也一样)如果是Matlab安装光盘上的工具箱,重新执行安装程序,选中即可。

如果是单独下载的工具箱,则需要把新的工具箱(以下假设工具箱名字为svm)解压到toolbox目录下,然后用addpath或者pathtool把该工具箱的路径添加到matlab的搜索路径中,最后用which newtoolbox_command.m来检验是否可以访问。



1.1 举例:要添加的工具箱为svm,则解压后,里边有一个目录svm,假设matlab安装在D:/MATLAB6p5,将svm目录拷贝至D:/MATLAB6p5/toolbox,然后运行matlab,在命令窗口输入addpath D:/MATLAB6p5/toolbox/svm回车,来添加路径。



matlab中SVM工具箱的使用方法1,下载SVM工具箱:2,安装到matlab文件夹中1)将下载的SVM工具箱的文件夹放在\matlab71\toolbox\下2)打开matlab->File->Set Path中添加SVM工具箱的文件夹现在,就成功的添加成功了.可以测试一下:在matlab中输入which svcoutput 回车,如果可以正确显示路径,就证明添加成功了,例如:C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\toolbox\svm\svcoutput.m 3,用SVM做分类的使用方法1)在matlab中输入必要的参数:X,Y,ker,C,p1,p2我做的测试中取的数据为:N = 50;n=2*N;randn('state',6);x1 = randn(2,N)y1 = ones(1,N);x2 = 5+randn(2,N);y2 = -ones(1,N);figure;plot(x1(1,:),x1(2,:),'bx',x2(1,:),x2(2,:),'k.');axis([-3 8 -3 8]);title('C-SVC')hold on;X1 = [x1,x2];Y1 = [y1,y2];X=X1';Y=Y1';其中,X是100*2的矩阵,Y是100*1的矩阵C=Inf;ker='linear';global p1 p2p1=3;p2=1;然后,在matlab中输入:[nsv alpha bias] = svc(X,Y,ker,C),回车之后,会显示:Support Vector Classification_____________________________Constructing ...Optimising ...Execution time: 1.9 secondsStatus : OPTIMAL_SOLUTION|w0|^2 : 0.418414Margin : 3.091912Sum alpha : 0.418414Support Vectors : 3 (3.0%)nsv =3alpha =0.00000.00000.00000.00000.00002)输入预测函数,可以得到与预想的分类结果进行比较.输入:predictedY = svcoutput(X,Y,X,ker,alpha,bias),回车后得到:predictedY =1111111113)画图输入:svcplot(X,Y,ker,alpha,bias),回车#Matlab一、因为要用到SVM,所以想先在matlab下学习一下,简短讲添加工具箱很简单:1.1:如果是Matlab安装光盘上的工具箱,重新执行安装程序,选中即可。











以下是一个简单的例子:```matlabdata = load('data.mat'); % 从外部文件加载数据X = data.X; % 自变量y = data.y; % 因变量stats = regstats(y, X); % 执行线性回归分析beta = stats.beta; % 提取回归系数rsquare = stats.rsquare; % 提取判定系数R^2```在上面的例子中,"regstats"函数将自变量X和因变量y作为参数,并返回一个包含回归系数beta和判定系数R^2的结构体stats。



以下是一个非线性回归分析的例子:```matlabx=[]';%自变量y=[]';%因变量f = fittype('a*exp(b*x)'); % 定义非线性模型model = fit(x, y, f); % 执行非线性回归分析coeffs = model.coefficients; % 提取模型系数```在上面的例子中,"fittype"函数定义了一个指数型的非线性模型,并且"fit"函数将自变量x和因变量y与该模型拟合,返回包含模型系数的结构体model。



Matlab工具箱的安装下载工具箱,解压并记下其路路径,matlab的file下面的set path把它加上,把路径加进去后在file→Preferences→General的Toolbox Path Caching里点击update Toolbox Path Cache 更新一下,就OK了1.1 如果是Matlab安装光盘上的工具箱,重新执行安装程序,选中即可;1.2 如果是单独下载的工具箱,一般情况下仅需要把新的工具箱解压到某个目录。

2 在matlab的file下面的set path把它加上。

3 把路径加进去后在file→Preferences→General的Toolbox Path Caching里点击update Toolbox Path Cache更新一下。

4 用which newtoolbox_command.m来检验是否可以访问。


或者将工具箱复制到toolbox目录然后在set path里面添加这个目录就可以用了。

在matlab的file下面的set path把它加上,把路径加进去后在file→Preferences→General的Toolbox Path Caching里点击update Toolbox Path Cache更新一下,就OK了以下是我在别的地方看到的,转过来你参考一下吧。

首先说说添加到matlab搜索路径好处:1 对n——你只需要存储一个副本,就可以在其他地方使用。





Matlab 是一个高级技术计算语言和交互式环境。

Gurobi 是一种用于数学规划的快速优化器,它在许多领域都有应用,如运输、能源、金融等。

本文主要介绍在 Matlab 中安装 Gurobi 的方法。

1. 准备工作在安装 Gurobi 前,需要确保已经安装了 Matlab 和 Gurobi 优化器。


在安装完成后,需要获得 Gurobi 的许可证文件,这个文件包含了许可证密钥和注册信息。

2. 安装 Gurobi MATLAB 工具箱在安装完成 Gurobi 优化器后,接下来需要安装 Gurobi MATLAB 工具箱。

打开 MATLAB 环境,在命令窗口中输入以下命令来添加Gurobi MATLAB 工具箱的路径:```matlabaddpath('/path/to/gurobi/matlab');```这个路径是 Gurobi MATLAB 工具箱的安装路径,可以根据实际安装情况进行修改。

3. 设置 Gurobi 许可证文件在安装 Gurobi 优化器时,会得到一个许可证文件,通常是以 ".grb" 结尾的文件。

将这个文件保存在一个指定的路径下,然后在 MATLAB 中设置 Gurobi 的许可证文件路径。

在 MATLAB 命令窗口中输入以下命令:```matlabgurobi_setup('path/to/gurobi.lic');```这个命令会将 Gurobi 许可证文件的路径添加到 MATLAB 的搜索路径中,从而使 MATLAB 能够找到 Gurobi 优化器。

4. 测试安装是否成功在完成以上步骤后,可以通过简单的测试来验证 Gurobi 在 MATLAB 中的安装是否成功。

在 MATLAB 命令窗口中输入以下代码:```matlabmodel.A = sparse([1 1; 1 -1]);model.obj = [1 -1];model.rhs = [1; 1];model.sense = '<>';params.OutputFlag = 0;result = gurobi(model, params);disp(result.objval);```这段代码会创建一个简单的线性规划模型,然后使用 Gurobi 进行求解。



包已经解压到文件夹F:\R2009b\toolbox\svmmatlab中SVM工具箱的使用方法1,下载SVM工具箱:/faculty/chzheng/bishe/indexfiles/indexl.htm 2,安装到matlab文件夹中1)将下载的SVM工具箱的文件夹放在\matlab71\toolbox\下2)打开matlab->File->Set Path中添加SVM工具箱的文件夹现在,就成功的添加成功了.可以测试一下:在matlab中输入which svcoutput 回车,如果可以正确显示路径,就证明添加成功了,例如:C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\toolbox\svm\svcoutput.m3,用SVM做分类的使用方法1)在matlab中输入必要的参数:X,Y,ker,C,p1,p2我做的测试中取的数据为:N = 50;n=2*N;randn('state',6);x1 = randn(2,N)y1 = ones(1,N);x2 = 5+randn(2,N);y2 = -ones(1,N);figure;plot(x1(1,:),x1(2,:),'bx',x2(1,:),x2(2,:),'k.');axis([-3 8 -3 8]);title('C-SVC')hold on;X1 = [x1,x2];Y1 = [y1,y2];X=X1';Y=Y1';其中,X是100*2的矩阵,Y是100*1的矩阵C=Inf;ker='linear';global p1 p2p1=3;p2=1;然后,在matlab中输入:[nsv alpha bias] = svc(X,Y,ker,C),回车之后,会显示:Support Vector Classification_____________________________Constructing ...Optimising ...Execution time: 1.9 secondsStatus : OPTIMAL_SOLUTION|w0|^2 : 0.418414Margin : 3.091912Sum alpha : 0.418414Support Vectors : 3 (3.0%)nsv =3alpha =0.00000.00000.00000.00000.00002)输入预测函数,可以得到与预想的分类结果进行比较.输入:predictedY = svcoutput(X,Y,X,ker,alpha,bias),回车后得到:predictedY =1111111113)画图输入:svcplot(X,Y,ker,alpha,bias),回车补充:X和Y为数据,m*n:m为样本数,n为特征向量数比如:取20组训练数据X,10组有故障,10组无故障的,每个训练数据有13个特征参数,则m=20,n=13Y为20*1的矩阵,其中,10组为1,10组为-1.对于测试数据中,如果取6组测试数据,3组有故障,3组无故障的,则m=6,n=13Y中,m=6,n=1/SV M_soft.htmlSVM - Support Vector MachinesSoftwareTrain support vector machine classifier/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/bioinfo/ref/svmtrain.html一些问题???????1.今天我在使用SVM通用工具箱对眼电的信号数据进行分类时出现如下错误:Support Vector Classification_____________________________Constructing ...Optimising ...??? Dimension error (arg 3 and later).Error in ==> svc at 60[alpha lambda how] = qp(H, c, A, b, vlb, vub, x0, neqcstr);不知道是什么原因?答:今天上午终于找到出现这一错误的原因:它并不是SVM程序的问题,是我在整理样本时,把参数需要的样本行列颠倒所致。



新增工具箱mat 丨ab第一步:在Command window 下输入命令行如,且出现以下Command Window» mat Lab rootarts =C; \Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a第二步:在Command window 中输入命令如下,且出现:◊匸;• 泗 « Desktop ► CylindricalScatteringAluminium ► SirrReferenceScatterer勺 ProcessResul...C:\Program. F iles\MATLAB \R2013a» winop en(ans)VARIABLE COD-E SIMULIMKw ▼▼Current Folder ®Comma nd WindowName» matlabroo-t ansrind rilesFILENew New Open Script ▼ ▼CompareENVIRON MEM名称惨改日期resources 2013/3/27 13:49 文件夹rtw 2-013/3/27 13:20 文件夹.runtime 2013/3/27 13:31 文烁.simulinlc 2013/3/27 13:17 文件夹stateflow 2013/3/27 13117 文怦sys 2013/3/27 13:33 文件夹t oolbox 2014/1/7 8;55 文件夹uninstall 2013/3/27 13152 文件裘」license 2013/1/11 1^:39 文45^ i_i patents 2013/1/16 16;14 trademarks 2007/12/26 12:07nr第三步:找到toolbox并且将matlab工具箱拷贝在该文件夹中第四步:在command window中输入4MATLAB R2013a[三回"]團•4-? 口迢Find FilesNew New Open CompareScript ▼▼VARIABLE▼CODE :▼SIWULINK▼ENVIRONMENT▼RESOURCES▼FILEA..,« Desktop ►- CylindricalScatteringAluminium ► SimulationResults ►Current Folder ®Name 4E Reference0 • ScattererProcessResul...Command Window ®» mat labrootans 二C:\Prograin Files\MATLA3\R2013a» winop^n(ans)» pathtoolDetailsN^receiversNbpts.signalsRefRuf_Tll_sig n^lsWorkspace▼ a®k pathrooitH ProcessRe suitsp matlabroot<IILL<<田TNameH DeltaF3 Dirfi FreqFreqjdxid Frequencybas合/三o.*sll<Comma nd History ® rmatXabrooY j - openCans)k winopen (an s);…toolpath!k pathtoolr vinopen(ans)■L pathtool就会出现:然后点击Add Folder,按照第一步中指示的文件路径找到E C:\Proqram Files\M ATLAB\R.2013a\toolbox\SfmSonic2[> .MatlabToolbox将该路径进行添加,然后点击Save 保存,点击CloseSet PathAll changes tak& effect immediately.MATLAB search path;Add Folder...H Q\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\Sim ; Add with Subfolders...RemoveC:\Users\WorkStation\DocumenU\MATLAB・ C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\hdlcC;\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\hdlc C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matl・ C:\ProgramFiles\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbQx\matl .C:\ProgramFiles\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matl・ C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\-toolbox\matlC:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matlC:\ProgramFiles\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matl .C:\ProgramFiles\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matlC:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matl C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matlC:\ProgramFiles\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matl .C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matl .C:\ProgramFiles\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\loca A C:\Pr0ar3mFiles\MATLAB\R2O13乞Vtoolbox'mEtlrn Save Close Reve。


01.>>help mathmodl%输入工具箱名称,此时一般会返回该工具箱的说明,也就是mathmodl路径下content.m中的内容
03.>>what mathmodl
(4)如果以后启动Matlab的时候警告说toolbox path cache失效,那么重复第一步操作就万事OK了
(3)此时返回到Set Path对话框,点击左下角的保存按钮(记住一定要保存),此时工具箱彻底安装完毕,点击Close关闭对话框



最近学习matlab关于机器人方面的编程,需要用到Robotics Toolbox for matlab工具箱,但是没有安装,于是上网百度了安装方法,并结合自己matlab的版本写下自己的安装过程:



1. 解压下载的Robotics Toolbox for matlab(下载地址:,然后可以看到里面有个robot的文件夹
2 .把robot文件夹拷贝到matlab安装目录的toolbox目录下,不放在这里,放在其他地方也是可以的,只不过这里是matlab放工具箱的地方,所以我们可以放这里的
3 .打开matlab,点击file-》set path-->add with subfolder,然后选择这个robot文件夹就好了,然后save --> close
4 .在matlab中运行ver命令,看看工具箱列表中有没有一个叫robotics toolbox的工具箱,有的话,代表安装成功,没有的话实在是不可能的了
5 .然后你就可以调用工具箱的函数了,或者运行rtdemo来看看工具箱的演示窗口。





在命令窗口中敲入pathtool,会出现一个setpath 的窗口,点add folder或者add with subfolders按钮,选中你的工具箱。





























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